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By Ruhama Yoseph (MD)
Adrenal Tumors
 Overview of anatomy, embryology, physiology
 Hyperaldosteronism (Conn Syndrome)
 Cushing’s syndrome (Hypercortisolism)
 Adrenal Adenoma/Hyperplasia
 Adrenal Carcinoma
 Sex hormone secreting tumors
 Pheochromocytoma
 Incidentaloma
 To know the differentials of mass lesions of the
 To know their pathophysiology
 To know their clinical presentation
 To determine their laboratory diagnosis
 To know their imaging features
 To know the principles of management
Overview of Adrenal Anatomy
 The adrenal are paired retroperitoneal organs
situated superior and medial to the kidneys
 They have both cortex and medulla parts
 Each gland has arterial supply from 3
branches and I venous drainage
Anatomy- microscopic
 Histologically, the cortex is divided into three
 zona glomerulosa
 zona fasciculata
 zona reticularis
 The outer area of the zona glomerulosa is the site
of production of the mineralocorticoid hormone,
 The zona fasciculata and zona reticularis cells
are the site of production of glucocorticoids and
adrenal androgens
 The adrenal medulla constitutes up to 10% to
20% of the gland’s volume and produces the
catecholamine hormones epinephrine and
 The cortex is derived from mesoderm while the
medulla is derived from ectodermal neural crest
 The adrenal medulla are modified sympathetic
postganglionic neurons
 The cortex secrets aldosterone, cortisol, and sex
hormones from the outer, middle and inner layers
respectively which are derived from cholesterol
 The medulla secrets catecholamine like
adrenaline and nor-adrenaline
 Both are endocrine hormones but the secretion
from the latter is guided by signals from pre-
synaptic cholinergic nerve fibers
 The major adrenal mineralocorticoid hormones
are aldosterone, 11-deoxycorticosterone (DOC),
and cortisol
 Aldosterone secretion is regulated by
 Primarily, by the renin-angiotensin system (RAAS)
 Hyperkalemia
 ACTH and other hormones are weak stimulators
 Function of Aldosterone:
 Acts on principal and intercalated cells of distal
tubule and collecting duct to increase excretion of
potassium and retention of sodium/ water
 The secretion of cortisol and androgens are
regulated by ACTH secreted by the anterior
pituitary, which, in turn, is under the control of
corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH) secreted
by the hypothalamus
 Cortisol’s function include
 Mobilization of energy reserves in times of stress
 Immunosuppression
 Anti-inflammatory
Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal axis
 Adrenal androgens are produced in the zona
fasciculata and reticularis from 17-
hydroxypregnenolone in response to ACTH
 They include dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
and its sulfated counterpart (DHEAS),
androstenedione, and small amounts of
testosterone and estrogen
 They are peripherally converted to the more
potent testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and
estrogen in peripheral tissues
 Catecholamine hormones epinephrine,
norepinephrine, and dopamine are produced by
the adrenal medulla from the substrate tyrosine
 They are also secreted else where by
postganglionic sympathetic neurons
 They prepare the body for fight-or-flight reaction
 They are degraded by COMT, MAO
 The end stage metabolite is Vanillymandelic
Acid (VMA)
Adrenal mass
 Hyperplasia
 Primary Vs Secondary (as in Pituitary adenoma)
 Congenital Vs acquired
 Benign adenomas- functional or non-
 Functional- Conn’s syndrome, Cushing’s syndrome
from adrenal adenomas, Sex hormone secreting
