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Dr. Ravi Roshan Khadka
Phase B resident
Department of Urology
Patient Profile
 Name: Md .Sakhawat
 Age : 28 years
 Gender: Male
 Occupation: day labor in Malaysia
 Marital status : unmarried
 Fathers name : Md Mujim sheikh
 Permanent add: Dhaka
 Date of admission : 02/09/15
Chief complaints
1) Pain at left upper abdomen------1 year
2) Loss of appetite and nausea ---- 1 year
3) Occasional fever --------- 1 year
History of present illness
 According to patient’s statement he was apparently
well 1 year back and then he gradually developed pain
at left upper abdomen which was dull aching in nature
& mild to moderate in intensity. Pain radiates to back
which used to aggravated by exertion and food intake
and relieved by medication. Pain was episodic in
nature and associated with nausea and loss of appetite
and weight loss of 21 kg in 1 year. He also complaints
of occasional low grade fever which was relived by
History of present illness
 He gave no history of coughing out of blood, blood
mixed urine, passage of stone in urine, cloudy urine or
bone pain.
 With these complaints he visited general physician
and treated symptomatically and 1½ months back after
returning to bangladesh he underwent thorough
investigations and later referred to department of
urology for further evaluation and management.
Past medical and surgical history
 Nothing contributory
Family history
• Nothing contributory
Personal history
 Education level : SSC
 Occupation: day labor in Malaysia
 Smoking/ Tobacco: non smoker
 Alcohol : non alcoholic
 Socioeconomic status : lower middle class
Drug history
 Analgesic, antipyretic and antiemetic and antibiotics
for symptomatic relief.
General physical examinations
 Appearance: anxious and illooking
 Built: average
 Weight: 54 kg height: 1.65 m BMI=19.8
 Anaemia: moderately pallor
 Jaundice: Absent
 Oedema: Absent
 Lymph nodes: Accessible lymph nodes are not palpable
 Clubbing : Absent
 Koilonychia : Absent
 Cyanosis : absent
Abdomen Examination
 Inspection:
 Scaphoid shape with slight bulge at left hypochondriac
 Umbilicus centrally placed and inverted
 Flanks are not full
 No visible peristalsis and engorged vein
 No visible cough impulse
Abdomen Examination
 Palpation
 Temperature ; not raised
 Mass at left hypochondriac region
 There is a Hard, mild tender, irregular mass at left
hypochondriac , epigastric and lumbar region measuring
about 8 cm from left costal margin along MCL.
 Margins are irregular and upper limit of margin couldn’t be
 Insinuation is not possible and notch is absent.
 Mass moves with respiration.
 Ballotable
 Head rising test; Mass didn’t bulge
 Knee elbow test ; Mass doesn’t fall forward
 No other organomegaly
Abdomen Examination
 Percussion
 Dull with band of resonance
 Tympanytic all over abdomen
 Auscultation
 No bruit
 Bowel sound ; present
 D/R/E ; Normal
 Genital exam : normal
Systemic examination
 Respiratory system
 Nervous system
Salient feature
 Md. Sakhawat 28 years old , non diabetic,
normotensive, nonsmoker, male , hailing from dhaka
presented with gradual onset of episodic dull aching
left hypochondriac pain for 1 year. Pain was mild to
moderate in intensity that radiates to back and
aggravates by exertion and food intake and relieved by
medication. He also complaints of nausea , vomiting
and significant weight loss (21 kg in 1 year) for same
duration. He is also experiencing occasional low grade
Salient feature
 He gave no h/o hemoptysis, hemturia, graveluria,
pyuria or bone pain. With these complaints he visited
general physician and treated symptomatically and 1 ½
months back after returning to Bangladesh he
underwent thorough investigations and later referred
to department of urology for further evaluation and
Salient feature
 On physical examination, vitals are stable, moderately
pallor, All accessible lymph nods are not palpable.
Jaundice and koilonychia are absent.
 Abdominal examination revealed; Hard, mild tender,
irregular mass at left hypochondriac ,epigastric and
lumbar region measuring about 8 cm from left costal
margin along MCL. Margins of mass are irregular
whose upper limit couldn’t be traced and notch is not
felt. Insinuation is not possible. Mass moves with
respiration and its ballotable .
