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 The Lady Montesco and Lord Capuleto (Julie Walters and Richard Wilson) are two old men that they
despise each other. When they come out of their gardens, objects come to life. The Montague garden
is full of blue garden gnomes, and Capuleto garden gnomes are red. Later, both the red and the blue
gnomes attend a career in lawn mowers. On behalf of the blue goes Gnomeo (James McAvoy) and the
Red Teobaldo (Jason Statham) represents them. During the race, with point-to-point Gnomeo win,
Teobaldo cheater and ends up winning it. Gnomeo and his best friend (Matt Lucas) Benbolio claim
you to Theobald by trap that has made, but Teobaldo ignores them.
 Later that night, Gnomeo and Benvolio, go for revenge, they infiltrate the Red garden disguised,
intending to spray the mower of the reds with blue spray paint. Since Theobald is asleep and his best
friend, Fawn (Ozzy Osbourne) play cards with the other elves of red color, it seems that there is no
fault in its plan, until Benbolio foolishly take aerosols in the well of Theobald and accidentally shoots
a safety in the process light, alerting the Red gnomes to attack. Fortunately, they manage to escape,
however, Gnomeo ends in a different garden. Then you hit the daughter of Lord brick (Michael
Caine), Juliet (Emily Blunt) is called. Juliet is looking for the latest Orchid that remained in the
greenhouse, intending to use it to beautify the Red garden. Gnomeo is intrigued by it, and arrives at
the orchid as she is about to go through the garden, and they fall in love in the process. During this
time they learn that they are opposing clans. When both return to their gardens, Juliet tells her friend
Nanette (Ashley Jensen) about his new love, to her surprise. Nanette says that the relationship is
romantically tragic.
 Gnomeo and Juliet, then have secret meetings in a secret garden, where they encounter a pink
Flamingo of plastic called Featherstone (Jim Cummings). It supports and encourages their love, and
the two begin to meet regularly. But when the two prepare for an appointment, the father of Juliet
presents Paris (Stephen Merchant), a red dwarf that Nanette has fallen in love, but Juliet manages to
escape. Later, when the return of the two in back gardens, Gnomeo sees his mother Lady tile (Maggie
Smith), who is left desolate after the reds infiltrate in the garden and destroyed the plant that the
deceased father of Gnomeo planted. Blue Gnomeo want to take revenge on the reds, and is given
account that may not refuse unless he told them his secret. It goes below a few secret tunnels to reach
the garden of red, but just as he is on the verge of spray of Lord brick red tulips, Juliet sees it.
Removed soon, and tells Benbolio that the nozzle of the spray bottle had jammed.
 When he and Juliet meet again, they briefly discussed until Featherstone stops them, telling them
that the hatred of others destroyed his love. He and his girlfriend were separated when the two people
who lived in the House from the garden in which they are divorced. Once he has explained this to
Gnomeo and Juliet is ask an apology, but when they are about to kiss, Benbolio sees them and runs to
tell Lady tile, but in the alley Teobaldo is waiting for you with your lawn mower, Teobaldon Benbolio
beats and breaks him his large hat. Teobaldo Gnomeo fights in his lawn mower, but is destroyed
crashing against a wall. The reds said that it was an attack of Gnomeo, but Juliet, to the surprise of his
father and his clan, defends Gnomeo, saying that she loves him. A woman suddenly enters the alley,
and mistakenly Gnomeo pulls into the street, where it passes a large truck and everyone believed that
it was hit by the truck. The father of Juliet then sticks it to its source, because it does not want to lose
her like her mother. Gnomeo, a fungus called Shroom, mascot is left alone and goes to the road,
where he realizes that what looked like Gnomeo was actually a broken blue teapot, and Gnomeo is
still alive, to know this goes in search of Featherstone. Gnomeo finally ends in a park, and a statue of
William Shakespeare (Patrick Stewart) goes and tells his story. Shakespeare tells Gnomeo that its
history is very similar to that of Romeo and Juliet, and likely that Gnomeo will have a sad ending.
