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Production outline :
My documentary/ film will attempt to present how creative individuals working in york operate and weather they feel
doing things in a small city is an advantage or disadvantage. I will cover 3 main topics, music, modelling and fashion and
then finally graffiti/ urban art. I will cover various individuals who work in these fields and what they do. The film will begin
with a section on music, where myself and another artist will explain what music is to us overall and then show segments
of us performing. The main message relating to the small-town aspect of the film here is lack of resources and opportunity.
This will mostly be outlined in the narration, but with some footage of people rapping in the street using a car speaker,
which should present lack of resources.
After this, I will delve into the modelling/ fashion section. Here I will cover one subject and his experience being a model in
york. The section will introduce with an overview of who the subject is by the narrator, with footage of a fashion shoot
taking place. To present the struggle of working in a small town I will outline various work my subject has previously done,
which took place out of york, and emphasize the fact its always out of york where he finds work. To conclude this section, I
will show footage of a shoot in york to present how we do it up here.
Finally, I will cover graffiti in york. I will speak to one graffiti artist from york and have him take us out around york doing
graffiti. The section will begin with an interview style format where the artist explains what graffiti is to him and what the
scenes like in york. Then a short graffiti montage will playout consisting of people doing graffiti, and other pieces of graffiti
around york. The section will conclude with another quick bit of dialogue from the artist in the interview format again. The
small town aspect in this section is the issue that there's a lack of active graffiti artists in the city due to the council's total
disregard of urban art.
The main aim of my film is to firstly present what urban creativeness is going on here, but also to inspire others who live in
or places like york to begin a creative venture. I find there's a very present stigma surrounding doing not only creative
things, but anything out of the 'ordinary' in York. From my personal experience putting my work out there, I can definitely
say there is a strong attitude against it in york. People here find it very hard to take someone doing something like music or
fashion seriously, I think because of how small the industry is here. I think due to the small industry, and the stigma it has
created, nobody feels comfortable to start a creative venture. My film aims to show people here that actually people are
doing creative things, and its not a total fantasy or hobby. Hopefully in seeing my film, people will feel much more
comfortable putting their material out there, as it won't be such an out there thing to do as it is now.
Shot list:
• Section 1 – Intro
Shot 1: City time-lapse – pan/ sped up shots of york (trainlines, minster, train station, train yard, river, river foss industrial area, skatepark) black
and white filter (always return to b&W for york time-lapse transition shots jungle soundtrack used here
Shot 2: Concluding intro shot – low angled shot of group of lads pans in towards them
Audio: Opening soundtrack, leads into narration – intro speech found in script.
• Section 2 – Music
Shot 1: Black and white york time-lapse to jungle music
Shot 2: Intro to music section – compilation footage of my previous events
Shot 3: me in bedroom writing and setting up mic etc. Audio here is me narrating – explaining when/why I started music
Shot 4: On the mic freestyling Audio here is audio of the freestyle
Shot 5: Another quick york landmark time-lapse Audio here is a jungle soundtrack and edited very boisterously (quick cuts, black flahses, black
and white filters)
Shot 6: Pan shot zooming into Aarons face Audio here is me explaining who AAron is and what music he makes
Shot 7: Aarons previous music video Narration continues briefly then audio of music video
Shot 8: Aaron out and about then briefly explaining something he likes about making music video audio
Section 3 – Fashion/ modelling
Shot 1: York timelapse shot in black and white to jungle music
Shot 2: Compilation of shots of dan getting ready for shoots (getting clothes from boot of car, checking hair in car window) Audio here is fashion
section intro speech found in script
Shot 3: Compilation of dans previous work ie. (bugzy malone video, london fashion week, vouge) Audio here is still me narrating describing whats
on screen and bigging dan up
Shot 4: Dan getting photos taken of him by someone to present the process and some comedic value with the dialogue Audio here is the video
clips audio
Shot 5: Dan explains his faveorate part of doing modelling and what he wants to do in the future at boot of car while swapping clothes
• Section 4 – graffiti
• Shot 1: black and white york timelapse to jungle music
Shot 2: Timelapse of graffiti around York Graffiti intro narration here found in script
Shot 3: Man in balaklava in low light indoor interview setting explaining how graffiti is a lifestyle
Shot 4: full blown graffiti edit (people doing graffiti, train yard, ducking hiding and running, jumping fences, POV painting, sorting cans out) Old
school dubstep soundtack
Shot 5: back to man in balaklava explaining how what you’ve just seen is proper
• Section 5 – outro
Shot 1: York timeplapse again this time extended to hold the outro narration
Outro speech
Storyboard breakdown:
(this is a simplified representation of my film and not all shots /
audio is covered.)
