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Youth Engagement Program Essay
The youth engagement program has a multitude of resources within their program including, events
or support for participants, partnerships, and grants. The many events open to students within the
program are, restorative practices, reading/writing/math support, SAT prep, writing workshops,
campus engagement events, FAFSA workshops, college/career conversations, career connecting, and
post–secondary application support. In regards to partnerships held by the program, their main
partner comes from a subcontract with the NSO along with, individuals and organizations with
expertise in different programming elements (social workers, counselors, mentors, and those in
trauma care), and mutually beneficial partnerships such as university–community relationships.
Lastly, the programs grants include; $10,000 from united way for restorative practice training and
$10,000 from ford for reading and writing tutoring. When it comes the optimal outcomes for the
youth engagement program, the expectations are for participants to have, leadership development,
financial literacy, workforce readiness, learn about violence prevention, be drug free, opportunities to
build skills, increase knowledge, and foster positive values. Those running the program hope to
develop positive, nurturing relationships with youth and challenge them to develop and strive toward more content...
The evaluation of their success is mainly qualitative feedback as it comes from regular surveys with
students (pre and post program) along with community conversations between students and staff to
understand the needs and wants and how participants are feeling about the program. The program
also uses hard data from DESC to evaluate success. The data includes outcomes of participants within
the program to show success of students in regards to employment and higher
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Essay On World Youth Day
World youth day is a festival that occurs once every three years, organised by the Catholic Church
where young people from all around the world gather in the name of Jesus to practise their faith.
This day is celebrated every year at a diocese level held by the local bishop. And then every three
years, an international World Youth Day is celebrated in a designated country. The first World Youth
Day was held in 1986, hosted by Pope John Paul II with the idea that it would be a "day of
community". It was held in Vatican City with approximately 300,000 people attending. The next
World Youth Day is going to be held in Panama City in 2019.
With the world as it is today, there are a lot of social pressures that are facing young people around
the world about their faith. Some of these would include the media and peers that make it difficult
for people to openly express that they are Catholic. Therefore, Pope John Paul II averted this problem
by gathering people from the age of 15 all the way up to 35 in the name of Jesus Christ to proclaim
their faith and therefore with lots of people, there is no shame.
The purpose of the gathering is to teach these young people to be better Catholics and to bring them
closer to God. This is done through daily masses and a theme that is run throughout the whole event.
The themes have been from scriptures to celebrations and they lead the celebration. For people that
live outside the host country, there is a pilgrimage where people travel all from
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The Role Of Youth In The 1700s
It was early in the 1700s and there was a village somewhere in Britain that had very nice people.
All people knew each other except for Don. He knew no one, and no one knew him. Don was a
lonely peasant in a village filled with nice people, but no one cared for him. He was all alone. The
only friend Done ever had a puppy, he called Jack. Then something made everyone and everything
change. No one knew it was coming, but it was something big which was on the way to the
village The guards went out of the village that day when it finally struck.A monstrous dragon with
dark green eyes and maroon colored scales. Everyone in the village was terrified. Then for no reason
the dragon flew away. It did
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Essay on The Problem of Youth Unemployment
Work is central to most of our lives, that enables us to get by in the world, but also the key to how
we define ourselves and to our sense of self–worth. In the UK the unemployment rate stands at 6.9%
now and from the figures 19.1% are between ages 16–24. Almost one in five young people unable to
find a job. Youth employment has become a long–term problem in the UK, with over a quarter of
million young people have been looking for work for a year or more (Mirza–Davies 2014). And
increase of youth unemployment slow down the speed of UK economic recovery, although the
financial crisis of 2008 affected national economic around the world, which has already 5 years ago.
So we have to think about is it government not do well in the more content...
The unemployment among the youth is commonly associated with various problems like high crime
rate among the youth and riots. The youths have remained unemployed because of various social
challenges that face the youths. These include laziness among the youth which makes them not to
desire to search for employment hence, they remain unemployed for long durations because of such
social elements. These two fundamental outcomes of unemployment could result in the social
breakdown when they reach unmanageable levels. Joblessness remains the fundamental cause of the
social evils commonly associated with high unemployment levels. These social problems cannot be
predicted when they will occur, but they certainly will occur when the unemployment becomes
uncontrollable. The youth unemployment can be defined as a time bomb waiting to explode. These
imminent problems associated with unemployment present a significant challenge to many
governments in seeking to provide solutions to the problem of unemployment. The fundamental
approach utilised by many governments remains the creation of jobs within the informal sector.
Other than the creation of jobs that ensure the individuals become directly absorbed into the labour
market, other approaches are also utilised by different governments around the world. Educational
training provides the
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Youth and Future of Pakistan
Youth all over the world through history, has been a revolutionary force. It is the precious asset and
opulence that can revive a nation going through hard time. Youth of a nation can do wonders if
availed, trained, educated and informed in an optimum fashion. Literally it refers to all the human
force in a nation lying between the age group of 18 – 29 years. Though tender an age, yet the
intellect, physical strength and wisdom it possesses has no parallel.
Pakistan, our much–loved homeland; is passing through challenging times in regard to economic,
social and political turmoil. Crime rate is increasing, with a fast depletion of natural resources,
deteriorating agriculture and power shortages, with instances of severe human more
Youthshould advocate against any discrepancies and incongruity that affects the socio political
culture within Pakistan. Student unions and groups can mobilize and advocate their point of view
by writing to newspapers, participating in media, internet blogs, net communities, and magazines; by
pressurizing the authorities to bring those elements answerable to the court of law. A sense of
responsibility among all the citizens and among the youth in specific can trigger change towards a
tolerant and peaceful society. Henceforth, an educated and proactive youth can find solutions in a
peaceful manner rather than deteriorating the affairs.
Youth should get motivated and also encourage their peers, colleagues and friends to bring about a
change n the mind set of the whole nation towards critically analyzing the on going state of affairs
in the society and bring all the possible solutions at a table; by joining hands together with various
stake holders including the private sector, Non–government organizations, the educational
institutions and citizen groups. Dissecting and analyzing the basic cause of the problem will lead to
a better understanding of the problem and will lead to health some solutions. Rather than engraving
extremism, intolerance and hatred; there will be a rational decision making with more effective
outcomes. For instance, the on going sugar, power or fuel shortage ;the youth should be curious and
inquisitive enough to support rational decision
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Youth and the Media Essay
Youth and the Media A major stepping stone in the path of contemporary youth is that of the media
and it's all to often fatalistic, unfavourable and adverse representation of today's youth. The media
primarily are modes of communication in contemporary culture that are often created by teams of
people to entertain, inform, persuade and provide avenues of expression for mass audiences. As
this is the case the media plays a pivotal and integral part in our lives, affecting where we go, what more content...
