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Part 1: Technology Integration Action Plan for CHS:
   Based on the direction of our CISD strategic plan the following goals are handed down from the
district level to the campus level to lead in the integration of technology. Since the campus needs to
line up its objectives with the strategic plan it is important that we understand and address these
issues in our action plan, professional development, and evaluation strategies.
Technology Integration Strategy goals from District level:
    1) Establish a method for all stakeholders to obtain appropriate skills needed to be effective
         consumers and producers of information.
    2) Increase CISD staff’s level of technology integration expertise (proficiencies) through a
         differentiated staff development program that addresses 21st Century technology skills.
    3) Expand the Career and Technology courses within CISD to provide additional opportunities
         to the entire student population.
    4) Create a system for providing online learning opportunities for all stakeholders, which
         incorporates such tools as a video portal solution for parents, online professional
         development resources for staff members, distance learning and partnerships for dual credit
         opportunities for students.
    5) Ensure the availability of resources necessary for students to create digital portfolios, and
         utilize communication tools such as wikis, blogs, and social networking.
    6) Develop a green IT strategy and promote green initiatives to reduce energy costs and
         appropriately manage electronic waste.
    7) Enhance the Coppell ISD communication system to provide district staff, parents,
         community members and business partners with secure, effective and efficient
         communication via a reliable and dynamic infrastructure.
    8) Provide an adequate and equitable infrastructure, through an appropriate replacement
         schedule, to meet the instructional and technological needs of all staff and students.

    The establishment of a strategic technology integration Action Plan for CHS will ensure the
goals of the State or Texas Long Range Technology Integration Plan are addressed as well as the
CISD district strategic plans objectives for technology listed above. The Action Plan is meant to
address the learning needs of the staff and students as indicated by the summative assessment data
from last years STAR Chart. The plan is also a direct response to the data collected from our group
forums held with students in the week 3 class work which assessed the perceived needs and
shortfalls of technology integration from their perspective. The plan keeps in mind the desires of the
technology integration specialist on our campus, and the principal’s perspective as they were also
interviewed during the week 3 course work. Though all of this we have tried to assess the needs of
the school while keeping in mind the limitations of the current budgetary confines to come up with
5 solid Action Plan objectives to increase the success of our program.. Overall this Action Plan will
address most factors from the development of objectives to the needed professional development
and finally the evaluation factor so important to gaining perspective on the success of these
Technology Integration Action Plan for 2010-2011
Strategic Goal:       Campus will exemplify integrated technology learning and teaching
Performance                  Establish high level technology integration for both staff and
                             students that is aimed at creating 21st Century learning
opportunities via the lens of modern technology capabilities.
Summative                         The annual STAR Chart shows increases in all areas so that we are
                                  at a proficient level in both the eyes of the state and our staff.
       Action Steps                 Responsible          Timeline       Resources/             Evaluation of
                                     Personal                          Funding needs          Success/ Failure
Campus will be equipped           Director of            By start of   Technology             100% connectivity
with both wired and wireless      Information            school        resources for          with no loss of
internet connectivity to          Technology and         year fall     LAN/WAN                internet service or
accommodate all student and       the Campus/            2011          capabilities for       speed. Less than 5%
staff needs with near 100%        District Network                     students/staff to      down time
reliability and less than 10%     integration                          utilize                throughout the school
loss of connectivity speed at     specialists                          simultaneously.        year.
any time.                                                              Network staff
                                                                       development to
                                                                       ensure up time.
Campus will provide               Technology Media       By start of   Revision of            Documented
students with extended hours      and Resource           school        Library and            evidence of hours at
to utilize computer facilities.   specialists            year fall     Computer lab           night and on
                                                         2011          personal hours         weekends for
                                                                       with no additional     computer student use.
Teachers will regularly           Campus Software/       Evident in    Professional           Evident in teachers
integrate student technology      Hardware               teachers      development            work and lesson plans
use into all classes              integration            lessons at    aimed at strategies    via regular PDAS
maintaining TEKs objectives       specialist.            least once    for technology         formative
at high levels of the Texas                              every other   integration into the   evaluations.
Depth and Complexity chart        All teachers.          week by       lesson plans not       Including collecting
via project based learning                               end 2011      just as presentation   two lesson plans per
and other methods.                All administrators.                  tools by teachers.     semester showing
Best Technology Practice          Campus Media           By start of   Funding to             Teachers will
examples of technology            specialist and         fall 2011     purchase or create     complete and
integration into the              Campus Hardware                      great examples for     document viewing of
curriculum will be posted         & Software                           teachers to view at    one such video lesson
and viewed via online             integration                          anytime for flex       per semester and be
training videos for all           specialist.                          hours.                 credited with
curricular areas.                                                                             Professional Dev.
Development and                   Campus                 By end of     Funding for            Evidence of online
availability of on-line course    technology             spring        software tools for     course ready for
delivery systems for at least     hardware and           2012          online delivery.       implementation in
one class in all curricular       software specialist.                 Professional           each curricular
areas.                            Department lead                      development on         department to be
                                  teachers.                            use of software        offered by the fall of
                                                                       and on how to          2012.
                                                                       develop an online
                                                                       delivery course.
Technology Integration- Organizational Chart - CHS High School