Shroom and Featherstone arrive when Gnomeo was about to fall from the statue.
 Benvolio, meanwhile, buys a lawnmower in large line, called the Terrafirminator, to take revenge on
the red dwarf, despite Shroom trying to convince him that Gnomeo is still alive. The Terrafirminator
goes out of control and destroys most of the two gardens. Gnomeo is back with Juliet to try to peel it,
but it may not. She tells him to leave, but he refuses, and the two share a kiss when the
Terrafirmenator hits the source of Juliet. Everyone believes that both Gnomeo and Juliet are dead.
Lord brick and Lady Azulejo, to realize that their feud was responsible for this, decide to make a
truce. Suddenly, both Gnomeo and Juliet out of the rubble and are well. The film has a happy ending
when the two of them getting married in a ceremony called matrignomio, in a purple lawnmower,
which symbolizes the truce between both families: the Montagues and the Capulets.
 Original title Gnomeo and Juliet
 Year 2011
 Duration 80 min.
 Country United States
 Director Kelly Asbury
 Screenplay Mark Burton, Kevin Cecil, Andy Riley,
John R. Smith, Rob Sprackling (work: William
 Music James Newton Howard, Elton John
 Fotografiaanimationrepartoanimationproductora
coproduccion USA-GB; Walt Disney Pictures
Rocket Pictures Starz
 Animationgenero
animation. Fantastic. Child. Romance toys. 3-D
 When Hamlet, the Crown Prince
of Denmark, returns to his
homeland, he receives the news
that his father has died and that
his mother, Queen Gertrude, is
going to marry his uncle Claudio.
The specter of his father reveals
that Claudio is responsible for his
death. Since then, Hamlet only
think to avenge the death of his
•Original title Hamlet
•Year 1996
•Duration 242 min.
•Country United Kingdom
•Director Kenneth Branagh
•Writer Kenneth Branagh (Theatre: William
•Music Patrick Doyle
•Photography Alex Thomson
•Reparto Kenneth Branagh, Derek Jacobi, Kate
Winslet, Julie Christie, Richard Briers, Michael
Maloney, Nicholas Farrell, Brian Blessed,
Charlton Heston, Billy Crystal, Jack Lemmon,
Timothy Spall, Reece Dinsdale, Rufus Sewell,
Gerard Depardieu, Robin Williams, Richard
Attenborough, Rosemary Harris, Simon Russell
Beale, John Gielgud, Judi Dench, John Mills,
Ravil Isyanov, Ian McElhinney, Michael Bryant,
David Yip, Jimi Mistry
•Production company Castle Rock
•Genre Drama Romance crime
 Macbeth is Shakespeare's shortest tragedy, and tells the
story of a brave Scottish general named Macbeth who
receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he
will become King of Scotland. Consumed by ambition and
spurred to action by his wife, Macbeth murders King
Duncan and takes the throne for himself. He is then
wracked with guilt and paranoia, and he soon becomes a
tyrannical ruler as he is forced to commit more and more
murders to protect himself from enmity and suspicion. The
bloodbath and consequent civil war swiftly take Macbeth
and Lady Macbeth into the realms of arrogance, madness,
and death
 Lady Macbeth
 Banquo
 Duncan
 Macduff
 Macbeth
 Fleance
 Malcolm
 Siward
 Lady Macduff
Director: Justin Kurzel
 Will Shakespeare is a known but struggling poet, playwright and
actor who not only has sold his next play to both Philip Henslow
and Richard Burbidge but now faces a far more difficult problem:
he is bereft of ideas and has yet to begin writing. He is in search
of his muse, the woman who will inspire him but all attempts fail
him until he meets the beautiful Viola de Lesseps. She loves the
theatre and would like nothing more than to take to the stage
but is forbidden from doing so as only men can be actors. She is
also a great admirer of Shakespeare's works. Dressing as a man
and going by the name of Thomas Kent, she auditions and is
ideal for a part in his next play. Shakespeare soon sees through
her disguise and they begin a love affair, one they know cannot
end happily for them as he is already married and she has been
promised to the dour Lord Wessex. As the company rehearses his
new play, Will and Viola's love is transferred to the written page
leading to the masterpiece that is Romeo and Juliet.
