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Identity of HAMLET Drama 
Full title: The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of 
Author : William Shakespeare 
Type of work : Play 
Genre : Tragedy 
Language : English
Written at the first part of the 
seventeenth century (probably 
in1601),Hamlet was first 
performed in July 1602. It was 
first published in printed form in 
1603 and appeared in an 
enlarged edition in 1604.
The author
Shakespeare biography: 
 Shakespeare was born and brought up in Stratford-upon- 
 Between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in 
London as an actor, writer, and part owner of a playing 
company called the Lord Chamberlain's Men, later known as 
the King's Men. 
 His early plays were mainly comedies and histories, genres 
he raised to the peak of sophistication and artistry by the end 
of the 16th century. 
 He then wrote mainly tragedies until about 1608, 
including Hamlet. 
 Little known about shakespeare his own life but it`s known that he has a 
son called Hamlet died at the age of 10. 
 This influenced shakespeare many of his plays concerned fathers and 
• Some of his work: 
A Midsummer Night's Dream 
As You Like It 
Taming of the Shrew 
The Tempest 
Winter's Tale 
King John 
Richard II 
King Lear 
Romeo and Juliet
 The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is a play, written 
by William Shakespeare. It is one of his best-known plays. 
The play is often just called Hamlet. 
 The main story of Hamlet is a Danish prince whose uncle 
killed his father ,married his mother, and claimed the 
throne. His father ghost came to Hamlet and told him that 
his uncle killed his father ,so Hamlet pretended madness 
to discover the truth, then killed his uncle in revenge.
The story takes place 
in the country of 
Denmark (Kingdom of 
Denmark) in the late 
medieval period. 
Kronborg Castel, Elsinore, 
The characters
“To be, or not to be: that is the question” 
(Act III Scene I)
I’m Ophelia and I love 
Hamlet, the Prince. After 
the death of my father, 
Polonius, I become 
crazy and kill myself in a 
I’m Polonius, the Lord 
Chamberlain of Claudius’s 
court, a pompous, conniving 
old man. I’m the father of 
Ophelia and Laertes. I die by 
the sword of Hamlet. 
I’m Laertes, Polonius’s son and 
Ophelia’s brother. I’m a young 
man who comes back home 
from France. Passionate and 
quick to action, I’m clearly a foil 
for the reflective Hamlet.
I’m Fortinbras, the young 
Prince of Norway, whose 
father the king was killed by 
Hamlet’s father. Now I wish to 
attack Denmark to avenge my 
father’s honor, making him 
another foil for Prince Hamlet. 
I’m Horatio, Hamlet’s closed 
friend. I’m loyal and helpful . 
I’m the only alive at the end. 
I’m remained alive to tell 
everyone Hamlet’s story.
The story 
A. Finocchio – L. 
Pompele – F. 
Chapter (1): 
Hamlet and his father's 
Chapter (1): Hamlet and his father's ghost 
 hamlet , prince of Denmark, was a brave and noble 
young man, his father, old king hamlet, died 
suddenly and in a mysterious way. hamlet, who 
loved his father, was broken-hearted. his sadness 
increased when his mother, soon after her 
husband's death, married her husband's brother 
Claudius. Claudius, a cunning and evil man, then 
became king of Denmark. 
 He had been told that his father had died from the 
bite of a snake while he was sleeping in his garden. 
Was this true? Had my uncle killed my father? Had 
my mother known about my uncle's evil purpose? 
Had she helped him in it? These thoughts tormented 
the noble mind of the young prince
 At this time, hamlet's best friend , horatio, came to him with a 
strange story. The soldiers on guard on the castle walls had 
seen the ghost of old king hamlet. 
 The next night, hamlet and horatio were waiting with a guard 
on the castle walls. 
Suddenly, horatio touched hamlet's arm. ''look, my lord, '' he 
whispered. '' here it comes!'' The ghost of his father stood in 
front of young hamlet.
