SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Jessica Crosland
• What are you making? (explain what you have been asked to do)
• For my Final Major Project I have had the option to produce anything I like (media related) I have decided to
create a clothing brand which will included a magazine cover, two page spread and website. For the two page
spread I decide on an article or interview with a celebrity wearing my clothing line all my products will include a
range of photos of my model in the clothes. I have chosen to create these products relating with fashion because
this is something I am passionate about and interested in I also believe my products will turn out very successful.
I also enjoy fashion therefore I enjoyed my planning and initial ideas because I was able to explore more into the
fashion industry and learn new facts and skills.
• Why? (What is the purpose of making your Film)
• The purpose of my products is to mainly educate my female audience and for them to express themselves
through their choice of clothing and to feel confident and good about themselves. My brand could inspire them
towards something which could be there goal for example my brand may push them to one day creating their
own brand learning the different styles which will mainly feature in my magazine.
• Who is it for? (Audience)
• My magazine is aimed at young women and teens who have an interest in fashion, I chose an age range between
16-24 because the type of clothing I will be advertising is what would catch a younger audiences attention and I
will also have a young model advertised on my products. However any age of women can buy read or shop on
the website the price range is also affordable which for example students will prefer which grabs my audiences
• Where will it appear/on what? (How will audience see it)
• My magazine and website will mainly appear on social media apps mainly Instagram
because this is a great way to promote a business to have an account and post stories of
the clothing line. Younger audiences are also more likely to be on Instagram which is
great because my audience will reach these posts and more likely to interact. I can also
add a direct link of my website so my audience have quick and easy access to buy the
I began my preproduction planning by looking into specific colour scheme
groups for this I looked into the website image colour picker which helped
me pick out all the colours just in one image this links back to my previous
projects which I also used this website for with production. I then chose 4
images which inspire me and what type of backgrounds and picture layouts I
am trying to achieve, from this I found that a lot of my colours where
desaturated colours e.g. greys, blacks, oranges and browns these also link
back to my existing products which were similar colour schemes. Even
though I have chosen more subtle colours which may not stand out as much
to my audience I can use editing tools and apps that I can changed the tones
and saturation of the model and background which will stand out a lot more.
Another reason as to why I have chosen these colours is because
my audience of younger women who are interested in streetwear
are more likely going to buy darker colours of clothes because
these colours go with any outfits which means my audience will
save money because they know they can style and wear these a lot
more. Whereas colours like bright purple are harder to put an
outfit together and most of the time streetwear isn't full of bright
colours this is always the shoe choice, and the clothes stay less
saturated. Also, recently with social media the trend is to match
your colours to your outfit rather than mix colours.
Therefore, with colours like black you can match this with black shoes. I also want to keep
subtle colours with the accessories that the models will wear for example necklaces and
bags because this puts the outfit together and will also give inspiration to my audience
because they can use these colours which will be silver and black to put into their outfit. I
also believe when I add accessories to the image it will bring out my models outfit a lot
more and finish the look which will also attract my audience because I can then add my
editing tools of high saturation with low tones for some of the pictures to create shadows
and grain affects this will bring out my colours.
I then wanted to explore the different types of font themes that I can include for both my magazine and website I decided
I didn’t want just one font that will be used for everything because this would come across boring and repetitive to my
audience. I want fonts which will stand out (bold) but also a mixture of fonts which look professional and not just basic,
before I searched for my fonts, I looked into existing brand fonts s and got a few ideas on which fonts they use and what
fonts mix well together. From this I noticed a lot of brands use larger bold fonts and include a few smaller fonts which are
script for the smaller details which I think is a good idea because these stood out to me when I was looking into their
I moved onto finding my fonts after this and I used a website called ‘DaFont’ this is a website I use for every project I have
completed because they have a range of fonts with different styles, and I always find the perfect ones for me the three
themes I used was Sans Serif, Serif and Script.
The first fonts I came across was Serif fonts, I chose two which are similar, and I liked
the ‘VOGUE’ font I have used before and is one of my favourite fonts because this is a
good font I normally use for a magazine because it looks realistic and is a large font
which I wanted I would also use these fonts for my brand logo because they are basic
but are easy to read for every audience. I also believe this is a classier font and is
more likely to attract my audience because younger women prefer an expensive
looking font over a crowded font with lost of designs on it.
The next font I found was ‘BEBAS NEUE’ this is a Sans Serif font; I like this font because I
thought it would look good for headings and cover lines as it’s a bolder font than my first
two and is also large so it will stand out a lot as a main heading for my magazine cover.
