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Term Paper on
360 Degree Performance Appraisal
Submitted To:
Ms. Sabina Baniya
Employee Performance Management
Submitted By:
Anisha Adhikari
Table of Contents
Introduction:.................................................................................................................... 3
Objectives of 360 Degree Appraisal:.............................................................................. 3
Components of 360 Degree Appraisal:........................................................................... 5
Advantages and Disadvantages of 360 Degree Appraisal: ............................................. 8
Literature Review:........................................................................................................... 9
Application of 360° Appraisal in Organizations:.......................................................... 11
Recommendations:........................................................................................................ 13
References......................................................................................................................... 16
Typically, performance appraisal has been limited to a feedback process between
employees and supervisors. However, with the increased focus on teamwork, employee
development, and customer service, the emphasis has shifted to employee feedback from the full
circle of sources. (360 Degree Assessment: An Overview, 1997) This method of generating
employee feedback and appraising an employee using feedback collected from a number of
sources is termed as 360 degree performance appraisal. The sources of information regarding
employee performance include supervisors, peers, subordinates, customers and the employees
The traditional approach of evaluation of employees by single supervisors was more
prone to biases because there were no other ratings and evaluations to verify whether the
evaluation was correctly done. The inclusion of the ratings from different persons who are
acquainted with the performance of the employee allows the validation of the evaluation from
the supervisors. Because of these characteristics, 360 degree performance appraisal is becoming
popular among companies today. It is almost universally used by fortune 500 companies. Some
of the large companies using this form of performance appraisal include AT&T, Mass Mutual
Insurance, Bank of America, Digital Tenneco, Amoco, Exxon, General Electric, TRW,
Caterpillar, GTE, Syntex, and Chrysler. (Antonioni, 1996)
Objectives of 360 Degree Appraisal:
Similar to that of other performance appraisal methods, 360 degree appraisal is aimed at
identifying the performance level of the employees, their strengths and weaknesses and behavior
at workplace from the point of view of different stakeholders. The information obtained through
this type of appraisal is used to make different decisions regarding the employee’s development
and training, promotions, rewards and punishments. Basically, 360 degree appraisal allows the
management to get wholesome views of an employee’s performance which will help them
determine further career path of the employee. Generally, 360 degree appraisals are used for
developmental purposes rather than assigning rewards and punishments. (Ghimire)
Though 360 degree appraisals are used for a number of purposes, they work better for
some reasons than others. The major reasons for which organizations should use 360 degree
appraisal system are listed below:
- 360 degree appraisal can be used by employees to develop their own understanding of
their strengths, weaknesses and performance level. This increases the self awareness of
the employees and can have positive impact on their self efficacy.
- As 360 degree appraisal gives the snapshot of how others perceive an employee, s/he can
use that information to identify the areas that need to be worked on. This will encourage
self development of the employees.
- It increases effectiveness of the organization by identifying the competencies and skills
associated with the job performance which can be used to formulate strategies that align
with organization’s goals and objectives.
- Another reason for the use of 360 degree appraisal/ feedback is that it increases mutual
trust in the organization, especially when it is used for developmental purposes only, not
hiring and firing.
- Based on the results of the 360-degree assessment, leaders often will collaborate with
their supervisors to define expectations, develop goals and set up accountability systems.
- Most importantly, the reason that organizations should use 360 feedback because it is the
first step towards initiating individual and organizational change by identifying
weaknesses and areas requiring improvement. (Mashihi, 2015)
Components of 360 Degree Appraisal:
A number of people are involved in giving feedback to an employee under 360 degree
appraisal system. The major participants/ sources of 360 degree appraisal, their roles in the
feedback giving process and possible biases are given below:
- Evaluation by Supervisors:
The supervisors of the employee have the opportunity to directly observe the
performance of the employee. So, they have been the main source of information of
employee performance and feedback even under traditional appraisal system. Supervisors are
also involved in planning and maintenance of performance due to which they have step by
step knowledge of performance of employees and the areas where they are strong and weak
in. This makes them the first source of information.
But there are some issues that might rise while a supervisor rates an employee. If the
rating done by supervisor is not cross verified, there are chances of rating being inflated or
deflated depending upon their relationship with the employee. Also, sometimes one
supervisor may have many employees working under him/her or in a different location,
which result in the supervisor not being able to observe the employee properly, rendering
rating ineffective.
- Self Appraisal:
Self appraisal is another component of 360 degree appraisal where employees rate
themselves on their performances. The self appraisal also includes the information regarding
what the employees feel they did best and what areas can be improved upon, as well as the
environment that they worked in. The employees are asked to rate their performance and
provide instances of critical and non critical situations that they handled so that the
information of performance provided can be verifiable.
