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Customer: Uncle Tommy & Aunt Debbie
Animal: Frogs
Report by: Felicia Ferentinos
Frog Report
Frogs are Carnivores that means that they only eat meat. These animals
havean really big appetite. They can eat almost anything that can move and
that it is easy for them to swallow and those animals happen to be animals that
are invertebrates and they can also eat vertebrates that mean that they can
eat mammals. Birds, reptile’s fish and they can also eat turtles and even other
frogs. The frogs that happen to be really small and that have an medium sized
then these frogs will mostly eat insects. They can use their sticky tongues so that
they can snap up the bugs. The bugs that they will eat are grasshoppers, moths,
mayflies, dragonflies, worms, aquatic nymphs and larvae and they can also eat
grubs. The really big frogs will normally eat worms, small snakes, fish, mice, baby
turtles and they can also eat other frogs and they can also eat insects. Frogs
help keep the insects population down. The frogs that are small and medium
sized will normally eat flies, mosquitoes, moths, dragonflies. The frogs that are
bigger than the smaller species will mostly eat the bigger species of insects and
these bugs happen to be grasshoppers and worms. There are some big frogs
that will normally eat really small species of snakes, mice, baby turtles, and they
can also eat other frogs to. There are some frogs that will normally starve
themselves right before they start to eat dead animals and insects. The foods
that they will normally eat are insects and they will also eat really small animals
like earthworms, minnows, and they can also eat spiders. Frogs will normally
catch their bugs and other food with their very long and sticky tongue. The other
foods that they will eat are really small fish and worms. The other food that a frog
will eat is flies and other bugs. They will also eat worms to. To catch their prey
they will have to jump really high. They can jump really high by using their very
long back legs. The other foods that a frog will eat are snails, slugs, and they can
also eat earthworms. They can catch their food by using their very long and
sticky tongues. The types of bugs that a frog will usually eat are the ones that
can destroy farmer’s crops. The bullfrog can eat so many different types of
insects, mice, snakes, fish and they can also eat other really small creatures to.
These animals will also hunt at night so that means that these animals
arenocturnal. They will have to wait for their food very patiently so that they can
wait until something shows up and so that they can figure out if the animal that
they are trying to catch will make a really good meal. They will have to make a
very powerful lump so that they can lunge with their prey and then they will
open their mouth really wide. Then after they have caught their prey then they
will start to gulp down that will be an unlucky gullet that really seems to be really
tasty for a frog then the creature will start to go down the frog’s stomach. These
animals will also eat really small rodents and they can also eat small reptiles and
other amphibians to. When they are living at a zoo then they will eat crickets,
worms, fruit flies and they can also eat mice. A frog can swallow their food by
using their eyeballs they can do this by blinking and then the frog will push the
food down its throat. There are lots of frogs that choice their favorite food like
the Madagascar mantilla frog their favorite food are ants. Lots of the ants that
they eat are usually known to be poisonous. This will also make the frog’s skin
really poisonous to. Frogs can be found on every place on earth but they do not
live on Antarctica. The biggest concentration frogs are usually located are in the
warmer tropical climes. The bullfrog likes to be near freshwater areas like ponds,
swamps and lakes. The bullfrog rather be near banks than to go out into open
water. Bullfrogs also like to be in warmer areas then to be in colder areas. The
bullfrog can be found in Nova Scotia and in Central Florida. They can also live in
the western part of Wisconsin and they can live on rocky areas that can be
found in British Columbia and they can also live in the state of California. The
bullfrog likes to live in an area that has lots of vegetation. These frogs also like to
live near freshwater like in rivers, ponds, and lakes. There are lots of frogs that like
to live near places that are wet and that are cold like ponds, swamps, and they
can also live in lakes to. There are some frogs that live in the desert areas they
are usually can be seen under the ground so that they can stay cold and so
that they can be wet. Not only they can be found in lakes and ponds but they
can also be found in marshes that are located in Nova Scotia, In Canada and
all over the United States and to the south of Mexico and to Cuba. These
animals have also been spotted in Europe, South America and in Asia. Frogs will
also be found in really damp places that can be found on land. The other
places that they can be found are near any place that has plants. The other
places that they can live are in ponds to. They will go back to their water
habitats when it is time for them to lay their eggs. These animals can live on
every continent on Earth but they do not live in really cold places like
Antarctica, Arctic and in Greenland. The habitats that they live in is every type
of habitats except the places that have snow and that have very dry locations
to. The American bullfrog is found on every place in North America. The places
that they can be found is in the United States, Canada and they can also be
found in Mexico way up high in the Rocky Mountains but there are found in lots
of different locations around the world besides the United States. They can be
found in Europe, western of the United States. A bullfrog can weigh about 1.1lbs.
