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Andrew Downes
• What are you making? (explain what you have been asked to do)
• I am making a video game which will be a side scrolling platformer which has
some action elements to it. The general story will be that the main character
will be suffering from all sorts of mental illnesses and they take monstrous
forms which you have to kill to complete the stages at the end he commits
suicide at the end.
• Why? (What is the purpose of making your Film)
• I am making it for the sake of making it as I thought it would be a cool idea to
have layer upon layer of story and then do something fairly similar for the
visuals to create layers after layers for backgrounds and creatures of the sort.
• Who is it for? (Audience)
• My primary audience will be 16-19, male, upper middle class and socially
conscious type B. My secondary audience will be 20-25, female, lower upper
class and emulator.
• Where will it appear/on what? (How will audience see it)
• It will appear on computers and laptops if it was actually made into a fully
functioning game it would appear in shops such as PS, Xbox, Steam and more.
Style Sheet
These six colours are what I am going to use as tints throughout the game the black the blue and
the green ones are the ones that I am definitely going to use but the others are going to be a bit
more experimental because the yellow I am going to be using will be for the sun and when it
breaks through clouds or something to that sort of effect where light is being used well, the grey
will be used for the clouds or for when the clouds start to thin out a bit and as for the red I
would be using for blood red and showing how many lives the main character has and also I
might just use it is a you died screen or even just using it for when they go into deep dark areas
like maybe having a lava level or going to hell that sort of thing. The blue will be used for light
reflected off of the moon also just to add a sense of darkness and light in the dark, the green will
be for the light reflected off of leaves and flowers with in the forest stage, the black will be used
in the city just to make a light and happy place darker than it should be and create a sense of
dread about it.
These colours are the ones that I am planning on using throughout the game most of them would fit together but the
only reason that there are so many different colours which don’t mix is because I am planning on splitting my game
down into different stages. Taking place in different parts of the world the greens, red, blues and greys are for the
forest to create contrast and I have to use the lighter colours because when I add the tint on at the end all the colours
will turn darker and so it is better to work with lighter colours in the beginning. The greys, yellows, blues, oranges and
black will be in the city as I want to try and make the city look as dark as possible to try and make it look like the worst
place you could possibly be . The oranges, yellows, reds , blues, black and greys will be for the lava underground level.
Style Sheet Knights
Style Sheet Knights Analysis
• The knight in the top left corner is from shovel knight it is the nemesis of shovel knight it is sort of
what I want my knight to look like in the end the upper part of the shovel knights body is pretty
much the spitting image of what I wanted to make but for what I want the posture is off completely
also the legs are far too thin for the massive upper body and as for the colour scheme it looks cool
but it doesn’t fit what you would think was a stereotypical knight in shining armour, and I also like
that his weapon is a shovel but yet again it is not what you would expect to see a stereotypical
knight holding. The knight in the top right is someone else take on what a knight would look like I
really like the design of it with its proportions but when it comes down to the general height of the
piece it is a bit too tall and also the general posture of the back is wrong for what I want to draw, as
for the colour scheme it is fairly good but I would take away the yellow outline of the red colour
and as for the weapon it just seems a bit odd when it comes down to the shape and size of the
sword it just doesn’t feel right for someone of that height to wield such a big sword. The knight in
the bottom left is just about perfect for proportions and it has a lot of detail but yet again the
posture is off and just doesn’t work with what I want to draw, it also has a great colour scheme with
the iron sort of grey silver and the red but all you see is the character holding a shield but it is a
good size for the body. The bottom right knight is a sort of remake of Artorias from Dark Souls, I like
how detailed the drawing is but I don’t want to draw anything as detailed as this and it is a bit too
tall of a drawing but when it comes down to the posture it is just right for the kind of knight I want
to draw because he is slightly hunched over and as for the colour scheme I also really like it with
the silver/ grey for the armour and the blue for the cloth but when it comes down to it I want to
draw something which is a mixture between the bottom left and the bottom right knight to show
detail in a small amount of space.
