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Table of contents

Basic concepts………………....................…….................…slide 3


Basic photo manipulation …....................………………..….slide 13



Creating transparent backgrounds, saving transparent images,
transparency dither

Layers……………………………....................…………..…..slide 51


Rotation, adjustments, the dodge-burn-sponge tools, the clone tool, the
filters menu

Transparency……………....................……..........................slide 46


New image dialogue box, pencil and paintbrush tools, paintbucket and
gradient tools, saving as .gifs, dither

Adjusting/retouching photos……....................……………..slide 37


Opening, cropping, resizing, saving as .jpeg

Creating new images………………....................…..……….slide 26


What is Photoshop?, other options, types of image files, The Photoshop
workspace (toolbox, options bar, palettes)

Layer basics, moving layers, naming layers, copying layers, compositing
images, transforming layers, layer via copy/cut, adding text

Other resources……………….............................................slide 61
Basic concepts

What is Photoshop?, other options,
types of image files, The Photoshop
workspace (toolbox, options bar,
What is Photoshop?




Image editing program
Shows images as bitmaps
Bitmap = arrangement of dots (pixels) on grid
 Don’t confuse bitmap with file type called .bmp - just a
descriptive term
Pixel = “Picture element” - smallest unit of an image
Size of pixel depends on resolution
 Typical web image: 72 dpi
 Typical print image: 300 dpi or hgher
End result can be saved in variety of ways: .bmp,
.jpeg, .gif, .tif
Other options




Adobe Elements (basic, cheaper version of
PShop) - $79
Corel Paintshop Pro - $79 (similar to
MS Photodraw/ PhotoEditor – often free
Software that comes with digital camera
Types of image files 1




 Native Photoshop file, usually needs to be saved as other type
 New images, layered images start as .psd
 Good for web, used for simple images, large eras of flat color
 Often good for B & W
 Supports transparency
 Lossless
 Good for web, used for photos or complex coloration (e.g. –
 Slightly longer to download (decompression time)
 Lossy
 Doesn’t support transparency
Types of image files 2




 Good for web, best of both worlds (lossless, supports complex
 Not supported by older browsers (pre IE 4, NN 6)
 Wait for all browsers to catch up before using
 Good for print media
 Can be imported by most apps (QuarkX, Pagemaker, InDesign)
 Large file sizes (but compressible)
 Can supports layers
 Simple grid of pixels
 Uncompressed, large file sizes
 Can be imported by almost all apps
Color modes

Image, Modes

RGB is almost always best bet



Default choice

CMYK for high end professional printers
Grayscale for B&W
Index greatly reduces file size
IMPORTANT: If Photoshop is not allowing you to use a
tool, change mode from index to RGB
8-bit is usually adequate
 It’s per channel, so you’re actually talking about 24 bit
image in RGB mode
 16-bit only for very high resolution pictures


Very large file size
The Photoshop workspace
Options palette

History palette

Layers palette
The toolbox

Commonly used tools arranged as icons
Triangle in lower right means multiple
tools are nested there

Paintbucket icon


Expanded: Gradient and paintbucket tools

Left-click the icon and hold down the
button to see all tools nested there
The options palette

Just below the Menu choices
Changes depending on which tool you’ve
chosen from the toolbox
Options palette for paintbucket tool



Allows greater control of that tool by changing
The palettes

19 palettes available from the Windows menu
Only need a few up all the time

Toolbox (already discussed)
Options (already discussed)





One of the main reasons Photoshop is so versatile
Layer images on top of other images – mix text, photos, shapes by
superimposing them
Ctrl + Z only works for the last thing you did
History palette lets you go “back in time” step by step - particularly
useful when you’re first learning Photoshop, so you can back out of a
bad decision

Pull up others (e.g. Character for text, Styles for special
effects) as needed
Basic photo manipulation

Opening, cropping, resizing, saving as

Opening an image: the file browser

If you know exact name of file…


For large libraries of images, or nondescriptive file names…


File, Open
Web sites often have huge numbers of images
1 images folder – gets bigger and bigger

Window, File browser
Gives thumbnail of every picture in folder
Allows fast ways to browse, sort, flag, rotate,
delete, etc.
The File browser

Folder browser





Cropping an image 1

Bring up image



Choose cropping tool
Left-click and drag to define crop


File, Open (if you know the name of
Window, File Browser (to see
thumbnails of all images in a folder)

Uncropped area will be shaded
Don’t have to be perfect
Use sizing boxes to fine-tune crop
Cropping an image 2

