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Adolescent Problems

   Developmental Issues and
     Treatment Approaches
          prepared by
     Dr Elizabeth Cosgrave
Some considerations before you
make a start…
   Nothing will work if you are not
    engaged with the adolescent
   Engagement takes time
   Things that might help
       Explain your role clearly
       What to expect from seeing you (be
        specific & give examples)
   Explain it at the beginning of the 1st session,
    preferably with the parent also in the room
   Be specific & give examples
       What you will & won’t tell parents
   Establish ground rules
       What if your Mum rings me to ask how you’re
       How do I contact you if you don’t turn up?
   Explaining things
       Needs to be simple, non-pejorative & not too
       Most adolescents won’t respond well to being
        asked to monitor their “dysfunctional cognitions”
   Age-appropriate questioning (CBT)
       “what would you say to a friend who came to you
        with this problem?”
       “If you surveyed 100 Year 9 students, would they
        all have reacted in the same way you did?”
   Monitoring Sheets
       Tailor them to the individual if at all
        possible, & involve the adolescent in this
   Completing Homework
       Non-completion is not necessarily a poor
        prognostic indicator
       Adolescents will often complete
        homework…of sorts
Dilemmas associated with
working with adolescents
   Involvement of family
       Who wants this & who is likely to benefit
        from this?
   Making a diagnosis
   Diagnosing a personality disorder
   The use of medications
   Deciding when there is a problem
       How to differentiate from normative
        adolescent development
Deciding when there is a problem - I

    Is the adolescent distressed about the
    Is anyone else concerned? Who & why?
    Is the problem having an impact on the
     adolescent’s functioning?
    Do the Sx represent a change from the
     adolescent’s normal functioning?
    Measure the frequency, intensity &
     duration of the problem/Sx
Deciding when there is a problem - II
   What is the potential for the adolescent (or
    anyone else) to be seriously harmed by the
   Consider what is problem behaviour & what is
    developmentally normal experimentation
      Substance use

      Health risk behaviours

      View of selves as omnipotent
Depression in Adolescence-I
   Incidence of depression, attempted suicide &
    completed suicide increases significantly in
    adolescence (cf. childhood)

   Depressive symptoms experienced by
    15-40% of adolescents

   Evidence that early onset depression is a
    more serious form of the disorder
Depression in Adolescence-II
   Adolescent depression predictive of a
    number of negative outcomes:
       Academic difficulties
       Delinquency
       Unemployment
       Substance use
       Forensic involvement
Adolescent Depression: the Myths
   “Adolescents don’t get depressed”
   “Depressed adolescents will just get
    over it”
   “All adolescents will become depressed
    at some stage because adolescence is a
    time of turmoil”
   “(S)he’s just being lazy/grumpy/difficult
    to live with”
Risk Factors for
Adolescent Depression-I
   Previous MDE
   Being female
   Family Hx of psychopathology
   Stressful life events
   Low social support
   Subthreshold depressive Sx
   “out of sync” pubertal development
Risk Factors for
Adolescent Depression-II
   Other psychopathology (current or past)
   Serious physical illness
   Previous suicide attempt
   “depressogenic” cognitive style
    (pessimistic, internal, global, stable)
   Poor coping skills
Recognising depression in
   Disturbance of mood:
       May be sad or gloomy, but also very likely
        to be irritable
       May describe mood as “angry”, “numb” or
Recognising depression in
   Disturbance of thinking:
      Self blame, self criticism

      Negative thoughts re future

      Difficulty making decisions

         Time of important vocational choices

      Inability to think clearly

         Time when organisational & cognitive demands

      Memory & concentration problems

         Impact on schooling
Recognising depression in
   Disturbance of thinking (cont.):
      Hypersensitive to feedback from others

         Perceived as criticism

      Thoughts about being hurt, hurting oneself, dying

       or committing suicide
         Useful to think of these along a continuum

         May manifest as ambivalence about living,

          passive death wish or overt suicidality
         Need to assess for presence of other health risk

Recognising depression in
   Disturbance of behaviour:
      Decrease in activity levels

