SlideShare a Scribd company logo
     You’re speaking Greek, I mean Latin. Having fun being
     carded. Charting the path of your design decisions. This ad is
     confidential. Going nuts over dangerous nuts. I wouldn’t touch
     that client until you did. Two-person identity mashup. Just what
     is that scent? Redesigning careers. Signs of beautiful progress.

     For more challenges, click here to buy the book
     Creative Workshop from!

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                                      86 Realpolitik

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Lost in Translation
                                          30 minutes          Layout, writing

Your ad reads: “Lorem ispsum consequat dolor ix vox
populii.” Either your audience is fluent in designer’s
Latin, or you need to roll up your sleeves and start                  challenge
writing some real headlines. Crafting copy for a
                                                                     Find a foreign-language adver-
design project can be fun if you have a strong
                                                                     tisement and redesign it with text
command of your native tongue—though if writing is
                                                                     you’ve written in your native tongue.
not your forte, the process can be nerve-wracking.
                                                                     Try not to adjust the layout to fit
But don’t be scared. You’ve probably been a                          your words. What will help this
copywriter at some point in your life. Just think back               foreign ad make sense to those
to when you took a trip to a foreign land. When              who speak your language?
confronted by cryptic billboards and bewildering
ad images, you couldn’t help but write sales copy
on the fly. How else could you process that otherwise
unintelligible mass of foreign characters atop a
smiling, bikini-clad woman clutching a piping-hot
                                                         “Most advertising
Use the following challenge to take a journey into
                                                          experts agree that
the mind of a copywriter.                                an attention-getting
                                                          headline is the
take it further
                                                          key ingredient in a
Find a television advertisement in a foreign
language, take screen captures from key scenes
                                                          successful advertisement.”
that incorporate written text, and retouch them with
                                                         —Robert W. Bly, The Copywriter’s Handbook
dialogue in your language that makes sense of the
progression of images.

2                                                                                                  Exercise 81
First Class
     60 minutes              Illustration, photography

On my desk is a pile of postcards at least three inches
tall, sent to me and my wife from people all over the
world. They are inscribed with sentiments evoking a                      challenge
specific sense of place.
                                                                          Ask a friend to write a paragraph
For example: Here’s one of “The Bean” in Chicago’s                        for you from a vacation destination
Millennium Park, or a pink-purple sunrise over the wet-                   they returned from recently. Take
lands of Hillman Marsh in Ontario, or a bald cypress                      that paragraph and design a post-
tree at sunset in Louisiana. There are also many                          card for it that evokes a sense of
colorful landscapes of the mind: Andy Warhol’s silk                       place from that destination. Then,
screened “Four Monkeys,” classic paintings by Matisse           when it’s complete, send it to your friend
and Chagall and van Gogh, a lovely gouache happy                with the paragraph written on it.
face by the late designer Alan Fletcher. Postcards
purchased from art museums and bookstores, or
discovered in attics or at flea markets—often telling
tales of places that no longer exist, whose history
is preserved through these yellowing squares of             take it further
thick paperboard.
                                                            Ask for multiple paragraphs from people that
In the following challenge, you’re going to design          you know, then create an accordion-folded
your very own postcard, but for someone else’s travel       postcard book that links the locations through
observations. Will they recognize the spirit of the place   the overall design.
they’d visited from what you create?

“Like all great travelers,
I have seen more than
I remember and
 remember more
than I have seen.”
—Benjamin Disraeli

Creativity, First Class                                                                                         3
My Design Graph
                                                 60 minutes             Information design

 Don’t believe it when other designers tell you,
“You’re only as good as your last project.” It’s the
 trajectory of our career that tells the story of our
 growth as designers. Some designers just keep
                                                            “Habit is necessary;
 creating the same project over and over again—              it is the habit of having
 which may lead to some solid design work, but
 it does little to push them into new and unexplored
                                                             habits, of turning a trail
 territory. The resulting portfolio will show competency     into a rut, that must
 in craft, but little curiosity.
                                                             be incessantly fought
Much in the same way that we meander toward
the coffee shop around the corner for our espresso
                                                            against if one is to
fix, breaking ourselves out of professional ruts takes       remain alive.”
concerted, mindful effort over time. In this challenge,
you’ll dive into the nuts and bolts of what makes your      —Edith Wharton
work tick, and uncover what new directions you may
want to take in the next phase of your career.