1/ What sad events 
turns Hamlet into a 
very sad young man? 
His father, old king hamlet, 
died suddenly and in a 
mysterious way 
2/ What news did 
Horatio bring Hamlet? 
The soldiers on guard on the 
castle walls had seen the ghost 
of old king hamlet
Chapter (2): 
Hamlet pretends 
 Chapter (2): Hamlet pretends madness 
 '‘Are you my father?" hamlet asked, in great agitation. 
''why have you come? What do you want me to do?" 
 The ghost did not speak. It beckoned hamlet to leave 
his two companions and to follow it to the edge of the 
castle wall. Horatio, who feared for his friend's safety, 
tried to hold hamlet back. But hamlet pushed him 
away roughly and followed the ghost. 
 ''they told you,'' the ghost began, ''that a snake killed 
me when I was sleeping in my garden. Oh, hamlet! The 
snake that killed me was your uncle. Revenge my foul 
murder. But do not kill your mother. Leave her to the 
torment of her conscience. Remember! Remember!'' 
the ghost commanded. The next moment it was gone.
 Hamlet returned to his two 
companions. He made them 
promise never to speak of what 
they had seen that night. He 
told horatio what the ghost had 
said. moreover, he told him of a 
strange plan that he had 
suddenly made . he was going 
to behave as if he were really 
mad. In this way he could hide 
his real feelings from his uncle. 
At the same time he could spy 
on him more easily.
 Hamlet's speech and behavior became stranger than ever . the king and 
the queen did not think that hamlet know of their guilt but they saw that 
something was driving hamlet mad. What could it be? 
 An old and wise courtier, polonius by name, declared that he know the 
cause of hamlet's madness. Love was the cause. Polonius had seen that 
hamlet was in love with his daughter. He advised Ophelia to behave 
coldly towards the young prince . Ophelia, who was a most obedient 
daughter , obeyed. Her coldness, polonius told the king and queen, was 
the cause of hamlet's madness.
 Meanwhile, hamlet was tormented by doubt and despair. He 
blamed himself for doing nothing to revenge his father . as 
he loved his mother , it was hard for him to kill her husband. 
Besides. He could not be sure that the ghost's story was 
true. Was the ghost a devil disguised as his father ? and had 
that devil come to make him do evil? Tormented by such 
thoughts, hamlet even thought of killing himself.
1/ What did the ghost 
say to hamlet? 
King Hamlet says to his son the 
story of his death, his murderer is 
his brother Claudius, his wife lover. 
2/ What was the cause of 
Hamlet madness 
according to Polonius? 
Love was the cause. Polonius had 
seen that hamlet was in love with his 
Chapter (3): 
The play
Chapter(3): The play 
 Hamlet had a chance to find out whether king 
Claudius was guilty or not . 
 A company of actors came to the castle to act a play 
before the king. 
 Hamlet welcomed the actors warmly. 
 Hamlet remembered a play that they had acted 
before it is called The Murder of Gonzago ,showed 
how a duke named Gonzago was poisoned in his 
garden by his cousin and afterwards had married the 
dukes wife . 
 Hamlet asked the actors if they could act the play, so 
he said (Tomorrow night you shall act it before the 
king and Queen . 
 Hamlet made a few changes in the play so that it 
resembled more closely the murder of King Hamlet . 
 Hamlet thought ,(when the king and the Queen see 
this play their faces will show whether they are guilty 
or not),I shall watch them closely.
 Hamlet told Horatio of his plan and asked him to watch with him (If the play 
does not affect them ,then the ghost was not my fathers spirit and Claudius 
is not guilty). 
 The following night , the king and Queen together with the whole court 
gathered to watch the play . 
 Hamlet and Horatio sat a little apart from the rest in a spot where they 
could watch the king closely without anyone noticing . 
 The curtain rose on a scene showing the Duke Gonzago and his wife 
sitting side by side . 
