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A Study On African American Family Discussions With Their...
Akers, Borrero, Corbie–Smith, and Schwarz (2010) discussed the results of a study completed on
African American family discussions with their adolescent children regarding family planning and
contraception. The authors found this study important due to the extremely high rates of pregnancy
in black adolescents, and suggests one of the solutions to this issue would be the communication
between the parents are the children (Akers, Borrero, Corbie–Smith, & Schwarz, 2010). The
families were chosen for this study by responding to advertisement (flyers, and ads) in the
community to attend one study session where they filled out a self–administered questionnaire, and
participated in a focus group. The families were only eligible to participate in the study if the
children were between the ages of 15–17, and one biological parent or legal guardian agreed to
participate (Akers, Borrero, Corbie–Smith, & Schwarz, 2010). The study completed in this article
was conducted in Allegheny County, in western Pennsylvania with members of 53 African American
families that included 51 mothers, 17 fathers, 37 daughters and 20 sons (Akers, Borrero, Corbie–
Smith, & Schwarz, 2010). Also, there were four focus groups broken down between mothers,
fathers, adolescent males and adolescent females, and they were scheduled to be held
simultaneously on each of five dates scheduled between December 2007 and March 2008 (Akers,
Borrero, Corbie–Smith, & Schwarz, 2010). The results of the study displayed a
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Pros And Cons Of International Family Planning
Before reading chapter 8 I had no idea what international family planning really was, and I have a
feeling I'm not the only one who didn't. I believe that if most people knew what internationally
family planning was and what it really meant then then there would be a lot more people angry with
the decision to stop all funding to UNFPA. This organization does so much for everyone around the
world like, advises governments on family planning, reducing poverty, reproductive health, and
many other ways. The United States apparently stopped funding this program because it supposedly
"supports or participates in the management of a program of coercive abortion or involuntary
sterilization". The UNFPA actually posted a statement on their official website denying the claim
and stating that "all of its work promotes the human rights of individuals and couples to make their
own decisions, free of coercion or discrimination". I don't think people or even the president knows
how negative of an impact denying future funds to the UNFPA is going to effect the world. I believe
that if our president Donald Trump had taken the time to learn about UNFPA and what they stand
for then maybe he wouldn't have stopped all funding. This decision has made not only the women
within the United States feel like they don't have a say in their reproductive rights but, it also makes
it look like we don't care about the reproductive rights of any woman in any nation. The United
States not supporting family
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Contraceptive Methods For Women And Contraception
Women make up half of the world's population, yet many do not have access to resources that would
improve their lives. Family planning, which allows people to attain their desired number of children
and determine the spacing of their pregnancies, is achieved through the use of contraceptive
methods. The promotion of family planning is vital to female autonomy, and also helps support the
development of communities. Access to contraception, the deliberate use of artificial methods or
other techniques to prevent pregnancy as a consequence of sexual intercourse, varies across the
world. However, according to the World Health Organization, an estimated 225 million women in
developing countries would "like to delay or stop childbearing but are ... Show more content on ...
Divided into groups ranging from 1 to 5, one being the highest equality and 5 being the lowest,
states from group 3 and higher have greater gender equality than states in groups 4 and 5. The
"Trends in Contraceptive Use Worldwide 2015" report from the United Nations will be used to
estimate contraceptive prevalence by any method, the unmet need for family planning, and the
demand for family planning satisfied with modern methods, as well as the specific contraceptive
type for married or in–union women aged 15–49. Using these two reports, the level of gender
equality in each state will be assessed in relation to the states' achievement of good governance. One
may question: what are the benefits of family planning? To answer this question, an article posted to
the United Nations Population Fund website summarizes the benefits of family planning in the well–
being of women, families, and economies. It reads, "a new study by the Guttmacher Institute has
confirmed that women's ability to use contraceptives, and to determine whether and when to have
children, enhances their education and employment chances." In summary, contraceptive use will
lead to educational attainment, workplace participation, and economic stability, as it allowed more
young women to obtain at least some college education, leading to more participation in the labor
force and to pursue advanced professional degrees, as well as increasing women's earning power,
decreasing the gender
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America's Family Planning Programs
The Governments notions of modern family differs from the local's traditional ideals of family .In
order to change the local culture from having traditionally larger families for social security, to
smaller ones, governments implement a national family planning program. Family planning
programs are most commonly applied to areas with high birth rates such as China, India and java in
Indonesia, in attempt to lower population, however, in the case of Greece's family planning, it aims
to reduce women's abortion rates. In many countries, governments have ulterior motives for
reducing population, some are positive, aiming to increase women's health but most commonly the
case is that families only provide economical benefits and development for the country. A decline in
population means that the government can invest more "per capita in education and health, thus
creating the human capital for sustained economic growth" (S. Sinding, 08). The Government
"planned population numbers in the same way it planned the production of goods" (Anders, 2014),
which resulted in physical and emotional turmoil for families across the world.
Countries differ in conventional family criteria, however the quintessential modern family consists,
health and social wellbeing of relations and the belief that having a child results in social security
and happiness. Family culture in certain countries has been damaged due to past coercive interfering
with family planning, as governments try and mold local
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Analysis : Rust V. Sullivan
Rust v. Sullivan
In May of 1991, America experienced the Supreme Court make a five justice majority decision to
uphold the Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) regulations on prohibiting recipients
of Title X funds from counseling patients regarding abortion, finding that this condition did not
violate the recipients ' First Amendment right to freedom of speech (Stan L. Rev. 1). Prior to Rust v.
Sullivan, Roe v. Wade stood as the foundational case for all abortion cases to come. Roe v. Wade
initiated that a woman's right to be free of government interference in deciding whether to have ab
abortion does not imply a right to have the government subsidize that procedure. However, in Rust
v. Sullivan, we are dealing with the first time the government has decided to deprive pregnant
women of factually correct and medically necessary information. Chief Justice Rehnquist delivered
the majority opinion addressing that the gag rule stands with the support of his claim: "The
government is not denying a benefit to anyone, but is instead simply insisting that the public funds
be sent for the purposes for which they were authorized." This case brings forward major
controversy making a claim that the denying of counseling regarding abortion to pregnant women
can be harmful to their health and a violation of their rights stated in the First and Fifth Amendment.
In 1988, the Secretary of Health and Human services, Linus W. Sullivan, promulgated new
regulations to preserve the
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Planning For Non Traditional Families
Worldview Position Paper Planning for non–traditional families is becoming more of an issue as the
homosexual rights agenda spreads across America. This issue comes from redefining the family.
"The legal chaos and moral chaos as well that comes from redefining the family, is also referred to
as the homosexual agenda and has far reaching impacts." Rodney Chrisman, Legal Chaos: Relating
to Redefining the Family (2011). The homosexual agenda has unique concerns when creating an
estate plan. From Christian worldview estate planning for these non–traditional families become a
tough issue at first glance but when treated by using instruction from the bible can become just as
easy as estate planning for traditional families by acting with respect and love as well as to plan
accordingly and take note of the state's guidelines for non–traditional families. Estate planning is for
everyone not just the wealthy and traditional, and if one does not plan and have their wishes written
down then the state will plan and disburse assets according to each states laws and statutes. When a
client first walks into the office the paralegal must treat him as a client. For a Christian estate
planner this step can become difficult with non–traditional families, however, the bible is very clear
on how to treat others. Paralegals should treat non–traditional families with the same love and grace
that God has shown to all. All of us are sinners. "Honor as a person made in the image of God."
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Planned Parenthood : Parenthood, Family Planning, And...
As you may have heard, Planned Parenthood is what the government officials are talking about
recently. The Republicans want to take away the government funding for Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthood is an organization that does scientific research and offers advice on
contraception, family planning, and reproductive problems. Currently, the government funds the
organization with the tax payer's dollars. (Planned Parenthood at a Glance, 2014.) I am going to
explain the history of the problem, the arguments, the opinions of experts and give why I am
interested in this topic. Planned Parenthood is a nonprofit organization that does scientific research
into and offers advice on contraception, family planning, and reproductive problems. The
organization is also known for offering legal abortion options. (Planned Parenthood at a Glance,
2014.) Recently, a video was released of Planned Parenthood showing the employees talking about
selling the fetal tissue from the abortions. The organization is funded by taxpayers dollars, which
caused many people to be not happy about the video. The situation caused Congress to question if
Planned Parenthood should continue to be funded by the government. (Earll, C. 2015). Defunding
this organization would cause many problems for men and women. There are people in our society
who cannot afford the correct healthcare they need. The government funding of Planned Parenthood
helps low–income families. Planned Parenthood originated in 1916 by
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Improving Access For Voluntary Family Planning
More than 200 million women in developing countries who want to avoid or delay pregnancy are
not using family planning. These women have an unmet need that can result in unintended
pregnancies, unsafe abortions, poor health, and strains on families and economies. Improving access
to voluntary family planning could mitigate these challenges and lead to a host of other benefits.
(Source 22, 23, 25).
Given the potential of family planning for far reaching health, development, and economic gains,
governments and their development partners should consider strengthening efforts and looking for
new ways to increase the uptake and quality of family planning services.
To this effect, the main program approaches that led to increases in contraceptive use included
development approaches and supply–side interventions. This attention to rigor of family planning
evaluations will increase accountability, improve program decision making, and in the end, improve
maternal and infant health outcomes. (Source 12)
As revealed in various reports both demand–and supply –side interventions were found to be
generally successful in increasing knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and discussions around family
planning as well as increasing contraceptive use. These impacts are often a result of programs that
have taken into account the importance of various approaches to reaching women and couples with
family planning products and services, providing quality information and service delivery,
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Population and Family Planning Policy in India
Population and Family Planning Policy in India
Population growth has long been a concern of the government, and India has a lengthy history of
explicit population policy. In the 1950s, the government began, in a modest way, one of the earliest
national, government–sponsored family planning efforts in the developing world. The annual
population growth rate in the previous decade (1941 to 1951) had been below 1.3 percent, and
government planners optimistically believed that the population would continue to grow at roughly
the same rate.
Implicitly, the government believed that India could repeat the experience of the developed nations
where industrialization and a rise in the standard of living had been accompanied by a drop in the ...
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However, much was learned about policy and practice from the Jamkhed Project. The successful use
of women's clubs as a means of involving women in community–wide family planning activities
impressed the state government to the degree that it set about organizing such clubs in every village
in the state. The project also serves as a pilot to test ideas that the government wants to incorporate
into its programs. Government medical staff members have been sent to Jamkhed for training, and
the government has proposed that the project assume the task of selecting and training government
health workers for an area of 2.5 million people.
Another important family planning program is the Project for Community Action in Family
Planning. Located in Karnataka, the project operates in 154 project villages and 255 control villages.
All project villages are of sufficient size to have a health subcenter, although this advantage is offset
by the fact that those villages are the most distant from the area's primary health centers. As at
Jamkhed, the project is much assisted by local voluntary groups, such as the women's clubs. The
local voluntary groups either provide or secure sites suitable as distribution depots for condoms and
birth control pills and also make arrangements for the operation of sterilization camps. Data
provided by the Project for Community Action in Family Planning show that important
achievements have been realized in the
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Why Contraception And Not Only Natural Family Planning...
Thesis: I will discuss why contraception and not only Natural Family Planning should be allowed by
the Catholic Church because it helps prevents sexually transmitted infections and diseases and
prevents millions of unwanted children from being born and then abandoned every year. Different
forms of contraception have existed for hundreds of years, dating back to the Roman Empire. It was
not until the 1950's that a progesterone pill, synthesized from wild yams was created which could
block ovulation (Gibson). In 1960, the United States Food and Drug Administration approved
Enovid, an oral contraceptive pill (Gibson). The creation of this pill marked the biggest change in
how contraceptive was viewed and its potential in American history. Even though other forms of
contraception existed, those were more directed for male use only. This was one of the few methods
that females could take and that actually worked. By 1965, almost 6.5 million women in America
were on this method of contraceptive, which is most commonly known as the pill. At the time, state
laws prohibited the use of contraceptives until 1965 when the Supreme Court unbanned these laws.
