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ISSN: 2320-0693
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Sr. Lucas Arul Seeli
Manager in Help Humanity International, St. Joseph University, Dimapur, Nagaland, India
M. Baby
PhD Research Scholar in Social Work, St. Joseph University, Dimapur, Nagaland, India
Dr. Pramodini Magh Rengma
Assistant Professor, St. Joseph University, Dimarpur, Nagaland, India
As we progress to the 21st
century, there is a great deal to anticipate. Simultaneously
different issues that face our nation and the world, require our prompt attention. A portion of
these are environmental change, biodiversity misfortune, ascend in brutal fanaticism and
imbalance. There are many issues that the youth of the 21st
century faces. In that the
significant issues are from society. We as a whole get institutionalized into one major group,
it is just some teenagers that are 'rotten ones'; there are acceptable teenagers just as awful.
They have recently been given a terrible generally speaking reputation because of a little
minority of numbskull vandals. From generation to generation, there has been a consistent
pattern of the old looking down on the youth of their time. The perspectives scarcely contrast,
the more current generation annihilating the foundation the last has fabricated. The old have
experienced as long as they can remember times and have increased important information
and experience that the youth are inadequate. Youth in the 21st
century's economy are
underestimating what they have simply because a few of us don't see how to help change the
economy or influence the change for the great. Additionally, innovation has affected the
youth picture. More youths are approaching new advances, for example, new PDAs and
instances of 'jaywalking' are expanding quickly in created regions [1]
. The open picture on
youths is that we are on our telephones constantly and have no consideration about our own
security. Hence, the present study has been done with a view to highlight the challenges faced
by the youth in the 21st
century and study based on secondary sources of data collections.
Keywords: Generation Gap, Technology Development, Inequality, Idiotic Vandals,
Psychological, Spiritual, Vocational and Cultural Challenges.
India is in an interesting position to start to lead the pack in tending to these
worldwide issues, with its generally young population, which accepts as a key favorable
position. By 2020, the normal age in India will be twenty-nine and it is set to become the
youngest nation on the planet with 65% of its population beneath the age of thirty-five. The
youth of the nation offer a tremendous open door for driving social, environmental and
economic progress in India as well as internationally. It is critical nonetheless, that young
individuals be outfitted with the proper ranges of abilities to embrace this challenge and
towards this the education framework is our most solid option. Truly, the young generation
right now has lost their manners. They basically do what they needed to manage without
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overlooking others feeling and reaction. Young generation these days has changed. As
advances and sciences are improving, from radio to PCs, individuals these days can have a
very surprising style life than previously. An ever increasing number of gadgets are created
making individuals' life simpler. It is a decent sign that individuals are improving over the
long haul; be that as it may, it is additionally a challenge for youth[22]
. Many individuals,
particularly youths, presently have increasingly helpful and sumptuous life. Youth now gets
all the more unwinding and apathetic. Over the long haul, it will be immense challenges for
youth in 21st
century. Medical issue is one of the many challenges for youth in 21st
On the event of 'National Youth Day', Prime Minister Narendra Modi featured the
significance of youngsters and said that their vitality is the premise of changing India in
the 21st
"We have all seen how the country's youth took to the street in a fight against
corruption a few years ago. It seemed that changing the situation would be difficult. The
youth changed that as well," the Prime Minister said while addressing people at Belur
Math, which is the headquarters of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission."The
energy of youth is the basis of changing India in the 21st
century. The target of New India can
only be achieved by all of you. It is the youth that says 'Let's not postpone problems'. The
youth will always challenge problems and solve them. Challenge the challenge...," he said.
The young individuals in India today are befuddled. They need more gatherings
where their questions can be offered an explanation to satisfaction. They don't have
relationships with their folks, educators, peers where they can truly find solutions to their
more profound difficulties. On the off chance that there were some hopeful young individuals
in India there would be 20 others to pull them down. The challenges India's youth faces in the
second decade of the 21st
century are manifold. For example, in the field of education, do we
have enough establishments? Does the impeded network get an opportunity to arrive at where
the favored are? There is reservation yet that again is a flawed framework. We need
increasingly positive action where individuals who have been forgotten about due to recorded
and social reasons need to come at standard with others. A great deal of rustic youth would
prefer not to do cultivating or provincial work on the grounds that there are fewer and fewer
takers for it. Unemployment is a significant issue with young individuals. So when we
discuss Indian youth we discuss a range of young individuals[23]
Many young individuals are pulled in to the governmental issues of pettiness,
language, station and religion nowadays. The young would any day pick the more feasible,
nurturing option than getting into the legislative issues of language, rank or religion. The
explanation they don't is on the grounds that they are anonymous, stateless individuals with
no feeling of personality. At the point when you cause them to feel so hopeless the main
manner by which they can snatch attention is by attesting their personalities. Many of them
are indoctrinated into accepting that position, religion, locale and, language will give them
some feeling of self-esteem. Overall our young individuals are not common. They simply
need to coexist with their life and endure. In any case, when there is that void, when there is
nothing to hook on to and they are given the trap that they have something to be pleased with,
they begin getting public. Obviously, we have a past filled with partition and rule. However,
we as a whole are essentially acceptable individuals and as opposed to battling against simply
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the common powers we should make increasingly positive vitality, comprehend the benefits
of a pluralistic society, which is the thing that we are. So, it is been mandatory to study the
challenges faced by the youths in the 21st
century and the research done on the descriptive
The present study aimed with following objectives:
1. To know the challenges of youthfulness.
2. To narrate the key challenges of youth in 21st
3. To highlight the findings of World Youth Report addressing youthchallenges.
Kumar, Sumant. (2019)[12]
Ancestral Rights in India Challenges and Achievement in
Century. Development of ancestral is exceptionally entangled issue for the government as
it need full attention all around and state to state. Notwithstanding, the issue is that, the
government just observe the development of ancestral issue is just influenced due to poverty
and the greater part of the projects and strategies implemented either to expel poverty or for
the economic development. In any case, the complex is that, there are different elements are
additionally, in which inborn looking for government help to ensure and save their ethnic
personality, language, culture, standards and practices or conviction and so forth. Just
economic development would be completely lacking as they are face a few issue to shield
their character from outer impacts (government). Since Independence, development of inborn
individuals has consistently been a significant worry in India. For this, the Indian
Government has taken up many challenging errands by implementing related projects,
strategies and arrangements from the Constitution. These activities have been done with a
mean to begin working from the beginning in order to give correspondence and social equity
to the oppressed or booked clan individuals. The most significant rationale and object of such
activities are to improve their socio-economic conditions. All things considered, considerably
following multiyear of India's autonomy, the conditions of the inborn groups, as a rule, have
not seen obvious improvements and still establish a more vulnerable section of the Indian
society. This could be seen from ecological, economy and educational edges. It is shocking
that the embraced policies,programmes and plans have not leaked profound into these
oppressed sections of the society as they are regularly wasted by the top echelons of the
concerned specialists. For example, in each multiyear plan, government of India has made so
many arrangements and projects to dispose of poverty, lack of education, uniformity,
unemployment, restitution, dealing, kid work, fortified work, distance, brutality in local
assistance, naxalism, land acquisition and so on., yet all these have stayed as simple words on
paper with no considerable result. In view of these perspectives, would to break down all the
significant arrangements, program and constitutional arrangements which have been
implemented every now and then for the upkeep of the innate individuals in India. Moreover,
right now was expected to feature and talk about the explanations for the disappointment of
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the aforementioned projects, approaches and procedures. Because of the inappropriate
implementation of the mentioned approaches, plans and projects, the ancestral residents of
India have been essentially denied of many community offices and are disengaged from the
advanced and humanized method for living since so many decades.
Joshi, et al. (2017)[8]
has led a study on Youth in India: Prospects and Challenges.
India is the youngest nation among the BRICS. It is evaluated that by 2020 the working age
population in India would be around 592 million, second to that of China's (776 million).
Conjectured as far as the 'youth lump' or 'segment profit', this holds out possibilities just as
challenges for a creating nation like India. This note approaches the question of youth in
contemporary urban India by revealing insight into an assortment of points of view: the
institutional structure and administration system for young individuals in India, the
involvement of and enthusiasm of young individuals in governmental issues, employment-
unemployment among youth, aspirations, and regular legislative issues of the youth. By
considering both proper governmental issues and political representations among youth as
likewise progressively regular types of legislative issues and aspiration dimensions of youth
engagement, this note endeavors to build up a comprehensive depiction of contemporary
urban youth.
