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Adolescents, Depression, and Self-Harm:
Girls and Boys, Risk, and Resilience
Stephen Hinshaw
UC Berkeley & UC San Francisco
 Initial motivation for examining teen depression—
and teen mental health problems more generally
 Rising rates and earlier onset
 Girls: triple bind; Boys: other cultural messages
 Biology and experience
 Stigma and solutions
Initial Motivation
 NIH-funded research program: findings on girls with ADHD
 Summer camps; 5-, 10- and 16-year follow-up
 Wider literature on girls and teen years, in general, well
beyond ADHD
 Confluence of risk and protective factors during early-mid
adolescence…and in the midst of today’s cultural changes
228 girls: 140 with ADHD, 88 comparisons
 Ethnically and socioeconomically diverse
 Group-matched comparison sample
 Three waves to date, 4th
just completed (94% retention)
 Largest female sample of childhood ADHD
 Follow-ups: Multi-domain assessments
 Psychiatric, academic, neuropsychological, family/social, occupational
(Ages 6-12)
(Ages 6-12)
(Ages 11-17)
Retention: 92%
(Ages 11-17)
Retention: 92%
(Ages 17-24)
Retention: 95%
(Ages 17-24)
Retention: 95%
 Suicidal behavior: intent is to die
Suicidal ideation (common)
Suicide attempt (rarer)
 Non-suicidal self-injurious behavior (NSSI)
No express intent to die, but to express (or ease) psychological pain
Linked to poor emotion regulation
Wide range—cuticles to cutting/burning
 NOTE: Many suicide attempters have history of NSSI
NSSI may be lethal
BGALS Follow-up: Self-harm
10-year follow-up (M age = 20)
Hinshaw et al. (2012), Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
Data represent indirect effect and standard errors using 10,000 bootstrap samples
to obtain bias-corrected and accelerated 95% confidence intervals.
Swanson, Owens, & Hinshaw (2014), Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Data represent indirect effect and standard errors using 10,000 bootstrap samples
to obtain bias-corrected and accelerated 95% confidence intervals
Swanson, Owens, & Hinshaw (2014), Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Meza, Owens, & Hinshaw (2015)
Figure 3. The relationship between W1 Commissions and W3 NSSI was partially mediated by W2 Peer
Victimization over and above: WISC Full-Scale IQ, mother’s education, household income, and age at
W3. Data represent indirect effect and standard errors using 10,000 bootstrap samples to obtain bias-
corrected and accelerated 95% confidence intervals.
IE: .0022
SE: .0012
CI95: .0004 - .0054
Figure 2. The relationship between W1 Commissions and W3 Suicide Attempts (y/n) was partially
mediated by W2 social preference scores over and above: WISC Full-Scale IQ, mother’s
education, household income, and age at W3. Data represent indirect effect and standard errors
using 10,000 bootstrap samples to obtain bias-corrected and accelerated 95% confidence intervals.
Social Preference
IE: .0775
SE: .0537
CI95: .0049 - .2257
Trauma and peer relationships?
 Physical abuse, sexual abuse, and/or neglect higher in ADHD than
comparison girls
 Within ADHD group, maltreated subgroup more likely to show
depression and especially suicide attempts (nearly 35%)
 But not externalizing behavior)
 Guendelman et al. (2015a, Development and Psychopathology)
 Girls with ADHD likely to be victims of intimate partner violence by early
 Guendelman et al. (2015b, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology)
 When ‘discovered’?
 1904, officially; but most cultures have recognition
 When does it begin?
 Puberty
 Ever earlier and why
 When does it end?
 !!
 What does it signal?
 Most ‘thriving’ time of life, physically and cognitively
 BUT huge increase in risk: accidents, substances, mental health
Adolescence 2
 Surge in risk taking and cognitive ‘independence’
 Yet frontal lobe maturation lags far behind
Mid-late 20’s!
 Hormone release (hypothalamus to pituitary to glands)
 But same hormones circulate back to brain, acting as ‘transmitters’:
stress vulnerability
Resculpting of adolescent brain
Adolescence 3: Mechanisms?
 Do teens not understand risk?
