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1. Discuss different Acute Biologic Crisis conditions together with the roles
and responsibilities of the nurse in the care of the following.
•Cardiac failure - Acute Myocardial infarction
• Acute pulmonary failure
• Acute renal failure
• Stroke
• Increased Intracranial pressure
• Metabolic emergencies – e.g. DKA/HHNK
• Massive Bleeding
• Extensive surgeries
• Extensive Burns
• Emerging illnesses (SARS, Avian Flu)
• Multiple injuries
2. Use critical thinking in the management of these cases
3. Familiarize with the different treatment modalities and equipments used
Acute Biologic Crisis
Condition that may result to patient

mortality if left unattended in a brief
period of time.
Condition that warrants immediate

attention for the reversal of disease
process and prevention of further
morbidity and mortality.
1. Coronary Artery Disease &
Acute Coronary Syndromes
Most Common cause of cardiovascular

disability and death.
It refers to a spectrum of illnesses that

range from the least life threatening to
the most life threatening acute coronary
syndrome(AMI/ Heart attack).
Coronary Artery Disease &
Acute Coronary Syndromes
Incomplete occlusion of the

coronary arteries lead to Angina
Complete occlusion of the coronary
arteries lead to Myocardial Infarction
The heart will pump harder to meet
the O2 demand leading to Congestive
Non Modifiable Risk Factors of
Modifiable Risk Factors of CAD/


Na, cholesterol & fat

Cigarette Smoking



Circulation, maintains vascular tone&
enhances release of chemical activators
that prevent blood clotting



Vasoconstriction &
spasm of arteries.

20 ml = vasodilation
As a result of


30 ml = vasoconstriction
Systemic vascular
Modifiable Risk Factors of CAD/ ACS
Accumulation of fatty

Diabetes Mellitus

Glucose cannot be transported into the
cells due to insulin insufficiency or
Increases resistance to insulin

Increase cardiac workload

Personality Type or
Type A – competitive,
Behavioral Factors toimpatient, aggressive
has been correlated CAD
Contraceptive Pills
Cardiovascular Assessment
Chest Pain
Most common
Due to Ischemia or MI
Precipitated by stress or can be relieved
by Nitroglycerin (NTG)
In MI, it is more intense, unrelated to
activities and can’t be relieved by NTG
If it occurs during breathing, suspect
respiratory problems
Rough diagram of pain zones in myocardial
infarction (dark red = most typical area, light
red = other possible areas, view of the
Cardiovascular Assessment
subjective feeling (inability to get enough
Dyspnea on exertion is due to increased O2
myocardial demand.
Orthopnea is related to blood pooling in the
pulmonary bed; suspect Pulmonary Edema
Any sudden or acute dyspnea may be a sign
of Pulmonary Embolism
Tightness of Chest
Cardiovascular Assessment
Mucoid and foamy sputum can be a sign of
Pink-tinged frothy appearance may signal
Pulmonary Edema.
Whitish, viral infection
Change in color other than the above
mentioned may signify bacterial infection.
Cardiovascular Assessment
Bluish discoloration of the skin and
mucous membrane
Sat O2 is below 90%
May be due to Anemias or related to
decreased Cardiac Output
Cardiovascular Assessment
Awareness of rapid or irregular heart
Autonomic Nervous System and Adrenal
Glands response (stress)
Transient loss of consciousness
Due to decreased cerebral tissue perfusion
Cardiovascular Assessment
Due to: Increased Hydrostatic Pressure
Decreased Colloidal Oncotic
Pressure (COP)
Obstructed Lymphatic or
Vascular System
Related to Inflammatory reaction
Types of Edema
Bilateral edema

= CHF or Renal Failure
Unilateral edema
= Vascular or Lymphatic
Non-pitting edema
= Inflammatory
Pitting edema


HP and
COP derangement
Cardiovascular Assessment
Color, temperature, hair growth,
nails, capillary refill
spooning of fingers /clubbing of
Clubbing of Fingers
Cardiovascular Assessment
Heart rate – 60-100
Rhythm – regular or irregular
Bruits and Thrills – murmurlike; vascular

in origin
- palpate a thrill, auscultate a bruit
Blood Pressure
Jugular venous pressure
Cardiovascular Assessment
Cardiac rate and rhythm
Tachycardia =
↑ 100 beats/minute
Bradycardia =
↓ 60 beats/minute
= irregular rate and
Cardiovascular Assessment

- turbulence of blood flow; if
positive watch out for FVE; normal until 1 year
Pericardial Friction Rub -“squeaking
sound”; suspect pericardial effusion if this is
Muffled Heart Sound - if positive rule out
Cardiac Tamponade and other similar problems
like Effusion
Laboratory & Diagnostic Test
Complete Blood Count- RBC suggest tissue

Elevated WBC may indicate infectious heart
disease and MI.
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)- Its
is elevated in infectious heart disorder or MI.
Normal range: Males: 15-20mm/hr
Females: 20-30 mm/hr
Laboratory & Diagnostic Test
Blood Coagulation Test:
1.Prothrombin Time (PT, Pro Time)- It

measures time required for clotting to occur.
Used to evaluate effectiveness of COUMADIN.
Normal range 11-16 secs.
2.Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT)- Best
screening test for disorders of coagulation.
Used to determine the effectiveness of
HEPARIN. Normal Range: 60-70 secs.
Laboratory & Diagnostic Test
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)- Indicator of

renal function
Normal Range: 10-20mg/dl (5-25mg/dl is also
Blood Lipids:
1.Serum Cholesterol: 150-200mg/dl
2.Serum Triglycerides: 140-200mg/dl.
Laboratory & Diagnostic Test
Serum Enzymes Studies
1.Aspatate Aminotransferase(AST)- Elevated

level indicates tissue necrosis. Normal Range:
2.CK-MB- Elevated 4-6hrs from the onset of
infarction; peaks 24-36 hrs. returns to normal
4-7 days.
Normal Range: males: 50-325mu/ml; Females:
Laboratory & Diagnostic Test
Serum Enzymes Studies

3. Lactic Dehydogenase (LDL)- Onset: 12hrs;
Peak: 48hrs; returns to normal: 10-14 days
4. Hydroxybuterate Dehydroxynase (HBD)- it is
valuable in detecting silent MI because it is
elevated for a long period of time.
Onset: 10-12hrs; Peaks: 48-72hrs; Returns to
Normal 12-13 days
Laboratory & Diagnostic Test
Serum Enzymes Studies

5. Troponin- Most specific lab test to
detect MI. Troponin has 3
compartments: I,C, &T .
Troponin I persist for 4-7 days.

Myocardial Infarction

Chest Pain- tightness & Severe crushing,
stabbing chest pain
Relieved quickly:315min by rest or
sublingual nitrogen.