The Catholic Church began to weight into this phenomenon and after the Supreme Court allowed
the use of this method as safe and effective for couples, everyone thought the Church would accept
it and allow individuals to make the decision about contraceptive for themselves. Unfortunately, in
1968 Paul IV released Humanae Vitae. In this
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The Differences Between Latin America
Latin America is one region of the world known for its similarities across national borders, paired
with stark differences. While Latin American countries share cultural elements such as, language,
religion, and a colonial history, each society has developed differently in terms of political,
economic, and social organization. One major difference across Latin America is individual nations
relationships with family planning and abortion systems. Each country 's stance on the morality of
abortion, contraception, reproduction, and sexuality, differs from its neighbors and the region at
large. In some cases the difference is visible within national borders, such as in Mexico, where
abortion is only legal inside the capital city (Fondo Maria). In other cases the countries themselves
are homogenous in law, but differ greatly from the legal positions of their neighbors. Due to such
variation it is impossible to claim that Latin America as a whole aligns with one attitude concerning
family planning and abortion. Additionally, both systems are simultaneously present in countries
creating a complex and intriguing system of reproductive health. Due to this variety, this paper
focuses on Chile and Cuba as examples of two opposing extremes. In Cuba abortion is legal under
all circumstances as compared to Chile, where abortion was historically criminalized. These two
country 's situations ask the question of how family planning programs and abortion rates connect
with and influence one
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Family Planning And Birth Control
Family planning is one of the most important choices women or couples can end up deciding on.
When it comes to family planning, timing is pretty much everything. There are some instances when
women have a hard time deciding if they are physically and mentally prepared to bring a child into
this world. This is when pregnancy options come into play, such as whether or not to raise a child, to
what birth control to take, and if abortion or adoption is an option that they might consider.
However, when women are faced with that uncertainty of becoming a mother the topic of birth
control is typically addressed when family planning. Throughout the ages, birth control methods
have evolved in order to provide women with the ability to effectively prevent pregnancy. There are
in fact many different varieties of birth control that help prevent unwanted pregnancies and that
don't ultimately interfere with the physiological changes that occur within a woman's body. " The
variety of the available birth control methods and devices allows identification of methods of
varying degrees of effectiveness, mechanism
( preventing fertilization–fusion of egg cell and sperm or preventing implantation of a fertilized egg
cell), and interference with physiological changes that occur in the female body (natural birth
control methods and artificial methods of contraception)" (Kulesza, Dobrzycka, Sobieranska,
Korzeniecka & Terlikowski, 2014)
Birth control doesn't just involve wearing a condom, using the
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Family Background And History That May Affect Planning And...
Family Background
Describe relevant family background and history that may affect planning and service provision for
this family.
Ms. Goodall was adoptive as a child. She reports that she knows some of her family on her
biological side of the family, but not communicates with them on regular bases. However, Ms.
Goodall seems to not get along with her adoptive parents. She still resides in the home even though
there is an order protection against her adoptive father, Mr. Goodall.
Ms. Goodall is currently engaged as a home health aide and also receives some financial support
from her boyfriend, Mr. Ruby.
Case Update
Summarize the key family events, services, and casework activities since the last Family
Assessment and Service Plan. Include legal activities, if any.
Reason for Referral/ Presenting Problem/ Mandated Services
Ms. Goodall walked into HDWC on 02/11/2015 for assistance. She was referred by ACS
Community Representative. She requested for assistance to address her concerns of childcare for
Myan, housing, early intervention, and mental health services to address her bi–polar and depression
to address problems within her family. Ms. Goodall admits to discontinuing mental health services,
including her prior prescribed medication. In addition, engaging in substance abuse while pregnant
with Myan.
Living Environment
Ms. Goodall living situation is not stable. She at first did not have any place to stay for herself and
her daughter, Myan.
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Human Consumption Is Depleting The Earth 's Natural...
Human consumption is depleting the Earth 's natural resources and impairing the capacity of life–
supporting ecosystems. Humans have changed ecosystems more rapidly and extensively over the
past 50 years than during any other period, primarily to meet increasing demands for food, fresh
water, timber, fibre and fuel. Such consumption, together with world population increasing from 2.6
billion in 1950 to 6.8 billion in 2009, are major contributors to environmental damage.(Human
population growth and the demographic transition). Strengthening family–planning services is
crucial to slowing population growth, now 85 million annually,(Essential Environment, Human
Population,page 118) and limiting population size to 9.2 billion by 2050. Otherwise, birth rates
could remain unchanged, and world population would grow to 11 billion.(Essential Environment,
Human Population,page 120).
Indonesia is the 4th most populated country on the planet, making up 3.49% of the earths
population, behind China, India and US ( World Population). Indonesia's population is expected to
grow to 271. 1 million in 2020 and 305.6 million in 2035, and the question is can the future
Indonesia sustain this demographic burden (Indonesia 's population growth: A demographic bonus
or Burden)?
Of particular concern are addressing the issues of adolescent pregnancy as UN's 2010 World
Population Prospects estimated that 1.7 million women and girls under the age of 24 give birth
annually in Indonesia and almost half a
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Poverty And Poverty
Contraception, Population, and Poverty
As the world population grows new concerns arise due to the needs of a larger and larger populace.
In an attempt to prevent further damage and decline in demographic progress, as well as
environmental degradation, increased access to effective family planning and contraceptives for
women has, and will continue to assist dramatically in decreasing population growth and unwanted
pregnancies, which, in turn, leads to a decline in poverty. Lack of access to proper family planning
and contraception is a major contributor to much of the poverty and environmental blight that our
world is challenged with minimizing.
To begin, data shown in studies in Bangladesh and Ghana proved conclusively that when rates of
fertility decreased due to family planning, women were more successful in their careers. According
to David Canning of The Lancet, "Improvements in reproductive health and access to family
planning can benefit the economy by improving general health and reducing fertility... Access to
family planning not only reduces total fertility, but also reduces the numbers of high–risk births for
women... Contraceptive use can also improve birth spacing, which can further benefit the health of
mothers and children, reducing maternal and child mortality" (Canning). With an increased
availability of family planning services shown in these studies, women were capable of spacing out
pregnancy, providing time for them to further their education, and
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Family Planning
Family planning is the planning of when to have children, and the use of birth control and other
techniques to implement such plans. Other techniques commonly used include sexuality education,
prevention and management of sexually transmitted infections, pre–conception counseling and
management, and infertility management.
Family planning is sometimes used in the wrong way also as a synonym for the use of birth control,
though it often includes more. It is most usually applied to a female–male couple who wish to limit
the number of children they have and/or to control the timing of pregnancy (also known as spacing
children). Family planning may encompass sterilization, as well as abortion.
The Centers for Disease Control ... Show more content on ...
The Catholic Church teaches the necessity of responsible parenthood and correct family planning
(one child at a time depending on one's circumstances), while at the same time teaching that large
families are a sign of God's blessings. It teaches that modern natural family planning, a method of
fertility awareness, is in accord with God's design, as couples give themselves to each other as they
are. The RH bill intends to help couples to have government funded access to artificial contraception
methods as well.
Definition of Terms
Presentation of Data
A. Features of Family Planning
Family planning includes all methods of birth control, from the pill to condoms, Intrauterine
Devices (IUD), injectable hormonal contraceptives, and diaphragms, caps and spermicides.
Depending on the area, family planning may also refer to methods used to terminate a pregnancy or
possible pregnancy, such as abortion and emergency contraception. Family planning may also refer
to surgical sterilization methods, including vasectomies and tubal ligation; and to non–surgical
methods of sterilization such as
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Family Planning A Vacation In A Good Man Is Hard To Find
"A Good Man Is Hard to Find" is a short story about family planning a vacation. Everyone wants to
go to Florida except the grandmother's wants to go to Tennessee. She told the family to not go to
Florida by saying there is a killer by the name The Misfit "Here is the fellow that calls himself The
Misfit is aloose from the Federal Pen and headed to Florida"(O'Connor 616). However the son
Bailey, his wife, and the three children ignore her and they go to Florida. Grandmother took her cat
with her, but she didn't tell them and she hid it under her seat. The traveling was the same as with
traveling with children, they play and sometime, they fight. Then the family stops to eat at "The
Tower". After that grandmother starts talking with the owner
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Women and Family Planning
The proper place of a woman was a prime subject throughout the nineteenth century. In previous
centuries women were known as housewives; they were to remain home to cook, clean, and
reproduce. Woman had to justify their relationship to their natural environment and the medical field
seemed to be just that. Ladies who took on this new line of work argued that they were extending
their expected roles as mothers and sisters. Nursing and other medical occupations became easy to
defend. Despite all odds, woman began contributing to the medical field in the twentieth century by
advancing in family planning, science, and nursing. The field of medicine offered an unusual change
to women beyond what society knew.
Women were always and forever will be a specialist in family planning for they are by nature the
only sex capable of childbearing. In later centuries children were birthed to assist in farming,
fielding, etc., but as the world began to develop , so did the family. No longer were children needed
for the listed specifications. The economy became an adjustment and population was increasing
abnormally. Margret Sanger (1879–1966) devoted her life to legalizing methods of birth control for
woman and opened the first birth control clinic in 1916.She once said that "No woman can call
herself free who does not control her own body". Due to Sanger's efforts and dedication the private
use of contraceptives was ruled a constitution right in 1965 by the Supreme Court. Her achievement
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Mexico City Policy Current Event
Mexico City Policy Current Event The Mexico City Policy, also known by opponents as "The
Global Gag Rule", was originally introduced as an executive order by president Ronald Reagan in
1984. The policy was made to withhold U.S. family planning, funding and assistance from foreign
NGOs (non–profits) that include reproductive health organizations and included private hospitals
and clinics that perform or publicize abortions. "In countries where abortion is permitted, the policy
prohibits health workers at NGOs that receive U.S. funding from offering abortion as an option or
referring women to a provider" (PAI). The Mexico City Policy had exceptions for those who had
abortions done in response to rape, incest, or life–threatening conditions. When active, this policy
could erase any progress made by the women that lack access to today 's modern contraceptives.
"The global gag rule forces organizations to prioritize which communities they want to serve:
women seeking abortions or all other women, children and families" (Jones, 2004). This policy was
then revoked by President Obama in 2009. Currently, supporters are making sure that in the future
presidents, like Trump, can't rescind the policy without Congress. It was originally thought to be a
way to control the world's growing population by saying abortion is the same thing as family
planning. This is not true. The organization Pathfinder International, who is a global leader in
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Prenatal Pregnancy And The Fertility Regulating Methods
Conclusion Considerable numbers of females are at threat of repetitive pregnancy with grave health
and social burdens to the mothers and their babies. The main focus in this study was the assessment
of knowledge and performance of females attending the family health unit towards the fertility
regulating methods, cautilizes of approval and refusal towards these methods, and identifying the
most common social obstacles. So we prepared suggestions for solving these problems and
encourage female to utilize contraception methods.
There was an association between contraception utilize and some socio–demographic characters.
Contraception utilization was significantly increased with decreasing age of wives, occupation of
wives and their husbands, higher educational level of wives and their husbands, and higher socio
economic classes. There was an association between contraceptive utilize and some obstetric
characters. Contraceptive utilization was significantly increased with increased no. of female
pgregnancies, and increased no. of living children. It was increased among females had both male &
female children, and decreased among females having one sex of children, especially female
The duration of marriage affects greatly the type of utilized contraceptive methods. IUD was
preferred in latest married wives, while injections were preferred in older married females. Local
methods not utilized
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Birth Control In African American Women
Perhaps one of the most pressing issues faced by women in Many African countries today are the
many barriers preventing them from having access to sexual health and family planning services.