 No, they ‘get it’ cognitively
 Increased risk-taking and delay aversion
 Salience of reward, NOW
 Importance of peers
 Teens do risky things even if they think peers are
observing, far more than if no one there
 Evolution: prepare for independence; exploration
Adolescence 4
Real ‘goal’—formation of identity
But how to do this?
Trying things out
Failing at some
Seeing what truly interests you
WON’T HAPPEN WELL under conditions of impossible
Girls: Best of Times, Worst of Times
Unprecedented success and opportunities for
girls and women today
 Academic, athletic, professional, lifestyle choices
At another level, greatly increasing risks that
teenage girls face re: serious disorders
 Increasing realization of rates of sexual assault , too…
The Best of Times...
 Girls outperform boys in verbal skills, empathy, close social
relationships during early to middle childhood
 Thus, girls have lower rates of psychopathology before 11
 ADHD, autism, aggression, Tourette, some LD’s
 Even for depression, boys have slightly higher rates before
 Girls skyrocketing re: test scores/college admissions;
unprecedented success re: professional education
 ‘New’ opportunities athletically
 Scholarships, professional leagues (though non-equal pay)
Maybe it’s boys who are at greater risk
 In fact, a host of recent books and recent press on the
contention that boys are disenfranchised
 Boys: losing the advantage they’ve had ?
 So, isn’t the crisis for slow, dull, non-socially skilled
1. Major Depression
 World Health Organization:
 1st
or 2nd
most impairing disease on earth
 Boys have a slightly higher risk before puberty
 Girls’ rates skyrocket between 11 and 18 years of age
 By that age, rates are 2-2.5 time those of boys, which
holds until late life
 Not a true epidemic, but AGE OF ONSET lowering
 From 30’s to 20’s, and now to teen years
What is major depression?
 Not just sad mood…
 But lack of motivation, poor sleep and appetite, irritability, loss of ability to
experience pleasure, negative beliefs about self, and suicidal ideation
 Risk factors:
 Genes (moderately heritable)
 Negative parenting
 Cortisol over-reactivity
 Rumination
 Many more
 The leading contributor to suicide we know of
 Bipolar disorder more virulent predictor but depression more widespread
2. Suicide
 Absolute rates still low, but third leading cause of death for
boys 11-24 years of age
(WHO, 2014)
 1950-1988, rates of adolescent suicide tripled
 Then, gradual decline from 1989-2004
 In last decade, rates went up 76% in girls 10-14 and 32% in
girls 15-18 (not so for boys)
Also known as self-mutilation, parasuicidal behavior, non-
suicidal self-injury (NSSI), cutting, etc.
Little literature until last 25 years
Continuum: picking skin to severe cutting, burning, etc.
Skyrocketing in teens, with girls at highest risk
4. Binge Eating
Rates of anorexia nervosa and bulimia
nervosa remain relatively low (ca. 1% each),
but precursor behaviors (dieting,
preoccupation with weight) are endemic
A third are dieting
Overall prevalence:
25%-30% of girls 11 through 19
 Depression
 15-20%
 Suicide
 Completion rate low, but attempts rising
 Self-Harm
 At least 15%
 Binge Eating
 3-4% by young adulthood
 Aggression/Delinquency
 Self-report: 25% of girls report serious violent act
 Even when overlap subtracted out, rate is 1 in 4 to 1 in 3 by
end of adolescence--higher if ‘moderate’ considered
Hypothesis: The Triple Bind
 #1: Girls still have to be nurturing, kind, caregiving
 #2: Girls must now compete, academically and athletically,
and show assertiveness and ambition
 #3: Girls must conform to narrow, unrealistic standards,
effortlessly, with alternatives co-opted into
ultrafeminized/hypersexualized role models
 Internalization
 Learned helplessness
 Pseudo-individuation/”false self”
 Relentlessness of pressure
 Alternative role models
 But so many co-opted; rock singers, athletes
 How to develop identity and true self if you’re relentlessly
pleasing others the whole time?
