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Chapter 41 Animal Nutrition
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Figure 41.1
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Glucose Regulation as an Example of Homeostasis ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 41.3 STIMULUS: Blood glucose level rises after eating. Homeostasis: 90 mg glucose/ 100 mL blood STIMULUS: Blood glucose level drops below set point. 1 When blood glucose  level rises, a gland called  the pancreas secretes insulin, a hormone, into the blood. Insulin enhances the  transport of glucose into body  cells and stimulates the liver  and muscle cells to store  glucose as glycogen. As a  result, blood glucose level  drops. 2 Glucagon promotes the breakdown of glycogen in the liver and the release of glucose into the blood, increasing blood glucose level. 4 When blood glucose  level drops, the pancreas  secretes the hormone  glucagon, which opposes  the effect of insulin. 3
[object Object],[object Object]
Caloric Imbalance ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Figure 41.4 100 µm
Obesity as a Human Health Problem ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 41.5 Produced by adipose (fat)  tissue,  leptin  suppresses  appetite as its level increases.  When body fat decreases,  leptin levels fall, and appetite  increases. Leptin PYY Insulin Ghrelin Secreted by the stomach  wall,  ghrelin  is one of the  signals that triggers feelings  of hunger as mealtimes  approach. In dieters who lose  weight, ghrelin levels increase,  which may be one reason  it’s so hard to stay on a diet. The hormone  PYY,   secreted by the small  intestine after meals,  acts as an appetite  suppressant that  counters the appetite  stimulant ghrelin. A rise in blood sugar level  after a meal stimulates  the pancreas to secrete  insulin  (see Figure 41.3).  In addition to its other  functions, insulin suppresses  appetite by acting on the brain.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Figure 41.6
Obesity and Evolution ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 41.7
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 41.8
[object Object],[object Object]
Essential Amino Acids ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 41.9
[object Object],[object Object],Corn (maize) and other grains Beans and other  legumes Essential amino acids for adults  Methionine Valine Threonine Phenylalanine Leucine Isoleucine Lysine Tryptophan Figure 41.10
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 41.11
Essential Fatty Acids ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Vitamins ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Table 41.1
Minerals ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],Table 41.2
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],Figure 41.12 Pieces of food Small molecules Mechanical digestion Food  Chemical digestion (enzymatic hydrolysis) Nutrient  molecules enter body  cells Undigested  material INGESTION 1 DIGESTION 2 ELIMINATION 4 ABSORPTION 3
Digestive Compartments ,[object Object],[object Object]
Intracellular Digestion ,[object Object],[object Object]
Extracellular Digestion ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 41.13  Gastrovascular cavity Food Epidermis Mesenchyme Gastrodermis Mouth Tentacles Mesenchyme Food vacuoles Gland cells Flagella Nutritive muscular cells
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Esophagus Mouth Pharynx Crop Gizzard Intestine Typhlosole Lumen of intestine Esophagus Rectum Mouth Crop Anus Intestine Gizzard Stomach Mouth Esophagus Foregut Midgut Hindgut ,[object Object],(b) Grasshopper.  A grasshopper has several  digestive chambers grouped into three  main regions: a foregut, with an esophagus  and crop; a midgut; and a hindgut. Food is  moistened and stored in the crop, but most  digestion occurs in the midgut. Gastric ceca,  pouches extending from the midgut,  absorb nutrients. (c) Bird.  Many birds have three separate chambers— the crop, stomach, and gizzard—where food is  pulverized and churned before passing into the  intestine. A bird’s crop and gizzard function very  much like those of an earthworm. In most birds,  chemical digestion and absorption of nutrients  occur in the intestine. Figure 41.14a–c Anus Anus Gastric ceca Crop
[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object]
Figure 41.15 IIeum of small  intestine Duodenum of  small intestine Appendix Cecum Ascending portion of  large intestine Anus Small intestine Large intestine Rectum Liver Gall- bladder Tongue Oral cavity Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Pyloric sphincter Cardiac orifice Mouth Esophagus Salivary glands Stomach Liver Pancreas Gall- bladder Large  intestines Small  intestines Rectum Anus Parotid gland Sublingual gland Submandibular gland Salivary glands A schematic diagram of  the human digestive system Pancreas
[object Object],[object Object]
The Oral Cavity, Pharynx, and Esophagus ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],Esophagus Epiglottis  down Tongue Pharynx Glottis Larynx Trachea Bolus of food Epiglottis up To lungs To stomach Esophageal  sphincter contracted Glottis up and closed Esophageal  sphincter relaxed Glottis down  and open Esophageal  sphincter contracted Epiglottis up Relaxed muscles Contracted muscles Relaxed muscles Stomach Figure 41.16 1 When a person is not  swallowing, the esophageal  sphincter muscle is contracted,  the epiglottis is up, and the  glottis is open, allowing air  to flow through the trachea  to the lungs. The swallowing reflex is triggered when a bolus of food reaches the pharynx. 2 The larynx, the upper part of the respiratory tract, moves upward and tips the epiglottis over the glottis, preventing food from entering the trachea. 3 The esophageal sphincter relaxes, allowing the bolus to enter the esophagus. 4 After the food has entered the esophagus, the larynx moves downward and opens the breathing passage. 5 Waves of muscular contraction  (peristalsis) move the bolus  down the esophagus  to the stomach. 6
