SlideShare a Scribd company logo
By Jessica Crosland
My Overall Idea:
• The overall idea for my FMP is a fashion brand which I will be advertising through a website which
will include a range of pages and a lot of photography which I will have taken, with pieces of clothing
and other extra parts to the website such as blogs etc. My second part to my FMP will be my other
form of advertisement which is through social media this will be an Instagram page dedicated to my
clothing line including mainly photography, quotes, nail art etc with my logo shown throughout.
Behind my fmp production brand I like to be able to create a purpose and meaning to why I created
this which is because I want other women around the same age range as myself to express
themselves through clothing pieces and feel confident whilst doling so as promoting body
confidence is something I am wanting to do and is important for a brand itself. My brand is aimed at
18-26 year old females this is because I fee the type of clothing I am producing is for women and also
the style of colour scheme and things such as image style relate to this, however my Instagram is
also a huge part to my audience because whilst conducting audience research I was able to find a lot
of female audiences through Instagram which is great.
• The option I have decided to go with is to use my own equipment I feel this is
the best option for me because it will save a lot of time and complication if I
was to have to book the studio at college. I will be using to types of lights
depending on my locations for each shot which is linked with what I spoke
about in my problem solving PowerPoint. I wanted to use these lights because
I believe they will be very useful for the perfect lighting and also using a filter
over the light will be great for a cooler tone when I am taking photographs
outdoors. I am also saving money by using the equipment which I have already
and this works out perfect as it’s the exact lighting I am looking for, adding on
from this I will also be using my I phone quality for the photoshoots this is
because I find it a lot more easier using this as I have a lot of experience with
the camera and all of the techniques available to use on it. I also find using a I
phone a lot more simple and I feel comfortable with how to use it correctly
linking to previous projects and my experiments from this project I have been
using the I phone camera and I believe the quality has been great so far and I
haven’t had any type of of the software I will use this will be mainly
Adobe Photoshop for most of the editing with the photographs and any
lighting issues which will need alternating, also with things such as fonts and
putting images together. I will also be using wix another place to create my
whole website in previous projects this has been a big help for me because it
helps and guides you to great the perfect website whilst being able to alter
the whole thing. I also have good experience with the wix site and know
exactly how I will create the product.
• Adobe Photoshop
• Wix
• I phone camera
• Ring light
• Filter
• SETTO mini light
Colour schemes
I begin to look into a main priority in my project which is
the specific colour schemes I will be focusing on for my
production I decided to use a colour generator online to
help me put together the colours which I wanted. I then
also looked online for a couple images I liked and
generated together the colours, from this I found I had a
lot of saturated colours which ranged from pastel and a
couple neutral colour. These type of colours are pinks,
blues, greys, nudes, browns and yellow which is the exact
type of colour scheme I was looking for which is even
better. Another reason as to why I chose these colours is
currently based on the weather type which it is becoming
summer meaning my audience are more likely going to be
looking for saturated colour clothing pieces which match
the weather. However as I will be including a couple of
more neutral colours these type of clothes are ‘everyday
wear’ which a lot of audiences prefer basic clothing which
they can get good use out of and save money because
they know they will wear this a lot. For example with
colours like black I will piece together accessories such as
necklaces, rings etc. because this will finish of the outfit
and give it that extra volume with basic clothes it will also
give more inspiration to my audience to start including
accessories and bags to finish their outfits off.
• Moving onto looking into different fonts to include within my
products for the advertisements and also my logo of the brand.
Each year of every FMP I have completed I have always used the
same website which I get the fonts from which is DAFONT this is
because it has a range of every font you could possibly find and its
easier to transfer and download these fonts over to Photoshop or
wix. I began by looking into the main two categories which is sans
serif and serif fonts I find these are the best for the basic and larger
fonts also the most popular ones used. I prefer these type of fonts
which I have picked 5 different types of styles I am looking to
include within my production for my logo I will use fonts like bebas
neue, code or vogue this is because they are larger fonts which
grab an audiences attention a lot faster they are also basic which I
prefer for a font as I like very minimalistic designs for certain
aspects, as this wont be my main attraction.
• Fonts such as lemon milk and geo sans light are ones which I
believe will look good on my advertisement style images or on the
website this is because they are light and can fit well with images
which is a bonus for me. Overall, I am happy with exploring my
fonts because I tend to stick with ones that are basic and will fit
well with the type of photography I am using it also fits with the
style of my project as a whole, finding these fonts has helped to
piece together how my outcomes will be and what type of logo I
am looking to achieve.