Raj and Casimir (2015)[18]
has expressed that Dr. APJ. Abdul Kalam, previous
President of India (2002-2007) states that "the asset of the youth is a significant structure
obstruct for changing India into a created nation". Many clinicians, sociologists and
educationists have attempted to positionyoung individuals in a society from their own point
of view. Along these lines, their comprehension and perceptions vary contingent upon their
field of intrigue, focal point of study and outlooks. These perceptions of youth, in any case,
impact approach making, youth work practice and administrations. This article endeavors to
show a comprehension of these fluctuated points of view and in this manner show up at an all
encompassing image of the contemporary young individual. This study focuses on the
arrangement creators, analysts, educationists and practitioners to address the issues that
influence the youth today and understand their maximum capacity. This article comprise of
five sections and the first section presents the development viewpoint is talked about
remembering the way that this methodology addresses the physical, subjective and socio-
emotional changes during puberty which would in a perfect world give a stage to a superior
comprehension of different points of view. The second section looks at the generational point
of view which is basically worried about age related issues among young individuals. The
third section manages a study of the auxiliary clash viewpoint which dismisses the ideas of
past methodologies and spotlights on issues identified with class, sex, ethnicity, sexuality,
and so forth. The section four managed the transitional viewpoint which centers around
young individuals' transition issues. At last, the fifth section centers around the helpful
viewpoint that considers the youth as an uncommon social classification, comprised by
society and unique in relation to different classifications of adulthood is talked about. In the
long run, every one of these points of view with their qualities and shortcoming will help
with comprehension and advancing another way to deal with youth work and to the
contemporary young individual.
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Modi, Ishwar. (2012)[14]
has examined on Youth in India: Aspirations and
Challenges. Youth, the population matured 15-24, establish somewhere in the range of 222
million and speak to 20 percent of the Indian population (according to statistics of 2001).
What is generally significant at this stage is that a huge percentage of rustic youth is
relocating from country territories to the urban. The reasons are economic as well as socio-
social. The bait and sheen of the urban communities all the more so of the cities is a major
factor. They move out for education as well as to make another personality for themselves.
Introduction to quick extending ICTs have given them new wings strive for everything
without exception. Be that as it may, all in all, there is an incredible gap between the country
and the urban youth. While the country youth has a place with Bharat, the urban youth is said
to have a place with India. While Bharat is related to absence of education, sick wellbeing,
poverty and conservatism, India is related to education, development, development, plenitude
and forward looking outlook and world view. This separation gets reflected in varying
backgrounds, regardless of whether it is the examples of consumption or that of getting
hitched and raising families. It likewise gets reflected as far as educated sexual and
regenerative decisions and obviously in levels of education, consumption, lodging, clinical
offices, openings for work and the general personal satisfaction. All things considered, the
youth both provincial and urban might be trying for the sky from their separate viewpoints
yet there are different sorts of challenges which both these groups of youth are looking in
contemporary India. In any case, the challenges before them are diverse both in nature and
character just as in greatness, and all things considered merit the attention and research of the
social researchers, especially that of sociologists.
Raj and Casimir (2011)[19]
has analyzed that the India today has crossed the one
billion imprint in its population. The population underneath the age of 35 years in India is
about 70% of the all out population. Inside this youth population, the age group of 10-19
years is around 225 million, the biggest ever companion of young individuals to make a
transition to adulthood. Also, 70% of the youth population in India is rustic. As indicated by
current assessments, India is and will stay for quite a while one of the youngest nations on the
planet. In 2020, it is evaluated that the normal Indian will be just 29 years of age, contrasted
and a normal age of 37 years in China and the US, and 45 years in west Europe and Japan. It
is this population of young individuals establishes for India a potential segment profit, or
potentially a challenge of mega proportions, if their interests are not appropriately tended to
or their energies bridled productively.
The present study entitled on ‘A Study on Youth and their Challenges in the 21st
Century’ is a descriptive nature where the data from various secondary sources like published
books, periodicals, journals, official websites of GOI and related sites.
There are many challenges that a youth faces in his religious life. When he has not
been creatively faithful in his ordinary, routine, daily lives to the behaviours demanded for
authentic living of vocation. And if this is not fruitfully fulfilled by the youth, him / her at
every level of his life faces the challenges which would lead him to lose his own vocation or
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the daily living. Some of the challenges are the following: Psychological, Spiritual,
Vocational and Cultural challenges[6][7]
There is a challenge in intimacy. It is in religious sense, which no way leads
negatively. This means that, the challenge of intimacy is “the challenge to love the other as
the other is”. We are deeply in need of the physical presence of the other and to be
emotionally united with that person. It is from experiences of intimacy that he develops the
qualities of compassion, sensitivity, warmth, caring and empathy which are essential qualities
for ministry of Loving God in Serving the Poor. Some youth are immature in intimacy. By
intimacy we mean a commitment to growth in relationship. Sometimes, during their
formative years in the community intimacy was not usually encouraged. This affects them in
many psychological factors. Family and their friendship ties were discouraged, healthy
relationships with opposite sex were severely curtailed and even friendships within the
community were suspect. As a result, some find themselves lacking the sort of interpersonal
skills that are needed to develop intimate relationships. Some others seem to fear the intimacy
because they assume that intimate sharing on the conversational or emotional levels will lead
to “genital intimacy”. Feeling of isolation and not belonging are the most obvious symptoms
of this state.
Community life or apostolic life demands skills in communication and effective
interpersonal relationships. A course in communication skills is essential during their
formation. Conflicts and misunderstandings in community occur due to lack of skills in
. For example, one comes from a home where family harmony flourishes,
is able to communicate and relate satisfactorily with other, whereas one who comes from an
environment of conflict, finds it difficult to establish satisfying relationships and he exhibits
negative behaviour. If he is not able to relate in healthy manner, he will be unhappy in
community and will cause lots of unhappiness and division wherever he goes[8]
. There are
some of the factors that might have impeded the development of healthy intimacy among the
youth are the followings:
Loneliness of the s is the result of lack of personal identity. Such person feels
insecurity to collaborate with other in the community life and he does not have real friends.
Loneliness is what we experience subjectively when certain needs are deprived. “When the
youth feels lack of sense in living the meaningful life, the meaning and purpose of living,
then he/ she experiences loneliness.” Some youth feels that they have wasted their lives and
feel themselves “useless” in their communities and society. Few can feel “unfit” in the midst
of qualified and realized community members. These factors affect youth by making them
feel lonely in their community/place where they belong/ live. “Sometimes, loneliness tends to
breed discouragement and depression which leads to compensatory behaviours”. This
loneliness is not created in the living environment rather by the very pressure of the family,
this comes from his infancy life; that is to say, it is the hereditary factor. This, when, is not
properly guided, he will experience frustration, anxiety and he will be unsatisfied with his life
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because of unresolved problems from previous stages of life. They even imagine a crisis of
unexplored area of themselves which will lead to the crisis of vocation[9]
Challenges in Affective Life
Most of the youth go through a period of affective crisis during their youth stages
varying in intensity and duration, sometimes, it becomes one of the reasons for abandoning
the religious vocation. There can also arise some strong attractions towards secular life which
they have already left behind. Since they are very young, they easily fall in love with secular
life (marred life). If they do not have sufficient support from others who have motivation in
the congregation, they will easily withdraw from religious life. There should be affective life
which also should be maturely. If there is absence of mature affective life, there arise various
psychological problems both at the individual and community level[12]
This kind mostly fits into the women religious. Some are not able to cope with the
requirements imposed by the vow of chastity (celibacy) and decide to leave. Others, while
continuing to live in religious life, seek some sort of compensation in “other intimacy” (sex)
with the opposite sex or with the person of the same sex. Others often become harsh and cruel
in dealing the persons, especially with their inferiors in communities, in exercising their
responsibility. One of the bricks of human maturity is the capability of real relationship,
friendship and intimacy. Sometimes depression can be a result of moving further in religious
life. If there is an existence of depression, one cannot move forward and face one’s daily life.
In religious life, one can be depressed because one feels that one is not sufficiently taken into
consideration by the superiors or by others. He will be watching how much superiors listen to
others. He makes a comparison and finally feels dejected. Some feel depressed because they
feel that others do not see them as they see themselves. Therefore, seeing these affective
challenges, we can say that if youth religious did not get the required attention in his family,
it will have impact in his life. If he is not satisfied his needs especially love in earlier stages,
it will remain in him and the need for love and acceptance will be reflected in his search[25]
Narcissism (I… I… I must die / Individualism)
One of the risks which youth religious face in his formation is his narcissistic
personality. Narcissism can be both healthy and unhealthy. It is healthy because we need a
mothering person to take care of us and to let us to that someone is there for me no matter
what comes. The narcissistic personalities consist of being loved as the very one you are,
treated specially and being admired. In other words, he should be loved unconditionally. If all
these things are met at the early age, we need not carry them when we are grown up. But it is
unhealthy because it is the inability to perceive another’s point of view. They think that
reality is within oneself not outside (in others). Such people live in self-centeredness and
selfishness which bar from being generous. The effects of this kind will be harmful for the
missionary work because they are self-cantered and they cannot come away from this in order
to become open to others. This will challenge one to judge himself. He will lack the vow of
obedience/ break the promise to God Himself.