         May no longer engage in extracurricular

      Decrease in energy

         May seem very drowsy or fall asleep in class

      Tearfulness

      Agitation

         May manifest as difficulty attending to a task

          until it is completed
Recognising depression in
   Disturbance of behaviour (cont.):
       Change in social interaction
       Substance use
       Change in sleep &/or appetite
       Loss of sexual interest
            Difficult to assess in adolescents
       Somatic complaints
            May manifest as frequent visits to “sick bay”
Gender Differences in
Adolescent Depression
   From adolescence, females twice as likely to
    develop a depressive illness than males
   Gender differences in coping with depressed
    mood (Nolen-Hoeksema)
       Ruminative vs. instrumental strategies
   Gender differences in subjective meaning of
   Confluence of demands for adolescent
       e.g., pubertal changes, school transition
Treating Adolescent Depression-I
   Evidence for the efficacy of CBT & IPT
    & pharmacotherapy
   Adjunctive group and/or family therapy
    can also be useful
   Important to provide psycho-education
    for client and her/his family
       May need to address beliefs that
        adolescent is just “lazy”
Treating Adolescent Depression-II
   Provide honest feedback to your client
       Diagnosis (explain it)
       Formulation
   Provide clear rationale for any treatment
    strategies you suggest
       This will hopefully maximise engagement &
        likelihood of compliance
   Importance of using appropriate language
   Don’t be put off by the non-completion of
   Be flexible with treatment strategies
Suicide in Adolescence-I
   There has been a steady increase in the rates
    of youth suicide (15-24 years) in Victoria &
    Australia since 1960 in males, but not in
   Adolescent females more likely to attempt
    suicide than adolescent males
   Gender differences in methods:
       Females more likely to overdose or jump from
        heights or under vehicles
       Males more likely to use firearms & car exhausts
Suicide in Adolescence-II
   A history of suicide attempts is a risk factor
    for suicide completion
       ~50% of adolescents who attempt suicide will
        make subsequent attempts
       Of those, between 0.1% & 11% will eventually
        complete suicide
   The presence of psychopathology is a risk
    factor for suicidality BUT:
       not all adolescents who attempt suicide are
       not all adolescents who are depressed are also
Assessing for Suicide Risk in
   There is no evidence that asking
    someone about suicide will make them
   Ideation
       Be frank
   Plan
       Realistic?
       Perceived & actual lethality?
   Intent
       How serious? Compare with plan & means
Assessing for Suicide Risk in
   Means
   Despair & hopelessness
   Presence of psychopathology
   History of suicide attempts
       Take thorough history
   Family history of suicide
   Suicide in community
   Significant psychosocial stressor
       Consider adolescent’s perception of stressor
Assessing for Suicide Risk in
   Physical health
       Change in status, e.g., STD, HIV,
        unplanned pregnancy, onset/exacerbation
        of chronic illness)
   Coping skills
       Inflexibility, impaired ability to generate
        possible solutions
   Impulsivity
Assessing for Suicide Risk in
   Trust your clinical judgment
   If in doubt, consult with a colleague
   Remember that confidentiality is not
Deliberate Self-Harm-I
   DSH is defined as hurting oneself with the
    intention of inflicting pain, rather than to die
       e.g., cutting, burning, scratching skin, punching
        walls, head banging
   Suicidality & DSH usually occur on a
   Important to conduct risk assessment, as
    adolescents may not realise the potential
    lethality of the DSH
Deliberate Self-Harm-II
   Important to be flexible with your
    definition of DSH when working with
       e.g., starving oneself, train surfing,
        substance use, risky sexual practices
   Difficult to establish prevalence rates,
    as young people don’t often seek
    medical advice for DSH & there is a lack
    of clarity about definition of DSH
Why Do Adolescents Engage in DSH?
