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A Philosophical Enquiry Into The Origin Of Our Ideas Of...
In A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful Edmund Burke writes, "It is the nature of grief to keep its object
perpetually in its eye, to present it in its most pleasurable views, to repeat all the circumstances that attend to it". Burke's writing attempts to clarify the
"pictorial, literary, cultural, economic and psychological" phenomenon of sublimity, explicating the ways in which power, vastness, obscurity and
beauty intersect to form emotional response. A Philosophical Enquiry elucidates why so many Romantic poets and writers would make grief, mourning
and death the subjects of their works; the limitless, obscure, infinite theme death corresponds to the existential, contemplative and introspective ideas
Romantic writers were attempting to interrogate. But the subject of death in Romantic literature transcends the topic of corporeal death and explores
the death of memory, of youth, of innocence and of the past. Furthermore, the Romantic writers were grappling with a shifting, changing society that
caused a sense of pervasive loss in their works; as artists, authors and the population attempted to navigate a society characterized by political revolution
and technological innovation, poems about mourning act as almost consolatory works. Amongst this writing which attempts to navigate the subject of
grief, nature is a recurring element. By examining the locations or settings authors used as a backdrop for their reflections on death
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Compare And Contrast The Wind Image In The Eolian Wind And...
The Wind Image in the Eolian Harp and Ode to the West Wind
Melike BasД±n
Akdeniz University
IDE 405
PhD Assistant Professor H. Sezgi Saraç
December 11, 2017
The Wind Image in the Eolian Harp and Ode to the West Wind
Romanticism is a literary and artistic movement which takes its inspiration from nature and creates a new perception of the world. Seeking for the
essence of the nature made Romantic poets more related to the essence of the human being and its natural existence in the universe. These new
conceptualized ideas created innovation for literature and especially for poetry. (Norton)
Romantic Period starts with William Wordsworth's publishing of The Lyrical Ballads in 1798, after 30 years of preparation time. Two years later,...
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In the Ode to the West Wind, there are three parts in the poem that describe the wind's impacts on the earth, air and the sea. First of all, in the first
section, wind represents both preserver and destroyer qualities. It destroys the nature and kills it in the autumn. It carries the dead leaves to the
graveyard. However, while doing this, it also creates a new life because in the spring, the seeds which were carried by the wind to the graveyard will
regenerate again and they come to the life. In this poem wind has a function like a creator. It can make not only the catastrophic things but also being a
life–giver. On the other hand, in the Eolian Harp, the duty of the wind does not have vitally importance on the nature. The sound of the harp gives
the erotic voice to the listeners. Its function is making joy of people and wind provides its happening. Therefore, it can be said that while in Ode
to the West Wind wind has a superior power on the nature, in the Eolian Harp, it creates more individual effect to the nature. Also, in Ode to the
West Wind when the West Wind blows, it seems to be singing a funeral song about the dying year and the sky is covered with a dome of clouds looks
like a sepulchre. In other respects, harp's voice gives a celestial and paradisiacal sound in the Eolian Harp. It makes more relief and pure voice but the
other wind gives us a horrific
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Ode To The West Wind By Percy Bysshe Shelley
Today we call the English romantic period the time which took place between the metaphysical poets and the Victorian age. This period was born
because it was hard for the laypeople to understand the great messages the metaphysical poets wrote down. We also should not forget this is the age of
the Great French Revolution. A famous distinctive mark of romantic poems is the presence of nature. This is also the case with the poem written by
Percy Bysshe Shelley called Ode to the WestWind.
Before I jump into the poem itself I found some noteworthy things about Shelley. Hughes (1918) says that for Shelley nature was extraordinary. We
know that he was not a poet who sat inside looking at nature and saying how beautiful it is. He actually went out ... Show more content on ...
Here we can again take a glance at the role of the poet, because in Vörösmarty's view the poet would be the wind itself. If it is thought about this
way, we can conclude Shelley might have compared the role of the poet to the works of the
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Ozymandias And Skylark
Imaginative and Creative Title (Three messages from Ozymandias, West Wind, and Skylark) With the amazing Percy Bysshe Shelley writing
Ozymandias, Ode to the West Wind, and To a Skylark, he has proven to everyone that he is an amazing writer and can get very deep into thought.
Well, in Ozymandias the main theme is pride and it is explained by the king of kings building things that nobody else could. In Ode to the West
Wind the main theme is man and the natural world and it is explained by the man talking to the wind and asking it to do things for him. In To a
Skylark the main theme is happiness because the birds never sing a sad song they are always happy. The main themes in these poems are very well
explained and fit what the poem is trying to say in a well mannered lifestyle.... Show more content on ...
In this poem he also builds statues to put out side of the city telling people that he is the best and nobody can do better but when someone looks at
what he built it was gone due to a sand storm. "And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my
works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains:" In this quote it talks about how Ozymandias puts on his statue that he is almighty and
nobody can do any better then him. In Ode to the West Wind the main theme is man and the natural world because the man talks to the wind and
asks it to do things for him. When he wants something done he somewhat prays to the wind and it listens to him the best it can for wind. "Wild
Spirit, which art moving everywhere; Destroyer and Preserver; hear, O hear!" In this quote it talks about how he is talking to the wind and he asks
the wind to hear him by saying hear o hear. The man is talking to the nature of the world because he talks to the wind while he lives and he doesn't
think that it is just
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"Percy and Mary Shelley were the power couple in the world of literature."(Mary Poovey). The Shelley family was well known in Europe, not only
for their affair, but for their poetry and stories. Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein or A Modern Prometheus. While Percy Shelley published multiple
poems. Three of those poems that had a substantial impact on society are Ozymandias, To a Skylark, and Ode to the West Wind. There's multiple
messages in each of these, however one message from each sticks out more than the rest. The three messages from Ozymandias, To a Skylark, and
Ode to the West Wind are that everyone fades from history, one idea could spark a fire of curiosity, and that bad things are followed by good things.
The first message is from Ozymandias, and it is that everyone's name will eventually fade from history. The poem is about a man who visits egypt
and finds a sunken statue in the middle of the desert. It says the name of an old king who tells people to fear his structures and his power. However,
there is no city and everything he built was consumed by the sand. Michael Henry Scrivener, author of Radical Shelley: The Philosophical Anarchism
and Utopian Thought of Percy Bysshe Shelley, writes this about the poem,"...what one does in ... Show more content on ...
This poem is about a man talking about what the winter wind does to nature versus what the summer wind does to nature. Percy points out that,"...If
Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?"(70). This shows that even when bad things happen, there were always be good times to follow it. About this
poem, Thomas Jefferson Hogg, author of The Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley: Volume 2, shows that,"Percy was a strong beliver that fortune will always
be close behind the misfortune in the twisted lives of humankind."(Hogg). Clearly, this shows that Percy wanted the point to be shown that good things
follow bad
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Nature of the Mind Essay
William Blake, a poet that strongly believed in the power of mind, once wrote, "if we see with imagination, we see all things in the infinite." The
Romantic poets use their imagination when gazing at nature, and therefore see and feel the infinite through their poetry. William Wordsworth expresses
the serene beauty that nature possesses and its calming effects on the mind. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, one of the poetic geniuses of the age, uses nature
and his imagination to create surreal atmospheres. Another Romantic poet, by the name of Percy Bysshe Shelley, shows great longing for the freedom
that nature possesses and the freeing effect it has on him. These poets of the Romantic period look at nature from a higher consciousness... Show more
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He expresses the mind's ability to take a beautiful scene and create a calm and content feeling throughout his thoughts. Samuel Taylor Coleridge uses
nature as a catalyst to search deeper into his mind and discover the surreal creativity of his own imagination. "This Lime–Tree Bower My Prison"
depicts an out–of–body vision that encompasses a breathtaking vista of green mountains and purple flowers from the eyes of an imaginer. Gazing at it
"with swimming sense," the picture becomes "less gross than bodily," causing the swirling colors to form something only found in the divine. However
surreal this picture is, nothing can compare to Cloleridge's vision in "Kubla Khan." In this poem he uses nature's creations to depict unnatural scenes. In
"caverns measureless to man," Kubla Khan wants to build a "sunny pleasure–dome with caves of ice." Such a place is only real in the imagination and
in the written word, which is why this poem seems so tangible to the eye. He comes across these imaginary visions while "meandering with a mazy
motion through wood and dale," where these thoughts come alive. It explains through alliteration how walking through wooded paths, accompanied
only by one's mind, one comes upon new feelings and thoughts that are only palpable in that wood. Nature inspires Samuel Coleridge to exorcise his
mind's eye and create a heavenly atmosphere. Percy Bysshe Shelley looks up to
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Enlightenment Vs Romantic Era Essay
The Enlightenment, or Age of Reason (1647–1789), and the Romantic Era (1790–1832) were two contrasting yet consecutive periods in history that
consisted of fundamentally opposing works. While Romantics believed that the Enlightenment era created an oppressed and conformist society,
Enlightenment thinkers regarded the Romantics as naive and too emotional. Although the Enlightenment and Romantic periods were at odds in
distinct ways, both aspired to improve humanity, liberate the self, and emphasize their unique values through referencing Greek mythology. Both the
Romantics, who loved nature, and the Enlightenment thinkers, who valued rational thought and moderation, believed their movements would help
humanity thrive. In William Wordsworth's... Show more content on ...
In Percy Bysshe Shelley's Romantic poem, Ode to the West Wind, the speaker describes, "Angels of rain and lightning: there are spread / On the blue
surface of thine aery surge..." (20–21). The storm being described represents the sublime and exudes fear and wonder. By exciting the emotions of pain
and danger, the reader may feel a sense of freedom since she is not restrained by rational thought; an Enlightenment value, which the Romantic writers
despised. In Alexander Pope's Enlightenment poem, The Rape of the Lock, the speaker declares that "The hungry judges soon the sentence sign / And
wretches hang that jurymen may dine" (22–23). Pope questions the legal system by using satire and suggesting that the judges and juries put their own
physical needs – like hunger, above justice. This satirical element was common in the Enlightenment, and shows increased individual liberty because
the writer is exercising his right to say whatever he wants in a clever way. By challenging people in power, Pope is demonstrating how humans have
the right to govern their own lives and be free. The Romantic thinkers believed that liberation of self could be attained through exciting one's emotions
through the sublime, while the Enlightenment thinkers determined this could be achieved through subverting the social order through
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Mary Shelley's Political And Religious Views
helley was born at Field Place, West Sussex, England. He was educated at Eton College and Oxford, and went on to lead an unconventional life coupled
with uncompromising idealism.
During his young life, Shelley traveled widely throughout Europe, wrote several political tracts such as his Address to the Irish People , and was
involved with several women, including his second wife, Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein. He believed in nonviolence and advocated political
action, and he always believed in social justice for the working classes. His life and writing held so much promise, but it was all cut short by his
untimely death at the age of 30.
Shelley's political and religious views caused most mainstream publications in his day to either
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Wordsworth And Shelley 's On Powers And Illusions Of The...
The Romantic period, a time that writers such as Wordsworth and Shelley focused their writing in the centre of life and social importance. An
important aspect of 'Romanticism: its emphasis upon the power and terrors of the inner imaginative life ' (Watson, 2012, p. 1). The Prelude celebrates
Wordsworth 's life retained through memories and with the act of remembering, depicting emotions and experiences. Whereas, Shelley and the 'Ode to
the West Wind ' engaged his audience with inner and outer lives situations, ideas and elements of nature that represent his own position and ideas. This
essay will compare and contrast Wordsworth recollections and Shelley dramatizations of the 'powers and terrors of the inner imaginative life '. Also
considering, rhyme scheme, stanza forms, the reasons for the use of assonance and alliteration, and other poetic techniques. Finally, how do these
effects relate to the main question. When given consideration to the poems, the descriptions demonstrated a deeper power of inner imaginative life.
The power as stated 'comes from the heart or the soul, but also somehow from outside ' (The Open University, 2012, Romantic authorship, transcript p.
1). In comparison, both poets combine natural landscape with sublime vision of poetic power, that creates debates to what is real and or subjective.
The Romantic period required authors to fulfil the Romantic ideology. Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792–1822) with a reputation for social and political ideas
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The Romantic Movement : The Influence Of The Romantic Era
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and virtually any other social media would not exist as they do in 2016 without the influence of the Romantic
Era. Though the Romantic Era occurred over 200 years ago, its characteristics are an intrinsic part of today's culture and society. The Romantic Era was
well know for attributes such as the feelings of intense emotion, individuality, imagination, and an ardour for the natural realm.The Romantic
Movement aimed to overthrow the ideas of logic and order that Neoclassicism, the era proceeding Romanticism, had stood for and replace them with
emotion and spontaneity (Rueck). This newfound zest for emotion can be seen in the literary work of Percy Shelley, Ode to the West Wind (Graves 2).
Shelley ... Show more content on ...