 It is dull on percussion with band of resonance and
bruit is absent.
Salient feature
 No other organomegaly, ascites is absent and hernial
orifices are intact.
 Genitalia, CVS, Respiratory and CNS reveled no
Provisional diagnosis
1) Left Renal mass
2) Left Retroperitoneal extra renal mass
3) Splenomegaly
Urine R/M/E
After one pint of blood transfusion
Hb Electrophorosis
•Serum ferritin = 459 ng/ml (20-300 ng/ml)
• Montoux test = negative
1) Left adrenal mass
2) Left Renal mass
Left sided Radical Nephrectomy
 Position
 Under G/A patient kept
in supine position with
bridge beneath left
flank and painting and
draping done.
 Incision
 modified chevron /
hockey stick (extended
left sub costal).
 Intervening layers are
incised along the line of
 Abdomen cavity
reached and findings
 Large ,hard irregular
mass seen subcostally
which was pushing
pancreas and spleen
 Mass was adherent to
transverse mesocolon
and diaphragm
 Multiple dilated vessels
were seen over mass.
 Operability assessed.
• Dissection was
started laterally by
peritoneum along
left colon and
carried out
• Adherent transverse
mesocolon was
clamped, cut and
ligated to free it
from mass and
hence colon was
reflected medially.
• Dilated vessels over mass
were clamped, cut and
ligated which made the
mass slightly free.
• Blunt and sharp dissection
carried out along the lower
border of mass as there was
still confusion regarding
• As the upper pole of kidney
was reached ,a plane was
found between mass and
kidney hence dissection
was continued but after a
while plane obliterated
hence Nephrectomy was
planned, thinking of mass
arising from upper pole of
 Dissection was carried
out laterally and
 Superiorly a plane was
found between panaceas
and the mass and hence
dissection carried out
along the plane .
 Medial dissection
 Renal hilum was approached and dissection was carried out
to identify renal vessels separately.
 First renal artery and then renal vein were clamped, cut and
ligated separately by 1/0 silk.
 Ureter was identified , clamped, cut and ligated.
 While dissecting
medially ,another
large vessel found
reaching kidney
which was clamped,
cut and ligated (main
renal artery).
 Finally blunt
dissection carried
laterally and
posteriorly to remove
 After removing specimen,hot mop was placed and then
observed for any bleeding.
 After ensuring haemostatis 16 fr drain kept in situ
 Abdomen was closed in layer by 1/0 vicryl and skin closed
by stapler
Follow up ----1st POD
 Subjective
 Pain abdomen and one episode of fever at evening (101 F)
 Objective
 BP: 100/70 mmHg , pulse: 84/min
 T: 98.4deg F , R/R = 16/min
 Lung; B/L expansion normal, Vesicular breath sound and no
added sound,
 Heart : NAD
 P/A : Mild tenderness, soft, Bowel sound absent and dressing
 Drain : 270 ml ,reddish
 Urine Output : 2800ml, clear
 Plan: I/V fluids and antibiotics, analgesic, Chest physio and
limb exercise.
Follow up ----2nd POD
 Subjective
 Pain abdomen and one episode of fever at evening (100.4 F)
 Objective
 BP: 110/70 mmHg , pulse: 80/min
 T: 98.6deg F , R/R = 16/min
 Lung; B/L expansion normal, Vesicular breath sound and no
added sound,
 Heart : NAD
 P/A : Mild tenderness, soft, Bowel sound- absent and
dressing dry.
 Drain : 40-50 ml ,blackish
 Urine Output : 1900ml, clear
 Plan: I/V fluids and antibiotics, analgesic ensured, Chest
physio and limb exercise.
Follow up ----3rd POD
 Subjective
 Pain abdomen an one episode of fever at evening (100.6 F)
 Objective
 BP: 100/60 mmHg , pulse: 86/min
 T: 98.2deg F , R/R = 14/min
 Lung; B/L expansion normal, Vesicular breath sound and no
added sound,
 Heart : NAD
 P/A : Mild tenderness, soft, Bowel sound- present and
dressing dry.