                                                   Texas Long Range Technology
                                                          Integration Plan

                      CISD                        CISD School                                CHS
                  Superintendent                     Board                                  Principal

                                                  Technology Integration coordinators               CHS Vice principal
   Executive Director of Technology               Media /Research                                  overseeing technology
                                                  Teacher/Student Support

             Career & Technical Education and Service-
                      Learning Coordinator                                        PC Technicians – 2 people

                                                                             Computer Lab and Remote Computer
                Coordinator of Information Systems                              Cart Coordinators – 2 people

                                                                           Software and Hardware Integration
                   Network Engineers – 2 people
                                                                               Support Specialist – 2 people

                                                                                        Teachers & Students

Description of Roles and Responsibilities in process of Technology Integration:
District Level Personal:
1) Board of Education: Responsible or interpreting Texas Long Range plan and setting policy
                     for implementation, budgetary expenditures and curriculum integration.
2) Superintendent: Responsible to work with board and staff to set direction and oversee
                   implementation and successful assessment of implementation of all plans.
3) Executive Director of Technology: Oversees all functions of Infrastructure related to
                   technology integration. Including support services, research, purchasing, and
                   implementation of all technology related items.
4) Career & Technical Education Coordinator: Leads development and integration of specific
                   technology related curriculum development and integration including career
                   tech and academy type learning centers.
5) Coordinator of Information Systems: Leads developmental and practical upkeep of all
                   information systems related to administrative, community, and teacher support.
6) Network Engineers: Responsible for upkeep and increase capacity of network and internet services.

Campus Level Personal:
1) Principal: Responsible for overseeing the integration of School Board and Superintendents
   directions. Leads campus improvement initiatives via the Strategic planning committee and
   Site-Based team. Oversees and assures implementation of these plans based on the CIP through
   the various technology personal assigned to the campus. Oversees proper time and budgetary
   elements related to any CIP initiatives. Continues to lead professional development toward
   greater use of technology and learning in the classroom.
2) VP overseeing Technology: Assist the Principal in campus implementation of CIP related
        to technology by overseeing all initiatives.
3) Technology Integration Coordinator (Media & Research): Librarian in charge of
        technology resources related to research and media related hardware and software. Leads
        in assessing and accessing 21st century learning material for teacher and student use.
4) Technology Integration Coordinator (Teacher & Students): on-site technology
        integration specialist developing technology use in the classroom by teachers and
        students. This includes training and funding for new software and hardware tools.
5) PC Technicians: Keep all teacher, administration, lab, remote PC’s & printers up and running.
        Re-image and install new software and hardware as needed. Lead student tech staff.
6) Computer and Remote Lab coordinators: Lead scheduling of labs and assist walk-in
        students with projects and use of peripherals. Oversee peripherals and printer support.
7) Software and Hardware Integration Specialist: New position with two specialist geared
        directly toward helping teachers integrate technology into the classroom via various
        projects. Support professional development and ongoing development of teachers with
        new tools and training opportunities. Directly used in classrooms for training and
8) Teachers and Students: To follow the mandates of the Texas Long Range Plan and
        specifically to implement the CIP via the continued integration of technology aimed as
        learner-centered use of various 21st century learning tools.