Analysed will be the foundation of community versus "otherness" the use of technical and symbolic
codes and finally the detrimental effects this has on today's youth.
Central to the negative reflection of youth by the media is the establishment of the community
versus "otherness" mentality which is formulated through the use of binary oppositions and
stereotypes following perceived dominant ideology. Through the use of stereotypes contrasts are
able to be made, these contrasts are known as binary oppositions and act as a platform from which
comes a sense of conflict. This sense of conflict upheld by the binary oppositions play upon the
readers fear of a breakdown in community standards and thus portray youth against dominant
ideology. This can be clearly seen in the article headed "Why This Sick Music Is Warping Our
Kids" where this supposed new generation of bad news rockers are detrimental to the wholesome
values of children and teenagers. This article puts forward the notion that these groups with foul
language and lyrics which implicate violence were solely responsible for the violence caused at the
Woodstock '99 festival and the further violence and angst of youth in society. These assumptions
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Essay on Youth and Sports
Raising children in today's society is not for the faint of heart. Raising children has never been
easy, but it is especially difficult in youth sports today. Coaches and parents are putting a lot of
pressure on our young sons and daughters. The pressure to succeed in sports at such a young age
is taking the fun out of the sport by making it all about winning. A Personal Perspective My own
interaction in youth sports has been many: As a parent, participant and an observer. My
experiences as a child in youth sports were mostly positive. In my early days of sports in school,
all children were encouraged to play for their school, skill level did not matter. There were no tryouts
and no more content...
If the messages displayed by adults in reference to the sporting events have a decidedly negative
tone, the impact of youth sports programs on the emotional development of children will not have
positive outcomes. There are a number of factors that can impact the influences of organized youth
sports programs on the participants, and studies have shown that the results of the full picture of
youth sports is not always a positive one. Some of the influencing factors include: the participation
of parents in youth sports programs, the suggestion by coaches, parents and observers that winning
is more important than the game itself, and the nature of sports, that lends itself to competitive and
aggressive behavior. It is difficult to develop a concrete perspective about the impacts of youth
sports programs without considering these influences. A Child's Perspective Many children simply
want to participate in sports programs to have fun, have a recreational activity and work together
with friends towards a common goal (Kohl and Nelson, 1990). It has been recognized that
competition can foster mistrust between children, when winning serves to dismiss losers, creates
envy of the winners and leads children away from the focus of the game (Kohn and Nelson, 1990).
It is also clear that the pressure that parents
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Challenges facing youths today
Challenges Facing the Youth in Today's Society
Most of the problems facing today's youth are not restricted to any one ethnic or religious group, but
affect young people generally. Most discussions on youth have focussed on issues such as drug
abuse, crime, violence, sexuality and poverty. In addition to these, today's youth are afflicted by new
These include:
1. An Identity Crisis: Who am I?
2. Lack of self confidence and low self esteem: I am worthless
3. A sense of hopelessness: Where am I going?
4. Confusion and ambiguity concerning moral issues: What is right and wrong?
5. The negative impact of the electronic media: Entertainment ?
6. Competitiveness in education: the uneven playing field: Excellence more content...
As such the family and religion now have a minimal impact on the average youngster. The values
emphasized today include individualism, Godlessness, materialism, secularism and rationalism. It is
the youth who are encountering the most serious challenge to his/her faith under the impact of
godless culture of modernity.
Best minds in our society are not socialized by religious institutions. The emphasis is on
competitiveness, academic success, career goals, income and social mobility Little or no attention is
given to preparing tomorrows leadership. There is no emphasis is placed on critical thinking ,
problem solving.
We are preparing followers, imitators conformists, and not leaders, innovators or problem solvers.
The youth is being asked to give up certain family and social values that were an integral part of
their identity, and adopt in its place a sense of self–alienation, and become a self–estranged imitator
of everything "modern".
We need to pay close attention to the effects of secularism: confining the role of religion to the
private domain of the individual and creating a dichotomy between "religious" and "worldly,"
between "private" and "public." It denies religion and its mediating institutions any public function
and influence in shaping matters of public policy.
Technology: internet and TV
We are witnessing a phenomenal advancement in technology over the last three decades, and our
citizens are experiencing remarkable
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Youth and Substance Abuse Essay
There are many contributing factors and political issues that address substance abuse. Throughout
the years, many researchers have designed many interventions and social policies designed to treat
people who have used, abused, and became addicted to substances. Today, there are many new
studies that address substance abuse at the individual, group, family, and community or policy levels.
Today, there are many services that are effective for decreasing recidivism in youth who have
completed a substance abuse program. A substance abuse treatment program or center is the best
way to treat individuals who have abused substances. Project Match is an individual intervention that
is successful at helping people who have completed a more content...
Liehr (2010), a noted researcher states, "It was created to address Therapeutic Community stress
and support self change that could impact treatment retention" (2010, 81). According to Liehr
(2010), Therapeutic Community is an established substance abuse treatment. The environments of
teenage girls are stressful and high school dropout rates are high. That reason is why the MBTC
was created" (2010, 82). During this intervention, the control group (TC group) wrote stories
regarding their feelings and stress, while the experimental group (MBTC) also wrote stories.
There were 140 patients in the TC group and over 250 adolescents in the MBTC group. Both
groups showed decreases in stress and anxiety and increases positive feelings and self change. The
patients in the study report that their stress and anxiety has decreased. The researchers, as well as
the students note that their substance use has decreased as well. The researchers used a host of
surveys, reports, and the Symptoms of Stress Inventory, a self–report assessment, to measure the
study and calculate the results. The statistics show that the level of stress of students who receive
treatment slightly decreased more compared to students who did not have any substance abuse
issues. However, there were not any differences in the groups' feelings of self–change. Another type
of group intervention effective for decreasing substance use is the Holistic
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Essay on Suicide Among Youth
Suicide Among Youth
A suicide attempt is a non–fatal act in which an individual deliberately causes self– injury and should
be recognized as a method of communication from a youth who may be experiencing severe
problems. Canadian statistics from the Suicide Information and Education Center in 1996 recorded
25 000 attempted suicides and 250 successful suicides. 1 in every 100 people who try to commit
suicide will die. Based on the 1996 statistics one can assume that these numbers have increased. It
has been suggested that suicide is the second leading cause of death amongst the youth and is more
common amongst females than males. Although more females attempt to commit suicide males are
more successful in doing so. More often more content...