 Drain : 20 ml ,blackish
 Urine Output : 1900ml, clear
 Plan: sips of water, I/V fluids and antibiotics, analgesic
ensured, Chest physio and limb exercise,
Follow up
 4th POD
 Slight pain
 BP: 100/60 mmHg, Pulse = 82/min,
 Swelling and mild tenderness at cannula site
 Heart= NAD
 Lung =NAD
 P/A = Soft, mild tender, BS + , Dressing dry
 Drain : Nil
 Plan:
 Oral, catheter off, i/v cannula changed
 CBC, S. Creatinine and CXR-P/A sent
Follow up
 5th POD
 Slight pain
 BP: 110/70 mmHg, Pulse
= 86/min,
 Heart= NAD
 Lung =NAD
 P/A = Soft, mild tender,
BS + , wound healthy
 Drain : Nil
 Plan: oral , drain off,
check dressing .
6th POD
 No fresh complaint
 BP: 100/60 mmHg,
Pulse = 80/min,
 Heart= NAD
 Lung =NAD
 P/A = Soft, mild tender,
BS + , dressing dry
 Plan:
 Anxiolytics
Follow up
 7th POD
 No fresh complaint
 BP: 100/70 mmHg,
Pulse = 82/min,
 Heart= NAD
 Lung =NAD
 P/A = Soft, mild
tender, BS + , dressing
8th POD
 No fresh complaint
 BP: 100/60 mmHg,
Pulse = 80/min,
 Heart= NAD
 Lung =NAD
 P/A = Soft, mild
tender, BS + , dressing
 Plan : Alternate stitch
Final diagnosis
 Adrenocortical carcinoma
 Stage III (T3N0M0)
Short review
Introduction and Epidemiology
 Rare malignancy with an incidence of 0.5 to 2 per
 Bimodal age distribution that peaks in children in the
first decade of life and adults in the fourth to fifth
decdes of life.
 Slight female predominance of 1.5 to 2.1
 Majority of ACCs are sporadic and unilateral
 loss of TP53 function and increased IGF expression
represent late events in the tumorigenesis of sporadic
Clinical Characteristics
 Incidental detection.
 Tumor-related symptoms
 Local symptoms: abdominal fullness, back pain, nausea
and vomiting.
 Systemic / metastatic futures: Anorexia, anaemia,
asthenia and weight loss and features of metastasis.
 Hormone secreting ACC (50% to 79% of adult and 90%
of pediatric ACCs)
Clinical Characteristics
most common hormone secreted by adrenal cortical carcinoma
is cortisol
Imaging- CT scan/ MRI
 Size
 Relative indicator of malignancy, with
 4% to 5% of tumors less than 4 cm, 10% of tumors larger than
4 cm, and 25% of tumors greater than 6cm.
 Common radiographic characteristic of ACC on CT
imaging include
 the presence of irregular borders,
 irregular enhancement,
 calcifications
 Necrotic areas with cystic degeneration.
 Evaluation of spread/mets
 IVC, Adjacent organs, Liver ,lungs, Bones
Role of biopsy
 For diagnosing adrenal cortical carcinomas,
percutaneous needle biopsy is generally not performed
prior to surgical excision
 due to a clinically unacceptable risk of needle-tract
seeding (Fassnacht et al, 2004; Schteingart et al, 2005).
 The primary indication for needle biopsy is
 in cases of unresectable, locally advanced, or metastatic
disease, to confirm the diagnosis prior to systemic
medical therapy.
Pathologic Evaluation.
•Stage I and II tumors are confined to the adrenal gland and are
distinguished by a size cutoff of 5 cm.
•Stage III disease includes tumor extension into adjacent adipose tissue or
having regional lymph node involvement.
•Stage IV disease includes tumors invading adjacent organs and the
presence of distant metastatic disease.
 Unfortunately, the majority of patients with
adrenal cortical carcinomas present with advanced
disease those who do have localized disease are at a
high risk of local recurrence and metastatic
 Treatment of ACC often includes multimodal therapy
directed by a team of surgeons, medical oncologists,
endocrinologists, and radiation oncologists.
 Despite aggressive surgical resection, adrenal
carcinoma is associated with a high rate (60% to
80%) of recurrent disease
 Complete surgical excision is essential in the management of
adrenal cortical carcinomas
 En bloc resection of surrounding organs involved with locally
advanced disease should be performed whenever possible.