 Pheochromocytomas
 Incidentalomas
 Malignant cancers
Primary Hyperaldosteronism
(Conn’s Syndrome)
 Increased aldosterone secretion
 Age distribution, before age 30 or after 55
 In secondary hyperaldosteronism, renal artery
stenosis or low flow states can be causes
 Here ,the aldosterone production is autonomous
 Aldosterone producing adrenal adenoma (70%)
 Bilateral idiopathic hyperplasia (30%)
 Usually diagnosed as a secondary cause of
hypertension that is resistant to treatment
 Bring hypokalemia
Conn Syndrome…
 Clinical presentation:
 Headache, muscle weakness, polyuria (due to
 Absence of edema
 Secondary hypertension
 Systolic >140 mm Hg or diastolic > 90 mm Hg that is resistant
to 3 drug regimen
 Lab:
 Hypokalemia (<3.2 mmol/L or <3 mmol/L if while on
 Metabolic alkalosis
 Increased plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC)
 Decreased plasma renin activity (PRA)
 Aldosterone-to-renin ratio used as a screening
 Increased ratio ( 25 to 30) is positive, but has limited use
Conn Syndrome
 Confirmatory test:
 Sodium loading test
 Oral sodium or saline infusion to suppress aldosterone
 In Conn Syndrome- no suppression
 Imaging
 CT- to identify unilateral, bilateral, cancerous lesions
 NP-59 scintigraphy
 ‘Hot’ nodule- adenoma
 Diffuse uptake- hyperplasia
 Adrenal venous sampling, to determine bilateralism(gold
 Catheterization of adrenal veins to draw sample and determine
aldosterone to cortisol ratio after ACTH stimulation
 Significant difference in ratio between right & left, unilateral
disease 10/5/2021
Conn syndrome
 CT image and NP-59 scan of left adrenal
Conn Syndrome…
 Treatment:
 Initial goals of reducing BP and limiting organ damage
 Resection for unilateral tumors, laparoscopic or open
 Medical for bilateral tumors
 Aldosterone antagonists like spironolactone ordered
 Preoperative control of hypertension and potassium
supplementation , postoperative prevention of
hyperkalemia are important
Cushing’s Syndrome
 Complex symptom & signs resulting from
hypersecretion of cortisol regardless of etiology
 Causes:
 Iatrogenic exogenous glucocorticoids (commonest)
 Endogenous
1. Primary hypercortisolism- ACTH independent
 Adrenal adenoma
 Adrenocortical cancer
 Primary adrenal hyperplasia
2. Secondary hypercortisolism- ACTH dependent
 Pituitary microadenoma (Cushing Disease)-70%
 Ectopic paraneoplastic foci ( Eg. Small Cell Lung Ca)
Cushing’s Syndrome…
 Clinical features:
 Obesity
 Peculiar fat deposition
 Skin bruises, striae, acne
 Secondary hypertension
 Hyperglycemia, DM
 Impotence
 Hirsutism
 Amenorrhea
 Osteoporosis
 Proximal muscle weakness
Cushing’s Syndrome…
 Diagnosis:
Screening tests include
 24 hrs. urine cortisol measurement
 Midnight saliva cortisol levels
 Dexamethasone suppression test ( low dose)
Confirmatory tests
 Serum ACTH ( to identify the cause)
 High dose dexamethasone suppression test( to
identify the cause)
 CRH stimulation test ( to identify the cause)
 Imaging ( to localize the tumor)
Cushing’s Syndrome…
 Diagnosis (screening):
 Diagnosis is likely if 24 hr. urine cortisol levels or
midnight saliva cortisol levels are raised
 Low dose Dexamethasone (1mg) can be given at
11pm to measure subsequent plasma cortisol on
the next morning
 Suppressions implies a normal finding
 Failure to suppress cortisol levels is indicative of
Cushing’s syndrome. ACTH level should be
determined next to know the cause of endogenous
Cushing’s Syndrome…
Screening tests confirmatory
of Cushing’s Syndrome
Increased ACTH
Failure to suppress urinary
Ectopic ACTH
secreting tumor
Urinary cortisol suppressed
Cushing’s disease