Not relieve by rest and

Initiated by physical
exertion or stress

Pain last longer >20min

Radiation may or may
not be present

May or may not have
radiation of pain
Frequently associated
with shortness of breath
Laboratory & Diagnostic Test
Serum Electrolytes/ Blood Chemistry:
1.Sodium (Na)
2.Potassium (K)
3.Calcium (Ca)
4.Magnessium (Mg)
6.Glycosylated Hemoglobin (Hemoglobin A1c)
Laboratory & Diagnostic Test
ECG/ EKG- ST segment elevation and T

wave inversion
Diagnostic Test
Radiologic Findings

Chest X-Ray
Signs of CHF
Diagnostic Test
Hemodynamic Monitoring
Swan-Ganz Catheterization

side of the heart


artery pressure


artery occlusive pressure
Right atrial pressure
Cardiac output
Diagnostic Test

 allows to
narrowings or
measures can
Pain relief
Reduction of myocardial

oxygen consumption
Prevention and treatment of
Admit to the CCU/ ICU
Day 1: bed rest, if stable
Day 2-3: bed rest, but patient

may be allowed to sit on a chair
for 15-20 minutes
Early mobilization is
recommended for
uncomplicated AMI
Monitoring Vital Signs
First 6 hours- q30-60 minutes
Next 24 hours- q 2 hours
Thereafter q 4 hours
NPO: 1st 24 hours
If stable low salt, low cholesterol

IV Fluids
D5W to KVO
If unable to take food/

fluid per orem
1000ml/8 hours
K supplement
Pain Medication
Morphine SO4 (2-5mg/IV dose)

Peripheral venous vasodilation
Pulmonary venous distention
Inferior wall MI: may increase vagal
To decrease anxiety
Diazepam (5-10 mg per

To prevent straining during
Lactulose (HS)
Drugs to Limit Infarct Size
Beta Blockers
Hyperdynamic states, HPN w/o

evidence of heart failure
Reduce myocardial oxygen
consumption by decreasing: BP. Heart
Rate, Myocardial Contractility and
calcium output.
Ex: Propranolol, Metoprolol, Atenolol
Nursing Consideration:
1.Assess Pulse Rate before administration;

withhold if bradycardia is present.
2.Administer with food, may cause GI upset.
3.Do not administer with asthma it causes
4.Do not give to patient with DM, it causes
5.Antidote for Beta Blocker poisoning is
Act by augmenting perfusion at the border

of ischemic zone.
Generalized vasodilation
Reducing myocardial O2 demand
Lowering preload
Lowering afterload
Ex: IV Nitroglycerine, Sublingual
Niotroglycerine, Oral/Transdermal
Nursing Considerations:
1.Only a maximum of 3 doses at 5 min. interval.
2.Offer sips of water before giving it

3.Store the medication in a cool, dry place; use
dark /amber container.
4.If side effects is noticed do not discontinue the
drug this is usual in the first few doses of
5.Rotate skin sites for nitro patch.
ACE inhibitors
reduce mortality rates after MI.
Administer ACE inhibitors as soon as

ACE inhibitors have the greatest benefit in
patients with ventricular dysfunction.
Continue ACE inhibitors indefinitely after
Angiotensin-receptor blockers may be used
as an alternative
adverse effects, such as a persistent cough,
Aspirin and/or antiplatelet


Continue aspirin indefinitely
Clopidogrel may be used as

an alternative only if
resistance or allergy to
Nursing Considerations:
1.Assess for signs and symptoms of

2.Avoid straining at stool to avoid rectal
3.It should be given with food.
4.Observe for toxicity- Tinnitus (ringing
of ears).
5.May cause BronchoconstrictionObserve for wheezing.
1.Assess for S/S of Bleeding.
2.Keep Protamine Sulfate available.
3.If used SQ. do not aspirate to
prevent hematoma formation.
4.Monitor for PTT or APTT
5.Used for a maximum of 2 weeks.
Coumadin (Warfarin Sodium)
1.Assess for bleeding
2.Keep Vitamin K available.
3.Monitor for Prothrombin Time
4.Do not give together with aspirin to

prevent bleeding.
5.Minimize green leafy vegetables in
the diet.
thombolytic therapy
The effectiveness:
highest in the first 2 hours
After 12 hours, the risk associated with

thrombolytic therapy outweighs any benefit
unstable angina and NSTEMI
and for the treatment of individuals with evidence
of cardiogenic shock
streptokinase, urokinase, and alteplase
(recombinant tissue plasminogen activator, rtPA),
reteplase, tenecteplase
Surgical Care
Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary

-treatment of choice
PCI provides greater coronary patency
lower risk of bleeding
and instant knowledge about the
extent of the underlying disease.
A specially designed balloon – tipped
catheter is inserted uder flouroscopic
guidance and advance to the site of the
Intravascular Stenting
Biologic Stent is produced through
coagulation of collagen, ellastin and
other tissues in the vessel wall by
laser, photocoagulation or radio
It is done to prevent restenosis after
Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary
Emergent or urgent

coronary artery graft
bypass surgery (CABG)
is indicated
angioplasty fails
Severe narrowing of 1
or more coronary
Commonly used:
Saphenous vein and
internal mamary artery.
Electrical abnormalities
Cardiac Rehabilitation
A process which a person restored to

health and maintains optimal physiologic,
psychosocial and recreational functions.
Begins with the moment a client is
admitted to the hospital for emergency
care, it continues for months and even
years after the client is discharged from
the health care facility.
Goals of Rehabilitation:
1.To live as full, vital and productive life as


2.Remain within the limits of the heart’s

ability to respond to activity and stress.
 Exercise may gradually
implemented from the hospital
 Exercise session is terminated if
any one of the following occurs:
cyanosis, cold sweats, faintness,
extreme fatigue, severe dyspnea,
pallor, chest pain, PR more than
100/ min., dysrhythmias greater
than 160/95mmHg.
Teaching and Counseling
Self management education guide.
continued medical supervision.
Weight reduction program
Progressive exercise
Stress management techniques
Resumption of sexual activity
after 4-6 weeks from discharge, if
Teaching guide on resumption of
sexual activities:
Assume less fatiguing position.
The non- MI partner take the active
Take nitroglycerine before sexual
If dyspnea, chest pain or palpitations
occur, moderation should be
observed; if symptom persist stop
sexual activity.
Develop other means of sexual
onset of oliguria
(<400 ml /day) ,
with severe rise in
BUN & creatinine
(Azotemia –
accumulation of
nitrogen in blood )
Acute renal failure is
classified as pre renal,
intra renal or post renal.
All conditions that lead to
pre renal failure impair
blood flow to the kidneys
(renal perfusion), resulting
in a decreased glomerular
resorption of sodium and
water. Intra renal failure
results from damage to the
Onset – 1-3 days with ^ BUN and creatinine and

possible decreased UOP
Oliguric – UOP < 400/d, ^BUN,Crest, Phos, K,
may last up to 14 d
Diuretic – UOP ^ to as much as 4000 mL/d but no
waste products, at end of this stage may begin to
see improvement
Recovery – things go back to normal or may
remain insufficient and become chronic
Complications ARF
may lead to cardiac arrest if
rise in K+ is too fast
Nursing Care ARF
Daily Weight
CVP monitoring
Diuretic as prescribed
Low protein, K,Na &

high carbohydrate diet
Nursing Care ARF

management of
Hyperkalemia : insulin
& dextrose
Kayexalate enema
Chronic Renal failure