Narcissism in a negative sense does harm to religious life both on community and
individual level. It often leads away from the love of one’s neighbour. The symptoms could
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be self-centeredness, self-promotion and acquisitiveness (excessive interest). The persons
who are of this sort begin to complain that the community does not meet their needs and they
demand more. They always have the tendency to put oneself before the community. When
they are not met with the demanded things, they react with anger. They lose self-identity and
always seek approval from others in all things. The measure of their worth is some other’s
opinions or evaluations. They emphasize their doing instead of their being. When they have
narcissistic love they cannot establish affective love or relationship for others. They
exaggerate themselves and lack humility and modesty. They live stubbornly according to
their own ideals. They live with the conviction that it is unsafe to depend on other’s love or
loyalty. They pretend to be self-sufficient, but in the depth of their being they experience a
sense of emptiness. To assure all these, they become preoccupied with establishing their
power, appearance, status, prestigious and superiority[10]
Lack of Self Image
We can see some are very gloomy (gloomy faces). These people who fail to meet the
challenges of life and the struggles of growth and they become unhappy and disinterested.
The reason for the unhappiness is the poor self-image. They exaggerate negative awareness
of themselves and of their limitations. This lack of self-image can be expressed in many ways
in his behaviour patterns. Lack of concentration in works, shifting of interests, felling down,
running away from the responsibilities, not feeling to face the difficulties, blaming others for
failures, lack of control in words and judgement, and inability for adjustment with others are
some of the symptoms for lack of self-image. These kinds of people will normally say that no
one likes me, I am nobody, no one respects me and I am not really worthy. This is called low
The low self-esteem is a wound that comes to us from our past life. It creates in us a
self-consciousness, timidity, inability, etc. When there is lack of psycho-spiritual energies, he
experiences solitude, void and sadness. Above all he loses the meaning and purpose of life. In
other words, faced with solitude, void and sadness, he finds himself unable to understand
God’s meaning and purpose in his own life or those of others.
In order to grow in a relationship with the Lord, there is need for a real and in-depth
formation in the spiritual life. An integral experience of faith which necessary for the
maturation of spiritual life. Nowadays one of the challenges of youth religious is the
immaturity of faith. If a youth did not get from her parents this basic faith, he will not be able
to live in faith in his religious life[11]
. Let us see some of the challenges that affect the
spiritual life:
Challenges to Reaffirm Faith
Faith is gift and it should be prayed, personalized, challenged, studied, shared and
announced. If one is missing the act of faith becomes weak. If it happens in religious life,
there will be no deep relationship with God. Faith is the hall mark for those who face the
inevitable difficulties of life. Faith is the motivation to remain faithful to the initial response
to the Divine call. Nowadays, we can see the attitude of youth religious towards a prayer life.
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Common prayer becomes a routine task to be accomplished and personal prayer is minimized
or even disappears. Both common and personal prayer lose quality that prayer is an
expression of a love relationship with the Lord. Religious life is a life of faith. It is the
measure, base and support of religious life[14]
Routine is a part of religious life which is reflected in the daily schedules of local
communities. They should avoid perfunctory approach. It is an unreflective and passive doing
of what must be done. There is nothing problematic with routine whereas it is very useful for
establishing order in daily life and spending time and energy resourcefully. Let us not worry
about what is done or how is done, but why it is done (the approach and the motivation).
Hence much more than the task, it is the faith that shapes the value, attitudes and priorities by
which religious live. The faith lives within the person. The interiority nurtures faith. A
religious has no meaning if he/she is not a person of God, a person of interior life.
Lack of Enthusiasm in Prayer Life
It is a clear sign that if A’s prayer life is not going well; it is due to lack of
enthusiasm. When his spirit is alive, he becomes enthusiastic. Enthusiasm comes from Greek
word ethos, meaning “possessed by God” or “in God”. When his spirit is alive, he necessarily
lives in God and is energized by the Divine Spirit. The danger in failing to live in ethos is not
the depression rather, it is the spiritual apathy. Because of his lack of interest in spiritual life,
he may lack in everything. A diminishing interest in personal prayer is always a sure sign of a
diminishing enthusiasm in apostolate (missionary activities) and it is a challenge in his
spiritual life. When he is not in touch with the Lord he starts to feel that something is missing
in his personal prayer life. When the spirit in prayer is lost, he becomes incapable of listening
to the word of God and he achieves little progress in love for God. Sometimes he is uncertain
of what is happening to himself, and feels that he has been a failure in every aspect. Thus, he
could not find any meaning in seminary life[12]
One of the failures of today’s formation is really the absence of the praxis. That is,
there are many things done in the formation: formative courses, lectures and conferences. All
speak of necessity for a deep experience of God, but there is no time to put these on a
practical level. There is little time to be with God in silence, for personal prayer, for
meditation on the word of God, for contemplation and above all there is no time to be with
him (candidate). He is occupied in study, in work and follows the changes that happen in the
society. He forgets to have contact with God. In the formation, it is necessary to “learn to
give time to God” for the better results in his apostolate.
Very often, S become too dependent on themselves and others but not on God. They
rely too much on what they do and forget the source of life. A core danger of the lack of
prayer life may lead those (S), to lose their vocation – their call from God. When they find
they have little time for prayer, they become failures to respond to God’s spirit. Ultimately,
they lose their spirit to produce fruits in their apostolate (missions).
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Today Sis at risk in preserving the vocation. They are unable to live out their religious
life. The reason for this challenge is the lack of motivation and lack of the sense of
Challenges of Religious Identity
One of the challenges of the youth today is discovering their identity. Those who are
well-balanced in emotions, temperaments and life goals, find a positive identity. But those
who are disinterested select negative identity which opposes the values of the society. The
serious problem is that Sdoes not possess the identity to lead their lives. They do not march
forward and make effort to be creative. They have no passion, but will remain always
In the process of identity as religious, one has to be answerable to both interior and
external life. With regard to his interior identity, by the very choice of being a religious, he
has to remain chaste, obedient and poor for the sake of mission to the Church and the world.
It is the task that lying in those who are ready to follow the consecrated life. This means,
coming to the sense of self as being in Christ and doing what he did.
With regard to their exterior identity, they have the task of appropriating more
external dimensions of their religious life. They realize that they belong to a community.
Here fidelity is the process in the religious life. This tells, who he is, what he wants to do in
his unique relationship with charism and congregation. This identity gives direction and focus
to life so that he has a set of values and attitudes in living his fidelity. With fidelity he
responds uniquely to grace. In order to cooperate with God’s grace, he needs the awareness
of who he is in his religious life. Nowadays many leave the society because of the lack of
Inconsistency in Vocation
Inconsistency in Vocationis consistent when he is motivated well with values of
religious life. He is inconsistent, when is not motivated with the values which do not agree
the values. If the vocational values are absent in his life, the force of inconsistency would be
greater. Many build their life and vocation around their dreams. They have difficulty in
articulating specifies of their dream. He wonders how to integrate his values into his life
structure and questions his commitment. Without fidelity to the dream, life lacks genuine
purpose and meaning. When he makes the fantasy of dream into his life, he happens to lose
and move away from his religious vocation.Those who lack sense of belonging have
inconsistency in vocation. The identity and belonging are not lived correctly, inconsistent
belonging happens. In general, we can say that identity without belonging suffocates in to
narcissism. He loses the sense of belonging. He is more concerned with appearing as a
member of the group than really being one in the group. He shows a singular attraction to the
value of community. He has little sense of others. Many problems result from this artificial
sense of belonging.
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Culture plays a vital role in formation of the S. Its influences separate faith formation
and morality. Many youths are in dilemma to live out the commitment in serving the Church
and the civil Society. They have the task and challenge to learn how to love the Church with
undivided heart and almsgiving by their earnings. To fulfil this, they need to detach
themselves from consumeristsociety which is of money, fame, power, boost their ego and
technology. Modern science develops a culture where religious life has no value. The values
of culture negatively affect the consecrated people. The S who are enthusiastic in religious
life, are easily trapped by the vast evolution of the modern science and technology. They fail
to identify the balance between the religious life and the world outside. As a result, they make
of rash judgment to continue to live the religious life. Many fall prey to it and end up in
losing the very vocation they received from God.
Juvenile Delinquency
As we as a whole realize that the teenage conduct is very risky and unusual as well.
There are many who are caught in the act with unimportant wrongdoings like arms clashes,
unlawful undertakings, substance misuse and different others. The status of urbanized women
is additionally challenged; we run over different instances of MMS extorts, assaults, murders
and burglary.
In spite of the fact that it's a despicable to state yet we need to proclaim that sections
of India are as yet least fortunate of poor. Much following quite a while of being sorted as a
creating nation, we were unable to supplant the name with created nation. The vast majority
of the homes can't manage the cost of have great wellbeing and cleanliness. Poverty is truly
executing us and youths are likewise getting misled.
Inadequate Employment Opportunities
In yesteryears, education was not every person's strong point. Those, who truly had
the skill for it, sought after it. In any case, today, the situation is unique; everybody is
studying alongside undeniable offices. Before, even a secondary school drop or
straightforward alumni would look for some kind of employment and live happily. Back then,
one would not really need to have an advanced education to endure. In any case, in the
present occasions, youngsters with various degrees can't look for some kind of employment
with great compensation, to manage the cost of a decent way of life[17]
Education Disparity
Education is a need and everybody's bequest. We won't locate any solid head, who
will contest this very much respected reality. A decent education resembles a shelter in one's
life, opening up a large group of chances. Kindly don't misunderstand me, I'm not bantering
over great school or awful school, rather discussing a worth based legitimate education
framework and the discrimination in educational quality, which is classified by money related
(UGC Care Journal)
ISSN: 2320-0693
P a g e | 69
Recent patterns show that around 25% children are corpulent in India. There is a slim
line between being tubby and being large. Why so? What turned out badly? Who's at fault?