Principal’s role in making sure the organizational chart is implemented and monitored: Not only is
it the principal’s role to be sure that all personal are fulfilling their role in the big picture of
technology implementation and support, but it is his/her job to be sure it is actually having an
impact on learning. If technology is used but learning is not taking place there needs to be
adjustments made. Since technology is simply a tool, the formative and summative assessments to
gauge success in learning are based on the use of technology and this is not as easy as TAKs testing
results to evaluate. The whole assessment is much more subjective. It is almost understood that if
technology is used in project based learning that is of sufficient level on the depth and complexity
model then the implementation of technology has been successful. Teaching through the lens of
technology is the key. Utilizing the tools the students already have like I-phones is forward
thinking. Keeping abreast of policies and threats because of technology use is also pertinent to the
principal role.
Part II Professional Development addressing needs of Action Plan
->Designed to achieve plan of integrating technology with instruction and organization

 Professional development areas of focus:
  1) Classroom tools for Student collaborative and creative work:
          • Provide training in use of wikis, blogs, pod casts, video conferencing, and other tools
             to enhance the use of such tools in the classroom.
  2) Provide training on the use of various media and presentation software aimed at the
      enhancement of the classroom and the student’s creative work.
          • Including MS office suite, Prezi, video editing software, digital graphics etc.
  3) Provide training on integration of technology in the classroom toward the goal of learner-
      centered use of the technology for creative problem solving and project based learning.
  4) Provide training for creation of on-line course delivery through the use of commercially
      available software tools.
          • Establish on-line delivery systems templates for teachers and staff to follow so that
             all such content delivery has a similar feel and look for student from class to class.

 Specific Professional development methodology:
  A) Professional development days:
          • Small group learning.
             -Address the mastering of various online Web 2.0 technologies and various software.
             -Credit for professional development doubles of evidence of implementation of these
             tools is shown by the teacher within the next month.
          • PLC groups developed by curricular area to discuss the possible implementation of
             technology by students beyond simple note-taking and typing papers. Integration
             does not include teacher use of the technology but only student use of technology
             aimed at problem solving, communication, collaborative efforts or project based

   B) On-line training geared toward various tools to be utilized and implemented by teachers
         • Training for creation of online content delivery
         • Training opportunities showing other technology use within various curricular areas
         • Training in the use of various communication and software tools as refresher courses

   C) Faculty meeting showcases of technology use centered on student use and learning.
         • Student use of technology in projects or for communication demonstrated/showcased
         • Teacher facilitation of projects utilizing technology shared and demonstrated.

   D) Peer observation geared toward technology implementation by students.
         • Each teacher observes one other teacher during a lesson where technology was
         • implemented into the lesson plan and utilized by the students for learning, problem
             solving and/or creation of products.
Part III Evaluation plan to access the progress and success of the action plan.

