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Leadership Academy
                                                            Principal Leadership Academy (PLA)

                                                                   Opening School Tasks
                The following checklist includes some of your leadership responsibilities when preparing for the opening of the new school year:

                                Elementary                                                                         Secondary
Miscellaneous                                                                    Miscellaneous
   Meet with LD Superintendent/Director regarding concerns/priorities for           Meet with LD Superintendent/Director regarding concerns/priorities for the
   the school                                                                       school
   Get a list of current matters not yet completed from the outgoing principal      Get a list of current matters not yet completed from the outgoing principal
   Request copy of Local District calendar and handbook                             Request copy of Local District calendar and handbook
   Establish personal goals and projects                                            Establish personal goals and projects
   Keep a record of what worked and did not work to use in planning for next        Keep a record of what worked and did not work to use in planning for next
   year’s opening                                                                   year’s opening
Students                                                                         Students
   Ensure that all IEP’s are current and that students appropriately placed          Ensure that all IEP’s are current and that students are appropriately
   Order copies of the Parent-Student Handbook for all students                      programmed
   Publicize new student summer registration dates                                   Review Master Program Time Task Calendar with your APSCS to identify
   Plan orientation for new students and parents                                     possible student programming issues/concerns
   Prepare PA student welcome announcement for the first day                         Order copies of the Parent-Student Handbook for all students
   Mail packet to students and parents (in home language) containing new             Publicize new student summer registration dates
   student/kinder orientation, student room numbers, opening day procedures,         Plan orientation for new students and parents
   transportation and student drop off/pick-up information, welcome letter           Arrange for student guides for new student orientation
   from principal, and other necessary forms to be completed and returned to         Prepare PA student welcome announcement for the first day
   school                                                                            Review/revise student schedules following the summer session
   Review/Revise student seating arrangements and schedules for morning              Mail packet to students and parents (in home language) containing new
   assembly, recess, and lunch                                                       student orientation information, student schedule information, opening day
   Contact feeder schools to determine which students may need additional            procedures, transportation information, student parking application,
   support or attention                                                              welcome letter from principal, and other necessary forms to be completed
   Establish dates for school pictures                                               and returned to school (check with mail unit regarding mailing student
   Publicize Student Body fund-raising projects                                      schedules)
   Publicize school supplies (including uniforms) available in community             Verify that student participating in athletic programs have completed
   stores                                                                            appropriate health clearances, etc. and all paperwork in on file
                                                                                     Contact feeder schools to determine which students may need additional
                                                                                     support or attention
                                                                                     Review dates for senior pictures and make sure information has been
                                                                                     mailed; establish dates for remaining grades and staff
                                                                                     Invite Leadership class to a meeting to introduce yourself and to discuss
                                                                                     goals/expectations for the school year
                                                                                     Publicize school supplies (including gym clothing) available in the Student
LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring
Leadership Academy
                                                           Principal Leadership Academy (PLA)

                                                                   Opening School Tasks
                The following checklist includes some of your leadership responsibilities when preparing for the opening of the new school year:

                                Elementary                                                                         Secondary
Faculty/Staff                                                                    Faculty/Staff
   Work with your LD Personnel Specialist to fill vacancies                          Work with your LD Personnel Specialist to fill vacancies
   Check on status of textbook and instructional supply orders to make certain      Review Master Program Time Task Calendar with your APSCS to identify
   all orders arrive by the beginning of the school year                             possible programming issues/concerns that impact teacher assignments
   Prepare opening remarks for staff – plan the focus, outcomes and                  Check on status of textbook and instructional supply orders to make certain
   organization of meeting; include analysis of student achievement data             all orders arrive by the beginning of the school year
   Send a Welcome Back/Opening School letter to faculty and staff; include           Prepare opening remarks for staff – plan the focus, outcomes and
   schedule for teachers to work in their rooms                                      organization of meeting; include analysis of student achievement data
   Schedule Initial Planning/Stull Evaluation meeting to address teacher             Send a Welcome Back/Opening School letter to faculty and staff; include
   evaluation process                                                                schedule for teachers to work in their rooms
   Assign co-administrators to assist with the observation, support,                 Schedule Initial Planning/Stull Evaluation meeting to address teacher
   supervision, and evaluation of classroom instruction and teacher                  evaluation process
   performance (Stull Evaluations)                                                   Assign co-administrators to assist with the observation, support,
   Review District initiatives and plan appropriate presentations based on           supervision, and evaluation of classroom instruction and teacher
   staff needs                                                                       performance (Stull Evaluations)
   Make personal calls to new teachers to invite them to the new teacher             Review District initiatives and plan appropriate presentations based on staff
   orientation; assign mentor/buddy to each new teacher                              needs
   Plan on-going training for new teachers                                           Make personal calls to new teachers to invite them to the new teacher
   Use LAUSD and Local District guidelines to ensure your schedule has the           orientation
   appropriate the number of instructional minutes per day; use this                 Assign mentors for new staff members, clarify responsibilities, and provide
   information to determine amount of time that may be used to schedule              on-going training
   banked time for professional development                                          Use LAUSD and Local District guidelines to ensure your schedule has the
   Schedule faculty meetings, grade level/department, instructional meeting          appropriate the number of instructional minutes per day; use this
   dates for the year                                                                information to determine amount of time that may be used to schedule
   Ensure that copies of standards of learning, curriculum guides, and other         banked time for professional development
   teacher resource materials are ready for distribution                             Schedule faculty meetings, grade level/department, instructional meeting
   As a part of the opening packet, review/prepare a “Procedures for the First       dates for the year
   Day of School” handout to review at opening meeting                               Ensure that copies of standards of learning, curriculum guides, and other
   Review teacher handbook for changes/revisions                                     teacher resource materials are ready for distribution
   Revise staff directory (email addresses)                                          As a part of the opening packet, review/prepare a “Procedures for the First
   Prepare Substitute/Itinerant teacher folder with bell schedules, emergency        Day of School” handout to review at opening meeting
   procedures, inclement weather schedules, and sample lesson plans                  Review teacher handbook for changes/revisions

LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring                                           2
Leadership Academy
                                                               Principal Leadership Academy (PLA)

                                                                      Opening School Tasks
                The following checklist includes some of your leadership responsibilities when preparing for the opening of the new school year:

                                 Elementary                                                                           Secondary

Faculty/Staff continued                                                              Faculty/Staff continued

   Review and update the preferred substitute teacher list                              Revise staff directory (email addresses)
   Plan the distribution of keys to teachers as they arrive on first day                Prepare Substitute/Itinerant teacher folder with bell schedules, emergency
   Develop a submission and publication schedule for the parent/school                  procedures, inclement weather schedules, and sample lesson plans
   newsletter                                                                           Review and update the preferred substitute teacher list
   Determine school committees and develop a procedure for teacher                      Plan distribution of keys to teachers as they arrive on first day
   assignment to school committees                                                      Develop a submission and publication schedule for the parent/school
   Complete a calendar of school events                                                 newsletter
   Assemble packets for opening faculty meeting                                         Complete a calendar of school events
   Arrange for opening day continental breakfast (PTA may provide                       Assemble packets for opening faculty meeting
   assistance)                                                                          Arrange for opening day continental breakfast (PTA may provide
   Meet with PTA leaders to determine meeting dates, fund-raising events,
   faculty/staff recognition, parent newsletter article submission dates                Meet with PTA leaders to determine meeting dates, fund-raising events,
   Post pertinent contact information and information about the opening of              faculty/staff recognition, parent newsletter article submission dates
   school on hall way bulletin boards, in offices, on the                               Post pertinent contact information and information about the opening of
   school marquee                                                                       school on hall way bulletin boards, in offices, on the
   Meet and welcome parents throughout the summer as they register their                school marquee
   child or visit the school                                                            Meet and welcome parents throughout the summer as they register their
   Establish a system to assist parents on the first day (greeting, valet parking,      child or visit the school
   student registration, buses)                                                         Establish a system to assist parents on the first day (greeting, parking,
   Arrange for translations for mailings/meetings for non-English speaking              student registration, buses)
   parents                                                                              Arrange for translations for mailings/meetings for non-English speaking
   Publish/Distribute a monthly calendar of events, repot card distribution,            parents
   parent meetings, etc.                                                                Publish/Distribute a monthly calendar of events, repot card distribution,
                                                                                        parent meetings, athletics, etc.

LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring                                                3
Leadership Academy
                                                           Principal Leadership Academy (PLA)

                                                                   Opening School Tasks
               The following checklist includes some of your leadership responsibilities when preparing for the opening of the new school year:

                               Elementary                                                                         Secondary

   Inspect the buildings and grounds to make sure they are in good shape for
   the opening of school; remove all graffiti                                       Inspect the buildings and grounds to make sure they are in good shape for
   Review summer cleaning schedule with Plant Manager                               the opening of school; remove all graffiti
   Ensure that all communication devices (PA, two-way radios, and                   Review summer cleaning schedule with Plant Manager
   bullhorns) are ready for use                                                     Ensure that all communication devices (PA, two-way radios, and bullhorns)
   Test bell system and prepare bell schedule for the upcoming year                 are ready for use
   Program bells for minimum and shortened days as well as banked time              Test bell system and prepare bell schedule for the upcoming year
   Ensure that all summer repair jobs are completed in a timely manner              Program bells for minimum and shortened days as well as banked time
   Check for completion of any technology work scheduled for summer                 Ensure that all summer repair jobs are completed in a timely manner
   completion                                                                       Check for completion of any technology work scheduled for summer
   Work with technology support staff to assure proper functioning of all           completion
   available technology                                                             Work with technology support staff to assure proper functioning of all
   Check to ensure that all classrooms are equipped with sufficient desks and       available technology
   chairs; order additional furniture if necessary                                  Check to ensure that all classrooms are equipped with sufficient desks and
   Arrange for the teachers’ lounges, restrooms and workrooms to be readied         chairs; order additional furniture if necessary
   before staff returns (cleaned, stocked, and inviting)                            Arrange for the teachers’ lounges, restrooms and workrooms to be readied
   Service all copy machines so they are ready when teachers return                 before staff returns (cleaned, stocked, and inviting)
   Determine room use availability for itinerant teachers                           Service all copy machines so they are ready when teachers return
   Establish fire drill schedule for the year                                       Determine room use availability for itinerant teachers
   Publicize fall registration dates on school marquee                              Establish fire drill schedule for the year
   Conduct final walk-through with plant manager                                    Publicize fall registration dates on school marquee
   Hold a thank you luncheon or provide treats for building and grounds             Conduct final walk-through with plant manager
   workers when summer cleaning has been completed                                  Hold a thank you luncheon or provide treats for building and grounds
                                                                                    workers when summer cleaning has been completed

LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring                                       4
Leadership Academy
                                                           Principal Leadership Academy (PLA)

                                                                   Opening School Tasks
                The following checklist includes some of your leadership responsibilities when preparing for the opening of the new school year:

                                 Elementary                                                                        Secondary

Budget (Fiscal Responsibility)

   Request a District audit for the Imprest Account                              Budget (Fiscal Responsibility)
   Review Student Body account
   Review school budgets, recent financial statements and minutes from local         Request a District audit for the Imprest Account and Student Body funds
   school leadership decision-making group meetings to determine how/what            Review Student Body accounts
   decisions guided the spending practice                                            Review school budgets, recent financial statements and minutes from local
   Arrange for change of name(s) on bank signature cards through                     school leadership decision-making group meetings to determine how/what
   administrative assistant (Imprest and Student Body funds)                         decisions guided the spending practice
   Change approval information on P-Card to your name                                Arrange for change of name(s) on bank signature cards through
                                                                                     administrative assistant/financial manager (Imprest and Student Body
                                                                                     Change approval information on P-Card to your name
                                                                                     Meet with Student Body President, Leadership Sponsor and Financial
                                                                                      Manager to review ASB financial decisions made the prior school year
                                                                                     Request monthly deposits and expenses statements from Financial Manager

LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring                                        5
Leadership Academy
                                                           Principal Leadership Academy (PLA)

                   Principals and co-administrators are responsible for observing classroom instruction and monitoring school operations daily.
                                       The following time task calendar includes some of your leadership responsibilities:
                                 Elementary                                                                          Secondary
Faculty/Staff                                                                      Faculty/Staff

     Be highly visible in all phases of the school day; the message you send is       Be highly visible in all phases of the school day; the message you send is
     that no job or responsibility is too small or unimportant                         that no job or responsibility is too small or unimportant
     Plan a presentation on Stull Evaluation process, share timelines,                Plan a presentation on Stull Evaluation process, share timelines,
     instructional goals, and accountabilities                                         instructional goals, and accountabilities
     Inform staff of emergency drill procedures, share District Bulletins             Inform staff of emergency drill procedures, share District Bulletins
     Calendar elections for CEAC, ELAC, School Site Council, etc.                     Calendar elections for CEAC, ELAC, School Site Council, etc.
     Schedule instructional meetings/professional development                         Schedule instructional meetings/professional development
     Review and ensure the implementation of LAUSD’s Discipline Foundation            Review and ensure the implementation of LAUSD’s Discipline Foundation
     Policy by all staff members                                                       Policy by all staff members
     Assign student areas on playground/cafeteria                                     Assign campus aides and administrative staff areas of supervision before,
     Provide training in Schoolwide and District procedures that ensure a safe         during and after school
     and secure campus with all stakeholders                                          Schedule instructional meetings/professional development
    Launch system for staff/student recognition and                                   Visit classes to become acquainted with students and to discuss academic
    continue to implement throughout the year                                          and behavior expectations
    Establish a mentor/buddy system to support new and struggling teachers in         Plan spirit assembly: provide seating chart and clear directions to staff and a
     areas needed                                                                      set of behavioral expectations for students
     Visit classes daily to become acquainted with students and to discuss            Meet with all co-curricular advisors/sponsors/coaches to review procedures
     academic and behavior expectations. Now is the time to establish your             and financial rules
     presence!                                                                        Meet with athletic director and each team to discuss District policy
     Review/ establish process to select grade level chairs                            regarding “Victory with Honor”
     Meet with coordinators to discuss roles and responsibilities                     Review roles and responsibilities of all coordinatorships with all
     Meet with your instructional leadership team to review, revise, and               sponsors/coaches/ deans/counselors; require each “coordinator” to complete
     implement a test preparation plan; develop a comprehensive schedule for           paperwork indicating acknowledgement of meeting and amount to be
     the year (including test preparation, periodic assessments)                       received on a semester or season of sport basis; provide each with a copy of
     Publish testing schedules and academic goals regularly                            the signed form
                                                                                      Publish athletic schedule/meetings
                                                                                      Publish graduation requirements monthly
                                                                                      Publish testing schedules and academic goals regularly

LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring
Los Angeles Unified School District | Human Resources Division | Leadership Academy
                                                            Principal Leadership Academy (PLA)

                    Principals and co-administrators are responsible for observing classroom instruction and monitoring school operations daily.
                                        The following time task calendar includes some of your leadership responsibilities:
                                  Elementary                                                                            Secondary

Students                                                                              Students
   Greet students as they arrive the first day                                           Greet students as they arrive the first day
   Prepare the welcoming announcement for the first day                                  Prepare the welcoming announcement for the first day
   Establish a system to assist students with their busing needs                         Establish a system to assist students with daily transportation (school buses,
   Check student medical records to make certain their medications are present           metro buses, student parking lot, etc.)
    and secure                                                                           Meet with school nurse to ensure that student medical records/ medications
   Review system in place for assigning lunch eating areas                               are present and secure
   Provide training in Schoolwide and District procedures that ensure a safe             Publicize food options on campus (cafeteria, satellite kitchens, student
    and secure campus with all stakeholders                                              store, vending machines, free/reduced lunches, etc)
                                                                                         Publicize spirit assembly and expectations; involve leadership class in
Parents                                                                                  planning and implementation
   Greet parents as they arrive on first day                                             Acknowledge returning students who achieved Honor Roll status at the end
   Establish a system to greet parents and record their entry on/ departure from         of the previous school year
   Assign personnel to the parking lot or valet area to assist parents on the first   Parents
    day                                                                                  Greet parents as they arrive on first day
   Send a letter to parents inviting them to attend Back to School                       Establish a system to greet parents and record their entry on/ departure from
   Publicize methods of communicating with teachers                                      campus
   Provide training in Schoolwide and District procedures that ensure a safe             Assign personnel to parking area to assist parents on the first day
    and secure campus with all stakeholders                                              Send a special letter to parents inviting them to attend Back to School
                                                                                         Publicize methods of communicating with teachers
   Emphasize the importance of high visibility of all administrators/ out of          Miscellaneous
    classroom personnel during the opening day                                           Emphasize the importance of high visibility of all administrators/ out of
   Begin preparation for Norm Day by monitoring enrollment and attendance                classroom personnel during the opening day
   Hold Safety Committee meeting to review planning and preparation for                  Begin preparation for Norm Day by monitoring enrollment and attendance;
   emergency drills                                                                      use AT11 weekly
   Look for evidence of the three R’s: Rigor, Relevance and Relationships                Hold Safety Committee meeting to review planning and preparation for
   Adopt the habit of reflecting daily on your practice to discover meaningful           emergency drills
   information that will help you to manage your time better and support                 Look for evidence of the three R’s: Rigor, Relevance and Relationships
   student learning in a more relevant and consistent manner.                            Adopt the habit of reflecting daily on your practice to discover meaningful
                                                                                         information that will help you to manage your time better and support
                                                                                         student learning in a more relevant and consistent manner.

LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring
Los Angeles Unified School District | Human Resources Division | Leadership Academy
                                                          Principal Leadership Academy (PLA)