Even if these are not the signs and one encounters a situation where a youth says "I can't do anything
right" one must take into account the negativity that the youth is expressing. Often after a person
attempts suicide or is successful in the act those who are left behind have many feelings. A person
may feel anger, shock, shame and more commonly they feel guilty. Often after an attempt parents try
to punish the youth or blame them. However, this only creates more problems not only for the
family but also for the child, pre–teen and teenager who already feels stressed out or disturbed.
Persons who encounter a suicidal youth must not preach, joke around, criticize and must never
ignore any suicidal sign. From the Suicide Information and Education Center information there are
four steps that must be taken after an attempt. First seek medical attention immediately, second seek
community resources, third open or keep lines of communication between yourself and the youth
and lastly be available for that youth because they will need you. Going through this process of
healing the youth may feel a sense of guilt, anger, anxiety and most likely the youth will feel
depressed. If the youth still appears to be at risk one must "ASK, LISTEN and ACT". One of the
most important items outlined from the information in the Suicide Information and Education
Center is that one must "involve others [and] don't try to handle the crisis alone". Writing
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Essay on Common Teenage Problems
Teenage is a fundamental stage of life that each human being passes through. Some people face this
period of their life strongly and positively, while others face many problems and difficulties. This
depends on the environment these young adults live in, their parents, their friends, their living
conditions, their education, and many other factors. Teenagers face many problems such as
becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol, being influenced negatively by their peers, self–image and
weight, or even arguments with their parents
Drugs between teenagers is one of the most serious problems, because it causes a change in the
behavior of any teenager and a physical change too. Most of the teenagers use alcoholic drinks as a
way to more content...
Peer pressure has always been present and will also always be present. It is not a disease or a
crime, it is an influence; either a negative or a positive one. Negative peer pressure is an influence
put on a person to do something wrong, or something the person doesn't want to do. This may be
stealing, taking drugs, or other dangerous actions. If someone influences you into doing
something like this it is considered a negative peer pressure. This is a major problem in most
schools all around the world. Teenagers usually feel peer pressure when they feel unpopular
between their friends, or when they want to be accepted in a group of other teenagers. The group
is a place where one feels accepted, where he can feel good about himself, where he feels secure. It
increases his self esteem, and it also enhances his self–image. Unfortunately, teenagers who want to
be part of these groups, need to follow certain unpleasant routines, such as stealing, smoking, taking
drugs, or drinking alcohol. Many times they do things that they would never have imagined
themselves doing before meeting a new group of people. Some teens try to make the
"right" decision so others will admire them. Having parents or other responsible adults
they can turn to for help or advice is crucial at this point in a teen's life.
Teenagers might also face self–image or weight problems. One of the main illnesses that comes from
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Essay about Teen Suicide
In today's society, teenagers are faced with problems on a daily basis. When they are unable to deal
with those daily hassles, serious problems can develop within the teen that can ultimately lead to
resulting effects including depression or even suicide. Suicide in teens is one of the most traumatic
and problematic issues that we face today in not only adults but many adolescents as well. Today
suicide is one of the top causes for death in teenagers, out shadowed only by homicides and
accidents. Some of the top "accidents" include drug overdoses, single–car accidents, self–inflicted
gunshot wounds, falls from bridges and buildings, and self–poisonings. Some youth suicide analysts
believe that these were not accidents at all, but more content...
That change to the though process is called a "mental block" (Schleifer 29). When faced with a
mental block the teen feels as if all hope is lost. Certain individuals who are very emotional and
have difficulty dealing with stress are referred to by researchers as being in a state of emotional
dysregulation. Emotional dysregulation has been associated with child abuse and other traumatic
experiences (Lezine 61).
Noticeable physical effects of a suicidal person include abuse of drugs or alcohol. Abusing drugs
affects the chemical balance in the brain and strengthens the feelings of loneliness and sadness.
Once or if the teen decides to stop using drugs or alcohol as a solution to their problem a new
complication arises. Withdrawal from drugs or alcohol also intensifies the feeling of being
hopelessness (Teen Drug Abuse). Another physical difference in a suicidal teenager is the brain
itself. Researchers have studied the relationship between serotonin levels in the brain and the chance
of suicide in an individual. "The researchers found that the suicide victims' brains contained fewer
release sites for serotonin and more sites to receive serotonin than did the brains of normal subjects.
This research strengthens the theory that the serotonin system is related to self–murder" (Francis 25).
The social effects on suicide have a
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Essay On Youth Drug And Alcohol Abuse
Youth Drug & Alcohol Abuse A large number of youths' battle with substance dismantlement each
year. School–based aversion and treatment programs have attempted to battle the major issues that
originate from liquor and medication utilization, yet the measurements appear to just be
deteriorating. As indicated by Shekhtmeyster, Sharkey, and You (2011), "youthful substance builds
the danger of huge psychological wellness issues, for example, sorrow, nervousness, and reliance
upon these substances " (p.386). A clearer comprehension of successful factors inside substance
exploiting projects ought to be inspected and assessed so as to enhance future counteractive action
and treatment programs went for aiding in danger youth with substance more content...
Mixed Methods. A mixed methods approach consolidates the utilization of qualitative research and
quantitative research to illuminate each other and increment legitimacy. Sheperis, Young, and
Daniels (2010) clarify that mixed methods configuration is a perfect system for counseling research
since the qualitative research indicates how counselors connect with clients and the quantitative
research demonstrates how counselors conceptualize client issues. Considerations when choosing to
utilize a mixed methods configuration are: decide the request you will actualize the qualitative and
quantitative parts of your examination, decide the noteworthiness that will be given to the data,
decide how the two sorts of data will be joined, and decide the hypothesis that will manage your plan
(Sheperis, Young, and Daniels, 2010, p.193).
Quantitative Designs. The objective of quantitative research is to depict a marvel or make
derivations in view of a specific wonder by utilizing an expansive number of members and
quantifiable, objective hard data that permit statistical control and generalizability crosswise over
different populations (Sheperis, Young, Daniels, 2010). Overviews and test methods take into
account extensive
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Essay On Youth Crime
The criminal activities done by youth who are under age of eighteen is called youth crime. There are
many types of crime which are done by youth. Property crime, drug offences, violent crime, common
assault, mischief, break and enter, sexual assault, robbery all are included in crimes that youth
mostly do. Mostly youth commit crime by involving more than one person. In this paper, I will
discuss different type of crime that youth do, how Parental status effect youth to commit a crime,
how government and police handle the situation when youth commits the crime and how Good
education can help to prevent a youth for committing the crimes. Youth had a double crime rate than
older adults aged 25 and over.
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First, at the individual level, youth whose parents are single or divorced commit more crime.