        Goal                    User Defined Success                     Evaluation              Evaluation
                                                                          Criteria                Methods
Campus will be            Students:                                  100% connectivity       Annual surveys
equipped with both        Will have access to wireless internet      with no loss of
wired and wireless        anywhere via personal or school            internet service or     Complaint boxes
internet connectivity     obtained devices.                          speed. Less than 5%
to accommodate all                                                   down time               Technology
students and staff                                                   throughout the school   maintenance request
needs with near 100%                                                 year.                   records
                          Will have access to internet anywhere
reliability and less
                          in school for themselves and their
than 10% loss of
                          students. Will also have access to any
connectivity speed at
                          records and files remotely via school
any time.
                          technology infrastructure.
Campus will provide       Students:                                  Documented              Documented hours in
students with extended    Will have access to computers at least     evidence of hours at    Library and computer
hours to utilize          20 hours after school hours per week.      night and on            labs. Uptime on
computer facilities.                                                 weekends for            computers must be at
                          Staff:                                     computer student use.   the 90% level in all
                          Can incorporate technology into class                              labs.
                          work confident resources are available
                          to students outside of class time.
Teachers will             Students:                                  . Evident in teachers   Teachers will be
regularly integrate       Will be able to use technology in          work and lesson         required to turn in
student technology use    various ways to research, analyze          plans via regular       and utilize two lesson
into all classes          problems, solve problems, create           PDAS formative          plans per semester
maintaining TEKs          solutions, and present to various          evaluations.            that demonstrate
objectives at high        entities.                                  Including collecting    integration of
levels of the Texas                                                  two lesson plans per    technology into
Depth and Complexity      Staff:                                     semester showing        student centered
chart via project based   Will be able to design and facilitate      implementation.         learning and not just
learning and other        lesson plans that incorporate the use                              teacher presentations.
methods.                  technology into the students learning.
                          This use must be at a high level and go                            Formative and
                          beyond note taking, typing, and                                    summative PDAS
                          research.                                                          evaluation must
                                                                                             address this
                                                                                             technology aspect.

                                                                                             STAR Chart Survey
                                                                                             evaluation data tool
                                                                                             given at end of year
                                                                                             must reflect growth
                                                                                             by each teacher and
                                                                                             the staff as a whole.
Best Technology           Students:                                  Teachers will           Teachers will have to
Practice examples of      N/A                                        complete and            demonstrate
technology integration    Staff:                                     document viewing of     completion of one
into the curriculum       Staff will have access to demonstrations   one such video lesson   such online training
will be posted and        and model teaching using technology in     per semester and be     opportunity and
viewed via online         all curricular areas. This will be done    credited with           implementation of the
training videos for all   via online training accessible anytime.    Professional Dev.       technique in a lesson
curricular areas.                                                                            plan each semester.
Development and           Students:                                  Evidence of online      Evidence of prepared
availability of on-line   Students will benefit from the offering      course ready for         online course in place
course delivery           of various on-line content delivery          implementation in        by end of school year
systems for at least      courses. This will make scheduling           each curricular          2011. One class per
one class in all          more flexible and allow them more            department to be         department must be
curricular areas.         opportunity for extracurricular classes      offered by the fall of   online and ready to
                          and activities.                              2012.                    go by start of fall
                          Staff:                                                                2011. Limited
                          Staff, administrators, and school district                            student base will be
                          will benefit due to more flexible use of                              allowed this
                          teachers, facilities, and schedules.                                  opportunity if they
                          Various general content information                                   are already enrolled
                          and research can take place via the                                   in the class. Content
                          online delivery with opportunity for                                  for the class will be
                          small group discussion and project                                    approved by district
                          reviews augmenting the online learning.                               lead in that
                                                                                                department area.

