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Deep Thinking                the development

of a   Powerful Learning
       ...a glimpse of one school’s   Journey

                                      Curriculum Connections July 09
There are no easy answers
to future problems.
Art Costa
One of the core functions of
      21st century education is
learning to learn in preparation
       for a lifetime of change.
          David Miliband, 2003
The test of successful education is
not the amount of knowledge that
pupils take away from school, but
their appetite to think, know and their
capacity to learn.
Sir Richard Livingstone, 1941
We need to produce people who know how to act
when they are faced with situations for which they
were not specifically prepared.
Seymour Papert, 1998
Pedagogy should at its best be about
 what teachers do that not only helps
        students to learn but actively
           strengthens their capacity
                   to think and learn
            David Hargreaves, 2004
Tosurvive, thrive and learn
successfully in the predicted
  future one needs to be able to
Take a minute to share with the
people sitting next to you what tools,
strategies, techniques you use in the
classroom to promote thinking.
Let’s   Share
Thinking – What’s out there?
Caring, Critical,                                                                                                          Organisers
Creative                                       Learning             Strategies            Creative Thinking
                          Emotional            muscles              KWHL                  Scamper                                   Venn
Michael Pohl
                                               Guy Claxton          Think Pair Share      BAR                          Double Bubble
                                                                    Donut                 SCORT                                T-chart
 Habits of Mind
                                                                    5 senses              Attribute                                Matrix
 Art Costa
                              Thinking Hats                                               Modification                  Define square
                              De Bono                                                                                       Part-whole
          Multiple                                                  SWOT
          Intelligences                                                           Philosophy         Thinking Maps            Analysis
                                                                    Y chart       for kids
          Gardener                                                                                   David Heryle           Sequence
                                     Whole Brain
                                     Thinking             Learning to                                                      Association
                                                          Learn                      How the brain
                                     Hermann                                         learns
                                          Short, long term         Brain Theory      auditory,         Visualising
                                          memory                                     kinesthetic
Anderson’s                                                                                                             Mapping
Revised Bloom’s
                            Solo                   Thinkers Keys                                           Brainstorming
                            Taxonomy                                                                       Extended
                                                   Tony Ryan                     Wiederhold’s
   3 story Intellect                                                                                       brainstorming
                                                      Questioning Toolkit        Matrix (1991)
                          Bloom’s                                                                                    Inspiration
                          Taxonomy                    Jamie MacKenzie                                                Kidspiration
What   should one cling on to?

          Where to   start?
Thinking Big Picture for a moment
Imagine the learners world like this
                      I – learner sits at the centre
                      We – situated in a community
                       It–has lots of knowledge,
                      understandings and concepts to explore
                      So What – to make a difference
The   thinking required in such a world?
                        I – Metacognition, thinking about my thinking
                        We – Caring thinking, emotional intelligence
                         It – Thinking with, in and about knowledge
                        and understandings
                        So What – design, problem solve, innovate
                        and create the unknown
Red Beach School Vision

Bringing such ideas back to your own context
Change Fundamental – Creating a vision

          Ensuring the vision lives
3 Keys to Change - Keeping it Simple

                                    Vision - Collective direction and purpose

Student Profile- What will the                                            Teaching Practice – What
student leave the school being able to                                    pedagogical practices are required to
do as a result of the vision principles                                   ensure that each student will leave
                                                                          after 6 years as the profile outlines
Align   Practice with Belief
Powerful Learning where in the big
                picture does it fit?
RBS Vision

Developed to helps learners deal
with the ‘IT’ thinking - that is to
make sense of and deal with a
multitude of knowledge and
understandings.                       Powerful Learning
Our   Powerful   Learning Process
Change influences
                                                   More than inquiry
     Change fundamentals                           Cross curricular
     Our steps

     Ahas                                                                   AFL Context PL
                                                                  07        lead teachers                One process
                           Strategic direction                                                           not linear
   Lead teachers
continued with PL
  Our Audience                                                                  Interviewing
                         Embed/Abandon                                          students
                                                 Vision      05                                           Science
Student profile
        clarity                                                               PL Pedagogical
                           Unpacked LLL      05                   06 Inquiry team