               Look over at least 10 of the past designs you’ve created. Based on patterns that you detect in
               use of typography, grid, color, photo and illustration use, and other factors, create an 11"x17"
               chart that quantifies major trends in your work. Use this chart to highlight opportunities for new
               approaches you can attempt in the next few months to spur your growth as a designer.

take it further
Draw inspiration from the work of Nicholas Felton at and create
an annual report of the trends you’ve exhibited across your last year’s complete
portfolio, as well as any other artistic outputs.

4                                                                                                         Exercise 83
Concept, Redacted
     60 minutes             Advertising

When providing documents under the Freedom of
Information Act, our security agencies sometimes see
fit to strike through confidential information with bold
black bars. When those documents are printed online
                                                           “The closer and more
or in magazines, we often spend more time trying to         confidential our relation-
decipher exactly what’s missing rather than using
what is provided for context.
                                                            ship with someone, the
Use this visual trope to create a novel promotion for a
                                                            less we are entitled to
local nonprofit in your town.                              ask about what we are
                                                            not voluntarily told.”
                                                           —Louis Kronenberger
              This is a two-person challenge.
              In 45 minutes, you are both
              responsible for creating individual
              advertisements for a woman’s
                                                           take it further
              health center. The ad’s headline
              should read: “It’s a Private Matter.”        Incorporate your ad concept into a pamphlet
    For the last 15 minutes of the challenge,              that can be distributed on college campuses.
    swap your ads. You are now required to
    selectively redact ten words from your friend’s
    ad with a black marker. What will you delete,
    and how will it influence the meaning of your
    friend’s ad?

Concept, Redacted                                                                                         5
                                               60 minutes          Interactive media, research

The humble peanut is a staple of the American larder,
present in everything from lunchbox sandwiches
to granola bars to ice cream to addictive peanut                       challenge
butter-filled pretzels. Whether we’re aware of it or
                                                                        Create an interactive point-of-
not, peanuts find their way into pet foods, cosmetics,
                                                                        purchase display intended to help
and a host of other household products that line our
                                                                        people understand how peanuts
grocery store shelves.
                                                                        are grown, harvested, and pro-
Due to the recent peanut scare, where dozens of                         cessed by manufacturers for use in
products have been recalled due to the possible                         household products. The display
presence of salmonella, some of those shelves have           must convey an editorial slant grounded in
been bare—and some people are finding new foods              your initial research on the subject, consider-
to replace the peanut as part of their diet, much to         ing questions such as: Are peanuts an impor-
the chagrin of farmers and manufacturers.                    tant part of our daily diet? What is the impact
                                                             of their growth on American soil? How critical
Do people understand how the peanut came to
                                                             is their presence in available products and
prominence in our daily lives? Do they have all the
                                                             industries beyond processed foods?
facts about the recent recalls? In this challenge,
you’ll help to separate fact from fiction, and educate
the populace.

                                                         take it further
“Since new developments                                  Bring the thinking behind your display into a mobile
 are the products of a                                   application that you can use while you’re in the store.

 creative mind, we must                                  Include in the application not only peanuts, but all
                                                         kinds of nuts that are utilized in processed foods.
 therefore stimulate and
 encourage that type of mind
 in every way possible.”
—George Washington Carver

6                                                                                                    Exercise 85
      60 minutes                 Advertising