Image style
• Moving on from this I gathered together a range of images
of @chloescantlebury who is an Instagram influencer these
images relate towards the type of photography I am going
to be creating. I have chosen to feature no more than one
model in each of the photos because it gives a less crowded
and more elegant appeal to the photo, meaning my
audience can focus on the clothing which the models is
wearing. The background to the images shown a very basic
and light tones of inside and outside locations yet again I
really prefer having a basic background because my
audiences main focus will be the clothes and the model. The
type of photography shot types shown are a range of long,
medium and close ups (even some images only focus on the
clothes without the models shown on close ups) this is what
I am aiming for myself because it Ables my audience to have
different angles of the clothes so they can see the full
aspect, this is much more efficient than using the same shot
type for every photo as it isn’t as creative and thought
• The exposure to these shots give a calm tone to the image
which I also like and the use of the mise en scene of the
models body language shows her in different poses in each
image, furthermore I like the idea that she isn’t always
facing directly at the camera which gives an elegant look to
the photo, this is something I would like to try out in my
production photoshoot.
Instagram Style Images I chose images such as nail art because its
something different which a lot of other brands
don’t include, however it doesn’t relate towards
fashion I believe it is creative and will keep my
audience interested as most people don’t want to
see clothing images 24/7 on there Instagram feed.
Selfies are used a lot on
other Instagram accounts I
have seen and I like this
idea because it will mi up
my feed a lot and will not
be basic.
Things such as quotes and ‘relatable lines’ is something
which catches an audiences eye its what will keep them
interested or things like giveaways sharing Instagram posts
reaches a wider audience for a brand and this I why I think
this would be a good thing to include for my target
audience who love shopping.
Name Generator Ideas-
Response from Google Forms:
• A main priority within my work was what
the name of the brand and what it would
actually be called so for this I decided to
gather quite a few ideas of names etc.
using a name generator website on google
I managed to gather quite a few different
options I also had an beginner idea of a
name which was ‘luxe’ I chose this because
I thought it represented my brand a lot as
the meaning of luxe is high quality and
luxurious which my brand is this and I
didn’t just want a random word – as a
meaning behind the band name is a lot
more creative and meaningful. Once I had
the ‘luxe’ word I decided to gather some
feedback from a few people on their
opinions as to what this word makes my
audience think of, I gathered a lot of good
responses which were exactly what I
wanted and continued to use this name for
my final name for my brand is ---
--- and I am really happy with this name
because I think it fits well as a whole and
will appeal towards my audience, as I had
feedback from the google forms.
Team Members
Jessica Crosland: model included in some of the photography and is also the director (myself) who will be taking photographs of other
models and creating my products.
• photography skills, editing skills able to get the perfect shots from certain angles and know which sort of shot types I am needing.
• Know how to use the other equipment included such as the lights used.(how to set them up etc)
• Impatient
• Camera shy
Abbi Crosland: model who will be included in the photographs.
• Good with camera skills (knows the basics)
• Flexible for most days which I am able to work around
• Lives with me which makes it a lot more convenient
• Doesn’t like taking too many photographs
• Layout plan- website
Main page title which includes a
large font to attract the audience
and will also include things such
as search button and discounts at
the top of the page.
Slides of images will be
split into two on strips to
show the photography
when scrolling down on
the home page.
My images will range from
close ups to long shots, this
is because I want my
audience to see a range of
photography and I will split
the clothing sections up into
different categories.
This is going to be my
main focus page for my
audience, with only
images on no long pieces
of text.
I want to also include a
page which is dedicated to
the new drops and also
the Instagram links for my
Instagram shop with
photographs. This is
because it adds a lot more
images to the website and
also grabs my audiences
attention to click these
links to shop on Instagram
Inspiration of nail art will
be on my social media
and quotes therefore it
appeals and looks a lot
more creative.
New drop photography
will be represented with a
layout which swipes
across and is in circle
My shop Instagram
will be placed on both
the home screen and
new drop page as it is
an important part to
my production and I
believe this needs to
be seen by my
audience so having it
in more than one
place is more likely to
grab their attention.
Within my Website on
another page I have
looked to include a blog
page this is because it
gives my brand mini
reviews but also shows
what things happen
behind the brand like
trips etc.
Audience are able to
add their own blog to
the website about how
they found the quality
and fit of the clothes.
I feel this blog page
will benefit my
website a lot more
because people will
believe this is more of
a legit and trust worth
brand, but also are
more likely to shop if
there is reviews about
the clothing or how it
actually looks on.
A basic layout for
this page because I
want to include
quite larger images,
and not as much text
this is because some
of my audience wont
be interested in
reading the text and
would rather just see
Social media
My Instagram page will
exactly be set out just
like this plan below, a
range of post aiming up
to around 20 pages.
With nail art, quotes,
photography and
portrait selfies include
because these ae
subjects which relate
to my brand and
appeal to the female
target audience.(things
they enjoy looking at)
Simple font used in large
bold text for the audience
to be able to recognise the
brand itself, I don’t want tot
make it difficult for my
audience as they will be put
off looking if so.
