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Reading is a window                              Inquiry provides a
to the world.                                    framework for learning.
Reading is a foundational skill for learning,    To become independent learners, students
personal growth, and enjoyment. The              must gain not only the skills but also the
degree to which students can read and            disposition to use those skills, along with an
understand text in all formats (e.g., picture,   understanding of their own responsibilities
video, print) and all contexts is a key          and self-assessment strategies. Combined,
indicator of success in school and in life.      these four elements build a learner who
As a lifelong learning skill, reading goes       can thrive in a complex information
      beyond decoding and comprehension          environment.
                 to interpretation and
                     development of new          Ethical behavior in the use
                        understandings.          of information must be taught.
                                                 In this increasingly global world of
                                                 information, students must be taught to
                                                 seek diverse perspectives, gather and use
                                                 information ethically, and use social tools
                                                 responsibly and safely.

                                                 Technology skills are crucial
                                                 for future employment needs.
                                                    Today’s students need to develop
                                                       information skills that will enable
                                                        them to use technology as an
                                                          important tool for learning,
                                                            both now and in the future.

                                                               Equitable access is
                                                                a key component
                                                                 for education.
                                                                  All children deserve
                                                                   equitable access to
                                                                    books and reading, to
                                                                     information, and to
                                                                      information technology
                                                                       in an environment that
                                                                           is safe and conducive
                                                                           to learning.
                                                            RESouRcES, & TooLS To:
The definition of information literacy
has become more complex as resources and
technologies have changed.                                       Inquire, think
Information literacy has progressed from the simple
definition of using reference resources to find
information. Multiple literacies, including digital,
                                                            1    critically, and gain
visual, textual, and technological, have now joined
information literacy as crucial skills for this century.

                                                                 Draw conclusions,
The continuing expansion of information
demands that all individuals acquire
the thinking skills that will enable
                                                                 make informed
them to learn on their own.                                      decisions, apply
The amount of information available to our                       knowledge to new
learners necessitates that each individual acquire
the skills to select, evaluate, and use information
                                                                 situations, and create
appropriately and effectively.                                   new knowledge.
Learning has a social context.
Learning is enhanced by opportunities to share                   Share knowledge
and learn with others. Students need to develop
skills in sharing knowledge and learning with
others, both in face-to-face situations and
                                                            3    and participate
                                                                 ethically and
through technology.
                                                                 productively as
School libraries are essential to                                members of our
the development of learning skills.
                                                                 democratic society.
School libraries provide equitable physical
and intellectual access to the resources and
tools required for learning in a warm, stimulating,
and safe environment. School librarians collaborate
                                                                 Pursue personal
                                 with others to provide
                                 instruction, learning           and aesthetic
                                 strategies, and practice        growth.
                                 in using the essential
                                 learning skills needed
                                 in the 21st century.
Learners use skiLLs, resources, & tooLs to:

        1            Inquire, think critically,
                     and gain knowledge.

1.1     Skills                    1.1.7   Make sense of             1.2.2   Demonstrate                1.3      Responsibilities
                                          information gathered              confidence and self-
1.1.1   Follow an inquiry-                                                                             1.3.1    Respect copyright/
                                          from diverse sources              direction by making
        based process in                                                                                        intellectual property
                                          by identifying                    independent choices
        seeking knowledge in                                                                                    rights of creators
                                          misconceptions,                   in the selection
        curricular subjects,                                                                                    and producers.
                                          main and supporting               of resources and
        and make the real-
                                          ideas, conflicting                information.               1.3.2    Seek divergent
        world connection for
                                          information, and point                                                perspectives during
        using this process in                                       1.2.3   Demonstrate creativity
                                          of view or bias.                                                      information gathering
        own life.                                                           by using multiple
                                                                                                                and assessment.
                                  1.1.8   Demonstrate mastery               resources and formats.
1.1.2   Use prior and
                                          of technology tools for                                      1.3.3    Follow ethical and legal
        background knowledge                                        1.2.4   Maintain a critical
                                          accessing information                                                 guidelines in gathering
        as context for new                                                  stance by questioning
                                          and pursuing inquiry.                                                 and using information.
        learning.                                                           the validity and
                                  1.1.9   Collaborate with others           accuracy of all            1.3.4    Contribute to the
1.1.3   Develop and refine a
                                          to broaden and deepen             information.                        exchange of ideas
        range of questions to
                                          understanding.                                                        within the learning
        frame the search for                                        1.2.5   Demonstrate
        new understanding.                                                  adaptability by
                                                                            changing the inquiry       1.3.5    Use information
1.1.4   Find, evaluate, and
                                                                            focus, questions,                   technology responsibly.
        select appropriate
                                                                            resources, or strategies
        sources to answer
                                                                            when necessary to
        questions.                                                                                     1.4      Self-assessment
                                                                            achieve success.
1.1.5   Evaluate information                                                                                    Strategies
                                                                    1.2.6   Display emotional
        found in selected                                                                              1.4.1    Monitor own
                                                                            resilience by persisting
        sources on the basis                                                                                    information-seeking
                                                                            in information
        of accuracy, validity,                                                                                  processes for
                                                                            searching despite
        appropriateness for                                                                                     effectiveness and
        needs, importance,                                                                                      progress, and adapt
        and social and            1.2     Dispositions              1.2.7   Display persistence by              as necessary.
        cultural context.                 in action                         continuing to pursue
                                                                            information to gain a      1.4.2    Use interaction
1.1.6   Read, view, and           1.2.1   Display initiative                                                    with and feedback
                                          and engagement by                 broad perspective.
        listen for information                                                                                  from teachers and
        presented in any                  posing questions                                                      peers to guide own
        format (e.g., textual,            and investigating the                                                 inquiry process.
        visual, media, digital)           answers beyond the
        in order to make                  collection of                                                1.4.3    Monitor gathered
        inferences and                    superficial facts.                                                    information, and assess
        gather meaning.                                                                                         for gaps or weaknesses.
                                                                                                       1.4.4	   Seek appropriate help
                                                                                                                when it is needed.
Learners use skiLLs, resources, & tooLs to:

        2            Draw conclusions, make
                     informed decisions, apply knowledge to
                     new situations, and create new knowledge.

2.1     Skills                       2.1.6   Use the writing         2.2.2   Use both divergent        2.3 Responsibilities
                                             process, media and              and convergent
2.1.1   Continue an inquiry-                                                                           2.3.1   Connect
                                             visual literacy, and            thinking to formulate
        based research process                                                                                 understanding to
                                             technology skills               alternative conclusions
        by applying critical-                                                                                  the real world.
                                             to create products              and test them against
        thinking skills (analysis,
                                             that express new                the evidence.             2.3.2   Consider diverse and
        synthesis, evaluation,
                                             understandings.                                                   global perspectives in
        organization) to                                             2.2.3   Employ a critical
                                                                                                               drawing conclusions.
        information and                                                      stance in drawing
        knowledge in order                                                   conclusions by            2.3.3   Use valid information
                                     2.2 Dispositions                                                          and reasoned
        to construct new                                                     demonstrating that the
                                         in action                                                             conclusions to make
        understandings, draw                                                 pattern of evidence
        conclusions, and create      2.2.1   Demonstrate                     leads to a decision or            ethical decisions.
        new knowledge.                       flexibility in the              conclusion.
                                             use of resources by
2.1.2   Organize knowledge                                           2.2.4   Demonstrate personal      2.4 Self-assessment
                                             adapting information
        so that it is useful.                                                productivity by
                                             strategies to each                                            Strategies
                                                                             completing products
2.1.3   Use strategies to                    specific resource and                                     2.4.1   Determine how to act
                                                                             to express learning.
        draw conclusions                     by seeking additional                                             on information (accept,
        from information and                 resources when clear                                              reject, modify).
        apply knowledge to                   conclusions cannot
        curricular areas, real-              be drawn.                                                 2.4.2   Reflect on systematic
        world situations, and                                                                                  process, and assess
        further investigations.                                                                                for completeness of
2.1.4   Use technology and
        other information tools                                                                        2.4.3   Recognize new
        to analyze and organize                                                                                knowledge and
        information.                                                                                           understanding.

2.1.5   Collaborate with                                                                               2.4.4   Develop directions for
        others to exchange                                                                                     future investigations.
        ideas, develop new
        understandings, make
        decisions, and solve
Learners use skiLLs, resources, & tooLs to:

        3          Share knowledge and
                   participate ethically and productively
                   as members of our democratic society.

