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Happy birthday mommy

       By Felicia
Polar bear family
     • Females will start to build their dens in October that can be found on
        thick stable of pack ice and they can also build it on land to. The female
        will start to give birth in November through January. The babies are
        being born when they are hibernating. The cubs will stay with the
        mother for 2 ½ years. The female will normally produce about five litters
        through out the female’s life. The female will give birth to only two cubs
        they will usually be born in the winter. The moment that the cubs are
        born they will be really small. They will stay in the mothers den in only
        for three months. The den is mostly located under the snow. This is the
        place where the mother will give her cubs milk and to keep them warm.
        When they are out of the den the cubs will stay really close to the
        mother. When they are scared then they will normally climb on their
        mother’s back but if there is a really big threat like a male polar bear
        then she will normally fight with all of the strength that she has so that
        she can protect her cubs. They are also known to have twins to.
Gestation period: 6.5 months
     •                                        Mating season: in the late March through May
Number of babies: 1 to 4, but the most
common is really 2 cubs                    
Size of babies: 1.3 pounds (.6 kilograms)
Maturity: males-10 to 11 years and            
females are 11 years.
Lion Family
  •   When the female is ready to mate then she will normally walk up to the pride male. He is normally going to be the father
      of the cubs. The mother is ready to give birth in three months. The moment that she is ready to have her cubs then she
      will start to look for a den that is far away from the pride. The hiding places that she will look for are normally really big
      rocks or bushes. A female lion will normally give birth to two or threes cubs. A lion cub will normally weigh about 3
      pounds (1.5 kg). Every single lion cubs has spots on them comes handy when their mother goes out to hide this makes
      other animals hand to see them hiding in the grass. The predator will normally just walk pass them they do not even
      spot them. The female will spend all of her time feeding and cleaning the cubs. The only time that she will leave them is
      when she needs to get drink of water and when she needs to look for food. The cubs will start to open their eyes in about
      2 weeks. After they start to open their eyes then they will start to walk and play with each other, but they never wander
      far away from home. There will be sometimes that the mother will not be there to protect the cubs when their mother is
      not around then that will be the time when they start to go for a really good hiding place. The cubs will become a lot
      strong when in about two months. Their strong legs will come handy so that they can caught up with their mother and
      the rest of the pride to. The new cubs will start to play with the other cubs to. Female mothers are known to give birth at
      the same time they will have cubs at the same time because so that everyone in the pride can help take care of the cubs.
      The cubs will be a full-grown lion in about six months and then they will start to grow about one-fourth pounds. But they
      are not ready to join in the hunt until they are ready to hunt they will continue to play hunting games until they are ready
      for a real hunt and they will have to play this game every single day. they will play these hunting games by chasing the
      tails of the adults. They will start to jump on each other. They will westle and they will bite each other and they will also
      garb leaves that can falling down from the air. The adults will always each the cubs. The other way that the cubs will learn
      how to hunt is go on a hunting trip and watch how their mother and the other females do it. They will be ready to be in a
      real hunt until they are about a year old. They are ready to face the world on their own in two or three years. The females
      will stay in the pride forever the males have to leave the pride the moment that they grow a mane. The males will join
      other males and then they will start to roam the plains. When the male is strong enough then he will be ready to fright
      with other males and take over a pride of his own. If he wins then he gets to keep the pride and the current male will
      have to leave and he has to never return to the same the pride again and he will also have travel the plains all by himself.

Mating season: all year round
Gestation period: around 110 days
Number of cubs: 3-4 cubs. They can also
have1 and 6 cubs sometimes to.
Size of birth: 3 pounds (1-5 kilograms).