Every designer needs to have a clear ethical stance
toward the client projects that they’ll take on. Many
designers would rather not help sell industrial-grade                challenge
weaponry or promote industries that may not
                                                                     This is a challenge for two designers.
contribute a net-positive benefit for society.
                                                                       Part 1: Write down on a slip of paper
However, designers often don’t know their own
                                                                       three products that, for ethical or
boundaries with clarity until they’re offered what
                                                                       political considerations, you just
seems to be a plum project, only to realize as they
                                                                       can’t bring yourself to take on as
dig into the client problem that the end result runs
                                                            a client. Trade lists with another designer.
counter to their beliefs.
                                                            Choose one product from their list and
The following challenge will help you better under-         sketch the most compelling, polished
stand the slippery slope that all designers face when       billboard design you can muster promoting
taking on a client problem that may not align with          that product.
their personal politics.
                                                            Part 2: You are now a key decision maker
                                                            representing one of the products you would
                                                            never take on as a client. The designer that
“Realpolitik, n.: politics based on practical               created a billboard for your company must
 and material factors rather than on theoretical            give a three-point presentation as to why
 or ethical objectives.”                                    their design will meet your product’s needs
—Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 6th Edition                    in the marketplace. You will be allowed to
                                                            ask three questions regarding their work,
                                                            press-conference style, in order to better
                                                            understand the ethical stance they are
take it further
                                                            taking with regard to said product. Then
Create a poster that you’ll keep in your studio that out-   you must trade places with the other
lines your personal policies towards the kinds of work      designer, and present your billboard
you’d like to do in the future—and the kind that you        concept to them—while they play-act
should always decline.                                      being your client.

Realpolitik                                                                                                    7
Shared Space
                                         15 minutes               Identity development, stationery

Designers band together in many ways: through their
tribal appreciation of typefaces, their considered
purchases of well-crafted products, their affinity for
social media chatter, and so forth.
                                                          “It’s really hard to be
Designers also share their studio spaces, seeking          roommates with people
camaraderie through long days spent sketching out
ideas, kerning headlines, finding that perfect photo      if your suitcases are
for the otherwise pristine web page layout. All work
and no fun over just a few days can make designing         much better than theirs.”
feel like… work.
                                                           —J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye
In this challenge for two designers, quickly determine
how you can share not only your workspace, but also
the space that you share on paper.

             In order to save on rent for your new design studio, you’re going to split it with a fellow designer.
             And to further slash your operating costs, you’re also going to share letterhead, while still pre-
             serving the identities of each of your separate businesses. Over the course of 15 minutes, deter-
             mine how you can integrate both of your design identities into a single sheet of paper for client

take it further
Design a portfolio website that highlights both of your efforts separately—and that
continues the conceit of your stationery system.

8                                                                                                         Exercise 87
 Is Overrated
     60 minutes             Branding, packaging

Needles floating down from a Douglas fir. Popcorn in
a big ceramic bowl, fresh from the kettle. Salt wafting
high on the morning sea breeze.                                          challenge
Whole industries have been built from laboratories                        Invent a new brand of “natural
synthesizing perfect simulacra of things that exist natu-                 scents” for men and women that
rally in the world around us—then selling those scents                    are neither deodorant nor perfume.
to us, whether through highly seductive advertising or                   This brand will require a new cat-
the “bonus” smells that assault our nostrils as we inter-                 egory and method of selling them,
act with people throughout our day.                                       meaning you can’t stock them in
                                                                perfume shops, pharmacies, or department
 What would the world be like if people relied more on
                                                                stores. Consider how these scents would
“natural scents” that we enjoy out in the world, rather
                                                                be applied on the body, at what price point
 than those that were designed by perfumers? With this
                                                                they would be sold profitably at volume (or
 challenge, let your nose lead you to a novel answer to
                                                                not sold at all), and summarize your recom-
 that question.
                                                                mendation in a one-page cheat sheet that
                                                                explains everything a person would need to
                                                                know about your brand.