These Romantics favored zestful passion and boldness as opposed to the Neoclassical restraint. People believed mundane, quotidian objects should
be presented in a new light and that these things were superior to the exotic (381). Romanticism craved for this transcendence, being beyond the
physical realm (Rueck). An example of this principle is Whitman's constant references of ubiquitous objects in the natural realm as being divine and
holy in his "Song of Myself" (Tsipis 379). Instead of studying science, Romantics looked inside of themselves for all of the answers and trusted their
instincts (Rueck).Tsipis tells how imagination and creativity can be thought of as being the core principles of the Romantic Movement and that
imagination is on the same level as the forces of the wild, or perhaps even transcends the human race, matching the powers of a god. This power of
creativity has numerous uses and creates the paradox that is the unity of emotion with logic (378). One of the reasons why imagination and creativity
was so important in Romanticism is because, near the end of the 18th century, the principles of Neoclassicism were taken to opposite sides of the
spectrum, making the content terribly unimaginative (Graves 3).A common theme across nearly all Romantic Era texts is a passion for nature
(Frerichs 7). Tsipis explains
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Essay about British Romanticism
Even today, man finds himself asking, "What is beautiful?" Many would point to nature when prompted with such a question; however, few realize
that a similar question was posed and a similar answer given back in Romantic Great Britain, but to a whole new degree. British Romanticism was a
reaction against technology as well as a cry to turn back to the beauty of nature, and its advocating troops held no more than a pen and paper in hand
(Lorcher). Authors of the Romantic era used literature to open the eyes of a society bogged down by the chaos and clutter of everyday life, and the
ideas that they promoted still affect man to this very day. The Romantic Movement spans approximately from 1783 to 1832 (Bernbaum). This was a
time of... Show more content on ...
a change from a mechanical conception of the world to an enthusiastic religion of nature, from rational virtue to emotional sensibility, from ... egoism to
humanitarian benevolence, from realism to optimism, from acceptance of things as they are to faith in progress, from contentment with urban
civilization to sentimental primitivism. (Bush 43) Romantics protested strongly to the "contemporary evils" of their time, such as poverty and warfare
(Bernbaum xxvii). They believed that such atrocities existed because there were still men in the world motivated by greed and pride. But they did not
let this knowledge force them into a state of despondency; instead, they looked forward to the future, when such things might improve (Bernbaum).
Romantics hoped that one day man's imagination would awaken and life could be what it was meant to be: "free, natural, beautiful, and humane"
(Bernbaum xxvii). This desire for a natural life came from the Romantic's love and admiration of nature. To him, nature was "emotionally expressive"
and the only real source of peace (Lorcher). Romantics discovered truth, virtue, and beauty not by routine examination, but by moments of inspiration
in which they could see something for what it truly was (Bernbaum). They did not experience such inspiration by focusing on the exterior, the everyday
affairs of mundane life; instead, they focused on the interior (Bernbaum). This is why man's imagination
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Characteristics Of Romanticism
Jonathan and Jessica Wordsworth. New York, NY: Penguin Books, 2005. Print.
Review by Gloria Wan, Oxford College of Emory University
The Penguin Books of Romantic Poetry includes a collections of romantic poetry from later eighteen centuries to the early nineteenth century. At the
peak of Romanticism, there were many social and political changes occurred including the French Revolution, Napoleon's expansion in Europe, the
Congress of Vienna, the conflict between conservatism and liberalism, Industrial revolution and so on. Romantic poets used poems to express their
emotions of their love for nature, longing for the ancient legends, and they tried to use their emotions and feelings to understand the world around them
including the French Revolution, slavery, industrial revolution and the Napoleonic war. However, after the Revolution of 1848, the wave of
romanticism died out and realism emerged.
Many romantic poetries praised the beauty and the power of the nature, and this can be seen as one of the characteristic of Romanticism. In the
poem Ode to the West Wind by Percy Shelley, it talked about wind has the power to change the season from autumn to spring, and it can also bring
rain and hail in the sky and waves in the ocean. As he wrote in his poem "Oh wild west wind, thou breath of autumn's being, thou, from whose unseen
presence the leaves dead are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing...the winged seeds, where they lie cold and low, each like a corpse within its
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Critical Analysis Of Ode To The West Wind By Percy Shelley
Title:Ode to the West Wind
Author : Percy Shelley
I read this poem last week .It only took me about 15 miniutes.But I will take a long time to keep it in my mind forerver.
Brief summary: The West Wind acts as a force for change and forward movement in the human and natural world. Shelley sees winter not just as the
last season of vegetation but as the last phase of life. Shelley observes the changing of the weather from autumn to winter and its effects on the
environment. Shelley is trying to show that a man's ideas can spread and live on beyond his lifetime by having the wind carry his 'dead thoughts' which
through destruction, will lead to a rebirth in the imagination, and in the natural world.
Evaluation: It is worth to read over and over again. In Ode To The West Wind, shelly wants to show his desire for transcendence. They need an act just
like the west wind, in order to change and improve the natural and human world. And I am strongly shocked ... Show more content on ...
It is worth to read for kids. Kids will learn that they should cherish the beautiful life. They can touch the warm sunlight, mom and dad make everything
neat, friends share their trouble as well as joy. Andersen, you brought kids something special.
Title: The Farmer and the Snake
Author: it comes form Aesop's Fables .
I read this story when I was ten years old.
Brief summary: one winter, a farmer found a snake stiff and frozen with cold. He had compassion on it, and taking it up, placed it in his bosom. The
snake was quickly revived by the warmth, and resuming its natural instincts, bit its benefactor, inflicting on him a mortal wound. "Oh," cried the farmer
with his last breath, "I am rightly served for pitying a scoundrel."
Evaluation: it is worth to read. This story told us that the greatest kindness will not bind the ungrateful.
Title: Cinderella
Author: Grimm's Fairy Tales by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
I read this fairy tale many years ago. I can not remember clear
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Essay on Ode to The West Wind: For Spring is Not Far Behind
Commanding to be proclaimed upon a mountain–top, "Ode to the West Wind" is crafted with such a structure and style that even the seasoned literary
connoisseur is overwhelmed. Boasting a lofty seventy lines, this masterpiece is no piece of cake to digest. Digging deeper into Percy Bysshe
Shelley's 1819 composition, one can see the old clichГ© "when one door closes, another opens." This theme is abundant throughout the work and also
reaches its prime in the last line of the poem, "If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind". By means of composition, "Ode to the West Wind" is an
intense combination of figurative language, sentence structure, cantos, sonnets, rhyme, and the list continues. As a start, take a look at Shelley's use of...
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This poem is the model to go by when looking to get something from another. All this goes back to sentence structure, because as the speaker inches
closer to revealing what he wants, he starts breaking up his sentences more, portraying a slight nervousness about his request. There are no more one
sentence cantos, there are six and eight sentence ones because the speaker has exhausted all of his flattery and has to come clean about his intentions.
As a whole, this poem is not a sonnet. Broken down into cantos, it is. Consisting of five sonnets in terza rima, there are four three–lined stanzas in each
with a couplet finishing it off like a Shakespearian sonnet (Reiger). Because it is constructed in terza rima, it is not by any means a Shakespearian
sonnet unless one is referring to the couplets. Terza rima consists of sequences of three lines of interlocking rhyme, for example, aba bcb cdc ded
etcetera (Reiger). This rhyme scheme effectively avoids producing a song–like poem, and increases the importance of the message being presented by
not making it too lyrical. This rhyme scheme was made famous by Italy's very own Dante. It is difficult, however, to end such a scheme, so Shelley
introduced his native England's Shakespearian couplet to round it off. This structure reflects Shelley's life, having left England for Italy, and it brings
his home – Italy – and his homeland – England – together (Coleman). In addition to a magnificent structure, imagery takes its
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Lord Of The West Wind, By Percy Shelley
Nature is a source of inspiration for each poet from which they determine imagery, emphasizing its symbolic meaning and part as a powerful force in
human life. Percy Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind" and John Keats' "To Autumn" are fixated on nature. Shelley addresses nature in majority of his
poems climatically, according to his spontaneous and momentary response, while Keats turns to contemplation due to his personal suffering. Both
poets are impacted by the seasonal process in nature which ushers them into the temperament of transition and aging. However, both of them
differently perceive the same natural manifestations. In Percy Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind" considers the subject of cyclic regeneration through
the depiction of nature. Shelley watches the destructive changes in nature created by the autumnal wind with a desire for the following spring and
revival. In the seasonal process he sees a typical model for conceivable revolutionary changes both in his own life and in the current social and political
structure of his nation. The usage of nature demonstrates Shelley's gratefulness towards beauty and the natural world. His "Ode to the West Wind"
fundamentally engages the dynamic brilliant power of the west wind to issue him that vitality which has the capacity to change the world. He describes
how powerful the wind is and communicates his poem in a shrewd method that paints readers a picture of how great and amazing the wind can be.
Through the utilization of
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Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey And Ode To...
omposed upon Westminster Bridge", "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey", and "Ode to the West Wind". These selections of poems
are directly focused on the writers' views and passions associated to nature. The poems themselves are described with apostrophe which addresses
many of their abstract ideas regarding the nature around them and also described with rich words such as, pastoral, sublime, sylvan, and sprightly.
I also learned that Romanticists had a fondness for writing and emphasizing the feelings of living things, particularly animals. In the poem "To a
Mouse", the author expresses deep care and concern for a mouse who is left for dead, whose house is destroyed, and left to starve. The speaker
responds to this by rescuing, feeding, and providing shelter for the poor mouse. This alone shows great care for an animal, even though it's usually
considered a pest among others. Another example of fascination of an animal is in the poem "The Tyger", where our speaker describes in wonder and
majesty a fierce and frightening tiger. He presents it in the sense of seeing this animal as nearly god–like by wondering how it came with such
balanced form and such herculean strength. ... Show more content on ...
Many Romantics wrote about different things (art, animals, nature, adventure, dreams, etc.) and presented these ideas in several different ways and
tones. A great example of this was the use of Scottish dialect transferred into the story of "To a Mouse", which allowed for the speaker to have more
charm and character. Also, symbolism began to be used more often in poems in unique ways that would form a hauntingly beautiful aura to the world
of Romantic poetry. Lastly and in conclusion, the most amazing thing about Romanticism is that all of the Romantic poems are widely different, but
they all have a familiar and classic sound and feeling associated with
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Feudalism In Romantic Poetry
A dictum from Heraclitus may illustrate the origin of romantic poetry, "when we are awake we have a world in common, but when we are asleep
each has his own world" (Quoted by O'Connell 35). As conceived from the innermost being, romantic poems have a close relationship with dream.
However, as the definitions and characteristics are controversial, some critics oppose to use the term "Romanticism". For instance, Arthur Lovejoy
criticizes that "Romanticism" is an obscure norm when defined by associating the nature and emotion as even Plato can be regarded as a pioneer in
romantic poetry according to this definition (Lovejoy 230). However, romantic poetry cannot be defined with a linguistic entitle without considering
the historical process (Wellek 2) for it appeared in a specific period after the revolution in France and the Enlightenment, when the awareness of
rationalism started to spreed. Romantic poetry is a genre which is used by poets to transcend ... Show more content on ...
As the revolution in France altered the thoughts of poets, they initiated to use poems to resist the unequal society. For example, leaves with cold tone
are depicted in the poem "Ode to the West Wind" as a representation for feudalism, which has been "dying" (Shelley Stanza.2), "decaying" (Stanza.2),
and "quivering" (Stanza.3), while the "fierce wind" accompanying with rain awakens the Mediterranean and will drive the leaves away, implying the
awareness of liberty has formed and revolutions are generating. In the end of this poem, Shelly proposes a "prophesy" that the tyranny of feudalism
society will be replaced, arousing enthusiasm within the people. In this poem, substances in the nature are applied to be symbols in order to attack the
feudalism and praise the willing for liberty. Thus, symbolism is applied in romantic poems to analyze the humanity and scorn the
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"Ode to the West Wind" Essay
The wind is one of the most powerful forces known to man. It can do things that man has been envious of and also terrified of throughout the
centuries. It is no wonder why Shelley decided to write a poem of praise in its name. Shelley writes this poem with the speaker being a poet himself
frustrated that he can not tell the world the things that he feels the world needs to know. Throughout the poem he continually is describing what the
wind can do and what he wishes the wind could do for him. It may be better to describe Shelley before I try to interpret the poem. Shelley was an
intelligent man who studied at Oxford before being kicked out for refusing to admit authorship of The Necessity of Atheism. He continued to write and
express... Show more content on ...
Shelley was bringing "...his two countries closer together with the structure of a poem."(Shmoop Editorial Team) It could also be argued that
Shelley was using the terza rima to emulate Dante since he was one the great writers of that time. Although these are very plausible thoughts on what
this structure could mean, we still may never know what exactly was meant by it. After a first read of the poem many literary techniques that
Shelley used to catch the eye of the reader. The imagery that is used in this poem is matched by no other poem that I have read, using scenes of
"yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red" (Shelley 4) leaves and of the "crystГ lline streams" (Shelley 31) to give a clear mental picture of exactly
what Shelley wants to portray. Metaphors are also a huge contributing factor to his ability to be able to describe what exactly he wants to describe.
Throughout the poem he refers to his thoughts being leaves that are dead and withered and that he wishes the west wind could take these leaves of
his and disperse them like it does the literal leaves of the fall. Along with the imagery and metaphors he also uses allusions to Greek mythology
describe how the wind is powerful enough to move the clouds "Like the bright hair uplifted from the head/ Of some fierce MГ¦nad" (Shelley 20–21).
His word choice throughout the poem is mainly to credit for the way that his message is portrayed. The poem is
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Natural Objects Used Convey A Symbolic Meaning
Natural Objects used to convey a Symbolic Meaning
Percy Shelley was a writer during the Romantic Era, often known for his lyric poetry. In lyric poetry, the mood is often musical and emotional, often
represented in rhythm and rhyme (Portnoy). The writer of a lyric poem uses words that express his state of mind, his perceptions, or his feelings.