3.1     Skills                  3.1.3   Use writing and         3.2 Dispositions                  3.3.3   Use knowledge and
                                        speaking skills to          in action                             information skills
3.1.1   Conclude an inquiry-
                                        communicate new                                                   and dispositions
        based research                                          3.2.1   Demonstrate
                                        understandings                                                    to engage in public
        process by sharing                                              leadership and
                                        effectively.                                                      conversation and
        new understandings                                              confidence by
                                                                                                          debate around issues
        and reflecting on the   3.1.4   Use technology and              presenting ideas
                                                                                                          of common concern.
        learning.                       other information               to others in both
                                        tools to organize and           formal and informal       3.3.4   Create products that
3.1.2   Participate and
                                        display knowledge and           situations.                       apply to authentic,
        collaborate as
                                        understanding in ways                                             real-world contexts.
        members of a social                                     3.2.2   Show social
                                        that others can view,
        and intellectual                                                responsibility by         3.3.5   Contribute to the
                                        use, and assess.
        network of                                                      participating actively            exchange of ideas
        learners.               3.1.5   Connect learning to             with others in learning           within and beyond the
                                        community issues.               situations and by                 learning community.
                                3.1.6   Use information and             contributing questions    3.3.6   Use information
                                        technology ethically            and ideas during                  and knowledge in
                                        and responsibly.                group discussions.                the service of
                                                                3.2.3   Demonstrate                       democratic values.
                                                                        teamwork by working       3.3.7   Respect the principles
                                                                        productively with                 of intellectual freedom.

                                                                                                  3.4 Self-assessment
                                                                3.3 Responsibilities                  Strategies
                                                                3.3.1   Solicit and respect       3.4.1   Assess the processes
                                                                        diverse perspectives              by which learning was
                                                                        while searching                   achieved in order to
                                                                        for information,                  revise strategies and
                                                                        collaborating                     learn more effectively
                                                                        with others, and                  in the future.
                                                                        participating as
                                                                        a member of the           3.4.2   Assess the quality and
                                                                        community.                        effectiveness of the
                                                                                                          learning product.
                                                                3.3.2   Respect the differing
                                                                        interests and             3.4.3   Assess own ability
                                                                        experiences of others,            to work with others
                                                                        and seek a variety                in a group setting
                                                                        of viewpoints.                    by evaluating varied
                                                                                                          roles, leadership,
                                                                                                          and demonstrations
                                                                                                          of respect for other
Learners use skiLLs, resources, & tooLs to:

        4           Pursue personal and
                    aesthetic growth.

4.1     Skills                                                      4.2.4   Show an appreciation     4.4 Self-assessment
                                                                            for literature by            Strategies
4.1.1   Read, view, and listen
                                                                            electing to read
        for pleasure and                                                                             4.4.1   Identify own areas
                                                                            for pleasure and
        personal growth.                                                                                     of interest.
                                                                            expressing an interest
4.1.2   Read widely and                                                     in various literary      4.4.2   Recognize the limits
        fluently to make                                                    genres.                          of own personal
        connections with                                                                                     knowledge.
        self, the world, and
        previous reading.                                           4.3 Responsibilities
4.1.3   Respond to literature     4.2 Dispositions                  4.3.1   Participate in the
        and creative                  in action                             social exchange
        expressions of ideas                                                of ideas, both
                                  4.2.1   Display curiosity by
        in various formats                                                  electronically and in
                                          pursuing interests
        and genres.                                                         person.
                                          through multiple
4.1.4   Seek information for              resources.                4.3.2   Recognize that
        personal learning in a                                              resources are created
                                  4.2.2   Demonstrate
        variety of formats and                                              for a variety of
                                          motivation by seeking                                      4.4.3   Recognize how
        genres.                                                             purposes.
                                          information to answer                                              to focus efforts in
4.1.5   Connect ideas to own              personal questions        4.3.3   Seek opportunities for           personal learning.
        interests and previous            and interests, trying a           pursuing personal and
        knowledge and                     variety of formats and            aesthetic growth.        4.4.4   Interpret new
        experience.                       genres, and displaying                                             information based
                                                                    4.3.4   Practice safe and                on cultural and
                                          a willingness to go
4.1.6   Organize personal                                                   ethical behaviors in             social context.
                                          beyond academic
        knowledge in a way                                                  personal electronic
                                          requirements.                                              4.4.5   Develop personal
        that can be called upon                                             communication and
        easily.                   4.2.3   Maintain openness                 interaction.                     criteria for gauging
                                          to new ideas                                                       how effectively own
4.1.7   Use social networks                                                                                  ideas are expressed.
                                          by considering
        and information tools
                                          divergent opinions,                                        4.4.6   Evaluate own ability
        to gather and share
                                          changing opinions                                                  to select resources
                                          or conclusions when                                                that are engaging
4.1.8   Use creative and                  evidence supports the                                              and appropriate for
        artistic formats to               change, and seeking                                                personal interests
        express personal                  information about                                                  and needs.
        learning.                         new ideas encountered
                                          through academic or
                                          personal experiences.
american association of School Librarians
50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611