Maturity stage: 3 to 4 years
Tiger Family
•     Tiger are a lot different then lions because they live on their own for most of their lives they will only come together when it is time for them to
      mate. A male and a female will only spend time with each other in only for a few days that is how long that tigers will mate for. After they are
      done mating then the two will go their separate ways. When the female is about to give birth then she will start to look for a den that can be in a
      bush and they can also find a cave in really big rocks to she will need these types of places so that she can have her babies. A tiger mother can
      have the total of one to five cubs that is a full litter of tiger cubs. A tiger cub can be big as 2 or 3 pounds (1 to 1.5 kilograms) and they can also be
      12 inches (30.5 cm) long. Tiger cubs are born blind when they are born and they will remain closed until they are two weeks old. The first food
      that they will drink be their mothers milk and they will stay really close to their mother so that they can be safe from other animals that might
      want to kill them like male tigers and wild dogs to will try and kill a baby tiger cub. The mother will start to feed her cubs meat until they are
      about three months old. When she goes on a hunt then she will usually bring back pieces of the animals that the mother just killed . Even though
      the cubs are stating to eat meat but it does not mean that they are done drinking their mothers milk they will continue to drink their mothers
      milk until they reach five to six years old. The cubs will be all by themselves when the mother goes out to hunt. This is a really dangerous moment
      because the mother is not there to protect them that means that the cubs will be very Vulnerable to other predators like wild dog and leopards
      will try and kill a baby tiger cub when the mother is not around to protect them. There are about 3 or 2 tiger cubs that will often grow up to be
      adults. When they are old enough the mother will start to teach her cubs how to take care of themselves. She will teach them how to get the
      meat off of the animal. She will also teach them how to swim to. The tiger cubs will practice their hunting skills by playing with each other. They
      will paly with each other by jumping and rolling and they can also nip to this what tiger cubs do to play with each other. The tiger cubs will be
      ready to go on hunting trip with their mother until they are six months old. They will learn how to hunt by watching their mother doing it and
      they will also watch her kill the animal to. The mother will stop hunting for the cubs until they are 18 months old. That will be the time when they
      start to hunt for themselves. The cubs will be ready to leave their mother until they are about two years old. This is the time when they are a full-
      grown tiger. After the cubs are gone then she will be ready to have another litter of cubs. When the cubs have grown up than that will be the time
      when they start to look for territory of their own. The females will find a terrtory that can be close to their mothers and the males will usually find
      a territory that can be really far away from their mother’s territory.
    Mating season: The tigers that live in the                                     Maturity stage: 3 to 6 years
    tropical climates there mating season is really
    in November to April. They can also mate
    During the winter season to.
    Gestation Period: 103 days
    Litter size: 3-4 cubs
    Number of babies: they can have the total of                       
    7 cubs but the most average litter for a tiger is
    really 2 or 3 cubs.                    
    Size at birth: tiger cubs can be big as 2.2
    pounds (1 kilograms)
Gorilla family
 •    A mother gorilla will be ready to have babies when she is 10 to 12 years old. The female will remain
      pregnant for 8 to 9.5 months and they will usually have the total of of 3 babies through out their whole life
      time. A newborn gorilla can weigh about 3 to 4 pounds (1.4 to 1.8 kg). This is how big they are when they
      are first born ( that is like the half the weigh of an newborn human baby When it comes to a baby a female
      can really careful when they nurture the baby. A baby gorilla can learn how to crawl in about 2 months
      that is much earlier than a human baby will learn how to crawl. They can even learn how to walk way
      easier then humans to. In 4 months that will be the time when they will start to cimb on their mothers
      back. A female gorilla will fed their baby milk for the first 1 ½ years of the babies life. When they start to
      get older than that will be the time when they start to build their very own sleeping nests and they
      normally make them out of lots of trees and bushes. Durning that time they will no longer sleep in their
      mothers sleeping nest anymore. A baby gorilla will stay with its mother for 3 to 4 years. A adult male
      gorilla as called the sliverback will normally take care of orhane baby gorillas. A baby gorilla is really small
      and they are really usually born on the average. They can weigh about 4 pounds. They will grow up to be
      400 pounds when they turn into adults. These primates have a lot of growing up to do.
