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Programa FRIDA
             INFORME DE AVANCE

Identificación del Proyecto

Título: A Web 2.0 Journal to Improve Digital Communicative and             No. A000
        Methodological Skills of Disadvantaged Youth in Brasilia
Organización           CEFE – Associação Centro Formativo Educativo, Brasilia
Jefe de Proyecto        Luciana Almeida dos Santos
Período Informado       Mes/ año         Sitio Web
Dirección del           Isabella Rega
Investigadores          Luca Botturi
participantes           Milena Nunes

 1.   Actividades Realizadas (Resumen de los avances) ................................................. 3
 2.   Objetivo general ....................................................................................................... 4
 3.   Objetivos específicos: .............................................................................................. 4
 4.   Avance de Actividades al mes/año (presente informe)............................................ 5
 5.   Indicadores de Avance: Verificación de Resultados ............................................... 6
 6.   Participación efectiva de todos los intervinientes en el proyecto. ........................... 7
 7.   Reuniones de Coordinación ..................................................................................... 7
 8.   Actividades de Difusión ........................................................................................... 7
 9.   Anexos ..................................................................................................................... 8
1. Actividades Realizadas (Resumen de los avances)

This project aimed at investigating how web 2.0 technologies can be used to improve
methodological and communicative skills in young people attending public
disadvantaged schools in Brazil. The project duration is of 12 months, during which a
pilot experience of integrating web 2.0 technologies in the curriculum of a study support
centre in the neighbourhood of Brasilia has been carried on. The project was run at CEFE
– Centro Educativo e Formativo, a centre serving a large disadvantage area in Brasilia,
helping high school students to achieve better academic results.
As a result of the project, CEFE students gained the technological, methodological and
communicative key skills to enter the knowledge society, both in the university and in the
job market.

The CEFE - Associação Centro Formativo Educativo (Brasilia) is an educational centre
for youth living in disadvantaged conditions, aiming at supporting teens in their study
path in order to enabling them to access higher education institutions or qualified job
places. The project will take place in the suburbs area of Brasilia, in Brazil, in an area
called Nucleo Bandeirante, where CEFE is placed.

CEFE teachers highlighted three main gaps within students attending public schools in
the Nucleo Bandeirante and in the surrounding neighborhoods (Candangolandia,
Samambaia, Riacho Fundo, Cruzeiro, and Ceilandia and hindering opportunities of a
better future:
     Lack of methodological skills: students did not acquire necessary
        methodological skills to face the study effort required in universities, they are not
        enough able to self-organize they study agenda and to work in teams to achieve
        given objectives;
     Lack of communicative skills: students did not gain a good level of knowledge
        of Portuguese, to be able to work in offices and to study at university.
        Furthermore, they do not have sufficient knowledge of means of expressions such
        as photography or multimedia;
     Lack of digital skills: students do not have enough digital competences to
        fruitfully use them in their study tasks at high school, nor to be able to work in the
        knowledge society in the future.

The following problem tree highlights causes and effects linked to the aforementioned
lack of skills, in grey are highlighted the elements affected by this project:
School Drop-outs and                 University Entrance               Job Search Failures
                            Failures                         Exam Failures


                                             Lack of Communicative, Methodological
                                                     and Technological Skills
                                                                                                                    MAIN PROBLEM

                          Lack of Technological                                               Low Quality Education in
                           Training at School                                                   Communicative and
                                                                                               Techniques at School

         Lack of Teacher Training            Lack of technological            Low Quality Teacher          Too Many Students in a
           in the use of digital             laboratories at school         Training in Communicative           Classroom
             technologies for                                                  and Methodological
          educational purposes                                                     Techniques

                            Lack of technology
                          enchanced educational
                            activities at school                                                                            CAUSES

In the framework of these deep educational limits found among public school students
attending CEFE, this pilot project aimed at offering local youth the possibility to learn
new work and study methods and to better their expression skills through the use of ICTs
and, in particular, of web 2.0 tools.

The project wanted to investigate how the new generation of web technologies can be
used, not only as subjects to be taught within a digital literacy training program, but also
as tools to foster the acquisition of communicative and methodological skills.

The idea of the project was to develop a web 2.0 journal, through which students, while
being involved in a playful and challenging activity, are able to (1) approach digital
technologies (digital literacy gap); (2) learn how to edit written and depicted
communication formats (communicative skills gap); (3) acquire self-organization and
group work skills (methodological skills gap).

2. Objetivo general

Investigating how educational activities based on web 2.0 can improve methodological,
communicative and technological skills of teenagers living in disadvantaged conditions.