The problem that arises in self appraisal is that employees normally rate themselves
higher than the ratings of supervisors and peers due to self centered biases. (Ghimire) In
order to prevent this, the self ratings should be accompanied by explanations and instances of
actual behavior and performance.
- Peer Evaluation:
Ratings by the colleagues of the employees are another component of 360 degree
appraisal. The peer evaluation is increasingly becoming important as the organizations are
now focusing on team work without any supervisor directly observing the tasks. Also, with
increasingly flatter organization structure, there are more employees at the same level who
can assess each others’ performance better than supervisors.
There are both significant contributions and serious drawbacks that must be carefully
considered before including this type of feedback in a multifaceted appraisal program. Peer
ratings are remarkably valid and reliable in rating behaviors and “manner of performance,”
but may be limited in rating outcomes that often require the perspective of the supervisor.
(360 Degree Assessment: An Overview, 1997)
- Appraisal by Subordinates:
Though not generally used, appraisal by subordinates can also be a component of 360
degree performance appraisal. This is done in cases where the employees’ performance is
directly related to guiding, supervising and motivating the subordinates.
Though this method is effective in assessing the managerial performance of
employees, there might be fear or reluctance in part of subordinates to rate their supervisors.
In contrast, if the supervisor does not have good relationship with subordinates, there might
be biases in the ratings.
Another issue with appraisal by subordinates is that supervisors may not accept it as
they feel it as a threat to their ego. Although supervisors may feel threatened and recognize
that their authority has been undermined when they must take into consideration that their
subordinates will be formally evaluating them, research suggests that supervisors who are
more responsive to their subordinates, based on the feedback they receive, are more effective
managers. (360 Degree Assessment: An Overview, 1997) Anonymous and objective ratings
and rater trainings can remove the drawback of this kind of feedback.
- Feedback from Customers:
Another component of 360 degree feedback is the feedback from external
stakeholders, generally customers. As businesses exist to serve the customers, the feedback
from customers gives a realistic view of how successfully the employees are performing
from customer’s perspective.
The problem of implementing this feedback mechanism is that, the customers are the
recipient of holistic package of goods and services offered by an organization. In such case,
the feedback of the customers is more useful in assessing the performance of a team or the
organization itself rather than the individual employee. But, in certain cases, like hospitality,
customer feedback can also be used to assess individual employees.
Hence, the components of 360 degree appraisal include feedback from internal and
external sources and can be used to form a well rounded perspective of an employee’s
performance. In order to do so effectively, the drawback of each feedback sources should be
well addressed.
Advantages and Disadvantages of 360 Degree Appraisal:
360 degree appraisal, when used properly has a number of advantages. The major
advantage of 360 degree appraisal is that it provides a holistic perspective of an employee’s
performance. By the inclusion of a number of sources who are either the observant or recipient
of the performance of the employees, this method ensures a reliable and valid assessment of an
employee’s efforts, behaviors, accomplishments as well as strengths and weaknesses. This helps
to remove the biasness caused by linear ratings and allows the assessment of developmental
needs of the employees which will ensure that appropriate trainings and developmental activities
are carried out to enhance employee’s performance in the future.
The major disadvantage or drawback of 360 degree appraisal is that it requires a lot of
time and effort. Also, problems might arise in determining the realistic performance of the
employee in cases when the ratings in similar performance areas by different raters vary
significantly. In some cases, while considering the ratings from various sources, the raters might
not be capable to understand the rating criteria and assess employee. This kind of situation can
arise especially when customers are asked to rate employees. Another disadvantage of 360
degree appraisal is that, if it is used for rewards, punishments and promotional purposes, it might
lead to decline in trust among employees and foster office politics. So, these factors should be
considered properly before applying 360 degree appraisal in the organizations.
Literature Review:
In general, 360 degree performance appraisal system is considered effective as it
incorporates different perspectives on performance of an employee. But, there are some
conflicting views regarding the method as well. A number of research papers and articles have
been published regarding the validity and reliability of 360 degree appraisal, its perception by
people at different levels of organizations and so on.
