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Koong H.-C. Lin
ISAC 中華民國大專校院資訊服務協會.監事
資訊安全管理主導稽核員.ISMS (ISO 27001) LA
造形藝術所 (美術系).所長
2007 國際新媒體藝術節.策展人
ICPADS 視覺創意總監
美國 NEC 研究中心短期研究人員
於焉透明的語調 驟具十足的彈性
可從酷烈的性情中 析出可愛的溫柔。
中文姓名 林豪鏘 英文姓名 Lin, Koong Hao-Chiang
國籍 中華民國 性別 男 出生日期 1967 年 12 月日
聯絡地址 700 臺南市中西區樹林街二段 33 號數位學習科技系
聯絡電話 (公).0928-860994, 06-2133111 # 771 (宅).06-3127882
傳真號碼 06-3017137 E-mail
二、主要學歷 請填學士級以上之學歷或其他最高學歷均可,若仍在學者,請在學位欄填「肄業」。
畢/肄業學校 國別 主修學門系所 學位 起訖年月
國立清華大學 中華民國 資訊科學研究所 博士 1991/09 至 1997/06
東吳大學 中華民國 電算系 學士 1986/09 至 1990/06
服務機關 服務部門/系所 職稱 起訖年月
國立臺南大學 數位學習科技系
2019/08 迄今
國立臺南大學 數位學習科技系
2015/08 至 2019/7
國立臺北商業大學 創新經營學院 教授兼院長 2014/08 至 2015/7
國立成功大學 藝術所 兼任教授 2018/08 迄今
國立臺南大學 數位學習科技系
2008/02 至 2014/7
國立臺南藝術大學 造形藝術所 (美術系)
2007/08 至 2008/1
國立臺南藝術大學 通識中心
2005/08 至 2007/7
明新科技大學 資訊管理系/所
2005/02 至 2005/7
明新科技大學 資訊工程系 副教授兼主任 2004/08 至 2005/7
明新科技大學 資訊管理系/所
2001/02 至 2005/1
國立清華大學 通識教育中心 兼任副教授 1998/02 至 2005/07
明新技術學院 資訊管理系 助理教授兼主任 2000/08 至 2001/02
明新技術學院 企業管理系
1997/08 至 2000/07
國立交通大學 外文系 兼任助理教授 1997/08 至 1998/02
鑑榮資訊有限公司 研發部 網路評量組長 1996/05 至 1997/03
國立清華大學 資訊系 兼任講師 1993/08 至 1997/06
四、學術興趣 請自行填寫與研究方向有關之專長學門。
情感運算 數位藝術 人工智慧 擴增/虛擬實境
電子商務 網路行銷 數位電視 互動設計
自然語言處理 RFID 資訊安全 數位內容與數位學習
A. 榮譽、理監事、Keynote Speaker
1. 教學績優獎,國立臺南大學,2011。
2. 傑出教學獎 (通識類),國立清華大學,2003。
3. 獲頒國科會「指導有方」獎章,2011。
4. 台灣科技藝術教育協會.理事長。
5. 科技部創新學習軟體設計主題研究群.召集人。
6. 台灣科技藝術學會.副理事長。
7. 中華民國視覺藝術協會.理事。
8. 中華民國資訊管理學會.理事。第11-16屆。
9. 中華民國數位內容學會.監事。
10. 科技部科學教育實作學門.複審委員,2018-
11. 台灣數位學習與內容學會.監事。
12. ISAC中華民國大專校院資訊服務協會.常務理事。
13. 臺南市數位科技發展學會.理事
14. 第八屆董事,財團法人國立臺南大學校務發展文教基金會,2016。
15. 希拉亞文化協會發起人/監事, 2019-
16. 榮膺大雅國民小學第四屆傑出校友,2017。
17. 榮獲通過科技部109年度補助大專校院研究獎勵案。
18. 榮獲科技部105年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才。
19. 榮獲科技部「103年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才措施方案」。
20. 國立清華大學通識中心兼任副教授,1992-2005。
21. 國立交通大學外文系兼任助理教授,1997。
22. 國立成功大學藝術所兼任教授,2018-2019。
23. 應邀擔任SCI期刊客座主編 (Guest Editor),又應邀擔任SSCI期刊主題主編 (Topic Editor),
24. Guest Editor, (Covered by SCIE and SSCI) [Sustainability] (IF 2.576, ISSN 2071-1050), 2021.
25. Topic Editor, (Covered by SCIE and SSCI) [Sustainability] (IF 2.576, ISSN 2071-1050)
Invitation to Join the Editorial Board as Topic Editor, 2020.
26. Guest Editor, ET&S (SSCI) (六大科教期刊): Special Issue Intelligent and Affective Learning
Environments: New Trends and Challenges in the Journal of Educational Technology &
Society. 2014/10/3.
27. Guest Editor, 數位學習科技期刊 (TSSCI), Special Issue on 創新學習軟體設計與應用, 2017.
28. Guest Editor, 科技部科教實作學門電子期刊, 第13期, 2018,
29. 子會議副執行主席,第二十五屆全球華人電腦教育應用大會 (GCCCE 2021) "學習分析、評
學國立教育學院共同舉辦。2021 年 9 月 11 日至 15 日。
30. 編輯委員,資訊學報 (TSSCI), 2018.
31. Editorial Board Member, The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning.
32. #20 Keynote Speaker,教育部數位機會中心交流研習會議,AI人工智慧機器人的情感互動,
33. #19 Keynote Speaker,科技部創新學習軟體設計主題研究群,(雙語)人工智慧機器人學裏的達爾
文按鈕情感互動與腦對腦控制, 2021/3/30。
34. #18 Keynote Speaker, 新營扶輪社,人工智慧情感運算在數位學習與科技藝術上的運用,華味
35. #17 Keynote Speaker, 中壢西區扶輪社,人工智慧情感運算在數位學習與科技藝術上的運用,
36. #16 Keynote Speaker, 扶輪社,人工智慧情感運算在數位學習與科技藝術上的運用,台南香格
里拉大飯店,9/3, 2020。
37. #15 Keynote Speaker, 教學實踐研究計畫東區會議-亮點計畫與論文撰寫,如何將教學創新與
38. #14 Keynote Speaker, 資訊網路處智慧校園研討會,人工智慧情感運算在教育與科技藝術上之
39. #13 Keynote Speaker, 大學程式設計教學經驗交流會-互動設計領域教學研發推廣工作坊,人
40. #12 Keynote Speaker, 崑山科技大學創意媒體學院,從互動展示科技談藝術與科技之融合與創
新, 2019從互動展示談科技藝術之跨領域融合與創新研討會, 2019/5/24。
41. #11 Keynote Speaker, 北京首都師範大學,情感運算在學習上的應用,2014/10/21。
42. #10 Keynote Speaker, 北京首都師範大學,數位藝術與展示科技在台灣教育界的發展,
43. #9 Keynote Speaker, IDOLS SIG2014,【2014「創新學習軟體設計」主題研究群研討會】-如
何讓電腦擁有情緒,2014 Taiwan Special Interest Group Meeting on Innovative Design of
Learning Software (IDOLS), 2014/5/22。
44. #8 Mini Theme-Based Keynote Speaker, Affective Computing and Digital Arts, GCCCE 2012.
Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, 5/28, 2012.
45. #7 Invited Keynote Speaker, ICDDC2009, International Conference on Digital Design & Creativity,
46. #6 Invited Keynote Speaker, 大會開幕專題演講,2009資訊傳播學術研討會暨台灣資訊傳播學
47. #5 Keynote Speaker , Technology & Business Forum – 2005 Hualien, 2005/12
48. #4 Invited Speaker, NCS2015, National Computer Symposium, 2015/12/18。
49. #3 Mini Theme-Based Keynote Speaker, Interacting with Affective Computing, 2017
Workshop@ICIM on Big Data, Sentiment Analysis, and Affective Computing, 5/13, 2017.
50. #2 Keynote Speaker, 新竹科學園區管理局園慶講座,邁向人工智慧新紀元,2016/11/18。
51. #1 Keynote Speaker, 大會開幕專題演講,2018創客教育與智慧學習聯盟產學交流論壇,藝術
52. 中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會榮譽會員。
B. 國際與全國得獎、Best Paper Awards
53. #23 指導研究生劉欣蘭之碩士論文【結合心智圖之情感式適性學習系統對批判性思考、反思
獎第二名, 2021/2.
54. #22 Best Paper Award, GCCCE 2020, The 24th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in
Education, Northwest Normal University, China, Sep. 12-16, 2020.
55. #21 Best Paper Award, TWELF2020, Taiwan E-Learning Forum, 13/20-21, 2020.
56. #20 Best Paper Award, IC3 2019, The Second International Cognitive Cities Conference (IC3), Kyoto,
Japan, September 3-6, 2019.
57. #19 Best Paper Award, GCCIL 2017, 2017 The 8th Global Chinese Conference on Inquiry Learning :
Innovations and Applications, July 27-29, 2017.
58. #18 Best Paper Award, IEEE ICASI 2017, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System
Innovation, Sapporo, Japan, May 13-17, 2017.
59. #17 Best Paper Award, ICDC2013, International Conference on Digital Contents, 12/19-20, 2013.
60. #16 Best Paper Award, TAAI2013, 2013 Taiwan Conference on Artificial Intelligence and
Applications, 2014.
61. #15 Best Paper Award, ACMP 2012, Asia Computer Music Project, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 12/1-2, 2012
62. #14 Best Paper Award, ICDC2012, International Conference on Digital Contents, 12/22-23, 2012.
63. #13 Best Paper Award, ICDC2011, International Conference on Digital Contents, 12/27-28, 2011.
64. #12 Best Paper Award (Arts Creation), ICDC2010, International Conference on Digital Contents,
12/21-22, 2010.
65. #11 Best Paper Award, ICWE2010, 3rd International Conference of Web 2.0 and Education, 11/20, 2010.
66. #10 Best Paper Award, AIED@TAAI, 14th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications,
67. #9 Best Paper Award, Yang, S. W., Yang, T. I, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, "Employing App on Mobile
Phone Connection to Design a Interactive Installation Artwork", IDE@TAAI2013, Intelligence &
Design Exhibition, 2013 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence,
Taipei. Taiwan, Dec. 7, 2013.
68. #8 Annual Best Paper Award of the Business Division, 年度最佳管理論文,世界管理學會
(IAoM; International Association of Management), 1999/8。
69. #7 Best Reviewer Award, EC2008 (最佳評審獎,第十一屆電子商務學術研討會),2008/11。
70. #6 Best Paper Award, DCMA2007 (最佳論文獎,2008數位內容管理與應用學術研討會),
71. #5 Best Paper Award, CABMT2007 (最佳論文獎,2007 Annual Conference on Chinese
Association of Business and Management Technology),2007/10。
72. #4 Best Reviewer Award, EC2007 (最佳評審獎,第十屆電子商務學術研討會),2007/10。
73. #3 Best Paper Award, 2003 Conference of Integration of Manufacture and Management, 2003。
74. #2 Best Paper Award, 17th Annual Conference of the AoM/IAoM, "Millennial Challenges in
anagement, Education, Cybertechnology, and Leadership", San Diego, CA, August 6-8, 1999.
75. #1 優秀論文獎,教育部顧問室,製商整合科技與產學合作人才培育,2002。
76. 優等獎,教育部「商管教學實務個案撰寫競賽」,2009/3。
77. 目前已培育17位師資:11位大學專任教授 (謝旻儕、王政弘、徐文俊、趙靖如、蔡尚琴、蔡
孟君、黃琮駿、梁育誠、楊崧正、曾國章、張家鈞)、6位國小專任教師 (陳眉期、馬毓君、歐
78. 指導榮獲國科會創作獎:99年度大專學生參與專題研究計畫研究創作獎。Speshow Stage!個人
舞台之數位藝術創作與研究 (楊宇辰)。
79. 指導學生參加校外比賽獲獎紀錄:9金、2銀、6銅、1佳作。
80. 指導學生數位系DDLab博士生馬毓君榮獲 #全國自造教育比賽及科技領域教學教案設計比賽
銅牌, 2021/2.
81. 指導研究生劉欣蘭之碩士論文【結合心智圖之情感式適性學習系統對批判性思考、反思能
第二名, 2021/2.
82. 指導學生鏘鏘導生 DDLab 大四大二 高嘉晨 雷孟 高婕庭 許以謙 榮獲 #教育部創新創業
計畫高軟園區研習競賽第一名, 2021/2.
83. 指導研究生陳伯庚、傅柏軒榮獲教育部創新創業計畫高軟園區研習競賽第二名, 2021/2.
84. 帶隊學生參加資訊月教育科技展,機器人情感咖啡攤,12/2-6, 2020.
85. 榮獲兩岸四地金牌:在全國3000支隊伍中被選拔為台灣代表隊,帶領學生 (張家鈞、林言翰)
86. 榮獲國際創新大獎:帶領學生 (張家鈞) 出國比賽:Intel盃海峽兩岸信息服務創新大賽暨福建
87. 代表台灣帶學生赴無錫參加比賽:「中國大學生服務外包創新創業競賽」, 2013。
88. 指導學生高嘉晨、李孟璇、張世群【情感機器人咖啡攤】勇奪【全國資訊服務創意競賽】第
三名!11/7, 2020.
89. 指導學生高嘉晨、李孟璇、張世群榮獲【2020創新創意創業大賽】冠軍, 6/3, 2020.
90. 指導學生蔡孟君、林語瑄、高嘉晨、李孟璇勇奪臺灣綠點子國際發明設計競賽銅牌獎, 5/24,
91. 指導學生郭文鱗入選農業科技研究院【2019動物保護研究博碩士論文獎】決審 (共七篇論文
入選,其中四篇是台大論文), 2019。
92. 指導學生林語瑄、蘇倫可榮獲【青年暑期社區職場體驗】全國第一名, 8/22, 2019。
93. 指導學生彭麒安榮獲資策會DIGI+ Talent數位新星大賞全國季軍,作品:AVR英語村數位內容
開發,12/5, 2018。
94. 指導學生鄭憶雯紀錄片【學習溫柔】榮獲2018市民影像競賽【首獎】,11/27, 2018。
95. 指導學生林語瑄結合AR/VR技術榮獲青年發展署全國青年社區營造雙料金牌,9/7,2018。
96. 數位系 DDLab Po Chun Kuo VR作品榮獲全國金牌! 【虛擬實境瞄準射擊訓練系統】榮獲全民
國防教育課程 (當代軍事科技領域) 教學卓越獎優等! 10/5, 2016.
97. 榮獲全國殿軍:2013第18屆大專校院資訊服務創新競賽。洪文麟、張宜馨、陳恒顗 (林豪
98. 指導學生入選【2013創新大賽MOD互動微電影創作】:”To Be Or Not To Be”. (張國興、何宜
軒 楊子誼 楊青原 林萬翔 陳紹軒 方品淳), 9/4, 2013.
99. 榮獲【資策會展示科技大賽】全國金牌 (何宜軒 林萬翔 陳紹軒), 6/8, 2013。
100.榮獲全國第一名:2012第17屆大專校院資訊服務創新競賽。Fun Music! 以行動裝置實現音樂
與影像集體創作 (林言翰、王將仰、王政傑)。
之自動音樂產生回饋機制 (何宜軒、謝蕙如、楊士緯)。
102.榮獲全國第三名:2011第16屆大專校院資訊服務創新競賽。Excelent - 運用Google App
Engine、Google Docs API、HTML5建立一套快速跨平台Excel檔案閱讀器 (張家鈞)。
動裝置 (楊宇辰、曾怡甄、王聖天)。
104.榮獲第一名:2014第一屆南區大專資訊專題競賽。畫筆上跳躍的音符 (何宜軒、林萬翔)。
105.指導大學專題生的企劃榮獲文化部補助!! 金額超過20萬!! 肆獎林卉心,類別:微型產業類,穿
106.磺溪美展 (數位藝術類) 入選,「撐傘走在時間的雨中 II」。大約是 100 件取 12 件!! 整個展全
國投稿 1397 件!! 2013/4.
屋 The Story House,第七屆K.T.科技與人文科技藝術創意競賽 互動科技藝術組 (Interactive
Technology Art),2012。
108.指導學生榮獲全國通訊大賽企業獎 (張國興、楊子誼、方品淳),2012通訊大賽-Android實作
組 (智慧型手持裝置使用者體驗設計競賽),數位時光機-AR-BOX, 2012。
109.指導學生榮獲中華電信應用大賽優勝,張小均、陳奕蒨 (致良知之教|基於社群網站之虛擬古
人雲端應用─以王陽明為例), 2012/11.
謝蕙如 (最懂你的情韻之伴), 2012/10.
大專資訊創新服務競賽 (共2800支隊伍參加初賽),2019。
115.指導學生入圍全國五項大賽 (全國資訊服務創新競賽全國總決賽):情緒放送站:運用情感運算
結合Android系統之行動載具與Facebook API 社群運算建立一套個人情緒狀態分析之行動平
台、運用情感運算結合MIDI樂器建立聲音藝術創作之產生機制、Excelent: 運用Google App
Engine、Google Docs API、HTML5建立一套快速跨平台Excel檔案閱讀器,2011。
C. 國際及全國性重要職務
130.教育部大專校院增設研究所審查委員 (多媒體視覺類),2006。
D. 各類評審、顧問、與審查委員
140.教育部數位學習課程認證審查委員—【資訊二組】(領域), 2021。
第二屆全球華人教育遊戲設計大賽 (Educational Game Design Award), 台
灣科技大學,5/9, 2021。
143.國立高雄大學110年人文社會科學院微學程審查委員, 2021。
144.國立臺中教育大學通識教育中心通識課程審查委員, 2021.
145.國立高雄大學工藝與創意設計學系110級畢業製作審查, 2021.
論人!! 10/24-25, 2020。
第一屆全球華人教育遊戲設計大賽 (Educational Game Design Award), 台
灣科技大學,5/9, 2020。
151.屏東科技大學「人文盃系所APP創意競賽」活動評審,6/1-5, 2020。
156.【國立臺中教育大學109年高教深耕計畫提案外審】「創意智慧學習主軸」審查委員, 2019.
173.決審評審,11th KT科技藝術獎,李國鼎基金會,2016。
183.財團法人台灣網路資訊中心(TWNIC) 「2015域名有意思響亮SLOGAN 競賽」活動評審委員,
195.決賽評審,聯合大學資管系專題競寨,12/5, 2012.
203.決審評審,2012屏東舞夏藝術節-跨域編創舞蹈大賽, 2012/4/30。
205.國美館「數位科技與視覺藝術跨界創作補助作業要點」審查委員, 2012/6/13.
207.決賽評審 (資訊應用組召集人),2011第16屆全國大專校院/社會人士資訊服務創新競賽,
209.決審評審,屏東縣文化處2011舞夏藝術節『跨域編創舞曲賽』, 2011/5。
212.評審主席,林豪鏘, 2008台北數位藝術獎 (網路藝術組召集人),台北當代藝術館 (MoCA,
Taipei),8/11, 2008.
213.榮獲國科會創作獎:99年度大專學生參與專題研究計畫研究創作獎。Speshow Stage!個人舞台
之數位藝術創作與研究 (楊宇辰、曾怡甄、王聖天)。
214.2009第十四屆全國大專院校資訊服務創新競賽,評審 (資訊應用組召集人),2009/12。
218.議程主席, Program Chair, ICDC2012 (8th International Conference on Digital Contents), 2012/12.
219.Guest Editor, Technology for Education and Learning.
220.Advisorory Board, TOJET (, Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
221.Editorial Board Member, Journal of Computers and Applied Science Education (JCASE).
222.Exhibition Chair, ArtsIT2009 (International Conference on Arts & Technology).
223.Annual Computer Research Contribution Award from APSCIT, Asia Pacific Society for Computing
and Information Technology, 2016.
224.Editorial Board Member, TOJET (SSCI) - Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
225.Editorial Board Member, JETDE - Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange
226.Editorial Board Member, Journal of System and Management Sciences (JSMS), 2005.
227.Referee Board Member, IJEB (International Journal of Electronic Business), ABI, Special issue on
“Project Management and Information Systems Evaluation in Electronic Business”, 2007/8.
232.入圍全國雲端服務創意競賽,DDLab 代表隊 (張小均 Chia-Pei Lu 鄭傑旭), 2012/1。
233.入圍第一屆「HPC國網3D動畫全國大賽」, 2011/12。
239.明新科大教量評量全校第一名,4.8分 (滿分5分),2004。
245.2006 IT應用創新大賞評審 (行動運算類),2006。
情緒放送站-運用情感運算結合Android系統之行動載具與Facebook API 社群運算建立一套個
人情緒狀態分析之行動平台、(孫琮傑、林祖安、蘇貝妮) 運用情感運算結合MIDI樂器建立聲
251.指導學生入圍全國資訊競賽決選:應用機器人控制與藍芽傳輸於視覺創作上之研究 - 以作品
作上之研究 - 以作品《模樣》為例、運用情感運算結合Virtools與Max/MSP建立具情緒表達之
261.清華大學通識教育中心教量評量第一名,3.66分 (滿分4分),2004。
264.Program Committee, ICIM 2009 (19th International Conference on Information Management),
265.Program Committee, IMP 2008 (14th Conference on Information Management and Practice),
266.Editorial Board, Journal of Must, 2000/8-2005/1.
267.Program Committee, 2007 IRMA International Conference (Information Resource Management
Association), 2006/11.
268.Program Committee, 2008 Conference on Information Technology and Industrial Application
(ITIA08), 2008/6.
269.Program Committee, ICIM 2008 (19th International Conference on Information Management),
270.Program Committee, IMP 2007 (13th Conference on Information Management and Practice),
271.Program Committee, 2005洄瀾科技暨商務集刊, 2005/12.
272.Session Chair (Distance & e-Learning), 14th International Conference of Information Management
and Practice, 2008/12
273.Referee Board Member, International Conference of Information Management and Practice, 2008/11.
274.Paper Reviewer, Electronic Commerce Studies, 2008.
275.Paper Reviewer, EC2008 (2008 Conference on Electronic Commerce), 2008/10.
276.Paper Reviewer, International Conference on Web2.0 and Education, 2008.
277.Paper Reviewer, EC2007 (2007 Conference on Electronic Commerce), 2007/10.
278.Paper Reviewer, DSS (Decision Support Systems), 2007/7.
279.Paper Reviewer, Journal of Information Management-Concepts, Systems, and Applications, 2007/6.
280.Paper Reviewer, IJEB (International Journal of Electronic Business), Special issue on “Project
Management and Information Systems Evaluation in Electronic Business”, 2006/10.
281.Paper Reviewer, Electronic Commerce Studies, 2007/11.
282.Paper Reviewer, Encyclopedia of Multimedia technology and Networking 2nd Edition, 2006/9.
283.Paper Reviewer, Encyclopedia IS&T, 2nd Edition, 2006/8.
284.Paper Reviewer, Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Second Edition, 2006/6
285.Paper Reviewer, Journal of Humanity and Social Science, 2005/6.
286.Paper Reviewer, Information Sciences Journal, 2005/1.
287.Paper Reviewer, We-B’2004, 5th International We-B (Working For E-Business) Conference, Edith
Cowan University (ECU), Western Australia, 2004/8.
288.Paper Reviewer, Journal of General Education, 2004/3
289.Paper Reviewer, 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, 2001/6.
290.Referee Board Member, International Conference of Information Management and Practice, 2007/11.