                  Principals and co-administrators are responsible for observing classroom instruction and monitoring school operations daily.
                                        The following time task calendar includes some of your leadership responsibilities:
                                Elementary                                                                         Secondary
                                                                                     Complete Norm Day procedures (pre/post); Annual School Survey
                                                                                     Review system for collection of grades and distribution of Report Cards (5
   Complete Norm Day procedures (pre/post); Annual School
                                                                                     Begin data-driven budget planning meetings with representatives from all
                                                                                      stakeholders: provide timeline of meetings, address new programs
   Review system for analysis of grades and distribution of “Unsatisfactory
                                                                                     Review system(s) in place for celebration of Halloween/Fall Festival
   Notices” to parents of students in jeopardy of not meeting proficiency
                                                                                     Meet with administrator responsible and the senior class advisor to review
   Begin data-driven budget planning meetings with representatives from all
                                                                                      major events for the year.
   stakeholders: provide timeline of meetings, address new trends and needs
                                                                                     Send a letter home to share plans and expectations for participation in
   based on data collection
                                                                                      Homecoming Activities; remind all of safety guidelines
   Review system(s) in place for celebration of Halloween/Fall Festival
                                                                                     Meet with counseling staff to review system(s) for providing on-going
   Publish, discuss and distribute earthquake preparedness bulletin
                                                                                      student guidance/planning to meet the A-G requirements
   Meet with safety committee to review safe school plan
                                                                                     Publish, discuss and distribute earthquake preparedness bulletin
   Monitor/participate in grade level meetings
                                                                                       Meet with safety committee to review safe school plan
   Meet with leadership team to begin planning Back to School Night
                                                                                     Monitor/participate in department/SLC/PLE meetings
                                                                                     Conduct emergency drills, training, and procedures according to District
   Review Modified Consent Decree (MCD); meet with APEIS/ designee to
   discuss IEP schedule; review system(s) in place for identifying and
                                                                                     Meet with leadership team and administrator responsible to begin planning
   addressing the needs of Students with Disabilities
                                                                                      Back to School Night activities
   Continue support and guidance to new teachers and those requiring
                                                                                     Communicate to all stakeholders the duties and responsibilities of all out
   additional support
                                                                                      of the classroom personnel
   Conduct emergency drills, training, and procedures according to District
                                                                                     Set the tone for the Fall Pep Rally; work closely with staff, students, and
                                                                                      parents to ensure that all safety concerns are addressed
   Communicate to all stakeholders the duties and responsibilities of all out
                                                                                     Review Modified Consent Decree (MCD); meet with AP to discuss IEP
   of the classroom personnel
                                                                                      schedule; research system(s) in place for identifying and addressing the
   Continue to plan and implement differentiated data-driven professional
                                                                                      needs of Students with Disabilities
   development plan; revise as on-going data indicates a change in trends
                                                                                     Continue to support and guidance to new teachers and those requiring
   and/or needs
                                                                                      additional support
   Monthly walk with Plant Manager to assess facility needs
                                                                                     Continue to plan and implement differentiated data-driven professional
                                                                                      development plan; revise as on-going data indicates a change in trends
                                                                                      and/or needs

LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring
Los Angeles Unified School District | Human Resources Division | Leadership Academy
                                                         Principal Leadership Academy (PLA)

                      Principals and co-administrators are responsible for observing classroom instruction and monitoring school operations daily.
                                          The following time task calendar includes some of your leadership responsibilities:

                                  Elementary                                                                               Secondary
     Meet with your leadership team to monitor progress in meeting schoolwide                Meet with your leadership team to monitor progress in meeting
     goals and accountabilities. Revise plans, support, and resources based on               schoolwide goals and accountabilities. Revise plans, support, and
     analysis of on-going data collection                                                    resources based on analysis of on-going data collection
      Review system for collection of grades and distribution of Report Cards                Review system for collection of grades and distribution of Report
     (10 week)                                                                               Cards (10 week)
     Review District information regarding parent conferences and update                     Review District information regarding parent conferences and update
     school/parent conferences memos                                                         school/parent conferences memos
     Review report card grades and comments by teacher                                       Continue student/staff recognition program(s)
     Review District policy memo regarding holiday parties, decorations, etc                 Publish procedures for inclement weather
     Review enrollment trends for past 3 years and Norms to Allocate                         Review grades by teacher and department/SLC/PLE/Academies
     Certificated Personnel Bulletin to begin preparations for the Re-                       Review enrollment trends for past 3 years and Norms to Allocate
     Norming/Roadshow                                                                        Certificated Personnel Bulletin to begin preparations for the Re-
     Continue student/staff recognition program(s)                                           Norming/Roadshow
     Publish procedures for inclement weather                                                Encourage schoolwide service projects
     Meet w/ plant manager to plan holiday work schedule                                     Meet w/ plant manager to plan holiday work schedule
     Review Spring fundraising plans                                                         Review Spring fundraising plan
     Meet with SAA and review budgets/control sheets. Prepare budget                         Meet with Financial Manager and review budgets/control sheets.
      adjustments if necessary                                                                Prepare budget adjustments if necessary
     Imprest Fund - Review and sign Bank Statement and Imprest Fund                          Imprest Fund - Review and sign Bank Statement and Imprest Fund
      Reconciliation Reports on a monthly basis.                                              Reconciliation Reports on a monthly basis.
     Student Body - Review and sign Student Body Bank Statement & Reports                    Student Body - Review and sign Student Body Bank Statement &
      on a monthly basis.                                                                     Reports on a monthly basis.

LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring
Los Angeles Unified School District | Human Resources Division | Leadership Academy
                                                         Principal Leadership Academy (PLA)

                Principals and co-administrators are responsible for observing classroom instruction and monitoring school operations daily.
                                    The following time task calendar includes some of your leadership responsibilities:
                                Elementary                                                                   Secondary

       Meet w/ plant manager to approve holiday work schedule                   Meet w/ plant manager to approve holiday work schedule
       Review/monitor school budgets with SAA                                   Review/monitor school budgets with administrator-in-charge and SAA
       Review budget proposals with grade level chairs/coordinators             Review budget proposals with department/SLC/PLE chairs or
       Schedule classroom observations with your administrator, out of          leads/coordinators
       classroom personnel, grade level chairs, and/or teachers, etc.; look     Schedule classroom observations with each of your administrators; look
       fors: differentiated/scaffolding instruction which addresses the         fors: differentiated/scaffolding instruction which addresses the needs of
       needs of strategic and intensive students                                strategic and intensive students
       Plan holiday social for staff (optional)                                 Plan holiday social for staff (optional)
       Review winter holiday programs and schedules                             Review winter holiday program and assemblies schedules
       Research system(s) in place for identifying and addressing the           Monitor periodic assessments
       needs of GATE Students                                                   Research system(s) in place for identifying and addressing the needs of
       Continue to monitor enrollment figures to determine class                GATE Students
       schedule adjustments in the event of Spring renorming                    Observe counselors when they are visiting classes or summoning students
       Purchase of gifts for office, custodial staff, and A-Team                to discuss spring semester; look fors: evidence of personalization; access
       (optional)                                                               and equity
       Monitor effectiveness of campus supervision assignments                  Compose and send letter inviting parents to the Financial Aid Workshop.
       Continue to supervise valet area before and after school                 Assisting parents in this process will help all student obtain the maximum
                                                                                available aid for college
                                                                                Ensure that the college counselor plans the date and program for the honor
                                                                                society induction
                                                                                Begin elementary or middle school orientation programs for students
                                                                                Continue to monitor enrollment figures to determine class schedule
                                                                                adjustments in the event of Spring renorming
                                                                                Review final exam schedule
                                                                                Prepare 15 week progress reports
                                                                                Distribute spring teacher schedules
                                                                                Schedule midyear locker cleanup
                                                                                Coordinate the purchase of gifts for office and custodial staff; purchase
                                                                                gifts for A-Team (optional)
                                                                                Monitor effectiveness of campus supervision assignments

LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring
Los Angeles Unified School District | Human Resources Division | Leadership Academy
                                                        Principal Leadership Academy (PLA)

                Principals and co-administrators are responsible for observing classroom instruction and monitoring school operations daily.
                                    The following time task calendar includes some of your leadership responsibilities:
                              Elementary                                                                         Secondary

                                                                                    Participate in updating the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
   Participate in updating the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)           Review staff instructional performance; all teachers in need of
   Review staff instructional performance; all teachers in need of                  improvement should be identified; provide on-going guidance and support
   improvement should be identified; provide on-going guidance and support          for their improvement
   for their improvement                                                            Review each department’s/SLC’s/PLE’s progress on curriculum initiatives
   Review/monitor teacher progress toward meeting grade level improvement           Renorming: have supports in place for staff and parents; plan your
   goals                                                                            conversations with staff and parents
   Renorming: have supports in place for staff and parents; plan your               Prepare exam week schedule and a statement about expectations
   conversations with staff and parents                                             Review system for collection of grades and distribution of Final Report
   Prepare for the Roadshow; involve administrative team in process and             Cards
   allow to attend to build capacity                                                Prepare for the Roadshow; involve administrative team in process and
   Monitor Intervention Program                                                     allow to attend to build capacity
   Research the system(s) in place for ensuring compliance with                     Research the system(s) in place for ensuring compliance with the Williams
   the Williams Settlement                                                          Settlement
   Review EL portfolios to discern status for redesignation                         Review EL portfolios to discern status for redesignation
   Observe teachers in Intervention Program                                         Observe teachers in Intervention Program
   Host a math/literacy/science instructional night                                 Randomly review senior cumulative records to determine if they are close
    Prepare weekly bulletins                                                        to completing A-G requirements
   Engage and utilize community services/organizations to build reciprocal          Host an SLC/PLE instructional night
   relationships                                                                     Prepare weekly bulletins
   Update the list of things to do before culmination and begin to prepare          Engage and utilize community services/organizations to build reciprocal
   Assess new teacher orientation program                                           relationships
   Look for opportunities to give office staff and custodians public                Update the list of things to do before graduation and begin to prepare
   acknowledgement                                                                  Meet with plant manager to plan for spring sports and outdoor activities,
   Assess the status of school supplies and prioritize needs                        field maintenance and improvement will ensure that all teams have a safe
                                                                                    and appropriate place to practice and play
                                                                                    Assess new teacher orientation program
                                                                                    Look for opportunities to give office staff and custodians public
                                                                                    Assess the status of school supplies and prioritize needs

LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring
Los Angeles Unified School District | Human Resources Division | Leadership Academy
                                                         Principal Leadership Academy (PLA)

                 Principals and co-administrators are responsible for observing classroom instruction and monitoring school operations daily.
                                     The following time task calendar includes some of your leadership responsibilities:
                               Elementary                                                                         Secondary

