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The emu isan omnivore that means that they eat both plants and other animals.
The emu will eat so many different types of fruit, insects, flowers and they will
also eat seeds to. The other food that they will eat is grains, berries, soft shoots,
grubs or any other food that can be found in their habitat. When there is enough
food in the area and then the emu will store very large amount of fat that will
normally be placed in their bodies. They will need this fat so that it can help them
to survive when they are searching for food. The food that the emus will eat the
most is green herbage and those types of food are grass, flowers, seeds in other
stuff but they will also eat insects to like they will eat grasshoppers, A emu will
normally drink water only in one or twice in a one day. The main food that they
will eat the most is seeds, berries, shoots and they will also eat insects as well.
They will stay in the same area if there is a enough food for them to eat so that
they can travel in very long distances. The emu will eat so many different types of
plants and fruit but it really depends on the type of season it is. They will also eat
different types of bugs and the type of bugs that they will eat is grasshoppers,
beetles and they will also eat crickets. They will also eat pebbles and stones this
will help the emu to digest their food so that their food can go down their
stomach. The emu plays a very important role in the ecosystem that is due to
their diet. This will help them by fertizing the soil by using their seed-carrying
The emu can be found on so many types of the places that are on the mainland
that is on the continent of Australia. These birds live in so many different types of
habitats that are all over Australia and those places that live in is forests, grassy
places and they can also live on desert places as well. The places where the emu
will live is in Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia, Solomon island and they can also
be found in Philippines. These birds can also be found in open forests as well and
they can also be found in grassy plains to. The emu lives all over the continent of
Australia and they can also be found in places that are in the woods, scrubland,
the other place where they can be found in are desert areas and all of these
places that the emu lives in are all in the continent of Australia and they can also
be found all over the continent. The emus are found on the mainland of Australia.
The Emu can be found on so many different types of habitats that are right in the
mainland of Australia and those places that they live in that are in this continent
are deserts and dense forest habitats. The parts of Australia where these birds
live in but it really depends on the species like the paler sub-species that live in
southeast Australia and in the northern part of Australia . The darker subspecies
live in the southwest of Australia and the type of habitats that they live is plains
and in open country as well. The other habitats where these birds live in is
sparsely wooded level plains , Eucalypti forest, desert and they can also live in
shrub lands to.
The size of an Emu is about 6 feet (185 cm) tall and they can weight about 110
pounds (50 kg). These birds can be even bigger than the tallest person. The other
size of these very big birds is 4.9 to 6.2 feet (1.5 to 1.9 meters) and this is how tall
they are and they can also weight about 66 to 121 pounds (30 to 55 kilograms).
This is another weight for aemu to. The emu Is known to be the most biggest bird
in the world. The second largest bird in the world is the ostrich and the emu can
grow about 6 feet in a height and they can weight about 100 pounds. The other
size on how big these birds are and that is about 6 ½ feet and 120 pounds. The
emu can stand about 1 .5 to 2 meters that is how tall that these birds are and they
can weight about 45 kg. The males and the females may look like but they are
totally different from each other and that is the females are a lot bigger than the
males are. These birds can stand about at least 1 . 5 – 1. 9 m (5 -6.25 ft.) that is
the total height of these birds and they can weigh about 30 to 60 kgs (66 – 130
lbs.) These birds can also be tall as 1.5 to 2 meters tall. The other height that
these birds can stand for is 2 meters tall. The females are so much bigger than the
males are and the females can weight about 40 kilograms and the males can
weight about 36 kg.
Life span
The emu can live about 10 to 20 years when they are living in their natural habitat
and when they are living in a zoo than they can live for 35 years. These birds can
also live about 5 to 10 years but this is their life span when they are in the wild.
They can also live about 20 years as well. When they are living in the wild than
they can live till 5 or 10 years and they will live a lot longer when they are living in
a zoo or living in a game preserve. It is not normal for a emu to live until they are
30 years old this is normally their life span when they are living in a zoo, These
birds are known to be very versatile and they will easily to adapt to any different
types of environments that is in Australia. They can live for a very long time when
they are in captivity.