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Action plan

  • 1. Part 1: Technology Integration Action Plan for CHS: Summary Based on the direction of our CISD strategic plan the following goals are handed down from the district level to the campus level to lead in the integration of technology. Since the campus needs to line up its objectives with the strategic plan it is important that we understand and address these issues in our action plan, professional development, and evaluation strategies. Technology Integration Strategy goals from District level: 1) Establish a method for all stakeholders to obtain appropriate skills needed to be effective consumers and producers of information. 2) Increase CISD staff’s level of technology integration expertise (proficiencies) through a differentiated staff development program that addresses 21st Century technology skills. 3) Expand the Career and Technology courses within CISD to provide additional opportunities to the entire student population. 4) Create a system for providing online learning opportunities for all stakeholders, which incorporates such tools as a video portal solution for parents, online professional development resources for staff members, distance learning and partnerships for dual credit opportunities for students. 5) Ensure the availability of resources necessary for students to create digital portfolios, and utilize communication tools such as wikis, blogs, and social networking. 6) Develop a green IT strategy and promote green initiatives to reduce energy costs and appropriately manage electronic waste. 7) Enhance the Coppell ISD communication system to provide district staff, parents, community members and business partners with secure, effective and efficient communication via a reliable and dynamic infrastructure. 8) Provide an adequate and equitable infrastructure, through an appropriate replacement schedule, to meet the instructional and technological needs of all staff and students. Procedures: The establishment of a strategic technology integration Action Plan for CHS will ensure the goals of the State or Texas Long Range Technology Integration Plan are addressed as well as the CISD district strategic plans objectives for technology listed above. The Action Plan is meant to address the learning needs of the staff and students as indicated by the summative assessment data from last years STAR Chart. The plan is also a direct response to the data collected from our group forums held with students in the week 3 class work which assessed the perceived needs and shortfalls of technology integration from their perspective. The plan keeps in mind the desires of the technology integration specialist on our campus, and the principal’s perspective as they were also interviewed during the week 3 course work. Though all of this we have tried to assess the needs of the school while keeping in mind the limitations of the current budgetary confines to come up with 5 solid Action Plan objectives to increase the success of our program.. Overall this Action Plan will address most factors from the development of objectives to the needed professional development and finally the evaluation factor so important to gaining perspective on the success of these initiatives. Technology Integration Action Plan for 2010-2011 Strategic Goal: Campus will exemplify integrated technology learning and teaching excellence. Performance Establish high level technology integration for both staff and students that is aimed at creating 21st Century learning Objective:
  • 2. opportunities via the lens of modern technology capabilities. Summative The annual STAR Chart shows increases in all areas so that we are at a proficient level in both the eyes of the state and our staff. Evaluation: Action Steps Responsible Timeline Resources/ Evaluation of Personal Funding needs Success/ Failure Campus will be equipped Director of By start of Technology 100% connectivity with both wired and wireless Information school resources for with no loss of internet connectivity to Technology and year fall LAN/WAN internet service or accommodate all student and the Campus/ 2011 capabilities for speed. Less than 5% staff needs with near 100% District Network students/staff to down time reliability and less than 10% integration utilize throughout the school loss of connectivity speed at specialists simultaneously. year. any time. Network staff development to ensure up time. Campus will provide Technology Media By start of Revision of Documented students with extended hours and Resource school Library and evidence of hours at to utilize computer facilities. specialists year fall Computer lab night and on 2011 personal hours weekends for with no additional computer student use. costs Teachers will regularly Campus Software/ Evident in Professional Evident in teachers integrate student technology Hardware teachers development work and lesson plans use into all classes integration lessons at aimed at strategies via regular PDAS maintaining TEKs objectives specialist. least once for technology formative at high levels of the Texas every other integration into the evaluations. Depth and Complexity chart All teachers. week by lesson plans not Including collecting via project based learning end 2011 just as presentation two lesson plans per and other methods. All administrators. tools by teachers. semester showing implementation. Best Technology Practice Campus Media By start of Funding to Teachers will examples of technology specialist and fall 2011 purchase or create complete and integration into the Campus Hardware great examples for document viewing of curriculum will be posted & Software teachers to view at one such video lesson and viewed via online integration anytime for flex per semester and be training videos for all specialist. hours. credited with curricular areas. Professional Dev. Development and Campus By end of Funding for Evidence of online availability of on-line course technology spring software tools for course ready for delivery systems for at least hardware and 2012 online delivery. implementation in one class in all curricular software specialist. Professional each curricular areas. Department lead development on department to be teachers. use of software offered by the fall of and on how to 2012. develop an online delivery course.