• Box 1 – The image here represents a montage of york landmark shots. There
will be a black and white filter used with a jungle soundtrack. This section will
be the intro and will also be used as a transition shot.
• Box 2 – The image here represents a shot of a group of lads standing in a sort
of dramatic, iconic way, this will be used as an introductory break up shot to
sperate the intro from the first section. This is needed as the usual transition
shot is the intro.
• Box 3 – This is the intro section to my music segment. Here I will play a
compilation of previous events to a jungle soundtrack. Narration will begin
towards the end of this compilation.
• Box 4 – the image here represents a shot of me at my desk writing lyrics and
then performing a freestyle. Narration here is explaining my experience
making music.
Box 1
Box 2 Box 3
Box 6
Box 5
Box 4
• Box 5 – This image represents a compilation of shots that present a fashion
shoot. One notable shot here is the model gathering clothing from the boot
of a car mid shoot. The narration here will introduce the new section, giving
an overall explanation of who the model is and the scene in york.
• Box 6 – this box represents a section where I present the models previous work
and the narrator explains it. The previous work consists of videos and photos
that I will incorporate into a montage with some visual effects and animation.
• Box 7 - this image represents a shot of the model getting on with a shoot.
Narration will stop here and we will use the audio of the video,
where directional discussion will take place that should present some key
points to how we go about a shoot.
• Box 8 – This is a close up shot which is filmed at the same location and on
the same day as the previous fashion shoot shot. It will consist of the model
giving a brief explanation of his career.
• Box 9 – this box represents the intro for the graffiti section. It will consist of a
montage of pan shots of graffiti around york.
• Box 10 – This box represents the introduction to our graffiti artist. It will in an
interview format and the artist will outline graffiti to him, as a whole, and in
• Box 11 – this box holds the main section of the graffiti segment. It's a montage/
edit of graffiti taking place around york.
• Box 12 – this is the final outro to the whole film where I will use an extended
version of the intro/ transition shot (york landmarks)
Box 11
Box 10
Box 9
Box 8
Box 7
Box 12
Location list:
• Minster
• Shambles
• River
• Train station
• Train yard
• River foss
• Industrial areas
• Groves flats
• Walmgate flats
• White brick tunnel
• Train bridges
• Motorway
• General city center
• Corner shops
• Skatepark
• Multistory car parks
• Sainsburys car park stair
• Uni tunnel
• Layerthorpe gas works
• Terraced back alleys
• Cycle tracks near doddy
• Bridge near doddy
These are some
locations the main
body of the film will
take place. They
should create a gritty
urban environment
that really seems
different to the usual
york we see on tourist
info etc.
These are the
locations I will use for
my intro/ transition
section. The aim of
this section is to
present york
traditionally, as the
tourist boards do, so
the use of these well-
known landmarks
should do this well. It
should make for a
shocking transition
from nice peacefull
york to our grittier
version as the film
plays out.