I love the idea of these fonts looking classy as they will match well with my layout ideas
which I will be including later in this PowerPoint.
The last two fonts I found were Script themed and I like these fonts because the top one
looks professional and the other one is creative and different, I want to include fonts
like this for headlines and placed on some of my photoshoot images because this will be
small but add detail then I can use these specific fonts as student discounts etc. 25%.
However, I wouldn’t use these fonts for my paragraphs in my article because it could be
hard for my audience to read it therefore the serif fonts can be used for that because
they are clear these fonts will be used for the creative part of my magazine and website.
I wanted to find examples of what type of image style I want to
Create and I looked on social media and found a few influences
@chloescantlebury (top right images) I noticed on her post she
ranges from 3-5 pictures, and all of these include different
angles and close ups. I liked this idea of having close ups of the
clothes with the mise on scene of her hands placed on the
clothes which looks creative with her chosen nail colour that
matches the bag. This image also includes a plain white wall
background which matches well with the colour tones of the
clothes and makes the model stand out this is a great image
style and angles of images I will be taking for my photoshoots.
On the left are images with a background location of a car
park which on Instagram has become the new trend of where
influencers take pictures, finding this idea I thought it would
be great to get a picture in this type of location because it will
attract my audience who like following the trends. It also isn’t
just a plain background and the lights in the car park make
the model stand out from it. I want most my images to be
taken horizontal because they will match well with my layout
plans and not take too much space up for my writing, with
this angle it will also show the whole outfit on my model.
The other Image style I want to include for my project is the
80s look with a filtered picture or a polaroid effect look to the image because this will
be a creative way of advertising my images and I can include these on my website I
found this idea from my research PowerPoint when I explored into other brands
websites and social media and found these type of images which I can create by
using editing apps and adding coloured filters to the images.
I looked on more specific brands websites and social
medias which I have looked at back in my research and
initial plans and noticed more new trends of images of
the models which are duplicated x2 or x3 I loved this
idea because it looks a lot more detailed and adds a lot
of creativity to an image and is more likely to attract my
audience rather than a plain image. I have planned as to
how I will create this type of editing and I did complete
An experiment for my research and had a go with creating shadows after I duplicated
the image, I enjoyed doing this and I did end up liking my outcome therefore I want to
try this out again in my production. Which will be used using photoshop and I can add
backgrounds by taking two separate images and put them together like this example
to the left. With these images I want to mainly include them on my website pages
because they will match my layouts and fit well whereas in my magazine, I want there
to be images which haven’t been edited as much and close ups of the clothes so my
audience can focus on the article.
This image to the left I love, and it inspires me because of
the ‘camera edit’ that has been placed around the image I
also like that there is a font included on the image which
is something I want to include which I mentioned (with
my script fonts) with a saturated colour because this
brings out the image. I also like this style of edit with the
model and the body language angle Asif the camera is
looking down on the model this I will also include within
my product. I will create a plan for this on which angles I
will include in my photoshoot before I take them.
I moved onto my layout ideas and started with my front cover,
for this I want to keep the image basic and just have one main
image with the model on the front included with a
background.(this location is in a car park) As I want my model to
be the main attraction to the cover and her facial expressions to
be serious and looking straight towards the camera so the
reader can great a deeper meaning with my model and the
magazine this will also grab the audience's attention with eye
contact. I also want a long shot of the full model's outfit so my
audience can see what type of clothing my brand is selling and if
they are interested in this type of style for the magazine.
When drawing up my front cover layout I couldn’t decided on a
final name for my magazine cover so I created ‘glam fashion’
however this isn’t a certain name, and I will keep thinking of
ideas for my production work. My image my not be exact to my
final outcome but this is the type of layout and style I am aiming
for with text surrounding the model this is because I want the
audience to know the focus which will be the clothes and then
the text.
Another idea for a magazine multiple of images placed onto one
(edited) with text surrounding with patterns on the images of
the model, Which is show on the next slide. However, my first
front cover layout is the one I am leaning to more because it
looks easy to understand but it will include a lot of detail and
my audience will prefer a more basic cover than too crowded
with a lot of designs showing.