3. Objetivos específicos:

   1. Increasing technological skills of disadvantaged teenagers attending CEFE
   2. Increasing methodological skills of disadvantaged teenagers attending CEFE
      activities through web 2.0 tools and group works
3. Increasing communicative skills of disadvantaged teenagers attending CEFE
      activities through web 2.0 tools and group works

Fecha de inicio según propuesta inicial: 1/12/2008

Cuadro con plazos de ejecución programados:

                                  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
M1: Training and tutoring
M2: Web 2.0 Journal Publication
M3: Evaluation

Fecha de inicio real del proyecto: 01/01/2009

Objetivo específico 1        Increasing technological skills of disadvantaged
                             teenagers attending CEFE activities.
Objetivo específico 2        Increasing methodological skills of disadvantaged
                             teenagers attending CEFE activities through web 2.0
                             tools and group works
Objetivo específico 3        Increasing communicative skills of disadvantaged
                             teenagers attending CEFE activities through web 2.0
                             tools and group works

4. Avance de Actividades al mes/año (presente informe)

Activity                   Date                      Output
M1: workshop (teacher      March 2009                - journal/blog planning (see
training)                                            annex)
                                                     - list of participants (see annex)
                                                     - link to the blog developed
                                                     during the training:
M1: blog/journal design    April 2009      
and development                            
M2: posts on the           May 2009 – December
blog/journal               2009                      see annex: Blog Report
M3: Evaluation session     February 2010             See annex: Evaluation Session
Cuadros por actividades

Actividades para el cumplimiento del                 Plazo de         Plazo de
Objetivo Específico Nº 1, 2 and 3                   ejecución        ejecución
                                                   planificado       realizado
                                                     Mes/Año         Mes/Año
                                                 12.08            02-03.09
M1: Training on the design of a web 2.0 journal,
                                                 (workshop) +     (workshop) +
editorial planning and tutoring
                                                 ongoing tutoring ongoing tutoring
M2: Web 2.0 Journal Publication                  01.09-09.09          05.09-11.09

M3: Evaluation                                   11-12.09             02.10

5. Indicadores de Avance: Verificación de Resultados

Two website have been created:

The second website is the blog/journal developed by students and teachers of the
Associação Nossa Senhora Mãe dos Homens, an association working with children from
0 to 13 years, who participated to the workshop as well and decided to do a Project to
integrate technologies in their activities.
All the parteners in the Project agreed in allowing Associação Nossa Senhora Mãe dos
Homens to enter the Project: this does not imply any further cost for FRIDA, only a
increased impact of the Project itself.

     Nº       Nº                Indicador                Medio de Verificación
 Actividad Resultado
        M1:        1. Two blogs created, materials
  workshop            developed before and during the
    (teacher          workshop
   training)                                          journal/blog edirotiral
                                                            planning (see annex)
                                                            list of participants (see annex)
                                                            link to the blog developed
                                                            during the training:
                                                            technical manual
                                                            Evaluation plan
M2: posts              1. See the blog                       See the blog:
     on the                                         
blog/journa                See the annex Blog Report
                                                              blog access analysis

       M3:              1 See the annex Evaluation Session -      Focus group with CEFE
 Evaluation               Report                                  teachers and director
    session                                                   -   Focus group with CEFE
                                                              -   Questionnaire to CEFE
                                                                  teachers and pupils
                                                              -   Focus group with
                                                                  CRECHE teachers and
                                                              -   Focus group with
                                                                  CRECHE pupils
                                                              -   Questionnaire to
                                                                  CRECHE teachers
      M0:               1 The Project leader and the director Skype meetings
 manageme                 of the Project meet on skype every
        nt                two weeks.

6. Participación efectiva de todos los intervinientes en el proyecto.

All participants actively participated to the Project. Furthermore educators of another
association, Associação Nossa Senhora Mãe dos Homens, participated to the training and
are setting up a blog/journal for their students.
This is a big not foreseen institutional achievement because it strenghen the collaboration
between the two institutions and allowed an increased impact of the project itself,
doubling the students involved in the experience.

7. Reuniones de Coordinación

The Project leader and the director of the Project met on skype every two weeks to keep
the pace of the Project.

8. Actividades de Difusión

To have an extensive overview of the diffusion that the blog had on the internet and the
target it reached, please see the annex (Blog Report). However, we anticipate here few
   Unique visitors: 492

     Visits: 936

     Countries from where the blog has been accessed: Brazil, Switzerland, Italy,
      Portugal, Denmark, Belarus, United States, United Kingdom, France, Senegal

     Within Brazil the blog has been visited from: Brasilia, Sao Paulo, Salvador, Rio
      de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Goiania, Fortaleza, Belem

9. Anexos

  - Evalution Session Report
  - Blog Report

Programa FRIDA - A Web 2.0 Journal to Improve Digital Communicative
and Methodological Skills of Disadvantaged Youth in Brasilia
The evaluation session took place in February 2010 and involved the following instruments:

-   CEFE:
      o Focus group with CEFE teachers and director
      o Focus group with CEFE pupils
      o Questionnaire to CEFE teachers
      o Focus group with CRECHE teachers and director
      o Focus group with CRECHE pupils (based on a drawing session)
      o Questionnaire to CRECHE teachers

CEFE and CRECHE teachers

Looking at the questionnaire results teachers positively consider the experience:

Teachers think that, in comparison to the previous year, students involved in the FRIDA
project improved in:

And they think that the FRIDA project allowed them to improved in:

Furthermore, their attitude towards technologies is the following:

Teachers think that the experience was useful and new, but they mentioned some difficulties,
such as technological ones, organizational ones, and involvement ones. They considered the
experience very important to start considering the computer and ICT in general as an
educational tool. They discover a new tool that can be use to support their didactic activities
day by day. Furthermore, they think that the past year and the FRIDA project helped them to
start reflecting on how to face difficulties and on how to better plan and design their classes.

