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S.                                                                                                             PA
            Transformation                I O V R M L                           Important                      GE
      Source Qualifier          SQ
1     A/C                                 * *                  Distinct,
      Filter                    FIL
2     A/C                                 * *                  Expression
      Expression                EXP
3     P/C                                 * * *                Group by port, Sorted input, Expression
      Sequence Generator        SEQ
4     P/C                                 * *                  NEXTVAL,CURVAL
      Router                    RTR
5     A/C                                 * *                  Expression
      Union                     UN
6     A/C                                 * *
      Transactional control     TC
7     A/C                                 * *
      Sorter                    SRT
8     A/C                                 * *                  Distinct
      Normalizer                NRM
9     A/C                                 * *                  Sequence, restart
      Stored Procedure           SP
11    P/C-UC                              * *      *           Bad file created
      Joiner                    JNR
12    A/C                                 * *          *       Sorted Input
      Aggregator                AGG
13    A/C                                 * * *                Group by port, Sorted input
      Rank               RNK
14    A/C                                 * * * *              Group by port, Expression
      Look-up                   LKP
15    A/C-UC                              * *      *       *
      XML Source Qualifier      XML
16    A/C
      Custom                    CT
17    A-P/C                               * *
      External Procedure         EP
18    P/C-UC                              * *      *
                                                               DD_INSERT, DD_UPDATE,            DD_DELETE,
                                                               DD_REJECT - UP as UP , UP as IN, UP else In ,
      Update Strategy           UPD                            Tranc
19    A/C                                 * *                  EXPRESSION - Reject file created

20    Midstream XML Parser
21    Midstream XML Generator
22    Application Source Qualifier
23    MQ Series Qualifier
      Application Multi group
24    Qualifier

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                                                  A/C - AGG


      The Aggregator transformation is Active and Connected.
      The Aggregator transformations allow you to perform to aggregate calculation.
      You can use the aggregator transformation to perform calculation on groups.
      The Row which meet the condition are passed to target.
      The doesn’t meet the condition, rejected row store rejected file or Bad file directory.


      AVG                    MAX                     STDDEV
      COUNT                  MEDIAN                  SUM
      FIRST                  MIN                     VARIANCE
      LAST                   PERCENTILE


      INPORTS                - (I) each input Receive data
      OUTPORTS               - (O) Pass the data to other transformation
      VRIABLE PORTS          - (V) its stores the Intermediate result it can reference input ports
                                   Not to out ports
      GROUP BY PORT          -


      Cache Directory                - $PMCaheDir
      Tracing Level                  - Normal               ( Terse / Normal / Verbose initialization /
                                                              verbose data )
      Sorted Input                   -
      Aggregator Data Cache          - 2000000 Bytes
      Aggregator Index Cache         - 1000000 Bytes
      Transformation Scope           - All input            (Transaction / All Input)


      Aggregate Expression           -        Non aggregate Expression / Conditional Class
      Aggregate Cache                -
      Group by Port                  -        Which column you want group by Eg. Dept
      Sorted Input                   -        Reduce the amount of data cached

    The PCS stores data in the aggregate cache until it complete the aggregator calculation
    Index Cache : It stores the group value, As Configured in the group by port
    Data Cache : Stores calculation ( Row data Stores, output value) Based on group-by-ports

       −  Group by simple columns like numbers instead of string or date
       −  Use sorted input
       −  Use incremental aggregation
       −  Minimize the aggregate function
       −  Before filter transformation best ( Reduce the Data)
       −  Lookup unconnected & stored procedure – we can call

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                                                P/C - EXP


     Expression Transformation Passive and connected transformation
     This can be calculate values in a single row before writing to the target.
     Row by row calculation,
     Perform the any non aggregate function


     The Expression Transformation is used for data cleansing and scrubbing
     There are over 80 functions within PowerCenter, such as salary, concatenate, instring, rpad,
     ltrim and we use many of them in the Expression Transformation.
     We can also create derived columns and variables in the Expression Transformation.

     Expression             -      we can call – Unconnected Stored Procedure and Unconnected Lookup


     INPORTS                - (I) Each input port Receive data
     OUTPORTS               - (O) which provide the value to either target or next transformation
                                  in the mapping is called output ports
     VARIABLE PORTS         - (V) Its stores the Intermediate result it can reference input ports
                                  ( -Which stores the variable information )

     Tracing Level          -      Normal          ( Terse / Normal / Verbose initialization /
                                                     verbose data )

        −    Factoring out common logic
        −    Minimizing aggregator function calls. For Eg.use SUM(A+B) instead of using SUM(A) +
        −    Replacing common sub expression with local variables
        −    Choosing Numeric Vs String operation
        −    Choose DECODE function Vs LOOK UP operation
        −    Choose CONCAT operation for Eg use ||’|| instead of CONCAT (Fname, Lastname)
        −    you can enter multiple expression in a Single Expression Transformation.

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                                                   A/C - FIL
     −  This is a type of active and connected Transformation which is used to filter of the source rows
         based on a condition.
     −  Only the row which meet the condition are pass through to target.
     −  Any kind of source we can use filter Transformation
     −  Filter condition drops data that does not match the condition
     −  We can put one or more condition (more condition means we can use AND , OR operator)
     −  Discards rows don’t appear in the session log or reject files


       INPORTS                - (I) Receive data from source
       OUTPORTS               - (O) Pass the data to other Transformation


       Filter Condition       :              <put Condition>
       Tracing Level          : Normal       (Normal / Terse / Verbose init / Verbose data )


       ♦   Use the filter transformation early in the mapping (or) nearly in SQ
       ♦   The filter condition is case sensitive, and queries in some database do not take this into


       Case sensitivity       : the filter condition is case sensitive
       Appended spaces        : use the RTRIM function to remove additional space


       -   You can use one or more condition in filter transformation
       -   AND , OR logical operator through

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                                                    A/C - JNR
     - This is active and connected Transformation.
     - Can be used to join two sources coming form two different locations or same location.
     - We can use homo genius and hetero genius sources
     - Join a flat file and a relational sources or to join two flat files or to join a relational source
            and a XML source.
     1). Two sources there must be at least one matching ports or columns
     2). Two sources there should have Primary key and Foreign key relationship


       INPORTS                 - (I) Receive data from source
       OUTPORTS                - (O) Pass the data to other Transformation
       MASTERPORTS             - (M) If checked master(small) otherwise details (large)
                                     (to switch the Master Details relationship for the source )
  1 Cache sensitive String Comparison -         (Character data only enable)
  2 Cache Directory           - $PMCacheDir
  3 Join Condition            -
  4 Join Type                 - NORMAL (Normal - M.outer -D.outer- Full Outer)
  5 Null ordering in Master   - Null is highest value (Null is lowest value)
  6 Null ordering in Detail   - Null is highest value (Null is lowest value)
  7 Tracing Level             - Normal (Normal / Terse / Verbose init / Verbose data )
  8 Joiner Data cache size    - 2000000
  9 Joiner Index cache size   - 1000000
  10 Sorted Input             -
  11 Transformation Scope     - All input      (Transaction / All Input )

    Case sensitive string comparison -          (Character data only enable)
    Cache directory                     -
    Join condition                      -
    Joiner type                         -    ( Normal, Master Outer, Detail Outer, Full outer)
    Joiner Data cache size      : Out put value only
    Joiner Index cache size     : The index cache holds rows from the master source that are in
                                   the join condition.

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Index cache                                         Data Cache
Stores index values for the master source table as Stores master source rows.
configured in the join condition.
  Following types of source can be used in a joiner
    −    Two relational tables existing in separate databases
    −    Two flat files in potentially different file systems
    −    Two different ODBC sources
    −    Two instances of the same XML sources
    −    A relational table and a Flat file source
    −    A relational table and a XML source
 A joiner cannot contain the following types of source
    −    Both pipelines begin with the same original data sources.
    −    Both input pipeline originate from the same source qualifier transformation
    −    Both input pipeline originate from the same normalizer transformation.
    −    Both input pipeline originate from the same joiner transformation.
    −    Either input pipeline contains an update strategy transformations
    −    Either input pipeline contains a connected or unconnected sequence Generator         transformation.
    −    Use sorted input (flat file ,relational data,)
    −    Minimizing the disk input and output
    −    Use in front of sorted transformation
    −    For an unsorted joiner transformation, designate as the master source the source with fewer rows
    −    For an sorted joiner transformation, designate as the master source the source with fewer duplicate key
    −    Following Transformation we can’t use before the joiner Transformation.
            - Sequence Generator Transformation directly
            - Update strategy Transformation
    - sorted input – improve the session performance.
    - Don’t use following transformation sort origin and joiner transformation
                - Custom , Unsorted aggregator, Normalizer, Rank.
    - Sort order from both table( master & Detail)
    - Normal or Master outer join perform than a full outer or detail outer join.
Normal          - Matched Rows form master and detail source
Master          - all rows data from the detail source and the matching rows from the master source
Detail          - all rows data from the master source and the matching rows from the detail source
Full outer      - all rows rows of data from both the master and detail sources

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                                                 A/C - RNK

     This an Active and Connected Transformation
     Which is used to identify the Top or Bottom rank of data based on condition.
     Rank transformation to return the largest or smallest numeric value in a port or group
     We can use a rank transformation to return the strings at the top or the bottom of a session
        sort order.