 Cyberculture
 Never-ending instant replay, fueling rumination
 Teen girls in room full of tobacco smoke
 Harmful for all, but ones with vulnerability have worst outcomes
 Triple Bind is toxic culturally
 The most vulnerable girls will be the ones at highest risk
as the TB “hits”—e.g.,
 High-risk genes
But see most recent research on genetic vulnerability to a wide range
of mental disorders
 Modeling from mood-disordered parents
 Maltreatment
Switch of protective and risk factors
From early childhood, girls…
Have higher empathy/more prosocial; small groups
Have higher levels of verbal skills
Are more compliant with adult commands
All of these are protective vs. externalizing problems
But by early adolescence, these can be risk factors…
In presence of vulnerabilities (e.g., depressed mom, abuse)
Excessive emotional empathy becomes guilt
Compliance: overconcern with welfare of others instead of self
Verbal skills predict rumination, spiraling toward depression
Is the core problem “overscheduling”?
Actually, data show the opposite
Mahoney: the amount of extracurricular activities is correlated with
nearly every good outcome, esp. for low SES youth
A better candidate: “pressure”
Homework, pad extracurric’s for resume, no quality time with
parents, lack of privacy related to 24/7 media
Associated factor: lack of sleep
 Carskadon, Walker:
Delayed onset in puberty
Add in early school hours and social media and academic pressure
Consequence of sleep deprivation:
Inability to consolidate memory
Inability to suppress negative affect, mediated by inability of
PFC to inhibit “emotional brain”
fMRI investigations, paralleling sleep deprivation studies
Self-focus, sexualization
 Fredrickson et al. (JPSP, 1998) swimsuit study
 Randomly assign men and women to swimsuit vs. sweater
 Men: pride…and better performance on complex math test
 Women: shame…and worse performance on the test
 Preoccupation with body, and sexualized images (“observer role”)
reduces cognitive resources
 Failures taken more “to heart”
 And, because girls are more socialized to please:
 Empathy, here, may lead to belief that failure has let everyone down
 Hearing same messages as do girls
 Still not the ‘power’ of all 3 prongs of TB
 IF a boy is smart and good-looking and empathic…WHAT A GUY!
 But if a girl is not empathic and nurturing, WHAT’S WRONG WITH HER?
Hinshaw (2007), The Mark of Shame (Oxford U. Press)
 Ancient Greece: Literal ‘mark of shame’
 Brands placed on slaves or traitors/today: Psychological “branding”
 What groups are stigmatized?
 Racial minorities, sexual minorities, women, left-handers, physical
disabilities, adoptees, obese, delinquent youth, many more…
Can things change? See attitudes re: gay marriage
Thus, hope for optimism—malleability of social views
Most stigma today: mental illness, homelessness, substance abuse
 Distinguish
 Stereotypes (cognitive)
 Prejudice (affective)
 Discrimination (behavioral)
 Stigma: All this plus global nature of castigation/self-fulfilling prophecies
Self-stigma (internalized stigma)
 Nearly all members of stigmatized groups are aware of the
culture’s stereotypes/beliefs/practices
 Thus, likelihood (though not certainty) that such individuals will
internalize these beliefs
 Antidotes: identity, group solidarity
 Double whammy: disorders themselves likely to fuel demoralization,
but self-stigma multiplies the risk
 Important research findings:
 Even controlling for initial levels of symptoms, self-stigma predicts (a)
lack of treatment seeking and (b) early termination from treatment
Courtesy Stigma
 Goffman:
 If society has stigmatized a given class of people, it’s common courtesy to stigmatize
those associated with such individuals, particularly family members
 Parents of youth with mental disorders: Directly blamed for
offspring’s problems for decades
 Even genetic transmission leaves blame on parents
 Objective burden and subjective burden
 Subjective burden usually experienced as worse
 Mental health professionals/scientists ‘in the shadow’
MI Stigma is Decreasing, Right??
Actually, higher rates of violence beliefs in 2005 than 1955
 US public 2.5 times more likely to believe that MI linked to violence
 Involuntary commitment laws: ‘danger’ to self/others; public homelessness
 No fundamental change in US stigma levels from 1995 -2005
 Greater knowledge does not necessarily translate to greater empathy
 Does ascription of MI to biogenetic causes reduce stigma?