"The World Health Organization (WHO) defines family planning as "the ability of individuals and
couples to anticipate and attain their desired number of children and the spacing and timing of their
births. It is achieved through use of contraceptive methods and the treatment of involuntary
infertility" (Tessema, Gizachew Assefa, 2). By examining the causes of what is preventing women
in areas Africa from taking control of their sexual health, and the number of children they wish to
have, possible solutions can be contrived. In Kenya for example, "20.9 percent ... Show more
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"Male Attitudes to Family Planning in the Era of HIV/AIDS: Evidence from Kwazulu–Natal, South
Africa." Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 27, no. 2, June 2001, pp. 245–257. EBSCOhost,
Okonofua, Friday. "Defining a New Pathway for Family Planning in Africa After 2014." African
Journal of Reproductive Health, vol. 18, no. 3, Sept. 2014, pp. 9–14. EBSCOhost,
Ouagadougou: Qualitative Results." International Perspectives on Sexual & Reproductive Health,
vol. 40, no. 2, June 2014, pp. 87–94. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1363/4008
SCHLANGER, ZOË, and ELIJAH WOLFSON. "Too Many People." Newsweek Global 163.25
(2014): 30–41. Business Source Complete. Web. 26 Nov. 2016.714.
Schürenberg–Frosch, Hannah. "Improving on Africa's roads–Modeling infrastructure investment
and its effect on subsistence agriculture." (2010).
"Sustainable Development Goals." UNDP. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2017.
Tessema, Gizachew Assefa, et al. "Factors Determining Quality of Care in Family Planning Services
in Africa: A Systematic Review of Mixed Evidence." Plos ONE, vol. 11, no. 11, 03 Nov. 2016, pp.
1–23. EBSCOhost,
Walker, Judith–Ann. "Early marriage in Africa–Trends, harmful effects and interventions." African
journal of reproductive health 16.2 (2012):
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Planning A Family Trip
Planning a family trip is appealing and a bit stressful, but that is all washed away once the journey
commences because you are with family and friends. And the thought of enjoying the trip alone
never crosses your mind. Additionally, the odds of ending up in a somewhat seedy location is not
top of mind. In consideration, a significant portion of the of discussion and planning is based on the
needs of your family. However, the same process of planning a solo trip is not nearly the same thing,
and if you are a female solo traveler, there are some additional tips and tricks to consider before
booking your next trip.
Earlier this year, for example, several popular sites including and
published safety tip–focused articles detailing experiences from other solo female travelers. The
U.S. State Department also issued a list of countries this year which included Mexico, and Egypt
among others that were placed with travel alerts, to warn travelers overall of what to expect. Per the
U.S. State Department travel warnings are issued, "for short–term events we think you should know
about when planning travel to a country. Examples of reasons for issuing a travel alert might include
an election season that is bound to have many strikes, demonstrations, or disturbances; a health alert
like an outbreak of H1N1; or evidence of an elevated risk of terrorist attacks. When these short–term
events are over, we cancel the Travel Alert." Additionally, found
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Ethiopi A Country That Is Not Very Better?
6. Ethiopia
Throughout our lives we tend to focus in the people that surround us, people in our neighborhood,
city and country. We might know a few facts about different countries, but 90% of the information
that we think we know is from movies, television, school, books, etc; it means that we are probably
very far away from the reality.
We live in a bubble were we think that everyone else has a life not very different from ours. You
might hear about hunger, diseases or political issues in other countries but it doesn't mean anything
important for you and it's just an idea in your head of how life is in that very far away place.
In this part, we are going to discuss a country that is not very fortunate. It stands above other poor
countries and considered to be the poorest in the world. Ethiopia is one of the least developed
countries in the world, also facing with many social and economic problems.
Ethiopians are distressing from the absence of basic needs of life, such as food, health care, housing,
education, and a safe and healthy environment. One of their biggest problems is that the population
is growing very fast, which means a big problem when it comes to having enough food. The
population is growing by 3% each year and approximately 45% of the population is below the ages
of 18.
One of the main causes of hunger in the country is due to the drought (period of dry weather). Many
parts of this country have been affected from lack of rain for four straight
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The Natural Family Planning ( Safe Period )
3– Natural family planning ( safe period):
Natural family planning is one of the most widely utilized means of birth control, espicially for
those whom their religion or their cultural beliefs do not authorize devices or drugs for birth control.
This method includes periodic abstinence, to avoid intercourse during a female 's fertile period,
which is around the time of ovulation. Determination of the fertile period involve the calendar
method, cervical mucus method, or the symptothermal method technique.
The calendar method is based on 3 hypotheses as follows: The human ovum can be fertilized only
for approximately 24 hours after ovulation, spermatozoa can maintain their ability of fertilizing for
only 48 hours after coitus, and ovulation usually occurs 12–16 days before the onset of the
subsequent menestruation. The menses is recorded for 6 cycles to estimate the fertile period. The
earliest day of the fertile period is calculated by the number of days in the shortest menstrual cycle
subtracted by 18. The latest day of the fertile period is assessed by the number of days in the longest
cycle subtracted by 11.
* Efficacy:
The failure rate in typical utilization is estimated to be approximately 25%.
* Advantages:
No adverse effects from hormones occur. This may be the only method acceptable to couples for
cultural or religious beliefs. Immediate return to fertility occurs with termination of utilization.
* Disadvantages:
This is most suitable for female with standard and
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China's One Child Policy
China ends its one child policy. well, ending a an unpopular and draconian population control policy
is certainly cause for celebration. The one child policy was never supposed to be a permanent thing.
it was established in 1979 after a huge population boom in China. After the communist party began
its rule in 1949, the population of China almost doubled in 30 years. And this wasn't a coincidence .
Mao ZeDong encourage people to have lots of kids. That's partially because he was concerned about
nuclear war. He said in 1957 speech that it didn't matter if half of China's population was killed,
because there were so many people, they could just repopulate. At the time, the Communist Party
even banned birth control. But eventually ,officials ... Show more content on ...
a photo of fine with her stillborn baby went viral on social media, causing an outcry agains family
planning enforcement. fang live in a rural area, so she should have been able to have a second child.
However, she had not applied for a birth permit before getting pregnant. She was fined because she
did not have a birth permit and because she could not pay for the fine, government ask her to abort
the child. Under the one child policy , there have been more than 330 million abortion and almost
200 million sterilizations. If Feng's daughter had been born, she would not be able to get a residence
permit.It means that she could not go to school, get a job, and even go to the doctor.There are 6.5
million undocumented Chinese in the exact situation. Is change the one child policy will be a good
thing? It looks like family planning commissions will still exist to enforce the two child policy and a
the big reason is money. A lot of local government make a substantial part of their revenue from
family planning fines, especially in poorer areas. there;s even saying that for money, " big cities
depend on land, small towns depend on birth planning." Some estimate that fines have made more
than 300 billion dollars since the one– child policy
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The Importance Of Planning, And Intervening With Families...
Introduction This case study is on assessing, planning, and intervening with families. During these
type of cases, one must be familiar with the general practice with individuals, families, groups, and
communities. It is important to have good communication skills, critical thinking, tolerance, setting
boundaries, emotional intelligence and organization skills. There are many skills needed when
working on cases.
The Sanchez family came unstable. Maria and Tony lived with their parents both mom and father.
Unfortunate Maria and Tony parents were in an automobile accident that cause their life to be
unstable; both parents died upon impact. Maria and Tony father was the driver and he were drinking
heavily. Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez, age 77 and 68, took on the responsibility of raising Maria and Tony.
This case study will also have a treatment/service plan, case/care management and intervention plan.
Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez, Lost their daughter and son–in–law to an automobile accident. Mr. Sanchez
worked at the post office for many years, but now is retired. Mrs. Sanchez work now to help
supplement their income by cleaning apartments. Mr. Sanchez and Mrs. Sanchez has two others
children, but they not in position to take on the parenting responsibilities care of Tony and Maria.
Mr. Sanchez and Mrs. Sanchez have transitioned from grandparents into the parent role for Maria
and Tony which is their grandchildren. Since taken on the parent role of Maria
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Family Planning Methods
Many women in developing countries do not have access to services like family planning, antenatal
care and delivery by a trained personnel (WHO, 2007). For example, in a country like Uganda, only
30 percent of married women from the age of 15 to 49 use modern family planning methods (Salwa
Bitar & McKenzie Lamborne, 2014).
Low rates of maternal health service utilisation in sub–Saharan Africa have also been attributed to
the unequal gender relations arising from religious beliefs, teachings and practices and cultural
influences (Katherine Marshall, 2013; UNAIDS, 2014; International Community of women living
with HIV/AIDS, 2004; J.K. Ganle, 2015; Booth D& Cammack D, 2013). The low levels of
commitment to protecting women's health in many ... Show more content on ...
With this background, scholars Yadamsuren B et al. (2010), Widmer M et al. (2011), and institutions
like the World Bank (1993) and the UN Global Strategy for Women's and Children's Health (WHO,
2010) argue that for countries to experience improvements in women's access to quality maternal
healthcare, there is need for strong partnership between the public health care sector and the private
sector particularly FBOs (Gill Z. et al., 2008; Widmer M et al. 2011; Gill Z et al. 2008). It is against
this background that I explore the different actors/providers of maternal and general healthcare in
developing countries.
The provision of maternal health care in developing countries.
There is a need to clarify the use of the terms 'state' and 'government' and Public Sector. The
concepts are distinct but closely related. For the purpose of this research, I use the term public sector
which is defined by Duff J.F et al (2015: 1787) as, "bodies charged under rule of law with
governance of society at international, national, regional and local levels". An exception is when the
texts make reference to specific governments, which disassociates the terms from each other.
In most developing countries,
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A Research Proposal on the Factors Militating Against the...
1.1 Background to the Study
This will provide the reason behind the research motivating factors, basis for understanding of the
problem of the study. It discusses circumstances and issues that led to the choice of the topic and as
well provides background information on the development of the problem.
The world health organization (WHO) 1971 defined family planning as a way of thinking and living
that is adopted voluntarily upon the basis of knowledge, attitude and responsible decisions by
individuals and couples, in order to ... Show more content on ...
1. Anemia: A reduction below normal in red blood cell in the quantity of hemoglobin. 2. Cardiac
Disease: Disease affecting the heart. 3. Family Planning: It's a birth control–meaning having a child
by choice and not by chance. 4. Hormone: A chemical substance secreted into the blood stream by
an endocrine gland and exalting an effect on some part of the body. 5. Infertile: Inability to
conceive. 6. Mortality Rate: Death rate for 1,000. 7. Renal Disease: Disease affecting the kidney. 8.
Social Norms: Standard, pattern, type (as representative of a group when judging other examples).
CHAPTER TWO REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE The review of related literature will
focus on the following headings.
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Historical Development of Family Planning Overview
2.3 Family Planning in Nigeria
2.4 Benefits of Family Planning
2.5 Method of family planning
2.6 Factors Militating against The Successful Implementation of Family planning
3.1 The methodology for this research will be non–experimental case study design. The researcher
will adopt survey method.
3.2 SETTING This study will be conducted in Dobi town of Gwagwalada area council. The
researcher will briefly describe the town.
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The Importance Of Planning And A Foster Family Essay
T7 extended assignment For my assignment I will be focusing on a child leaving care and going into
a foster home aged 6–7 years old and how this transition will affect that child and what we can do to
help the transition easier to go through. This is a very big transition for a child to go through and this
could affect them in different areas of their development for example they may need to move to a
new area and new school and they may also have to make a new group of friends. I will be focusing
in two key issues which are the importance of planning and I will also be focusing on the important
of working with multi agencies. D1/D2/A1 Planning is very important for the child and the foster
family. The practitioners will need to plan for this transition by carrying out meet up sessions with
the child and the foster family this will help the child as they will be able to more comfortable
around them when the transition happens, but however with older children you may not know that
child will react to different situations. During these meeting many different things could happen for
example the potential foster family can come into the child's school setting and bring things from
their home to show the child what their home is like. The foster family could also invite the child to
days out and other family activities as this will help to get the child involved and comfortable
around all the family. A child may have been out of the family environment for a
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Mexico City Policy Essay
If a health clinic providing basic services to the world's most vulnerable people is withheld the large
amount of foreign assistance that currently comes from the United States government, all diseases
will flourish, including epidemics such as Zika and Ebola (Barry–Jester, 2016). We contribute to
more unstable political environments (Crimm, 2007, p.615) and more refugees that we increasingly
refuse to help when we take away aid that would countries meet the needs of their citizens.