Their average size is about 18.11 in. The biggest frog in the world which is the
Goliath frog these frogs live in West Africa and they can grow about 12 inches
(30 centimeters) long. The American bullfrog can grow about eight inches (20
centimeters) in a length and they can be over three pounds (1.4 kilograms) in a
weight. The smallest frog in the world is the gold frog and they can also grow
about 9.8 mm (0.30) in a body length. The goliath can also weigh about 32 cm
(12.5 in). Their body length excluding to their hind legs that can length about
76.2 cm (30 in.) The goliath frog can weigh about 3.3 kg (7.2 lb.). The length of
an bull frog is 9 to 15cm (2,5-6 in), there was one bullfrog that can be big as 20
cm (8 in). The length of their legs is 17 to 25 cm (7-10 in). A bullfrog can weight
about 500g (17, 5 oz.). The biggest species of frogs can length about 6 inches
(15 cm) and they can weigh about 1.5 lbs. (750.g). The females are bigger than
the males are. The American bullfrog can be really big. They can sometimes
grow as big as eight inches long (20 centimeters) and they can weigh about 1.5
pound (0.6 kilograms). There was one python that was big as 30 feet long. It will
take like 8 people to reach that tall. The Blind snake are one of the smallest
species of the snake species and they can also be really short and they can also
be really thin that has an toothpick. The size of an adult female bullfrog is about
3.5 to 6in (9 to 15 cm). This frog can weigh about 1.1 lb. (0.05 kg). The biggest
species of frog is the Goliath frog and they can be big as 13.5 inches (30
centimeters) the smallest frog in the world is the fold frog and their length is
about 0.39 inches ( 1 centimeter) The Goliath frog can weigh about 6.6 pounds
(3 kilograms). When they are in the wild then they can live about 7 to 9 years this
is how long that they get to life for when they are in the wild. All frogs and toads
both can live about 1 to 30 years. The Average life span for the American bull
frog is 2-4 years. When the bullfrog is in the wild then they can live between 8 to
10 years in the wild and when they are in captivity then they will the ability to live
about 16 years. Bullfrogs only like to be in warm weather so when it gets cold
then they will start to dig down into a mud so that they can hibernate. When the
warm weather is back then they will start to come out of hibernation and they
will come out of the mud. The frogs that will usually go through hibernation are
usually the aquatic frogs and those frogs are the leopard frog, and the
American bullfrog and they will hibernate at the bottom of the water. They will
mostly do the same thing that aquatic turtle’s do they will dig into a mud that
can be found at the bottom of an pond or in a stream. These frogs will easily
suffocate if they are digging up mud in an extended period of time. When
turtles are getting ready to hibernate then that is when the turtle’s body will start
to shut down when it starts to be really strong so that the turtle can get to the
mud's meager oxygen supply. The Aquatic frogs that will normally deal with
hibernating there are near any oxygen rich water and then they will start to
spend a lot of good portion for the winter they can do this by just lying on top of
an mud or if they are buried. These frogs will also be really slow swimmers when
the winter comes to. They may come out for a swim for time to time. The frogs
tongue are located on the front of the frogs mouth they do not have a tongue
in the back like humans do. When it is time for them to catch a prey then
they will throw their sticky tongue right out their mouth and then they will start to
wrap the prey around the tongue. Then the frogs tongue will snap their food
right down their throat. Both frogs and toads are all characterized about how
their small, ridged body and their really wide head, really big protruding eyes
and their really noticeable eardrum that can be found on both sides of their
heads. Their ears are always alert for when is their next meal going to be. The
frog has a really big mouth that has an really long and sticky tongue this can
easily help them to get their prey. These animals can do this without using any
teeth that do not have the ability to chew so they the only way that they eat
their meal are to swallow it whole. There are some frogs like the American
bullfrog they have teeth that can be found on the top of their mouth and they
have a really strong tongue that is used to grab food and bring them into their
mouth. Frogs and toads may look the same but they are a total different animal.
The difference between a frog and a toad is that frogs have a really moist and
a really smooth skin. The toads have an really dry and bumpy skin. Frogs have
really big hind legs that can easily jump over great distances. Toads have rally
tiny hind legs and they can only use their legs to make really small hops because
of their jumping ability. To escape from a predator or from anything they will
always try to flee from any danger that they face. When a toad faces danger
then they will usually squat down and stay motionless. There are a lot of
predators that will eat frog and the toad does not have a lot of predators like
the frog does the reason why the toad does not have a lot of predators
because when they are threatened then their skin will start to excrete the
moisture that is it has an irritate that can be located in their eyes, mouth, and
they can also be found on the nasal membranes that all different types animals
have even humans also have this to. THere are so many people that do not
know how to tell the difference between a frog and a toad. There is one thing
that they have in common and that is they are both in the same animal group.
The difference between a frog and a toad is that frogs need to live near water,
they have smooth, moist skin that can make them look like they are slimy, they
have an narrow body, they have an higher, rounder, bulgier eyes, they have
really long hind legs, they can jump really high in the air. The last difference that
a frog is different from a toad is that frogs have a lot of predators that they face.
Now the differences between a toad and a frog is that the toad does not need
live near water to survive, they have really rough, dry and bumpy skin, they have
really wide bodies, They have eyes that are really small and their eyes are
shaped just like an football. They really small legs that are known not to be really
powerful. Toads do not jump they will usually run or take really small hops. Toads
do not have a lot of predators that is because their skin is known to have a really
bitter taste and smell and they will usually burn predator’s nostrils and their eyes
this is just like what a skunk does. Frogs and toads do not give a person wart that
is just a myth. There are so many predators that will usually eat a frog and most
of these animals happen to be birds, fish and they can also be reptiles. The frogs
that live in the rainforest usually have really sticky hairs that can be found right
on their fingers and on their toes to. They also have really loose sticky skin that
can be found right on their bellies. All of these skills make these animals really
great climbers when they are trying to escape from a predator. To stat safe
frogs will often climb up really big trees so that they can escape from a
predator. The other skill that a frog will do is that they will use really good
camouflage so that they can blend into their environment, this is makes the
predator really hard to found the frog. There are some frogs that also know how
to change color of their skin so that they can have a really better way on hiding
in their surroundings so that will be really hard for the predator to find them. Both
adult frogs and toads both have two different main color schemes. Each of
these animals both has different signals that can come in handy for survival skills.
These really bright colors are usually weaning on the poison and the dart frogs.
These frogs are really easy to see and they are also really easy to warn predators
to back off and the predator can tell if a frog is known to be a poison frog. The
frogs that usually use camouflage to help them from a predator. The frogs that
will usually use this skill are the hoppers and these frogs happen to be the color
green or brown. Camouflage is a really handy technique that can help the
animal to hide in their habitat so that their predator does not know that it is
there. To make the predator think that it is something else. Toads protect
themselves a lot different than a frog does because they have an totally
different survival skill to protect them. If a predator is nearby then the toad will
start to puff themselves up so that they can act like they are too big to be
swallowed. There a lot of toads that can have an secrete burning milky toxin
there is an gland right behind their eyes. When they go under the water then
they will close their nostrils and then they will start to continue to absorb lot
oxygen that can go through their skin. The American bullfrog will use their skin for
the Buccak Cavity and their lungs to do a respiration skin. The gas that is really
exchange is really important for all the animals that are in the amphibian group.