       ASCII          - Binary sort order
       UNICODE -        Session sort order in session properties (code Page)
                             Binary sort order
                             Binary value string and returns rows with the highest binary values for string
       INPUT       ( I)      -       minimum of one
       OUTPUT      (O)       -       minimum of one
       VARIABLE    (V)       -       Stores values or calculations to use in an expressions
       RANK        (R)       -       Only one (default port-only out put return only)
       EXPRESSION            -
       GROUP BY PORT         -

       CACHE DIRECTORY                              -   $PMCacheDir
       TOP / BOTTOM                                 -   TOP
       NUMBER OF RANKS                              -
       TRACING LEVEL                                -   normal
       RANK DATA CACHE SIZE                         -   2000000
       RANK INDEX CACHE SIZE                        -   1000000
       TRANSFORMATION SCOPE                         -   All input (All input/ Transformation)

                  Index Cache                                 Data Cache
    Stores group values as configured in the Stores ranking information based on the group
    group by ports.                          by ports.
                                             Can must run the session on a 64bit PoweCen

     - Configure ASCII mode

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                                                 A/C - SRT
  ♦ It allows to sort data either in ascending or descending according to a specify sort key (field)
  ♦ Also used to configure for case- sensitive sorting and specify whether the output rows should
     be distinct.

    - Sort data from relational or flat file source.
    - The sorter transformation treats the data passing through each successive sort key port as a
      Secondary sort of the previous port.

       DIRECTION (V)         -       Ascending or Descending

       INPORTS        (I)    -       Receive data from source
       OUTPORTS       (O)    -       Pass the data to other Transformation
       KEY            (V)    -       Which one u want to sort the A/D)

    Sorter cache size                :10000000             #input rows + [ (∑column size) + 16]
    Case sensitive                   :                      (enable)Uppercase higher than lower case
    Work directory                   : #PMTempDir           (Temp file store-sorting time
    Distinct                         :                     enable– eliminate duplicate value in out put
    Tracing level                    : normal              ( Terse / Normal / Verb init / Verb data )
    Null treated low                 :                     (enable–treat null values higher than any other value)
    Transformation scope             :All input            1) Transaction 2) All Input

     Each successive sort key port as a secondary sort of the previous port

       # input rows [( Σ column size ) + 16]
     - Sorter transformation to sort data passing through an Aggregator transformation configured to use
       sorted transformation
     - You should configure sort criteria to PCS applies to all sort key ports

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                                                  A/C - SQ
     When adding a relational or flat file source definition to a mapping it is must to connect it to a
            Source Qualifier Transformation.
     The Source Qualifier transformation represents the rows that the powerCenter server reads when
             it runs a session.
     Overriding the default SQL query              - Only relational
     Filtering the record                          - Only relational
     Join the data from two or more tables etc, - Same source database

    Target load order           -       Constraint based load
    Parameter & variable        -       $$$ session start time
    Default query               -
    SQL Overwrite               -
        Override the default SQL query (user defined join, source filter, no of sorted ports, select distinct
    INPORTS        (I)    -     Receive data from source
    OUTPORTS       (O)    -     Pass the data to other Transformation

     SQL Query                 -               (custom query replace the default query)
     User Defined join         -               (user defined join)
     Source filter             -               (filter condition)
     No of Sorted ports - 0                    (order by includes no of ports-sort order)
     Tracing level             - normal        ( Terse / Normal / Verb init / Verb data )
     Select Distinct           -               (enable-unique values from source) only enable flat file
     Pre SQL                   -               (before reads to the source)
     Post SQL                  -               (after it writes to the target)
     - Use the source qualifier to filer. The source qualifier limits the row set extracted from the source where
       as filter limits the row set sent to a target.

  - Join data originating from the same source database
  - Filter rows when the PCS reads source data
  - Specify an outer rather than the default inner join
  - Specify sorted ports
  - Select only distinct values from the source
  - Create custom query to issue a special select statement for the PCS to read source data
  - Data type we can’t change, if you can change mapping is invalid.
  Target Load Order:
     - Multiple SQ connected multiple target.
     - One SQL provide multiple target you can enable constraint based loading in a session to have the
           PCS load data based on target table PK & FK relationship.
  Default Join:
     - PK – FK Relationship
     - Matching Data Type
  Custom Join:
     - Custom don’t have PK & FK relationship
     - Data type of columns used for the join don’t match
  Outer Join support :
     - Default query outer join statement nested query created -( left outer, right outer, full outer)

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                                               A/C - RTR
     - This is an active and connected Transformation
     - Similar to Filter Transformation
     - Single input multiple Target opp to union Transformation.
     - Processing the incoming data only once and passes the output to multiple groups and routes data to
        the default O/P group that do not meet the condition
     - Router Transformation in a mapping the PCS process the incoming data only once.
     - Router Transformation efficient of Filter Transformation
     - Router Transformation one input group multiple output group
        (user define output group (many) & default output group (one only)

    Input Port - (enable ) only input group
    Output Port - (not visible) - only output group ( because group only findout)
    Input group - user define group to test a condition based on incoming data
    Output group - 1. user defined group
                    2. Default group
                       - we can’t modify on delete output ports
                       - only connected target group
                       - out put group of sequential only default created.
                       - If you want the PCS to drop all rows in the default group, don’t connect it to a
                          transformation or a Target in a mapping.
    - If rows meet more then one group filter condition, the PCS Passes this rows multiple time

    Tracing Level           -

    Input and Output groups
    Input and Output ports
    Group filter conditions

     - One group can be connected to more then one transformation or target
     - One output ports in a group can be connected to multiple transformation or targets.
     - Multiple output ports in one group can be connected to multiple transformations or targets
     - More than one group cannot be connected to one transformation or target
     - We can’t connect more then one group to multiple input group Transformation, except for joiner
       transformations, when you connect each output group to different input group.

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                                                 P/C - SEG
     Sequence Generator Transformation generates the numeric values.
     SGT to create unique primary key values, cycle through a sequential range of numbers
     Common Use:          - SG when you perform multiple loads to a single target
                          - Replacing the missing values.
     We can’t connect to more then one transformation

                       One row in each block
                       Currval port without connecting the nextval port
                       PowerCenter server passes a constant value for each row
                       One row in each block
       NEXTVAL       - primary key – down stream transformation
                       Unique PK values formation to generate the sequential based on the current    value

PORTS ( Both are default port )
    INPORTS               -         Receive data through unconnected Transformation
    OUTPORTS              -         Pass the data to other transformation
                          -         2 Default output ports 1. NEXTVAL , 2. CURVAL

    Start value      - 0     cycle option (enter the value complete the cycle value after restart the
       Increment by - 1      D b/w 2 consecutive values from the nextval port the default values is 1
       End value     - (1-2147483647)        the maximum values powerCenter generates.
                             - sequence is not configured to cycle it fails the session.
       Current value-       enter you want first value PC server to use in sequence
                            -must be generate than or equal to the start value and less than the end
       Cycle         -      If selected –sequence range (up to limit)
                            - If not selected – session failure with overflow error.
       Number of cached values –1           no of cached values determine the number of values the PC
                                            server caches at one time
       Reset         -      If selected, PC generates values based on the original current value for each
                            session (other wise)
                            Reflect the last – generated value
                            (Reusable is disabled for reusable sequence generator Transformati
       Tracing level -      level of information

          Cache enable limit grater than 0.
          - row skipped the value.
          - discards the unused values.
          -Cache enable some upto limit Eg.1000

  −  Use reusable sequence generator if the same sequence generator is to be used in more than one sessions.
  −  Optimize performance by connecting only the nextval port in a mapping
  −  Sequential reusable and use it in multiple mapping.