Chronic irreversible
progressive reduction of
functioning renal tissue
Common causes CRF
Diabetic nephropathy
Hypertensive nephropathy
Chronic pyelonephritis
Stages CRF
1. Reduced Renal Reserve high

BUN no clinical symptoms yet
2. Renal insufficiency- mild
Azotemia – impaired urine
concentration , nocturia
Stages CRF
3. Renal failure – Severe
azotemia, acidosis,concentrated
urine, severe anemia &
electrolyte imbalances
CRF systemic SS
Hyper K, Hypernatremia,

Anorexia, nausea & vomiting
CRF systemic SS

Ammoniacal breath
Pulmonary edema
Severe pruritus
Peripheral neuropathy
Uremic amaurosis
Nursing Care ESRD
Low Protein, Low Na diet

Prepare client for

peritoneal / hemodialysis
Monitor Anemia
Nursing Care ESRD
Administer epoietin alpha

(Epogen), diuretics,
antihypertensives as
Kidney transplant
Peritoneal Dialysis
Peritoneal Dialysis

diffusion of dissolved particles
from the blood into the dialysate
bath of the hemodialysis
machine across the
semipermeable membrane of the
Hemodialysis requires vascular

Subclavian vein/ Femoral vein
Arteriovenous fistula,
arteriovenous shunt,/
arteriovenous graft
( Permanent)
Nursing Management:
Assess the integrity of the

hemodialysis access site
Monitor VS
Assess client for fluid
Nursing Management:

Weigh the client before and after

the dialysis treatment ( to
determine fluid loss)
Hold meds that can be dialyzed
Monitor for SS of Shock &
Disequilibrium syndrome
Complication: Disequilibrium

Syndrome – is the rapid change in
composition of extracellular fluid
where the solutes of the blood are
removed from the blood faster than
that of the CSF, causing osmotic
movement of fluid into the CSF
causing cerebral edema.
Nursing Management: Disequilibrium syndrome:

Assess for Nausea & vomiting
Assess for headache
Restlessness, agitation & or

Watch out for seizures
Nursing Management: Disequilibrium syndrome:

Notify physician if SS of

disequlibrium syndrome occurs
Reduce environmental stimuli
Dialyze the patient at a shorter period

and at a slower rate
Kidney Transplant
Cell destruction of the

layers of the skin and
resultant depletion of fluid
and electrolytes
Types of Burns
Thermal : exposure to flame
Chemical: exposure to strong

acids or alkali
Electrical: Caused by electrical
strong electrical current results in
internal tissue injury
Burn Depth:

Superficial thickness burn (1st
degree)- mild to severe erythema
of skin, blanches with pressure –
heals in 3-7 days
Partial thickness burn(2nd degree) –
large blisters; painful heals 2-3
Burn Depth:

Full thickness burns (3rd degree) –
white yellow deep red to black
(eschar) disruption of blood flow,
no pain; scarring and wound
contractures will develop.
Grafting is required; healing takes
weeks to months
Burn Depth:

Deep full thickness burn (4th
degree) – Involves injury to
muscle and bone= appears
black(eschars) – hard and
inelastic healing takes weeks to
months; grafts are required
Nursing Diagnosis

Decreased Cardiac output
Related to Fluid shifts
Rule Of 9

Head and neck 9%
Anterior trunk 18%

( chest-9 abdomen-9)
Posterior trunk-18%
Rule Of 9
Arms 9% each (forearms

only or upper arms only
Legs – 18% each
Rule of 9

 4ml Lactated Ringer’s sol x
Kg body mass x total
percentage of body surface

•1st 8 hours = ½ of total
hour fluid replacement
•next 8 hours = ¼ of
•last 8 hours= ¼ of total

A man Suffered from a 3rd degree burn involving
the head and neck, front of the torso (chest &
abdomen), and whole left arm. Weight is 50 kg
Calculate the:
TBSA burned
24 hour fluid replacement in ml
1st 8 hours fluid replacement
2nd 8 hour
remaining 8 hour
Head & neck= 9%
front of torso = 18%
Whole left arm = 9%
TBSA burned 36%
24 hour replacement:
Parkland Baxter formula
4mlX 50 kgs x (TBSA)36%

= 7200 ml
1 8 hours :

7200 ml
= 3600 ml = 1st 8 hours
2 8 hours & remaining 8
hours respectively :

3600 ml
= 1800 ml = 2nd 8 hours
= 1800 ml = last 8 hours
Administer fluids as prescribed
Maintain a high calorie, high
protein diet
Monitor intake and output
Monitor for infections of burn site
Burn Medications:
Nitrofurazone ( Furacin) –

broad spectrum antibiotic
ointment or cream – used when
bacterial resistance to other
drugs is a problem : apply 1/16
inch thick film directly to burn
Burn Medications:
Mafenide ( Sulfamylon) – water

soluble cream bacteriostatic gr + bacteria- apply 1/16 inch directly to
burn – notify physician if
hyperventilation occurs as this drug
may ppt. metabolic acidosis.
Burn Medications:
Silver Sulfadiazene

( Silvadene) – cream Broad spectrum
to gr+ - ; does not cause metabolic
acidosis – keep burn covered at all
times with Sulfadiazine – (1/16 inch

Monitor CBC – causes leukopenia
Burn Medications:
Silver Nitrate – Antiseptic

solution against gr-, dressings are
applied to the burn and then kept
moist with Silver nitrate ; used on
extensive burns that may
precipitate fluid and electrolyte
DKA( Diabetic Ketoacidosis) / HHNS
( Hyperglycemic
Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Syndrome)

DKA- Is a life threatening

complication of DM type 1 =
develops because of severe insulin
1. Hyperglycemia
2. Dehydration
3. Electrolyte loss and