A paper published in Harvard Business Review titled ‘Getting 360° Feedback Right’ by
Maury A. Peiperl identifies the paradoxes related to peer appraisals that managers need to
understand in order to make 360° appraisal effective. The paradoxes identified are: paradox of
roles, paradox of group performance, paradox of measurement and paradox of rewards. Paradox
of roles means that a person cannot be both a peer and a judge because employees do not want to
strain their relationship with colleagues and thus give high ratings. Paradox of group
performance means that as 360 degree appraisal measures individual performance, it brings
mistrust among closely knit groups and negatively affects group performance. Paradox of
measurement means that the most useful and applicable ratings of performance are difficult to
implement and vice versa. Paradox of rewards means that when rewards are involved in peer
appraisal, the ratings start getting distorted. The writer presents these paradoxes so as to enable
the managers to understand the dynamics of peer appraisal and also suggests ways to improve
peer appraisal: publicly value peer appraisal so that employees see value in it, become a
counselor and attempt to make employees understand the assessments they received through
discussion, provide training on giving and receiving feedback, paying attention to and
publicizing results brought about through feedback system and letting employees know when
they are not doing peer feedback well. (Peiperl, 2001) This article has analyzed the peer
appraisal and its issues well and has suggested ways to address it which might be useful for
managers. But, peer appraisal is just a part of 360° appraisals and though the title suggests
developing effective 360° appraisals, the article fails to address other components. Research
study has found that one of the other ways to make 360 degree appraisal more effective is to use
it in combination with systematic coaching and regular feedback. (Luthans & Peterson, 2004)
There have also been articles regarding the usage of 360 degree performance appraisal in
increasing the competitive advantage of an organization. ‘360-degree Feedback as a Competitive
Advantage’ by Manuel London and Richard W. Beatty highlights how organizations can use 360
degree feedback to increase their competitive advantage. The article advocates the
developmental usage of appraisal as a means to enhance organizational competency. Also, it
highlights that 360 degree feedback brings in customer perspective and improves communication
which allows the companies to have better understanding of customers and hence formulate
strategies accordingly. (London & Beatty, 1993) Upon analyzing this, we can infer that 360
degree appraisal does not, in itself, enhance competitiveness but provides the information to do
The importance and advantages of 360 degree appraisal have been highlighted by many
articles. But, an article published in Forbes magazine opposes the notion and states 360 degree as
idiotic. The article, written by Liz Ryan, based on her personal experience states that the
secretive and confidential nature of 360 degree appraisal creates more mistrust among employees
at workplace. She instead suggests creating an environment of trust in the organization so that
when something goes wrong the managers are notified immediately instead of waiting for yearly
appraisal. (Ryan, 2015) This article, though represents an opposing view on 360 degree
appraisal, completely ignores its benefits. Though the case of increasing mistrust due to 360
degree appraisal can arise in organizations, the severity of it might not be so high especially
when used for developmental purposes only.
Application of 360° Appraisal in Organizations:
Many organizations in Nepal, when asked about their performance appraisal system,
claim to implement 360 degree appraisal system. But, upon closer analysis, it is revealed that the
performance appraisal in most organizations, though done by more than one people is a mere
formality. One such example is that of Nepal Telecom.
Nepal Telecom only partially employs 360 degree appraisal system. The performance
appraisal is done annually for permanent staff and quarterly for contract staff. The appraisal
process first begins with the self appraisal. The employees are given a form to fill up information
regarding how well they think they have done, what are their problems and so on. Then the
immediate supervisor or manager is asked to rate the employee. After that, the self ratings and
supervisor’s ratings are sent to the regional head who again rates the employee. The ratings from
these sources are then combined and final rating is given to the employees.
Upon interview with a NTC staff, it was found that there is very high degree of
dissatisfaction among employees regarding the performance appraisal system. The first reason is
that though the ratings determine the promotional chances, the process is not at all scientific and
not backed by performance. Ratings are given based on the location where the employee works
where employees working in rural areas receive higher ratings that those working in
comparatively urban areas. The employees also feel that ratings depend upon closeness with
managers and supervisors rather than actual performance.
Another major problem in the performance appraisal of NTC is that the appraisal is not
tied with rewards and development activities. The ratings of the employees are all kept secret and
they do not know what happens to the appraisal form once they fill up their form and send it.
There are no incentives to people who work well due to which they slowly slack off which is
resulting in the decline in performance level of the employees.
Analyzing the performance appraisal of NTC in terms of 360 degree appraisal, it can be
observed that the company does not have a well rounded feedback mechanism. The only sources
of information regarding employee performance are employees themselves, supervisors and
regional head. The regional head is geographically away from the actual workplace of the
employee and does not have first hand information regarding employee performance. So, they
base their rating of supervisors rating and randomly rate employees without much thought.
Because of this, the performance appraisal does not accurately measure performance of the
employees and there are a lot of improvements that can be done in this process by NTC.