Colour scheme focus is
going to be pink, white
and black to keep an on
going theme. Pink also a
feminine colour which I
had mentioned within
my research.
I want to include content
which is interesting and
hooks a reader in.
Organisational Planning
• This is my first location idea I chose this location because I felt it would be
perfect for some ‘city photography’ especially for shots with quite basic
backgrounds which I am looking to achieve. From looking into existing
products I made links which I found that a lot of other brands have influencers
taking pictures in much larger cities such as Manchester, London etc. The
exact location in Manchester which I would go to is Salford this is because this
is around where my sister lives so we wouldn't have to travel as far for other
location spots. However, the negatives to this trip could be having enough
money for the trip for the train transport and also having enough free time as
I do work which makes it a lot more harder to schedule because of travelling,
my sister may also not be free at the same time as me. When doing my
research I looked into a couple of the perfect spots to take the good
photography which I want to achieve.
• Manchester central library perfect for shots which include large buildings in
the background, which I could get a range of long shots from this.
• Q-park first St. has the ‘basic car park pic’ but includes a lot of plain white
walls which is what I want and long halls which would great good lighting to
the images.
• Media-City located in Salford has a huge river with a bridge which would be
great for a good background to my images.
Although Manchester may not turn out to be the location I pick because of the
negatives I would chose this for my first option because it is very practical and I
feel that I would have a range of options to places to go for pictures to take.
Plan B:
for my pre-production I decided to think of a back up plan for my location in case I am not
able to chose my first option which is Manchester, because I listed quite a few negatives to
the location and realised it isn't as easy to happen for my own production and with the
time schedule I am setting myself. For my back up plan I have chosen where I live which is
my home of Cawood and also Leeds because I feel this gives me an opportunity of a range
of different location backgrounds. The background locations I have at home include my
room which as I have plain white walls this is perfect for me, purely because I want most of
my images to be basic because the focus shifts to the clothing for my audience I did
mention this previously in my research PowerPoint. This would also work out perfectly for
my ring light because this has to be plugged in for the light to turn on and it would cause a
lot more hassle for me if I would have to take it to another location because of the weight
of the light and how big it is.
Within the locations of Leeds, I know this city a lot more than many others I know how to
get to the places and what the best places are I believe I would feel a lot more secure and
safe going to this location that travelling too far.
• Leeds docks have a great view for long shot photography images which could be useful
for myself.
• Leeds also have a lot of office places which include very large buildings with luxurious décor inside, this would be great to
take some pictures in office areas to make my photography look more professional. As my brand is luxurious so this will
have a link to my brand itself.
• In general I think Leeds has some beautiful locations which I have seen before and been to and can make this a fun day
out and interesting for me and my model to see.
Production schedule
For my production scheduling I want to make sure I have a lot of time for my production as I wouldn’t like
everything to be all at one time, I plan to do so by scheduling this effectively and using every day I am in college
as the days I have to get my production work done so I can spend other free times making sure I have all of my
photography done. I do have a very busy schedule with my daily life as I work most days when I am not in
college so I want to make sure I am prioritising my college work when I have that extra free time. I also have two
weeks of throughout my project for the Easter holidays I think this is a perfect time to make sure all of my
planning is up to date and anything which will still need to be completed, throughout the two weeks I want to
also check that all of my photography has been taken and everything is ready to be uploaded for my production
work as this is a key priority to me. For my next PowerPoint below which is my schedule I am not going to be too
specific on my exact times and dates I will roughly include my location this is because I don’t wan to add to much
pressure to myself which I think will effect me, I would prefer to have a plan which I understand myself and the
main points which need to be written down. I do worry not everything will be completed in the exact time frame
I set myself up for but I will be aiming for these each week. My photography may not be taken on the exact
dates I wish to due to weather circumstances or things like travel if any issue comes up which is understandable
as to why I will not be including specific dates to shoot on. I do want to try get all of my planning done
beforehand because I can get this checked with my tutor for smaller improvements which could be made for a
better outcome to the planning, I think this really helps me to understand any errors or parts which I could add
more to and having time to do so is another priority to me.
Shot types..
• Included to my pre-production I decided to include the specific
types of shots I am looking to take for my photoshoot. I will be
creating more close up shots for image such when I am trying to
focus on one singular item such as a piece of clothing I will move a
lot more closer to the camera for the detail of the shot and
material of the clothes. Whereas when I take medium close ups
this will be more so of my models when they are earing the clothes
to get the full fit in the shots this also shows more of the
background even though my images will be a plain background
setting it still gives a better effect to an image and shows the mise
en scene of the models body language which I am wanting to
achieve. I did also include an low angle shot however, I wont be
including as many images like this maybe one or two but if I do I
want to because it makes an image look a lot more creative and
detailed which can stand out when it is advertised on a website or
Instagram page which I think would be a great way to pull in my
demographic. Overall, theses shot types give me an better idea as
to which type of shots I need to be practising with and which will
look better when being represented I can now take time to practise
these and maybe have a couple practice shots for a better
understanding to my shot types.