Style Sheet Wood
Style Sheet Wood Analysis
• The wood on the top left is good because of the use of colour shading and layers the colour is good because that
is what you would associate with forests plants and all other forms of creature or plant in a wood, the shading is
good because it makes all the different layers pop like at the front it is practically black and then it becomes light
green, normal green and then dark green to show how far away these trees and shrubs are away from the point of
view and as for the layers they are great because the top layer hides a certain amount of what you should be able
to see in wood and then as I was saying the darker the colour gets the further away the picture drawn is. As for
detail it is fairly detailed when it comes down to the leaves and grass but when it comes down to the rest I think it
looks better because it has less detail but I don’t really want to create something similar unless I was going to use
layers and also the detail for the grass and leaves for the trees. The wood on the top right is fairly detailed when it
comes to looking at the ground but in all honesty the best part about this image for me is the shading and the
detail on the shrubs on the floor I am saying that the shading is good because of the fog effect that they have
going on in the background and right at the very front underneath the shrubs has nice shading and when I say the
detail they don’t give too much of it except for when it comes down to the colour and shading in the background
and also when it comes down to the shrubs down at the front of the piece it is very precise I want to be able to
use both of these aspects in mine just from a different point of view. The wood which is in the middle is the one
that I want my drawing to look fairly similar to as it has layers colouring shading precision and detail but above all I
just like it and the idea it promotes all I will have to do to that image is make it darker and maybe add some sort of
tint to the background of it layers pop because of the use of shading and colour and then they also add tons of
detail to the trees and shrubs around the front layer it is also fairly precise when it comes down to the blades of
grass and leaves. The bottom wood is yet again another sort of image which I would like to copy as it is fairly
similar when it comes down to all the things I have mentioned that the middle one had, the only thing different
about it is that it uses a different sort of art style which makes it look much more detailed than it probably is but I
can’t really say anything different about this one that would be different to the other one except for the fact that
they use a lot more space than the middle one so it seems a bit cramped but then again I think that can also lend
itself to the over all detail of the piece.
Style Sheet Platformer
Style Sheet Platformer Analysis
• The platforming game on the top well as a start I thought that there would be a lot more floating
platforms in the middle of nowhere and just in general I though that it would be a good idea t have
a lot of platforms just dotted about the map but then when it comes down to this there are four
different floating platforms and they just have massive gaps so they must have a double jump sort
of visual somewhere or at least some sort of way saving yourself falling to your death but the other
thing that I have noticed about the game is that they pay a lot more attention to the foreground
and the main character than to their background so as a whole it is only being dragged down by the
background they have included, the other interesting thing about this will be the sign and the
bridge such as the bridge could look rickety and when the main character steps on it, it could fall
from underneath them and have them fall into a pit and the sign could be able to interact with it
and thus give the main character help, the other interesting thing there was the slime/ enemy
which means there will be some sort attack dodge and defend patterns. The bottom left platformer
is also fairly interesting because apart from there being very few platforms they have ladders which
would be weird to animate unless they tried to use the normal walking animation but raised the
arms a bit higher and they also have vines attached to things which look strong enough to take the
weight of the main character but what would be cool is if for both you could make them look weak
both the vines and the ladders which means yet again you can fall and take damage as the main
character, also this game has some sort of collectible which look like coins but there is an idea that
you could gather enough coins to heal yourself at some point. The bottom right platformer looks
fairly similar to the first one and the cool things that I can bring up is the bridge, the spikes, the
fence and the stones on the bottom of one of the platforms, the bridge is interesting because it
actually looks as if it could collapse and kill the player, I like the idea of the spikes but I would say
that you would need to make a bigger whole for the spikes and I would also suggest that you cover
up the trap and only give slight indications as to where it is, as for the fence I don’t think that it
would be a bad idea if you put a fence across the main character so he has to jump over it to
continue just to add some more game mechanics and the last one which will also make the game
fairly difficult will be to make it so you can die if you jump into the stones underneath a platform of
any kind to make sure that you can kill almost anyone.
Style Sheet Medieval City
Style Sheet Medieval City Analysis
• The medieval city on the top left is quite good even though it is shown at a different angle than
what I want to be able draw it from but it does give me an idea about spacing what kind of roofing
would be a good idea and also in general just the size of the buildings and the walls, and as a
general art style it just looks really nice maybe it is 3d, I also really like the idea of including
different buildings, statues and monuments and the grave near the front seems to be giving the
image quite a cool effect. The medieval city in the top right yet again is not looking at the streets
where I want to be looking but it does give me ideas about different structures such as castles,
mills, towers and dungeons mainly because they all look so different and interesting however
making all the buildings different will be hassle and a waste of time because you can add some of
them in the background which would then also add to the background if you have left it quite bare
but what would cool also is if I had an overhang on some of the buildings so then I don’t have to
use random platforms in the sky or just random structures to help it make sense. The medieval city
in the bottom left is quite good for its use of of the garden park area just in front of the castle area.