A. Journal Paper
1. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Hsin-Lan Liu*, Yu-Chen Liang, Yu-cheng Zeng, Kai-cheng Zhan, “Incorporating
Affective Computing into an Interactive System with MakeyMakey”,International Journal of Online
Pedagogy and Course Design (IJOPCD), 2021, 10(3), 306. (EI) (SCOPUS) (ESCI)
2. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yu-Hsuan Lin, Tao-Hua Wang, Lun-Ke Su, Yueh-Min Huang*, Effects of
Incorporating Augmented Reality into a Board Game for High School Students’ Learning Motivation and
Acceptance in Health Education, Sustainability, Volume 13, Issue 6, 26 March. (SSCI/SCI) (IF: 2.576) doi:
SSCI/SCI (IF: 2.576)
3. Vivien Lin, Gi-Zen Liu*, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yu-Hsuan Lin, Min-Chai Hsieh, “The Design and
Evaluation of a Multimodal Ubiquitous Learning Application for EFL Writers”, Digital Creativity, 22 Feb
2021. (A&HCI)
4. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yu-Chun Ma *, Min Lee, “Constructing Emotional Machines: A Case of a
Smartphone-Based Emotion System”, Artificial Intelligence and Ambient Intelligence, Electronics, 2021,
10(3), 306. (SCI)
SCI Journal 2019 SCIE Impact Factor : 2.412
5. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Meng-Chun Tsai *, Kuang-Hsiang Wu, “The Research of Relationship among Smile
Developing Software,Internet Addiction and Attachment Style”, Electronics, 2020, 9(12), 2057. (SCI)
doi: 10.3390/electronics9122057
SCI Journal 2019 SCIE Impact Factor : 2.412
6. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yu-Hsuan Lin *, Tao-Hua Wang, Lun-Ke Su, Yueh-Min Huang, “Effects of
Incorporating AR into a Board Game on Learning Outcomes and Emotions in Health Education”, Electronics,
2020, 9(11), 1972 . (SCI)
doi: 10.3390/electronics9111752
SCI Journal 2019 SCIE Impact Factor : 2.412
7. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Tao-Hua Wang, Guo-Chung Lin, Shu-Chen; Cheng*, Hong-Ren Chen, Yueh-Min
Huang, “Applying Sentiment Analysis to Automatically Classify Consumer Comments Concerning Marketing
4Cs Aspects”, Applied Soft Computing, Volume 97, Part A,December 2020, 106755. (SCI)
SCI Journal 2018 SCIE Impact Factor : 5.472
8. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Meng-Chun Tsai, and Chia Hsun Lee, “The Effect of Affective Tutoring System in
the Teaching of Dengue Fever Epidemic Prevention Curriculum on the Cognitive Loads and Learning
Outcomes with Different Levels of Information Literacy”, JIT, Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 21,
No.7_(12), 1981-1991. (SCI)
SCI Journal 2018 SCIE Impact Factor : 0.715
9. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin*, Chi-Min Yang, Jun Chen Hsieh, Yi-Chen Chen, Shu-Yu Yang, Effects of Kinect
exergames on balance training among community older adults: A randomized controlled trial, Medicine®,
Vol. 99, No. 28, July 10, 2020. (SCI)
SCI Journal 2019 SCIE Impact Factor : 1.870
10. Tao-Hua Wang*, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Ting-Ting Wu, and Yueh-Min Huang, “Multimethod Approach to
Supporting Reflection and Creativity for Online Collaborative Courses”, JIT, Journal of Internet Technology,
Vol.21 No.4, pp. 1087-1096, July 2020. (SCI)
SCI Journal 2018 SCIE Impact Factor : 0.715
11. Chang, Ching, & Hao-Chiang Koong Lin. Effects of a Mobile-Based Peer-Assessment Approach on Enhancing
Language-learners’ Oral Proficiency. IETI, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, Volume 57
Issue 6, 668–679, 2020 (SSCI).
SSCI Journal 2017 Impact Factor 1.106
Ranking: 157/238 (Education & Educational Research)
12. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yu-Chuang Tseng,Chua-Chun Chang,Affective Computing: The Creative Application
of Emotion Analysis, Science Development, Vol.569, pp. 55-63, May, 2020.
13. Chang, Ching, & Hao-Chiang Koong Lin. Classroom interaction and learning anxiety in the IRS-integrated
flipped language classrooms. TAPER,The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. 28(3):193–201, 2019 (SSCI).
DOI: 10.1007/s40299-018-0426-x
SSCI Journal Impact factor: 0.633
ISSN: 0119-5646 (Print) 2243-7908 (Online)
14. Hsiu-Yuan Tsao, Ming-Yi Chen, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yu-Chun Ma, "The Asymmetric Effect of Review
Valence on Numerical Rating: A Viewpoint from a Sentiment Analysis of Users of TripAdvisor", Online
Information Review, Vol.43, Issue 2, pp. 283-300, 2019. (SSCI) (SCI)
SSCI/SCI Journal
15.Jian-Wei Lin*, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “User acceptance in a computer-supported collaborative learning
(CSCL) environment with social network awareness (SNA) support”, AJET, Australasian Journal of
Educational Technology, Vol.35,No.1, pp. 100-115, 2019. (SSCI)
SSCI Journal Impact factor: 1.363 (2016)
16. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin*, Wen-Chun Hsu, Tao-Hua Wang, Yu-Chun Ma, Meng-Chun Tsai, “Development and
Research of an Affective Learning System Combined with Motion-Sensing Interaction, Augmented Reality, and
Mid-Air Projection”, JIT, Journal of Internet Technology,Issue:Nov. 2018, Vol.19 No.6, pp. 1951-1960. (SCI)
SCI Journal Impact factor: 1.301 (2017)
17. Cheng-Hung Wang, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, “Constructing an Affective Tutoring System for Designing
Course Learning and Evaluation”, JECR, Journal of Educational Computing Research, Vol. 55, Issue 8, 1111–
1128, 2018. (SSCI)
SSCI Journal, 2017 impact factor 1.234
18. Ruei-Shan Lu, Hsiu-Yuan Tsao, Hao-Chaing Koong Lin, Yu-Chun Ma, Cheng-Tung Chuang, "Sentiment
Analysis of Brand Personality Positioning Through Text Mining", Journal of Information Technology
Research (JITR),Volume 12, Issue 3, 2018. (EI) (ESCI), (SCOPUS),(Compendex ) (Elsevier Engineering
Index), (INSPEC)
19. Tao Hua Wang, Hao Chiang Koong Lin, Ting Ting Wu, and Yueh Min Huang "A Study on Learning Emotion
of Postgraduates through Online Cooperative Learning", ICITL 2018 International Conference of Innovative
Technologies and Learning, Portoroz, Slovenia, Aug. 27-30, 2018. Revised Selected Papers,Editors: Ting Ting
Wu, Huang, Y.-M.,(Eds.) (EI) (SCOPUS)
EI Journal, Scopus
20. Yi Cheng Liao, Tao Hua Wang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin and Kuan Yu Lin “Augmented Reality Applied to
Smartphones and Wearable Devices - Virtual Furniture Simulation System”, ICITL 2018 International
Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning, Portoroz, Slovenia, Aug. 27-30, 2018. Revised Selected
Papers,Editors: Ting Ting Wu, Huang, Y.-M., (Eds.) 472896_1_En, Chapter 51, Volume 11003 of the Lecture
Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS), Springer, 2018. (EI) (SCOPUS)
EI Journal, Scopus
21. Meng Chun Tsai, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, and Chad Lin "Usability Evaluation of the Game Based E-Book
System on NaturalScience Teaching System", ICITL2018 International Conference of Innovative Technologies
and Learning, Portoroz, Slovenia, Aug. 27-30, 2018. Revised Selected Papers,Editors: Ting Ting Wu, Huang,
Y.-M., (Eds.) 472896_1_En, Chapter 50, Volume 11003 of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series
(LNCS), Springer, 2018. (EI) (SCOPUS)
EI Journal, Scopus
22. Yu-Hsuan,Lin, Chad Lin, Chia-Wei Chang and Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, "The Creation of Interactive Visual
Music with Kandinsky Abstract Arts", ICITL 2018 International Conference of Innovative Technologies and
Learning, Portoroz, Slovenia, Aug. 27-30, 2018. Revised Selected Papers,Editors: Ting Ting Wu, Huang, Y.-
M., (Eds.) 472896_1_En, Chapter 56, Volume 11003 of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS),
Springer, 2018. (EI) (SCOPUS)
EI Journal, Scopus
23. Cheng-Hung Wang, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, “Emotional Design Tutoring System based on Multimodal
Affective Computing Techniques”, IJDET, International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, Volume
16, Issue 1, 2017. (EI)
EI Journal
24. Meng-Chun Tsai, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, A Study on the Behavioral Patterns Formed by Subjects with
Different Cognitive Styles in Playing Augmented Reality Interaction Games, SETE 2017, Second Annual
International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education, Cape Town, South Africa, Sep 20-22, 2017.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 10676, Emerging Technologies for Education, Second
International Symposium, SETE 2017, Held in Conjunction with ICWL 2017, Cape Town, South Africa,
September 20–22, 2017, Revised Selected Papers,Editors: Tien-Chi Huang, V.,Lau,R.,Huang, Y.-M.,Spaniol,
M., Yuen, C.-H. (Eds.) (EI) (SCOPUS)
EI Journal, Scopus
25. Ma Yu Chun, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, The Development of anAffective Tutoring System for Japanese Language
Learnerss, SETE 2017, Second Annual International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education,
Cape Town, South Africa, Sep 20-22, 2017. Lecture Notesin Computer Science (LNCS),Vol. 10676, Emerging
Technologies for Education, Second International Symposium, SETE 2017, Held in Conjunction with ICWL
2017, Cape Town, South Africa, September 20–22, 2017, Revised Selected Papers,Editors: Tien-Chi Huang,
V., Lau, R., Huang, Y.-M.,Spaniol, M., Yuen, C.-H. (Eds.) (EI) (SCOPUS)
EI Journal, Scopus
26. Wen-Chun Hsu, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yu-Hsuan Lin, The Research of Applying Mobile Virtual Reality to
Martial Arts Learning System with Flipped Classroom, IEEE ICASI 2017, 2017 IEEE International Conference
on Applied System Innovation, Sapporo, Japan, May 13-17, 2017
EI IEEE Xplore digital library
27. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Sheng-Hsiung Su*, Ching-Ju Chao, Cheng-Yen Hsieh, Shang-Chin Tsai,
“Construction of a Multi-mode Affective Learning System: Using Affective Design as an Example”, ET&S,
Journal of Educational Technology & Society, Volume 19, Issue 2, April, 2016. (SSCI)
SSCI Journal Impact Factor of 2.133, 5-Year impact factor of 2.682 (Q1)
28. Tao-Hua Wang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Ting-Ting Wu, Meng-Shain OU,Hong-Da Wang, “The Study of
Sentiment Analysis on the Influence of News Headlines on Audiences”, International Journal of Engineering
Technology and Scientific Innovation, Volume:01, Issue:05, Page No. 426-440, September-October 2016.
29. Lu-Ho Hsia, Yu-Chen Yang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Iwen Huang, “Across-Discipline Creativity by
Integrating Visual Technology and Dance Performances”, Journalof Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Volume
12, No. 2, June, 2016.
30. Chao-Jong Chiu*, Jun-Hong Chen, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, “The Relationships among Emotional Design,
Usage Behavior and Usage Value-An Example of Smartphones”, Journal of Design Science, pp. 103-124, Vol.
19, No.1, July, 2016.
31. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Ching-Ju CHAO,Tsu-Ching HUANG,“From a Perspective on Foreign Language
Learning Anxiety to Develop an Affective Tutoring System.”, ETRD, Educational Technology Research &
Development, Vol. 63, No.3, June, 2015.(SSCI)
(DOI) 10.1007/s11423-015-9385-6
SSCI Journal impact factor 2.115, 5-yr impact factor is 2.672, Category:
Education & Educational Research Rank: 56/243 (Q1)
32. Sheng-Hsiung Su*, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Cheng-Hung Wang, Zu-Ching Huang, “Multi-modal Affective
Computing technology design the interaction between computers and human of Intelligent Tutoring Systems -
For example in digital arts”, IJOPCD, International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design,Vol. 6,
No. 1, pp. 13- 30, January-March,2016. (EI)
EI Journal
33. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Sheng-Hsiung Su*, Sheng-Tien Wang, Shang-Chin Tsai, “Influence of Cognitive
Style and Cooperative Learning on Application of Augmented Reality to Natural Science Learning”,
International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 11(4), 41-66, October-December 2015. (EI)
EI Journal
34. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Chih-Hung Wu, HSUEH,Ya-Ping, The Influence of Using Affective Tutoring
System in Accounting Remedial Instruction on Learning Performance and Usability, CHB, Computers in
Human Behavior, 41(2014), 2014., pp. 514-522.
SSCI Journal Impact factor: 2.273
35. Kuo-Chun Hsu, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, I-Long Lin*, Jin-Wei Lin, “The Design and Evaluation of an
Affective Tutoring System”, JIT, Journal of Internet Technology, Issue:July 2014, Vol.15 No.4, pp. 533-542.
SCI Journal Impact factor: 0.481 (2012)
36. Chad Lin, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yu-An Huang, Geoffrey Jalleh, Ying Chieh Liu, Yueh-Hsia Huang, Sheng-
Hsiung Su, Ching-Ju Chao, Towards a B2B E-Commerce Evaluation Management Model to Assess
Organizational Drivers in Hospitals, ITMR, The International Technology Management Review,4(3), October
2014., pp. 115 - 132. doi:10.2991/itmr.2014.4.3.1
EI/Compendex Journal, Scopus
37. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Shang-Chin Tsai*, Yu-Ting Li, Sheng-Hsiung Su, “The Effects of Students’ Cognitive
Styles upon Applying AR to Learn Headlamp Wiring System”, Jokull Journal (ISSN: 0449-0576), Volume. 64,
Issue. 5, May, 2014, pp. 254-269.
SCIE Journal Impact factor: 1.000 (2012) 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.633
38. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Tsung-Yen Chuang*, I-Long Lin, Hsuan-Yu Chen, “Elucidating the Role of IT/IS
Assessment and Resource Evaluation Allocation in the IT/IS Performance of Hospitals”, I & M,Information
& Management, Volume 51, Issue 1, January 2014, Pages 104–112.
SSCI / SCI Journal Impact factor: 2.214 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.796
39. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Shang-Chin Tsai*, Yu-Cheng Cheng, Ching-Ju Chao, Sheng-Hsiung Su , “Usability
Evaluation of Affective Tutoring Systems on Web Page”,Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg (ISSN: 0007-5922),
Vol. 64, Issue. 6, June, 2014, pp. 27-40.
SCIE Journal Impact factor: 0.106 (2012)
40. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Sheng-Hsiung Su*, Yu-Cong Lin, Iwen Huang, “The Assessment of Middle school
Students' Learning Motivation and Learning Effectiveness through implementing Augmented Reality-Based
Learning System in Astronomy Learning”, Jokull Journal (ISSN: 0449-0576), Vol. 64, No. 6, Jun 2014, pp.
SCIE Journal Impact factor: 1.000 (2012) 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.633
41. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Sheng-Hsiung Su*, Yi-Chun Hsieh, Shang-Chin Tsai , Impacts of Affective Tutoring
System on the Learning Achievement of Primary School Students with Different Cognitive Styles - An
Example on Marine Education, The New Educational Review, Vol.38, No.4, Aril, 2014. 250-261.
Scopus Journal, EBSCO, Ulrich’s
42. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN*, Mei-Chi Chen, Chih-Kai Chang, “Assessing the Effectiveness of Learning Solid
Geometry Using an Augmented Reality-Assisted Learning System”, ILE, Interactive Learning Environments ,
Published online: 05 Sep 2013.
SSCI Journal Impact factor: 1.163
43. Ting-Bin Ger, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Yueh-Hsia Hunag, Sung-Neng Chou, Mechanism Analyzing Micro-
Blog Corpora Based on an Emotion Recognition Mechanism, JDCTA,International Journal of Digital Content
Technology and its Applications, 2013, (Accepted).
EI Journal, INSPECT, EBSCO, ProQuest, Ulrich’s, DBLP
44. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Chad Lin, Yueh-Hsia Huang, Yu-An Huang (2012): The Impact of IT Evaluation and
Organizational Drivers on B2B E-Commerce Benefits in Large Hospitals, TTEM - Technics Technologies
Education Management, 2013, Volume 8, Number 1, pp. 538-543.
SCIE Journal Impact factor: 0.351 (ISI)
45. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Yueh-Hsia Hunag, Szu-Yuan Sun, Wen-Chun Hu, An Investment Evaluation and
Benefits Realization Analysis Approach for Implementing B2B E-Commerce in the Taiwan Digital Television
Industry, JDCTA, International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, Volume 7, No.1,
Jan 15, 2013, pp.352-361.
EI Journal, INSPECT, EBSCO, ProQuest, Ulrich’s, DBLP
46. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Cong Jie SUN, Bei Ni SU, Zu An LIN, An Automatic Mechanism to Recognize and
Generate Emotional MIDI Sound Arts Based on Affective Computing Techniques, IJOPCD, International
Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design, pp. 62-75, July-Sep., Vol. 3, No. 3, 2013.
EI Journal, INSPECT, InfoSci, Ulrich’s, DBLP, Cabell’s
47. Yueh-Hsia Huang, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Cheng-Hung Wang, Min-Chai Hsieh, Implementing an Emotion
Recognition System with an Affective Agent Based on Social Web Corpora and Semantic Clues, JDCTA,
International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, Volume 7, No.1, Jan 15, 2013, pp.
EI Journal, INSPECT, EBSCO, ProQuest, Ulrich’s, DBLP
48. Ching Ju Chao, Chad Lin, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Chyi Lin Shen, Cheng Hung Wang, Using the Analytic
Hierarchy Process Methodology to Assess the Drivers Affecting the Implementation of Interactive Digital
Television as a Commerce Platform, International Journal of Wireless Networks and Broadband
Technologies (IJWNBT), 2(3), 2012.
EI Journal, INSPECT, ERA, IS Indexed Journal
49. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Cheng-Hung Wang, Ching-Ju CHAO,Ming-Kuan CHIEN, “Employing Textual and
Facial Emotion Recognition to Design an Affective Tutoring System”, TOJET,The Turkish Online Journal of
Educational Technology, Oct.,2012, Volume 11, Issue 4, pp. 418-426.
SSCI Journal Impact factor: 1.016 (JCR)
50. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Nian-Shing Chen*, Rui-Ting Sun & I-Hen Tsai (2012): Usability of affective
interfaces for a digital arts tutoring system, BIT, Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol.33, No.2, pp.105-
106, DOI:10.1080/0144929X.2012.702356
SSCI Journal Impact factor: 1.011
51. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Min-Chai HSIEH, Eric Zhi-Feng LIU, Tsung-Yen CHUANG, “INTERACTING
Journal of Educational Technology, January, 2012, Volume 11, Issue 1, pp. 123-137.
SSCI Journal Impact factor: 1.016 (JCR)
52. Min-Chai Hsieh, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “On the Implementation of an Digital Artwork for Presenting
Interactive Concrete Poetry”, Journal of US-China Education Review,the issue of Vol. 9, No.4, 2012 (It will
be published in April, 2012), 2012.
53. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Min-Chai Hsieh, Cheng-Hung Wang, Li-Chen Loh, “An Emotion Recognition
Mechanism Based on the Combination of Mutual Information and Semantic Clues”, JAIHC, Special
issues “Emotional Intelligence and Ambient Intelligence” of Journal of Ambient Intelligence &
Humanized Computing, Volume 3, Issue 1 (2012), Page 19-29, Feb., 2012.,
DOI: 10.1007/s12652-011-0086-7
EI/SCOPUS Journal EI: Compendex
54. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, & Min-Chai Hsieh, “The Establishment and Usability Evaluation on a MarkerlessAR-
based Hairstyle Simulation System”, IJOPCD special issue on New Media and Joyful Learning, International
Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design, Vol.2, No.2, (Accepted,in Press), Jun, 2012.
55. Cheng-Hung Wang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Shu-Lin Lai, Min-Chai Hsieh, “Transforming Animal Features
into Game-based Learning Systems: A Case Study of a Characters Visual Design Model”, CISME (The
Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering), Volumn1, No.8, pp15-18, 2011.
56. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Min-Chai Hsieh,Cheng-Hung Wang, Zong-Yuan Sie, Shei-Hsi Chang, “Establishment
and Usability Evaluation of an Interactive AR Learning System on Conservation of Fish”, TOJET,The Turkish
Online Journal of Educational Technology, Volume 10, Issue 4, 181-187, October, 2011.
SSCI Journal Impact factor: 1.016 (JCR)
57. Min-Chai Hsieh, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “A Conceptual Study for Augmented Reality E-learning System based
on Usability Evaluation”, CISME (The Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering),
Volumn1, Issue.8, PP5-7, DOI: 10.5963/CISME0108002, 2011.
58. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Min-Chai Hsieh, & Wei-Jhe Wang, “The Human-like Emotions Recognition using
Mutual Information and Semantic Clues”, LNCS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6872, pp. 464–
470, Sep., 2011.
EI Journal
59. Chad Lin, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yu-An Huang, & Geoffrey Jalleh, "The Fit between Organizational B2B E-
Commerce Policy, IT Maturity, and Evaluation Practices on B2B E-Commerce Performance in Australian
Healthcare Organizations”, AJBM;AfricanJournal of Business Management, Volume 5, Issue 5,P.1983-2005,
March. 2011.
SSCI Journal Impact factor: 1.105 (JCR) Cited: 1
60. Min-Chai Hsieh, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Jin-Wei Lin, & Mei-Chi Chen, “The Establishment of an AR-based
Interactive Digital Artworks”,GJCST, Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology,Volume 10 Issue
6 Version 1.0: 37-46: August 2010.
61. I-Hen Tsai, Koong H.-C. Lin, and Rui-Ting Sun, “Affective Computing by Emotion Inference and Advanced
Semantic Analysis”, JIT, Special Issue on Ambient Intelligence, Journal of Internet Technology, pp.15-28,
Volume 11, Number 5, Oct. 2010.
SCIE / EI Journal (EI Compendex, TSCI, SCIE, IET)
62. Yu-An Huang, Ian Phua, Chad Lin, Hsien-Jui Chung, & Koong H.C. Lin, "Allocentrism and Consumer
Ethnocentrism: Social Identity on Purchase Intention”, SBP;Social Behavior and Personality, Volume 37, Issue
1, Feb. 2009.
SSCI Journal Cited: 7
63. Chad Lin, Graham Pervan, Hsiu-Yuan Tsao, & Koong H.C. Lin, "An Investigation into Business-to-Business
Electronic Commerce Organizations”, JRPIT; Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology,
Volume 40, Number 1, Feb. 2008.
SCI / EI Journal Impact factor: 0.465 Cited: 2
64. Koong H.C. Lin & Francis Li, “Employing Max/MSP/Jitter and Sobel Operations to Create Digital Art Works
Based on the Interaction Among Images, Sounds, and MIDI Music”, JSTS, Journal of Scientific and
Technological Studies, pp.15-28, Volume 42, Number 2, Oct. 2008.
65. Koong H.C. Lin, Chad Lin, & Wen-Liang Kuo, "Adoption and Management of Interactive Digital TV
Commerce”, IJM; International Journal of Management,Vol. 25, No. 2, pp.287-299, Jun 2008.
ABI Journal,
66. Chad Lin, Koong H.C. Lin, Yu-An Huang, Ying-Chieh Liu, "A Comparative Study of IT Outsourcing
Management in Australia and Taiwan”, JIMS; The Journal of International Management Studies, pp.29-39,
Volume 2, Number 2, August 2007.