 Cases of venous tumor thrombus involving the IVC may require
vascular bypass techniques, IVC replacement, and/or IVC interruption.
 In cases of metastatic adrenal carcinoma,
 Cytoreductive removal of the primary tumor and debulking
metastatectomy should be considered if greater than 90% of the disease
burden can be removed.
 Although debulking surgery may not improve survival, it may alleviate
tumor-related side effects and facilitate additional therapies .
 Local or distant disease recurrences, following initial resection,
should be considered for surgical excision and have been associated
with improved survival in retrospective series.
 Currently there is a limited role for radiation for
therapy in the treatment of primary adrenal cortical
 Radiation therapy remains the treatment of choice in
 Management of bone and CNS metastasis
 To decrease local recurrence rates following complete
tumor resection, (with reported local recurrence rates
of 14% and 79%, with and without adjuvant radiation
therapy, respectively )
 Unfortunately, a significant improvement in disease-
free or overall survival was not observed.
 Mitotane is most commonly used chemotherapeutic
agent in the treatment of adrenal cortical carcinoma.
 Benefit in the adjuvant setting following surgical
resection and in patients with metastatic disease
 A significant increase in recurrence-free survival and
overall survival was noted in patients receiving
mitotane compared with controls
Follow up
 Follow-up should include CT examination of the chest,
abdomen, and pelvis every 3 months for the first 2
 In patients with evidence of functional tumors,
measurement of the initially elevated hormones
postoperatively may help to reveal early disease
recurrence despite negative radiographic studies.
 After a disease-free interval of 2 years, surveillance
should continue, but the frequency of imaging may
 Overall 5-year survival in adrenal cortical
carcinomas is poor, ranging from 20% to 47%.
Adrenocortical carcinoma

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Adrenocortical carcinoma

  • 1. Dr. Ravi Roshan Khadka Phase B resident Department of Urology BSMMU
  • 2. Patient Profile  Name: Md .Sakhawat  Age : 28 years  Gender: Male  Occupation: day labor in Malaysia  Marital status : unmarried  Fathers name : Md Mujim sheikh  Permanent add: Dhaka  Date of admission : 02/09/15
  • 3. Chief complaints 1) Pain at left upper abdomen------1 year 2) Loss of appetite and nausea ---- 1 year 3) Occasional fever --------- 1 year
  • 4. History of present illness  According to patient’s statement he was apparently well 1 year back and then he gradually developed pain at left upper abdomen which was dull aching in nature & mild to moderate in intensity. Pain radiates to back which used to aggravated by exertion and food intake and relieved by medication. Pain was episodic in nature and associated with nausea and loss of appetite and weight loss of 21 kg in 1 year. He also complaints of occasional low grade fever which was relived by antipyretic.
  • 5. History of present illness  He gave no history of coughing out of blood, blood mixed urine, passage of stone in urine, cloudy urine or bone pain.  With these complaints he visited general physician and treated symptomatically and 1½ months back after returning to bangladesh he underwent thorough investigations and later referred to department of urology for further evaluation and management.
  • 6. Past medical and surgical history  Nothing contributory Family history • Nothing contributory
  • 7. Personal history  Education level : SSC  Occupation: day labor in Malaysia  Smoking/ Tobacco: non smoker  Alcohol : non alcoholic  Socioeconomic status : lower middle class
  • 8. Drug history  Analgesic, antipyretic and antiemetic and antibiotics for symptomatic relief.