I think it could be quite interesting running through a park fighting of demons because usually you
would associate gardens with happiness and good times but I am probably going to turn this on its
head by turning into a demonic play ground. The medieval city in the bottom right isn’t really a city
but rather a castle which has a castle and a barracks but the only thing apart from that, which I will
probably use in my game will be the city defenses which probably won’t be cannons but more likely
to be either ballistae or catapults.
Style Sheet sage
Style Sheet Sage Analysis
• The sage on the top left corner is more of the stereotypical kind of mage with the long white beard the staff cloak
and hat which I do like the Merlin-esque look however I don’t really like the colour scheme as there is far too
much blue when it comes down to the image and I am already planning on using blue as one of my main colours
in my piece so I don’t really want it to have too much blue in the costume. The sage at the top in the middle looks
very good because yet again the character has the long white beard he has wide brim hat, he also has a staff
which he is using as a walking stick and he is also carrying potions with him he is also wearing very average clothes
and a medallion my only concern with that is also having to animate the movement of the medallion and the last
thing is that his posture perfect even though it is because he is carrying a lot I am planning on having the mage I
use being hunched over. The sage in the top left corner has a short white beard and moustache and has crazy
scientist hair and glasses but this version has given me the idea for some different mechanics for this specific
character because this guy can float and he also has multiple arms made of magic and he can summon magic orbs
so yeah you might see some of these ideas in my actual game but none of the actual designs from the image. The
sage in the bottom left corner is interesting because he looks like he has a halo of fire which he can use as an
attack which seems like it could be fun also the other big difference is that this character is wearing full body
armour except for the helmet also the armour is red which is the sort of colour I am planning on using for my
character or I was going to maybe use a purple and just the general stance of the body looks as if he is charging up
some sort of magic. The sage in the bottom right corner is one of my favourites of the list because of the attention
to detail however I am probably going to need to draw something which doesn’t need to use up too much space
so the fewer pixels the better but I like the idea of having the character wearing a torn cloak and yet again the
purple compliments the red cape and also the blue and the purple work together well also and I also like how the
character is covering their face and so we don’t know who it is all we can see is the glowing blue eyes which I will
probably use for all my characters to further link them together and I will also probably use yellow flame attacks
rather than blue flame attacks.
Style Sheet Lava Level
Style Sheet Lava Level Analysis
• The hell scape in the top right corner is really good because of the shading, the layers, the colours
and the design in general. The shading and the colours work together to help the different layers
pop and separates it by making some distance between the objects/ stalactites in the background
and there is also lots of detail because you can see the flow of lava throughout the piece even
though it travels through the layers and then for the design in general it just looks so realistic with
the rocks being formed by smaller rocks and then the lava looks thick and looks as if it moves fairly
slowly and it also has rather hellish look as if the cave is continuous without anyway of escaping
and the other great thing is that it is looking at it from the point of view that I want to animate from
it. The lava level in the top right corner uses an awkward point of view for me to work with but I do
like the idea of having a cracked floor, stalactites and lava but it doesn’t really have the sort of
layers that I am looking for in my work and there isn’t too much detail either but the colouring and
shading around the lava is quite nice but I don’t think I will be using anything from this image. The
hell scape in the bottom right corner this my favourite one of the bunch as it uses fantastic amounts
of detail in the actual design, they are precise they use colour and shading properly and they use
layers really well. You can see the abundant amounts of detail by looking at the crucifixes and all
the swords and piles of dead bodies. Then for the colouring and shading which happens pretty
much everywhere in the piece and they also use the sort of layers that I want to use in my pieces
pretty much if I had created this image I would almost want to animate it and turn it into my FMP.
The lava level in the bottom right corner is good because of its use of colour and shade coming
from both the lava and the detailed rocks on the wall but it doesn’t really involve layers and it is yet
again really quite good for its point of view as that is where the character will be if not a bit higher.
Layout 1
Layout 1 analysis
• My first layout was to create a few potential enemies along with some of their
animations, the slime is complete which is the first one that you see which jumps
backwards and forwards and also melts away, this definitely one of my favourites
to both draw and animate as this will be the introduction monster it can be killed
with one shot and just in general it has quite a cute I say this because of its size
and different colour variations and its misleading look as this monster will be able
to eat your gear if it touches you and so it can make the rest of the game much
harder if you are hit by it as it could take away your sword or whatever you are
using to attack and once devours most of your gear it starts to take away your hit
points. As for the second monster who will dwarf the main character is supposed
to look like something which was made with sticks leaves and wood, this enemy
will be able to walk it just isn’t showing because the leaves cover its whole body
and as for the arms when it attacks they can morph into a massive hammer which
smashes the ground creating a dust cloud, it does help that this monster is slow at
walking but very fast when it comes down to attacking, if you get hit by this
monster their won’t be any special buffs but it will take away two of your hit points
unless you have some good armour on.