In international scenario, there are a lot of companies that have successfully implemented
360 degrees appraisal system. One such example is that of Starbucks. The performance appraisal
of Starbucks consists of two stages: measurement of job performance and sharing of feedback to
the employees. The performance is measured through customer comment card where customers
give their feedback on both employees and services. This form is very objective and induces
honest performance assessment as customers do not have the incentive to give good ratings just
to please the employees. Bonuses are given to employees on the basis of these ratings. The
appraisal at Starbucks also includes managers and employees rating each other based on which
company provides feedback, training and reward to the workers. The rating is given by both
supervisor and subordinates to one another. This system works at Starbucks because each booth
is a small unit with only nine members who have more like a family relationship and do not mind
giving and receiving feedback. (Starbucks performance Appraisal, 2016)
Upon comparing the appraisal of these two companies, the 360 degree appraisal at
Starbucks is successful because it is using it for the development and reward of the employees
and is based on performance, unlike that of NTC. Also, Starbucks has been able to create a good
relationship between employees due to which they are not hesitant to give and receive feedback.
In conclusion, the performance based culture, small work unit and good relationship between
workers, performance based rewards and development and objective feedback forms has led to
successful 360 degrees appraisal in Starbucks as compared to NTC.
In order to make performance appraisal more effective, Nepal Telecom can employ 360
degree appraisal by using information from as many sources as possible. To do that, there should
be an objective appraisal system in place so that biases in ratings are reduced. The rewards,
promotions and training and development of the employees should be based on appraisal so that
the employees see value in the process and participate more seriously in it. Further
recommendations to establish an effective 360 degree appraisal as given by (Ghimire) are listed
- Supervisors need training on how to conduct performance appraisals. They should
be capable of coaching and developing employees as well as planning and evaluating their
performance. Self-ratings should focus on the appraisal of performance elements.
- Peer evaluations are almost always appropriate for developmental purposes, but
attempting to emphasize them for pay, promotion, or job retention purposes (i.e., the rating of
record) may not be prudent. Peer input can be effectively used for recognition and awards.
- There is a difference of opinion about the need for anonymity of the peer
evaluators. Generally, it is advised that the identities of the raters be kept confidential to assure
honest feedback.
- It is essential that the peer evaluators be very familiar with the team member’s
tasks and responsibilities.
- Employees and their representatives need to be involved in every aspect of the
design of appraisal systems that involve peer ratings.
- The need for anonymity is essential when using subordinate ratings as a source of
performance feedback data. Subordinates simply will not participate, or they will give gratuitous,
dishonest feedback, if they fear reprisal from their supervisors. If there are fewer than four
subordinates in the rating pool for a particular manager, the ratings (even though they are
averaged) should not be given to the supervisor.
- Only subordinates with a sufficient length of assignment under the manager (at
least 1 year is the most common standard) should be included in the pool of assessors.
Subordinates currently involved in a disciplinary action or a formal performance improvement
period should be excluded from the rating group.
- Organizations currently undergoing downsizing and/or reorganization should
carefully balance the benefits of subordinate appraisals against the likelihood of fueling an
already tense situation with distrust and paranoia.
- With few exceptions, customers should not be asked to assess an individual
employee’s performance. The value of customer service feedback is most appropriate for
evaluating team or organizational output and outcomes. This feedback can then be used as part of
the appraisal for each member of the team. The possible exceptions are evaluations of senior
officials directly accountable for customer satisfaction and evaluations of individual employees
in key “front line” jobs personally serving internal or external customers.
Hence, organizations can implement an effective 360 degree performance appraisal
system by implementing the above mentioned ways.
(1997). 360 Degree Assessment: An Overview. In Performance Management
Practitioner Series. United States Office of Personnel Management.
Antonioni, D. (1996). Designing an Effective 360-Degree Appraisal Feedback Process.
Organizational Dynamics , 24-38.
Ghimire, R. B. (n.d.). 360-Degree Performance Appraisal: An Overview.
London, M., & Beatty, R. W. (1993). 360-Degree Feedback as a Competitive Advantage.
Human Resource Management, Vol. 32 .
Luthans, F., & Peterson, S. J. (2004). 360-degree Feedback With Systematic Coaching:
Empirical Study Suggests Winning Combination. Wiley Periodicals .
Mashihi, S. (2015, March 30). 7 Reasons to Use 360-Degree Feedback. Retrieved June 6,
2016, from Envisia Learning:
Peiperl, M. A. (2001). Getting 360 Degree Feedback Right. Harvard Business Review .
