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How to Scale Passion?
                 Gaurav Mishra | |

Session 1: Introduction

10:00 am to 11:00 am
Session 2: Strategy

11:30 am to 12:30 pm
Session 3: Tools

1:30 pm to 2:30 pm
Session 4: Wrap-up

3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Session 1: Introduction
1. Name & organization

2. Your experience with using
social media for your cause

3. Your most embarrassing
social media experience
Three Mantras

      The future has already
    arrived. It’s just not evenly
          distributed yet.

         Source: William Gibson

 The tools are transient. The
values embedded in them are
To understand how technology
  is changing organizations,
   begin by asking how it is
 changing people and society.

What are social technologies
and why are they important?
World Map of Social Media

Social Platforms in India

                                                  10.9       10.3
10                                                                       8.5

 5                                                                                 2.9         2.2        1.7      1.3






                         Source: Monthly unique users in millions from
How to understand any social
platform in three simple steps?

           Social Object
      Source: Jyri Engestrom
 World’s leading
  social networking
 400 million users
 12.4 million users
  in India.
 Users {connect and
  share with}

 Popular
 60 million users
 2.5 million users in
 Users {exchange}
  information, ideas
  and opportunities.

 Popular micro-
  sharing platform.
 Likes to call itself
 75 million users
 1.8 million users in
 Users {share and
  discover} what’s
  happening right

Google Buzz
 Google’s own
  social network
  integrated with
 Users {start}
  about the things
  you find

 Popular photo-
  sharing platform.
 Users {share}
  photos and {watch}
  the world.

 Popular video-
  sharing platform.
 Users {broadcast}

 Popular document-
  sharing platform
 Users {upload and
  presentations and

 Popular social
  voting platform.
 Users {discover and
  share} content.

 Popular social
 Users {save} your
  bookmarks or {see}
  what's fresh now.

 Popular blogging
 Users {express}

 Popular travel
  sharing platform.
 Users {share} your
  personal and
  business travel
  plans with people
  you trust.

 Popular wiki
 Users {edit} free

 Popular white label
  social networking
 Users {create} your
  own social

Focus on People vs. Content
           Most social platforms are
           including rich user
           profiles, to shift the      Instead, content-centric
           focus towards people.       platforms should build
                                       deep integration with
                                       people-centric platforms.

Focus on                                                 Focus on
Content                                                  People

How are social technologies
    changing people?
Real and Persistent Identities
 As more websites
  support log-ins
  using Facebook,
  Twitter or Google
  IDs, our online
  identities are
  becoming more
  real and
 More than 60
  million Facebook
  users engage with
  Facebook Connect
  on 80,000 external
  websites every
                Source:
The Online-Offline Continuum
 As we stay with
  offline contacts on
  online social
  networks and meet
  our online ‘friends’
  at offline meetups,
  our online and
  relationships are

                Source:
Social Proof: Friends of Friends
 As more of our
  lives move online,
  we are searching
  for social proof
  before making new
  friends, and
  seeking out friends
  of friends.

               Source:
From Consumers to Creators
 As we create and
  share more photos,
  videos and blog
  posts on social
  platforms, we are
  beginning to think
  of ourselves as
  photographers and
  filmmakers, all
  rolled into one.

              Source:
Key Takeaways From Session 1
 The social web is changing us as people and as a society.

 Different social platforms have different souls and roles.

 You can understand a social platform in three simple steps: User
  {Relationship} Social Object
Session 2: Strategy
Key Takeaways From Session 1
 The social web is changing us as people and as a society.

 Different social platforms have different souls and roles.

 You can understand a social platform in three simple steps: User
  {Relationship} Social Object

How are social technologies
    changing society?
Social platforms for
    social change are built
    around our need to        Small public acts of
    gain social capital.      good add up to big
                              change by creating
                              positive viral loops.

    Public micro-actions
related to BIG social objects
    lead to social capital
  and positive viral loops.
Disruptive Social Change Models
      1. Micro-                          4. Participatory
      philanthropy                       governance
      platforms                          platforms

                                             5. Citizen
  2. Advocacy        Disruptive Social       journalism
  platforms           Change Models          platforms

      3. Citizen                         6. Cause
      activism                           marketing
      campaigns                          campaigns
Micro Philanthropy Platforms
Facebook Causes
 Facebook’s own
  application to help
  promote their
  causes and raise
  awareness and

               Source:
 Micro-lending
  platform to
  connect lenders
  with small

              Source:
Advocacy Platforms
 Collective action
  platform that
  raises awareness
  about important
  causes and
  empowers people
  to take action.

               Source: http:/
NGO Post
 Indian social voting
  platform for news
  related to social
  welfare issues and

                Source:
Citizen Activism Campaigns
The Pink Chaddi Campaign
 Online campaign
  mobilized its 50000
  Facebook fans to
  send more than
  2000 pink panties
  as Valentine’s Day
  gift to Indian right
  wing Hindu
  nationalist party
  Sri Ram Sena.

                Source:
Blank Noise Project
 Long-running
  Indian feminist
  working towards
  reclaiming public
  spaces for women.

              Source:
Breakthrough Bell Bajao
 Social media
  driven campaign to
  encourage men
  and to raise their
  voice against
  domestic violence
  by “ringing the

              Source:
Participatory Governance
Sunlight Foundation
 Hosts communities
  and contests and
  creates mashup
  applications to
  make government
  more transparent
  and accountable.

              Source:
iJanaagraha Citizen Community
 Location based
  citizen action
 Disclosure: Gaurav
  is a member of
  advisory board.

               Source:
Citizen Journalism Platforms
Global Voices
 Volunteer-driven
  citizen news

               Source:
SEA-EAT Blog and Wiki
 Volunteer citizen
  initiative that
  became a key
  source of
  information and
  during the

               Source:
26/11 Mumbai Terror Attack
 Use of Twitter,
  Flickr and blogs for
  citizen journalism
  during the Mumbai
  terrorist attack.

                Source:
 Crisis reporting
  platform built on
  SMS-map mashup.

              Source:
Vote Report India
 Citizen-driven
  platform built on
  SMS-Google Maps
  mashup Ushahidi.
 Disclosure: Gaurav
  is a co-founder.

               Source:
 Citizen-
  platform built on
  SMS-Google Maps
  mashup Ushahidi.
 Offers “build your
  own citizen
  functionality for

               Source:
Corporate Social Responsibility
 Advertising
  platform which
  enables users to
  show ads for their
  favorite brands on
  their social profiles
  in lieu of donations
  to their favorite

                Source:
Chase Community Giving
   Facebook contest to
    decide charity that
    wins $1 million
   Winning charity
    decided by user
   The campaign could
    go a step further by
    asking voters for
    ideas on how to use
    the money

                    Source:
Pepsi Refresh
   People, businesses and
    non-profits submit ideas
    that have a positive
    impact for a chance to
    win funds for the idea
   Community voting
    decides the winning
   One year ideation
    contest could be
    extended to an ideas
    community for
    changemakers and
    building conversation

                  Source :-
Starbucks V2V
 Cause marketing
  and volunteering
  platform built
  around Starbucks
  store locations.