 The Duchess was saying ,(If you die ,I shall never marry again .Only a 
woman who has killed her first husband marries a second one . 
 Hamlet saw his mother grow deathly pale at these words.
 The next scene showed Gonzago asleep in his orchard . 
 A man came creeping up to him .He knelt beside him and poured poison 
into his ear . 
 The guilty king cried out in horror . 
 (Look)Hamlet called to him, ( He is poisoning him so that he can get his 
lands .In the next scene ,you will see how he gets his wife as well). 
 Claudius could bear no more .Lights Lights he shouted . He and the 
Queen hurried out of the hall in terror . 
 Hamlet was now certain that Claudius had murdered his father . 
 Hamlet knew that he had to take his revenge without any delay.
1/ Why did Hamlet ask 
the players to act that 
Hamlet thought ,(when the king and 
the Queen see this play their faces will 
show whether they are guilty or not) 
2/ What was Hamlet 
now certain of? 
Hamlet was now certain that 
Claudius had killed his father
Chapter (4): 
Hamlet kills 
Chapter (4) :Hamlet kills Polonius 
 A messenger came to Hamlet ,saying that the Queen wished to speak to 
him as Claudius had persuaded the Queen to send for Hamlet. 
 Claudius wanted to find out how much his stepson knew . 
 Claudius was greatly distressed ,he knelt down and tried to pray for 
forgiveness . 
 Hamlet , on his way to his mother room ,so him kneeling there .He could 
easily have killed him , but he did not .He quietly passed by. 
 The Queen was waiting for her son , She was not alone because she had 
asked Polonius to hide himself behind the curtains . 
 Polonius would be her witness. 
 when Hamlet came in the Queen began (Hamlet you have deeply offended 
your father ). 
 Hamlet replied (mother you have deeply offended my father ). 
 Hamlet was ready to kill his mother , but he remembered his fathers order 
Hamlet wasn’t satisfied with that way, 
Hamlet asked Gertrude about her 
father's death. When Gertrude did not 
want to confess, Hamlet became angry 
and when he saw someone who was 
hiding behind the curtain, he stabbed 
and killed him, because he thought that 
he was Claudius. Unpredictably he was 
Polonius, the king’s advisor. Laertes and 
Ophelia, Polonius’ children were very 
At that moment , the ghost of king Hamlet again appeared .It said (Have pity 
on her .Leave her now .But have no pity on Claudius .Take your revenge 
on him .Remember) It then vanished.
1/ Did Hamlet intend 
to kill his mother and 
No, because the ghost of king Hamlet 
appeared .It said (Leave her now .But 
have no pity on Claudius 
2/ Did Hamlet intend 
to kill Polonius? 
No, he saw someone who was hiding 
behind the curtain, he stabbed and killed 
him, because he thought that he was 
Chapter (5): 
Ophelia's funeral
Chapter (5): Ophelia's funeral 
 - King Claudius now planned to get rid of Hamlet . 
 - He had to be careful because the people were fond of the young price. 
 - He sent Hamlet to England with two courtiers. The people were told 
that Hamlet was sailing on state business. 
 - But the two courtiers were given a letter for the King of England. And 
in this letter Claudius asked the King of England to put Hamlet to death. 
 - On board the ship, Hamlet found the letter, opened it and read it. 
unknown to the countries. He rubbed out his own name in the letter and, 
in its place, wrote the names of the two courtiers. He sealed the letter 
with his father s seal and put it back in its place. 
A. Finocchio – L. 
Pompele – F. 
 On the following day, the ship was 
attacked by pirates who seized 
Hamlet and carried him off with 
The courtiers in their ship went on 
their way to England, and to their 
deaths. Hamlet was landed by the 
pirates on the coast of Denmark. 
Hamlet wrote to Horatio begging 
him to come to him as soon as he 
could. Horatio came and learned of 
Hamlet`s adventure and the 
treachery of the King.