There are a few questions which in a split second spring up. Computer games, TV, the web
and cheap food can be accused incompletely. Today, kids are investing more energy sitting in
front of the TV, surfing the web than going around. This inactive way of life has risky
outcomes. Interestingly, they can feel socially ungainly or being mocked by their friends.
Aside from corpulence related medical issues like hypertension, diabetes, opposite symptoms
are low confidence, melancholy, and so forth.
It is pitiful yet an unpleasant reality that we live in a society that advances realism.
Furthermore, we accidentally support and impart this way of thinking into our youngsters.
Shockingly we show our kids that the achievement and bliss in life is estimated by what
amount stuff or riches you secure? It is only common when children request things which
their companions may have. In any case, rather than satisfying their demands quickly, we
should pay attention to a delay and think. In which direction we are going? Don't worry about
it, we satisfy their demands which are inside our monetary farthest point however that is
anything but a decent sign by any stretch of the imagination[18][9]
Violence in Schools
At the point when we send our children to class, we for the most part take a moan of
help. Schools assume a significant job in showing fundamental abilities to young minds and
their undertaking must be recognized. It is sensible to expect that these consecrated spots of
learning would demonstrate as places of refuge for kids. However, expanding models of
wrongdoing in school will lead us to lose our rest of life. No, these are no minor instances of
tormenting however genuine undeniable wrongdoings like stabbings, battling and suicides.
Early Maturity
In prior generations, kids delighted in being kids. In any case, today, with the
appearance of satellite TV and web, kids are besieged with undesirable information. They are
presented to some grown-up related substance as well, which isn't at all favourable for their
fragile personalities. The idea of youth becomes hazardous.
Substance Abuse
"A cigarette in my grasp… I felt like a man." Yes…..the acclaimed enemy of smoking
effort by Gary Lawyer did manage to alarm smoking somewhat. Leave aside the society and
cigarette smoking isn't defended in the realm of film now[19]
. Smoking was cool, in those
days. Be that as it may, these days, the attention to the peril of smoking has expanded
significantly. Lamentably it isn't the equivalent if there should be an occurrence of drinking
and utilizing drugs. They are as yet expected as cool stuff. Youngsters actually stick around
liquor. Aside from harming their own wellbeing, they likewise hazard the society. Affected
by liquor, these minxes will rash drive and do a few other enemies of social exercises.
(UGC Care Journal)
ISSN: 2320-0693
P a g e | 70
Single Parent Households
At the point when children see their folks living under various rooftops, their
adolescent mind endures. Since most recent two decades, we have seen the heartbreaking
increment in single parent homes. The pattern is risky. It is extremely difficult to take care of
a youngster in separated home. The situation is unmistakably progressively troublesome
when children are raised without any assistance. Regardless of whether it doesn't make a
difference to all around obeyed parent, however the kids gets denied of parental direction,
which may bring about an undesirable number of issues, for example, liquor/medicate
misuse, school dropout, and teenage pregnancies.
Today, there are 1.2 billion young individuals matured 15 to 24 years, representing 16
for each cent of the worldwide population. The dynamic engagement of youth in
maintainable development endeavours is central to accomplishing economical,
comprehensive and stable societies by the deadline, and to turning away the most exceedingly
terrible dangers and challenges to manageable development, including the effects of
environmental change, unemployment, poverty, sex imbalance, struggle, and migration. The
World Youth Report centresonyouth education and employment, and investigates the
complex challenges confronting the biggest generation of youth the world has ever observed.
The Report gives knowledge into the basic job of young individuals with regards to the
implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and related systems[20]
Advancing Youth Development
A long way from being unimportant recipients of the 2030 Agenda, young individuals
have been dynamic modellers in its development and keep on being occupied with forms that
help its implementation, development and survey. At the degree of worldwide strategy, fund
and measurement are significant issues to be tended to as a component of overall youth
development endeavours. At the national level, strategy and automatic reactions to the
Sustainable Development Goals have been moderate and ought to be quickened. In education
142 million youth of upper secondary age are out of school. In employment, 71 million
young individuals are jobless; and millions more are in shaky or casual work. Incongruities
inside and between nations in education and employment among youth are obvious, with
sexual orientation, poverty, rurality, incapacity, and transient/displaced person status all being
major elements of weakness. For example, around 156 million youth in low and center pay
nations are working poor (ILO), while very nearly 30 for every cent of the most unfortunate
12 to multi year old have never gone to class.
Evidence based youth approaches custom-made and adjusted to national and nearby
settings, help guarantee that youth development challenges are tended to. Key elements that
help guarantee a compelling youth strategy incorporate giving political administration and
vital vision; making sure about sufficient spending plan and asset allocations; utilizing
opportune and exact information on the situation of young individuals; using the information,
experience and mastery of young individuals in the structure, implementation and evaluation
of the youth arrangement; mainstreaming and coordinating youth strategies across parts;
(UGC Care Journal)
ISSN: 2320-0693
P a g e | 71
considering the linkages and effects of approach destinations; and building up a
straightforward observing and responsibility system. The Report centres basically around the
zones of education and employment, underlining the realization of focuses under these Goals
as fundamental to by and large youth development. Issues identified with different Goals
including sexual orientation uniformity, great wellbeing, diminishing imbalance, battling
poverty and hunger, and action on environmental issues and environmental change are
additionally tended to inside the extent of the Report[7]
India's youth is loaded with vitality and ability. Tragically, however, many of them
don't have the privilege motivation or direction. The present youth need opportunity and
autonomy. They need direction to arrive at their unrealised objectives. Simultaneously, they
need to gain from their own experiments. Their way isn't simple. Right now society, kids
appreciate more attention than their days gone by partners. In spite of being advantaged,
they're a disturbed species. These youngsters are encompassed by countless issues which
thus, makes them minimal defiant as well. The upsetting reasons might be their
independence, feeling of opportunity or the consistently developing friend pressure. In the
end, they face the antagonistic mentality of society[24][21]
. In any case, the genuine point of
view is that youths are the mainstays of social, economic and political developments. In
addition to their scholarly contribution and the capacity to prepare support, youth detachment
brings exceptional points of view. We as a society should esteem the imagination, standards
and energies of young men and women, which are additionally the future partners of these
The present study has been focused only on the challenges faced by the youth in the
century the future studies can be done on:
1. Changing dimensions of challenges faced by the youth over the years.
2. Opportunities to the youth in the 21st
1. Anant, Hardeep. (2015). Challenges facing India in the 21st
century: An HRD
perspective. 13. 1367-1375.
2. Dev, Mahendra & Motkuri, Venkatanarayana. (2011). Youth employment and
unemployment in India.
3. Ferrari, Theresa. (2009). Preparing youth for the 21st century knowledge economy:
Youth programs and workforce preparation. Afterschool Matters. 8. 11-25.
4. Folarin, Sheriff. (2013). Africas leadership challenges in the 21st century: A Nigerian
perspective. African Journal of Political Science and International Relations. 7. 1-11.
(UGC Care Journal)
ISSN: 2320-0693
P a g e | 72
5. Gutgesell, Margaret & Payne, Nancy. (2004). Issues of Adolescent Psychological
Development in the 21st
Century. Pediatrics in review / American Academy of
Pediatrics. 25. 79-85. 10.1542/pir.25-3-79.
6. Haque, Ahasanul & Kabir, Sardar Md Humayun & Anis, Zohurul. (2020). Optimizing
the Role of Youth in ASEAN Region to meet 21st
Century Challenges.
8. Joshi, Bhanu & Kunduri, Eesha. (2017). Youth in India: Prospects and Challenges.
9. Kelly, Peter & Kamp, Annelies. (2014). A Critical YouthStudies for the 21st Century.
10. Kshirsagar, S.K. (2008). Is India ready to face 21st
Century?. IETE Technical Review.
11. Kumar, M Pramod. (2013). What Indian Youth Need to Know about Indian Culture.
12. Kumar, Sumant. (2019). Tribal Rights in India Challenges and Achievement in
13. Medvedeva, Tatyana. (2015). University Education: The Challenges of 21st
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 166. 422-426.
14. Modi, Ishwar. (2012). Youth in India: Aspirations and Challenges.
15. Osborne, Jonathan. (2013). the 21st
century challenge for science education: Assessing
scientific reasoning. Thinking Skills and Creativity. 10. 265–279.
16. Panda, Pramil. (2000). Changing Role Models among the Middle Class Educated
Indian Youth.
17. Prabhakaran, Sivakumar & B., Dhanya. (2011). Indian Youth and Demographic
Transition. SSRN Electronic Journal. 10.2139/ssrn.1762130.
18. Raj.M, Casimir. (2011). Youth Work in India. YNow. Winter 2011. 14-15.
19. Raj.M, Casimir. (2015). Contemporary Youth in India: Prospects, Problems and
Perspectives. Indian Stream Research Journal. V. 1-12.