              Source:
Tata Tea Jaago Re
 From “waking up”
  to “civic
 More than 600,000
 Catalyzed an
  entire ecosystem
  of citizen action

              Source:
Aircel Save Our Tigers
 Campaign to
  promote awareness
  about tiger
 200k+ fans on
 Disclosure: Aircel is
  a 20:20 Media

                Source:
Dell Go Green
 Dell Go Green is a
  generated content
  contest where
  consumers submit
  ideas to redesign,
  reuse of recycle
  gadgets to make
  them go green.
 Disclosure: Dell is
  a 20:20 Media and
  2020 Social client.

                Source:
Social media strategy is not
 about social media tools
Social media strategy is really
    about answering three

    Who are our evangelists and
    why will they talk about us?

    How can we organize and
    energize our evangelists?

   How can we help our
evangelists spread the word?
None of these questions
are about social media
But social media is
a big part of the answer
The Next Big Question:
           How To Scale Passion?
            The BIG question for
            organizations in the 21st
            century: how to convert       We help organizations build
            employees, partners and       and nurture communities to
            customers into evangelists?   connect (with) evangelists
                                          and scale their passion.

Step 1: Identify Passion      Step 2: Ignite Passion      Step 3: Scale Passion
 Select a BIG lifestyle,   Build a focused community    Build scale by leveraging
   interest, or cause               around it           existing social platforms

  Who are our evangelists?
Six Types of Evangelists
     1. Other
                                   4. Partner

                     Present or         5. Co-worker
2. Citizen            Potential         or employee

     3. Influencer                 6. Volunteer
Worksheet 1
Worksheet 1: Who Are      Persona 1   Persona 2   Persona 3
Our Evangelists?
Who are our present &
potential evangelists?
Who do they talk to?

Who talks to them?

What else do they talk
What are their triggers
to talk?
Why do we want them
to talk about us?

Why will our evangelists talk
         about us?
Satchi & Saatchi:
(brands that you love and

   Contagious Idea
(an idea that spreads)

Seth Godin:
(an idea that spreads)

Jyri Engestrom:
       Social Object
 (the idea around which a
community comes together)
Gaurav Mishra:
(a thin slice of the world
      that you own)
Six Types of Social Objects
    1. Our unique                    4. Their own
    product                          lifestyle

2. Our
                                          5. Their own
personalized        Social Objects        interest

    3. Our mind-                     6. Our shared
    blowing TVC                      cause
Worksheet 2
Worksheet 2: Why Will   Persona 1   Persona 2   Persona 3
Our Evangelists Talk
About Us?
Our unique product
Our personal support

Our mind-blowing TVC
Their own lifestyle
Their own interest
Our shared cause
X social object
Y social object
Z social object

    How can we organize and
    energize our evangelists?
Five Core Social Dynamics
                                                   We can look at
                                                   social technologies
                  Blogging         By Tool        through many
Consumer         Video-sharing                                Product design
generated                                                       Sales and
content                                                         marketing
Conversations       By Core       Decoding            By       Customer
Collaboration       Dynamic        Social          Function    support
Community                                                      Public relations
Collective                                                     Partner relations
intelligence                                                    Employee
                                                Business-to-   relations
                                   By Type of   business
            We like to focus on    Organiza-    Business-to-
            the core social           tion      consumer
Five Core Social Dynamics

                                           Collective Intelligence

   Ease of                           Community
Understanding                    Collaboration


                         Consumer Generated Content

                  Easy       Ease of       Difficult
Five Reasons Why
            Business is Social
        !
             
Consumer    Conversation   Collaboration   Community    Collective
Generated                                              Intelligence
Consumer Generated Content
    Your consumers are
    authors, photographers
    and filmmakers, all       Tap into their
    rolled into one.          creativity. Ask them to
                              interpret your brand.

                       I made a
         I love my      tutorial
                         video         I also
         new CRM
                                    designed a

                                     IX logo
Dell Go Green
 Dell Go Green is a
  generated content
  contest where
  consumers submit
  ideas to redesign,
  reuse of recycle
  gadgets to make
  them go green.

Your customers,
partners and
employees are talking   Listen to them, reach
about you, in public.   out to them, engage
                        them in a two-way

            Have you
            used this    Yes! It
             phone?      rocks!

                             
Direct2Dell Blog
 One of the most
  corporate blogs.
 Posts about
  technology and
  consumer trends,
  corporate social
  responsibility and
  business unit

People can help solve
each others’ problems,
if we help them           Create rich profiles
connect.                  and reputation systems
                          to encourage people to
                          help each other.

            How do I
             fix this    Let me tell
            problem?      you how!

                              
Dell Support Community
 User driven
  support community
  to increase
  satisfaction and
  drive down support

Communities come
together around a
shared social object: a    Build and nurture a
lifestyle, cause or        community platform to
interest.                  host your customers,
                           partners, employees,
                           and evangelists.

Here’s what            I am
                    passionate       We have so
                   about it too!       much in

Dell Digital Nomad
 Community built
  around the idea of
  being a digital
 Targeted at highly
  mobile laptop

Dell Take Your Own Path
 Community where
  users shared
  inspiring stories of
 Driven by the Dell
  SME team.
 Now replicated

Collective Intelligence
 Customers, employees
 and partners can give     Observe their behavior,
 you new ideas and         ask for their ideas,
 insights.                 recognize and reward
                           them for their


 Here’s            how we
                                      It worked!
   an             can make
                                      Thank you!
 idea!            it better!

Dell Ideastorm
 User driven
  community to
  listen to
  customer’s ideas
  on product
  improvement and
  new product

Dell Employee Storm
 Internal ideation
  platform to enable
  Dell’s worldwide
  community of
  more than 80,000
  employees to post
  and discuss ideas
  on topics ranging
  from product
  innovation to
  company HR

Social Web Use Cases
            Marketing      Sales          Support         Innovation     Collaborati

            Brand        Identifying    Identifying    Identifying   Profiles,
Insights    tracking      leads           problems        trends and     groups and
            Research                                     ideas          activity
            communities                                                  streams
            Changing     Converting     Solving        Acknowledgi   Shared
Response    medium or     leads           problems        ng ideas       workspaces

            Viral        Referral       Suggestion     Suggestion    Blogs and
Proactive   marketing     campaigns       campaigns       campaigns      wikis

            Evangelist   Evangelist     Self-service   Ideation      Employee
Crowd-      communities   communities     communities     communities    and partner
sourcing                                                                 communities

                Adapted from: Altimeter Social CRM Use Cases
Worksheet 3
Worksheet 3: How Can   Persona 1   Persona 2   Persona 3
We Organize & Energize
Our Evangelists?

Consumer generated
content (contests etc.)

Conversations (blog

Collaboration (support
forum etc.)

Community (community
of practice etc.)

Collective intelligence
(ideation platform etc.)
Key Takeaways From Session 2
 Who are our evangelists and why will they talk about us?
 Or, how to identify passion?
 Relates to social object: lifestyle, interest or cause.

 How can we organize and energize them?
 Or, how to ignite passion?
 Relates to five social dynamics: consumer generated content,
  conversations, collaboration, community and collective intelligence.