ABI/ ProQuest, Ulrich’s Directories
67. Koong H.C. Lin, & Chad Lin, "Evaluating the Decision to Adopt RFID Systems Using Analytic Hierarchy
Process”,JAABC;The Journalof AmericanAcademy ofBusiness,Cambridge,Vol. 11,No. 1,pp.72-78, March
ABI Journal, Cited: 4
68. Koong H.C. Lin, Tsao, Hsiu-Yuan, & Chad Lin, "IS/IT Investment Evaluation and Benefit Realization Practices
in Taiwanese SME”, JIST; Journal of Information Science and Technology, SpecialIssue on IT Investments in
Emerging Economies, Vol. 4 No. 2, Dec., 2006.
69. Chad Lin, Koong H.C. Lin, Yu-An Huang, & Wen-Liang Kuo, "Evaluation of Electronic Customer
Relationship Management: The Critical Success Factors”, BRC; Business Review, Cambridge,Vol. 6, No. 2,
pp.206-212, Dec., 2006.
ABI Journal, Cited: 13
70. Koong H.C. Lin & Hector Liu, "Using Hierarchical Analysis Method to Explore the Potential Demands of
Internet Consumers for Digital TV Commerce”, Journal of Technology and Business,Vol. 1, Num. 1, Feb.,
ISBN: 986-150-300-5
71. Koong H.C. Lin, Chi-Lin Sheng, & Hector Liu, "The Decision Analysis for Adopting Digital TV Commerce
from Industries’ and Consumers’ Viewpoints”, Electronic Commerce Studies,Vol.4, No.4, Dec, 2006.
72. Koong H.C. Lin & Huei Leu, "Using AHP Approach to Establish a Decision Analysis Mechanism for Adopting
RFID Systems”, Communications of IICM (Institute of Information and Computing Machinery)”,Vol. 8, Num.
4, Dec.,2005.
73. Tsao, Hsiu-Yuan, Koong H.C. Lin, & Chad Lin, "An Investigation of Critical Success Factors in the Adoption
of B2BEC by Taiwanese Companies”, JAABC; The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge,
Vol. 5, Num. 1, September 2004..
ABI Journal, Cited: 42
74. Koong H.C. Lin & Tsao, Hsiu-Yuan, "Establish a Market Segmentation System to Predict the Position of a
Product in Electronic Marketplace Based on Networked Situations and Product Attributes", IJIMS,
International Journal of Information and Management Sciences Vol.14, No. 1,March, 2003.
EI Journal
75. Koong H.-C. Lin, Von-Wun Soo, and Sandiway Fong, "Using Principles and Parameters GrammaticalTheory
to Implement a Mandarin Chinese Parser", CPOL (International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental
Languages) , Vol17(3), pp. 291-310, Jan., 2003.
76. Koong H.C. Lin, "Employing Universal Grammatical Theory to Parse Chinese Abstract Nominalization
Constructions", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,(Conditional Accepted).
SCI Journal
77. Koong H.C. Lin & Tsao, Hsiu-Yuan, "The Use of Web Consumer Behavior to Assess the Marketing
Effectiveness of Site Content Communication -- AStudy of the Relationship betweenWebConsumer Behavior
and Attitudes", Journal of MHIT,29, pp.57-66, Dec., 2002.
【國科會研究計劃】:NSC 90-2416-H-159-002-SSS
78. Koong H.C. Lin & Tsao, Hsiu-Yuan, "Employing Neural Networks to Learn Thematic Knowledge in Basic
Chinese Sentences ", Journal of MHIT,27, pp.57-66, Oct., 2001.
【國科會研究計劃】:NSC 90-2416-H-159-002-SSS
79. Koong H.C. Lin & Tsao, Hsiu-Yuan, "PNF and ANF analyses Based on Purchase Involvement and Product
Information Explosure", Journal of MHIT,25, pp.119-128, Oct., 2000.
【國科會研究計劃】:NSC 89-2416-H-159-003-SSS
80. Koong H.-C. Lin, "A Marketing Decision Support System to Predict the Position of a Product in Electronic
Marketplace", Journal of MHIT, 24, pp.11-20, June. 2000.
【國科會研究計劃】:NSC 89-2416-H-159-003-SSS
81. Koong H.-C. Lin, " CISM: a Combination of Networked Situations and Product Attributes", Journal of MHIT,
23, pp.19-28, Dec. 1999.
82. Koong H.-C. Lin, "Exploring Internet Shopping Willingness by Constructing an Electronic Market Grid",
Journal of MHIT, 23,pp.29-38, Dec. 1999.
83. Koong H.-C. Lin, "Establishing a Chinese Parsing System to Dealwith Multiple-Verb Constructions Based on
Linguistic Universal Grammatical Theory", Journal of Technology, Vol.14, N0.4, pp.549-562, December,
EI Compendex | Scopus
84. Koong H.-C.Lin, "Employing Linguistic Universal Grammatical Theory to Build a Chinese ProcessingSystem
for Handling Abstract Nominalization Constructions", Journal of MHIT,22, pp.111-120, June, 1999.
85. Koong H.C. Lin & Tsao, Hsiu-Yuan, "The Impact of the Form and Content of Shopping Situations on
Consumer’s Willingness to Buy through Internet Shops", Journal of MHIT,22, pp.121-130, June, 1999.
86. Koong H.-C. Lin, "Building a Predictive Discourse Processing System Based on Thematic Theory", Journal of
MHIT, 21, pp.99-108, Dec. 1998.
87. Koong H.-C.Lin, "Establishing an Intelligent System to Acquire Thematic Knowledge of Chinese VerbsBased
on Universal Grammar", Journal of MHIT, 20, pp.95-104, May 1998.
88. Koong H.-C. Lin, Von-Wun Soo, and Sandiway Fong, "Dealing with Nominalizations in Mandarin Chinese
Using a Principles and Parameters Parser", CPOL (International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental
Languages), Vol11(3), pp. 291-310, Jan. 1998.
89. Koong H.-C. Lin, "Using Principles and Parameters Theory to Parse Chinese SVCs Sentences", Journal of
MHIT, 19, pp.143-152, Nov. 1997.
90. Koong H.C. Lin, Rey-Long Liu, and Von-Wun Soo, "Interactive Acquisition of Thematic Information of Verbs
Based on a Corpus of Mandarin Chinese Legal Documents", CPOL (International Journal of Computer
Processing of Oriental Languages), Vol11(1), Jan. 1997.
91. Tung-Bo Chen, Koong H.C. Lin and Von-Wun Soo, "Training Recurrent Neural Networks to Learn Lexical
Encoding and Thematic Role Assignment in Parsing Mandarin Chinese Sentences", International Journal of
Neurocomputing 17,pp. 495-512, 1997.
SCI Journal
92. Koong H.C. Lin, Tung-Bo Chen, and Von-Wun Soo, "Neural Network Learning and Encoding of Thematic
Role Assignments in Parsing Simple Chinese Sentences", Journalof InformationScienceandEngineering,Vol
2(1), pp. 107-126, 1995.
SCI Journal
93. Koong H.C. Lin and Von-Wun Soo, "Using a Hypothesis Scoring Function to Parse Chinese Sentence with
Serial Verb Constructions Based on Theta Grids Information", CPCOL (International Journal of Computer
Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages), Vol9(1), June, pp. 1-16, 1995.
94. Koong H.-C. Lin & C.-H. Lin, “Using Microsoft Word Software”, Journal of NTHU Computer Center,84(1),
95. Koong H.-C. Lin & C.-H. Lin, “Using Microsoft Draw Package”, Journal of NTHU Computer Center,83(6),
96. Von-Wun Soo, H.D. Perng, S.H. Wu, and H.C. Lin, "Building Expert System Environment and Using Neural
Network Techniques to Learning the Parameter Values for Metal Soldering Conditions", Bimonthly Journal of
Metal Industry,pp. 104-110, 1993.
B. Book or Book Chapter
97. Yu-Hsuan Lin and Hao-Chiang Koong Lin" Using an Augmented-Reality Board Game for Drug Addiction
Prevention at a University in Taiwan", ICITL 2019 International Conference of Innovative Technologies and
Learning, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway, December 2-5, 2019. Revised Selected Papers,
Editors: Ting Ting Wu, Huang, Y.-M.,(Eds.), Volume 11937 of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series
(LNCS), pp. 24-32, Springer, 2019. (EI) (SCOPUS)
EI Journal, Scopus
98. Yi Cheng Liao, Tao Hua Wang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin and Kuan Yu Lin “Augmented Reality Applied to
Smartphones and Wearable Devices - Virtual Furniture Simulation System”, ICITL 2018 International
Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning, Portoroz, Slovenia, Aug. 27-30, 2018. Revised Selected
Papers,Editors: Ting Ting Wu, Huang, Y.-M., (Eds.) 472896_1_En, Chapter 51, Volume 11003 of the Lecture
Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS), Springer, 2018. (EI) (SCOPUS)
EI Journal, Scopus
99. Meng Chun Tsai, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, and Chad Lin "Usability Evaluation of the Game Based E-Book
System on NaturalScience Teaching System", ICITL2018 International Conference of Innovative Technologies
and Learning, Portoroz, Slovenia, Aug. 27-30, 2018. Revised Selected Papers,Editors: Ting Ting Wu, Huang,
Y.-M., (Eds.) 472896_1_En, Chapter 50, Volume 11003 of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series
(LNCS), Springer, 2018. (EI) (SCOPUS)
EI Journal, Scopus
100. Yu-Hsuan,Lin, Chad Lin, Chia-Wei Chang and Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, "The Creation of Interactive Visual
Music with Kandinsky Abstract Arts", ICITL 2018 International Conference of Innovative Technologies and
Learning, Portoroz, Slovenia, Aug. 27-30, 2018. Revised Selected Papers,Editors: Ting Ting Wu, Huang, Y.-
M., (Eds.) 472896_1_En, Chapter 56, Volume 11003 of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS),
Springer, 2018. (EI) (SCOPUS)
EI Journal, Scopus
101. 吳穎沺, 張明治, 李葆萍, 陳德懷, 江紹祥, 林豪鏘, 朱蕙君, 詹明峰, 李旻憲, 董艷 , 謝家浩, 黃德霖,
李平主編,《第 20 屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會:大數據時代的學與教:大會論文集》,香港,香
102. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Chad Lin, Yu-An Huang, Geoffrey Jalleh, Sheng-Hsiang Hung, Min-Chai Hsieh, and
Cheng-Hung Wang, "A Preliminary Study of the Practices and Processes of B2B E-commerce Evaluation and
Benefits Realization in Taiwanese Hospitals”, a Book Chapter in Handbook of Research on
Pharmacoinformatics, published by Idea Group Inc., Chapter 8, pp.110-128, (In Press 2012). ( InfoSci-Books)
(Thomson Reuters Book Citation Index)
103. Chad Lin, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Geoffrey Jalleh, Yu-An Huang, Y. Key Adoption Challenges and Issues of
B2B E-Commerce in the Healthcare Sector, In Cruz-Cunha, M. M. and Moreira, F. (Eds.), Handbook of
Research on Mobility and Computing: Evolving Technologies and Ubiquitous Impacts, Information Science
Reference, Hershey, USA, (900 pages). (ISBN: 1609600428/ 978-1609600426) , pp.175-192, April, 2011.
104. Tsao, Hsiu-Yuan, Koong H.C. Lin, & Chad Lin, Visit Duration and Consumer Preference towards Web Portal
Content, In Tatnall, A. (Ed.),Encyclopaedia of Portal Technology and Applications, Volumes I-II, Information
Science Reference (IGI Global), Hershey,USA, June, pp1085-1090. (ISBN: 978-1-59140-989-2 (hardcover) /
978-1-59140-990-8 (ebook)), March., 2007. (InfoSci-Books)
105. 林豪鏘著,『電子商務第三版 - 從 Web2.0 到 U 化商務』,旗標出版社,ISBN:957-717-989-4,2010
106. Chad Lin & Koong H.C. Lin,, "IT Outsourcing Practices in Australia and Taiwan”, a Book Chapter in IT
Outsourcing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, edited by Dr. Kirk St. Amant,, Published by
IGI Global, July, 2009. (InfoSci-Books)
107. Koong H.C. Lin, Chad Lin, & Chi-Lin Sheng, "Evaluation of Interactive Digital TV Commerce Using the AHP
Approach”, a Book Chapter in Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking, published by Idea
Group Inc., pages 489-495, April, 2009. (InfoSci-Books)
108. Hsiu-Yuan Tsao & Koong H.-C. Lin, “Internet Marketing”, 3rd
Ed., Flag Publication Co., April, 2009.
曹修源、林豪鏘著,『網路行銷 InternetMarketing』第三版,旗標出版社,ISBN :957-442-198-8,2009
年 4 月。
109. 林豪鏘、曹修源,網絡營銷與案例解析 (簡體版),清華大學出版社,2009。
110. 林豪鏘、曹修源,網路行銷第三版,旗標出版社,2009。
111. Koong H.C. Lin, Chad Lin, & Huei Leu, "Decision Analysis for Business to Adopt RFID”, a Book Chapter in
Encyclopedia of Mobile Computing & Commerce, Volume 2, pages 1219-1227, published by Idea Group Inc,,
Spring/Summer Catalog., 2007. (InfoSci-Books)
112. Chad Lin & Koong H.C. Lin,, A Study of Information Requirement Determination Process of an Executive
Information System, In Adam, F. and Humphreys, P. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Decision Making and Decision
Support Technologies, Information Science Reference,Hershey, USA, March, pp 1030-1038. (1019 pages)
(ISBN: 978-1-59904-843-7), Volume II, published by Idea Group Inc., March.,2007.
113. Koong H.-C. Lin, “Electronic Commerce”, 2nd
Ed., Flag Publication Co., June, 2005.
林豪鏘著,『電子商務』第二版,旗標出版社,ISBN :957-442-262-3,2005 年六月。
114. Koong H.-C. Lin, and Hsiu-Yuan Tsao, “Internet Marketing”, 2nd
Ed., Flag Publication Co., July, 2004.
林豪鏘、曹修源著,『網路行銷 InternetMarketing』第二版,旗標出版社,ISBN :957-442-198-8,2004
年 12 月。
115. 林豪鏘著,『電子商務實務』(簡體版),中國鐵道出版社,ISBN : 7-113-05823-X/TP.1177,2004 年五
116. 季延平、周斯畏、林豪鏘、曹修源、孫屏台、許芳榮、謝志明、陳鴻文、江憲坤著,『管理資訊系統導
117. Koong H.-C. Lin, “e-Government and Single Service Wicket”, a book chapter in “Public Service and
Management in New Age”, Regional Civil Service Development Institute, C.P.A., July, 2003.
林豪鏘著,『電子化政府與單一服務窗口』,新世紀的公共服務與管理,第貳章,2003 年七月。
118. Koong H.-C. Lin, “Electronic Commerce – From ERP, SCM, CRM to Collaborative Commerce”, Flag
Publication Co., May, 2003.
林豪鏘著,『電子商務 - 從 ERP、SCM、CRM 到協同商務』,旗標出版社,ISBN:957-717-989-4,
2003 年五月。
119. Koong H.-C. Lin, Hsiu-Yuan Tsao , and Ian Phau, “e-Marketing”, Flag Publication Co., July, 2002.
林豪鏘、曹修源、Ian Phau 著,『網路行銷 e-Marketing』,旗標出版社,ISBN : 957-717-885-5,2002
120. Koong H.-C. Lin, “Parsing Chinese Serial Verb Constructions and Nominalizations Using Thematic
Knowledge and Linguistic Principles”, Doctoraldissertation, Department of Computer Science, National Tsing-
Hua University, 1997.
C. Conference Paper
121.Hsin-Lan Liu, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, The influence of the combination of mind mapping and
affective adaptive learning system on critical thinking, reflective thinking and problem solving ability,
Interdisciplinary International Education Research Workshop, Tainan, July 27-28, 2020.
122.Yu-Chen Liang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, A Study Integrating Maker Teaching Strategies into Motion
Sensing Interactive Music Visualization Courses, Interdisciplinary International Education Research
Workshop, Tainan, July 27-28, 2020.
123. 林豪鏘、馬毓君、高嘉晨、李孟璇、張世群,Combining STEAM 6E Teaching Methods and Affective
Computing Technologies in the Evaluation of PracticalCourses on Digital Arts,第二十四屆全球華人電腦教
育應用大會 (GCCCE 2020),2020 年 6 月 4 日至 8 日,中國蘭州,西北師範大学,2020.
Best Paper Award
124. 林語瑄,林豪鏘,擴增實境桌上型遊戲融入大學校園毒品防制成效之研究,
展研討會」(TWELF 2020),2020 年 3 月 20 日(五)-21 日(六),國立交通大學,2020.
Best Paper Award
125. 林谷峯,林豪鏘,探討以 STEM-6E 教學法實施藝術課程對問題解決能力、批判式思考、創造力之影響,
「第十五屆台灣數位學習發展研討會」(TWELF 2020),2020 年 3 月 20 日(五)-21 日(六),國立交通大
126. Yu-Hsuan Lin and Hao-Chiang Koong Lin" Using an Augmented-Reality Board Game for Drug Addiction
Prevention at a University in Taiwan", ICITL 2019 International Conference of Innovative Technologies and
Learning, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway,December 2-5, 2019.
127. Yi-Cheng Liao*, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Po-Chun Kuo & Kuan-Yu Lin, The Effects of Virtual Reality System
Applied to Shooting Training Course for Senior High School Students, The 27th International Conference on
Computers in Education (ICCE 2019), HOWARD BEACH RESORT KENTING, Kenting, Taiwan, from
December 2nd to 6th, 2019 (Monday to Friday).
128. 高嘉晨、李孟璇、張世群、林豪鏘,基於 AI 情緒分析結合體驗經濟建立情感咖啡攤,IMP2019 ((25th
Conference on Information Management and Practice), 2019 年第二十五屆國際資訊管理暨實務研討會,高
129. Vivien Lin, Gi-Zen Liu, Yu-Hsuan Lin, Min-Chai Hsieh and Hao-Chiang Koong Lin " System Design for
Ubiquitous Writing in an English asa Foreign Language Context", IC3 2019 The Second International Cognitive
Cities Conference,Kyoto, Japan, September 3-6, 2019.
130. Yu-Hsuan Lin, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Min-Chai Hsieh, Tao-Hua Wang, Shu-Hsiang Chen" Mini-flipped
Game-based Learning Model on Cultural Heritage Guiding Assisted by the Location-based Augmented Reality
Technology", IC3 2019 The Second International Cognitive Cities Conference, Kyoto, Japan, September 3-6,
Best Paper Award
131. Chang, Hsin-Yun, Hao Chiang Koong Lin, Ting Ting Wu, and Yueh Min Huang "The Influence of Interactive
Art of Visual Music on the Creativity of Science and Engineering Students", EDUCON 2019, IEEE Global
Engineering Education Conference, American University in Dubai, Dubai, UAE, 9-11 April, 2019.
132. 廖益誠、林豪鏘,桌遊學習成效之研究-以交通安全為例,第十四屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 TWELF
2019,Taiwan E-Learning Forum, 2019 年 3 月 21 日至 2019 年 3 月 22 日,國立雲林科技大學。
133. 顏郁霏、林豪鏘,從學習風格探討磨課師課程自我效能之研究,第十四屆台灣數位學習發展研討會
TWELF 2019,2019 年 3 月 21 日至 2019 年 3 月 22 日,國立雲林科技大學。
134. Tao Hua Wang, Hao Chiang Koong Lin, Ting Ting Wu, and Yueh Min Huang "A Study on Learning Emotion
of Postgraduates through Online Cooperative Learning", ICITL 2018 International Conference of Innovative
Technologies and Learning, Portoroz, Slovenia, Aug. 27-30, 2018.
135. Yi Cheng Liao, Tao Hua Wang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin and Kuan Yu Lin “Augmented Reality Applied to
Smartphones and Wearable Devices - Virtual Furniture Simulation System”, ICITL 2018 International
Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning, Portoroz, Slovenia, Aug. 27-30, 2018.
136. Meng Chun Tsai, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, and Chad Lin "Usability Evaluation of the Game Based E-Book
System on NaturalScience Teaching System", ICITL2018 International Conference of Innovative Technologies
and Learning, Portoroz, Slovenia, Aug. 27-30, 2018.
137. Yu-Hsuan,Lin, Chad Lin, Chia-Wei Chang and Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, "The Creation of Interactive Visual
Music with Kandinsky Abstract Arts", ICITL 2018 International Conference of Innovative Technologies and
Learning, Portoroz, Slovenia, Aug. 27-30, 2018.
138. Yu Hsuan Lin, Min Chai Hsieh, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin “The Research of Mini-flipped Game-based Learning
Model on Cultural Heritage Guiding Assisted by the Location-based Augmented Reality Technology”, GCCIL
2017, 2017 The 8th Global Chinese Conference on Inquiry Learning : Innovations and Applications, Chengdu,,
China, July 27-29, 2017.
Best Paper Award
139. 徐國鈞、鄭馨雅、林豪鏘, 台灣地區數位機會中心學員學習成效之影響因素-以台南、高雄地區 Facebook
課程為例, 第 24 屆海峽兩岸資訊管理發展與策略學術研討會, 2018 年 8 月 24 日至 8 月 26 日於
140. Yu-Hsuan Lin, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin & I-Cheng Lio, The Study on the Application in the Combination of
Pervasive Gaming and Augmented Reality in the Temple Tour Between Users with Different Cognitive Styles,
The 25th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2017), Rydges Latimer hotel,
Christchurch, New Zealand, from December 4th to 8th 2017 (Mon to Fri), 2017.
141. Meng-Chun Tsai, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, A Study on the Behavioral Patterns Formed by Subjects with
Different Cognitive Styles in Playing Augmented Reality Interaction Games, SETE 2017, Second Annual
International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education, Cape Town, South Africa, Sep 20-22, 2017.
142. Ma Yu Chun, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, The Development of an Affective Tutoring System for Japanese
Language Learnerss, SETE 2017, Second Annual International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for
Education, Cape Town, South Africa, Sep 20-22, 2017.
143. Wen-Chun Hsu, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yu-Hsuan Lin, The Research of Applying Mobile Virtual Reality to
Martial Arts Learning System with Flipped Classroom, IEEE ICASI 2017, 2017 IEEE International Conference
on Applied System Innovation, Sapporo, Japan, May 13-17, 2017
Best Paper Award
144. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Pei-Chi Hsiao, Chung-Yuan Shen, The Effect of Adherence on Chronic stroke patients
between Smart Device Line Group and Traditional recommendations, 1st Asia-Pacific Occupational Therapy
Symposium (APOTS 2017) in Taoyuan, Taiwan (October 20th -22nd), 2017.
145. Yu Hsuan Lin, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Min Chai Hsieh “Discusses in the different cognition style to unify
Pervasive Gaming and Augmented Reality application of in the temple tour”, GCCCE2017, Global Chinese
Conference on Computers in Education, Beijing, 03 - 06 June 2017.
146. Yu Hsuan Lin, Kuan Yu Lin, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin “The Study of Mobile Augmented Reality Applying In
Wearable Devices And Mobile Devices-Taking Realistic Isometric Furnishing For Example”, GCCCE2017,
Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Beijing, 03 - 06 June 2017.
147. Hung Ta Wang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “Eye Movement Analysis in Affective Tutoring System”,
GCCCE2017, Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Beijing, 03 - 06 June 2017.
148. Yu Wen Lee, Chia Wei Chang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin “The Creation of Interactive Visual Music with
Kandinsky Abstract Arts”,GCCCE2017, Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Beijing, 03 -
06 June 2017.
149. Meng Hua Wu, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “The Effects of Game-Based Learning System Combined Historical
Thinking on Secondary School’s History Education”, GCCCE2017, Global Chinese Conference on Computers
in Education, Beijing, 03 - 06 June 2017.