 Director:John Madden
 Viola Lesspeps
 William Shakespeare
 Queen Elizabeth l
 Ned Allyen
 Philip Henslowe
 Hugh Fennyman
 Sr. Tilney
 Place of action:
 The first event in Venice. The rest of the work in the port
of Cyprus.
 Tema:
 Las dudas y los celos del general Otelo
 Characters:
 Othello – General in the Venetian military
 Desdemona – Othello's wife; daughter of Brabantio
 Iago – Othello's trusted, but jealous and traitorous ensign
 Michael Cassio – Othello's loyal and most beloved
 Bianca – Cassio's lover
 Emilia – Iago's wife and Desdemona's maidservant
 Brabantio – Venetian senator and Desdemona's father
 Roderigo – dissolute Venetian, in love with
 In the opening scene, Iago complains to Roderigo that
Othello, his Commander, has passed him over to
promote the handsome young Cassio to be his
Lieutenant. He vows to get revenge. Iago first asks
Roderigo to tell Desdemona’s father, Brabantio, that
his daughter has left to marry Othello, a marriage
Brabantio opposes because Othello is a Moor.
Brabantio confronts Othello, and they take their
argument to the Duke, who has summoned Othello to
ask him to sail to Cyprus to stop a Turkish invasion.
Convinced by Othello and Desdemona that they love
each other deeply despite their differences, the Duke
gives Desdemona permission to travel with Othello. By
the time they reach Cyprus the foreign threat has gone.
 Iago manipulates Cassio to make him drunk and gets
Roderigo to draw him into a street fight. Iago has his
revenge on Cassio when Othello strips Cassio of his
rank for misbehavior. Then Iago decides to make
Othello believe his wife is unfaithful. He encourages
Cassio to ask Desdemona to plead with Othello to be
reinstated. Iago suggests to Othello that Desdemona is
Cassio’s lover. Trusting Iago, and mad with jealousy,
Othello promotes Iago and asks Iago to help him kill
Cassio and Desdemona.
 Iago plants Desdemona’s handkerchief in Cassio’s
room. Cassio gives it to his mistress, Bianca. Othello
believes Bianca’s possession of the handkerchief is
proof that Desdemona and Cassio are lovers. He
verbally abuses his wife in front of others, who are
shocked at the change in the noble and powerful man.
 Iago has manipulated Roderigo into trying to kill Cassio. The
attempt goes wrong, and Cassio wounds Roderigo; Iago stabs
Cassio in the leg. Othello hears Cassio cry out and thinks Iago
has killed him. He returns home, ready to kill Desdemona.
Meanwhile, Iago “finds” the wounded Cassio and accuses
Bianca of causing Cassio’s injury. Iago quietly kills Roderigo
and sends Emilia (Iago’s wife) to Desdemona with news of
what has happened.
 Othello reaches the sleeping Desdemona first. He kisses her,
wakes her, and accuses her again. Over her protests that she
loves him and is innocent, he smothers her. Emilia enters and
Desdemona revives for a moment, declaring herself guiltless
but saying, as she dies, that Othello is innocent of her death.
Iago and others enter, and Emilia defends Desdemona’s
innocence, recognizing that Iago is behind the
tragedy.Othello sees the truth and tries to kill Iago. Iago kills
Emilia and flees; Othellocondemns himself and commits
suicide. Iago is seized and taken away.