(Pituitary adenoma)
CRH secreting tumor
High dose
suppression test
Decreased ACTH
Adrenocortical tumors
ACTH- Adrenocorticotropic hormone
CRH- Corticotrophin releasing hormone
Cushing’s Syndrome…
 Diagnosis (confirmatory tests)
 CRH can be determined to know the origin of ACTH
dependent hypercortisolism. CRH is administered
and levels of ACTH and cortisol are determined
 Those with ACTH dependent Cushing Syndrome will have a
higher rise of ACTH, whereas those with of primary adrenal
tumors will have blunted response
 Petrosal venous sampling can be done to further identify
pituitary adenomas
 High dose dexamethasone suppression test uses
2mg dose 6 hourly or 8mg overnight and measures
the 24 hrs. urine cortisol
 Failure to suppress by >50% confirms ectopic ACTH
 Radiologic evaluation 10/5/2021
Adrenal Adenoma
 Are benign cortisol secreting tumors
 CT, MRI’s can be used for the diagnosis
 Adrenal cortex contralateral to tumor shows atrophy
 Radioscintigraphic imaging using NP-59 can be
used to identify adenomas from Hyperplasia
 Unilateral focal uptake in adenoma
 Symmetric uptake in hyperplasia
 “cold” nodules are likely to be cancerous
Adrenal Adenoma…
 Treatment:
 Laparoscopic adrenalectomy
 Open adrenalectomy for large tumors
 Bilateral adrenalectomy for primary adrenal
 Pre-operative and post-operative steroids are
essential to prevent adrenal insufficiency due to the
physiologically suppressed contralateral normal
adrenal gland
Adrenocortical Cancer…
 Rare, worldwide incidence with 2 per million
 Bimodal age distribution
 Children and adults in 4th/5th decade affected
 Sporadic, but occasionally related with Li
Fraumeni and MENIN
 50% are non-functioning tumors, 30% are
Adrenocortical Cancer…
 Clinical features:
 Non-functioning tumors present with abdominal
mass, pain, weight loss, anorexia
 Functioning tumors can secrete a number of
hormones and present with rapid onset of Cushing’s
syndrome as well as virilization features
Adrenocortical Cancer…
 Laboratory diagnosis:
 Hypokalemia
 Urinary catecholamines ( to rule out
 Overnight 1 mg dexamethasone suppression test
(to rule out Cushing’s syndrome)
 24 hr. urine collection cortisol(to rule out Cushing’s
 Urinary 17-Ketosteroids
Adrenocortical Cancer…
 Imaging: CT, MRI
 Features of malignancy include large size of tumor,
heterogeneity, presence of hemorrhage, adjacent
LAP, liver metastasis, local invasion of surrounding
 Helps to diagnose distant metastasis
 Pathology- difficult to differentiate benign from
 Rather vascular and capsular invasion are used as
Adrenocortical Cancer…
 Treatment:
 Open adrenalectomy: Resection of tumor enbloc
with surrounding LN and invaded structures
 Chemotherapy
 Mitotane- adjuvant treatment that has adrenolytic
Sex Hormone Secreting Tumors
 Clinical features:
 Virilizing adrenal tumors
 In females: hirsutism, amenorrhea, infertility, increased
muscle mass, deepening of voice, temporal balding
 In males, difficult to diagnose. They commonly present late
 In boys: precocious puberty (facial hair, deepening of voice,
enlargement of genitalia), accelerated growth
 Feminizing adrenal tumors
 In Males: gynecomastia, impotence, testicular atrophy
 In females: DUB, irregular menses, vaginal bleeding in post-
 In girls: precocious puberty ( breast enlargement,
Sex Hormone Secreting Tumors
 Diagnosis:
 Virilizing tumors:
 Urine 17-ketosteroids raised
 Glucocorticoids increased
 Feminizing tumors:
 Urine 17-ketosteroid
 Estrogen increased
 Radiologic investigation
Sex Hormone Secreting Tumors
 Treatment:
 Adrenalectomy
 Adrenolytic drugs:
 Mitotane
 Aminoglutethimide