 - Hamlet and Horatio were making their way homewards to the castle 
when they came to a churchyard. Here they stopped to speak to two 
men who were diggers a grave. 
 - While they were talking to the gravediggers, a funeral procession 
entered the churchyard. It was led by the King and the Queen, and 
among the mourners was Laertes, the brother of Ophelia. Hamlet and 
his companion hid themselves behind a gravestone and listened to the 
funeral service. They wondered whose it was.?
 Ophelia! It was Ophelia who was dead! Ophelia who had killed herself! 
She drowned in the lake, “And,” thought Hamlet, “she killed murder of 
her father. Oh!” He was overcome with grief and remorse. 
 - Then Laertes, wild with sorrow, leapt into his sister`s grave. Hamlet 
jumped in after him. Laertes, who blamed Hamlet for two deaths, seized 
his enemy by the throat. And there, in grave, the two men fought fiercely 
till they were separated by the others. “ Forty thousand brothers could 
never love Ophelia as much as I did!” Hamlet shouted wildly. He wept 
bitter tears as Horatio led him away.
1/ What did Claudius 
do to get rid of Hamlet? 
He sent Hamlet to England with two 
courtiers asked the King of England 
to put Hamlet to death. 
2/ How had Ophelia 
She fallen into a river and drowned 
then died.
Chapter (6): 
The fatal fencing match
 Claudius`s first plan to get rid of Hamlet had failed.- 
 -Now he thought of a second one, using Laertes as his tool. laertes, 
eager to revenge for his father and his sister, was ready to carry out the 
King`s wishes. 
 - He agreed to fight Hamlet in a fencing match, using a sword with a 
fight with a sharp point a thing forbidden in matches .Moreover, he 
would put poison so that even a scratch would mean death. 
 -The King`s evil plan did not end here. 
 -He prepared a cup of poisoned wine in order to make the death of 
Hamlet more certain . 
 - In the middle of the match, he would drink a cup of wine to the success 
of his stepson.
 - He would then offer Hamlet a drink from the poisoned cup. Hamlet, 
who would certainly be thirsty, would drink and die. 
 - He did not see the Queen reach out her hand towards the poisoned 
cup and drink from it. 
 - At that moment, Laertes wounded Hamlet slightly with his sharp-pointed 
sword. Hamlet, now aware on Laertes` shameful deceit, threw 
himself on his enemy. 
 - He seized Laertes sword and wounded him with it. 
 "separate them! Stop the fight!" shouted the King . There was a sudden 
cry from the Queen. She called out that she had been poisoned and fell 
down dead.
1/ What did Claudius do 
to make the death of 
Hamlet more certain? 
He prepared a cup of poisoned wine 
in order to make the death of 
Hamlet more certain . 
2/ Why did the king 
command to stop the 
Because, the Queen had been poisoned 
and fell down dead.
Chapter (7): 
The rest is silence
At first Hamlet won the sword fight, but his mother drank 
the poisoned wine without knowing, and died. In the next 
round, Hamlet wounded with the poisoned sword, but 
then stabbed Laertes with the same sword. Before dying 
of poison Laertes told Hamlet about Claudius his plan then 
he died. . Forgive me, hamlet he begged with his last breath.
The king's evil plot was now clear to hamlet . he had only a few 
moments of life left but they were enough for him to take his revenge . he 
rushed at the king, struck him hard with the poisoned sword , and killed 
him on the spot . he knew he was going to die. With his last remaining 
strength , he called horatio to him and begged him to tell the world the 
true story of his father's death and his own revenge . horatio , overcome 
with grief , stretched out his hand for the poisoned cup. He had no wish 
to live after his friends death. But hamlet stopped him and made him 
promise to live on and tell the true story of the tragedy. The last words he 
uttered before he died were " the rest is silence". With tears in his eyes , 
horatio gazed sadly at his dead friend . " good night, sweet prince ," he 
said, " and flight of angels sing thee to the rest!"