By shakespeare
 Dramaturgo: William Shakespeare
 Letrista: William Shakespeare
 Género: Tragedia
 Characters:
 Cleopatra
 Marco Antonio
 Octavius
 Cayo Julio César
 Soothsayer
 Marco Vipsanio Agripa
 Alexas
 Domitius Enobarbus
 Scarus
 Octavia
 Proculeius
 Marco Emilio Lépido
It's about relationship between Cleopatra and Mark Antony
and develops all through the war until the suicide of
Cleopatra had relations with two of the largest Roman
generals: Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great.
It was the lover of Julius Caesar. They had a son named
Caesarion. After Caesar's murder, Cleopatra calls to Marco
Antonio to discuss the alliance of Rome with Egypt and thus
secure the loyalty of Egypt. Cleopatra forced him to marry
her, even knowing that he was already married to Fulvia.
When Fulvia discovered her husband's union with Cleopatra,
he married Octavio enemy of both. While Octavian declared
war, Marco Antonio declared his love and loyalty to Cleopatra
in the chaos.
Cleopatra and Mark Antony were loyal to Caesar. They had already met
before, during the reign of Caesar. Their marriage improved relations
between Rome and Egypt. Antony and Cleopatra joined in the battle front
to fight the men of Octavio, but had to abandon the battlefield once
learned that his chances of winning were declining.
Cleopatra had hidden in his grave for fear, and Marco Antonio thought he
had died. Marco Antonio returned to the battlefield shortly after, where
he died. Cleopatra, at the news of the death of Mark Antony committed
 Year:1996
 Running Time:242 min.
 Country: Reino Unido
 Director:Kenneth Branagh
 Plot:When Hamlet (Kenneth Branagh) returns from
his studies to find his father dead, and his mother
married to his uncle, he grows suspicious. After being
visited by his dead father as a ghost, his suspicions are
confirmed and Hamlet falls into a mental pit of
revenge, deceit and self-doubt.
 Year:2000
 Running Time:115min
 Country:United States
 Director:Andrzej Bartkowiak
 Plot:An avenging cop seeks out his brother's killer and
falls for the daughter of a businessman who is involved
in a money-deal with his father.
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8 film adaptations (2)

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8 film adaptations (2)

  • 1.
  • 2.  The Lady Montesco and Lord Capuleto (Julie Walters and Richard Wilson) are two old men that they despise each other. When they come out of their gardens, objects come to life. The Montague garden is full of blue garden gnomes, and Capuleto garden gnomes are red. Later, both the red and the blue gnomes attend a career in lawn mowers. On behalf of the blue goes Gnomeo (James McAvoy) and the Red Teobaldo (Jason Statham) represents them. During the race, with point-to-point Gnomeo win, Teobaldo cheater and ends up winning it. Gnomeo and his best friend (Matt Lucas) Benbolio claim you to Theobald by trap that has made, but Teobaldo ignores them.  Later that night, Gnomeo and Benvolio, go for revenge, they infiltrate the Red garden disguised, intending to spray the mower of the reds with blue spray paint. Since Theobald is asleep and his best friend, Fawn (Ozzy Osbourne) play cards with the other elves of red color, it seems that there is no fault in its plan, until Benbolio foolishly take aerosols in the well of Theobald and accidentally shoots a safety in the process light, alerting the Red gnomes to attack. Fortunately, they manage to escape, however, Gnomeo ends in a different garden. Then you hit the daughter of Lord brick (Michael Caine), Juliet (Emily Blunt) is called. Juliet is looking for the latest Orchid that remained in the greenhouse, intending to use it to beautify the Red garden. Gnomeo is intrigued by it, and arrives at the orchid as she is about to go through the garden, and they fall in love in the process. During this time they learn that they are opposing clans. When both return to their gardens, Juliet tells her friend Nanette (Ashley Jensen) about his new love, to her surprise. Nanette says that the relationship is romantically tragic.  