When you’re happy with crop, doubleclick inside it


The cropped image will be displayed
Rename the image (so you don’t
overwrite original image) and save it



Cursor will change to solid black triangle

AFTER you’ve saved it, when Photoshop asks
if you want to save changes, say “no” (it’s
counter-intuitive, but you’ve already saved a
version of your image)
We’ll discuss save options in a few minutes
Resizing an image 1

For web: smaller image = smaller file size =
faster download time


Also lower file size by compressing when saving

Web images are measured in pixels

Actual size depends on resolution
Design with 800 x 600 in mind



640 x 480 (1%)*
800 x 600 (29%)*
1024 x 768 and higher (68%)*

Your specific audience might skew higher or lower

*these numbers are notoriously hard to track accurately
Resizing an image 2

Images will not necessarily be
shown actual size in Photoshop

Look at title bar to see percentage
Ctrl and + to zoom in
Ctrl and – to zoom out



Magnifying glass in toolbar does
this too (more cumbersome, but
good for zooming in on the specific
area you click)

View menu, Actual Pixels will also
take you to 100%
Resizing an image 3

Image menu, Image Size
Make sure “Constrain
proportions” is checked to
avoid stretching




Link icon appears

Change width (in pixels),
height will automatically
Use document size box for
print (set in inches, not pixels)
Save as new file name, so as
not to overwrite original image
Saving images 1

General rule:




Goal is to find a compromise between file size and
image quality


Photos, complex images save as .jpegs
Cartoonish images with large areas of flat color save as
Many exceptions, so try both options and compare side by
side (using 2-up or 4-up)
.png is not supported by all browsers, so try to avoid
Transparency supported by .gif, but not .jpeg

Lower file size = lower image quality
Saving images 2


After you’ve cropped, resized,
File, Save for web



Dialogue box appears


ImageReady is another option (icon at
bottom of toolbox)
IR doesn’t help that much with simple
images (use for animation, links, rollovers
– web specific tasks)
Choose 4-Up tab at top
Save for Web dialogue box 1




4 versions of
Allows side-byside comparison
of different
Use these
controls to
change settings
Save for Web dialogue box 2




Ctrl and + or – will
allow you to zoom
in or out
L-Click and drag
allows you to drag
image around
Download time
under all 4
CRUCIAL piece of
Saving .jpegs


Use this pulldown to switch between
jpeg and gif
Use this slider to adjust quality





Higher quality = larger file size

Often get by with 15-20 for web use

Zoom in and drag around to look for
 Little blemishes caused by
compression process, often in areas
of flat color
Adding a little blur with this slider
sometimes masks artifacts or poor
image quality
 Don’t overdo it!
Creating new images

New image dialogue box, pencil and
paintbrush tools, paintbucket and
gradient tools, saving as .gifs, dither

New image dialogue box





Width, height in pixels,
inches, cm, etc.
Resolution: 72 ppi for
web work,300 or higher
for print
Color mode: RGB best
default, grayscale for
B&W, CMYK for highend print work
Background content:
transparent for gifs only,
background color needs
to be set beforehand
The pencil and paintbrush tools

Left-click and hold down icon to choose




Pencil has hard edges
Brush has feathered edges

Brush pulldown in options bar controls
diameter, hardness
Brush palette
has presets for
stars, leaves, grass,
The color picker 1


On toolbox
Flips background and foreground
Foreground color picker
Background color picker
Default (in this case B&W)
Click background or foreground to bring up
color picker
The color picker 2




Color slider
Color field
Field/slider combo
gives you access to
all colors
Numeric color values
Web safe colors
option (important!)
You can sample
colors with the CP
The paintbucket tool 1


Left-click and hold down to choose between
paintbucket and gradient
Paintbucket is for solid fill backgrounds and patterns


Select proper layer, choose paintbucket, click on
area to fill


Solid fill – choose color from options bar
Patterns – lots to chose from: cloth and paper textures,
nature images (rocks, flowers), abstract patterns

Can’t paint a background – change to layer first
Tolerance and opacity on options bar
The paintbucket tool 2

For patterned backgrounds




Change Fill box from Foreground to Pattern in
options bar
Use Pattern box pulldown to see patterns to use
Use this button to bring up more pattern choices

Select your pattern, choose layer, click on image
The gradient tool



Gradient = gradual transition between two or more
Choose gradient tool, choose preset from options
“Draw” gradient with a left click and drag




Starting and stopping points and direction of dragged line
will define gradient
Use History panel to back up, try again