The Stomach ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 41.17 Pepsin (active enzyme) HCl Parietal cell Chief cell Stomach Folds of  epithelial  tissue Esophagus Pyloric  sphincter Epithelium Pepsinogen 3 2 1 Interior surface of stomach. The interior surface of the  stomach wall is highly folded  and dotted with pits leading  into tubular gastric glands. Gastric gland.  The gastric  glands have three types of cells  that secrete different components  of the gastric juice: mucus cells,  chief cells, and parietal cells. Mucus cells  secrete mucus, which lubricates and protects the cells lining the stomach. Chief cells  secrete pepsino- gen, an inactive form of the digestive enzyme pepsin. Parietal cells  secrete hydrochloric acid (HCl). 1 Pepsinogen and HCI are secreted into the lumen of the stomach. 2 HCl converts pepsinogen to pepsin. 3 Pepsin then activates more pepsinogen, starting a chain reaction. Pepsin begins the chemical digestion of proteins. 5 µm Small  intestine Cardiac orifice
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 41.18 1 µm Bacteria Mucus layer of  stomach
The Small Intestine  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Enzymatic Action in the Small Intestine ,[object Object],[object Object],Figure 41.19 Liver Bile Acid chyme Stomach Pancreatic juice Pancreas Intestinal juice Duodenum of  small intestine Gall- bladder
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 41.20 Pancreas Membrane-bound enteropeptidase Trypsin Active  proteases Lumen of duodenum Inactive trypsinogen Other inactive proteases
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 41.21 Oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus Carbohydrate digestion Polysaccharides (starch, glycogen) Disaccharides (sucrose, lactose) Salivary amylase Smaller polysaccharides, maltose Stomach Protein digestion Nucleic acid digestion Fat digestion Proteins Pepsin Small polypeptides Lumen of  small intes- tine  Polysaccharides Pancreatic amylases Maltose and other disaccharides Epithelium of small intestine (brush border) Disaccharidases Monosaccharides Polypeptides Pancreatic trypsin and chymotrypsin (These proteases cleave bonds adjacent to certain amino acids.) Smaller polypeptides Pancreatic carboxypeptidase Amino acids Small peptides Dipeptidases, carboxypeptidase, and aminopeptidase (These proteases split  off one amino acid at a time, working from opposite ends of a polypeptide.) Amino acids DNA, RNA Pancreatic nucleases Nucleotides Nucleotidases Nucleosides Nucleosidases and phosphatases Nitrogenous bases, sugars, phosphates Fat globules (Insoluble in water, fats aggregate as globules.) Bile salts Fat droplets (A coating of bile salts prevents small drop- lets from coalescing into larger globules, increasing exposure to lipase.) Pancreatic lipase Glycerol, fatty acids, glycerides
[object Object],Figure 41.22 Amino acids or fatty acids in the duodenum trigger the release of  cholecystokinin (CCK),  which stimulates the release of digestive enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the gallbladder. Liver Gall- bladder CCK Entero- gastrone Gastrin Stomach Pancreas Secretin CCK Duodenum Key Stimulation Inhibition Enterogastrone  secreted by the duodenum inhibits peristalsis and acid secretion by the stomach, thereby slowing digestion when acid chyme rich in fats enters the duodenum. Secreted by the duodenum,  secretin  stimulates the pancreas  to release sodium bicarbonate,  which neutralizes acid chyme  from the stomach. Gastrin  from the stomach  recirculates via the bloodstream  back to the stomach, where it  stimulates the production  of gastric juices.
Absorption of Nutrients ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 41.23 Epithelial cells Key Nutrient absorption Vein carrying blood to  hepatic portal vessel Villi Large circular folds Intestinal wall Villi Epithelial cells Lymph  vessel Blood capillaries Lacteal Microvilli (brush border) Muscle layers
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[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 41.24 Large fat globules are  emulsified by bile salts  in the duodenum. 1 Digestion of fat by the pancreatic  enzyme lipase yields free fatty  acids and monoglycerides, which  then form micelles. 2 Fatty acids and mono- glycerides leave micelles  and enter epithelial cells  by diffusion. 3 Fat globule Lacteal Epithelial cells of small intestine Micelles made up of fatty acids, monoglycerides, and bile salts Fat droplets coated with bile salts Bile salts Chylomicrons containing fatty substances are transported out  of the epithelial cells and into  lacteals, where they are carried  away from the intestine by lymph. 4
The Large Intestine ,[object Object],[object Object],Figure 41.25
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[object Object]
Some Dental Adaptations ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 41.26a–c (a) Carnivore (b) Herbivore (c) Omnivore Incisors Canines Premolars Molars
Stomach and Intestinal Adaptations ,[object Object],[object Object],Figure 41.27 Carnivore Herbivore Colon (large intestine) Cecum Stomach Small  intestine Small intestine
Symbiotic Adaptations ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 41.28 Reticulum.  Some boluses  also enter the reticulum. In  both the rumen and the  reticulum, symbiotic prokaryotes  and protists (mainly ciliates) go  to work on the cellulose-rich  meal. As by-products of their metabolism, the microorganisms  secrete fatty acids. The cow  periodically regurgitates and  rechews the cud (red arrows),  which further breaks down the fibers, making them more  accessible to further microbial action. Rumen.  When the cow first chews and swallows a mouthful of grass, boluses (green arrows) enter the rumen. 1 Intestine 2 Omasum.  The cow then reswallows the cud (blue arrows), which moves to the omasum, where water is removed. 3 Abomasum.  The cud, containing great numbers of microorganisms,  finally passes to the abomasum for digestion by the cow‘s own  enzymes (black arrows). 4 Esophagus