Shelley composes lyric poetry that makes use of the language, imagery, and metaphors to represent a symbolic meaning of the object he is addressing
in each poem (Portnoy). Shelley often uses concrete images in his poetry to convey an abstract idea. Shelley uses natural objects to represent a
symbolic meaning throughout Mont Blanc, Hymn to Intellectual Beauty, and Ode to the West Wind. In Mont... Show more content on
Shelley uses the way water flows through a riverbank to symbolize the way our thought flows through our mind 'The source of human thought its
tribute brings, Of water, – with a sound of half its own, Such as a feeble brook will oft assume, In the wild woods, among the mountains lone, Where
waterfalls around it leap for ever' (Shelley 871). Thoughts rush into the mind filling the brain, similarly as water rushes down a riverbank, filling the
riverbank until it can hold no more. 'Within this mind human thought brings its tribute, that is, giving the external world what it owes to it, like a brook
flowing as a tributary into a mighty river' (Portnoy). The beginning of the second stanza, Shelley states 'Thus thou, Ravine of Arve– dark, deep Ravine
– Thou many–coloured, many–voice vale' (Shelley 871) to further symbolize the way our thoughts flow through our mind, just as the River of Arve
flows through this ravine. Shelley 'turns from his own private inward musing to look at the scene in front of him, the ravine of the River Arve at the
foot of Mount Blanc' (Portnoy). Shelley uses the many colours reflecting off the River Arve 'Thou many–colour, many–voice vale' (Shelley 871) to
symbolize the way our many different memories can affect the thoughts within our minds. The final line of the fifth stanza ends the poem by
questioning the vacancy found in silence and solitude 'And what were thou, and earth, and stars, and sea, If to the human mind's
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Ode to the West Wind
"Ode to the West Wind," Shelley invokes Zephyrus, the west wind, to free his "dead thoughts" and words, "as from an unextinguished hearth / Ashes
and sparks" (63, 66–67), in order to prophesy a renaissance among humanity, "to quicken a new birth" (64). This ode, one of a few personal lyrics
published with his great verse drama, "Prometheus Unbound," identifies Shelley with his heroic, tormented Titan. By stealing fire from heaven,
Prometheus enabled humanity to found civilization. In punishment, according to Hesiod 's account, Zeus chained Prometheus on a mountain and gave
him unending torment, as an eagle fed from his constantly restored liver. Shelley completed both his dramatic poem and "Ode to the West Wind" in
autumn 1819 in Florence,... Show more content on ...
Inspiration gives the poet a melody, a sequence of simple notes, resembling the wind 's "stream" (15), but his creative mind imposes a new harmony
of this melody, by adding chords and by repeating and varying the main motifs. The human imagination actively works with this "wind" to impose
"harmony" on its melody. The lyre "accomodate[s] its chords to the motions of that which strikes them, in a determined proportion of sound; even as
the musician can accommodate his voice to the sound of the lyre" (В§8). In this way, the poet 's mind and the inspiration it receives co–create the poem.
In "Ode on the West Wind," the `melody ' delivered to Shelley is unconsciously expressed in the poem 's epic metaphor, and the chords that his mind
generates in response are, first, the repetitions and variations of that melody –– for example, the variation of the "leaves" metaphor –– and secondly, the
formal order: the sonnet sequence imposed on terza rima, as if the tradition of Western sonneteering were imposed on Dante 's transcendental vision.
That Shelley echoes the metaphor–melody 's points of comparison throughout "The Defence of Poetry" shows how deeply ingrained it was in his mind.
To Shelley, metaphors like this, comparing a human being and the universe, characterize the prophetic powers of all poets. Their conscious, rational
mind, in routine
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The West Wind
Ode to the West Wind The poet, Percy Bysshe Shelley refers to the wind 4 times in the first section of the poem, although we do not know until the
very end of the first section why and what he wants from the wind. In order to gain the Winds trust and confidence, the speaker comes up with a
couple examples of what the wind did in the past and is capable of. Like driving away the autumn leaves, placing seeds in the earth, bringing
thunderstorms and the "death" of the natural world, and stirring up the seas and oceans. The end of the first and third line always rhyme with each other.
In the 1st part the speaker wishes that the wind could affect him the way it does leaves and clouds and waves. Since the wind can't, the speaker asks
him to play ... Show more content on ...
The "Dead leaves" are referenced no less than five times in this short lyric poem. "Dead leaves" are the remaining's of the previous season which the
wind clears away. They're also a metaphorical representation of the pages of writing and poetry generated by the speaker or the author. Lines 5–12 is an
extended simile, the author compares seeds to corpses lying in their graves. "O wild West Wind" this is an example of an alliteration in the poem. We
can see the use of paradox, as "ghosts" flee from enchanter is quite paradoxical. Normally we think that ghosts are terrible looking and therefore can
cause fright and provoke
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Analysis Of Percy Shelley 's Frankenstein, Thomas Love...
Percy Shelley an ancient poet of the 16th century. He falls under the category of one of the major English poets who are romantic. The recognition
of his works developed radically after his death. He was a also a key member who belonged to the closest circle of poets who were very visionary. Such
poets included, Leigh hunt, his second wife Mary Shelley who wrote the book Frankenstein, Thomas love peacock and lord Byron. This document
therefore seeks to talk about the various works of Percy Shelley and how most of it has been used. Percy Shelley was associated with romantic
writings. An example of such is a book he wrote which was known as The Rosicrucian. This a horror novel although romantic. It involves a main
character Wolfstein who... Show more content on ...
A neurotic poet is one who tries to explore wider forms of creativity. this kind
of poetry could take different forms which include, short stories and relatively, structurally composed short paragraphs brought together to make
what is known by the world as a poem. Percy who was sent to boarding school at the age of ten. The odd boy who was usually very quiet was often
being taunted by schoolmates in a relentless manner exposing out certain aspects about him. For instance anger that had once even driven him to
stab another student of the school with a fork. In school he was always a dreamer who was very visionary most of the time even forgetting small
things such as tying a shoelace or even having to wear a hat. Thus such kind of habit attracted Shelley to posses a nickname. Most of the students
therefore could now refer to him as Mad Shelley. He is an idol of close to three or four generations after his death. Most poets looked up to his works.
In this list, it would involve Pre–Raphaelite poets who are very well known and also Victorian poets. Some of the poets include Oscar wilde and
Thomas Hardy. In Oscar wilde for instance, his enthusiasm led to the writing of the novel The picture of the Dorian Gray. Just like the way Percy
used to write, the style used in writing this novel is slightly the same to the way Oscar wilde did it. He talks about Dorian's beauty and how he
expresses his belief that the beauty of Dorian is responsible
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Use of Nature in Poetry Essay example
Poetry Poets use many ways when they want to communicate something using poems. Poems are used as a means of passing ideas, information and
expression of feelings. This has made the poets to use the natural things and images that people can relate with so that they can make these poems
understandable. The most common forms of writing that are used by the poets are the figurative language for example imagery and metaphors. In
addition, the poets use the natural landscape in their attempt to explore the philosophical questions. Therefore, this essay will explore the forms that
have been used by the poets in writing poems using the natural landscape. The essay will be based on poems such as 'Stopping by Woods on a Snowy
Evening' by... Show more content on ...
Shelley in his poem 'Ode to the West Wind' has used similes in his poem. He states that, "the leaves dead are driven like ghosts from an enchanter
fleeing." He also states that, "the winged seeds where they lie cold and low each like a corpse within its grave." As observed from these examples, the
poets will use these techniques to assist in easier interpretation of the poem. The poets also use metaphors when writing poems. Metaphors refer to the
use of certain words to mean otherwise in the context of the poem. However, metaphors are sometimes hidden in the poem such that they require the
reader to figure out their existence in the poem. This will be easy when the poet employs the physical environment that is well understood by the
reader. In addition, metaphors will strengthen the ideas that the poet wants to pass across. Metaphors will therefore make it easier for the readers to
interpret and understand the meaning that the poet intended to communicate. Shelley has used a metaphor in his poem where he states
'...Pestilence–stricken multitudes'. He states this to indicate to the reader that he is not just addressing a pile of leaves. Therefore, this helps to
understand the deeper meaning of the poem. He also states about the 'wintry bed', which is meant to show his mood in the poem. Poets also use the
landscape in writing poems because of the inspiration that they get from such places. This could be based on some memory or the history of the place
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Figurative Language In The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
Often times, nature is perceived in many different ways. This can be as a result of people having their own opinions and knowledge. The Romantic era
was an intellectual movement that lasted from about 1800–1850. Romantic poets believed that nature is beautiful and controls fate. The Romantics
often used figurative language to describe and give nature traits. The poems Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Ode to the
West Wind by Percy Bysshe Shelley are examples of Romantic poems. In the poems, each author reflected their visions of nature. These poems
reflected their visions of nature as dangerous, powerful, and divine. They reflected their visions of nature by using symbolism and other forms of
figurative language.... Show more content on ...
For example, "The death–fires danced at night; the water, like a witch's oils, burnt green, and blue and white" (128–130 – Coleridge). The quote above
personified the death–fires as dancing, and connected the sea with the color of a witch's oil. Also, this quote describes the sea as color–changing
which may be symbolic of its power. Another example that reflects nature is: "And we did speak only to break the silence of the sea!" (109–110 –
Coleridge). The previous quote reflects their visions of nature by putting emphasis on the "silence of the sea" which may represent the serenity of
nature. The quote also shows how if we "speak" we would disrupt the balance of nature. Coleridge also used rhyme scheme to get a point across as can
be seen in: "The ice was here, the ice was there, the ice was all around, It cracked and growled, and roared and howled like noises in a swound!"
(61–62 Coleridge). This quote used the words "roared" and "growled" to describe how the nature of the ice around them is dangerous and hostile.
Coleridge reflected his opinion of nature by using figurative language to describe how dangerous and divine nature
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Ode To The West Wind Essay
Theme :– Inspiration in “Ode to the West Wind';
“When composition begins, inspiration is already on the decline'; – P. B. Shelley
Shelley deals with the theme of inspiration in much of his work. However it is particularly apparent in ‘Ode to the West
Wind’ where the wind is the source of his creativity. The cycles of death and rebirth are examined in anhistorical context with reference to
The Bible. The word inspiration has several connotations that Shelley uses in this ‘Ode’. Inspiration is literally
‘taking in breath’ and wind, breath, soul and inspiration are all identical or related in Hebrew, Latin and Greek. They are all ...
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Coupled with the elusiveness of the wind to the human eye the effect is that the wind is an “uncontrollable'; power that cannot be
contained. In the fifth stanza Shelley refers to “the incantation of this verse';(l.65) – this is of pagan origins and he is invoking the wind to
work through him. As a magician the wind works it’s magic throughout nature and it knows no bounds as the earth, water and air all
feel it’s power. The imagery associated with this suggests that Shelley expected his work to also spread over the universe, like the wind,
and inspire others just as the wind was an inspiration to him. The “dead thoughts'; he refers to could be the words he has written down
that die as soon as they are recorded. Although not the source of his inspiration others could read them and experience what he felt in that wood that
skirts the Arno. In the tradition of the sublime this description acts as a denial of sense perception and it is associated with an object of pure thought –
an unknown power that animates all life. The wind is, therefore, seen as a spirit because of its lack of being. This spirit can only be known by
it’s effects and we see those in the first stanza as “the leaves dead / Are driven … to their wintry bed';(ll. 2,3,6).
The wind’s role is to spread the dead leaves and this enables the seeds to spread and begin life anew. In this double role of
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Finding Truth In Walt Whitman's Song Of Myself
The Romantic Period was a time very different from that of the previous movement, the Enlightenment. It was a time for creativity and it was a time of
unity in nature and within themselves. During the Enlightenment, science and reason prevailed. Everything had set rules on how it should be and how
people should act in their private and public lives. Truth was static and never changing until the Romantic Movement. Truth changed and was based on
an individual's experience. Whereas during the Romantic period. Transcendentalists were people found during this time who, according to A
Handbook to Literature, believed in finding truth within oneself where individuals could hear the voice of God. They believed each person should find
his or her own path to walk with God instead of relying on an institution. This differed from the ideals of the Enlightenment in that during the
Enlightenment, some believed that science was all the God one needed. Science was the place truth and knowledge was found, and there was no place
in science for God. Dionysus, the god of wine, fertility, and music is found throughout the works of Romantic authors and is seen as an opposition to
reason from the Enlightenment.
In Ode to a Nightingale, John Keats takes the reader floating ... Show more content on ...
"You shall no longer take things at second or third hand, nor look through the eyes of the dead, nor feed on the spectres in books; You shall not look
through my eyes, either, nor take things from me: You shall listen to all sides, and filter them from yourself." He is encouraging the readers to find
truth in what others say at his or her own interpretation, which was a major ideal in Romanticism. He Whitman celebrates the body, namely his own,
and shows that he is proud and unashamed, and, in fact, in love with
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The Ilusory Nature Of Romantic Poetry
'The idea that poetry, or even consciousness, can set one free of the ruins of history and culture is the grand illusion of every Romantic poet' (Jerome
McGann). Would you agree with McGann's assessment of the illusory nature of Romantic poetry?