Teachers found very useful the possibility to have an in depth evaluation of the project not
only focused on the developed activity but also aiming at finding ways of improvement and

If looking at aspects to improve they regret the lack of interest of pupils, also caused by a
lack of planning and integration between moments in class and in the informatics lab and by
the lack of a support from the informatics teacher, who is more a technician than a person
interested in the teaching activity of the institution (both at CRECHE and at CEFE). Other
aspects regards the not complete confidence in the informatics tool and the poverty of the
equipment (computers are not up to date and internet is slow).

Teachers think that the difficult part was to create, to plan activities more then put them in

Teachers appreciated:

-   the possibility they had to open a new range of possibility, of acquiring new knowledge
    and skills, to be spent with their students

-   the final results: posts and comments, they are sort of brave of the developed work

-   the creativity of their students, and their interaction to work in groups

-   the visibility given to the institution by the blog

Teachers suggested to spend more time in the planning of the activities and on managing the
integration of the blog in the class activities. Furthermore, they would like to have a better
access to internet, and to have refreshing courses on technological matters, also via

When they were asked to mention positive things happened during the activity, they
mentioned the relationship built among students and between students and themselves, the
happiness of the kids in seeing their work on the internet and their excitement in discovering
new things, and the interest showed in the project from less motivated teens.

About things to improved, they stated that students are distracted by the internet, lack of
adequate infrastructure (computers out of date and slow internet connection) and technical

Teachers agreed to go on with the development of the blog also for 2010, they focus on the
need of more technical and instructional support, in order to fully integrate the blog in the
institution activities, and working on it in groups of teachers.

Teachers started to be aware of the need of planning their classes and of managing the time of
each activity; furthermore, some of them, started using the blog as an instrument also in
other schools where they work. Other two aspects mentioned are the work in equipe, to be
able to plan blog activities and the use of creativity to design classes. They also mentioned
that they were able to get to know better their students as individual.

Everyone agreed that it is an activity to carry on also in 2010. Teachers think that the
experience gained during the last year now can be used and exploited during the next year.

CEFE – teachers:

The project is evaluated as an excellent experience, both from a professional and a personal
point of view; however teachers still perceive some technological difficulties and did not
perceived an effective support from the responsible at CEFE of the informatics lab, who
works as a technician more than a person involved in the didactic offer of the institution.

Teachers perceived that the informatics lab is not adequate to implement activities with
students: computers are out of date and internet is slow, this also hinder the interest of the

Lack of time was another perceived problem, and also the need of learn better how to
organize time and classroom activities.

CRECHE – teachers:

The blog has been a good experience but also for CRECHE teachers there is the need to
better organize time management. Furthermore, the same problem we found at CEFE arose:
the informatics professor did not involve himself and did not support the teachers in the
project, he acts more as a technician than as a person involved in the educational activities of
the institution.

Pupils were very interested in the project and participated enthusiastically in the suggested
activities. The design and the implementation of the activities about the city of Samambaia
was very successful and creative.

The project gave to teachers and to students the possibility to gain a new vision of world,
students were able to gain new knowledge, and overall ICT has been considered as a good
tool to involve students.

Three things have been suggested:
-   To have an informatics professor more involved in the educational offer of the institution
-   To introduce the blog in the informatics classes so that the teacher of informatics can
    design the experience together with the other teachers
-   To better integrate activities developed in class and in the informatics lab
-   A nearer support person

And few openings have been stated for the work in 2010:

-   To introduce the blog in the educational offer
-   To work with the blog on the topic of reading/writing through fairy tales
-   To work with more students of different ages
-   To improve the participation of the informatics teacher
-   To tackle more topics in the blog

According to the teachers involved in the blog project, the project helped them to discover
new possibilities of activities with students. Furthermore, it supported teachers to discover
new ICT tools by their own.

CEFE Students

Students like the blog experience, they considered to have learnt new things, such as the use
of the computer, the awareness of having writing difficulties, and the expression of ideas and

They stated that they would like to go on using the blog as educational tool, since it is a
support to improve their knowledge and skills. They were happy to have learnt about specific
topics, such as ornithorhynchus, and that in another activity “Desafio” the ones who thought
to be more in trouble won the competition at the end.

Finally, the blog has been an occasion to pay more attention to CEFE as an institution.

CRECHE Students

Kids were very impressed by the school trip they did to get to know their city (Samambaia)
and to discover the origin of its name. They like the blog and the informatics lab very much.
The attached drawings, explained activities done by kids with the blog and how these
activities allow them to know more about their environment.

Final Remarks

Finally, we would like to sum up stressing some of the elements emerged from the evaluation
that we think are very important:
-   Teachers, especially at CEFE, and the direction understood the importance to plan
    instructional activities: this is very important for offering high quality curriculum to
    students. The FRIDA project has been the occasion to discover this crucial factor.