Click on Gradient box in toolbar to create own
Custom gradients






Preset gradients are
Click on these boxes to
change opacity (for a
fade to transparency)
Click on these to change
color of gradient
Slide them to change
when gradient ends
This changes midpoint
of transition
Saving .gifs 1


File, Save for web, 4-Up
tab (just like .jpegs)
Can have between 2 and
256 colors



More colors = larger file size

Control # of colors with this
Saving gifs: dither




Dither diffuses color
boundaries by mixing
pixels together
Good for preventing
“banding” in gradients and
Turn it on using this
pulldown (diffusion is
usually best bet)
Set amount of dither, from
0 to 100


Don’t overdo it – can create
Adjusting and retouching
Rotation, adjustments, The dodge-burnsponge tools, the clone tool, the filters




Image menu, Rotate canvas
180o, 90o clockwise or counter
Flip horizontal or vertical
Arbitrary is for specific number
of degrees (not really arbitrary
at all!)
Bring up grid (View menu,
Show, Grid) for more accuracy
Adjustments 1

Image menu, adjustments allows
you to fine-tune image (or sections
of image)


LOTS of options

Adjust levels, color balance,
brightness, contrast


Contrast and Color have both auto and
manual options
Levels limits the range of pixels being
used (auto-levels lets P-Shop do it)


Very useful tool
Auto option available as well
Adjustments 2


To adjust just a section of photo, use the
marquee or lasso tool to select section, then
adjust (upper-left in toolbox)
 Marquee for squares/rectangles and
 Lasso for irregular sections
 Regular lasso for freehand (need good
mouse skills)
 Polygonal for point to point (I recommend
 “Magnetic” lasso for P-Shop to decide
(based on change in pixel value)
 Tip: Little circle in lower right of cursor lets you
know you’re done; quit before that and PShop
will just keep drawing lasso

Marquee tools

Lasso tools
Dodge/burn/sponge tools

Dodge – lightens an area
Burn – darkens an area
Sponge – saturates or desaturates color




Mode box in options bar determines saturate or desaturate

For Dodge/Burn, keep exposure low (20-30), use
multiple passes
For Sponge, keep flow low, use multiple passes
Use history palette to “back up” if you go too far
The clone tool 1


Really fun!
“Clones” pixels from one area of your image
and places them in another
VERY useful for repair and retouching
Select Clone stamp tool from Toolbox
Bring up image



Hold down Alt key – cursor turns to
The clone tool 2



Move cursor to general area you want to clone from
(make sure there’s room on all sides)
With Alt key still held down, left-click to select clone
Left-click and drag to paint cloned pixels onto new




Cross marks where you are sampling from – will move as
your cursor moves
Re-sample clone pixels as needed
Change brush size in options bar as needed

Takes practice, but a very useful tool
Filters 1

Almost as fun as the clone tool!
Over 100 effects to choose from
Some are subtle, some bizarre
Filter gallery is best approach:


Allows you to quickly tour all filters
Shows preview on left as you
adjust variables
Filters 2





Creating transparent backgrounds,
saving transparent images,
transparency dither

Creating transparent backgrounds 1

Bring up image


L-click and hold down eraser tool to
get all options



Choose Magic Eraser tool

Set tolerance to 5 in options bar (a
starting point)
Anti-alias should be checked (gets rid
of “jaggies” on edges)


Need a flat color background

Uncheck contiguous to make insides of
letters transparent
Creating transparent backgrounds 2

Click on background

Background will disappear, checkerboard
will appear




If some background remains, Ctrl + Z,
raise tolerance
If some logo is gone, Ctrl + Z, lower

If you get Ø symbol, change image
mode from index to RGB


No checkerboard in actual image

Image menu, choose Mode, choose RGB
Saving .gifs: transparency dither


Only .gifs support
Turn on transparency here



Turn on transparency dither
here (diffusion usually best)
% of transparency dither


Background will be

Again, don’t go crazy
Transparency dither example



Without transparency

With 51% diffusion
transparency dither (all
other variables the same)

Layer basics, moving layers, naming
layers, copying layers, compositing
images, transforming layers, layer via
copy/cut, adding text

Layer basics 1


Layers are like sheets of glass
stacked on top of each other
From top to bottom:



Text layer
Text effect/Drop shadow
Photo at left
Gray background

L-click and drag layers to move
them up or down
Layer basics 2
Visibility off/on toggle

Selected layer


New layer/Drag
here to copy

Drag here to delete
Layer basics 3

Name your layers with a descriptive name


Right-click a layer and choose “layer properties”
You can left-click right inside the name to change
it too
The “color” pulldown allows you to color code you