 ketoconazole
 A rare tumor, 1.9 % prevalence based on
 Peak at 4th-5th decade of life
 ‘known to be “the ten percent tumor”
 10% are bilateral
 10% are malignant
 10% occur in pediatric patients
 10% are extra-adrenal
 10% are familial
 Many familial syndromes associated with it, the
commonest being are MEN-2Aand MEN-2B
followed by VHL genes
 Clinical feature:
 The classic triad is headache, palpitation,
 Other non-specific complaints are anxiety,
tremsulousness, paresthesia, flushing, chest pain,
SOB, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting
 Clinical features…
 The above symptoms can be induced by exercise,
micturition, defecation
 Cardiovascular complications- MI, cerebrovascular
 Hypertension- is very important sign, it can be
paroxysmal or sustained
 Sudden death can occur in undiagnosed patients
who undergo other surgeries or biopsies
 Diagnosis:
 Can be biochemical or radiologic
 Biochemical:
 24 hrs. urine sample for catecholamine and their
metabolites (E.g. Homovanillic acid, Vanillymandelic acid)
 Urinary metanephrine
 Plasma free metanephrine- most reliable
 Fractionated urinary catecholamine (nor-epinephrine,
epinephrine, dopamine)- confirmatory test
 Abnormal clonidine suppression test- In
Pheochromocytoma there won’t be suppression
 Radiologic- to localize and assess extent of spread
 CT
 Scintigraphy with MIBG (Metaiodobenzyl guanide)
 Radiolabeled MIBG helps to localize extra-adrenal
tumors when biochemistry is positive
 Also genetic testing recommended
 Malignant pheochromocytomas can be difficult to
diagnose as there is no histologic criteria
 Diagnosed in the presence of evidence for local
invasion to surrounding structures or distant
metastasis ( bone, liver, LN, lung, peritoneum)
 Treatment:
 Medical for BP control and volume repletion
 α-blocker like phenoxybenzmine started 1-3 weeks
before surgery
 β-blocker like propranolol pre-operatively for
patients with tachycardia and arrhythmia
 Volume repletion after surgery to prevent
hypotension from loss of vasoconstriction
 Treatment…
 Surgical – Open or laparoscopic Adrenalectomy
done depending on the size of tumor
Adrenal Incidentaloma
 Adrenal lesion discovered during imaging
performed for unrelated reason
 Incidence 0.4 to 4.4%
 Majority are non-functional (36-94%), but sub-
clinical Cushing’s syndrome may be associated
 Adrenal can be also a metastasis site for lung,
breast neoplasms, melanoma, Renal cell
Carcinoma, lymphoma
Adrenal Incidentaloma…
 DDx
Adrenal Incidentaloma
 Approach for diagnosis: All of the following
screening tests should be done
Low dose overnight Dexamethasone suppression
test OR 24 hrs. urine cortisol AND Determination
of 17-ketosteroids
24-hrs. urine collection for catecholamine,
metanephrine, VMA OR plasma metanephrine
Serum electrolytes, plasma aldosterone, plasma
Adrenal Incidentaloma
 Confirmatory tests can be done based on results
 Radiologic- CT, MRI, NP-59 radionucleotide
 NP-59 uptake implicates benign lesion
 NP-59 absence is predictive of non-adenomatous
 FNAB has very limited role
Adrenal Incidentaloma…
 Approach to management:
1. Functional tumor is indication for adrenalectomy
2. Non- functional
 If past history of cancer is present adrenalectomy
or systemic therapy can be given depending on
the case. If there is no such history, risk
assessment should be done
3. Risk assessment for being malignant
 Management depends on the size of tumor and
imaging features that predict malignancy. In
absence of malignancy features, the lesions can
be followed biannually
 Schwartz, 1928. Principles of Surgery, 9th Ed. (F.