“I love the smell of juice
 boxes in the morning.”                                     take it further
                                                            Design how one would apply your “natural scents” as
—Robert Duvall
                                                            a physical prototype with instructions. Give them to a
                                                            friend and see if they can understand what it is and
                                                            how it’s utilized.

Perfume Is Overrated                                                                                                 9
                                                 30 minutes            Poster design

Finding steady employment has been hard for many
of today’s designers.
A few years ago, when our economy slowed down,
many agencies and companies ended up cutting                               Your local municipal government
back on marketing, advertising, and other core                             has tasked you with creating an
activities that require designers. In the aftermath, the                   eye-catching poster promoting the
market was flooded with thousands of highly talented                       new career center that just opened
design professionals.                                                      in your town—specifically speaking
                                                                           to retraining out-of-work designers.
In conversations with some of my out-of-work
                                                                 Can you sell your creative peers on why they
colleagues who have struggled to land a stable gig,
                                                                 should find alternative employment?
many of them are now using their time off to seek out
creative and fulfilling work—whether for new clients or
for their own personal projects and efforts. For those
that haven’t fared well, there often aren’t many stones
to overturn for new jobs—and some are falling back           take it further
on previous professions or other skills lateral to design,
                                                             Design the career center from the inside out, knowing
until they can land just the right gig.
                                                             you’re creating a space for people to give up what
This challenge is for you to help convince designers,        they want to do. What would the experience be like?
through design, to not be designers.                         What kind of materials would a designer receive there
                                                             that they couldn’t find anywhere else?

“Hunger is not the worst
 feature of unemployment;
 idleness is.”
—William E. Barrett

10                                                                                                      Exercise 89
Please Sign Here
     30 minutes            Environmental graphics

I worked with an excellent proofreader whose cubicle
you would never approach until she had flipped a
little sign from “No Coffee” to “Had Coffee.”                       challenge
At that same job, one of the designers kept a mini-                  Create an interactive piece of
whiteboard up to date with her ongoing projects,                     signage you can place on your
what’s on her plate, and when she was planning to                    design studio door, desk, or other
take lunch—so she wouldn’t be surprised by rogue                     clearly visible place. The signage
project managers while she was running out the door.                 must be easily modifiable to note
                                                                     your current project status, overall
These designed moments become part of our studio
                                                           mental state, and any other data points that
environment and culture. So for this challenge, show
                                                           are critical to the health and wellbeing of
us how you share your status to your co-workers—
                                                           yourself and your co-workers.
like only a designer can.

                                                       take it further
“A sign on the Door of                                 How would your sign translate into an iPad or
Opportunity reads Push.”                               mobile application?


Please Sign Here                                                                                            11
For University Bookstore sales, contact F&W Media at 1-800-289-0963.
My Design Shop:

              The first 24 pages are available free on Scribd:
   12     Exercise #

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Creative Workshop Bonus Challenges