   Review student grade trends using DSS and SIS (guided session activity)          Review all second semester class sizes, teaching assignments and program
   Utilizing the Roadshow information and the UTLA Bargaining                       changes; note number of preparation periods given to new teachers
   Agreement to meet with the Chapter Chair to design the matrix                    Review student grade trends using DSS, SIS and ISIS (guided session
   Review system in place for Matrix development utilizing the Roadshow             activity)
   information                                                                      Review grades by teacher, department/SLC/PLC to identify areas of
   Check status of school supplies                                                  concern
                                                                                    Send registered letters home to parents of seniors who are in danger of
                                                                                    failing; provides opportunities to take additional courses at colleges and
   Research and observe the system(s) in place for staff assignments; review        adult schools to earn credits for graduation
   teacher preference sheets                                                        Utilizing the Roadshow information and the UTLA Bargaining Agreement
                                                                                    to design the master schedule; ensure that department chairs, chapter chairs,
   Plan and participate in culmination/graduation                                   coordinators and leads have opportunities for input
   Conduct a discipline conference with a parent and student                        Continually review Master for access and equity issues/concerns
   Observe an IEP, SST and LAT meeting with an appropriate administrator            Schedule singleton courses, special programs and seniors first
                                                                                    Research and observe the system(s) in place for staff assignments; review
    Attend all meetings; for meetings in which you are responsible, prepare         teacher preference sheets
   and distribute agendas prior to meetings                                         Send students earning honor-roll status a letter of congratulations each
    Prepare weekly bulletins                                                        semester
   Meet with Plant Manager to discuss spring cleaning schedule                       Hold an Honor Roll Assembly; send special letter home inviting parents of
                                                                                    Observe an IEP, SST and LAT meeting with an appropriate administrator
                                                                                    Identify students with attendance issues and who are potential dropouts
                                                                                    using the “Early Alert Program” in DSS
                                                                                     Attend all meetings; for meetings in which you are responsible, prepare
                                                                                    and distribute agendas prior to meetings
                                                                                     Prepare weekly bulletins
                                                                                    Meet with Plant Manager to discuss spring cleaning schedule

LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring
Los Angeles Unified School District | Human Resources Division | Leadership Academy
                                                         Principal Leadership Academy (PLA)

                 Principals and co-administrators are responsible for observing classroom instruction and monitoring school operations daily.
                                     The following time task calendar includes some of your leadership responsibilities:
                               Elementary                                                                         Secondary

   Prepare for parent conferences following District guidelines and                 Review PHABO parent conference procedures and guidelines
   procedures                                                                       Review progress report policy regarding parent notification of possible
   Review progress reports prior to teacher distribution                            fails
   Review “Safety Plan” ensuring all staff knows their roles and                    Review “Safety Plan” ensuring all staff knows their roles and
   responsibilities                                                                 responsibilities
   Review: Periodic Assessment; state testing procedures/guidelines                 Review: Periodic Assessment; state testing procedures/guidelines
   Develop testing bulletin/calendar with Testing Coordinator to identify           Develop testing bulletin/calendar with Testing Coordinator to identify
   needs (rooms, materials, Special Education guidelines, snacks, test              needs (rooms, materials, Special Education guidelines, snacks, test
   preparation, proctors)                                                           preparation, proctors)
   Review budget and monitor expenditures for non-carryover funds                   Review budget and monitor expenditures for non-carryover fund
   Evaluate this year’s budgeting expenditures in light of student achievement      Evaluate this year’s budget expenditures in light of student achievement
   goals and vision                                                                 goals and vision
   Meet with parent groups and staff to develop a needs assessment                  Monitor attendance trends, room use, etc. to complete the following:
   Monitor attendance trends, room use, etc. to complete the following:             enrollment forecast analysis, matrix, ordering materials, textbooks, and
   enrollment forecast analysis, matrix, ordering materials, textbooks, and         supplies
   supplies                                                                         Begin conversations with personnel specialist regarding staffing
   Begin conversations with personnel specialist regarding staffing                 Schedule final Stull visits and post observation conferences/conversations
   Gather data for preliminary matrix (include elected out of classroom             with staff
   position)                                                                        Begin to prepare for Child Abuse certification due in April
   Schedule final Stull visits and post observation conferences/conversations       Prepare for Open House activities
   with staff                                                                       Continue student conditioning in preparation for Physical Fitness Exam
   Begin to prepare for Child Abuse certification due in April                      Continue to work with APSCS on Master Schedule needs (REF-1469.4)
   Prepare for Open House activities                                                Research the system(s) in place for the prom (include collection of fees,
   Continue student conditioning in preparation for Physical Fitness Exam           locale, dress code)
   Begin preparations for Summer Programs                                           Establish Advanced Placement exam schedule
   Monitor intervention programs                                                    Establish scholarship and awards committee
   Prepare for culmination (determine activities, calendar, committee,              Complete the summer session/programs bulletin with course options
   determine number of culminations)                                                Meet with athletic coaches regarding summer practice schedule
   Establish retention system (parent notification and conference schedule)

LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring
Los Angeles Unified School District | Human Resources Division | Leadership Academy
                                                         Principal Leadership Academy (PLA)

                 Principals and co-administrators are responsible for observing classroom instruction and monitoring school operations daily.
                                     The following time task calendar includes some of your leadership responsibilities:

                               Elementary                                                                         Secondary

   Review plant manager and custodial staff schedule (i.e. summer program,           Review plant manager and custodial staff schedule (i.e. summer program,
   deep cleaning)                                                                    deep cleaning)
   Recognize classified staff during “Classified Appreciation Week” (in              Recognize classified staff during “Classified Appreciation Week” (in
   April)                                                                            April)
   Physical Fitness Exam                                                             Physical Fitness Exam
   Begin preparation for Textbook/Equipment Inventory                                Begin preparation for Textbook/Equipment Inventory
   Prepare to celebrate “Teacher Appreciation Week” in May                           Prepare to celebrate “Teacher Appreciation Week” in May
   Continue discussions with personnel specialist regarding staffing                 Review graduation procedures
   Continue preparing for final staff evaluations (classified/ certificated)         Review 15 week grades
   Hold elections for positions of full time coordinators or deans                   Notify parents of senior progress toward graduation via senior letter
   Meet with UTLA Chair to discuss matrix                                            Establish graduation committee that includes parents and students
   Plan for the reorganization of students                                           Continue discussions with personnel specialist regarding staffing
   Conduct spring emergency drill                                                    Hold elections for positions of full time coordinators or deans
   Continue planning for the testing process                                         Continue preparing for final staff evaluations (classified/ certificated)
   Using budget guidelines, continue spending non-carryover funds (i.e.              Schedule a meeting with the senior class awards selection committee
   ordering fall supplies)                                                           Conduct spring emergency drill
   Hold Open House according to district Schedule                                    Continue planning for the testing process
   Contact LD Staff Relations’ person for updates                                    Using budget guidelines, continue spending non-carryover funds (i.e.
   Continue preparations for culmination activities                                  ordering fall supplies)
                                                                                     Hold Open House according to district Schedule
                                                                                     Post out of class (off norm) positions for May election

LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring
Los Angeles Unified School District | Human Resources Division | Leadership Academy
                                                         Principal Leadership Academy (PLA)

                 Principals and co-administrators are responsible for observing classroom instruction and monitoring school operations daily.
                                       The following time task calendar includes some of your leadership responsibilities:
                                  Elementary                                                                    Secondary

       Review culmination activities                                                Plan the end of the year staff meeting/celebration
       Plan the end of the year staff meeting/celebration                           Plan the recognition of school volunteers, stakeholders, parent groups,
       Plan the recognition of school volunteers, stakeholders, parent groups,      etc.
       etc.                                                                         Evaluation of administrators and teachers (refer to Staff Relations
       Evaluation of administrators and teachers (refer to Staff Relations          guidelines)
       guidelines)                                                                  Begin to prepare a report listing goals for the year and
       Begin to prepare a report listing goals accomplished this year to share      accomplishments to share at end of the year meeting
       at end of the year meeting                                                   Begin to sign certificates, diplomas, etc.; use the time devoted to this
       Begin to sign award and culmination certificates, etc.; use the time         task as an opportunity to think about each student. How many do you
       devoted to this task as an opportunity to think about each student, so       know well? Finding that you may not know many should serve as
       you can say something positive, if applicable.                               motivation to spend more time with students
       Prepare to send retention notices to parents                                 Advanced Placement exams are often a logistical challenge, ensure
       Begin to organize notes and information needed to complete and issue         that there are isolated and secure testing rooms.
       Final Evaluations to staff                                                   Ensure that adequate supervision and security have been secured for
       Complete and distribute school-closing procedures                            the Senior Prom
       Prepare to discuss staff reduction with staff and the individuals who        Senior fail and retention notices to parents
       may be affected (contact Staff Relations and Personnel Specialist to         Begin to organize notes and information needed to complete and issue
       ensure that correct information is being disseminated)                       Final Evaluations to staff
       Continually provide updates regarding staff reduction                        Complete and distribute school-closing procedures
       Follow matrix timeline                                                       Co-curricular activities: do you need new or additional coaches or
       Monitor CST/CAT6 testing                                                     sponsors?
       Plan final report card dissemination                                         Prepare to discuss staff reduction with staff and the individuals who
       Meet with your school fiscal specialist to review all budgets and the        may be affected (contact Staff Relations and Personnel Specialist to
       spending of non carryover funds                                              ensure that correct information is disseminated)
       Order supplies for the coming year                                           Continually provide updates regarding staff reduction
                                                                                    Follow matrix timeline
                                                                                    Monitor CST/CAT6 testing
                                                                                    Plan final report card dissemination
                                                                                    Meet with your school fiscal specialist to review all budgets and the
                                                                                    spending of non carryover funds
                                                                                    Order supplies for the coming year

LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring
Los Angeles Unified School District | Human Resources Division | Leadership Academy
                                                         Principal Leadership Academy (PLA)

                Principals and co-administrators are responsible for observing classroom instruction and monitoring school operations daily.
                                    The following time task calendar includes some of your leadership responsibilities:
                                  Elementary                                                                   Secondary

       Post matrix by June (or 4 weeks prior to the ending of a track)              Post matrix (or 4 weeks prior to ending of a track)
       Review final grades by teacher and grade level                               Review final grades by teacher and department/SLC/PLE (use MR24)
       Recognize faculty and staff retirees for their lengths of service to         by department, class, etc.
       education                                                                    Recognize faculty and staff retirees for their length of service to
       Acknowledge faculty and staff service to school (reduction in staff)         education
       Finalize culmination activities                                              Acknowledge faculty and staff service to school (reduction in staff)
       Implement final report card dissemination procedures                         Prepare and publish final examination schedule (walk classes during
       Finalize school culmination procedures                                       final exams to ensure fidelity and efficacy)
       Prepare speech for culmination and attend rehearsals                         Develop deadlines for the submission of grades and failure lists
       Final preparation for summer school                                          Meet with graduation committee to establish protocol
       Meet with plant manager to finalize the summer cleaning and painting         Finalize graduation procedures and logistics
       schedule                                                                     Prepare speech for graduation and attend rehearsals
       Develop preliminary plans for the opening of school                          Implement final report card dissemination procedures
       Continue thinking of strategies to improve your underserved                  Organize final locker clearance
       population’s achievement                                                     Plan and organize awards assembly (especially for seniors)
       Plan professional development calendar for the upcoming school year          Finalize summer session
       (faculty, departmental, grade level, committee meetings)                     Meet with plant manager to finalize the summer cleaning and painting
       Evaluate school closing procedures                                           schedule
       Clear all outstanding encumbrances so they do not roll over to the 09-       Develop preliminary plans for the opening of school
       10 school year                                                               Continue thinking of strategies to improve your underserved
       Submit all Imprest claim forms by 06/30/09                                   population’s achievement
       Survey families: returning/not returning in fall; new Pre K or K             Plan professional development calendar for the upcoming school year
       Schedule for office summer hours; enrollment dates for new students          (faculty, departmental, grade level, SLC, PLE, committee meetings)
       Schools changing from multi-track to single track – realign office           Evaluate school closing procedures
       personnel responsibilities                                                   Clear all outstanding encumbrances so they do not roll over to the 09-
       Summer certification of payroll                                              10 school year
       Schedule reflection time. Reflection is crucial to effective leadership      Submit all Imprest claim forms by 06/30/09
                                                                                    Schedule for office summer hours; enrollment dates for new students
                                                                                    Schools changing from multi-track to single track – realign office
                                                                                    personnel responsibilities
                                                                                    Summer certification of payroll
                                                                                    Schedule reflection time. Reflection is crucial to effective leadership

LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring

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Beyond Degrees - Empowering the Workforce in the Context of Skills-First.pptx