© 2007 by the American Library Association

Permission to use, reproduce, and distribute
this document is hereby granted for private,
non-commercial, and education purposes only.

ISBN (bundle of 12) 978-0-8389-8445-1

This publication is available for download at

Multiple copies may be purchased from the ALA store
at or by calling 866-SHOP	ALA.

             21st                                  cEnTuRY
                                        Dispositions                                                   Self-assessment
Skills                                                              Responsibilities
                                        in action                                                      Strategies

Key	abilities	needed	                   Ongoing	beliefs	            Common	behaviors	                  Reflections	on	one’s		
for	understanding,	                     and	attitudes	that	         used	by	independent	               own	learning	to	
learning,	thinking,	                    guide	thinking	and	         learners	in	researching,	          determine	that	the		
and	mastering	                          intellectual	behavior	      investigating,	and	                skills,	dispositions,		
subjects.                               that	can	be	measured	       problem	solving.                   and	responsibilities		
                                        through	actions	taken.                                         are	effective.

key question                            key question                key question                       key question
Does the student have                   Is the student disposed     Is the student aware that          Can the student recognize

the right proficiencies                 to higher-level thinking    the foundational traits for        personal strengths and

to explore a topic or                   and actively engaged in     21st-century learning require      weaknesses over time and

subject further?                        critical thinking to gain   self-accountability that extends   become a stronger, more

                                        and share knowledge?        beyond skills and dispositions?    independent learner?

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Aasl learning standards_2007