These frogs are usually named by the calls that they make they are known to be
really loud, that is located in their throat bellow that can carry a very long distance. This
gives this frog an impression that a frog is a lot gibber then it already is. The bullfrog has
a baritone call that is known to be really deep and resonant. The sounds that these
frogs make it kind a sounds like a cow mooing. This sounds is called a hence. The only
one who gets use this sound is the male bullfrog. The sounds like a Jug-o-rum bellow
and these choruses can be heard all night and all day long. Every species of frog has
their own set of their sound that they make to commute with each other. The male frog
is the only one that can be makinga croak sound. They can make this sound because
they have a really small sac that can be found in their throats and that can vibrate up
in the air. They will usually ley their air come out them really slow. Frogs can also make a
sound that looks like they are not using any sound at all. There are some species of frog
that knows how to chirp, whistle, croak, rabbit, peep, cluck, bark and they can also
make a grunt. The only frogs that can make sounds are the males. They use their call so
that they can attract mate. Frogs can produce each other’s sounds by inflating their
vocal sacs into their throats and then they will start to vibrate right through the air. They
can really take their air out of them really slow. There are some species of frog that will
usually inflate one very big vocal sac. The other species they are known to have really
small vocal sacs. The call of a male bullfrog can be really loud and it can also be really
deep. This is how a male will make his sound. Its sounds like this Jug-o-rum. There are
some people that think that they sound like a cow mooing and that is why this animal is
called the bullfrog. If you ever walk near a pond you might just hear a whole chorus
making these calls. This is when the males are telling other bullfrogs on where to find his
territory that he is located at. The breeding season for a bullfrog is in the late spring and
in the early summer. To attract a mate a male will usually call out to the female. The
calls that a male makes can really attract female to come to his territory. When the
frogs have finally has mated then the female will start to lay 20,000 eggs. The females
will usually lay their eggs in the water. After she is done laying them, then they will start
to float right up to the surface. The bullfrog's eggs will start to hatch in less in a week.
There will be more then thousands of tadpoles will start to come into view around by
bring surround by water. The limbs of the tadpole will start to grow and then they will
start to be like adult frogs. This whole thing can take like 3 months are in 3 years. It really
depends on what type of area where the bullfrog lives in, A female frog will start to lay
hundreds of eggs in the water at one at a time. There is jelly all around the eggs. The
jelly is used as a protection for the babies when they are inside of the egg. An egg of a
frog looks like they are round and they are really small. Inside of each egg there is a
black shape inside of it. The black shape will start to grow when the young frog starts to
grow. A tadpole is a really a baby frog. Every single tadpole has an really long tail, They
will use their tail to help them to swim through the water, but pretty soon they will start to
legs. The tadpoles will usually start to grow legs when they are 8 months old of age. That
is the time when they start to grow in back legs. Their bodies can be really long. The legs
of the tadpole are used to swim really fast. So that predators do not catch them. So
that they can catch up with the others. When the frog is at 9 weeks old then that will be
the time when the tadpole will start to grow in front legs. Then the tail will start to get
smaller to, after the tail is gone now the tadpole is now transformed into a frog. A frog
will start their lives as a tadpole that will be hatched in the water from an really small
egg that can be covered with jelly. The mother will usually lay thousands of eggs in one
at a time. The jelly that is on the egg does not taste really good that is why it is a really
good protection for the eggs but when they are hatch and out of the egg and now
they are a threat to predators. Tadpoles are just like fish because when they are born
they will gills on them. They need the gills so that they can breathe under the water.
These tadpoles have areally big head and they also have an really long tail. The
tadpoles do not have an easy life because there are other animals whorather eat them
as food. But it is a good thing that tadpoles are really fast swimmers so that it is really
easy for a tadpole to escape from predators that will usually come to a pond and try to
eat them. The animals that will eat them are fish and water beetles. This is how a life
cycle for a frog is done. First the mother will lay the eggs in a pond the eggs will usually
be floating, that is called egg masses. A female will usually lay 4,000 eggs at a time. The
eggs will usually hatch and live in the pond for the first moments of their life. When they
get a little bigger then they will start to turn into Froglets. This is the part when they are
starting to grow legs and their bodies will start to shrink. That will also be the time when
the tail will start to shrink to. Then they will start to grow in lung and their back legs and
then after all of this is done then they will be turned into a frog. Every single amphibian
that is in this family must always shed their skin when they are growing. The shed skin will
usually be eaten.There are some species that have wedded hands and feet. Frogs will
use their webbed feet and hands for so many different types of skills that they need to
help them with their survival. Those skills are swimming, jumping, and these hands and
feet will also help them to climb to. Female frogs will usually lay their eggs in ponds, and
even in lakes. There are also other frogs that are known to lay their eggs in big puddles.
A baby frog is called a tadpole. These babies are totally water based and they will
continue to do that until they have grown arms and legs. After the male has finish
mating with the female then that will be the time when the female is ready to have her
eggs, She will usually lay them in the water. The eggs will start to hatch and grow into
really small creatures that are called a tadpole. The tadpoles are known to be limbless
and lung less. The tadpoles live their wholes lives under the water until they are ready to
turn into a frog. This process is called metamorphosis. The tadpoles will start to grow in
limbs and they will also grow lungs to, then they will finally become frogs. There are
some species of frog that can have as two or three tadpoles. The bullfrog tadpoles can
be big as 6 inches long in just in one week. So that they can climb out of the water.
There are so many species like in the hoppers group. It’s the father’s job to take care of
the eggs. The male every once in a while the male will put the eggs in a different
location so that they can be safe from really wet places. The male protect the young
by putting them on his back. The eggs will be carried in a pouch that can be found on
his belly or he can also carry them by putting them in his mouth. The other way that the
dad can protect the Youngersby waiting for the eggs to hatch and when they are
tadpoles. He will have to do that right before putting them into a wet place that can
be found on the land that has real water in that area. The dad is mostly the one that
does these tasks the mother will also do these tasks to. There are sometimes that both
parents babysit the babies but the frogs that will usually do this it really depends on the
type of species. The highly endangered frog that is called the Australian gastric-
brooding frog. These frogs have the strangest ways to care for their eggs and for their
offspring. What is so weird about how these frogs take care of their babies is that the
females will lay her 20 eggs and after the male is done fertilizing them, Then the female
will start to eat normal food that is because the eggs are growing inside of the mothers
stomach. When the eggs are ready to be tadpoles then the mother will vomit them out
of her and then she will start to eat again. The frog that will start the mating process is
usually the male; He will be ready to mate by calling out to a female. Every different
species of frog has their very own special sound. This is like the same sound that the
female makes to answer the male’s calls. There are some frogs that are known to be
really loud. There calls can be heard over a mile away. Frogs are known to be really
loud and they make lots of sounds. There are so many different types of sounds that a
frog can make and sometimes people will usually have a name for the sounds that a
frog makes. Like for the barking tree frogs. This frog kind a sound like a pack of dogs that
is barking when they are on the hunting for food. There is another frog that is called the
carpenter frog and they sound a lot like a carpenters hammering nails. After the couple
has met each other then they will find a really good place to mate and to have a really
good place for the female to lay her eggs. They will start the mating process by the
male hugging the female from behind her and when she is laying her eggs. They will
usually do this when they are in the water. That will be the time when the male starts to
fertilize the eggs. There are some species of frog that will look after the eggs and there
are others that don’t look after them. There are frogs after they are done mating then
the eggs are out all by themselves and they will start to survive on their own to. After
they have hatched out the egg then they will become a tadpole. If you ever go to the
pond you just might spot a couple of tadpoles swimming in the water and you might
see an six-inch beasties. They are known to be a really young frog. Just like all tadpoles.