C. Brunicardi et al Eds.) Mc Graw Hill Education

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Adrenal tumors

  • 1. By Ruhama Yoseph (MD) Adrenal Tumors
  • 2. Outline  Overview of anatomy, embryology, physiology  Hyperaldosteronism (Conn Syndrome)  Cushing’s syndrome (Hypercortisolism)  Adrenal Adenoma/Hyperplasia  Adrenal Carcinoma  Sex hormone secreting tumors  Pheochromocytoma  Incidentaloma 10/5/2021 2
  • 3. Objectives  To know the differentials of mass lesions of the adrenal  To know their pathophysiology  To know their clinical presentation  To determine their laboratory diagnosis  To know their imaging features  To know the principles of management 10/5/2021 3
  • 4. Overview of Adrenal Anatomy  The adrenal are paired retroperitoneal organs situated superior and medial to the kidneys  They have both cortex and medulla parts  Each gland has arterial supply from 3 branches and I venous drainage 10/5/2021 4
  • 5. Anatomy- microscopic  Histologically, the cortex is divided into three zones  zona glomerulosa  zona fasciculata  zona reticularis  The outer area of the zona glomerulosa is the site of production of the mineralocorticoid hormone, aldosterone  The zona fasciculata and zona reticularis cells are the site of production of glucocorticoids and adrenal androgens  The adrenal medulla constitutes up to 10% to 20% of the gland’s volume and produces the catecholamine hormones epinephrine and 10/5/2021 5
  • 6. Embryology  The cortex is derived from mesoderm while the medulla is derived from ectodermal neural crest cells  The adrenal medulla are modified sympathetic postganglionic neurons 10/5/2021 6
  • 7. Physiology  The cortex secrets aldosterone, cortisol, and sex hormones from the outer, middle and inner layers respectively which are derived from cholesterol  The medulla secrets catecholamine like adrenaline and nor-adrenaline  Both are endocrine hormones but the secretion from the latter is guided by signals from pre- synaptic cholinergic nerve fibers 10/5/2021 7
  • 8. Physiology…  The major adrenal mineralocorticoid hormones are aldosterone, 11-deoxycorticosterone (DOC), and cortisol  Aldosterone secretion is regulated by  Primarily, by the renin-angiotensin system (RAAS)  Hyperkalemia  ACTH and other hormones are weak stimulators  Function of Aldosterone:  Acts on principal and intercalated cells of distal tubule and collecting duct to increase excretion of potassium and retention of sodium/ water respectively 10/5/2021 8
  • 10. Physiology…  The secretion of cortisol and androgens are regulated by ACTH secreted by the anterior pituitary, which, in turn, is under the control of corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH) secreted by the hypothalamus  Cortisol’s function include  Mobilization of energy reserves in times of stress  Immunosuppression  Anti-inflammatory 10/5/2021 10
  • 12. Physiology…  Adrenal androgens are produced in the zona fasciculata and reticularis from 17- hydroxypregnenolone in response to ACTH stimulation  They include dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its sulfated counterpart (DHEAS), androstenedione, and small amounts of testosterone and estrogen  They are peripherally converted to the more potent testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and estrogen in peripheral tissues 10/5/2021 12
  • 13. Physiology…  Catecholamine hormones epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine are produced by the adrenal medulla from the substrate tyrosine  They are also secreted else where by postganglionic sympathetic neurons  They prepare the body for fight-or-flight reaction  They are degraded by COMT, MAO  The end stage metabolite is Vanillymandelic Acid (VMA) 10/5/2021 13
  • 14. Adrenal mass  Hyperplasia  Primary Vs Secondary (as in Pituitary adenoma)  Congenital Vs acquired  Benign adenomas- functional or non- functional  Functional- Conn’s syndrome, Cushing’s syndrome from adrenal adenomas, Sex hormone secreting adenomas  Pheochromocytomas  Incidentalomas  Malignant cancers 10/5/2021 14