For my two-page spread layout ideas my first idea was an article
featuring a celebrity ‘Katie Wright’ who talks about my brand
which is ‘THE LABEL’ and explains what her favourite pieces of
clothing are for my line and how she styles them. I chose to write
about this because it will pull in my audience who are influenced
or inspired by celebrities or fans and they will want to follow their
trends. Which I will also include the exact pieces of clothing which
are her ‘go to looks’ so my audience can have easy access to find
the clothing using the social media handles below (like Instagram
and the website)Which will advertise my Instagram account.
I liked this idea of layout that I have a whole page which
will include one large image and then on the other side
I will have small parts which will be mini paragraphs of
my article with images beside of the celebrity modelling
the clothes. Whilst the image on the right will also be
the model (which I may edit this image style) I also had
an idea of having a picture of the celebrity because my
audience can easily recognize who it is if they forget the
name. I think this is a good layout idea because people
are more interested in looking at images and larger
images (which I could add) and will get bored of just
reading a huge paragraph on an article which I will
break it down into 3 paragraphs to make it look like
there isn’t as much words. The last idea was to add a
font on top of my large image this is because it makes
the image look more creative and less plain, it will also
make my image stand out more with a bold serif or sans
serif font.
I created another layout idea which I liked but I decided to include the
same article which I would be including if I chose my first layout plan for
this layout I also based this around a celebrity ‘Kendall Ray’ who talks
about my clothing line and includes her favourite styles and why she
likes this brand. This layout is different to my first one as this includes
numbers which I found this idea from my research (existing products)
when I looked into a few examples using the internet. I like the idea of
the numbers because it could draw my audience in with big numbers
and it also guides my audience through the article so they don’t get lost
or confused as to what bit they are up to. These numbers would also be
saturated colours and either all the same colours or a mix because I
want the numbers to look odd and not fit in well.
I then wanted to include my images over lapping each other
because I like this style and with each number on top of
some images I think this will fit well together. Yet again I
wouldn't want my paragraphs to be too long because I want
to keep my audience interested that’s why I will make sure
there is a mixture of photos matching up to each part of my
On the right side of my magazine I chose the layout to include less images
around (2-4) with a lot more text this is because I don’t want my article to
be too short incase people want to read more on how the celebrity styles
my brand. Overall, I liked both my layout ideas and I am yet stuck for choice
as to which one I will chose for my final outcome I like both of these
however I am more leaned to the first layout plan because I love the idea of
having one page as a whole image that will be edited. This is because I see
this layout plan a lot when I looked in a few magazine examples and the
large image grabbed my attention to the article.
For my website layout I wanted to keep it minimalistic at the
top of the website with just my brand logo and the main
options which will be ‘shop, new in, shop Instagram, sale,
best seller’ because I believe these are the most important
selections for my audience. My brand logo will be in the
center of the website to grab the attention and I will be
including my fonts from dafont for my logo. At the top of the
website, I added a strip which will either be moving across as
an edit or just one line (this I haven’t yet decided on and will
try out both in production to see which looks better)this will
include a percentage which will get money off for my
audience and this will be in a bold font. Therefore, when my
audience see a discount or student discount, they will be
more interested in buying a cheaper piece of clothing with
I then drew spaces underneath for my images and a few
image examples of the model in jeans and a dress to show
how this will fit into my layout as an example. With a section
called ‘about us’ I will include a small paragraph explaining
exactly what my brand is about and why I chose to create my
own clothing brand. This will give a clear understanding to my
audience and they can learn in more detail about what
actually is the reason behind my brand. At the bottom right I
also added an ‘shop Instagram’ because I believe this is a
page that will pull in a lot of my audience as most brands
include this page on their website. It also is a great to find
clothes which are seen on influences pages a lot faster
because this section will direct you straight to that exact
piece of clothing.
• I could include an image of a social media post for example (from Instagram) which the celebrity has
posted wearing my brand ‘THE LABEL’ .
• My celebrity with pictures of her in her favourite outfits talking about what she pairs these outfits
with and why she likes them the most.
• I want to split up my article into paragraphs because it will mean I can fit in room for my images.
• current trends which are now in.
• Tips and tricks for the perfect outfit.
• When I introduce the celebrity I could include an portrait image of her face so my audience have a
better understanding of who she actually is.
• I could also include brief information on the celebrity who is she? What is she known for? Her age?
• I don’t want my article to be too long because I could get confused and write out things which
aren't what my audience want to read, I only need the important things.
• Include prices of what the celebrity buys to show my audience that not everything celebrities by
need to be over priced, my brand is affordable.
• I could include conversations or statements that the celebrity has quoted or wrote via social
media/a conversation like an interview.
• Include information about what fashion actually is at the beginning of my interview before I
introduce my celebrity.