They all live in the water Tadpoles also have lots of predators that they will have to face.
The predators that will eat an American bullfrog tadpole will be fish, snakes and birds.
These are the animals that will feast on a tadpole. When they start to grow legs and
they will also start to lose their tail. The tadpoles will be ready to come out of the water
in 2 or 4 years. This is when they start to be a full-grown adult bullfrog. Just like all the
animals that are an amphibian they also spend their whole lives near the water. That
also goes for frogs to them will also spend their life in the water to just all the other
amphibians do. The reason why they live near the water because they have to return to
any water area so that the mothers can lay their eggs. The eggs are usually being laid
in the water. When the eggs have hatched. After the eggs have been hatched then
after is done then the next step is a tadpole. These little creatures will spend their time
under the water so to help them to breathe they will be born with gills. The gills can help
the tadpole to breathe when it is in the water. The tadpole can swim by using their tail.
They will start to bury themselves when hibernation comes. Then they will start to bury
themselves in a mud and in sand. They will start to hibernate when the cold winter
comes. The eggs will start to hatch in 4 days or even lesser then those days. The mother
will normally produce 20,000 eggs. This is how many eggs that a really big female
bullfrog can have. There are so many species of frog that can have as much as 20 to
seven thousands eggs. An egg of an frog have an require moisture that will usually grow
a lot. The eggs will usually be laid under the water but the eggs will be apart from each
other and their be big number of eggs in their nesting area to. After the eggs are
hatched then they will be a really creature that is called a tadpole these creatures are
activity born with gills and they have really long tails to. The gills that are on the
tadpoles are extremely internal and they will often grow a lot and also they will also
start to grow in lungs. They will be continued to grow for 5 to 9 weeks. That will be the
time when there really long tail will start to shrink and it will also start to disappear to.
They will be all gone for 16 weeks. it is really hard to count the populations for frogs and
for toads that is because there are so many of them in so many different types of
places that can be found on anywhere in the world. But there happens to be a lot of
information about these animals to and thatstudied these animals are thinking that we
should worry about the year of 1980's. there are a lot of scientists that are starting to get
lots of reports from anywhere around the world about the troubles that is happening in
the amphibian population even the ones that live in really safe areas are also getting
destroyed to. The other big problem for these animals is that they are starting to lose
their wetlands and the other habitats that frogs live in. The reason why they are starting
to lose their homes because of the human population is growing a lot now and also
because of industry. These are the greatest threats to these animals. The other threat
that frogs are facing today there are some frogs that usually migrate across different
types roads. There are some hoppers that will try to get across a really busy highway so
that they can get to their breeding pools so that they can have their babies. When they
do across a road or a really busy highway they will often get squashed by cars. The
frogs that are known to be non-native like the trout and other frogs that lots of people
have been known about. The frogs that are nonnative will normally eat local native
frogs. Frogs are also having troubles with their rivers and ponds being pout anted to
because that will kill the frogs and the tadpoles to. One of the most dangerous threats
to a frog is really chytrid fungus this can totally be deadly for their skin. There are a lot of
locations of the world that will usually do this and the places that will normally do this is
the people that live in Australia, South America, North America, Central America, New
Zealand, Europe and in Africa. There has been about millions of frogs that have been
killed by these places, but frogs are not the only amphibian that is dealing with this
threat. All the amphibians in the world are facing with this threat to. There has been 100
of species of frog and amphibian species to go to extinction ever sense in the year of
1970 years ago. This threat has been found on 285 different species of amphibians that
will also include frog to) that can be found on 36 different countries. Another big threat
that these animals are facing is that the change of the climate this is also a big problem
for the frogs that live up on the mountain tops. These frogs are being hit a lot with this
because they totally contact on their moist leaf litter which can only be found in cloud
forests. This where frogs find a really good spot so that they can lay their eggs, but when
the temperatures goes far up on the sides of the mountain. When this happens then the
clouds are starting to be pushed really far away this is destroying leaves when that
happens then the frogs will not have an really good place to lay their eggs. Frogs will
usually migrate onto really high mountains this is where they have a huge problem and
that is because when they reach to the top of the mountain then they cannot go
anywhere else. There are so many different threats that frogs are facing and those
threats happen to be pollution, infectious diseases, habitat loss, invasive species,
climate change, over-harvesting for pet and for food trade. These threats are all
starting to give the frog a really big future. It’s not just frogs but all the animals that are in
the amphibian group are also facing the same threats to. Humans will often kill the
bullfrog for their legs. There are some states that have and compete hunting season for
killing the bullfrog. It is true that frogs really know how to take care of themselves. These
animals know that they have to avoid or even try to escape the danger that their
environment deals with. There are a lot bullfrogs that are being kept as pets today there
is so many people that are keeping frogs has pets that it is starting to be a really
common thing. The people that live in the south parts of North America they even eat
frogs as food. The bullfrog has been seen in lots of different countries all over the world
this is where they are having anhorrible impact on the bullfrogs ecosystem. We must do
something it help and save these amazing animals. These amphibians need all the help
that they can get. Frogs have the right to continue living on this planet. They are doing
their part in nature and we should find a place in nature to. This is a really big planet
that is full of wonders and discoveries that are just waiting to be found. We have to
make this planet safe for us and for the other creatures that we share it with. This is our
beautiful home it deserves to have a second change to live on for the next generation
on this planet. There is a really big, bright and beautiful future then we can find a way
to protect our planet. This is our world and our home it will be a lot happier and cleaner
place to live on. We have to make room for other living creatures to. God made
animals for a reason just like he made us for a reason to. That is what I know about frogs.
if we work together we can save the frog and other animals that lives on this planet to.