  • 3. Technology Integration- Organizational Chart - CHS High School Texas Long Range Technology Integration Plan CISD CISD School CHS Superintendent Board Principal Technology Integration coordinators CHS Vice principal Executive Director of Technology Media /Research overseeing technology Teacher/Student Support Career & Technical Education and Service- Learning Coordinator PC Technicians – 2 people Computer Lab and Remote Computer Coordinator of Information Systems Cart Coordinators – 2 people Software and Hardware Integration Network Engineers – 2 people Support Specialist – 2 people Teachers & Students Description of Roles and Responsibilities in process of Technology Integration: District Level Personal: 1) Board of Education: Responsible or interpreting Texas Long Range plan and setting policy for implementation, budgetary expenditures and curriculum integration. 2) Superintendent: Responsible to work with board and staff to set direction and oversee implementation and successful assessment of implementation of all plans. 3) Executive Director of Technology: Oversees all functions of Infrastructure related to technology integration. Including support services, research, purchasing, and implementation of all technology related items. 4) Career & Technical Education Coordinator: Leads development and integration of specific technology related curriculum development and integration including career tech and academy type learning centers. 5) Coordinator of Information Systems: Leads developmental and practical upkeep of all information systems related to administrative, community, and teacher support. 6) Network Engineers: Responsible for upkeep and increase capacity of network and internet services. Campus Level Personal:
  • 4. 1) Principal: Responsible for overseeing the integration of School Board and Superintendents directions. Leads campus improvement initiatives via the Strategic planning committee and Site-Based team. Oversees and assures implementation of these plans based on the CIP through the various technology personal assigned to the campus. Oversees proper time and budgetary elements related to any CIP initiatives. Continues to lead professional development toward greater use of technology and learning in the classroom. 2) VP overseeing Technology: Assist the Principal in campus implementation of CIP related to technology by overseeing all initiatives. 3) Technology Integration Coordinator (Media & Research): Librarian in charge of technology resources related to research and media related hardware and software. Leads in assessing and accessing 21st century learning material for teacher and student use. 4) Technology Integration Coordinator (Teacher & Students): on-site technology integration specialist developing technology use in the classroom by teachers and students. This includes training and funding for new software and hardware tools. 5) PC Technicians: Keep all teacher, administration, lab, remote PC’s & printers up and running. Re-image and install new software and hardware as needed. Lead student tech staff. 6) Computer and Remote Lab coordinators: Lead scheduling of labs and assist walk-in students with projects and use of peripherals. Oversee peripherals and printer support. 7) Software and Hardware Integration Specialist: New position with two specialist geared directly toward helping teachers integrate technology into the classroom via various projects. Support professional development and ongoing development of teachers with new tools and training opportunities. Directly used in classrooms for training and implementation. 8) Teachers and Students: To follow the mandates of the Texas Long Range Plan and specifically to implement the CIP via the continued integration of technology aimed as learner-centered use of various 21st century learning tools. Principal’s role in making sure the organizational chart is implemented and monitored: Not only is it the principal’s role to be sure that all personal are fulfilling their role in the big picture of technology implementation and support, but it is his/her job to be sure it is actually having an impact on learning. If technology is used but learning is not taking place there needs to be adjustments made. Since technology is simply a tool, the formative and summative assessments to gauge success in learning are based on the use of technology and this is not as easy as TAKs testing results to evaluate. The whole assessment is much more subjective. It is almost understood that if technology is used in project based learning that is of sufficient level on the depth and complexity model then the implementation of technology has been successful. Teaching through the lens of technology is the key. Utilizing the tools the students already have like I-phones is forward thinking. Keeping abreast of policies and threats because of technology use is also pertinent to the principal role.