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    - Perform the following task with a sequence generator Transformation
    - Create keys
    - Replace missing the value
    - Cycle through a sequential range of numbers

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                                        A/C - UPD
     This is an active and connected transformation.
     It is used to update in data in target table, either to maintain history of data or recent changes
     It is used to flag the records for Insert, update, Delete and Reject rows in the Target database.
     It is used in slowly changing dimension to update the target table.
     This transformation used to SCD-1,SCD-2 and SCD-3 type.
     Set at a 2 levels
     1. Within a session – treat all records in the same way
         for example, treat all records as
     2. Within a Mapping Levels – Flag records for insert, update, delete or reject
                •    Insert. Select this option to insert a row into a target table.
                •    Delete. Select this option to delete a row from a table.
                •    Update. You have the following options in this situation:
                     Update as update. Update each row flagged for update if it exists in the target table.
                     Update as insert. Inset each row flagged for update.
                     Update else Insert. Update the row if it exists. Otherwise, insert it.
                •    Truncate table. Select this option to truncate the target table before loading data.
    INPORTS  (I)                  -         Receive data from source
    OUTPORTS (O)                  -         Pass the data to other Transformation

    Update strategy expression -0     (DD_INSERT-0,DD_UPDATE-1,DD_DELETE-2,DD_REJECT-3,)
    Forward rejected rows      -      enable - flags the rows for reject and writes them to the session reject file.
    Tracing level              - normal                 ( Terse / Normal / Verb init / Verb data )

    SCD-1 : It keeps the most recent updated values in the target
    SCD-2 : It keeps the full historical business information in the target
            The full history is maintain by inserting the new record in the target
    SCD-3 : It keeps previous value and current

    1. Whenever use Dynamic cache - at the time you must use UPD transformation
    2. Dynamic lookup use you can must select
       1. Select insert 2. select update as update 3. Don’t select delete
    3. UPD - > AGG Use only – Update , Insert , Delete
    4. AGG - > UPD Use only – Update , Insert , Delete, Reject

 Dynamic lookup – u must use UPD transformation
 Business Logic :
     IFF((current date>Previousdate) , DD_reject, DD_update)
                                                  Update, Insert , Delete
          UPD                         AGG

                                                  Update, Insert , Delete , Reject
          AGG                         UPD

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- Dynamic lookup use you can must select
      - Select Insert
      - Select Update as update
      - Don’t select delete

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                                            P/C & UC - LKP
     Look up Transformation in lookup data in flat file or a relational table, view or synonym
     Get a related value
     Look up transformation is used to perform the following task.
             Get a related value
             Perform a calculation
             Update slowly changing dimension
     Relational look up - dynamic cache use
     Flat file lookup       - must use in static cache
             - we can configure sorted input
     INPUT           ( I)   -
     OUTPUT          (O)    -
     LOOKUP          (L)    -
     RETURN          (R)    -

    Look up SQL Override (R)         -
    Lookup table name        (R)     -
    Lookup caching enabled (R/F)     -
    Lookup policy on multiple match ”-
    Lookup condition                 -
    Location information             -
    Source type                      -
    Re cache if stale
    Tracing level
    Lookup cache directory name
    Lookup cache initialize

    Look up table
    Metadata Extensions

    Persistent cache
    Re cache from database
    Static cache
    Dynamic cache
    Shared cache

     Cached lookup:By indexing the columns in the lookup Order by

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  Look up
         To look up data in Flat File, Table, Synonym, View.
         Use multiple lookup transformation in a mapping
         Performs the following tasks
                Get related value
                Perform calculations
                Updated slowly changing dimension tables.
  Connected Lookup
     Static cache           : return value from the lookup query.
     Dynamic cache          : Case 1 : No rows found in cache – inserts the record
                              Case 2 : Row found in cache - updates the records
  Unconnected Lookup
     - Common use into update slowly changing dimension – tables
     - Returns one value into the return port of look up transformation

  Connected or Unconnected
     - Receive input and send output in different ways

  Relational or flat file lookup

  Cached or uncached
           Dynamic          - Relational
           Static           - Flat file
           Cached           - Performance ( store the value whenever you want lookup table refer only
           Uncached         - each time lookup the value.

  Connected Lookup Transformation

  Unconnected Lookup Transformation

  Relational & flat files lookups
          Relational Lookups - Dynamic cache
          Flat file lookup        - Can use sorted input
                                   - Can use indirect file
                                   - Can sort null date high
                                   - Can use case sensitive string comparison
          Look source - cached lookup – order by
          Ports             - Uncached lookup – select
          Properties        -
          Conddtion         -
            INPUT PORT (I)         -
            OUT PORT (O) -
            LOOKUP            (L) -
            RETURN             (R) - only in connected lookup transformation

       Lookup SQL override         (R) -
       Lookup table name          (R)     - Table, Synonym, View
       Lookup caching enabled     (R/F) -
       Lookup policy on multiple match (F/R)- enable mean (first, last, return an error)
       Look Condition             (F/R) -
       Connection information     (R)     -
       Source Type                 (R/F) -

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   Tracing Level                (R/F) -
             Lookup cache Directory name (F/R) -
             Lookup cache Persistent      (F/R) -
             Look up Data cache size      (F/R) -
             Look up index cache size     (F/R) -
             Dynamic lookup cache         (R)    - insert (or) updates – (only lookup cache enabled)
             Output old value on update (F/R) - use only with dynamic cache enabled
             Cache file name prefix       (F/R) - use only with persistent lookup cache
                                                  - name prefix to use persistent lookup cache file
             Re cache from lookup source(F/R) - Rebuild the persistent cache file
             Insert else update           (R)    - use only with dynamic cache enabled
             Update else Insert           (R)    - ”
             Date Time format             (F)    -
             Thousand separator           (F)    - default no separator          (‘,’ ‘.’)
             Decimal separator            (F)    - default period                (, .)
             Case sensitive string comparison(F) -
             Null ordering                (F)    -
             Sorted Input                 (F)    -

Configuring Lookup Properties in a Session
           Flat file lookups                     - (file name and file type)
           Relational Lookup                     - (u can define $source & $Target variable in session)

Configuring Properties Flat file Lookup in a Session
           Lookup source file directory         - $LookupFileDir (default)
           Lookup source file name              -
           Lookup source file name              - Direct

Configuration Relational Lookups in a Session
          Choose any relational connection
          Connection variable , $DBconnection
          Specify database connection for $Source and $Target

Lookup Query
          Default lookup query
               • SELECT           - SQL override
               • ORDER BY - we can use enabled the cache ( u can’t view this )
          Overriding the lookup Query
               • override the ORDER BY statement
               • A lookup table name(or) columns contain a reserved word - 'reserved word’
               • Use mapping parameter & variables
               • A Lookup column name contains a slash (/) character
               • Add where statement
               • Other
          Overriding the ORDER BY Statement
                     Order by - -
          Reserved words
                 - lookup or column names contain a database reserved word
                                            such as Month,Year – session fails
                 - resword.txt (PC initialization Directory)
Guideline to Overriding the Lookup Query
          - SQL override only lookup SQL query relational only
          - Cache not enable PCS doesn’t recognize the override
          - Default query or configure override – lookup / output port – add or subtract port from the
              SELECT statement, the session fails,
          - Filter before lookup using dynamic cache when you add where clause to lookup SQL override

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-Override the ORDER BY statement – session fail (because doesn’t contain condition port)
                     Don’t suppress order only
          - Reserved word session fail if you want use quotes ( “ ”)
       Step overriding the Lookup Query
              Properties Tab enter SQL override
              Validate to test

Lookup condition
     1 . Data type in condition must match
     2. Multiple condition – use AND, OR
     3. Flat file for sorted input – session fail (condition are not grouped so you select group column)

       Uncached Static cache
          1. =, >, <, >=, <= , !=
          2. multiple condition – use AND , OR
          3. more then one lookup condition (first meet all condition after another condition so you select
             GROUP columns

     Dynamic cache
            1. Only = operator
            2. can’t handling for multiple matches – otherwise PCS fail
Lookup Cache
     Index cache -        Condition value
     Data cache -         Output value

       1).   Persistent cache               -
       2).   Recache from lookup source     -
       3).   Static cache                   -
       4).   Dynamic cache                  -
       5).   Shard cache                    -