20. Roberts, Ken. (2009). Conclusions: global youth in the 21st
century. 10.1007/978-1-
21. Rotherham, Andrew & Willingham, Daniel. (2009). 21st
Century Skills: The
Challenges Ahead. Educational Leadership. 67. 16-21.
22. Salmi, Jamil. (2001). Tertiary Education in the 21st
Century: Challenges and
23. Sancho, David. (2015). Youth, class and education in urban India: The year that can
break or make you. 10.4324/9781315767604.
24. Schoenfeld, Alan. (1999). Looking Toward the 21st
Century: Challenges of
Educational Theory and Practice. Educational Researcher. 28. 4-14.
25. Singh, JD. (2016). Higher Education in the 21st
Century: Issues andChallenges.
echetana. 2. 33-42.

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  • 1. Tathapi (UGC Care Journal) ISSN: 2320-0693 Vol-19-Issue-16-May-2020 P a g e | 58 A STUDY ON YOUTH AND THEIR CHALLENGES IN THE 21st CENTURY Sr. Lucas Arul Seeli Manager in Help Humanity International, St. Joseph University, Dimapur, Nagaland, India Email:, M. Baby PhD Research Scholar in Social Work, St. Joseph University, Dimapur, Nagaland, India Dr. Pramodini Magh Rengma Assistant Professor, St. Joseph University, Dimarpur, Nagaland, India Email: Abstract As we progress to the 21st century, there is a great deal to anticipate. Simultaneously different issues that face our nation and the world, require our prompt attention. A portion of these are environmental change, biodiversity misfortune, ascend in brutal fanaticism and imbalance. There are many issues that the youth of the 21st century faces. In that the significant issues are from society. We as a whole get institutionalized into one major group, it is just some teenagers that are 'rotten ones'; there are acceptable teenagers just as awful. They have recently been given a terrible generally speaking reputation because of a little minority of numbskull vandals. From generation to generation, there has been a consistent pattern of the old looking down on the youth of their time. The perspectives scarcely contrast, the more current generation annihilating the foundation the last has fabricated. The old have experienced as long as they can remember times and have increased important information and experience that the youth are inadequate. Youth in the 21st century's economy are underestimating what they have simply because a few of us don't see how to help change the economy or influence the change for the great. Additionally, innovation has affected the youth picture. More youths are approaching new advances, for example, new PDAs and instances of 'jaywalking' are expanding quickly in created regions [1] . The open picture on youths is that we are on our telephones constantly and have no consideration about our own security. Hence, the present study has been done with a view to highlight the challenges faced by the youth in the 21st century and study based on secondary sources of data collections. Keywords: Generation Gap, Technology Development, Inequality, Idiotic Vandals, Psychological, Spiritual, Vocational and Cultural Challenges. INTRODUCTION India is in an interesting position to start to lead the pack in tending to these worldwide issues, with its generally young population, which accepts as a key favorable position. By 2020, the normal age in India will be twenty-nine and it is set to become the youngest nation on the planet with 65% of its population beneath the age of thirty-five. The youth of the nation offer a tremendous open door for driving social, environmental and economic progress in India as well as internationally. It is critical nonetheless, that young individuals be outfitted with the proper ranges of abilities to embrace this challenge and towards this the education framework is our most solid option. Truly, the young generation right now has lost their manners. They basically do what they needed to manage without
  • 2. Tathapi (UGC Care Journal) ISSN: 2320-0693 Vol-19-Issue-16-May-2020 P a g e | 59 overlooking others feeling and reaction. Young generation these days has changed. As advances and sciences are improving, from radio to PCs, individuals these days can have a very surprising style life than previously. An ever increasing number of gadgets are created making individuals' life simpler. It is a decent sign that individuals are improving over the long haul; be that as it may, it is additionally a challenge for youth[22] . Many individuals, particularly youths, presently have increasingly helpful and sumptuous life. Youth now gets all the more unwinding and apathetic. Over the long haul, it will be immense challenges for youth in 21st century. Medical issue is one of the many challenges for youth in 21st century[2] . On the event of 'National Youth Day', Prime Minister Narendra Modi featured the significance of youngsters and said that their vitality is the premise of changing India in the 21st century[5] . "We have all seen how the country's youth took to the street in a fight against corruption a few years ago. It seemed that changing the situation would be difficult. The youth changed that as well," the Prime Minister said while addressing people at Belur Math, which is the headquarters of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission."The energy of youth is the basis of changing India in the 21st century. The target of New India can only be achieved by all of you. It is the youth that says 'Let's not postpone problems'. The youth will always challenge problems and solve them. Challenge the challenge...," he said. The young individuals in India today are befuddled. They need more gatherings where their questions can be offered an explanation to satisfaction. They don't have relationships with their folks, educators, peers where they can truly find solutions to their more profound difficulties. On the off chance that there were some hopeful young individuals in India there would be 20 others to pull them down. The challenges India's youth faces in the second decade of the 21st century are manifold. For example, in the field of education, do we have enough establishments? Does the impeded network get an opportunity to arrive at where the favored are? There is reservation yet that again is a flawed framework. We need increasingly positive action where individuals who have been forgotten about due to recorded and social reasons need to come at standard with others. A great deal of rustic youth would prefer not to do cultivating or provincial work on the grounds that there are fewer and fewer takers for it. Unemployment is a significant issue with young individuals. So when we discuss Indian youth we discuss a range of young individuals[23] . Many young individuals are pulled in to the governmental issues of pettiness, language, station and religion nowadays. The young would any day pick the more feasible, nurturing option than getting into the legislative issues of language, rank or religion. The explanation they don't is on the grounds that they are anonymous, stateless individuals with no feeling of personality. At the point when you cause them to feel so hopeless the main manner by which they can snatch attention is by attesting their personalities. Many of them are indoctrinated into accepting that position, religion, locale and, language will give them some feeling of self-esteem. Overall our young individuals are not common. They simply need to coexist with their life and endure. In any case, when there is that void, when there is nothing to hook on to and they are given the trap that they have something to be pleased with, they begin getting public. Obviously, we have a past filled with partition and rule. However, we as a whole are essentially acceptable individuals and as opposed to battling against simply
  • 3. Tathapi (UGC Care Journal) ISSN: 2320-0693 Vol-19-Issue-16-May-2020 P a g e | 60 the common powers we should make increasingly positive vitality, comprehend the benefits of a pluralistic society, which is the thing that we are. So, it is been mandatory to study the challenges faced by the youths in the 21st century and the research done on the descriptive manner[3][4] . RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The present study aimed with following objectives: 1. To know the challenges of youthfulness. 2. To narrate the key challenges of youth in 21st century. 3. To highlight the findings of World Youth Report addressing youthchallenges. REVIEWS OF RELATED LITERATURE Kumar, Sumant. (2019)[12] Ancestral Rights in India Challenges and Achievement in 21st Century. Development of ancestral is exceptionally entangled issue for the government as it need full attention all around and state to state. Notwithstanding, the issue is that, the government just observe the development of ancestral issue is just influenced due to poverty and the greater part of the projects and strategies implemented either to expel poverty or for the economic development. In any case, the complex is that, there are different elements are additionally, in which inborn looking for government help to ensure and save their ethnic personality, language, culture, standards and practices or conviction and so forth. Just economic development would be completely lacking as they are face a few issue to shield their character from outer impacts (government). Since Independence, development of inborn individuals has consistently been a significant worry in India. For this, the Indian Government has taken up many challenging errands by implementing related projects, strategies and arrangements from the Constitution. These activities have been done with a mean to begin working from the beginning in order to give correspondence and social equity to the oppressed or booked clan individuals. The most significant rationale and object of such activities are to improve their socio-economic conditions. All things considered, considerably following multiyear of India's autonomy, the conditions of the inborn groups, as a rule, have not seen obvious improvements and still establish a more vulnerable section of the Indian society. This could be seen from ecological, economy and educational edges. It is shocking that the embraced policies,programmes and plans have not leaked profound into these oppressed sections of the society as they are regularly wasted by the top echelons of the concerned specialists. For example, in each multiyear plan, government of India has made so many arrangements and projects to dispose of poverty, lack of education, uniformity, unemployment, restitution, dealing, kid work, fortified work, distance, brutality in local assistance, naxalism, land acquisition and so on., yet all these have stayed as simple words on paper with no considerable result. In view of these perspectives, would to break down all the significant arrangements, program and constitutional arrangements which have been implemented every now and then for the upkeep of the innate individuals in India. Moreover, right now was expected to feature and talk about the explanations for the disappointment of
  • 4. Tathapi (UGC Care Journal) ISSN: 2320-0693 Vol-19-Issue-16-May-2020 P a g e | 61 the aforementioned projects, approaches and procedures. Because of the inappropriate implementation of the mentioned approaches, plans and projects, the ancestral residents of India have been essentially denied of many community offices and are disengaged from the advanced and humanized method for living since so many decades. Joshi, et al. (2017)[8] has led a study on Youth in India: Prospects and Challenges. India is the youngest nation among the BRICS. It is evaluated that by 2020 the working age population in India would be around 592 million, second to that of China's (776 million). Conjectured as far as the 'youth lump' or 'segment profit', this holds out possibilities just as challenges for a creating nation like India. This note approaches the question of youth in contemporary urban India by revealing insight into an assortment of points of view: the institutional structure and administration system for young individuals in India, the involvement of and enthusiasm of young individuals in governmental issues, employment- unemployment among youth, aspirations, and regular legislative issues of the youth. By considering both proper governmental issues and political representations among youth as likewise progressively regular types of legislative issues and aspiration dimensions of youth engagement, this note endeavors to build up a comprehensive depiction of contemporary urban youth. Raj and Casimir (2015)[18] has expressed that Dr. APJ. Abdul Kalam, previous President of India (2002-2007) states that "the asset of the youth is a significant structure obstruct for changing India into a created nation". Many clinicians, sociologists and educationists have attempted to positionyoung individuals in a society from their own point of view. Along these lines, their comprehension and perceptions vary contingent upon their field of intrigue, focal point of study and outlooks. These perceptions of youth, in any case, impact approach making, youth work practice and administrations. This article endeavors to show a comprehension of these fluctuated points of view and in this manner show up at an all encompassing image of the contemporary young individual. This study focuses on the arrangement creators, analysts, educationists and practitioners to address the issues that influence the youth today and understand their maximum capacity. This article comprise of five sections and the first section presents the development viewpoint is talked about remembering the way that this methodology addresses the physical, subjective and socio- emotional changes during puberty which would in a perfect world give a stage to a superior comprehension of different points of view. The second section looks at the generational point of view which is basically worried about age related issues among young individuals. The third section manages a study of the auxiliary clash viewpoint which dismisses the ideas of past methodologies and spotlights on issues identified with class, sex, ethnicity, sexuality, and so forth. The section four managed the transitional viewpoint which centers around young individuals' transition issues. At last, the fifth section centers around the helpful viewpoint that considers the youth as an uncommon social classification, comprised by society and unique in relation to different classifications of adulthood is talked about. In the long run, every one of these points of view with their qualities and shortcoming will help with comprehension and advancing another way to deal with youth work and to the contemporary young individual.