  • 15. Primary Hyperaldosteronism (Conn’s Syndrome)  Increased aldosterone secretion  Age distribution, before age 30 or after 55  In secondary hyperaldosteronism, renal artery stenosis or low flow states can be causes  Here ,the aldosterone production is autonomous  Aldosterone producing adrenal adenoma (70%)  Bilateral idiopathic hyperplasia (30%)  Usually diagnosed as a secondary cause of hypertension that is resistant to treatment  Bring hypokalemia 10/5/2021 15
  • 16. Conn Syndrome…  Clinical presentation:  Headache, muscle weakness, polyuria (due to hypokalemia)  Absence of edema  Secondary hypertension  Systolic >140 mm Hg or diastolic > 90 mm Hg that is resistant to 3 drug regimen  Lab:  Hypokalemia (<3.2 mmol/L or <3 mmol/L if while on diuretic)  Metabolic alkalosis  Increased plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC)  Decreased plasma renin activity (PRA)  Aldosterone-to-renin ratio used as a screening  Increased ratio ( 25 to 30) is positive, but has limited use 10/5/2021 16
  • 17. Conn Syndrome  Confirmatory test:  Sodium loading test  Oral sodium or saline infusion to suppress aldosterone secretion  In Conn Syndrome- no suppression  Imaging  CT- to identify unilateral, bilateral, cancerous lesions  NP-59 scintigraphy  ‘Hot’ nodule- adenoma  Diffuse uptake- hyperplasia  Adrenal venous sampling, to determine bilateralism(gold standard)  Catheterization of adrenal veins to draw sample and determine aldosterone to cortisol ratio after ACTH stimulation  Significant difference in ratio between right & left, unilateral disease 10/5/2021 17
  • 18. Conn syndrome  CT image and NP-59 scan of left adrenal adenoma 10/5/2021 18
  • 19. Conn Syndrome…  Treatment:  Initial goals of reducing BP and limiting organ damage  Resection for unilateral tumors, laparoscopic or open  Medical for bilateral tumors  Aldosterone antagonists like spironolactone ordered  Preoperative control of hypertension and potassium supplementation , postoperative prevention of hyperkalemia are important 10/5/2021 19
  • 20. Cushing’s Syndrome  Complex symptom & signs resulting from hypersecretion of cortisol regardless of etiology  Causes:  Iatrogenic exogenous glucocorticoids (commonest)  Endogenous 1. Primary hypercortisolism- ACTH independent  Adrenal adenoma  Adrenocortical cancer  Primary adrenal hyperplasia 2. Secondary hypercortisolism- ACTH dependent  Pituitary microadenoma (Cushing Disease)-70%  Ectopic paraneoplastic foci ( Eg. Small Cell Lung Ca) 10/5/2021 20
  • 21. Cushing’s Syndrome…  Clinical features:  Obesity  Peculiar fat deposition  Skin bruises, striae, acne  Secondary hypertension  Hyperglycemia, DM  Impotence  Hirsutism  Amenorrhea  Osteoporosis  Proximal muscle weakness 10/5/2021 21
  • 22. Cushing’s Syndrome…  Diagnosis: Screening tests include  24 hrs. urine cortisol measurement  Midnight saliva cortisol levels  Dexamethasone suppression test ( low dose) Confirmatory tests  Serum ACTH ( to identify the cause)  High dose dexamethasone suppression test( to identify the cause)  CRH stimulation test ( to identify the cause)  Imaging ( to localize the tumor) 10/5/2021 22
  • 23. Cushing’s Syndrome…  Diagnosis (screening):  Diagnosis is likely if 24 hr. urine cortisol levels or midnight saliva cortisol levels are raised  Low dose Dexamethasone (1mg) can be given at 11pm to measure subsequent plasma cortisol on the next morning  Suppressions implies a normal finding  Failure to suppress cortisol levels is indicative of Cushing’s syndrome. ACTH level should be determined next to know the cause of endogenous hypercortisolism. 10/5/2021 23
  • 24. Cushing’s Syndrome… Screening tests confirmatory of Cushing’s Syndrome Increased ACTH Failure to suppress urinary cortisol Ectopic ACTH secreting tumor Urinary cortisol suppressed Cushing’s disease (Pituitary adenoma) CRH secreting tumor High dose Dexamethasone suppression test Decreased ACTH Adrenocortical tumors ACTH- Adrenocorticotropic hormone CRH- Corticotrophin releasing hormone 10/5/2021 24