Mating season: all year long
Gestation period: 8.5 months
Number of babies: they will only have just one baby and it is super rare
for gorillas to have two babies
Size of birth: 4 to 5 pounds (1.8 to 2.3 kilograms)
Maturity stage: a males will mature in 13 years and the females will
mature in about 10 years
Cheetah family
   •   After the 12 years right after the cubs are born than the mother will start to drink their mothers
       milk. When the cubs are three months old this is the time when they start to grow in teeth. The
       cubs will be ready to eat meat and follow their mother when they are about six weeks old. When
       the cubs are seven months old then the cubs will start to join their mother on hunting trips. The
       cubs will watch and learn on how their mother chases and catching her mother and they will learn
       by just watching her. There are sometimes that the mother will try to let the cubs kill the prey
       animal. This is when the mother beings it back to them and then she will let the cubs do the killing
       part. The cubs will start to leave on their own when they are about 14 to 18 months old. The
       females will usually stay in the same terrtory with their mother and the males will normally move
       really far away so that they can find a terrtory of their own The cheetah mom can be totally careful
       with her babies That is because she does not have any help from other cheetahs she has to protect
       them on her own. She never takes her eyes off of them she is always looking after them. In two
       years then that will be the time when the cubs will start to do everything that their mother and
       their borthers and sisters do. It is really hard to see them grooming each other and it is also really
       hard to see them squabbling each other. When the mother has taught the cubs really will on how
       to survival in the wildness that they live in and teach them how to be amazing predators than they
       will be ready to leave their mother forever. When the months go on then the females will start to
       wander away from their brothers and then they will start to become solitary animals. The littler will
       start to leave their mother in a group and then in later on in life they will make their separated

                                                                  Mating season: all year long                                      Gestation period: 3 months
                                                                  Number of babies: 2-4 cubs                                       Size of birth: 5 t o10 ounces (150 to 300 grams)
                                                                  Maturity stage: 2 to 3 years
Giraffe family
   •     A mother giraffe will only give birth to only one calf. The mother will protect her baby for the first week of the
         calves life. The reason why because they can be totally vulnerable and they do not h know how to protect
         themselves from danger. A female giraffe will usually feed her baby in a nursery group. A baby giraffe will come
         into the world by their feet will be the first parts that will come out of the mothers stomach then the head , neck
         and the shoulders will start to come out of the mothers stomach. It really take a really long time for the baby to
         come out of the mothers stomach that is because their umbilical cord is only 3 feet (1 meter) long. This item will
         break through the birth of the baby then the baby will start to drop down to the floor. . This fall and the landing is
         not hurtful for the baby. But they do have a hard time breathing and they also have a hard time standing up and
         walking is also a problem to. It will take a calf about an hour or maybe a week until it is really good on walking and
         standing on its legs. There are sometimes that the mother will let the baby be by itself in some parts of the day.
         When the mother is gone then the baby will stay realty quiet until she comes back. Giraffes will normally breed in
         the dry season. The mother will normally give birth when she is standing up. A baby giraffe will only weigh about
         70kgs (115lbs) and they can stand for 1.8-2m (5.9-6.6ft) tall. In a few hours they will know how to run and they
         can run really fast to. For the first two weeks of the calf’s live they will spend a lot of time being protect by its
         mother. For the next 4 or 5 months they will spend a lot of time in a nursery group which is called crèches. This
         allows the mother to forage when the calves are resting and when they are socializing with each other. Sometimes
         that one of the moms will usually stay so that they can watch over the calves when the other giraffes goes to get
         something to eat and so that they can socaialize to. When the calves start to grow in physical skills and they will
         also start to grow in social skills. They will learn these skills when they are playing with each other. They are being
         totally watched by one of the calves mothers. For the whole day the youngers will spent a lot of their time
         exploring what is going on around them. The griaffe claf will start to eat leaves when they four months old. But
         they will not stop drinking their mothers milk until they are about six or nine months old. A baby giraffe can be
         really tall they can be big as six feet tall. A newborn giraffe can be much bigger than an average adult person. It
         will rake a baby giraffe to stand for only about an hour right after they are born . Then the moment that they do
         that then they will learn how to stand drink milk from its mother. It will take about months when the young griaffe
         is ready to join in the herd. The baby giraffe will be ten feet tall when they get older.