Ryan, L. (2015, April 17). 360 Degree Feedback is Idiotic. Retrieved June 5, 2016, from
Starbucks performance Appraisal. (2016). Retrieved from Everything you need to know
about Starbucks coffee HRM:

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Introduction to 360 Degree Performance Appraisal.pdfIntroduction to 360 Degree Performance Appraisal.pdf
Introduction to 360 Degree Performance Appraisal.pdf
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360 Degree Performance Appraisal

  • 1. KATHMANDU UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Term Paper on 360 Degree Performance Appraisal Submitted To: Ms. Sabina Baniya Employee Performance Management Submitted By: Anisha Adhikari (15301)
  • 2. Table of Contents Introduction:.................................................................................................................... 3 Objectives of 360 Degree Appraisal:.............................................................................. 3 Components of 360 Degree Appraisal:........................................................................... 5 Advantages and Disadvantages of 360 Degree Appraisal: ............................................. 8 Literature Review:........................................................................................................... 9 Application of 360° Appraisal in Organizations:.......................................................... 11 Recommendations:........................................................................................................ 13 References......................................................................................................................... 16
  • 3. Introduction: Typically, performance appraisal has been limited to a feedback process between employees and supervisors. However, with the increased focus on teamwork, employee development, and customer service, the emphasis has shifted to employee feedback from the full circle of sources. (360 Degree Assessment: An Overview, 1997) This method of generating employee feedback and appraising an employee using feedback collected from a number of sources is termed as 360 degree performance appraisal. The sources of information regarding employee performance include supervisors, peers, subordinates, customers and the employees themselves. The traditional approach of evaluation of employees by single supervisors was more prone to biases because there were no other ratings and evaluations to verify whether the evaluation was correctly done. The inclusion of the ratings from different persons who are acquainted with the performance of the employee allows the validation of the evaluation from the supervisors. Because of these characteristics, 360 degree performance appraisal is becoming popular among companies today. It is almost universally used by fortune 500 companies. Some of the large companies using this form of performance appraisal include AT&T, Mass Mutual Insurance, Bank of America, Digital Tenneco, Amoco, Exxon, General Electric, TRW, Caterpillar, GTE, Syntex, and Chrysler. (Antonioni, 1996) Objectives of 360 Degree Appraisal: Similar to that of other performance appraisal methods, 360 degree appraisal is aimed at identifying the performance level of the employees, their strengths and weaknesses and behavior at workplace from the point of view of different stakeholders. The information obtained through
  • 4. this type of appraisal is used to make different decisions regarding the employee’s development and training, promotions, rewards and punishments. Basically, 360 degree appraisal allows the management to get wholesome views of an employee’s performance which will help them determine further career path of the employee. Generally, 360 degree appraisals are used for developmental purposes rather than assigning rewards and punishments. (Ghimire) Though 360 degree appraisals are used for a number of purposes, they work better for some reasons than others. The major reasons for which organizations should use 360 degree appraisal system are listed below: - 360 degree appraisal can be used by employees to develop their own understanding of their strengths, weaknesses and performance level. This increases the self awareness of the employees and can have positive impact on their self efficacy. - As 360 degree appraisal gives the snapshot of how others perceive an employee, s/he can use that information to identify the areas that need to be worked on. This will encourage self development of the employees. - It increases effectiveness of the organization by identifying the competencies and skills associated with the job performance which can be used to formulate strategies that align with organization’s goals and objectives. - Another reason for the use of 360 degree appraisal/ feedback is that it increases mutual trust in the organization, especially when it is used for developmental purposes only, not hiring and firing. - Based on the results of the 360-degree assessment, leaders often will collaborate with their supervisors to define expectations, develop goals and set up accountability systems.