  • 5. Tathapi (UGC Care Journal) ISSN: 2320-0693 Vol-19-Issue-16-May-2020 P a g e | 62 Modi, Ishwar. (2012)[14] has examined on Youth in India: Aspirations and Challenges. Youth, the population matured 15-24, establish somewhere in the range of 222 million and speak to 20 percent of the Indian population (according to statistics of 2001). What is generally significant at this stage is that a huge percentage of rustic youth is relocating from country territories to the urban. The reasons are economic as well as socio- social. The bait and sheen of the urban communities all the more so of the cities is a major factor. They move out for education as well as to make another personality for themselves. Introduction to quick extending ICTs have given them new wings strive for everything without exception. Be that as it may, all in all, there is an incredible gap between the country and the urban youth. While the country youth has a place with Bharat, the urban youth is said to have a place with India. While Bharat is related to absence of education, sick wellbeing, poverty and conservatism, India is related to education, development, development, plenitude and forward looking outlook and world view. This separation gets reflected in varying backgrounds, regardless of whether it is the examples of consumption or that of getting hitched and raising families. It likewise gets reflected as far as educated sexual and regenerative decisions and obviously in levels of education, consumption, lodging, clinical offices, openings for work and the general personal satisfaction. All things considered, the youth both provincial and urban might be trying for the sky from their separate viewpoints yet there are different sorts of challenges which both these groups of youth are looking in contemporary India. In any case, the challenges before them are diverse both in nature and character just as in greatness, and all things considered merit the attention and research of the social researchers, especially that of sociologists. Raj and Casimir (2011)[19] has analyzed that the India today has crossed the one billion imprint in its population. The population underneath the age of 35 years in India is about 70% of the all out population. Inside this youth population, the age group of 10-19 years is around 225 million, the biggest ever companion of young individuals to make a transition to adulthood. Also, 70% of the youth population in India is rustic. As indicated by current assessments, India is and will stay for quite a while one of the youngest nations on the planet. In 2020, it is evaluated that the normal Indian will be just 29 years of age, contrasted and a normal age of 37 years in China and the US, and 45 years in west Europe and Japan. It is this population of young individuals establishes for India a potential segment profit, or potentially a challenge of mega proportions, if their interests are not appropriately tended to or their energies bridled productively. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The present study entitled on ‘A Study on Youth and their Challenges in the 21st Century’ is a descriptive nature where the data from various secondary sources like published books, periodicals, journals, official websites of GOI and related sites. CHALLENGES FOR YOUTHFULNESS There are many challenges that a youth faces in his religious life. When he has not been creatively faithful in his ordinary, routine, daily lives to the behaviours demanded for authentic living of vocation. And if this is not fruitfully fulfilled by the youth, him / her at every level of his life faces the challenges which would lead him to lose his own vocation or
  • 6. Tathapi (UGC Care Journal) ISSN: 2320-0693 Vol-19-Issue-16-May-2020 P a g e | 63 the daily living. Some of the challenges are the following: Psychological, Spiritual, Vocational and Cultural challenges[6][7] . PSYCHOLOGICAL CHALLENGES: INTIMACY There is a challenge in intimacy. It is in religious sense, which no way leads negatively. This means that, the challenge of intimacy is “the challenge to love the other as the other is”. We are deeply in need of the physical presence of the other and to be emotionally united with that person. It is from experiences of intimacy that he develops the qualities of compassion, sensitivity, warmth, caring and empathy which are essential qualities for ministry of Loving God in Serving the Poor. Some youth are immature in intimacy. By intimacy we mean a commitment to growth in relationship. Sometimes, during their formative years in the community intimacy was not usually encouraged. This affects them in many psychological factors. Family and their friendship ties were discouraged, healthy relationships with opposite sex were severely curtailed and even friendships within the community were suspect. As a result, some find themselves lacking the sort of interpersonal skills that are needed to develop intimate relationships. Some others seem to fear the intimacy because they assume that intimate sharing on the conversational or emotional levels will lead to “genital intimacy”. Feeling of isolation and not belonging are the most obvious symptoms of this state. Community life or apostolic life demands skills in communication and effective interpersonal relationships. A course in communication skills is essential during their formation. Conflicts and misunderstandings in community occur due to lack of skills in communication[24] . For example, one comes from a home where family harmony flourishes, is able to communicate and relate satisfactorily with other, whereas one who comes from an environment of conflict, finds it difficult to establish satisfying relationships and he exhibits negative behaviour. If he is not able to relate in healthy manner, he will be unhappy in community and will cause lots of unhappiness and division wherever he goes[8] . There are some of the factors that might have impeded the development of healthy intimacy among the youth are the followings: Loneliness Loneliness of the s is the result of lack of personal identity. Such person feels insecurity to collaborate with other in the community life and he does not have real friends. Loneliness is what we experience subjectively when certain needs are deprived. “When the youth feels lack of sense in living the meaningful life, the meaning and purpose of living, then he/ she experiences loneliness.” Some youth feels that they have wasted their lives and feel themselves “useless” in their communities and society. Few can feel “unfit” in the midst of qualified and realized community members. These factors affect youth by making them feel lonely in their community/place where they belong/ live. “Sometimes, loneliness tends to breed discouragement and depression which leads to compensatory behaviours”. This loneliness is not created in the living environment rather by the very pressure of the family, this comes from his infancy life; that is to say, it is the hereditary factor. This, when, is not properly guided, he will experience frustration, anxiety and he will be unsatisfied with his life
  • 7. Tathapi (UGC Care Journal) ISSN: 2320-0693 Vol-19-Issue-16-May-2020 P a g e | 64 because of unresolved problems from previous stages of life. They even imagine a crisis of unexplored area of themselves which will lead to the crisis of vocation[9] . Challenges in Affective Life Most of the youth go through a period of affective crisis during their youth stages varying in intensity and duration, sometimes, it becomes one of the reasons for abandoning the religious vocation. There can also arise some strong attractions towards secular life which they have already left behind. Since they are very young, they easily fall in love with secular life (marred life). If they do not have sufficient support from others who have motivation in the congregation, they will easily withdraw from religious life. There should be affective life which also should be maturely. If there is absence of mature affective life, there arise various psychological problems both at the individual and community level[12] . This kind mostly fits into the women religious. Some are not able to cope with the requirements imposed by the vow of chastity (celibacy) and decide to leave. Others, while continuing to live in religious life, seek some sort of compensation in “other intimacy” (sex) with the opposite sex or with the person of the same sex. Others often become harsh and cruel in dealing the persons, especially with their inferiors in communities, in exercising their responsibility. One of the bricks of human maturity is the capability of real relationship, friendship and intimacy. Sometimes depression can be a result of moving further in religious life. If there is an existence of depression, one cannot move forward and face one’s daily life. In religious life, one can be depressed because one feels that one is not sufficiently taken into consideration by the superiors or by others. He will be watching how much superiors listen to others. He makes a comparison and finally feels dejected. Some feel depressed because they feel that others do not see them as they see themselves. Therefore, seeing these affective challenges, we can say that if youth religious did not get the required attention in his family, it will have impact in his life. If he is not satisfied his needs especially love in earlier stages, it will remain in him and the need for love and acceptance will be reflected in his search[25] . Narcissism (I… I… I must die / Individualism) One of the risks which youth religious face in his formation is his narcissistic personality. Narcissism can be both healthy and unhealthy. It is healthy because we need a mothering person to take care of us and to let us to that someone is there for me no matter what comes. The narcissistic personalities consist of being loved as the very one you are, treated specially and being admired. In other words, he should be loved unconditionally. If all these things are met at the early age, we need not carry them when we are grown up. But it is unhealthy because it is the inability to perceive another’s point of view. They think that reality is within oneself not outside (in others). Such people live in self-centeredness and selfishness which bar from being generous. The effects of this kind will be harmful for the missionary work because they are self-cantered and they cannot come away from this in order to become open to others. This will challenge one to judge himself. He will lack the vow of obedience/ break the promise to God Himself. Narcissism in a negative sense does harm to religious life both on community and individual level. It often leads away from the love of one’s neighbour. The symptoms could