Model planning..
• Outfit plan: for my outfit plan I want to keep
quite Suttle this is because that is how my brand
it represented the theme of my clothes are a mix
of everyday wear and also dressy for special
occasions, and because my brands demographic
is aimed at women I will be including feminine
outfits such as;
• Jeans
• Cropped tops
• Dresses
• Cargo bottoms
• Two piece outfits
Colour scheme for these outfits:
• Pink
• blue
• Brown
• Black
• white
models: Abbi Crosland , 13 & Jessica Crosland,18
• My colour scheme is more a focus of saturated colours and also
neutral colours this is because of the type of theme of clothing I
have picked but it also refers to the weather type which we are
now in summer so more people are more likely to be buying
summer wear.
• The location for the shoots are going to be also very minimalistic I
wont be travelling to various locations because I am trying to
focus more on the models and clothes rather than so much on
how the background will look these locations will be places such
• My bedroom
• Anywhere with a plain white wall
• Suttle backgrounds
• Carpet floor when the images are of clothes laid out
• As mentioned at the top of the page I am going to be including
just two models I want to create a brand which is smaller and not
as worldwide therefore I think it best to have a less amount of
models whereas have a different model for each picture, it is also
a lot practical to do this.
First photoshoot:
• A plan for my first photoshoot which will be held
on the 21/04/22 I want to aim to take around 50
images or a bonus if I manage to get more, with
regular breaks.
• Travel to our location of either Manchester or
Leeds via train which will be most likely.
• Make sure I am including all of the shot types
needed for the shoot.
• Check the weather the day or night before the
shoot in case we are needing to take some
• Make sure I am following safety precautions as
this could be in a busy city or busy day to be
• If I don’t manage to get the images I wanted this
will be included into my second photoshoot for a
back up.
Second photoshoot:
• A plan for my second photoshoot which will be held
on the 24/04/22 this photoshoot is mainly for any
extra images I need to take if I don’t have enough for
the Instagram page because I will be needing a range
of images for this.
• This location will be in my room.
• Last around 1-3 hours
• Taking pictures each of each other both models.
• Using different spaces in my room for different types
of lighting.
• This will be in day light around 12-1 pm.
Dates: Location Cast/Crew Activity
16/04/22 Home, Cawood Jessica + Abbi We will be discussing what type of shots I want to
achieve and the type of photography techniques we
17/04/22 Home, Cawood Jessica+ Abbi Taking a couple of our first shots to see the outcomes
and using the plain white backgrounds for these
around 20 shots.
21/04/22 Leeds or Manchester Jessica + Abbi Finding my first location with Abbi spending the whole
day taking the photography around 40 shots for the
locations I have previously mentioned.
24/04/22 Home, Cawood Jessica + Abbi This includes over the Easter break getting the last
few shots which are needed using all of the
equipment needed.
28/04/22 college Jessica Begin to edit my photography and adding the colour
gradients and contrast, exposure tools to any images
needed grain Effects.
28/04/22 college Jessica Begin to add these to my website and fit them onto
my Instagram (using one drive) to transfer over from
my phone.
13/05/22 college Jessica Finish my production work and move onto my
evaluation which I can reflect on all of my work and
also add to my reflective journal.
27/05/22 college Jessica Put together my final pieces before I send them off
26/05/22 college Jessica Being my presentation and how I will do this (voice
over of my work)
Health and safety
Potential issue: How this issue will be avoided:
Back ache could be a problem when
completing my production work all day in
college for hours, especially whilst being on
a computer.
To avoid this issue, I will be making sure I am taking regular
breaks throughout college, and I will make sure I am
comfortable on the chair that it is adjusted for back support.
As I am using a filtered bright light when
taking my photographs this could cause an
issue for myself or the model who am I'm
with as the lights could be affecting our
eyes and make us dizzy or too hot with the
light being on for a couple of hours.
For this to be avoided I will be also taking breaks between the
photoshoot, make sure we are not standing for a long
amount of time bring water for the model and grab a chair
throughout incase needed. Another thing I can do is after a
certain amount of time turn the light of for around 20 mins to
cool down.
Certain locations used for the photos could
possibly be harmful especially if the
location is outdoors this could cause us to
drip over anything or any injuries from
surrounding things such as cars etc.
Before I visit any of these locations, I will make sure to do my
research and check this is a suitable sort of location.
Clothing my model could wear she could be
allergic to any type of materials or washing
liquids used.
Be remindful to ask this beforehand for safety reasons and
check the materials of the clothing.