  • 5. - Most importantly, the reason that organizations should use 360 feedback because it is the first step towards initiating individual and organizational change by identifying weaknesses and areas requiring improvement. (Mashihi, 2015) Components of 360 Degree Appraisal: A number of people are involved in giving feedback to an employee under 360 degree appraisal system. The major participants/ sources of 360 degree appraisal, their roles in the feedback giving process and possible biases are given below: - Evaluation by Supervisors: The supervisors of the employee have the opportunity to directly observe the performance of the employee. So, they have been the main source of information of employee performance and feedback even under traditional appraisal system. Supervisors are also involved in planning and maintenance of performance due to which they have step by step knowledge of performance of employees and the areas where they are strong and weak in. This makes them the first source of information. But there are some issues that might rise while a supervisor rates an employee. If the rating done by supervisor is not cross verified, there are chances of rating being inflated or deflated depending upon their relationship with the employee. Also, sometimes one supervisor may have many employees working under him/her or in a different location, which result in the supervisor not being able to observe the employee properly, rendering rating ineffective. - Self Appraisal:
  • 6. Self appraisal is another component of 360 degree appraisal where employees rate themselves on their performances. The self appraisal also includes the information regarding what the employees feel they did best and what areas can be improved upon, as well as the environment that they worked in. The employees are asked to rate their performance and provide instances of critical and non critical situations that they handled so that the information of performance provided can be verifiable. The problem that arises in self appraisal is that employees normally rate themselves higher than the ratings of supervisors and peers due to self centered biases. (Ghimire) In order to prevent this, the self ratings should be accompanied by explanations and instances of actual behavior and performance. - Peer Evaluation: Ratings by the colleagues of the employees are another component of 360 degree appraisal. The peer evaluation is increasingly becoming important as the organizations are now focusing on team work without any supervisor directly observing the tasks. Also, with increasingly flatter organization structure, there are more employees at the same level who can assess each others’ performance better than supervisors. There are both significant contributions and serious drawbacks that must be carefully considered before including this type of feedback in a multifaceted appraisal program. Peer ratings are remarkably valid and reliable in rating behaviors and “manner of performance,” but may be limited in rating outcomes that often require the perspective of the supervisor. (360 Degree Assessment: An Overview, 1997) - Appraisal by Subordinates:
  • 7. Though not generally used, appraisal by subordinates can also be a component of 360 degree performance appraisal. This is done in cases where the employees’ performance is directly related to guiding, supervising and motivating the subordinates. Though this method is effective in assessing the managerial performance of employees, there might be fear or reluctance in part of subordinates to rate their supervisors. In contrast, if the supervisor does not have good relationship with subordinates, there might be biases in the ratings. Another issue with appraisal by subordinates is that supervisors may not accept it as they feel it as a threat to their ego. Although supervisors may feel threatened and recognize that their authority has been undermined when they must take into consideration that their subordinates will be formally evaluating them, research suggests that supervisors who are more responsive to their subordinates, based on the feedback they receive, are more effective managers. (360 Degree Assessment: An Overview, 1997) Anonymous and objective ratings and rater trainings can remove the drawback of this kind of feedback. - Feedback from Customers: Another component of 360 degree feedback is the feedback from external stakeholders, generally customers. As businesses exist to serve the customers, the feedback from customers gives a realistic view of how successfully the employees are performing from customer’s perspective. The problem of implementing this feedback mechanism is that, the customers are the recipient of holistic package of goods and services offered by an organization. In such case, the feedback of the customers is more useful in assessing the performance of a team or the
  • 8. organization itself rather than the individual employee. But, in certain cases, like hospitality, customer feedback can also be used to assess individual employees. Hence, the components of 360 degree appraisal include feedback from internal and external sources and can be used to form a well rounded perspective of an employee’s performance. In order to do so effectively, the drawback of each feedback sources should be well addressed. Advantages and Disadvantages of 360 Degree Appraisal: 360 degree appraisal, when used properly has a number of advantages. The major advantage of 360 degree appraisal is that it provides a holistic perspective of an employee’s performance. By the inclusion of a number of sources who are either the observant or recipient of the performance of the employees, this method ensures a reliable and valid assessment of an employee’s efforts, behaviors, accomplishments as well as strengths and weaknesses. This helps to remove the biasness caused by linear ratings and allows the assessment of developmental needs of the employees which will ensure that appropriate trainings and developmental activities are carried out to enhance employee’s performance in the future. The major disadvantage or drawback of 360 degree appraisal is that it requires a lot of time and effort. Also, problems might arise in determining the realistic performance of the employee in cases when the ratings in similar performance areas by different raters vary significantly. In some cases, while considering the ratings from various sources, the raters might not be capable to understand the rating criteria and assess employee. This kind of situation can arise especially when customers are asked to rate employees. Another disadvantage of 360 degree appraisal is that, if it is used for rewards, punishments and promotional purposes, it might