 How can we (help them) spread the word?
 Or, how to scale passion?
Session 3: Tools
Key Takeaways From Session 2
 Who are our evangelists and why will they talk about us?
 Or, how to identify passion?
 Relates to social object: lifestyle, interest or cause.

 How can we organize and energize them?
 Or, how to ignite passion?
 Relates to five social dynamics: consumer generated content,
  conversations, collaboration, community and collective intelligence.

 How can we (help them) spread the word?
 Or, how to scale passion?
Social Web Content Strategy
      Internal                                                              External
      focused                                                               focused

1. Company        2. Industry        3. Customer        4. One-to-One        5. Social Hub
News              Trends             Stories            Conversations

Announcements    POV on            Customer         Open threads for    Excerpts from
from corporate,   business,          stories, case     ideas, suggestions   relevant
business units,   technology and     studies,          and feedback on      conversations
country and       consumer trends    interviews and    product or           from external
product teams     POV on industry   testimonials      process              blogs, forums
Leadership       issues and         Call for         Contests and        and social
interviews and    government         customers to      polls linked to      networks
profiles          policies           share their own   marketing            Conversations
Showcase for                        stories           campaigns            may relate to
corporate                                              One-to-one          elements in 1-4
culture and CSR                                        interactions in
initiatives                                            comments
iVolunteer Overseas
 Prominent display
  of community
  buttons on home
 Ning community
  with 400+
 Facebook page
  with 800+ fans
 Good conversations
  on both Ning and


Center for Civil Society
 Nice use of
  /facebook to
  redirect to
  Facebook Page.
 Nice use of boxes
  to showcase blog
  feeds and videos
  (http://spontaneo feed?)
 750+ fans on

 Nice use of boxes
 550+ fans on

 Nice use of
  Facebook FBML tab
  to showcase IDRC
 400+ fans on

NASSCOM Foundation
 Nice use of FBML
  boxes in tab.

Twitter @ Isha Foundation
 Nice use of custom
 1200+ followers

Facebook @ Isha Foundation
 Good call to action
  in the Notes tab.
 9000+ fans with

Facebook @ Isha Foundation
 Good use of
  Involver YouTube
  app on a tab

Facebook @ Isha Foundation
 Successful, if
  campaign to win
  the $100k second
  prize in the Chase
  Community Giving

Facebook @ Isha Foundation
 Good use of
  Involver Twitter
  app on a tab

Facebook @ Isha Foundation
 Facebook photo
  album to showcase
  volunteers and
  supporters of Isha
  in the Chase

YouTube @ Isha Foundation
 Nicely customized
  YouTube video
 2550+ subscribers
 925000+ views
 81000+ views for
  the most viewed

Podomatic @ Isha Foundation
 Nicely customized
  Podomatic podcast

Yaksha @ Isha Foundation
 Beautifully
  events website.
 Prominent email
  subscription box.
 Prominent links to
  social websites.
 Prominent sharing
  buttons for each
 Nicely customized
  Twitter and
  YouTube profiles.

Worksheet 4
Worksheet 4: How Can        Persona 1   Persona 2   Persona 3
We Help Our Evangelists
Spread the Word?

Facebook strategy

LinkedIn strategy

Twitter strategy

YouTube strategy

X platform strategy

Y platform strategy

Z platform strategy

Link with master strategy
Key Takeaways From Session 3
 Facebook Page, Twitter profile and YouTube video channel are the
  three most popular social media channels for non-profits.

 Facebook allows for a lot of customization, including custom apps.
  YouTube and Twitter only allow for small design customizations.

 An integrated content strategy that is customized for each social
  media channel is the key to success.
Session 4: Wrap-up
Key Takeaways From Session 3
 Facebook Page, Twitter profile and YouTube video channel are the
  three most popular social media channels for non-profits.

 Facebook allows for a lot of customization, including custom apps.
  YouTube and Twitter only allow for small design customizations.

 An integrated content strategy that is customized for each social
  media channel is the key to success.
Campaigns + Community + CRM
       The big idea is to build
       a community platform         The campaigns recruits
       to connect multiple          community members;
       campaigns.                   the CRM program
                                    retains them.

                Community platform + CRM program

                                         Campaign 3

                             Campaign 2

                  Campaign 1

Social Media Response Matrix
                                                                                                         Take reasonable
                                                                                                        action to fix issue
                                                                                                         and let customer
                                                                                                        know action taken
                             Positive                Negative
                                                                                  Yes                       Yes
          No                                                                                             Does customer
                Do you want             Assess the          Evaluate the
                                                                                                       need/deserve more
                to respond?              message              purpose

                       Yes                                                  Yes    Are the       No
                                                                 Unhappy                                Gently correct the
No Response                                                                         facts
                                                                Customer?                                     facts


          Yes                     No                                        Yes    Are the       No
                Can you add                                  Dedicated
                  value?                                    Complainer?
                                                                No                Yes

                                                                                     Is the            Explain what is being
 Respond in                             Thank the            Comedian                            Yes
                                                                                   problem              done to correct the
kind & share                             person             Want-to-Be?
                                                                                  being fixed?                 issue
                                                            Yes                            No

                                                                                    Let post
                                                                                   stand and
                    Source: USAF, modified by Altimeter Group                       monitor
Three Types of Metrics

                           2. WEB
                           RELEVANCE         Relate
PURCHASE                                                       SOCIAL
 PIPELINE                                                       WEB

                                                        1. SOCIAL
      Awareness Consideration     Purchase      CONTENT MEDIA

                           3. BUSINESS
Pratham Books Case Study
Blog @ Pratham Books
 1500+ posts cover
  the full range of
  content from
  stories and
  about interns and
  own events, to
  highlighting other
  reading related
  events and
  programs, and
  even trivia and
  trends on books in

Facebook @ Pratham Books
 Facebook Page
  with 850+
 Links from blog
  and elsewhere
  selectively posted.
 Facebook Cause
  with 800+
  members and
  $1500+ donations.

Twitter @ Pratham Books
 Regular links from
  own and others’
  blog posts,
  combined with
 2400+ followers
 4200+ tweets

Twitter @ Pratham Books
 Pratham Books
  uses Twitter
  favorites to
  bookmark positive
  mentions, kudos,
  and news stories.

YouTube @ Pratham Books
 YouTube channel
  with 8 videos,
  mostly from

Flickr @ Pratham Books
 Flickr Pro account
  with 1200+ items
  in 37 sets with
  photos from events
  and pictures from
Scribd @ Pratham Books
 13 full books
  uploaded, some
  under a Creative
  Commons license.
 200+ members
 90000+ reads
 Most popular book
  has 36000+ reads.

Serendipity @ Pratham Books
 Skype reading
  sessions with
  Akshara Library and
  Central Manor.
 Pratham Books used
  by OLPC in Nepal
  and an ad agency in
 Radio Mirchi audio
  books for the
  National Association
  of Blind.
 Children’s work
  published in Anorak
 Bengali books
  donated to Kolkata
  rickshaw library
Worksheet 5
Worksheet 5: How Can        Persona 1   Persona 2   Persona 3
We Measure the Success
of Our Strategy?
Social media analytics
(+ive mentions etc.)
Web analytics
(registrations etc.)
Business analytics (leads
& conversions etc.)
Reality Check: Made For India
Internet Access is Shared
 Internet access in
  India is shared by
  default: at school
  or college, at
  office, or at a
  cyber café.
Mobile is Personal and Ubiquitous
 More than half a
  billion mobile
  users, with 100
  million on SMS and
  25 million on
  mobile web.