Good organization technique for complex images
Compositing two images 1

You can save a layer from one image directly
into another image

Fast effective way to composite two images
Right-click on layer, select Duplicate Layer


Destination document must be open as well
Choose destination document from pull-down
Compositing two images 2

You can drag layers from one image to another
Both images must be open


Select Move tool from toolbox
L-click and drag
You’ll see new layer in layer palette
Drag multiple times to create “clone” images
If it doesn’t work, make sure both images are in RGB mode
Fine-tune position by using arrow keys to move it to correct
Transforming layers

Use transform to manipulate a layer within an
image, not entire image


Use sizing boxes or Options bar


Select layer to transform
Edit menu, Transform
Resize, rotate, flip, etc.

If resizing, use Scale command
Click chain link in options bar to keep width/height
ratio intact
Layer via copy or cut

You can select a section of a layer, then copy
or cut the selection into new layer


Use Marquee or Lasso tool to make a selection
Choose “Layer via copy” or “Layer via cut”
Adding text

Choose text tool
Two ways to begin:


Use Options bar for basic manipulation



Click once on image for insertion point, begin typing, or…
L-click and drag to define text area, then start typing
Text options can all be changed after the fact – highlight
text, then change settings on Options bar
Font type, style, size, anti-alias type, alignment, color
Character palette

For more advanced manipulation


Window menu, Character

Particularly useful for squeezing text or
spreading it out

Kerning – space
between 2 letters (on
either side of cursor)
Vertical scale –
adjusts height of type
Upper/lower case,
sub/super script, etc.

Leading – space
between lines
Tracking – space
between all letters
Horizontal scale –
adjusts width of type
Other resources