  • 9. lead to decline in trust among employees and foster office politics. So, these factors should be considered properly before applying 360 degree appraisal in the organizations. Literature Review: In general, 360 degree performance appraisal system is considered effective as it incorporates different perspectives on performance of an employee. But, there are some conflicting views regarding the method as well. A number of research papers and articles have been published regarding the validity and reliability of 360 degree appraisal, its perception by people at different levels of organizations and so on. A paper published in Harvard Business Review titled ‘Getting 360° Feedback Right’ by Maury A. Peiperl identifies the paradoxes related to peer appraisals that managers need to understand in order to make 360° appraisal effective. The paradoxes identified are: paradox of roles, paradox of group performance, paradox of measurement and paradox of rewards. Paradox of roles means that a person cannot be both a peer and a judge because employees do not want to strain their relationship with colleagues and thus give high ratings. Paradox of group performance means that as 360 degree appraisal measures individual performance, it brings mistrust among closely knit groups and negatively affects group performance. Paradox of measurement means that the most useful and applicable ratings of performance are difficult to implement and vice versa. Paradox of rewards means that when rewards are involved in peer appraisal, the ratings start getting distorted. The writer presents these paradoxes so as to enable the managers to understand the dynamics of peer appraisal and also suggests ways to improve peer appraisal: publicly value peer appraisal so that employees see value in it, become a counselor and attempt to make employees understand the assessments they received through
  • 10. discussion, provide training on giving and receiving feedback, paying attention to and publicizing results brought about through feedback system and letting employees know when they are not doing peer feedback well. (Peiperl, 2001) This article has analyzed the peer appraisal and its issues well and has suggested ways to address it which might be useful for managers. But, peer appraisal is just a part of 360° appraisals and though the title suggests developing effective 360° appraisals, the article fails to address other components. Research study has found that one of the other ways to make 360 degree appraisal more effective is to use it in combination with systematic coaching and regular feedback. (Luthans & Peterson, 2004) There have also been articles regarding the usage of 360 degree performance appraisal in increasing the competitive advantage of an organization. ‘360-degree Feedback as a Competitive Advantage’ by Manuel London and Richard W. Beatty highlights how organizations can use 360 degree feedback to increase their competitive advantage. The article advocates the developmental usage of appraisal as a means to enhance organizational competency. Also, it highlights that 360 degree feedback brings in customer perspective and improves communication which allows the companies to have better understanding of customers and hence formulate strategies accordingly. (London & Beatty, 1993) Upon analyzing this, we can infer that 360 degree appraisal does not, in itself, enhance competitiveness but provides the information to do so. The importance and advantages of 360 degree appraisal have been highlighted by many articles. But, an article published in Forbes magazine opposes the notion and states 360 degree as idiotic. The article, written by Liz Ryan, based on her personal experience states that the secretive and confidential nature of 360 degree appraisal creates more mistrust among employees at workplace. She instead suggests creating an environment of trust in the organization so that
  • 11. when something goes wrong the managers are notified immediately instead of waiting for yearly appraisal. (Ryan, 2015) This article, though represents an opposing view on 360 degree appraisal, completely ignores its benefits. Though the case of increasing mistrust due to 360 degree appraisal can arise in organizations, the severity of it might not be so high especially when used for developmental purposes only. Application of 360° Appraisal in Organizations: Many organizations in Nepal, when asked about their performance appraisal system, claim to implement 360 degree appraisal system. But, upon closer analysis, it is revealed that the performance appraisal in most organizations, though done by more than one people is a mere formality. One such example is that of Nepal Telecom. Nepal Telecom only partially employs 360 degree appraisal system. The performance appraisal is done annually for permanent staff and quarterly for contract staff. The appraisal process first begins with the self appraisal. The employees are given a form to fill up information regarding how well they think they have done, what are their problems and so on. Then the immediate supervisor or manager is asked to rate the employee. After that, the self ratings and supervisor’s ratings are sent to the regional head who again rates the employee. The ratings from these sources are then combined and final rating is given to the employees. Upon interview with a NTC staff, it was found that there is very high degree of dissatisfaction among employees regarding the performance appraisal system. The first reason is that though the ratings determine the promotional chances, the process is not at all scientific and not backed by performance. Ratings are given based on the location where the employee works where employees working in rural areas receive higher ratings that those working in