Chapter 42 Circulation and Gas Exchange
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 42.1
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object]
Invertebrate Circulation ,[object Object],[object Object]
Gastrovascular Cavities ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 42.2 Circular canal Radial canal 5 cm Mouth
Open and Closed Circulatory Systems ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Heart Hemolymph in sinuses surrounding ograns Anterior  vessel Tubular heart Lateral  vessels Ostia (a) An open circulatory system Figure 42.3a
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 42.3b Interstitial fluid Heart Small branch vessels  in each organ Dorsal vessel (main heart) Ventral vessels Auxiliary hearts (b) A closed circulatory system
[object Object],[object Object]
Survey of Vertebrate Circulation ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Fishes ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Amphibians ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Reptiles (Except Birds) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Mammals and Birds ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],FISHES  AMPHIBIANS REPTILES (EXCEPT BIRDS) MAMMALS AND BIRDS Systemic capillaries Systemic capillaries Systemic capillaries Systemic capillaries Lung capillaries Lung capillaries Lung and skin capillaries Gill capillaries Right Left  Right Left  Right Left  Systemic  circuit Systemic  circuit Pulmocutaneous circuit Pulmonary circuit Pulmonary circuit Systemic circulation Vein Atrium (A) Heart: ventricle (V) Artery Gill circulation A V V V V V A A A A A Left  Systemic aorta Right  systemic aorta Figure 42.4
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Mammalian Circulation: The Pathway ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],Pulmonary  vein Right atrium Right ventricle Posterior vena cava Capillaries of abdominal organs and hind limbs Aorta Left ventricle Left atrium Pulmonary  vein Pulmonary artery Capillaries of left lung Capillaries of head and  forelimbs  Anterior vena cava Pulmonary artery Capillaries of right lung Aorta Figure 42.5 1 10 11 5 4 6 2 9 3 3 7 8
The Mammalian Heart: A Closer Look ,[object Object],[object Object],Figure 42.6 Aorta Pulmonary veins Semilunar valve Atrioventricular valve Left ventricle Right ventricle Anterior vena cava Pulmonary artery Semilunar valve Atrioventricular valve Posterior  vena cava Pulmonary veins Right atrium Pulmonary artery Left atrium
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],Figure 42.7 Semilunar valves closed AV valves open AV valves closed Semilunar valves open Atrial and  ventricular  diastole 1 Atrial systole;  ventricular  diastole 2 Ventricular systole;  atrial diastole 3 0.1 sec 0.3 sec 0.4 sec
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Maintaining the Heart’s Rhythmic Beat ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],Figure 42.8 SA node (pacemaker) AV node Bundle branches Heart apex Purkinje fibers 2 Signals are delayed at AV node. 1 Pacemaker generates  wave of signals  to contract.  3 Signals pass to heart apex. 4 Signals spread Throughout ventricles. ECG
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Blood Vessel Structure and Function ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Figure 42.9 Artery Vein 100 µm Artery Vein Arteriole Venule Connective tissue Smooth muscle Endothelium Connective tissue Smooth muscle Endothelium Valve Endothelium Basement membrane Capillary
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 42.10 Direction of blood flow in vein (toward heart) Valve (open) Skeletal muscle Valve (closed)
Blood Flow Velocity ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 42.11 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 Aorta Arteries Arterioles Capillaries Venules Veins Venae cavae Pressure (mm Hg) Velocity (cm/sec) Area (cm 2 ) Systolic pressure Diastolic pressure 50 40 30 20 10 0 120 100 80 60 40 20 0
Blood Pressure ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 42.12 Artery Rubber cuff inflated with air Artery closed 120 120 Pressure in cuff  above 120 Pressure in cuff  below 120 Pressure in cuff  below 70 Sounds  audible in stethoscope Sounds  stop Blood pressure reading: 120/70 A typical blood pressure reading for a 20-year-old is 120/70. The units for these numbers are mm of  mercury (Hg); a blood pressure of 120 is a force that  can support a column of mercury 120 mm high. 1 A sphygmomanometer, an inflatable cuff attached to a pressure gauge, measures blood pressure in an artery. The cuff is wrapped around the upper arm and inflated  until the pressure closes the artery, so that no blood  flows past the cuff. When this occurs, the pressure  exerted by the cuff exceeds the pressure in the artery. 2 A stethoscope is used to listen for sounds of blood flow  below the cuff. If the artery is closed, there is no pulse  below the cuff. The cuff is gradually deflated until blood  begins to flow into the forearm, and sounds from blood  pulsing into the artery below the cuff can be heard with  the stethoscope. This occurs when the blood pressure  is greater than the pressure exerted by the cuff. The  pressure at this point is the systolic pressure. 3 The cuff is loosened further until the blood flows freely  through the artery and the sounds below the cuff  disappear. The pressure at this point is the diastolic  pressure remaining in the artery when the heart is relaxed. 4 70
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Capillary Function ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 42.13 a–c Precapillary sphincters Thoroughfare channel Arteriole Capillaries Venule (a) Sphincters relaxed (b) Sphincters contracted Venule Arteriole (c) Capillaries and larger vessels (SEM)  20 m