My phone could over heat if used for a long
period of time when taking the
photographs this could cause it to turn off.
Make sure I am taking regular breaks with my phone or
power off my phone every hour to give it a break for 30 mins.
If I decided to include makeup on the
models make sure they are comfortable to
do so, and also okay with certain makeup
products (as I will be wanting to include
Speak with my model on this subject, show them all of the
makeup products we could use and make sure they don’t
cause harm to their skin.

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  • 2. My Overall Idea: • The overall idea for my FMP is a fashion brand which I will be advertising through a website which will include a range of pages and a lot of photography which I will have taken, with pieces of clothing and other extra parts to the website such as blogs etc. My second part to my FMP will be my other form of advertisement which is through social media this will be an Instagram page dedicated to my clothing line including mainly photography, quotes, nail art etc with my logo shown throughout. Behind my fmp production brand I like to be able to create a purpose and meaning to why I created this which is because I want other women around the same age range as myself to express themselves through clothing pieces and feel confident whilst doling so as promoting body confidence is something I am wanting to do and is important for a brand itself. My brand is aimed at 18-26 year old females this is because I fee the type of clothing I am producing is for women and also the style of colour scheme and things such as image style relate to this, however my Instagram is also a huge part to my audience because whilst conducting audience research I was able to find a lot of female audiences through Instagram which is great.
  • 3. Equipment: • The option I have decided to go with is to use my own equipment I feel this is the best option for me because it will save a lot of time and complication if I was to have to book the studio at college. I will be using to types of lights depending on my locations for each shot which is linked with what I spoke about in my problem solving PowerPoint. I wanted to use these lights because I believe they will be very useful for the perfect lighting and also using a filter over the light will be great for a cooler tone when I am taking photographs outdoors. I am also saving money by using the equipment which I have already and this works out perfect as it’s the exact lighting I am looking for, adding on from this I will also be using my I phone quality for the photoshoots this is because I find it a lot more easier using this as I have a lot of experience with the camera and all of the techniques available to use on it. I also find using a I phone a lot more simple and I feel comfortable with how to use it correctly linking to previous projects and my experiments from this project I have been using the I phone camera and I believe the quality has been great so far and I haven’t had any type of of the software I will use this will be mainly Adobe Photoshop for most of the editing with the photographs and any lighting issues which will need alternating, also with things such as fonts and putting images together. I will also be using wix another place to create my whole website in previous projects this has been a big help for me because it helps and guides you to great the perfect website whilst being able to alter the whole thing. I also have good experience with the wix site and know exactly how I will create the product. Software- • Adobe Photoshop • Wix Kit- • I phone camera • Ring light • Filter • SETTO mini light
  • 4. Colour schemes I begin to look into a main priority in my project which is the specific colour schemes I will be focusing on for my production I decided to use a colour generator online to help me put together the colours which I wanted. I then also looked online for a couple images I liked and generated together the colours, from this I found I had a lot of saturated colours which ranged from pastel and a couple neutral colour. These type of colours are pinks, blues, greys, nudes, browns and yellow which is the exact type of colour scheme I was looking for which is even better. Another reason as to why I chose these colours is currently based on the weather type which it is becoming summer meaning my audience are more likely going to be looking for saturated colour clothing pieces which match the weather. However as I will be including a couple of more neutral colours these type of clothes are ‘everyday wear’ which a lot of audiences prefer basic clothing which they can get good use out of and save money because they know they will wear this a lot. For example with colours like black I will piece together accessories such as necklaces, rings etc. because this will finish of the outfit and give it that extra volume with basic clothes it will also give more inspiration to my audience to start including accessories and bags to finish their outfits off.
  • 5.
  • 6. Font • Moving onto looking into different fonts to include within my products for the advertisements and also my logo of the brand. Each year of every FMP I have completed I have always used the same website which I get the fonts from which is DAFONT this is because it has a range of every font you could possibly find and its easier to transfer and download these fonts over to Photoshop or wix. I began by looking into the main two categories which is sans serif and serif fonts I find these are the best for the basic and larger fonts also the most popular ones used. I prefer these type of fonts which I have picked 5 different types of styles I am looking to include within my production for my logo I will use fonts like bebas neue, code or vogue this is because they are larger fonts which grab an audiences attention a lot faster they are also basic which I prefer for a font as I like very minimalistic designs for certain aspects, as this wont be my main attraction. • Fonts such as lemon milk and geo sans light are ones which I believe will look good on my advertisement style images or on the website this is because they are light and can fit well with images which is a bonus for me. Overall, I am happy with exploring my fonts because I tend to stick with ones that are basic and will fit well with the type of photography I am using it also fits with the style of my project as a whole, finding these fonts has helped to piece together how my outcomes will be and what type of logo I am looking to achieve.