  • 1.
  • 2. Reading is a window Inquiry provides a to the world. framework for learning. Reading is a foundational skill for learning, To become independent learners, students personal growth, and enjoyment. The must gain not only the skills but also the degree to which students can read and disposition to use those skills, along with an understand text in all formats (e.g., picture, understanding of their own responsibilities video, print) and all contexts is a key and self-assessment strategies. Combined, indicator of success in school and in life. these four elements build a learner who As a lifelong learning skill, reading goes can thrive in a complex information beyond decoding and comprehension environment. to interpretation and development of new Ethical behavior in the use understandings. of information must be taught. In this increasingly global world of information, students must be taught to seek diverse perspectives, gather and use information ethically, and use social tools responsibly and safely. Technology skills are crucial for future employment needs. Today’s students need to develop information skills that will enable them to use technology as an important tool for learning, both now and in the future. Equitable access is a key component for education. All children deserve equitable access to books and reading, to information, and to information technology in an environment that is safe and conducive to learning.
  • 3. LEaRnERS uSE SkILLS, RESouRcES, & TooLS To: The definition of information literacy has become more complex as resources and technologies have changed. Inquire, think Information literacy has progressed from the simple definition of using reference resources to find information. Multiple literacies, including digital, 1 critically, and gain knowledge. visual, textual, and technological, have now joined information literacy as crucial skills for this century. Draw conclusions, 2 The continuing expansion of information demands that all individuals acquire the thinking skills that will enable make informed them to learn on their own. decisions, apply The amount of information available to our knowledge to new learners necessitates that each individual acquire the skills to select, evaluate, and use information situations, and create appropriately and effectively. new knowledge. Learning has a social context. Learning is enhanced by opportunities to share Share knowledge and learn with others. Students need to develop skills in sharing knowledge and learning with others, both in face-to-face situations and 3 and participate ethically and through technology. productively as School libraries are essential to members of our the development of learning skills. democratic society. School libraries provide equitable physical and intellectual access to the resources and tools required for learning in a warm, stimulating, and safe environment. School librarians collaborate Pursue personal 4 with others to provide instruction, learning and aesthetic strategies, and practice growth. in using the essential learning skills needed in the 21st century.
  • 4. Learners use skiLLs, resources, & tooLs to: 1 Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge. 1.1 Skills 1.1.7 Make sense of 1.2.2 Demonstrate 1.3 Responsibilities information gathered confidence and self- 1.1.1 Follow an inquiry- 1.3.1 Respect copyright/ from diverse sources direction by making based process in intellectual property by identifying independent choices seeking knowledge in rights of creators misconceptions, in the selection curricular subjects, and producers. main and supporting of resources and and make the real- ideas, conflicting information. 1.3.2 Seek divergent world connection for information, and point perspectives during using this process in 1.2.3 Demonstrate creativity of view or bias. information gathering own life. by using multiple and assessment. 1.1.8 Demonstrate mastery resources and formats. 1.1.2 Use prior and of technology tools for 1.3.3 Follow ethical and legal background knowledge 1.2.4 Maintain a critical accessing information guidelines in gathering as context for new stance by questioning and pursuing inquiry. and using information. learning. the validity and 1.1.9 Collaborate with others accuracy of all 1.3.4 Contribute to the 1.1.3 Develop and refine a to broaden and deepen information. exchange of ideas range of questions to understanding. within the learning frame the search for 1.2.5 Demonstrate community. new understanding. adaptability by changing the inquiry 1.3.5 Use information 1.1.4 Find, evaluate, and focus, questions, technology responsibly. select appropriate resources, or strategies sources to answer when necessary to questions. 1.4 Self-assessment achieve success. 1.1.5 Evaluate information Strategies 1.2.6 Display emotional found in selected 1.4.1 Monitor own resilience by persisting sources on the basis information-seeking in information of accuracy, validity, processes for searching despite appropriateness for effectiveness and challenges. needs, importance, progress, and adapt and social and 1.2 Dispositions 1.2.7 Display persistence by as necessary. cultural context. in action continuing to pursue information to gain a 1.4.2 Use interaction 1.1.6 Read, view, and 1.2.1 Display initiative with and feedback and engagement by broad perspective. listen for information from teachers and presented in any posing questions peers to guide own format (e.g., textual, and investigating the inquiry process. visual, media, digital) answers beyond the in order to make collection of 1.4.3 Monitor gathered inferences and superficial facts. information, and assess gather meaning. for gaps or weaknesses. 1.4.4 Seek appropriate help when it is needed.
  • 5. Learners use skiLLs, resources, & tooLs to: 2 Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge. 2.1 Skills 2.1.6 Use the writing 2.2.2 Use both divergent 2.3 Responsibilities process, media and and convergent 2.1.1 Continue an inquiry- 2.3.1 Connect visual literacy, and thinking to formulate based research process understanding to technology skills alternative conclusions by applying critical- the real world. to create products and test them against thinking skills (analysis, that express new the evidence. 2.3.2 Consider diverse and synthesis, evaluation, understandings. global perspectives in organization) to 2.2.3 Employ a critical drawing conclusions. information and stance in drawing knowledge in order conclusions by 2.3.3 Use valid information 2.2 Dispositions and reasoned to construct new demonstrating that the in action conclusions to make understandings, draw pattern of evidence conclusions, and create 2.2.1 Demonstrate leads to a decision or ethical decisions. new knowledge. flexibility in the conclusion. use of resources by 2.1.2 Organize knowledge 2.2.4 Demonstrate personal 2.4 Self-assessment adapting information so that it is useful. productivity by strategies to each Strategies completing products 2.1.3 Use strategies to specific resource and 2.4.1 Determine how to act to express learning. draw conclusions by seeking additional on information (accept, from information and resources when clear reject, modify). apply knowledge to conclusions cannot curricular areas, real- be drawn. 2.4.2 Reflect on systematic world situations, and process, and assess further investigations. for completeness of investigation. 2.1.4 Use technology and other information tools 2.4.3 Recognize new to analyze and organize knowledge and information. understanding. 2.1.5 Collaborate with 2.4.4 Develop directions for others to exchange future investigations. ideas, develop new understandings, make decisions, and solve problems.