Wordsworth recognises in the Preface to the 1802 print of Lyrical Ballads that he and Coleridge, viewed by many as the most influential pioneers of
Romantic poetry, are guilty of imbuing a "certain colouring of imagination" throughout their poetry. Indeed, Romantic poetry is often characterised by
its fascination with the imagination and the idea that the mind can create a world that transcends the physical senses. In light of this concept that a new
and greater world can be forged through poetry, some credence can certainly be found in Jerome McGann's evaluation that the primary purpose of
Romantic poetry is to "set one free of the ruins of history and culture". However, McGann, in my opinion, also oversimplifies the nuances and
implications found throughout Romantic poetry, and seems to dismiss it as somewhat escapist, or reliant on its displacement from reality to convey
meaning; ultimately, as a "grand illusion". Through examination of works by Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, and Keats, I mean to propose, firstly,
that Romantic poetry varies greatly throughout the period – meaning it frequently defies generic summation. Secondly, that Romantic poets often
directly confront their historical and social contexts, and in many ways,
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Analysis Of Blazing Saddles
An eerie flute sounds in the distance, smack dab in the center of, let's call it, "A Staple Town in the Wild Westв„
ў" are two cowboys; in the midst of a
head to head shootout for God knows what– a spilled drink, malicious comments, a poached lover. The piercing mix of sand and wind scathing your
skin, eyes blinded by the high noon sun shining from above, and of course, the token roll of tumbleweed to the corner of your eye. "One... two...
three... Shoot!" The hero always prevails... quite disparate imagery compared to Mel Brooks' 1974 classic, Blazing Saddles. The Western motif is one
that has been trivialized, heckled, idealized, subverted, and replicated exponentially throughout not only American cinemas but motion pictures
world–wide. Blazing Saddles serves as both a form of this subversion and a burlesque depiction of the genre itself. The film's complex sense of humor
prioritizes aspects that can only be completely relished based on the personal experiences of the viewer– a satirical comedy attempting (and
succeeding) at ridiculing copious aspects of an otherwise ideal Western society, a picture–perfect Hollywood dream. Blazing Saddles serves as a
mockery of the traditional white westerner archetype, the Ku Klux, and all sorts of minority groups, while simultaneously bringing awareness to the
harsh treatment and racial prejudice upheld against African Americans at the time. Brooks utilizes the parodying aspects and themes evident in Blazing
Saddles as a method to subvert
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Air For Band Analysis
Band Air for Band – Frank Erickson Grade 2 This classic of band literature has beautiful melodies. While it appears simple on the surface, it offers a
wonderful opportunity to teach bands about long legato phrasing and balance. This piece is mainly in the key of C Minor. There are many syncopated
entrances, providing an excellent opportunity to work with students on developing an internal beat. Blue Ridge Saga – James Swearingen Grade 2 This
piece includes a variety of meter (including 6/8) and styles for students to play in. There are some places in the 6/8 where the band plays in duples.
There is a short percussion solo and several solis for upper woodwinds and trumpets; they also have some 16th note runes. This piece has a catchy...
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Several sections get the chance to play soli including flutes, clarinets, trumpets, and trombones. The work is in ABA form, with contrast in styles
between marcato and legato making this piece interesting. Prehistoric Suite – Paul Jennings Grade 1.5 This piece is a great way to introduce
multimovement pieces to beginning groups. It is a programmatic work with four short movements including: Stegosaurus; Brontosaurus; Pteradactyls
and The Battle (Tyrannosaurus and Triceratops). Each movement has a different mood for students to play in. The fourth movement has some "free
time" sections for students to experiment with. There are several other things that may be new for students including glissandos and disonant chords.
Train Heading West & Other Outdoor Scenes– Timothy Broege Grade 1 Train Heading West is a three movement work that is highly programmatic.
The last movement represents the train; the movement starts slowly and accelerates drammatically. Near the end of the piece the train reaches its final
destination. There is a lot of unison playing and section soli. This piece has a lot of sudden dynamic contrast and contrasting articulation styles.
Percussion play train whistle and use
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Differences Between The Renaissance And Romantic Period...
British literature is constantly evolving. This became overwhelmingly apparent in the survey of literature from the varying literary periods analyzed in
English III. The reason for such is the ever–changing nation in which the authors lived. The stark differences in life during the Renaissance and
Romantic Era resulted in authors' writing with the intention to convey different themes. Specifically, one key theme of the Renaissance was the role of
God in people's lives, which manifests itself in John Donne's sermon "Meditation 17" was well as John Milton's poem "When I Consider How My
Light Is Spent." In the Romantic Era, one theme around which writers tended to focus was the beauty and power of nature. This theme is
overwhelmingly clear in William Wordsworth's poem "The World Is Too Much with Us" and Percy Shelley's poem "Ode to the West Wind." A
theme nearly omnipresent in the Renaissance was the role of God in people's lives. One major work it appears in is John Milton's "When I Consider
How My Light Is Spent." In this sonnet, Milton reflects on his blindness and its impact to his standing as a Christian. This is evident when he "fondly"
asks, "Doth God exact day–labor, light denied?" In other words, he is asking God whether he still demands good works that may not be possible to
to his disability. The answer to such question is a clear no, as "God doth not need... man's work." Moreover, this "murmur" elaborates its position, that
whoever best accepts life's burdens ("His
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Allusions In The Tempest
Allusion Allusion is a brief and indirect reference to a person, place, thing or idea of historical, cultural, literary or political significance. Often the
reference is well known and can sometimes give further insight on certain meanings and display greater context. Example 1: Marlowe's "Doctor
Faustus" Act III: "LearnГЁd Faustus, to find the secrets of astronomy Graven in the book of Jove's high firmament, Did mount him up to scale
Olympus' top," Jove's high firmament in this passage refers to the vast stretches of the universe. "Olympus' top" is an allusion to Greek Mythology
where Mount Olympus is the home of gods. Example 2: Milton's "Paradise Lost", Book 6: "All night the dread less Angel unpursu'd Through Heav'ns
wide Champain held... Show more content on ...
It is a metonymy because the word "ears" replaces the concept of attention. Example 2: "Out, Out" by Robert Frost. "As he swung toward them
holding up the hand Half in appeal, but half as if to keep The life from spilling" In these lines, the expression "The life from spilling" is a
metonymy that refers to spilling of blood. It develops a link between life and blood. The loss of too much blood means loss of life. Ode Ode is a
literary technique that is lyrical in nature, but not very lengthy. You have often read odes in which poets praise people, natural scenes, and abstract
ideas. Example 1: Ode to the West Wind by Percy Bysshe Shelley "Scatter, as from an unextinguish'd hearth Ashes and sparks, my words among
mankind! Be through my lips to unawaken'd earth The trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind, If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?" This presents an
example of irregular ode that employs neither three parts, nor four line stanzas like a Horatian ode. Nevertheless, each stanza of ode is distinct from
the other stanzas in rhyme scheme, pattern and length. Example 2: "Ode to the Confederate Dead" by Allen
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Which Way Does The Wind Blow?
Which Way Does the Wind Blow?
The Aeolian harp in Coleridge and Shelley The Aeolian harp is a simple instrument that sounds music according to the wind. Its music depends
primarily on the direction, speed, and strength of the wind, but there isn't much to the harp other than that. Despite being just a simple instrument with
a simple concept, it still manages to make an appearance in many Romantic poems, including the poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge andPercy Bysshe
Shelley. It's natural that the Aeolian harp became a Romantic symbol because it lets itself be deeply affected by nature; however, one would think that
it is already a solid concept, therefore it would appear to be the same in all Romantic poetry. While Coleridge and Shelley sometimes share ideas about
the Aeolian harp, they manage to transform it in a multitude of ways that differ between the two poets and sometimes even in the individual poet's own
poetry. To Coleridge and Shelley the Aeolian harp is much more than an instrument that is played by the wind, it also stands for poetry, or humans
themselves, and even the so–called "one life". The harp and the wind that acts upon it is representative as poetry and the poetic wit, especially in
Coleridge. In Coleridge's poem "The Eolian Harp", his usage of language such as "desultory breeze," "sweet upbraiding," and "sequacious notes"
(14–18) imply that the notes from produces by the wind comes together to form actual music. This is further emphasized in stanza
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Percy Bysshe Shelley, Percy Wordsworth And Ode To The West...
When readers think of romantic poems, poets such as William Blake, William Wordsworth, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge comes to mind. These poets
had an instinctive feeling that they were 'chosen' to direct others through the French Revolution. In the early 1820's, the great age of English romantic
poetry ended with Shelley. He was also a supporter of the French Revolution, hoping that he too could bring on a political change by regenerating
mankind spiritually. Shelley spoke of high praise about poets, saying: "They measure the circumference and sound the depths of human nature with a
comprehensive and all–penetrating spirit...". Shelley, along with the rest of the poets, inspired others to speak out against what is wrong, and they
continue to this day to influence pop culture. It is important to realize that PB Shelley was one of many revolutionary writers. by analyzing two of his
poems, Song to the Men of England and Ode to the West Wind, it will provide us with the evidence needed to support Shelley as a revolutionary writer.
Percy Bysshe Shelley, the rebellion against authority, was an English poet that focused on romanticism, but many of his work concerns protest and
revolution. This could be because the romantic age in the 1800's was filled with turmoil. Many poets amongst Shelley, were desired to write about
social injustice, inequality, and politics in their poems. Shelley strongly believed that expressing those factors into poetry would make people and
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Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Percy Bysshe Shelley And John Keats
In "Like a Poet" three poets will be discussed, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Percy Bysshe
Shelley and John Keats. These poets contribute to the society of poetry in distinctive ways.
However, they also have some similarities and prove poetry has been around for centuries and will not vanish in the near future. Many may think that
poetry is only enjoyed by those that have the ability to think deeply and beyond the normal spectrum of society. Nevertheless, poetry is inspiring,
romantic, fascinating, emotional and all around amazing. Poetry, whether it is complex or a few simple lines, has demonstrated to be for all
humanity. Samuel Taylor Coleridge whom I will refer to as Coleridge throughout "Like a Poet" is somewhat complex in his writing. He uses many
words that may have to be researched and or read over several times before understand what he is discussing. Coleridge's poem "Kubla
Khan" is a great example of complex poetry with hints of simplicity. In this poem Coleridge describes a place of pleasure that is encased by gloom, for
example in "Kubla Khan" it reads in lines 5–11, "Down to a sunless sea. So twice five miles of fertile ground with walls and towers were girdled
round: And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills, Where blossomed many an incense–bearing tree; and here were forests ancient as the hill,
Enfolding sunny spots of greenery." In this section of the poem it is vividly unfolding a scene of chaos that somehow has a small light of
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Ode to the West Wind by Percy Shelley
On August 4, 1792 the world was unknowingly introduced to a future poet. He is the eldest son of Timothy and Elizabeth Shelley. He had one
brother and four sisters. He grew up in the village Broadbridge Heath. He learned to fish and hunt in the meadows surrounding his home. He ran
through the fields with his cousin and good friend Thomas Medwin. Percy's parents were Timothy Shelley he was a squire and member of
Parliament, and Elizabeth Shelley. Percy Shelley began gracing the world by age 10 and continued using his extensive expencence to write
poetry, thereafter ("On August 4, 1792, Peel Percy Bysshe was born near"). At the age of 10 he studied at Syon House Academy. Percy attended
Eton College for six years he beginning in 1804. He went to Oxford University. When he was at Eton he began to write poetry. His first publication
was a Gothic novel, Zastrozzi. The same year Shelley and Thomas Jefferson Hogg published "Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson" (On
August 4, 1792, Peel Percy Bysshe was born near"). At the age of nineteen Percy Shelley eloped in Scotland with sixteen year old Harriet
Westbrook. He moved to Lake District of England to study. Years later he published his first long poem, Queen Mob: A Philosophical Poem.
Shelley was in love with Goodwill and Mary Wollstonecraft's daughter, Mary, and in 1814 they eloped to Europe. He was one of the epic poets of the
19th century. He the best known for classic anthology verse works such as Ode to the West Wind and
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The Romantic Works Of John Keats, Percy Shelley, And...
The romantic period, lasting from the late 18th to the early 19th century, followed the Age of Reason. During this time people had an individualized,
free, liberal, and imaginative attitude towards life. Literature itself was full of introspection, emotion, passion, sublimity, beauty, and spontaneity, with
subjects such as humankind, the soul, flowers, the common people and more. Of all of the Romantic values and subjects, the beauty, creativity, and
morals of nature is what truly inspired human imagination, and thus literature of the eighteenth and early nineteenth century. The underlying theme of
nature that is persistent through romantic poetry creates a bond between the poet and the common man through short poems that express personal
emotion that all can feel, as we all are connected to nature. This can be seen through the works of John Keats, Percy Shelley, and William Blake. Percy
Shelley was a joyful and optimistic Romantic poet of the time who was concerned with the beauty and passions of nature, creativity, and imagination.
Nature is an ever present theme in his poetry as he feels closely connected to nature's power. Ode to the West Wind is one of his most notable poems,
and one that truly exemplifies the idea of expressing personal emotion and feeling by using metaphors from nature. He uses the west wind to symbolize
the power of nature and the imagination that was thus inspired by nature. It was almost even an agent for change. In the poem, the wild West wind
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Environmental Pollution And Its Effects On The Environment
Environmental pollution is one of the biggest problems the world faces today. Pollution troubles humans economically, physically, and everyday of our
lives. The outbreak of diseases is linked to the contamination of the environment; however, most people do not know about this problem. This fact
shows that increasing environmental pollution needs to be taken care of a soon as possible, not only for the good of the environment, but also for the
people that live in it. "Although environmental pollution can be caused by natural events such as forest fires and active volcanoes, use of the word
pollution generally implies that the contaminants have an anthropogenic source–that is, a source created by human activities" ("Pollution."). Many
factors explain why environmental pollution has become such a large issue in the world. Air and water pollution has been caused by the burning of
fossil fuels. Most of the rivers are polluted and ninety percent of urban water bodies are polluted. Half of china does not have access to clean water.
Regulations are passed to regulate pollution, but they are not monitored. The Chinese government deals with the punishment of pollution, it spends two
hundred billion dollars each year on pollution problems (Desonie 35). However, if the people of the world were to act on this problem, it would
definitely help both the environment and the people. There are many activities that can be done by both the common citizen to the governments of the
world, which
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Eolian Harp Essay
In Coleridge's poem "Eolian Harp", the harp itself used as a motif to represent creativity. Another poet that used the eolian harp motif was Percy
Shelly. Shelly's poem "Ode to the West Wind", uses the harp and nature as a motif to represent creativity. Throughout Shelly's poem, he expresses his
creativity with nature. An example like the season of autumn and the changes of season. He also uses a describe style of writing and the Eolian harp to
define creativity with nature. And the poem has similarities to the "Eolian Harp".