Configuring Unconnected Lookup Transformation
          - :LKP – reference qualifier to call the lookup within another transformation
          - Calling the same lookup multiple time in one mapping
          - Syntax:      :LKP.Lookup_transformation_name(argument,argument,…..)
          Unconnected use following kinds.
          - Add input port         - more then one condition
          - Add the lookup condition
          - Designate a return value
          - Call the lookup from another transformation
      Add input port
             Design for source and target
                 Item_id               out
                 IN_Item_id            in
      Add Lookup Condition
                     Item_id = IN_Item_id
                 - return condition is false lookup return null
      Designate a return value
                 - Multiple input & single output only
                 - Update strategy or filter expression
      Call the lookup through an Expression
                 Eg. IFF(Isnull(:LKP.lkpitems_dim(item_id,price)),DD_Update,DD_Reject
      Creating a Look Transformation
             1. Choose an existing table or file definition
             2. Import a definition from a relational or file
             3. skip a create a manual definition

M.SHANMUGAM                           Transformation Details                                Page 19 / 24
1. Add an index to the column used in a lookup condition
          2. place condition with an equality operator(=)first

M.SHANMUGAM                     Transformation Details               Page 20 / 24

     Index         - PCS Condition value
     Data Cache    - Output Value
     Default       - $PMCacheDir
              -    Data doesn’t fit in the memory cache
              -    PCS stores the overflow value in the cache file when the session complete
              -    Flat file lookup for sorted input

     1. Persistent Cache :
               -    Save and reuse them the next time
     2. Recache from source
               - persistent cache is not synchronized with the lookup table
               - Rebuild
     3. Static Cache
               - Read only
               - Default cache
               - PCS doesn’t update the cache
     4. Dynamic Cache
               - insert new rows or update existing row
               - Dynamic insert & update – pass data to target table
               - Can’t use flat file
     5. Shared Cache
               - use can use multiple transformation


        -   PCS save or delete lookup cache files after successful session based on the lookup cache
            persistent property.
        - Lookup table doesn’t change between session you can configure the lookup transformation to
            use a persistent lookup cache.
        - PCS saves & reuses cache files from session to session so eliminating time required to read the
            lookup table.
     Non Persistent Cache
        - Enable caching in lookup transformation the PCS delete the cache files at the end of a session
        - Next time you run the session the PCS build the memory cache from the database.
     Persistent cache
        - If you want save and reuse the cache files you can configure the transformation
        - Use persistent cache the lookup table doesn’t change between session runs
        - Lookup table changes occasionally, can override session properties to re caches the lookup from
            the database
        - Use Persistent cache means you can specify a name for the cache file

     PCS server handling of persistent caches


        -   Rebuild the Lookup caches, lookup sources changed size the last time the PCS build the cache
        -   When you rebuild the cache the PCS create new cache file overriding existing persistent cache
        -   The PCS server write a message to the session log file when if rebuild the caches
        -   Don’t choose the to recache the lookup source PCS automatically rebuild the persistent cache

M.SHANMUGAM                        Transformation Details                                Page 21 / 24
        - The PCS builds the cache when it process the first lookup request
        - PCS doesn’t update the cache.
        - Condition true – connected lookup transformation return values represent by lookup/output
        - Condition true - unconnected lookup transformation return values represent by return ports.
        - Condition is not true – connected lookup transformation return values to output port.
        - Condition is not true – unconnected lookup transformation return null values to returns port.
        - Multiple partition means PCS create one memory cache for each partition .

                - Insert the row into the cache
                - Update the row in the cache
                - Makes no changes to the cache
     - Some situation when you can use dynamic lookup cache
           1. Update a master customer table with new & updated customer information
                - Static lookup cache          - fact file
                - Dynamic lookup cache         - Relational table
           2. Loading data into a slowly changing dimension table & a fact table
           3. Router or filter - use
           4. Multiple partition in a pipeline that use a dynamic lookup cache the PCS create one me
                memory cache and one disk cache for each transformation .
       New lookup row port
                - Target table synchronized
                - Ignore Null input for updates
                - Ignore in comparison
                        • Ignore Null values
       Using the Associated Input port :
                - You must associated each lookup/out port with an input/output port or a sequence ID
                - The PCS uses the data in the associated port to insert or update rows in the lookup cache.
        Sequence ID Generate following Process
                - PCS create dynamic lookup cache – tracks the range of value in the cache associated with
                    any port using a sequence ID
                - Maximum value for a sequence ID is 2147483647.
        Working with lookup Transformation values
                - Associated an input/output ports or a sequence ID with a Lookup/output port – following
                    Value match default.
                        • Input Value              - PCS passes into the Transformation
                        • Lookup Values            - PCS Passes insert into the cache.
                        Input /output port output value – PCS Passes out of the Input/output port
                - Out put old value on update – PCS output the value that existed in the cache before it
                    updated the row.
                - Out put new value on update – PCS output the updated value that it write in the cache
                - When the update a dynamic lookup cache & Target table.
                - PCS can handle the null values in the following ways.
                        • Insert Null values -
                        • Ignore Null values - (Not null values)
                - When you run a session that use a dynamic lookup cache PCS compares the value in all
                    lookup ports with the value.
                - If compare the value to determine whether or not to update the row in the lookup cache.
        Update strategy Transformation with a Dynamic chache.
               1. Row entering the lookup Transformation : (By default) all row type all rows entering a
                   lookup transformation is insert.
               2. Row Leaving the Lookup Transformation : PCS changed the lookup cache but it does not
                   change the row type
                - Update Strategy transformation & a dynamic lookup cache you must define certain

M.SHANMUGAM                         Transformation Details                                Page 22 / 24
session properties
                  -   PCS result the lookup cache & Target table might become unsynchronized.

             - You can configure multiple lookup Transformation in a mapping to store a single lookup
         - You can share cache that are unnamed & named.
              1. Unnamed Cache: - Compatible caching structure
                                      - The PCS share the cache by default you can share static unnamed
              2. Named Cache : - Use a persistent named cache
                                    - when you want to share cache files across mapping or share and a static
           Sharing an Unnamed Lookup cache :
                  - When 2 Lookup transformation share an unnamed cahce.
                  - You can share static unnamed cache.
      Sharing a Named Lookup Cache.
                  - We can share the cache between multiple lookup transformation by using a Persistent
                  - We can share one cache between lookup Transformation is the same mapping (or) across
                  - Named cache – cache directory for cache files with the same files name prefix.
                  - Specify the cache file directory.
                  - PCS rebuild the memory cache from the persisted file
                  - PCS structure don’t match the PCS fails the session.
                  - PCS process multiple session simultaneously when the lookup transformation only need
                     to read the cache files.
                  - A named cache created by a dynamic lookup transformation with a lookup policy
                     - PCS then saves & reuses cache files from session to session, eliminating the time
              required to read the lookup table

M.SHANMUGAM                          Transformation Details                                Page 23 / 24
                                                   A/C - UN

  - Union Transformation is a multiple input group transformation which is responsible for merging the
     data coming from more then one source.
  - Union Transformation also merge the data Hetero geneous sources also.
  - Union Transformation is newly introduced in Informatica 7.1 version onwards.
  - Union Transformation to the UNION ALL statement
  - Union Transformation is developed using the custom Transformation.

  - Create Multiple input groups but only one output groups
  - All Input groups and the out put groups must have matching port. The precision, data type, and scale
    must be identical across all groups
  - Union Transformation doesn’t remove duplicate rows.
  - To remove duplicate rows you must add another transformation upstream from a union Transformation.
  - Can’t use sequence generator or update strategy transformation upstream from a Union Transformation.
  - Union Transformation doesn’t generate transaction.