               Source:
Mobile 2.0 in India

                                               
      Text                  Mobile               specific
    messaging               website               apps

                 Upload                 Geo-
                 photo/               location
                video via             services

                                       
SMS GupShup
 SMS-based group-
  platform with 25
  million users.

              Source:
 SMS-based
  platform for
  household help.

              Source:
Key Takeaways From Session 4
 Social media channels like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are only as
  good as the purpose you use them for.

 You should track three types of analytics: social media analytics, web
  analytics and business analytics.

 Social media is still niche in India, so you should explore mobile
  solutions like SMSGupShup.
Session 1: Introduction

10:00 am to 11:00 am
Key Takeaways From Session 1
 The social web is changing us as people and as a society.

 Different social platforms have different souls and roles.

 You can understand a social platform in three simple steps: User
  {Relationship} Social Object
Session 2: Strategy

11:30 am to 12:30 pm
Key Takeaways From Session 2
 Who are our evangelists and why will they talk about us?
 Or, how to identify passion?
 Relates to social object: lifestyle, interest or cause.

 How can we organize and energize them?
 Or, how to ignite passion?
 Relates to five social dynamics: consumer generated content,
  conversations, collaboration, community and collective intelligence.

 How can we (help them) spread the word?
 Or, how to scale passion?
Worksheet 1
Worksheet 1: Who Are      Persona 1   Persona 2   Persona 3
Our Evangelists?
Who are our present &
potential evangelists?
Who do they talk to?

Who talks to them?

What else do they talk
What are their triggers
to talk?
Why do we want them
to talk about us?
Worksheet 2
Worksheet 2: Why Will   Persona 1   Persona 2   Persona 3
Our Evangelists Talk
About Us?
Our unique product
Our personal support

Our mind-blowing TVC
Their own lifestyle
Their own interest
Our shared cause
X social object
Y social object
Z social object
Worksheet 3
Worksheet 3: How Can   Persona 1   Persona 2   Persona 3
We Organize & Energize
Our Evangelists?

Consumer generated
content (contests etc.)

Conversations (blog

Collaboration (support
forum etc.)

Community (community
of practice etc.)

Collective intelligence
(ideation platform etc.)
Session 3: Tools

1:30 pm to 2:30 pm
Key Takeaways From Session 3
 Facebook Page, Twitter profile and YouTube video channel are the
  three most popular social media channels for non-profits.

 Facebook allows for a lot of customization, including custom apps.
  YouTube and Twitter only allow for small design customizations.

 An integrated content strategy that is customized for each social
  media channel is the key to success.
Worksheet 4
Worksheet 4: How Can        Persona 1   Persona 2   Persona 3
We Help Our Evangelists
Spread the Word?

Facebook strategy

LinkedIn strategy

Twitter strategy

YouTube strategy

X platform strategy

Y platform strategy

Z platform strategy

Link with master strategy
Session 4: Wrap-up

3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Key Takeaways From Session 4
 Social media channels like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are only as
  good as the purpose you use them for.

 You should track three types of analytics: social media analytics, web
  analytics and business analytics.

 Social media is still niche in India, so you should explore mobile
  solutions like SMSGupShup.
Worksheet 5
Worksheet 5: How Can        Persona 1   Persona 2   Persona 3
We Measure the Success
of Our Strategy?
Social media analytics
(+ive mentions etc.)
Web analytics
(registrations etc.)
Business analytics (leads
& conversions etc.)
Closing Remarks
2020 Social:
Because Business is Social
Who Are We
              Creating                   Nurturing
              brand                      one-to-one
              evangelists                relationships
Gaurav Mishra                Dave Evans
CEO                          Consulting Director
IIMB, Tata Group, Yahoo!     Author of ‘Social Media
Fellow at Georgetown         Marketing: An Hour a Day’

             Enabling                    Building
             employee                    community
             collaboration               platforms

Gautam Ghosh                 Kaushal Sarda
Consultant                   Consultant
XLRI, Deloitte, HP, Dell     Capgemini CRM, Uhuroo
The Next Big Question:
           How To Scale Passion?
            The BIG question for
            businesses in the 21st
            century: how to convert       We help organizations build
            employees, partners and       and nurture communities to
            customers into evangelists?   connect (with) evangelists
                                          and scale their passion.

Step 1: Identify Passion      Step 2: Ignite Passion      Step 3: Scale Passion
 Select a BIG lifestyle,   Build a focused community    Build scale by leveraging
   interest, or cause               around it           existing social platforms
What Do We Do
Competency        1. Plan          2. Build       3. Engage
Areas            (Project)        (Project)      (Retainer)
                  Research        Communities   Content
Practice          Strategy        Social apps   Conversations
Areas            Workshops       Social APIs   Community
1. Business to    Communities     Lithium       Contests
Consumer          of interest      Drupal

2. Business to    Communities     Lithium       Content
Business          of practice      Drupal        aggregation

3. Employees      Collaboration   SocialText    Coaching
and Partners      platforms
Client Case Studies
Intel AppUp Developer Community
 Client: Intel

 Plan + Build +

 Strategy for Intel
  Atom developer
  community and the
  Intel Netbook

                   Source:
RCB Fan Community
 Client: USL

 Plan + Build +

 Strategy for the
  Royal Challengers
  Bangalore cricket
  fan club.

                 Source:
Spiritz & More Community
 Client: USL

 Plan + Build +

 Strategy for the
  Spiritz & More

                 Source:
iJanaagraha Citizen Community
 Client: Janaagraha

 Plan + Build +

 Strategy for the
  iJanaagraha citizen
  action community
  and the Jaagte
  Raho campaign.

               Source:
Dell Go Green Community
 Client: Dell

 Plan + Build +

 Strategy and
  execution of the
  Dell Go Green
  ideation platform
  to support Dell’s
  recycling program.

                  Source:
Case Studies from
  Other Avatars
Xeta Shootout Contest
 Gaurav: For Tata

 Plan + Build +

 Consumer
  generated content
  contest (shoot your
  own Xeta ad film)
  to reinforce Xeta’s
  young and fun

               Source:
Indica Vista Launch Campaign
 Gaurav: For Tata

 Plan + Build +

 Social media
  program (serialized
  graphic novel, viral
  video, multi-player
  game) to associate
  Indica Vista with
  the youth.

                Source:
Vote Report India
 Gaurav: Own

 Plan + Build +

 Citizen-driven
  platform built on
  SMS-Google Maps
  mashup Ushahidi.

               Source:
Meredith Women’s Network
 Dave: For Meredith

 Plan + Build +

 Social publishing
  platform for the
  Meredith Women’s
  Network websites
  serving 15 million
  unique users.

               Source:
PGI Connect
 Dave: For Premier

 Plan + Build +

 Community
  platform for
  developers building
  SaaS applications
  using the Premiers
  Global Services
  Systems APIs.