 Kvaale et al. (2013): yes regarding blame, but increases in pessimism
and social distance related to such attribution
 Martinez, Piff, Mendoza-Denton, & Hinshaw (2011): dehumanization
Triple Bind: Solutions?
 My own family history: professionally prescribed silence
 Now, this isn’t always simple with teen girls, and let’s remember that
adolescence is time of identity consolidation
 YET, silence is contagious
 Low rates of help-seeking
 Kessler: 10-year delay
 Lack of utilization of evidence-based treatments
 Back to stigma…
 E.g., what’s an ad vs. what’s a news story
Do ALL girls/women actually look like this?
 New avenues and pursuits, rather than right answer, first time every time
Maybe most important…
 Not always easy to do; but efforts in families, schools, communities, and
societies to foster involvement may be truly worthwhile
 This is NOT the same as resume padding with multiple clubs…
Mealtimes, active interest,
avoiding objectification
 Luthar: protective factors in suburban control samples—
 Mealtimes together
 The family values the teen or more than products or achievements
 Avoiding criticism during every interaction
Larger actions?
 Pass/fail courses in schools
 Same-sex schools: not as protective as hoped
 Modeling (do what I do, not what I say)
 Parents: coming to terms with own sense of power and
powerlessness, with own sense of communication vs.
being shut off
Thanks…and questions
 NIMH grants
 Research participants
 Collaborators and students
 UCSF Depression Center
 You, the audience

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Adolescents, Depression, and Self-Harm: Girls and Boys, Risk, and Resilience

  • 1. Adolescents, Depression, and Self-Harm: Girls and Boys, Risk, and Resilience Stephen Hinshaw UC Berkeley & UC San Francisco 11/16/15
  • 2. Goals  Initial motivation for examining teen depression— and teen mental health problems more generally  Rising rates and earlier onset  Girls: triple bind; Boys: other cultural messages  Biology and experience  Stigma and solutions
  • 3. Initial Motivation  NIH-funded research program: findings on girls with ADHD  Summer camps; 5-, 10- and 16-year follow-up  Wider literature on girls and teen years, in general, well beyond ADHD  Confluence of risk and protective factors during early-mid adolescence…and in the midst of today’s cultural changes
  • 4. BGALS 228 girls: 140 with ADHD, 88 comparisons  Ethnically and socioeconomically diverse  Group-matched comparison sample  Three waves to date, 4th just completed (94% retention)  Largest female sample of childhood ADHD  Follow-ups: Multi-domain assessments  Psychiatric, academic, neuropsychological, family/social, occupational functioning Childhood (Ages 6-12) Childhood (Ages 6-12) Adolescence (Ages 11-17) Retention: 92% Adolescence (Ages 11-17) Retention: 92% Early Adulthood (Ages 17-24) Retention: 95% Early Adulthood (Ages 17-24) Retention: 95%
  • 5. Self-harm  Suicidal behavior: intent is to die Suicidal ideation (common) Suicide attempt (rarer)  Non-suicidal self-injurious behavior (NSSI) No express intent to die, but to express (or ease) psychological pain Linked to poor emotion regulation Wide range—cuticles to cutting/burning  NOTE: Many suicide attempters have history of NSSI NSSI may be lethal
  • 6. BGALS Follow-up: Self-harm 10-year follow-up (M age = 20) Hinshaw et al. (2012), Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
  • 7. MEDIATION: WAVE 1 ADHD STATUS TO WAVE 3 NSSI Data represent indirect effect and standard errors using 10,000 bootstrap samples to obtain bias-corrected and accelerated 95% confidence intervals. Swanson, Owens, & Hinshaw (2014), Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry l
  • 8. l MEDIATION: WAVE 1 ADHD STATUS TO WAVE 3 SUICIDE ATTEMPTS Data represent indirect effect and standard errors using 10,000 bootstrap samples to obtain bias-corrected and accelerated 95% confidence intervals Swanson, Owens, & Hinshaw (2014), Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