                                      Power of student
 Split screen thinking                           voice                                         What does the teaching
                                                                                               practice look like?
                                                         Going deep –
                                                         using the hub
                   Using images
                                                                                     Being selective –
                                                                       09            thinking tools
      Creating a shared
      language          Thinking embedded                          PL school wide
                        Based on Solo same as                      focus
Shared language

Kid friendly
Not Linear
Cross Curricular
   More than inquiry

Pedagogical Understanding
What does it look like in   Practice?
                                    Gather it, find it, observe it,
                                    describe it, experience it

                                                    Make sense of it,
                                                    organise it, analyse it,
                                                    classify it, compare it

Apply it, make use of it,

                                                         Student voice
Thinking – What do you choose?
Caring, Critical,                                                                                                          Organisers
Creative                                       Learning             Strategies            Creative Thinking
                          Emotional            muscles              KWHL                  Scamper                                   Venn
Michael Pohl
                                               Guy Claxton          Think Pair Share      BAR                          Double Bubble
                                                                    Donut                 SCORT                                T-chart
 Habits of Mind
                                                                    5 senses              Attribute                                Matrix
 Art Costa
                              Thinking Hats                                               Modification                  Define square
                              De Bono                                                                                       Part-whole
          Multiple                                                  SWOT
          Intelligences                                                           Philosophy         Thinking Maps            Analysis
                                                                    Y chart       for kids
          Gardener                                                                                   David Heryle           Sequence
                                     Whole Brain
                                     Thinking             Learning to                                                      Association
                                                          Learn                      How the brain
                                     Hermann                                         learns
                                          Short, long term         Brain Theory      auditory,         Visualising
                                          memory                                     kinesthetic
Anderson’s                                                                                                             Mapping
Revised Bloom’s
                            Solo                   Thinkers Keys                                           Brainstorming
                            Taxonomy                                                                       Extended
                                                   Tony Ryan                     Wiederhold’s
   3 story Intellect                                                                                       brainstorming
                                                      Questioning Toolkit        Matrix (1991)
                          Bloom’s                                                                                    Inspiration
                          Taxonomy                    Jamie MacKenzie                                                Kidspiration
Get It

Where does the thinking fit?
                                          Reflect                    Describe
                                          Dialogue                   Identify
                                          Question                   Observe
                                          Imagine                    Recall
 Use It                                                              List
 Create                                                              Find
 Debate                                                              Record
 Design/make/evaluate                                                Check source
 Find a better solution
                                                                     Get It
 Problem solve
 “What if?”

                                                     Sort It
                                                     Analyse         Sort It
                                                     Classify        Order (sequence)
 Use It                                              Compare
 Debate                                                              Organise
                                                     Contrast        Classify
 Generalise                                          Pull apart
 Imagine                                             Explain (why)
 Predict                                                             Compare
                                                     Understand      Contrast
 Justify                                             Order
 “What if?”                                                          Pull Apart (Part-
                                                     Solve           whole)
 Evaluate                                            Summarise
 Find a better                                       Connect
 solution                                                            Solve
                          Being   selective          Collaborate     Summarise
                                                                     (Cause and effect)

                          Solo embedded                              (Analogy)
•Thinking skills
•Thinking tools
•Thinking strategies

    Being selective
Developing Resource
Moving knowing to    understanding
   The hub
                    The hub is central to deepening
                    As much time should be spent
                    reflecting, imagining, questioning and
                    dialoguing about a learning
                    experience as was spent doing the
                    actual learning experience
                    We must move away from a hoop
                    hopping mentality of doing a whole lot
                    of activities one after the other.

                     John West Burnham
Deepening                                 thinking
My brainstorm has     My brainstorm has     My brainstorm has several relevant ideas       My brainstorm has several relevant ideas, I
one relevant idea     several relevant      and I can explain why they are linked to the   can explain why they are linked to the main
                      ideas                 main idea                                      idea

My definition has     My definition         My definition has several relevant ideas and   My definition has several relevant ideas and
one relevant idea     identifies several    links these to the whole                       links these to the whole and looks at the idea
                      relevant ideas                                                       in a new way

My timeline has two   My timeline has       My timeline has several ideas sequenced        My timeline has several ideas sequenced
sequenced idea        several ideas         correctly and I can explain why they are       correctly I can explain why they are linked in
                      sequenced correctly   linked in this order                           this order, and predict what might happen