Photoshop training videos


ImageReady training videos


Photoshop and ImageReady CDs

Same material as website, larger screen size
Email me and ask for them


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adobe photoshop cs

  • 1. An ISO 9001 -2008 company “Total Web Solution Company Customized To Your Business Needs” PHOTOSHOP FULL GUIDE 1
  • 2. Table of contents  Basic concepts………………....................…….................…slide 3   Basic photo manipulation …....................………………..….slide 13   2 Creating transparent backgrounds, saving transparent images, transparency dither Layers……………………………....................…………..…..slide 51   Rotation, adjustments, the dodge-burn-sponge tools, the clone tool, the filters menu Transparency……………....................……..........................slide 46   New image dialogue box, pencil and paintbrush tools, paintbucket and gradient tools, saving as .gifs, dither Adjusting/retouching photos……....................……………..slide 37   Opening, cropping, resizing, saving as .jpeg Creating new images………………....................…..……….slide 26   What is Photoshop?, other options, types of image files, The Photoshop workspace (toolbox, options bar, palettes) Layer basics, moving layers, naming layers, copying layers, compositing images, transforming layers, layer via copy/cut, adding text Other resources……………….............................................slide 61
  • 3. Basic concepts What is Photoshop?, other options, types of image files, The Photoshop workspace (toolbox, options bar, palettes) 3
  • 4. What is Photoshop?       4 Image editing program Shows images as bitmaps Bitmap = arrangement of dots (pixels) on grid  Don’t confuse bitmap with file type called .bmp - just a descriptive term Pixel = “Picture element” - smallest unit of an image Size of pixel depends on resolution  Typical web image: 72 dpi  Typical print image: 300 dpi or hgher End result can be saved in variety of ways: .bmp, .jpeg, .gif, .tif
  • 5. Other options     5 Adobe Elements (basic, cheaper version of PShop) - $79 Corel Paintshop Pro - $79 (similar to Elements) MS Photodraw/ PhotoEditor – often free Software that comes with digital camera
  • 6. Types of image files 1    6 .psd  Native Photoshop file, usually needs to be saved as other type  New images, layered images start as .psd .gif  Good for web, used for simple images, large eras of flat color  Often good for B & W  Supports transparency  Lossless .jpeg  Good for web, used for photos or complex coloration (e.g. – gradients)  Slightly longer to download (decompression time)  Lossy  Doesn’t support transparency
  • 7. Types of image files 2    7 .png  Good for web, best of both worlds (lossless, supports complex photographs)  Not supported by older browsers (pre IE 4, NN 6)  Wait for all browsers to catch up before using .tif  Good for print media  Can be imported by most apps (QuarkX, Pagemaker, InDesign)  Large file sizes (but compressible)  Can supports layers .bmp  Simple grid of pixels  Uncompressed, large file sizes  Can be imported by almost all apps
  • 8. Color modes  Image, Modes  RGB is almost always best bet       Default choice CMYK for high end professional printers Grayscale for B&W Index greatly reduces file size IMPORTANT: If Photoshop is not allowing you to use a tool, change mode from index to RGB 8-bit is usually adequate  It’s per channel, so you’re actually talking about 24 bit image in RGB mode  16-bit only for very high resolution pictures  8 Very large file size
  • 9. The Photoshop workspace Options palette History palette Layers palette toolbox image 9
  • 10. The toolbox   Commonly used tools arranged as icons Triangle in lower right means multiple tools are nested there Paintbucket icon  10 Expanded: Gradient and paintbucket tools Left-click the icon and hold down the button to see all tools nested there
  • 11. The options palette   Just below the Menu choices Changes depending on which tool you’ve chosen from the toolbox Options palette for paintbucket tool  11 Allows greater control of that tool by changing settings
  • 12. The palettes   19 palettes available from the Windows menu Only need a few up all the time    Toolbox (already discussed) Options (already discussed) Layers    History    12 One of the main reasons Photoshop is so versatile Layer images on top of other images – mix text, photos, shapes by superimposing them Ctrl + Z only works for the last thing you did History palette lets you go “back in time” step by step - particularly useful when you’re first learning Photoshop, so you can back out of a bad decision Pull up others (e.g. Character for text, Styles for special effects) as needed
  • 13. Basic photo manipulation Opening, cropping, resizing, saving as .jpeg 13
  • 14. Opening an image: the file browser  If you know exact name of file…     For large libraries of images, or nondescriptive file names…    14 File, Open Web sites often have huge numbers of images 1 images folder – gets bigger and bigger Window, File browser Gives thumbnail of every picture in folder Allows fast ways to browse, sort, flag, rotate, delete, etc.
  • 15. The File browser Rotate Folder browser Thumbnails Metadata 15 Flag Search Delete
  • 16. Cropping an image 1  Bring up image     Choose cropping tool Left-click and drag to define crop area    16 File, Open (if you know the name of file) Window, File Browser (to see thumbnails of all images in a folder) Uncropped area will be shaded Don’t have to be perfect Use sizing boxes to fine-tune crop area
  • 17. Cropping an image 2  When you’re happy with crop, doubleclick inside it    The cropped image will be displayed Rename the image (so you don’t overwrite original image) and save it   17 Cursor will change to solid black triangle AFTER you’ve saved it, when Photoshop asks if you want to save changes, say “no” (it’s counter-intuitive, but you’ve already saved a version of your image) We’ll discuss save options in a few minutes