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  • 1. Leadership Academy Principal Leadership Academy (PLA) Opening School Tasks The following checklist includes some of your leadership responsibilities when preparing for the opening of the new school year: Elementary Secondary Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Meet with LD Superintendent/Director regarding concerns/priorities for Meet with LD Superintendent/Director regarding concerns/priorities for the the school school Get a list of current matters not yet completed from the outgoing principal Get a list of current matters not yet completed from the outgoing principal Request copy of Local District calendar and handbook Request copy of Local District calendar and handbook Establish personal goals and projects Establish personal goals and projects Keep a record of what worked and did not work to use in planning for next Keep a record of what worked and did not work to use in planning for next year’s opening year’s opening Students Students Ensure that all IEP’s are current and that students appropriately placed Ensure that all IEP’s are current and that students are appropriately Order copies of the Parent-Student Handbook for all students programmed Publicize new student summer registration dates Review Master Program Time Task Calendar with your APSCS to identify Plan orientation for new students and parents possible student programming issues/concerns Prepare PA student welcome announcement for the first day Order copies of the Parent-Student Handbook for all students Mail packet to students and parents (in home language) containing new Publicize new student summer registration dates student/kinder orientation, student room numbers, opening day procedures, Plan orientation for new students and parents transportation and student drop off/pick-up information, welcome letter Arrange for student guides for new student orientation from principal, and other necessary forms to be completed and returned to Prepare PA student welcome announcement for the first day school Review/revise student schedules following the summer session Review/Revise student seating arrangements and schedules for morning Mail packet to students and parents (in home language) containing new assembly, recess, and lunch student orientation information, student schedule information, opening day Contact feeder schools to determine which students may need additional procedures, transportation information, student parking application, support or attention welcome letter from principal, and other necessary forms to be completed Establish dates for school pictures and returned to school (check with mail unit regarding mailing student Publicize Student Body fund-raising projects schedules) Publicize school supplies (including uniforms) available in community Verify that student participating in athletic programs have completed stores appropriate health clearances, etc. and all paperwork in on file Contact feeder schools to determine which students may need additional support or attention Review dates for senior pictures and make sure information has been mailed; establish dates for remaining grades and staff Invite Leadership class to a meeting to introduce yourself and to discuss goals/expectations for the school year Publicize school supplies (including gym clothing) available in the Student Store LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring
  • 2. Leadership Academy Principal Leadership Academy (PLA) Opening School Tasks The following checklist includes some of your leadership responsibilities when preparing for the opening of the new school year: Elementary Secondary Faculty/Staff Faculty/Staff Work with your LD Personnel Specialist to fill vacancies Work with your LD Personnel Specialist to fill vacancies Check on status of textbook and instructional supply orders to make certain Review Master Program Time Task Calendar with your APSCS to identify all orders arrive by the beginning of the school year possible programming issues/concerns that impact teacher assignments Prepare opening remarks for staff – plan the focus, outcomes and Check on status of textbook and instructional supply orders to make certain organization of meeting; include analysis of student achievement data all orders arrive by the beginning of the school year Send a Welcome Back/Opening School letter to faculty and staff; include Prepare opening remarks for staff – plan the focus, outcomes and schedule for teachers to work in their rooms organization of meeting; include analysis of student achievement data Schedule Initial Planning/Stull Evaluation meeting to address teacher Send a Welcome Back/Opening School letter to faculty and staff; include evaluation process schedule for teachers to work in their rooms Assign co-administrators to assist with the observation, support, Schedule Initial Planning/Stull Evaluation meeting to address teacher supervision, and evaluation of classroom instruction and teacher evaluation process performance (Stull Evaluations) Assign co-administrators to assist with the observation, support, Review District initiatives and plan appropriate presentations based on supervision, and evaluation of classroom instruction and teacher staff needs performance (Stull Evaluations) Make personal calls to new teachers to invite them to the new teacher Review District initiatives and plan appropriate presentations based on staff orientation; assign mentor/buddy to each new teacher needs Plan on-going training for new teachers Make personal calls to new teachers to invite them to the new teacher Use LAUSD and Local District guidelines to ensure your schedule has the orientation appropriate the number of instructional minutes per day; use this Assign mentors for new staff members, clarify responsibilities, and provide information to determine amount of time that may be used to schedule on-going training banked time for professional development Use LAUSD and Local District guidelines to ensure your schedule has the Schedule faculty meetings, grade level/department, instructional meeting appropriate the number of instructional minutes per day; use this dates for the year information to determine amount of time that may be used to schedule Ensure that copies of standards of learning, curriculum guides, and other banked time for professional development teacher resource materials are ready for distribution Schedule faculty meetings, grade level/department, instructional meeting As a part of the opening packet, review/prepare a “Procedures for the First dates for the year Day of School” handout to review at opening meeting Ensure that copies of standards of learning, curriculum guides, and other Review teacher handbook for changes/revisions teacher resource materials are ready for distribution Revise staff directory (email addresses) As a part of the opening packet, review/prepare a “Procedures for the First Prepare Substitute/Itinerant teacher folder with bell schedules, emergency Day of School” handout to review at opening meeting procedures, inclement weather schedules, and sample lesson plans Review teacher handbook for changes/revisions LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring 2
  • 3. Leadership Academy Principal Leadership Academy (PLA) Opening School Tasks The following checklist includes some of your leadership responsibilities when preparing for the opening of the new school year: Elementary Secondary Faculty/Staff continued Faculty/Staff continued Review and update the preferred substitute teacher list Revise staff directory (email addresses) Plan the distribution of keys to teachers as they arrive on first day Prepare Substitute/Itinerant teacher folder with bell schedules, emergency Develop a submission and publication schedule for the parent/school procedures, inclement weather schedules, and sample lesson plans newsletter Review and update the preferred substitute teacher list Determine school committees and develop a procedure for teacher Plan distribution of keys to teachers as they arrive on first day assignment to school committees Develop a submission and publication schedule for the parent/school Complete a calendar of school events newsletter Assemble packets for opening faculty meeting Complete a calendar of school events Arrange for opening day continental breakfast (PTA may provide Assemble packets for opening faculty meeting assistance) Arrange for opening day continental breakfast (PTA may provide assistance) Parents Parents Meet with PTA leaders to determine meeting dates, fund-raising events, faculty/staff recognition, parent newsletter article submission dates Meet with PTA leaders to determine meeting dates, fund-raising events, Post pertinent contact information and information about the opening of faculty/staff recognition, parent newsletter article submission dates school on hall way bulletin boards, in offices, on the Post pertinent contact information and information about the opening of school marquee school on hall way bulletin boards, in offices, on the Meet and welcome parents throughout the summer as they register their school marquee child or visit the school Meet and welcome parents throughout the summer as they register their Establish a system to assist parents on the first day (greeting, valet parking, child or visit the school student registration, buses) Establish a system to assist parents on the first day (greeting, parking, Arrange for translations for mailings/meetings for non-English speaking student registration, buses) parents Arrange for translations for mailings/meetings for non-English speaking Publish/Distribute a monthly calendar of events, repot card distribution, parents parent meetings, etc. Publish/Distribute a monthly calendar of events, repot card distribution, parent meetings, athletics, etc. LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring 3
  • 4. Leadership Academy Principal Leadership Academy (PLA) Opening School Tasks The following checklist includes some of your leadership responsibilities when preparing for the opening of the new school year: Elementary Secondary Building Building Inspect the buildings and grounds to make sure they are in good shape for the opening of school; remove all graffiti Inspect the buildings and grounds to make sure they are in good shape for Review summer cleaning schedule with Plant Manager the opening of school; remove all graffiti Ensure that all communication devices (PA, two-way radios, and Review summer cleaning schedule with Plant Manager bullhorns) are ready for use Ensure that all communication devices (PA, two-way radios, and bullhorns) Test bell system and prepare bell schedule for the upcoming year are ready for use Program bells for minimum and shortened days as well as banked time Test bell system and prepare bell schedule for the upcoming year Ensure that all summer repair jobs are completed in a timely manner Program bells for minimum and shortened days as well as banked time Check for completion of any technology work scheduled for summer Ensure that all summer repair jobs are completed in a timely manner completion Check for completion of any technology work scheduled for summer Work with technology support staff to assure proper functioning of all completion available technology Work with technology support staff to assure proper functioning of all Check to ensure that all classrooms are equipped with sufficient desks and available technology chairs; order additional furniture if necessary Check to ensure that all classrooms are equipped with sufficient desks and Arrange for the teachers’ lounges, restrooms and workrooms to be readied chairs; order additional furniture if necessary before staff returns (cleaned, stocked, and inviting) Arrange for the teachers’ lounges, restrooms and workrooms to be readied Service all copy machines so they are ready when teachers return before staff returns (cleaned, stocked, and inviting) Determine room use availability for itinerant teachers Service all copy machines so they are ready when teachers return Establish fire drill schedule for the year Determine room use availability for itinerant teachers Publicize fall registration dates on school marquee Establish fire drill schedule for the year Conduct final walk-through with plant manager Publicize fall registration dates on school marquee Hold a thank you luncheon or provide treats for building and grounds Conduct final walk-through with plant manager workers when summer cleaning has been completed Hold a thank you luncheon or provide treats for building and grounds workers when summer cleaning has been completed LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring 4
  • 5. Leadership Academy Principal Leadership Academy (PLA) Opening School Tasks The following checklist includes some of your leadership responsibilities when preparing for the opening of the new school year: Elementary Secondary Budget (Fiscal Responsibility) Request a District audit for the Imprest Account Budget (Fiscal Responsibility) Review Student Body account Review school budgets, recent financial statements and minutes from local Request a District audit for the Imprest Account and Student Body funds school leadership decision-making group meetings to determine how/what Review Student Body accounts decisions guided the spending practice Review school budgets, recent financial statements and minutes from local Arrange for change of name(s) on bank signature cards through school leadership decision-making group meetings to determine how/what administrative assistant (Imprest and Student Body funds) decisions guided the spending practice Change approval information on P-Card to your name Arrange for change of name(s) on bank signature cards through administrative assistant/financial manager (Imprest and Student Body funds) Change approval information on P-Card to your name Meet with Student Body President, Leadership Sponsor and Financial Manager to review ASB financial decisions made the prior school year Request monthly deposits and expenses statements from Financial Manager LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring 5