[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],At the arterial end of a capillary, blood pressure is greater than osmotic pressure, and fluid flows out of the capillary into the interstitial fluid. Capillary Red blood cell 15 m Tissue cell INTERSTITIAL FLUID Capillary Net fluid movement out Net fluid movement in Direction of  blood flow Blood pressure Osmotic pressure Inward flow Outward flow Pressure Arterial end of capillary Venule end At the venule end of a capillary, blood pressure is less than osmotic pressure, and fluid flows from the interstitial fluid into the capillary. Figure 42.14
Fluid Return by the Lymphatic System ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Blood Composition and Function ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Plasma ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],Plasma 55% Constituent Major functions Water Solvent for carrying other substances Sodium Potassium Calcium Magnesium Chloride Bicarbonate Osmotic balance pH buffering, and regulation of  membrane permeability Albumin Fibringen Immunoglobulins (antibodies) Plasma proteins Icons (blood electrolytes Osmotic balance, pH buffering Substances transported by blood Nutrients (such as glucose, fatty acids, vitamins) Waste products of metabolism Respiratory gases (O 2  and CO 2 ) Hormones Defense Figure 42.15 Separated blood elements Clotting
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Cellular Elements ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],Figure 42.15 Cellular elements 45% Cell type Number per L (mm 3 ) of blood Functions Erythrocytes (red blood cells) 5–6 million Transport oxygen and help transport carbon dioxide Leukocytes (white blood cells) 5,000–10,000 Defense and immunity Eosinophil Basophil Platelets Neutrophil Monocyte Lymphocyte 250,000 400,000  Blood clotting Separated blood elements
Erythrocytes ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Leukocytes ,[object Object],[object Object]
Platelets ,[object Object]
Stem Cells and the Replacement of Cellular Elements ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],B cells T cells Lymphoid stem cells Pluripotent stem cells (in bone marrow) Myeloid stem cells Erythrocytes Platelets Monocytes Neutrophils Eosinophils Basophils Lymphocytes Figure 42.16
Blood Clotting ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Platelet plug Collagen fibers Platelet releases chemicals that make nearby platelets sticky Clotting factors from: Platelets Damaged cells Plasma (factors include calcium, vitamin K) Prothrombin Thrombin  Fibrinogen Fibrin 5 µm Fibrin clot Red blood cell The clotting process begins  when the endothelium of a  vessel is damaged, exposing  connective tissue in the  vessel wall to blood. Platelets adhere to collagen fibers in  the connective tissue and  release a substance that makes nearby platelets sticky. 1 The platelets form a  plug that provides emergency protection against blood loss. 2 This seal is reinforced by a clot of fibrin when  vessel damage is severe. Fibrin is formed via a multistep process: Clotting factors released from the clumped platelets or damaged cells mix with clotting factors in the plasma, forming an  activation cascade that converts a plasma protein called prothrombin to its active form, thrombin. Thrombin itself is an enzyme that catalyzes the  final step of the clotting process, the conversion of  fibrinogen to fibrin. The threads of fibrin become  interwoven into a patch (see colorized SEM). 3 Figure 42.17
Cardiovascular Disease ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 42.18a, b (a) Normal artery (b) Partly clogged artery 50 µm 250 µm Smooth muscle Connective  tissue Endothelium Plaque
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Figure 42.19 Organismal  level Cellular level Circulatory system Cellular respiration ATP Energy-rich molecules from food Respiratory surface Respiratory medium (air of water) O 2 CO 2
[object Object],[object Object]
Gills in Aquatic Animals ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],(a) Sea star.  The gills of a sea  star are simple tubular  projections of the skin.  The hollow core of each gill is an extension of the coelom (body cavity). Gas exchange occurs by diffusion across the gill surfaces, and fluid in the coelom circulates in and out of the gills, aiding gas transport.  The surfaces of a sea star’s  tube feet also function in  gas exchange.  Gills Tube foot Coelom Figure 42.20a
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 42.20b (b) Marine worm.  Many  polychaetes (marine  worms of the phylum  Annelida) have a pair  of flattened appendages  called parapodia on  each body segment. The  parapodia serve as gills and also function in crawling and swimming. Gill Parapodia
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 42.20c, d (d) Crayfish.  Crayfish and  other crustaceans have long, feathery  gills covered by the  exoskeleton. Specialized  body appendages drive water over  the gill surfaces. (c) Scallop.  The gills of a  scallop are long,  flattened plates  that project from the main body mass  inside the hard shell. Cilia on the gills  circulate water around  the gill surfaces. Gills Gills
[object Object],[object Object],Countercurrent exchange Figure 42.21 Gill arch Water  flow Operculum Gill  arch Blood  vessel Gill filaments Oxygen-poor blood Oxygen-rich blood Water flow over lamellae showing % O 2 Blood flow through capillaries in lamellae showing % O 2 Lamella 100% 40% 70% 15% 90% 60% 30% 5% O 2
Tracheal Systems in Insects ,[object Object],[object Object],Figure 42.22a Tracheae Air sacs Spiracle (a)  The respiratory system of an insect consists of branched internal tubes that deliver air directly to body cells. Rings of chitin reinforce the largest tubes, called tracheae, keeping them from collapsing.  Enlarged portions of tracheae form air sacs near organs that require  a large supply of oxygen. Air enters the tracheae through openings  called spiracles on the insect’s body surface and passes into smaller  tubes called tracheoles. The tracheoles are closed and contain fluid (blue-gray). When the animal is active and is using more O 2 , most of the fluid is withdrawn into the body. This increases the surface area  of air in contact with cells.