Layout 2
Layout 2 analysis
• My second layout was specifically for some Main character
movements I am just going to start off by saying that you will start
off with 6 hit points and when you gain armour you will then get
armour points which are technically extra hit points you start off
with no armour with a shirt, trousers shoes and a jacket, so I will
have to do a re-skin when I get to the production and when you get
a full set of armour what I have created for the layout will be what
the main character looks like. Also there will be different weapons
you can use throughout the game when you pick up a different one
though you will drop the one you currently hold. What my layout
shows though is the walk cycle, it’s standing cycle which is very fast
and then there is the jumping cycle and then I made an image of
the main character with a sword just to show how it could
potentially look.
Sound Effects List
Taking damage Giving damage
Blade strike rocks falling
Attack block trees falling
Snake Hiss something heavy falling on the ground
Bubbling lava crickets
Lapping water grunts
Wind whistling/ howling whistling
Wolf howl clash of the titans sound for kraken
Some sort of dodging sound zombie sounds
Splashing water jumping slime sound
Opening door roaring for troll
Closing Door gargling water/ drowning
Birds chirping
Foot steps
Drudging through leaves
Some sort of scream
Some sort of Mario coin collecting noise
Sheathing noise
Metal clanging noise
Music List
• I will be using hopefully at least two different forms of
music for each section, one being a sort of light hearted
piece of music as I am planning on having some sort of
cinematic and then when it comes down to the gameplay
have some sort of soft melodic song maybe with guitar and
drums but if not I will have to take music from some sort of
jazz band online.
• Some sort of upbeat song made with beepbox maybe
involving guitar as well times by 5-6 3for different levels,
one for the beginning and one for the end.
• Some sort of sad ballad made either with garage band or
with actual instruments and if that doesn’t work I will have
to take it from youtube, also times by 5-6 for the exact
same reasons.
Equipment/ Props/
Costume needed
Locations needed
computer Home/ college
laptop anywhere
Photoshop Computer/ Laptop
Premiere Computer/ Laptop
Garage Band Computer/ Laptop/ Phone
Phone anywhere
Beepbox Google
Some kind of voice recording kit College
YouTube for sound effects I can’t make Google/ anywhere
Contingency Planning
Potential Issue Solution
sickness tell teacher don’t turn up to lessons but do
work at home if possible
falling behind work in your own time
losing work/ corrupting work tell a teacher about it and continue working
work not saving save it to multiple places
I don’t know how or what kind of music I am
going to make or use
ask for help and search on youtube
I don’t know how to use certain techniques and
different drawing and animation styles
Search Youtube and ask for help
Health and Safety
Potential Issue How will the issue be
posture take a break
sore eyes take a break
migraines take a break
cramp take a break
repetitive strain take a break
tripping over cables tidy up the cables before you start working
Production Schedule
Day/Lesson Tasks
1 create character and monsters and their
movement cycle maybe start working on the
2 continue/ finish background and try to start
animating the background a bit
3 continue animating the background start to
create a mythological creature
4 continue creating a mythological creature and
start animating the attacks
5 create the background for another stage and
maybe start creating some other creatures and
their animation
6 make the mythological boss for this stage and
animate its movements.
Production Schedule
7 Create the final stage along with the
animations for it
8 Create another mythological boss and its
animations also use all the other bosses
as well
9 Go back to the other backgrounds see
what would be good to animate in the
background and do it
10 Create a start page maybe give it an
options page and instruction page
11 Create an end screen and also create
maybe some credits if there is anyone
else involved in its creation.
12 Maybe start to make some cinematic
pieces for the game might add to story
Production Schedule
13 Continue on with the creation of the
cinematic pieces
14 Continue on with the creation of the
cinematic pieces
15 Continue on with the creation of the
cinematic pieces
16 Create some music and sound effects by
this point you will see just about
everything that you will need sound for.