Mating season: during the dry season
Gestation period: 14 months
Number of babies: a giraffe mother will only have just one calf
Size of birth: 6 feet tall (1.8 meters), 100 to 150 pounds ( 45 to 68         
Maturity stage: 3 to 5 years
Elephant family
    •   Elephants will usually mate for four years and it can happen anytime of the year. The female
        will be ready in about 3 or 6 days when she is ready then they will start to make infrasound's
        this is how females can attract male there are sometimes that a male can hear almost
        kilometers away. After the male and female are done mating then they will separate from
        each other. A female will only give birth to only one calf. A elephant calf will be after 22
        months that is their gestation period. A elephant calf can weight about 100 kgs (220lbs) and
        they can stand about 90 comes (35 inches) tall. The young elephant will be ready to follow
        the herd in a few days right after the calf has been born. The calf will start to eat normally
        elephant food when they are 6 months old but they will not stop drinking their mothers milk
        until they are 5 years old . When the baby elephant is born then they can stand about three
        feet ( one meter) tall. A baby elephant calf is really hairy and they also have a really long tail
        they also have an really long trunk to so that they can feed themselves. A baby elephant is
        totally clumsy when they first start using their trucks for the very first time in their lifes. But
        the baby will figure out how to use when it starts to get a little older.

Mating season: during the wet season
Gestation period: 22 months
Number of babies: A mother elephant can only give birth to
only one calf.
Weight of birth: 110 to 250 pounds (50 to 113 kilograms).
Maturity stage: 17 to 20 years
A world of moms
• There are so many different types of ways on how
  animals enter into our world. There so many different
  types of ways how animals take care of their babies. In
  this powerpoint, I am taking you on a journey over the
  world because there are so many animals that are
  giving birth right now and learning how to take of
  themselves. Will I hope you enjoy your trip as enter
  into different worlds that you have never seen before.
  You are also going to see how animal mothers take care
  of their babies.

• There is no better bond between a mother and her cub


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Mommys birthday powerpoint

  • 1. Happy birthday mommy By Felicia
  • 2. Polar bear family • Females will start to build their dens in October that can be found on thick stable of pack ice and they can also build it on land to. The female will start to give birth in November through January. The babies are being born when they are hibernating. The cubs will stay with the mother for 2 ½ years. The female will normally produce about five litters through out the female’s life. The female will give birth to only two cubs they will usually be born in the winter. The moment that the cubs are born they will be really small. They will stay in the mothers den in only for three months. The den is mostly located under the snow. This is the place where the mother will give her cubs milk and to keep them warm. When they are out of the den the cubs will stay really close to the mother. When they are scared then they will normally climb on their mother’s back but if there is a really big threat like a male polar bear then she will normally fight with all of the strength that she has so that she can protect her cubs. They are also known to have twins to. Gestation period: 6.5 months • Mating season: in the late March through May Number of babies: 1 to 4, but the most common is really 2 cubs Size of babies: 1.3 pounds (.6 kilograms) Maturity: males-10 to 11 years and females are 11 years.