• Social media handles on the magazine.
• Font choice will be clear so my audience don’t struggle to read and black font choice.
Equipment/ Props/
Costume needed
Locations needed
Camera, I phone home, bedrooms
Model (which will be myself) Car parks
Ring light Plain white wall background
Range of different outfits for the
photoshoots this will mainly be streetwear
Street location
Tripod for the ring light and camera Studio rooms for better lighting pictures
Jewerly, makeup for the model Inside cars (an idea)
Hair gel this will be to style my models hair
with for better outcomes with my photos
Contingency Planning
Potential Issue Solution
The computer that I may be using or having to
work from home might not have photoshop on
it which is something I need.
I will make sure that I am spending my full time
working on production when I am in college to
use photoshop or I can find another way of
accessing photoshop on a different laptop at
When it comes to making my website for
production as I'm not experience with the
website apps It could become very time
consuming and I may not know how to work it.
Take some time for m experiments and try out
different websites and which I find easiest to
use (this links to m research PowerPoint) Or I
could watch some YouTube videos for guidance.
The equipment which I have planned to use
might be faulty or not work on the day for
example the ring light.
have alternatives such as using the flash light
on my phone or finding other equipment's with
a light.
The weather could be unplanned and be bad
on the day I am taking photos which could
cause delays.
For this I will either decide to plan on a
different day for m shoot or take most of my
pictures inside for an alternative.
I I decide I need to borrow a camera from
college and this stop working or breaks.
I will take it back into college so the problem
can be fixed and in this mean time I will find
another camera or phone I can borrow for the
The model may not turn up or be ready for the
photoshoots when needed.
make sure that I have another model who will
be willing to fill this spot at the time or use
myself as the model.
(HEALTH & SAFTEY)Potential
How will the issue be
whilst doing production work using a computer I
could start to feel dizzy or my eyes may hurt
because of staring at the screen for too long.
make sure I am taking regular breaks and rests
from the computer, maybe turn the brightness
screen down and make sure I am eating lunch on
my breaks.
I could get bad back ache from being sat down all
day doing production work on the computer.
I will make sure the chair is at the correct height
and isn’t pushed too far forward or too back
because I don’t want to be hunched over the chair.
I will also make sure I take some breaks and have a
walk around.
the ring light that I will use when taking photos
could have been left on for too long causing it to
be hot and become too warm in the room.
I will place the ring light a far enough distance
away and make sure I don’t get too close to it or
touch it. Also turn it of if it does get hot.
the model or me myself might start to feel dizzy
when standing up for a long time taking a lot of
photos which could take up to a few hours.
To avoid this I will split the sections up of taking
photos and take around 50/60 and then take
breaks and repeat this or I could take a range and
then take more on a different day.
when I take some pictures in locations for
example the car park I could trip over anything on
the floor and cars will be constantly driving around
which could lead to injuries.
I will avoid this issue by making sure I pick a place
in the car park which is safe and isn’t a parking
space I will also make sure I look out for anything
on the floor that could be dangerous.
Myself or the model could have certain allergies
which could be in the makeup which I will be using
or used in the cotton on the clothes which could
lead to a rash or itching.
I will check beforehand with my model or look at
the products to see what they contain for myself
and ask them if they have any allergies or specific
washing up liquids.
Day/Lesson Tasks
I will look back on all my planning PowerPoints and make
sure I have added as much detail as I can and that they are
all up to date and completed. I will also then start to write
up an interview or article of what will be included inside
my two page spread I will start this soon because it makes
it easier for me when I come to making the two page
spread. Whilst planning that I can also plan dates for when
I will take the photos and my specific locations and if I
need to borrow a camera from the college or use my own.
WEEK 2 In this week I will begin taking the photos and going to
different locations this could take up to around 1 or 2
weeks to make sure I have the best pictures and that I am
happy with the outcome.
WEEK 3 I will begin editing and making my products by opening
photoshop and starting my magazine front cover and two
page spread once I have uploaded my picture onto the
laptop I will also use apps which I can edit the photos with
and add effects onto them.
WEEK 4 begin to finish up my magazine or still be continuing on
with it and then move onto my website which I could need
to take more pictures for. Also add designs onto my
website and upload more pictures.
WEEK 5 finish up all my 3 products and look back for any
improvements which I can evaluate with and also to make
sure I have all my previous planning completed
WEEK 6 submit all of my work and finish of the evaluation.