  • 18. Resizing an image 1  For web: smaller image = smaller file size = faster download time   Also lower file size by compressing when saving Web images are measured in pixels   Actual size depends on resolution Design with 800 x 600 in mind     18 640 x 480 (1%)* 800 x 600 (29%)* 1024 x 768 and higher (68%)* Your specific audience might skew higher or lower *these numbers are notoriously hard to track accurately
  • 19. Resizing an image 2  Images will not necessarily be shown actual size in Photoshop    Look at title bar to see percentage Ctrl and + to zoom in Ctrl and – to zoom out   19 Magnifying glass in toolbar does this too (more cumbersome, but good for zooming in on the specific area you click) View menu, Actual Pixels will also take you to 100%
  • 20. Resizing an image 3   Image menu, Image Size Make sure “Constrain proportions” is checked to avoid stretching     20 Link icon appears Change width (in pixels), height will automatically change Use document size box for print (set in inches, not pixels) Save as new file name, so as not to overwrite original image
  • 21. Saving images 1  General rule:       Goal is to find a compromise between file size and image quality  21 Photos, complex images save as .jpegs Cartoonish images with large areas of flat color save as .gifs Many exceptions, so try both options and compare side by side (using 2-up or 4-up) .png is not supported by all browsers, so try to avoid Transparency supported by .gif, but not .jpeg Lower file size = lower image quality
  • 22. Saving images 2   After you’ve cropped, resized, adjusted File, Save for web    Dialogue box appears  22 ImageReady is another option (icon at bottom of toolbox) IR doesn’t help that much with simple images (use for animation, links, rollovers – web specific tasks) Choose 4-Up tab at top
  • 23. Save for Web dialogue box 1    23 4 versions of picture Allows side-byside comparison of different settings Use these controls to change settings
  • 24. Save for Web dialogue box 2    24 Ctrl and + or – will allow you to zoom in or out L-Click and drag allows you to drag image around Download time under all 4 versions: CRUCIAL piece of info
  • 25. Saving .jpegs   Use this pulldown to switch between jpeg and gif Use this slider to adjust quality     25 Higher quality = larger file size Often get by with 15-20 for web use Zoom in and drag around to look for “artifacts”  Little blemishes caused by compression process, often in areas of flat color Adding a little blur with this slider sometimes masks artifacts or poor image quality  Don’t overdo it!
  • 26. Creating new images New image dialogue box, pencil and paintbrush tools, paintbucket and gradient tools, saving as .gifs, dither 26
  • 27. New image dialogue box     27 Width, height in pixels, inches, cm, etc. Resolution: 72 ppi for web work,300 or higher for print Color mode: RGB best default, grayscale for B&W, CMYK for highend print work Background content: transparent for gifs only, background color needs to be set beforehand
  • 28. The pencil and paintbrush tools  Left-click and hold down icon to choose     28 Pencil has hard edges Brush has feathered edges Brush pulldown in options bar controls diameter, hardness Brush palette has presets for stars, leaves, grass, etc.
  • 29. The color picker 1       29 On toolbox Flips background and foreground Foreground color picker Background color picker Default (in this case B&W) Click background or foreground to bring up color picker
  • 30. The color picker 2       30 Color slider Color field Field/slider combo gives you access to all colors Numeric color values Web safe colors option (important!) You can sample colors with the CP eyedropper
  • 31. The paintbucket tool 1   Left-click and hold down to choose between paintbucket and gradient Paintbucket is for solid fill backgrounds and patterns    Select proper layer, choose paintbucket, click on area to fill   31 Solid fill – choose color from options bar Patterns – lots to chose from: cloth and paper textures, nature images (rocks, flowers), abstract patterns Can’t paint a background – change to layer first Tolerance and opacity on options bar
  • 32. The paintbucket tool 2  For patterned backgrounds     32 Change Fill box from Foreground to Pattern in options bar Use Pattern box pulldown to see patterns to use Use this button to bring up more pattern choices Select your pattern, choose layer, click on image
  • 33. The gradient tool    Gradient = gradual transition between two or more colors Choose gradient tool, choose preset from options bar “Draw” gradient with a left click and drag    33 Starting and stopping points and direction of dragged line will define gradient Use History panel to back up, try again Click on Gradient box in toolbar to create own gradient
  • 34. Custom gradients      34 Preset gradients are here Click on these boxes to change opacity (for a fade to transparency) Click on these to change color of gradient Slide them to change when gradient ends This changes midpoint of transition
  • 35. Saving .gifs 1   File, Save for web, 4-Up tab (just like .jpegs) Can have between 2 and 256 colors   35 More colors = larger file size Control # of colors with this pulldown
  • 36. Saving gifs: dither     Dither diffuses color boundaries by mixing pixels together Good for preventing “banding” in gradients and shading Turn it on using this pulldown (diffusion is usually best bet) Set amount of dither, from 0 to 100  36 Don’t overdo it – can create graininess
  • 37. Adjusting and retouching photos Rotation, adjustments, The dodge-burnsponge tools, the clone tool, the filters menu 37
  • 38. Rotation      38 Image menu, Rotate canvas 180o, 90o clockwise or counter Flip horizontal or vertical Arbitrary is for specific number of degrees (not really arbitrary at all!) Bring up grid (View menu, Show, Grid) for more accuracy
  • 39. Adjustments 1  Image menu, adjustments allows you to fine-tune image (or sections of image)   LOTS of options Adjust levels, color balance, brightness, contrast   Contrast and Color have both auto and manual options Levels limits the range of pixels being used (auto-levels lets P-Shop do it)   39 Very useful tool Auto option available as well