  • 1. BONUS CHALLENGES You’re speaking Greek, I mean Latin. Having fun being carded. Charting the path of your design decisions. This ad is confidential. Going nuts over dangerous nuts. I wouldn’t touch that client until you did. Two-person identity mashup. Just what is that scent? Redesigning careers. Signs of beautiful progress. For more challenges, click here to buy the book Creative Workshop from! verrated Redacted ss h t Cla rg n Grap e ere 85 GoingNuts.O n 87 Shared Spac ume is O latio , Firs 86 Realpolitik gn H Concept, Desig ans c tivity se Si ifftasti in Tr 88 Perf Crea y Plea 83 M Lost 89 R 84 82 90 81
  • 2. Lost in Translation 30 minutes Layout, writing Your ad reads: “Lorem ispsum consequat dolor ix vox populii.” Either your audience is fluent in designer’s Latin, or you need to roll up your sleeves and start challenge writing some real headlines. Crafting copy for a Find a foreign-language adver- design project can be fun if you have a strong tisement and redesign it with text command of your native tongue—though if writing is you’ve written in your native tongue. not your forte, the process can be nerve-wracking. Try not to adjust the layout to fit But don’t be scared. You’ve probably been a your words. What will help this copywriter at some point in your life. Just think back foreign ad make sense to those to when you took a trip to a foreign land. When who speak your language? confronted by cryptic billboards and bewildering ad images, you couldn’t help but write sales copy on the fly. How else could you process that otherwise unintelligible mass of foreign characters atop a smiling, bikini-clad woman clutching a piping-hot cappuccino? “Most advertising Use the following challenge to take a journey into experts agree that the mind of a copywriter. an attention-getting headline is the take it further key ingredient in a Find a television advertisement in a foreign language, take screen captures from key scenes successful advertisement.” that incorporate written text, and retouch them with —Robert W. Bly, The Copywriter’s Handbook dialogue in your language that makes sense of the progression of images. 2 Exercise 81
  • 3. Creativity, First Class 60 minutes Illustration, photography On my desk is a pile of postcards at least three inches tall, sent to me and my wife from people all over the world. They are inscribed with sentiments evoking a challenge specific sense of place. Ask a friend to write a paragraph For example: Here’s one of “The Bean” in Chicago’s for you from a vacation destination Millennium Park, or a pink-purple sunrise over the wet- they returned from recently. Take lands of Hillman Marsh in Ontario, or a bald cypress that paragraph and design a post- tree at sunset in Louisiana. There are also many card for it that evokes a sense of colorful landscapes of the mind: Andy Warhol’s silk place from that destination. Then, screened “Four Monkeys,” classic paintings by Matisse when it’s complete, send it to your friend and Chagall and van Gogh, a lovely gouache happy with the paragraph written on it. face by the late designer Alan Fletcher. Postcards purchased from art museums and bookstores, or discovered in attics or at flea markets—often telling tales of places that no longer exist, whose history is preserved through these yellowing squares of take it further thick paperboard. Ask for multiple paragraphs from people that In the following challenge, you’re going to design you know, then create an accordion-folded your very own postcard, but for someone else’s travel postcard book that links the locations through observations. Will they recognize the spirit of the place the overall design. they’d visited from what you create? “Like all great travelers, I have seen more than I remember and remember more than I have seen.” —Benjamin Disraeli Creativity, First Class 3
  • 4. My Design Graph 60 minutes Information design Don’t believe it when other designers tell you, “You’re only as good as your last project.” It’s the trajectory of our career that tells the story of our growth as designers. Some designers just keep “Habit is necessary; creating the same project over and over again— it is the habit of having which may lead to some solid design work, but it does little to push them into new and unexplored habits, of turning a trail territory. The resulting portfolio will show competency into a rut, that must in craft, but little curiosity. be incessantly fought Much in the same way that we meander toward the coffee shop around the corner for our espresso against if one is to fix, breaking ourselves out of professional ruts takes remain alive.” concerted, mindful effort over time. In this challenge, you’ll dive into the nuts and bolts of what makes your —Edith Wharton work tick, and uncover what new directions you may want to take in the next phase of your career. challenge Look over at least 10 of the past designs you’ve created. Based on patterns that you detect in use of typography, grid, color, photo and illustration use, and other factors, create an 11"x17" chart that quantifies major trends in your work. Use this chart to highlight opportunities for new approaches you can attempt in the next few months to spur your growth as a designer. take it further Draw inspiration from the work of Nicholas Felton at and create an annual report of the trends you’ve exhibited across your last year’s complete portfolio, as well as any other artistic outputs. 4 Exercise 83