                      My Matrix             My matrix identifies several relevant          My matrix identifies several relevant
                      identifies several    comparisons or contrasts and explains why      comparisons or contrasts, explains why
                      relevant              these are relevant                             these are relevant and makes a
                      comparisons or                                                       generalisation about the comparison
Using   Solo
Student Self                                        Assessment
                        Emergent                       Shallow 1                      Shallow 2                        Deep                     Profound

                          Prestructural                  Unistructural                 Multistructural               Relational               Extended Abstract

Get it                     I cannot gather              I can get relevant            I can locate and get      I can locate and gather        I can locate and gather
Gather information     information on my own        information from a single      information from a range    relevant information from     relevant information from
together                                                      source                       of sources           a range of sources and         a range of sources and
                                                                                                                show how it links to the       show how it links to the
                                                                                                                topic by starting to use      topic. I reflect, dialogue
                                                                                                                        the hub                    and question the

Sort it                    I cannot ‘sort it’        I can sort information          I can sort information       I can sort information       I can sort information
Compare and contrast   information on my own       using a thinking tool e.g a     using a range of thinking   using a variety of thinking   using a variety of thinking
findings.                                                matrix or venn             tools e.g matrix, venn,    tools and can explain why      tools and explain why I
Make sense of it                                                                           part-whole          I have chosen a particular    have chosen a particular
                                                                                                                           tool                tool and reflect upon/
                                                                                                                                               evaluate my choice of

Use it                          I cannot ‘use it’ on my own. I need support, prompts or scaffolds.              I can use the thinking        I can use the thinking
Apply it                                                                                                       verbs at the use it stage     verbs at the use it stage
                                                                                                                  to explain my new             to explain my new
                                                                                                                       learning.               learning and I think
                                                                                                                                             beyond what I know and
                                                                                                                                              create new ideas and
                                                                                                                                               {generalise, predict,
                                                                                                                                                   Evaluate etc}
The HUB –
                              Moving ‘knowing something to understanding it’
                        I use the hub to ‘make meaning’ and ‘make sense’ of new ideas, knowledge and facts

Reflect    I cannot reflect and am       I am starting to reflect on my learning with support or      I know reflection is an     Understands reflection
           unsure of what it means.                  prompts e.g. question starters                 important and helpful part   will help learning. Uses it
                                                           What am I learning?                      of the learning process. I     continuously across a
                                                            How am I going?                            can talk about when,        range of situations to
                                                                                                      what and how I reflect.    advance understandings
                                                                                                                                        and learning

Question   I cannot ask a question        I can ask a ‘skinny’            I can ask a ‘skinny’      I can use a wide range of    I can use a wide range of
           on my own                           question                     question to ‘get’         questions, ‘skinny’ and      questions, ‘skinny’ and
                                                                              information           ‘deep’ to get and connect    ‘deep’ to get and connect
                                                                                                           information.             information. I reflect
                                                                                                                                      upon evaluate the
                                                                                                                                     effectiveness of the
                                                                                                                                       questions I use

Dialogue     I cannot share what I       I can talk about I few          I can talk about lots of   I can talk about lots of        I can talk about lots of
                 have found out            things I found out            things I found out and     things I found out and          things I found out and
                                                                       listen to what others say    listen to what others say    listen to what others say
                                                                               in response          in response and explain       in response and explain
                                                                                                    how these responses will     how these responses will
                                                                                                    or will not change my            or will not change my
                                                                                                    thinking                       thinking and generalise
                                                                                                                                 about what I have found
                                                                                                                                    out from dialogue with

Imagine      I am not sure what it     I can imagine many ideas        I can imagine many ideas     I can imagine many ideas     I can imagine many ideas
               means to imagine           about what might be             about what might be       about what might be             about what might be
                                               (fluency)                   (fluency) from many      (fluency) from many              (fluency) from many
                                                                          different perspectives    different perspectives          different perspectives
                                                                                 (flexibility)      (flexibility) and I can             (flexibility), I can
                                                                                                    elaborate these ideas           elaborate these ideas
                                                                                                    (elaboration)                  (elaboration) and come
                                                                                                                                   up with an original idea