 CAUSE; Missed insulin
dose, or infection

EXTTREME hyperglycemia except
that in HHNS there is no acidosis.
This is for DM type 2
Blood glucose – 300 – 800
Low bicarbonate & low
Mental status changes
Neurological deficits
Administer Insulin IV push 5-10 units
1st then IV infusion
Restore Fluids ( administer fluids as
Treat dehydration w/ rapid
infusion of NSS or .45% saline
when blood glucose reaches 250300 mg/dl D5NS, or D5 .45%Saline
is used
Always use infusion pump for IV
Monitor serum potassium ( initially
as a result of acidosis Hyperkalemia
is present upon admin of insulin K+
level drops)
Monitor LOC= too rapid decrease in
blood glucose may cause cerebral
STORM/ Thyrotoxicosis)- Acute life
threatening condition that occurs in a
client with uncontrollable
hyperthyroidism – maybe a result of
manipulation of thyroid gland during
surgery(release of thyroid hormones to
Thyrotoxicosis)Causes: Undiagnosed , untreated
hyperthyroidism, infection,
Medical management:
Antithyroid medications;
beta blockers; glucocorticoids
& iodides are given before
surgery to prevent thyroid
Medical management:
Antithyroid meds: Iodide,
Propylthiouracil, Methimazole
Iodides/ Iodine = Reduce the
vascularity of the thyroid gland
before thyroidectomy,
Medical management:
Iodides= used in the treatment of
thyroid storm because it enables the
storage of TH in the thyroid gland.
However it is given only for 10-14

days Because eventually it looses its
effect on the thyroid gland.
ASSESSMENT : elevated Temp
( high fever); tachycardia; agitation;
Maintain a patent airway
Administer antithyroid meds as

prescribed ( sodium iodide solution)
Monitor VS

INTUBATION (maybe stable
for 7-14 days)


(hyperglycemia, hyperlactacidemia,
ulceration in GI- seeding of bacteria
from GI to other organs)
(skin breakdown, loss of muscle mass,
delayed healing of surgical wounds)
(mortality rate 60%)
(mortality rate 90-100%)
Criteria for
Diagnosis of MODS
Cardiovascular Failure
presence of 1 or more of the ff:
<54 bpm
Systolic < 60 mm Hg
Vtach/ V fib
pH < 7.24
Respiratory Failure
RR < 5/min
RR> 49/min

Renal Failure presence of 1 or
more of the ff:
Output < 479 ml/24 hr or < 159 ml/ 8 hr
BUN > 100mg/dl
Crea > 3.5mg/dl
Hematologic Failure presence of
1 or more of the ff:
WBC < 1000 uL
Platelets < 20,000
HCT < 20%
Hepatic failure presence of both
of the FF:
Bilirubin > 6 mg %
PT > 4 sec over control in absence
of anticoagulation (normal PT – 11-12sec)
Neurologic Failure
GCS < 6 in absence of sedation
Medical Management:
Control of infection w/ antibiotics
( common MRSA & Vancomycin
Aggressive pulmonary care mech
vent & O2 (intubation)
Enteral (NGT) feeding
Nursing Management
Limited : effective client & family
The only way to keep your hea
Mark Twain

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Acute biological-crisis ppt lecture