[object Object],[object Object],Air sac Body  cell Trachea Tracheole Tracheoles Mitochondria Myofibrils Body wall (b)  This micrograph shows cross sections of tracheoles in a tiny piece of insect flight muscle (TEM). Each of the numerous mitochondria in the muscle cells lies within about 5 µm of a tracheole. Figure 42.22b 2.5 µm Air
Lungs ,[object Object],[object Object]
Mammalian Respiratory Systems: A Closer Look ,[object Object],[object Object],Branch  from the  pulmonary  vein  (oxygen-rich  blood)   Terminal  bronchiole Branch  from the pulmonary artery (oxygen-poor  blood) Alveoli Colorized SEM SEM 50 µm 50 µm Heart Left  lung Nasal cavity Pharynx Larynx Diaphragm Bronchiole Bronchus Right lung Trachea Esophagus Figure 42.23
[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
How an Amphibian Breathes ,[object Object],[object Object]
How a Mammal Breathes ,[object Object],[object Object],Air inhaled Air exhaled INHALATION Diaphragm contracts (moves down) EXHALATION Diaphragm relaxes (moves up) Diaphragm Lung Rib cage  expands as rib muscles  contract  Rib cage gets  smaller as rib muscles  relax  Figure 42.24
[object Object],[object Object]
How a Bird Breathes ,[object Object],[object Object],INHALATION Air sacs fill EXHALATION Air sacs empty; lungs fill Anterior air sacs Trachea Lungs Lungs Posterior air sacs Air Air 1 mm Air tubes (parabronchi) in lung Figure 42.25
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Control of Breathing in Humans ,[object Object],[object Object],4 Figure 42.26 Pons Breathing  control  centers Medulla oblongata  Diaphragm Carotid arteries Aorta Cerebrospinal fluid Rib muscles In a person at rest, these  nerve impulses result in  about 10 to 14 inhalations per minute. Between  inhalations, the muscles relax and the person exhales. The medulla’s control center  also helps regulate blood CO 2  level.  Sensors   in the medulla detect changes  in the pH (reflecting CO 2  concentration)  of the blood and cerebrospinal fluid  bathing the surface of the brain. Nerve impulses relay changes in  CO 2  and O 2  concentrations.  Other  sensors in the walls of the aorta and carotid arteries in the neck  detect changes in blood pH and send nerve impulses to the medulla.  In response, the medulla’s breathing control center alters the rate and depth of breathing, increasing both to dispose of excess CO 2  or decreasing both if CO 2  levels are depressed. The control center in the medulla sets the basic rhythm, and a control center in the pons moderates it, smoothing out the transitions between inhalations and exhalations. 1 Nerve impulses trigger  muscle contraction.  Nerves from a breathing control center in the medulla oblongata of the  brain send impulses to the diaphragm and rib muscles,  stimulating them to contract and causing inhalation. 2 The sensors in the aorta and carotid arteries also detect changes in O 2  levels in the blood and signal  the medulla to increase the breathing  rate when levels become very low.  6 5 3
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The Role of Partial Pressure Gradients ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
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Figure 42.27 Inhaled air Exhaled air 160 0.2 O 2 CO 2 O 2 CO 2 O 2 CO 2 O 2 CO 2 O 2 CO 2 O 2 CO 2 O 2 CO 2 O 2 CO 2 40  45 40  45 100  40 104  40 104  40 120  27 CO 2 O 2 Alveolar epithelial cells Pulmonary arteries Blood  entering alveolar capillaries Blood  leaving tissue capillaries Blood  entering tissue capillaries Blood  leaving  alveolar  capillaries CO 2 O 2 Tissue  capillaries Heart Alveolar  capillaries of lung <40  >45 Tissue  cells Pulmonary veins Systemic  arteries Systemic veins O 2 CO 2 O 2 CO 2 Alveolar spaces 1 2 4 3
Respiratory Pigments ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Oxygen Transport ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 42.28 Heme group Iron atom O 2  loaded in lungs O 2  unloaded In tissues Polypeptide chain O 2 O 2
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O 2  unloaded from hemoglobin during normal metabolism O 2  reserve that can be unloaded from hemoglobin to tissues with high metabolism  Tissues during exercise Tissues at rest 100 80 60 40 20 0 100 80 60 40 20 0 100 80 60 40 20 0 100 80 60 40 20 0 Lungs P O 2  (mm Hg) P O 2  (mm Hg) O 2  saturation of hemoglobin (%) O 2  saturation of hemoglobin (%) Bohr shift: Additional O 2 released from  hemoglobin at  lower pH (higher CO 2 concentration) pH 7.4 pH 7.2 (a) P O 2  and Hemoglobin Dissociation at 37°C and pH 7.4 (b) pH and Hemoglobin Dissociation Figure 42.29a, b
Carbon Dioxide Transport ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object]
Figure 42.30 Tissue cell CO 2 Interstitial fluid CO 2  produced CO 2  transport from tissues CO 2 CO 2 Blood plasma within capillary Capillary wall H 2 O Red blood cell Hb Carbonic acid H 2 CO 3 HCO 3 – H + + Bicarbonate HCO 3 – Hemoglobin picks up CO 2  and  H + HCO 3 – HCO 3 – H + + H 2 CO 3 Hb Hemoglobin releases CO 2  and  H + CO 2  transport to  lungs H 2 O CO 2 CO 2 CO 2 CO 2 Alveolar space in lung 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 To lungs Carbon dioxide produced by body tissues diffuses into the  interstitial fluid and the plasma. Over 90% of the CO 2  diffuses  into red blood cells, leaving only 7% in the plasma as dissolved CO 2 . Some CO 2  is picked up and  transported by hemoglobin. However, most CO 2  reacts with water  in red blood cells, forming carbonic  acid (H 2 CO 3 ), a reaction catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase contained. Within red blood cells. Carbonic acid dissociates into a  biocarbonate ion (HCO 3 – ) and a  hydrogen ion (H + ). Hemoglobin binds most of the  H +  from H 2 CO 3  preventing the H +   from acidifying the blood and thus preventing the Bohr shift. CO 2   diffuses into the alveolar space, from which it is expelled during exhalation. The reduction of CO 2  concentration in the plasma drives the breakdown of H 2 CO 3  Into CO 2  and water in the red blood cells (see step 9), a reversal of the  reaction that occurs in the tissues  (see step 4). Most of the HCO 3 –   diffuse into the plasma where it is  carried in the bloodstream to  the lungs. In the HCO 3 –   diffuse from the plasma red blood cells,  combining  with H +  released from  hemoglobin and forming H 2 CO 3 . Carbonic acid is converted back  into CO 2  and water. CO 2  formed from H 2 CO 3  is unloaded from hemoglobin and diffuses into the  interstitial fluid.  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Elite Animal Athletes ,[object Object],[object Object]