  • 6. Learners use skiLLs, resources, & tooLs to: 3 Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society. 3.1 Skills 3.1.3 Use writing and 3.2 Dispositions 3.3.3 Use knowledge and speaking skills to in action information skills 3.1.1 Conclude an inquiry- communicate new and dispositions based research 3.2.1 Demonstrate understandings to engage in public process by sharing leadership and effectively. conversation and new understandings confidence by debate around issues and reflecting on the 3.1.4 Use technology and presenting ideas of common concern. learning. other information to others in both tools to organize and formal and informal 3.3.4 Create products that 3.1.2 Participate and display knowledge and situations. apply to authentic, collaborate as understanding in ways real-world contexts. members of a social 3.2.2 Show social that others can view, and intellectual responsibility by 3.3.5 Contribute to the use, and assess. network of participating actively exchange of ideas learners. 3.1.5 Connect learning to with others in learning within and beyond the community issues. situations and by learning community. 3.1.6 Use information and contributing questions 3.3.6 Use information technology ethically and ideas during and knowledge in and responsibly. group discussions. the service of 3.2.3 Demonstrate democratic values. teamwork by working 3.3.7 Respect the principles productively with of intellectual freedom. others. 3.4 Self-assessment 3.3 Responsibilities Strategies 3.3.1 Solicit and respect 3.4.1 Assess the processes diverse perspectives by which learning was while searching achieved in order to for information, revise strategies and collaborating learn more effectively with others, and in the future. participating as a member of the 3.4.2 Assess the quality and community. effectiveness of the learning product. 3.3.2 Respect the differing interests and 3.4.3 Assess own ability experiences of others, to work with others and seek a variety in a group setting of viewpoints. by evaluating varied roles, leadership, and demonstrations of respect for other viewpoints.
  • 7. Learners use skiLLs, resources, & tooLs to: 4 Pursue personal and aesthetic growth. 4.1 Skills 4.2.4 Show an appreciation 4.4 Self-assessment for literature by Strategies 4.1.1 Read, view, and listen electing to read for pleasure and 4.4.1 Identify own areas for pleasure and personal growth. of interest. expressing an interest 4.1.2 Read widely and in various literary 4.4.2 Recognize the limits fluently to make genres. of own personal connections with knowledge. self, the world, and previous reading. 4.3 Responsibilities 4.1.3 Respond to literature 4.2 Dispositions 4.3.1 Participate in the and creative in action social exchange expressions of ideas of ideas, both 4.2.1 Display curiosity by in various formats electronically and in pursuing interests and genres. person. through multiple 4.1.4 Seek information for resources. 4.3.2 Recognize that personal learning in a resources are created 4.2.2 Demonstrate variety of formats and for a variety of motivation by seeking 4.4.3 Recognize how genres. purposes. information to answer to focus efforts in 4.1.5 Connect ideas to own personal questions 4.3.3 Seek opportunities for personal learning. interests and previous and interests, trying a pursuing personal and knowledge and variety of formats and aesthetic growth. 4.4.4 Interpret new experience. genres, and displaying information based 4.3.4 Practice safe and on cultural and a willingness to go 4.1.6 Organize personal ethical behaviors in social context. beyond academic knowledge in a way personal electronic requirements. 4.4.5 Develop personal that can be called upon communication and easily. 4.2.3 Maintain openness interaction. criteria for gauging to new ideas how effectively own 4.1.7 Use social networks ideas are expressed. by considering and information tools divergent opinions, 4.4.6 Evaluate own ability to gather and share changing opinions to select resources information. or conclusions when that are engaging 4.1.8 Use creative and evidence supports the and appropriate for artistic formats to change, and seeking personal interests express personal information about and needs. learning. new ideas encountered through academic or personal experiences.
  • 8. american association of School Librarians 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 © 2007 by the American Library Association Permission to use, reproduce, and distribute this document is hereby granted for private, non-commercial, and education purposes only. ISBN (bundle of 12) 978-0-8389-8445-1 This publication is available for download at Multiple copies may be purchased from the ALA store at or by calling 866-SHOP ALA. 21st cEnTuRY LEaRnERS Dispositions Self-assessment Skills Responsibilities in action Strategies Key abilities needed Ongoing beliefs Common behaviors Reflections on one’s for understanding, and attitudes that used by independent own learning to learning, thinking, guide thinking and learners in researching, determine that the and mastering intellectual behavior investigating, and skills, dispositions, subjects. that can be measured problem solving. and responsibilities through actions taken. are effective. key question key question key question key question Does the student have Is the student disposed Is the student aware that Can the student recognize the right proficiencies to higher-level thinking the foundational traits for personal strengths and to explore a topic or and actively engaged in 21st-century learning require weaknesses over time and subject further? critical thinking to gain self-accountability that extends become a stronger, more and share knowledge? beyond skills and dispositions? independent learner?