  • 1.
  • 2. 1. Discuss different Acute Biologic Crisis conditions together with the roles and responsibilities of the nurse in the care of the following. •Cardiac failure - Acute Myocardial infarction • Acute pulmonary failure • Acute renal failure • Stroke • Increased Intracranial pressure • Metabolic emergencies – e.g. DKA/HHNK • Massive Bleeding • Extensive surgeries • Extensive Burns • Emerging illnesses (SARS, Avian Flu) • Multiple injuries 2. Use critical thinking in the management of these cases 3. Familiarize with the different treatment modalities and equipments used
  • 3. Acute Biologic Crisis Condition that may result to patient mortality if left unattended in a brief period of time. Condition that warrants immediate attention for the reversal of disease process and prevention of further morbidity and mortality.
  • 4. 1. Coronary Artery Disease & Acute Coronary Syndromes Most Common cause of cardiovascular disability and death. It refers to a spectrum of illnesses that range from the least life threatening to the most life threatening acute coronary syndrome(AMI/ Heart attack).
  • 5.
  • 6. Coronary Artery Disease & Acute Coronary Syndromes Incomplete occlusion of the coronary arteries lead to Angina (ischemia) Complete occlusion of the coronary arteries lead to Myocardial Infarction The heart will pump harder to meet the O2 demand leading to Congestive
  • 7. Non Modifiable Risk Factors of CAD/ ACS Age Gender Race Heredity
  • 8. Modifiable Risk Factors of CAD/ tachycardia ACS  Stress Diet norepinephrine Na, cholesterol & fat Cigarette Smoking Hypertension CVD Circulation, maintains vascular tone& enhances release of chemical activators that prevent blood clotting Exercise Alcohol vasoconstriction Vasoconstriction & spasm of arteries. 20 ml = vasodilation As a result of Myocardial demand 30 ml = vasoconstriction Systemic vascular resistance
  • 9. Modifiable Risk Factors of CAD/ ACS Accumulation of fatty plaques Hyperlipidimia Diabetes Mellitus Obesity Glucose cannot be transported into the cells due to insulin insufficiency or Increases resistance to insulin Increase cardiac workload Personality Type or Type A – competitive, Behavioral Factors toimpatient, aggressive has been correlated CAD Contraceptive Pills
  • 10. Cardiovascular Assessment Chest Pain Most common Due to Ischemia or MI Precipitated by stress or can be relieved by Nitroglycerin (NTG) In MI, it is more intense, unrelated to activities and can’t be relieved by NTG If it occurs during breathing, suspect respiratory problems
  • 11. Rough diagram of pain zones in myocardial infarction (dark red = most typical area, light red = other possible areas, view of the chest).
  • 12. Cardiovascular Assessment Dyspnea subjective feeling (inability to get enough air). Dyspnea on exertion is due to increased O2 myocardial demand. Orthopnea is related to blood pooling in the pulmonary bed; suspect Pulmonary Edema Any sudden or acute dyspnea may be a sign of Pulmonary Embolism
  • 14. Cardiovascular Assessment Cough/sputum Mucoid and foamy sputum can be a sign of CHF Pink-tinged frothy appearance may signal Pulmonary Edema. Whitish, viral infection Change in color other than the above mentioned may signify bacterial infection.
  • 15. Cardiovascular Assessment Cyanosis Bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membrane Sat O2 is below 90% Fatigue May be due to Anemias or related to decreased Cardiac Output
  • 16. Cardiovascular Assessment Palpitations Awareness of rapid or irregular heart beat Autonomic Nervous System and Adrenal Glands response (stress) Syncope Transient loss of consciousness Due to decreased cerebral tissue perfusion
  • 17. Cardiovascular Assessment Edema Due to: Increased Hydrostatic Pressure (HP) Decreased Colloidal Oncotic Pressure (COP) Obstructed Lymphatic or Vascular System Related to Inflammatory reaction
  • 18. Types of Edema Bilateral edema = CHF or Renal Failure Unilateral edema = Vascular or Lymphatic obstruction Non-pitting edema = Inflammatory Pitting edema = HP and COP derangement
  • 19. Cardiovascular Assessment Skin Color, temperature, hair growth, nails, capillary refill spooning of fingers /clubbing of fingers
  • 21.
  • 22. Cardiovascular Assessment Heart rate – 60-100 Rhythm – regular or irregular Bruits and Thrills – murmurlike; vascular in origin - palpate a thrill, auscultate a bruit Blood Pressure Jugular venous pressure
  • 23. Cardiovascular Assessment Cardiac rate and rhythm Tachycardia = ↑ 100 beats/minute Bradycardia = ↓ 60 beats/minute Arrhythmias = irregular rate and rhythm
  • 24. Cardiovascular Assessment Murmurs - turbulence of blood flow; if positive watch out for FVE; normal until 1 year old Pericardial Friction Rub -“squeaking sound”; suspect pericardial effusion if this is heard Muffled Heart Sound - if positive rule out Cardiac Tamponade and other similar problems like Effusion
  • 25. Laboratory & Diagnostic Test Complete Blood Count- RBC suggest tissue oxygenation. Elevated WBC may indicate infectious heart disease and MI. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)- Its is elevated in infectious heart disorder or MI. Normal range: Males: 15-20mm/hr Females: 20-30 mm/hr
  • 26. Laboratory & Diagnostic Test Blood Coagulation Test: 1.Prothrombin Time (PT, Pro Time)- It measures time required for clotting to occur. Used to evaluate effectiveness of COUMADIN. Normal range 11-16 secs. 2.Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT)- Best screening test for disorders of coagulation. Used to determine the effectiveness of HEPARIN. Normal Range: 60-70 secs.
  • 27. Laboratory & Diagnostic Test Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)- Indicator of renal function Normal Range: 10-20mg/dl (5-25mg/dl is also accepted). Blood Lipids: 1.Serum Cholesterol: 150-200mg/dl 2.Serum Triglycerides: 140-200mg/dl.
  • 28. Laboratory & Diagnostic Test Serum Enzymes Studies 1.Aspatate Aminotransferase(AST)- Elevated level indicates tissue necrosis. Normal Range: 7-40mu/ml 2.CK-MB- Elevated 4-6hrs from the onset of infarction; peaks 24-36 hrs. returns to normal 4-7 days. Normal Range: males: 50-325mu/ml; Females: 50-250mu/ml
  • 29. Laboratory & Diagnostic Test Serum Enzymes Studies 3. Lactic Dehydogenase (LDL)- Onset: 12hrs; Peak: 48hrs; returns to normal: 10-14 days 4. Hydroxybuterate Dehydroxynase (HBD)- it is valuable in detecting silent MI because it is elevated for a long period of time. Onset: 10-12hrs; Peaks: 48-72hrs; Returns to Normal 12-13 days
  • 30. Laboratory & Diagnostic Test Serum Enzymes Studies 5. Troponin- Most specific lab test to detect MI. Troponin has 3 compartments: I,C, &T . Troponin I persist for 4-7 days.
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33. Angina Myocardial Infarction Chest Pain- tightness & Severe crushing, heaviness stabbing chest pain Relieved quickly:315min by rest or sublingual nitrogen. Not relieve by rest and medication Initiated by physical exertion or stress Pain last longer >20min Radiation may or may not be present May or may not have radiation of pain Frequently associated with shortness of breath
  • 34. Laboratory & Diagnostic Test Serum Electrolytes/ Blood Chemistry: 1.Sodium (Na) 2.Potassium (K) 3.Calcium (Ca) 4.Magnessium (Mg) 5.Glucose 6.Glycosylated Hemoglobin (Hemoglobin A1c)
  • 35. Laboratory & Diagnostic Test ECG/ EKG- ST segment elevation and T wave inversion
  • 36. Diagnostic Test Radiologic Findings Chest X-Ray Normal Cardiomegaly Signs of CHF
  • 37. Diagnostic Test Hemodynamic Monitoring Swan-Ganz Catheterization Right side of the heart Pulmonary artery pressure Pulmonary artery occlusive pressure Right atrial pressure Cardiac output
  • 38.
  • 40. Diagnostic Test Coronary Angiogram  allows to visualize narrowings or obstructions therapeutic measures can follow
  • 41. Goal: Pain relief Reduction of myocardial oxygen consumption Prevention and treatment of complications