The Ultimate Endurance Runner ,[object Object],[object Object],Figure 42.31
Diving Mammals ,[object Object],[object Object]
Chapter 43 The Immune System
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Figure 43.1 3m
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],INNATE IMMUNITY  Rapid responses to a  broad range of microbes ACQUIRED IMMUNITY Slower responses to  specific microbes External defenses Internal defenses Skin Mucous membranes Secretions Phagocytic cells Antimicrobial proteins Inflammatory response Natural killer cells Humoral response (antibodies) Cell-mediated response (cytotoxic  lymphocytes) Invading microbes (pathogens) Figure 43.2
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
External Defenses ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 43.3 10m
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Internal Cellular and Chemical Defenses ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Phagocytic Cells ,[object Object],[object Object],Figure 43.4 Pseudopodia surround microbes. 1 Microbes are engulfed into cell. 2 Vacuole containing microbes forms. 3 Vacuole and lysosome fuse. 4 Toxic compounds and lysosomal enzymes destroy microbes. 5 Microbial debris is released by exocytosis. 6 Microbes MACROPHAGE Vacuole Lysosome containing enzymes
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Adenoid Tonsil Lymph nodes Spleen Peyer’s patches (small intestine) Appendix Lymphatic vessels Masses of lymphocytes and macrophages Tissue cells Lymphatic vessel Blood capillary Lymphatic capillary Interstitial fluid Lymph node Interstitial fluid bathing the  tissues, along with the white  blood cells in it, continually  enters lymphatic capillaries. 1 Figure 43.5 Fluid inside the lymphatic capillaries, called lymph, flows through lymphatic vessels throughout the body. 2 Within lymph nodes, microbes and foreign particles present in  the circulating lymph encounter macro- phages, dendritic cells,  and lymphocytes,  which carry out  various defensive  actions. 3 Lymphatic vessels return lymph to the blood via two large ducts that drain into veins near the shoulders. 4
Antimicrobial Proteins ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Inflammatory Response ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],Figure 43.6 Pathogen Pin Macrophage Chemical signals Capillary Phagocytic cells Red blood cell Blood clotting elements Blood clot Phagocytosis Fluid, antimicrobial proteins,  and clotting elements move  from the blood to the site. Clotting begins. 2 Chemical signals released  by activated macrophages  and mast cells at the injury  site cause nearby capillaries  to widen and become more  permeable. 1 Chemokines released by various  kinds of cells attract more  phagocytic cells from the blood to the injury site. 3 Neutrophils and macrophages phagocytose pathogens and  cell debris at the site, and the tissue heals. 4
Natural Killer Cells ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Invertebrate Immune Mechanisms ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Figure 43.7 Antigen- binding  sites Antibody A Antigen Antibody B Antibody C Epitopes (antigenic determinants)
Antigen Recognition by Lymphocytes ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
B Cell Receptors for Antigens ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Figure 43.8a Antigen- binding site Antigen- binding site Disulfide bridge Light chain Heavy chains Cytoplasm of B cell V A B cell receptor consists of two identical heavy  chains and two identical light chains linked by  several disulfide bridges. (a) Variable regions Constant regions Transmembrane region Plasma membrane B cell V V C C C C V
T Cell Receptors for Antigens and the Role of the MHC ,[object Object],[object Object],Figure 43.8b V V C C Antigen- Binding site    chain Disulfide bridge    chain T cell ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],(b) Variable regions Constant regions Transmembrane region Plasma membrane Cytoplasm of T cell
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 43.9a Infected cell Antigen fragment Class I MHC molecule T cell receptor (a) Cytotoxic T cell A fragment of foreign protein (antigen) inside the cell associates with an MHC molecule and is transported to the cell surface. 1 The combination of MHC molecule and antigen is recognized by a T cell, alerting it to the infection. 2 1 2
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 43.9b 1 2 Microbe Antigen- presenting cell Antigen fragment Class II MHC molecule T cell receptor Helper T cell A fragment of foreign protein (antigen) inside the cell associates with an MHC molecule and is transported to the cell surface. 1 The combination of MHC molecule and antigen is recognized by a T cell, alerting it to the infection. 2 (b)
Lymphocyte Development ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 43.10 Bone marrow Lymphoid stem cell B cell Blood, lymph, and lymphoid tissues (lymph nodes, spleen, and others) T cell Thymus
Generation of Lymphocyte Diversity by Gene Rearrangement ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],DNA of undifferentiated B cell DNA of differentiated B cell pre-mRNA mRNA Cap B cell B cell receptor Light-chain polypeptide Intron Intron Intron Variable region Constant region V 1 V 2 V 3 V 4 – V 39 V 40 J 1 J 2 J 3 J 4 J 5 V 1 V 2 V 3 J 5 V 3 J 5 V 3 J 5 V C C C C C Poly (A) Figure 43.11 Deletion of DNA between a  V  segment and  J  segment and joining of the segments 1 Transcription of resulting permanently rearranged, functional gene 2 RNA processing (removal of intron; addition of cap and poly (A) tail) 3 4 Translation
Testing and Removal of Self-Reactive Lymphocytes ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Clonal Selection of Lymphocytes ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 43.12 Antigen molecules Antigen receptor B cells that differ in antigen specificity  Antibody molecules Clone of memory cells Clone of plasma cells Antigen molecules bind to the antigen receptors of only one of the three B cells shown. The selected B cell proliferates, forming a clone of identical cells bearing receptors for the selecting antigen. Some proliferating cells develop into short-lived plasma cells that secrete antibodies specific for the antigen. Some proliferating cells develop into long-lived memory cells that can respond rapidly upon subsequent exposure to the same antigen.