1/ What did laertes 
tell Hamlet? 
Before dying of poison Laertes told 
Hamlet about Claudius his plan then 
he died. 
2/ How did Hamlet 
kill the king? 
He rushed at the king, struck him hard 
with the poisoned sword
The end

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  • 1.
  • 3. A play written by :William Shakespeare 3.jpg&imgrefurl=
  • 4. This presentation done by:- Nadeen El.Ayoubi Samar EL.Zaitonia Dina shalayel Sabreen El.ayde
  • 5. Identity of HAMLET Drama Full title: The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark Author : William Shakespeare Type of work : Play Genre : Tragedy Language : English
  • 6. Publication Written at the first part of the seventeenth century (probably in1601),Hamlet was first performed in July 1602. It was first published in printed form in 1603 and appeared in an enlarged edition in 1604.
  • 8. Shakespeare biography:  Shakespeare was born and brought up in Stratford-upon- Avon.  Between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in London as an actor, writer, and part owner of a playing company called the Lord Chamberlain's Men, later known as the King's Men.  His early plays were mainly comedies and histories, genres he raised to the peak of sophistication and artistry by the end of the 16th century.  He then wrote mainly tragedies until about 1608, including Hamlet.  Little known about shakespeare his own life but it`s known that he has a son called Hamlet died at the age of 10.  This influenced shakespeare many of his plays concerned fathers and children
  • 9. • Some of his work: Comedy: A Midsummer Night's Dream As You Like It Taming of the Shrew The Tempest Winter's Tale History: King John Richard II Tragedy: Hamlet King Lear Macbeth Othello Romeo and Juliet
  • 11. Introduction:  The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is a play, written by William Shakespeare. It is one of his best-known plays. The play is often just called Hamlet.  The main story of Hamlet is a Danish prince whose uncle killed his father ,married his mother, and claimed the throne. His father ghost came to Hamlet and told him that his uncle killed his father ,so Hamlet pretended madness to discover the truth, then killed his uncle in revenge.
  • 12. SETTING The story takes place in the country of Denmark (Kingdom of Denmark) in the late medieval period. Kronborg Castel, Elsinore, Denmark
  • 14. Hamlet “To be, or not to be: that is the question” (Act III Scene I)
  • 17. I’m Ophelia and I love Hamlet, the Prince. After the death of my father, Polonius, I become crazy and kill myself in a lake. I’m Polonius, the Lord Chamberlain of Claudius’s court, a pompous, conniving old man. I’m the father of Ophelia and Laertes. I die by the sword of Hamlet. I’m Laertes, Polonius’s son and Ophelia’s brother. I’m a young man who comes back home from France. Passionate and quick to action, I’m clearly a foil for the reflective Hamlet.
  • 18. I’m Fortinbras, the young Prince of Norway, whose father the king was killed by Hamlet’s father. Now I wish to attack Denmark to avenge my father’s honor, making him another foil for Prince Hamlet. 3/terrence_morgan_laertes_life_500_eb256.jpg&imgrefurl= /image/maurice_evans_in_hamlet__1937_9 07.jpg&imgrefurl= I’m Horatio, Hamlet’s closed friend. I’m loyal and helpful . I’m the only alive at the end. I’m remained alive to tell everyone Hamlet’s story.
  • 19. The story A. Finocchio – L. Pompele – F. Restelli
  • 20. Chapter (1): Hamlet and his father's ghost
  • 21. Chapter (1): Hamlet and his father's ghost  hamlet , prince of Denmark, was a brave and noble young man, his father, old king hamlet, died suddenly and in a mysterious way. hamlet, who loved his father, was broken-hearted. his sadness increased when his mother, soon after her husband's death, married her husband's brother Claudius. Claudius, a cunning and evil man, then became king of Denmark.  He had been told that his father had died from the bite of a snake while he was sleeping in his garden. Was this true? Had my uncle killed my father? Had my mother known about my uncle's evil purpose? Had she helped him in it? These thoughts tormented the noble mind of the young prince
  • 22.  At this time, hamlet's best friend , horatio, came to him with a strange story. The soldiers on guard on the castle walls had seen the ghost of old king hamlet.  The next night, hamlet and horatio were waiting with a guard on the castle walls. Suddenly, horatio touched hamlet's arm. ''look, my lord, '' he whispered. '' here it comes!'' The ghost of his father stood in front of young hamlet.