  • 5. Concept, Redacted 60 minutes Advertising When providing documents under the Freedom of Information Act, our security agencies sometimes see fit to strike through confidential information with bold black bars. When those documents are printed online “The closer and more or in magazines, we often spend more time trying to confidential our relation- decipher exactly what’s missing rather than using what is provided for context. ship with someone, the Use this visual trope to create a novel promotion for a less we are entitled to local nonprofit in your town. ask about what we are not voluntarily told.” —Louis Kronenberger challenge This is a two-person challenge. In 45 minutes, you are both responsible for creating individual advertisements for a woman’s take it further health center. The ad’s headline should read: “It’s a Private Matter.” Incorporate your ad concept into a pamphlet For the last 15 minutes of the challenge, that can be distributed on college campuses. swap your ads. You are now required to selectively redact ten words from your friend’s ad with a black marker. What will you delete, and how will it influence the meaning of your friend’s ad? Concept, Redacted 5
  • 6. GoingNuts.Org 60 minutes Interactive media, research The humble peanut is a staple of the American larder, present in everything from lunchbox sandwiches to granola bars to ice cream to addictive peanut challenge butter-filled pretzels. Whether we’re aware of it or Create an interactive point-of- not, peanuts find their way into pet foods, cosmetics, purchase display intended to help and a host of other household products that line our people understand how peanuts grocery store shelves. are grown, harvested, and pro- Due to the recent peanut scare, where dozens of cessed by manufacturers for use in products have been recalled due to the possible household products. The display presence of salmonella, some of those shelves have must convey an editorial slant grounded in been bare—and some people are finding new foods your initial research on the subject, consider- to replace the peanut as part of their diet, much to ing questions such as: Are peanuts an impor- the chagrin of farmers and manufacturers. tant part of our daily diet? What is the impact of their growth on American soil? How critical Do people understand how the peanut came to is their presence in available products and prominence in our daily lives? Do they have all the industries beyond processed foods? facts about the recent recalls? In this challenge, you’ll help to separate fact from fiction, and educate the populace. take it further “Since new developments Bring the thinking behind your display into a mobile are the products of a application that you can use while you’re in the store. creative mind, we must Include in the application not only peanuts, but all kinds of nuts that are utilized in processed foods. therefore stimulate and encourage that type of mind in every way possible.” —George Washington Carver 6 Exercise 85
  • 7. Realpolitik 60 minutes Advertising Every designer needs to have a clear ethical stance toward the client projects that they’ll take on. Many designers would rather not help sell industrial-grade challenge weaponry or promote industries that may not This is a challenge for two designers. contribute a net-positive benefit for society. Part 1: Write down on a slip of paper However, designers often don’t know their own three products that, for ethical or boundaries with clarity until they’re offered what political considerations, you just seems to be a plum project, only to realize as they can’t bring yourself to take on as dig into the client problem that the end result runs a client. Trade lists with another designer. counter to their beliefs. Choose one product from their list and The following challenge will help you better under- sketch the most compelling, polished stand the slippery slope that all designers face when billboard design you can muster promoting taking on a client problem that may not align with that product. their personal politics. Part 2: You are now a key decision maker representing one of the products you would never take on as a client. The designer that “Realpolitik, n.: politics based on practical created a billboard for your company must and material factors rather than on theoretical give a three-point presentation as to why or ethical objectives.” their design will meet your product’s needs —Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 6th Edition in the marketplace. You will be allowed to ask three questions regarding their work, press-conference style, in order to better understand the ethical stance they are take it further taking with regard to said product. Then Create a poster that you’ll keep in your studio that out- you must trade places with the other lines your personal policies towards the kinds of work designer, and present your billboard you’d like to do in the future—and the kind that you concept to them—while they play-act should always decline. being your client. Realpolitik 7