Gnomeo and Juliet, then have secret meetings in a secret garden, where they encounter a pink Flamingo of plastic called Featherstone (Jim Cummings). It supports and encourages their love, and the two begin to meet regularly. But when the two prepare for an appointment, the father of Juliet presents Paris (Stephen Merchant), a red dwarf that Nanette has fallen in love, but Juliet manages to escape. Later, when the return of the two in back gardens, Gnomeo sees his mother Lady tile (Maggie Smith), who is left desolate after the reds infiltrate in the garden and destroyed the plant that the deceased father of Gnomeo planted. Blue Gnomeo want to take revenge on the reds, and is given account that may not refuse unless he told them his secret. It goes below a few secret tunnels to reach the garden of red, but just as he is on the verge of spray of Lord brick red tulips, Juliet sees it. Removed soon, and tells Benbolio that the nozzle of the spray bottle had jammed.  When he and Juliet meet again, they briefly discussed until Featherstone stops them, telling them that the hatred of others destroyed his love. He and his girlfriend were separated when the two people who lived in the House from the garden in which they are divorced. Once he has explained this to Gnomeo and Juliet is ask an apology, but when they are about to kiss, Benbolio sees them and runs to tell Lady tile, but in the alley Teobaldo is waiting for you with your lawn mower, Teobaldon Benbolio beats and breaks him his large hat. Teobaldo Gnomeo fights in his lawn mower, but is destroyed crashing against a wall. The reds said that it was an attack of Gnomeo, but Juliet, to the surprise of his father and his clan, defends Gnomeo, saying that she loves him. A woman suddenly enters the alley, and mistakenly Gnomeo pulls into the street, where it passes a large truck and everyone believed that it was hit by the truck. The father of Juliet then sticks it to its source, because it does not want to lose her like her mother. Gnomeo, a fungus called Shroom, mascot is left alone and goes to the road, where he realizes that what looked like Gnomeo was actually a broken blue teapot, and Gnomeo is still alive, to know this goes in search of Featherstone. Gnomeo finally ends in a park, and a statue of William Shakespeare (Patrick Stewart) goes and tells his story. Shakespeare tells Gnomeo that its history is very similar to that of Romeo and Juliet, and likely that Gnomeo will have a sad ending. Shroom and Featherstone arrive when Gnomeo was about to fall from the statue.  Benvolio, meanwhile, buys a lawnmower in large line, called the Terrafirminator, to take revenge on the red dwarf, despite Shroom trying to convince him that Gnomeo is still alive. The Terrafirminator goes out of control and destroys most of the two gardens. Gnomeo is back with Juliet to try to peel it, but it may not. She tells him to leave, but he refuses, and the two share a kiss when the Terrafirmenator hits the source of Juliet. Everyone believes that both Gnomeo and Juliet are dead. Lord brick and Lady Azulejo, to realize that their feud was responsible for this, decide to make a truce. Suddenly, both Gnomeo and Juliet out of the rubble and are well. The film has a happy ending when the two of them getting married in a ceremony called matrignomio, in a purple lawnmower, which symbolizes the truce between both families: the Montagues and the Capulets.