  • 40. Adjustments 2  40 To adjust just a section of photo, use the marquee or lasso tool to select section, then adjust (upper-left in toolbox)  Marquee for squares/rectangles and circles/ellipses  Lasso for irregular sections  Regular lasso for freehand (need good mouse skills)  Polygonal for point to point (I recommend this)  “Magnetic” lasso for P-Shop to decide (based on change in pixel value)  Tip: Little circle in lower right of cursor lets you know you’re done; quit before that and PShop will just keep drawing lasso Marquee tools Lasso tools
  • 41. Dodge/burn/sponge tools    Dodge – lightens an area Burn – darkens an area Sponge – saturates or desaturates color     41 Mode box in options bar determines saturate or desaturate For Dodge/Burn, keep exposure low (20-30), use multiple passes For Sponge, keep flow low, use multiple passes Use history palette to “back up” if you go too far
  • 42. The clone tool 1      Really fun! “Clones” pixels from one area of your image and places them in another VERY useful for repair and retouching Select Clone stamp tool from Toolbox Bring up image   42 Hold down Alt key – cursor turns to crosshairs
  • 43. The clone tool 2    Move cursor to general area you want to clone from (make sure there’s room on all sides) With Alt key still held down, left-click to select clone area Left-click and drag to paint cloned pixels onto new area     43 Cross marks where you are sampling from – will move as your cursor moves Re-sample clone pixels as needed Change brush size in options bar as needed Takes practice, but a very useful tool
  • 44. Filters 1     Almost as fun as the clone tool! Over 100 effects to choose from Some are subtle, some bizarre Filter gallery is best approach:   44 Allows you to quickly tour all filters Shows preview on left as you adjust variables
  • 46. Transparency Creating transparent backgrounds, saving transparent images, transparency dither 46
  • 47. Creating transparent backgrounds 1  Bring up image   L-click and hold down eraser tool to get all options    Choose Magic Eraser tool Set tolerance to 5 in options bar (a starting point) Anti-alias should be checked (gets rid of “jaggies” on edges)  47 Need a flat color background Uncheck contiguous to make insides of letters transparent
  • 48. Creating transparent backgrounds 2  Click on background  Background will disappear, checkerboard will appear     If some background remains, Ctrl + Z, raise tolerance If some logo is gone, Ctrl + Z, lower tolerance If you get Ø symbol, change image mode from index to RGB  48 No checkerboard in actual image Image menu, choose Mode, choose RGB
  • 49. Saving .gifs: transparency dither   Only .gifs support transparency Turn on transparency here    Turn on transparency dither here (diffusion usually best) % of transparency dither  49 Background will be checkerboard Again, don’t go crazy
  • 50. Transparency dither example   50 Without transparency dither With 51% diffusion transparency dither (all other variables the same)
  • 51. Layers Layer basics, moving layers, naming layers, copying layers, compositing images, transforming layers, layer via copy/cut, adding text 51
  • 52. Layer basics 1   Layers are like sheets of glass stacked on top of each other From top to bottom:      52 Text layer Text effect/Drop shadow Photo at left Gray background L-click and drag layers to move them up or down
  • 53. Layer basics 2 Visibility off/on toggle Selected layer effects 53 New layer/Drag here to copy Drag here to delete
  • 54. Layer basics 3  Name your layers with a descriptive name    Right-click a layer and choose “layer properties” You can left-click right inside the name to change it too The “color” pulldown allows you to color code you layers  54 Good organization technique for complex images
  • 55. Compositing two images 1  You can save a layer from one image directly into another image   Fast effective way to composite two images Right-click on layer, select Duplicate Layer   55 Destination document must be open as well Choose destination document from pull-down
  • 56. Compositing two images 2   You can drag layers from one image to another Both images must be open       56 Select Move tool from toolbox L-click and drag You’ll see new layer in layer palette Drag multiple times to create “clone” images If it doesn’t work, make sure both images are in RGB mode Fine-tune position by using arrow keys to move it to correct spot
  • 57. Transforming layers  Use transform to manipulate a layer within an image, not entire image     Use sizing boxes or Options bar   57 Select layer to transform Edit menu, Transform Resize, rotate, flip, etc. If resizing, use Scale command Click chain link in options bar to keep width/height ratio intact
  • 58. Layer via copy or cut  You can select a section of a layer, then copy or cut the selection into new layer    58 Use Marquee or Lasso tool to make a selection Right-click Choose “Layer via copy” or “Layer via cut”
  • 59. Adding text   Choose text tool Two ways to begin:    Use Options bar for basic manipulation   59 Click once on image for insertion point, begin typing, or… L-click and drag to define text area, then start typing Text options can all be changed after the fact – highlight text, then change settings on Options bar Font type, style, size, anti-alias type, alignment, color
  • 60. Character palette  For more advanced manipulation   Window menu, Character Particularly useful for squeezing text or spreading it out Kerning – space between 2 letters (on either side of cursor) Vertical scale – adjusts height of type Upper/lower case, sub/super script, etc. 60 Leading – space between lines Tracking – space between all letters Horizontal scale – adjusts width of type
  • 61. Other resources  Websites:  Photoshop training videos   ImageReady training videos   Photoshop and ImageReady CDs   Same material as website, larger screen size Email me and ask for them  61