-   The need of a better informatics lab, especially at CEFE. This problem has already been
    solved, the company donates around 10.000 euro to Brasilia CEFE to
    refurnish their informatics lab

-   The need for a person in loco, not only able to maintain the informatics lab, but interested
    in educational activities and in the institution mission

-   All the people involved in the project (teachers, students, direction) think that the
    experience was very positive and will continue to work with the blog, even after the end
    of FRIDA funding: the blog is actually being integrated in the educational offer of the

                                                7                                                                                                                                                01/apr/2009 - 11/mar/2010
Dashboard                                                                                                                                                                                   Rispetto a: Sito

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15                                                                                                                                                                                                                  15

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     6 apr               7 mag            7 giu              8 lug                8 ago                    8 set                9 ott                     9 nov       10 dic       10 gen         10 feb

Uso del sito

                     936 Visite                                                                                                                  40,60% Frequenza di rimbalzo

                     4.537 Visualizzazioni di pagina                                                                                             00:05:41 Tempo medio sul sito

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Panoramica visitatori                                                                                                  Overlay mappa


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     10                                                                                                10

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         6 apr   7 mag   7 giu   8 lug   8 ago    8 set   9 ott      9 nov   10 dic   10 gen 10 feb

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Panoramica sulle sorgenti di traffico                                                                                  Panoramica dei contenuti

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                                                                                                                       /cefe/?tag=leitura-de-mundo                                   195               4,30%

                                                                                                                   1                                                                    Google Analytics                                                                                          01/apr/2009 - 11/mar/2010
Panoramica visitatori                                                                                                             Rispetto a: Sito

20                                                                                                                                                      20

10                                                                                                                                                      10

0                                                                                                                                                       0

     6 apr     7 mag        7 giu        8 lug            8 ago         8 set             9 ott     9 nov       10 dic   10 gen         10 feb

492 persone hanno visitato questo sito

             936 Visite

             492 Visitatori unici assoluti

             4.537 Visualizzazioni di pagina

             4,85 Media visualizzazioni di pagina

             00:05:41 Tempo sul sito

             40,60% Frequenza di rimbalzo

             52,03% Visite nuove

Profilo tecnico

Browser                                          Visite           % visite          Velocità di connessione              Visite            % visite

Internet Explorer                                 549             58,65%            Unknown                                557              59,51%

Firefox                                           315             33,65%            DSL                                    258              27,56%

Chrome                                              32             3,42%            Dialup                                   51               5,45%

Mozilla                                             22             2,35%            T1                                       46               4,91%

Safari                                              13             1,39%            Cable                                    24               2,56%

                                                                                2                                             Google Analytics                                                                                               01/apr/2009 - 11/mar/2010
Panoramica sulle sorgenti di traffico                                                                                                     Rispetto a: Sito

30                                                                                                                                                                 30

15                                                                                                                                                                 15

0                                                                                                                                                                  0

     6 apr     7 mag      7 giu          8 lug            8 ago         8 set              9 ott         9 nov       10 dic      10 gen          10 feb

Tutte le sorgenti di traffico hanno generato complessivamente 936 visite

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                                                                                                                              Siti di riferimento
                                                                                                                              90,00 (9,62%)
             44,02% Motori di ricerca

Principali sorgenti di traffico

Sorgenti                                         Visite           % visite          Parole chiave                                 Visite            % visite

(direct) ((none))                                 434             46,37%            nosso mundo cefe                                 52              12,62%

google (organic)                                  406             43,38%            projeto frida cefe                               17               4,13%                               25             2,67%                             16               3,88% (referral)                       11             1,18%            projeto frida                                    13               3,16%                              9             0,96%            cefe                                             11               2,67%

                                                                                3                                                     Google Analytics                                                                      01/apr/2009 - 11/mar/2010
Overlay mappa                                                                                                       Rispetto a: Sito

 1                       796

936 visite provenienti da 15 Paesi/zone
 Uso del sito

Visite                         Pagine/Visita        Tempo medio sul             % visite nuove             Frequenza di
                                                    sito                                                   rimbalzo
936                            4,85                                             52,14%
% del totale del sito:         Media sito:          00:05:41                    Media sito:                40,60%
  100,00%                        4,85 (0,00%)       Media sito:                   52,03% (0,21%)           Media sito:
                                                      00:05:41 (0,00%)                                       40,60% (0,00%)

Paese/zona                                      Visite         Pagine/Visita    Tempo medio        % visite nuove     Frequenza di
                                                                                  sul sito                              rimbalzo

Brazil                                                   796             5,02        00:05:57            54,40%             39,95%

Switzerland                                               81             4,91        00:05:25            24,69%             33,33%

Italy                                                     33             2,91        00:03:57            36,36%             48,48%

Portugal                                                  13             1,77        00:00:07           100,00%             84,62%

Denmark                                                    3             4,00        00:04:13              0,00%              0,00%

Belarus                                                    1             1,00        00:00:00           100,00%            100,00%

United States                                              1             2,00        00:00:28           100,00%               0,00%

United Kingdom                                             1             1,00        00:00:00           100,00%            100,00%

France                                                     1             1,00        00:00:00           100,00%            100,00%

Senegal                                                    1             1,00        00:00:00           100,00%            100,00%

                                                                                                                         1 - 10 di 15

                                                                4                                                   Google Analytics                                                                      01/apr/2009 - 11/mar/2010
Panoramica dei contenuti                                                                                            Rispetto a: Sito
                                                                                                               Visualizzazioni di pagina

300                                                                                                                                        300

150                                                                                                                                        150

0                                                                                                                                          0

      6 apr     7 mag      7 giu       8 lug    8 ago   8 set       9 ott       9 nov         10 dic       10 gen          10 feb