The poem "Ode to the West Wind", expresses creativity through nature. Shelly used the aspects of nature to express creativity. He used autumn, the sea
and changing of the seasons to convey creativity. For example, in "Ode to the West Wind", Shelly writes the line "Wild spirit, which art moving
everywhere". In this line, Shelly is expressing that in the spirit of nature art is moving. In this passage, he is talking about the season of autumn. The
being verse "O wild west wind thou breath of autumn's being". Both verses express that autumn can bring out creativity. The moving of the wind is
being compared to art moving everywhere in nature that can fuel creativity. Shelly also uses the sea to express creativity. There are a few lines that
Shelly uses to show this. One line is, "Thou who ... Show more content on ...
The line reads, "Make my thy lyre, even as the forest is: What if my leaves are falling like its own! The tumult of thy mighty harmonies." Like the
Eolian Harp, Shelly uses this motif to express creativity. Shelly uses the harp and the season of autumn. The season when leaves change and the wind
are in harmony can open a person mind to being creative. The harp in "Ode to the West Wind", is symbolizing a sense of self and being in nature and
letting nature control you. In letting nature take control creativity can come alive. Both Shelly and Coleridge has similar ideas about the harp and draw
inspiration for
... Get more on ...

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  • 2. Compare And Contrast The Wind Image In The Eolian Wind And... The Wind Image in the Eolian Harp and Ode to the West Wind Melike BasД±n Akdeniz University IDE 405 PhD Assistant Professor H. Sezgi SaraГ§ December 11, 2017 The Wind Image in the Eolian Harp and Ode to the West Wind Romanticism is a literary and artistic movement which takes its inspiration from nature and creates a new perception of the world. Seeking for the essence of the nature made Romantic poets more related to the essence of the human being and its natural existence in the universe. These new conceptualized ideas created innovation for literature and especially for poetry. (Norton) Romantic Period starts with William Wordsworth's publishing of The Lyrical Ballads in 1798, after 30 years of preparation time. Two years later,... Show more content on ... In the Ode to the West Wind, there are three parts in the poem that describe the wind's impacts on the earth, air and the sea. First of all, in the first section, wind represents both preserver and destroyer qualities. It destroys the nature and kills it in the autumn. It carries the dead leaves to the graveyard. However, while doing this, it also creates a new life because in the spring, the seeds which were carried by the wind to the graveyard will regenerate again and they come to the life. In this poem wind has a function like a creator. It can make not only the catastrophic things but also being a life–giver. On the other hand, in the Eolian Harp, the duty of the wind does not have vitally importance on the nature. The sound of the harp gives the erotic voice to the listeners. Its function is making joy of people and wind provides its happening. Therefore, it can be said that while in Ode to the West Wind wind has a superior power on the nature, in the Eolian Harp, it creates more individual effect to the nature. Also, in Ode to the West Wind when the West Wind blows, it seems to be singing a funeral song about the dying year and the sky is covered with a dome of clouds looks like a sepulchre. In other respects, harp's voice gives a celestial and paradisiacal sound in the Eolian Harp. It makes more relief and pure voice but the other wind gives us a horrific
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  • 4. Ode To The West Wind By Percy Bysshe Shelley Today we call the English romantic period the time which took place between the metaphysical poets and the Victorian age. This period was born because it was hard for the laypeople to understand the great messages the metaphysical poets wrote down. We also should not forget this is the age of the Great French Revolution. A famous distinctive mark of romantic poems is the presence of nature. This is also the case with the poem written by Percy Bysshe Shelley called Ode to the WestWind. Before I jump into the poem itself I found some noteworthy things about Shelley. Hughes (1918) says that for Shelley nature was extraordinary. We know that he was not a poet who sat inside looking at nature and saying how beautiful it is. He actually went out ... Show more content on ... Here we can again take a glance at the role of the poet, because in VГ¶rГ¶smarty's view the poet would be the wind itself. If it is thought about this way, we can conclude Shelley might have compared the role of the poet to the works of the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Ozymandias And Skylark Imaginative and Creative Title (Three messages from Ozymandias, West Wind, and Skylark) With the amazing Percy Bysshe Shelley writing Ozymandias, Ode to the West Wind, and To a Skylark, he has proven to everyone that he is an amazing writer and can get very deep into thought. Well, in Ozymandias the main theme is pride and it is explained by the king of kings building things that nobody else could. In Ode to the West Wind the main theme is man and the natural world and it is explained by the man talking to the wind and asking it to do things for him. In To a Skylark the main theme is happiness because the birds never sing a sad song they are always happy. The main themes in these poems are very well explained and fit what the poem is trying to say in a well mannered lifestyle.... Show more content on ... In this poem he also builds statues to put out side of the city telling people that he is the best and nobody can do better but when someone looks at what he built it was gone due to a sand storm. "And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains:" In this quote it talks about how Ozymandias puts on his statue that he is almighty and nobody can do any better then him. In Ode to the West Wind the main theme is man and the natural world because the man talks to the wind and asks it to do things for him. When he wants something done he somewhat prays to the wind and it listens to him the best it can for wind. "Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere; Destroyer and Preserver; hear, O hear!" In this quote it talks about how he is talking to the wind and he asks the wind to hear him by saying hear o hear. The man is talking to the nature of the world because he talks to the wind while he lives and he doesn't think that it is just ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Ozymandias "Percy and Mary Shelley were the power couple in the world of literature."(Mary Poovey). The Shelley family was well known in Europe, not only for their affair, but for their poetry and stories. Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein or A Modern Prometheus. While Percy Shelley published multiple poems. Three of those poems that had a substantial impact on society are Ozymandias, To a Skylark, and Ode to the West Wind. There's multiple messages in each of these, however one message from each sticks out more than the rest. The three messages from Ozymandias, To a Skylark, and Ode to the West Wind are that everyone fades from history, one idea could spark a fire of curiosity, and that bad things are followed by good things. The first message is from Ozymandias, and it is that everyone's name will eventually fade from history. The poem is about a man who visits egypt and finds a sunken statue in the middle of the desert. It says the name of an old king who tells people to fear his structures and his power. However, there is no city and everything he built was consumed by the sand. Michael Henry Scrivener, author of Radical Shelley: The Philosophical Anarchism and Utopian Thought of Percy Bysshe Shelley, writes this about the poem,"...what one does in ... Show more content on ... This poem is about a man talking about what the winter wind does to nature versus what the summer wind does to nature. Percy points out that,"...If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?"(70). This shows that even when bad things happen, there were always be good times to follow it. About this poem, Thomas Jefferson Hogg, author of The Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley: Volume 2, shows that,"Percy was a strong beliver that fortune will always be close behind the misfortune in the twisted lives of humankind."(Hogg). Clearly, this shows that Percy wanted the point to be shown that good things follow bad ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Nature of the Mind Essay William Blake, a poet that strongly believed in the power of mind, once wrote, "if we see with imagination, we see all things in the infinite." The Romantic poets use their imagination when gazing at nature, and therefore see and feel the infinite through their poetry. William Wordsworth expresses the serene beauty that nature possesses and its calming effects on the mind. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, one of the poetic geniuses of the age, uses nature and his imagination to create surreal atmospheres. Another Romantic poet, by the name of Percy Bysshe Shelley, shows great longing for the freedom that nature possesses and the freeing effect it has on him. These poets of the Romantic period look at nature from a higher consciousness... Show more content on ... He expresses the mind's ability to take a beautiful scene and create a calm and content feeling throughout his thoughts. Samuel Taylor Coleridge uses nature as a catalyst to search deeper into his mind and discover the surreal creativity of his own imagination. "This Lime–Tree Bower My Prison" depicts an out–of–body vision that encompasses a breathtaking vista of green mountains and purple flowers from the eyes of an imaginer. Gazing at it "with swimming sense," the picture becomes "less gross than bodily," causing the swirling colors to form something only found in the divine. However surreal this picture is, nothing can compare to Cloleridge's vision in "Kubla Khan." In this poem he uses nature's creations to depict unnatural scenes. In "caverns measureless to man," Kubla Khan wants to build a "sunny pleasure–dome with caves of ice." Such a place is only real in the imagination and in the written word, which is why this poem seems so tangible to the eye. He comes across these imaginary visions while "meandering with a mazy motion through wood and dale," where these thoughts come alive. It explains through alliteration how walking through wooded paths, accompanied only by one's mind, one comes upon new feelings and thoughts that are only palpable in that wood. Nature inspires Samuel Coleridge to exorcise his mind's eye and create a heavenly atmosphere. Percy Bysshe Shelley looks up to ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Enlightenment Vs Romantic Era Essay The Enlightenment, or Age of Reason (1647–1789), and the Romantic Era (1790–1832) were two contrasting yet consecutive periods in history that consisted of fundamentally opposing works. While Romantics believed that the Enlightenment era created an oppressed and conformist society, Enlightenment thinkers regarded the Romantics as naive and too emotional. Although the Enlightenment and Romantic periods were at odds in distinct ways, both aspired to improve humanity, liberate the self, and emphasize their unique values through referencing Greek mythology. Both the Romantics, who loved nature, and the Enlightenment thinkers, who valued rational thought and moderation, believed their movements would help humanity thrive. In William Wordsworth's... Show more content on ... In Percy Bysshe Shelley's Romantic poem, Ode to the West Wind, the speaker describes, "Angels of rain and lightning: there are spread / On the blue surface of thine aery surge..." (20–21). The storm being described represents the sublime and exudes fear and wonder. By exciting the emotions of pain and danger, the reader may feel a sense of freedom since she is not restrained by rational thought; an Enlightenment value, which the Romantic writers despised. In Alexander Pope's Enlightenment poem, The Rape of the Lock, the speaker declares that "The hungry judges soon the sentence sign / And wretches hang that jurymen may dine" (22–23). Pope questions the legal system by using satire and suggesting that the judges and juries put their own physical needs – like hunger, above justice. This satirical element was common in the Enlightenment, and shows increased individual liberty because the writer is exercising his right to say whatever he wants in a clever way. By challenging people in power, Pope is demonstrating how humans have the right to govern their own lives and be free. The Romantic thinkers believed that liberation of self could be attained through exciting one's emotions through the sublime, while the Enlightenment thinkers determined this could be achieved through subverting the social order through ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Mary Shelley's Political And Religious Views helley was born at Field Place, West Sussex, England. He was educated at Eton College and Oxford, and went on to lead an unconventional life coupled with uncompromising idealism. During his young life, Shelley traveled widely throughout Europe, wrote several political tracts such as his Address to the Irish People , and was involved with several women, including his second wife, Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein. He believed in nonviolence and advocated political action, and he always believed in social justice for the working classes. His life and writing held so much promise, but it was all cut short by his untimely death at the age of 30. Shelley's political and religious views caused most mainstream publications in his day to either ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Wordsworth And Shelley 's On Powers And Illusions Of The... The Romantic period, a time that writers such as Wordsworth and Shelley focused their writing in the centre of life and social importance. An important aspect of 'Romanticism: its emphasis upon the power and terrors of the inner imaginative life ' (Watson, 2012, p. 1). The Prelude celebrates Wordsworth 's life retained through memories and with the act of remembering, depicting emotions and experiences. Whereas, Shelley and the 'Ode to the West Wind ' engaged his audience with inner and outer lives situations, ideas and elements of nature that represent his own position and ideas. This essay will compare and contrast Wordsworth recollections and Shelley dramatizations of the 'powers and terrors of the inner imaginative life '. Also considering, rhyme scheme, stanza forms, the reasons for the use of assonance and alliteration, and other poetic techniques. Finally, how do these effects relate to the main question. When given consideration to the poems, the descriptions demonstrated a deeper power of inner imaginative life. The power as stated 'comes from the heart or the soul, but also somehow from outside ' (The Open University, 2012, Romantic authorship, transcript p. 1). In comparison, both poets combine natural landscape with sublime vision of poetic power, that creates debates to what is real and or subjective. The Romantic period required authors to fulfil the Romantic ideology. Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792–1822) with a reputation for social and political ideas ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Romantic Movement : The Influence Of The Romantic Era Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and virtually any other social media would not exist as they do in 2016 without the influence of the Romantic Era. Though the Romantic Era occurred over 200 years ago, its characteristics are an intrinsic part of today's culture and society. The Romantic Era was well know for attributes such as the feelings of intense emotion, individuality, imagination, and an ardour for the natural realm.The Romantic Movement aimed to overthrow the ideas of logic and order that Neoclassicism, the era proceeding Romanticism, had stood for and replace them with emotion and spontaneity (Rueck). This newfound zest for emotion can be seen in the literary work of Percy Shelley, Ode to the West Wind (Graves 2). Shelley ... Show more content on ... These Romantics favored zestful passion and boldness as opposed to the Neoclassical restraint. People believed mundane, quotidian objects should be presented in a new light and that these things were superior to the exotic (381). Romanticism craved for this transcendence, being beyond the physical realm (Rueck). An example of this principle is Whitman's constant references of ubiquitous objects in the natural realm as being divine and holy in his "Song of Myself" (Tsipis 379). Instead of studying science, Romantics looked inside of themselves for all of the answers and trusted their instincts (Rueck).Tsipis tells how imagination and creativity can be thought of as being the core principles of the Romantic Movement and that imagination is on the same level as the forces of the wild, or perhaps even transcends the human race, matching the powers of a god. This power of creativity has numerous uses and creates the paradox that is the unity of emotion with logic (378). One of the reasons why imagination and creativity was so important in Romanticism is because, near the end of the 18th century, the principles of Neoclassicism were taken to opposite sides of the spectrum, making the content terribly unimaginative (Graves 3).A common theme across nearly all Romantic Era texts is a passion for nature (Frerichs 7). Tsipis explains ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Essay about British Romanticism Even today, man finds himself asking, "What is beautiful?" Many would point to nature when prompted with such a question; however, few realize that a similar question was posed and a similar answer given back in Romantic Great Britain, but to a whole new degree. British Romanticism was a reaction against technology as well as a cry to turn back to the beauty of nature, and its advocating troops held no more than a pen and paper in hand (Lorcher). Authors of the Romantic era used literature to open the eyes of a society bogged down by the chaos and clutter of everyday life, and the ideas that they promoted still affect man to this very day. The Romantic Movement spans approximately from 1783 to 1832 (Bernbaum). This was a time of... Show more content on ... a change from a mechanical conception of the world to an enthusiastic religion of nature, from rational virtue to emotional sensibility, from ... egoism to humanitarian benevolence, from realism to optimism, from acceptance of things as they are to faith in progress, from contentment with urban civilization to sentimental primitivism. (Bush 43) Romantics protested strongly to the "contemporary evils" of their time, such as poverty and warfare (Bernbaum xxvii). They believed that such atrocities existed because there were still men in the world motivated by greed and pride. But they did not let this knowledge force them into a state of despondency; instead, they looked forward to the future, when such things might improve (Bernbaum). Romantics hoped that one day man's imagination would awaken and life could be what it was meant to be: "free, natural, beautiful, and humane" (Bernbaum xxvii). This desire for a natural life came from the Romantic's love and admiration of nature. To him, nature was "emotionally expressive" and the only real source of peace (Lorcher). Romantics discovered truth, virtue, and beauty not by routine examination, but by moments of inspiration in which they could see something for what it truly was (Bernbaum). They did not experience such inspiration by focusing on the exterior, the everyday affairs of mundane life; instead, they focused on the interior (Bernbaum). This is why man's imagination ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Characteristics Of Romanticism Jonathan and Jessica Wordsworth. New York, NY: Penguin Books, 2005. Print. Review by Gloria Wan, Oxford College of Emory University The Penguin Books of Romantic Poetry includes a collections of romantic poetry from later eighteen centuries to the early nineteenth century. At the peak of Romanticism, there were many social and political changes occurred including the French Revolution, Napoleon's expansion in Europe, the Congress of Vienna, the conflict between conservatism and liberalism, Industrial revolution and so on. Romantic poets used poems to express their emotions of their love for nature, longing for the ancient legends, and they tried to use their emotions and feelings to understand the world around them including the French Revolution, slavery, industrial revolution and the Napoleonic war. However, after the Revolution of 1848, the wave of romanticism died out and realism emerged. Many romantic poetries praised the beauty and the power of the nature, and this can be seen as one of the characteristic of Romanticism. In the poem Ode to the West Wind by Percy Shelley, it talked about wind has the power to change the season from autumn to spring, and it can also bring rain and hail in the sky and waves in the ocean. As he wrote in his poem "Oh wild west wind, thou breath of autumn's being, thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing...the winged seeds, where they lie cold and low, each like a corpse within its ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Critical Analysis Of Ode To The West Wind By Percy Shelley Title:Ode to the West Wind Author : Percy Shelley I read this poem last week .It only took me about 15 miniutes.But I will take a long time to keep it in my mind forerver. Brief summary: The West Wind acts as a force for change and forward movement in the human and natural world. Shelley sees winter not just as the last season of vegetation but as the last phase of life. Shelley observes the changing of the weather from autumn to winter and its effects on the environment. Shelley is trying to show that a man's ideas can spread and live on beyond his lifetime by having the wind carry his 'dead thoughts' which through destruction, will lead to a rebirth in the imagination, and in the natural world. Evaluation: It is worth to read over and over again. In Ode To The West Wind, shelly wants to show his desire for transcendence. They need an act just like the west wind, in order to change and improve the natural and human world. And I am strongly shocked ... Show more content on ... It is worth to read for kids. Kids will learn that they should cherish the beautiful life. They can touch the warm sunlight, mom and dad make everything neat, friends share their trouble as well as joy. Andersen, you brought kids something special. Title: The Farmer and the Snake Author: it comes form Aesop's Fables . I read this story when I was ten years old. Brief summary: one winter, a farmer found a snake stiff and frozen with cold. He had compassion on it, and taking it up, placed it in his bosom. The snake was quickly revived by the warmth, and resuming its natural instincts, bit its benefactor, inflicting on him a mortal wound. "Oh," cried the farmer with his last breath, "I am rightly served for pitying a scoundrel." Evaluation: it is worth to read. This story told us that the greatest kindness will not bind the ungrateful.
  • 15. Title: Cinderella Author: Grimm's Fairy Tales by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm I read this fairy tale many years ago. I can not remember clear ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Essay on Ode to The West Wind: For Spring is Not Far Behind Commanding to be proclaimed upon a mountain–top, "Ode to the West Wind" is crafted with such a structure and style that even the seasoned literary connoisseur is overwhelmed. Boasting a lofty seventy lines, this masterpiece is no piece of cake to digest. Digging deeper into Percy Bysshe Shelley's 1819 composition, one can see the old clichГ© "when one door closes, another opens." This theme is abundant throughout the work and also reaches its prime in the last line of the poem, "If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind". By means of composition, "Ode to the West Wind" is an intense combination of figurative language, sentence structure, cantos, sonnets, rhyme, and the list continues. As a start, take a look at Shelley's use of... Show more content on ... This poem is the model to go by when looking to get something from another. All this goes back to sentence structure, because as the speaker inches closer to revealing what he wants, he starts breaking up his sentences more, portraying a slight nervousness about his request. There are no more one sentence cantos, there are six and eight sentence ones because the speaker has exhausted all of his flattery and has to come clean about his intentions. As a whole, this poem is not a sonnet. Broken down into cantos, it is. Consisting of five sonnets in terza rima, there are four three–lined stanzas in each with a couplet finishing it off like a Shakespearian sonnet (Reiger). Because it is constructed in terza rima, it is not by any means a Shakespearian sonnet unless one is referring to the couplets. Terza rima consists of sequences of three lines of interlocking rhyme, for example, aba bcb cdc ded etcetera (Reiger). This rhyme scheme effectively avoids producing a song–like poem, and increases the importance of the message being presented by not making it too lyrical. This rhyme scheme was made famous by Italy's very own Dante. It is difficult, however, to end such a scheme, so Shelley introduced his native England's Shakespearian couplet to round it off. This structure reflects Shelley's life, having left England for Italy, and it brings his home – Italy – and his homeland – England – together (Coleman). In addition to a magnificent structure, imagery takes its ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Lord Of The West Wind, By Percy Shelley Nature is a source of inspiration for each poet from which they determine imagery, emphasizing its symbolic meaning and part as a powerful force in human life. Percy Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind" and John Keats' "To Autumn" are fixated on nature. Shelley addresses nature in majority of his poems climatically, according to his spontaneous and momentary response, while Keats turns to contemplation due to his personal suffering. Both poets are impacted by the seasonal process in nature which ushers them into the temperament of transition and aging. However, both of them differently perceive the same natural manifestations. In Percy Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind" considers the subject of cyclic regeneration through the depiction of nature. Shelley watches the destructive changes in nature created by the autumnal wind with a desire for the following spring and revival. In the seasonal process he sees a typical model for conceivable revolutionary changes both in his own life and in the current social and political structure of his nation. The usage of nature demonstrates Shelley's gratefulness towards beauty and the natural world. His "Ode to the West Wind" fundamentally engages the dynamic brilliant power of the west wind to issue him that vitality which has the capacity to change the world. He describes how powerful the wind is and communicates his poem in a shrewd method that paints readers a picture of how great and amazing the wind can be. Through the utilization of ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey And Ode To... omposed upon Westminster Bridge", "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey", and "Ode to the West Wind". These selections of poems are directly focused on the writers' views and passions associated to nature. The poems themselves are described with apostrophe which addresses many of their abstract ideas regarding the nature around them and also described with rich words such as, pastoral, sublime, sylvan, and sprightly. I also learned that Romanticists had a fondness for writing and emphasizing the feelings of living things, particularly animals. In the poem "To a Mouse", the author expresses deep care and concern for a mouse who is left for dead, whose house is destroyed, and left to starve. The speaker responds to this by rescuing, feeding, and providing shelter for the poor mouse. This alone shows great care for an animal, even though it's usually considered a pest among others. Another example of fascination of an animal is in the poem "The Tyger", where our speaker describes in wonder and majesty a fierce and frightening tiger. He presents it in the sense of seeing this animal as nearly god–like by wondering how it came with such balanced form and such herculean strength. ... Show more content on ... Many Romantics wrote about different things (art, animals, nature, adventure, dreams, etc.) and presented these ideas in several different ways and tones. A great example of this was the use of Scottish dialect transferred into the story of "To a Mouse", which allowed for the speaker to have more charm and character. Also, symbolism began to be used more often in poems in unique ways that would form a hauntingly beautiful aura to the world of Romantic poetry. Lastly and in conclusion, the most amazing thing about Romanticism is that all of the Romantic poems are widely different, but they all have a familiar and classic sound and feeling associated with ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Feudalism In Romantic Poetry A dictum from Heraclitus may illustrate the origin of romantic poetry, "when we are awake we have a world in common, but when we are asleep each has his own world" (Quoted by O'Connell 35). As conceived from the innermost being, romantic poems have a close relationship with dream. However, as the definitions and characteristics are controversial, some critics oppose to use the term "Romanticism". For instance, Arthur Lovejoy criticizes that "Romanticism" is an obscure norm when defined by associating the nature and emotion as even Plato can be regarded as a pioneer in romantic poetry according to this definition (Lovejoy 230). However, romantic poetry cannot be defined with a linguistic entitle without considering the historical process (Wellek 2) for it appeared in a specific period after the revolution in France and the Enlightenment, when the awareness of rationalism started to spreed. Romantic poetry is a genre which is used by poets to transcend ... Show more content on ... As the revolution in France altered the thoughts of poets, they initiated to use poems to resist the unequal society. For example, leaves with cold tone are depicted in the poem "Ode to the West Wind" as a representation for feudalism, which has been "dying" (Shelley Stanza.2), "decaying" (Stanza.2), and "quivering" (Stanza.3), while the "fierce wind" accompanying with rain awakens the Mediterranean and will drive the leaves away, implying the awareness of liberty has formed and revolutions are generating. In the end of this poem, Shelly proposes a "prophesy" that the tyranny of feudalism society will be replaced, arousing enthusiasm within the people. In this poem, substances in the nature are applied to be symbols in order to attack the feudalism and praise the willing for liberty. Thus, symbolism is applied in romantic poems to analyze the humanity and scorn the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. "Ode to the West Wind" Essay The wind is one of the most powerful forces known to man. It can do things that man has been envious of and also terrified of throughout the centuries. It is no wonder why Shelley decided to write a poem of praise in its name. Shelley writes this poem with the speaker being a poet himself frustrated that he can not tell the world the things that he feels the world needs to know. Throughout the poem he continually is describing what the wind can do and what he wishes the wind could do for him. It may be better to describe Shelley before I try to interpret the poem. Shelley was an intelligent man who studied at Oxford before being kicked out for refusing to admit authorship of The Necessity of Atheism. He continued to write and express... Show more content on ... Shelley was bringing "...his two countries closer together with the structure of a poem."(Shmoop Editorial Team) It could also be argued that Shelley was using the terza rima to emulate Dante since he was one the great writers of that time. Although these are very plausible thoughts on what this structure could mean, we still may never know what exactly was meant by it. After a first read of the poem many literary techniques that Shelley used to catch the eye of the reader. The imagery that is used in this poem is matched by no other poem that I have read, using scenes of "yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red" (Shelley 4) leaves and of the "crystГ lline streams" (Shelley 31) to give a clear mental picture of exactly what Shelley wants to portray. Metaphors are also a huge contributing factor to his ability to be able to describe what exactly he wants to describe. Throughout the poem he refers to his thoughts being leaves that are dead and withered and that he wishes the west wind could take these leaves of his and disperse them like it does the literal leaves of the fall. Along with the imagery and metaphors he also uses allusions to Greek mythology describe how the wind is powerful enough to move the clouds "Like the bright hair uplifted from the head/ Of some fierce MГ¦nad" (Shelley 20–21). His word choice throughout the poem is mainly to credit for the way that his message is portrayed. The poem is ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Natural Objects Used Convey A Symbolic Meaning Natural Objects used to convey a Symbolic Meaning Percy Shelley was a writer during the Romantic Era, often known for his lyric poetry. In lyric poetry, the mood is often musical and emotional, often represented in rhythm and rhyme (Portnoy). The writer of a lyric poem uses words that express his state of mind, his perceptions, or his feelings. Shelley composes lyric poetry that makes use of the language, imagery, and metaphors to represent a symbolic meaning of the object he is addressing in each poem (Portnoy). Shelley often uses concrete images in his poetry to convey an abstract idea. Shelley uses natural objects to represent a symbolic meaning throughout Mont Blanc, Hymn to Intellectual Beauty, and Ode to the West Wind. In Mont... Show more content on ... Shelley uses the way water flows through a riverbank to symbolize the way our thought flows through our mind 'The source of human thought its tribute brings, Of water, – with a sound of half its own, Such as a feeble brook will oft assume, In the wild woods, among the mountains lone, Where waterfalls around it leap for ever' (Shelley 871). Thoughts rush into the mind filling the brain, similarly as water rushes down a riverbank, filling the riverbank until it can hold no more. 