               Source:
PGA Tour Cobranding
 Dave: For PGA Tour

 Plan + Build +

 Social platform to
  connect and
  service PGA tour

               Source:
Friend2Friend: ProductPulse
 Dave:

 Plan + Build +

 Social media
  application to
  vote, comment
  and share products
  with friends.

               Source: &
 Kaushal: Own

 Plan + Build +

 SaaS-based

               Source:
HR Professionals Community
 Gautam: Own

 Plan + Build +

 Social networking
  platform for HR
  professionals to
  connect, share
  knowledge and

               Source:
Social Media in India Wiki
 2020 Social: Own

 Plan + Build +

 Wiki-based
  definitive resource
  on social media
  practitioners and
  case studies in

               Source:
Ask Us How || @2020social
     @gauravonomics                 @evansdave
     @gautamghosh                   @ksarda

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2020 Social Workshop on Social Media for Non-Pofits

  • 1. How to Scale Passion? Gaurav Mishra | | @gauravonomics
  • 3. Session 2: Strategy 11:30 am to 12:30 pm
  • 4. Session 3: Tools 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm
  • 5. Session 4: Wrap-up 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
  • 7. 1. Name & organization 2. Your experience with using social media for your cause 3. Your most embarrassing social media experience
  • 9. 1 The future has already arrived. It’s just not evenly distributed yet. Source: William Gibson
  • 10. 2 The tools are transient. The values embedded in them are persistent.
  • 11. 3 To understand how technology is changing organizations, begin by asking how it is changing people and society.
  • 12. 1 What are social technologies and why are they important?
  • 13. World Map of Social Media Source:
  • 14. Social Platforms in India 40 34.2 35 30 24.4 25 19.6 20 15.5 15 10.9 10.3 10 8.5 5 2.9 2.2 1.7 1.3 0 Orkut Yahoo GMail Google YouTube Flickr Blogger LinkedIn Wordpress Twitter Facebook Source: Monthly unique users in millions from
  • 15. How to understand any social platform in three simple steps? User {Relationship} Social Object Source: Jyri Engestrom
  • 16. Facebook  World’s leading social networking platform.  400 million users worldwide.  12.4 million users in India.  Users {connect and share with} people. Source:
  • 17. LinkedIn  Popular professional networking platform.  60 million users worldwide.  2.5 million users in India.  Users {exchange} information, ideas and opportunities. Source:
  • 18. Twitter  Popular micro- sharing platform.  Likes to call itself “real-time information network”.  75 million users worldwide.  1.8 million users in India.  Users {share and discover} what’s happening right now. Source:
  • 19. Google Buzz  Google’s own social network integrated with GMail.  Users {start} conversations about the things you find interesting. Source:
  • 20. Flickr  Popular photo- sharing platform.  Users {share} photos and {watch} the world. Source:
  • 21. YouTube  Popular video- sharing platform.  Users {broadcast} yourself. Source:
  • 22. SlideShare  Popular document- sharing platform  Users {upload and share} presentations and documents Source:
  • 23. Digg  Popular social voting platform.  Users {discover and share} content. Source:
  • 24. Delicious  Popular social bookmarking platform.  Users {save} your bookmarks or {see} what's fresh now. Source:
  • 25. Wordpress  Popular blogging platform.  Users {express} yourself. Source:
  • 26. Dopplr  Popular travel sharing platform.  Users {share} your personal and business travel plans with people you trust. Source:
  • 27. Wikipedia  Popular wiki platform.  Users {edit} free encyclopedia. Source:
  • 28. Ning  Popular white label social networking platform.  Users {create} your own social network. Source:
  • 29. Focus on People vs. Content Most social platforms are including rich user profiles, to shift the Instead, content-centric focus towards people. platforms should build deep integration with people-centric platforms. Focus on Focus on Content People
  • 30. 2 How are social technologies changing people?
  • 31. Real and Persistent Identities  As more websites support log-ins using Facebook, Twitter or Google IDs, our online identities are becoming more real and persistent.  More than 60 million Facebook users engage with Facebook Connect on 80,000 external websites every month.  Source: ect.php
  • 32. The Online-Offline Continuum  As we stay with offline contacts on online social networks and meet our online ‘friends’ at offline meetups, our online and offline relationships are merging.  Source:
  • 33. Social Proof: Friends of Friends  As more of our lives move online, we are searching for social proof before making new friends, and seeking out friends of friends.  Source:
  • 34. From Consumers to Creators  As we create and share more photos, videos and blog posts on social platforms, we are beginning to think of ourselves as authors, photographers and filmmakers, all rolled into one.  Source:
  • 35. Key Takeaways From Session 1  The social web is changing us as people and as a society.  Different social platforms have different souls and roles.  You can understand a social platform in three simple steps: User {Relationship} Social Object
  • 37. Key Takeaways From Session 1  The social web is changing us as people and as a society.  Different social platforms have different souls and roles.  You can understand a social platform in three simple steps: User {Relationship} Social Object
  • 38. 3 How are social technologies changing society?
  • 39. Social platforms for social change are built around our need to Small public acts of gain social capital. good add up to big change by creating positive viral loops. Public micro-actions related to BIG social objects lead to social capital and positive viral loops.
  • 40. Disruptive Social Change Models 1. Micro- 4. Participatory philanthropy governance platforms platforms 5. Citizen 2. Advocacy Disruptive Social journalism platforms Change Models platforms 3. Citizen 6. Cause activism marketing campaigns campaigns
  • 42. Facebook Causes  Facebook’s own application to help non-profits promote their causes and raise awareness and donations.  Source:
  • 43. Kiva  Micro-lending platform to connect lenders with small entrepreneurs.  Source:
  • 45.  Collective action platform that raises awareness about important causes and empowers people to take action.  Source: http:/
  • 46. NGO Post  Indian social voting platform for news related to social welfare issues and organizations.  Source:
  • 48. The Pink Chaddi Campaign  Online campaign mobilized its 50000 Facebook fans to send more than 2000 pink panties as Valentine’s Day gift to Indian right wing Hindu nationalist party Sri Ram Sena.  Source: http://thepinkchaddicampaign.blogspo
  • 49. Blank Noise Project  Long-running Indian feminist community working towards reclaiming public spaces for women.  Source:
  • 50. Breakthrough Bell Bajao  Social media driven campaign to encourage men and to raise their voice against domestic violence by “ringing the bell”.  Source:
  • 52. Sunlight Foundation  Hosts communities and contests and creates mashup applications to make government more transparent and accountable.  Source:
  • 53. iJanaagraha Citizen Community  Location based citizen action community platform.  Disclosure: Gaurav is a member of Janaagraha’s technology advisory board.  Source:
  • 55. Global Voices  Volunteer-driven citizen news aggregator.  Source:
  • 56. SEA-EAT Blog and Wiki  Volunteer citizen journalism initiative that became a key source of information and coordination during the tsunami.  Source:
  • 57. 26/11 Mumbai Terror Attack  Use of Twitter, Flickr and blogs for citizen journalism during the Mumbai terrorist attack.  Source: cs/sets/72157610357499942/
  • 58. Ushahidi  Crisis reporting platform built on SMS-map mashup.  Source:
  • 59. Vote Report India  Citizen-driven election monitoring platform built on SMS-Google Maps mashup Ushahidi.  Disclosure: Gaurav is a co-founder.  Source:
  • 60. Kiirti  Citizen- participation platform built on SMS-Google Maps mashup Ushahidi.  Offers “build your own citizen participation platform” functionality for non-profits.  Source:
  • 62. SocialVibe  Advertising platform which enables users to show ads for their favorite brands on their social profiles in lieu of donations to their favorite charities.  Source:
  • 63. Chase Community Giving  Facebook contest to decide charity that wins $1 million  Winning charity decided by user votes  The campaign could go a step further by asking voters for ideas on how to use the money  Source:
  • 64. Pepsi Refresh  People, businesses and non-profits submit ideas that have a positive impact for a chance to win funds for the idea  Community voting decides the winning idea  One year ideation contest could be extended to an ideas community for empowering changemakers and building conversation  Source :-
  • 65. Starbucks V2V  Cause marketing and volunteering platform built around Starbucks store locations.  Source:
  • 66. Tata Tea Jaago Re  From “waking up” to “civic consciousness”  More than 600,000 registrations  Catalyzed an entire ecosystem of citizen action initiatives  Source:
  • 67. Aircel Save Our Tigers  Campaign to promote awareness about tiger conservation.  200k+ fans on Facebook.  Disclosure: Aircel is a 20:20 Media client.  Source:
  • 68. Dell Go Green  Dell Go Green is a consumer generated content contest where consumers submit ideas to redesign, reuse of recycle gadgets to make them go green.  Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.  Source:
  • 70. Social media strategy is not about social media tools
  • 71. Social media strategy is really about answering three questions
  • 72. 1 Who are our evangelists and why will they talk about us?
  • 73. 2 How can we organize and energize our evangelists?
  • 74. 3 How can we help our evangelists spread the word?
  • 75. None of these questions are about social media
  • 76. But social media is a big part of the answer
  • 77. The Next Big Question: How To Scale Passion? The BIG question for organizations in the 21st century: how to convert We help organizations build employees, partners and and nurture communities to customers into evangelists? connect (with) evangelists and scale their passion. Step 1: Identify Passion Step 2: Ignite Passion Step 3: Scale Passion Select a BIG lifestyle, Build a focused community Build scale by leveraging interest, or cause around it existing social platforms
  • 78. 1.1 Who are our evangelists?
  • 79. Six Types of Evangelists 1. Other 4. Partner activist Present or 5. Co-worker 2. Citizen Potential or employee Evangelists 3. Influencer 6. Volunteer
  • 80. Worksheet 1 Worksheet 1: Who Are Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3 Our Evangelists? Who are our present & potential evangelists? Who do they talk to? Who talks to them? What else do they talk about? What are their triggers to talk? Why do we want them to talk about us?
  • 82. 1.2 Why will our evangelists talk about us?
  • 83. Satchi & Saatchi: Lovemarks (brands that you love and respect) Source:
  • 84. Publicis: Contagious Idea (an idea that spreads) Source:
  • 85. Seth Godin: Ideavirus (an idea that spreads) Source:
  • 86. Jyri Engestrom: Social Object (the idea around which a community comes together)
  • 87. Gaurav Mishra: Ideasliver (a thin slice of the world that you own)
  • 88. Six Types of Social Objects 1. Our unique 4. Their own product lifestyle 2. Our 5. Their own personalized Social Objects interest support 3. Our mind- 6. Our shared blowing TVC cause
  • 89. Worksheet 2 Worksheet 2: Why Will Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3 Our Evangelists Talk About Us? Our unique product Our personal support Our mind-blowing TVC Their own lifestyle Their own interest Our shared cause X social object Y social object Z social object
  • 91. 2 How can we organize and energize our evangelists?
  • 92. Five Core Social Dynamics Social We can look at networking social technologies Blogging By Tool through many Microblogging lenses. Photo-sharing Consumer Video-sharing Product design generated Sales and content marketing Conversations By Core Decoding By Customer Collaboration Dynamic Social Function support Community Public relations Collective Partner relations intelligence Employee Business-to- relations By Type of business We like to focus on Organiza- Business-to- the core social tion consumer dynamics. Government Non-profit
  • 93. Five Core Social Dynamics Invisible Collective Intelligence Ease of Community Understanding Collaboration Conversation Consumer Generated Content Visible Easy Ease of Difficult Implementing
  • 94. Five Reasons Why Business is Social        !    Consumer Conversation Collaboration Community Collective Generated Intelligence Content
  • 95. Consumer Generated Content Your consumers are authors, photographers and filmmakers, all Tap into their rolled into one. creativity. Ask them to interpret your brand. I made a how-to I love my tutorial video I also new CRM designed a software!  IX logo
  • 96. Dell Go Green  Dell Go Green is a consumer generated content contest where consumers submit ideas to redesign, reuse of recycle gadgets to make them go green. Source:
  • 97. Conversations Your customers, partners and employees are talking Listen to them, reach about you, in public. out to them, engage them in a two-way conversation. Have you used this Yes! It phone? rocks!  
  • 98. Direct2Dell Blog  One of the most celebrated corporate blogs.  Posts about business, technology and consumer trends, corporate social responsibility and business unit announcements. Source: blogs/b/direct2dell
  • 99. Collaboration People can help solve each others’ problems, if we help them Create rich profiles connect. and reputation systems to encourage people to help each other. How do I fix this Let me tell problem? you how!  
  • 100. Dell Support Community  User driven support community to increase customer satisfaction and drive down support costs. Source:
  • 101. Community Communities come together around a shared social object: a Build and nurture a lifestyle, cause or community platform to interest. host your customers, partners, employees, and evangelists. Here’s what I am passionate We have so I’m about it too! much in passionate common! about! 
  • 102. Dell Digital Nomad  Community built around the idea of being a digital nomad.  Targeted at highly mobile laptop users. Source:
  • 103. Dell Take Your Own Path  Community where users shared inspiring stories of entrepreneurship.  Driven by the Dell SME team.  Now replicated internationally. Source:
  • 104. Collective Intelligence Customers, employees and partners can give Observe their behavior, you new ideas and ask for their ideas, insights. recognize and reward them for their contribution. Here’s ! Here’s how we It worked! an can make Thank you! idea! it better! 
  • 105. Dell Ideastorm  User driven ideation community to listen to customer’s ideas on product improvement and new product development. Source:
  • 106. Dell Employee Storm  Internal ideation platform to enable Dell’s worldwide community of more than 80,000 employees to post and discuss ideas on topics ranging from product innovation to company HR policies. Source:
  • 107. Social Web Use Cases Marketing Sales Support Innovation Collaborati on Brand Identifying Identifying Identifying Profiles, Insights tracking leads problems trends and groups and Research ideas activity communities streams Changing Converting Solving Acknowledgi Shared Response medium or leads problems ng ideas workspaces message Viral Referral Suggestion Suggestion Blogs and Proactive marketing campaigns campaigns campaigns wikis campaigns Evangelist Evangelist Self-service Ideation Employee Crowd- communities communities communities communities and partner sourcing communities Adapted from: Altimeter Social CRM Use Cases