1 interesting fact
The emu has very small useless wings so that means they can’t fly. These birds
may not be flyers but they have very long legs that can be very powerful. These
birds will travel in very long distances and they can go very fast to like they can
run about 30 miles per hour (48 kilometers per hour) and they can go for a quite
distance to. These are the only birds in the world that has calf muscles. The emu is
a very fast runner and their total speed is when they are running is 40 mph in
short burst. When these birds are running they can run about 9 feet. These birds
are not just good at running they are also very good at swimming to. Emus are
very fast at running and they can run about 50 kph, they can run by bouncing
andin swaying motion. The emu is an very nomadic bird that there are some that
can travel about hundred kilometers. The emu is a very fast runner and they can
be faster than 48 km 1 hr. (30 mph). They are also very good at swimming or
anything that has to do with water. On the bill of the emu is very broad and soft
and they will use their bills so that they can browse and so that they can also
graze as well. The best time that they will move is really fast is when there is a lot
of food in the area or when the males are sitting on the eggs. When there is food
in the area than they will be able to store so many fat so that they can grow much
faster. The emu is a very fast runner it can run about 30 mph (50 kph) they are
also very good at swimming to. The emu is the only bird in the world that has a
calf muscle in them. These very strong legs can help these birds to propel 7 feet
into the air.
2 interesting fact
The feathers ofa emu can be very loose and they also have a very simple design
on them. The feathers are just like hair that is because the feathers can grow from
follicles. On the feathers of these birds there are knit barbs that are located on
the feathers that are on the emu and they are widely spaced on all over the
feathers of the emu and these feathers do not have hooks on them and these
hooks will normally be attach to the other burbs instead on having the hooks
attach to the burbs the emus feathers will just have each of the barbs hanging
very loose and they have to be because it makes the feathers look like hair. The
other birds that are ratites they will normally share the design that is on their
feathers. When the emu’s feathers starts to grow a new set of feathers than they
will almost have an black color on them. But when the sun is out then the sun will
normally make the black feathers go away because the sun will make it fade away
and when it does fade it away than instead on having a black color on their
feathers will turn into an grayish brown color but the shafts and the tip of the
feathers will be black. The feathers on the emu are very water proofed than the
other bird species in the world. The feathers of these birds are not soft instead on
being soft the feathers will normally have an stiff touch and the feathers can also
have an rattled this will help the emu when they are facing a predator the rattle
will help the emu to scare the predator away like a dingo. The feathers that is on
the emus body they have special feathers on them and those feathers are being
are be grown by every single every follicle that is how their feathers grow. These
birds are flightless birds and that means their feathers are not build to fly. The
feathers have a dirty brown color on them. The emu is all cover with feathers and
their feathers are thick and they are also drooping feathers. The color of the
feathers isa dark brown and a grey brown color and their feathers can be very
long to. The feathers that are on their head are very short and downy to.
3 interesting fact
The legs of the emu are very long and very stalky and they will use their legs to
help them when they are moving when they are traveling on their feet they only
have three toes on them and they are not webbed. These legs are made to help
the emu to run. The calls that these birds make can be very loud and the type of
sounds that they will use is a very loud booming sound. The calls that they will
make is a drumming and a grunting sounds. These sounds can be heard over two
kilometers-away. The emu can make a booming sound that they can make in their
inflatable neck sac. The emu will show a lot of feelings when they feel like they
are threatened or exited and on a way on how they express these emotions is
that they will make very loud noises. The females will use air sacs that are located
in their throats that can make a very deep drumming sound and the males will
make a different sound that the female makes. The male will make a harsher
sound and they will also make a very low rumbling sound and they can also make
a belly grunt sound as well. These are the types of sounds as well. These are the
type of sounds that the emu will use to show that they are being threatened or
they are excited about something. When these birds are traveling they can go for
very long distances so that they can look for food. The emus that live in the
western part of Australia those emus will usually migrate and they will normally
travel to the north when the summer season comes and when the winters comes
than they will travel to the south. The emu does not travel alone they will travel in
pairs and they can also travel in very big flock to sometimes. Inside the throats of
these birds there is a pouch in them that is a part of the emus windpipe and they
will use this so that they can get contact with other emus that can be somewhere
in the area. When the pouch is inflated than they will make so many different
types of sounds that the emu and the type of sounds that they will use is a deep
booming, drumming sound and they will also use grunting sounds to. The only
times that they do use these sounds is during courtship or when it is time for
them to look for a mate and these sounds can be heard over 1.2 miles (2
kilometers) away. These birds will also hiss as well but they will use that so that
they can scare a predator like a dingo. The emu is part of a family of flightless
birds that are called Ratites. There are so many species of Ratites that have
become extinct. The Ratites that are still alive today is the emu, the ostrich,
cassowary , kiwi and the rhea these are all of the ratites that are still alive today.