Second, single–parent and divorced families are more vulnerable and less likely to participate in
community organizations, thus reducing the community's control capacity. Third, these families are
also less able to monitor activities in the neighborhood and supervise local youth (Sampson and
Groves, 1989; Veysey and Messner, 1999)"( Wong, S. K. (2017). The effects of single
–mother and
single–father families on youth crime: Examining five gender–related hypotheses. International
Journal Of Law, Crime & Justice, 5046–60. doi:10.1016/j.ijlcj.2017.04.001). Single parent families
increase the number of youth crime. Every mother and child had a strong bond by the birth of the
baby compares with the bond of father. Single mother applies more influence of social control on
their children's then single fathers. Mothers has more effective role in her daughter's life and father
have a more effective role in his son's life. The girls who lives with their mother and the boys who
lives with their father commit less crimes. "A number of studies found support for the same–sex
hypothesis. Based on a study of over 600 adolescents and parents, Thomas et al. (1996) found that
White male adolescents living with the single mother without nonresident father involvement had
the highest levels of delinquency, drinking and illicit drug use" (Wong, S. K. (2017). The effects of
single–mother and
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Essay On Youth Of Youth
Some have said that adolescence is the most striking yet dramatic period of life. Today's youth
plays a major role in molding the future of our country, yet they could make or break the
reputation of our nation. Being the youth of America, we are at the center of absolute power. We
are expected by adults to uphold, to carry on, and to remember the traditions and ways of the past
but it is also expected that young people will learn, adapt, and embrace the ways of the future.
Youth Teen tends to get misguided by the unfitting morals and values. I feel as if the standards of
learning had declined, and teens are not as educated as they should be. Education is one of the
fundamental factors of life and for the youth, and it is important because it trains your mind to be
rational and to think more sensibly. Education is not restricted to lessons from textbooks. Real
education is acquired from the lessons taught by life. Education is not just reading and writing, it
is about using your knowledge and skills to help you succeed in life. If you are human, there are
going to be challenges you face in life. They come in different sizes, shapes and the amount of
damage caused varies. People deal with their challenges in their own way. When facing these
challenges, many people especially teens tend to give on the challenge too early or even run away
from them which is why I challenge the youth of today to educate themselves and strive for
greatness in their own way.
The Boys and
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Essay on Youth Culture
Essay on Youth Culture
The 60's and 70's saw the rise of youth culture. Youth culture can be seen as a particular pattern of
beliefs, values, symbols and activities that a group of young people are seen to share.
Along with the rise of youth culture came the theories developed on it. The theories developed in the
60's were mainly functionalism. Functionalists believe that society or a social structure is like a
biological structure and that all social institutions function for the survival of society. As social
structures change by becoming more complex, social institutions change by becoming more
specialised. Functionalists, therefore, believe youth culture has a social function; they see it as young
people solving there more content...
Functionalists like Eisenstadt explain social institutions in terms of social problems and cultural
solutions. The youth "problem" lies in young peoples marginal status, youth culture eases the
resulting anxieties and uncertainties. His argument is that in meeting young peoples needs, youth
culture has the general function of smoothing the transition from child to adult. He believes that the
most important function for its members was emotional and providing young people with a set of
relationships, (peer groups.) The most important point for Eisenstadt is not that some young people
become deviants but that even the most deviant of youths become normal adults. He saw youth
culture not as a political rebellion but as an essential problem solving social function.
Eisenstadts argument is a general argument. It refers to the transition that faces all young people in
industrial society but not all young people are the same. He didn't take into account that growing up
middle class is different to growing up working class and that growing up male is different to
growing up female. Also, he was explaining youth culture in a time of relative affluence and
optimism, growing up was not particularly problematic in the 1950's.
In the 1970's the strongly Marxist influenced CCCS related class to youth subcultures. They argued
that youth styles were a reflection of the economic system and its related class relations. They
claimed that
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Homeless Youth Essay
Homeless Youth
Homelessness is defined as having no fixed place to sleep at night. This includes people staying
in motels until their money runs out, those staying with friends, those staying in shelters, and
those sleeping inside or out whatever space they can find to protect themselves. The number of
homeless people has been growing and it has become a serious problem in our society. Every
night in Canada there are thousands of people living on the streets. This type of behaviour is
considered deviant because it does not reflect the norms and values of our society. In many cases
the homeless people in our country are treated as total outcasts. Many of these people have severe
mental disorders. Some are victims of an economy that more content...
The primary causes of homelessness can be there are a lack of affordable housing and the limited
scale of housing assistance programs. Other causes can be insufficient income when people are
frequently unable to pay for housing, food, childcare, health care and education. This means that
difficult choices must be made when limited resources cover only some of these necessities
because of financial reasons. Some homeless people end up on the streets because they may be
physical, psychological, sexual abuse, neglect or abandonment. A study done in 1992 found that 75
percent of street youth were victims of abuse and others were youths that left home when neither
parent wanted custody of them after a divorce and some youth leave to escape parental restrictions
that they consider to be too cruel. In 2000, an American study estimated that 20 percent of homeless
youth had been in foster care before they moved to the streets and over 50 000 children run away
from home.
Being homeless presents many challenges for youth that they normally live day to day, unable to
develop plans for forming a productive life structure. Since many homeless youth don't have money
so they start begging or selling drugs or start prostituting to earn money to cover their basic needs.
The basic problem of homelessness is the human need for personal shelter,
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Essay on Youth Suicide
Youth Suicide
Suicide is a tragic event. It has a profound personal effect on all associated with the person who
died. Families, friends and society as a whole are affected. There is a particular poignancy when the
suicide is that of a young person at the threshold of life.
Australia has the fifth highest suicide rate per 100 000 persons in the world. While suicide is highest
among males, suicide attempts are higher among females and youth suicide among males are highest
in rural / remote areas. 1
This essay will examine some of the issues of youth suicide. The focus will be to view the
underlying factors and the strategies employed to intervene and prevent a more
Other research indicates that people who suffer from more than one psychiatric illness are twice as
likely to suicide. This would add weight to the argument that those who are substance abusers, who
have anti social personalities or have anxiety disorders coupled with depression are prime candidates
for suicide. 2
Unemployment and Social Disadvantage
The issues of unemployment and poor long term job prospects are frequently cited in media reports
on youth suicide, particularly in relation to suicides in rural areas. In recent studies of suicide trends,
it has been demonstrated that unemployment is a significant cause of psychological disturbance in
young people who were initially employed and not suffering from any previous documented history
of physical or mental illness.
Young people who attempted suicide were also more often to have come from disadvantaged family
backgrounds (broken homes). Such backgrounds indicate that parental role models were severely
lacking or non existent.