   Expression of emotional turmoil
   Expression of self hatred
   Lack of ability to express difficult emotions
    (sadness, anger, guilt, shame)
   As a means of feeling something if “numb”
   Physical pain welcome relief from emotional
   Patterns of DSH can be hard to break
    because usually involves facing intense
    emotions and/or memories
Managing DSH-for the
   Highly anxiety-provoking for clinician
   Importance of self care
   Labour intensive for clinician
   Disrespectful attitudes of some workers.
    Can be punitive, angry, disrespectful,
    not take the young person seriously or
    witholding of appropriate treatment
Managing DSH – for clients
   If in doubt, ask the adolescent why
    (s)he engages in this behaviour
   Conduct a cost-benefit of DSH
   Acknowledge that the young person is
    doing the best that (s)he can to
    manage intense emotional distress
   If a pattern of DSH has been
    established, improvement will take time
Managing DSH – for clients
   Important to encourage clients when
    they take small positive steps
   Take them seriously
       Young people who engage in DSH can
        & do accidentally kill themselves
Adolescent Substance Use - I
   Adolescence is a peak time for the initial use of
    many substances, including tobacco, alcohol &
    illicit drugs
   potential for serious sequelae:
       school failure
       medical problems
       psychiatric morbidity
       fatal accidents
       suicide
       violent crimes
Adolescent Substance Use - II
   Future patterns of drug use often result
    from drug exposure and use in
   incidence of illicit substance use in
    adolescents is increasing
   evidence that “gateway” use (of
    cigarettes & alcohol) can lead to illicit
    substance use & SUD
Adolescent Substance Use - III
   Australian studies consistently identify
    1-2% of secondary students whose
    pattern of alcohol, tobacco or other
    drug use is problematic
   having an initial episode of a SUD
    places adolescents at risk of developing
    subsequent episodes
Adolescent Alcohol Use
   Approximately 30% of Australian
    adolescents engage in problematic
    alcohol consumption
   alcohol-related deaths in young people
    are underestimated
   alcohol use is higher in young people
    not enrolled in schools (cf. students)
Adolescent Cannabis Use
   Cannabis is the illicit drug that is most
    commonly used by Australian
   adolescents who use cannabis are more
    likely to progress to using other illicit
   early cannabis use associated with
    escalation of use
Problems Associated with Use
   Habitual use can result in decrease in
   social stigma associated with use
       can impact on availability of services
   health risks associated with illicit
    substance use
       regulation of composition
Assessing Problematic Substance Use
         in Adolescents - I
   Majority of adolescents do not develop
    problematic patterns of substance use
   when assessing use, should be able to
    categorise use according to:
       initiation of use
       continuation of use
       maintenance & progression within class of drugs
       progression across class of drugs
       cessation
       relapse
Assessing Problematic Substance
     Use in Adolescents - II
   important to assess why the young person
    engages in substance use:
       relief from boredom
       weight control
       coping with stress
       avoiding negative emotional states
       conformity
       social reasons
       to avoid withdrawal
Assessing Problematic Substance Use
         in Adolescents - III
   Important to also assess misuse of legal
    substances (alcohol, inhalants) & prescribed
       if you don’t ask, they probably won’t tell you
       may need to educate yourself & client re risks
        associated with pattern of use
   principles of motivational interviewing are
       need to understand what the adolescent thinks is
        good about using the substance
Managing Adolescent Substance Use
   Don’t pretend you know which drugs are
    which - ask the adolescent if unclear
   Acquaint yourself with the local drug &
    alcohol service, either individually or by
    setting up regular secondary consultation
      important to inform yourself & advise client