17 Create some music and sound effects
18 Create some music and sound effects
Production Schedule
19 Create music
20 Maybe think about other creatures I could
add to give the game some variety
21 Add some sort of collectibles and maybe
even think about achievements
22 Go over the game to try and smooth out
some of the animations sound effects and
23 Try to go over the game until there is
nothing else to fix
24 Try to go over the game until there is
nothing else to fix
Production Schedule
25 Try to go over the game until there is
nothing else to fix
26 Try to go over the game until there is
nothing else to fix
27 Try to go over the game until there is
nothing else to fix
28 Try to go over the game until there is
nothing else to fix

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4. pre production(1)

  • 3. Pre-production • What are you making? (explain what you have been asked to do) • I am making a video game which will be a side scrolling platformer which has some action elements to it. The general story will be that the main character will be suffering from all sorts of mental illnesses and they take monstrous forms which you have to kill to complete the stages at the end he commits suicide at the end. • Why? (What is the purpose of making your Film) • I am making it for the sake of making it as I thought it would be a cool idea to have layer upon layer of story and then do something fairly similar for the visuals to create layers after layers for backgrounds and creatures of the sort. • Who is it for? (Audience) • My primary audience will be 16-19, male, upper middle class and socially conscious type B. My secondary audience will be 20-25, female, lower upper class and emulator. • Where will it appear/on what? (How will audience see it) • It will appear on computers and laptops if it was actually made into a fully functioning game it would appear in shops such as PS, Xbox, Steam and more. Reflection:
  • 4. Style Sheet These six colours are what I am going to use as tints throughout the game the black the blue and the green ones are the ones that I am definitely going to use but the others are going to be a bit more experimental because the yellow I am going to be using will be for the sun and when it breaks through clouds or something to that sort of effect where light is being used well, the grey will be used for the clouds or for when the clouds start to thin out a bit and as for the red I would be using for blood red and showing how many lives the main character has and also I might just use it is a you died screen or even just using it for when they go into deep dark areas like maybe having a lava level or going to hell that sort of thing. The blue will be used for light reflected off of the moon also just to add a sense of darkness and light in the dark, the green will be for the light reflected off of leaves and flowers with in the forest stage, the black will be used in the city just to make a light and happy place darker than it should be and create a sense of dread about it. These colours are the ones that I am planning on using throughout the game most of them would fit together but the only reason that there are so many different colours which don’t mix is because I am planning on splitting my game down into different stages. Taking place in different parts of the world the greens, red, blues and greys are for the forest to create contrast and I have to use the lighter colours because when I add the tint on at the end all the colours will turn darker and so it is better to work with lighter colours in the beginning. The greys, yellows, blues, oranges and black will be in the city as I want to try and make the city look as dark as possible to try and make it look like the worst place you could possibly be . The oranges, yellows, reds , blues, black and greys will be for the lava underground level.
  • 6. Style Sheet Knights Analysis • The knight in the top left corner is from shovel knight it is the nemesis of shovel knight it is sort of what I want my knight to look like in the end the upper part of the shovel knights body is pretty much the spitting image of what I wanted to make but for what I want the posture is off completely also the legs are far too thin for the massive upper body and as for the colour scheme it looks cool but it doesn’t fit what you would think was a stereotypical knight in shining armour, and I also like that his weapon is a shovel but yet again it is not what you would expect to see a stereotypical knight holding. The knight in the top right is someone else take on what a knight would look like I really like the design of it with its proportions but when it comes down to the general height of the piece it is a bit too tall and also the general posture of the back is wrong for what I want to draw, as for the colour scheme it is fairly good but I would take away the yellow outline of the red colour and as for the weapon it just seems a bit odd when it comes down to the shape and size of the sword it just doesn’t feel right for someone of that height to wield such a big sword. The knight in the bottom left is just about perfect for proportions and it has a lot of detail but yet again the posture is off and just doesn’t work with what I want to draw, it also has a great colour scheme with the iron sort of grey silver and the red but all you see is the character holding a shield but it is a good size for the body. The bottom right knight is a sort of remake of Artorias from Dark Souls, I like how detailed the drawing is but I don’t want to draw anything as detailed as this and it is a bit too tall of a drawing but when it comes down to the posture it is just right for the kind of knight I want to draw because he is slightly hunched over and as for the colour scheme I also really like it with the silver/ grey for the armour and the blue for the cloth but when it comes down to it I want to draw something which is a mixture between the bottom left and the bottom right knight to show detail in a small amount of space.