150. 王道華, 葉克樓, 林豪鏘, LINE 線上群組與紙本家庭聯絡簿於親師溝通成效之比較, 第二十二屆資訊管
理暨實務研討會(IMP2016),Tainan, Taiwan, December 11, 2016.
151. Kenny Hsu, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Impact of Applying WebGL Technology to Develop an Web Digital
Game-based Learning System for Computer Programming Course in Flipped Classroom, EITT2016, The Fifth
International Conference on Educational Innovation through Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, September 22-24,
152. MA YU-CHUN,Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, A Study of the Affective Tutoring System for Music Appreciation
Curriculum at the Junior High School Level, EITT2016, The Fifth International Conference on Educational
Innovation through Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, September 22-24, 2016.
153. Min Chai Hsieh, Meng Chun Tsai, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “The Evaluation of Cognitive Styles on Augmented
Reality Interactive Games”,GCCCE2016, Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Hong Kong,
23 - 27 May 2016.
154. Zu-Xian Wu, Jhong-Hong Du, Ming-Hsun Lu, Kuang-Yu Lin, Chang-You Chen, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin,
“Development and Research of Affective Learning System Combined with Motion-Sensing Interaction,
Augmented Reality and Mid-Air Projection”, GCCCE2016, Global Chinese Conference on Computers in
Education, Hong Kong, 23 - 27 May 2016.
155. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Chang-Hui Chu, Wei Chang, “The Research of the Creation of Cyborg Interactive Art
and the Process of Creation with the Interactive Design”, 2015 National Computer Symposium (NCS2015)
December 18-19 2015, Tajen University, Taiwan.
156. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Ching-Ju CHAO, Tsu-Hsuan Huang, “The Establishment of a Mobile Language
Affective Tutoring System”,GCCCE2015, 19th
Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Taipei,
Taiwan, 5/25-29, 2015.
157. Ching-Ju CHAO,Shang-Chin TSAI, Chia-Hsun LEE , Tao-Hua WANG, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, The Impact
of Affective Tutoring System and Information Literacy on Elementary School Students’ Cognitive Load and
Learning Outcomes, ICCE2014, The 22th International Conference on Computers in Education, Nara, Japan,
Nov. 30 - Dec. 4,2014.
158. Shang-Chin Tsai, Ching-Ju Chao, Ju-Ling Shih, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, A research on the website learning
effects of third to fifth grade primary school students --take Kaohsiung digital learning center [network
vacation—to write summer vacation on internet access] as an example,ACSSC2014, 2014 Annual Conference
on Social Studies, Communication and Education, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 7-9, 2014.
159. Sheng-Hsiung Su, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, An Analysis of the Technology Acceptance Model in High School
Students’ Programing Learning using Digital Learning Platform, The 2014 e-Learning Forum Asia (eLFA2014),
May 28 - May 30, 2014, National Cheng Kung University , Taiwan, 2014.
160. Ching-Ju Chao, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, The Application of Affective Tutoring System on Japanese Language
Learning, 2014 e-CASE & e-Tech International Conference, April 2 - April 4, 2014, Noyori Memorial Hall,
Nagoya University, Japan,2014.
161. Lin W. H., Her Y. H., Chen S. H., Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Makey Makey – Music for Painting” As an
Example, ICDC2013, International Conference on Digital Contents, Tainan, Taiwan, 12/19-20, 2013.
Best Paper Award
162. Yang, S. W., Yang, T. I, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, "Employing App on Mobile Phone Connection to Design a
Interactive Installation Artwork", IDE@TAAI2013, Intelligence & Design Exhibition, 2013 Conference on
Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Taipei. Taiwan, Dec. 7, 2013.
Best Paper Award
163. Chen, H.Y.,Hung, W.L., Chang, Y.H.,Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, "A Joyful Learning Mechanism By Designing
an Interactive Building Projection on Heritage --A Case of Red Building in National University of Tainan",
TWELF2013, Taiwan E-Learning Forum, Tainan, Taiwan, Nov. 26-27, 2013.
164. HSUEH, Ya-Ping, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN & Meng-Shian OU, "Enhancing Learning Achievement Using
Affective Tutoring System in Accounting", ICCE2013, The 21th International Conference on Computers in
Education, Bali, Indonesia, Nov. 18-22, 2013.
165. Ching-Ju CHAO, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, "From a Perspective on Foreign Language Learning Anxiety to
Design an Affective Tutoring System", ICCE2013, The 21th International Conference on Computers in
Education, Bali, Indonesia, Nov. 18-22, 2013.
166. Wen-Lin HONG, Yi-Hsin CHANG, Hen-Yi CHEN, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, "The Interactive Building
Projection on Heritage Based on Game-Based Learning - A Case of Red Building in National University of
Tainan", ICCE2013, The 21th International Conference on Computers in Education, Bali, Indonesia, Nov. 18-
22, 2013.
167. Min-Chai Hsieh, Cheng-Hung Wanga, Ching-Ju Chao, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “An English Teaching and
Learning Environment Based on Augmented Reality for Junior High School Student”, AECT International
Conference on the Frontier in e-Learning Research 2013 (AECT-ICFER 2013), National Museum of Natural
Science in Taichung, Taiwan on June 18-20, 2013.
168. Ya-Ping Hshieh, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “The Impact on the effectiveness of learning for remedial teaching
by ATS - An Example on accounting”, GCCCE2013, Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education,
Beijing, 5/27-31, 2013.
169. Huang, Hsin-Hua, Min-Chai Hsieh, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “Text analysis of the relationship between
emotional text on Facebook wall”, GCCCE2013, Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education,
Beijing, 5/27-31, 2013.
170. Chang, Yi-Hsin, Hung, Wen-Ling, Chen, Hen-Yi, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “Explosion in the Day before the
Examination! A Digital Art Creation and Research on Interactive Building Projection Mapping”, GCCCE2013,
Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Beijing, 5/27-31, 2013.
171. Yu Chen Yang & Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “Ring – An Visual Artwork Creation”, Workshop on Digital
Contents, ICIM2013, 24th
International Conference on Information Management, Taipei, 5/25-26, 2013.
172. Chen, I-Chien, Chang, Chia-Chun & Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “The Beefsoup Recommendation System,
ICIM2013, 24th
International Conference on Information Management, Taipei, 5/25-26, 2013.
173. HSIEH, CHANG,PAN,SU, HSU, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin & HUANG, A preliminary study of the feasibility
of applying Google Docs to facilitate cooperative learning activities, 2013 TELDAP (Taiwan e-Learning and
Digital Archive Program) International Conference,Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, March 14-16, 2013.
174. Yan Han Lin, Jiang Yang Wang, Jeng Jie Wang and Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Make Sense ! Face the Music
Employing Interaction Technology to Implement an Automatic Creation Mechanism of Audio/Visual Digital
Artworks, ACMP 2012, Asia Computer Music Project, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 12/1-2, 2012.
Best Paper Award
175. Chang J. J., Chen I. C., Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, A Preliminary Study to Import Digital Art into Individual
Counseling – Design of “Time Goes On, In Facebook Life” As an Example, ICDC2012, International
Conference on Digital Contents, Tainan, Taiwan, 12/22-23, 2012.
176. Chang J. J., Cheng J. S., Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, An Empirical Study and Implementation system of
individuals and groups memories that use Affective Computing combine Facebook information
retrieval technology and generative art and feedback after activities mechanism, ICDC2012,
International Conference on Digital Contents, Tainan, Taiwan, 12/22-23, 2012.
177. Lin, Y. H., Wang, J. Y., Wang, C. C., Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Make Sense ! Melody Feast. The
Research of Using Interactive Technology to Realize Application and Composition of Digital Art,
ICDC2012, International Conference on Digital Contents, Tainan, Taiwan, 12/22-23, 2012.
178. Yang, Y. C., Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, A Practical Sharing on the Visual Effects and Inter-Discipline
Combination, ICDC2012, International Conference on Digital Contents, Tainan, Taiwan, 12/22-23,
Best Paper Award
179. Sha, L. H., Hwang, L. W., Yang, Y. C., Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Interaction between Dancing and
Digital Visual Arts, ICDC2012, International Conference on Digital Contents, Tainan, Taiwan, 12/22-
23, 2012.
180. Yang, S. W., Her Y. S., Hsieh, H. R., Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, T The Musical Companion Who Most
Knows You, ICDC2012, International Conference on Digital Contents, Tainan, Taiwan, 12/22-23,
181. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Wu, Y. H., Lu, J. P., Hsu, P. Y., The Research Integrate Identification with
Kinect and Processing of Digital Generative Art, ICDC2012, International Conference on Digital
Contents, Tainan, Taiwan, 12/22-23, 2012.
182. Lin, G. Y., Che, T. Y., Ou, B. H., Hsieh, M. C., Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, The Study of Mobile
Augmented Reality Applies in Business Simulation Game, ICDC2012, International Conference on
Digital Contents, Tainan, Taiwan, 12/22-23, 2012.
183. Tsu-Ching Huang, Chen-Hung Wang, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Kuo-Chun Hsu, "Employing Multi-Modal
Affective Computing Techniques to Design the Personalized Human-Computer Interface of an Intelligent
Tutoring System - An Example on Digital Arts Learning", ICCE2012, The 20th International Conference on
Computers in Education, Wokshop W14: Computer-Supported Personalized Learning, Singapore, Nov. 26-30,
184. Niwat Ching-Ju CHAO, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Tsu-Ching HUANG, Kuo-Chun Hsu, Cheng-Yen HSIEH,
"The application of Affective Tutoring Systems (ATS) in enhancing learners’motivation", ICCE2012, The 20th
International Conference on Computers in Education, Wokshop W1: Application of innovative educational
technologies in STEM education, Singapore, Nov. 26-30, 2012.
185. Chia-Chun Chang, I-Chien Chen, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, "A Preliminary Study on Context-Aware Ubiquitous
Learning Strategies Integrated Affective Tutoring System", ICCE2012, The 20th International Conference on
Computers in Education, WIPP-C1: ICCE Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education/Intelligent
Tutoring System (AIED/ITS) and Adaptive Learning, Singapore, Nov. 26-30, 2012.
186. Min-Chai Hsieh, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Kuang-Yu Lin, Bo-Han Ou, Tsung-Yu Chen, “Preliminary Study of
Mobile Augmented Reality Assisted Learning Tool”, ICCE2012, The 20th International Conference on
Computers in Education, W11: ICCE Workshop on The trend and development of game and toy enhanced
learning, Singapore, Nov. 26-30, 2012.
187. Chia-Chun Chang, I-Chien Chen, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, "How to teach software programming? Using
Affective Teaching Method and Social Network to Enhance the Learning Motivation in Programming Courses
- An Example on Facebook", ICCE2012, The 20th International Conference on Computers in Education, W7:
ICCE Workshop on Innovative Design of Learning Space, Singapore, Nov. 26-30, 2012.
188. Chia-Chun Chang, P. K. Hsieh, L. C. Pan, Y. N. Su, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Y. M. Huang, "A preliminary
study on personalizing context conversion mechanism for math remedial teaching exercises based on Facebook
and Open Data", TWELF2012, Taiwan E-Learning Forum, Tainan, Taiwan, Oct. 26-27, 2012.
189. Ming-Hui Yang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Y. M. Huang, "The Exploration on Response Time of Peer-
Interaction in Asynchronous Forums", TWELF2012, Taiwan E-Learning Forum, Tainan, Taiwan, Oct. 26-27,
190. Kuang-Yu Lin, Tsung-Yu Chen, Bo-Han Ou, Min-Chai Hsieh, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “The study of mobile
Augmented Reality applies in furniture display and furnishings”, TANET2012, Taiwan Academic Network
Conference,Taoyuan, Taiwan, Oct. 23-25, 2012.
191. Yang Ming-Huei, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “The Teaching Interaction in Synchronous Distance Education”,
GCCCE 2012 , Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Kenting, 5/28-6/1, 2012.
192. Min-Chai Hsieh, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Lin T.-I., Chiu C.-J., “The Eyetracking Analysis of Augmented
Reality Conducted into Nature and Science Technology Curriculum in Elementary School”, GCCCE2012 ,
Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Kenting, 5/28-6/1, 2012.
193. Huang Hsin Hua,Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “Analyzing the Relationship between Emotions and Texts Based on
Facebook Walls”, GCCCE2012, Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Kenting, 5/28-6/1,
194. Ching-Ju Chao, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Jin-Wei Lin, Tseng Yu-Chuan, “An Affective Learning Interface with
an Interactive Animated Agent”, 4th IEEE International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy
Enhanced Learning (DIGITEL 2012), D2: Workshop on Game, Toy, and Robot for Language Learning
and Health Promotion for Diverse Populations, Takamatsu, Japan, 3/27-30, 2012.
195. Sun T.J., Lin T.-A., Su B.-N.,Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “A Music Generation Mechanism to Simulate Human
Emotions Based on Affective Computing”, ICDC2011, International Conference on Digital Contents,
Jhongli, 12/27, 2011.
196. Chen, Syan Lyu, Meng, Shian Ou, Jua-Jun ZHUNG, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin,, “Employing Affective
Computing, Android Devices, and Face API Social Computing to Establish a Mobile Platform to Analyze
Individual Emotion Status”, ICDC2011, International Conference on Digital Contents, Jhongli, 12/27,
Best Paper Award
197. Ching-Ju Chao, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Cheng-Hung Wang, Min-Chai Hsieh, "Eye Tracking for Evaluating
an AR-based Learning System on Monocotyledons/Dicotyledons", ICCE2011, The 19th International
Conference on Computers in Education, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Nov. 28 – Dec. 2, 2011.
198. Chen, Syan Lyu, Meng, Shian Ou, Jua-Jun ZHUNG, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, "Usability Evaluation on an
Affective Mobile Platform Based on Social Computing", ICCE2011, The 19th International Conference on
Computers in Education, WS5: Workshop on Open Technology, Open Standards and Open Knowledge in ICT-
enabled Learning, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Nov. 28 – Dec. 2, 2011.
199. Chen, Syan Lyu, Meng, Shian Ou, Jua-Jun ZHUNG, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, "Combining Affective
Computing and Facebook API Social Computing to Establish a Mobile Platform with Automatic Emotion
Status Updating Functions", ICCE2011, The 19th International Conference on Computers in Education, Chiang
Mai, Thailand, Nov. 28 – Dec. 2, 2011.
200. Sun T.J.,Lin T.-A.,Su B.-N.,Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, "Employing Affecting Computing and MIDIInstruments
to Establish a Sound Artwork Production Mechanism", Cyber2010, 13rd Conference on Cyber Space, Nov.
25-26, 2011.
201. Ming-Huei Yang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, "Asynchronous Discussion for Sharing and Interactive Learning",
TWELF2011 (Taiwan E-Learning Forum 2011), Taipei, Nov. 4-5, 2011.
202. Ming-Huei Yang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, "Asynchronous Distance Learning with Active Participation and
Sharing", TANET2011 (Taiwan Academic Network 2011), Ilan, Oct. 24-26, 2011.
203. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Min-Chai Hsieh, & Wei-Jhe Wang, “The Human-like Emotions Recognition using
Mutual Information and Semantic Clues”, Sixth International Conference on E-Learning and Games
(Edutainment 2011), Taipei, Sep. 7-9, 2011.
204. Cheng-Hung Wang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yueh-Chun Chen, Min-Chai Hsieh, “Preliminary discussion of
Affective Tutoring System -An Example on Digital ArtsLearning”, GCCCE2011 ,Global Chinese Conference
on Computers in Education, Hangzhou, China, May 29-31, 2011.
EI, IEEE#18156 ISBN: 978-1-4244-9237-4 & 978-1-4244-9238-1
205. Wen-Lin Kuo, Cheng-Hung Wang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yueh-Chun Chen, Min-Chai Hsieh, “Eye
Movement Assessment of AR-Based Learning on Monocotyledons/Dicotyledons”, GCCCE 2011 , Global
Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Hangzhou, China, May 29-31, 2011.
206. Min-Chai Hsieh, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, & Cheng-Hung Wang, “The Study of Eyetracking and Usability
Evaluation on an Augmented Reality E-learning System”, The 15th Global Chinese Conference on Computers

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  • 1. 1 林豪鏘 Koong H.-C. Lin E-Mail: 國立清華大學資訊科學博士 國立臺南大學.數位學習科技系.系主任.學務長 台灣科技藝術教育協會.理事長 國立臺北商業大學.創新經營學院.院長 科技部科學教學實作學門.複審委員 科技部創新學習軟體設計主題研究群.召集人 台灣科技藝術學會.副理事長 中華民國數位內容學會.常務理事 中華民國視覺藝術協會.理事 中華民國資訊管理學會.理事 ISAC 中華民國大專校院資訊服務協會.監事 臺南市數位科技發展學會.理事 希拉亞文化協會發起人/監事 數位藝術與互動設計實驗室主持人 資訊安全管理主導稽核員.ISMS (ISO 27001) LA 現代詩人 網路行銷叢書作者 棒球評論網路作家 網站流行音樂業餘樂評 人工智慧社群網站創站站長 曾任: 國立臺南藝術大學.資訊長. 造形藝術所 (美術系).所長 明新科技大學資工系主任.資管所長.電算中心主任 鑑榮資訊公司.研發部,數位學習網路評量組長 2007 國際新媒體藝術節.策展人 Boom!快速與凝結新媒體的交互作用, 關渡美術館.參展藝術家 視盟藝術家博覽會-台灣多媒體藝術展.參展藝術家 藝術觀點總編輯 全國大專運動會新聞組長 國立清華大學兼任副教授 國立交通大學外文系兼任助理教授 國立成功大學藝術所兼任教授 ICPADS 視覺創意總監 美國 NEC 研究中心短期研究人員 「洞悉了所謂的幸福之感,」 我驚愕發現, 是一種莫可名狀的喜悅。 於焉透明的語調 驟具十足的彈性 可從酷烈的性情中 析出可愛的溫柔。 是以卓越的心情攬夢而醒 濾情了心境,止於一種思念。 我只能這麼說了 無須重組本質及無法為心情命名, 並且風雨驟驚。 如此而已。
  • 2. 2 個人資料表 一、基本資料 中文姓名 林豪鏘 英文姓名 Lin, Koong Hao-Chiang 國籍 中華民國 性別 男 出生日期 1967 年 12 月日 聯絡地址 700 臺南市中西區樹林街二段 33 號數位學習科技系 聯絡電話 (公).0928-860994, 06-2133111 # 771 (宅).06-3127882 傳真號碼 06-3017137 E-mail 二、主要學歷 請填學士級以上之學歷或其他最高學歷均可,若仍在學者,請在學位欄填「肄業」。 畢/肄業學校 國別 主修學門系所 學位 起訖年月 國立清華大學 中華民國 資訊科學研究所 博士 1991/09 至 1997/06 東吳大學 中華民國 電算系 學士 1986/09 至 1990/06 三、現職及與專長相關之經歷 服務機關 服務部門/系所 職稱 起訖年月 現職: 國立臺南大學 數位學習科技系 教授兼 系主任 2019/08 迄今 經歷: 國立臺南大學 數位學習科技系 教授兼 學務長 2015/08 至 2019/7 國立臺北商業大學 創新經營學院 教授兼院長 2014/08 至 2015/7 國立成功大學 藝術所 兼任教授 2018/08 迄今 國立臺南大學 數位學習科技系 教授兼 系主任 2008/02 至 2014/7 國立臺南藝術大學 造形藝術所 (美術系) 副教授兼 所長 2007/08 至 2008/1 國立臺南藝術大學 通識中心 副教授兼 資訊長 2005/08 至 2007/7 明新科技大學 資訊管理系/所 副教授兼 電算中心主任 2005/02 至 2005/7 明新科技大學 資訊工程系 副教授兼主任 2004/08 至 2005/7
  • 3. 3 明新科技大學 資訊管理系/所 副教授兼主任 /所長 2001/02 至 2005/1 國立清華大學 通識教育中心 兼任副教授 1998/02 至 2005/07 明新技術學院 資訊管理系 助理教授兼主任 2000/08 至 2001/02 明新技術學院 企業管理系 助理教授兼出版 組長 1997/08 至 2000/07 國立交通大學 外文系 兼任助理教授 1997/08 至 1998/02 鑑榮資訊有限公司 研發部 網路評量組長 1996/05 至 1997/03 國立清華大學 資訊系 兼任講師 1993/08 至 1997/06 四、學術興趣 請自行填寫與研究方向有關之專長學門。 情感運算 數位藝術 人工智慧 擴增/虛擬實境 電子商務 網路行銷 數位電視 互動設計 自然語言處理 RFID 資訊安全 數位內容與數位學習
  • 4. 4 榮譽與曾獲獎項 A. 榮譽、理監事、Keynote Speaker 1. 教學績優獎,國立臺南大學,2011。 2. 傑出教學獎 (通識類),國立清華大學,2003。 3. 獲頒國科會「指導有方」獎章,2011。 4. 台灣科技藝術教育協會.理事長。 5. 科技部創新學習軟體設計主題研究群.召集人。 6. 台灣科技藝術學會.副理事長。 7. 中華民國視覺藝術協會.理事。 8. 中華民國資訊管理學會.理事。第11-16屆。 9. 中華民國數位內容學會.監事。 10. 科技部科學教育實作學門.複審委員,2018- 11. 台灣數位學習與內容學會.監事。 12. ISAC中華民國大專校院資訊服務協會.常務理事。 13. 臺南市數位科技發展學會.理事 14. 第八屆董事,財團法人國立臺南大學校務發展文教基金會,2016。 15. 希拉亞文化協會發起人/監事, 2019- 16. 榮膺大雅國民小學第四屆傑出校友,2017。 17. 榮獲通過科技部109年度補助大專校院研究獎勵案。 18. 榮獲科技部105年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才。 19. 榮獲科技部「103年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才措施方案」。 20. 國立清華大學通識中心兼任副教授,1992-2005。 21. 國立交通大學外文系兼任助理教授,1997。 22. 國立成功大學藝術所兼任教授,2018-2019。 23. 應邀擔任SCI期刊客座主編 (Guest Editor),又應邀擔任SSCI期刊主題主編 (Topic Editor), 2021。 24. Guest Editor, (Covered by SCIE and SSCI) [Sustainability] (IF 2.576, ISSN 2071-1050), 2021. 25. Topic Editor, (Covered by SCIE and SSCI) [Sustainability] (IF 2.576, ISSN 2071-1050) Invitation to Join the Editorial Board as Topic Editor, 2020. 26. Guest Editor, ET&S (SSCI) (六大科教期刊): Special Issue Intelligent and Affective Learning Environments: New Trends and Challenges in the Journal of Educational Technology & Society. 2014/10/3. 27. Guest Editor, 數位學習科技期刊 (TSSCI), Special Issue on 創新學習軟體設計與應用, 2017. 28. Guest Editor, 科技部科教實作學門電子期刊, 第13期, 2018, 29. 子會議副執行主席,第二十五屆全球華人電腦教育應用大會 (GCCCE 2021) "學習分析、評 估、人工智慧教育應用"子會議,香港教育大學、北京師範大學、臺灣師範大學和南洋理工大
  • 5. 5 學國立教育學院共同舉辦。2021 年 9 月 11 日至 15 日。 30. 編輯委員,資訊學報 (TSSCI), 2018. 31. Editorial Board Member, The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning. 32. #20 Keynote Speaker,教育部數位機會中心交流研習會議,AI人工智慧機器人的情感互動, 2021/5/5。 33. #19 Keynote Speaker,科技部創新學習軟體設計主題研究群,(雙語)人工智慧機器人學裏的達爾 文按鈕情感互動與腦對腦控制, 2021/3/30。 34. #18 Keynote Speaker, 新營扶輪社,人工智慧情感運算在數位學習與科技藝術上的運用,華味 香餐廳,2020/12/1。 35. #17 Keynote Speaker, 中壢西區扶輪社,人工智慧情感運算在數位學習與科技藝術上的運用, 中壢扶輪社,2020/11/3。 36. #16 Keynote Speaker, 扶輪社,人工智慧情感運算在數位學習與科技藝術上的運用,台南香格 里拉大飯店,9/3, 2020。 37. #15 Keynote Speaker, 教學實踐研究計畫東區會議-亮點計畫與論文撰寫,如何將教學創新與 教學實踐研究計畫轉為論文發表議題之經驗分享,泛太平洋聯盟學校,佛光大學,2020/7/6。 38. #14 Keynote Speaker, 資訊網路處智慧校園研討會,人工智慧情感運算在教育與科技藝術上之 應用,2020/5/20。 39. #13 Keynote Speaker, 大學程式設計教學經驗交流會-互動設計領域教學研發推廣工作坊,人 工智慧情感運算與科技藝術之互動設計教學研發分享,2020/2/14。 40. #12 Keynote Speaker, 崑山科技大學創意媒體學院,從互動展示科技談藝術與科技之融合與創 新, 2019從互動展示談科技藝術之跨領域融合與創新研討會, 2019/5/24。 41. #11 Keynote Speaker, 北京首都師範大學,情感運算在學習上的應用,2014/10/21。 42. #10 Keynote Speaker, 北京首都師範大學,數位藝術與展示科技在台灣教育界的發展, 2014/10/22。 43. #9 Keynote Speaker, IDOLS SIG2014,【2014「創新學習軟體設計」主題研究群研討會】-如 何讓電腦擁有情緒,2014 Taiwan Special Interest Group Meeting on Innovative Design of Learning Software (IDOLS), 2014/5/22。 44. #8 Mini Theme-Based Keynote Speaker, Affective Computing and Digital Arts, GCCCE 2012. Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, 5/28, 2012. 45. #7 Invited Keynote Speaker, ICDDC2009, International Conference on Digital Design & Creativity, 2009/10/9. 46. #6 Invited Keynote Speaker, 大會開幕專題演講,2009資訊傳播學術研討會暨台灣資訊傳播學 會年會,2009/6/12。 47. #5 Keynote Speaker , Technology & Business Forum – 2005 Hualien, 2005/12 48. #4 Invited Speaker, NCS2015, National Computer Symposium, 2015/12/18。 49. #3 Mini Theme-Based Keynote Speaker, Interacting with Affective Computing, 2017 Workshop@ICIM on Big Data, Sentiment Analysis, and Affective Computing, 5/13, 2017. 50. #2 Keynote Speaker, 新竹科學園區管理局園慶講座,邁向人工智慧新紀元,2016/11/18。 51. #1 Keynote Speaker, 大會開幕專題演講,2018創客教育與智慧學習聯盟產學交流論壇,藝術 美感與創客教育,2018/4/11。 52. 中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會榮譽會員。
  • 6. 6 B. 國際與全國得獎、Best Paper Awards 53. #23 指導研究生劉欣蘭之碩士論文【結合心智圖之情感式適性學習系統對批判性思考、反思 能力、問題解決能力之影響】,獲得社團法人台灣工程教育與管理學會109年度優秀碩士論文 獎第二名, 2021/2. 54. #22 Best Paper Award, GCCCE 2020, The 24th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Northwest Normal University, China, Sep. 12-16, 2020. 55. #21 Best Paper Award, TWELF2020, Taiwan E-Learning Forum, 13/20-21, 2020. 56. #20 Best Paper Award, IC3 2019, The Second International Cognitive Cities Conference (IC3), Kyoto, Japan, September 3-6, 2019. 57. #19 Best Paper Award, GCCIL 2017, 2017 The 8th Global Chinese Conference on Inquiry Learning : Innovations and Applications, July 27-29, 2017. 58. #18 Best Paper Award, IEEE ICASI 2017, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, Sapporo, Japan, May 13-17, 2017. 59. #17 Best Paper Award, ICDC2013, International Conference on Digital Contents, 12/19-20, 2013. 60. #16 Best Paper Award, TAAI2013, 2013 Taiwan Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2014. 61. #15 Best Paper Award, ACMP 2012, Asia Computer Music Project, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 12/1-2, 2012 62. #14 Best Paper Award, ICDC2012, International Conference on Digital Contents, 12/22-23, 2012. 63. #13 Best Paper Award, ICDC2011, International Conference on Digital Contents, 12/27-28, 2011. 64. #12 Best Paper Award (Arts Creation), ICDC2010, International Conference on Digital Contents, 12/21-22, 2010. 65. #11 Best Paper Award, ICWE2010, 3rd International Conference of Web 2.0 and Education, 11/20, 2010. 66. #10 Best Paper Award, AIED@TAAI, 14th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2009/10. 67. #9 Best Paper Award, Yang, S. W., Yang, T. I, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, "Employing App on Mobile Phone Connection to Design a Interactive Installation Artwork", IDE@TAAI2013, Intelligence & Design Exhibition, 2013 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Taipei. Taiwan, Dec. 7, 2013. 68. #8 Annual Best Paper Award of the Business Division, 年度最佳管理論文,世界管理學會 (IAoM; International Association of Management), 1999/8。 69. #7 Best Reviewer Award, EC2008 (最佳評審獎,第十一屆電子商務學術研討會),2008/11。 70. #6 Best Paper Award, DCMA2007 (最佳論文獎,2008數位內容管理與應用學術研討會), 2007/6。 71. #5 Best Paper Award, CABMT2007 (最佳論文獎,2007 Annual Conference on Chinese Association of Business and Management Technology),2007/10。 72. #4 Best Reviewer Award, EC2007 (最佳評審獎,第十屆電子商務學術研討會),2007/10。 73. #3 Best Paper Award, 2003 Conference of Integration of Manufacture and Management, 2003。 74. #2 Best Paper Award, 17th Annual Conference of the AoM/IAoM, "Millennial Challenges in anagement, Education, Cybertechnology, and Leadership", San Diego, CA, August 6-8, 1999.