  • 7. Image style • Moving on from this I gathered together a range of images of @chloescantlebury who is an Instagram influencer these images relate towards the type of photography I am going to be creating. I have chosen to feature no more than one model in each of the photos because it gives a less crowded and more elegant appeal to the photo, meaning my audience can focus on the clothing which the models is wearing. The background to the images shown a very basic and light tones of inside and outside locations yet again I really prefer having a basic background because my audiences main focus will be the clothes and the model. The type of photography shot types shown are a range of long, medium and close ups (even some images only focus on the clothes without the models shown on close ups) this is what I am aiming for myself because it Ables my audience to have different angles of the clothes so they can see the full aspect, this is much more efficient than using the same shot type for every photo as it isn’t as creative and thought through. • The exposure to these shots give a calm tone to the image which I also like and the use of the mise en scene of the models body language shows her in different poses in each image, furthermore I like the idea that she isn’t always facing directly at the camera which gives an elegant look to the photo, this is something I would like to try out in my production photoshoot.
  • 8. Instagram Style Images I chose images such as nail art because its something different which a lot of other brands don’t include, however it doesn’t relate towards fashion I believe it is creative and will keep my audience interested as most people don’t want to see clothing images 24/7 on there Instagram feed. Selfies are used a lot on other Instagram accounts I have seen and I like this idea because it will mi up my feed a lot and will not be basic. Things such as quotes and ‘relatable lines’ is something which catches an audiences eye its what will keep them interested or things like giveaways sharing Instagram posts reaches a wider audience for a brand and this I why I think this would be a good thing to include for my target audience who love shopping.
  • 10. Response from Google Forms: • A main priority within my work was what the name of the brand and what it would actually be called so for this I decided to gather quite a few ideas of names etc. using a name generator website on google I managed to gather quite a few different options I also had an beginner idea of a name which was ‘luxe’ I chose this because I thought it represented my brand a lot as the meaning of luxe is high quality and luxurious which my brand is this and I didn’t just want a random word – as a meaning behind the band name is a lot more creative and meaningful. Once I had the ‘luxe’ word I decided to gather some feedback from a few people on their opinions as to what this word makes my audience think of, I gathered a lot of good responses which were exactly what I wanted and continued to use this name for my final name for my brand is --- --- and I am really happy with this name because I think it fits well as a whole and will appeal towards my audience, as I had feedback from the google forms.
  • 11. Personnel Team Members Jessica Crosland: model included in some of the photography and is also the director (myself) who will be taking photographs of other models and creating my products. Strengths: • photography skills, editing skills able to get the perfect shots from certain angles and know which sort of shot types I am needing. • Know how to use the other equipment included such as the lights used.(how to set them up etc) Weakness: • Impatient • Camera shy Abbi Crosland: model who will be included in the photographs. Strengths: • Good with camera skills (knows the basics) • Flexible for most days which I am able to work around • Lives with me which makes it a lot more convenient Weakness: • Doesn’t like taking too many photographs
  • 12. • Layout plan- website Main page title which includes a large font to attract the audience and will also include things such as search button and discounts at the top of the page. Slides of images will be split into two on strips to show the photography when scrolling down on the home page. My images will range from close ups to long shots, this is because I want my audience to see a range of photography and I will split the clothing sections up into different categories. This is going to be my main focus page for my audience, with only images on no long pieces of text.
  • 13. I want to also include a page which is dedicated to the new drops and also the Instagram links for my Instagram shop with photographs. This is because it adds a lot more images to the website and also grabs my audiences attention to click these links to shop on Instagram too. Inspiration of nail art will be on my social media and quotes therefore it appeals and looks a lot more creative. New drop photography will be represented with a layout which swipes across and is in circle shapes. My shop Instagram will be placed on both the home screen and new drop page as it is an important part to my production and I believe this needs to be seen by my audience so having it in more than one place is more likely to grab their attention.
  • 14. Within my Website on another page I have looked to include a blog page this is because it gives my brand mini reviews but also shows what things happen behind the brand like trips etc. Audience are able to add their own blog to the website about how they found the quality and fit of the clothes. I feel this blog page will benefit my website a lot more because people will believe this is more of a legit and trust worth brand, but also are more likely to shop if there is reviews about the clothing or how it actually looks on. A basic layout for this page because I want to include quite larger images, and not as much text this is because some of my audience wont be interested in reading the text and would rather just see images.
  • 15. Social media My Instagram page will exactly be set out just like this plan below, a range of post aiming up to around 20 pages. With nail art, quotes, inspiration, photography and portrait selfies include because these ae subjects which relate to my brand and appeal to the female target audience.(things they enjoy looking at) Simple font used in large bold text for the audience to be able to recognise the brand itself, I don’t want tot make it difficult for my audience as they will be put off looking if so. Colour scheme focus is going to be pink, white and black to keep an on going theme. Pink also a feminine colour which I had mentioned within my research. I want to include content which is interesting and hooks a reader in.