Together we can make a difference in our beautiful planet that we all share.

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Frog report for uncle tommy and aunt debble

  • 1. Customer: Uncle Tommy & Aunt Debbie Animal: Frogs Report by: Felicia Ferentinos Frog Report ______________________________________________________________________________ Frogs are Carnivores that means that they only eat meat. These animals havean really big appetite. They can eat almost anything that can move and that it is easy for them to swallow and those animals happen to be animals that are invertebrates and they can also eat vertebrates that mean that they can eat mammals. Birds, reptile’s fish and they can also eat turtles and even other frogs. The frogs that happen to be really small and that have an medium sized then these frogs will mostly eat insects. They can use their sticky tongues so that they can snap up the bugs. The bugs that they will eat are grasshoppers, moths, mayflies, dragonflies, worms, aquatic nymphs and larvae and they can also eat grubs. The really big frogs will normally eat worms, small snakes, fish, mice, baby turtles and they can also eat other frogs and they can also eat insects. Frogs help keep the insects population down. The frogs that are small and medium sized will normally eat flies, mosquitoes, moths, dragonflies. The frogs that are bigger than the smaller species will mostly eat the bigger species of insects and these bugs happen to be grasshoppers and worms. There are some big frogs that will normally eat really small species of snakes, mice, baby turtles, and they can also eat other frogs to. There are some frogs that will normally starve themselves right before they start to eat dead animals and insects. The foods that they will normally eat are insects and they will also eat really small animals like earthworms, minnows, and they can also eat spiders. Frogs will normally catch their bugs and other food with their very long and sticky tongue. The other foods that they will eat are really small fish and worms. The other food that a frog will eat is flies and other bugs. They will also eat worms to. To catch their prey they will have to jump really high. They can jump really high by using their very long back legs. The other foods that a frog will eat are snails, slugs, and they can also eat earthworms. They can catch their food by using their very long and sticky tongues. The types of bugs that a frog will usually eat are the ones that can destroy farmer’s crops. The bullfrog can eat so many different types of insects, mice, snakes, fish and they can also eat other really small creatures to. These animals will also hunt at night so that means that these animals
  • 2. arenocturnal. They will have to wait for their food very patiently so that they can wait until something shows up and so that they can figure out if the animal that they are trying to catch will make a really good meal. They will have to make a very powerful lump so that they can lunge with their prey and then they will open their mouth really wide. Then after they have caught their prey then they will start to gulp down that will be an unlucky gullet that really seems to be really tasty for a frog then the creature will start to go down the frog’s stomach. These animals will also eat really small rodents and they can also eat small reptiles and other amphibians to. When they are living at a zoo then they will eat crickets, worms, fruit flies and they can also eat mice. A frog can swallow their food by using their eyeballs they can do this by blinking and then the frog will push the food down its throat. There are lots of frogs that choice their favorite food like the Madagascar mantilla frog their favorite food are ants. Lots of the ants that they eat are usually known to be poisonous. This will also make the frog’s skin really poisonous to. Frogs can be found on every place on earth but they do not live on Antarctica. The biggest concentration frogs are usually located are in the warmer tropical climes. The bullfrog likes to be near freshwater areas like ponds, swamps and lakes. The bullfrog rather be near banks than to go out into open water. Bullfrogs also like to be in warmer areas then to be in colder areas. The bullfrog can be found in Nova Scotia and in Central Florida. They can also live in the western part of Wisconsin and they can live on rocky areas that can be found in British Columbia and they can also live in the state of California. The bullfrog likes to live in an area that has lots of vegetation. These frogs also like to live near freshwater like in rivers, ponds, and lakes. There are lots of frogs that like to live near places that are wet and that are cold like ponds, swamps, and they can also live in lakes to. There are some frogs that live in the desert areas they are usually can be seen under the ground so that they can stay cold and so that they can be wet. Not only they can be found in lakes and ponds but they can also be found in marshes that are located in Nova Scotia, In Canada and all over the United States and to the south of Mexico and to Cuba. These animals have also been spotted in Europe, South America and in Asia. Frogs will also be found in really damp places that can be found on land. The other places that they can be found are near any place that has plants. The other places that they can live are in ponds to. They will go back to their water habitats when it is time for them to lay their eggs. These animals can live on every continent on Earth but they do not live in really cold places like Antarctica, Arctic and in Greenland. The habitats that they live in is every type of habitats except the places that have snow and that have very dry locations
  • 3. to. The American bullfrog is found on every place in North America. The places that they can be found is in the United States, Canada and they can also be found in Mexico way up high in the Rocky Mountains but there are found in lots of different locations around the world besides the United States. They can be found in Europe, western of the United States. A bullfrog can weigh about 1.1lbs. Their average size is about 18.11 in. The biggest frog in the world which is the Goliath frog these frogs live in West Africa and they can grow about 12 inches (30 centimeters) long. The American bullfrog can grow about eight inches (20 centimeters) in a length and they can be over three pounds (1.4 kilograms) in a weight. The smallest frog in the world is the gold frog and they can also grow about 9.8 mm (0.30) in a body length. The goliath can also weigh about 32 cm (12.5 in). Their body length excluding to their hind legs that can length about 76.2 cm (30 in.) The goliath frog can weigh about 3.3 kg (7.2 lb.). The length of an bull frog is 9 to 15cm (2,5-6 in), there was one bullfrog that can be big as 20 cm (8 in). The length of their legs is 17 to 25 cm (7-10 in). A bullfrog can weight about 500g (17, 5 oz.). The biggest species of frogs can length about 6 inches (15 cm) and they can weigh about 1.5 lbs. (750.g). The females are bigger than the males are. The American bullfrog can be really big. They can sometimes grow as big as eight inches long (20 centimeters) and they can weigh about 1.5 pound (0.6 kilograms). There was one python that was big as 30 feet long. It will take like 8 people to reach that tall. The Blind snake are one of the smallest species of the snake species and they can also be really short and they can also be really thin that has an toothpick. The size of an adult female bullfrog is about 3.5 to 6in (9 to 15 cm). This frog can weigh about 1.1 lb. (0.05 kg). The biggest species of frog is the Goliath frog and they can be big as 13.5 inches (30 centimeters) the smallest frog in the world is the fold frog and their length is about 0.39 inches ( 1 centimeter) The Goliath frog can weigh about 6.6 pounds (3 kilograms). When they are in the wild then they can live about 7 to 9 years this is how long that they get to life for when they are in the wild. All frogs and toads both can live about 1 to 30 years. The Average life span for the American bull frog is 2-4 years. When the bullfrog is in the wild then they can live between 8 to 10 years in the wild and when they are in captivity then they will the ability to live about 16 years. Bullfrogs only like to be in warm weather so when it gets cold then they will start to dig down into a mud so that they can hibernate. When the warm weather is back then they will start to come out of hibernation and they will come out of the mud. The frogs that will usually go through hibernation are usually the aquatic frogs and those frogs are the leopard frog, and the American bullfrog and they will hibernate at the bottom of the water. They will