Further breakdown of main locations:
Holgate yard
One of the longest segments to my film is the graffiti section. Since the early 80s graffiti
artists have used trains as canvasses, and its still going on today. Yorks train yard is a great
place to spot heavily painted freight trains and paint them. The section on graffiti should
really present the weird underworld to york, by showing somewhere most residents will
never go. Not only is it somewhere people wont go, it’s a shockingly out of the ordinary
environment. The combination of trains, electrical equipment and general industrial
atmosphere really emphasizes the urban city like look. This location represents graffiti
perfectly due to its history and the fact there's graffiti everywhere. this will be one of the
main locations in the graffiti section.
Rowntree Wharfe
This location will be used for some of my fashion/ modelling segment. The segment will
consist of a photoshoot for the model I will cover. The location of this shot isn't particularly
important as most context is gathered from what's going on in the shot (the photoshoot). I
came to the conclusion of this location due to its brutal urban look which should match the
rest of the film. This location should present the style of photo we take, and what we look
for as a background. As mentioned in the explanation of the train yard location, I want to
present the gritty underside to york that not everyone sees. Though this is quite a known
area, it really gives the industrial look I want.
Leeman road tunnel
This location will be used in the graffiti section and the fashion/ modelling section. This
tunnel presents the dirty side of york probably the best out of all my locations, with
grime dripping from the walls, bird poop everywhere and anti-style graffiti all over it. I
think this tunnel creates a very hostile, threatening environment which is perfect for the
graffiti section. With the modelling section, this location is used to present what we look
for when choosing a photo background, and hopefully the use of this location in the
graffiti section will make clear this vibe is what we go for throughout all aspects of
creating. Also, for photoshoots this location is really effective due to its dramatic length,
lighting and symmetry.
All these locations come with some downsides, notably the train yard. The train yard is not a public place meaning it would be illegal to enter. To
overcome this, I am going to film all shots from the perimeter with a zoom lens. To get shots of the artists painting, I will provide the artist who will
enter the yard with a POV camera to capture what he does in there clearly. Another prominent issue is with the tunnel, and the fact that its often
busy. To film the shot I want I will need to block the tunnel therefore I will need to do this on a quiet day.
One of the main and definitely most distinctive shots is the
intro/ transition shot. This shot is entirely black and white
and so are some others in my film. I will use more faded
b&w filters where the blacks are less prominent.
Another large style aspect of my film is the use of vintage /
VHS filters. The style of these is fairly universal with only
minor differences between all I explored. The general look is
some boxy text saying something like the date or 'recording'
and then a slightly grainy, under exposed filter. I will use a
combination of various different vintage/ VHS filters.
Text won't be used all that often in my film however I still want it to have a
developed style. From researching similar products to mine ive decided I will use
fairly simple fonts, like the examples above, with distinctive colours like red and
yellow. This is quite a popular style in similar products to mine at the moment. I
have explored font websites like 'Dafont' however due to wanting a simple style I
will just use a built in one - Helvetica.
I will use mainly for the graffiti section but also sometimes elsewhere glitch
effects and glitch transitions. I will use these simply for aesthetic effect, yet they
do somewhat match the graffiti section style. I have explored various premier pro
preset packs and have decided to use a combination of a few. I will discard ones
with strong colour and try stick to the ones that resemble VHS cameras and static
TV white noise.
Equipment/ Props/
Costume needed
Locations needed
Camera Trainline
Spray paint Train station
Balaclavas Motorways
Push bikes Underpasses
Lighting – led bar light, torches Council flats
Duffle bag Abandoned buildings
Ladder Industrial areas
Contingency Planning
Potential Issue Solution
Rain – my camera is not waterproof, also lots of my shots are
people doing graffiti which you can't really do in the rain, some
costume is grey tracksuits which don’t look good when wet
Camera – I will bring my phone as a back up as its more
waterproof and smaller making it easier to avoid rain. I'll also
bring a carrier bag to cover it with. Graffiti – I will have to
postpone graffiti shots if its raining or find legal walls with cover
e.g under a bridge. The costume issue will be overcome by
bringing backup clothes or standing under cover till the rain
Public interference – some activities I want to film might look
dodgy to members of the public. Some shots are us doing
graffiti which often people are angry about. Also, I want some
shots of a large number of boys running with hoods on which
might be scary for some people.