  • 3. Lion Family • When the female is ready to mate then she will normally walk up to the pride male. He is normally going to be the father of the cubs. The mother is ready to give birth in three months. The moment that she is ready to have her cubs then she will start to look for a den that is far away from the pride. The hiding places that she will look for are normally really big rocks or bushes. A female lion will normally give birth to two or threes cubs. A lion cub will normally weigh about 3 pounds (1.5 kg). Every single lion cubs has spots on them comes handy when their mother goes out to hide this makes other animals hand to see them hiding in the grass. The predator will normally just walk pass them they do not even spot them. The female will spend all of her time feeding and cleaning the cubs. The only time that she will leave them is when she needs to get drink of water and when she needs to look for food. The cubs will start to open their eyes in about 2 weeks. After they start to open their eyes then they will start to walk and play with each other, but they never wander far away from home. There will be sometimes that the mother will not be there to protect the cubs when their mother is not around then that will be the time when they start to go for a really good hiding place. The cubs will become a lot strong when in about two months. Their strong legs will come handy so that they can caught up with their mother and the rest of the pride to. The new cubs will start to play with the other cubs to. Female mothers are known to give birth at the same time they will have cubs at the same time because so that everyone in the pride can help take care of the cubs. The cubs will be a full-grown lion in about six months and then they will start to grow about one-fourth pounds. But they are not ready to join in the hunt until they are ready to hunt they will continue to play hunting games until they are ready for a real hunt and they will have to play this game every single day. they will play these hunting games by chasing the tails of the adults. They will start to jump on each other. They will westle and they will bite each other and they will also garb leaves that can falling down from the air. The adults will always each the cubs. The other way that the cubs will learn how to hunt is go on a hunting trip and watch how their mother and the other females do it. They will be ready to be in a real hunt until they are about a year old. They are ready to face the world on their own in two or three years. The females will stay in the pride forever the males have to leave the pride the moment that they grow a mane. The males will join other males and then they will start to roam the plains. When the male is strong enough then he will be ready to fright with other males and take over a pride of his own. If he wins then he gets to keep the pride and the current male will have to leave and he has to never return to the same the pride again and he will also have travel the plains all by himself. • Mating season: all year round Gestation period: around 110 days Number of cubs: 3-4 cubs. They can also have1 and 6 cubs sometimes to. Size of birth: 3 pounds (1-5 kilograms). Maturity stage: 3 to 4 years
  • 4. Tiger Family • Tiger are a lot different then lions because they live on their own for most of their lives they will only come together when it is time for them to mate. A male and a female will only spend time with each other in only for a few days that is how long that tigers will mate for. After they are done mating then the two will go their separate ways. When the female is about to give birth then she will start to look for a den that can be in a bush and they can also find a cave in really big rocks to she will need these types of places so that she can have her babies. A tiger mother can have the total of one to five cubs that is a full litter of tiger cubs. A tiger cub can be big as 2 or 3 pounds (1 to 1.5 kilograms) and they can also be 12 inches (30.5 cm) long. Tiger cubs are born blind when they are born and they will remain closed until they are two weeks old. The first food that they will drink be their mothers milk and they will stay really close to their mother so that they can be safe from other animals that might want to kill them like male tigers and wild dogs to will try and kill a baby tiger cub. The mother will start to feed her cubs meat until they are about three months old. When she goes on a hunt then she will usually bring back pieces of the animals that the mother just killed . Even though the cubs are stating to eat meat but it does not mean that they are done drinking their mothers milk they will continue to drink their mothers milk until they reach five to six years old. The cubs will be all by themselves when the mother goes out to hunt. This is a really dangerous moment because the mother is not there to protect them that means that the cubs will be very Vulnerable to other predators like wild dog and leopards will try and kill a baby tiger cub when the mother is not around to protect them. There are about 3 or 2 tiger cubs that will often grow up to be adults. When they are old enough the mother will start to teach her cubs how to take care of themselves. She will teach them how to get the meat off of the animal. She will also teach them how to swim to. The tiger cubs will practice their hunting skills by playing with each other. They will paly with each other by jumping and rolling and they can also nip to this what tiger cubs do to play with each other. The tiger cubs will be ready to go on hunting trip with their mother until they are six months old. They will learn how to hunt