  • 4. mostly do the same thing that aquatic turtle’s do they will dig into a mud that can be found at the bottom of an pond or in a stream. These frogs will easily suffocate if they are digging up mud in an extended period of time. When turtles are getting ready to hibernate then that is when the turtle’s body will start to shut down when it starts to be really strong so that the turtle can get to the mud's meager oxygen supply. The Aquatic frogs that will normally deal with hibernating there are near any oxygen rich water and then they will start to spend a lot of good portion for the winter they can do this by just lying on top of an mud or if they are buried. These frogs will also be really slow swimmers when the winter comes to. They may come out for a swim for time to time. The frogs tongue are located on the front of the frogs mouth they do not have a tongue in the back like humans do. When it is time for them to catch a prey then they will throw their sticky tongue right out their mouth and then they will start to wrap the prey around the tongue. Then the frogs tongue will snap their food right down their throat. Both frogs and toads are all characterized about how their small, ridged body and their really wide head, really big protruding eyes and their really noticeable eardrum that can be found on both sides of their heads. Their ears are always alert for when is their next meal going to be. The frog has a really big mouth that has an really long and sticky tongue this can easily help them to get their prey. These animals can do this without using any teeth that do not have the ability to chew so they the only way that they eat their meal are to swallow it whole. There are some frogs like the American bullfrog they have teeth that can be found on the top of their mouth and they have a really strong tongue that is used to grab food and bring them into their mouth. Frogs and toads may look the same but they are a total different animal. The difference between a frog and a toad is that frogs have a really moist and a really smooth skin. The toads have an really dry and bumpy skin. Frogs have really big hind legs that can easily jump over great distances. Toads have rally tiny hind legs and they can only use their legs to make really small hops because of their jumping ability. To escape from a predator or from anything they will always try to flee from any danger that they face. When a toad faces danger then they will usually squat down and stay motionless. There are a lot of predators that will eat frog and the toad does not have a lot of predators like the frog does the reason why the toad does not have a lot of predators because when they are threatened then their skin will start to excrete the moisture that is it has an irritate that can be located in their eyes, mouth, and they can also be found on the nasal membranes that all different types animals
  • 5. have even humans also have this to. THere are so many people that do not know how to tell the difference between a frog and a toad. There is one thing that they have in common and that is they are both in the same animal group. The difference between a frog and a toad is that frogs need to live near water, they have smooth, moist skin that can make them look like they are slimy, they have an narrow body, they have an higher, rounder, bulgier eyes, they have really long hind legs, they can jump really high in the air. The last difference that a frog is different from a toad is that frogs have a lot of predators that they face. Now the differences between a toad and a frog is that the toad does not need live near water to survive, they have really rough, dry and bumpy skin, they have really wide bodies, They have eyes that are really small and their eyes are shaped just like an football. They really small legs that are known not to be really powerful. Toads do not jump they will usually run or take really small hops. Toads do not have a lot of predators that is because their skin is known to have a really bitter taste and smell and they will usually burn predator’s nostrils and their eyes this is just like what a skunk does. Frogs and toads do not give a person wart that is just a myth. There are so many predators that will usually eat a frog and most of these animals happen to be birds, fish and they can also be reptiles. The frogs that live in the rainforest usually have really sticky hairs that can be found right on their fingers and on their toes to. They also have really loose sticky skin that can be found right on their bellies. All of these skills make these animals really great climbers when they are trying to escape from a predator. To stat safe frogs will often climb up really big trees so that they can escape from a predator. The other skill that a frog will do is that they will use really good camouflage so that they can blend into their environment, this is makes the predator really hard to found the frog. There are some frogs that also know how to change color of their skin so that they can have a really better way on hiding in their surroundings so that will be really hard for the predator to find them. Both adult frogs and toads both have two different main color schemes. Each of these animals both has different signals that can come in handy for survival skills. These really bright colors are usually weaning on the poison and the dart frogs. These frogs are really easy to see and they are also really easy to warn predators to back off and the predator can tell if a frog is known to be a poison frog. The frogs that usually use camouflage to help them from a predator. The frogs that will usually use this skill are the hoppers and these frogs happen to be the color green or brown. Camouflage is a really handy technique that can help the animal to hide in their habitat so that their predator does not know that it is there. To make the predator think that it is something else. Toads protect
  • 6. themselves a lot different than a frog does because they have an totally different survival skill to protect them. If a predator is nearby then the toad will start to puff themselves up so that they can act like they are too big to be swallowed. There a lot of toads that can have an secrete burning milky toxin there is an gland right behind their eyes. When they go under the water then they will close their nostrils and then they will start to continue to absorb lot oxygen that can go through their skin. The American bullfrog will use their skin for the Buccak Cavity and their lungs to do a respiration skin. The gas that is really exchange is really important for all the animals that are in the amphibian group. These frogs are usually named by the calls that they make they are known to be really loud, that is located in their throat bellow that can carry a very long distance. This gives this frog an impression that a frog is a lot gibber then it already is. The bullfrog has a baritone call that is known to be really deep and resonant. The sounds that these frogs make it kind a sounds like a cow mooing. This sounds is called a hence. The only one who gets use this sound is the male bullfrog. The sounds like a Jug-o-rum bellow and these choruses can be heard all night and all day long. Every species of frog has their own set of their sound that they make to commute with each other. The male frog is the only one that can be makinga croak sound. They can make this sound because they have a really small sac that can be found in their throats and that can vibrate up in the air. They will usually ley their air come out them really slow. Frogs can also make a sound that looks like they are not using any sound at all. There are some species of frog that knows how to chirp, whistle, croak, rabbit, peep, cluck, bark and they can also make a grunt. The only frogs that can make sounds are the