Alcohol and other drugs
Alcohol and other drugs are frequently associated with suicidal behaviour. The increased risk
associated with combining drug and alcohol abuse with mental health problems has already been
noted, as has the association between attempted suicide and parental alcoholism.
In the above mentioned studies, alcohol was found to
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Essays On Youth

  • 1. Youth Engagement Program Essay The youth engagement program has a multitude of resources within their program including, events or support for participants, partnerships, and grants. The many events open to students within the program are, restorative practices, reading/writing/math support, SAT prep, writing workshops, campus engagement events, FAFSA workshops, college/career conversations, career connecting, and post–secondary application support. In regards to partnerships held by the program, their main partner comes from a subcontract with the NSO along with, individuals and organizations with expertise in different programming elements (social workers, counselors, mentors, and those in trauma care), and mutually beneficial partnerships such as university–community relationships. Lastly, the programs grants include; $10,000 from united way for restorative practice training and $10,000 from ford for reading and writing tutoring. When it comes the optimal outcomes for the youth engagement program, the expectations are for participants to have, leadership development, financial literacy, workforce readiness, learn about violence prevention, be drug free, opportunities to build skills, increase knowledge, and foster positive values. Those running the program hope to develop positive, nurturing relationships with youth and challenge them to develop and strive toward more content... The evaluation of their success is mainly qualitative feedback as it comes from regular surveys with students (pre and post program) along with community conversations between students and staff to understand the needs and wants and how participants are feeling about the program. The program also uses hard data from DESC to evaluate success. The data includes outcomes of participants within the program to show success of students in regards to employment and higher Get more content on
  • 2. Essay On World Youth Day World youth day is a festival that occurs once every three years, organised by the Catholic Church where young people from all around the world gather in the name of Jesus to practise their faith. This day is celebrated every year at a diocese level held by the local bishop. And then every three years, an international World Youth Day is celebrated in a designated country. The first World Youth Day was held in 1986, hosted by Pope John Paul II with the idea that it would be a "day of community". It was held in Vatican City with approximately 300,000 people attending. The next World Youth Day is going to be held in Panama City in 2019. With the world as it is today, there are a lot of social pressures that are facing young people around the world about their faith. Some of these would include the media and peers that make it difficult for people to openly express that they are Catholic. Therefore, Pope John Paul II averted this problem by gathering people from the age of 15 all the way up to 35 in the name of Jesus Christ to proclaim their faith and therefore with lots of people, there is no shame. The purpose of the gathering is to teach these young people to be better Catholics and to bring them closer to God. This is done through daily masses and a theme that is run throughout the whole event. The themes have been from scriptures to celebrations and they lead the celebration. For people that live outside the host country, there is a pilgrimage where people travel all from Get more content on
  • 3. The Role Of Youth In The 1700s It was early in the 1700s and there was a village somewhere in Britain that had very nice people. All people knew each other except for Don. He knew no one, and no one knew him. Don was a lonely peasant in a village filled with nice people, but no one cared for him. He was all alone. The only friend Done ever had a puppy, he called Jack. Then something made everyone and everything change. No one knew it was coming, but it was something big which was on the way to the village The guards went out of the village that day when it finally struck.A monstrous dragon with dark green eyes and maroon colored scales. Everyone in the village was terrified. Then for no reason the dragon flew away. It did Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on The Problem of Youth Unemployment Work is central to most of our lives, that enables us to get by in the world, but also the key to how we define ourselves and to our sense of self–worth. In the UK the unemployment rate stands at 6.9% now and from the figures 19.1% are between ages 16–24. Almost one in five young people unable to find a job. Youth employment has become a long–term problem in the UK, with over a quarter of million young people have been looking for work for a year or more (Mirza–Davies 2014). And increase of youth unemployment slow down the speed of UK economic recovery, although the financial crisis of 2008 affected national economic around the world, which has already 5 years ago. So we have to think about is it government not do well in the more content... The unemployment among the youth is commonly associated with various problems like high crime rate among the youth and riots. The youths have remained unemployed because of various social challenges that face the youths. These include laziness among the youth which makes them not to desire to search for employment hence, they remain unemployed for long durations because of such social elements. These two fundamental outcomes of unemployment could result in the social breakdown when they reach unmanageable levels. Joblessness remains the fundamental cause of the social evils commonly associated with high unemployment levels. These social problems cannot be predicted when they will occur, but they certainly will occur when the unemployment becomes uncontrollable. The youth unemployment can be defined as a time bomb waiting to explode. These imminent problems associated with unemployment present a significant challenge to many governments in seeking to provide solutions to the problem of unemployment. The fundamental approach utilised by many governments remains the creation of jobs within the informal sector. Other than the creation of jobs that ensure the individuals become directly absorbed into the labour market, other approaches are also utilised by different governments around the world. Educational training provides the Get more content on
  • 5. Youth and Future of Pakistan Youth all over the world through history, has been a revolutionary force. It is the precious asset and opulence that can revive a nation going through hard time. Youth of a nation can do wonders if availed, trained, educated and informed in an optimum fashion. Literally it refers to all the human force in a nation lying between the age group of 18 – 29 years. Though tender an age, yet the intellect, physical strength and wisdom it possesses has no parallel. Pakistan, our much–loved homeland; is passing through challenging times in regard to economic, social and political turmoil. Crime rate is increasing, with a fast depletion of natural resources, deteriorating agriculture and power shortages, with instances of severe human more content... Youthshould advocate against any discrepancies and incongruity that affects the socio political culture within Pakistan. Student unions and groups can mobilize and advocate their point of view by writing to newspapers, participating in media, internet blogs, net communities, and magazines; by pressurizing the authorities to bring those elements answerable to the court of law. A sense of responsibility among all the citizens and among the youth in specific can trigger change towards a tolerant and peaceful society. Henceforth, an educated and proactive youth can find solutions in a peaceful manner rather than deteriorating the affairs. Youth should get motivated and also encourage their peers, colleagues and friends to bring about a change n the mind set of the whole nation towards critically analyzing the on going state of affairs in the society and bring all the possible solutions at a table; by joining hands together with various stake holders including the private sector, Non–government organizations, the educational institutions and citizen groups. Dissecting and analyzing the basic cause of the problem will lead to a better understanding of the problem and will lead to health some solutions. Rather than engraving extremism, intolerance and hatred; there will be a rational decision making with more effective outcomes. For instance, the on going sugar, power or fuel shortage ;the youth should be curious and inquisitive enough to support rational decision Get more content on