  • 108. Worksheet 3 Worksheet 3: How Can Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3 We Organize & Energize Our Evangelists? Consumer generated content (contests etc.) Conversations (blog etc.) Collaboration (support forum etc.) Community (community of practice etc.) Collective intelligence (ideation platform etc.)
  • 109. Key Takeaways From Session 2  Who are our evangelists and why will they talk about us?  Or, how to identify passion?  Relates to social object: lifestyle, interest or cause.  How can we organize and energize them?  Or, how to ignite passion?  Relates to five social dynamics: consumer generated content, conversations, collaboration, community and collective intelligence.  How can we (help them) spread the word?  Or, how to scale passion?
  • 111. Key Takeaways From Session 2  Who are our evangelists and why will they talk about us?  Or, how to identify passion?  Relates to social object: lifestyle, interest or cause.  How can we organize and energize them?  Or, how to ignite passion?  Relates to five social dynamics: consumer generated content, conversations, collaboration, community and collective intelligence.  How can we (help them) spread the word?  Or, how to scale passion?
  • 112. Social Web Content Strategy Internal External focused focused 1. Company 2. Industry 3. Customer 4. One-to-One 5. Social Hub News Trends Stories Conversations Announcements POV on Customer Open threads for Excerpts from from corporate, business, stories, case ideas, suggestions relevant business units, technology and studies, and feedback on conversations country and consumer trends interviews and product or from external product teams POV on industry testimonials process blogs, forums Leadership issues and Call for Contests and and social interviews and government customers to polls linked to networks profiles policies share their own marketing Conversations Showcase for stories campaigns may relate to corporate One-to-one elements in 1-4 culture and CSR interactions in initiatives comments
  • 113. iVolunteer Overseas  Prominent display of community buttons on home page.  Ning community with 400+ members.  Facebook page with 800+ fans  Good conversations on both Ning and Facebook. Source:,,
  • 114. Center for Civil Society  Nice use of /facebook to redirect to Facebook Page.  Nice use of boxes to showcase blog feeds and videos (http://spontaneo feed?)  750+ fans on Facebook Source:,,
  • 115. IPAS  Nice use of boxes tab  550+ fans on Facebook Source:
  • 116. IDRC  Nice use of Facebook FBML tab to showcase IDRC books.  400+ fans on Facebook. Source:
  • 117. NASSCOM Foundation  Nice use of FBML boxes in tab. Source:
  • 118. Twitter @ Isha Foundation  Nice use of custom background  1200+ followers Source:
  • 119. Facebook @ Isha Foundation  Good call to action in the Notes tab.  9000+ fans with good conversations. Source:
  • 120. Facebook @ Isha Foundation  Good use of Involver YouTube app on a tab Source:
  • 121. Facebook @ Isha Foundation  Successful, if controversial, campaign to win the $100k second prize in the Chase Community Giving contest. Source:
  • 122. Facebook @ Isha Foundation  Good use of Involver Twitter app on a tab Source:
  • 123. Facebook @ Isha Foundation  Facebook photo album to showcase volunteers and supporters of Isha in the Chase Campaign Source:
  • 124. YouTube @ Isha Foundation  Nicely customized YouTube video channel.  2550+ subscribers  925000+ views  81000+ views for the most viewed video. Source:
  • 125. Podomatic @ Isha Foundation  Nicely customized Podomatic podcast channel. Source:
  • 126. Yaksha @ Isha Foundation  Beautifully designed Wordpress-based events website.  Prominent email subscription box.  Prominent links to social websites.  Prominent sharing buttons for each post.  Nicely customized Twitter and YouTube profiles. Source:
  • 127. Worksheet 4 Worksheet 4: How Can Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3 We Help Our Evangelists Spread the Word? Facebook strategy LinkedIn strategy Twitter strategy YouTube strategy X platform strategy Y platform strategy Z platform strategy Link with master strategy
  • 129. Key Takeaways From Session 3  Facebook Page, Twitter profile and YouTube video channel are the three most popular social media channels for non-profits.  Facebook allows for a lot of customization, including custom apps. YouTube and Twitter only allow for small design customizations.  An integrated content strategy that is customized for each social media channel is the key to success.
  • 131. Key Takeaways From Session 3  Facebook Page, Twitter profile and YouTube video channel are the three most popular social media channels for non-profits.  Facebook allows for a lot of customization, including custom apps. YouTube and Twitter only allow for small design customizations.  An integrated content strategy that is customized for each social media channel is the key to success.
  • 132. Campaigns + Community + CRM The big idea is to build a community platform The campaigns recruits to connect multiple community members; campaigns. the CRM program retains them. Community platform + CRM program Campaign 3 Campaign 2 Campaign 1 Attention Time
  • 133. Social Media Response Matrix Take reasonable action to fix issue and let customer know action taken Positive Negative Yes Yes No Does customer Do you want Assess the Evaluate the need/deserve more to respond? message purpose info? Yes Yes Are the No Unhappy Gently correct the No Response facts Customer? facts correct? No Yes No Yes Are the No Can you add Dedicated facts value? Complainer? correct? No Yes Is the Explain what is being Respond in Thank the Comedian Yes problem done to correct the kind & share person Want-to-Be? being fixed? issue Yes No Let post stand and Source: USAF, modified by Altimeter Group monitor
  • 136. Blog @ Pratham Books  1500+ posts cover the full range of content from stories and announcements about interns and own events, to highlighting other reading related events and programs, and even trivia and trends on books in general. Source:
  • 137. Facebook @ Pratham Books  Facebook Page with 850+ members.  Links from blog and elsewhere selectively posted.  Facebook Cause with 800+ members and $1500+ donations. Source:
  • 138. Twitter @ Pratham Books  Regular links from own and others’ blog posts, combined with one-to-one conversations.  2400+ followers  4200+ tweets Source:
  • 139. Twitter @ Pratham Books  Pratham Books uses Twitter favorites to bookmark positive mentions, kudos, recommendations and news stories. Source:
  • 140. YouTube @ Pratham Books  YouTube channel with 8 videos, mostly from events. Source:
  • 141. Flickr @ Pratham Books  Flickr Pro account with 1200+ items in 37 sets with photos from events and pictures from books.
  • 142. Scribd @ Pratham Books  13 full books uploaded, some under a Creative Commons license.  200+ members  90000+ reads  Most popular book has 36000+ reads. Source:
  • 143. Serendipity @ Pratham Books  Skype reading sessions with Akshara Library and Central Manor.  Pratham Books used by OLPC in Nepal and an ad agency in Brazil.  Radio Mirchi audio books for the National Association of Blind.  Children’s work published in Anorak Magazine.  Bengali books donated to Kolkata rickshaw library kids.
  • 144. Worksheet 5 Worksheet 5: How Can Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3 We Measure the Success of Our Strategy? Social media analytics (+ive mentions etc.) Web analytics (registrations etc.) Business analytics (leads & conversions etc.)
  • 146. Reality Check: Made For India
  • 147. Internet Access is Shared  Internet access in India is shared by default: at school or college, at office, or at a cyber café.
  • 148. Mobile is Personal and Ubiquitous  More than half a billion mobile users, with 100 million on SMS and 25 million on mobile web.  Source: 27/3150157746/