Through this process I will make sure to keep my reflective
journal up to date every week.

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4. pre production

  • 2. Pre-production • What are you making? (explain what you have been asked to do) • For my Final Major Project I have had the option to produce anything I like (media related) I have decided to create a clothing brand which will included a magazine cover, two page spread and website. For the two page spread I decide on an article or interview with a celebrity wearing my clothing line all my products will include a range of photos of my model in the clothes. I have chosen to create these products relating with fashion because this is something I am passionate about and interested in I also believe my products will turn out very successful. I also enjoy fashion therefore I enjoyed my planning and initial ideas because I was able to explore more into the fashion industry and learn new facts and skills. • Why? (What is the purpose of making your Film) • The purpose of my products is to mainly educate my female audience and for them to express themselves through their choice of clothing and to feel confident and good about themselves. My brand could inspire them towards something which could be there goal for example my brand may push them to one day creating their own brand learning the different styles which will mainly feature in my magazine. • Who is it for? (Audience) • My magazine is aimed at young women and teens who have an interest in fashion, I chose an age range between 16-24 because the type of clothing I will be advertising is what would catch a younger audiences attention and I will also have a young model advertised on my products. However any age of women can buy read or shop on the website the price range is also affordable which for example students will prefer which grabs my audiences attention. • Where will it appear/on what? (How will audience see it) • My magazine and website will mainly appear on social media apps mainly Instagram because this is a great way to promote a business to have an account and post stories of the clothing line. Younger audiences are also more likely to be on Instagram which is great because my audience will reach these posts and more likely to interact. I can also add a direct link of my website so my audience have quick and easy access to buy the clothes. Reflection:
  • 3. Pre-production: I began my preproduction planning by looking into specific colour scheme groups for this I looked into the website image colour picker which helped me pick out all the colours just in one image this links back to my previous projects which I also used this website for with production. I then chose 4 images which inspire me and what type of backgrounds and picture layouts I am trying to achieve, from this I found that a lot of my colours where desaturated colours e.g. greys, blacks, oranges and browns these also link back to my existing products which were similar colour schemes. Even though I have chosen more subtle colours which may not stand out as much to my audience I can use editing tools and apps that I can changed the tones and saturation of the model and background which will stand out a lot more. Another reason as to why I have chosen these colours is because my audience of younger women who are interested in streetwear are more likely going to buy darker colours of clothes because these colours go with any outfits which means my audience will save money because they know they can style and wear these a lot more. Whereas colours like bright purple are harder to put an outfit together and most of the time streetwear isn't full of bright colours this is always the shoe choice, and the clothes stay less saturated. Also, recently with social media the trend is to match your colours to your outfit rather than mix colours. Therefore, with colours like black you can match this with black shoes. I also want to keep subtle colours with the accessories that the models will wear for example necklaces and bags because this puts the outfit together and will also give inspiration to my audience because they can use these colours which will be silver and black to put into their outfit. I also believe when I add accessories to the image it will bring out my models outfit a lot more and finish the look which will also attract my audience because I can then add my editing tools of high saturation with low tones for some of the pictures to create shadows and grain affects this will bring out my colours.
  • 4. Pre-production: I then wanted to explore the different types of font themes that I can include for both my magazine and website I decided I didn’t want just one font that will be used for everything because this would come across boring and repetitive to my audience. I want fonts which will stand out (bold) but also a mixture of fonts which look professional and not just basic, before I searched for my fonts, I looked into existing brand fonts s and got a few ideas on which fonts they use and what fonts mix well together. From this I noticed a lot of brands use larger bold fonts and include a few smaller fonts which are script for the smaller details which I think is a good idea because these stood out to me when I was looking into their website. I moved onto finding my fonts after this and I used a website called ‘DaFont’ this is a website I use for every project I have completed because they have a range of fonts with different styles, and I always find the perfect ones for me the three themes I used was Sans Serif, Serif and Script. The first fonts I came across was Serif fonts, I chose two which are similar, and I liked the ‘VOGUE’ font I have used before and is one of my favourite fonts because this is a good font I normally use for a magazine because it looks realistic and is a large font which I wanted I would also use these fonts for my brand logo because they are basic but are easy to read for every audience. I also believe this is a classier font and is more likely to attract my audience because younger women prefer an expensive looking font over a crowded font with lost of designs on it. The next font I found was ‘BEBAS NEUE’ this is a Sans Serif font; I like this font because I thought it would look good for headings and cover lines as it’s a bolder font than my first two and is also large so it will stand out a lot as a main heading for my magazine cover. I love the idea of these fonts looking classy as they will match well with my layout ideas which I will be including later in this PowerPoint. The last two fonts I found were Script themed and I like these fonts because the top one looks professional and the other one is creative and different, I want to include fonts like this for headlines and placed on some of my photoshoot images because this will be small but add detail then I can use these specific fonts as student discounts etc. 25%. However, I wouldn’t use these fonts for my paragraphs in my article because it could be hard for my audience to read it therefore the serif fonts can be used for that because they are clear these fonts will be used for the creative part of my magazine and website.