  • 17. Location: Manchester • This is my first location idea I chose this location because I felt it would be perfect for some ‘city photography’ especially for shots with quite basic backgrounds which I am looking to achieve. From looking into existing products I made links which I found that a lot of other brands have influencers taking pictures in much larger cities such as Manchester, London etc. The exact location in Manchester which I would go to is Salford this is because this is around where my sister lives so we wouldn't have to travel as far for other location spots. However, the negatives to this trip could be having enough money for the trip for the train transport and also having enough free time as I do work which makes it a lot more harder to schedule because of travelling, my sister may also not be free at the same time as me. When doing my research I looked into a couple of the perfect spots to take the good photography which I want to achieve. • Manchester central library perfect for shots which include large buildings in the background, which I could get a range of long shots from this. • Q-park first St. has the ‘basic car park pic’ but includes a lot of plain white walls which is what I want and long halls which would great good lighting to the images. • Media-City located in Salford has a huge river with a bridge which would be great for a good background to my images. Although Manchester may not turn out to be the location I pick because of the negatives I would chose this for my first option because it is very practical and I feel that I would have a range of options to places to go for pictures to take.
  • 18. Plan B: Leeds-home for my pre-production I decided to think of a back up plan for my location in case I am not able to chose my first option which is Manchester, because I listed quite a few negatives to the location and realised it isn't as easy to happen for my own production and with the time schedule I am setting myself. For my back up plan I have chosen where I live which is my home of Cawood and also Leeds because I feel this gives me an opportunity of a range of different location backgrounds. The background locations I have at home include my room which as I have plain white walls this is perfect for me, purely because I want most of my images to be basic because the focus shifts to the clothing for my audience I did mention this previously in my research PowerPoint. This would also work out perfectly for my ring light because this has to be plugged in for the light to turn on and it would cause a lot more hassle for me if I would have to take it to another location because of the weight of the light and how big it is. Within the locations of Leeds, I know this city a lot more than many others I know how to get to the places and what the best places are I believe I would feel a lot more secure and safe going to this location that travelling too far. • Leeds docks have a great view for long shot photography images which could be useful for myself. • Leeds also have a lot of office places which include very large buildings with luxurious décor inside, this would be great to take some pictures in office areas to make my photography look more professional. As my brand is luxurious so this will have a link to my brand itself. • In general I think Leeds has some beautiful locations which I have seen before and been to and can make this a fun day out and interesting for me and my model to see.
  • 19. Production schedule For my production scheduling I want to make sure I have a lot of time for my production as I wouldn’t like everything to be all at one time, I plan to do so by scheduling this effectively and using every day I am in college as the days I have to get my production work done so I can spend other free times making sure I have all of my photography done. I do have a very busy schedule with my daily life as I work most days when I am not in college so I want to make sure I am prioritising my college work when I have that extra free time. I also have two weeks of throughout my project for the Easter holidays I think this is a perfect time to make sure all of my planning is up to date and anything which will still need to be completed, throughout the two weeks I want to also check that all of my photography has been taken and everything is ready to be uploaded for my production work as this is a key priority to me. For my next PowerPoint below which is my schedule I am not going to be too specific on my exact times and dates I will roughly include my location this is because I don’t wan to add to much pressure to myself which I think will effect me, I would prefer to have a plan which I understand myself and the main points which need to be written down. I do worry not everything will be completed in the exact time frame I set myself up for but I will be aiming for these each week. My photography may not be taken on the exact dates I wish to due to weather circumstances or things like travel if any issue comes up which is understandable as to why I will not be including specific dates to shoot on. I do want to try get all of my planning done beforehand because I can get this checked with my tutor for smaller improvements which could be made for a better outcome to the planning, I think this really helps me to understand any errors or parts which I could add more to and having time to do so is another priority to me.
  • 20. Shot types.. • Included to my pre-production I decided to include the specific types of shots I am looking to take for my photoshoot. I will be creating more close up shots for image such when I am trying to focus on one singular item such as a piece of clothing I will move a lot more closer to the camera for the detail of the shot and material of the clothes. Whereas when I take medium close ups this will be more so of my models when they are earing the clothes to get the full fit in the shots this also shows more of the background even though my images will be a plain background setting it still gives a better effect to an image and shows the mise en scene of the models body language which I am wanting to achieve. I did also include an low angle shot however, I wont be including as many images like this maybe one or two but if I do I want to because it makes an image look a lot more creative and detailed which can stand out when it is advertised on a website or Instagram page which I think would be a great way to pull in my demographic. Overall, theses shot types give me an better idea as to which type of shots I need to be practising with and which will look better when being represented I can now take time to practise these and maybe have a couple practice shots for a better understanding to my shot types.