  • 149. Mobile 2.0 in India     Phone-  Text Mobile specific messaging website apps Upload Geo- photo/ location video via services email  
  • 150. SMS GupShup  SMS-based group- messaging platform with 25 million users.  Source:
  • 151. BabaJob  SMS-based professional networking platform for household help.  Source:
  • 152. Key Takeaways From Session 4  Social media channels like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are only as good as the purpose you use them for.  You should track three types of analytics: social media analytics, web analytics and business analytics.  Social media is still niche in India, so you should explore mobile solutions like SMSGupShup.
  • 153. Session 1: Introduction 10:00 am to 11:00 am
  • 154. Key Takeaways From Session 1  The social web is changing us as people and as a society.  Different social platforms have different souls and roles.  You can understand a social platform in three simple steps: User {Relationship} Social Object
  • 155. Session 2: Strategy 11:30 am to 12:30 pm
  • 156. Key Takeaways From Session 2  Who are our evangelists and why will they talk about us?  Or, how to identify passion?  Relates to social object: lifestyle, interest or cause.  How can we organize and energize them?  Or, how to ignite passion?  Relates to five social dynamics: consumer generated content, conversations, collaboration, community and collective intelligence.  How can we (help them) spread the word?  Or, how to scale passion?
  • 157. Worksheet 1 Worksheet 1: Who Are Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3 Our Evangelists? Who are our present & potential evangelists? Who do they talk to? Who talks to them? What else do they talk about? What are their triggers to talk? Why do we want them to talk about us?
  • 158. Worksheet 2 Worksheet 2: Why Will Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3 Our Evangelists Talk About Us? Our unique product Our personal support Our mind-blowing TVC Their own lifestyle Their own interest Our shared cause X social object Y social object Z social object
  • 159. Worksheet 3 Worksheet 3: How Can Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3 We Organize & Energize Our Evangelists? Consumer generated content (contests etc.) Conversations (blog etc.) Collaboration (support forum etc.) Community (community of practice etc.) Collective intelligence (ideation platform etc.)
  • 160. Session 3: Tools 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm
  • 161. Key Takeaways From Session 3  Facebook Page, Twitter profile and YouTube video channel are the three most popular social media channels for non-profits.  Facebook allows for a lot of customization, including custom apps. YouTube and Twitter only allow for small design customizations.  An integrated content strategy that is customized for each social media channel is the key to success.
  • 162. Worksheet 4 Worksheet 4: How Can Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3 We Help Our Evangelists Spread the Word? Facebook strategy LinkedIn strategy Twitter strategy YouTube strategy X platform strategy Y platform strategy Z platform strategy Link with master strategy
  • 163. Session 4: Wrap-up 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
  • 164. Key Takeaways From Session 4  Social media channels like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are only as good as the purpose you use them for.  You should track three types of analytics: social media analytics, web analytics and business analytics.  Social media is still niche in India, so you should explore mobile solutions like SMSGupShup.
  • 165. Worksheet 5 Worksheet 5: How Can Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3 We Measure the Success of Our Strategy? Social media analytics (+ive mentions etc.) Web analytics (registrations etc.) Business analytics (leads & conversions etc.)
  • 166. Comments Questions Closing Remarks
  • 168. Who Are We Creating Nurturing brand one-to-one evangelists relationships Gaurav Mishra Dave Evans CEO Consulting Director IIMB, Tata Group, Yahoo! Author of ‘Social Media Fellow at Georgetown Marketing: An Hour a Day’ Enabling Building employee community collaboration platforms Gautam Ghosh Kaushal Sarda Consultant Consultant XLRI, Deloitte, HP, Dell Capgemini CRM, Uhuroo Founder
  • 169. The Next Big Question: How To Scale Passion? The BIG question for businesses in the 21st century: how to convert We help organizations build employees, partners and and nurture communities to customers into evangelists? connect (with) evangelists and scale their passion. Step 1: Identify Passion Step 2: Ignite Passion Step 3: Scale Passion Select a BIG lifestyle, Build a focused community Build scale by leveraging interest, or cause around it existing social platforms
  • 170. What Do We Do Competency 1. Plan 2. Build 3. Engage Areas  (Project) (Project) (Retainer) Research Communities Content Practice Strategy Social apps Conversations Areas  Workshops Social APIs Community engagement 1. Business to Communities Lithium Contests Consumer of interest Drupal Ning 2. Business to Communities Lithium Content Business of practice Drupal aggregation Groupsite 3. Employees Collaboration SocialText Coaching and Partners platforms
  • 172. Intel AppUp Developer Community  Client: Intel  Plan + Build + Engage  Strategy for Intel Atom developer community and the Intel Netbook applications marketplace.  Source:
  • 173. RCB Fan Community  Client: USL  Plan + Build + Engage  Strategy for the Royal Challengers Bangalore cricket fan club.  Source:
  • 174. Spiritz & More Community  Client: USL  Plan + Build + Engage  Strategy for the Spiritz & More lifestyle community.  Source:
  • 175. iJanaagraha Citizen Community  Client: Janaagraha  Plan + Build + Engage  Strategy for the iJanaagraha citizen action community and the Jaagte Raho campaign.  Source:
  • 176. Dell Go Green Community  Client: Dell  Plan + Build + Engage  Strategy and execution of the Dell Go Green ideation platform to support Dell’s recycling program.  Source:
  • 177. Case Studies from Other Avatars
  • 178. Xeta Shootout Contest  Gaurav: For Tata Motors  Plan + Build + Engage  Consumer generated content contest (shoot your own Xeta ad film) to reinforce Xeta’s young and fun positioning.  Source:
  • 179. Indica Vista Launch Campaign  Gaurav: For Tata Motors  Plan + Build + Engage  Social media program (serialized graphic novel, viral video, multi-player game) to associate Indica Vista with the youth.  Source:
  • 180. Vote Report India  Gaurav: Own project  Plan + Build + Engage  Citizen-driven election monitoring platform built on SMS-Google Maps mashup Ushahidi.  Source:
  • 181. Meredith Women’s Network  Dave: For Meredith Publishing  Plan + Build + Engage  Social publishing platform for the Meredith Women’s Network websites serving 15 million unique users.  Source:
  • 182. PGI Connect  Dave: For Premier Global  Plan + Build + Engage  Community platform for developers building SaaS applications using the Premiers Global Services Communications Systems APIs.  Source:
  • 183. PGA Tour Cobranding  Dave: For PGA Tour  Plan + Build + Engage  Social platform to connect and service PGA tour co-branding partners.  Source:
  • 184. Friend2Friend: ProductPulse  Dave: Friend2Friend  Plan + Build + Engage  Social media application to vote, comment and share products with friends.  Source: &
  • 185. Uhuroo  Kaushal: Own project  Plan + Build + Engage  SaaS-based enterprise collaboration platform.  Source:
  • 186. HR Professionals Community  Gautam: Own project  Plan + Build + Engage  Social networking platform for HR professionals to connect, share knowledge and learn.  Source:
  • 187. Social Media in India Wiki  2020 Social: Own project  Plan + Build + Engage  Wiki-based definitive resource on social media practitioners and case studies in India.  Source:
  • 188. Ask Us How || @2020social @gauravonomics @evansdave @gautamghosh @ksarda