    Transformation Tab : you can rename the transformation and add a description
    Properties Tab            : you can specify the Tracing level
    Groups                    : you can create & delete input groups (Design displays groups you create
                                on the ports tab
    Groups ports tab          : you can create & delete ports for the input groups

          We can’t modify ports, Initialization properties, meta data Extension or port attributes definition Tab

    Groups & ports :
            Multiple input groups & one output groups, Design create output groups by default we can’t edit
    or delete the outputs groups

  - Union Transformation is a non blocking multiple input group Transformation
  - When you add a Union Transformation to a mapping you must verify that you connect the same ports in
    all inputs groups. If you connect all ports in one input group but don’t connect a port in another input
    groups. If you connect all ports in one input groups, but don’t connect a port in another input group the
    PCS passes Nulls to the unconnected ports

                                                                         Mapping level - Session Level
       Module identifies            -        Pmuniontrans
       Function identifiers         -        pmunionfunc
       Runtime Location             -                                      enable
       Tracing Level                -        Normal                        enable
       Is Partition able            -
       Inputs Must Block            -
       Is Active                    -
       Update Strategy Transfomat   -
       Transformation Scope         -        Row
       Generate Transformation      -
       Output Repeatable            -        Never


M.SHANMUGAM                             Transformation Details                                Page 24 / 24

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45568786 7336983-transformation-20