  • 5. Pre-production: IMAGE STYLE & LOCATION: I wanted to find examples of what type of image style I want to Create and I looked on social media and found a few influences @chloescantlebury (top right images) I noticed on her post she ranges from 3-5 pictures, and all of these include different angles and close ups. I liked this idea of having close ups of the clothes with the mise on scene of her hands placed on the clothes which looks creative with her chosen nail colour that matches the bag. This image also includes a plain white wall background which matches well with the colour tones of the clothes and makes the model stand out this is a great image style and angles of images I will be taking for my photoshoots. On the left are images with a background location of a car park which on Instagram has become the new trend of where influencers take pictures, finding this idea I thought it would be great to get a picture in this type of location because it will attract my audience who like following the trends. It also isn’t just a plain background and the lights in the car park make the model stand out from it. I want most my images to be taken horizontal because they will match well with my layout plans and not take too much space up for my writing, with this angle it will also show the whole outfit on my model. The other Image style I want to include for my project is the 80s look with a filtered picture or a polaroid effect look to the image because this will be a creative way of advertising my images and I can include these on my website I found this idea from my research PowerPoint when I explored into other brands websites and social media and found these type of images which I can create by using editing apps and adding coloured filters to the images.
  • 6. Pre-production: IMAGE STYLE/EDITING: I looked on more specific brands websites and social medias which I have looked at back in my research and initial plans and noticed more new trends of images of the models which are duplicated x2 or x3 I loved this idea because it looks a lot more detailed and adds a lot of creativity to an image and is more likely to attract my audience rather than a plain image. I have planned as to how I will create this type of editing and I did complete An experiment for my research and had a go with creating shadows after I duplicated the image, I enjoyed doing this and I did end up liking my outcome therefore I want to try this out again in my production. Which will be used using photoshop and I can add backgrounds by taking two separate images and put them together like this example to the left. With these images I want to mainly include them on my website pages because they will match my layouts and fit well whereas in my magazine, I want there to be images which haven’t been edited as much and close ups of the clothes so my audience can focus on the article. This image to the left I love, and it inspires me because of the ‘camera edit’ that has been placed around the image I also like that there is a font included on the image which is something I want to include which I mentioned (with my script fonts) with a saturated colour because this brings out the image. I also like this style of edit with the model and the body language angle Asif the camera is looking down on the model this I will also include within my product. I will create a plan for this on which angles I will include in my photoshoot before I take them.
  • 8. FRONT COVER LAYOUT: I moved onto my layout ideas and started with my front cover, for this I want to keep the image basic and just have one main image with the model on the front included with a background.(this location is in a car park) As I want my model to be the main attraction to the cover and her facial expressions to be serious and looking straight towards the camera so the reader can great a deeper meaning with my model and the magazine this will also grab the audience's attention with eye contact. I also want a long shot of the full model's outfit so my audience can see what type of clothing my brand is selling and if they are interested in this type of style for the magazine. When drawing up my front cover layout I couldn’t decided on a final name for my magazine cover so I created ‘glam fashion’ however this isn’t a certain name, and I will keep thinking of ideas for my production work. My image my not be exact to my final outcome but this is the type of layout and style I am aiming for with text surrounding the model this is because I want the audience to know the focus which will be the clothes and then the text. Another idea for a magazine multiple of images placed onto one (edited) with text surrounding with patterns on the images of the model, Which is show on the next slide. However, my first front cover layout is the one I am leaning to more because it looks easy to understand but it will include a lot of detail and my audience will prefer a more basic cover than too crowded with a lot of designs showing.
  • 9.