  • 8. Tathapi (UGC Care Journal) ISSN: 2320-0693 Vol-19-Issue-16-May-2020 P a g e | 65 be self-centeredness, self-promotion and acquisitiveness (excessive interest). The persons who are of this sort begin to complain that the community does not meet their needs and they demand more. They always have the tendency to put oneself before the community. When they are not met with the demanded things, they react with anger. They lose self-identity and always seek approval from others in all things. The measure of their worth is some other’s opinions or evaluations. They emphasize their doing instead of their being. When they have narcissistic love they cannot establish affective love or relationship for others. They exaggerate themselves and lack humility and modesty. They live stubbornly according to their own ideals. They live with the conviction that it is unsafe to depend on other’s love or loyalty. They pretend to be self-sufficient, but in the depth of their being they experience a sense of emptiness. To assure all these, they become preoccupied with establishing their power, appearance, status, prestigious and superiority[10] . Lack of Self Image We can see some are very gloomy (gloomy faces). These people who fail to meet the challenges of life and the struggles of growth and they become unhappy and disinterested. The reason for the unhappiness is the poor self-image. They exaggerate negative awareness of themselves and of their limitations. This lack of self-image can be expressed in many ways in his behaviour patterns. Lack of concentration in works, shifting of interests, felling down, running away from the responsibilities, not feeling to face the difficulties, blaming others for failures, lack of control in words and judgement, and inability for adjustment with others are some of the symptoms for lack of self-image. These kinds of people will normally say that no one likes me, I am nobody, no one respects me and I am not really worthy. This is called low self-esteem. The low self-esteem is a wound that comes to us from our past life. It creates in us a self-consciousness, timidity, inability, etc. When there is lack of psycho-spiritual energies, he experiences solitude, void and sadness. Above all he loses the meaning and purpose of life. In other words, faced with solitude, void and sadness, he finds himself unable to understand God’s meaning and purpose in his own life or those of others. SPIRITUAL CHALLENGES In order to grow in a relationship with the Lord, there is need for a real and in-depth formation in the spiritual life. An integral experience of faith which necessary for the maturation of spiritual life. Nowadays one of the challenges of youth religious is the immaturity of faith. If a youth did not get from her parents this basic faith, he will not be able to live in faith in his religious life[11] . Let us see some of the challenges that affect the spiritual life: Challenges to Reaffirm Faith Faith is gift and it should be prayed, personalized, challenged, studied, shared and announced. If one is missing the act of faith becomes weak. If it happens in religious life, there will be no deep relationship with God. Faith is the hall mark for those who face the inevitable difficulties of life. Faith is the motivation to remain faithful to the initial response to the Divine call. Nowadays, we can see the attitude of youth religious towards a prayer life.
  • 9. Tathapi (UGC Care Journal) ISSN: 2320-0693 Vol-19-Issue-16-May-2020 P a g e | 66 Common prayer becomes a routine task to be accomplished and personal prayer is minimized or even disappears. Both common and personal prayer lose quality that prayer is an expression of a love relationship with the Lord. Religious life is a life of faith. It is the measure, base and support of religious life[14] . Routine is a part of religious life which is reflected in the daily schedules of local communities. They should avoid perfunctory approach. It is an unreflective and passive doing of what must be done. There is nothing problematic with routine whereas it is very useful for establishing order in daily life and spending time and energy resourcefully. Let us not worry about what is done or how is done, but why it is done (the approach and the motivation). Hence much more than the task, it is the faith that shapes the value, attitudes and priorities by which religious live. The faith lives within the person. The interiority nurtures faith. A religious has no meaning if he/she is not a person of God, a person of interior life. Lack of Enthusiasm in Prayer Life It is a clear sign that if A’s prayer life is not going well; it is due to lack of enthusiasm. When his spirit is alive, he becomes enthusiastic. Enthusiasm comes from Greek word ethos, meaning “possessed by God” or “in God”. When his spirit is alive, he necessarily lives in God and is energized by the Divine Spirit. The danger in failing to live in ethos is not the depression rather, it is the spiritual apathy. Because of his lack of interest in spiritual life, he may lack in everything. A diminishing interest in personal prayer is always a sure sign of a diminishing enthusiasm in apostolate (missionary activities) and it is a challenge in his spiritual life. When he is not in touch with the Lord he starts to feel that something is missing in his personal prayer life. When the spirit in prayer is lost, he becomes incapable of listening to the word of God and he achieves little progress in love for God. Sometimes he is uncertain of what is happening to himself, and feels that he has been a failure in every aspect. Thus, he could not find any meaning in seminary life[12] . One of the failures of today’s formation is really the absence of the praxis. That is, there are many things done in the formation: formative courses, lectures and conferences. All speak of necessity for a deep experience of God, but there is no time to put these on a practical level. There is little time to be with God in silence, for personal prayer, for meditation on the word of God, for contemplation and above all there is no time to be with him (candidate). He is occupied in study, in work and follows the changes that happen in the society. He forgets to have contact with God. In the formation, it is necessary to “learn to give time to God” for the better results in his apostolate. Very often, S become too dependent on themselves and others but not on God. They rely too much on what they do and forget the source of life. A core danger of the lack of prayer life may lead those (S), to lose their vocation – their call from God. When they find they have little time for prayer, they become failures to respond to God’s spirit. Ultimately, they lose their spirit to produce fruits in their apostolate (missions). VOCATIONAL CHALLENGES
  • 10. Tathapi (UGC Care Journal) ISSN: 2320-0693 Vol-19-Issue-16-May-2020 P a g e | 67 Today Sis at risk in preserving the vocation. They are unable to live out their religious life. The reason for this challenge is the lack of motivation and lack of the sense of identity[13] . Challenges of Religious Identity One of the challenges of the youth today is discovering their identity. Those who are well-balanced in emotions, temperaments and life goals, find a positive identity. But those who are disinterested select negative identity which opposes the values of the society. The serious problem is that Sdoes not possess the identity to lead their lives. They do not march forward and make effort to be creative. They have no passion, but will remain always disobedient. In the process of identity as religious, one has to be answerable to both interior and external life. With regard to his interior identity, by the very choice of being a religious, he has to remain chaste, obedient and poor for the sake of mission to the Church and the world. It is the task that lying in those who are ready to follow the consecrated life. This means, coming to the sense of self as being in Christ and doing what he did. With regard to their exterior identity, they have the task of appropriating more external dimensions of their religious life. They realize that they belong to a community. Here fidelity is the process in the religious life. This tells, who he is, what he wants to do in his unique relationship with charism and congregation. This identity gives direction and focus to life so that he has a set of values and attitudes in living his fidelity. With fidelity he responds uniquely to grace. In order to cooperate with God’s grace, he needs the awareness of who he is in his religious life. Nowadays many leave the society because of the lack of identity[15][16] . Inconsistency in Vocation Inconsistency in Vocationis consistent when he is motivated well with values of religious life. He is inconsistent, when is not motivated with the values which do not agree the values. If the vocational values are absent in his life, the force of inconsistency would be greater. Many build their life and vocation around their dreams. They have difficulty in articulating specifies of their dream. He wonders how to integrate his values into his life structure and questions his commitment. Without fidelity to the dream, life lacks genuine purpose and meaning. When he makes the fantasy of dream into his life, he happens to lose and move away from his religious vocation.Those who lack sense of belonging have inconsistency in vocation. The identity and belonging are not lived correctly, inconsistent belonging happens. In general, we can say that identity without belonging suffocates in to narcissism. He loses the sense of belonging. He is more concerned with appearing as a member of the group than really being one in the group. He shows a singular attraction to the value of community. He has little sense of others. Many problems result from this artificial sense of belonging. CULTURAL CHALLENGE
  • 11. Tathapi (UGC Care Journal) ISSN: 2320-0693 Vol-19-Issue-16-May-2020 P a g e | 68 Culture plays a vital role in formation of the S. Its influences separate faith formation and morality. Many youths are in dilemma to live out the commitment in serving the Church and the civil Society. They have the task and challenge to learn how to love the Church with undivided heart and almsgiving by their earnings. To fulfil this, they need to detach themselves from consumeristsociety which is of money, fame, power, boost their ego and technology. Modern science develops a culture where religious life has no value. The values of culture negatively affect the consecrated people. The S who are enthusiastic in religious life, are easily trapped by the vast evolution of the modern science and technology. They fail to identify the balance between the religious life and the world outside. As a result, they make of rash judgment to continue to live the religious life. Many fall prey to it and end up in losing the very vocation they received from God. KEY CHALLENGES OF YOUTH IN 21ST CENTURY Juvenile Delinquency As we as a whole realize that the teenage conduct is very risky and unusual as well. There are many who are caught in the act with unimportant wrongdoings like arms clashes, unlawful undertakings, substance misuse and different others. The status of urbanized women is additionally challenged; we run over different instances of MMS extorts, assaults, murders and burglary. Poverty In spite of the fact that it's a despicable to state yet we need to proclaim that sections of India are as yet least fortunate of poor. Much following quite a while of being sorted as a creating nation, we were unable to supplant the name with created nation. The vast majority of the homes can't manage the cost of have great wellbeing and cleanliness. Poverty is truly executing us and youths are likewise getting misled. Inadequate Employment Opportunities In yesteryears, education was not every person's strong point. Those, who truly had the skill for it, sought after it. In any case, today, the situation is unique; everybody is studying alongside undeniable offices. Before, even a secondary school drop or straightforward alumni would look for some kind of employment and live happily. Back then, one would not really need to have an advanced education to endure. In any case, in the present occasions, youngsters with various degrees can't look for some kind of employment with great compensation, to manage the cost of a decent way of life[17] . Education Disparity Education is a need and everybody's bequest. We won't locate any solid head, who will contest this very much respected reality. A decent education resembles a shelter in one's life, opening up a large group of chances. Kindly don't misunderstand me, I'm not bantering over great school or awful school, rather discussing a worth based legitimate education framework and the discrimination in educational quality, which is classified by money related status.