I will make sure all graffiti takes place at legal walls, so even if
people interfere, we aren't doing anything wrong and can
explain to people its legal here. For the shots of boys running, I
will make sure its quiet and nobody's around that could feel
threatened by it.
Annoying the public – For my section covering music I will
have people in the street rapping and loud music playing
on a speaker. This could really annoy people living/
working around the shot location.
I will make sure to keep volumes relatively quiet and tell
rappers not to project too loud. Also, I will choose my location
effectively so that it's not too near residential areas or where
people are working. Also, I will try not to take too long at these
locations, I'll try get everything in only a few takes to minimize
the time we are there possibly annoying people.
Resource limitations - I only have 2 cameras available and
one is just my phone. This means I will struggle with
multiple angles and even more so as my phone can't be
connected to a tripod. Also, I don’t have a microphone and
the built in one on my camera isnt very good.
I will ask my friend if I can borrow another camera and also try
find somewhere selling an attachment for my phone that allows
it to be screwed onto a tripod. For my mic issue I will either buy
one or record audio on my phone and sync up in edit.
Time schedule – I need to meet 4 people to make my film
on and it could be challenging to get everyone available at
I will ask everyone's work schedule and find a day everybody is
free, if this isn't possible ill have to film on multiple days.
Lighting – lots of my shots are at night and this could result
in poorly viewable shots if not lit correctly.
I'll make sure to film near streetlights to keep the dark gritty
vibe I want from the night shots but still be able to see what's
going on. I also have LED bar lights that could come in handy. If
visibility is poor with these shots I'll just use as few as I can.
Health and Safety
Potential Issue How will the issue be avoided?
Injury – Some of my shots include people climbing
buildings and jumping off walls and over fences etc. This
could result in injury. I also want shots of people running
through the street, this could be dangerous as of car or
pedestrian collisions.
Ill make sure to heavily choreograph these shots, fully
rehearsing the jump/ climb. Also, I will make sure to do these
shots in relatively safe environments e.g not near rivers or from
height. To make sure nobody is hit by a car I will only do shots in
the road when there is literally no cars. I'll also plan a route so
its not just people running randomly as that could be
Spray paint fumes – for my shots doing graffiti it is possible I
could inhale paint fumes which is bad for your health
I will make sure to ware a mask designed to stop paint fumes,
also I'll ensure I'm always painting in a ventilated area
Rain – Lots of my shots include people running and
climbing and wet weather could make this very dangerous
I'll make sure shots of people running only take place in nice
weather and if possible I'll shoot them under cover still in the
Trainlines – various shots take place track side and by the
station, this could be dangerous as you could get hit by a
train or get electrocuted by wires etc.
I'll make sure I don’t go near the actual tracks or touch anything
around these areas. Also if a trains coming I'll move away.
Shooting in the dark – Lots of my shots are in the dark and
often the camera man will be running. This already is a
hazard as your focussing on the camera not where your
stepping. This could result in falling over and shooting in
the dark makes this even more of a risk.
I will make sure when filming while running and in the dark
especially, that I don’t look through the viewfinder and keep
checking the ground ahead. Also, I will check the area
thoroughly before filming, removing for example any large
rocks that could be a trip hazard.
Falling equipment – Some shots I will hang up LED lights,
this could be dangerous if they aren't secured properly.
I'll make sure to throroughly attach any lights and also ensure
there in positions where nobody will be around them in off the
chance they do fall.
Production Schedule
Day/Lesson Tasks
Thursday 22nd april – 26th april : filming Film all shots
Monday 26th : editing First day editing so will organise footage and
compile into logical orders, removing any shots
I feel I don’t need. I will also possibly begin
editing my transition shot that I will use
throughout the film.
Tuesday 27th : editing I will finish my transition shot I began the
day before and begin building up a timeline
Wednesday 28th : editing I should now have a basic structure of the
whole film and I will begin adding effects, text
and audio.