Complessivamente, le pagine di questo sito sono state visualizzate 4.537 volte

              4.537 Visualizzazioni di pagina

              2.779 Visualizzazioni uniche

              40,60% Frequenza di rimbalzo

Contenuti più visualizzati

Pagine                                                              Visualizzazioni di pagina          % visualizzazioni di pagina

/cefe/                                                                                    1.081                                 23,83%

/cefe/?cat=24                                                                              435                                    9,59%

/cefe/?cat=0/                                                                              223                                    4,92%

/cefe/?page_id=2                                                                           220                                    4,85%

/cefe/?tag=leitura-de-mundo                                                                195                                    4,30%

                                                                5                                               Google Analytics
Dettagli Paese/zona:                                                                    01/apr/2009 - 11/mar/2010
Brazil                                                                                                              Rispetto a: Sito

 1                       408

Questo Paese/zona ha generato 796 visite provenienti da 76 città
 Uso del sito

Visite                         Pagine/Visita        Tempo medio sul             % visite nuove             Frequenza di
                                                    sito                                                   rimbalzo
796                            5,02                                             54,40%
% del totale del sito:         Media sito:          00:05:57                    Media sito:                39,95%
  85,04%                         4,85 (3,51%)       Media sito:                   52,03% (4,55%)           Media sito:
                                                      00:05:41 (4,67%)                                       40,60% (-1,60%)

Città                                           Visite         Pagine/Visita    Tempo medio        % visite nuove     Frequenza di
                                                                                  sul sito                              rimbalzo

Brasilia                                                 408             6,23        00:07:53            35,54%             18,87%

Sao Paulo                                                145             6,78        00:08:05            46,21%             43,45%

Salvador                                                  49             3,49        00:04:13            75,51%             46,94%

Rio de Janeiro                                            23             2,13        00:00:40            82,61%             65,22%

Belo Horizonte                                            13             1,38        00:02:26           100,00%             76,92%

Goiania                                                    9             2,89        00:03:46           100,00%             33,33%

Fortaleza                                                  9             1,56        00:00:11           100,00%             88,89%

Salvador                                                   7             2,57        00:00:41           100,00%             71,43%

Belem                                                      7             1,14        00:00:05           100,00%             85,71%

(not set)                                                  6             1,00        00:00:00           100,00%            100,00%

                                                                                                                         1 - 10 di 76

                                                                1                                                   Google Analytics

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A web 2.0 Journal to Improve Digital Communicative and Methodological Skills of Disadvantaged Youth in Brasilia