  • 3.  Original title Gnomeo and Juliet  Year 2011  Duration 80 min.  Country United States  Director Kelly Asbury  Screenplay Mark Burton, Kevin Cecil, Andy Riley, John R. Smith, Rob Sprackling (work: William Shakespeare)  Music James Newton Howard, Elton John  Fotografiaanimationrepartoanimationproductora coproduccion USA-GB; Walt Disney Pictures Rocket Pictures Starz  Animationgenero animation. Fantastic. Child. Romance toys. 3-D
  • 4.  When Hamlet, the Crown Prince of Denmark, returns to his homeland, he receives the news that his father has died and that his mother, Queen Gertrude, is going to marry his uncle Claudio. The specter of his father reveals that Claudio is responsible for his death. Since then, Hamlet only think to avenge the death of his father
  • 5. •Original title Hamlet •Year 1996 •Duration 242 min. •Country United Kingdom •Director Kenneth Branagh •Writer Kenneth Branagh (Theatre: William Shakespeare) •Music Patrick Doyle •Photography Alex Thomson •Reparto Kenneth Branagh, Derek Jacobi, Kate Winslet, Julie Christie, Richard Briers, Michael Maloney, Nicholas Farrell, Brian Blessed, Charlton Heston, Billy Crystal, Jack Lemmon, Timothy Spall, Reece Dinsdale, Rufus Sewell, Gerard Depardieu, Robin Williams, Richard Attenborough, Rosemary Harris, Simon Russell Beale, John Gielgud, Judi Dench, John Mills, Ravil Isyanov, Ian McElhinney, Michael Bryant, David Yip, Jimi Mistry •Production company Castle Rock Entertainment •Genre Drama Romance crime
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  • 7.  Macbeth is Shakespeare's shortest tragedy, and tells the story of a brave Scottish general named Macbeth who receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland. Consumed by ambition and spurred to action by his wife, Macbeth murders King Duncan and takes the throne for himself. He is then wracked with guilt and paranoia, and he soon becomes a tyrannical ruler as he is forced to commit more and more murders to protect himself from enmity and suspicion. The bloodbath and consequent civil war swiftly take Macbeth and Lady Macbeth into the realms of arrogance, madness, and death
  • 8.  Lady Macbeth  Banquo  Duncan  Macduff  Macbeth  Fleance  Malcolm  Siward  Lady Macduff Director: Justin Kurzel
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  • 10.  Will Shakespeare is a known but struggling poet, playwright and actor who not only has sold his next play to both Philip Henslow and Richard Burbidge but now faces a far more difficult problem: he is bereft of ideas and has yet to begin writing. He is in search of his muse, the woman who will inspire him but all attempts fail him until he meets the beautiful Viola de Lesseps. She loves the theatre and would like nothing more than to take to the stage but is forbidden from doing so as only men can be actors. She is also a great admirer of Shakespeare's works. Dressing as a man and going by the name of Thomas Kent, she auditions and is ideal for a part in his next play. Shakespeare soon sees through her disguise and they begin a love affair, one they know cannot end happily for them as he is already married and she has been promised to the dour Lord Wessex. As the company rehearses his new play, Will and Viola's love is transferred to the written page leading to the masterpiece that is Romeo and Juliet.
  • 11.  Director:John Madden  Viola Lesspeps  William Shakespeare  Queen Elizabeth l  Ned Allyen  Philip Henslowe  Hugh Fennyman  Sr. Tilney
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  • 14.  Place of action:  The first event in Venice. The rest of the work in the port of Cyprus.   Tema:  Las dudas y los celos del general Otelo   Characters:  Othello – General in the Venetian military  Desdemona – Othello's wife; daughter of Brabantio  Iago – Othello's trusted, but jealous and traitorous ensign
  • 15.  Michael Cassio – Othello's loyal and most beloved captain  Bianca – Cassio's lover  Emilia – Iago's wife and Desdemona's maidservant  Brabantio – Venetian senator and Desdemona's father  Roderigo – dissolute Venetian, in love with Desdemona
  • 16.  In the opening scene, Iago complains to Roderigo that Othello, his Commander, has passed him over to promote the handsome young Cassio to be his Lieutenant. He vows to get revenge. Iago first asks Roderigo to tell Desdemona’s father, Brabantio, that his daughter has left to marry Othello, a marriage Brabantio opposes because Othello is a Moor. Brabantio confronts Othello, and they take their argument to the Duke, who has summoned Othello to ask him to sail to Cyprus to stop a Turkish invasion. Convinced by Othello and Desdemona that they love each other deeply despite their differences, the Duke gives Desdemona permission to travel with Othello. By the time they reach Cyprus the foreign threat has gone.