  • 8. Style Sheet Wood Analysis • The wood on the top left is good because of the use of colour shading and layers the colour is good because that is what you would associate with forests plants and all other forms of creature or plant in a wood, the shading is good because it makes all the different layers pop like at the front it is practically black and then it becomes light green, normal green and then dark green to show how far away these trees and shrubs are away from the point of view and as for the layers they are great because the top layer hides a certain amount of what you should be able to see in wood and then as I was saying the darker the colour gets the further away the picture drawn is. As for detail it is fairly detailed when it comes down to the leaves and grass but when it comes down to the rest I think it looks better because it has less detail but I don’t really want to create something similar unless I was going to use layers and also the detail for the grass and leaves for the trees. The wood on the top right is fairly detailed when it comes to looking at the ground but in all honesty the best part about this image for me is the shading and the detail on the shrubs on the floor I am saying that the shading is good because of the fog effect that they have going on in the background and right at the very front underneath the shrubs has nice shading and when I say the detail they don’t give too much of it except for when it comes down to the colour and shading in the background and also when it comes down to the shrubs down at the front of the piece it is very precise I want to be able to use both of these aspects in mine just from a different point of view. The wood which is in the middle is the one that I want my drawing to look fairly similar to as it has layers colouring shading precision and detail but above all I just like it and the idea it promotes all I will have to do to that image is make it darker and maybe add some sort of tint to the background of it layers pop because of the use of shading and colour and then they also add tons of detail to the trees and shrubs around the front layer it is also fairly precise when it comes down to the blades of grass and leaves. The bottom wood is yet again another sort of image which I would like to copy as it is fairly similar when it comes down to all the things I have mentioned that the middle one had, the only thing different about it is that it uses a different sort of art style which makes it look much more detailed than it probably is but I can’t really say anything different about this one that would be different to the other one except for the fact that they use a lot more space than the middle one so it seems a bit cramped but then again I think that can also lend itself to the over all detail of the piece.
  • 10. Style Sheet Platformer Analysis • The platforming game on the top well as a start I thought that there would be a lot more floating platforms in the middle of nowhere and just in general I though that it would be a good idea t have a lot of platforms just dotted about the map but then when it comes down to this there are four different floating platforms and they just have massive gaps so they must have a double jump sort of visual somewhere or at least some sort of way saving yourself falling to your death but the other thing that I have noticed about the game is that they pay a lot more attention to the foreground and the main character than to their background so as a whole it is only being dragged down by the background they have included, the other interesting thing about this will be the sign and the bridge such as the bridge could look rickety and when the main character steps on it, it could fall from underneath them and have them fall into a pit and the sign could be able to interact with it and thus give the main character help, the other interesting thing there was the slime/ enemy which means there will be some sort attack dodge and defend patterns. The bottom left platformer is also fairly interesting because apart from there being very few platforms they have ladders which would be weird to animate unless they tried to use the normal walking animation but raised the arms a bit higher and they also have vines attached to things which look strong enough to take the weight of the main character but what would be cool is if for both you could make them look weak both the vines and the ladders which means yet again you can fall and take damage as the main character, also this game has some sort of collectible which look like coins but there is an idea that you could gather enough coins to heal yourself at some point. The bottom right platformer looks fairly similar to the first one and the cool things that I can bring up is the bridge, the spikes, the fence and the stones on the bottom of one of the platforms, the bridge is interesting because it actually looks as if it could collapse and kill the player, I like the idea of the spikes but I would say that you would need to make a bigger whole for the spikes and I would also suggest that you cover up the trap and only give slight indications as to where it is, as for the fence I don’t think that it would be a bad idea if you put a fence across the main character so he has to jump over it to continue just to add some more game mechanics and the last one which will also make the game fairly difficult will be to make it so you can die if you jump into the stones underneath a platform of any kind to make sure that you can kill almost anyone.
  • 12. Style Sheet Medieval City Analysis • The medieval city on the top left is quite good even though it is shown at a different angle than what I want to be able draw it from but it does give me an idea about spacing what kind of roofing would be a good idea and also in general just the size of the buildings and the walls, and as a general art style it just looks really nice maybe it is 3d, I also really like the idea of including different buildings, statues and monuments and the grave near the front seems to be giving the image quite a cool effect. The medieval city in the top right yet again is not looking at the streets where I want to be looking but it does give me ideas about different structures such as castles, mills, towers and dungeons mainly because they all look so different and interesting however making all the buildings different will be hassle and a waste of time because you can add some of them in the background which would then also add to the background if you have left it quite bare but what would cool also is if I had an overhang on some of the buildings so then I don’t have to use random platforms in the sky or just random structures to help it make sense. The medieval city in the bottom left is quite good for its use of of the garden park area just in front of the castle area. I think it could be quite interesting running through a park fighting of demons because usually you would associate gardens with happiness and good times but I am probably going to turn this on its head by turning into a demonic play ground. The medieval city in the bottom right isn’t really a city but rather a castle which has a castle and a barracks but the only thing apart from that, which I will probably use in my game will be the city defenses which probably won’t be cannons but more likely to be either ballistae or catapults.