by watching their mother doing it and they will also watch her kill the animal to. The mother will stop hunting for the cubs until they are 18 months old. That will be the time when they start to hunt for themselves. The cubs will be ready to leave their mother until they are about two years old. This is the time when they are a full- grown tiger. After the cubs are gone then she will be ready to have another litter of cubs. When the cubs have grown up than that will be the time when they start to look for territory of their own. The females will find a terrtory that can be close to their mothers and the males will usually find a territory that can be really far away from their mother’s territory. Mating season: The tigers that live in the Maturity stage: 3 to 6 years tropical climates there mating season is really in November to April. They can also mate During the winter season to. Gestation Period: 103 days Litter size: 3-4 cubs Number of babies: they can have the total of 7 cubs but the most average litter for a tiger is really 2 or 3 cubs. Size at birth: tiger cubs can be big as 2.2 pounds (1 kilograms)
  • 5. Gorilla family • A mother gorilla will be ready to have babies when she is 10 to 12 years old. The female will remain pregnant for 8 to 9.5 months and they will usually have the total of of 3 babies through out their whole life time. A newborn gorilla can weigh about 3 to 4 pounds (1.4 to 1.8 kg). This is how big they are when they are first born ( that is like the half the weigh of an newborn human baby When it comes to a baby a female can really careful when they nurture the baby. A baby gorilla can learn how to crawl in about 2 months that is much earlier than a human baby will learn how to crawl. They can even learn how to walk way easier then humans to. In 4 months that will be the time when they will start to cimb on their mothers back. A female gorilla will fed their baby milk for the first 1 ½ years of the babies life. When they start to get older than that will be the time when they start to build their very own sleeping nests and they normally make them out of lots of trees and bushes. Durning that time they will no longer sleep in their mothers sleeping nest anymore. A baby gorilla will stay with its mother for 3 to 4 years. A adult male gorilla as called the sliverback will normally take care of orhane baby gorillas. A baby gorilla is really small and they are really usually born on the average. They can weigh about 4 pounds. They will grow up to be 400 pounds when they turn into adults. These primates have a lot of growing up to do. Mating season: all year long Gestation period: 8.5 months Number of babies: they will only have just one baby and it is super rare for gorillas to have two babies Size of birth: 4 to 5 pounds (1.8 to 2.3 kilograms) Maturity stage: a males will mature in 13 years and the females will mature in about 10 years
  • 6. Cheetah family • After the 12 years right after the cubs are born than the mother will start to drink their mothers milk. When the cubs are three months old this is the time when they start to grow in teeth. The cubs will be ready to eat meat and follow their mother when they are about six weeks old. When the cubs are seven months old then the cubs will start to join their mother on hunting trips. The cubs will watch and learn on how their mother chases and catching her mother and they will learn by just watching her. There are sometimes that the mother will try to let the cubs kill the prey animal. This is when the mother beings it back to them and then she will let the cubs do the killing part. The cubs will start to leave on their own when they are about 14 to 18 months old. The females will usually stay in the same terrtory with their mother and the males will normally move really far away so that they can find a terrtory of their own The cheetah mom can be totally careful with her babies That is because she does not have any help from other cheetahs she has to protect them on her own. She never takes her eyes off of them she is always looking after them. In two years then that will be the time when the cubs will start to do everything that their mother and their borthers and sisters do. It is really hard to see them grooming each other and it is also really hard to see them squabbling each other. When the mother has taught the cubs really will on how to survival in the wildness that they live in and teach them how to be amazing predators than they will be ready to leave their mother forever. When the months go on then the females will start to wander away from their brothers and then they will start to become solitary animals. The littler will start to leave their mother in a group and then in later on in life they will make their separated ways. • Mating season: all year long Gestation period: 3 months Number of babies: 2-4 cubs Size of birth: 5 t o10 ounces (150 to 300 grams) Maturity stage: 2 to 3 years