  • 12. Tathapi (UGC Care Journal) ISSN: 2320-0693 Vol-19-Issue-16-May-2020 P a g e | 69 Obesity Recent patterns show that around 25% children are corpulent in India. There is a slim line between being tubby and being large. Why so? What turned out badly? Who's at fault? There are a few questions which in a split second spring up. Computer games, TV, the web and cheap food can be accused incompletely. Today, kids are investing more energy sitting in front of the TV, surfing the web than going around. This inactive way of life has risky outcomes. Interestingly, they can feel socially ungainly or being mocked by their friends. Aside from corpulence related medical issues like hypertension, diabetes, opposite symptoms are low confidence, melancholy, and so forth. Materialism It is pitiful yet an unpleasant reality that we live in a society that advances realism. Furthermore, we accidentally support and impart this way of thinking into our youngsters. Shockingly we show our kids that the achievement and bliss in life is estimated by what amount stuff or riches you secure? It is only common when children request things which their companions may have. In any case, rather than satisfying their demands quickly, we should pay attention to a delay and think. In which direction we are going? Don't worry about it, we satisfy their demands which are inside our monetary farthest point however that is anything but a decent sign by any stretch of the imagination[18][9] . Violence in Schools At the point when we send our children to class, we for the most part take a moan of help. Schools assume a significant job in showing fundamental abilities to young minds and their undertaking must be recognized. It is sensible to expect that these consecrated spots of learning would demonstrate as places of refuge for kids. However, expanding models of wrongdoing in school will lead us to lose our rest of life. No, these are no minor instances of tormenting however genuine undeniable wrongdoings like stabbings, battling and suicides. Early Maturity In prior generations, kids delighted in being kids. In any case, today, with the appearance of satellite TV and web, kids are besieged with undesirable information. They are presented to some grown-up related substance as well, which isn't at all favourable for their fragile personalities. The idea of youth becomes hazardous. Substance Abuse "A cigarette in my grasp… I felt like a man." Yes…..the acclaimed enemy of smoking effort by Gary Lawyer did manage to alarm smoking somewhat. Leave aside the society and cigarette smoking isn't defended in the realm of film now[19] . Smoking was cool, in those days. Be that as it may, these days, the attention to the peril of smoking has expanded significantly. Lamentably it isn't the equivalent if there should be an occurrence of drinking and utilizing drugs. They are as yet expected as cool stuff. Youngsters actually stick around liquor. Aside from harming their own wellbeing, they likewise hazard the society. Affected by liquor, these minxes will rash drive and do a few other enemies of social exercises.
  • 13. Tathapi (UGC Care Journal) ISSN: 2320-0693 Vol-19-Issue-16-May-2020 P a g e | 70 Single Parent Households At the point when children see their folks living under various rooftops, their adolescent mind endures. Since most recent two decades, we have seen the heartbreaking increment in single parent homes. The pattern is risky. It is extremely difficult to take care of a youngster in separated home. The situation is unmistakably progressively troublesome when children are raised without any assistance. Regardless of whether it doesn't make a difference to all around obeyed parent, however the kids gets denied of parental direction, which may bring about an undesirable number of issues, for example, liquor/medicate misuse, school dropout, and teenage pregnancies. WORLD YOUTH REPORT ADDRESSING YOUTHCHALLENGES Today, there are 1.2 billion young individuals matured 15 to 24 years, representing 16 for each cent of the worldwide population. The dynamic engagement of youth in maintainable development endeavours is central to accomplishing economical, comprehensive and stable societies by the deadline, and to turning away the most exceedingly terrible dangers and challenges to manageable development, including the effects of environmental change, unemployment, poverty, sex imbalance, struggle, and migration. The World Youth Report centresonyouth education and employment, and investigates the complex challenges confronting the biggest generation of youth the world has ever observed. The Report gives knowledge into the basic job of young individuals with regards to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and related systems[20] . Advancing Youth Development A long way from being unimportant recipients of the 2030 Agenda, young individuals have been dynamic modellers in its development and keep on being occupied with forms that help its implementation, development and survey. At the degree of worldwide strategy, fund and measurement are significant issues to be tended to as a component of overall youth development endeavours. At the national level, strategy and automatic reactions to the Sustainable Development Goals have been moderate and ought to be quickened. In education 142 million youth of upper secondary age are out of school. In employment, 71 million young individuals are jobless; and millions more are in shaky or casual work. Incongruities inside and between nations in education and employment among youth are obvious, with sexual orientation, poverty, rurality, incapacity, and transient/displaced person status all being major elements of weakness. For example, around 156 million youth in low and center pay nations are working poor (ILO), while very nearly 30 for every cent of the most unfortunate 12 to multi year old have never gone to class. Evidence based youth approaches custom-made and adjusted to national and nearby settings, help guarantee that youth development challenges are tended to. Key elements that help guarantee a compelling youth strategy incorporate giving political administration and vital vision; making sure about sufficient spending plan and asset allocations; utilizing opportune and exact information on the situation of young individuals; using the information, experience and mastery of young individuals in the structure, implementation and evaluation of the youth arrangement; mainstreaming and coordinating youth strategies across parts;
  • 14. Tathapi (UGC Care Journal) ISSN: 2320-0693 Vol-19-Issue-16-May-2020 P a g e | 71 considering the linkages and effects of approach destinations; and building up a straightforward observing and responsibility system. The Report centres basically around the zones of education and employment, underlining the realization of focuses under these Goals as fundamental to by and large youth development. Issues identified with different Goals including sexual orientation uniformity, great wellbeing, diminishing imbalance, battling poverty and hunger, and action on environmental issues and environmental change are additionally tended to inside the extent of the Report[7] . DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION India's youth is loaded with vitality and ability. Tragically, however, many of them don't have the privilege motivation or direction. The present youth need opportunity and autonomy. They need direction to arrive at their unrealised objectives. Simultaneously, they need to gain from their own experiments. Their way isn't simple. Right now society, kids appreciate more attention than their days gone by partners. In spite of being advantaged, they're a disturbed species. These youngsters are encompassed by countless issues which thus, makes them minimal defiant as well. The upsetting reasons might be their independence, feeling of opportunity or the consistently developing friend pressure. In the end, they face the antagonistic mentality of society[24][21] . In any case, the genuine point of view is that youths are the mainstays of social, economic and political developments. In addition to their scholarly contribution and the capacity to prepare support, youth detachment brings exceptional points of view. We as a society should esteem the imagination, standards and energies of young men and women, which are additionally the future partners of these societies. RESEARCH GAP AND SCOPE FOR FUTURE STUDIES The present study has been focused only on the challenges faced by the youth in the 21st century the future studies can be done on: 1. Changing dimensions of challenges faced by the youth over the years. 2. Opportunities to the youth in the 21st century. REFERENCES 1. Anant, Hardeep. (2015). Challenges facing India in the 21st century: An HRD perspective. 13. 1367-1375. 2. Dev, Mahendra & Motkuri, Venkatanarayana. (2011). Youth employment and unemployment in India. 3. Ferrari, Theresa. (2009). Preparing youth for the 21st century knowledge economy: Youth programs and workforce preparation. Afterschool Matters. 8. 11-25. 4. Folarin, Sheriff. (2013). Africas leadership challenges in the 21st century: A Nigerian perspective. African Journal of Political Science and International Relations. 7. 1-11. 10.5897/AJPSIR09.055.
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