  • 14. Style Sheet Sage Analysis • The sage on the top left corner is more of the stereotypical kind of mage with the long white beard the staff cloak and hat which I do like the Merlin-esque look however I don’t really like the colour scheme as there is far too much blue when it comes down to the image and I am already planning on using blue as one of my main colours in my piece so I don’t really want it to have too much blue in the costume. The sage at the top in the middle looks very good because yet again the character has the long white beard he has wide brim hat, he also has a staff which he is using as a walking stick and he is also carrying potions with him he is also wearing very average clothes and a medallion my only concern with that is also having to animate the movement of the medallion and the last thing is that his posture perfect even though it is because he is carrying a lot I am planning on having the mage I use being hunched over. The sage in the top left corner has a short white beard and moustache and has crazy scientist hair and glasses but this version has given me the idea for some different mechanics for this specific character because this guy can float and he also has multiple arms made of magic and he can summon magic orbs so yeah you might see some of these ideas in my actual game but none of the actual designs from the image. The sage in the bottom left corner is interesting because he looks like he has a halo of fire which he can use as an attack which seems like it could be fun also the other big difference is that this character is wearing full body armour except for the helmet also the armour is red which is the sort of colour I am planning on using for my character or I was going to maybe use a purple and just the general stance of the body looks as if he is charging up some sort of magic. The sage in the bottom right corner is one of my favourites of the list because of the attention to detail however I am probably going to need to draw something which doesn’t need to use up too much space so the fewer pixels the better but I like the idea of having the character wearing a torn cloak and yet again the purple compliments the red cape and also the blue and the purple work together well also and I also like how the character is covering their face and so we don’t know who it is all we can see is the glowing blue eyes which I will probably use for all my characters to further link them together and I will also probably use yellow flame attacks rather than blue flame attacks.
  • 16. Style Sheet Lava Level Analysis • The hell scape in the top right corner is really good because of the shading, the layers, the colours and the design in general. The shading and the colours work together to help the different layers pop and separates it by making some distance between the objects/ stalactites in the background and there is also lots of detail because you can see the flow of lava throughout the piece even though it travels through the layers and then for the design in general it just looks so realistic with the rocks being formed by smaller rocks and then the lava looks thick and looks as if it moves fairly slowly and it also has rather hellish look as if the cave is continuous without anyway of escaping and the other great thing is that it is looking at it from the point of view that I want to animate from it. The lava level in the top right corner uses an awkward point of view for me to work with but I do like the idea of having a cracked floor, stalactites and lava but it doesn’t really have the sort of layers that I am looking for in my work and there isn’t too much detail either but the colouring and shading around the lava is quite nice but I don’t think I will be using anything from this image. The hell scape in the bottom right corner this my favourite one of the bunch as it uses fantastic amounts of detail in the actual design, they are precise they use colour and shading properly and they use layers really well. You can see the abundant amounts of detail by looking at the crucifixes and all the swords and piles of dead bodies. Then for the colouring and shading which happens pretty much everywhere in the piece and they also use the sort of layers that I want to use in my pieces pretty much if I had created this image I would almost want to animate it and turn it into my FMP. The lava level in the bottom right corner is good because of its use of colour and shade coming from both the lava and the detailed rocks on the wall but it doesn’t really involve layers and it is yet again really quite good for its point of view as that is where the character will be if not a bit higher.
  • 18. Layout 1 analysis • My first layout was to create a few potential enemies along with some of their animations, the slime is complete which is the first one that you see which jumps backwards and forwards and also melts away, this definitely one of my favourites to both draw and animate as this will be the introduction monster it can be killed with one shot and just in general it has quite a cute I say this because of its size and different colour variations and its misleading look as this monster will be able to eat your gear if it touches you and so it can make the rest of the game much harder if you are hit by it as it could take away your sword or whatever you are using to attack and once devours most of your gear it starts to take away your hit points. As for the second monster who will dwarf the main character is supposed to look like something which was made with sticks leaves and wood, this enemy will be able to walk it just isn’t showing because the leaves cover its whole body and as for the arms when it attacks they can morph into a massive hammer which smashes the ground creating a dust cloud, it does help that this monster is slow at walking but very fast when it comes down to attacking, if you get hit by this monster their won’t be any special buffs but it will take away two of your hit points unless you have some good armour on.