  • 7. Giraffe family • A mother giraffe will only give birth to only one calf. The mother will protect her baby for the first week of the calves life. The reason why because they can be totally vulnerable and they do not h know how to protect themselves from danger. A female giraffe will usually feed her baby in a nursery group. A baby giraffe will come into the world by their feet will be the first parts that will come out of the mothers stomach then the head , neck and the shoulders will start to come out of the mothers stomach. It really take a really long time for the baby to come out of the mothers stomach that is because their umbilical cord is only 3 feet (1 meter) long. This item will break through the birth of the baby then the baby will start to drop down to the floor. . This fall and the landing is not hurtful for the baby. But they do have a hard time breathing and they also have a hard time standing up and walking is also a problem to. It will take a calf about an hour or maybe a week until it is really good on walking and standing on its legs. There are sometimes that the mother will let the baby be by itself in some parts of the day. When the mother is gone then the baby will stay realty quiet until she comes back. Giraffes will normally breed in the dry season. The mother will normally give birth when she is standing up. A baby giraffe will only weigh about 70kgs (115lbs) and they can stand for 1.8-2m (5.9-6.6ft) tall. In a few hours they will know how to run and they can run really fast to. For the first two weeks of the calf’s live they will spend a lot of time being protect by its mother. For the next 4 or 5 months they will spend a lot of time in a nursery group which is called crèches. This allows the mother to forage when the calves are resting and when they are socializing with each other. Sometimes that one of the moms will usually stay so that they can watch over the calves when the other giraffes goes to get something to eat and so that they can socaialize to. When the calves start to grow in physical skills and they will also start to grow in social skills. They will learn these skills when they are playing with each other. They are being totally watched by one of the calves mothers. For the whole day the youngers will spent a lot of their time exploring what is going on around them. The griaffe claf will start to eat leaves when they four months old. But they will not stop drinking their mothers milk until they are about six or nine months old. A baby giraffe can be really tall they can be big as six feet tall. A newborn giraffe can be much bigger than an average adult person. It will rake a baby giraffe to stand for only about an hour right after they are born . Then the moment that they do that then they will learn how to stand drink milk from its mother. It will take about months when the young griaffe is ready to join in the herd. The baby giraffe will be ten feet tall when they get older. Mating season: during the dry season Gestation period: 14 months Number of babies: a giraffe mother will only have just one calf Size of birth: 6 feet tall (1.8 meters), 100 to 150 pounds ( 45 to 68 kilograms). Maturity stage: 3 to 5 years
  • 8. Elephant family • Elephants will usually mate for four years and it can happen anytime of the year. The female will be ready in about 3 or 6 days when she is ready then they will start to make infrasound's this is how females can attract male there are sometimes that a male can hear almost kilometers away. After the male and female are done mating then they will separate from each other. A female will only give birth to only one calf. A elephant calf will be after 22 months that is their gestation period. A elephant calf can weight about 100 kgs (220lbs) and they can stand about 90 comes (35 inches) tall. The young elephant will be ready to follow the herd in a few days right after the calf has been born. The calf will start to eat normally elephant food when they are 6 months old but they will not stop drinking their mothers milk until they are 5 years old . When the baby elephant is born then they can stand about three feet ( one meter) tall. A baby elephant calf is really hairy and they also have a really long tail they also have an really long trunk to so that they can feed themselves. A baby elephant is totally clumsy when they first start using their trucks for the very first time in their lifes. But the baby will figure out how to use when it starts to get a little older. Mating season: during the wet season Gestation period: 22 months Number of babies: A mother elephant can only give birth to only one calf. Weight of birth: 110 to 250 pounds (50 to 113 kilograms). Maturity stage: 17 to 20 years
  • 9.
  • 10. A world of moms • There are so many different types of ways on how animals enter into our world. There so many different types of ways how animals take care of their babies. In this powerpoint, I am taking you on a journey over the world because there are so many animals that are giving birth right now and learning how to take of themselves. Will I hope you enjoy your trip as enter into different worlds that you have never seen before. You are also going to see how animal mothers take care of their babies. • There is no better bond between a mother and her cub

Editor's Notes

  1. That is because she does not have any help from other cheetahs she has to protect them on her own. She never takes her eyes off of them she is always looking after them. In two years then that will be the time when the cubs will start to do everything that their mother and their borthers and sisters do. It is really hard to see them grooming each other and it is also really hard to see them squabbling each other. When the mother has taught the cubs really will on how to survival in the wildness that they live in and teach them how to be amazing predators than they will be ready to leave their mother forever. When the months go on then the females will start to wander away from their brothers and then they will start to become solitary animals. The littler will start to leave their mother in a group and then in later on in life they will make their separated ways.
  2. Mating season: during the dry season Gestation period: 14 months Number of babies: a giraffe mother will only have just one calf Size of birth: 6 feet tall (1.8 meters), 100 to 150 pounds ( 45 to 68 kilograms).Maturity stage: 3 to 5 years