The Mexico City Policy affects the rate and prevalence of HIV/AIDS in a community (AIDS and
abortion policy, 2003). While HIV/AIDS spreads throughout communities, women are
disproportionately burdened with the disease (Gruskin, Roseman, and Ferguson, p.72, 2007). The
gender roles in society often mean that women ... Show more content on ...
If a family loses a family member due to inadequate health care, an unsafe abortion, it can affect the
family's financial stability if she was a breadwinner, if there is no one else to care for children,
and/or if the family is burdened with health care or funeral costs (Harman, 2016, p.526). If the lack
of family planning options, such as birth control, results in more children than a family can support,
not only do their finances suffer, but their overall socio–economic status, including nutrition,
education, and health declines (Guttmacher, 2012).
It has been shown that there is a positive correlation between family planning and a woman's level
of schooling and lower fertility rates (Joshi & Schultz, 2013, p.161). Hypotheses for the decline in
fertility rates are both that higher educated women may have more skills to assess and seek out
contraception, as well as the ability to choose employment over having children (Joshi & Schultz,
2013, p.161). They also may simply be unable to attend school pregnant or must drop out to care for
their children (HIV Prevalence, 2010,
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Planned Parenthood In Chile
Women all over the world are constantly fighting for their rights. People might ask why they
continue fighting if they've been given the same opportunities as men. Although there has been an
improvement for women's rights in the past, they are still facing discrimination and are trying to be
stripped of their reproductive rights. America is seen as the progressive country full of opportunity
that has so much to offer, but since President Trump was elected into office, his election came with
many changes in the US that affected many people, including women. His plan to defund
organizations such as Planned Parenthood raised a huge uproar within the female community. This
also means that Planned Parenthood would be defunded in countries internationally. ... Show more
content on ...
Organizations such as International Planned Parenthood and PROFAMILIA of Colombia helped the
women gain access to these alternative options and also taught safe sex and family planning.
Colombia was typically known for their conservative ways but was fast in accepting these
contraceptives in order to control their population growth and the mortality rates in women and
children. The expansion of PROFAMILIA in Colombia was an improvement that affected younger
women that had access to contraceptives during the time of its involvement in the Colombian
community. If the defunding of Planned Parenthood does happen, it will affect women in the U.S.
but also many other women internationally that have had nothing but improvements since the
partnering of Int. Planned Parenthood and family planning organizations worldwide. It goes to say
that PROFAMILIA helped improve women's reproductive rights and helped develop a clear
understanding of sex education within communities that were unaware of it. Int. Planned Parenthood
also played a big role by providing some funds and partnering with these organizations. The loss of
this funding/partnership will only set these countries back about 50 years into the
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Care For Health Campaign Essay
The care for health campaign was the first family planning promotion to be done in Russia and it
helped increase the use of modern contraceptives by 12%. It was part of the women´s reproductive
health program (WRHP) which involved training of health care providers, advocacy and research.
This intervention resulted in increase in family planning counselling for women, longer continuation
rates of contraceptives and increase in clinic attendance for family planning in the intervention
areas. This program was birthed in 1994 by the US Agency for international development to
improve the health of children and women by promoting the change in the current family planning
communication and service delivery system resulting in a greater ... Show more content on ...
The objectives of a campaign should resonate with the strategy (Myanmar, 2013). This is the point
where one asks questions such as what do I need to do to achieve the overall goal of the campaign?
In this case, one of the campaign objectives was to increase knowledge and positive attitudes
towards modern contraceptives. In so doing, the campaign would be meeting the overall strategy
which was to bring family planning to the public arena and to highlight its importance.
Choosing an age bracket is also essential as one is able to seclude the target audience in order to
make the campaign strategy more effective. The age bracket for women chosen was 18–30. This
was also an appropriate age since it is the prime age for reproduction.
One of the activities done was to disseminate the family planning message through national
television. The airtime was donated by the prime minister then. This was effective as the message
reached women throughout Russia and the neighboring countries. The campaign also used a disco
event to promote family planning communication.
The second reading (A Mainstream Product Continues to Shed its Taboo Past) is a case study about
vibrators which is a very controversial subject particularly in the African nations. It starts with the
history and background of the use of the vibrators. As seen from the reading, hysteria, a female
disease of the uterus was treated by massaging of the genitals. Physicians and midwives
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Family Planning And Its Effects On Women's Status And...
Family planning is the ability for couples to anticipate and achieve their desired number of children
and the spacing of their births. The fertility rate of a country can depend on many factors such as
religion, the social status of women, access to health care and the ideal family size. Successful
family programs aim to change all these things, the effects of these programs are far reaching and
often go beyond what was planned. First world countries don't often need a family planning
program, due to an increase in women's status and education. But third world countries who wish to
keep their population down due to economic, space, or resources issues must implement some form
of family planning. From harsh laws to changing social norms countries across the globe have begun
to see the effects of their programs. Family planning programs can change many aspects of life in
developing countries, the changes they make are effect by many things such as the government's
willingness to support them and current social values. In most cases family planning brings about a
positive change in the communities it effects.
China 's famous family planning programs started in 1962, family planning policies varying from
province to province. As described in Family Planning Policy in China: Measurement and Impact on
Fertility the general policy was no more than three children and mainly promoted through political
and social movements. in 1971 the family planning became uniform across the
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Planned Parenthood : A Program That Has Been Servicing...
Planned Parenthood a program that has been servicing communities for over 100 years by providing
sexual health care and preventative services for women and men is going to be possibly defunded by
the government according to "the Grand Old Party", or Republican Party. In an order to avoid
government a shutdown in efforts to save federal funding, the government will defund Planned
Parenthood for one year to create financial savings. According to the Washington Post, "Planned
Parenthood receives about $500 million annually from the government (Paquette, 2015, p.1)". The
bill that is subject to pass by the government, "prohibits for a one–year period, the availability of
federal funds for any purpose to Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. or any of its
affiliates or clinics, unless they certify that the affiliates and clinics will not perform, and will not
provide any funds to any other entity that performs, an abortion during such period. The restriction
will not apply in cases of rape or incest or where a physical condition endangers a woman's life
unless an abortion is performed (H.R.3134 – 114th Congress, 2015–2016)." As stated underneath
the mission of the Planned Parenthood website, "Planned Parenthood is proud of its vital role in
providing young people with honest sexuality and relationship information in classrooms and online
to help reduce our nation's alarmingly high rates of teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted
infections. Planned Parenthood
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Why India Started Implementing Family Planning Practices
With a current population of 1.252 billion people, it's easy to tell why India started implementing
family planning practices. Overpopulation was starting to affect India when they gained
independence from England (Rubenstein, 2014). The Planning Commission was set up in 1950 to
address all needs of the country and to decide the best way to use resources. The decline in death
rate and growth of birth rate left the country no choice but to find a way to slow down the growth.
This led to another branch of the Planning Commission being created in 1952 with the
implementation of the National Family Planning Program in order to aide the country from such
"societal ills as hunger, poverty, and national economic distress," which were all believed ... Show
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The whole of the country would have to adopt the idea of a smaller family as ideal in order for the
program to work. This led to an "extension education approach" which adopted to inform families of
contraceptive practices and to provide services to aide in these choices. Following the first plans
summary of what was needed to achieve the goals of the commission, the Second Five–Year Plan
aimed to promote family planning to the population as a whole. The objective was the stabilization
of the population to replacement level. Free or subsidized family planning services were provided
during this period to further the objectives of the program. Clinics were enacted where family
planning services were established and sterilization procedures were to take place on a voluntary
basis. The Third Five–Year Plan enacted many changes to the previous years. Voluntary sterilization
was enacted and efforts for family planning were intensified through widespread awareness
(Koenig, 2013). The emergency period from 1975–1977 led to legislation being passed to attack the
problem of population growth. It was made compulsory for families to stop childbearing after three
children during
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A Research Study On Unintended Pregnancy
Literature Review
Unintended pregnancy is a great concern in the U.S. with "half of all pregnancies are unintended
and unintended pregnancy....(is) highly concentrated among low–income women" (Frost, J.J.,
Sonfield, A., Zolna, M.R., & Finer, L.B., 2014). The goal of family planning services is to help
reduce that number, and also reduce the economic and health risks associated with unplanned
pregnancy. The benefits of family planning services provided by the government are the
preventative health services that are provided, and the cost savings from the reduction of birth
related costs.
Better Programs, Better Outcomes
One key way to reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies is through the implementation of
comprehensive family planning programs, and increasing access to these services. The research
conducted for this study compared rates of unintended pregnancy in similar countries and focused
on how contraceptive and family planning care differed in those countries. Bongaarts (2014)
researched how family planning programs can improve the care of patients whose reproductive
health needs were not being me. Bongaarts explains that programs reduce unmet family planning
needs by "reducing obstacles to use and by providing access to contraceptive methods and
services.... (thus) producing a rise in the demand for contraception....". The author goes on to explain
that the implementation of family planning programs, and the increase " modern contraceptives"
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Fertility, Family Planning and Income
Fertility is one of the main issues discussed when talking about the demography of the United
States. The U.S. economy plays a rather large role in the rising and falling patterns of the country's
fertility rate. In many past occurrences of economic hardship in the country fertility levels had
decreased. One of the main reasons for that being in times of financial struggle, men and women are
less likely to want to have children. Being able to support a family is already a difficult task but
when people are getting laid off from jobs, unemployment rates are increasing, and the economy is
struggling many people can barely afford to buy necessities for themselves never mind for an entire
family. An extended decrease in fertility levels could ... Show more content on ...
The remaining four articles are scholarly, peer–reviewed articles that I found related to my topic.
The article "The Economic Explanation of Fertility Changes in the United States" from volume 25
of Population Studies was published by Alan Sweezy. This was a very informative article about the
most common explanation of fertility changes. That being when the economy is stable, fertility will
be high, and when it is not, fertility will be low. This article is useful to my paper because of how it
relates economical factors to the issue of fertility. The author includes charts relating the total
fertility rate to the gnp per capita using information from the U.S. Bureau of the Consensus. This
provides me with more concrete evidence and the numbers to show that the economy does in fact
alter the rate of fertility in the United States.
My second article was from the chapter on Human Capital, Fertility, and Economic Growth from
"Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis with Special Reference to Education (3rd
Edition)" written by Gary S. Becker. The author makes some good points about how human capital,
fertility, and economic growth are all intertwined and he provides very detailed charts and formulas
to prove his thesis. I thought his research was useful in proving my own thesis that fertility rates are
influenced in some way by the economy of a country. The author explains that men and
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Assets Remain In The Family: Proper Estate Planning
When it comes to estate planning, having a trusted legal advocate by your side is essential to
achieving the best possible results for your case. In Cincinnati, Attorney William G. Massa provides
clients with the legal guidance they need to make informed decisions about their estate plans. This
includes advising on wills, naming executors, and numerous other related issues.
No matter your age or the amount of assets you possess, creating a solid estate plan is a must. These
documents cover a range of important topics that can have a huge impact on your family's future.
Accordingly, implementing an estate plan provides many benefits, including:
Ensuring Assets Remain In The Family: Proper estate planning, such as the creation of wills and
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Family Planning And Poverty
The mainstreaming of the family planning agenda in many countries over the decades has been
accompanied by increased researcher interest in the subject, with a lot of research attention being
focused on the link between family planning and poverty. Empirical research studies using standard
economic models have demonstrated that increased access to family planning services is associated
with lower rates of poverty. This effect has been posited as occurring through a number of channels.