       with accurate information (e.g., signs of
       intoxication, withdrawal, dangers of
       overdose, etc.)
Harm Minimisation

   Common & useful policy of youth
    agencies in Australia
       cf. zero tolerance policy, common in US
   some strategies are specific to
    particular substances (e.g., SSRIs &
    ecstasy, size of bags with chroming),
    but others are relevant to all substances
Harm Minimisation Principles
   Don’t use alone. Try to use with friends
    & nominate one sober person
   know your limits (safe vs. unsafe
   dangers of illicit substance use
   use a regular dealer
   have a “taste” first, i.e., test strength of
    substance (useful with heroin injection
    & ecstasy tabs)
Personality Disorders: Background
   Clients diagnosed with a PD have historically
    been perceived as untreatable. This is not
    necessarily the case, but reflects the lack of
    RCTs in the area
   lack of rigour associated with diagnosis of
      complexity (time needed)

      importance of gathering information across

       time (many clinicians don’t do this)
Personality Disorders: Background
   Clients with PDs can evoke difficult emotions
    in clinicians
   important difference between:
       Axis I (by definition episodic in nature)
       Axis II (by definition pervasive & longstanding)
   definition of personality traits are “stable &
       in PDs it is these that lead to distress or
Personality Disorders: Background

   Important to assess how your client’s
    personality impacts upon those around her/him
   for Dx of PD: need evidence that the client’s
    way of interacting is maladaptive
   can be difficult to differentiate between a PD &
    an Axis I disorder, especially if Axis I disorder
    has an early onset & is stable over time
      e.g., social phobia & Avoidant PD
Personality Disorders in Adolescence
   Can be difficult to identify during this time, as
    onset is usually in adolescence or early
   difficulties associated with assessing how
    your client’s personality impacts upon those
    around her/him:
       nature of adolescent relationships can be intense
        & rapidly changing
       frequent increase in conflict with parents:
        evidence of PD or normative?
Eating Disorders in Adolescence - I

   Symptoms usually emerge in
    adolescence (cf. low prevalence in
   Associated with extensive mortality &
       20% mortality rate for AN at 20yr follow up
   symptoms usually stable over time
Eating Disorders in Adolescence - II
   subthreshold symptoms are prevalent in a
    number of cultures
       13% of US adolescents report purging
       predictive of full blown disorders
       subthreshold symptoms associated with significant
        dunctional impairment
   dieting is a risk factor for the developments
    of eating disorders
       60% of Australian 15yo females diet at a
        moderate level ( Patton et al., 1999)
Associated Features
   Depressive Symptoms (especially for BN)
   DSH
   Substance abuse
   Suicide attempts
   Poor school performance
   Withdrawal from peer relationships
   Deterioration in family relationships
   Physical complications *
Physical Complications - I
   Amenorrhea
   Starvation syndrome
       Reduced metabolic rate
       Bradycardia
       Hypotension
       Anaemia
       Intolerance to cold
   Lanugo
Physical Complications - II
   Delayed gastric emptying
   Electrolyte abnormalities
       Can lead to potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmia
   Renal problems
   Erosion of dental enamel
   Oesophageal tears
   Reduction in bone density
Management of Eating Disorders
      in Adolescents - I
   Know how to calculate a BMI
   Be aware that I/P treatment may be
    needed (especially for AN)
   Be ready to work in conjunction with a
    medical practitioner
   Limitations of psychological treatment if
    young person is physically compromised
Management of Eating Disorders
          in Adolescents - II

   Evidence for the efficacy of CBT & IPT in the
    treatment of BN
       May also need to treat comorbid depressive Sx
   For AN literature is less clear
       Treatment is rarely brief
   Adjunctive family therapy is often very useful
   Use of support groups/organisations for
       e.g., EDFV