  • 1. INFORMATICA 7.1.1 S. PA Transformation I O V R M L Important GE No Source Qualifier SQ 8 1 A/C * * Distinct, Filter FIL 4 2 A/C * * Expression Expression EXP 3 P/C * * * Group by port, Sorted input, Expression Sequence Generator SEQ 10 4 P/C * * NEXTVAL,CURVAL Router RTR 5 A/C * * Expression Union UN 6 A/C * * Transactional control TC 7 A/C * * Sorter SRT 7 8 A/C * * Distinct Normalizer NRM 9 A/C * * Sequence, restart Stored Procedure SP 11 P/C-UC * * * Bad file created Joiner JNR 12 A/C * * * Sorted Input Aggregator AGG 13 A/C * * * Group by port, Sorted input Rank RNK 14 A/C * * * * Group by port, Expression Look-up LKP 15 A/C-UC * * * * XML Source Qualifier XML 16 A/C Custom CT 17 A-P/C * * External Procedure EP 18 P/C-UC * * * DD_INSERT, DD_UPDATE, DD_DELETE, DD_REJECT - UP as UP , UP as IN, UP else In , Update Strategy UPD Tranc 19 A/C * * EXPRESSION - Reject file created 20 Midstream XML Parser 21 Midstream XML Generator 22 Application Source Qualifier 23 MQ Series Qualifier Application Multi group 24 Qualifier M.SHANMUGAM Transformation Details Page 1 / 24
  • 2. SHANMUGAM.M M.SHANMUGAM Transformation Details Page 2 / 24
  • 3. 1. AGGREGATOR TRANSFORMATION A/C - AGG DEFINITION The Aggregator transformation is Active and Connected. The Aggregator transformations allow you to perform to aggregate calculation. You can use the aggregator transformation to perform calculation on groups. The Row which meet the condition are passed to target. The doesn’t meet the condition, rejected row store rejected file or Bad file directory. AGGREGATOR FUNCTIONS AVG MAX STDDEV COUNT MEDIAN SUM FIRST MIN VARIANCE LAST PERCENTILE PORTS INPORTS - (I) each input Receive data OUTPORTS - (O) Pass the data to other transformation VRIABLE PORTS - (V) its stores the Intermediate result it can reference input ports Not to out ports GROUP BY PORT - PROPERTIES Cache Directory - $PMCaheDir Tracing Level - Normal ( Terse / Normal / Verbose initialization / verbose data ) Sorted Input - Aggregator Data Cache - 2000000 Bytes Aggregator Index Cache - 1000000 Bytes Transformation Scope - All input (Transaction / All Input) COMPONENT Aggregate Expression - Non aggregate Expression / Conditional Class Aggregate Cache - Group by Port - Which column you want group by Eg. Dept Sorted Input - Reduce the amount of data cached AGGREGATOR CACHE: The PCS stores data in the aggregate cache until it complete the aggregator calculation Index Cache : It stores the group value, As Configured in the group by port Data Cache : Stores calculation ( Row data Stores, output value) Based on group-by-ports OPTIMIZATION − Group by simple columns like numbers instead of string or date − Use sorted input − Use incremental aggregation − Minimize the aggregate function − Before filter transformation best ( Reduce the Data) − Lookup unconnected & stored procedure – we can call M.SHANMUGAM Transformation Details Page 3 / 24
  • 4. 2. EXPRESSION TRANSFORMATION P/C - EXP DEFINITION Expression Transformation Passive and connected transformation This can be calculate values in a single row before writing to the target. Row by row calculation, Perform the any non aggregate function EXPRESSION FUNCTIONS The Expression Transformation is used for data cleansing and scrubbing There are over 80 functions within PowerCenter, such as salary, concatenate, instring, rpad, ltrim and we use many of them in the Expression Transformation. We can also create derived columns and variables in the Expression Transformation. COMPONENT Expression - we can call – Unconnected Stored Procedure and Unconnected Lookup PORTS INPORTS - (I) Each input port Receive data OUTPORTS - (O) which provide the value to either target or next transformation in the mapping is called output ports VARIABLE PORTS - (V) Its stores the Intermediate result it can reference input ports ( -Which stores the variable information ) PROPERTIES Tracing Level - Normal ( Terse / Normal / Verbose initialization / verbose data ) OPTIMIZATION − Factoring out common logic − Minimizing aggregator function calls. For Eg.use SUM(A+B) instead of using SUM(A) + SUM(B) − Replacing common sub expression with local variables − Choosing Numeric Vs String operation − Choose DECODE function Vs LOOK UP operation − Choose CONCAT operation for Eg use ||’|| instead of CONCAT (Fname, Lastname) − you can enter multiple expression in a Single Expression Transformation. M.SHANMUGAM Transformation Details Page 4 / 24
  • 5. 3. FILTER TRANSFORMATION A/C - FIL DEFINITION − This is a type of active and connected Transformation which is used to filter of the source rows based on a condition. − Only the row which meet the condition are pass through to target. − Any kind of source we can use filter Transformation − Filter condition drops data that does not match the condition − We can put one or more condition (more condition means we can use AND , OR operator) − Discards rows don’t appear in the session log or reject files PORTS INPORTS - (I) Receive data from source OUTPORTS - (O) Pass the data to other Transformation PROPERTIES Filter Condition : <put Condition> Tracing Level : Normal (Normal / Terse / Verbose init / Verbose data ) OPTIMIZATION (TIPS) ♦ Use the filter transformation early in the mapping (or) nearly in SQ ♦ The filter condition is case sensitive, and queries in some database do not take this into account. TROUBLESHOOTING Case sensitivity : the filter condition is case sensitive Appended spaces : use the RTRIM function to remove additional space FUNCTIONS - You can use one or more condition in filter transformation - AND , OR logical operator through M.SHANMUGAM Transformation Details Page 5 / 24
  • 6. 4. JOINER TRANSFORMATION A/C - JNR DEFINITION - This is active and connected Transformation. - Can be used to join two sources coming form two different locations or same location. - We can use homo genius and hetero genius sources - Join a flat file and a relational sources or to join two flat files or to join a relational source and a XML source. CONDITION 1). Two sources there must be at least one matching ports or columns 2). Two sources there should have Primary key and Foreign key relationship PORTS INPORTS - (I) Receive data from source OUTPORTS - (O) Pass the data to other Transformation MASTERPORTS - (M) If checked master(small) otherwise details (large) (to switch the Master Details relationship for the source ) PROPERTIES 1 Cache sensitive String Comparison - (Character data only enable) 2 Cache Directory - $PMCacheDir 3 Join Condition - 4 Join Type - NORMAL (Normal - M.outer -D.outer- Full Outer) 5 Null ordering in Master - Null is highest value (Null is lowest value) 6 Null ordering in Detail - Null is highest value (Null is lowest value) 7 Tracing Level - Normal (Normal / Terse / Verbose init / Verbose data ) 8 Joiner Data cache size - 2000000 9 Joiner Index cache size - 1000000 10 Sorted Input - 11 Transformation Scope - All input (Transaction / All Input ) COMPONENT Case sensitive string comparison - (Character data only enable) Cache directory - Join condition - Joiner type - ( Normal, Master Outer, Detail Outer, Full outer) CACHE Joiner Data cache size : Out put value only Joiner Index cache size : The index cache holds rows from the master source that are in the join condition. M.SHANMUGAM Transformation Details Page 6 / 24
  • 7. Index cache Data Cache Stores index values for the master source table as Stores master source rows. configured in the join condition. FUNCTIONS Following types of source can be used in a joiner − Two relational tables existing in separate databases − Two flat files in potentially different file systems − Two different ODBC sources − Two instances of the same XML sources − A relational table and a Flat file source − A relational table and a XML source A joiner cannot contain the following types of source − Both pipelines begin with the same original data sources. − Both input pipeline originate from the same source qualifier transformation − Both input pipeline originate from the same normalizer transformation. − Both input pipeline originate from the same joiner transformation. − Either input pipeline contains an update strategy transformations − Either input pipeline contains a connected or unconnected sequence Generator transformation. PERFORMANCE − Use sorted input (flat file ,relational data,) − Minimizing the disk input and output − Use in front of sorted transformation − For an unsorted joiner transformation, designate as the master source the source with fewer rows − For an sorted joiner transformation, designate as the master source the source with fewer duplicate key values − Following Transformation we can’t use before the joiner Transformation. - Sequence Generator Transformation directly - Update strategy Transformation TIPS - sorted input – improve the session performance. - Don’t use following transformation sort origin and joiner transformation - Custom , Unsorted aggregator, Normalizer, Rank. - Sort order from both table( master & Detail) - Normal or Master outer join perform than a full outer or detail outer join. Normal - Matched Rows form master and detail source Master - all rows data from the detail source and the matching rows from the master source Detail - all rows data from the master source and the matching rows from the detail source Full outer - all rows rows of data from both the master and detail sources M.SHANMUGAM Transformation Details Page 7 / 24
  • 8. 5. RANK TRANSFORMATION A/C - RNK DEFINITION This an Active and Connected Transformation Which is used to identify the Top or Bottom rank of data based on condition. Rank transformation to return the largest or smallest numeric value in a port or group We can use a rank transformation to return the strings at the top or the bottom of a session sort order. FUNCTIONS ASCII - Binary sort order UNICODE - Session sort order in session properties (code Page) Binary sort order Binary value string and returns rows with the highest binary values for string PORTS INPUT ( I) - minimum of one OUTPUT (O) - minimum of one VARIABLE (V) - Stores values or calculations to use in an expressions RANK (R) - Only one (default port-only out put return only) EXPRESSION - GROUP BY PORT - PROPERTIES CACHE DIRECTORY - $PMCacheDir TOP / BOTTOM - TOP NUMBER OF RANKS - CASE SENSITIVE STING COMPARISON - TRACING LEVEL - normal RANK DATA CACHE SIZE - 2000000 RANK INDEX CACHE SIZE - 1000000 TRANSFORMATION SCOPE - All input (All input/ Transformation) CACHE Index Cache Data Cache Stores group values as configured in the Stores ranking information based on the group group by ports. by ports. Can must run the session on a 64bit PoweCen PERFORMANCE - Configure ASCII mode M.SHANMUGAM Transformation Details Page 8 / 24
  • 9. 6. SORTER TRANSFORMATION A/C - SRT DEFINITION ♦ It allows to sort data either in ascending or descending according to a specify sort key (field) ♦ Also used to configure for case- sensitive sorting and specify whether the output rows should be distinct. FUNCTIONS - Sort data from relational or flat file source. - The sorter transformation treats the data passing through each successive sort key port as a Secondary sort of the previous port. COMPONENT DIRECTION (V) - Ascending or Descending PORTS INPORTS (I) - Receive data from source OUTPORTS (O) - Pass the data to other Transformation KEY (V) - Which one u want to sort the A/D) PROPERTIES Sorter cache size :10000000 #input rows + [ (∑column size) + 16] Case sensitive : (enable)Uppercase higher than lower case Work directory : #PMTempDir (Temp file store-sorting time Distinct : enable– eliminate duplicate value in out put Tracing level : normal ( Terse / Normal / Verb init / Verb data ) Null treated low : (enable–treat null values higher than any other value) Transformation scope :All input 1) Transaction 2) All Input SORT DATA Each successive sort key port as a secondary sort of the previous port FORMULA # input rows [( Σ column size ) + 16] PERFORMANCE - Sorter transformation to sort data passing through an Aggregator transformation configured to use sorted transformation - You should configure sort criteria to PCS applies to all sort key ports M.SHANMUGAM Transformation Details Page 9 / 24