The first channel is the family size channel. As per this channel, increased access to family planning
reduces the number of children per family, which results into parents devoting more time and
resources per child, and occasioning higher per–child investment that should lead to material decline
in household poverty (Bailey, Malkova and McLaren, 2013). The second channel is the household
income channel. Here, increased access to family planning services helps to free up more resources,
which can then be invested in the improvement of the human capital of the parents. For instance,
delaying parenthood can enable the soon to be parents to pursue further education, gain more work
experience, or enroll for further job training, and thus raise their lifetime earnings levels (Bailey,
Malkova and Norling, 2014). For instance, Bailey, Hershbein, and Miller (2012) demonstrated that
women who had access to the pill were able to delay motherhood and to invest in their careers,
resulting in higher wage
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A Study On African American Family Discussions With Their...

  • 1. A Study On African American Family Discussions With Their... Akers, Borrero, Corbie–Smith, and Schwarz (2010) discussed the results of a study completed on African American family discussions with their adolescent children regarding family planning and contraception. The authors found this study important due to the extremely high rates of pregnancy in black adolescents, and suggests one of the solutions to this issue would be the communication between the parents are the children (Akers, Borrero, Corbie–Smith, & Schwarz, 2010). The families were chosen for this study by responding to advertisement (flyers, and ads) in the community to attend one study session where they filled out a self–administered questionnaire, and participated in a focus group. The families were only eligible to participate in the study if the children were between the ages of 15–17, and one biological parent or legal guardian agreed to participate (Akers, Borrero, Corbie–Smith, & Schwarz, 2010). The study completed in this article was conducted in Allegheny County, in western Pennsylvania with members of 53 African American families that included 51 mothers, 17 fathers, 37 daughters and 20 sons (Akers, Borrero, Corbie– Smith, & Schwarz, 2010). Also, there were four focus groups broken down between mothers, fathers, adolescent males and adolescent females, and they were scheduled to be held simultaneously on each of five dates scheduled between December 2007 and March 2008 (Akers, Borrero, Corbie–Smith, & Schwarz, 2010). The results of the study displayed a ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Pros And Cons Of International Family Planning Before reading chapter 8 I had no idea what international family planning really was, and I have a feeling I'm not the only one who didn't. I believe that if most people knew what internationally family planning was and what it really meant then then there would be a lot more people angry with the decision to stop all funding to UNFPA. This organization does so much for everyone around the world like, advises governments on family planning, reducing poverty, reproductive health, and many other ways. The United States apparently stopped funding this program because it supposedly "supports or participates in the management of a program of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization". The UNFPA actually posted a statement on their official website denying the claim and stating that "all of its work promotes the human rights of individuals and couples to make their own decisions, free of coercion or discrimination". I don't think people or even the president knows how negative of an impact denying future funds to the UNFPA is going to effect the world. I believe that if our president Donald Trump had taken the time to learn about UNFPA and what they stand for then maybe he wouldn't have stopped all funding. This decision has made not only the women within the United States feel like they don't have a say in their reproductive rights but, it also makes it look like we don't care about the reproductive rights of any woman in any nation. The United States not supporting family ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Contraceptive Methods For Women And Contraception Women make up half of the world's population, yet many do not have access to resources that would improve their lives. Family planning, which allows people to attain their desired number of children and determine the spacing of their pregnancies, is achieved through the use of contraceptive methods. The promotion of family planning is vital to female autonomy, and also helps support the development of communities. Access to contraception, the deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy as a consequence of sexual intercourse, varies across the world. However, according to the World Health Organization, an estimated 225 million women in developing countries would "like to delay or stop childbearing but are ... Show more content on ... Divided into groups ranging from 1 to 5, one being the highest equality and 5 being the lowest, states from group 3 and higher have greater gender equality than states in groups 4 and 5. The "Trends in Contraceptive Use Worldwide 2015" report from the United Nations will be used to estimate contraceptive prevalence by any method, the unmet need for family planning, and the demand for family planning satisfied with modern methods, as well as the specific contraceptive type for married or in–union women aged 15–49. Using these two reports, the level of gender equality in each state will be assessed in relation to the states' achievement of good governance. One may question: what are the benefits of family planning? To answer this question, an article posted to the United Nations Population Fund website summarizes the benefits of family planning in the well– being of women, families, and economies. It reads, "a new study by the Guttmacher Institute has confirmed that women's ability to use contraceptives, and to determine whether and when to have children, enhances their education and employment chances." In summary, contraceptive use will lead to educational attainment, workplace participation, and economic stability, as it allowed more young women to obtain at least some college education, leading to more participation in the labor force and to pursue advanced professional degrees, as well as increasing women's earning power, decreasing the gender ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. America's Family Planning Programs The Governments notions of modern family differs from the local's traditional ideals of family .In order to change the local culture from having traditionally larger families for social security, to smaller ones, governments implement a national family planning program. Family planning programs are most commonly applied to areas with high birth rates such as China, India and java in Indonesia, in attempt to lower population, however, in the case of Greece's family planning, it aims to reduce women's abortion rates. In many countries, governments have ulterior motives for reducing population, some are positive, aiming to increase women's health but most commonly the case is that families only provide economical benefits and development for the country. A decline in population means that the government can invest more "per capita in education and health, thus creating the human capital for sustained economic growth" (S. Sinding, 08). The Government "planned population numbers in the same way it planned the production of goods" (Anders, 2014), which resulted in physical and emotional turmoil for families across the world. Countries differ in conventional family criteria, however the quintessential modern family consists, health and social wellbeing of relations and the belief that having a child results in social security and happiness. Family culture in certain countries has been damaged due to past coercive interfering with family planning, as governments try and mold local ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Analysis : Rust V. Sullivan Rust v. Sullivan In May of 1991, America experienced the Supreme Court make a five justice majority decision to uphold the Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) regulations on prohibiting recipients of Title X funds from counseling patients regarding abortion, finding that this condition did not violate the recipients ' First Amendment right to freedom of speech (Stan L. Rev. 1). Prior to Rust v. Sullivan, Roe v. Wade stood as the foundational case for all abortion cases to come. Roe v. Wade initiated that a woman's right to be free of government interference in deciding whether to have ab abortion does not imply a right to have the government subsidize that procedure. However, in Rust v. Sullivan, we are dealing with the first time the government has decided to deprive pregnant women of factually correct and medically necessary information. Chief Justice Rehnquist delivered the majority opinion addressing that the gag rule stands with the support of his claim: "The government is not denying a benefit to anyone, but is instead simply insisting that the public funds be sent for the purposes for which they were authorized." This case brings forward major controversy making a claim that the denying of counseling regarding abortion to pregnant women can be harmful to their health and a violation of their rights stated in the First and Fifth Amendment. In 1988, the Secretary of Health and Human services, Linus W. Sullivan, promulgated new regulations to preserve the ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Planning For Non Traditional Families Worldview Position Paper Planning for non–traditional families is becoming more of an issue as the homosexual rights agenda spreads across America. This issue comes from redefining the family. "The legal chaos and moral chaos as well that comes from redefining the family, is also referred to as the homosexual agenda and has far reaching impacts." Rodney Chrisman, Legal Chaos: Relating to Redefining the Family (2011). The homosexual agenda has unique concerns when creating an estate plan. From Christian worldview estate planning for these non–traditional families become a tough issue at first glance but when treated by using instruction from the bible can become just as easy as estate planning for traditional families by acting with respect and love as well as to plan accordingly and take note of the state's guidelines for non–traditional families. Estate planning is for everyone not just the wealthy and traditional, and if one does not plan and have their wishes written down then the state will plan and disburse assets according to each states laws and statutes. When a client first walks into the office the paralegal must treat him as a client. For a Christian estate planner this step can become difficult with non–traditional families, however, the bible is very clear on how to treat others. Paralegals should treat non–traditional families with the same love and grace that God has shown to all. All of us are sinners. "Honor as a person made in the image of God." Rodney ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Planned Parenthood : Parenthood, Family Planning, And... As you may have heard, Planned Parenthood is what the government officials are talking about recently. The Republicans want to take away the government funding for Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is an organization that does scientific research and offers advice on contraception, family planning, and reproductive problems. Currently, the government funds the organization with the tax payer's dollars. (Planned Parenthood at a Glance, 2014.) I am going to explain the history of the problem, the arguments, the opinions of experts and give why I am interested in this topic. Planned Parenthood is a nonprofit organization that does scientific research into and offers advice on contraception, family planning, and reproductive problems. The organization is also known for offering legal abortion options. (Planned Parenthood at a Glance, 2014.) Recently, a video was released of Planned Parenthood showing the employees talking about selling the fetal tissue from the abortions. The organization is funded by taxpayers dollars, which caused many people to be not happy about the video. The situation caused Congress to question if Planned Parenthood should continue to be funded by the government. (Earll, C. 2015). Defunding this organization would cause many problems for men and women. There are people in our society who cannot afford the correct healthcare they need. The government funding of Planned Parenthood helps low–income families. Planned Parenthood originated in 1916 by ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Improving Access For Voluntary Family Planning More than 200 million women in developing countries who want to avoid or delay pregnancy are not using family planning. These women have an unmet need that can result in unintended pregnancies, unsafe abortions, poor health, and strains on families and economies. Improving access to voluntary family planning could mitigate these challenges and lead to a host of other benefits. (Source 22, 23, 25). Given the potential of family planning for far reaching health, development, and economic gains, governments and their development partners should consider strengthening efforts and looking for new ways to increase the uptake and quality of family planning services. To this effect, the main program approaches that led to increases in contraceptive use included development approaches and supply–side interventions. This attention to rigor of family planning evaluations will increase accountability, improve program decision making, and in the end, improve maternal and infant health outcomes. (Source 12) As revealed in various reports both demand–and supply –side interventions were found to be generally successful in increasing knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and discussions around family planning as well as increasing contraceptive use. These impacts are often a result of programs that have taken into account the importance of various approaches to reaching women and couples with family planning products and services, providing quality information and service delivery, addressing ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Population and Family Planning Policy in India Population and Family Planning Policy in India Population growth has long been a concern of the government, and India has a lengthy history of explicit population policy. In the 1950s, the government began, in a modest way, one of the earliest national, government–sponsored family planning efforts in the developing world. The annual population growth rate in the previous decade (1941 to 1951) had been below 1.3 percent, and government planners optimistically believed that the population would continue to grow at roughly the same rate. Implicitly, the government believed that India could repeat the experience of the developed nations where industrialization and a rise in the standard of living had been accompanied by a drop in the ... Show more content on ... However, much was learned about policy and practice from the Jamkhed Project. The successful use of women's clubs as a means of involving women in community–wide family planning activities impressed the state government to the degree that it set about organizing such clubs in every village in the state. The project also serves as a pilot to test ideas that the government wants to incorporate into its programs. Government medical staff members have been sent to Jamkhed for training, and the government has proposed that the project assume the task of selecting and training government health workers for an area of 2.5 million people. Another important family planning program is the Project for Community Action in Family Planning. Located in Karnataka, the project operates in 154 