[object Object],[object Object],Antibody concentration (arbitrary units) 10 4 10 3 10 2 10 1 10 0 0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 Time (days) Figure 43.13 Antibodies to A Antibodies to B Primary response  to antigen A produces anti- bodies to A 2 Day 1: First  exposure to antigen A 1 Day 28:  Second exposure to antigen A; first exposure to  antigen B 3 Secondary response  to anti- gen A produces antibodies to A;  primary response  to anti- gen B produces antibodies to B 4
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],Figure 43.14 Humoral immune response Cell-mediated immune response First exposure to antigen Intact antigens Antigens engulfed and  displayed by dendritic cells Antigens displayed by infected cells Activate Activate Activate Gives rise to Gives rise to Gives rise to B cell Helper T cell Cytotoxic T cell Plasma cells Memory B cells Active and  memory  helper T cells Memory  cytotoxic T cells Active   cytotoxic T cells Secrete antibodies that defend against pathogens and toxins in extracellular fluid Defend against infected cells, cancer  cells, and transplanted tissues Secreted cytokines activate
Helper T Cells: A Response to Nearly All Antigens ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],Figure 43.15 After a dendritic cell engulfs and degrades a bacterium, it displays  bacterial antigen fragments (peptides) complexed with a class II  MHC molecule on the cell surface. A specific helper T cell binds  to the displayed complex via its TCR with the aid of CD4. This  interaction promotes secretion of cytokines by the dendritic cell. Proliferation of the T cell, stimulated by cytokines from both the dendritic  cell and the T cell itself, gives rise to a clone of activated helper T cells (not shown), all with receptors for the same MHC–antigen complex. The cells in this clone secrete other cytokines  that help activate B cells and cytotoxic T cells. Cell-mediated immunity (attack on infected cells) Humoral immunity (secretion of antibodies by plasma cells) Dendritic cell Dendritic cell Bacterium Peptide antigen Class II MHC molecule TCR CD4 Helper T cell Cytokines Cytotoxic T cell B cell 1 2 3 1 2 3
Cytotoxic T Cells: A Response to Infected Cells and Cancer Cells ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Cytotoxic T cell Perforin Granzymes CD8 TCR Class I MHC molecule Target cell Peptide antigen Pore Released cytotoxic T cell Apoptotic target cell Cancer cell Cytotoxic T cell A specific cytotoxic T cell binds to a  class I MHC–antigen complex on a  target cell via its TCR with the aid of  CD8. This interaction, along with  cytokines from helper T cells, leads to  the activation of the cytotoxic cell. 1 The activated T cell releases perforin  molecules, which form pores in the  target cell membrane, and proteolytic  enzymes (granzymes), which enter the  target cell by endocytosis. 2 The granzymes initiate apoptosis within the  target cells, leading to fragmentation of the nucleus, release of small apoptotic bodies,  and eventual cell death. The released  cytotoxic T cell can attack other target cells.  3 1 2 3 Figure 43.16
B Cells: A Response to Extracellular Pathogens ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object]
2 1 3 B cell Bacterium Peptide  antigen Class II  MHC molecule TCR Helper T cell CD4 Activated  helper T cell Clone of memory B cells  Cytokines Clone of plasma cells Secreted antibody molecules  Endoplasmic reticulum of  plasma cell Macrophage After a macrophage engulfs and degrades a bacterium, it displays a peptide antigen complexed with a class II MHC molecule. A helper T cell that recognizes the displayed  complex is activated with the aid of cytokines  secreted from the macrophage, forming a  clone of activated helper T cells (not shown). 1 A B cell that has taken up and degraded the  same bacterium displays class II MHC–peptide  antigen complexes. An activated helper T cell bearing receptors specific for the displayed antigen binds to the B cell. This interaction, with the aid of cytokines from the T cell, activates the B cell. 2 The activated B cell proliferates and differentiates into memory B cells and antibody-secreting  plasma cells. The secreted  antibodies are specific for the  same bacterial antigen that  initiated the response. 3 Figure 43.17
Antibody Classes ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],Figure 43.18 First Ig class produced after initial exposure to  antigen; then its concentration in the blood declines Most abundant Ig class in blood; also present in  tissue fluids Only Ig class that crosses placenta, thus conferring  passive immunity on fetus Promotes opsonization, neutralization, and agglutination  of antigens; less effective in complement activation than  IgM (see Figure 43.19) Present in secretions such as tears, saliva, mucus,  and breast milk Triggers release from mast cells and basophils of  histamine and other chemicals that cause allergic  reactions (see Figure 43.20) Present primarily on surface of naive B cells that have not been exposed to antigens IgM (pentamer) IgG (monomer) IgA (dimer) IgE (monomer) J chain Secretory component J chain Transmembrane region IgD (monomer) Promotes neutralization and agglutination of  antigens; very effective in complement activation  (see Figure 43.19) Provides localized defense of mucous membranes by agglutination and neutralization of antigens (see Figure 43.19) Presence in breast milk confers passive immunity on nursing infant Acts as antigen receptor in antigen-stimulated  proliferation and differentiation of B cells (clonal  selection)
Antibody-Mediated Disposal of Antigens ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],Binding of antibodies to antigens inactivates antigens by Viral neutralization (blocks binding to host) and opsonization (increases phagocytosis) Agglutination of antigen-bearing particles, such as microbes Precipitation of soluble antigens Activation of complement system and pore formation Bacterium Virus Bacteria Soluble antigens Foreign cell Complement proteins MAC  Pore Enhances Phagocytosis Leads to Cell lysis Macrophage Figure 43.19
Active and Passive Immunization ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Blood Groups and Transfusions ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Table 43.1