  • 10. 7. SOURCE QUALIFIER TRANSFORMATION A/C - SQ DEFINITION When adding a relational or flat file source definition to a mapping it is must to connect it to a Source Qualifier Transformation. The Source Qualifier transformation represents the rows that the powerCenter server reads when it runs a session. FUNCTIONS & Perform Overriding the default SQL query - Only relational Filtering the record - Only relational Join the data from two or more tables etc, - Same source database IMPORTANT TOPIC Target load order - Constraint based load Parameter & variable - $$$ session start time Default query - SQL Overwrite - Override the default SQL query (user defined join, source filter, no of sorted ports, select distinct setting PORTS INPORTS (I) - Receive data from source OUTPORTS (O) - Pass the data to other Transformation PROPERTIES SQL Query - (custom query replace the default query) User Defined join - (user defined join) Source filter - (filter condition) No of Sorted ports - 0 (order by includes no of ports-sort order) Tracing level - normal ( Terse / Normal / Verb init / Verb data ) Select Distinct - (enable-unique values from source) only enable flat file Pre SQL - (before reads to the source) Post SQL - (after it writes to the target) OPTIMIZATION - Use the source qualifier to filer. The source qualifier limits the row set extracted from the source where as filter limits the row set sent to a target. PERFORMANCE - Join data originating from the same source database - Filter rows when the PCS reads source data - Specify an outer rather than the default inner join - Specify sorted ports - Select only distinct values from the source - Create custom query to issue a special select statement for the PCS to read source data - Data type we can’t change, if you can change mapping is invalid. Target Load Order: - Multiple SQ connected multiple target. - One SQL provide multiple target you can enable constraint based loading in a session to have the PCS load data based on target table PK & FK relationship. Default Join: - PK – FK Relationship - Matching Data Type Custom Join: - Custom don’t have PK & FK relationship - Data type of columns used for the join don’t match Outer Join support : - Default query outer join statement nested query created -( left outer, right outer, full outer) M.SHANMUGAM Transformation Details Page 10 / 24
  • 11. 8. ROUTER TRANSFORMATION A/C - RTR DEFINITION - This is an active and connected Transformation - Similar to Filter Transformation - Single input multiple Target opp to union Transformation. - Processing the incoming data only once and passes the output to multiple groups and routes data to the default O/P group that do not meet the condition FUNCTIONS - Router Transformation in a mapping the PCS process the incoming data only once. - Router Transformation efficient of Filter Transformation - Router Transformation one input group multiple output group (user define output group (many) & default output group (one only) PORTS Input Port - (enable ) only input group Output Port - (not visible) - only output group ( because group only findout) GROUP Input group - user define group to test a condition based on incoming data Output group - 1. user defined group 2. Default group - we can’t modify on delete output ports - only connected target group - out put group of sequential only default created. - If you want the PCS to drop all rows in the default group, don’t connect it to a transformation or a Target in a mapping. - If rows meet more then one group filter condition, the PCS Passes this rows multiple time PROPERTIES Tracing Level - COMPONENT Input and Output groups Input and Output ports Group filter conditions PERFORMANCE &TIPS - One group can be connected to more then one transformation or target - One output ports in a group can be connected to multiple transformation or targets. - Multiple output ports in one group can be connected to multiple transformations or targets - More than one group cannot be connected to one transformation or target - We can’t connect more then one group to multiple input group Transformation, except for joiner transformations, when you connect each output group to different input group. M.SHANMUGAM Transformation Details Page 11 / 24
  • 12. 9. SEQUENCE GENERATOR TRANSFORMATION P/C - SEG DEFINITION Sequence Generator Transformation generates the numeric values. SGT to create unique primary key values, cycle through a sequential range of numbers Common Use: - SG when you perform multiple loads to a single target - Replacing the missing values. We can’t connect to more then one transformation FUNCTIONS CURRVAL - NEXTVAL + INCREMENTAL BY VALUE One row in each block Currval port without connecting the nextval port PowerCenter server passes a constant value for each row One row in each block NEXTVAL - primary key – down stream transformation Unique PK values formation to generate the sequential based on the current value PORTS ( Both are default port ) INPORTS - Receive data through unconnected Transformation OUTPORTS - Pass the data to other transformation - 2 Default output ports 1. NEXTVAL , 2. CURVAL PROPERTIES Start value - 0 cycle option (enter the value complete the cycle value after restart the value Increment by - 1 D b/w 2 consecutive values from the nextval port the default values is 1 End value - (1-2147483647) the maximum values powerCenter generates. - sequence is not configured to cycle it fails the session. Current value- enter you want first value PC server to use in sequence -must be generate than or equal to the start value and less than the end value. Cycle - If selected –sequence range (up to limit) - If not selected – session failure with overflow error. Number of cached values –1 no of cached values determine the number of values the PC server caches at one time Reset - If selected, PC generates values based on the original current value for each session (other wise) Reflect the last – generated value (Reusable is disabled for reusable sequence generator Transformati Tracing level - level of information PERFORMANCE NON REUSABLE SEQUENCE GENERATOR Cache enable limit grater than 0. - row skipped the value. - discards the unused values. REUSABLE SEQUENCE GENERATOR -Cache enable some upto limit Eg.1000 OPTIMIZATION − Use reusable sequence generator if the same sequence generator is to be used in more than one sessions. − Optimize performance by connecting only the nextval port in a mapping − Sequential reusable and use it in multiple mapping. M.SHANMUGAM Transformation Details Page 12 / 24
  • 13. FUNCTIONS - Perform the following task with a sequence generator Transformation - Create keys - Replace missing the value - Cycle through a sequential range of numbers M.SHANMUGAM Transformation Details Page 13 / 24
  • 14. 10. UPDATE STRATEGY TRANSFORMATION A/C - UPD DEFINITION This is an active and connected transformation. It is used to update in data in target table, either to maintain history of data or recent changes It is used to flag the records for Insert, update, Delete and Reject rows in the Target database. It is used in slowly changing dimension to update the target table. This transformation used to SCD-1,SCD-2 and SCD-3 type. FUNCTIONS Set at a 2 levels 1. Within a session – treat all records in the same way for example, treat all records as DD_INSERT-0,DD_UPDATE-1,DD_DELETE-2,DD_REJECT-3, 2. Within a Mapping Levels – Flag records for insert, update, delete or reject • Insert. Select this option to insert a row into a target table. • Delete. Select this option to delete a row from a table. • Update. You have the following options in this situation: Update as update. Update each row flagged for update if it exists in the target table. Update as insert. Inset each row flagged for update. Update else Insert. Update the row if it exists. Otherwise, insert it. • Truncate table. Select this option to truncate the target table before loading data. PORTS INPORTS (I) - Receive data from source OUTPORTS (O) - Pass the data to other Transformation PROPERTIES Update strategy expression -0 (DD_INSERT-0,DD_UPDATE-1,DD_DELETE-2,DD_REJECT-3,) Forward rejected rows - enable - flags the rows for reject and writes them to the session reject file. Tracing level - normal ( Terse / Normal / Verb init / Verb data ) FUNCTION SCD-1 : It keeps the most recent updated values in the target SCD-2 : It keeps the full historical business information in the target The full history is maintain by inserting the new record in the target SCD-3 : It keeps previous value and current PERFORMANCE 1. Whenever use Dynamic cache - at the time you must use UPD transformation 2. Dynamic lookup use you can must select 1. Select insert 2. select update as update 3. Don’t select delete 3. UPD - > AGG Use only – Update , Insert , Delete 4. AGG - > UPD Use only – Update , Insert , Delete, Reject UPDATE STRATEGY Dynamic lookup – u must use UPD transformation Business Logic : IFF((current date>Previousdate) , DD_reject, DD_update) Update, Insert , Delete UPD AGG Update, Insert , Delete , Reject AGG UPD M.SHANMUGAM Transformation Details Page 14 / 24
  • 15. - Dynamic lookup use you can must select - Select Insert - Select Update as update - Don’t select delete M.SHANMUGAM Transformation Details Page 15 / 24
  • 16. 11. LOOKUP TRANSFORMATION P/C & UC - LKP DEFINITION Look up Transformation in lookup data in flat file or a relational table, view or synonym Get a related value Look up transformation is used to perform the following task. Get a related value Perform a calculation Update slowly changing dimension FUNCTIONS Relational look up - dynamic cache use Flat file lookup - must use in static cache - we can configure sorted input PORTS INPUT ( I) - OUTPUT (O) - LOOKUP (L) - RETURN (R) - PROPERTIES Look up SQL Override (R) - Lookup table name (R) - Lookup caching enabled (R/F) - Lookup policy on multiple match ”- Lookup condition - Location information - Source type - Re cache if stale Tracing level Lookup cache directory name Lookup cache initialize COMPONENT Look up table Ports Properties Condition Metadata Extensions LOOK UP CACHE Persistent cache Re cache from database Static cache Dynamic cache Shared cache PERFORMANCE Cached lookup:By indexing the columns in the lookup Order by M.SHANMUGAM Transformation Details Page 16 / 24
  • 17. LOOK UP TRANSFORMATION Look up To look up data in Flat File, Table, Synonym, View. Use multiple lookup transformation in a mapping Performs the following tasks  Get related value  Perform calculations  Updated slowly changing dimension tables. Connected Lookup Static cache : return value from the lookup query. Dynamic cache : Case 1 : No rows found in cache – inserts the record Case 2 : Row found in cache - updates the records Unconnected Lookup - Common use into update slowly changing dimension – tables - Returns one value into the return port of look up transformation Connected or Unconnected - Receive input and send output in different ways Relational or flat file lookup Cached or uncached Dynamic - Relational Static - Flat file Cached - Performance ( store the value whenever you want lookup table refer only Uncached - each time lookup the value. Connected Lookup Transformation Unconnected Lookup Transformation Relational & flat files lookups  Relational Lookups - Dynamic cache  Flat file lookup - Can use sorted input - Can use indirect file - Can sort null date high - Can use case sensitive string comparison LOOK UP COMPONENTS  Look source - cached lookup – order by  Ports - Uncached lookup – select  Properties -  Conddtion - PORTS INPUT PORT (I) - OUT PORT (O) - LOOKUP (L) - RETURN (R) - only in connected lookup transformation PROPERTIES  Lookup SQL override (R) -  Lookup table name (R) - Table, Synonym, View  Lookup caching enabled (R/F) -  Lookup policy on multiple match (F/R)- enable mean (first, last, return an error)  Look Condition (F/R) -  Connection information (R) -  Source Type (R/F) - M.SHANMUGAM Transformation Details Page 17 / 24