  • 7. 7 75. #1 優秀論文獎,教育部顧問室,製商整合科技與產學合作人才培育,2002。 76. 優等獎,教育部「商管教學實務個案撰寫競賽」,2009/3。 77. 目前已培育17位師資:11位大學專任教授 (謝旻儕、王政弘、徐文俊、趙靖如、蔡尚琴、蔡 孟君、黃琮駿、梁育誠、楊崧正、曾國章、張家鈞)、6位國小專任教師 (陳眉期、馬毓君、歐 孟賢、張紹元、吳政勳、李季剛)。 78. 指導榮獲國科會創作獎:99年度大專學生參與專題研究計畫研究創作獎。Speshow Stage!個人 舞台之數位藝術創作與研究 (楊宇辰)。 79. 指導學生參加校外比賽獲獎紀錄:9金、2銀、6銅、1佳作。 80. 指導學生數位系DDLab博士生馬毓君榮獲 #全國自造教育比賽及科技領域教學教案設計比賽 銅牌, 2021/2. 81. 指導研究生劉欣蘭之碩士論文【結合心智圖之情感式適性學習系統對批判性思考、反思能 力、問題解決能力之影響】,獲得社團法人台灣工程教育與管理學會109年度優秀碩士論文獎 第二名, 2021/2. 82. 指導學生鏘鏘導生 DDLab 大四大二 高嘉晨 雷孟 高婕庭 許以謙 榮獲 #教育部創新創業 計畫高軟園區研習競賽第一名, 2021/2. 83. 指導研究生陳伯庚、傅柏軒榮獲教育部創新創業計畫高軟園區研習競賽第二名, 2021/2. 84. 帶隊學生參加資訊月教育科技展,機器人情感咖啡攤,12/2-6, 2020. 85. 榮獲兩岸四地金牌:在全國3000支隊伍中被選拔為台灣代表隊,帶領學生 (張家鈞、林言翰) 出國比賽:第四屆中國大學生服務外包創新創業大賽,無錫市教育局,無錫,2013/8. 86. 榮獲國際創新大獎:帶領學生 (張家鈞) 出國比賽:Intel盃海峽兩岸信息服務創新大賽暨福建 省第五屆計算機軟件設計大賽,福州,2011/12. 87. 代表台灣帶學生赴無錫參加比賽:「中國大學生服務外包創新創業競賽」, 2013。 88. 指導學生高嘉晨、李孟璇、張世群【情感機器人咖啡攤】勇奪【全國資訊服務創意競賽】第 三名!11/7, 2020. 89. 指導學生高嘉晨、李孟璇、張世群榮獲【2020創新創意創業大賽】冠軍, 6/3, 2020. 90. 指導學生蔡孟君、林語瑄、高嘉晨、李孟璇勇奪臺灣綠點子國際發明設計競賽銅牌獎, 5/24, 2020。 91. 指導學生郭文鱗入選農業科技研究院【2019動物保護研究博碩士論文獎】決審 (共七篇論文 入選,其中四篇是台大論文), 2019。 92. 指導學生林語瑄、蘇倫可榮獲【青年暑期社區職場體驗】全國第一名, 8/22, 2019。 93. 指導學生彭麒安榮獲資策會DIGI+ Talent數位新星大賞全國季軍,作品:AVR英語村數位內容 開發,12/5, 2018。 94. 指導學生鄭憶雯紀錄片【學習溫柔】榮獲2018市民影像競賽【首獎】,11/27, 2018。 95. 指導學生林語瑄結合AR/VR技術榮獲青年發展署全國青年社區營造雙料金牌,9/7,2018。 96. 數位系 DDLab Po Chun Kuo VR作品榮獲全國金牌! 【虛擬實境瞄準射擊訓練系統】榮獲全民 國防教育課程 (當代軍事科技領域) 教學卓越獎優等! 10/5, 2016. 97. 榮獲全國殿軍:2013第18屆大專校院資訊服務創新競賽。洪文麟、張宜馨、陳恒顗 (林豪 鏘),互動式建築投影之數位科技創作研究,2013。 98. 指導學生入選【2013創新大賽MOD互動微電影創作】:”To Be Or Not To Be”. (張國興、何宜 軒 楊子誼 楊青原 林萬翔 陳紹軒 方品淳), 9/4, 2013. 99. 榮獲【資策會展示科技大賽】全國金牌 (何宜軒 林萬翔 陳紹軒), 6/8, 2013。
  • 8. 8 100.榮獲全國第一名:2012第17屆大專校院資訊服務創新競賽。Fun Music! 以行動裝置實現音樂 與影像集體創作 (林言翰、王將仰、王政傑)。 101.榮獲全國第三名:2012第17屆大專校院資訊服務創新競賽。運用MIDI樂器結合情感運算技術 之自動音樂產生回饋機制 (何宜軒、謝蕙如、楊士緯)。 102.榮獲全國第三名:2011第16屆大專校院資訊服務創新競賽。Excelent - 運用Google App Engine、Google Docs API、HTML5建立一套快速跨平台Excel檔案閱讀器 (張家鈞)。 103.榮獲全國第二名:2010第15屆大專校院資訊服務創新競賽。運用感測系統創作表演藝術之互 動裝置 (楊宇辰、曾怡甄、王聖天)。 104.榮獲第一名:2014第一屆南區大專資訊專題競賽。畫筆上跳躍的音符 (何宜軒、林萬翔)。 105.指導大學專題生的企劃榮獲文化部補助!! 金額超過20萬!! 肆獎林卉心,類別:微型產業類,穿 越時空重遊神農,海安古街復甦計畫,主體內容是將神農老街做成3D遊戲,2014。 106.磺溪美展 (數位藝術類) 入選,「撐傘走在時間的雨中 II」。大約是 100 件取 12 件!! 整個展全 國投稿 1397 件!! 2013/4. 107.2012「李國鼎(K.T.)科技與人文藝術創意」競賽,初審通過,張小均、鄭傑旭、陳奕蒨,故事 屋 The Story House,第七屆K.T.科技與人文科技藝術創意競賽 互動科技藝術組 (Interactive Technology Art),2012。 108.指導學生榮獲全國通訊大賽企業獎 (張國興、楊子誼、方品淳),2012通訊大賽-Android實作 組 (智慧型手持裝置使用者體驗設計競賽),數位時光機-AR-BOX, 2012。 109.指導學生榮獲中華電信應用大賽優勝,張小均、陳奕蒨 (致良知之教|基於社群網站之虛擬古 人雲端應用─以王陽明為例), 2012/11. 110.指導學生榮獲中華電信應用大賽入選獎 , 何宜軒 、 楊士緯 、 謝蕙如 (最懂你的情韻之伴), 2012/10. 111.指導學生高嘉晨、張世群【基於AI情緒分析結合體驗經濟建立情感咖啡攤】入圍決賽,全國 大專資訊創新服務競賽 (共2800支隊伍參加初賽),2019。 112.指導學生曾煜程、詹凱程【體感MakeyMakey結合情感運算之即時互動創作】入圍決賽, 2019。 113.指導學生吳汶豈、蔡碧芬【心情捕手:情感運算之問答遊戲】入圍2018第23屆大專校院資訊應 用服務創新競賽決賽,2018/11。 114.指導學生林怡君、吳方彪作品【穿戴式音樂製造鞋】入圍全國大專資訊創新服務競賽決賽, 2014/11. 115.指導學生入圍全國五項大賽 (全國資訊服務創新競賽全國總決賽):情緒放送站:運用情感運算 結合Android系統之行動載具與Facebook API 社群運算建立一套個人情緒狀態分析之行動平 台、運用情感運算結合MIDI樂器建立聲音藝術創作之產生機制、Excelent: 運用Google App Engine、Google Docs API、HTML5建立一套快速跨平台Excel檔案閱讀器,2011。 116.指導學生研究所推甄,三位榮獲頂大榜首:【王將仰】交大音樂科技所、【林言翰】政大資訊 科學所、【張家鈞】交大教育所,2012。 C. 國際及全國性重要職務 117.應邀擔任國立彰化師範大學自我評鑑指導委員會委員,任期為三年,自2020年8月1日起至 2023年7月31日止。 118.經濟部中小企業處SBIR計畫主審,2020。
  • 9. 9 119.遴選委員,國立澎湖科技大學人文管理學院院長遴選委員會,2020。 120.台南市地方型產業創新研發推動計畫SBIR-創新資訊與服務A資訊組審查委員,2020。 121.國立屏東大學課程委員會校外委員,2020。 122.品質保證系所評鑑,評鑑委員,文化大學科技藝術研究所,2019。 123.資訊管理學報(TSSCI)編輯委員,2018- 124.彰化師範大學校務自我評鑑實地訪評委員,2018/6/13。 125.教育部系所評鑑,評鑑委員,國立台北藝術大學新媒體藝術系,2014。 126.教育部系所評鑑,評鑑委員,崑山科技大學資訊管理系,2014。 127.教育部系所評鑑,總召集人,南臺科技大學多媒體娛樂系,2013。 128.教育部系所評鑑,評鑑委員,國立台北科技大學互動媒體設計系,2013。 129.嶺東科技大學校務自我評鑑實地訪評委員,2010。 130.教育部大專校院增設研究所審查委員 (多媒體視覺類),2006。 131.教育部評鑑委員,明新科大教育部評鑑自評,2005/10。 132.教育部評鑑委員,嶺東技術學院教育部評鑑自評,2002/10。 133.教育部教學實踐研究計畫審查委員,2018。 134.評審委員,救國團社會優秀青年選拔,2019。 135.審查委員,教育部教學實踐研究計畫,2019。 136.系所評鑑委員,國立台北科技大學互動媒體設計所,2013。 137.系所評鑑委員,南台科技大學多媒體娛樂系,2013。 138.藝術總監,南部科技與表演藝術媒合服務中心,2012。 139.藝術顧問,『台北數位藝術中心委託民間經營管理』案,台灣視覺藝術協會,2018。 D. 各類評審、顧問、與審查委員 140.教育部數位學習課程認證審查委員—【資訊二組】(領域), 2021。 141.專家評審委員會委員 , 第二屆全球華人教育遊戲設計大賽 (Educational Game Design Award), 台 灣科技大學,5/9, 2021。 142.國立成功大學科技藝術學程課程委員會委員,2021. 143.國立高雄大學110年人文社會科學院微學程審查委員, 2021。 144.國立臺中教育大學通識教育中心通識課程審查委員, 2021. 145.國立高雄大學工藝與創意設計學系110級畢業製作審查, 2021. 146.大跨域!應邀擔任台灣大學戲劇學系「我們時代的戲劇:2020臺大劇場國際學術研討會」特約討 論人!! 10/24-25, 2020。 147.專家評審委員會委員 , 第一屆全球華人教育遊戲設計大賽 (Educational Game Design Award), 台 灣科技大學,5/9, 2020。 148.院務發展諮詢委員會之校外諮詢委員,國立臺中科技大學語文學院,2020。 149.課程諮詢委員,南臺科技大學人文社會學院課程委員會,2020。 150.輔導顧問,輔導教學機構進行教案遠距教學化之鷹架式課程設計,社團法人台灣海洋環境教育 推廣協會,品頭論足-海中的頭足類傳奇,2020。 151.屏東科技大學「人文盃系所APP創意競賽」活動評審,6/1-5, 2020。
  • 10. 10 152.輔導顧問,輔導教學機構進行教案遠距教學化之鷹架式課程設計,財團法人人禾環境倫理發展 基金會,自然鳥不起,2020。 153.經濟部中小企業處SBIR計畫主審,2019。 154.台南市地方型產業創新研發推動計畫SBIR-創新資訊與服務A資訊組審查委員,2019。 155.教育部資訊志工競賽審查委員,2019。 156.【國立臺中教育大學109年高教深耕計畫提案外審】「創意智慧學習主軸」審查委員, 2019. 157.審查委員,東吳大學教育部教學實踐研究計畫校內初審委員,2019。 158.諮詢委員,客委會國小客語數位學習素材開發及行動學習專案,2019。 159.評審委員,高雄市體感科技補助計畫,2019。 160.評審委員,臺灣音樂館智慧化科技體驗藝術設計裝置,國立傳統藝術中心,2019。 161.評選委員,國立自然科學博物館,學校師生行動探索學習跨服務整合及個人化智慧博物館建置 案,2018。 162.評審委員,教育部 「數位人文創新人才培育計畫」 「全國大學校院數位人文大數據學生競賽」 , 2019。 163.教育諮詢委員,崑山科技大學資工系,2019。 164.財團法人商業發展研究院,文化部「科技藝術實驗創新及輔導推動計畫」輔導推動團隊有給職 諮詢顧問,2017。 165.審查委員,第七屆2018南區在地創新創意競賽,台灣服務科學學會,2018。 166.審查委員,高雄市體感前瞻計畫,2018。 167.經濟部中小企業處SBIR計畫主審,2018。 168.台南市地方型產業創新研發推動計畫SBIR-創新資訊與服務A資訊組審查委員,2018。 169.應邀擔任國家級「藝術學門」之「教學實務升等」審查外審委員,2017。 170.經濟部中小企業處SBIR計畫主審,2017。 171.106年提升校園行動應用服務研發及內容設計人才培育計畫期中審查委員,2017。 172.106年科教展覽館內外行動學習應用服務計畫期中審查,教育部資科司數位學習科,2017。 173.決審評審,11th KT科技藝術獎,李國鼎基金會,2016。 174.審查委員,教育部推廣校園4G創新應用服務計畫績效報告,2017。 175.課程諮詢委員,南台科技大學流行音樂系。 176.召集人,【全國大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽】之決賽評審委員,2016。 177.105年科教展覽館內外行動學習應用服務計畫期中審查,教育部資科司數位學習科,2016。 178.召集人,【教育部第二屆全國校園雲端創新應用大賽】之決賽評審委員,2016。 179.105年科教展覽館內外型動學習應用服務計畫書面審查委員,教育部資科司數位學習科,2016。 180.「104年加速行動寬頻及產業發展-推廣校園4G創新應用服務計畫」進行績效評估報告書面審查, 教育部資科司數位學習科,2017。 181.台南市教育局,104學年度國小教甄評委,2015。 182.教育部「新一代數位學習計畫-高中職資源中心」專家輔導團顧問,2014. 183.財團法人台灣網路資訊中心(TWNIC) 「2015域名有意思響亮SLOGAN 競賽」活動評審委員, 2015。 184.長榮大學起飛計畫自我評鑑外評委員,2017。 185.東方設計學院教學研究計畫審查委員,2016。 186.嘉南藥理大學【智慧健康數位應用學位學程】審查委員,2016。
  • 11. 11 187.逢甲大學教學研究計畫審查委員,2015。 188.文化部「103年文創產業智財權保護及加值應用工作營」顧問,2014. 189.「大專校院資訊單位組織及經費合理性分析研究」外部專家,2014。 190.校園行政e化交流資訊服務網討論區【數位學習與內容】版主,2015。 191.國立臺南大學第八屆文藝獎,新詩組初審決審評審委員,2014. 192.高雄餐旅學院教發中心資訊內容專家,數位教材評審,2013. 193.工研院資通所前瞻提案外審委員,2013。 194.劇場總監培訓主講,2012。 195.決賽評審,聯合大學資管系專題競寨,12/5, 2012. 196.榮獲選台灣唯一代表,赴大陸進行兩岸交流展示資訊競賽,2011。 197.決審評審,KT科技藝術獎,李國鼎基金會,2014。 198.決審評審,全國校園雲端創新應用大賽,教育部資訊及科技教育司,2015。 199.國立政治大學數位內容學程課程結構審查委員,2012。 200.淡江大學新設課程外審委員,2013。 201.屏東縣政府文化基金會萬年溪文創設計比賽評審,2012/10。 202.國立台灣美術館2012年數位科技與視覺藝術跨界創作補助計畫徵選初複審審查,2012/9。 203.決審評審,2012屏東舞夏藝術節-跨域編創舞蹈大賽, 2012/4/30。 204.學者專家諮詢,教育部數位教育與網路學習計畫-美術賞析與臺灣電影賞析之數位教材製作諮 詢,2011/12。 205.國美館「數位科技與視覺藝術跨界創作補助作業要點」審查委員, 2012/6/13. 206.臺南市教育人員研究發表積分審查委員,2012。 207.決賽評審 (資訊應用組召集人),2011第16屆全國大專校院/社會人士資訊服務創新競賽, 2011/11。 208.文建會,科技與表演藝術結合旗艦計畫,諮詢委員,2011。 209.決審評審,屏東縣文化處2011舞夏藝術節『跨域編創舞曲賽』, 2011/5。 210.資訊月籌備顧問,2010。 211.電腦公會教育館視覺設計顧問,2010。 212.評審主席,林豪鏘, 2008台北數位藝術獎 (網路藝術組召集人),台北當代藝術館 (MoCA, Taipei),8/11, 2008. 213.榮獲國科會創作獎:99年度大專學生參與專題研究計畫研究創作獎。Speshow Stage!個人舞台 之數位藝術創作與研究 (楊宇辰、曾怡甄、王聖天)。 214.2009第十四屆全國大專院校資訊服務創新競賽,評審 (資訊應用組召集人),2009/12。 215.台北數位藝術中心,專家導覽,2009/1。 216.當代藝術館台北數位藝術節,專家導覽,2008/10。 217.工研院「全國創新蜂巢商品化企劃競賽」榮獲殊榮,2009/3。 218.議程主席, Program Chair, ICDC2012 (8th International Conference on Digital Contents), 2012/12. 219.Guest Editor, Technology for Education and Learning. 220.Advisorory Board, TOJET (, Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI). 221.Editorial Board Member, Journal of Computers and Applied Science Education (JCASE). 222.Exhibition Chair, ArtsIT2009 (International Conference on Arts & Technology).