males. They use their call so that they can attract mate. Frogs can produce each other’s sounds by inflating their vocal sacs into their throats and then they will start to vibrate right through the air. They can really take their air out of them really slow. There are some species of frog that will usually inflate one very big vocal sac. The other species they are known to have really small vocal sacs. The call of a male bullfrog can be really loud and it can also be really deep. This is how a male will make his sound. Its sounds like this Jug-o-rum. There are some people that think that they sound like a cow mooing and that is why this animal is called the bullfrog. If you ever walk near a pond you might just hear a whole chorus making these calls. This is when the males are telling other bullfrogs on where to find his territory that he is located at. The breeding season for a bullfrog is in the late spring and in the early summer. To attract a mate a male will usually call out to the female. The calls that a male makes can really attract female to come to his territory. When the frogs have finally has mated then the female will start to lay 20,000 eggs. The females will usually lay their eggs in the water. After she is done laying them, then they will start to float right up to the surface. The bullfrog's eggs will start to hatch in less in a week. There will be more then thousands of tadpoles will start to come into view around by bring surround by water. The limbs of the tadpole will start to grow and then they will start to be like adult frogs. This whole thing can take like 3 months are in 3 years. It really
  • 7. depends on what type of area where the bullfrog lives in, A female frog will start to lay hundreds of eggs in the water at one at a time. There is jelly all around the eggs. The jelly is used as a protection for the babies when they are inside of the egg. An egg of a frog looks like they are round and they are really small. Inside of each egg there is a black shape inside of it. The black shape will start to grow when the young frog starts to grow. A tadpole is a really a baby frog. Every single tadpole has an really long tail, They will use their tail to help them to swim through the water, but pretty soon they will start to legs. The tadpoles will usually start to grow legs when they are 8 months old of age. That is the time when they start to grow in back legs. Their bodies can be really long. The legs of the tadpole are used to swim really fast. So that predators do not catch them. So that they can catch up with the others. When the frog is at 9 weeks old then that will be the time when the tadpole will start to grow in front legs. Then the tail will start to get smaller to, after the tail is gone now the tadpole is now transformed into a frog. A frog will start their lives as a tadpole that will be hatched in the water from an really small egg that can be covered with jelly. The mother will usually lay thousands of eggs in one at a time. The jelly that is on the egg does not taste really good that is why it is a really good protection for the eggs but when they are hatch and out of the egg and now they are a threat to predators. Tadpoles are just like fish because when they are born they will gills on them. They need the gills so that they can breathe under the water. These tadpoles have areally big head and they also have an really long tail. The tadpoles do not have an easy life because there are other animals whorather eat them as food. But it is a good thing that tadpoles are really fast swimmers so that it is really easy for a tadpole to escape from predators that will usually come to a pond and try to eat them. The animals that will eat them are fish and water beetles. This is how a life cycle for a frog is done. First the mother will lay the eggs in a pond the eggs will usually be floating, that is called egg masses. A female will usually lay 4,000 eggs at a time. The eggs will usually hatch and live in the pond for the first moments of their life. When they get a little bigger then they will start to turn into Froglets. This is the part when they are starting to grow legs and their bodies will start to shrink. That will also be the time when the tail will start to shrink to. Then they will start to grow in lung and their back legs and then after all of this is done then they will be turned into a frog. Every single amphibian that is in this family must always shed their skin when they are growing. The shed skin will usually be eaten.There are some species that have wedded hands and feet. Frogs will use their webbed feet and hands for so many different types of skills that they need to help them with their survival. Those skills are swimming, jumping, and these hands and feet will also help them to climb to. Female frogs will usually lay their eggs in ponds, and even in lakes. There are also other frogs that are known to lay their eggs in big puddles. A baby frog is called a tadpole. These babies are totally water based and they will continue to do that until they have grown arms and legs. After the male has finish mating with the female then that will be the time when the female is ready to have her eggs, She will usually lay them in the water. The eggs will start to hatch and grow into
  • 8. really small creatures that are called a tadpole. The tadpoles are known to be limbless and lung less. The tadpoles live their wholes lives under the water until they are ready to turn into a frog. This process is called metamorphosis. The tadpoles will start to grow in limbs and they will also grow lungs to, then they will finally become frogs. There are some species of frog that can have as two or three tadpoles. The bullfrog tadpoles can be big as 6 inches long in just in one week. So that they can climb out of the water. There are so many species like in the hoppers group. It’s the father’s job to take care of the eggs. The male every once in a while the male will put the eggs in a different location so that they can be safe from really wet places. The male protect the young by putting them on his back. The eggs will be carried in a pouch that can be found on his belly or he can also carry them by putting them in his mouth. The other way that the dad can protect the Youngersby waiting for the eggs to hatch and when they are tadpoles. He will have to do that right before putting them into a wet place that can be found on the land that has real water in that area. The dad is mostly the one that does these tasks the mother will also do these tasks to. There are sometimes that both parents babysit the babies but the frogs that will usually do this it really depends on the type of species. The highly endangered frog that is called the Australian gastric- brooding frog. These frogs have the strangest ways to care for their eggs and for their offspring. What is so weird about how these frogs take care of their babies is that the females will lay her 20 eggs and after the male is done fertilizing them, Then the female will start to eat normal food that is because the eggs are growing inside of the mothers stomach. When the eggs are ready to be tadpoles then the mother will vomit them out of her and then she will start to eat again. The frog that will start the mating process is usually the male; He will be ready to mate by calling out to a female. Every different species of frog has their very own special sound. This is like the same sound that the female makes to answer the male’s calls. There are some frogs that are known to be really loud. There calls can be heard over a mile away. Frogs are known to be really loud and they make lots of sounds. There are so many different types of sounds that a frog can make and sometimes people will usually have a name for the sounds that a frog makes. Like for the barking tree frogs. This frog kind a sound like a pack of dogs that is barking when they are on the hunting for food. There is another frog that is called the carpenter frog and they sound a lot like a carpenters hammering nails. After the couple has met each other then they will find a really good place to mate and to have a really good place for the female to lay her eggs. They will start the mating process by the male hugging the female from behind her and when she is laying her eggs. They will usually do this when they are in the water. That will be the time when the male starts to fertilize the eggs. There are some species of frog that will look after the eggs and there are others that don’t look after them. There are frogs after they are done mating then the eggs are out all by themselves and they will start to survive on their own to. After they have hatched out the egg then they will become a tadpole. If you ever go to the pond you just might spot a couple of tadpoles swimming in the water and you might