The time that the emu will mate and they stay together is through the fall season.
The females will start to lay her eggs that will be the time when the two of the
birds will start to help each other with their parenting skills. The males are the
ones that will make the nest and they are the ones that will sit on them to and he
will sit on them for two months. This is the most hardest part of the males life
that is because it will lose a third of their body weight. This is what will happen
during the incubation period this is a very hard time for the male because they
will use a third of their body weight. The only time that he does get up is when he
has to turn the eggs around. Usually it is the female’s job to take care of the
babies but if you are an emu it is the male’s job to take care of the chicks. The
chicks will start to leave the nest in a few days. The chicks will depends on their
father to teach them the lessons that they will need to learn for when they get
older and the lessons that the father will teach them is how to look for food and
to watch out from predators. They will stay with him for 18 months. A female
emu will lay about 8 to 12 dark green eggs and these eggs are being laid in a nest
that will be built on the ground and the nest will be made out of twigs, dirt,
vegetation and the other stuff that they will need to make their nest. The female
will leave right after she has laid the eggs into the nest. When the females is gone
then it will be the fathers turn to take care of the chicks. He will also incubate on
the eggs he will continue to do that for 2 months until the chicks are ready to
come out of the eggs. The emus will normally come together in the summer and
the time that they mate is during the colder months of the year. The females have
a blue skin that is on their neck and the feathers of the females can also turn into
a darker brown color to. When the female is ready to mate the first thing that
she will do is to make a special call that will tell a male that she is ready to mate.
The female is not the only one that will make the nest that will be the males job.
The nest of the emu is made out of bark, grass, sticks and leaves and they will
make these nests in a hollow that is on the ground. Every second of the third day
that will be the time when the female will start to lay very big thick-shelled egg
that has a dark-green that is the color of their eggs. The weight of the eggs is 1
pound (0.5 kg). The males will start to become broody after the seventh egg. The
male will sit on the eggs so that he can incubate he will continue to do that if the
female lays more eggs. A female will normally lay 8 or 10 eggs. The male will stay
with the chicks for the next eight weeks. The male is surviving on his body fat and
at every morning that is dew that he can reach. The only time that the male does
move is when the male has to turn the eggs and he normally does this 10 times in
one day. The other job that the male does is that he has to protect the eggs from
so many different types of predators and the type of animals that will kill an emu
egg are goanna, eagles, and hawks mostly birds of prey will try to kill them. These
are the type of animals that will kill a emu egg. The nest of the emu will normally
be made in places that are in a shallow hole that is by a bush. These nests are
made out of leaves, grass and bark that is being lined up on the nest. The account
of eggs that the females will lay is 4 to 20 eggs. The color of these eggs has a more
greenish and brown color on them. The females will only lay a group of eggs at
one time. The chicks (which is another name for an emu baby). The incubation
period for these birds is in 8 weeks. The male will keep the eggs warm and the
father will also care about them to and he will continue to do this for 1 ½ years.
The emu will reach maturity in about 2 or in 3 years. The size of the egg is 5 x 3.5
inches. The weight of the egg is really 1 to 1.4 pounds (450 to 650). When the
emu first comes out of the egg the they will be bigger than 9.6 inches (25
centimeters) that is all the way up to the tail. The emu will start to come together
in the summer which is in December if you live in Australia. The emus will start to
mate in a climate that is cold and it will only last for a few months later on in their
life’s. The account of eggs that the female will lay 20 eggs but their average
account of eggs for an emu is really 12 eggs. The eggs will start to hatch in a
couple of months. The male will not eat a lot of food during the mating process
and it will be the one that will be sitting on the eggs. When the chick starts to
come out of the egg then the male will lose a lot of body weight. And will live on
his body fat.