  • 23. 1/ What sad events turns Hamlet into a very sad young man? His father, old king hamlet, died suddenly and in a mysterious way 2/ What news did Horatio bring Hamlet? The soldiers on guard on the castle walls had seen the ghost of old king hamlet
  • 24. Chapter (2): Hamlet pretends madness
  • 25.  Chapter (2): Hamlet pretends madness  '‘Are you my father?" hamlet asked, in great agitation. ''why have you come? What do you want me to do?"  The ghost did not speak. It beckoned hamlet to leave his two companions and to follow it to the edge of the castle wall. Horatio, who feared for his friend's safety, tried to hold hamlet back. But hamlet pushed him away roughly and followed the ghost.  ''they told you,'' the ghost began, ''that a snake killed me when I was sleeping in my garden. Oh, hamlet! The snake that killed me was your uncle. Revenge my foul murder. But do not kill your mother. Leave her to the torment of her conscience. Remember! Remember!'' the ghost commanded. The next moment it was gone.
  • 26.  Hamlet returned to his two companions. He made them promise never to speak of what they had seen that night. He told horatio what the ghost had said. moreover, he told him of a strange plan that he had suddenly made . he was going to behave as if he were really mad. In this way he could hide his real feelings from his uncle. At the same time he could spy on him more easily.
  • 27.  Hamlet's speech and behavior became stranger than ever . the king and the queen did not think that hamlet know of their guilt but they saw that something was driving hamlet mad. What could it be?  An old and wise courtier, polonius by name, declared that he know the cause of hamlet's madness. Love was the cause. Polonius had seen that hamlet was in love with his daughter. He advised Ophelia to behave coldly towards the young prince . Ophelia, who was a most obedient daughter , obeyed. Her coldness, polonius told the king and queen, was the cause of hamlet's madness.
  • 28.  Meanwhile, hamlet was tormented by doubt and despair. He blamed himself for doing nothing to revenge his father . as he loved his mother , it was hard for him to kill her husband. Besides. He could not be sure that the ghost's story was true. Was the ghost a devil disguised as his father ? and had that devil come to make him do evil? Tormented by such thoughts, hamlet even thought of killing himself.
  • 29. 1/ What did the ghost say to hamlet? King Hamlet says to his son the story of his death, his murderer is his brother Claudius, his wife lover. 2/ What was the cause of Hamlet madness according to Polonius? Love was the cause. Polonius had seen that hamlet was in love with his daughter.
  • 31. Chapter(3): The play  Hamlet had a chance to find out whether king Claudius was guilty or not .  A company of actors came to the castle to act a play before the king.  Hamlet welcomed the actors warmly.  Hamlet remembered a play that they had acted before it is called The Murder of Gonzago ,showed how a duke named Gonzago was poisoned in his garden by his cousin and afterwards had married the dukes wife .  Hamlet asked the actors if they could act the play, so he said (Tomorrow night you shall act it before the king and Queen .  Hamlet made a few changes in the play so that it resembled more closely the murder of King Hamlet .  Hamlet thought ,(when the king and the Queen see this play their faces will show whether they are guilty or not),I shall watch them closely.
  • 32.  Hamlet told Horatio of his plan and asked him to watch with him (If the play does not affect them ,then the ghost was not my fathers spirit and Claudius is not guilty).  The following night , the king and Queen together with the whole court gathered to watch the play .  Hamlet and Horatio sat a little apart from the rest in a spot where they could watch the king closely without anyone noticing .  The curtain rose on a scene showing the Duke Gonzago and his wife sitting side by side .  The Duchess was saying ,(If you die ,I shall never marry again .Only a woman who has killed her first husband marries a second one .  Hamlet saw his mother grow deathly pale at these words.