Connect      I am unable to make       I can sometimes make            I sometimes have an          I make more links and         I make more links and
              connections or links     connections with support        ‘aha’ and I see a link or    connections between            connections between
                                       or modelling.                   connection.                  pieces of knowledge to        pieces of knowledge to
                                                                                                    create new ideas or             create new ideas or
                                                                                                    deeper understandings.        deeper understandings
                                                                                                                                     and look at these
                                                                                                                                   connections in a new
                                                                                                                                 way. – generalise predict
Where to from here?
•Deepen depth of thinking for all
•Further develop student self assessment in PL
•Exemplify use of process out of school context
•Parent education
•Expand Teacher and Student resource on KN
Everyone has a Story to share

    ...thanks for taking   time to share in ours


Powerful Learning
Key   competencies?
             I – Managing self
             We – relating to others
             Participating and contributing
             It– Using symbols, language and texts
             So What – applying key competencies
I have little content knowledge in a learning area

                 I build my knowledge in an area of need.
                        I am at the get it stage of PL

My knowledge of a learning area moves from knowledge to understanding.
I understand the big ideas, concepts principles behind the area of learning

  I apply knowledge and understandings flexibly in facilitating learning.
     I am responsive to individuals needs to promote future learning.
I consciously move learners thinking from knowing to understanding to
Dale Zimmerman – “Self Regulated Learning”
• Observation – the learner gains the “image of the
  skill by watching others model what to do
• Imitation – the learner emulates the model and is
  given feedback about their efforts.
• Self Control – the learner no longer has to rely
  directly on the model and is becoming proficient at
  the task
• Self Regulation – the learner is able to draw on
  what they already know and can do to adapt the
  task to a changing environment