Survival Status
The most common place to find a emu is in the mainland of Australia. But there
are so many areas that has a large human population that is taking over the emus
land. The smallest populations are going through and the dangers that they face is
very big. they are facing a lot of dangers is that they are losing a lot of their
habitats and fragmentation. The emu is really not under threat but there will be
times that there will be in a drought. The numbers of these birds are decline in
Western Australia. The dangers that the emu is facing in the western part of
Australia and those dangers is that there are so many farmers that are killing
them for meat. The other reason why farmers are killing them is because is for
their feathers so that they can make oil and leather out of them. The emu used to
live on the island of Tasmania but it does live there anymore that is because it
became extinct in the year of 1865. This has been followed by the arrival of
Europeansthat came to Australia during those times. The emus that live on the
mainland of Australia this have been very affected by humans. The emus that live
on the east coast of Australia or being kicked out of these types of areas because
there is no room for them because the human population is growing a lot. The
other problem that the emu is facing so many different types of dangers in the
Australia’s outback there is a problem for the emu over there because of
agricultural development and water provided that is for the livestock that lives in
this part Australia. Then these birds are being sent into new regions. But these
regions are too dry for these birds to survive in. The other threats that the emu
faces is that they are getting ridden over by lots of different types of vehicles.
There are so many people thatare raising them for meat, oil and for leather. The
population of the emu is the total of stabled. The other threats that these birds
are facing is with droughts and wildfires.
Message from Author
We must do something to help and to save these amazing animals. These birds
need all the help that they can get. The emu has the right to continue living on
this planet. They are doing their part in nature and we should find a place in
nature to. This is a really big planet that is filled with wonders and discoveries that
are just waiting to be found. We have to make this planet a safe place for us for
the other creatures that we share it with. This is our beautiful home and it
deserves to have a second change to live for the next generation to come on this
planet. There is a really big, bright and beautiful future that is what will happen if
we find a way to project our planet. Our world and our home will be a much
happier and a mush cleaner place to live in. We have to make room for other
living creatures to. God made animals for reasons just like he made us. That is
what I know about the emu. If we all work together we can save the emu and the
other animals that live on this planet to. Together we can make a difference in
our beautiful planet that we all share. Thank you so much for doing your part.
With you reading and enjoying this book you are helping your favorite animal and
its survival in the world. Without your support and love and respect your favorite
animal will have a chance to make a comeback. This is a huge thank you for
helping these animals and everything else that has to do with nature. Nature it is
very important because without nature our planet will not be so beautiful and full
of wonder that can open our’s eyes to world that they never had imagined.
Nature thanks you for your support.

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A book that is on the emu

  • 1. Diet The emu isan omnivore that means that they eat both plants and other animals. The emu will eat so many different types of fruit, insects, flowers and they will also eat seeds to. The other food that they will eat is grains, berries, soft shoots, grubs or any other food that can be found in their habitat. When there is enough food in the area and then the emu will store very large amount of fat that will normally be placed in their bodies. They will need this fat so that it can help them to survive when they are searching for food. The food that the emus will eat the most is green herbage and those types of food are grass, flowers, seeds in other stuff but they will also eat insects to like they will eat grasshoppers, A emu will normally drink water only in one or twice in a one day. The main food that they will eat the most is seeds, berries, shoots and they will also eat insects as well. They will stay in the same area if there is a enough food for them to eat so that they can travel in very long distances. The emu will eat so many different types of plants and fruit but it really depends on the type of season it is. They will also eat different types of bugs and the type of bugs that they will eat is grasshoppers, beetles and they will also eat crickets. They will also eat pebbles and stones this will help the emu to digest their food so that their food can go down their stomach. The emu plays a very important role in the ecosystem that is due to their diet. This will help them by fertizing the soil by using their seed-carrying dropping. Habitat/Range The emu can be found on so many types of the places that are on the mainland that is on the continent of Australia. These birds live in so many different types of habitats that are all over Australia and those places that live in is forests, grassy places and they can also live on desert places as well. The places where the emu will live is in Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia, Solomon island and they can also be found in Philippines. These birds can also be found in open forests as well and