Thursday 29th : editing from home I will record my narration at home on my
microphone ready for monday at college where
I will begin adding it over my film
Monday : editing I will now hopefully have a somewhat complete
film that just lacks narration audio, so it should
be quite simple to add that in

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4. pre production (1)

  • 2. Production outline : My documentary/ film will attempt to present how creative individuals working in york operate and weather they feel doing things in a small city is an advantage or disadvantage. I will cover 3 main topics, music, modelling and fashion and then finally graffiti/ urban art. I will cover various individuals who work in these fields and what they do. The film will begin with a section on music, where myself and another artist will explain what music is to us overall and then show segments of us performing. The main message relating to the small-town aspect of the film here is lack of resources and opportunity. This will mostly be outlined in the narration, but with some footage of people rapping in the street using a car speaker, which should present lack of resources. After this, I will delve into the modelling/ fashion section. Here I will cover one subject and his experience being a model in york. The section will introduce with an overview of who the subject is by the narrator, with footage of a fashion shoot taking place. To present the struggle of working in a small town I will outline various work my subject has previously done, which took place out of york, and emphasize the fact its always out of york where he finds work. To conclude this section, I will show footage of a shoot in york to present how we do it up here. Finally, I will cover graffiti in york. I will speak to one graffiti artist from york and have him take us out around york doing graffiti. The section will begin with an interview style format where the artist explains what graffiti is to him and what the scenes like in york. Then a short graffiti montage will playout consisting of people doing graffiti, and other pieces of graffiti around york. The section will conclude with another quick bit of dialogue from the artist in the interview format again. The small town aspect in this section is the issue that there's a lack of active graffiti artists in the city due to the council's total disregard of urban art. The main aim of my film is to firstly present what urban creativeness is going on here, but also to inspire others who live in or places like york to begin a creative venture. I find there's a very present stigma surrounding doing not only creative things, but anything out of the 'ordinary' in York. From my personal experience putting my work out there, I can definitely say there is a strong attitude against it in york. People here find it very hard to take someone doing something like music or fashion seriously, I think because of how small the industry is here. I think due to the small industry, and the stigma it has created, nobody feels comfortable to start a creative venture. My film aims to show people here that actually people are doing creative things, and its not a total fantasy or hobby. Hopefully in seeing my film, people will feel much more comfortable putting their material out there, as it won't be such an out there thing to do as it is now.
  • 3. Shot list: • Section 1 – Intro Shot 1: City time-lapse – pan/ sped up shots of york (trainlines, minster, train station, train yard, river, river foss industrial area, skatepark) black and white filter (always return to b&W for york time-lapse transition shots jungle soundtrack used here Shot 2: Concluding intro shot – low angled shot of group of lads pans in towards them Audio: Opening soundtrack, leads into narration – intro speech found in script. • Section 2 – Music Shot 1: Black and white york time-lapse to jungle music Shot 2: Intro to music section – compilation footage of my previous events Shot 3: me in bedroom writing and setting up mic etc. Audio here is me narrating – explaining when/why I started music Shot 4: On the mic freestyling Audio here is audio of the freestyle Shot 5: Another quick york landmark time-lapse Audio here is a jungle soundtrack and edited very boisterously (quick cuts, black flahses, black and white filters) Shot 6: Pan shot zooming into Aarons face Audio here is me explaining who AAron is and what music he makes Shot 7: Aarons previous music video Narration continues briefly then audio of music video Shot 8: Aaron out and about then briefly explaining something he likes about making music video audio Section 3 – Fashion/ modelling Shot 1: York timelapse shot in black and white to jungle music Shot 2: Compilation of shots of dan getting ready for shoots (getting clothes from boot of car, checking hair in car window) Audio here is fashion section intro speech found in script Shot 3: Compilation of dans previous work ie. (bugzy malone video, london fashion week, vouge) Audio here is still me narrating describing whats on screen and bigging dan up Shot 4: Dan getting photos taken of him by someone to present the process and some comedic value with the dialogue Audio here is the video clips audio Shot 5: Dan explains his faveorate part of doing modelling and what he wants to do in the future at boot of car while swapping clothes • Section 4 – graffiti • Shot 1: black and white york timelapse to jungle music Shot 2: Timelapse of graffiti around York Graffiti intro narration here found in script Shot 3: Man in balaklava in low light indoor interview setting explaining how graffiti is a lifestyle Shot 4: full blown graffiti edit (people doing graffiti, train yard, ducking hiding and running, jumping fences, POV painting, sorting cans out) Old school dubstep soundtack Shot 5: back to man in balaklava explaining how what you’ve just seen is proper • Section 5 – outro Shot 1: York timeplapse again this time extended to hold the outro narration Outro speech
  • 4. Storyboard breakdown: (this is a simplified representation of my film and not all shots / audio is covered.) • Box 1 – The image here represents a montage of york landmark shots. There will be a black and white filter used with a jungle soundtrack. This section will be the intro and will also be used as a transition shot. • Box 2 – The image here represents a shot of a group of lads standing in a sort of dramatic, iconic way, this will be used as an introductory break up shot to sperate the intro from the first section. This is needed as the usual transition shot is the intro. • Box 3 – This is the intro section to my music segment. Here I will play a compilation of previous events to a jungle soundtrack. Narration will begin towards the end of this compilation. • Box 4 – the image here represents a shot of me at my desk writing lyrics and then performing a freestyle. Narration here is explaining my experience making music. Box 1 Box 2 Box 3 Box 6 Box 5 Box 4 • Box 5 – This image represents a compilation of shots that present a fashion shoot. One notable shot here is the model gathering clothing from the boot of a car mid shoot. The narration here will introduce the new section, giving an overall explanation of who the model is and the scene in york. • Box 6 – this box represents a section where I present the models previous work and the narrator explains it. The previous work consists of videos and photos that I will incorporate into a montage with some visual effects and animation. • Box 7 - this image represents a shot of the model getting on with a shoot. Narration will stop here and we will use the audio of the video, where directional discussion will take place that should present some key points to how we go about a shoot. • Box 8 – This is a close up shot which is filmed at the same location and on the same day as the previous fashion shoot shot. It will consist of the model giving a brief explanation of his career. • Box 9 – this box represents the intro for the graffiti section. It will consist of a montage of pan shots of graffiti around york. • Box 10 – This box represents the introduction to our graffiti artist. It will in an interview format and the artist will outline graffiti to him, as a whole, and in York. • Box 11 – this box holds the main section of the graffiti segment. It's a montage/ edit of graffiti taking place around york. • Box 12 – this is the final outro to the whole film where I will use an extended version of the intro/ transition shot (york landmarks) Box 11 Box 10 Box 9 Box 8 Box 7 Box 12
  • 5. Location list: • Minster • Shambles • River • Train station • Train yard • River foss • Industrial areas • Groves flats • Walmgate flats • White brick tunnel • Train bridges • Motorway • General city center • Corner shops • Skatepark • Multistory car parks • Sainsburys car park stair well • Uni tunnel • Layerthorpe gas works • Terraced back alleys • Cycle tracks near doddy • Bridge near doddy These are some locations the main body of the film will take place. They should create a gritty urban environment that really seems different to the usual york we see on tourist info etc. These are the locations I will use for my intro/ transition section. The aim of this section is to present york traditionally, as the tourist boards do, so the use of these well- known landmarks should do this well. It should make for a shocking transition from nice peacefull york to our grittier version as the film plays out.