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  • 18.  Iago manipulates Cassio to make him drunk and gets Roderigo to draw him into a street fight. Iago has his revenge on Cassio when Othello strips Cassio of his rank for misbehavior. Then Iago decides to make Othello believe his wife is unfaithful. He encourages Cassio to ask Desdemona to plead with Othello to be reinstated. Iago suggests to Othello that Desdemona is Cassio’s lover. Trusting Iago, and mad with jealousy, Othello promotes Iago and asks Iago to help him kill Cassio and Desdemona.  Iago plants Desdemona’s handkerchief in Cassio’s room. Cassio gives it to his mistress, Bianca. Othello believes Bianca’s possession of the handkerchief is proof that Desdemona and Cassio are lovers. He verbally abuses his wife in front of others, who are shocked at the change in the noble and powerful man.
  • 19.  Iago has manipulated Roderigo into trying to kill Cassio. The attempt goes wrong, and Cassio wounds Roderigo; Iago stabs Cassio in the leg. Othello hears Cassio cry out and thinks Iago has killed him. He returns home, ready to kill Desdemona. Meanwhile, Iago “finds” the wounded Cassio and accuses Bianca of causing Cassio’s injury. Iago quietly kills Roderigo and sends Emilia (Iago’s wife) to Desdemona with news of what has happened.  Othello reaches the sleeping Desdemona first. He kisses her, wakes her, and accuses her again. Over her protests that she loves him and is innocent, he smothers her. Emilia enters and Desdemona revives for a moment, declaring herself guiltless but saying, as she dies, that Othello is innocent of her death. Iago and others enter, and Emilia defends Desdemona’s innocence, recognizing that Iago is behind the tragedy.Othello sees the truth and tries to kill Iago. Iago kills Emilia and flees; Othellocondemns himself and commits suicide. Iago is seized and taken away.
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  • 23.  Dramaturgo: William Shakespeare  Letrista: William Shakespeare  Género: Tragedia   Characters:  Cleopatra  Marco Antonio  Octavius  Cayo Julio César
  • 24.  Soothsayer  Marco Vipsanio Agripa  Alexas  Domitius Enobarbus  Scarus  Octavia  Proculeius  Marco Emilio Lépido
  • 25. It's about relationship between Cleopatra and Mark Antony and develops all through the war until the suicide of Cleopatra. Cleopatra had relations with two of the largest Roman generals: Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great. It was the lover of Julius Caesar. They had a son named Caesarion. After Caesar's murder, Cleopatra calls to Marco Antonio to discuss the alliance of Rome with Egypt and thus secure the loyalty of Egypt. Cleopatra forced him to marry her, even knowing that he was already married to Fulvia. When Fulvia discovered her husband's union with Cleopatra, he married Octavio enemy of both. While Octavian declared war, Marco Antonio declared his love and loyalty to Cleopatra in the chaos.
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  • 27. Cleopatra and Mark Antony were loyal to Caesar. They had already met before, during the reign of Caesar. Their marriage improved relations between Rome and Egypt. Antony and Cleopatra joined in the battle front to fight the men of Octavio, but had to abandon the battlefield once learned that his chances of winning were declining. Cleopatra had hidden in his grave for fear, and Marco Antonio thought he had died. Marco Antonio returned to the battlefield shortly after, where he died. Cleopatra, at the news of the death of Mark Antony committed suicide.
  • 29.  Year:1996  Running Time:242 min.  Country: Reino Unido  Director:Kenneth Branagh  Plot:When Hamlet (Kenneth Branagh) returns from his studies to find his father dead, and his mother married to his uncle, he grows suspicious. After being visited by his dead father as a ghost, his suspicions are confirmed and Hamlet falls into a mental pit of revenge, deceit and self-doubt.
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  • 31.  Year:2000  Running Time:115min  Country:United States  Director:Andrzej Bartkowiak  Plot:An avenging cop seeks out his brother's killer and falls for the daughter of a businessman who is involved in a money-deal with his father.