  • 25. Cushing’s Syndrome…  Diagnosis (confirmatory tests)  CRH can be determined to know the origin of ACTH dependent hypercortisolism. CRH is administered and levels of ACTH and cortisol are determined serially.  Those with ACTH dependent Cushing Syndrome will have a higher rise of ACTH, whereas those with of primary adrenal tumors will have blunted response  Petrosal venous sampling can be done to further identify pituitary adenomas  High dose dexamethasone suppression test uses 2mg dose 6 hourly or 8mg overnight and measures the 24 hrs. urine cortisol  Failure to suppress by >50% confirms ectopic ACTH  Radiologic evaluation 10/5/2021 25
  • 26. Adrenal Adenoma  Are benign cortisol secreting tumors  CT, MRI’s can be used for the diagnosis  Adrenal cortex contralateral to tumor shows atrophy  Radioscintigraphic imaging using NP-59 can be used to identify adenomas from Hyperplasia  Unilateral focal uptake in adenoma  Symmetric uptake in hyperplasia  “cold” nodules are likely to be cancerous 10/5/2021 26
  • 27. Adrenal Adenoma…  Treatment:  Laparoscopic adrenalectomy  Open adrenalectomy for large tumors  Bilateral adrenalectomy for primary adrenal hyperplasia  Pre-operative and post-operative steroids are essential to prevent adrenal insufficiency due to the physiologically suppressed contralateral normal adrenal gland 10/5/2021 27
  • 28. Adrenocortical Cancer…  Rare, worldwide incidence with 2 per million  Bimodal age distribution  Children and adults in 4th/5th decade affected  Sporadic, but occasionally related with Li Fraumeni and MENIN  50% are non-functioning tumors, 30% are functioning 10/5/2021 28
  • 29. Adrenocortical Cancer…  Clinical features:  Non-functioning tumors present with abdominal mass, pain, weight loss, anorexia  Functioning tumors can secrete a number of hormones and present with rapid onset of Cushing’s syndrome as well as virilization features 10/5/2021 29
  • 30. Adrenocortical Cancer…  Laboratory diagnosis:  Hypokalemia  Urinary catecholamines ( to rule out pheochromocytoma)  Overnight 1 mg dexamethasone suppression test (to rule out Cushing’s syndrome)  24 hr. urine collection cortisol(to rule out Cushing’s syndrome)  Urinary 17-Ketosteroids 10/5/2021 30
  • 31. Adrenocortical Cancer…  Imaging: CT, MRI  Features of malignancy include large size of tumor, heterogeneity, presence of hemorrhage, adjacent LAP, liver metastasis, local invasion of surrounding structures  Helps to diagnose distant metastasis  Pathology- difficult to differentiate benign from carcinoma  Rather vascular and capsular invasion are used as indicators 10/5/2021 31
  • 32. Adrenocortical Cancer…  Treatment:  Open adrenalectomy: Resection of tumor enbloc with surrounding LN and invaded structures  Chemotherapy  Mitotane- adjuvant treatment that has adrenolytic effects 10/5/2021 32
  • 33. Sex Hormone Secreting Tumors  Clinical features:  Virilizing adrenal tumors  In females: hirsutism, amenorrhea, infertility, increased muscle mass, deepening of voice, temporal balding  In males, difficult to diagnose. They commonly present late  In boys: precocious puberty (facial hair, deepening of voice, enlargement of genitalia), accelerated growth  Feminizing adrenal tumors  In Males: gynecomastia, impotence, testicular atrophy  In females: DUB, irregular menses, vaginal bleeding in post- menopausals  In girls: precocious puberty ( breast enlargement, menarche) 10/5/2021 33
  • 34. Sex Hormone Secreting Tumors  Diagnosis:  Virilizing tumors:  Urine 17-ketosteroids raised  Glucocorticoids increased  Feminizing tumors:  Urine 17-ketosteroid  Estrogen increased  Radiologic investigation 10/5/2021 34
  • 35. Sex Hormone Secreting Tumors  Treatment:  Adrenalectomy  Adrenolytic drugs:  Mitotane  Aminoglutethimide  ketoconazole 10/5/2021 35