  • 1. Programa FRIDA INFORME DE AVANCE Identificación del Proyecto Título: A Web 2.0 Journal to Improve Digital Communicative and No. A000 Methodological Skills of Disadvantaged Youth in Brasilia Organización CEFE – Associação Centro Formativo Educativo, Brasilia Proponente Jefe de Proyecto Luciana Almeida dos Santos Período Informado Mes/ año Sitio Web 02.2010 Dirección del Isabella Rega Proyecto Investigadores Luca Botturi participantes Milena Nunes
  • 2. Contenido 1. Actividades Realizadas (Resumen de los avances) ................................................. 3 2. Objetivo general ....................................................................................................... 4 3. Objetivos específicos: .............................................................................................. 4 4. Avance de Actividades al mes/año (presente informe)............................................ 5 5. Indicadores de Avance: Verificación de Resultados ............................................... 6 6. Participación efectiva de todos los intervinientes en el proyecto. ........................... 7 7. Reuniones de Coordinación ..................................................................................... 7 8. Actividades de Difusión ........................................................................................... 7 9. Anexos ..................................................................................................................... 8
  • 3. 1. Actividades Realizadas (Resumen de los avances) This project aimed at investigating how web 2.0 technologies can be used to improve methodological and communicative skills in young people attending public disadvantaged schools in Brazil. The project duration is of 12 months, during which a pilot experience of integrating web 2.0 technologies in the curriculum of a study support centre in the neighbourhood of Brasilia has been carried on. The project was run at CEFE – Centro Educativo e Formativo, a centre serving a large disadvantage area in Brasilia, helping high school students to achieve better academic results. As a result of the project, CEFE students gained the technological, methodological and communicative key skills to enter the knowledge society, both in the university and in the job market. The CEFE - Associação Centro Formativo Educativo (Brasilia) is an educational centre for youth living in disadvantaged conditions, aiming at supporting teens in their study path in order to enabling them to access higher education institutions or qualified job places. The project will take place in the suburbs area of Brasilia, in Brazil, in an area called Nucleo Bandeirante, where CEFE is placed. CEFE teachers highlighted three main gaps within students attending public schools in the Nucleo Bandeirante and in the surrounding neighborhoods (Candangolandia, Samambaia, Riacho Fundo, Cruzeiro, and Ceilandia and hindering opportunities of a better future:  Lack of methodological skills: students did not acquire necessary methodological skills to face the study effort required in universities, they are not enough able to self-organize they study agenda and to work in teams to achieve given objectives;  Lack of communicative skills: students did not gain a good level of knowledge of Portuguese, to be able to work in offices and to study at university. Furthermore, they do not have sufficient knowledge of means of expressions such as photography or multimedia;  Lack of digital skills: students do not have enough digital competences to fruitfully use them in their study tasks at high school, nor to be able to work in the knowledge society in the future. The following problem tree highlights causes and effects linked to the aforementioned lack of skills, in grey are highlighted the elements affected by this project:
  • 4. School Drop-outs and University Entrance Job Search Failures Failures Exam Failures EFFECTS Lack of Communicative, Methodological and Technological Skills MAIN PROBLEM Lack of Technological Low Quality Education in Training at School Communicative and Methodological Techniques at School Lack of Teacher Training Lack of technological Low Quality Teacher Too Many Students in a in the use of digital laboratories at school Training in Communicative Classroom technologies for and Methodological educational purposes Techniques Lack of technology enchanced educational activities at school CAUSES In the framework of these deep educational limits found among public school students attending CEFE, this pilot project aimed at offering local youth the possibility to learn new work and study methods and to better their expression skills through the use of ICTs and, in particular, of web 2.0 tools. The project wanted to investigate how the new generation of web technologies can be used, not only as subjects to be taught within a digital literacy training program, but also as tools to foster the acquisition of communicative and methodological skills. The idea of the project was to develop a web 2.0 journal, through which students, while being involved in a playful and challenging activity, are able to (1) approach digital technologies (digital literacy gap); (2) learn how to edit written and depicted communication formats (communicative skills gap); (3) acquire self-organization and group work skills (methodological skills gap). 2. Objetivo general Investigating how educational activities based on web 2.0 can improve methodological, communicative and technological skills of teenagers living in disadvantaged conditions. 3. Objetivos específicos: 1. Increasing technological skills of disadvantaged teenagers attending CEFE activities. 2. Increasing methodological skills of disadvantaged teenagers attending CEFE activities through web 2.0 tools and group works
  • 5. 3. Increasing communicative skills of disadvantaged teenagers attending CEFE activities through web 2.0 tools and group works Fecha de inicio según propuesta inicial: 1/12/2008 Cuadro con plazos de ejecución programados: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 M1: Training and tutoring M2: Web 2.0 Journal Publication M3: Evaluation Fecha de inicio real del proyecto: 01/01/2009 Objetivo específico 1 Increasing technological skills of disadvantaged teenagers attending CEFE activities. Objetivo específico 2 Increasing methodological skills of disadvantaged teenagers attending CEFE activities through web 2.0 tools and group works Objetivo específico 3 Increasing communicative skills of disadvantaged teenagers attending CEFE activities through web 2.0 tools and group works 4. Avance de Actividades al mes/año (presente informe) Activity Date Output M1: workshop (teacher March 2009 - journal/blog planning (see training) annex) - list of participants (see annex) - link to the blog developed during the training: M1: blog/journal design April 2009 and development M2: posts on the May 2009 – December blog/journal 2009 see annex: Blog Report M3: Evaluation session February 2010 See annex: Evaluation Session Report