  • 9. Meza, Owens, & Hinshaw (2015) Figure 3. The relationship between W1 Commissions and W3 NSSI was partially mediated by W2 Peer Victimization over and above: WISC Full-Scale IQ, mother’s education, household income, and age at W3. Data represent indirect effect and standard errors using 10,000 bootstrap samples to obtain bias- corrected and accelerated 95% confidence intervals. W1 Commissions W3 NSSI Severity W2 Peer Victimization IE: .0022 SE: .0012 CI95: .0004 - .0054
  • 10. Figure 2. The relationship between W1 Commissions and W3 Suicide Attempts (y/n) was partially mediated by W2 social preference scores over and above: WISC Full-Scale IQ, mother’s education, household income, and age at W3. Data represent indirect effect and standard errors using 10,000 bootstrap samples to obtain bias-corrected and accelerated 95% confidence intervals. W1 Commissions W3 Suicide Attempts W2 Social Preference IE: .0775 SE: .0537 CI95: .0049 - .2257
  • 11. Trauma and peer relationships?  Physical abuse, sexual abuse, and/or neglect higher in ADHD than comparison girls  Within ADHD group, maltreated subgroup more likely to show depression and especially suicide attempts (nearly 35%)  But not externalizing behavior)  Guendelman et al. (2015a, Development and Psychopathology)  Girls with ADHD likely to be victims of intimate partner violence by early adulthood  Guendelman et al. (2015b, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology)  NOTE: HIGH RATES IN OUR COMPARISON PARTICIPANTS
  • 12. Adolescence  When ‘discovered’?  1904, officially; but most cultures have recognition  When does it begin?  Puberty  Ever earlier and why  When does it end?  !!  What does it signal?  Most ‘thriving’ time of life, physically and cognitively  BUT huge increase in risk: accidents, substances, mental health
  • 13. Adolescence 2 Psychologically:  Surge in risk taking and cognitive ‘independence’  Yet frontal lobe maturation lags far behind Mid-late 20’s! Physiologically:  Hormone release (hypothalamus to pituitary to glands)  But same hormones circulate back to brain, acting as ‘transmitters’: stress vulnerability Resculpting of adolescent brain
  • 14. Adolescence 3: Mechanisms?  Do teens not understand risk?  No, they ‘get it’ cognitively  Increased risk-taking and delay aversion  Salience of reward, NOW  Importance of peers  Teens do risky things even if they think peers are observing, far more than if no one there  Evolution: prepare for independence; exploration
  • 15. Adolescence 4 Real ‘goal’—formation of identity But how to do this? Trying things out Failing at some Seeing what truly interests you WON’T HAPPEN WELL under conditions of impossible perfection
  • 16. Girls: Best of Times, Worst of Times Unprecedented success and opportunities for girls and women today  Academic, athletic, professional, lifestyle choices At another level, greatly increasing risks that teenage girls face re: serious disorders  Increasing realization of rates of sexual assault , too…
  • 17. The Best of Times...  Girls outperform boys in verbal skills, empathy, close social relationships during early to middle childhood  Thus, girls have lower rates of psychopathology before 11  ADHD, autism, aggression, Tourette, some LD’s  Even for depression, boys have slightly higher rates before adolescence  Girls skyrocketing re: test scores/college admissions; unprecedented success re: professional education  ‘New’ opportunities athletically  Scholarships, professional leagues (though non-equal pay)
  • 18. Maybe it’s boys who are at greater risk  In fact, a host of recent books and recent press on the contention that boys are disenfranchised  Boys: losing the advantage they’ve had ?  So, isn’t the crisis for slow, dull, non-socially skilled boys?