  • 42. Intervention Admit to the CCU/ ICU Activity Day 1: bed rest, if stable Day 2-3: bed rest, but patient may be allowed to sit on a chair for 15-20 minutes Early mobilization is recommended for uncomplicated AMI
  • 43. Intervention Monitoring Vital Signs First 6 hours- q30-60 minutes Next 24 hours- q 2 hours Thereafter q 4 hours Diet NPO: 1st 24 hours If stable low salt, low cholesterol diet
  • 44. Intervention IV Fluids D5W to KVO If unable to take food/ fluid per orem 1000ml/8 hours K supplement
  • 45. Intervention Pain Medication Morphine SO4 (2-5mg/IV dose) Potent analgesic Peripheral venous vasodilation Pulmonary venous distention Inferior wall MI: may increase vagal discharge
  • 46. Tranquilizres To decrease anxiety Diazepam (5-10 mg per IV/orem) Laxative To prevent straining during defecation Lactulose (HS)
  • 47. Drugs to Limit Infarct Size Beta Blockers Hyperdynamic states, HPN w/o evidence of heart failure Reduce myocardial oxygen consumption by decreasing: BP. Heart Rate, Myocardial Contractility and calcium output. Ex: Propranolol, Metoprolol, Atenolol
  • 48. Nursing Consideration: 1.Assess Pulse Rate before administration; withhold if bradycardia is present. 2.Administer with food, may cause GI upset. 3.Do not administer with asthma it causes Bronchoconstriction. 4.Do not give to patient with DM, it causes hypoglycemia. 5.Antidote for Beta Blocker poisoning is Glucagon
  • 49. Nitrates Act by augmenting perfusion at the border of ischemic zone. Generalized vasodilation Reducing myocardial O2 demand Lowering preload Lowering afterload Ex: IV Nitroglycerine, Sublingual Niotroglycerine, Oral/Transdermal Nitroglycerine
  • 50. Nursing Considerations: 1.Only a maximum of 3 doses at 5 min. interval. 2.Offer sips of water before giving it sublingually. 3.Store the medication in a cool, dry place; use dark /amber container. 4.If side effects is noticed do not discontinue the drug this is usual in the first few doses of medication. 5.Rotate skin sites for nitro patch.
  • 51. ACE inhibitors reduce mortality rates after MI. Administer ACE inhibitors as soon as possible ACE inhibitors have the greatest benefit in patients with ventricular dysfunction. Continue ACE inhibitors indefinitely after MI. Angiotensin-receptor blockers may be used as an alternative adverse effects, such as a persistent cough,
  • 52. Aspirin and/or antiplatelet therapy Continue aspirin indefinitely Clopidogrel may be used as an alternative only if resistance or allergy to aspirin.
  • 53. Nursing Considerations: 1.Assess for signs and symptoms of Bleeding. 2.Avoid straining at stool to avoid rectal bleeding. 3.It should be given with food. 4.Observe for toxicity- Tinnitus (ringing of ears). 5.May cause BronchoconstrictionObserve for wheezing.
  • 54. Heparin 1.Assess for S/S of Bleeding. 2.Keep Protamine Sulfate available. 3.If used SQ. do not aspirate to prevent hematoma formation. 4.Monitor for PTT or APTT 5.Used for a maximum of 2 weeks.
  • 55. Coumadin (Warfarin Sodium) 1.Assess for bleeding 2.Keep Vitamin K available. 3.Monitor for Prothrombin Time 4.Do not give together with aspirin to prevent bleeding. 5.Minimize green leafy vegetables in the diet.
  • 56. thombolytic therapy The effectiveness: highest in the first 2 hours After 12 hours, the risk associated with thrombolytic therapy outweighs any benefit contraindicated unstable angina and NSTEMI and for the treatment of individuals with evidence of cardiogenic shock streptokinase, urokinase, and alteplase (recombinant tissue plasminogen activator, rtPA), reteplase, tenecteplase
  • 57. Surgical Care Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty -treatment of choice PCI provides greater coronary patency lower risk of bleeding and instant knowledge about the extent of the underlying disease. A specially designed balloon – tipped catheter is inserted uder flouroscopic guidance and advance to the site of the obstruction.
  • 58. Intravascular Stenting Biologic Stent is produced through coagulation of collagen, ellastin and other tissues in the vessel wall by laser, photocoagulation or radio frequency. It is done to prevent restenosis after Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty.
  • 59.
  • 60. Emergent or urgent coronary artery graft bypass surgery (CABG) is indicated angioplasty fails Severe narrowing of 1 or more coronary artery. Commonly used: Saphenous vein and internal mamary artery.
  • 62. Cardiac Rehabilitation A process which a person restored to health and maintains optimal physiologic, psychosocial and recreational functions. Begins with the moment a client is admitted to the hospital for emergency care, it continues for months and even years after the client is discharged from the health care facility.
  • 63. Goals of Rehabilitation: 1.To live as full, vital and productive life as possible. 2.Remain within the limits of the heart’s ability to respond to activity and stress.
  • 64. Activities:  Exercise may gradually implemented from the hospital onwards.  Exercise session is terminated if any one of the following occurs: cyanosis, cold sweats, faintness, extreme fatigue, severe dyspnea, pallor, chest pain, PR more than 100/ min., dysrhythmias greater than 160/95mmHg.
  • 65. Teaching and Counseling Self management education guide. Control hypertension with continued medical supervision. Diet Weight reduction program Progressive exercise Stress management techniques Resumption of sexual activity after 4-6 weeks from discharge, if appropriate.
  • 66. Teaching guide on resumption of sexual activities: Assume less fatiguing position. The non- MI partner take the active role Take nitroglycerine before sexual activity If dyspnea, chest pain or palpitations occur, moderation should be observed; if symptom persist stop sexual activity. Develop other means of sexual expression.
  • 67. ACUTE RENAL FAILURE Rapid onset of oliguria (<400 ml /day) , with severe rise in BUN & creatinine (Azotemia – accumulation of nitrogen in blood )
  • 68. Acute renal failure is classified as pre renal, intra renal or post renal. All conditions that lead to pre renal failure impair blood flow to the kidneys (renal perfusion), resulting in a decreased glomerular filtration rate and increased tubular resorption of sodium and water. Intra renal failure results from damage to the
  • 69. Onset – 1-3 days with ^ BUN and creatinine and possible decreased UOP Oliguric – UOP < 400/d, ^BUN,Crest, Phos, K, may last up to 14 d Diuretic – UOP ^ to as much as 4000 mL/d but no waste products, at end of this stage may begin to see improvement Recovery – things go back to normal or may remain insufficient and become chronic
  • 71. Nursing Care ARF Daily Weight CVP monitoring Diuretic as prescribed Low protein, K,Na & high carbohydrate diet
  • 72. Nursing Care ARF Emergency management of Hyperkalemia : insulin & dextrose Kayexalate enema
  • 73. Chronic Renal failure Chronic irreversible progressive reduction of functioning renal tissue
  • 74. Common causes CRF Diabetic nephropathy Hypertensive nephropathy Glomerulonephritis Chronic pyelonephritis
  • 75. Stages CRF 1. Reduced Renal Reserve high BUN no clinical symptoms yet 2. Renal insufficiency- mild Azotemia – impaired urine concentration , nocturia
  • 76. Stages CRF 3. Renal failure – Severe azotemia, acidosis,concentrated urine, severe anemia & electrolyte imbalances
  • 77. CRF systemic SS Hyper K, Hypernatremia, Hypocalcemia Anemia Anorexia, nausea & vomiting
  • 78. CRF systemic SS Ammoniacal breath Immunosuppression HTN, CHF Pulmonary edema Severe pruritus Peripheral neuropathy Uremic amaurosis
  • 79. Nursing Care ESRD Low Protein, Low Na diet Prepare client for peritoneal / hemodialysis Monitor Anemia
  • 80. Nursing Care ESRD Administer epoietin alpha (Epogen), diuretics, antihypertensives as prescribed Kidney transplant