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A Powerful Learning Process

  • 1. Deep Thinking the development of a Powerful Learning Process ...a glimpse of one school’s Journey Curriculum Connections July 09
  • 2. There are no easy answers to future problems. Art Costa
  • 3. One of the core functions of 21st century education is learning to learn in preparation for a lifetime of change. David Miliband, 2003
  • 4. The test of successful education is not the amount of knowledge that pupils take away from school, but their appetite to think, know and their capacity to learn. Sir Richard Livingstone, 1941
  • 5. We need to produce people who know how to act when they are faced with situations for which they were not specifically prepared. Seymour Papert, 1998
  • 6. Pedagogy should at its best be about what teachers do that not only helps students to learn but actively strengthens their capacity to think and learn David Hargreaves, 2004
  • 7. Tosurvive, thrive and learn successfully in the predicted future one needs to be able to think!
  • 8. Take a minute to share with the people sitting next to you what tools, strategies, techniques you use in the classroom to promote thinking.
  • 9. Let’s Share
  • 10. Thinking – What’s out there? Caring, Critical, Organisers Creative Learning Strategies Creative Thinking Emotional muscles KWHL Scamper Venn Michael Pohl Intelligence Guy Claxton Think Pair Share BAR Double Bubble Coleman Donut SCORT T-chart Habits of Mind 5 senses Attribute Matrix Art Costa Thinking Hats Modification Define square PMI De Bono Part-whole Multiple SWOT Intelligences Philosophy Thinking Maps Analysis Y chart for kids Gardener David Heryle Sequence Whole Brain Thinking Learning to Association Learn How the brain Hermann learns Memorising Sensory, Short, long term Brain Theory auditory, Visualising memory kinesthetic Anderson’s Mapping Revised Bloom’s Solo Thinkers Keys Brainstorming Taxonomy Extended Tony Ryan Wiederhold’s 3 story Intellect brainstorming Questions Questioning Toolkit Matrix (1991) Bloom’s Inspiration Taxonomy Jamie MacKenzie Kidspiration
  • 11. What should one cling on to? Where to start?
  • 12. Thinking Big Picture for a moment
  • 13. Imagine the learners world like this I – learner sits at the centre We – situated in a community It–has lots of knowledge, understandings and concepts to explore So What – to make a difference
  • 14. The thinking required in such a world? I – Metacognition, thinking about my thinking We – Caring thinking, emotional intelligence It – Thinking with, in and about knowledge and understandings So What – design, problem solve, innovate and create the unknown
  • 15. Red Beach School Vision Bringing such ideas back to your own context
  • 16. Change Fundamental – Creating a vision Ensuring the vision lives
  • 17. 3 Keys to Change - Keeping it Simple Vision - Collective direction and purpose Student Profile- What will the Teaching Practice – What student leave the school being able to pedagogical practices are required to do as a result of the vision principles ensure that each student will leave after 6 years as the profile outlines
  • 18. Align Practice with Belief
  • 19. Powerful Learning where in the big picture does it fit?
  • 20. RBS Vision Developed to helps learners deal with the ‘IT’ thinking - that is to make sense of and deal with a multitude of knowledge and understandings. Powerful Learning
  • 21. Our Powerful Learning Process
  • 22. Change influences More than inquiry Change fundamentals Cross curricular Our steps Ahas AFL Context PL 07 lead teachers One process Strategic direction not linear Lead teachers 08 continued with PL Collective Our Audience Interviewing Embed/Abandon students Vision 05 Science Student profile clarity PL Pedagogical understanding Unpacked LLL 05 06 Inquiry team Power of student Split screen thinking voice What does the teaching practice look like? Going deep – using the hub Using images Being selective – 09 thinking tools Creating a shared language Thinking embedded PL school wide Based on Solo same as focus NCEA
  • 24. Cross Curricular More than inquiry Pedagogical Understanding
  • 25. What does it look like in Practice? Gather it, find it, observe it, describe it, experience it Make sense of it, organise it, analyse it, classify it, compare it Apply it, make use of it, generalise Student voice
  • 26. Thinking – What do you choose? Caring, Critical, Organisers Creative Learning Strategies Creative Thinking Emotional muscles KWHL Scamper Venn Michael Pohl Intelligence Guy Claxton Think Pair Share BAR Double Bubble Coleman Donut SCORT T-chart Habits of Mind 5 senses Attribute Matrix Art Costa Thinking Hats Modification Define square PMI De Bono Part-whole Multiple SWOT Intelligences Philosophy Thinking Maps Analysis Y chart for kids Gardener David Heryle Sequence Whole Brain Thinking Learning to Association Learn How the brain Hermann learns Memorising Sensory, Short, long term Brain Theory auditory, Visualising memory kinesthetic Anderson’s Mapping Revised Bloom’s Solo Thinkers Keys Brainstorming Taxonomy Extended Tony Ryan Wiederhold’s 3 story Intellect brainstorming Questions Questioning Toolkit Matrix (1991) Bloom’s Inspiration Taxonomy Jamie MacKenzie Kidspiration
  • 27. Get It Define Where does the thinking fit? Hub Reflect Describe Dialogue Identify Question Observe Imagine Recall Scan Select Use It List Create Find Debate Record Design/make/evaluate Check source Evaluate Find a better solution Get It Generalise Find Imagine Define Apply Describe Predict Observe Problem solve Synthesize “What if?” Sort It Analyse Sort It Classify Order (sequence) Use It Compare Debate Organise Contrast Classify Generalise Pull apart Imagine Explain (why) Predict Compare Understand Contrast Justify Order “What if?” Pull Apart (Part- Solve whole) Evaluate Summarise Find a better Connect solution Solve Synthesize Being selective Collaborate Summarise Connect Analyse (Cause and effect) Solo embedded (Analogy)
  • 30. Moving knowing to understanding The hub The hub is central to deepening knowledge As much time should be spent reflecting, imagining, questioning and dialoguing about a learning experience as was spent doing the actual learning experience We must move away from a hoop hopping mentality of doing a whole lot of activities one after the other.
  • 31. Progressions Shallow Deep Profound John West Burnham