  • 19. 1. Major Depression  World Health Organization:  1st or 2nd most impairing disease on earth  Boys have a slightly higher risk before puberty  Girls’ rates skyrocket between 11 and 18 years of age  By that age, rates are 2-2.5 time those of boys, which holds until late life  Not a true epidemic, but AGE OF ONSET lowering  From 30’s to 20’s, and now to teen years
  • 20. What is major depression?  Not just sad mood…  But lack of motivation, poor sleep and appetite, irritability, loss of ability to experience pleasure, negative beliefs about self, and suicidal ideation  Risk factors:  Genes (moderately heritable)  Negative parenting  Cortisol over-reactivity  Rumination  Many more  The leading contributor to suicide we know of  Bipolar disorder more virulent predictor but depression more widespread
  • 21. 2. Suicide  Absolute rates still low, but third leading cause of death for boys 11-24 years of age LEADING CAUSE FOR FEMALES < 25 YEARS (WHO, 2014)  1950-1988, rates of adolescent suicide tripled  Then, gradual decline from 1989-2004  In last decade, rates went up 76% in girls 10-14 and 32% in girls 15-18 (not so for boys)
  • 22. 3. NSSI Also known as self-mutilation, parasuicidal behavior, non- suicidal self-injury (NSSI), cutting, etc. Little literature until last 25 years Continuum: picking skin to severe cutting, burning, etc. Skyrocketing in teens, with girls at highest risk
  • 23. 4. Binge Eating Rates of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa remain relatively low (ca. 1% each), but precursor behaviors (dieting, preoccupation with weight) are endemic OVER HALF OF GIRLS IN 3RD GRADE ARE WORRIED ABOUT WEIGHT A third are dieting
  • 25. Overall prevalence: 25%-30% of girls 11 through 19  Depression  15-20%  Suicide  Completion rate low, but attempts rising  Self-Harm  At least 15%  Binge Eating  3-4% by young adulthood  Aggression/Delinquency  Self-report: 25% of girls report serious violent act  Even when overlap subtracted out, rate is 1 in 4 to 1 in 3 by end of adolescence--higher if ‘moderate’ considered
  • 26. Hypothesis: The Triple Bind  #1: Girls still have to be nurturing, kind, caregiving  #2: Girls must now compete, academically and athletically, and show assertiveness and ambition  #3: Girls must conform to narrow, unrealistic standards, effortlessly, with alternatives co-opted into ultrafeminized/hypersexualized role models  Internalization  Learned helplessness  Pseudo-individuation/”false self”
  • 27. More…  Relentlessness of pressure  Alternative role models  But so many co-opted; rock singers, athletes  How to develop identity and true self if you’re relentlessly pleasing others the whole time?  Cyberculture  Never-ending instant replay, fueling rumination
  • 28. Analogy/Metaphor  Teen girls in room full of tobacco smoke  Harmful for all, but ones with vulnerability have worst outcomes  Triple Bind is toxic culturally  The most vulnerable girls will be the ones at highest risk as the TB “hits”—e.g.,  High-risk genes But see most recent research on genetic vulnerability to a wide range of mental disorders  Modeling from mood-disordered parents  Maltreatment
  • 29. Switch of protective and risk factors From early childhood, girls… Have higher empathy/more prosocial; small groups Have higher levels of verbal skills Are more compliant with adult commands All of these are protective vs. externalizing problems But by early adolescence, these can be risk factors… In presence of vulnerabilities (e.g., depressed mom, abuse) Excessive emotional empathy becomes guilt Compliance: overconcern with welfare of others instead of self Verbal skills predict rumination, spiraling toward depression Parentification/adultification
  • 30. Mechanisms Is the core problem “overscheduling”? Actually, data show the opposite Mahoney: the amount of extracurricular activities is correlated with nearly every good outcome, esp. for low SES youth A better candidate: “pressure” Homework, pad extracurric’s for resume, no quality time with parents, lack of privacy related to 24/7 media
  • 31. Sleep Associated factor: lack of sleep  Carskadon, Walker: Delayed onset in puberty Add in early school hours and social media and academic pressure Consequence of sleep deprivation: Inability to consolidate memory Inability to suppress negative affect, mediated by inability of PFC to inhibit “emotional brain” fMRI investigations, paralleling sleep deprivation studies
  • 32. Self-focus, sexualization  Fredrickson et al. (JPSP, 1998) swimsuit study  Randomly assign men and women to swimsuit vs. sweater  Men: pride…and better performance on complex math test  Women: shame…and worse performance on the test  Preoccupation with body, and sexualized images (“observer role”) reduces cognitive resources  Failures taken more “to heart”  And, because girls are more socialized to please:  Empathy, here, may lead to belief that failure has let everyone down
  • 33. Boys!  Hearing same messages as do girls  Still not the ‘power’ of all 3 prongs of TB  IF a boy is smart and good-looking and empathic…WHAT A GUY!  But if a girl is not empathic and nurturing, WHAT’S WRONG WITH HER?