[object Object],[object Object]
Tissue and Organ Transplants ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Allergies ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],Figure 43.20 IgE antibodies produced in  response to initial exposure  to an allergen bind to  receptors or mast cells. 1 On subsequent exposure to the  same allergen, IgE molecules  attached to a mast cell recog- nize and bind the allergen. 2 Degranulation of the cell, triggered by cross-linking of  adjacent IgE molecules,  releases histamine and other  chemicals, leading to allergy symptoms. 3 1 2 3 Allergen IgE Histamine Granule Mast cell
[object Object],[object Object]
Autoimmune Diseases ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Figure 43.21
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Immunodeficiency Diseases ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object]
Inborn (Primary) Immunodeficiencies ,[object Object],[object Object]
Acquired (Secondary) Immunodeficiencies ,[object Object],[object Object]
Stress and the Immune System ,[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],1µm Figure 43.22
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]

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  • 43. Figure 41.15 IIeum of small intestine Duodenum of small intestine Appendix Cecum Ascending portion of large intestine Anus Small intestine Large intestine Rectum Liver Gall- bladder Tongue Oral cavity Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Pyloric sphincter Cardiac orifice Mouth Esophagus Salivary glands Stomach Liver Pancreas Gall- bladder Large intestines Small intestines Rectum Anus Parotid gland Sublingual gland Submandibular gland Salivary glands A schematic diagram of the human digestive system Pancreas
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  • 70. Chapter 42 Circulation and Gas Exchange
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  • 165. Figure 42.27 Inhaled air Exhaled air 160 0.2 O 2 CO 2 O 2 CO 2 O 2 CO 2 O 2 CO 2 O 2 CO 2 O 2 CO 2 O 2 CO 2 O 2 CO 2 40 45 40 45 100 40 104 40 104 40 120 27 CO 2 O 2 Alveolar epithelial cells Pulmonary arteries Blood entering alveolar capillaries Blood leaving tissue capillaries Blood entering tissue capillaries Blood leaving alveolar capillaries CO 2 O 2 Tissue capillaries Heart Alveolar capillaries of lung <40 >45 Tissue cells Pulmonary veins Systemic arteries Systemic veins O 2 CO 2 O 2 CO 2 Alveolar spaces 1 2 4 3
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  • 171. O 2 unloaded from hemoglobin during normal metabolism O 2 reserve that can be unloaded from hemoglobin to tissues with high metabolism Tissues during exercise Tissues at rest 100 80 60 40 20 0 100 80 60 40 20 0 100 80 60 40 20 0 100 80 60 40 20 0 Lungs P O 2 (mm Hg) P O 2 (mm Hg) O 2 saturation of hemoglobin (%) O 2 saturation of hemoglobin (%) Bohr shift: Additional O 2 released from hemoglobin at lower pH (higher CO 2 concentration) pH 7.4 pH 7.2 (a) P O 2 and Hemoglobin Dissociation at 37°C and pH 7.4 (b) pH and Hemoglobin Dissociation Figure 42.29a, b
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  • 174. Figure 42.30 Tissue cell CO 2 Interstitial fluid CO 2 produced CO 2 transport from tissues CO 2 CO 2 Blood plasma within capillary Capillary wall H 2 O Red blood cell Hb Carbonic acid H 2 CO 3 HCO 3 – H + + Bicarbonate HCO 3 – Hemoglobin picks up CO 2 and H + HCO 3 – HCO 3 – H + + H 2 CO 3 Hb Hemoglobin releases CO 2 and H + CO 2 transport to lungs H 2 O CO 2 CO 2 CO 2 CO 2 Alveolar space in lung 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 To lungs Carbon dioxide produced by body tissues diffuses into the interstitial fluid and the plasma. Over 90% of the CO 2 diffuses into red blood cells, leaving only 7% in the plasma as dissolved CO 2 . Some CO 2 is picked up and transported by hemoglobin. However, most CO 2 reacts with water in red blood cells, forming carbonic acid (H 2 CO 3 ), a reaction catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase contained. Within red blood cells. Carbonic acid dissociates into a biocarbonate ion (HCO 3 – ) and a hydrogen ion (H + ). Hemoglobin binds most of the H + from H 2 CO 3 preventing the H + from acidifying the blood and thus preventing the Bohr shift. CO 2 diffuses into the alveolar space, from which it is expelled during exhalation. The reduction of CO 2 concentration in the plasma drives the breakdown of H 2 CO 3 Into CO 2 and water in the red blood cells (see step 9), a reversal of the reaction that occurs in the tissues (see step 4). Most of the HCO 3 – diffuse into the plasma where it is carried in the bloodstream to the lungs. In the HCO 3 – diffuse from the plasma red blood cells, combining with H + released from hemoglobin and forming H 2 CO 3 . Carbonic acid is converted back into CO 2 and water. CO 2 formed from H 2 CO 3 is unloaded from hemoglobin and diffuses into the interstitial fluid. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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  • 178. Chapter 43 The Immune System
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  • 225. 2 1 3 B cell Bacterium Peptide antigen Class II MHC molecule TCR Helper T cell CD4 Activated helper T cell Clone of memory B cells Cytokines Clone of plasma cells Secreted antibody molecules Endoplasmic reticulum of plasma cell Macrophage After a macrophage engulfs and degrades a bacterium, it displays a peptide antigen complexed with a class II MHC molecule. A helper T cell that recognizes the displayed complex is activated with the aid of cytokines secreted from the macrophage, forming a clone of activated helper T cells (not shown). 1 A B cell that has taken up and degraded the same bacterium displays class II MHC–peptide antigen complexes. An activated helper T cell bearing receptors specific for the displayed antigen binds to the B cell. This interaction, with the aid of cytokines from the T cell, activates the B cell. 2 The activated B cell proliferates and differentiates into memory B cells and antibody-secreting plasma cells. The secreted antibodies are specific for the same bacterial antigen that initiated the response. 3 Figure 43.17
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