  • 12. 12 223.Annual Computer Research Contribution Award from APSCIT, Asia Pacific Society for Computing and Information Technology, 2016. 224.Editorial Board Member, TOJET (SSCI) - Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 225.Editorial Board Member, JETDE - Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange 226.Editorial Board Member, Journal of System and Management Sciences (JSMS), 2005. 227.Referee Board Member, IJEB (International Journal of Electronic Business), ABI, Special issue on “Project Management and Information Systems Evaluation in Electronic Business”, 2007/8. 228.審查委員,樹谷文化園區環境友善回饋計劃–典藏文物知識探索雲端數位學習平台開發計畫, 2012/7。 229.南區技專院校產學合作實務專題競賽,工商領域評審委員,2009/11。 230.評審委員,資訊月教育館展示規劃,教育部,2009/9。 231.評審委員,台北數位藝術中心駐村藝術家,台北數位藝術中心,2009/8。 232.入圍全國雲端服務創意競賽,DDLab 代表隊 (張小均 Chia-Pei Lu 鄭傑旭), 2012/1。 233.入圍第一屆「HPC國網3D動畫全國大賽」, 2011/12。 234.評審委員,大貓熊特展採用擴增實境展示手法評審會議,國立科學工藝博物館,2009/3/3。 235.評審委員,文化觀光入口網,文建會,2009/3/16。 236.審查委員,數位藝術園區可行性分析計畫,經濟部,2007. 237.南區技專院校產學合作實務專題競賽,工商領域評審委員,2008/12。 238.行政院國家科學委員會,八十八年度甲種研究獎勵,2000/4。 239.明新科大教量評量全校第一名,4.8分 (滿分5分),2004。 240.教育部顧問室年度優秀產業電子化著作專書獎第三名,2003。 241.月涵文學獎,現代詩組,首獎,1996。 242.雙溪文學獎,散文組,佳作,1990。 243.月涵文學獎,現代詩組,第三名,1995。 244.南區技專院校產學合作實務專題競賽,工商領域評審委員,2007。 245.2006 IT應用創新大賞評審 (行動運算類),2006。 246.2000年全國大專資管專題競賽決賽評審,中華民國資管學會,2000/10。 247.經濟部工業局、資策會聯名頒聘「網路與安全管理」命題委員,2006/10。 248.指導四組畢業專題,於發表會與成果展中皆囊括數位內容組與遊戲組的冠亞軍,MakeyMakey 結合情感運算之互動系統、藝起:美術史探索解謎遊戲式虛擬實境系統設計、詭蹟:虛擬實 境逃脫解謎遊戲、怪奇紀元:擴增實境之化學卡牌桌遊,2019。 249.專題競賽特優。指導學生參加臺南大學數位系專題競賽,榮獲兩組第一名:(呂承先、歐孟賢) 情緒放送站-運用情感運算結合Android系統之行動載具與Facebook API 社群運算建立一套個 人情緒狀態分析之行動平台、(孫琮傑、林祖安、蘇貝妮) 運用情感運算結合MIDI樂器建立聲 音藝術創作之產生機制,2011。 250.專題競賽特優。指導學生參加臺南大學數位系專題競賽,榮獲特優。楊宇辰、曾怡甄、王聖 天,結合感測裝置與表演藝術之互動舞台燈光控制系統設計,2010。 251.指導學生入圍全國資訊競賽決選:應用機器人控制與藍芽傳輸於視覺創作上之研究 - 以作品 《模樣》為例、運用情感運算結合Virtools與Max/MSP建立具情緒表達之互動遊戲模組, 2010。
  • 13. 13 252.指導學生參加臺南大學數位系專題競賽,囊括前三名。應用機器人控制與藍芽傳輸於視覺創 作上之研究 - 以作品《模樣》為例、運用情感運算結合Virtools與Max/MSP建立具情緒表達之 互動遊戲模組,2010。 253.專題競賽特優。指導學生參加臺南大學數位系專題競賽,榮獲特優。羅崧庭、蘇郁盛、莊幃 復,與你同在的情緒垃圾筒之數位藝術創作,2009。 254.專題競賽特優。指導學生參加臺南大學數位系專題競賽,榮獲特優。謝旻軒、張維文、郭晟 宏,運用紅外線控制創作互動數位藝術作品,2008。 255.專題競賽特優。指導學生參加資管系專題競賽,榮獲特優。王藙荃、沈愷諭、劉昭欣,運用 RFID技術建立停車場管理機制,2006。 256.專題競賽特優。指導學生參加資管系專題競賽,榮獲特優。呂蕙、方燕卿、陳宗成、柯建 州、楊尚翰,運用AHP技術設計RFID導入決策分析的機制,2005。 257.國立臺南藝術大學校長遴選委員,2006。 258.ISAC中華民國大專校院資訊服務協會監事,2005。 259.日新電影院,日新電影資料中心,研究顧問,2006/7。 260.藝術觀點總編輯,2006。 261.清華大學通識教育中心教量評量第一名,3.66分 (滿分4分),2004。 262.中技社,工程教育研究獎,2003。 263.國立臺南藝術大學,經費稽核委員會召集人,2006。 264.Program Committee, ICIM 2009 (19th International Conference on Information Management), 2009/5. 265.Program Committee, IMP 2008 (14th Conference on Information Management and Practice), 2008/12. 266.Editorial Board, Journal of Must, 2000/8-2005/1. 267.Program Committee, 2007 IRMA International Conference (Information Resource Management Association), 2006/11. 268.Program Committee, 2008 Conference on Information Technology and Industrial Application (ITIA08), 2008/6. 269.Program Committee, ICIM 2008 (19th International Conference on Information Management), 2008/5. 270.Program Committee, IMP 2007 (13th Conference on Information Management and Practice), 2007/12. 271.Program Committee, 2005洄瀾科技暨商務集刊, 2005/12. 272.Session Chair (Distance & e-Learning), 14th International Conference of Information Management and Practice, 2008/12 273.Referee Board Member, International Conference of Information Management and Practice, 2008/11. 274.Paper Reviewer, Electronic Commerce Studies, 2008. 275.Paper Reviewer, EC2008 (2008 Conference on Electronic Commerce), 2008/10. 276.Paper Reviewer, International Conference on Web2.0 and Education, 2008. 277.Paper Reviewer, EC2007 (2007 Conference on Electronic Commerce), 2007/10. 278.Paper Reviewer, DSS (Decision Support Systems), 2007/7. 279.Paper Reviewer, Journal of Information Management-Concepts, Systems, and Applications, 2007/6.
  • 14. 14 280.Paper Reviewer, IJEB (International Journal of Electronic Business), Special issue on “Project Management and Information Systems Evaluation in Electronic Business”, 2006/10. 281.Paper Reviewer, Electronic Commerce Studies, 2007/11. 282.Paper Reviewer, Encyclopedia of Multimedia technology and Networking 2nd Edition, 2006/9. 283.Paper Reviewer, Encyclopedia IS&T, 2nd Edition, 2006/8. 284.Paper Reviewer, Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Second Edition, 2006/6 285.Paper Reviewer, Journal of Humanity and Social Science, 2005/6. 286.Paper Reviewer, Information Sciences Journal, 2005/1. 287.Paper Reviewer, We-B’2004, 5th International We-B (Working For E-Business) Conference, Edith Cowan University (ECU), Western Australia, 2004/8. 288.Paper Reviewer, Journal of General Education, 2004/3 289.Paper Reviewer, 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, 2001/6. 290.Referee Board Member, International Conference of Information Management and Practice, 2007/11. 論文著述 研究成果目錄:論文及著述 A. Journal Paper 1. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Hsin-Lan Liu*, Yu-Chen Liang, Yu-cheng Zeng, Kai-cheng Zhan, “Incorporating Affective Computing into an Interactive System with MakeyMakey”,International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design (IJOPCD), 2021, 10(3), 306. (EI) (SCOPUS) (ESCI) EI, INSPECT, SCP{US, ESCI 2. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yu-Hsuan Lin, Tao-Hua Wang, Lun-Ke Su, Yueh-Min Huang*, Effects of Incorporating Augmented Reality into a Board Game for High School Students’ Learning Motivation and Acceptance in Health Education, Sustainability, Volume 13, Issue 6, 26 March. (SSCI/SCI) (IF: 2.576) doi: 10.3390/su13063333. SSCI/SCI (IF: 2.576) 3. Vivien Lin, Gi-Zen Liu*, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yu-Hsuan Lin, Min-Chai Hsieh, “The Design and Evaluation of a Multimodal Ubiquitous Learning Application for EFL Writers”, Digital Creativity, 22 Feb 2021. (A&HCI) A&HCI Journal SCOPUS 4. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yu-Chun Ma *, Min Lee, “Constructing Emotional Machines: A Case of a Smartphone-Based Emotion System”, Artificial Intelligence and Ambient Intelligence, Electronics, 2021, 10(3), 306. (SCI) SCI Journal 2019 SCIE Impact Factor : 2.412 5. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Meng-Chun Tsai *, Kuang-Hsiang Wu, “The Research of Relationship among Smile Developing Software,Internet Addiction and Attachment Style”, Electronics, 2020, 9(12), 2057. (SCI) doi: 10.3390/electronics9122057 SCI Journal 2019 SCIE Impact Factor : 2.412
  • 15. 15 6. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yu-Hsuan Lin *, Tao-Hua Wang, Lun-Ke Su, Yueh-Min Huang, “Effects of Incorporating AR into a Board Game on Learning Outcomes and Emotions in Health Education”, Electronics, 2020, 9(11), 1972 . (SCI) doi: 10.3390/electronics9111752 SCI Journal 2019 SCIE Impact Factor : 2.412 7. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Tao-Hua Wang, Guo-Chung Lin, Shu-Chen; Cheng*, Hong-Ren Chen, Yueh-Min Huang, “Applying Sentiment Analysis to Automatically Classify Consumer Comments Concerning Marketing 4Cs Aspects”, Applied Soft Computing, Volume 97, Part A,December 2020, 106755. (SCI) SCI Journal 2018 SCIE Impact Factor : 5.472 8. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Meng-Chun Tsai, and Chia Hsun Lee, “The Effect of Affective Tutoring System in the Teaching of Dengue Fever Epidemic Prevention Curriculum on the Cognitive Loads and Learning Outcomes with Different Levels of Information Literacy”, JIT, Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 21, No.7_(12), 1981-1991. (SCI) SCI Journal 2018 SCIE Impact Factor : 0.715 9. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin*, Chi-Min Yang, Jun Chen Hsieh, Yi-Chen Chen, Shu-Yu Yang, Effects of Kinect exergames on balance training among community older adults: A randomized controlled trial, Medicine®, Vol. 99, No. 28, July 10, 2020. (SCI) SCI Journal 2019 SCIE Impact Factor : 1.870 10. Tao-Hua Wang*, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Ting-Ting Wu, and Yueh-Min Huang, “Multimethod Approach to Supporting Reflection and Creativity for Online Collaborative Courses”, JIT, Journal of Internet Technology, Vol.21 No.4, pp. 1087-1096, July 2020. (SCI) SCI Journal 2018 SCIE Impact Factor : 0.715 11. Chang, Ching, & Hao-Chiang Koong Lin. Effects of a Mobile-Based Peer-Assessment Approach on Enhancing Language-learners’ Oral Proficiency. IETI, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, Volume 57 Issue 6, 668–679, 2020 (SSCI). SSCI Journal 2017 Impact Factor 1.106 Ranking: 157/238 (Education & Educational Research) 12. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yu-Chuang Tseng,Chua-Chun Chang,Affective Computing: The Creative Application of Emotion Analysis, Science Development, Vol.569, pp. 55-63, May, 2020. 13. Chang, Ching, & Hao-Chiang Koong Lin. Classroom interaction and learning anxiety in the IRS-integrated flipped language classrooms. TAPER,The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. 28(3):193–201, 2019 (SSCI). DOI: 10.1007/s40299-018-0426-x SSCI Journal Impact factor: 0.633 ISSN: 0119-5646 (Print) 2243-7908 (Online) 14. Hsiu-Yuan Tsao, Ming-Yi Chen, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yu-Chun Ma, "The Asymmetric Effect of Review Valence on Numerical Rating: A Viewpoint from a Sentiment Analysis of Users of TripAdvisor", Online Information Review, Vol.43, Issue 2, pp. 283-300, 2019. (SSCI) (SCI) SSCI/SCI Journal 15.Jian-Wei Lin*, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “User acceptance in a computer-supported collaborative learning
  • 16. 16 (CSCL) environment with social network awareness (SNA) support”, AJET, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, Vol.35,No.1, pp. 100-115, 2019. (SSCI) SSCI Journal Impact factor: 1.363 (2016) 16. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin*, Wen-Chun Hsu, Tao-Hua Wang, Yu-Chun Ma, Meng-Chun Tsai, “Development and Research of an Affective Learning System Combined with Motion-Sensing Interaction, Augmented Reality, and Mid-Air Projection”, JIT, Journal of Internet Technology,Issue:Nov. 2018, Vol.19 No.6, pp. 1951-1960. (SCI) SCI Journal Impact factor: 1.301 (2017) 17. Cheng-Hung Wang, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, “Constructing an Affective Tutoring System for Designing Course Learning and Evaluation”, JECR, Journal of Educational Computing Research, Vol. 55, Issue 8, 1111– 1128, 2018. (SSCI) SSCI Journal, 2017 impact factor 1.234 18. Ruei-Shan Lu, Hsiu-Yuan Tsao, Hao-Chaing Koong Lin, Yu-Chun Ma, Cheng-Tung Chuang, "Sentiment Analysis of Brand Personality Positioning Through Text Mining", Journal of Information Technology Research (JITR),Volume 12, Issue 3, 2018. (EI) (ESCI), (SCOPUS),(Compendex ) (Elsevier Engineering Index), (INSPEC) EI, ESCI, SCOPUS Journal 19. Tao Hua Wang, Hao Chiang Koong Lin, Ting Ting Wu, and Yueh Min Huang "A Study on Learning Emotion of Postgraduates through Online Cooperative Learning", ICITL 2018 International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning, Portoroz, Slovenia, Aug. 27-30, 2018. Revised Selected Papers,Editors: Ting Ting Wu, Huang, Y.-M.,(Eds.) (EI) (SCOPUS) EI Journal, Scopus 20. Yi Cheng Liao, Tao Hua Wang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin and Kuan Yu Lin “Augmented Reality Applied to Smartphones and Wearable Devices - Virtual Furniture Simulation System”, ICITL 2018 International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning, Portoroz, Slovenia, Aug. 27-30, 2018. Revised Selected Papers,Editors: Ting Ting Wu, Huang, Y.-M., (Eds.) 472896_1_En, Chapter 51, Volume 11003 of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS), Springer, 2018. (EI) (SCOPUS) EI Journal, Scopus 21. Meng Chun Tsai, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, and Chad Lin "Usability Evaluation of the Game Based E-Book System on NaturalScience Teaching System", ICITL2018 International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning, Portoroz, Slovenia, Aug. 27-30, 2018. Revised Selected Papers,Editors: Ting Ting Wu, Huang, Y.-M., (Eds.) 472896_1_En, Chapter 50, Volume 11003 of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS), Springer, 2018. (EI) (SCOPUS) EI Journal, Scopus 22. Yu-Hsuan,Lin, Chad Lin, Chia-Wei Chang and Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, "The Creation of Interactive Visual Music with Kandinsky Abstract Arts", ICITL 2018 International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning, Portoroz, Slovenia, Aug. 27-30, 2018. Revised Selected Papers,Editors: Ting Ting Wu, Huang, Y.- M., (Eds.) 472896_1_En, Chapter 56, Volume 11003 of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS), Springer, 2018. (EI) (SCOPUS) EI Journal, Scopus 23. Cheng-Hung Wang, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, “Emotional Design Tutoring System based on Multimodal Affective Computing Techniques”, IJDET, International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, Volume
  • 17. 17 16, Issue 1, 2017. (EI) EI Journal 24. Meng-Chun Tsai, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, A Study on the Behavioral Patterns Formed by Subjects with Different Cognitive Styles in Playing Augmented Reality Interaction Games, SETE 2017, Second Annual International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education, Cape Town, South Africa, Sep 20-22, 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 10676, Emerging Technologies for Education, Second International Symposium, SETE 2017, Held in Conjunction with ICWL 2017, Cape Town, South Africa, September 20–22, 2017, Revised Selected Papers,Editors: Tien-Chi Huang, V.,Lau,R.,Huang, Y.-M.,Spaniol, M., Yuen, C.-H. (Eds.) (EI) (SCOPUS) EI Journal, Scopus 25. Ma Yu Chun, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, The Development of anAffective Tutoring System for Japanese Language Learnerss, SETE 2017, Second Annual International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education, Cape Town, South Africa, Sep 20-22, 2017. Lecture Notesin Computer Science (LNCS),Vol. 10676, Emerging Technologies for Education, Second International Symposium, SETE 2017, Held in Conjunction with ICWL 2017, Cape Town, South Africa, September 20–22, 2017, Revised Selected Papers,Editors: Tien-Chi Huang, V., Lau, R., Huang, Y.-M.,Spaniol, M., Yuen, C.-H. (Eds.) (EI) (SCOPUS) EI Journal, Scopus 26. Wen-Chun Hsu, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yu-Hsuan Lin, The Research of Applying Mobile Virtual Reality to Martial Arts Learning System with Flipped Classroom, IEEE ICASI 2017, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, Sapporo, Japan, May 13-17, 2017 EI IEEE Xplore digital library 27. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Sheng-Hsiung Su*, Ching-Ju Chao, Cheng-Yen Hsieh, Shang-Chin Tsai, “Construction of a Multi-mode Affective Learning System: Using Affective Design as an Example”, ET&S, Journal of Educational Technology & Society, Volume 19, Issue 2, April, 2016. (SSCI) SSCI Journal Impact Factor of 2.133, 5-Year impact factor of 2.682 (Q1) 28. Tao-Hua Wang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Ting-Ting Wu, Meng-Shain OU,Hong-Da Wang, “The Study of Sentiment Analysis on the Influence of News Headlines on Audiences”, International Journal of Engineering Technology and Scientific Innovation, Volume:01, Issue:05, Page No. 426-440, September-October 2016. 29. Lu-Ho Hsia, Yu-Chen Yang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Iwen Huang, “Across-Discipline Creativity by Integrating Visual Technology and Dance Performances”, Journalof Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Volume 12, No. 2, June, 2016. 30. Chao-Jong Chiu*, Jun-Hong Chen, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, “The Relationships among Emotional Design, Usage Behavior and Usage Value-An Example of Smartphones”, Journal of Design Science, pp. 103-124, Vol. 19, No.1, July, 2016. 31. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Ching-Ju CHAO,Tsu-Ching HUANG,“From a Perspective on Foreign Language Learning Anxiety to Develop an Affective Tutoring System.”, ETRD, Educational Technology Research & Development, Vol. 63, No.3, June, 2015.(SSCI) (DOI) 10.1007/s11423-015-9385-6 SSCI Journal impact factor 2.115, 5-yr impact factor is 2.672, Category: Education & Educational Research Rank: 56/243 (Q1) 32. Sheng-Hsiung Su*, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Cheng-Hung Wang, Zu-Ching Huang, “Multi-modal Affective
  • 18. 18 Computing technology design the interaction between computers and human of Intelligent Tutoring Systems - For example in digital arts”, IJOPCD, International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design,Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 13- 30, January-March,2016. (EI) EI Journal 33. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Sheng-Hsiung Su*, Sheng-Tien Wang, Shang-Chin Tsai, “Influence of Cognitive Style and Cooperative Learning on Application of Augmented Reality to Natural Science Learning”, International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 11(4), 41-66, October-December 2015. (EI) EI Journal 34. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Chih-Hung Wu, HSUEH,Ya-Ping, The Influence of Using Affective Tutoring System in Accounting Remedial Instruction on Learning Performance and Usability, CHB, Computers in Human Behavior, 41(2014), 2014., pp. 514-522. SSCI Journal Impact factor: 2.273 35. Kuo-Chun Hsu, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, I-Long Lin*, Jin-Wei Lin, “The Design and Evaluation of an Affective Tutoring System”, JIT, Journal of Internet Technology, Issue:July 2014, Vol.15 No.4, pp. 533-542. SCI Journal Impact factor: 0.481 (2012) 36. Chad Lin, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yu-An Huang, Geoffrey Jalleh, Ying Chieh Liu, Yueh-Hsia Huang, Sheng- Hsiung Su, Ching-Ju Chao, Towards a B2B E-Commerce Evaluation Management Model to Assess Organizational Drivers in Hospitals, ITMR, The International Technology Management Review,4(3), October 2014., pp. 115 - 132. doi:10.2991/itmr.2014.4.3.1 EI/Compendex Journal, Scopus 37. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Shang-Chin Tsai*, Yu-Ting Li, Sheng-Hsiung Su, “The Effects of Students’ Cognitive Styles upon Applying AR to Learn Headlamp Wiring System”, Jokull Journal (ISSN: 0449-0576), Volume. 64, Issue. 5, May, 2014, pp. 254-269. SCIE Journal Impact factor: 1.000 (2012) 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.633 38. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Tsung-Yen Chuang*, I-Long Lin, Hsuan-Yu Chen, “Elucidating the Role of IT/IS Assessment and Resource Evaluation Allocation in the IT/IS Performance of Hospitals”, I & M,Information & Management, Volume 51, Issue 1, January 2014, Pages 104–112. SSCI / SCI Journal Impact factor: 2.214 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.796 39. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Shang-Chin Tsai*, Yu-Cheng Cheng, Ching-Ju Chao, Sheng-Hsiung Su , “Usability Evaluation of Affective Tutoring Systems on Web Page”,Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg (ISSN: 0007-5922), Vol. 64, Issue. 6, June, 2014, pp. 27-40. SCIE Journal Impact factor: 0.106 (2012) 40. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Sheng-Hsiung Su*, Yu-Cong Lin, Iwen Huang, “The Assessment of Middle school Students' Learning Motivation and Learning Effectiveness through implementing Augmented Reality-Based Learning System in Astronomy Learning”, Jokull Journal (ISSN: 0449-0576), Vol. 64, No. 6, Jun 2014, pp. 17-32. SCIE Journal Impact factor: 1.000 (2012) 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.633 41. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Sheng-Hsiung Su*, Yi-Chun Hsieh, Shang-Chin Tsai , Impacts of Affective Tutoring System on the Learning Achievement of Primary School Students with Different Cognitive Styles - An Example on Marine Education, The New Educational Review, Vol.38, No.4, Aril, 2014. 250-261. Scopus Journal, EBSCO, Ulrich’s
  • 19. 19 42. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN*, Mei-Chi Chen, Chih-Kai Chang, “Assessing the Effectiveness of Learning Solid Geometry Using an Augmented Reality-Assisted Learning System”, ILE, Interactive Learning Environments , Published online: 05 Sep 2013. SSCI Journal Impact factor: 1.163 43. Ting-Bin Ger, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Yueh-Hsia Hunag, Sung-Neng Chou, Mechanism Analyzing Micro- Blog Corpora Based on an Emotion Recognition Mechanism, JDCTA,International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 2013, (Accepted). EI Journal, INSPECT, EBSCO, ProQuest, Ulrich’s, DBLP 44. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Chad Lin, Yueh-Hsia Huang, Yu-An Huang (2012): The Impact of IT Evaluation and Organizational Drivers on B2B E-Commerce Benefits in Large Hospitals, TTEM - Technics Technologies Education Management, 2013, Volume 8, Number 1, pp. 538-543. SCIE Journal Impact factor: 0.351 (ISI) 45. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Yueh-Hsia Hunag, Szu-Yuan Sun, Wen-Chun Hu, An Investment Evaluation and Benefits Realization Analysis Approach for Implementing B2B E-Commerce in the Taiwan Digital Television Industry, JDCTA, International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, Volume 7, No.1, Jan 15, 2013, pp.352-361. EI Journal, INSPECT, EBSCO, ProQuest, Ulrich’s, DBLP 46. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Cong Jie SUN, Bei Ni SU, Zu An LIN, An Automatic Mechanism to Recognize and Generate Emotional MIDI Sound Arts Based on Affective Computing Techniques, IJOPCD, International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design, pp. 62-75, July-Sep., Vol. 3, No. 3, 2013. EI Journal, INSPECT, InfoSci, Ulrich’s, DBLP, Cabell’s 47. Yueh-Hsia Huang, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Cheng-Hung Wang, Min-Chai Hsieh, Implementing an Emotion Recognition System with an Affective Agent Based on Social Web Corpora and Semantic Clues, JDCTA, International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, Volume 7, No.1, Jan 15, 2013, pp. 116-125. EI Journal, INSPECT, EBSCO, ProQuest, Ulrich’s, DBLP 48. Ching Ju Chao, Chad Lin, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Chyi Lin Shen, Cheng Hung Wang, Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process Methodology to Assess the Drivers Affecting the Implementation of Interactive Digital Television as a Commerce Platform, International Journal of Wireless Networks and Broadband Technologies (IJWNBT), 2(3), 2012. EI Journal, INSPECT, ERA, IS Indexed Journal 49. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Cheng-Hung Wang, Ching-Ju CHAO,Ming-Kuan CHIEN, “Employing Textual and Facial Emotion Recognition to Design an Affective Tutoring System”, TOJET,The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, Oct.,2012, Volume 11, Issue 4, pp. 418-426. SSCI Journal Impact factor: 1.016 (JCR) 50. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Nian-Shing Chen*, Rui-Ting Sun & I-Hen Tsai (2012): Usability of affective interfaces for a digital arts tutoring system, BIT, Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol.33, No.2, pp.105- 106, DOI:10.1080/0144929X.2012.702356 SSCI Journal Impact factor: 1.011 51. Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Min-Chai HSIEH, Eric Zhi-Feng LIU, Tsung-Yen CHUANG, “INTERACTING