  • 6. Further breakdown of main locations: Holgate yard One of the longest segments to my film is the graffiti section. Since the early 80s graffiti artists have used trains as canvasses, and its still going on today. Yorks train yard is a great place to spot heavily painted freight trains and paint them. The section on graffiti should really present the weird underworld to york, by showing somewhere most residents will never go. Not only is it somewhere people wont go, it’s a shockingly out of the ordinary environment. The combination of trains, electrical equipment and general industrial atmosphere really emphasizes the urban city like look. This location represents graffiti perfectly due to its history and the fact there's graffiti everywhere. this will be one of the main locations in the graffiti section. Rowntree Wharfe This location will be used for some of my fashion/ modelling segment. The segment will consist of a photoshoot for the model I will cover. The location of this shot isn't particularly important as most context is gathered from what's going on in the shot (the photoshoot). I came to the conclusion of this location due to its brutal urban look which should match the rest of the film. This location should present the style of photo we take, and what we look for as a background. As mentioned in the explanation of the train yard location, I want to present the gritty underside to york that not everyone sees. Though this is quite a known area, it really gives the industrial look I want. Leeman road tunnel This location will be used in the graffiti section and the fashion/ modelling section. This tunnel presents the dirty side of york probably the best out of all my locations, with grime dripping from the walls, bird poop everywhere and anti-style graffiti all over it. I think this tunnel creates a very hostile, threatening environment which is perfect for the graffiti section. With the modelling section, this location is used to present what we look for when choosing a photo background, and hopefully the use of this location in the graffiti section will make clear this vibe is what we go for throughout all aspects of creating. Also, for photoshoots this location is really effective due to its dramatic length, lighting and symmetry. All these locations come with some downsides, notably the train yard. The train yard is not a public place meaning it would be illegal to enter. To overcome this, I am going to film all shots from the perimeter with a zoom lens. To get shots of the artists painting, I will provide the artist who will enter the yard with a POV camera to capture what he does in there clearly. Another prominent issue is with the tunnel, and the fact that its often busy. To film the shot I want I will need to block the tunnel therefore I will need to do this on a quiet day.
  • 7. One of the main and definitely most distinctive shots is the intro/ transition shot. This shot is entirely black and white and so are some others in my film. I will use more faded b&w filters where the blacks are less prominent. Another large style aspect of my film is the use of vintage / VHS filters. The style of these is fairly universal with only minor differences between all I explored. The general look is some boxy text saying something like the date or 'recording' and then a slightly grainy, under exposed filter. I will use a combination of various different vintage/ VHS filters. Text won't be used all that often in my film however I still want it to have a developed style. From researching similar products to mine ive decided I will use fairly simple fonts, like the examples above, with distinctive colours like red and yellow. This is quite a popular style in similar products to mine at the moment. I have explored font websites like 'Dafont' however due to wanting a simple style I will just use a built in one - Helvetica. I will use mainly for the graffiti section but also sometimes elsewhere glitch effects and glitch transitions. I will use these simply for aesthetic effect, yet they do somewhat match the graffiti section style. I have explored various premier pro preset packs and have decided to use a combination of a few. I will discard ones with strong colour and try stick to the ones that resemble VHS cameras and static TV white noise.