  • 84. HEMODIALYSIS: Is the diffusion of dissolved particles from the blood into the dialysate bath of the hemodialysis machine across the semipermeable membrane of the dialyzer.
  • 85. Hemodialysis requires vascular access: Subclavian vein/ Femoral vein (temporary) Arteriovenous fistula, arteriovenous shunt,/ arteriovenous graft ( Permanent)
  • 88. Nursing Management: Assess the integrity of the hemodialysis access site Monitor VS Assess client for fluid overload
  • 89. Nursing Management: Weigh the client before and after the dialysis treatment ( to determine fluid loss) Hold meds that can be dialyzed off Monitor for SS of Shock & Disequilibrium syndrome
  • 90. Complication: Disequilibrium Syndrome – is the rapid change in composition of extracellular fluid where the solutes of the blood are removed from the blood faster than that of the CSF, causing osmotic movement of fluid into the CSF causing cerebral edema.
  • 91. Nursing Management: Disequilibrium syndrome: Assess for Nausea & vomiting Assess for headache Restlessness, agitation & or confusion Watch out for seizures
  • 92. Nursing Management: Disequilibrium syndrome: Notify physician if SS of disequlibrium syndrome occurs Reduce environmental stimuli Dialyze the patient at a shorter period and at a slower rate
  • 94. Cell destruction of the layers of the skin and resultant depletion of fluid and electrolytes
  • 95. Types of Burns Thermal : exposure to flame Chemical: exposure to strong acids or alkali Electrical: Caused by electrical strong electrical current results in internal tissue injury
  • 96. Burn Depth: Superficial thickness burn (1st degree)- mild to severe erythema of skin, blanches with pressure – heals in 3-7 days Partial thickness burn(2nd degree) – large blisters; painful heals 2-3 weeks
  • 97. Burn Depth: Full thickness burns (3rd degree) – white yellow deep red to black (eschar) disruption of blood flow, no pain; scarring and wound contractures will develop. Grafting is required; healing takes weeks to months
  • 98. Burn Depth: Deep full thickness burn (4th degree) – Involves injury to muscle and bone= appears black(eschars) – hard and inelastic healing takes weeks to months; grafts are required
  • 99.
  • 100. Nursing Diagnosis Decreased Cardiac output Related to Fluid shifts
  • 101. Rule Of 9 Head and neck 9% Anterior trunk 18% ( chest-9 abdomen-9) Posterior trunk-18%
  • 102. Rule Of 9 Arms 9% each (forearms only or upper arms only 4.5%) Legs – 18% each Perineum-1%
  • 104.
  • 105. PARKLAND (BAXTER) FORMULA FOR FLUID REPLACEMENT  4ml Lactated Ringer’s sol x Kg body mass x total percentage of body surface burned
  • 106. PARKLAND (BAXTER) •1st 8 hours = ½ of total hour fluid replacement •next 8 hours = ¼ of total •last 8 hours= ¼ of total 24
  • 107. A man Suffered from a 3rd degree burn involving the head and neck, front of the torso (chest & abdomen), and whole left arm. Weight is 50 kg Calculate the: TBSA burned 24 hour fluid replacement in ml 1st 8 hours fluid replacement 2nd 8 hour remaining 8 hour
  • 108. TBSA: Head & neck= 9% front of torso = 18% Whole left arm = 9% TBSA burned 36%
  • 109. 24 hour replacement: Parkland Baxter formula 4mlX 50 kgs x (TBSA)36% = 7200 ml
  • 110. 1 8 hours : st 7200 ml 2 = 3600 ml = 1st 8 hours
  • 111. 2 8 hours & remaining 8 hours respectively : nd 3600 ml 2 = 1800 ml = 2nd 8 hours = 1800 ml = last 8 hours
  • 112. MANAGEMENT OF BURNS: Administer fluids as prescribed Maintain a high calorie, high protein diet Monitor intake and output Monitor for infections of burn site
  • 113. Burn Medications: Nitrofurazone ( Furacin) – broad spectrum antibiotic ointment or cream – used when bacterial resistance to other drugs is a problem : apply 1/16 inch thick film directly to burn
  • 114. Burn Medications: Mafenide ( Sulfamylon) – water soluble cream bacteriostatic gr + bacteria- apply 1/16 inch directly to burn – notify physician if hyperventilation occurs as this drug may ppt. metabolic acidosis.
  • 115. Burn Medications: Silver Sulfadiazene ( Silvadene) – cream Broad spectrum to gr+ - ; does not cause metabolic acidosis – keep burn covered at all times with Sulfadiazine – (1/16 inch thick);  Monitor CBC – causes leukopenia
  • 116. Burn Medications: Silver Nitrate – Antiseptic solution against gr-, dressings are applied to the burn and then kept moist with Silver nitrate ; used on extensive burns that may precipitate fluid and electrolyte imbalance.
  • 117. DKA( Diabetic Ketoacidosis) / HHNS ( Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Syndrome) DKA- Is a life threatening complication of DM type 1 = develops because of severe insulin deficiency
  • 118.  MANIFESTATATIONS 1. Hyperglycemia 2. Dehydration 3. Electrolyte loss and acidosis  CAUSE; Missed insulin dose, or infection
  • 119. HHNS- SIMILAR TO dka WITH EXTTREME hyperglycemia except that in HHNS there is no acidosis. This is for DM type 2
  • 120. ASSESSMENT: Blood glucose – 300 – 800 mg/dl Low bicarbonate & low pH Dehydration
  • 121. ASSESSMENT: Mental status changes Neurological deficits Seizures NURSING INTERVENTION: Administer Insulin IV push 5-10 units 1st then IV infusion
  • 122. NURSING INTERVENTION: Restore Fluids ( administer fluids as prescribed) Treat dehydration w/ rapid infusion of NSS or .45% saline when blood glucose reaches 250300 mg/dl D5NS, or D5 .45%Saline is used
  • 123. NURSING INTERVENTION: Always use infusion pump for IV insulin Monitor serum potassium ( initially as a result of acidosis Hyperkalemia is present upon admin of insulin K+ level drops)
  • 124. NURSING INTERVENTION: Monitor LOC= too rapid decrease in blood glucose may cause cerebral edema
  • 125. THYROID CRISIS – (THROID STORM/ Thyrotoxicosis)- Acute life threatening condition that occurs in a client with uncontrollable hyperthyroidism – maybe a result of manipulation of thyroid gland during surgery(release of thyroid hormones to bloodstream)
  • 126. THYROID CRISIS – (THROID STORM/ Thyrotoxicosis)Causes: Undiagnosed , untreated hyperthyroidism, infection, trauma
  • 127. Medical management: Antithyroid medications; beta blockers; glucocorticoids & iodides are given before surgery to prevent thyroid crisis
  • 128. Medical management: Antithyroid meds: Iodide, Propylthiouracil, Methimazole Iodides/ Iodine = Reduce the vascularity of the thyroid gland before thyroidectomy,
  • 129. Medical management: Iodides= used in the treatment of thyroid storm because it enables the storage of TH in the thyroid gland. However it is given only for 10-14 days Because eventually it looses its effect on the thyroid gland.
  • 130. NURSING INTERVENTION: ASSESSMENT : elevated Temp ( high fever); tachycardia; agitation; tremors Maintain a patent airway Administer antithyroid meds as prescribed ( sodium iodide solution) Monitor VS
  • 132. INTUBATION (maybe stable for 7-14 days) MALFUNCTION of GI
  • 134. HYPERMETABOLIC STATE (hyperglycemia, hyperlactacidemia, ulceration in GI- seeding of bacteria from GI to other organs) (skin breakdown, loss of muscle mass, delayed healing of surgical wounds) (mortality rate 60%)
  • 137. Cardiovascular Failure presence of 1 or more of the ff: <54 bpm Systolic < 60 mm Hg Vtach/ V fib pH < 7.24
  • 138. Respiratory Failure RR < 5/min RR> 49/min Renal Failure presence of 1 or more of the ff: Output < 479 ml/24 hr or < 159 ml/ 8 hr BUN > 100mg/dl Crea > 3.5mg/dl
  • 139. Hematologic Failure presence of 1 or more of the ff: WBC < 1000 uL Platelets < 20,000 HCT < 20%
  • 140. Hepatic failure presence of both of the FF: Bilirubin > 6 mg % PT > 4 sec over control in absence of anticoagulation (normal PT – 11-12sec) Neurologic Failure GCS < 6 in absence of sedation
  • 141. Medical Management: Control of infection w/ antibiotics ( common MRSA & Vancomycin resistant Aggressive pulmonary care mech vent & O2 (intubation) Enteral (NGT) feeding
  • 142. Nursing Management Limited : effective client & family coping
  • 143. The only way to keep your hea Mark Twain