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512 921 - all notes

  • 1. Adolescent Problems Developmental Issues and Treatment Approaches prepared by Dr Elizabeth Cosgrave 2007
  • 2. Some considerations before you make a start…
  • 3. Engagement  Nothing will work if you are not engaged with the adolescent  Engagement takes time  Things that might help  Explain your role clearly  What to expect from seeing you (be specific & give examples)
  • 4. Confidentiality  Explain it at the beginning of the 1st session, preferably with the parent also in the room  Be specific & give examples  What you will & won’t tell parents  Establish ground rules  What if your Mum rings me to ask how you’re going?  How do I contact you if you don’t turn up?
  • 5. Language  Explaining things  Needs to be simple, non-pejorative & not too jargonistic  Most adolescents won’t respond well to being asked to monitor their “dysfunctional cognitions”  Age-appropriate questioning (CBT)  “what would you say to a friend who came to you with this problem?”  “If you surveyed 100 Year 9 students, would they all have reacted in the same way you did?”
  • 6. Homework  Monitoring Sheets  Tailor them to the individual if at all possible, & involve the adolescent in this process  Completing Homework  Non-completion is not necessarily a poor prognostic indicator  Adolescents will often complete homework…of sorts
  • 7. Dilemmas associated with working with adolescents  Involvement of family  Who wants this & who is likely to benefit from this?  Making a diagnosis  Diagnosing a personality disorder  The use of medications  Deciding when there is a problem  How to differentiate from normative adolescent development
  • 8. Deciding when there is a problem - I  Is the adolescent distressed about the Sxs?  Is anyone else concerned? Who & why?  Is the problem having an impact on the adolescent’s functioning?  Do the Sx represent a change from the adolescent’s normal functioning?  Measure the frequency, intensity & duration of the problem/Sx
  • 9. Deciding when there is a problem - II  What is the potential for the adolescent (or anyone else) to be seriously harmed by the problem?  Consider what is problem behaviour & what is developmentally normal experimentation  Substance use  Health risk behaviours  View of selves as omnipotent
  • 10. Depression in Adolescence-I  Incidence of depression, attempted suicide & completed suicide increases significantly in adolescence (cf. childhood)  Depressive symptoms experienced by 15-40% of adolescents  Evidence that early onset depression is a more serious form of the disorder
  • 11. Depression in Adolescence-II  Adolescent depression predictive of a number of negative outcomes:  Academic difficulties  Delinquency  Unemployment  Substance use  Forensic involvement
  • 12. Adolescent Depression: the Myths  “Adolescents don’t get depressed”  “Depressed adolescents will just get over it”  “All adolescents will become depressed at some stage because adolescence is a time of turmoil”  “(S)he’s just being lazy/grumpy/difficult to live with”
  • 13. Risk Factors for Adolescent Depression-I  Previous MDE  Being female  Family Hx of psychopathology  Stressful life events  Low social support  Subthreshold depressive Sx  “out of sync” pubertal development
  • 14. Risk Factors for Adolescent Depression-II  Other psychopathology (current or past)  Serious physical illness  Previous suicide attempt  “depressogenic” cognitive style (pessimistic, internal, global, stable)  Poor coping skills
  • 15. Recognising depression in adolescents-I  Disturbance of mood:  May be sad or gloomy, but also very likely to be irritable  May describe mood as “angry”, “numb” or “nothing”
  • 16. Recognising depression in adolescents-II  Disturbance of thinking:  Self blame, self criticism  Negative thoughts re future  Difficulty making decisions  Time of important vocational choices  Inability to think clearly  Time when organisational & cognitive demands increase  Memory & concentration problems  Impact on schooling
  • 17. Recognising depression in adolescents-III  Disturbance of thinking (cont.):  Hypersensitive to feedback from others  Perceived as criticism  Thoughts about being hurt, hurting oneself, dying or committing suicide  Useful to think of these along a continuum  May manifest as ambivalence about living, passive death wish or overt suicidality  Need to assess for presence of other health risk behaviours
  • 18. Recognising depression in adolescents-IV  Disturbance of behaviour:  Decrease in activity levels  May no longer engage in extracurricular activities  Decrease in energy  May seem very drowsy or fall asleep in class  Tearfulness  Agitation  May manifest as difficulty attending to a task until it is completed
  • 19. Recognising depression in adolescents-V  Disturbance of behaviour (cont.):  Change in social interaction  Substance use  Change in sleep &/or appetite  Loss of sexual interest  Difficult to assess in adolescents  Somatic complaints  May manifest as frequent visits to “sick bay”
  • 20. Gender Differences in Adolescent Depression  From adolescence, females twice as likely to develop a depressive illness than males  Gender differences in coping with depressed mood (Nolen-Hoeksema)  Ruminative vs. instrumental strategies  Gender differences in subjective meaning of puberty  Confluence of demands for adolescent females  e.g., pubertal changes, school transition