Editor's Notes

  1. Read it Takr a picture and zoom way in! (ctrl and +)
  2. Elements has less you can do with layers and vector graphics – all basic photo manip and drawing are there Paintshop – wordperfect folks Photodraw, camera software allows jpeg and gif, resizing, cropping, flip/rotate
  3. Read it
  4. Read it
  5. Read it – have IMPORTANT tattooed on your arm!
  6. Switch from pp to screen – everyone open it up
  7. Point out more obvious tools Have everyone l-click and hold on paintbucket
  8. Choose different tools – watch options change
  9. Pull up windows menu Toolbox and options already checked – also 3 others are checked Bring up layers, history – lose all others Layers palette is VERY useful in compositing images, adding backgrounds, text, logos, etc History palette is your BEST FRIEND – back out of a bad decision one step at a time (if only that were true in life!)
  10. File, open is often inadequate – web sites, photo archives have TONS of images, not always descriptively named (or have several similarly named versions of same image) Take file browser to materials folder – thumbnails! Point out navigation pane Point out sort Flag certain pix – Edit, select all flag, rotate – or open I don’t use metadata, but it allows you to add lots of info to photo using xml (actually, I drag down preview and metadata windows to make nav pane that much easier to use)
  11. Bring up crop & resize pic Choose crop tool Click and drag – do it badly on purpose Fine tune with sizing boxes
  12. D-click it Save with diff name (Save As) Close original – just say NO! – it’s counterintuitive We’ll talk about saving options shortly
  13. Some quick web design stuff: You are going to be doing this A LOT Small is good – for web, crop to lose as much of background as possible – get up as close as you can 900 pixel width of content means a third of viewers have to scroll left to right – it’s annoying You’ve got scrollbars too – so design with 750-ish in mind Banner photo – 700-750 pix wide Photo + wrapped text on page – 300 pix wide Little photo with an article – 100 pix wide Height is less important – people are used to scrolling down – and you can use the wheely thing on your mouse
  14. Look at our picture’s title bar – it’s not shown at real size CTRL + or - to raise or lower Mag glass also works (too cumbersome unless you’re zooming in – we’ll do that later) View, actual pix works too
  15. Contrain proportions before you do anything 300 width – height will change Lower box is for print – inches (though resolution will be a factor in actual size of printed photo) Cropped, resized, we’re ready to save
  16. Photos = jpg Cartoons = gifs Often surprizing exceptions, so look at both – PShop makes it very easy Don’t use pings If there are transparent bits, use gifs ***brokering a compromise between file size and quality! – you will do this a lot!
  17. File, Save for Web IReady is very cool – animate, rollovers, image maps, multi-state buttons (my site at end of PP has a bunch of lessons)
  18. Jpeg/gif Don’t bother with high/medium/low – use quality slider Go real low – zoom in – look for artifacts – Blur will help a little
  19. Draw Apple tree picture Add background Add pattern background Add a gradient
  20. Let do a 300 x 500 px image 72 res (standard for web) RGB, 8 bit White b-ground
  21. Bring up the paintbrush Set size Draw – notice the color is the color in the color picker
  22. Slide the slider and the field changes – black in lower left, white in upper right, all colors in between them Numeric values – RGB, CMYK, and IMPORTANTLY – hex codes for web (how to survive color blindness – way to match colors easily – how the web defines color) Web safe colors off – continuous color field – web safe colors on – boxes of colors If you have an image up in PShop – move your cursor to it and sample it! VERY COOL! ****Go to next page for lesson****
  23. Turn off ground layer, flower layer Choose a blue background (TURN ALL LAYERS OFF) – paint it Turn flower/ground back on!
  24. Change to pattern – paint it
  25. Back up in history panel Draw a gradient – left to right Now draw right to left – notice how the transition stops and starts with your l-clicks Draw on the diagonal Draw all 5 patterns on toolbar
  26. Skip this slide – it’s here so if you want to customize a gradient you can
  27. Use the history panel to choose gradient, background color, or pattern
  28. Use navy photo
  29. rotate photo for rotate Use scanned photo – dadfleetwood – for arbitrary Flip it around Bring up grid
  30. Color balance, brightness and contrast are self evident – figure it out yourself Bring up Jesse to work with levels
  31. Watch me do this – we’ll use these tools later, tho Use which image?
  32. Use burn example
  33. Erase fold in fleetwood
  34. read
  35. Use shay pic – let them play
  36. Use CSU logo
  37. Csu logo
  38. Took logo, used magic eraser at 0 tolerence (set at 5-10 it’s much less noticeable) 64 colors, no dither on both images Only difference is trans. Dither turned on in 2nd one
  39. Use cats on mars – add headline for text? Use web header
  40. read
  41. read
  42. R-click - properties