  • 2. they can also be found in grassy plains to. The emu lives all over the continent of Australia and they can also be found in places that are in the woods, scrubland, the other place where they can be found in are desert areas and all of these places that the emu lives in are all in the continent of Australia and they can also be found all over the continent. The emus are found on the mainland of Australia. The Emu can be found on so many different types of habitats that are right in the mainland of Australia and those places that they live in that are in this continent are deserts and dense forest habitats. The parts of Australia where these birds live in but it really depends on the species like the paler sub-species that live in southeast Australia and in the northern part of Australia . The darker subspecies live in the southwest of Australia and the type of habitats that they live is plains and in open country as well. The other habitats where these birds live in is sparsely wooded level plains , Eucalypti forest, desert and they can also live in shrub lands to. Size/Weight The size of an Emu is about 6 feet (185 cm) tall and they can weight about 110 pounds (50 kg). These birds can be even bigger than the tallest person. The other size of these very big birds is 4.9 to 6.2 feet (1.5 to 1.9 meters) and this is how tall they are and they can also weight about 66 to 121 pounds (30 to 55 kilograms). This is another weight for aemu to. The emu Is known to be the most biggest bird in the world. The second largest bird in the world is the ostrich and the emu can grow about 6 feet in a height and they can weight about 100 pounds. The other size on how big these birds are and that is about 6 ½ feet and 120 pounds. The emu can stand about 1 .5 to 2 meters that is how tall that these birds are and they can weight about 45 kg. The males and the females may look like but they are totally different from each other and that is the females are a lot bigger than the males are. These birds can stand about at least 1 . 5 – 1. 9 m (5 -6.25 ft.) that is the total height of these birds and they can weigh about 30 to 60 kgs (66 – 130 lbs.) These birds can also be tall as 1.5 to 2 meters tall. The other height that these birds can stand for is 2 meters tall. The females are so much bigger than the
  • 3. males are and the females can weight about 40 kilograms and the males can weight about 36 kg. Life span The emu can live about 10 to 20 years when they are living in their natural habitat and when they are living in a zoo than they can live for 35 years. These birds can also live about 5 to 10 years but this is their life span when they are in the wild. They can also live about 20 years as well. When they are living in the wild than they can live till 5 or 10 years and they will live a lot longer when they are living in a zoo or living in a game preserve. It is not normal for a emu to live until they are 30 years old this is normally their life span when they are living in a zoo, These birds are known to be very versatile and they will easily to adapt to any different types of environments that is in Australia. They can live for a very long time when they are in captivity. 1 interesting fact The emu has very small useless wings so that means they can’t fly. These birds may not be flyers but they have very long legs that can be very powerful. These birds will travel in very long distances and they can go very fast to like they can run about 30 miles per hour (48 kilometers per hour) and they can go for a quite distance to. These are the only birds in the world that has calf muscles. The emu is a very fast runner and their total speed is when they are running is 40 mph in short burst. When these birds are running they can run about 9 feet. These birds are not just good at running they are also very good at swimming to. Emus are very fast at running and they can run about 50 kph, they can run by bouncing andin swaying motion. The emu is an very nomadic bird that there are some that can travel about hundred kilometers. The emu is a very fast runner and they can be faster than 48 km 1 hr. (30 mph). They are also very good at swimming or anything that has to do with water. On the bill of the emu is very broad and soft
  • 4. and they will use their bills so that they can browse and so that they can also graze as well. The best time that they will move is really fast is when there is a lot of food in the area or when the males are sitting on the eggs. When there is food in the area than they will be able to store so many fat so that they can grow much faster. The emu is a very fast runner it can run about 30 mph (50 kph) they are also very good at swimming to. The emu is the only bird in the world that has a calf muscle in them. These very strong legs can help these birds to propel 7 feet into the air. 2 interesting fact The feathers ofa emu can be very loose and they also have a very simple design on them. The feathers are just like hair that is because the feathers can grow from follicles. On the feathers of these birds there are knit barbs that are located on the feathers that are on the emu and they are widely spaced on all over the feathers of the emu and these feathers do not have hooks on them and these hooks will normally be attach to the other burbs instead on having the hooks attach to the burbs the emus feathers will just have each of the barbs hanging very loose and they have to be because it makes the feathers look like hair. The other birds that are ratites they will normally share the design that is on their feathers. When the emu’s feathers starts to grow a new set of feathers than they will almost have an black color on them. But when the sun is out then the sun will normally make the black feathers go away because the sun will make it fade away and when it does fade it away than instead on having a black color on their feathers will turn into an grayish brown color but the shafts and the tip of the feathers will be black. The feathers on the emu are very water proofed than the other bird species in the world. The feathers of these birds are not soft instead on being soft the feathers will normally have an stiff touch and the feathers can also have an rattled this will help the emu when they are facing a predator the rattle will help the emu to scare the predator away like a dingo. The feathers that is on the emus body they have special feathers on them and those feathers are being are be grown by every single every follicle that is how their feathers grow. These