  • 20. 20 WITH VISUAL POEMS THROUGH AR-BASED DIGITAL ARTWORK”, TOJET, The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, January, 2012, Volume 11, Issue 1, pp. 123-137. SSCI Journal Impact factor: 1.016 (JCR) 52. Min-Chai Hsieh, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “On the Implementation of an Digital Artwork for Presenting Interactive Concrete Poetry”, Journal of US-China Education Review,the issue of Vol. 9, No.4, 2012 (It will be published in April, 2012), 2012. 53. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Min-Chai Hsieh, Cheng-Hung Wang, Li-Chen Loh, “An Emotion Recognition Mechanism Based on the Combination of Mutual Information and Semantic Clues”, JAIHC, Special issues “Emotional Intelligence and Ambient Intelligence” of Journal of Ambient Intelligence & Humanized Computing, Volume 3, Issue 1 (2012), Page 19-29, Feb., 2012., DOI: 10.1007/s12652-011-0086-7 EI/SCOPUS Journal EI: Compendex 54. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, & Min-Chai Hsieh, “The Establishment and Usability Evaluation on a MarkerlessAR- based Hairstyle Simulation System”, IJOPCD special issue on New Media and Joyful Learning, International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design, Vol.2, No.2, (Accepted,in Press), Jun, 2012. EI Journal EI: INSPEC 55. Cheng-Hung Wang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Shu-Lin Lai, Min-Chai Hsieh, “Transforming Animal Features into Game-based Learning Systems: A Case Study of a Characters Visual Design Model”, CISME (The Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering), Volumn1, No.8, pp15-18, 2011. 56. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Min-Chai Hsieh,Cheng-Hung Wang, Zong-Yuan Sie, Shei-Hsi Chang, “Establishment and Usability Evaluation of an Interactive AR Learning System on Conservation of Fish”, TOJET,The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, Volume 10, Issue 4, 181-187, October, 2011. SSCI Journal Impact factor: 1.016 (JCR) 57. Min-Chai Hsieh, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “A Conceptual Study for Augmented Reality E-learning System based on Usability Evaluation”, CISME (The Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering), Volumn1, Issue.8, PP5-7, DOI: 10.5963/CISME0108002, 2011. 58. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Min-Chai Hsieh, & Wei-Jhe Wang, “The Human-like Emotions Recognition using Mutual Information and Semantic Clues”, LNCS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6872, pp. 464– 470, Sep., 2011. EI Journal 59. Chad Lin, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yu-An Huang, & Geoffrey Jalleh, "The Fit between Organizational B2B E- Commerce Policy, IT Maturity, and Evaluation Practices on B2B E-Commerce Performance in Australian Healthcare Organizations”, AJBM;AfricanJournal of Business Management, Volume 5, Issue 5,P.1983-2005, March. 2011. SSCI Journal Impact factor: 1.105 (JCR) Cited: 1 60. Min-Chai Hsieh, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Jin-Wei Lin, & Mei-Chi Chen, “The Establishment of an AR-based Interactive Digital Artworks”,GJCST, Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology,Volume 10 Issue 6 Version 1.0: 37-46: August 2010. 61. I-Hen Tsai, Koong H.-C. Lin, and Rui-Ting Sun, “Affective Computing by Emotion Inference and Advanced Semantic Analysis”, JIT, Special Issue on Ambient Intelligence, Journal of Internet Technology, pp.15-28,
  • 21. 21 Volume 11, Number 5, Oct. 2010. SCIE / EI Journal (EI Compendex, TSCI, SCIE, IET) 62. Yu-An Huang, Ian Phua, Chad Lin, Hsien-Jui Chung, & Koong H.C. Lin, "Allocentrism and Consumer Ethnocentrism: Social Identity on Purchase Intention”, SBP;Social Behavior and Personality, Volume 37, Issue 1, Feb. 2009. SSCI Journal Cited: 7 63. Chad Lin, Graham Pervan, Hsiu-Yuan Tsao, & Koong H.C. Lin, "An Investigation into Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce Organizations”, JRPIT; Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology, Volume 40, Number 1, Feb. 2008. SCI / EI Journal Impact factor: 0.465 Cited: 2 64. Koong H.C. Lin & Francis Li, “Employing Max/MSP/Jitter and Sobel Operations to Create Digital Art Works Based on the Interaction Among Images, Sounds, and MIDI Music”, JSTS, Journal of Scientific and Technological Studies, pp.15-28, Volume 42, Number 2, Oct. 2008. 65. Koong H.C. Lin, Chad Lin, & Wen-Liang Kuo, "Adoption and Management of Interactive Digital TV Commerce”, IJM; International Journal of Management,Vol. 25, No. 2, pp.287-299, Jun 2008. ABI Journal, Listing in PORQUEST (ABI/INFORM), EBSCO, CABELLS DIRECTORYS 66. Chad Lin, Koong H.C. Lin, Yu-An Huang, Ying-Chieh Liu, "A Comparative Study of IT Outsourcing Management in Australia and Taiwan”, JIMS; The Journal of International Management Studies, pp.29-39, Volume 2, Number 2, August 2007. ABI/ ProQuest, Ulrich’s Directories 67. Koong H.C. Lin, & Chad Lin, "Evaluating the Decision to Adopt RFID Systems Using Analytic Hierarchy Process”,JAABC;The Journalof AmericanAcademy ofBusiness,Cambridge,Vol. 11,No. 1,pp.72-78, March 2007. ABI Journal, Cited: 4 Listing in PORQUEST (ABI/INFORM), EBSCO, CABELLS DIRECTORYS 68. Koong H.C. Lin, Tsao, Hsiu-Yuan, & Chad Lin, "IS/IT Investment Evaluation and Benefit Realization Practices in Taiwanese SME”, JIST; Journal of Information Science and Technology, SpecialIssue on IT Investments in Emerging Economies, Vol. 4 No. 2, Dec., 2006. 69. Chad Lin, Koong H.C. Lin, Yu-An Huang, & Wen-Liang Kuo, "Evaluation of Electronic Customer Relationship Management: The Critical Success Factors”, BRC; Business Review, Cambridge,Vol. 6, No. 2, pp.206-212, Dec., 2006. ABI Journal, Cited: 13 Listing in PORQUEST (ABI/INFORM), EBSCO, CABELLS & ULRICH’S DIRECTORYS 70. Koong H.C. Lin & Hector Liu, "Using Hierarchical Analysis Method to Explore the Potential Demands of Internet Consumers for Digital TV Commerce”, Journal of Technology and Business,Vol. 1, Num. 1, Feb., 2006. ISBN: 986-150-300-5 71. Koong H.C. Lin, Chi-Lin Sheng, & Hector Liu, "The Decision Analysis for Adopting Digital TV Commerce from Industries’ and Consumers’ Viewpoints”, Electronic Commerce Studies,Vol.4, No.4, Dec, 2006. 72. Koong H.C. Lin & Huei Leu, "Using AHP Approach to Establish a Decision Analysis Mechanism for Adopting
  • 22. 22 RFID Systems”, Communications of IICM (Institute of Information and Computing Machinery)”,Vol. 8, Num. 4, Dec.,2005. 73. Tsao, Hsiu-Yuan, Koong H.C. Lin, & Chad Lin, "An Investigation of Critical Success Factors in the Adoption of B2BEC by Taiwanese Companies”, JAABC; The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, Vol. 5, Num. 1, September 2004.. ABI Journal, Cited: 42 Listing in PORQUEST (ABI/INFORM), EBSCO, CABELLS DIRECTORYS 74. Koong H.C. Lin & Tsao, Hsiu-Yuan, "Establish a Market Segmentation System to Predict the Position of a Product in Electronic Marketplace Based on Networked Situations and Product Attributes", IJIMS, International Journal of Information and Management Sciences Vol.14, No. 1,March, 2003. EI Journal 75. Koong H.-C. Lin, Von-Wun Soo, and Sandiway Fong, "Using Principles and Parameters GrammaticalTheory to Implement a Mandarin Chinese Parser", CPOL (International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages) , Vol17(3), pp. 291-310, Jan., 2003. 76. Koong H.C. Lin, "Employing Universal Grammatical Theory to Parse Chinese Abstract Nominalization Constructions", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,(Conditional Accepted). SCI Journal 77. Koong H.C. Lin & Tsao, Hsiu-Yuan, "The Use of Web Consumer Behavior to Assess the Marketing Effectiveness of Site Content Communication -- AStudy of the Relationship betweenWebConsumer Behavior and Attitudes", Journal of MHIT,29, pp.57-66, Dec., 2002. 【國科會研究計劃】:NSC 90-2416-H-159-002-SSS 78. Koong H.C. Lin & Tsao, Hsiu-Yuan, "Employing Neural Networks to Learn Thematic Knowledge in Basic Chinese Sentences ", Journal of MHIT,27, pp.57-66, Oct., 2001. 【國科會研究計劃】:NSC 90-2416-H-159-002-SSS 79. Koong H.C. Lin & Tsao, Hsiu-Yuan, "PNF and ANF analyses Based on Purchase Involvement and Product Information Explosure", Journal of MHIT,25, pp.119-128, Oct., 2000. 【國科會研究計劃】:NSC 89-2416-H-159-003-SSS 80. Koong H.-C. Lin, "A Marketing Decision Support System to Predict the Position of a Product in Electronic Marketplace", Journal of MHIT, 24, pp.11-20, June. 2000. 【國科會研究計劃】:NSC 89-2416-H-159-003-SSS 81. Koong H.-C. Lin, " CISM: a Combination of Networked Situations and Product Attributes", Journal of MHIT, 23, pp.19-28, Dec. 1999. 【國科會研究計劃】:NSC-89-2416-H-159-002 82. Koong H.-C. Lin, "Exploring Internet Shopping Willingness by Constructing an Electronic Market Grid", Journal of MHIT, 23,pp.29-38, Dec. 1999. 【國科會研究計劃】:NSC-89-2416-H-159-002 83. Koong H.-C. Lin, "Establishing a Chinese Parsing System to Dealwith Multiple-Verb Constructions Based on Linguistic Universal Grammatical Theory", Journal of Technology, Vol.14, N0.4, pp.549-562, December, 1999.. EI Compendex | Scopus 【國科會研究計劃】:NSC-88-2416-H-159-003
  • 23. 23 84. Koong H.-C.Lin, "Employing Linguistic Universal Grammatical Theory to Build a Chinese ProcessingSystem for Handling Abstract Nominalization Constructions", Journal of MHIT,22, pp.111-120, June, 1999. 【國科會研究計劃】:NSC-88-2416-H-159-003 85. Koong H.C. Lin & Tsao, Hsiu-Yuan, "The Impact of the Form and Content of Shopping Situations on Consumer’s Willingness to Buy through Internet Shops", Journal of MHIT,22, pp.121-130, June, 1999. 86. Koong H.-C. Lin, "Building a Predictive Discourse Processing System Based on Thematic Theory", Journal of MHIT, 21, pp.99-108, Dec. 1998. 【國科會研究計劃】:NSC-88-2416-H-159-003 87. Koong H.-C.Lin, "Establishing an Intelligent System to Acquire Thematic Knowledge of Chinese VerbsBased on Universal Grammar", Journal of MHIT, 20, pp.95-104, May 1998. 88. Koong H.-C. Lin, Von-Wun Soo, and Sandiway Fong, "Dealing with Nominalizations in Mandarin Chinese Using a Principles and Parameters Parser", CPOL (International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages), Vol11(3), pp. 291-310, Jan. 1998. 【國科會研究計劃】:NSC-88-2416-H-159-003 89. Koong H.-C. Lin, "Using Principles and Parameters Theory to Parse Chinese SVCs Sentences", Journal of MHIT, 19, pp.143-152, Nov. 1997. 90. Koong H.C. Lin, Rey-Long Liu, and Von-Wun Soo, "Interactive Acquisition of Thematic Information of Verbs Based on a Corpus of Mandarin Chinese Legal Documents", CPOL (International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages), Vol11(1), Jan. 1997. 【國科會研究計劃】:NSC-84-2213-E-007-021 91. Tung-Bo Chen, Koong H.C. Lin and Von-Wun Soo, "Training Recurrent Neural Networks to Learn Lexical Encoding and Thematic Role Assignment in Parsing Mandarin Chinese Sentences", International Journal of Neurocomputing 17,pp. 495-512, 1997. SCI Journal 【國科會研究計劃】:NSC-84-2213-E-007-021 92. Koong H.C. Lin, Tung-Bo Chen, and Von-Wun Soo, "Neural Network Learning and Encoding of Thematic Role Assignments in Parsing Simple Chinese Sentences", Journalof InformationScienceandEngineering,Vol 2(1), pp. 107-126, 1995. SCI Journal 【國科會研究計劃】:NSC-84-2213-E-007-021 93. Koong H.C. Lin and Von-Wun Soo, "Using a Hypothesis Scoring Function to Parse Chinese Sentence with Serial Verb Constructions Based on Theta Grids Information", CPCOL (International Journal of Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages), Vol9(1), June, pp. 1-16, 1995. 【國科會研究計劃】:NSC-83-0408-E-007-008 94. Koong H.-C. Lin & C.-H. Lin, “Using Microsoft Word Software”, Journal of NTHU Computer Center,84(1), 1995. 95. Koong H.-C. Lin & C.-H. Lin, “Using Microsoft Draw Package”, Journal of NTHU Computer Center,83(6), 1994. 96. Von-Wun Soo, H.D. Perng, S.H. Wu, and H.C. Lin, "Building Expert System Environment and Using Neural Network Techniques to Learning the Parameter Values for Metal Soldering Conditions", Bimonthly Journal of Metal Industry,pp. 104-110, 1993.
  • 24. 24 B. Book or Book Chapter 97. Yu-Hsuan Lin and Hao-Chiang Koong Lin" Using an Augmented-Reality Board Game for Drug Addiction Prevention at a University in Taiwan", ICITL 2019 International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway, December 2-5, 2019. Revised Selected Papers, Editors: Ting Ting Wu, Huang, Y.-M.,(Eds.), Volume 11937 of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS), pp. 24-32, Springer, 2019. (EI) (SCOPUS) EI Journal, Scopus 98. Yi Cheng Liao, Tao Hua Wang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin and Kuan Yu Lin “Augmented Reality Applied to Smartphones and Wearable Devices - Virtual Furniture Simulation System”, ICITL 2018 International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning, Portoroz, Slovenia, Aug. 27-30, 2018. Revised Selected Papers,Editors: Ting Ting Wu, Huang, Y.-M., (Eds.) 472896_1_En, Chapter 51, Volume 11003 of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS), Springer, 2018. (EI) (SCOPUS) EI Journal, Scopus 99. Meng Chun Tsai, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, and Chad Lin "Usability Evaluation of the Game Based E-Book System on NaturalScience Teaching System", ICITL2018 International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning, Portoroz, Slovenia, Aug. 27-30, 2018. Revised Selected Papers,Editors: Ting Ting Wu, Huang, Y.-M., (Eds.) 472896_1_En, Chapter 50, Volume 11003 of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS), Springer, 2018. (EI) (SCOPUS) EI Journal, Scopus 100. Yu-Hsuan,Lin, Chad Lin, Chia-Wei Chang and Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, "The Creation of Interactive Visual Music with Kandinsky Abstract Arts", ICITL 2018 International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning, Portoroz, Slovenia, Aug. 27-30, 2018. Revised Selected Papers,Editors: Ting Ting Wu, Huang, Y.- M., (Eds.) 472896_1_En, Chapter 56, Volume 11003 of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS), Springer, 2018. (EI) (SCOPUS) EI Journal, Scopus 101. 吳穎沺, 張明治, 李葆萍, 陳德懷, 江紹祥, 林豪鏘, 朱蕙君, 詹明峰, 李旻憲, 董艷 , 謝家浩, 黃德霖, 李平主編,《第 20 屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會:大數據時代的學與教:大會論文集》,香港,香 港教育學院,2016。 102. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Chad Lin, Yu-An Huang, Geoffrey Jalleh, Sheng-Hsiang Hung, Min-Chai Hsieh, and Cheng-Hung Wang, "A Preliminary Study of the Practices and Processes of B2B E-commerce Evaluation and Benefits Realization in Taiwanese Hospitals”, a Book Chapter in Handbook of Research on Pharmacoinformatics, published by Idea Group Inc., Chapter 8, pp.110-128, (In Press 2012). ( InfoSci-Books) (Thomson Reuters Book Citation Index) 103. Chad Lin, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Geoffrey Jalleh, Yu-An Huang, Y. Key Adoption Challenges and Issues of B2B E-Commerce in the Healthcare Sector, In Cruz-Cunha, M. M. and Moreira, F. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Mobility and Computing: Evolving Technologies and Ubiquitous Impacts, Information Science Reference, Hershey, USA, (900 pages). (ISBN: 1609600428/ 978-1609600426) , pp.175-192, April, 2011. 104. Tsao, Hsiu-Yuan, Koong H.C. Lin, & Chad Lin, Visit Duration and Consumer Preference towards Web Portal Content, In Tatnall, A. (Ed.),Encyclopaedia of Portal Technology and Applications, Volumes I-II, Information Science Reference (IGI Global), Hershey,USA, June, pp1085-1090. (ISBN: 978-1-59140-989-2 (hardcover) /
  • 25. 25 978-1-59140-990-8 (ebook)), March., 2007. (InfoSci-Books) 105. 林豪鏘著,『電子商務第三版 - 從 Web2.0 到 U 化商務』,旗標出版社,ISBN:957-717-989-4,2010 年四月。 106. Chad Lin & Koong H.C. Lin,, "IT Outsourcing Practices in Australia and Taiwan”, a Book Chapter in IT Outsourcing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, edited by Dr. Kirk St. Amant,, Published by IGI Global, July, 2009. (InfoSci-Books) 107. Koong H.C. Lin, Chad Lin, & Chi-Lin Sheng, "Evaluation of Interactive Digital TV Commerce Using the AHP Approach”, a Book Chapter in Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking, published by Idea Group Inc., pages 489-495, April, 2009. (InfoSci-Books) 108. Hsiu-Yuan Tsao & Koong H.-C. Lin, “Internet Marketing”, 3rd Ed., Flag Publication Co., April, 2009. 曹修源、林豪鏘著,『網路行銷 InternetMarketing』第三版,旗標出版社,ISBN :957-442-198-8,2009 年 4 月。 109. 林豪鏘、曹修源,網絡營銷與案例解析 (簡體版),清華大學出版社,2009。 110. 林豪鏘、曹修源,網路行銷第三版,旗標出版社,2009。 111. Koong H.C. Lin, Chad Lin, & Huei Leu, "Decision Analysis for Business to Adopt RFID”, a Book Chapter in Encyclopedia of Mobile Computing & Commerce, Volume 2, pages 1219-1227, published by Idea Group Inc,, Spring/Summer Catalog., 2007. (InfoSci-Books) 112. Chad Lin & Koong H.C. Lin,, A Study of Information Requirement Determination Process of an Executive Information System, In Adam, F. and Humphreys, P. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Decision Making and Decision Support Technologies, Information Science Reference,Hershey, USA, March, pp 1030-1038. (1019 pages) (ISBN: 978-1-59904-843-7), Volume II, published by Idea Group Inc., March.,2007. 113. Koong H.-C. Lin, “Electronic Commerce”, 2nd Ed., Flag Publication Co., June, 2005. 林豪鏘著,『電子商務』第二版,旗標出版社,ISBN :957-442-262-3,2005 年六月。 114. Koong H.-C. Lin, and Hsiu-Yuan Tsao, “Internet Marketing”, 2nd Ed., Flag Publication Co., July, 2004. 林豪鏘、曹修源著,『網路行銷 InternetMarketing』第二版,旗標出版社,ISBN :957-442-198-8,2004 年 12 月。 115. 林豪鏘著,『電子商務實務』(簡體版),中國鐵道出版社,ISBN : 7-113-05823-X/TP.1177,2004 年五 月。 116. 季延平、周斯畏、林豪鏘、曹修源、孫屏台、許芳榮、謝志明、陳鴻文、江憲坤著,『管理資訊系統導 論』,旗標出版社,ISBN:957-442-138-4,2004。 117. Koong H.-C. Lin, “e-Government and Single Service Wicket”, a book chapter in “Public Service and Management in New Age”, Regional Civil Service Development Institute, C.P.A., July, 2003. 林豪鏘著,『電子化政府與單一服務窗口』,新世紀的公共服務與管理,第貳章,2003 年七月。 118. Koong H.-C. Lin, “Electronic Commerce – From ERP, SCM, CRM to Collaborative Commerce”, Flag Publication Co., May, 2003. 林豪鏘著,『電子商務 - 從 ERP、SCM、CRM 到協同商務』,旗標出版社,ISBN:957-717-989-4, 2003 年五月。 119. Koong H.-C. Lin, Hsiu-Yuan Tsao , and Ian Phau, “e-Marketing”, Flag Publication Co., July, 2002. 林豪鏘、曹修源、Ian Phau 著,『網路行銷 e-Marketing』,旗標出版社,ISBN : 957-717-885-5,2002 年七月。 本書榮獲教育部顧問室-年度優秀產業電子化著作專書獎第三名
  • 26. 26 120. Koong H.-C. Lin, “Parsing Chinese Serial Verb Constructions and Nominalizations Using Thematic Knowledge and Linguistic Principles”, Doctoraldissertation, Department of Computer Science, National Tsing- Hua University, 1997. C. Conference Paper 121.Hsin-Lan Liu, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, The influence of the combination of mind mapping and affective adaptive learning system on critical thinking, reflective thinking and problem solving ability, Interdisciplinary International Education Research Workshop, Tainan, July 27-28, 2020. 122.Yu-Chen Liang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, A Study Integrating Maker Teaching Strategies into Motion Sensing Interactive Music Visualization Courses, Interdisciplinary International Education Research Workshop, Tainan, July 27-28, 2020. 123. 林豪鏘、馬毓君、高嘉晨、李孟璇、張世群,Combining STEAM 6E Teaching Methods and Affective Computing Technologies in the Evaluation of PracticalCourses on Digital Arts,第二十四屆全球華人電腦教 育應用大會 (GCCCE 2020),2020 年 6 月 4 日至 8 日,中國蘭州,西北師範大学,2020. Best Paper Award 124. 林語瑄,林豪鏘,擴增實境桌上型遊戲融入大學校園毒品防制成效之研究, 「第十五屆台灣數位學習發 展研討會」(TWELF 2020),2020 年 3 月 20 日(五)-21 日(六),國立交通大學,2020. Best Paper Award 125. 林谷峯,林豪鏘,探討以 STEM-6E 教學法實施藝術課程對問題解決能力、批判式思考、創造力之影響, 「第十五屆台灣數位學習發展研討會」(TWELF 2020),2020 年 3 月 20 日(五)-21 日(六),國立交通大 學,2020. 126. Yu-Hsuan Lin and Hao-Chiang Koong Lin" Using an Augmented-Reality Board Game for Drug Addiction Prevention at a University in Taiwan", ICITL 2019 International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway,December 2-5, 2019. 127. Yi-Cheng Liao*, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Po-Chun Kuo & Kuan-Yu Lin, The Effects of Virtual Reality System Applied to Shooting Training Course for Senior High School Students, The 27th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2019), HOWARD BEACH RESORT KENTING, Kenting, Taiwan, from December 2nd to 6th, 2019 (Monday to Friday). 128. 高嘉晨、李孟璇、張世群、林豪鏘,基於 AI 情緒分析結合體驗經濟建立情感咖啡攤,IMP2019 ((25th Conference on Information Management and Practice), 2019 年第二十五屆國際資訊管理暨實務研討會,高 雄科技大學,12/7,2019. 129. Vivien Lin, Gi-Zen Liu, Yu-Hsuan Lin, Min-Chai Hsieh and Hao-Chiang Koong Lin " System Design for Ubiquitous Writing in an English asa Foreign Language Context", IC3 2019 The Second International Cognitive Cities Conference,Kyoto, Japan, September 3-6, 2019. 130. Yu-Hsuan Lin, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Min-Chai Hsieh, Tao-Hua Wang, Shu-Hsiang Chen" Mini-flipped Game-based Learning Model on Cultural Heritage Guiding Assisted by the Location-based Augmented Reality Technology", IC3 2019 The Second International Cognitive Cities Conference, Kyoto, Japan, September 3-6, 2019. Best Paper Award 131. Chang, Hsin-Yun, Hao Chiang Koong Lin, Ting Ting Wu, and Yueh Min Huang "The Influence of Interactive Art of Visual Music on the Creativity of Science and Engineering Students", EDUCON 2019, IEEE Global