  • 12. comparatively urban areas. The employees also feel that ratings depend upon closeness with managers and supervisors rather than actual performance. Another major problem in the performance appraisal of NTC is that the appraisal is not tied with rewards and development activities. The ratings of the employees are all kept secret and they do not know what happens to the appraisal form once they fill up their form and send it. There are no incentives to people who work well due to which they slowly slack off which is resulting in the decline in performance level of the employees. Analyzing the performance appraisal of NTC in terms of 360 degree appraisal, it can be observed that the company does not have a well rounded feedback mechanism. The only sources of information regarding employee performance are employees themselves, supervisors and regional head. The regional head is geographically away from the actual workplace of the employee and does not have first hand information regarding employee performance. So, they base their rating of supervisors rating and randomly rate employees without much thought. Because of this, the performance appraisal does not accurately measure performance of the employees and there are a lot of improvements that can be done in this process by NTC. In international scenario, there are a lot of companies that have successfully implemented 360 degrees appraisal system. One such example is that of Starbucks. The performance appraisal of Starbucks consists of two stages: measurement of job performance and sharing of feedback to the employees. The performance is measured through customer comment card where customers give their feedback on both employees and services. This form is very objective and induces honest performance assessment as customers do not have the incentive to give good ratings just to please the employees. Bonuses are given to employees on the basis of these ratings. The
  • 13. appraisal at Starbucks also includes managers and employees rating each other based on which company provides feedback, training and reward to the workers. The rating is given by both supervisor and subordinates to one another. This system works at Starbucks because each booth is a small unit with only nine members who have more like a family relationship and do not mind giving and receiving feedback. (Starbucks performance Appraisal, 2016) Upon comparing the appraisal of these two companies, the 360 degree appraisal at Starbucks is successful because it is using it for the development and reward of the employees and is based on performance, unlike that of NTC. Also, Starbucks has been able to create a good relationship between employees due to which they are not hesitant to give and receive feedback. In conclusion, the performance based culture, small work unit and good relationship between workers, performance based rewards and development and objective feedback forms has led to successful 360 degrees appraisal in Starbucks as compared to NTC. Recommendations: In order to make performance appraisal more effective, Nepal Telecom can employ 360 degree appraisal by using information from as many sources as possible. To do that, there should be an objective appraisal system in place so that biases in ratings are reduced. The rewards, promotions and training and development of the employees should be based on appraisal so that the employees see value in the process and participate more seriously in it. Further recommendations to establish an effective 360 degree appraisal as given by (Ghimire) are listed below:
  • 14. - Supervisors need training on how to conduct performance appraisals. They should be capable of coaching and developing employees as well as planning and evaluating their performance. Self-ratings should focus on the appraisal of performance elements. - Peer evaluations are almost always appropriate for developmental purposes, but attempting to emphasize them for pay, promotion, or job retention purposes (i.e., the rating of record) may not be prudent. Peer input can be effectively used for recognition and awards. - There is a difference of opinion about the need for anonymity of the peer evaluators. Generally, it is advised that the identities of the raters be kept confidential to assure honest feedback. - It is essential that the peer evaluators be very familiar with the team member’s tasks and responsibilities. - Employees and their representatives need to be involved in every aspect of the design of appraisal systems that involve peer ratings. - The need for anonymity is essential when using subordinate ratings as a source of performance feedback data. Subordinates simply will not participate, or they will give gratuitous, dishonest feedback, if they fear reprisal from their supervisors. If there are fewer than four subordinates in the rating pool for a particular manager, the ratings (even though they are averaged) should not be given to the supervisor. - Only subordinates with a sufficient length of assignment under the manager (at least 1 year is the most common standard) should be included in the pool of assessors.
  • 15. Subordinates currently involved in a disciplinary action or a formal performance improvement period should be excluded from the rating group. - Organizations currently undergoing downsizing and/or reorganization should carefully balance the benefits of subordinate appraisals against the likelihood of fueling an already tense situation with distrust and paranoia. - With few exceptions, customers should not be asked to assess an individual employee’s performance. The value of customer service feedback is most appropriate for evaluating team or organizational output and outcomes. This feedback can then be used as part of the appraisal for each member of the team. The possible exceptions are evaluations of senior officials directly accountable for customer satisfaction and evaluations of individual employees in key “front line” jobs personally serving internal or external customers. Hence, organizations can implement an effective 360 degree performance appraisal system by implementing the above mentioned ways.
  • 16. References (1997). 360 Degree Assessment: An Overview. In Performance Management Practitioner Series. United States Office of Personnel Management. Antonioni, D. (1996). Designing an Effective 360-Degree Appraisal Feedback Process. Organizational Dynamics , 24-38. Ghimire, R. B. (n.d.). 360-Degree Performance Appraisal: An Overview. London, M., & Beatty, R. W. (1993). 360-Degree Feedback as a Competitive Advantage. Human Resource Management, Vol. 32 . Luthans, F., & Peterson, S. J. (2004). 360-degree Feedback With Systematic Coaching: Empirical Study Suggests Winning Combination. Wiley Periodicals . Mashihi, S. (2015, March 30). 7 Reasons to Use 360-Degree Feedback. Retrieved June 6, 2016, from Envisia Learning: feedback/ Peiperl, M. A. (2001). Getting 360 Degree Feedback Right. Harvard Business Review . Ryan, L. (2015, April 17). 360 Degree Feedback is Idiotic. Retrieved June 5, 2016, from Forbes: idiotic/2/#793b8f87642e Starbucks performance Appraisal. (2016). Retrieved from Everything you need to know about Starbucks coffee HRM: appraisal/ 0of%20360%20Degree%20Feedback/Objectives%20of%20360%20Degree%20Feedback.html