  • 21. Model planning.. • Outfit plan: for my outfit plan I want to keep quite Suttle this is because that is how my brand it represented the theme of my clothes are a mix of everyday wear and also dressy for special occasions, and because my brands demographic is aimed at women I will be including feminine outfits such as; • Jeans • Cropped tops • Dresses • Cargo bottoms • Two piece outfits Colour scheme for these outfits: • Pink • blue • Brown • Black • white models: Abbi Crosland , 13 & Jessica Crosland,18 • My colour scheme is more a focus of saturated colours and also neutral colours this is because of the type of theme of clothing I have picked but it also refers to the weather type which we are now in summer so more people are more likely to be buying summer wear. • The location for the shoots are going to be also very minimalistic I wont be travelling to various locations because I am trying to focus more on the models and clothes rather than so much on how the background will look these locations will be places such as: • My bedroom • Anywhere with a plain white wall • Suttle backgrounds • Carpet floor when the images are of clothes laid out • As mentioned at the top of the page I am going to be including just two models I want to create a brand which is smaller and not as worldwide therefore I think it best to have a less amount of models whereas have a different model for each picture, it is also a lot practical to do this.
  • 22. First photoshoot: • A plan for my first photoshoot which will be held on the 21/04/22 I want to aim to take around 50 images or a bonus if I manage to get more, with regular breaks. • Travel to our location of either Manchester or Leeds via train which will be most likely. • Make sure I am including all of the shot types needed for the shoot. • Check the weather the day or night before the shoot in case we are needing to take some outside. • Make sure I am following safety precautions as this could be in a busy city or busy day to be travelling. • If I don’t manage to get the images I wanted this will be included into my second photoshoot for a back up. Second photoshoot: • A plan for my second photoshoot which will be held on the 24/04/22 this photoshoot is mainly for any extra images I need to take if I don’t have enough for the Instagram page because I will be needing a range of images for this. • This location will be in my room. • Last around 1-3 hours • Taking pictures each of each other both models. • Using different spaces in my room for different types of lighting. • This will be in day light around 12-1 pm.
  • 23. schedule Dates: Location Cast/Crew Activity 16/04/22 Home, Cawood Jessica + Abbi We will be discussing what type of shots I want to achieve and the type of photography techniques we need. 17/04/22 Home, Cawood Jessica+ Abbi Taking a couple of our first shots to see the outcomes and using the plain white backgrounds for these around 20 shots. 21/04/22 Leeds or Manchester Jessica + Abbi Finding my first location with Abbi spending the whole day taking the photography around 40 shots for the locations I have previously mentioned. 24/04/22 Home, Cawood Jessica + Abbi This includes over the Easter break getting the last few shots which are needed using all of the equipment needed. 28/04/22 college Jessica Begin to edit my photography and adding the colour gradients and contrast, exposure tools to any images needed grain Effects. 28/04/22 college Jessica Begin to add these to my website and fit them onto my Instagram (using one drive) to transfer over from my phone. 13/05/22 college Jessica Finish my production work and move onto my evaluation which I can reflect on all of my work and also add to my reflective journal. 27/05/22 college Jessica Put together my final pieces before I send them off 26/05/22 college Jessica Being my presentation and how I will do this (voice over of my work)
  • 24. Health and safety Potential issue: How this issue will be avoided: Back ache could be a problem when completing my production work all day in college for hours, especially whilst being on a computer. To avoid this issue, I will be making sure I am taking regular breaks throughout college, and I will make sure I am comfortable on the chair that it is adjusted for back support. As I am using a filtered bright light when taking my photographs this could cause an issue for myself or the model who am I'm with as the lights could be affecting our eyes and make us dizzy or too hot with the light being on for a couple of hours. For this to be avoided I will be also taking breaks between the photoshoot, make sure we are not standing for a long amount of time bring water for the model and grab a chair throughout incase needed. Another thing I can do is after a certain amount of time turn the light of for around 20 mins to cool down. Certain locations used for the photos could possibly be harmful especially if the location is outdoors this could cause us to drip over anything or any injuries from surrounding things such as cars etc. Before I visit any of these locations, I will make sure to do my research and check this is a suitable sort of location. Clothing my model could wear she could be allergic to any type of materials or washing liquids used. Be remindful to ask this beforehand for safety reasons and check the materials of the clothing. My phone could over heat if used for a long period of time when taking the photographs this could cause it to turn off. Make sure I am taking regular breaks with my phone or power off my phone every hour to give it a break for 30 mins. If I decided to include makeup on the models make sure they are comfortable to do so, and also okay with certain makeup products (as I will be wanting to include this). Speak with my model on this subject, show them all of the makeup products we could use and make sure they don’t cause harm to their skin.