  • 27. 27 Engineering Education Conference, American University in Dubai, Dubai, UAE, 9-11 April, 2019. 132. 廖益誠、林豪鏘,桌遊學習成效之研究-以交通安全為例,第十四屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 TWELF 2019,Taiwan E-Learning Forum, 2019 年 3 月 21 日至 2019 年 3 月 22 日,國立雲林科技大學。 133. 顏郁霏、林豪鏘,從學習風格探討磨課師課程自我效能之研究,第十四屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 TWELF 2019,2019 年 3 月 21 日至 2019 年 3 月 22 日,國立雲林科技大學。 134. Tao Hua Wang, Hao Chiang Koong Lin, Ting Ting Wu, and Yueh Min Huang "A Study on Learning Emotion of Postgraduates through Online Cooperative Learning", ICITL 2018 International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning, Portoroz, Slovenia, Aug. 27-30, 2018. 135. Yi Cheng Liao, Tao Hua Wang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin and Kuan Yu Lin “Augmented Reality Applied to Smartphones and Wearable Devices - Virtual Furniture Simulation System”, ICITL 2018 International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning, Portoroz, Slovenia, Aug. 27-30, 2018. 136. Meng Chun Tsai, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, and Chad Lin "Usability Evaluation of the Game Based E-Book System on NaturalScience Teaching System", ICITL2018 International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning, Portoroz, Slovenia, Aug. 27-30, 2018. 137. Yu-Hsuan,Lin, Chad Lin, Chia-Wei Chang and Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, "The Creation of Interactive Visual Music with Kandinsky Abstract Arts", ICITL 2018 International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning, Portoroz, Slovenia, Aug. 27-30, 2018. 138. Yu Hsuan Lin, Min Chai Hsieh, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin “The Research of Mini-flipped Game-based Learning Model on Cultural Heritage Guiding Assisted by the Location-based Augmented Reality Technology”, GCCIL 2017, 2017 The 8th Global Chinese Conference on Inquiry Learning : Innovations and Applications, Chengdu,, China, July 27-29, 2017. Best Paper Award 139. 徐國鈞、鄭馨雅、林豪鏘, 台灣地區數位機會中心學員學習成效之影響因素-以台南、高雄地區 Facebook 課程為例, 第 24 屆海峽兩岸資訊管理發展與策略學術研討會, 2018 年 8 月 24 日至 8 月 26 日於 香港大學經濟及工商管理學院舉行,2018. 140. Yu-Hsuan Lin, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin & I-Cheng Lio, The Study on the Application in the Combination of Pervasive Gaming and Augmented Reality in the Temple Tour Between Users with Different Cognitive Styles, The 25th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2017), Rydges Latimer hotel, Christchurch, New Zealand, from December 4th to 8th 2017 (Mon to Fri), 2017. 141. Meng-Chun Tsai, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, A Study on the Behavioral Patterns Formed by Subjects with Different Cognitive Styles in Playing Augmented Reality Interaction Games, SETE 2017, Second Annual International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education, Cape Town, South Africa, Sep 20-22, 2017. 142. Ma Yu Chun, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, The Development of an Affective Tutoring System for Japanese Language Learnerss, SETE 2017, Second Annual International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education, Cape Town, South Africa, Sep 20-22, 2017. 143. Wen-Chun Hsu, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yu-Hsuan Lin, The Research of Applying Mobile Virtual Reality to Martial Arts Learning System with Flipped Classroom, IEEE ICASI 2017, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, Sapporo, Japan, May 13-17, 2017 Best Paper Award 144. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Pei-Chi Hsiao, Chung-Yuan Shen, The Effect of Adherence on Chronic stroke patients between Smart Device Line Group and Traditional recommendations, 1st Asia-Pacific Occupational Therapy
  • 28. 28 Symposium (APOTS 2017) in Taoyuan, Taiwan (October 20th -22nd), 2017. 145. Yu Hsuan Lin, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Min Chai Hsieh “Discusses in the different cognition style to unify Pervasive Gaming and Augmented Reality application of in the temple tour”, GCCCE2017, Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Beijing, 03 - 06 June 2017. 146. Yu Hsuan Lin, Kuan Yu Lin, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin “The Study of Mobile Augmented Reality Applying In Wearable Devices And Mobile Devices-Taking Realistic Isometric Furnishing For Example”, GCCCE2017, Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Beijing, 03 - 06 June 2017. 147. Hung Ta Wang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “Eye Movement Analysis in Affective Tutoring System”, GCCCE2017, Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Beijing, 03 - 06 June 2017. 148. Yu Wen Lee, Chia Wei Chang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin “The Creation of Interactive Visual Music with Kandinsky Abstract Arts”,GCCCE2017, Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Beijing, 03 - 06 June 2017. 149. Meng Hua Wu, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “The Effects of Game-Based Learning System Combined Historical Thinking on Secondary School’s History Education”, GCCCE2017, Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Beijing, 03 - 06 June 2017. 150. 王道華, 葉克樓, 林豪鏘, LINE 線上群組與紙本家庭聯絡簿於親師溝通成效之比較, 第二十二屆資訊管 理暨實務研討會(IMP2016),Tainan, Taiwan, December 11, 2016. 151. Kenny Hsu, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Impact of Applying WebGL Technology to Develop an Web Digital Game-based Learning System for Computer Programming Course in Flipped Classroom, EITT2016, The Fifth International Conference on Educational Innovation through Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, September 22-24, 2016. 152. MA YU-CHUN,Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, A Study of the Affective Tutoring System for Music Appreciation Curriculum at the Junior High School Level, EITT2016, The Fifth International Conference on Educational Innovation through Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, September 22-24, 2016. 153. Min Chai Hsieh, Meng Chun Tsai, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “The Evaluation of Cognitive Styles on Augmented Reality Interactive Games”,GCCCE2016, Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Hong Kong, 23 - 27 May 2016. 154. Zu-Xian Wu, Jhong-Hong Du, Ming-Hsun Lu, Kuang-Yu Lin, Chang-You Chen, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “Development and Research of Affective Learning System Combined with Motion-Sensing Interaction, Augmented Reality and Mid-Air Projection”, GCCCE2016, Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Hong Kong, 23 - 27 May 2016. 155. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Chang-Hui Chu, Wei Chang, “The Research of the Creation of Cyborg Interactive Art and the Process of Creation with the Interactive Design”, 2015 National Computer Symposium (NCS2015) December 18-19 2015, Tajen University, Taiwan. 156. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Ching-Ju CHAO, Tsu-Hsuan Huang, “The Establishment of a Mobile Language Affective Tutoring System”,GCCCE2015, 19th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Taipei, Taiwan, 5/25-29, 2015. 157. Ching-Ju CHAO,Shang-Chin TSAI, Chia-Hsun LEE , Tao-Hua WANG, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, The Impact of Affective Tutoring System and Information Literacy on Elementary School Students’ Cognitive Load and Learning Outcomes, ICCE2014, The 22th International Conference on Computers in Education, Nara, Japan, Nov. 30 - Dec. 4,2014.
  • 29. 29 SCOPUS 158. Shang-Chin Tsai, Ching-Ju Chao, Ju-Ling Shih, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, A research on the website learning effects of third to fifth grade primary school students --take Kaohsiung digital learning center [network vacation—to write summer vacation on internet access] as an example,ACSSC2014, 2014 Annual Conference on Social Studies, Communication and Education, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 7-9, 2014. 159. Sheng-Hsiung Su, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, An Analysis of the Technology Acceptance Model in High School Students’ Programing Learning using Digital Learning Platform, The 2014 e-Learning Forum Asia (eLFA2014), May 28 - May 30, 2014, National Cheng Kung University , Taiwan, 2014. 160. Ching-Ju Chao, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, The Application of Affective Tutoring System on Japanese Language Learning, 2014 e-CASE & e-Tech International Conference, April 2 - April 4, 2014, Noyori Memorial Hall, Nagoya University, Japan,2014. 161. Lin W. H., Her Y. H., Chen S. H., Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Makey Makey – Music for Painting” As an Example, ICDC2013, International Conference on Digital Contents, Tainan, Taiwan, 12/19-20, 2013. Best Paper Award 162. Yang, S. W., Yang, T. I, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, "Employing App on Mobile Phone Connection to Design a Interactive Installation Artwork", IDE@TAAI2013, Intelligence & Design Exhibition, 2013 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Taipei. Taiwan, Dec. 7, 2013. Best Paper Award 163. Chen, H.Y.,Hung, W.L., Chang, Y.H.,Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, "A Joyful Learning Mechanism By Designing an Interactive Building Projection on Heritage --A Case of Red Building in National University of Tainan", TWELF2013, Taiwan E-Learning Forum, Tainan, Taiwan, Nov. 26-27, 2013. 164. HSUEH, Ya-Ping, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN & Meng-Shian OU, "Enhancing Learning Achievement Using Affective Tutoring System in Accounting", ICCE2013, The 21th International Conference on Computers in Education, Bali, Indonesia, Nov. 18-22, 2013. 165. Ching-Ju CHAO, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, "From a Perspective on Foreign Language Learning Anxiety to Design an Affective Tutoring System", ICCE2013, The 21th International Conference on Computers in Education, Bali, Indonesia, Nov. 18-22, 2013. SCOPUS 166. Wen-Lin HONG, Yi-Hsin CHANG, Hen-Yi CHEN, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, "The Interactive Building Projection on Heritage Based on Game-Based Learning - A Case of Red Building in National University of Tainan", ICCE2013, The 21th International Conference on Computers in Education, Bali, Indonesia, Nov. 18- 22, 2013. SCOPUS 167. Min-Chai Hsieh, Cheng-Hung Wanga, Ching-Ju Chao, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “An English Teaching and Learning Environment Based on Augmented Reality for Junior High School Student”, AECT International Conference on the Frontier in e-Learning Research 2013 (AECT-ICFER 2013), National Museum of Natural Science in Taichung, Taiwan on June 18-20, 2013. 168. Ya-Ping Hshieh, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “The Impact on the effectiveness of learning for remedial teaching by ATS - An Example on accounting”, GCCCE2013, Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Beijing, 5/27-31, 2013. 169. Huang, Hsin-Hua, Min-Chai Hsieh, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “Text analysis of the relationship between
  • 30. 30 emotional text on Facebook wall”, GCCCE2013, Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Beijing, 5/27-31, 2013. 170. Chang, Yi-Hsin, Hung, Wen-Ling, Chen, Hen-Yi, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “Explosion in the Day before the Examination! A Digital Art Creation and Research on Interactive Building Projection Mapping”, GCCCE2013, Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Beijing, 5/27-31, 2013. 171. Yu Chen Yang & Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “Ring – An Visual Artwork Creation”, Workshop on Digital Contents, ICIM2013, 24th International Conference on Information Management, Taipei, 5/25-26, 2013. 172. Chen, I-Chien, Chang, Chia-Chun & Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “The Beefsoup Recommendation System, ICIM2013, 24th International Conference on Information Management, Taipei, 5/25-26, 2013. 173. HSIEH, CHANG,PAN,SU, HSU, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin & HUANG, A preliminary study of the feasibility of applying Google Docs to facilitate cooperative learning activities, 2013 TELDAP (Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archive Program) International Conference,Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, March 14-16, 2013. 174. Yan Han Lin, Jiang Yang Wang, Jeng Jie Wang and Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Make Sense ! Face the Music Employing Interaction Technology to Implement an Automatic Creation Mechanism of Audio/Visual Digital Artworks, ACMP 2012, Asia Computer Music Project, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 12/1-2, 2012. Best Paper Award 175. Chang J. J., Chen I. C., Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, A Preliminary Study to Import Digital Art into Individual Counseling – Design of “Time Goes On, In Facebook Life” As an Example, ICDC2012, International Conference on Digital Contents, Tainan, Taiwan, 12/22-23, 2012. 176. Chang J. J., Cheng J. S., Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, An Empirical Study and Implementation system of individuals and groups memories that use Affective Computing combine Facebook information retrieval technology and generative art and feedback after activities mechanism, ICDC2012, International Conference on Digital Contents, Tainan, Taiwan, 12/22-23, 2012. 177. Lin, Y. H., Wang, J. Y., Wang, C. C., Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Make Sense ! Melody Feast. The Research of Using Interactive Technology to Realize Application and Composition of Digital Art, ICDC2012, International Conference on Digital Contents, Tainan, Taiwan, 12/22-23, 2012. 178. Yang, Y. C., Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, A Practical Sharing on the Visual Effects and Inter-Discipline Combination, ICDC2012, International Conference on Digital Contents, Tainan, Taiwan, 12/22-23, 2012. Best Paper Award 179. Sha, L. H., Hwang, L. W., Yang, Y. C., Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Interaction between Dancing and Digital Visual Arts, ICDC2012, International Conference on Digital Contents, Tainan, Taiwan, 12/22- 23, 2012. 180. Yang, S. W., Her Y. S., Hsieh, H. R., Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, T The Musical Companion Who Most Knows You, ICDC2012, International Conference on Digital Contents, Tainan, Taiwan, 12/22-23, 2012. 181. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Wu, Y. H., Lu, J. P., Hsu, P. Y., The Research Integrate Identification with Kinect and Processing of Digital Generative Art, ICDC2012, International Conference on Digital Contents, Tainan, Taiwan, 12/22-23, 2012. 182. Lin, G. Y., Che, T. Y., Ou, B. H., Hsieh, M. C., Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, The Study of Mobile Augmented Reality Applies in Business Simulation Game, ICDC2012, International Conference on
  • 31. 31 Digital Contents, Tainan, Taiwan, 12/22-23, 2012. 183. Tsu-Ching Huang, Chen-Hung Wang, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Kuo-Chun Hsu, "Employing Multi-Modal Affective Computing Techniques to Design the Personalized Human-Computer Interface of an Intelligent Tutoring System - An Example on Digital Arts Learning", ICCE2012, The 20th International Conference on Computers in Education, Wokshop W14: Computer-Supported Personalized Learning, Singapore, Nov. 26-30, 2012. 184. Niwat Ching-Ju CHAO, Hao-Chiang Koong LIN, Tsu-Ching HUANG, Kuo-Chun Hsu, Cheng-Yen HSIEH, "The application of Affective Tutoring Systems (ATS) in enhancing learners’motivation", ICCE2012, The 20th International Conference on Computers in Education, Wokshop W1: Application of innovative educational technologies in STEM education, Singapore, Nov. 26-30, 2012. 185. Chia-Chun Chang, I-Chien Chen, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, "A Preliminary Study on Context-Aware Ubiquitous Learning Strategies Integrated Affective Tutoring System", ICCE2012, The 20th International Conference on Computers in Education, WIPP-C1: ICCE Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education/Intelligent Tutoring System (AIED/ITS) and Adaptive Learning, Singapore, Nov. 26-30, 2012. 186. Min-Chai Hsieh, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Kuang-Yu Lin, Bo-Han Ou, Tsung-Yu Chen, “Preliminary Study of Mobile Augmented Reality Assisted Learning Tool”, ICCE2012, The 20th International Conference on Computers in Education, W11: ICCE Workshop on The trend and development of game and toy enhanced learning, Singapore, Nov. 26-30, 2012. 187. Chia-Chun Chang, I-Chien Chen, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, "How to teach software programming? Using Affective Teaching Method and Social Network to Enhance the Learning Motivation in Programming Courses - An Example on Facebook", ICCE2012, The 20th International Conference on Computers in Education, W7: ICCE Workshop on Innovative Design of Learning Space, Singapore, Nov. 26-30, 2012. 188. Chia-Chun Chang, P. K. Hsieh, L. C. Pan, Y. N. Su, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Y. M. Huang, "A preliminary study on personalizing context conversion mechanism for math remedial teaching exercises based on Facebook and Open Data", TWELF2012, Taiwan E-Learning Forum, Tainan, Taiwan, Oct. 26-27, 2012. 189. Ming-Hui Yang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Y. M. Huang, "The Exploration on Response Time of Peer- Interaction in Asynchronous Forums", TWELF2012, Taiwan E-Learning Forum, Tainan, Taiwan, Oct. 26-27, 2012. 190. Kuang-Yu Lin, Tsung-Yu Chen, Bo-Han Ou, Min-Chai Hsieh, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “The study of mobile Augmented Reality applies in furniture display and furnishings”, TANET2012, Taiwan Academic Network Conference,Taoyuan, Taiwan, Oct. 23-25, 2012. 191. Yang Ming-Huei, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “The Teaching Interaction in Synchronous Distance Education”, GCCCE 2012 , Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Kenting, 5/28-6/1, 2012. 192. Min-Chai Hsieh, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Lin T.-I., Chiu C.-J., “The Eyetracking Analysis of Augmented Reality Conducted into Nature and Science Technology Curriculum in Elementary School”, GCCCE2012 , Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Kenting, 5/28-6/1, 2012. 193. Huang Hsin Hua,Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “Analyzing the Relationship between Emotions and Texts Based on Facebook Walls”, GCCCE2012, Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Kenting, 5/28-6/1, 2012. 194. Ching-Ju Chao, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Jin-Wei Lin, Tseng Yu-Chuan, “An Affective Learning Interface with an Interactive Animated Agent”, 4th IEEE International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy
  • 32. 32 Enhanced Learning (DIGITEL 2012), D2: Workshop on Game, Toy, and Robot for Language Learning and Health Promotion for Diverse Populations, Takamatsu, Japan, 3/27-30, 2012. 195. Sun T.J., Lin T.-A., Su B.-N.,Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, “A Music Generation Mechanism to Simulate Human Emotions Based on Affective Computing”, ICDC2011, International Conference on Digital Contents, Jhongli, 12/27, 2011. 196. Chen, Syan Lyu, Meng, Shian Ou, Jua-Jun ZHUNG, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin,, “Employing Affective Computing, Android Devices, and Face API Social Computing to Establish a Mobile Platform to Analyze Individual Emotion Status”, ICDC2011, International Conference on Digital Contents, Jhongli, 12/27, 2011. Best Paper Award 197. Ching-Ju Chao, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Cheng-Hung Wang, Min-Chai Hsieh, "Eye Tracking for Evaluating an AR-based Learning System on Monocotyledons/Dicotyledons", ICCE2011, The 19th International Conference on Computers in Education, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Nov. 28 – Dec. 2, 2011. 198. Chen, Syan Lyu, Meng, Shian Ou, Jua-Jun ZHUNG, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, "Usability Evaluation on an Affective Mobile Platform Based on Social Computing", ICCE2011, The 19th International Conference on Computers in Education, WS5: Workshop on Open Technology, Open Standards and Open Knowledge in ICT- enabled Learning, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Nov. 28 – Dec. 2, 2011. 199. Chen, Syan Lyu, Meng, Shian Ou, Jua-Jun ZHUNG, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, "Combining Affective Computing and Facebook API Social Computing to Establish a Mobile Platform with Automatic Emotion Status Updating Functions", ICCE2011, The 19th International Conference on Computers in Education, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Nov. 28 – Dec. 2, 2011. 200. Sun T.J.,Lin T.-A.,Su B.-N.,Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, "Employing Affecting Computing and MIDIInstruments to Establish a Sound Artwork Production Mechanism", Cyber2010, 13rd Conference on Cyber Space, Nov. 25-26, 2011. 201. Ming-Huei Yang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, "Asynchronous Discussion for Sharing and Interactive Learning", TWELF2011 (Taiwan E-Learning Forum 2011), Taipei, Nov. 4-5, 2011. 202. Ming-Huei Yang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, "Asynchronous Distance Learning with Active Participation and Sharing", TANET2011 (Taiwan Academic Network 2011), Ilan, Oct. 24-26, 2011. 203. Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Min-Chai Hsieh, & Wei-Jhe Wang, “The Human-like Emotions Recognition using Mutual Information and Semantic Clues”, Sixth International Conference on E-Learning and Games (Edutainment 2011), Taipei, Sep. 7-9, 2011. EI 204. Cheng-Hung Wang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yueh-Chun Chen, Min-Chai Hsieh, “Preliminary discussion of Affective Tutoring System -An Example on Digital ArtsLearning”, GCCCE2011 ,Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Hangzhou, China, May 29-31, 2011. EI, IEEE#18156 ISBN: 978-1-4244-9237-4 & 978-1-4244-9238-1 205. Wen-Lin Kuo, Cheng-Hung Wang, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Yueh-Chun Chen, Min-Chai Hsieh, “Eye Movement Assessment of AR-Based Learning on Monocotyledons/Dicotyledons”, GCCCE 2011 , Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Hangzhou, China, May 29-31, 2011. 206. Min-Chai Hsieh, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, & Cheng-Hung Wang, “The Study of Eyetracking and Usability Evaluation on an Augmented Reality E-learning System”, The 15th Global Chinese Conference on Computers