  • 10. 1. TWO PAGE SPREAD LAYOUT: For my two-page spread layout ideas my first idea was an article featuring a celebrity ‘Katie Wright’ who talks about my brand which is ‘THE LABEL’ and explains what her favourite pieces of clothing are for my line and how she styles them. I chose to write about this because it will pull in my audience who are influenced or inspired by celebrities or fans and they will want to follow their trends. Which I will also include the exact pieces of clothing which are her ‘go to looks’ so my audience can have easy access to find the clothing using the social media handles below (like Instagram and the website)Which will advertise my Instagram account. I liked this idea of layout that I have a whole page which will include one large image and then on the other side I will have small parts which will be mini paragraphs of my article with images beside of the celebrity modelling the clothes. Whilst the image on the right will also be the model (which I may edit this image style) I also had an idea of having a picture of the celebrity because my audience can easily recognize who it is if they forget the name. I think this is a good layout idea because people are more interested in looking at images and larger images (which I could add) and will get bored of just reading a huge paragraph on an article which I will break it down into 3 paragraphs to make it look like there isn’t as much words. The last idea was to add a font on top of my large image this is because it makes the image look more creative and less plain, it will also make my image stand out more with a bold serif or sans serif font.
  • 11. 2. TWO PAGE SPREAD LAYOUT: I created another layout idea which I liked but I decided to include the same article which I would be including if I chose my first layout plan for this layout I also based this around a celebrity ‘Kendall Ray’ who talks about my clothing line and includes her favourite styles and why she likes this brand. This layout is different to my first one as this includes numbers which I found this idea from my research (existing products) when I looked into a few examples using the internet. I like the idea of the numbers because it could draw my audience in with big numbers and it also guides my audience through the article so they don’t get lost or confused as to what bit they are up to. These numbers would also be saturated colours and either all the same colours or a mix because I want the numbers to look odd and not fit in well. I then wanted to include my images over lapping each other because I like this style and with each number on top of some images I think this will fit well together. Yet again I wouldn't want my paragraphs to be too long because I want to keep my audience interested that’s why I will make sure there is a mixture of photos matching up to each part of my article. On the right side of my magazine I chose the layout to include less images around (2-4) with a lot more text this is because I don’t want my article to be too short incase people want to read more on how the celebrity styles my brand. Overall, I liked both my layout ideas and I am yet stuck for choice as to which one I will chose for my final outcome I like both of these however I am more leaned to the first layout plan because I love the idea of having one page as a whole image that will be edited. This is because I see this layout plan a lot when I looked in a few magazine examples and the large image grabbed my attention to the article.
  • 12. WEBSITE LAYOUT: For my website layout I wanted to keep it minimalistic at the top of the website with just my brand logo and the main options which will be ‘shop, new in, shop Instagram, sale, best seller’ because I believe these are the most important selections for my audience. My brand logo will be in the center of the website to grab the attention and I will be including my fonts from dafont for my logo. At the top of the website, I added a strip which will either be moving across as an edit or just one line (this I haven’t yet decided on and will try out both in production to see which looks better)this will include a percentage which will get money off for my audience and this will be in a bold font. Therefore, when my audience see a discount or student discount, they will be more interested in buying a cheaper piece of clothing with discount. I then drew spaces underneath for my images and a few image examples of the model in jeans and a dress to show how this will fit into my layout as an example. With a section called ‘about us’ I will include a small paragraph explaining exactly what my brand is about and why I chose to create my own clothing brand. This will give a clear understanding to my audience and they can learn in more detail about what actually is the reason behind my brand. At the bottom right I also added an ‘shop Instagram’ because I believe this is a page that will pull in a lot of my audience as most brands include this page on their website. It also is a great to find clothes which are seen on influences pages a lot faster because this section will direct you straight to that exact piece of clothing.
  • 13. COPY- THE ATRICLE FOR MY TWO PAGE SPREAD: IDEAS FOR MY ARTICLE: • I could include an image of a social media post for example (from Instagram) which the celebrity has posted wearing my brand ‘THE LABEL’ . • My celebrity with pictures of her in her favourite outfits talking about what she pairs these outfits with and why she likes them the most. • I want to split up my article into paragraphs because it will mean I can fit in room for my images. • current trends which are now in. • Tips and tricks for the perfect outfit. • When I introduce the celebrity I could include an portrait image of her face so my audience have a better understanding of who she actually is. • I could also include brief information on the celebrity who is she? What is she known for? Her age? • I don’t want my article to be too long because I could get confused and write out things which aren't what my audience want to read, I only need the important things. • Include prices of what the celebrity buys to show my audience that not everything celebrities by need to be over priced, my brand is affordable. • I could include conversations or statements that the celebrity has quoted or wrote via social media/a conversation like an interview. • Include information about what fashion actually is at the beginning of my interview before I introduce my celebrity. • Social media handles on the magazine. • Font choice will be clear so my audience don’t struggle to read and black font choice.