  • 32. Deepening thinking My brainstorm has My brainstorm has My brainstorm has several relevant ideas My brainstorm has several relevant ideas, I one relevant idea several relevant and I can explain why they are linked to the can explain why they are linked to the main ideas main idea idea My definition has My definition My definition has several relevant ideas and My definition has several relevant ideas and one relevant idea identifies several links these to the whole links these to the whole and looks at the idea relevant ideas in a new way My timeline has two My timeline has My timeline has several ideas sequenced My timeline has several ideas sequenced sequenced idea several ideas correctly and I can explain why they are correctly I can explain why they are linked in sequenced correctly linked in this order this order, and predict what might happen next. My Matrix My matrix identifies several relevant My matrix identifies several relevant identifies several comparisons or contrasts and explains why comparisons or contrasts, explains why relevant these are relevant these are relevant and makes a comparisons or generalisation about the comparison contrasts
  • 33. Using Solo
  • 34. Student Self Assessment Emergent Shallow 1 Shallow 2 Deep Profound Prestructural Unistructural Multistructural Relational Extended Abstract Get it I cannot gather I can get relevant I can locate and get I can locate and gather I can locate and gather Gather information information on my own information from a single information from a range relevant information from relevant information from together source of sources a range of sources and a range of sources and show how it links to the show how it links to the topic by starting to use topic. I reflect, dialogue the hub and question the information Sort it I cannot ‘sort it’ I can sort information I can sort information I can sort information I can sort information Compare and contrast information on my own using a thinking tool e.g a using a range of thinking using a variety of thinking using a variety of thinking findings. matrix or venn tools e.g matrix, venn, tools and can explain why tools and explain why I Make sense of it part-whole I have chosen a particular have chosen a particular tool tool and reflect upon/ evaluate my choice of tool Use it I cannot ‘use it’ on my own. I need support, prompts or scaffolds. I can use the thinking I can use the thinking Apply it verbs at the use it stage verbs at the use it stage to explain my new to explain my new learning. learning and I think beyond what I know and create new ideas and understandings {generalise, predict, Evaluate etc}
  • 35. The HUB – Moving ‘knowing something to understanding it’ I use the hub to ‘make meaning’ and ‘make sense’ of new ideas, knowledge and facts Reflect I cannot reflect and am I am starting to reflect on my learning with support or I know reflection is an Understands reflection unsure of what it means. prompts e.g. question starters important and helpful part will help learning. Uses it What am I learning? of the learning process. I continuously across a How am I going? can talk about when, range of situations to what and how I reflect. advance understandings and learning Question I cannot ask a question I can ask a ‘skinny’ I can ask a ‘skinny’ I can use a wide range of I can use a wide range of on my own question question to ‘get’ questions, ‘skinny’ and questions, ‘skinny’ and information ‘deep’ to get and connect ‘deep’ to get and connect information. information. I reflect upon evaluate the effectiveness of the questions I use Dialogue I cannot share what I I can talk about I few I can talk about lots of I can talk about lots of I can talk about lots of have found out things I found out things I found out and things I found out and things I found out and listen to what others say listen to what others say listen to what others say in response in response and explain in response and explain how these responses will how these responses will or will not change my or will not change my thinking thinking and generalise about what I have found out from dialogue with others Imagine I am not sure what it I can imagine many ideas I can imagine many ideas I can imagine many ideas I can imagine many ideas means to imagine about what might be about what might be about what might be about what might be (fluency) (fluency) from many (fluency) from many (fluency) from many different perspectives different perspectives different perspectives (flexibility) (flexibility) and I can (flexibility), I can elaborate these ideas elaborate these ideas (elaboration) (elaboration) and come up with an original idea (originality) Connect I am unable to make I can sometimes make I sometimes have an I make more links and I make more links and connections or links connections with support ‘aha’ and I see a link or connections between connections between or modelling. connection. pieces of knowledge to pieces of knowledge to create new ideas or create new ideas or deeper understandings. deeper understandings and look at these connections in a new way. – generalise predict evaluate
  • 36. Where to from here? •Deepen depth of thinking for all •Further develop student self assessment in PL •Exemplify use of process out of school context •Parent education •Expand Teacher and Student resource on KN
  • 37. Everyone has a Story to share ...thanks for taking time to share in ours
  • 38. Email: Website: Powerful Learning Process
  • 39. Key competencies? I – Managing self We – relating to others Participating and contributing It– Using symbols, language and texts Thinking So What – applying key competencies meaningfully
  • 40. I have little content knowledge in a learning area I build my knowledge in an area of need. I am at the get it stage of PL My knowledge of a learning area moves from knowledge to understanding. I understand the big ideas, concepts principles behind the area of learning I apply knowledge and understandings flexibly in facilitating learning. I am responsive to individuals needs to promote future learning. I consciously move learners thinking from knowing to understanding to internalising.
  • 41. Progressions Dale Zimmerman – “Self Regulated Learning” • Observation – the learner gains the “image of the skill by watching others model what to do • Imitation – the learner emulates the model and is given feedback about their efforts. • Self Control – the learner no longer has to rely directly on the model and is becoming proficient at the task • Self Regulation – the learner is able to draw on what they already know and can do to adapt the task to a changing environment