  • 5. birds are flightless birds and that means their feathers are not build to fly. The feathers have a dirty brown color on them. The emu is all cover with feathers and their feathers are thick and they are also drooping feathers. The color of the feathers isa dark brown and a grey brown color and their feathers can be very long to. The feathers that are on their head are very short and downy to. 3 interesting fact The legs of the emu are very long and very stalky and they will use their legs to help them when they are moving when they are traveling on their feet they only have three toes on them and they are not webbed. These legs are made to help the emu to run. The calls that these birds make can be very loud and the type of sounds that they will use is a very loud booming sound. The calls that they will make is a drumming and a grunting sounds. These sounds can be heard over two kilometers-away. The emu can make a booming sound that they can make in their inflatable neck sac. The emu will show a lot of feelings when they feel like they are threatened or exited and on a way on how they express these emotions is that they will make very loud noises. The females will use air sacs that are located in their throats that can make a very deep drumming sound and the males will make a different sound that the female makes. The male will make a harsher sound and they will also make a very low rumbling sound and they can also make a belly grunt sound as well. These are the types of sounds as well. These are the type of sounds that the emu will use to show that they are being threatened or they are excited about something. When these birds are traveling they can go for very long distances so that they can look for food. The emus that live in the western part of Australia those emus will usually migrate and they will normally travel to the north when the summer season comes and when the winters comes than they will travel to the south. The emu does not travel alone they will travel in pairs and they can also travel in very big flock to sometimes. Inside the throats of these birds there is a pouch in them that is a part of the emus windpipe and they
  • 6. will use this so that they can get contact with other emus that can be somewhere in the area. When the pouch is inflated than they will make so many different types of sounds that the emu and the type of sounds that they will use is a deep booming, drumming sound and they will also use grunting sounds to. The only times that they do use these sounds is during courtship or when it is time for them to look for a mate and these sounds can be heard over 1.2 miles (2 kilometers) away. These birds will also hiss as well but they will use that so that they can scare a predator like a dingo. The emu is part of a family of flightless birds that are called Ratites. There are so many species of Ratites that have become extinct. The Ratites that are still alive today is the emu, the ostrich, cassowary , kiwi and the rhea these are all of the ratites that are still alive today. Responding The time that the emu will mate and they stay together is through the fall season. The females will start to lay her eggs that will be the time when the two of the birds will start to help each other with their parenting skills. The males are the ones that will make the nest and they are the ones that will sit on them to and he will sit on them for two months. This is the most hardest part of the males life that is because it will lose a third of their body weight. This is what will happen during the incubation period this is a very hard time for the male because they will use a third of their body weight. The only time that he does get up is when he has to turn the eggs around. Usually it is the female’s job to take care of the babies but if you are an emu it is the male’s job to take care of the chicks. The chicks will start to leave the nest in a few days. The chicks will depends on their father to teach them the lessons that they will need to learn for when they get older and the lessons that the father will teach them is how to look for food and to watch out from predators. They will stay with him for 18 months. A female emu will lay about 8 to 12 dark green eggs and these eggs are being laid in a nest that will be built on the ground and the nest will be made out of twigs, dirt,
  • 7. vegetation and the other stuff that they will need to make their nest. The female will leave right after she has laid the eggs into the nest. When the females is gone then it will be the fathers turn to take care of the chicks. He will also incubate on the eggs he will continue to do that for 2 months until the chicks are ready to come out of the eggs. The emus will normally come together in the summer and the time that they mate is during the colder months of the year. The females have a blue skin that is on their neck and the feathers of the females can also turn into a darker brown color to. When the female is ready to mate the first thing that she will do is to make a special call that will tell a male that she is ready to mate. The female is not the only one that will make the nest that will be the males job. The nest of the emu is made out of bark, grass, sticks and leaves and they will make these nests in a hollow that is on the ground. Every second of the third day that will be the time when the female will start to lay very big thick-shelled egg that has a dark-green that is the color of their eggs. The weight