  • 14. Resources Equipment/ Props/ Costume needed Locations needed Camera, I phone home, bedrooms Model (which will be myself) Car parks Ring light Plain white wall background Range of different outfits for the photoshoots this will mainly be streetwear Street location Tripod for the ring light and camera Studio rooms for better lighting pictures Jewerly, makeup for the model Inside cars (an idea) Hair gel this will be to style my models hair with for better outcomes with my photos
  • 15. Contingency Planning Potential Issue Solution The computer that I may be using or having to work from home might not have photoshop on it which is something I need. I will make sure that I am spending my full time working on production when I am in college to use photoshop or I can find another way of accessing photoshop on a different laptop at home. When it comes to making my website for production as I'm not experience with the website apps It could become very time consuming and I may not know how to work it. Take some time for m experiments and try out different websites and which I find easiest to use (this links to m research PowerPoint) Or I could watch some YouTube videos for guidance. The equipment which I have planned to use might be faulty or not work on the day for example the ring light. have alternatives such as using the flash light on my phone or finding other equipment's with a light. The weather could be unplanned and be bad on the day I am taking photos which could cause delays. For this I will either decide to plan on a different day for m shoot or take most of my pictures inside for an alternative. I I decide I need to borrow a camera from college and this stop working or breaks. I will take it back into college so the problem can be fixed and in this mean time I will find another camera or phone I can borrow for the photos. The model may not turn up or be ready for the photoshoots when needed. make sure that I have another model who will be willing to fill this spot at the time or use myself as the model.
  • 16. (HEALTH & SAFTEY)Potential Issue How will the issue be avoided? whilst doing production work using a computer I could start to feel dizzy or my eyes may hurt because of staring at the screen for too long. make sure I am taking regular breaks and rests from the computer, maybe turn the brightness screen down and make sure I am eating lunch on my breaks. I could get bad back ache from being sat down all day doing production work on the computer. I will make sure the chair is at the correct height and isn’t pushed too far forward or too back because I don’t want to be hunched over the chair. I will also make sure I take some breaks and have a walk around. the ring light that I will use when taking photos could have been left on for too long causing it to be hot and become too warm in the room. I will place the ring light a far enough distance away and make sure I don’t get too close to it or touch it. Also turn it of if it does get hot. the model or me myself might start to feel dizzy when standing up for a long time taking a lot of photos which could take up to a few hours. To avoid this I will split the sections up of taking photos and take around 50/60 and then take breaks and repeat this or I could take a range and then take more on a different day. when I take some pictures in locations for example the car park I could trip over anything on the floor and cars will be constantly driving around which could lead to injuries. I will avoid this issue by making sure I pick a place in the car park which is safe and isn’t a parking space I will also make sure I look out for anything on the floor that could be dangerous. Myself or the model could have certain allergies which could be in the makeup which I will be using or used in the cotton on the clothes which could lead to a rash or itching. I will check beforehand with my model or look at the products to see what they contain for myself and ask them if they have any allergies or specific washing up liquids.
  • 17. Day/Lesson Tasks PRODUCTION SCHEDULE- WEEK 1 I will look back on all my planning PowerPoints and make sure I have added as much detail as I can and that they are all up to date and completed. I will also then start to write up an interview or article of what will be included inside my two page spread I will start this soon because it makes it easier for me when I come to making the two page spread. Whilst planning that I can also plan dates for when I will take the photos and my specific locations and if I need to borrow a camera from the college or use my own. WEEK 2 In this week I will begin taking the photos and going to different locations this could take up to around 1 or 2 weeks to make sure I have the best pictures and that I am happy with the outcome. WEEK 3 I will begin editing and making my products by opening photoshop and starting my magazine front cover and two page spread once I have uploaded my picture onto the laptop I will also use apps which I can edit the photos with and add effects onto them. WEEK 4 begin to finish up my magazine or still be continuing on with it and then move onto my website which I could need to take more pictures for. Also add designs onto my website and upload more pictures. WEEK 5 finish up all my 3 products and look back for any improvements which I can evaluate with and also to make sure I have all my previous planning completed WEEK 6 submit all of my work and finish of the evaluation. Through this process I will make sure to keep my reflective journal up to date every week.

Editor's Notes

  1. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  2. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  3. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  4. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.