  • 20. Layout 2 analysis • My second layout was specifically for some Main character movements I am just going to start off by saying that you will start off with 6 hit points and when you gain armour you will then get armour points which are technically extra hit points you start off with no armour with a shirt, trousers shoes and a jacket, so I will have to do a re-skin when I get to the production and when you get a full set of armour what I have created for the layout will be what the main character looks like. Also there will be different weapons you can use throughout the game when you pick up a different one though you will drop the one you currently hold. What my layout shows though is the walk cycle, it’s standing cycle which is very fast and then there is the jumping cycle and then I made an image of the main character with a sword just to show how it could potentially look.
  • 21. Sound Effects List Taking damage Giving damage Blade strike rocks falling Attack block trees falling Snake Hiss something heavy falling on the ground Bubbling lava crickets Lapping water grunts Wind whistling/ howling whistling Wolf howl clash of the titans sound for kraken Some sort of dodging sound zombie sounds Splashing water jumping slime sound Opening door roaring for troll Closing Door gargling water/ drowning Rain Birds chirping Foot steps Drudging through leaves Some sort of scream Some sort of Mario coin collecting noise Sheathing noise Metal clanging noise
  • 22. Music List • I will be using hopefully at least two different forms of music for each section, one being a sort of light hearted piece of music as I am planning on having some sort of cinematic and then when it comes down to the gameplay have some sort of soft melodic song maybe with guitar and drums but if not I will have to take music from some sort of jazz band online. • Some sort of upbeat song made with beepbox maybe involving guitar as well times by 5-6 3for different levels, one for the beginning and one for the end. • Some sort of sad ballad made either with garage band or with actual instruments and if that doesn’t work I will have to take it from youtube, also times by 5-6 for the exact same reasons.
  • 23. Resources Equipment/ Props/ Costume needed Locations needed computer Home/ college laptop anywhere Photoshop Computer/ Laptop Premiere Computer/ Laptop Garage Band Computer/ Laptop/ Phone Phone anywhere Beepbox Google Some kind of voice recording kit College YouTube for sound effects I can’t make Google/ anywhere
  • 24. Contingency Planning Potential Issue Solution sickness tell teacher don’t turn up to lessons but do work at home if possible falling behind work in your own time losing work/ corrupting work tell a teacher about it and continue working faster work not saving save it to multiple places I don’t know how or what kind of music I am going to make or use ask for help and search on youtube I don’t know how to use certain techniques and different drawing and animation styles Search Youtube and ask for help
  • 25. Health and Safety Potential Issue How will the issue be avoided? posture take a break sore eyes take a break migraines take a break cramp take a break repetitive strain take a break tripping over cables tidy up the cables before you start working
  • 26. Production Schedule Day/Lesson Tasks 1 create character and monsters and their movement cycle maybe start working on the background 2 continue/ finish background and try to start animating the background a bit 3 continue animating the background start to create a mythological creature 4 continue creating a mythological creature and start animating the attacks 5 create the background for another stage and maybe start creating some other creatures and their animation 6 make the mythological boss for this stage and animate its movements.
  • 27. Production Schedule 7 Create the final stage along with the animations for it 8 Create another mythological boss and its animations also use all the other bosses as well 9 Go back to the other backgrounds see what would be good to animate in the background and do it 10 Create a start page maybe give it an options page and instruction page 11 Create an end screen and also create maybe some credits if there is anyone else involved in its creation. 12 Maybe start to make some cinematic pieces for the game might add to story
  • 28. Production Schedule 13 Continue on with the creation of the cinematic pieces 14 Continue on with the creation of the cinematic pieces 15 Continue on with the creation of the cinematic pieces 16 Create some music and sound effects by this point you will see just about everything that you will need sound for. 17 Create some music and sound effects 18 Create some music and sound effects
  • 29. Production Schedule 19 Create music 20 Maybe think about other creatures I could add to give the game some variety 21 Add some sort of collectibles and maybe even think about achievements 22 Go over the game to try and smooth out some of the animations sound effects and music 23 Try to go over the game until there is nothing else to fix 24 Try to go over the game until there is nothing else to fix
  • 30. Production Schedule 25 Try to go over the game until there is nothing else to fix 26 Try to go over the game until there is nothing else to fix 27 Try to go over the game until there is nothing else to fix 28 Try to go over the game until there is nothing else to fix

Editor's Notes

  1. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  2. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.