  • 6. Youth and the Media Essay Youth and the Media A major stepping stone in the path of contemporary youth is that of the media and it's all to often fatalistic, unfavourable and adverse representation of today's youth. The media primarily are modes of communication in contemporary culture that are often created by teams of people to entertain, inform, persuade and provide avenues of expression for mass audiences. As this is the case the media plays a pivotal and integral part in our lives, affecting where we go, what more content... Analysed will be the foundation of community versus "otherness" the use of technical and symbolic codes and finally the detrimental effects this has on today's youth. Central to the negative reflection of youth by the media is the establishment of the community versus "otherness" mentality which is formulated through the use of binary oppositions and stereotypes following perceived dominant ideology. Through the use of stereotypes contrasts are able to be made, these contrasts are known as binary oppositions and act as a platform from which comes a sense of conflict. This sense of conflict upheld by the binary oppositions play upon the readers fear of a breakdown in community standards and thus portray youth against dominant ideology. This can be clearly seen in the article headed "Why This Sick Music Is Warping Our Kids" where this supposed new generation of bad news rockers are detrimental to the wholesome values of children and teenagers. This article puts forward the notion that these groups with foul language and lyrics which implicate violence were solely responsible for the violence caused at the Woodstock '99 festival and the further violence and angst of youth in society. These assumptions Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Youth and Sports Raising children in today's society is not for the faint of heart. Raising children has never been easy, but it is especially difficult in youth sports today. Coaches and parents are putting a lot of pressure on our young sons and daughters. The pressure to succeed in sports at such a young age is taking the fun out of the sport by making it all about winning. A Personal Perspective My own interaction in youth sports has been many: As a parent, participant and an observer. My experiences as a child in youth sports were mostly positive. In my early days of sports in school, all children were encouraged to play for their school, skill level did not matter. There were no tryouts and no more content... If the messages displayed by adults in reference to the sporting events have a decidedly negative tone, the impact of youth sports programs on the emotional development of children will not have positive outcomes. There are a number of factors that can impact the influences of organized youth sports programs on the participants, and studies have shown that the results of the full picture of youth sports is not always a positive one. Some of the influencing factors include: the participation of parents in youth sports programs, the suggestion by coaches, parents and observers that winning is more important than the game itself, and the nature of sports, that lends itself to competitive and aggressive behavior. It is difficult to develop a concrete perspective about the impacts of youth sports programs without considering these influences. A Child's Perspective Many children simply want to participate in sports programs to have fun, have a recreational activity and work together with friends towards a common goal (Kohl and Nelson, 1990). It has been recognized that competition can foster mistrust between children, when winning serves to dismiss losers, creates envy of the winners and leads children away from the focus of the game (Kohn and Nelson, 1990). It is also clear that the pressure that parents Get more content on
  • 8. Challenges facing youths today Challenges Facing the Youth in Today's Society Most of the problems facing today's youth are not restricted to any one ethnic or religious group, but affect young people generally. Most discussions on youth have focussed on issues such as drug abuse, crime, violence, sexuality and poverty. In addition to these, today's youth are afflicted by new challenges. These include: 1. An Identity Crisis: Who am I? 2. Lack of self confidence and low self esteem: I am worthless 3. A sense of hopelessness: Where am I going? 4. Confusion and ambiguity concerning moral issues: What is right and wrong? 5. The negative impact of the electronic media: Entertainment ? 6. Competitiveness in education: the uneven playing field: Excellence more content... As such the family and religion now have a minimal impact on the average youngster. The values emphasized today include individualism, Godlessness, materialism, secularism and rationalism. It is the youth who are encountering the most serious challenge to his/her faith under the impact of godless culture of modernity. Best minds in our society are not socialized by religious institutions. The emphasis is on competitiveness, academic success, career goals, income and social mobility Little or no attention is given to preparing tomorrows leadership. There is no emphasis is placed on critical thinking , problem solving. We are preparing followers, imitators conformists, and not leaders, innovators or problem solvers. The youth is being asked to give up certain family and social values that were an integral part of their identity, and adopt in its place a sense of self–alienation, and become a self–estranged imitator of everything "modern". We need to pay close attention to the effects of secularism: confining the role of religion to the private domain of the individual and creating a dichotomy between "religious" and "worldly," between "private" and "public." It denies religion and its mediating institutions any public function and influence in shaping matters of public policy. Technology: internet and TV We are witnessing a phenomenal advancement in technology over the last three decades, and our citizens are experiencing remarkable Get more content on
  • 9. Youth and Substance Abuse Essay There are many contributing factors and political issues that address substance abuse. Throughout the years, many researchers have designed many interventions and social policies designed to treat people who have used, abused, and became addicted to substances. Today, there are many new studies that address substance abuse at the individual, group, family, and community or policy levels. Today, there are many services that are effective for decreasing recidivism in youth who have completed a substance abuse program. A substance abuse treatment program or center is the best way to treat individuals who have abused substances. Project Match is an individual intervention that is successful at helping people who have completed a more content... Liehr (2010), a noted researcher states, "It was created to address Therapeutic Community stress and support self change that could impact treatment retention" (2010, 81). According to Liehr (2010), Therapeutic Community is an established substance abuse treatment. The environments of teenage girls are stressful and high school dropout rates are high. That reason is why the MBTC was created" (2010, 82). During this intervention, the control group (TC group) wrote stories regarding their feelings and stress, while the experimental group (MBTC) also wrote stories. There were 140 patients in the TC group and over 250 adolescents in the MBTC group. Both groups showed decreases in stress and anxiety and increases positive feelings and self change. The patients in the study report that their stress and anxiety has decreased. The researchers, as well as the students note that their substance use has decreased as well. The researchers used a host of surveys, reports, and the Symptoms of Stress Inventory, a self–report assessment, to measure the study and calculate the results. The statistics show that the level of stress of students who receive treatment slightly decreased more compared to students who did not have any substance abuse issues. However, there were not any differences in the groups' feelings of self–change. Another type of group intervention effective for decreasing substance use is the Holistic Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Suicide Among Youth Suicide Among Youth A suicide attempt is a non–fatal act in which an individual deliberately causes self– injury and should be recognized as a method of communication from a youth who may be experiencing severe problems. Canadian statistics from the Suicide Information and Education Center in 1996 recorded 25 000 attempted suicides and 250 successful suicides. 