  • 21. Treating Adolescent Depression-I  Evidence for the efficacy of CBT & IPT & pharmacotherapy  Adjunctive group and/or family therapy can also be useful  Important to provide psycho-education for client and her/his family  May need to address beliefs that adolescent is just “lazy”
  • 22. Treating Adolescent Depression-II  Provide honest feedback to your client  Diagnosis (explain it)  Formulation  Provide clear rationale for any treatment strategies you suggest  This will hopefully maximise engagement & likelihood of compliance  Importance of using appropriate language  Don’t be put off by the non-completion of homework  Be flexible with treatment strategies
  • 23. Suicide in Adolescence-I  There has been a steady increase in the rates of youth suicide (15-24 years) in Victoria & Australia since 1960 in males, but not in females  Adolescent females more likely to attempt suicide than adolescent males  Gender differences in methods:  Females more likely to overdose or jump from heights or under vehicles  Males more likely to use firearms & car exhausts
  • 24. Suicide in Adolescence-II  A history of suicide attempts is a risk factor for suicide completion  ~50% of adolescents who attempt suicide will make subsequent attempts  Of those, between 0.1% & 11% will eventually complete suicide  The presence of psychopathology is a risk factor for suicidality BUT:  not all adolescents who attempt suicide are depressed  not all adolescents who are depressed are also suicidal
  • 25. Assessing for Suicide Risk in Adolescents-I  There is no evidence that asking someone about suicide will make them suicidal  Ideation  Be frank  Plan  Realistic?  Perceived & actual lethality?  Intent  How serious? Compare with plan & means
  • 26. Assessing for Suicide Risk in Adolescents-II  Means  Despair & hopelessness  Presence of psychopathology  History of suicide attempts  Take thorough history  Family history of suicide  Suicide in community  Significant psychosocial stressor  Consider adolescent’s perception of stressor
  • 27. Assessing for Suicide Risk in Adolescents-III  Physical health  Change in status, e.g., STD, HIV, unplanned pregnancy, onset/exacerbation of chronic illness)  Coping skills  Inflexibility, impaired ability to generate possible solutions  Impulsivity
  • 28. Assessing for Suicide Risk in Adolescents-IV  Trust your clinical judgment  If in doubt, consult with a colleague  Remember that confidentiality is not absolute
  • 29. Deliberate Self-Harm-I  DSH is defined as hurting oneself with the intention of inflicting pain, rather than to die  e.g., cutting, burning, scratching skin, punching walls, head banging  Suicidality & DSH usually occur on a continuum  Important to conduct risk assessment, as adolescents may not realise the potential lethality of the DSH
  • 30. Deliberate Self-Harm-II  Important to be flexible with your definition of DSH when working with adolescents  e.g., starving oneself, train surfing, substance use, risky sexual practices  Difficult to establish prevalence rates, as young people don’t often seek medical advice for DSH & there is a lack of clarity about definition of DSH
  • 31. Why Do Adolescents Engage in DSH?  Expression of emotional turmoil  Expression of self hatred  Lack of ability to express difficult emotions (sadness, anger, guilt, shame)  As a means of feeling something if “numb”  Physical pain welcome relief from emotional pain  Patterns of DSH can be hard to break because usually involves facing intense emotions and/or memories
  • 32. Managing DSH-for the clinician  Highly anxiety-provoking for clinician  Importance of self care  Labour intensive for clinician  Disrespectful attitudes of some workers. Can be punitive, angry, disrespectful, not take the young person seriously or witholding of appropriate treatment
  • 33. Managing DSH – for clients  If in doubt, ask the adolescent why (s)he engages in this behaviour  Conduct a cost-benefit of DSH  Acknowledge that the young person is doing the best that (s)he can to manage intense emotional distress  If a pattern of DSH has been established, improvement will take time
  • 34. Managing DSH – for clients  Important to encourage clients when they take small positive steps  Take them seriously  Young people who engage in DSH can & do accidentally kill themselves
  • 35. Adolescent Substance Use - I  Adolescence is a peak time for the initial use of many substances, including tobacco, alcohol & illicit drugs  potential for serious sequelae:  school failure  medical problems  psychiatric morbidity  fatal accidents  suicide  violent crimes
  • 36. Adolescent Substance Use - II  Future patterns of drug use often result from drug exposure and use in adolescence  incidence of illicit substance use in adolescents is increasing  evidence that “gateway” use (of cigarettes & alcohol) can lead to illicit substance use & SUD
  • 37. Adolescent Substance Use - III  Australian studies consistently identify 1-2% of secondary students whose pattern of alcohol, tobacco or other drug use is problematic  having an initial episode of a SUD places adolescents at risk of developing subsequent episodes
  • 38. Adolescent Alcohol Use  Approximately 30% of Australian adolescents engage in problematic alcohol consumption  alcohol-related deaths in young people are underestimated  alcohol use is higher in young people not enrolled in schools (cf. students)
  • 39. Adolescent Cannabis Use  Cannabis is the illicit drug that is most commonly used by Australian adolescents  adolescents who use cannabis are more likely to progress to using other illicit substances  early cannabis use associated with escalation of use