  • 9. see an six-inch beasties. They are known to be a really young frog. Just like all tadpoles. They all live in the water Tadpoles also have lots of predators that they will have to face. The predators that will eat an American bullfrog tadpole will be fish, snakes and birds. These are the animals that will feast on a tadpole. When they start to grow legs and they will also start to lose their tail. The tadpoles will be ready to come out of the water in 2 or 4 years. This is when they start to be a full-grown adult bullfrog. Just like all the animals that are an amphibian they also spend their whole lives near the water. That also goes for frogs to them will also spend their life in the water to just all the other amphibians do. The reason why they live near the water because they have to return to any water area so that the mothers can lay their eggs. The eggs are usually being laid in the water. When the eggs have hatched. After the eggs have been hatched then after is done then the next step is a tadpole. These little creatures will spend their time under the water so to help them to breathe they will be born with gills. The gills can help the tadpole to breathe when it is in the water. The tadpole can swim by using their tail. They will start to bury themselves when hibernation comes. Then they will start to bury themselves in a mud and in sand. They will start to hibernate when the cold winter comes. The eggs will start to hatch in 4 days or even lesser then those days. The mother will normally produce 20,000 eggs. This is how many eggs that a really big female bullfrog can have. There are so many species of frog that can have as much as 20 to seven thousands eggs. An egg of an frog have an require moisture that will usually grow a lot. The eggs will usually be laid under the water but the eggs will be apart from each other and their be big number of eggs in their nesting area to. After the eggs are hatched then they will be a really creature that is called a tadpole these creatures are activity born with gills and they have really long tails to. The gills that are on the tadpoles are extremely internal and they will often grow a lot and also they will also start to grow in lungs. They will be continued to grow for 5 to 9 weeks. That will be the time when there really long tail will start to shrink and it will also start to disappear to. They will be all gone for 16 weeks. it is really hard to count the populations for frogs and for toads that is because there are so many of them in so many different types of places that can be found on anywhere in the world. But there happens to be a lot of information about these animals to and thatstudied these animals are thinking that we should worry about the year of 1980's. there are a lot of scientists that are starting to get lots of reports from anywhere around the world about the troubles that is happening in the amphibian population even the ones that live in really safe areas are also getting destroyed to. The other big problem for these animals is that they are starting to lose their wetlands and the other habitats that frogs live in. The reason why they are starting to lose their homes because of the human population is growing a lot now and also because of industry. These are the greatest threats to these animals. The other threat that frogs are facing today there are some frogs that usually migrate across different types roads. There are some hoppers that will try to get across a really busy highway so that they can get to their breeding pools so that they can have their babies. When they
  • 10. do across a road or a really busy highway they will often get squashed by cars. The frogs that are known to be non-native like the trout and other frogs that lots of people have been known about. The frogs that are nonnative will normally eat local native frogs. Frogs are also having troubles with their rivers and ponds being pout anted to because that will kill the frogs and the tadpoles to. One of the most dangerous threats to a frog is really chytrid fungus this can totally be deadly for their skin. There are a lot of locations of the world that will usually do this and the places that will normally do this is the people that live in Australia, South America, North America, Central America, New Zealand, Europe and in Africa. There has been about millions of frogs that have been killed by these places, but frogs are not the only amphibian that is dealing with this threat. All the amphibians in the world are facing with this threat to. There has been 100 of species of frog and amphibian species to go to extinction ever sense in the year of 1970 years ago. This threat has been found on 285 different species of amphibians that will also include frog to) that can be found on 36 different countries. Another big threat that these animals are facing is that the change of the climate this is also a big problem for the frogs that live up on the mountain tops. These frogs are being hit a lot with this because they totally contact on their moist leaf litter which can only be found in cloud forests. This where frogs find a really good spot so that they can lay their eggs, but when the temperatures goes far up on the sides of the mountain. When this happens then the clouds are starting to be pushed really far away this is destroying leaves when that happens then the frogs will not have an really good place to lay their eggs. Frogs will usually migrate onto really high mountains this is where they have a huge problem and that is because when they reach to the top of the mountain then they cannot go anywhere else. There are so many different threats that frogs are facing and those threats happen to be pollution, infectious diseases, habitat loss, invasive species, climate change, over-harvesting for pet and for food trade. These threats are all starting to give the frog a really big future. It’s not just frogs but all the animals that are in the amphibian group are also facing the same threats to. Humans will often kill the bullfrog for their legs. There are some states that have and compete hunting season for killing the bullfrog. It is true that frogs really know how to take care of themselves. These animals know that they have to avoid or even try to escape the danger that their environment deals with. There are a lot bullfrogs that are being kept as pets today there is so many people that are keeping frogs has pets that it is starting to be a really common thing. The people that live in the south parts of North America they even eat frogs as food. The bullfrog has been seen in lots of different countries all over the world this is where they are having anhorrible impact on the bullfrogs ecosystem. We must do something it help and save these amazing animals. These amphibians need all the help that they can get. Frogs have the right to continue living on this planet. They are doing their part in nature and we should find a place in nature to. This is a really big planet that is full of wonders and discoveries that are just waiting to be found. We have to make this planet safe for us and for the other creatures that we share it with. This is our
  • 11. beautiful home it deserves to have a second change to live on for the next generation on this planet. There is a really big, bright and beautiful future then we can find a way to protect our planet. This is our world and our home it will be a lot happier and cleaner place to live on. We have to make room for other living creatures to. God made animals for a reason just like he made us for a reason to. That is what I know about frogs. if we work together we can save the frog and other animals that lives on this planet to. Together we can make a difference in our beautiful planet that we all share.