  • 34. Stigma Hinshaw (2007), The Mark of Shame (Oxford U. Press)  Ancient Greece: Literal ‘mark of shame’  Brands placed on slaves or traitors/today: Psychological “branding”  What groups are stigmatized?  Racial minorities, sexual minorities, women, left-handers, physical disabilities, adoptees, obese, delinquent youth, many more… Can things change? See attitudes re: gay marriage Thus, hope for optimism—malleability of social views Most stigma today: mental illness, homelessness, substance abuse  Distinguish  Stereotypes (cognitive)  Prejudice (affective)  Discrimination (behavioral)  Stigma: All this plus global nature of castigation/self-fulfilling prophecies
  • 35.
  • 36. Self-stigma (internalized stigma)  Nearly all members of stigmatized groups are aware of the culture’s stereotypes/beliefs/practices  Thus, likelihood (though not certainty) that such individuals will internalize these beliefs  Antidotes: identity, group solidarity  Double whammy: disorders themselves likely to fuel demoralization, but self-stigma multiplies the risk  Important research findings:  Even controlling for initial levels of symptoms, self-stigma predicts (a) lack of treatment seeking and (b) early termination from treatment
  • 37. Courtesy Stigma  Goffman:  If society has stigmatized a given class of people, it’s common courtesy to stigmatize those associated with such individuals, particularly family members  Parents of youth with mental disorders: Directly blamed for offspring’s problems for decades  Even genetic transmission leaves blame on parents  Objective burden and subjective burden  Subjective burden usually experienced as worse  Mental health professionals/scientists ‘in the shadow’
  • 38. MI Stigma is Decreasing, Right?? Actually, higher rates of violence beliefs in 2005 than 1955  US public 2.5 times more likely to believe that MI linked to violence  Involuntary commitment laws: ‘danger’ to self/others; public homelessness  No fundamental change in US stigma levels from 1995 -2005  Greater knowledge does not necessarily translate to greater empathy  Does ascription of MI to biogenetic causes reduce stigma?  Kvaale et al. (2013): yes regarding blame, but increases in pessimism and social distance related to such attribution  Martinez, Piff, Mendoza-Denton, & Hinshaw (2011): dehumanization
  • 39. Triple Bind: Solutions?  #1: TALK ABOUT IT  My own family history: professionally prescribed silence  Now, this isn’t always simple with teen girls, and let’s remember that adolescence is time of identity consolidation  YET, silence is contagious  # 2: GET PROFESSIONAL HELP IF INDICATED  Low rates of help-seeking  Kessler: 10-year delay  Lack of utilization of evidence-based treatments  Back to stigma…
  • 40.  #3: CRITICAL THINKING/SELF-DISCOVERY  E.g., what’s an ad vs. what’s a news story Do ALL girls/women actually look like this?  New avenues and pursuits, rather than right answer, first time every time
  • 41. Maybe most important…  #4: IDENTIFICATION WITH WIDER COMMUNITY AND PURPOSE  Not always easy to do; but efforts in families, schools, communities, and societies to foster involvement may be truly worthwhile  This is NOT the same as resume padding with multiple clubs…
  • 42. Mealtimes, active interest, avoiding objectification  Luthar: protective factors in suburban control samples—  Mealtimes together  The family values the teen or more than products or achievements  Avoiding criticism during every interaction
  • 43. Larger actions?  Pass/fail courses in schools  Same-sex schools: not as protective as hoped  Modeling (do what I do, not what I say)  Parents: coming to terms with own sense of power and powerlessness, with own sense of communication vs. being shut off
  • 44. Thanks…and questions  NIMH grants  Research participants  Collaborators and students  UCSF Depression Center  You, the audience

Editor's Notes

  1. At each time, the key goal was to appraise, via multiinformant and multimethod procedures, levels of symptomatology and adjustment/impairment in key domains of psychiatric, academic, neuropsychological, relational, and occupational functioning. Range of negative outcomes for girls with ADHD including devastatingly high rates of suicide/self-injurious behavior, academic difficulties, relational difficulties, and neuropsych deficit. So, functional impairments in adolescence and young adulthood common in individuals with ADHD.