  • 40. Problems Associated with Use  Habitual use can result in decrease in functioning  social stigma associated with use  can impact on availability of services  health risks associated with illicit substance use  regulation of composition
  • 41. Assessing Problematic Substance Use in Adolescents - I  Majority of adolescents do not develop problematic patterns of substance use  when assessing use, should be able to categorise use according to:  initiation of use  continuation of use  maintenance & progression within class of drugs  progression across class of drugs  cessation  relapse
  • 42. Assessing Problematic Substance Use in Adolescents - II  important to assess why the young person engages in substance use:  relief from boredom  weight control  coping with stress  avoiding negative emotional states  conformity  social reasons  to avoid withdrawal
  • 43. Assessing Problematic Substance Use in Adolescents - III  Important to also assess misuse of legal substances (alcohol, inhalants) & prescribed medications  if you don’t ask, they probably won’t tell you  may need to educate yourself & client re risks associated with pattern of use  principles of motivational interviewing are useful  need to understand what the adolescent thinks is good about using the substance
  • 44. Managing Adolescent Substance Use  Don’t pretend you know which drugs are which - ask the adolescent if unclear  Acquaint yourself with the local drug & alcohol service, either individually or by setting up regular secondary consultation  important to inform yourself & advise client with accurate information (e.g., signs of intoxication, withdrawal, dangers of overdose, etc.)
  • 45. Harm Minimisation  Common & useful policy of youth agencies in Australia  cf. zero tolerance policy, common in US  some strategies are specific to particular substances (e.g., SSRIs & ecstasy, size of bags with chroming), but others are relevant to all substances
  • 46. Harm Minimisation Principles  Don’t use alone. Try to use with friends & nominate one sober person  know your limits (safe vs. unsafe intoxication)  dangers of illicit substance use  use a regular dealer  have a “taste” first, i.e., test strength of substance (useful with heroin injection & ecstasy tabs)
  • 47. Personality Disorders: Background  Clients diagnosed with a PD have historically been perceived as untreatable. This is not necessarily the case, but reflects the lack of RCTs in the area  lack of rigour associated with diagnosis of PDs  complexity (time needed)  importance of gathering information across time (many clinicians don’t do this)
  • 48. Personality Disorders: Background  Clients with PDs can evoke difficult emotions in clinicians  important difference between:  Axis I (by definition episodic in nature)  Axis II (by definition pervasive & longstanding)  definition of personality traits are “stable & enduring”  in PDs it is these that lead to distress or impairment
  • 49. Personality Disorders: Background  Important to assess how your client’s personality impacts upon those around her/him  for Dx of PD: need evidence that the client’s way of interacting is maladaptive  can be difficult to differentiate between a PD & an Axis I disorder, especially if Axis I disorder has an early onset & is stable over time  e.g., social phobia & Avoidant PD
  • 50. Personality Disorders in Adolescence  Can be difficult to identify during this time, as onset is usually in adolescence or early adulthood  difficulties associated with assessing how your client’s personality impacts upon those around her/him:  nature of adolescent relationships can be intense & rapidly changing  frequent increase in conflict with parents: evidence of PD or normative?
  • 51. Eating Disorders in Adolescence - I  Symptoms usually emerge in adolescence (cf. low prevalence in childhood)  Associated with extensive mortality & morbidity  20% mortality rate for AN at 20yr follow up  symptoms usually stable over time
  • 52. Eating Disorders in Adolescence - II  subthreshold symptoms are prevalent in a number of cultures  13% of US adolescents report purging  predictive of full blown disorders  subthreshold symptoms associated with significant dunctional impairment  dieting is a risk factor for the developments of eating disorders  60% of Australian 15yo females diet at a moderate level ( Patton et al., 1999)
  • 53. Associated Features  Depressive Symptoms (especially for BN)  DSH  Substance abuse  Suicide attempts  Poor school performance  Withdrawal from peer relationships  Deterioration in family relationships  Physical complications *
  • 54. Physical Complications - I  Amenorrhea  Starvation syndrome  Reduced metabolic rate  Bradycardia  Hypotension  Anaemia  Intolerance to cold  Lanugo
  • 55. Physical Complications - II  Delayed gastric emptying  Electrolyte abnormalities  Can lead to potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmia  Renal problems  Erosion of dental enamel  Oesophageal tears  Reduction in bone density
  • 56. Management of Eating Disorders in Adolescents - I  Know how to calculate a BMI  Be aware that I/P treatment may be needed (especially for AN)  Be ready to work in conjunction with a medical practitioner  Limitations of psychological treatment if young person is physically compromised
  • 57. Management of Eating Disorders in Adolescents - II  Evidence for the efficacy of CBT & IPT in the treatment of BN  May also need to treat comorbid depressive Sx  For AN literature is less clear  Treatment is rarely brief  Adjunctive family therapy is often very useful  Use of support groups/organisations for families  e.g., EDFV