  • 36. Pheochromocytoma  A rare tumor, 1.9 % prevalence based on screening  Peak at 4th-5th decade of life  ‘known to be “the ten percent tumor”  10% are bilateral  10% are malignant  10% occur in pediatric patients  10% are extra-adrenal  10% are familial 10/5/2021 36
  • 37. Pheochromocytoma…  Many familial syndromes associated with it, the commonest being are MEN-2Aand MEN-2B followed by VHL genes  Clinical feature:  The classic triad is headache, palpitation, diaphoresis  Other non-specific complaints are anxiety, tremsulousness, paresthesia, flushing, chest pain, SOB, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting 10/5/2021 37
  • 38. Pheochromocytoma…  Clinical features…  The above symptoms can be induced by exercise, micturition, defecation  Cardiovascular complications- MI, cerebrovascular accident  Hypertension- is very important sign, it can be paroxysmal or sustained  Sudden death can occur in undiagnosed patients who undergo other surgeries or biopsies 10/5/2021 38
  • 39. Pheochromocytoma…  Diagnosis:  Can be biochemical or radiologic  Biochemical:  24 hrs. urine sample for catecholamine and their metabolites (E.g. Homovanillic acid, Vanillymandelic acid)  Urinary metanephrine  Plasma free metanephrine- most reliable  Fractionated urinary catecholamine (nor-epinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine)- confirmatory test  Abnormal clonidine suppression test- In Pheochromocytoma there won’t be suppression 10/5/2021 39
  • 40. Pheochromocytoma…  Radiologic- to localize and assess extent of spread  CT  MRI  Scintigraphy with MIBG (Metaiodobenzyl guanide)  Radiolabeled MIBG helps to localize extra-adrenal tumors when biochemistry is positive  Also genetic testing recommended 10/5/2021 40
  • 41. Pheochromocytoma…  Malignant pheochromocytomas can be difficult to diagnose as there is no histologic criteria  Diagnosed in the presence of evidence for local invasion to surrounding structures or distant metastasis ( bone, liver, LN, lung, peritoneum) 10/5/2021 41
  • 42. Pheochromocytoma…  Treatment:  Medical for BP control and volume repletion  α-blocker like phenoxybenzmine started 1-3 weeks before surgery  β-blocker like propranolol pre-operatively for patients with tachycardia and arrhythmia  Volume repletion after surgery to prevent hypotension from loss of vasoconstriction 10/5/2021 42
  • 43. Pheochromocytoma…  Treatment…  Surgical – Open or laparoscopic Adrenalectomy done depending on the size of tumor 10/5/2021 43
  • 44. Adrenal Incidentaloma  Adrenal lesion discovered during imaging performed for unrelated reason  Incidence 0.4 to 4.4%  Majority are non-functional (36-94%), but sub- clinical Cushing’s syndrome may be associated  Adrenal can be also a metastasis site for lung, breast neoplasms, melanoma, Renal cell Carcinoma, lymphoma 10/5/2021 44
  • 46. Adrenal Incidentaloma  Approach for diagnosis: All of the following screening tests should be done Low dose overnight Dexamethasone suppression test OR 24 hrs. urine cortisol AND Determination of 17-ketosteroids 24-hrs. urine collection for catecholamine, metanephrine, VMA OR plasma metanephrine Serum electrolytes, plasma aldosterone, plasma renin 10/5/2021 46
  • 47. Adrenal Incidentaloma  Confirmatory tests can be done based on results  Radiologic- CT, MRI, NP-59 radionucleotide imaging  NP-59 uptake implicates benign lesion  NP-59 absence is predictive of non-adenomatous lesion  FNAB has very limited role 10/5/2021 47
  • 48. Adrenal Incidentaloma…  Approach to management: 1. Functional tumor is indication for adrenalectomy 2. Non- functional  If past history of cancer is present adrenalectomy or systemic therapy can be given depending on the case. If there is no such history, risk assessment should be done 3. Risk assessment for being malignant  Management depends on the size of tumor and imaging features that predict malignancy. In absence of malignancy features, the lesions can be followed biannually 10/5/2021 48
  • 49. Reference 10/5/2021 49  Schwartz, 1928. Principles of Surgery, 9th Ed. (F. C. Brunicardi et al Eds.) Mc Graw Hill Education