  • 9. General physical examinations  Appearance: anxious and illooking  Built: average  Weight: 54 kg height: 1.65 m BMI=19.8  Anaemia: moderately pallor  Jaundice: Absent  Oedema: Absent  Lymph nodes: Accessible lymph nodes are not palpable  Clubbing : Absent  Koilonychia : Absent  Cyanosis : absent
  • 10. Abdomen Examination  Inspection:  Scaphoid shape with slight bulge at left hypochondriac region  Umbilicus centrally placed and inverted  Flanks are not full  No visible peristalsis and engorged vein  No visible cough impulse
  • 11. Abdomen Examination  Palpation  Temperature ; not raised  Mass at left hypochondriac region  There is a Hard, mild tender, irregular mass at left hypochondriac , epigastric and lumbar region measuring about 8 cm from left costal margin along MCL.  Margins are irregular and upper limit of margin couldn’t be traced.  Insinuation is not possible and notch is absent.  Mass moves with respiration.  Ballotable  Head rising test; Mass didn’t bulge  Knee elbow test ; Mass doesn’t fall forward  No other organomegaly
  • 12. Abdomen Examination  Percussion  Dull with band of resonance  Tympanytic all over abdomen  Auscultation  No bruit  Bowel sound ; present  D/R/E ; Normal  Genital exam : normal
  • 13. Systemic examination  CVS  Respiratory system  Nervous system NAD
  • 14. Salient feature  Md. Sakhawat 28 years old , non diabetic, normotensive, nonsmoker, male , hailing from dhaka presented with gradual onset of episodic dull aching left hypochondriac pain for 1 year. Pain was mild to moderate in intensity that radiates to back and aggravates by exertion and food intake and relieved by medication. He also complaints of nausea , vomiting and significant weight loss (21 kg in 1 year) for same duration. He is also experiencing occasional low grade fever.
  • 15. Salient feature  He gave no h/o hemoptysis, hemturia, graveluria, pyuria or bone pain. With these complaints he visited general physician and treated symptomatically and 1 ½ months back after returning to Bangladesh he underwent thorough investigations and later referred to department of urology for further evaluation and management.
  • 16. Salient feature  On physical examination, vitals are stable, moderately pallor, All accessible lymph nods are not palpable. Jaundice and koilonychia are absent.  Abdominal examination revealed; Hard, mild tender, irregular mass at left hypochondriac ,epigastric and lumbar region measuring about 8 cm from left costal margin along MCL. Margins of mass are irregular whose upper limit couldn’t be traced and notch is not felt. Insinuation is not possible. Mass moves with respiration and its ballotable .  It is dull on percussion with band of resonance and bruit is absent.
  • 17. Salient feature  No other organomegaly, ascites is absent and hernial orifices are intact.  Genitalia, CVS, Respiratory and CNS reveled no abnormalities
  • 18. Provisional diagnosis 1) Left Renal mass 2) Left Retroperitoneal extra renal mass 3) Splenomegaly
  • 19.
  • 20. CBC
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  • 32. After one pint of blood transfusion
  • 35. Hb Electrophorosis INVESTIGATIONS •Serum ferritin = 459 ng/ml (20-300 ng/ml) • Montoux test = negative
  • 36. CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS 1) Left adrenal mass 2) Left Renal mass
  • 37. Left sided Radical Nephrectomy Date:15/09/15
  • 38.  Position  Under G/A patient kept in supine position with bridge beneath left flank and painting and draping done.  Incision  modified chevron / hockey stick (extended left sub costal).  Intervening layers are incised along the line of incision
  • 39.  Abdomen cavity reached and findings noted  Large ,hard irregular mass seen subcostally which was pushing pancreas and spleen upward.  Mass was adherent to transverse mesocolon and diaphragm  Multiple dilated vessels were seen over mass.  Operability assessed.
  • 40. • Dissection was started laterally by dissecting posterior peritoneum along left colon and carried out proximally. • Adherent transverse mesocolon was clamped, cut and ligated to free it from mass and hence colon was reflected medially.
  • 41. • Dilated vessels over mass were clamped, cut and ligated which made the mass slightly free. • Blunt and sharp dissection carried out along the lower border of mass as there was still confusion regarding origin. • As the upper pole of kidney was reached ,a plane was found between mass and kidney hence dissection was continued but after a while plane obliterated hence Nephrectomy was planned, thinking of mass arising from upper pole of kidney
  • 42.  Dissection was carried out laterally and posteriorly
  • 43.  Superiorly a plane was found between panaceas and the mass and hence dissection carried out along the plane .
  • 44.  Medial dissection  Renal hilum was approached and dissection was carried out to identify renal vessels separately.  First renal artery and then renal vein were clamped, cut and ligated separately by 1/0 silk.  Ureter was identified , clamped, cut and ligated.