'Within this mind human thought brings its tribute, that is, giving the external world what it owes to it, like a brook flowing as a tributary into a mighty river' (Portnoy). The beginning of the second stanza, Shelley states 'Thus thou, Ravine of Arve– dark, deep Ravine – Thou many–coloured, many–voice vale' (Shelley 871) to further symbolize the way our thoughts flow through our mind, just as the River of Arve flows through this ravine. Shelley 'turns from his own private inward musing to look at the scene in front of him, the ravine of the River Arve at the foot of Mount Blanc' (Portnoy). Shelley uses the many colours reflecting off the River Arve 'Thou many–colour, many–voice vale' (Shelley 871) to symbolize the way our many different memories can affect the thoughts within our minds. The final line of the fifth stanza ends the poem by questioning the vacancy found in silence and solitude 'And what were thou, and earth, and stars, and sea, If to the human mind's ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Ode to the West Wind "Ode to the West Wind," Shelley invokes Zephyrus, the west wind, to free his "dead thoughts" and words, "as from an unextinguished hearth / Ashes and sparks" (63, 66–67), in order to prophesy a renaissance among humanity, "to quicken a new birth" (64). This ode, one of a few personal lyrics published with his great verse drama, "Prometheus Unbound," identifies Shelley with his heroic, tormented Titan. By stealing fire from heaven, Prometheus enabled humanity to found civilization. In punishment, according to Hesiod 's account, Zeus chained Prometheus on a mountain and gave him unending torment, as an eagle fed from his constantly restored liver. Shelley completed both his dramatic poem and "Ode to the West Wind" in autumn 1819 in Florence,... Show more content on ... Inspiration gives the poet a melody, a sequence of simple notes, resembling the wind 's "stream" (15), but his creative mind imposes a new harmony of this melody, by adding chords and by repeating and varying the main motifs. The human imagination actively works with this "wind" to impose "harmony" on its melody. The lyre "accomodate[s] its chords to the motions of that which strikes them, in a determined proportion of sound; even as the musician can accommodate his voice to the sound of the lyre" (В§8). In this way, the poet 's mind and the inspiration it receives co–create the poem. In "Ode on the West Wind," the `melody ' delivered to Shelley is unconsciously expressed in the poem 's epic metaphor, and the chords that his mind generates in response are, first, the repetitions and variations of that melody –– for example, the variation of the "leaves" metaphor –– and secondly, the formal order: the sonnet sequence imposed on terza rima, as if the tradition of Western sonneteering were imposed on Dante 's transcendental vision. That Shelley echoes the metaphor–melody 's points of comparison throughout "The Defence of Poetry" shows how deeply ingrained it was in his mind. To Shelley, metaphors like this, comparing a human being and the universe, characterize the prophetic powers of all poets. Their conscious, rational mind, in routine ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The West Wind Ode to the West Wind The poet, Percy Bysshe Shelley refers to the wind 4 times in the first section of the poem, although we do not know until the very end of the first section why and what he wants from the wind. In order to gain the Winds trust and confidence, the speaker comes up with a couple examples of what the wind did in the past and is capable of. Like driving away the autumn leaves, placing seeds in the earth, bringing thunderstorms and the "death" of the natural world, and stirring up the seas and oceans. The end of the first and third line always rhyme with each other. In the 1st part the speaker wishes that the wind could affect him the way it does leaves and clouds and waves. Since the wind can't, the speaker asks him to play ... Show more content on ... The "Dead leaves" are referenced no less than five times in this short lyric poem. "Dead leaves" are the remaining's of the previous season which the wind clears away. They're also a metaphorical representation of the pages of writing and poetry generated by the speaker or the author. Lines 5–12 is an extended simile, the author compares seeds to corpses lying in their graves. "O wild West Wind" this is an example of an alliteration in the poem. We can see the use of paradox, as "ghosts" flee from enchanter is quite paradoxical. Normally we think that ghosts are terrible looking and therefore can cause fright and provoke ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Analysis Of Percy Shelley 's Frankenstein, Thomas Love... Percy Shelley an ancient poet of the 16th century. He falls under the category of one of the major English poets who are romantic. The recognition of his works developed radically after his death. He was a also a key member who belonged to the closest circle of poets who were very visionary. Such poets included, Leigh hunt, his second wife Mary Shelley who wrote the book Frankenstein, Thomas love peacock and lord Byron. This document therefore seeks to talk about the various works of Percy Shelley and how most of it has been used. Percy Shelley was associated with romantic writings. An example of such is a book he wrote which was known as The Rosicrucian. This a horror novel although romantic. It involves a main character Wolfstein who... Show more content on ... A neurotic poet is one who tries to explore wider forms of creativity. this kind AuthorLastName3 of poetry could take different forms which include, short stories and relatively, structurally composed short paragraphs brought together to make what is known by the world as a poem. Percy who was sent to boarding school at the age of ten. The odd boy who was usually very quiet was often being taunted by schoolmates in a relentless manner exposing out certain aspects about him. For instance anger that had once even driven him to stab another student of the school with a fork. In school he was always a dreamer who was very visionary most of the time even forgetting small things such as tying a shoelace or even having to wear a hat. Thus such kind of habit attracted Shelley to posses a nickname. Most of the students therefore could now refer to him as Mad Shelley. He is an idol of close to three or four generations after his death. Most poets looked up to his works. In this list, it would involve Pre–Raphaelite poets who are very well known and also Victorian poets. Some of the poets include Oscar wilde and Thomas Hardy. In Oscar wilde for instance, his enthusiasm led to the writing of the novel The picture of the Dorian Gray. Just like the way Percy used to write, the style used in writing this novel is slightly the same to the way Oscar wilde did it. He talks about Dorian's beauty and how he expresses his belief that the beauty of Dorian is responsible ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Use of Nature in Poetry Essay example Poetry Poets use many ways when they want to communicate something using poems. Poems are used as a means of passing ideas, information and expression of feelings. This has made the poets to use the natural things and images that people can relate with so that they can make these poems understandable. The most common forms of writing that are used by the poets are the figurative language for example imagery and metaphors. In addition, the poets use the natural landscape in their attempt to explore the philosophical questions. Therefore, this essay will explore the forms that have been used by the poets in writing poems using the natural landscape. The essay will be based on poems such as 'Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening' by... Show more content on ... Shelley in his poem 'Ode to the West Wind' has used similes in his poem. He states that, "the leaves dead are driven like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing." He also states that, "the winged seeds where they lie cold and low each like a corpse within its grave." As observed from these examples, the poets will use these techniques to assist in easier interpretation of the poem. The poets also use metaphors when writing poems. Metaphors refer to the use of certain words to mean otherwise in the context of the poem. However, metaphors are sometimes hidden in the poem such that they require the reader to figure out their existence in the poem. This will be easy when the poet employs the physical environment that is well understood by the reader. In addition, metaphors will strengthen the ideas that the poet wants to pass across. Metaphors will therefore make it easier for the readers to interpret and understand the meaning that the poet intended to communicate. Shelley has used a metaphor in his poem where he states '...Pestilence–stricken multitudes'. He states this to indicate to the reader that he is not just addressing a pile of leaves. Therefore, this helps to understand the deeper meaning of the poem. He also states about the 'wintry bed', which is meant to show his mood in the poem. Poets also use the landscape in writing poems because of the inspiration that they get from such places. This could be based on some memory or the history of the place and ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Figurative Language In The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner Often times, nature is perceived in many different ways. This can be as a result of people having their own opinions and knowledge. The Romantic era was an intellectual movement that lasted from about 1800–1850. Romantic poets believed that nature is beautiful and controls fate. The Romantics often used figurative language to describe and give nature traits. The poems Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Ode to the West Wind by Percy Bysshe Shelley are examples of Romantic poems. In the poems, each author reflected their visions of nature. These poems reflected their visions of nature as dangerous, powerful, and divine. They reflected their visions of nature by using symbolism and other forms of figurative language.... Show more content on ... For example, "The death–fires danced at night; the water, like a witch's oils, burnt green, and blue and white" (128–130 – Coleridge). The quote above personified the death–fires as dancing, and connected the sea with the color of a witch's oil. Also, this quote describes the sea as color–changing which may be symbolic of its power. Another example that reflects nature is: "And we did speak only to break the silence of the sea!" (109–110 – Coleridge). The previous quote reflects their visions of nature by putting emphasis on the "silence of the sea" which may represent the serenity of nature. The quote also shows how if we "speak" we would disrupt the balance of nature. Coleridge also used rhyme scheme to get a point across as can be seen in: "The ice was here, the ice was there, the ice was all around, It cracked and growled, and roared and howled like noises in a swound!" (61–62 Coleridge). This quote used the words "roared" and "growled" to describe how the nature of the ice around them is dangerous and hostile. Coleridge reflected his opinion of nature by using figurative language to describe how dangerous and divine nature ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Ode To The West Wind Essay Theme :– Inspiration in “Ode to the West Wind'; “When composition begins, inspiration is already on the decline'; – P. B. Shelley Shelley deals with the theme of inspiration in much of his work. However it is particularly apparent in ‘Ode to the West Wind’ where the wind is the source of his creativity. The cycles of death and rebirth are examined in anhistorical context with reference to The Bible. The word inspiration has several connotations that Shelley uses in this ‘Ode’. Inspiration is literally ‘taking in breath’ and wind, breath, soul and inspiration are all identical or related in Hebrew, Latin and Greek. They are all ... Show more content on ... Coupled with the elusiveness of the wind to the human eye the effect is that the wind is an “uncontrollable'; power that cannot be contained. In the fifth stanza Shelley refers to “the incantation of this verse';(l.65) – this is of pagan origins and he is invoking the wind to work through him. As a magician the wind works it’s magic throughout nature and it knows no bounds as the earth, water and air all feel it’s power. The imagery associated with this suggests that Shelley expected his work to also spread over the universe, like the wind, and inspire others just as the wind was an inspiration to him. The “dead thoughts'; he refers to could be the words he has written down that die as soon as they are recorded. Although not the source of his inspiration others could read them and experience what he felt in that wood that skirts the Arno. In the tradition of the sublime this description acts as a denial of sense perception and it is associated with an object of pure thought – an unknown power that animates all life. The wind is, therefore, seen as a spirit because of its lack of being. This spirit can only be known by it’s effects and we see those in the first stanza as “the leaves dead / Are driven … to their wintry bed';(ll. 2,3,6). The wind’s role is to spread the dead leaves and this enables the seeds to spread and begin life anew. In this double role of ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Finding Truth In Walt Whitman's Song Of Myself The Romantic Period was a time very different from that of the previous movement, the Enlightenment. It was a time for creativity and it was a time of unity in nature and within themselves. During the Enlightenment, science and reason prevailed. Everything had set rules on how it should be and how people should act in their private and public lives. Truth was static and never changing until the Romantic Movement. Truth changed and was based on an individual's experience. Whereas during the Romantic period. Transcendentalists were people found during this time who, according to A Handbook to Literature, believed in finding truth within oneself where individuals could hear the voice of God. They believed each person should find his or her own path to walk with God instead of relying on an institution. This differed from the ideals of the Enlightenment in that during the Enlightenment, some believed that science was all the God one needed. Science was the place truth and knowledge was found, and there was no place in science for God. Dionysus, the god of wine, fertility, and music is found throughout the works of Romantic authors and is seen as an opposition to reason from the Enlightenment. In Ode to a Nightingale, John Keats takes the reader floating ... Show more content on ... "You shall no longer take things at second or third hand, nor look through the eyes of the dead, nor feed on the spectres in books; You shall not look through my eyes, either, nor take things from me: You shall listen to all sides, and filter them from yourself." He is encouraging the readers to find truth in what others say at his or her own interpretation, which was a major ideal in Romanticism. He Whitman celebrates the body, namely his own, and shows that he is proud and unashamed, and, in fact, in love with ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Ilusory Nature Of Romantic Poetry 'The idea that poetry, or even consciousness, can set one free of the ruins of history and culture is the grand illusion of every Romantic poet' (Jerome McGann). Would you agree with McGann's assessment of the illusory nature of Romantic poetry? Wordsworth recognises in the Preface to the 1802 print of Lyrical Ballads that he and Coleridge, viewed by many as the most influential pioneers of Romantic poetry, are guilty of imbuing a "certain colouring of imagination" throughout their poetry. Indeed, Romantic poetry is often characterised by its fascination with the imagination and the idea that the mind can create a world that transcends the physical senses. In light of this concept that a new and greater world can be forged through poetry, some credence can certainly be found in Jerome McGann's evaluation that the primary purpose of Romantic poetry is to "set one free of the ruins of history and culture". However, McGann, in my opinion, also oversimplifies the nuances and implications found throughout Romantic poetry, and seems to dismiss it as somewhat escapist, or reliant on its displacement from reality to convey meaning; ultimately, as a "grand illusion". Through examination of works by Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, and Keats, I mean to propose, firstly, that Romantic poetry varies greatly throughout the period – meaning it frequently defies generic summation. Secondly, that Romantic poets often directly confront their historical and social contexts, and in many ways, ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Analysis Of Blazing Saddles An eerie flute sounds in the distance, smack dab in the center of, let's call it, "A Staple Town in the Wild Westв„ ў" are two cowboys; in the midst of a head to head shootout for God knows what– a spilled drink, malicious comments, a poached lover. The piercing mix of sand and wind scathing your skin, eyes blinded by the high noon sun shining from above, and of course, the token roll of tumbleweed to the corner of your eye. "One... two... three... Shoot!" The hero always prevails... quite disparate imagery compared to Mel Brooks' 1974 classic, Blazing Saddles. The Western motif is one that has been trivialized, heckled, idealized, subverted, and replicated exponentially throughout not only American cinemas but motion pictures world–wide. Blazing Saddles serves as both a form of this subversion and a burlesque depiction of the genre itself. The film's complex sense of humor prioritizes aspects that can only be completely relished based on the personal experiences of the viewer– a