Editor's Notes

  1. Manifestations depend on the severity of coronary arterial occlusion.
  2. Age- Persons of above 40 of age are at high risk of developing cad due to degenerative changes in the heart and blood vessels. Gender- Males are more prone to cardiovascular disorders before age of 65; Females have higher incidence of cases after 65 due to decrease estrogen level in menopause. Increase LDL and decrease HDL causes atherosclerosis formation.
  3. Sympathetic response causes increase secretion of norepinephrine which results to tachycardia and vasoconscriction. Diet- Increase dietary intake of sodium, cholesterol, and fats predispose a person to cardiovascular disorder. Exercise- regular pattern of exercise improves circulation to different body parts; maintains vascular tone and enhances the release of chemical activators which prevent platelet aggregation and prevent blood clotting. Sedentary lifestyle increases the risk for CAD. Smoking- Nicotine causes vasoconstriction and spasm of the arteries; increases myocardial demand; and adhasion to platelets. More carbon dioxide is inhaled than oxygen. Alcohol- 30ml of alcohol is stimulant and causes vasodilation. More than 30ml causes vasoconstriction and increase BP. Increased systemic vascular resistance, endothelial damage, increase platelet adherance and increase permeability to endothelial lining results to high BP.
  4. Hyperlipidimia- Increase LDL cholesterol damages endothelium and causes accumulation of fatty plaques on endothelial lining and proliferation of smooth muscle cells. Diabetes Mellitus- Glucose from CHO cannot be transported into cells due to insulin deficiency or increase resistance to insulin. Body then mobilize fats to become source of glucose. Most of it remains lipids. Hyperlipidimia results, enhances the risk of atherosclerosis. Obesity- It will result to increase cardiac workload. The heart has to pump blood supply to a larger body surface area. May also be characterized by rise in serum lipid level. Personality- Type A behavior pattern, characterized by competitiveness, impatience, aggressiveness and time urgency has been correlated with CAD. “ Hindi na baleng tamad hindi naman pagod and walang sakit sa puso”.
  5. Decrease tissue perfusion and oxygenation may cause anaerobic metabolism causes production of lactic acid that causes nerve endings irritation that causes chest pain.
  6. Orthopnea- usually a symptom of a advance heart failure. Needs several pillows in order to sleep during night. Paroxysmal Nocturnal dyspnea usually occurs 2-5 hrs after the onset of sleep. Due to the venous pooling to the lower extremities during day time once the patient resumes a lying position, the blood will be distributed to upper body part which will cause congestion to the lungs.
  7. Palpitations- unpleasant awareness of heart beat. Describe as pounding, racing, skipping. Palpitations that occurs during mild exertion may indicate tha presence of heart failure, anemia or thyrotoxicosis.
  8. Due to accumulation of fluids to in the interstitial compartment.
  9. Due to: Increased Hydrostatic Pressure (HP) Decreased Colloidal Oncotic Pressure (COP)
  10. Pallor and Cyanosis due to poor oxygenation. Jaundice due to hemolysis of RBC.Jugular vein distention due to Venous congestion. Cool and moist/ Clammy due to vaso constriction in MI this is common.
  11. Clubbing is associated with a wide number of diseases. It is most often noted in heart and lung diseases that cause a lower than normal amount of oxygen in the blood. Clubbing may also be due to lung cancer, and diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Clubbing may also occur in families. In this case it may not be due to an underlying disease.
  12. Murmur are audible vibrations of the heart and great vessels that are produced by turbulent blood flow.
  13. Hypoxia stimulates renal secretion of erythropoietin. This stimulates bone marrow to increase RBC production (Polycythemia) Expected Leukocytosis on the second day and resolves after a week.
  14. Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT)- most specific test to evaluate effectiveness of Heparin.
  15. BUN – decreased cardiac output leads to low renal perfussion and reduction of glomerular filtration rate. BUN becomes elevated.
  16. Hyponatremia- indicate fluid excess and be caused by heart failure or administration of thiazide diuretics. Hypernatremia indicates fluid deficits and can result from decrease water intake or loss of water due to excessive sweating or diarrhea. Potassium major role in cardiac electrophysiologic function. Hypo K due to administration of potassium decreasing diuretics, may predispose clients to many life treatening dysrrhytmias and digitalis toxicity. HyperK due to increase intake of K or decrease excreation of K may result to heart block, asystole, and ventricular dysrythmias. Calcium- necessary for blood coagubility, neurovascular activity and automaticity of nodal cells. Hypocal- slow nodal function and impair myocardial contractility. Hypercal- potentiates digitalis toxicity , casuses myocardial contractility and sudden death from ventricular fibrillation. Magnesium- necessary for absorbtion of calcium and maintainace of potassium stores, and metabolism of adenosine triphospate. Plays major role in chon cho synthesis and muscular contraction. Low magnessium may cause atrial or ventricular tachycardias. Hypermagnesemia may depress myocardial excitability causing heart block and asystole.
  17. Although it cannot help in diagnosing MI it can help identify some possible complications.and correct placement of cardiac catheters such as pacemakers. It can also show various degrees of left ventricular failure or pulmonary congestion.
  18. Cardiac catheterization shows impaired blood flow, partial obstruction or narrowing of coronary arteries.
  19. Using of a contrast agent( dye) to visualize heart and blood vessels. Patient is instructed to fast 8-12 hrs prior to procedure. The procedure will last not more than 2 hrs in a lying flat position on a hard table. The contrast agent may cause flushed feeling and sensation similar to void but will subside later on.
  20. Assume sitting position to prevent Hypostatic hypotension, and sudden movement to prevent orthostatic hypotension. Burning or stinging sensation may indicate potency of the drug. Sublingual produces 1-2 min onset of action lasting to 30 min. Evaluate effectiveness: relief of chest pain. Wash site after the patch is remove.