1 in every 100 people who try to commit suicide will die. Based on the 1996 statistics one can assume that these numbers have increased. It has been suggested that suicide is the second leading cause of death amongst the youth and is more common amongst females than males. Although more females attempt to commit suicide males are more successful in doing so. More often more content... Even if these are not the signs and one encounters a situation where a youth says "I can't do anything right" one must take into account the negativity that the youth is expressing. Often after a person attempts suicide or is successful in the act those who are left behind have many feelings. A person may feel anger, shock, shame and more commonly they feel guilty. Often after an attempt parents try to punish the youth or blame them. However, this only creates more problems not only for the family but also for the child, pre–teen and teenager who already feels stressed out or disturbed. Persons who encounter a suicidal youth must not preach, joke around, criticize and must never ignore any suicidal sign. From the Suicide Information and Education Center information there are four steps that must be taken after an attempt. First seek medical attention immediately, second seek community resources, third open or keep lines of communication between yourself and the youth and lastly be available for that youth because they will need you. Going through this process of healing the youth may feel a sense of guilt, anger, anxiety and most likely the youth will feel depressed. If the youth still appears to be at risk one must "ASK, LISTEN and ACT". One of the most important items outlined from the information in the Suicide Information and Education Center is that one must "involve others [and] don't try to handle the crisis alone". Writing Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on Common Teenage Problems Teenage is a fundamental stage of life that each human being passes through. Some people face this period of their life strongly and positively, while others face many problems and difficulties. This depends on the environment these young adults live in, their parents, their friends, their living conditions, their education, and many other factors. Teenagers face many problems such as becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol, being influenced negatively by their peers, self–image and weight, or even arguments with their parents Drugs between teenagers is one of the most serious problems, because it causes a change in the behavior of any teenager and a physical change too. Most of the teenagers use alcoholic drinks as a way to more content... Peer pressure has always been present and will also always be present. It is not a disease or a crime, it is an influence; either a negative or a positive one. Negative peer pressure is an influence put on a person to do something wrong, or something the person doesn't want to do. This may be stealing, taking drugs, or other dangerous actions. If someone influences you into doing something like this it is considered a negative peer pressure. This is a major problem in most schools all around the world. Teenagers usually feel peer pressure when they feel unpopular between their friends, or when they want to be accepted in a group of other teenagers. The group is a place where one feels accepted, where he can feel good about himself, where he feels secure. It increases his self esteem, and it also enhances his self–image. Unfortunately, teenagers who want to be part of these groups, need to follow certain unpleasant routines, such as stealing, smoking, taking drugs, or drinking alcohol. Many times they do things that they would never have imagined themselves doing before meeting a new group of people. Some teens try to make the "right" decision so others will admire them. Having parents or other responsible adults they can turn to for help or advice is crucial at this point in a teen's life. Teenagers might also face self–image or weight problems. One of the main illnesses that comes from these Get more content on
  • 12. Essay about Teen Suicide In today's society, teenagers are faced with problems on a daily basis. When they are unable to deal with those daily hassles, serious problems can develop within the teen that can ultimately lead to resulting effects including depression or even suicide. Suicide in teens is one of the most traumatic and problematic issues that we face today in not only adults but many adolescents as well. Today suicide is one of the top causes for death in teenagers, out shadowed only by homicides and accidents. Some of the top "accidents" include drug overdoses, single–car accidents, self–inflicted gunshot wounds, falls from bridges and buildings, and self–poisonings. Some youth suicide analysts believe that these were not accidents at all, but more content... That change to the though process is called a "mental block" (Schleifer 29). When faced with a mental block the teen feels as if all hope is lost. Certain individuals who are very emotional and have difficulty dealing with stress are referred to by researchers as being in a state of emotional dysregulation. Emotional dysregulation has been associated with child abuse and other traumatic experiences (Lezine 61). Noticeable physical effects of a suicidal person include abuse of drugs or alcohol. Abusing drugs affects the chemical balance in the brain and strengthens the feelings of loneliness and sadness. Once or if the teen decides to stop using drugs or alcohol as a solution to their problem a new complication arises. Withdrawal from drugs or alcohol also intensifies the feeling of being hopelessness (Teen Drug Abuse). Another physical difference in a suicidal teenager is the brain itself. Researchers have studied the relationship between serotonin levels in the brain and the chance of suicide in an individual. "The researchers found that the suicide victims' brains contained fewer release sites for serotonin and more sites to receive serotonin than did the brains of normal subjects. This research strengthens the theory that the serotonin system is related to self–murder" (Francis 25). The social effects on suicide have a Get more content on
  • 13. Essay On Youth Drug And Alcohol Abuse Youth Drug & Alcohol Abuse A large number of youths' battle with substance dismantlement each year. School–based aversion and treatment programs have attempted to battle the major issues that originate from liquor and medication utilization, yet the measurements appear to just be deteriorating. As indicated by Shekhtmeyster, Sharkey, and You (2011), "youthful substance builds the danger of huge psychological wellness issues, for example, sorrow, nervousness, and reliance upon these substances " (p.386). A clearer comprehension of successful factors inside substance exploiting projects ought to be inspected and assessed so as to enhance future counteractive action and treatment programs went for aiding in danger youth with substance more content... Mixed Methods. A mixed methods approach consolidates the utilization of qualitative research and quantitative research to illuminate each other and increment legitimacy. Sheperis, Young, and Daniels (2010) clarify that mixed methods configuration is a perfect system for counseling research since the qualitative research indicates how counselors connect with clients and the quantitative research demonstrates how counselors conceptualize client issues. Considerations when choosing to utilize a mixed methods configuration are: decide the request you will actualize the qualitative and quantitative parts of your examination, decide the noteworthiness that will be given to the data, decide how the two sorts of data will be joined, and decide the hypothesis that will manage your plan (Sheperis, Young, and Daniels, 2010, p.193). Quantitative Designs. The objective of quantitative research is to depict a marvel or make derivations in view of a specific wonder by utilizing an expansive number of members and quantifiable, objective hard data that permit statistical control and generalizability crosswise over different populations (Sheperis, Young, Daniels, 2010). Overviews and test methods take into account extensive Get more content on
  • 14. Essay On Youth Crime Introduction The criminal activities done by youth who are under age of eighteen is called youth crime. There are many types of crime which are done by youth. Property crime, drug offences, violent crime, common assault, mischief, break and enter, sexual assault, robbery all are included in crimes that youth mostly do. Mostly youth commit crime by involving more than one person. In this paper, I will discuss different type of crime that youth do, how Parental status effect youth to commit a crime, how government and police handle the situation when youth commits the crime and how Good education can help to prevent a youth for committing the crimes. Youth had a double crime rate than older adults aged 25 and over. Discussion To more content... First, at the individual level, youth whose parents are single or divorced commit more crime. Second, single–parent and divorced families are more vulnerable and less likely to participate in community organizations, thus reducing the community's control capacity. Third, these families are also less able to monitor activities in the neighborhood and supervise local youth (Sampson and Groves, 1989; Veysey and Messner, 1999)"( Wong, S. K. (2017). The effects of single –mother and single–father families on youth crime: Examining five gender–related hypotheses. International Journal Of Law, Crime & Justice, 5046–60. doi:10.1016/j.ijlcj.2017.04.001). Single parent families increase the number of youth crime. Every mother and child had a strong bond by the birth of the baby compares with the bond of father. Single mother applies more influence of social control on their children's then single fathers. Mothers has more effective role in her daughter's life and father have a more effective role in his son's life. The girls who lives with their mother and the boys who lives with their father commit less crimes. "A number of studies found support for the same–sex hypothesis. Based on a study of over 600 adolescents and parents, Thomas et al. (1996) found that White male adolescents living with the single mother without nonresident father involvement had the highest levels of delinquency, drinking and illicit drug use" (Wong, S. K. (2017). The effects of single–mother and Get more content on