  • 5. Part II Professional Development addressing needs of Action Plan ->Designed to achieve plan of integrating technology with instruction and organization leadership. Professional development areas of focus: 1) Classroom tools for Student collaborative and creative work: • Provide training in use of wikis, blogs, pod casts, video conferencing, and other tools to enhance the use of such tools in the classroom. 2) Provide training on the use of various media and presentation software aimed at the enhancement of the classroom and the student’s creative work. • Including MS office suite, Prezi, video editing software, digital graphics etc. 3) Provide training on integration of technology in the classroom toward the goal of learner- centered use of the technology for creative problem solving and project based learning. 4) Provide training for creation of on-line course delivery through the use of commercially available software tools. • Establish on-line delivery systems templates for teachers and staff to follow so that all such content delivery has a similar feel and look for student from class to class. Specific Professional development methodology: A) Professional development days: • Small group learning. -Address the mastering of various online Web 2.0 technologies and various software. -Credit for professional development doubles of evidence of implementation of these tools is shown by the teacher within the next month. • PLC groups developed by curricular area to discuss the possible implementation of technology by students beyond simple note-taking and typing papers. Integration does not include teacher use of the technology but only student use of technology aimed at problem solving, communication, collaborative efforts or project based learning. B) On-line training geared toward various tools to be utilized and implemented by teachers • Training for creation of online content delivery • Training opportunities showing other technology use within various curricular areas • Training in the use of various communication and software tools as refresher courses C) Faculty meeting showcases of technology use centered on student use and learning. • Student use of technology in projects or for communication demonstrated/showcased • Teacher facilitation of projects utilizing technology shared and demonstrated. D) Peer observation geared toward technology implementation by students. • Each teacher observes one other teacher during a lesson where technology was • implemented into the lesson plan and utilized by the students for learning, problem solving and/or creation of products.
  • 6. Part III Evaluation plan to access the progress and success of the action plan. Goal User Defined Success Evaluation Evaluation Criteria Methods Campus will be Students: 100% connectivity Annual surveys equipped with both Will have access to wireless internet with no loss of wired and wireless anywhere via personal or school internet service or Complaint boxes internet connectivity obtained devices. speed. Less than 5% to accommodate all down time Technology students and staff throughout the school maintenance request Faculty/Staff: needs with near 100% year. records Will have access to internet anywhere reliability and less in school for themselves and their than 10% loss of students. Will also have access to any connectivity speed at records and files remotely via school any time. technology infrastructure. Campus will provide Students: Documented Documented hours in students with extended Will have access to computers at least evidence of hours at Library and computer hours to utilize 20 hours after school hours per week. night and on labs. Uptime on computer facilities. weekends for computers must be at Staff: computer student use. the 90% level in all Can incorporate technology into class labs. work confident resources are available to students outside of class time. Teachers will Students: . Evident in teachers Teachers will be regularly integrate Will be able to use technology in work and lesson required to turn in student technology use various ways to research, analyze plans via regular and utilize two lesson into all classes problems, solve problems, create PDAS formative plans per semester maintaining TEKs solutions, and present to various evaluations. that demonstrate objectives at high entities. Including collecting integration of levels of the Texas two lesson plans per technology into Depth and Complexity Staff: semester showing student centered chart via project based Will be able to design and facilitate implementation. learning and not just learning and other lesson plans that incorporate the use teacher presentations. methods. technology into the students learning. This use must be at a high level and go Formative and beyond note taking, typing, and summative PDAS research. evaluation must address this technology aspect. STAR Chart Survey evaluation data tool given at end of year must reflect growth by each teacher and the staff as a whole. Best Technology Students: Teachers will Teachers will have to Practice examples of N/A complete and demonstrate technology integration Staff: document viewing of completion of one into the curriculum Staff will have access to demonstrations one such video lesson such online training will be posted and and model teaching using technology in per semester and be opportunity and viewed via online all curricular areas. This will be done credited with implementation of the training videos for all via online training accessible anytime. Professional Dev. technique in a lesson curricular areas. plan each semester. Development and Students: Evidence of online Evidence of prepared
  • 7. availability of on-line Students will benefit from the offering course ready for online course in place course delivery of various on-line content delivery implementation in by end of school year systems for at least courses. This will make scheduling each curricular 2011. One class per one class in all more flexible and allow them more department to be department must be curricular areas. opportunity for extracurricular classes offered by the fall of online and ready to and activities. 2012. go by start of fall Staff: 2011. Limited Staff, administrators, and school district student base will be will benefit due to more flexible use of allowed this teachers, facilities, and schedules. opportunity if they Various general content information are already enrolled and research can take place via the in the class. Content online delivery with opportunity for for the class will be small group discussion and project approved by district reviews augmenting the online learning. lead in that department area.