  • 33.  The next scene showed Gonzago asleep in his orchard .  A man came creeping up to him .He knelt beside him and poured poison into his ear .  The guilty king cried out in horror .  (Look)Hamlet called to him, ( He is poisoning him so that he can get his lands .In the next scene ,you will see how he gets his wife as well).  Claudius could bear no more .Lights Lights he shouted . He and the Queen hurried out of the hall in terror .  Hamlet was now certain that Claudius had murdered his father .  Hamlet knew that he had to take his revenge without any delay.
  • 34. 1/ Why did Hamlet ask the players to act that play? Hamlet thought ,(when the king and the Queen see this play their faces will show whether they are guilty or not) 2/ What was Hamlet now certain of? Hamlet was now certain that Claudius had killed his father
  • 35. Chapter (4): Hamlet kills Polonius
  • 36. Chapter (4) :Hamlet kills Polonius  A messenger came to Hamlet ,saying that the Queen wished to speak to him as Claudius had persuaded the Queen to send for Hamlet.  Claudius wanted to find out how much his stepson knew .  Claudius was greatly distressed ,he knelt down and tried to pray for forgiveness .  Hamlet , on his way to his mother room ,so him kneeling there .He could easily have killed him , but he did not .He quietly passed by.  The Queen was waiting for her son , She was not alone because she had asked Polonius to hide himself behind the curtains .  Polonius would be her witness.  when Hamlet came in the Queen began (Hamlet you have deeply offended your father ).  Hamlet replied (mother you have deeply offended my father ).  Hamlet was ready to kill his mother , but he remembered his fathers order .
  • 37. Hamlet wasn’t satisfied with that way, Hamlet asked Gertrude about her father's death. When Gertrude did not want to confess, Hamlet became angry and when he saw someone who was hiding behind the curtain, he stabbed and killed him, because he thought that he was Claudius. Unpredictably he was Polonius, the king’s advisor. Laertes and Ophelia, Polonius’ children were very sad.
  • 38. At that moment , the ghost of king Hamlet again appeared .It said (Have pity on her .Leave her now .But have no pity on Claudius .Take your revenge on him .Remember) It then vanished.
  • 39. 1/ Did Hamlet intend to kill his mother and why? No, because the ghost of king Hamlet appeared .It said (Leave her now .But have no pity on Claudius 2/ Did Hamlet intend to kill Polonius? No, he saw someone who was hiding behind the curtain, he stabbed and killed him, because he thought that he was Claudius.
  • 41. Chapter (5): Ophelia's funeral  - King Claudius now planned to get rid of Hamlet .  - He had to be careful because the people were fond of the young price.  - He sent Hamlet to England with two courtiers. The people were told that Hamlet was sailing on state business.  - But the two courtiers were given a letter for the King of England. And in this letter Claudius asked the King of England to put Hamlet to death.  - On board the ship, Hamlet found the letter, opened it and read it. unknown to the countries. He rubbed out his own name in the letter and, in its place, wrote the names of the two courtiers. He sealed the letter with his father s seal and put it back in its place. A. Finocchio – L. Pompele – F. Restelli
  • 42.  On the following day, the ship was attacked by pirates who seized Hamlet and carried him off with them. The courtiers in their ship went on their way to England, and to their deaths. Hamlet was landed by the pirates on the coast of Denmark. Hamlet wrote to Horatio begging him to come to him as soon as he could. Horatio came and learned of Hamlet`s adventure and the treachery of the King.