  • 6. Cuadros por actividades Actividades para el cumplimiento del Plazo de Plazo de Objetivo Específico Nº 1, 2 and 3 ejecución ejecución planificado realizado Mes/Año Mes/Año 12.08 02-03.09 M1: Training on the design of a web 2.0 journal, (workshop) + (workshop) + editorial planning and tutoring ongoing tutoring ongoing tutoring M2: Web 2.0 Journal Publication 01.09-09.09 05.09-11.09 M3: Evaluation 11-12.09 02.10 5. Indicadores de Avance: Verificación de Resultados Two website have been created:   The second website is the blog/journal developed by students and teachers of the Associação Nossa Senhora Mãe dos Homens, an association working with children from 0 to 13 years, who participated to the workshop as well and decided to do a Project to integrate technologies in their activities. All the parteners in the Project agreed in allowing Associação Nossa Senhora Mãe dos Homens to enter the Project: this does not imply any further cost for FRIDA, only a increased impact of the Project itself. Nº Nº Indicador Medio de Verificación Actividad Resultado M1: 1. Two blogs created, materials workshop developed before and during the (teacher workshop training) journal/blog edirotiral planning (see annex) list of participants (see annex) link to the blog developed during the training: http://projetofrida.wordpress.c om/ technical manual Evaluation plan
  • 7. M2: posts 1. See the blog See the blog: on the blog/journa See the annex Blog Report blog access analysis l M3: 1 See the annex Evaluation Session - Focus group with CEFE Evaluation Report teachers and director session - Focus group with CEFE pupils - Questionnaire to CEFE teachers and pupils - Focus group with CRECHE teachers and director - Focus group with CRECHE pupils (+drawing) - Questionnaire to CRECHE teachers M0: 1 The Project leader and the director Skype meetings manageme of the Project meet on skype every nt two weeks. 6. Participación efectiva de todos los intervinientes en el proyecto. All participants actively participated to the Project. Furthermore educators of another association, Associação Nossa Senhora Mãe dos Homens, participated to the training and are setting up a blog/journal for their students. This is a big not foreseen institutional achievement because it strenghen the collaboration between the two institutions and allowed an increased impact of the project itself, doubling the students involved in the experience. 7. Reuniones de Coordinación The Project leader and the director of the Project met on skype every two weeks to keep the pace of the Project. 8. Actividades de Difusión To have an extensive overview of the diffusion that the blog had on the internet and the target it reached, please see the annex (Blog Report). However, we anticipate here few data:
  • 8. Unique visitors: 492  Visits: 936  Countries from where the blog has been accessed: Brazil, Switzerland, Italy, Portugal, Denmark, Belarus, United States, United Kingdom, France, Senegal  Within Brazil the blog has been visited from: Brasilia, Sao Paulo, Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Goiania, Fortaleza, Belem 9. Anexos - Evalution Session Report - Blog Report
  • 9. ANNEX: EVALUATION SESSION REPORT Programa FRIDA - A Web 2.0 Journal to Improve Digital Communicative and Methodological Skills of Disadvantaged Youth in Brasilia The evaluation session took place in February 2010 and involved the following instruments: - CEFE: o Focus group with CEFE teachers and director o Focus group with CEFE pupils o Questionnaire to CEFE teachers - CRECHE: o Focus group with CRECHE teachers and director o Focus group with CRECHE pupils (based on a drawing session) o Questionnaire to CRECHE teachers CEFE and CRECHE teachers Looking at the questionnaire results teachers positively consider the experience: 1
  • 10. Teachers think that, in comparison to the previous year, students involved in the FRIDA project improved in: And they think that the FRIDA project allowed them to improved in: 2
  • 11. Furthermore, their attitude towards technologies is the following: 3
  • 12. Teachers think that the experience was useful and new, but they mentioned some difficulties, such as technological ones, organizational ones, and involvement ones. They considered the experience very important to start considering the computer and ICT in general as an educational tool. They discover a new tool that can be use to support their didactic activities day by day. Furthermore, they think that the past year and the FRIDA project helped them to start reflecting on how to face difficulties and on how to better plan and design their classes. Teachers found very useful the possibility to have an in depth evaluation of the project not only focused on the developed activity but also aiming at finding ways of improvement and continuation. If looking at aspects to improve they regret the lack of interest of pupils, also caused by a lack of planning and integration between moments in class and in the informatics lab and by the lack of a support from the informatics teacher, who is more a technician than a person interested in the teaching activity of the institution (both at CRECHE and at CEFE). Other aspects regards the not complete confidence in the informatics tool and the poverty of the equipment (computers are not up to date and internet is slow). Teachers think that the difficult part was to create, to plan activities more then put them in practice. Teachers appreciated: - the possibility they had to open a new range of possibility, of acquiring new knowledge and skills, to be spent with their students - the final results: posts and comments, they are sort of brave of the developed work - the creativity of their students, and their interaction to work in groups - the visibility given to the institution by the blog Teachers suggested to spend more time in the planning of the activities and on managing the integration of the blog in the class activities. Furthermore, they would like to have a better access to internet, and to have refreshing courses on technological matters, also via videoconference. When they were asked to mention positive things happened during the activity, they mentioned the relationship built among students and between students and themselves, the happiness of the kids in seeing their work on the internet and their excitement in discovering new things, and the interest showed in the project from less motivated teens. About things to improved, they stated that students are distracted by the internet, lack of adequate infrastructure (computers out of date and slow internet connection) and technical problems 4