satirical comedy attempting (and succeeding) at ridiculing copious aspects of an otherwise ideal Western society, a picture–perfect Hollywood dream. Blazing Saddles serves as a mockery of the traditional white westerner archetype, the Ku Klux, and all sorts of minority groups, while simultaneously bringing awareness to the harsh treatment and racial prejudice upheld against African Americans at the time. Brooks utilizes the parodying aspects and themes evident in Blazing Saddles as a method to subvert ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Air For Band Analysis Band Air for Band – Frank Erickson Grade 2 This classic of band literature has beautiful melodies. While it appears simple on the surface, it offers a wonderful opportunity to teach bands about long legato phrasing and balance. This piece is mainly in the key of C Minor. There are many syncopated entrances, providing an excellent opportunity to work with students on developing an internal beat. Blue Ridge Saga – James Swearingen Grade 2 This piece includes a variety of meter (including 6/8) and styles for students to play in. There are some places in the 6/8 where the band plays in duples. There is a short percussion solo and several solis for upper woodwinds and trumpets; they also have some 16th note runes. This piece has a catchy... Show more content on ... Several sections get the chance to play soli including flutes, clarinets, trumpets, and trombones. The work is in ABA form, with contrast in styles between marcato and legato making this piece interesting. Prehistoric Suite – Paul Jennings Grade 1.5 This piece is a great way to introduce multimovement pieces to beginning groups. It is a programmatic work with four short movements including: Stegosaurus; Brontosaurus; Pteradactyls and The Battle (Tyrannosaurus and Triceratops). Each movement has a different mood for students to play in. The fourth movement has some "free time" sections for students to experiment with. There are several other things that may be new for students including glissandos and disonant chords. Train Heading West & Other Outdoor Scenes– Timothy Broege Grade 1 Train Heading West is a three movement work that is highly programmatic. The last movement represents the train; the movement starts slowly and accelerates drammatically. Near the end of the piece the train reaches its final destination. There is a lot of unison playing and section soli. This piece has a lot of sudden dynamic contrast and contrasting articulation styles. Percussion play train whistle and use ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Differences Between The Renaissance And Romantic Period... British literature is constantly evolving. This became overwhelmingly apparent in the survey of literature from the varying literary periods analyzed in English III. The reason for such is the ever–changing nation in which the authors lived. The stark differences in life during the Renaissance and Romantic Era resulted in authors' writing with the intention to convey different themes. Specifically, one key theme of the Renaissance was the role of God in people's lives, which manifests itself in John Donne's sermon "Meditation 17" was well as John Milton's poem "When I Consider How My Light Is Spent." In the Romantic Era, one theme around which writers tended to focus was the beauty and power of nature. This theme is overwhelmingly clear in William Wordsworth's poem "The World Is Too Much with Us" and Percy Shelley's poem "Ode to the West Wind." A theme nearly omnipresent in the Renaissance was the role of God in people's lives. One major work it appears in is John Milton's "When I Consider How My Light Is Spent." In this sonnet, Milton reflects on his blindness and its impact to his standing as a Christian. This is evident when he "fondly" asks, "Doth God exact day–labor, light denied?" In other words, he is asking God whether he still demands good works that may not be possible to to his disability. The answer to such question is a clear no, as "God doth not need... man's work." Moreover, this "murmur" elaborates its position, that whoever best accepts life's burdens ("His ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Allusions In The Tempest Allusion Allusion is a brief and indirect reference to a person, place, thing or idea of historical, cultural, literary or political significance. Often the reference is well known and can sometimes give further insight on certain meanings and display greater context. Example 1: Marlowe's "Doctor Faustus" Act III: "LearnГЁd Faustus, to find the secrets of astronomy Graven in the book of Jove's high firmament, Did mount him up to scale Olympus' top," Jove's high firmament in this passage refers to the vast stretches of the universe. "Olympus' top" is an allusion to Greek Mythology where Mount Olympus is the home of gods. Example 2: Milton's "Paradise Lost", Book 6: "All night the dread less Angel unpursu'd Through Heav'ns wide Champain held... Show more content on ... It is a metonymy because the word "ears" replaces the concept of attention. Example 2: "Out, Out" by Robert Frost. "As he swung toward them holding up the hand Half in appeal, but half as if to keep The life from spilling" In these lines, the expression "The life from spilling" is a metonymy that refers to spilling of blood. It develops a link between life and blood. The loss of too much blood means loss of life. Ode Ode is a literary technique that is lyrical in nature, but not very lengthy. You have often read odes in which poets praise people, natural scenes, and abstract ideas. Example 1: Ode to the West Wind by Percy Bysshe Shelley "Scatter, as from an unextinguish'd hearth Ashes and sparks, my words among mankind! Be through my lips to unawaken'd earth The trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind, If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?" This presents an example of irregular ode that employs neither three parts, nor four line stanzas like a Horatian ode. Nevertheless, each stanza of ode is distinct from the other stanzas in rhyme scheme, pattern and length. Example 2: "Ode to the Confederate Dead" by Allen ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Which Way Does The Wind Blow? Which Way Does the Wind Blow? The Aeolian harp in Coleridge and Shelley The Aeolian harp is a simple instrument that sounds music according to the wind. Its music depends primarily on the direction, speed, and strength of the wind, but there isn't much to the harp other than that. Despite being just a simple instrument with a simple concept, it still manages to make an appearance in many Romantic poems, including the poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge andPercy Bysshe Shelley. It's natural that the Aeolian harp became a Romantic symbol because it lets itself be deeply affected by nature; however, one would think that it is already a solid concept, therefore it would appear to be the same in all Romantic poetry. While Coleridge and Shelley sometimes share ideas about the Aeolian harp, they manage to transform it in a multitude of ways that differ between the two poets and sometimes even in the individual poet's own poetry. To Coleridge and Shelley the Aeolian harp is much more than an instrument that is played by the wind, it also stands for poetry, or humans themselves, and even the so–called "one life". The harp and the wind that acts upon it is representative as poetry and the poetic wit, especially in Coleridge. In Coleridge's poem "The Eolian Harp", his usage of language such as "desultory breeze," "sweet upbraiding," and "sequacious notes" (14–18) imply that the notes from produces by the wind comes together to form actual music. This is further emphasized in stanza ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Percy Bysshe Shelley, Percy Wordsworth And Ode To The West... When readers think of romantic poems, poets such as William Blake, William Wordsworth, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge comes to mind. These poets had an instinctive feeling that they were 'chosen' to direct others through the French Revolution. In the early 1820's, the great age of English romantic poetry ended with Shelley. He was also a supporter of the French Revolution, hoping that he too could bring on a political change by regenerating mankind spiritually. Shelley spoke of high praise about poets, saying: "They measure the circumference and sound the depths of human nature with a comprehensive and all–penetrating spirit...". Shelley, along with the rest of the poets, inspired others to speak out against what is wrong, and they continue to this day to influence pop culture. It is important to realize that PB Shelley was one of many revolutionary writers. by analyzing two of his poems, Song to the Men of England and Ode to the West Wind, it will provide us with the evidence needed to support Shelley as a revolutionary writer. Percy Bysshe Shelley, the rebellion against authority, was an English poet that focused on romanticism, but many of his work concerns protest and revolution. This could be because the romantic age in the 1800's was filled with turmoil. Many poets amongst Shelley, were desired to write about social injustice, inequality, and politics in their poems. Shelley strongly believed that expressing those factors into poetry would make people and ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Percy Bysshe Shelley And John Keats In "Like a Poet" three poets will be discussed, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Percy Bysshe Shelley and John Keats. These poets contribute to the society of poetry in distinctive ways. However, they also have some similarities and prove poetry has been around for centuries and will not vanish in the near future. Many may think that poetry is only enjoyed by those that have the ability to think deeply and beyond the normal spectrum of society. Nevertheless, poetry is inspiring, romantic, fascinating, emotional and all around amazing. Poetry, whether it is complex or a few simple lines, has demonstrated to be for all humanity. Samuel Taylor Coleridge whom I will refer to as Coleridge throughout "Like a Poet" is somewhat complex in his writing. He uses many words that may have to be researched and or read over several times before understand what he is discussing. Coleridge's poem "Kubla Khan" is a great example of complex poetry with hints of simplicity. In this poem Coleridge describes a place of pleasure that is encased by gloom, for example in "Kubla Khan" it reads in lines 5–11, "Down to a sunless sea. So twice five miles of fertile ground with walls and towers were girdled round: And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills, Where blossomed many an incense–bearing tree; and here were forests ancient as the hill, Enfolding sunny spots of greenery." In this section of the poem it is vividly unfolding a scene of chaos that somehow has a small light of ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Ode to the West Wind by Percy Shelley On August 4, 1792 the world was unknowingly introduced to a future poet. He is the eldest son of Timothy and Elizabeth Shelley. He had one brother and four sisters. He grew up in the village Broadbridge Heath. He learned to fish and hunt in the meadows surrounding his home. He ran through the fields with his cousin and good friend Thomas Medwin. Percy's parents were Timothy Shelley he was a squire and member of Parliament, and Elizabeth Shelley. Percy Shelley began gracing the world by age 10 and continued using his extensive expencence to write poetry, thereafter ("On August 4, 1792, Peel Percy Bysshe was born near"). At the age of 10 he studied at Syon House Academy. Percy attended Eton College for six years he beginning in 1804. He went to Oxford University. When he was at Eton he began to write poetry. His first publication was a Gothic novel, Zastrozzi. The same year Shelley and Thomas Jefferson Hogg published "Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson" (On August 4, 1792, Peel Percy Bysshe was born near"). At the age of nineteen Percy Shelley eloped in Scotland with sixteen year old Harriet Westbrook. He moved to Lake District of England to study. Years later he published his first long poem, Queen Mob: A Philosophical Poem. Shelley was in love with Goodwill and Mary Wollstonecraft's daughter, Mary, and in 1814 they eloped to Europe. He was one of the epic poets of the 19th century. He the best known for classic anthology verse works such as Ode to the West Wind and ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Romantic Works Of John Keats, Percy Shelley, And... The romantic period, lasting from the late 18th to the early 19th century, followed the Age of Reason. During this time people had an individualized, free, liberal, and imaginative attitude towards life. Literature itself was full of introspection, emotion, passion, sublimity, beauty, and spontaneity, with subjects such as humankind, the soul, flowers, the common people and more. Of all of the Romantic values and subjects, the beauty, creativity, and morals of nature is what truly inspired human imagination, and thus literature of the eighteenth and early nineteenth century. The underlying theme of nature that is persistent through romantic poetry creates a bond between the poet and the common man through short poems that express personal emotion that all can feel, as we all are connected to nature. This can be seen through the works of John Keats, Percy Shelley, and William Blake. Percy Shelley was a joyful and optimistic Romantic poet of the time who was concerned with the beauty and passions of nature, creativity, and imagination. Nature is an ever present theme in his poetry as he feels closely connected to nature's power. Ode to the West Wind is one of his most notable poems, and one that truly exemplifies the idea of expressing personal emotion and feeling by using metaphors from nature. He uses the west wind to symbolize the power of nature and the imagination that was thus inspired by nature. It was almost even an agent for change. In the poem, the wild West wind ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Environmental Pollution And Its Effects On The Environment Environmental pollution is one of the biggest problems the world faces today. Pollution troubles humans economically, physically, and everyday of our lives. The outbreak of diseases is linked to the contamination of the environment; however, most people do not know about this problem. This fact shows that increasing environmental pollution needs to be taken care of a soon as possible, not only for the good of the environment, but also for the people that live in it. "Although environmental pollution can be caused by natural events such as forest fires and active volcanoes, use of the word pollution generally implies that the contaminants have an anthropogenic source–that is, a source created by human activities" ("Pollution."). Many factors explain why environmental pollution has become such a large issue in the world. Air and water pollution has been caused by the burning of fossil fuels. Most of the rivers are polluted and ninety percent of urban water bodies are polluted. Half of china does not have access to clean water. Regulations are passed to regulate pollution, but they are not monitored. The Chinese government deals with the punishment of pollution, it spends two hundred billion dollars each year on pollution problems (Desonie 35). However, if the people of the world were to act on this problem, it would definitely help both the environment and the people. There are many activities that can be done by both the common citizen to the governments of the world, which ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Eolian Harp Essay In Coleridge's poem "Eolian Harp", the harp itself used as a motif to represent creativity. Another poet that used the eolian harp motif was Percy Shelly. Shelly's poem "Ode to the West Wind", uses the harp and nature as a motif to represent creativity. Throughout Shelly's poem, he expresses his creativity with nature. An example like the season of autumn and the changes of season. He also uses a describe style of writing and the Eolian harp to define creativity with nature. And the poem has similarities to the "Eolian Harp". The poem "Ode to the West Wind", expresses creativity through nature. Shelly used the aspects of nature to express creativity. He used autumn, the sea and changing of the seasons to convey creativity. For example, in "Ode to the West Wind", Shelly writes the line "Wild spirit, which art moving everywhere". In this line, Shelly is expressing that in the spirit of nature art is moving. In this passage, he is talking about the season of autumn. The being verse "O wild west wind thou breath of autumn's being". Both verses express that autumn can bring out creativity. The moving of the wind is being compared to art moving everywhere in nature that can fuel creativity. Shelly also uses the sea to express creativity. There are a few lines that Shelly uses to show this. One line is, "Thou who ... Show more content on ... The line reads, "Make my thy lyre, even as the forest is: What if my leaves are falling like its own! The tumult of thy mighty harmonies." Like the Eolian Harp, Shelly uses this motif to express creativity. Shelly uses the harp and the season of autumn. The season when leaves change and the wind are in harmony can open a person mind to being creative. The harp in "Ode to the West Wind", is symbolizing a sense of self and being in nature and letting nature control you. In letting nature take control creativity can come alive. Both Shelly and Coleridge has similar ideas about the harp and draw inspiration for ... Get more on ...