  • 45.  While dissecting medially ,another large vessel found reaching kidney which was clamped, cut and ligated (main renal artery).  Finally blunt dissection carried laterally and posteriorly to remove specimen
  • 46.  After removing specimen,hot mop was placed and then observed for any bleeding.  After ensuring haemostatis 16 fr drain kept in situ  Abdomen was closed in layer by 1/0 vicryl and skin closed by stapler
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  • 50. Follow up ----1st POD  Subjective  Pain abdomen and one episode of fever at evening (101 F)  Objective  BP: 100/70 mmHg , pulse: 84/min  T: 98.4deg F , R/R = 16/min  Lung; B/L expansion normal, Vesicular breath sound and no added sound,  Heart : NAD  P/A : Mild tenderness, soft, Bowel sound absent and dressing dry.  Drain : 270 ml ,reddish  Urine Output : 2800ml, clear  Plan: I/V fluids and antibiotics, analgesic, Chest physio and limb exercise.
  • 51. Follow up ----2nd POD  Subjective  Pain abdomen and one episode of fever at evening (100.4 F)  Objective  BP: 110/70 mmHg , pulse: 80/min  T: 98.6deg F , R/R = 16/min  Lung; B/L expansion normal, Vesicular breath sound and no added sound,  Heart : NAD  P/A : Mild tenderness, soft, Bowel sound- absent and dressing dry.  Drain : 40-50 ml ,blackish  Urine Output : 1900ml, clear  Plan: I/V fluids and antibiotics, analgesic ensured, Chest physio and limb exercise.
  • 52. Follow up ----3rd POD  Subjective  Pain abdomen an one episode of fever at evening (100.6 F)  Objective  BP: 100/60 mmHg , pulse: 86/min  T: 98.2deg F , R/R = 14/min  Lung; B/L expansion normal, Vesicular breath sound and no added sound,  Heart : NAD  P/A : Mild tenderness, soft, Bowel sound- present and dressing dry.  Drain : 20 ml ,blackish  Urine Output : 1900ml, clear  Plan: sips of water, I/V fluids and antibiotics, analgesic ensured, Chest physio and limb exercise,
  • 53. Follow up  4th POD  Slight pain  BP: 100/60 mmHg, Pulse = 82/min,  Swelling and mild tenderness at cannula site  Heart= NAD  Lung =NAD  P/A = Soft, mild tender, BS + , Dressing dry  Drain : Nil  Plan:  Oral, catheter off, i/v cannula changed  CBC, S. Creatinine and CXR-P/A sent
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  • 56.
  • 57. Follow up  5th POD  Slight pain  BP: 110/70 mmHg, Pulse = 86/min,  Heart= NAD  Lung =NAD  P/A = Soft, mild tender, BS + , wound healthy  Drain : Nil  Plan: oral , drain off, check dressing . 6th POD  No fresh complaint  BP: 100/60 mmHg, Pulse = 80/min,  Heart= NAD  Lung =NAD  P/A = Soft, mild tender, BS + , dressing dry  Plan:  Anxiolytics
  • 58. Follow up  7th POD  No fresh complaint  BP: 100/70 mmHg, Pulse = 82/min,  Heart= NAD  Lung =NAD  P/A = Soft, mild tender, BS + , dressing dry 8th POD  No fresh complaint  BP: 100/60 mmHg, Pulse = 80/min,  Heart= NAD  Lung =NAD  P/A = Soft, mild tender, BS + , dressing dry  Plan : Alternate stitch off
  • 59.