of the eggs is 1 pound (0.5 kg). The males will start to become broody after the seventh egg. The male will sit on the eggs so that he can incubate he will continue to do that if the female lays more eggs. A female will normally lay 8 or 10 eggs. The male will stay with the chicks for the next eight weeks. The male is surviving on his body fat and at every morning that is dew that he can reach. The only time that the male does move is when the male has to turn the eggs and he normally does this 10 times in one day. The other job that the male does is that he has to protect the eggs from so many different types of predators and the type of animals that will kill an emu egg are goanna, eagles, and hawks mostly birds of prey will try to kill them. These are the type of animals that will kill a emu egg. The nest of the emu will normally be made in places that are in a shallow hole that is by a bush. These nests are made out of leaves, grass and bark that is being lined up on the nest. The account of eggs that the females will lay is 4 to 20 eggs. The color of these eggs has a more greenish and brown color on them. The females will only lay a group of eggs at one time. The chicks (which is another name for an emu baby). The incubation period for these birds is in 8 weeks. The male will keep the eggs warm and the father will also care about them to and he will continue to do this for 1 ½ years. The emu will reach maturity in about 2 or in 3 years. The size of the egg is 5 x 3.5 inches. The weight of the egg is really 1 to 1.4 pounds (450 to 650). When the
  • 8. emu first comes out of the egg the they will be bigger than 9.6 inches (25 centimeters) that is all the way up to the tail. The emu will start to come together in the summer which is in December if you live in Australia. The emus will start to mate in a climate that is cold and it will only last for a few months later on in their life’s. The account of eggs that the female will lay 20 eggs but their average account of eggs for an emu is really 12 eggs. The eggs will start to hatch in a couple of months. The male will not eat a lot of food during the mating process and it will be the one that will be sitting on the eggs. When the chick starts to come out of the egg then the male will lose a lot of body weight. And will live on his body fat. Survival Status The most common place to find a emu is in the mainland of Australia. But there are so many areas that has a large human population that is taking over the emus land. The smallest populations are going through and the dangers that they face is very big. they are facing a lot of dangers is that they are losing a lot of their habitats and fragmentation. The emu is really not under threat but there will be times that there will be in a drought. The numbers of these birds are decline in Western Australia. The dangers that the emu is facing in the western part of Australia and those dangers is that there are so many farmers that are killing them for meat. The other reason why farmers are killing them is because is for their feathers so that they can make oil and leather out of them. The emu used to live on the island of Tasmania but it does live there anymore that is because it became extinct in the year of 1865. This has been followed by the arrival of Europeansthat came to Australia during those times. The emus that live on the mainland of Australia this have been very affected by humans. The emus that live on the east coast of Australia or being kicked out of these types of areas because there is no room for them because the human population is growing a lot. The other problem that the emu is facing so many different types of dangers in the
  • 9. Australia’s outback there is a problem for the emu over there because of agricultural development and water provided that is for the livestock that lives in this part Australia. Then these birds are being sent into new regions. But these regions are too dry for these birds to survive in. The other threats that the emu faces is that they are getting ridden over by lots of different types of vehicles. There are so many people thatare raising them for meat, oil and for leather. The population of the emu is the total of stabled. The other threats that these birds are facing is with droughts and wildfires. Message from Author We must do something to help and to save these amazing animals. These birds need all the help that they can get. The emu has the right to continue living on this planet. They are doing their part in nature and we should find a place in nature to. This is a really big planet that is filled with wonders and discoveries that are just waiting to be found. We have to make this planet a safe place for us for the other creatures that we share it with. This is our beautiful home and it deserves to have a second change to live for the next generation to come on this planet. There is a really big, bright and beautiful future that is what will happen if we find a way to project our planet. Our world and our home will be a much happier and a mush cleaner place to live in. We have to make room for other living creatures to. God made animals for reasons just like he made us. That is what I know about the emu. If we all work together we can save the emu and the other animals that live on this planet to. Together we can make a difference in our beautiful planet that we all share. Thank you so much for doing your part. With you reading and enjoying this book you are helping your favorite animal and its survival in the world. Without your support and love and respect your favorite animal will have a chance to make a comeback. This is a huge thank you for helping these animals and everything else that has to do with nature. Nature it is very important because without nature our planet will not be so beautiful and full of wonder that can open our’s eyes to world that they never had imagined. Nature thanks you for your support.