  • 8. Resources Equipment/ Props/ Costume needed Locations needed Camera Trainline Spray paint Train station Balaclavas Motorways Push bikes Underpasses Lighting – led bar light, torches Council flats Duffle bag Abandoned buildings Ladder Industrial areas
  • 9. Contingency Planning Potential Issue Solution Rain – my camera is not waterproof, also lots of my shots are people doing graffiti which you can't really do in the rain, some costume is grey tracksuits which don’t look good when wet Camera – I will bring my phone as a back up as its more waterproof and smaller making it easier to avoid rain. I'll also bring a carrier bag to cover it with. Graffiti – I will have to postpone graffiti shots if its raining or find legal walls with cover e.g under a bridge. The costume issue will be overcome by bringing backup clothes or standing under cover till the rain stops. Public interference – some activities I want to film might look dodgy to members of the public. Some shots are us doing graffiti which often people are angry about. Also, I want some shots of a large number of boys running with hoods on which might be scary for some people. I will make sure all graffiti takes place at legal walls, so even if people interfere, we aren't doing anything wrong and can explain to people its legal here. For the shots of boys running, I will make sure its quiet and nobody's around that could feel threatened by it. Annoying the public – For my section covering music I will have people in the street rapping and loud music playing on a speaker. This could really annoy people living/ working around the shot location. I will make sure to keep volumes relatively quiet and tell rappers not to project too loud. Also, I will choose my location effectively so that it's not too near residential areas or where people are working. Also, I will try not to take too long at these locations, I'll try get everything in only a few takes to minimize the time we are there possibly annoying people. Resource limitations - I only have 2 cameras available and one is just my phone. This means I will struggle with multiple angles and even more so as my phone can't be connected to a tripod. Also, I don’t have a microphone and the built in one on my camera isnt very good. I will ask my friend if I can borrow another camera and also try find somewhere selling an attachment for my phone that allows it to be screwed onto a tripod. For my mic issue I will either buy one or record audio on my phone and sync up in edit. Time schedule – I need to meet 4 people to make my film on and it could be challenging to get everyone available at once. I will ask everyone's work schedule and find a day everybody is free, if this isn't possible ill have to film on multiple days. Lighting – lots of my shots are at night and this could result in poorly viewable shots if not lit correctly. I'll make sure to film near streetlights to keep the dark gritty vibe I want from the night shots but still be able to see what's going on. I also have LED bar lights that could come in handy. If visibility is poor with these shots I'll just use as few as I can.
  • 10. Health and Safety Potential Issue How will the issue be avoided? Injury – Some of my shots include people climbing buildings and jumping off walls and over fences etc. This could result in injury. I also want shots of people running through the street, this could be dangerous as of car or pedestrian collisions. Ill make sure to heavily choreograph these shots, fully rehearsing the jump/ climb. Also, I will make sure to do these shots in relatively safe environments e.g not near rivers or from height. To make sure nobody is hit by a car I will only do shots in the road when there is literally no cars. I'll also plan a route so its not just people running randomly as that could be dangerous. Spray paint fumes – for my shots doing graffiti it is possible I could inhale paint fumes which is bad for your health I will make sure to ware a mask designed to stop paint fumes, also I'll ensure I'm always painting in a ventilated area Rain – Lots of my shots include people running and climbing and wet weather could make this very dangerous I'll make sure shots of people running only take place in nice weather and if possible I'll shoot them under cover still in the rain Trainlines – various shots take place track side and by the station, this could be dangerous as you could get hit by a train or get electrocuted by wires etc. I'll make sure I don’t go near the actual tracks or touch anything around these areas. Also if a trains coming I'll move away. Shooting in the dark – Lots of my shots are in the dark and often the camera man will be running. This already is a hazard as your focussing on the camera not where your stepping. This could result in falling over and shooting in the dark makes this even more of a risk. I will make sure when filming while running and in the dark especially, that I don’t look through the viewfinder and keep checking the ground ahead. Also, I will check the area thoroughly before filming, removing for example any large rocks that could be a trip hazard. Falling equipment – Some shots I will hang up LED lights, this could be dangerous if they aren't secured properly. I'll make sure to throroughly attach any lights and also ensure there in positions where nobody will be around them in off the chance they do fall.
  • 11. Production Schedule Day/Lesson Tasks Thursday 22nd april – 26th april : filming Film all shots Monday 26th : editing First day editing so will organise footage and compile into logical orders, removing any shots I feel I don’t need. I will also possibly begin editing my transition shot that I will use throughout the film. Tuesday 27th : editing I will finish my transition shot I began the day before and begin building up a timeline structure. Wednesday 28th : editing I should now have a basic structure of the whole film and I will begin adding effects, text and audio. Thursday 29th : editing from home I will record my narration at home on my microphone ready for monday at college where I will begin adding it over my film Monday : editing I will now hopefully have a somewhat complete film that just lacks narration audio, so it should be quite simple to add that in

Editor's Notes

  1. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  2. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.