  • 43.  - Hamlet and Horatio were making their way homewards to the castle when they came to a churchyard. Here they stopped to speak to two men who were diggers a grave.  - While they were talking to the gravediggers, a funeral procession entered the churchyard. It was led by the King and the Queen, and among the mourners was Laertes, the brother of Ophelia. Hamlet and his companion hid themselves behind a gravestone and listened to the funeral service. They wondered whose it was.?
  • 44.  Ophelia! It was Ophelia who was dead! Ophelia who had killed herself! She drowned in the lake, “And,” thought Hamlet, “she killed murder of her father. Oh!” He was overcome with grief and remorse.  - Then Laertes, wild with sorrow, leapt into his sister`s grave. Hamlet jumped in after him. Laertes, who blamed Hamlet for two deaths, seized his enemy by the throat. And there, in grave, the two men fought fiercely till they were separated by the others. “ Forty thousand brothers could never love Ophelia as much as I did!” Hamlet shouted wildly. He wept bitter tears as Horatio led him away.
  • 45. 1/ What did Claudius do to get rid of Hamlet? He sent Hamlet to England with two courtiers asked the King of England to put Hamlet to death. 2/ How had Ophelia dead? She fallen into a river and drowned then died.
  • 46. Chapter (6): The fatal fencing match
  • 47. Chapter (6): The FATAL FENCINGMATCH.  Claudius`s first plan to get rid of Hamlet had failed.-  -Now he thought of a second one, using Laertes as his tool. laertes, eager to revenge for his father and his sister, was ready to carry out the King`s wishes.  - He agreed to fight Hamlet in a fencing match, using a sword with a fight with a sharp point a thing forbidden in matches .Moreover, he would put poison so that even a scratch would mean death.  -The King`s evil plan did not end here.  -He prepared a cup of poisoned wine in order to make the death of Hamlet more certain .  - In the middle of the match, he would drink a cup of wine to the success of his stepson.
  • 48.  - He would then offer Hamlet a drink from the poisoned cup. Hamlet, who would certainly be thirsty, would drink and die.  - He did not see the Queen reach out her hand towards the poisoned cup and drink from it.  - At that moment, Laertes wounded Hamlet slightly with his sharp-pointed sword. Hamlet, now aware on Laertes` shameful deceit, threw himself on his enemy.  - He seized Laertes sword and wounded him with it.  "separate them! Stop the fight!" shouted the King . There was a sudden cry from the Queen. She called out that she had been poisoned and fell down dead.
  • 49. 1/ What did Claudius do to make the death of Hamlet more certain? He prepared a cup of poisoned wine in order to make the death of Hamlet more certain . 2/ Why did the king command to stop the fight? Because, the Queen had been poisoned and fell down dead.
  • 50. Chapter (7): The rest is silence
  • 51. At first Hamlet won the sword fight, but his mother drank the poisoned wine without knowing, and died. In the next round, Hamlet wounded with the poisoned sword, but then stabbed Laertes with the same sword. Before dying of poison Laertes told Hamlet about Claudius his plan then he died. . Forgive me, hamlet he begged with his last breath.
  • 52. The king's evil plot was now clear to hamlet . he had only a few moments of life left but they were enough for him to take his revenge . he rushed at the king, struck him hard with the poisoned sword , and killed him on the spot . he knew he was going to die. With his last remaining strength , he called horatio to him and begged him to tell the world the true story of his father's death and his own revenge . horatio , overcome with grief , stretched out his hand for the poisoned cup. He had no wish to live after his friends death. But hamlet stopped him and made him promise to live on and tell the true story of the tragedy. The last words he uttered before he died were " the rest is silence". With tears in his eyes , horatio gazed sadly at his dead friend . " good night, sweet prince ," he said, " and flight of angels sing thee to the rest!"
  • 53. 1/ What did laertes tell Hamlet? Before dying of poison Laertes told Hamlet about Claudius his plan then he died. 2/ How did Hamlet kill the king? He rushed at the king, struck him hard with the poisoned sword
  • 55. T H A N K S

Editor's Notes