  • 60. Final diagnosis  Adrenocortical carcinoma  Stage III (T3N0M0)
  • 62. Introduction and Epidemiology  Rare malignancy with an incidence of 0.5 to 2 per million.  Bimodal age distribution that peaks in children in the first decade of life and adults in the fourth to fifth decdes of life.  Slight female predominance of 1.5 to 2.1  Majority of ACCs are sporadic and unilateral  loss of TP53 function and increased IGF expression represent late events in the tumorigenesis of sporadic ACC
  • 63. Clinical Characteristics  Incidental detection.  Tumor-related symptoms  Local symptoms: abdominal fullness, back pain, nausea and vomiting.  Systemic / metastatic futures: Anorexia, anaemia, asthenia and weight loss and features of metastasis.  Hormone secreting ACC (50% to 79% of adult and 90% of pediatric ACCs)
  • 64. Clinical Characteristics most common hormone secreted by adrenal cortical carcinoma is cortisol
  • 66. Imaging- CT scan/ MRI  Size  Relative indicator of malignancy, with  4% to 5% of tumors less than 4 cm, 10% of tumors larger than 4 cm, and 25% of tumors greater than 6cm.  Common radiographic characteristic of ACC on CT imaging include  the presence of irregular borders,  irregular enhancement,  calcifications  Necrotic areas with cystic degeneration.  Evaluation of spread/mets  IVC, Adjacent organs, Liver ,lungs, Bones
  • 67. Role of biopsy  For diagnosing adrenal cortical carcinomas, percutaneous needle biopsy is generally not performed prior to surgical excision  due to a clinically unacceptable risk of needle-tract seeding (Fassnacht et al, 2004; Schteingart et al, 2005).  The primary indication for needle biopsy is  in cases of unresectable, locally advanced, or metastatic disease, to confirm the diagnosis prior to systemic medical therapy.
  • 69. •Stage I and II tumors are confined to the adrenal gland and are distinguished by a size cutoff of 5 cm. •Stage III disease includes tumor extension into adjacent adipose tissue or having regional lymph node involvement. •Stage IV disease includes tumors invading adjacent organs and the presence of distant metastatic disease.
  • 70. Management  Unfortunately, the majority of patients with adrenal cortical carcinomas present with advanced disease those who do have localized disease are at a high risk of local recurrence and metastatic progression.  Treatment of ACC often includes multimodal therapy directed by a team of surgeons, medical oncologists, endocrinologists, and radiation oncologists.  Despite aggressive surgical resection, adrenal carcinoma is associated with a high rate (60% to 80%) of recurrent disease
  • 71. Surgery  Complete surgical excision is essential in the management of adrenal cortical carcinomas  En bloc resection of surrounding organs involved with locally advanced disease should be performed whenever possible.  Cases of venous tumor thrombus involving the IVC may require vascular bypass techniques, IVC replacement, and/or IVC interruption.  In cases of metastatic adrenal carcinoma,  Cytoreductive removal of the primary tumor and debulking metastatectomy should be considered if greater than 90% of the disease burden can be removed.  Although debulking surgery may not improve survival, it may alleviate tumor-related side effects and facilitate additional therapies .  Local or distant disease recurrences, following initial resection, should be considered for surgical excision and have been associated with improved survival in retrospective series.
  • 72. RADIATION  Currently there is a limited role for radiation for therapy in the treatment of primary adrenal cortical carcinomas;  Radiation therapy remains the treatment of choice in  Management of bone and CNS metastasis  To decrease local recurrence rates following complete tumor resection, (with reported local recurrence rates of 14% and 79%, with and without adjuvant radiation therapy, respectively )  Unfortunately, a significant improvement in disease- free or overall survival was not observed.
  • 73. MEDICAL THERAPY  Mitotane is most commonly used chemotherapeutic agent in the treatment of adrenal cortical carcinoma.  Benefit in the adjuvant setting following surgical resection and in patients with metastatic disease  A significant increase in recurrence-free survival and overall survival was noted in patients receiving mitotane compared with controls
  • 74. Follow up  Follow-up should include CT examination of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis every 3 months for the first 2 years.  In patients with evidence of functional tumors, measurement of the initially elevated hormones postoperatively may help to reveal early disease recurrence despite negative radiographic studies.  After a disease-free interval of 2 years, surveillance should continue, but the frequency of imaging may decrease.
  • 75. Prognosis  Overall 5-year survival in adrenal cortical carcinomas is poor, ranging from 20% to 47%.

Editor's Notes

  1. Short chevron, hockey stick, extended left subcostal inision.
  2. Findings:
  3. In cases of suspicion for venous tumor thrombus, MRI can be an essential tool in detecting the presence of a tumor clot and delineating its extent.
  4. Approach Smaller radiographically organ- confined disease can be approached laparoscopically, but should be performed with caution due to the risk of tumor spillage