  • 13. Teachers agreed to go on with the development of the blog also for 2010, they focus on the need of more technical and instructional support, in order to fully integrate the blog in the institution activities, and working on it in groups of teachers. Teachers started to be aware of the need of planning their classes and of managing the time of each activity; furthermore, some of them, started using the blog as an instrument also in other schools where they work. Other two aspects mentioned are the work in equipe, to be able to plan blog activities and the use of creativity to design classes. They also mentioned that they were able to get to know better their students as individual. Everyone agreed that it is an activity to carry on also in 2010. Teachers think that the experience gained during the last year now can be used and exploited during the next year. CEFE – teachers: The project is evaluated as an excellent experience, both from a professional and a personal point of view; however teachers still perceive some technological difficulties and did not perceived an effective support from the responsible at CEFE of the informatics lab, who works as a technician more than a person involved in the didactic offer of the institution. Teachers perceived that the informatics lab is not adequate to implement activities with students: computers are out of date and internet is slow, this also hinder the interest of the students. Lack of time was another perceived problem, and also the need of learn better how to organize time and classroom activities. CRECHE – teachers: The blog has been a good experience but also for CRECHE teachers there is the need to better organize time management. Furthermore, the same problem we found at CEFE arose: the informatics professor did not involve himself and did not support the teachers in the project, he acts more as a technician than as a person involved in the educational activities of the institution. Pupils were very interested in the project and participated enthusiastically in the suggested activities. The design and the implementation of the activities about the city of Samambaia was very successful and creative. The project gave to teachers and to students the possibility to gain a new vision of world, students were able to gain new knowledge, and overall ICT has been considered as a good tool to involve students. Three things have been suggested: 5
  • 14. - To have an informatics professor more involved in the educational offer of the institution - To introduce the blog in the informatics classes so that the teacher of informatics can design the experience together with the other teachers - To better integrate activities developed in class and in the informatics lab - A nearer support person And few openings have been stated for the work in 2010: - To introduce the blog in the educational offer - To work with the blog on the topic of reading/writing through fairy tales - To work with more students of different ages - To improve the participation of the informatics teacher - To tackle more topics in the blog According to the teachers involved in the blog project, the project helped them to discover new possibilities of activities with students. Furthermore, it supported teachers to discover new ICT tools by their own. CEFE Students Students like the blog experience, they considered to have learnt new things, such as the use of the computer, the awareness of having writing difficulties, and the expression of ideas and opinions. They stated that they would like to go on using the blog as educational tool, since it is a support to improve their knowledge and skills. They were happy to have learnt about specific topics, such as ornithorhynchus, and that in another activity “Desafio” the ones who thought to be more in trouble won the competition at the end. Finally, the blog has been an occasion to pay more attention to CEFE as an institution. CRECHE Students Kids were very impressed by the school trip they did to get to know their city (Samambaia) and to discover the origin of its name. They like the blog and the informatics lab very much. The attached drawings, explained activities done by kids with the blog and how these activities allow them to know more about their environment. Final Remarks Finally, we would like to sum up stressing some of the elements emerged from the evaluation that we think are very important: 6
  • 15. - Teachers, especially at CEFE, and the direction understood the importance to plan instructional activities: this is very important for offering high quality curriculum to students. The FRIDA project has been the occasion to discover this crucial factor. - The need of a better informatics lab, especially at CEFE. This problem has already been solved, the company donates around 10.000 euro to Brasilia CEFE to refurnish their informatics lab - The need for a person in loco, not only able to maintain the informatics lab, but interested in educational activities and in the institution mission - All the people involved in the project (teachers, students, direction) think that the experience was very positive and will continue to work with the blog, even after the end of FRIDA funding: the blog is actually being integrated in the educational offer of the institution 7
  • 16. 01/apr/2009 - 11/mar/2010 Dashboard Rispetto a: Sito Visite 30 30 15 15 0 0 6 apr 7 mag 7 giu 8 lug 8 ago 8 set 9 ott 9 nov 10 dic 10 gen 10 feb Uso del sito 936 Visite 40,60% Frequenza di rimbalzo 4.537 Visualizzazioni di pagina 00:05:41 Tempo medio sul sito 4,85 Pagine/Visita 52,03% % visite nuove Panoramica visitatori Overlay mappa Visitatori 20 20 10 10 0 0 6 apr 7 mag 7 giu 8 lug 8 ago 8 set 9 ott 9 nov 10 dic 10 gen 10 feb Visitatori 492 Visite 1 796 Panoramica sulle sorgenti di traffico Panoramica dei contenuti Traffico diretto Pagine Visualizzazion % 434,00 (46,37%) i di pagina visualizzazioni di pagina Motori di ricerca 412,00 (44,02%) /cefe/ 1.081 23,83% Siti di riferimento 90,00 (9,62%) /cefe/?cat=24 435 9,59% /cefe/?cat=0/ 223 4,92% /cefe/?page_id=2 220 4,85% /cefe/?tag=leitura-de-mundo 195 4,30% 1 Google Analytics
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  • 19. 01/apr/2009 - 11/mar/2010 Overlay mappa Rispetto a: Sito Visite 1 796 936 visite provenienti da 15 Paesi/zone Uso del sito Visite Pagine/Visita Tempo medio sul % visite nuove Frequenza di sito rimbalzo 936 4,85 52,14% % del totale del sito: Media sito: 00:05:41 Media sito: 40,60% 100,00% 4,85 (0,00%) Media sito: 52,03% (0,21%) Media sito: 00:05:41 (0,00%) 40,60% (0,00%) Paese/zona Visite Pagine/Visita Tempo medio % visite nuove Frequenza di sul sito rimbalzo Brazil 796 5,02 00:05:57 54,40% 39,95% Switzerland 81 4,91 00:05:25 24,69% 33,33% Italy 33 2,91 00:03:57 36,36% 48,48% Portugal 13 1,77 00:00:07 100,00% 84,62% Denmark 3 4,00 00:04:13 0,00% 0,00% Belarus 1 1,00 00:00:00 100,00% 100,00% United States 1 2,00 00:00:28 100,00% 0,00% United Kingdom 1 1,00 00:00:00 100,00% 100,00% France 1 1,00 00:00:00 100,00% 100,00% Senegal 1 1,00 00:00:00 100,00% 100,00% 1 - 10 di 15 4 Google Analytics
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  • 21. Dettagli Paese/zona: 01/apr/2009 - 11/mar/2010 Brazil Rispetto a: Sito Visite 1 408 Questo Paese/zona ha generato 796 visite provenienti da 76 città Uso del sito Visite Pagine/Visita Tempo medio sul % visite nuove Frequenza di sito rimbalzo 796 5,02 54,40% % del totale del sito: Media sito: 00:05:57 Media sito: 39,95% 85,04% 4,85 (3,51%) Media sito: 52,03% (4,55%) Media sito: 00:05:41 (4,67%) 40,60% (-1,60%) Città Visite Pagine/Visita Tempo medio % visite nuove Frequenza di sul sito rimbalzo Brasilia 408 6,23 00:07:53 35,54% 18,87% Sao Paulo 145 6,78 00:08:05 46,21% 43,45% Salvador 49 3,49 00:04:13 75,51% 46,94% Rio de Janeiro 23 2,13 00:00:40 82,61% 65,22% Belo Horizonte 13 1,38 00:02:26 100,00% 76,92% Goiania 9 2,89 00:03:46 100,00% 33,33% Fortaleza 9 1,56 00:00:11 100,00% 88,89% Salvador 7 2,57 00:00:41 100,00% 71,43% Belem 7 1,14 00:00:05 100,00% 85,71% (not set) 6 1,00 00:00:00 100,00% 100,00% 1 - 10 di 76 1 Google Analytics