  • 8. Shared Space 15 minutes Identity development, stationery Designers band together in many ways: through their tribal appreciation of typefaces, their considered purchases of well-crafted products, their affinity for social media chatter, and so forth. “It’s really hard to be Designers also share their studio spaces, seeking roommates with people camaraderie through long days spent sketching out ideas, kerning headlines, finding that perfect photo if your suitcases are for the otherwise pristine web page layout. All work and no fun over just a few days can make designing much better than theirs.” feel like… work. —J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye In this challenge for two designers, quickly determine how you can share not only your workspace, but also the space that you share on paper. challenge In order to save on rent for your new design studio, you’re going to split it with a fellow designer. And to further slash your operating costs, you’re also going to share letterhead, while still pre- serving the identities of each of your separate businesses. Over the course of 15 minutes, deter- mine how you can integrate both of your design identities into a single sheet of paper for client communications. take it further Design a portfolio website that highlights both of your efforts separately—and that continues the conceit of your stationery system. 8 Exercise 87
  • 9. Perfume Is Overrated 60 minutes Branding, packaging Needles floating down from a Douglas fir. Popcorn in a big ceramic bowl, fresh from the kettle. Salt wafting high on the morning sea breeze. challenge Whole industries have been built from laboratories Invent a new brand of “natural synthesizing perfect simulacra of things that exist natu- scents” for men and women that rally in the world around us—then selling those scents are neither deodorant nor perfume. to us, whether through highly seductive advertising or This brand will require a new cat- the “bonus” smells that assault our nostrils as we inter- egory and method of selling them, act with people throughout our day. meaning you can’t stock them in perfume shops, pharmacies, or department What would the world be like if people relied more on stores. Consider how these scents would “natural scents” that we enjoy out in the world, rather be applied on the body, at what price point than those that were designed by perfumers? With this they would be sold profitably at volume (or challenge, let your nose lead you to a novel answer to not sold at all), and summarize your recom- that question. mendation in a one-page cheat sheet that explains everything a person would need to know about your brand. “I love the smell of juice boxes in the morning.” take it further Design how one would apply your “natural scents” as —Robert Duvall a physical prototype with instructions. Give them to a friend and see if they can understand what it is and how it’s utilized. Perfume Is Overrated 9
  • 10. Rifftastic 30 minutes Poster design Finding steady employment has been hard for many of today’s designers. challenge A few years ago, when our economy slowed down, many agencies and companies ended up cutting Your local municipal government back on marketing, advertising, and other core has tasked you with creating an activities that require designers. In the aftermath, the eye-catching poster promoting the market was flooded with thousands of highly talented new career center that just opened design professionals. in your town—specifically speaking to retraining out-of-work designers. In conversations with some of my out-of-work Can you sell your creative peers on why they colleagues who have struggled to land a stable gig, should find alternative employment? many of them are now using their time off to seek out creative and fulfilling work—whether for new clients or for their own personal projects and efforts. For those that haven’t fared well, there often aren’t many stones to overturn for new jobs—and some are falling back take it further on previous professions or other skills lateral to design, Design the career center from the inside out, knowing until they can land just the right gig. you’re creating a space for people to give up what This challenge is for you to help convince designers, they want to do. What would the experience be like? through design, to not be designers. What kind of materials would a designer receive there that they couldn’t find anywhere else? “Hunger is not the worst feature of unemployment; idleness is.” —William E. Barrett 10 Exercise 89
  • 11. Please Sign Here 30 minutes Environmental graphics I worked with an excellent proofreader whose cubicle you would never approach until she had flipped a little sign from “No Coffee” to “Had Coffee.” challenge At that same job, one of the designers kept a mini- Create an interactive piece of whiteboard up to date with her ongoing projects, signage you can place on your what’s on her plate, and when she was planning to design studio door, desk, or other take lunch—so she wouldn’t be surprised by rogue clearly visible place. The signage project managers while she was running out the door. must be easily modifiable to note your current project status, overall These designed moments become part of our studio mental state, and any other data points that environment and culture. So for this challenge, show are critical to the health and wellbeing of us how you share your status to your co-workers— yourself and your co-workers. like only a designer can. take it further “A sign on the Door of How would your sign translate into an iPad or Opportunity reads Push.” mobile application? —Anonymous Please Sign Here 11
  • 12. For University Bookstore sales, contact F&W Media at 1-800-289-0963. My Design Shop: Amazon: The first 24 pages are available free on Scribd: 12 Exercise #