  • 15. Essay On Youth Of Youth Some have said that adolescence is the most striking yet dramatic period of life. Today's youth plays a major role in molding the future of our country, yet they could make or break the reputation of our nation. Being the youth of America, we are at the center of absolute power. We are expected by adults to uphold, to carry on, and to remember the traditions and ways of the past but it is also expected that young people will learn, adapt, and embrace the ways of the future. Youth Teen tends to get misguided by the unfitting morals and values. I feel as if the standards of learning had declined, and teens are not as educated as they should be. Education is one of the fundamental factors of life and for the youth, and it is important because it trains your mind to be rational and to think more sensibly. Education is not restricted to lessons from textbooks. Real education is acquired from the lessons taught by life. Education is not just reading and writing, it is about using your knowledge and skills to help you succeed in life. If you are human, there are going to be challenges you face in life. They come in different sizes, shapes and the amount of damage caused varies. People deal with their challenges in their own way. When facing these challenges, many people especially teens tend to give on the challenge too early or even run away from them which is why I challenge the youth of today to educate themselves and strive for greatness in their own way. The Boys and Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on Youth Culture Essay on Youth Culture The 60's and 70's saw the rise of youth culture. Youth culture can be seen as a particular pattern of beliefs, values, symbols and activities that a group of young people are seen to share. Along with the rise of youth culture came the theories developed on it. The theories developed in the 60's were mainly functionalism. Functionalists believe that society or a social structure is like a biological structure and that all social institutions function for the survival of society. As social structures change by becoming more complex, social institutions change by becoming more specialised. Functionalists, therefore, believe youth culture has a social function; they see it as young people solving there more content... Functionalists like Eisenstadt explain social institutions in terms of social problems and cultural solutions. The youth "problem" lies in young peoples marginal status, youth culture eases the resulting anxieties and uncertainties. His argument is that in meeting young peoples needs, youth culture has the general function of smoothing the transition from child to adult. He believes that the most important function for its members was emotional and providing young people with a set of relationships, (peer groups.) The most important point for Eisenstadt is not that some young people become deviants but that even the most deviant of youths become normal adults. He saw youth culture not as a political rebellion but as an essential problem solving social function. Eisenstadts argument is a general argument. It refers to the transition that faces all young people in industrial society but not all young people are the same. He didn't take into account that growing up middle class is different to growing up working class and that growing up male is different to growing up female. Also, he was explaining youth culture in a time of relative affluence and optimism, growing up was not particularly problematic in the 1950's. In the 1970's the strongly Marxist influenced CCCS related class to youth subcultures. They argued that youth styles were a reflection of the economic system and its related class relations. They claimed that Get more content on
  • 17. Homeless Youth Essay Homeless Youth Homelessness is defined as having no fixed place to sleep at night. This includes people staying in motels until their money runs out, those staying with friends, those staying in shelters, and those sleeping inside or out whatever space they can find to protect themselves. The number of homeless people has been growing and it has become a serious problem in our society. Every night in Canada there are thousands of people living on the streets. This type of behaviour is considered deviant because it does not reflect the norms and values of our society. In many cases the homeless people in our country are treated as total outcasts. Many of these people have severe mental disorders. Some are victims of an economy that more content... The primary causes of homelessness can be there are a lack of affordable housing and the limited scale of housing assistance programs. Other causes can be insufficient income when people are frequently unable to pay for housing, food, childcare, health care and education. This means that difficult choices must be made when limited resources cover only some of these necessities because of financial reasons. Some homeless people end up on the streets because they may be physical, psychological, sexual abuse, neglect or abandonment. A study done in 1992 found that 75 percent of street youth were victims of abuse and others were youths that left home when neither parent wanted custody of them after a divorce and some youth leave to escape parental restrictions that they consider to be too cruel. In 2000, an American study estimated that 20 percent of homeless youth had been in foster care before they moved to the streets and over 50 000 children run away from home. Being homeless presents many challenges for youth that they normally live day to day, unable to develop plans for forming a productive life structure. Since many homeless youth don't have money so they start begging or selling drugs or start prostituting to earn money to cover their basic needs. The basic problem of homelessness is the human need for personal shelter, Get more content on
  • 18. Essay on Youth Suicide Youth Suicide Introduction Suicide is a tragic event. It has a profound personal effect on all associated with the person who died. Families, friends and society as a whole are affected. There is a particular poignancy when the suicide is that of a young person at the threshold of life. Australia has the fifth highest suicide rate per 100 000 persons in the world. While suicide is highest among males, suicide attempts are higher among females and youth suicide among males are highest in rural / remote areas. 1 This essay will examine some of the issues of youth suicide. The focus will be to view the underlying factors and the strategies employed to intervene and prevent a more content... Other research indicates that people who suffer from more than one psychiatric illness are twice as likely to suicide. This would add weight to the argument that those who are substance abusers, who have anti social personalities or have anxiety disorders coupled with depression are prime candidates for suicide. 2 Unemployment and Social Disadvantage The issues of unemployment and poor long term job prospects are frequently cited in media reports on youth suicide, particularly in relation to suicides in rural areas. In recent studies of suicide trends, it has been demonstrated that unemployment is a significant cause of psychological disturbance in young people who were initially employed and not suffering from any previous documented history of physical or mental illness. Young people who attempted suicide were also more often to have come from disadvantaged family backgrounds (broken homes). Such backgrounds indicate that parental role models were severely lacking or non existent. Alcohol and other drugs Alcohol and other drugs are frequently associated with suicidal behaviour. The increased risk associated with combining drug and alcohol abuse with mental health problems has already been noted, as has the association between attempted suicide and parental alcoholism. In the above mentioned studies, alcohol was found to
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