project villages and 255 control villages. All project villages are of sufficient size to have a health subcenter, although this advantage is offset by the fact that those villages are the most distant from the area's primary health centers. As at Jamkhed, the project is much assisted by local voluntary groups, such as the women's clubs. The local voluntary groups either provide or secure sites suitable as distribution depots for condoms and birth control pills and also make arrangements for the operation of sterilization camps. Data provided by the Project for Community Action in Family Planning show that important achievements have been realized in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Why Contraception And Not Only Natural Family Planning... Thesis: I will discuss why contraception and not only Natural Family Planning should be allowed by the Catholic Church because it helps prevents sexually transmitted infections and diseases and prevents millions of unwanted children from being born and then abandoned every year. Different forms of contraception have existed for hundreds of years, dating back to the Roman Empire. It was not until the 1950's that a progesterone pill, synthesized from wild yams was created which could block ovulation (Gibson). In 1960, the United States Food and Drug Administration approved Enovid, an oral contraceptive pill (Gibson). The creation of this pill marked the biggest change in how contraceptive was viewed and its potential in American history. Even though other forms of contraception existed, those were more directed for male use only. This was one of the few methods that females could take and that actually worked. By 1965, almost 6.5 million women in America were on this method of contraceptive, which is most commonly known as the pill. At the time, state laws prohibited the use of contraceptives until 1965 when the Supreme Court unbanned these laws. The Catholic Church began to weight into this phenomenon and after the Supreme Court allowed the use of this method as safe and effective for couples, everyone thought the Church would accept it and allow individuals to make the decision about contraceptive for themselves. Unfortunately, in 1968 Paul IV released Humanae Vitae. In this ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Differences Between Latin America Latin America is one region of the world known for its similarities across national borders, paired with stark differences. While Latin American countries share cultural elements such as, language, religion, and a colonial history, each society has developed differently in terms of political, economic, and social organization. One major difference across Latin America is individual nations relationships with family planning and abortion systems. Each country 's stance on the morality of abortion, contraception, reproduction, and sexuality, differs from its neighbors and the region at large. In some cases the difference is visible within national borders, such as in Mexico, where abortion is only legal inside the capital city (Fondo Maria). In other cases the countries themselves are homogenous in law, but differ greatly from the legal positions of their neighbors. Due to such variation it is impossible to claim that Latin America as a whole aligns with one attitude concerning family planning and abortion. Additionally, both systems are simultaneously present in countries creating a complex and intriguing system of reproductive health. Due to this variety, this paper focuses on Chile and Cuba as examples of two opposing extremes. In Cuba abortion is legal under all circumstances as compared to Chile, where abortion was historically criminalized. These two country 's situations ask the question of how family planning programs and abortion rates connect with and influence one ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Family Planning And Birth Control Family planning is one of the most important choices women or couples can end up deciding on. When it comes to family planning, timing is pretty much everything. There are some instances when women have a hard time deciding if they are physically and mentally prepared to bring a child into this world. This is when pregnancy options come into play, such as whether or not to raise a child, to what birth control to take, and if abortion or adoption is an option that they might consider. However, when women are faced with that uncertainty of becoming a mother the topic of birth control is typically addressed when family planning. Throughout the ages, birth control methods have evolved in order to provide women with the ability to effectively prevent pregnancy. There are in fact many different varieties of birth control that help prevent unwanted pregnancies and that don't ultimately interfere with the physiological changes that occur within a woman's body. " The variety of the available birth control methods and devices allows identification of methods of varying degrees of effectiveness, mechanism ( preventing fertilization–fusion of egg cell and sperm or preventing implantation of a fertilized egg cell), and interference with physiological changes that occur in the female body (natural birth control methods and artificial methods of contraception)" (Kulesza, Dobrzycka, Sobieranska, Korzeniecka & Terlikowski, 2014) Birth control doesn't just involve wearing a condom, using the ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Family Background And History That May Affect Planning And... FAMILY UPDATE Family Background Describe relevant family background and history that may affect planning and service provision for this family. Ms. Goodall was adoptive as a child. She reports that she knows some of her family on her biological side of the family, but not communicates with them on regular bases. However, Ms. Goodall seems to not get along with her adoptive parents. She still resides in the home even though there is an order protection against her adoptive father, Mr. Goodall. Ms. Goodall is currently engaged as a home health aide and also receives some financial support from her boyfriend, Mr. Ruby. Case Update Summarize the key family events, services, and casework activities since the last Family Assessment and Service Plan. Include legal activities, if any. Reason for Referral/ Presenting Problem/ Mandated Services Ms. Goodall walked into HDWC on 02/11/2015 for assistance. She was referred by ACS Community Representative. She requested for assistance to address her concerns of childcare for Myan, housing, early intervention, and mental health services to address her bi–polar and depression to address problems within her family. Ms. Goodall admits to discontinuing mental health services, including her prior prescribed medication. In addition, engaging in substance abuse while pregnant with Myan. Living Environment Ms. Goodall living situation is not stable. She at first did not have any place to stay for herself and her daughter, Myan. ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Human Consumption Is Depleting The Earth 's Natural... Human consumption is depleting the Earth 's natural resources and impairing the capacity of life– supporting ecosystems. Humans have changed ecosystems more rapidly and extensively over the past 50 years than during any other period, primarily to meet increasing demands for food, fresh water, timber, fibre and fuel. Such consumption, together with world population increasing from 2.6 billion in 1950 to 6.8 billion in 2009, are major contributors to environmental damage.(Human population growth and the demographic transition). Strengthening family–planning services is crucial to slowing population growth, now 85 million annually,(Essential Environment, Human Population,page 118) and limiting population size to 9.2 billion by 2050. Otherwise, birth rates could remain unchanged, and world population would grow to 11 billion.(Essential Environment, Human Population,page 120). Indonesia is the 4th most populated country on the planet, making up 3.49% of the earths population, behind China, India and US ( World Population). Indonesia's population is expected to grow to 271. 1 million in 2020 and 305.6 million in 2035, and the question is can the future Indonesia sustain this demographic burden (Indonesia 's population growth: A demographic bonus or Burden)? Of particular concern are addressing the issues of adolescent pregnancy as UN's 2010 World Population Prospects estimated that 1.7 million women and girls under the age of 24 give birth annually in Indonesia and almost half a ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Poverty And Poverty Contraception, Population, and Poverty As the world population grows new concerns arise due to the needs of a larger and larger populace. In an attempt to prevent further damage and decline in demographic progress, as well as environmental degradation, increased access to effective family planning and contraceptives for women has, and will continue to assist dramatically in decreasing population growth and unwanted pregnancies, which, in turn, leads to a decline in poverty. Lack of access to proper family planning and contraception is a major contributor to much of the poverty and environmental blight that our world is challenged with minimizing. To begin, data shown in studies in Bangladesh and Ghana proved conclusively that when rates of fertility decreased due to family planning, women were more successful in their careers. According to David Canning of The Lancet, "Improvements in reproductive health and access to family planning can benefit the economy by improving general health and reducing fertility... Access to family planning not only reduces total fertility, but also reduces the numbers of high–risk births for women... Contraceptive use can also improve birth spacing, which can further benefit the health of mothers and children, reducing maternal and child mortality" (Canning). With an increased availability of family planning services shown in these studies, women were capable of spacing out pregnancy, providing time for them to further their education, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Family Planning Introduction Family planning is the planning of when to have children, and the use of birth control and other techniques to implement such plans. Other techniques commonly used include sexuality education, prevention and management of sexually transmitted infections, pre–conception counseling and management, and infertility management. Family planning is sometimes used in the wrong way also as a synonym for the use of birth control, though it often includes more. It is most usually applied to a female–male couple who wish to limit the number of children they have and/or to control the timing of pregnancy (also known as spacing children). Family planning may encompass sterilization, as well as abortion. The Centers for Disease Control ... Show more content on ... The Catholic Church teaches the necessity of responsible parenthood and correct family planning (one child at a time depending on one's circumstances), while at the same time teaching that large families are a sign of God's blessings. It teaches that modern natural family planning, a method of fertility awareness, is in accord with God's design, as couples give themselves to each other as they are. The RH bill intends to help couples to have government funded access to artificial contraception methods as well. Definition of Terms Presentation of Data A. Features of Family Planning Family planning includes all methods of birth control, from the pill to condoms, Intrauterine Devices (IUD), injectable hormonal contraceptives, and diaphragms, caps and spermicides. Depending on the area, family planning may also refer to methods used to terminate a pregnancy or possible pregnancy, such as abortion and emergency contraception. Family planning may also refer to surgical sterilization methods, including vasectomies and tubal ligation; and to non–surgical methods of sterilization such as ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Family Planning A Vacation In A Good Man Is Hard To Find "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" is a short story about family planning a vacation. Everyone wants to go to Florida except the grandmother's wants to go to Tennessee. She told the family to not go to Florida by saying there is a killer by the name The Misfit "Here is the fellow that calls himself The Misfit is aloose from the Federal Pen and headed to Florida"(O'Connor 616). However the son Bailey, his wife, and the three children ignore her and they go to Florida. Grandmother took her cat with her, but she didn't tell them and she hid it under her seat. The traveling was the same as with traveling with children, they play and sometime, they fight. Then the family stops to eat at "The Tower". After that grandmother starts talking with the owner ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Women and Family Planning The proper place of a woman was a prime subject throughout the nineteenth century. In previous centuries women were known as housewives; they were to remain home to cook, clean, and reproduce. Woman had to justify their relationship to their natural environment and the medical field seemed to be just that. Ladies who took on this new line of work argued that they were extending their expected roles as mothers and sisters. Nursing and other medical occupations became easy to defend. Despite all odds, woman began contributing to the medical field in the twentieth century by advancing in family planning, science, and nursing. The field of medicine offered an unusual change to women beyond what society knew. Women were always and forever will be a specialist in family planning for they are by nature the only sex capable of childbearing. In later centuries children were birthed to assist in farming, fielding, etc., but as the world began to develop , so did the family. No longer were children needed for the listed specifications. The economy became an adjustment and population was increasing abnormally. Margret Sanger (1879–1966) devoted her life to legalizing methods of birth control for woman and opened the first birth control clinic in 1916.She once said that "No woman can call herself free who does not control her own body". Due to Sanger's efforts and dedication the private use of contraceptives was ruled a constitution right in 1965 by the Supreme Court. Her achievement now ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Mexico City Policy Current Event Mexico City Policy Current Event The Mexico City Policy, also known by opponents as "The Global Gag Rule", was originally introduced as an executive order by president Ronald Reagan in 1984. The policy was made to withhold U.S. family planning, funding and assistance from foreign NGOs (non–profits) that include reproductive health organizations and included private hospitals and clinics that perform or publicize abortions. "In countries where abortion is permitted, the policy prohibits health workers at NGOs that receive U.S. funding from offering abortion as an option or referring women to a provider" (PAI). The Mexico City Policy had exceptions for those who had abortions done in response to rape, incest, or life–threatening conditions. When active, this policy could erase any progress made by the women that lack access to today 's modern contraceptives. "The global gag rule forces organizations to prioritize which communities they want to serve: women seeking abortions or all other women, children and families" (Jones, 2004). This policy was then revoked by President Obama in 2009. Currently, supporters are making sure that in the future presidents, like Trump, can't rescind the policy without Congress. It was originally thought to be a way to control the world's growing population by saying abortion is the same thing as family planning. This is not true. The organization Pathfinder International, who is a global leader in ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Prenatal Pregnancy And The Fertility Regulating Methods Conclusion Considerable numbers of females are at threat of repetitive pregnancy with grave health and social burdens to the mothers and their babies. The main focus in this study was the assessment of knowledge and performance of females attending the family health unit towards the fertility regulating methods, cautilizes of approval and refusal towards these methods, and identifying the most common social obstacles. So we prepared suggestions for solving these problems and encourage female to utilize contraception methods. There was an association between contraception utilize and some socio–demographic characters. Contraception utilization was significantly increased with decreasing age of wives, occupation of wives and their husbands, higher educational level of wives and their husbands, and higher socio economic classes. There was an association between contraceptive utilize and some obstetric characters. Contraceptive utilization was significantly increased with increased no. of female pgregnancies, and increased no. of living children. It was increased among females had both male & female children, and decreased among females having one sex of children, especially female children. The duration of marriage affects greatly the type of utilized contraceptive methods. IUD was preferred in latest married wives, while injections were preferred in older married females. Local methods not utilized ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Birth Control In African American Women Perhaps one of the most pressing issues faced by women in Many African countries today are the many barriers preventing them from having access to sexual health and family planning services. "The World Health Organization (WHO) defines family planning as "the ability of individuals and couples to anticipate and attain their desired number of children and the spacing and timing of their births. It is achieved through use of contraceptive methods and the treatment of involuntary infertility" (Tessema, Gizachew Assefa, 2). By examining the causes of what is preventing women in areas Africa from taking control of their sexual health, and the number of children they wish to have, possible solutions can be contrived. In Kenya for example, "20.9 percent ... Show more content on ... "Male Attitudes to Family Planning in the Era of HIV/AIDS: Evidence from Kwazulu–Natal, South Africa." Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 27, no. 2, June 2001, pp. 245–257. EBSCOhost, Okonofua, Friday. "Defining a New Pathway for Family Planning in Africa After 2014." African Journal of Reproductive Health, vol. 18, no. 3, Sept. 2014, pp. 9–14. EBSCOhost, Ouagadougou: Qualitative Results." International Perspectives on Sexual & Reproductive Health, vol. 40, no. 2, June 2014, pp. 87–94. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1363/4008 SCHLANGER, ZOË, and ELIJAH WOLFSON. "Too Many People." Newsweek Global 163.25 (2014): 30–41. Business Source Complete. Web. 26 Nov. 2016.714. Schürenberg–Frosch, Hannah. "Improving on Africa's roads–Modeling infrastructure investment and its effect on subsistence agriculture." (2010). "Sustainable Development Goals." UNDP. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2017. Tessema, Gizachew Assefa, et al. "Factors Determining Quality of Care in Family Planning Services in Africa: A Systematic Review of Mixed Evidence." Plos ONE, vol. 11, no. 11, 03 Nov. 2016, pp. 1–23. EBSCOhost, Walker, Judith–Ann. "Early marriage in Africa–Trends, harmful effects and interventions." African journal of reproductive health 16.2 (2012): ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Planning A Family Trip Planning a family trip is appealing and a bit stressful, but that is all washed away once the journey commences because you are with family and friends. And the thought of enjoying the trip alone never crosses your mind. Additionally, the odds of ending up in a somewhat seedy location is not top of mind. In consideration, a significant portion of the of discussion and planning is based on the needs of your family. However, the same process of planning a solo trip is not nearly the same thing, and if you are a female solo traveler, there are some additional tips and tricks to consider before booking your next trip. Earlier this year, for example, several popular sites including and published safety tip–focused articles detailing experiences from other solo female travelers. The U.S. State Department also issued a list of countries this year which included Mexico, and Egypt among others that were placed with travel alerts, to warn travelers overall of what to expect. Per the U.S. State Department travel warnings are issued, "for short–term events we think you should know about when planning travel to a country. Examples of reasons for issuing a travel alert might include an election season that is bound to have many strikes, demonstrations, or disturbances; a health alert like an outbreak of H1N1; or evidence of an elevated risk of terrorist attacks. When these short–term events are over, we cancel the Travel Alert." Additionally, found ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Ethiopi A Country That Is Not Very Better? 6. Ethiopia Throughout our lives we tend to focus in the people that surround us, people in our neighborhood, city and country. We might know a few facts about different countries, but 90% of the information that we think we know is from movies, television, school, books, etc; it means that we are probably very far away from the reality. We live in a bubble were we think that everyone else has a life not very different from ours. You might hear about hunger, diseases or political issues in other countries but it doesn't mean anything important for you and it's just an idea in your head of how life is in that very far away place. In this part, we are going to discuss a country that is not very fortunate. It stands above other poor countries and considered to be the poorest in the world. Ethiopia is one of the least developed countries in the world, also facing with many social and economic problems. Ethiopians are distressing from the absence of basic needs of life, such as food, health care, housing, education, and a safe and healthy environment. One of their biggest problems is that the population is growing very fast, which means a big problem when it comes to having enough food. The population is growing by 3% each year and approximately 45% of the population is below the ages of 18. One of the main causes of hunger in the country is due to the drought (period of dry weather). Many parts of this country have been affected from lack of rain for four straight ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. The Natural Family Planning ( Safe Period ) 3– Natural family planning ( safe period): Natural family planning is one of the most widely utilized means of birth control, espicially for those whom their religion or their cultural beliefs do not authorize devices or drugs for birth control. This method includes periodic abstinence, to avoid intercourse during a female 's fertile period, which is around the time of ovulation. Determination of the fertile period involve the calendar method, cervical mucus method, or the symptothermal method technique. The calendar method is based on 3 hypotheses as follows: The human ovum can be fertilized only for approximately 24 hours after ovulation, spermatozoa can maintain their ability of fertilizing for only 48 hours after coitus, and ovulation usually occurs 12–16 days before the onset of the subsequent menestruation. The menses is recorded for 6 cycles to estimate the fertile period. The earliest day of the fertile period is calculated by the number of days in the shortest menstrual cycle subtracted by 18. The latest day of the fertile period is assessed by the number of days in the longest cycle subtracted by 11. * Efficacy: The failure rate in typical utilization is estimated to be approximately 25%. * Advantages: No adverse effects from hormones occur. This may be the only method acceptable to couples for cultural or religious beliefs. Immediate return to fertility occurs with termination of utilization. * Disadvantages: This is most suitable for female with standard and ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. China's One Child Policy China ends its one child policy. well, ending a an unpopular and draconian population control policy is certainly cause for celebration. The one child policy was never supposed to be a permanent thing. it was established in 1979 after a huge population boom in China. After the communist party began its rule in 1949, the population of China almost doubled in 30 years. And this wasn't a coincidence . Mao ZeDong encourage people to have lots of kids. That's partially because he was concerned about nuclear war. He said in 1957 speech that it didn't matter if half of China's population was killed, because there were so many people, they could just repopulate. At the time, the Communist Party even banned birth control. But eventually ,officials ... Show more content on ... a photo of fine with her stillborn baby went viral on social media, causing an outcry agains family planning enforcement. fang live in a rural area, so she should have been able to have a second child. However, she had not applied for a birth permit before getting pregnant. She was fined because she did not have a birth permit and because she could not pay for the fine, government ask her to abort the child. Under the one child policy , there have been more than 330 million abortion and almost 200 million sterilizations. If Feng's daughter had been born, she would not be able to get a residence permit.It means that she could not go to school, get a job, and even go to the doctor.There are 6.5 million undocumented Chinese in the exact situation. Is change the one child policy will be a good thing? It looks like family planning commissions will still exist to enforce the two child policy and a the big reason is money. A lot of local government make a substantial part of their revenue from family planning fines, especially in poorer areas. there;s even saying that for money, " big cities depend on land, small towns depend on birth planning." Some estimate that fines have made more than 300 billion dollars since the one– child policy ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. The Importance Of Planning, And Intervening With Families... Introduction This case study is on assessing, planning, and intervening with families. During these type of cases, one must be familiar with the general practice with individuals, families, groups, and communities. It is important to have good communication skills, critical thinking, tolerance, setting boundaries, emotional intelligence and organization skills. There are many skills needed when working on cases. Assessment The Sanchez family came unstable. Maria and Tony lived with their parents both mom and father. Unfortunate Maria and Tony parents were in an automobile accident that cause their life to be unstable; both parents died upon impact. Maria and Tony father was the driver and he were drinking heavily. Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez, age 77 and 68, took on the responsibility of raising Maria and Tony. This case study will also have a treatment/service plan, case/care management and intervention plan. Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez, Lost their daughter and son–in–law to an automobile accident. Mr. Sanchez worked at the post office for many years, but now is retired. Mrs. Sanchez work now to help supplement their income by cleaning apartments. Mr. Sanchez and Mrs. Sanchez has two others children, but they not in position to take on the parenting responsibilities care of Tony and Maria. Mr. Sanchez and Mrs. Sanchez have transitioned from grandparents into the parent role for Maria and Tony which is their grandchildren. Since taken on the parent role of Maria ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Family Planning Methods Many women in developing countries do not have access to services like family planning, antenatal care and delivery by a trained personnel (WHO, 2007). For example, in a country like Uganda, only 30 percent of married women from the age of 15 to 49 use modern family planning methods (Salwa Bitar & McKenzie Lamborne, 2014). Low rates of maternal health service utilisation in sub–Saharan Africa have also been attributed to the unequal gender relations arising from religious beliefs, teachings and practices and cultural influences (Katherine Marshall, 2013; UNAIDS, 2014; International Community of women living with HIV/AIDS, 2004; J.K. Ganle, 2015; Booth D& Cammack D, 2013). The low levels of commitment to protecting women's health in many ... Show more content on ... With this background, scholars Yadamsuren B et al. (2010), Widmer M et al. (2011), and institutions like the World Bank (1993) and the UN Global Strategy for Women's and Children's Health (WHO, 2010) argue that for countries to experience improvements in women's access to quality maternal healthcare, there is need for strong partnership between the public health care sector and the private sector particularly FBOs (Gill Z. et al., 2008; Widmer M et al. 2011; Gill Z et al. 2008). It is against this background that I explore the different actors/providers of maternal and general healthcare in developing countries. The provision of maternal health care in developing countries. There is a need to clarify the use of the terms 'state' and 'government' and Public Sector. The concepts are distinct but closely related. For the purpose of this research, I use the term public sector which is defined by Duff J.F et al (2015: 1787) as, "bodies charged under rule of law with governance of society at international, national, regional and local levels". An exception is when the texts make reference to specific governments, which disassociates the terms from each other. In most developing countries, ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. A Research Proposal on the Factors Militating Against the... A RESEARCH PROPOSAL ON THE FACTORS MILITATING AGAINST THE SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION OF FAMILY PLANNING IN DOBI TOWN OF GWAGWALADAAREA COUNCIL IN FEDERAL CAPITAL TERRITORY ABUJA WITH ADULTS INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study This will provide the reason behind the research motivating factors, basis for understanding of the problem of the study. It discusses circumstances and issues that led to the choice of the topic and as well provides background information on the development of the problem. The world health organization (WHO) 1971 defined family planning as a way of thinking and living that is adopted voluntarily upon the basis of knowledge, attitude and responsible decisions by individuals and couples, in order to ... Show more content on ... DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. Anemia: A reduction below normal in red blood cell in the quantity of hemoglobin. 2. Cardiac Disease: Disease affecting the heart. 3. Family Planning: It's a birth control–meaning having a child by choice and not by chance. 4. Hormone: A chemical substance secreted into the blood stream by an endocrine gland and exalting an effect on some part of the body. 5. Infertile: Inability to conceive. 6. Mortality Rate: Death rate for 1,000. 7. Renal Disease: Disease affecting the kidney. 8. Social Norms: Standard, pattern, type (as representative of a group when judging other examples). CHAPTER TWO REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE The review of related literature will focus on the following headings. 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Historical Development of Family Planning Overview 2.3 Family Planning in Nigeria 2.4 Benefits of Family Planning 2.5 Method of family planning 2.6 Factors Militating against The Successful Implementation of Family planning CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS 3.1 The methodology for this research will be non–experimental case study design. The researcher will adopt survey method.