  • 6. Leadership Academy Principal Leadership Academy (PLA) September Principals and co-administrators are responsible for observing classroom instruction and monitoring school operations daily. The following time task calendar includes some of your leadership responsibilities: Elementary Secondary Faculty/Staff Faculty/Staff Be highly visible in all phases of the school day; the message you send is Be highly visible in all phases of the school day; the message you send is that no job or responsibility is too small or unimportant that no job or responsibility is too small or unimportant Plan a presentation on Stull Evaluation process, share timelines, Plan a presentation on Stull Evaluation process, share timelines, instructional goals, and accountabilities instructional goals, and accountabilities Inform staff of emergency drill procedures, share District Bulletins Inform staff of emergency drill procedures, share District Bulletins Calendar elections for CEAC, ELAC, School Site Council, etc. Calendar elections for CEAC, ELAC, School Site Council, etc. Schedule instructional meetings/professional development Schedule instructional meetings/professional development Review and ensure the implementation of LAUSD’s Discipline Foundation Review and ensure the implementation of LAUSD’s Discipline Foundation Policy by all staff members Policy by all staff members Assign student areas on playground/cafeteria Assign campus aides and administrative staff areas of supervision before, Provide training in Schoolwide and District procedures that ensure a safe during and after school and secure campus with all stakeholders Schedule instructional meetings/professional development Launch system for staff/student recognition and Visit classes to become acquainted with students and to discuss academic continue to implement throughout the year and behavior expectations Establish a mentor/buddy system to support new and struggling teachers in Plan spirit assembly: provide seating chart and clear directions to staff and a areas needed set of behavioral expectations for students Visit classes daily to become acquainted with students and to discuss Meet with all co-curricular advisors/sponsors/coaches to review procedures academic and behavior expectations. Now is the time to establish your and financial rules presence! Meet with athletic director and each team to discuss District policy Review/ establish process to select grade level chairs regarding “Victory with Honor” Meet with coordinators to discuss roles and responsibilities Review roles and responsibilities of all coordinatorships with all Meet with your instructional leadership team to review, revise, and sponsors/coaches/ deans/counselors; require each “coordinator” to complete implement a test preparation plan; develop a comprehensive schedule for paperwork indicating acknowledgement of meeting and amount to be the year (including test preparation, periodic assessments) received on a semester or season of sport basis; provide each with a copy of Publish testing schedules and academic goals regularly the signed form Publish athletic schedule/meetings Publish graduation requirements monthly Publish testing schedules and academic goals regularly LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring
  • 7. Los Angeles Unified School District | Human Resources Division | Leadership Academy Principal Leadership Academy (PLA) September Principals and co-administrators are responsible for observing classroom instruction and monitoring school operations daily. The following time task calendar includes some of your leadership responsibilities: Elementary Secondary Students Students Greet students as they arrive the first day Greet students as they arrive the first day Prepare the welcoming announcement for the first day Prepare the welcoming announcement for the first day Establish a system to assist students with their busing needs Establish a system to assist students with daily transportation (school buses, Check student medical records to make certain their medications are present metro buses, student parking lot, etc.) and secure Meet with school nurse to ensure that student medical records/ medications Review system in place for assigning lunch eating areas are present and secure Provide training in Schoolwide and District procedures that ensure a safe Publicize food options on campus (cafeteria, satellite kitchens, student and secure campus with all stakeholders store, vending machines, free/reduced lunches, etc) Publicize spirit assembly and expectations; involve leadership class in Parents planning and implementation Greet parents as they arrive on first day Acknowledge returning students who achieved Honor Roll status at the end Establish a system to greet parents and record their entry on/ departure from of the previous school year campus Assign personnel to the parking lot or valet area to assist parents on the first Parents day Greet parents as they arrive on first day Send a letter to parents inviting them to attend Back to School Establish a system to greet parents and record their entry on/ departure from Publicize methods of communicating with teachers campus Provide training in Schoolwide and District procedures that ensure a safe Assign personnel to parking area to assist parents on the first day and secure campus with all stakeholders Send a special letter to parents inviting them to attend Back to School Publicize methods of communicating with teachers Miscellaneous Emphasize the importance of high visibility of all administrators/ out of Miscellaneous classroom personnel during the opening day Emphasize the importance of high visibility of all administrators/ out of Begin preparation for Norm Day by monitoring enrollment and attendance classroom personnel during the opening day Hold Safety Committee meeting to review planning and preparation for Begin preparation for Norm Day by monitoring enrollment and attendance; emergency drills use AT11 weekly Look for evidence of the three R’s: Rigor, Relevance and Relationships Hold Safety Committee meeting to review planning and preparation for Adopt the habit of reflecting daily on your practice to discover meaningful emergency drills information that will help you to manage your time better and support Look for evidence of the three R’s: Rigor, Relevance and Relationships student learning in a more relevant and consistent manner. Adopt the habit of reflecting daily on your practice to discover meaningful information that will help you to manage your time better and support student learning in a more relevant and consistent manner. LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring
  • 8. Los Angeles Unified School District | Human Resources Division | Leadership Academy Principal Leadership Academy (PLA) October Principals and co-administrators are responsible for observing classroom instruction and monitoring school operations daily. The following time task calendar includes some of your leadership responsibilities: Elementary Secondary Complete Norm Day procedures (pre/post); Annual School Survey Review system for collection of grades and distribution of Report Cards (5 week) Complete Norm Day procedures (pre/post); Annual School Begin data-driven budget planning meetings with representatives from all Survey stakeholders: provide timeline of meetings, address new programs Review system for analysis of grades and distribution of “Unsatisfactory Review system(s) in place for celebration of Halloween/Fall Festival Notices” to parents of students in jeopardy of not meeting proficiency Meet with administrator responsible and the senior class advisor to review Begin data-driven budget planning meetings with representatives from all major events for the year. stakeholders: provide timeline of meetings, address new trends and needs Send a letter home to share plans and expectations for participation in based on data collection Homecoming Activities; remind all of safety guidelines Review system(s) in place for celebration of Halloween/Fall Festival Meet with counseling staff to review system(s) for providing on-going Publish, discuss and distribute earthquake preparedness bulletin student guidance/planning to meet the A-G requirements Meet with safety committee to review safe school plan Publish, discuss and distribute earthquake preparedness bulletin Monitor/participate in grade level meetings Meet with safety committee to review safe school plan Meet with leadership team to begin planning Back to School Night Monitor/participate in department/SLC/PLE meetings activities Conduct emergency drills, training, and procedures according to District Review Modified Consent Decree (MCD); meet with APEIS/ designee to guidelines discuss IEP schedule; review system(s) in place for identifying and Meet with leadership team and administrator responsible to begin planning addressing the needs of Students with Disabilities Back to School Night activities Continue support and guidance to new teachers and those requiring Communicate to all stakeholders the duties and responsibilities of all out additional support of the classroom personnel Conduct emergency drills, training, and procedures according to District Set the tone for the Fall Pep Rally; work closely with staff, students, and guidelines parents to ensure that all safety concerns are addressed Communicate to all stakeholders the duties and responsibilities of all out Review Modified Consent Decree (MCD); meet with AP to discuss IEP of the classroom personnel schedule; research system(s) in place for identifying and addressing the Continue to plan and implement differentiated data-driven professional needs of Students with Disabilities development plan; revise as on-going data indicates a change in trends Continue to support and guidance to new teachers and those requiring and/or needs additional support Monthly walk with Plant Manager to assess facility needs Continue to plan and implement differentiated data-driven professional development plan; revise as on-going data indicates a change in trends and/or needs LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring
  • 9. Los Angeles Unified School District | Human Resources Division | Leadership Academy Principal Leadership Academy (PLA) November Principals and co-administrators are responsible for observing classroom instruction and monitoring school operations daily. The following time task calendar includes some of your leadership responsibilities: Elementary Secondary Meet with your leadership team to monitor progress in meeting schoolwide Meet with your leadership team to monitor progress in meeting goals and accountabilities. Revise plans, support, and resources based on schoolwide goals and accountabilities. Revise plans, support, and analysis of on-going data collection resources based on analysis of on-going data collection Review system for collection of grades and distribution of Report Cards Review system for collection of grades and distribution of Report (10 week) Cards (10 week) Review District information regarding parent conferences and update Review District information regarding parent conferences and update school/parent conferences memos school/parent conferences memos Review report card grades and comments by teacher Continue student/staff recognition program(s) Review District policy memo regarding holiday parties, decorations, etc Publish procedures for inclement weather Review enrollment trends for past 3 years and Norms to Allocate Review grades by teacher and department/SLC/PLE/Academies Certificated Personnel Bulletin to begin preparations for the Re- Review enrollment trends for past 3 years and Norms to Allocate Norming/Roadshow Certificated Personnel Bulletin to begin preparations for the Re- Continue student/staff recognition program(s) Norming/Roadshow Publish procedures for inclement weather Encourage schoolwide service projects Meet w/ plant manager to plan holiday work schedule Meet w/ plant manager to plan holiday work schedule Review Spring fundraising plans Review Spring fundraising plan Meet with SAA and review budgets/control sheets. Prepare budget Meet with Financial Manager and review budgets/control sheets. adjustments if necessary Prepare budget adjustments if necessary Imprest Fund - Review and sign Bank Statement and Imprest Fund Imprest Fund - Review and sign Bank Statement and Imprest Fund Reconciliation Reports on a monthly basis. Reconciliation Reports on a monthly basis. Student Body - Review and sign Student Body Bank Statement & Reports Student Body - Review and sign Student Body Bank Statement & on a monthly basis. Reports on a monthly basis. LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring
  • 10. Los Angeles Unified School District | Human Resources Division | Leadership Academy Principal Leadership Academy (PLA) December Principals and co-administrators are responsible for observing classroom instruction and monitoring school operations daily. The following time task calendar includes some of your leadership responsibilities: Elementary Secondary Meet w/ plant manager to approve holiday work schedule Meet w/ plant manager to approve holiday work schedule Review/monitor school budgets with SAA Review/monitor school budgets with administrator-in-charge and SAA Review budget proposals with grade level chairs/coordinators Review budget proposals with department/SLC/PLE chairs or Schedule classroom observations with your administrator, out of leads/coordinators classroom personnel, grade level chairs, and/or teachers, etc.; look Schedule classroom observations with each of your administrators; look fors: differentiated/scaffolding instruction which addresses the fors: differentiated/scaffolding instruction which addresses the needs of needs of strategic and intensive students strategic and intensive students Plan holiday social for staff (optional) Plan holiday social for staff (optional) Review winter holiday programs and schedules Review winter holiday program and assemblies schedules Research system(s) in place for identifying and addressing the Monitor periodic assessments needs of GATE Students Research system(s) in place for identifying and addressing the needs of Continue to monitor enrollment figures to determine class GATE Students schedule adjustments in the event of Spring renorming Observe counselors when they are visiting classes or summoning students Purchase of gifts for office, custodial staff, and A-Team to discuss spring semester; look fors: evidence of personalization; access (optional) and equity Monitor effectiveness of campus supervision assignments Compose and send letter inviting parents to the Financial Aid Workshop. Continue to supervise valet area before and after school Assisting parents in this process will help all student obtain the maximum available aid for college Ensure that the college counselor plans the date and program for the honor society induction Begin elementary or middle school orientation programs for students Continue to monitor enrollment figures to determine class schedule adjustments in the event of Spring renorming Review final exam schedule Prepare 15 week progress reports Distribute spring teacher schedules Schedule midyear locker cleanup Coordinate the purchase of gifts for office and custodial staff; purchase gifts for A-Team (optional) Monitor effectiveness of campus supervision assignments LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring
  • 11. Los Angeles Unified School District | Human Resources Division | Leadership Academy Principal Leadership Academy (PLA) January Principals and co-administrators are responsible for observing classroom instruction and monitoring school operations daily. The following time task calendar includes some of your leadership responsibilities: Elementary Secondary Participate in updating the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Participate in updating the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Review staff instructional performance; all teachers in need of Review staff instructional performance; all teachers in need of improvement should be identified; provide on-going guidance and support improvement should be identified; provide on-going guidance and support for their improvement for their improvement Review each department’s/SLC’s/PLE’s progress on curriculum initiatives Review/monitor teacher progress toward meeting grade level improvement Renorming: have supports in place for staff and parents; plan your goals conversations with staff and parents Renorming: have supports in place for staff and parents; plan your Prepare exam week schedule and a statement about expectations conversations with staff and parents Review system for collection of grades and distribution of Final Report Prepare for the Roadshow; involve administrative team in process and Cards allow to attend to build capacity Prepare for the Roadshow; involve administrative team in process and Monitor Intervention Program allow to attend to build capacity Research the system(s) in place for ensuring compliance with Research the system(s) in place for ensuring compliance with the Williams the Williams Settlement Settlement Review EL portfolios to discern status for redesignation Review EL portfolios to discern status for redesignation Observe teachers in Intervention Program Observe teachers in Intervention Program Host a math/literacy/science instructional night Randomly review senior cumulative records to determine if they are close Prepare weekly bulletins to completing A-G requirements Engage and utilize community services/organizations to build reciprocal Host an SLC/PLE instructional night relationships Prepare weekly bulletins Update the list of things to do before culmination and begin to prepare Engage and utilize community services/organizations to build reciprocal Assess new teacher orientation program relationships Look for opportunities to give office staff and custodians public Update the list of things to do before graduation and begin to prepare acknowledgement Meet with plant manager to plan for spring sports and outdoor activities, Assess the status of school supplies and prioritize needs field maintenance and improvement will ensure that all teams have a safe and appropriate place to practice and play Assess new teacher orientation program Look for opportunities to give office staff and custodians public acknowledgement Assess the status of school supplies and prioritize needs LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring
  • 12. Los Angeles Unified School District | Human Resources Division | Leadership Academy Principal Leadership Academy (PLA) February Principals and co-administrators are responsible for observing classroom instruction and monitoring school operations daily. The following time task calendar includes some of your leadership responsibilities: Elementary Secondary Review student grade trends using DSS and SIS (guided session activity) Review all second semester class sizes, teaching assignments and program Utilizing the Roadshow information and the UTLA Bargaining changes; note number of preparation periods given to new teachers Agreement to meet with the Chapter Chair to design the matrix Review student grade trends using DSS, SIS and ISIS (guided session Review system in place for Matrix development utilizing the Roadshow activity) information Review grades by teacher, department/SLC/PLC to identify areas of Check status of school supplies concern Send registered letters home to parents of seniors who are in danger of failing; provides opportunities to take additional courses at colleges and Research and observe the system(s) in place for staff assignments; review adult schools to earn credits for graduation teacher preference sheets Utilizing the Roadshow information and the UTLA Bargaining Agreement to design the master schedule; ensure that department chairs, chapter chairs, Plan and participate in culmination/graduation coordinators and leads have opportunities for input Conduct a discipline conference with a parent and student Continually review Master for access and equity issues/concerns Observe an IEP, SST and LAT meeting with an appropriate administrator Schedule singleton courses, special programs and seniors first Research and observe the system(s) in place for staff assignments; review Attend all meetings; for meetings in which you are responsible, prepare teacher preference sheets and distribute agendas prior to meetings Send students earning honor-roll status a letter of congratulations each Prepare weekly bulletins semester Meet with Plant Manager to discuss spring cleaning schedule Hold an Honor Roll Assembly; send special letter home inviting parents of recipients Observe an IEP, SST and LAT meeting with an appropriate administrator Identify students with attendance issues and who are potential dropouts using the “Early Alert Program” in DSS Attend all meetings; for meetings in which you are responsible, prepare and distribute agendas prior to meetings Prepare weekly bulletins Meet with Plant Manager to discuss spring cleaning schedule LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring
  • 13. Los Angeles Unified School District | Human Resources Division | Leadership Academy Principal Leadership Academy (PLA) March Principals and co-administrators are responsible for observing classroom instruction and monitoring school operations daily. The following time task calendar includes some of your leadership responsibilities: Elementary Secondary Prepare for parent conferences following District guidelines and Review PHABO parent conference procedures and guidelines procedures Review progress report policy regarding parent notification of possible Review progress reports prior to teacher distribution fails Review “Safety Plan” ensuring all staff knows their roles and Review “Safety Plan” ensuring all staff knows their roles and responsibilities responsibilities Review: Periodic Assessment; state testing procedures/guidelines Review: Periodic Assessment; state testing procedures/guidelines Develop testing bulletin/calendar with Testing Coordinator to identify Develop testing bulletin/calendar with Testing Coordinator to identify needs (rooms, materials, Special Education guidelines, snacks, test needs (rooms, materials, Special Education guidelines, snacks, test preparation, proctors) preparation, proctors) Review budget and monitor expenditures for non-carryover funds Review budget and monitor expenditures for non-carryover fund Evaluate this year’s budgeting expenditures in light of student achievement Evaluate this year’s budget expenditures in light of student achievement goals and vision goals and vision Meet with parent groups and staff to develop a needs assessment Monitor attendance trends, room use, etc. to complete the following: Monitor attendance trends, room use, etc. to complete the following: enrollment forecast analysis, matrix, ordering materials, textbooks, and enrollment forecast analysis, matrix, ordering materials, textbooks, and supplies supplies Begin conversations with personnel specialist regarding staffing Begin conversations with personnel specialist regarding staffing Schedule final Stull visits and post observation conferences/conversations Gather data for preliminary matrix (include elected out of classroom with staff position) Begin to prepare for Child Abuse certification due in April Schedule final Stull visits and post observation conferences/conversations Prepare for Open House activities with staff Continue student conditioning in preparation for Physical Fitness Exam Begin to prepare for Child Abuse certification due in April Continue to work with APSCS on Master Schedule needs (REF-1469.4) Prepare for Open House activities Research the system(s) in place for the prom (include collection of fees, Continue student conditioning in preparation for Physical Fitness Exam locale, dress code) Begin preparations for Summer Programs Establish Advanced Placement exam schedule Monitor intervention programs Establish scholarship and awards committee Prepare for culmination (determine activities, calendar, committee, Complete the summer session/programs bulletin with course options determine number of culminations) Meet with athletic coaches regarding summer practice schedule Establish retention system (parent notification and conference schedule) LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring
  • 14. Los Angeles Unified School District | Human Resources Division | Leadership Academy Principal Leadership Academy (PLA) April Principals and co-administrators are responsible for observing classroom instruction and monitoring school operations daily. The following time task calendar includes some of your leadership responsibilities: Elementary Secondary Review plant manager and custodial staff schedule (i.e. summer program, Review plant manager and custodial staff schedule (i.e. summer program, deep cleaning) deep cleaning) Recognize classified staff during “Classified Appreciation Week” (in Recognize classified staff during “Classified Appreciation Week” (in April) April) Physical Fitness Exam Physical Fitness Exam Begin preparation for Textbook/Equipment Inventory Begin preparation for Textbook/Equipment Inventory Prepare to celebrate “Teacher Appreciation Week” in May Prepare to celebrate “Teacher Appreciation Week” in May Continue discussions with personnel specialist regarding staffing Review graduation procedures Continue preparing for final staff evaluations (classified/ certificated) Review 15 week grades Hold elections for positions of full time coordinators or deans Notify parents of senior progress toward graduation via senior letter Meet with UTLA Chair to discuss matrix Establish graduation committee that includes parents and students Plan for the reorganization of students Continue discussions with personnel specialist regarding staffing Conduct spring emergency drill Hold elections for positions of full time coordinators or deans Continue planning for the testing process Continue preparing for final staff evaluations (classified/ certificated) Using budget guidelines, continue spending non-carryover funds (i.e. Schedule a meeting with the senior class awards selection committee ordering fall supplies) Conduct spring emergency drill Hold Open House according to district Schedule Continue planning for the testing process Contact LD Staff Relations’ person for updates Using budget guidelines, continue spending non-carryover funds (i.e. Continue preparations for culmination activities ordering fall supplies) Hold Open House according to district Schedule Post out of class (off norm) positions for May election LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring
  • 15. Los Angeles Unified School District | Human Resources Division | Leadership Academy Principal Leadership Academy (PLA) May Principals and co-administrators are responsible for observing classroom instruction and monitoring school operations daily. The following time task calendar includes some of your leadership responsibilities: Elementary Secondary Review culmination activities Plan the end of the year staff meeting/celebration Plan the end of the year staff meeting/celebration Plan the recognition of school volunteers, stakeholders, parent groups, Plan the recognition of school volunteers, stakeholders, parent groups, etc. etc. Evaluation of administrators and teachers (refer to Staff Relations Evaluation of administrators and teachers (refer to Staff Relations guidelines) guidelines) Begin to prepare a report listing goals for the year and Begin to prepare a report listing goals accomplished this year to share accomplishments to share at end of the year meeting at end of the year meeting Begin to sign certificates, diplomas, etc.; use the time devoted to this Begin to sign award and culmination certificates, etc.; use the time task as an opportunity to think about each student. How many do you devoted to this task as an opportunity to think about each student, so know well? Finding that you may not know many should serve as you can say something positive, if applicable. motivation to spend more time with students Prepare to send retention notices to parents Advanced Placement exams are often a logistical challenge, ensure Begin to organize notes and information needed to complete and issue that there are isolated and secure testing rooms. Final Evaluations to staff Ensure that adequate supervision and security have been secured for Complete and distribute school-closing procedures the Senior Prom Prepare to discuss staff reduction with staff and the individuals who Senior fail and retention notices to parents may be affected (contact Staff Relations and Personnel Specialist to Begin to organize notes and information needed to complete and issue ensure that correct information is being disseminated) Final Evaluations to staff Continually provide updates regarding staff reduction Complete and distribute school-closing procedures Follow matrix timeline Co-curricular activities: do you need new or additional coaches or Monitor CST/CAT6 testing sponsors? Plan final report card dissemination Prepare to discuss staff reduction with staff and the individuals who Meet with your school fiscal specialist to review all budgets and the may be affected (contact Staff Relations and Personnel Specialist to spending of non carryover funds ensure that correct information is disseminated) Order supplies for the coming year Continually provide updates regarding staff reduction Follow matrix timeline Monitor CST/CAT6 testing Plan final report card dissemination Meet with your school fiscal specialist to review all budgets and the spending of non carryover funds Order supplies for the coming year LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring
  • 16. Los Angeles Unified School District | Human Resources Division | Leadership Academy Principal Leadership Academy (PLA) June Principals and co-administrators are responsible for observing classroom instruction and monitoring school operations daily. The following time task calendar includes some of your leadership responsibilities: Elementary Secondary Post matrix by June (or 4 weeks prior to the ending of a track) Post matrix (or 4 weeks prior to ending of a track) Review final grades by teacher and grade level Review final grades by teacher and department/SLC/PLE (use MR24) Recognize faculty and staff retirees for their lengths of service to by department, class, etc. education Recognize faculty and staff retirees for their length of service to Acknowledge faculty and staff service to school (reduction in staff) education Finalize culmination activities Acknowledge faculty and staff service to school (reduction in staff) Implement final report card dissemination procedures Prepare and publish final examination schedule (walk classes during Finalize school culmination procedures final exams to ensure fidelity and efficacy) Prepare speech for culmination and attend rehearsals Develop deadlines for the submission of grades and failure lists Final preparation for summer school Meet with graduation committee to establish protocol Meet with plant manager to finalize the summer cleaning and painting Finalize graduation procedures and logistics schedule Prepare speech for graduation and attend rehearsals Develop preliminary plans for the opening of school Implement final report card dissemination procedures Continue thinking of strategies to improve your underserved Organize final locker clearance population’s achievement Plan and organize awards assembly (especially for seniors) Plan professional development calendar for the upcoming school year Finalize summer session (faculty, departmental, grade level, committee meetings) Meet with plant manager to finalize the summer cleaning and painting Evaluate school closing procedures schedule Clear all outstanding encumbrances so they do not roll over to the 09- Develop preliminary plans for the opening of school 10 school year Continue thinking of strategies to improve your underserved Submit all Imprest claim forms by 06/30/09 population’s achievement Survey families: returning/not returning in fall; new Pre K or K Plan professional development calendar for the upcoming school year Schedule for office summer hours; enrollment dates for new students (faculty, departmental, grade level, SLC, PLE, committee meetings) Schools changing from multi-track to single track – realign office Evaluate school closing procedures personnel responsibilities Clear all outstanding encumbrances so they do not roll over to the 09- Summer certification of payroll 10 school year Schedule reflection time. Reflection is crucial to effective leadership Submit all Imprest claim forms by 06/30/09 Schedule for office summer hours; enrollment dates for new students Schools changing from multi-track to single track – realign office personnel responsibilities Summer certification of payroll Schedule reflection time. Reflection is crucial to effective leadership LEARNING-CENTERED LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: Planning, Implementing, Supporting, Advocating, Communicating, and Monitoring