  • 18. Tracing Level (R/F) -  Lookup cache Directory name (F/R) -  Lookup cache Persistent (F/R) -  Look up Data cache size (F/R) -  Look up index cache size (F/R) -  Dynamic lookup cache (R) - insert (or) updates – (only lookup cache enabled)  Output old value on update (F/R) - use only with dynamic cache enabled  Cache file name prefix (F/R) - use only with persistent lookup cache - name prefix to use persistent lookup cache file  Re cache from lookup source(F/R) - Rebuild the persistent cache file  Insert else update (R) - use only with dynamic cache enabled  Update else Insert (R) - ”  Date Time format (F) -  Thousand separator (F) - default no separator (‘,’ ‘.’)  Decimal separator (F) - default period (, .)  Case sensitive string comparison(F) -  Null ordering (F) -  Sorted Input (F) - Configuring Lookup Properties in a Session  Flat file lookups - (file name and file type)  Relational Lookup - (u can define $source & $Target variable in session) Configuring Properties Flat file Lookup in a Session  Lookup source file directory - $LookupFileDir (default)  Lookup source file name -  Lookup source file name - Direct Configuration Relational Lookups in a Session  Choose any relational connection  Connection variable , $DBconnection  Specify database connection for $Source and $Target Lookup Query Default lookup query • SELECT - SQL override • ORDER BY - we can use enabled the cache ( u can’t view this ) Overriding the lookup Query • override the ORDER BY statement • A lookup table name(or) columns contain a reserved word - 'reserved word’ • Use mapping parameter & variables • A Lookup column name contains a slash (/) character • Add where statement • Other Overriding the ORDER BY Statement Order by - - Reserved words - lookup or column names contain a database reserved word such as Month,Year – session fails - resword.txt (PC initialization Directory) Guideline to Overriding the Lookup Query - SQL override only lookup SQL query relational only - Cache not enable PCS doesn’t recognize the override - Default query or configure override – lookup / output port – add or subtract port from the SELECT statement, the session fails, - Filter before lookup using dynamic cache when you add where clause to lookup SQL override M.SHANMUGAM Transformation Details Page 18 / 24
  • 19. -Override the ORDER BY statement – session fail (because doesn’t contain condition port) Don’t suppress order only - Reserved word session fail if you want use quotes ( “ ”) Step overriding the Lookup Query Properties Tab enter SQL override Validate to test Lookup condition 1 . Data type in condition must match 2. Multiple condition – use AND, OR 3. Flat file for sorted input – session fail (condition are not grouped so you select group column) Uncached Static cache 1. =, >, <, >=, <= , != 2. multiple condition – use AND , OR 3. more then one lookup condition (first meet all condition after another condition so you select GROUP columns Dynamic cache 1. Only = operator 2. can’t handling for multiple matches – otherwise PCS fail Lookup Cache Index cache - Condition value Data cache - Output value 1). Persistent cache - 2). Recache from lookup source - 3). Static cache - 4). Dynamic cache - 5). Shard cache - Configuring Unconnected Lookup Transformation - :LKP – reference qualifier to call the lookup within another transformation - Calling the same lookup multiple time in one mapping - Syntax: :LKP.Lookup_transformation_name(argument,argument,…..) Unconnected use following kinds. - Add input port - more then one condition - Add the lookup condition - Designate a return value - Call the lookup from another transformation Add input port Design for source and target Item_id out IN_Item_id in Add Lookup Condition Item_id = IN_Item_id - return condition is false lookup return null Designate a return value - Multiple input & single output only - Update strategy or filter expression Call the lookup through an Expression Eg. IFF(Isnull(:LKP.lkpitems_dim(item_id,price)),DD_Update,DD_Reject Creating a Look Transformation 1. Choose an existing table or file definition 2. Import a definition from a relational or file 3. skip a create a manual definition TIPs M.SHANMUGAM Transformation Details Page 19 / 24
  • 20. 1. Add an index to the column used in a lookup condition 2. place condition with an equality operator(=)first M.SHANMUGAM Transformation Details Page 20 / 24
  • 21. LOOKUP CACHE Index - PCS Condition value Data Cache - Output Value Default - $PMCacheDir - Data doesn’t fit in the memory cache - PCS stores the overflow value in the cache file when the session complete - Flat file lookup for sorted input 1. Persistent Cache : - Save and reuse them the next time 2. Recache from source - persistent cache is not synchronized with the lookup table - Rebuild 3. Static Cache - Read only - Default cache - PCS doesn’t update the cache 4. Dynamic Cache - insert new rows or update existing row - Dynamic insert & update – pass data to target table - Can’t use flat file 5. Shared Cache - use can use multiple transformation 1. PERSISTENT CACHE : - PCS save or delete lookup cache files after successful session based on the lookup cache persistent property. - Lookup table doesn’t change between session you can configure the lookup transformation to use a persistent lookup cache. - PCS saves & reuses cache files from session to session so eliminating time required to read the lookup table. Non Persistent Cache - Enable caching in lookup transformation the PCS delete the cache files at the end of a session - Next time you run the session the PCS build the memory cache from the database. Persistent cache - If you want save and reuse the cache files you can configure the transformation - Use persistent cache the lookup table doesn’t change between session runs - Lookup table changes occasionally, can override session properties to re caches the lookup from the database - Use Persistent cache means you can specify a name for the cache file PCS server handling of persistent caches 2. REBUILDING THE LOOKUP CACHES - Rebuild the Lookup caches, lookup sources changed size the last time the PCS build the cache - When you rebuild the cache the PCS create new cache file overriding existing persistent cache file - The PCS server write a message to the session log file when if rebuild the caches - Don’t choose the to recache the lookup source PCS automatically rebuild the persistent cache M.SHANMUGAM Transformation Details Page 21 / 24
  • 22. 3. STATIC CACHE (or) UCACHED LOOKUP - The PCS builds the cache when it process the first lookup request - PCS doesn’t update the cache. - Condition true – connected lookup transformation return values represent by lookup/output ports. - Condition true - unconnected lookup transformation return values represent by return ports. - Condition is not true – connected lookup transformation return values to output port. - Condition is not true – unconnected lookup transformation return null values to returns port. - Multiple partition means PCS create one memory cache for each partition . 4. DYNAMIC LOOKUP CACHE - Insert the row into the cache - Update the row in the cache - Makes no changes to the cache - Some situation when you can use dynamic lookup cache 1. Update a master customer table with new & updated customer information - Static lookup cache - fact file - Dynamic lookup cache - Relational table 2. Loading data into a slowly changing dimension table & a fact table 3. Router or filter - use 4. Multiple partition in a pipeline that use a dynamic lookup cache the PCS create one me memory cache and one disk cache for each transformation . New lookup row port - Target table synchronized - Ignore Null input for updates - Ignore in comparison • Ignore Null values Using the Associated Input port : - You must associated each lookup/out port with an input/output port or a sequence ID - The PCS uses the data in the associated port to insert or update rows in the lookup cache. Sequence ID Generate following Process - PCS create dynamic lookup cache – tracks the range of value in the cache associated with any port using a sequence ID - Maximum value for a sequence ID is 2147483647. Working with lookup Transformation values - Associated an input/output ports or a sequence ID with a Lookup/output port – following Value match default. • Input Value - PCS passes into the Transformation • Lookup Values - PCS Passes insert into the cache. Input /output port output value – PCS Passes out of the Input/output port - Out put old value on update – PCS output the value that existed in the cache before it updated the row. - Out put new value on update – PCS output the updated value that it write in the cache - When the update a dynamic lookup cache & Target table. - PCS can handle the null values in the following ways. • Insert Null values - • Ignore Null values - (Not null values) - When you run a session that use a dynamic lookup cache PCS compares the value in all lookup ports with the value. - If compare the value to determine whether or not to update the row in the lookup cache. Update strategy Transformation with a Dynamic chache. 1. Row entering the lookup Transformation : (By default) all row type all rows entering a lookup transformation is insert. 2. Row Leaving the Lookup Transformation : PCS changed the lookup cache but it does not change the row type - Update Strategy transformation & a dynamic lookup cache you must define certain M.SHANMUGAM Transformation Details Page 22 / 24
  • 23. session properties - PCS result the lookup cache & Target table might become unsynchronized. 5. SHARING THE LOOKUP CACHE - You can configure multiple lookup Transformation in a mapping to store a single lookup cache. - You can share cache that are unnamed & named. 1. Unnamed Cache: - Compatible caching structure - The PCS share the cache by default you can share static unnamed caches. 2. Named Cache : - Use a persistent named cache - when you want to share cache files across mapping or share and a static cache Sharing an Unnamed Lookup cache : - When 2 Lookup transformation share an unnamed cahce. - You can share static unnamed cache. Sharing a Named Lookup Cache. - We can share the cache between multiple lookup transformation by using a Persistent - We can share one cache between lookup Transformation is the same mapping (or) across mapping - Named cache – cache directory for cache files with the same files name prefix. - Specify the cache file directory. - PCS rebuild the memory cache from the persisted file - PCS structure don’t match the PCS fails the session. - PCS process multiple session simultaneously when the lookup transformation only need to read the cache files. - A named cache created by a dynamic lookup transformation with a lookup policy TIPs - PCS then saves & reuses cache files from session to session, eliminating the time required to read the lookup table M.SHANMUGAM Transformation Details Page 23 / 24
  • 24. 14. UNION TRANSFORMATION A/C - UN DEFINITION - Union Transformation is a multiple input group transformation which is responsible for merging the data coming from more then one source. - Union Transformation also merge the data Hetero geneous sources also. - Union Transformation is newly introduced in Informatica 7.1 version onwards. - Union Transformation to the UNION ALL statement - Union Transformation is developed using the custom Transformation. FUNCTIONS - Create Multiple input groups but only one output groups - All Input groups and the out put groups must have matching port. The precision, data type, and scale must be identical across all groups - Union Transformation doesn’t remove duplicate rows. - To remove duplicate rows you must add another transformation upstream from a union Transformation. - Can’t use sequence generator or update strategy transformation upstream from a Union Transformation. - Union Transformation doesn’t generate transaction. COMPONENT Transformation Tab : you can rename the transformation and add a description Properties Tab : you can specify the Tracing level Groups : you can create & delete input groups (Design displays groups you create on the ports tab Groups ports tab : you can create & delete ports for the input groups We can’t modify ports, Initialization properties, meta data Extension or port attributes definition Tab PORTS Groups & ports : Multiple input groups & one output groups, Design create output groups by default we can’t edit or delete the outputs groups MAPPING - Union Transformation is a non blocking multiple input group Transformation - When you add a Union Transformation to a mapping you must verify that you connect the same ports in all inputs groups. If you connect all ports in one input group but don’t connect a port in another input groups. If you connect all ports in one input groups, but don’t connect a port in another input group the PCS passes Nulls to the unconnected ports PROPERTIES Mapping level - Session Level Module identifies - Pmuniontrans Function identifiers - pmunionfunc Runtime Location - enable Tracing Level - Normal enable Is Partition able - Inputs Must Block - Is Active - Update Strategy Transfomat - Transformation Scope - Row Generate Transformation - Output Repeatable - Never PERFORMANCE M.SHANMUGAM Transformation Details Page 24 / 24