  • 110. 3.2 SETTING This study will be conducted in Dobi town of Gwagwalada area council. The researcher will briefly describe the town. ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. The Importance Of Planning And A Foster Family Essay T7 extended assignment For my assignment I will be focusing on a child leaving care and going into a foster home aged 6–7 years old and how this transition will affect that child and what we can do to help the transition easier to go through. This is a very big transition for a child to go through and this could affect them in different areas of their development for example they may need to move to a new area and new school and they may also have to make a new group of friends. I will be focusing in two key issues which are the importance of planning and I will also be focusing on the important of working with multi agencies. D1/D2/A1 Planning is very important for the child and the foster family. The practitioners will need to plan for this transition by carrying out meet up sessions with the child and the foster family this will help the child as they will be able to more comfortable around them when the transition happens, but however with older children you may not know that child will react to different situations. During these meeting many different things could happen for example the potential foster family can come into the child's school setting and bring things from their home to show the child what their home is like. The foster family could also invite the child to days out and other family activities as this will help to get the child involved and comfortable around all the family. A child may have been out of the family environment for a ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Mexico City Policy Essay If a health clinic providing basic services to the world's most vulnerable people is withheld the large amount of foreign assistance that currently comes from the United States government, all diseases will flourish, including epidemics such as Zika and Ebola (Barry–Jester, 2016). We contribute to more unstable political environments (Crimm, 2007, p.615) and more refugees that we increasingly refuse to help when we take away aid that would countries meet the needs of their citizens. The Mexico City Policy affects the rate and prevalence of HIV/AIDS in a community (AIDS and abortion policy, 2003). While HIV/AIDS spreads throughout communities, women are disproportionately burdened with the disease (Gruskin, Roseman, and Ferguson, p.72, 2007). The gender roles in society often mean that women ... Show more content on ... If a family loses a family member due to inadequate health care, an unsafe abortion, it can affect the family's financial stability if she was a breadwinner, if there is no one else to care for children, and/or if the family is burdened with health care or funeral costs (Harman, 2016, p.526). If the lack of family planning options, such as birth control, results in more children than a family can support, not only do their finances suffer, but their overall socio–economic status, including nutrition, education, and health declines (Guttmacher, 2012). It has been shown that there is a positive correlation between family planning and a woman's level of schooling and lower fertility rates (Joshi & Schultz, 2013, p.161). Hypotheses for the decline in fertility rates are both that higher educated women may have more skills to assess and seek out contraception, as well as the ability to choose employment over having children (Joshi & Schultz, 2013, p.161). They also may simply be unable to attend school pregnant or must drop out to care for their children (HIV Prevalence, 2010, ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Planned Parenthood In Chile Women all over the world are constantly fighting for their rights. People might ask why they continue fighting if they've been given the same opportunities as men. Although there has been an improvement for women's rights in the past, they are still facing discrimination and are trying to be stripped of their reproductive rights. America is seen as the progressive country full of opportunity that has so much to offer, but since President Trump was elected into office, his election came with many changes in the US that affected many people, including women. His plan to defund organizations such as Planned Parenthood raised a huge uproar within the female community. This also means that Planned Parenthood would be defunded in countries internationally. ... Show more content on ... Organizations such as International Planned Parenthood and PROFAMILIA of Colombia helped the women gain access to these alternative options and also taught safe sex and family planning. Colombia was typically known for their conservative ways but was fast in accepting these contraceptives in order to control their population growth and the mortality rates in women and children. The expansion of PROFAMILIA in Colombia was an improvement that affected younger women that had access to contraceptives during the time of its involvement in the Colombian community. If the defunding of Planned Parenthood does happen, it will affect women in the U.S. but also many other women internationally that have had nothing but improvements since the partnering of Int. Planned Parenthood and family planning organizations worldwide. It goes to say that PROFAMILIA helped improve women's reproductive rights and helped develop a clear understanding of sex education within communities that were unaware of it. Int. Planned Parenthood also played a big role by providing some funds and partnering with these organizations. The loss of this funding/partnership will only set these countries back about 50 years into the ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Care For Health Campaign Essay The care for health campaign was the first family planning promotion to be done in Russia and it helped increase the use of modern contraceptives by 12%. It was part of the women´s reproductive health program (WRHP) which involved training of health care providers, advocacy and research. This intervention resulted in increase in family planning counselling for women, longer continuation rates of contraceptives and increase in clinic attendance for family planning in the intervention areas. This program was birthed in 1994 by the US Agency for international development to improve the health of children and women by promoting the change in the current family planning communication and service delivery system resulting in a greater ... Show more content on ... The objectives of a campaign should resonate with the strategy (Myanmar, 2013). This is the point where one asks questions such as what do I need to do to achieve the overall goal of the campaign? In this case, one of the campaign objectives was to increase knowledge and positive attitudes towards modern contraceptives. In so doing, the campaign would be meeting the overall strategy which was to bring family planning to the public arena and to highlight its importance. Choosing an age bracket is also essential as one is able to seclude the target audience in order to make the campaign strategy more effective. The age bracket for women chosen was 18–30. This was also an appropriate age since it is the prime age for reproduction. One of the activities done was to disseminate the family planning message through national television. The airtime was donated by the prime minister then. This was effective as the message reached women throughout Russia and the neighboring countries. The campaign also used a disco event to promote family planning communication. The second reading (A Mainstream Product Continues to Shed its Taboo Past) is a case study about vibrators which is a very controversial subject particularly in the African nations. It starts with the history and background of the use of the vibrators. As seen from the reading, hysteria, a female disease of the uterus was treated by massaging of the genitals. Physicians and midwives ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Family Planning And Its Effects On Women's Status And... Family planning is the ability for couples to anticipate and achieve their desired number of children and the spacing of their births. The fertility rate of a country can depend on many factors such as religion, the social status of women, access to health care and the ideal family size. Successful family programs aim to change all these things, the effects of these programs are far reaching and often go beyond what was planned. First world countries don't often need a family planning program, due to an increase in women's status and education. But third world countries who wish to keep their population down due to economic, space, or resources issues must implement some form of family planning. From harsh laws to changing social norms countries across the globe have begun to see the effects of their programs. Family planning programs can change many aspects of life in developing countries, the changes they make are effect by many things such as the government's willingness to support them and current social values. In most cases family planning brings about a positive change in the communities it effects. China 's famous family planning programs started in 1962, family planning policies varying from province to province. As described in Family Planning Policy in China: Measurement and Impact on Fertility the general policy was no more than three children and mainly promoted through political and social movements. in 1971 the family planning became uniform across the ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Planned Parenthood : A Program That Has Been Servicing... Planned Parenthood a program that has been servicing communities for over 100 years by providing sexual health care and preventative services for women and men is going to be possibly defunded by the government according to "the Grand Old Party", or Republican Party. In an order to avoid government a shutdown in efforts to save federal funding, the government will defund Planned Parenthood for one year to create financial savings. According to the Washington Post, "Planned Parenthood receives about $500 million annually from the government (Paquette, 2015, p.1)". The bill that is subject to pass by the government, "prohibits for a one–year period, the availability of federal funds for any purpose to Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. or any of its affiliates or clinics, unless they certify that the affiliates and clinics will not perform, and will not provide any funds to any other entity that performs, an abortion during such period. The restriction will not apply in cases of rape or incest or where a physical condition endangers a woman's life unless an abortion is performed (H.R.3134 – 114th Congress, 2015–2016)." As stated underneath the mission of the Planned Parenthood website, "Planned Parenthood is proud of its vital role in providing young people with honest sexuality and relationship information in classrooms and online to help reduce our nation's alarmingly high rates of teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. Planned Parenthood ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Why India Started Implementing Family Planning Practices With a current population of 1.252 billion people, it's easy to tell why India started implementing family planning practices. Overpopulation was starting to affect India when they gained independence from England (Rubenstein, 2014). The Planning Commission was set up in 1950 to address all needs of the country and to decide the best way to use resources. The decline in death rate and growth of birth rate left the country no choice but to find a way to slow down the growth. This led to another branch of the Planning Commission being created in 1952 with the implementation of the National Family Planning Program in order to aide the country from such "societal ills as hunger, poverty, and national economic distress," which were all believed ... Show more content on ... The whole of the country would have to adopt the idea of a smaller family as ideal in order for the program to work. This led to an "extension education approach" which adopted to inform families of contraceptive practices and to provide services to aide in these choices. Following the first plans summary of what was needed to achieve the goals of the commission, the Second Five–Year Plan aimed to promote family planning to the population as a whole. The objective was the stabilization of the population to replacement level. Free or subsidized family planning services were provided during this period to further the objectives of the program. Clinics were enacted where family planning services were established and sterilization procedures were to take place on a voluntary basis. The Third Five–Year Plan enacted many changes to the previous years. Voluntary sterilization was enacted and efforts for family planning were intensified through widespread awareness (Koenig, 2013). The emergency period from 1975–1977 led to legislation being passed to attack the problem of population growth. It was made compulsory for families to stop childbearing after three children during ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. A Research Study On Unintended Pregnancy Literature Review Unintended pregnancy is a great concern in the U.S. with "half of all pregnancies are unintended and unintended pregnancy....(is) highly concentrated among low–income women" (Frost, J.J., Sonfield, A., Zolna, M.R., & Finer, L.B., 2014). The goal of family planning services is to help reduce that number, and also reduce the economic and health risks associated with unplanned pregnancy. The benefits of family planning services provided by the government are the preventative health services that are provided, and the cost savings from the reduction of birth related costs. Better Programs, Better Outcomes One key way to reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies is through the implementation of comprehensive family planning programs, and increasing access to these services. The research conducted for this study compared rates of unintended pregnancy in similar countries and focused on how contraceptive and family planning care differed in those countries. Bongaarts (2014) researched how family planning programs can improve the care of patients whose reproductive health needs were not being me. Bongaarts explains that programs reduce unmet family planning needs by "reducing obstacles to use and by providing access to contraceptive methods and services.... (thus) producing a rise in the demand for contraception....". The author goes on to explain that the implementation of family planning programs, and the increase " modern contraceptives" ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Fertility, Family Planning and Income Fertility is one of the main issues discussed when talking about the demography of the United States. The U.S. economy plays a rather large role in the rising and falling patterns of the country's fertility rate. In many past occurrences of economic hardship in the country fertility levels had decreased. One of the main reasons for that being in times of financial struggle, men and women are less likely to want to have children. Being able to support a family is already a difficult task but when people are getting laid off from jobs, unemployment rates are increasing, and the economy is struggling many people can barely afford to buy necessities for themselves never mind for an entire family. An extended decrease in fertility levels could ... Show more content on ... The remaining four articles are scholarly, peer–reviewed articles that I found related to my topic. The article "The Economic Explanation of Fertility Changes in the United States" from volume 25 of Population Studies was published by Alan Sweezy. This was a very informative article about the most common explanation of fertility changes. That being when the economy is stable, fertility will be high, and when it is not, fertility will be low. This article is useful to my paper because of how it relates economical factors to the issue of fertility. The author includes charts relating the total fertility rate to the gnp per capita using information from the U.S. Bureau of the Consensus. This provides me with more concrete evidence and the numbers to show that the economy does in fact alter the rate of fertility in the United States. My second article was from the chapter on Human Capital, Fertility, and Economic Growth from "Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis with Special Reference to Education (3rd Edition)" written by Gary S. Becker. The author makes some good points about how human capital, fertility, and economic growth are all intertwined and he provides very detailed charts and formulas to prove his thesis. I thought his research was useful in proving my own thesis that fertility rates are influenced in some way by the economy of a country. The author explains that men and ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Assets Remain In The Family: Proper Estate Planning When it comes to estate planning, having a trusted legal advocate by your side is essential to achieving the best possible results for your case. In Cincinnati, Attorney William G. Massa provides clients with the legal guidance they need to make informed decisions about their estate plans. This includes advising on wills, naming executors, and numerous other related issues. No matter your age or the amount of assets you possess, creating a solid estate plan is a must. These documents cover a range of important topics that can have a huge impact on your family's future. Accordingly, implementing an estate plan provides many benefits, including: Ensuring Assets Remain In The Family: Proper estate planning, such as the creation of wills and ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Family Planning And Poverty The mainstreaming of the family planning agenda in many countries over the decades has been accompanied by increased researcher interest in the subject, with a lot of research attention being focused on the link between family planning and poverty. Empirical research studies using standard economic models have demonstrated that increased access to family planning services is associated with lower rates of poverty. This effect has been posited as occurring through a number of channels. The first channel is the family size channel. As per this channel, increased access to family planning reduces the number of children per family, which results into parents devoting more time and resources per child, and occasioning higher per–child investment that should lead to material decline in household poverty (Bailey, Malkova and McLaren, 2013). The second channel is the household income channel. Here, increased access to family planning services helps to free up more resources, which can then be invested in the improvement of the human capital of the parents. For instance, delaying parenthood can enable the soon to be parents to pursue further education, gain more work experience, or enroll for further job training, and thus raise their lifetime earnings levels (Bailey, Malkova and Norling, 2014). For instance, Bailey, Hershbein, and Miller (2012) demonstrated that women who had access to the pill were able to delay motherhood and to invest in their careers, resulting in higher wage ... Get more on ...