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Decoding the Social
      in Social CRM
   2020 Social: Because Business is Social  
@gauravonomics                   @ksarda
Decoding Social
Decoding Social
                                                   We can look at
                                                   social technologies
                  Blogging         By Tool        through many
Consumer         Video-sharing                                Product design
generated                                                       Sales and
content                                                         marketing
Conversations       By Core       Decoding            By       Customer
Collaboration       Dynamic        Social          Function    support
Community                                                      Public relations
Collective                                                     Partner relations
intelligence                                                    Employee
                                                Business-to-   relations
                                   By Type of   business
            We like to focus on    Organiza-    Business-to-
            the core social           tion      consumer
Five Core Social Dynamics

                                           Collective Intelligence

   Ease of                           Community
Understanding                    Collaboration


                         Consumer Generated Content

                  Easy       Ease of       Difficult
Forrester Social Technographics
 Forrester Social
  report categorizes
  social media
  behavior into
  seven groups.
 In the US, joiners
  are the biggest
  group after

            Source: Forrester Social Technographics
             Report, 2009
Social Media in India
                     In India, joiners are the
                     biggest group after
                     spectators, but the other                          Brands in India should use
                     groups are small.                                  communities, social
                                                                        games and social contests
                                                                        to engage with joiners.

15.0                                                                                                                   13.2

                        3.2                                                                  4.2
 5.0                                 2.0           2.8                                                     2.0
         Social     Professional   Customer   Microblogging Social voting Video sharing Photo sharing   Document     Blogging   Wikis
       networking   networking      review                                                               sharing

               Joiners +          Critics + Conversatio Collectors +                                    Creators +
              Creators +         Spectators  nalists +  Spectators                                      Spectators
               Critics +                    Spectators
             Collectors +
             Conversatio Source: Monthly unique users in millions
              ; Forrester Social Technographics
Focus on People vs. Content
           Most social platforms are
           including rich user
           profiles, to shift the      Instead, content-centric
           focus towards people.       platforms should build
                                       deep integration with
                                       people-centric platforms.

Focus on                                                 Focus on
Content                                                  People
Dell Case Study
Dell Hell
 Viral campaign
  against Dell’s
  customer service,
  started by
  journalist Jeff

           Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.
Social Media Evolution at Dell
              1996-97:        2005-06:         2007-08:        2008-09:        2009-10:

              Dell Support   Dell Hell      Ideastorm       Digital        Dell Outlet
              Forum           Blogger        Employee        Nomad           on Facebook
              Dell           outreach        Storm            Take Your      and Twitter
              Community       Direct2Dell                     Own Path        Social
              Forum                                            Dell Go        commerce

              Involve Dell   Reach out      Involve         Build          Use social
Challenges    customers in    and build       consumers        communities     networks to
              support and     long-term       and              of interest     trigger sales
              product         relationships   employees in     around social
              discussions     with            product and      objects
                              influencers     process

              Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.
Consumer Generated Content
    Your consumers are
    authors, photographers
    and filmmakers, all       Tap into their
    rolled into one.          creativity. Ask them to
                              interpret your brand.

                       I wrote a
                       blog post
         I love the     about it      I also
                                    designed a

                                    IX poster
Dell Go Green
 Dell Go Green is a
  generated content
  contest where
  consumers submit
  ideas to redesign,
  reuse of recycle
  gadgets to make
  them go green.

           Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.
Your customers,
partners and
employees are talking   Listen to them, reach
about you, in public.   out to them, engage
                        them in a two-way

            Have you
            used this    Yes! It
             phone?      rocks!

                             
Direct2Dell Blog
 One of the most
  corporate blogs.
 Posts about
  technology and
  consumer trends,
  corporate social
  responsibility and
  business unit

           Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.
Dell SMB on Facebook
 Dell’s Small
  Business Facebook
  page, structured as
  a resource for
  small businesses to
  use social media,
  has more than
  37,000 fans.

Dell Outlet on Twitter
 Dell uses Twitter as
  a channel to sell
  computers to
  corporate purchase
 @delloutlet has 1.5
  million followers
  and has resulted in
  sales of more than
  $6 million.

People can help solve
each others’ problems,
if we help them           Create rich profiles
connect.                  and reputation systems
                          to encourage people to
                          help each other.

            How do I
             fix this    Let me tell
            problem?      you how!

                              
Dell Support Community
 User driven
  support community
  to increase
  satisfaction and
  drive down support

          Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.
Communities come
together around a
shared social object: a    Build and nurture a
lifestyle, cause or        community platform to
interest.                  host your customers,
                           partners, employees,
                           and evangelists.

Here’s what            I am
                    passionate       We have so
                   about it too!       much in

Dell Digital Nomad
 Community built
  around the idea of
  being a digital
 Targeted at highly
  mobile laptop

           Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.
Dell Take Your Own Path
 Community where
  users shared
  inspiring stories of
 Driven by the Dell
  SME team.
 Now replicated

            Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.
Collective Intelligence
 Customers, employees
 and partners can give     Observe their behavior,
 you new ideas and         ask for their ideas,
 insights.                 recognize and reward
                           them for their


 Here’s            how we
                                      It worked!
   an             can make
                                      Thank you!
 idea!            it better!

Dell Ideastorm
 User driven
  community to
  listen to
  customer’s ideas
  on product
  improvement and
  new product

          Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.
Dell Employee Storm
 Internal ideation
  platform to enable
  Dell’s worldwide
  community of
  more than 80,000
  employees to post
  and discuss ideas
  on topics ranging
  from product
  innovation to
  company HR

           Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.
Social Media Context at Dell
             Structure         Internal        Social           Community        Role of
                               workflow        media            policy           Agency
             Fitting social   Developing     Developing      Developing      Assigning
             media within      workflows for   guidelines for   guidelines for   roles to all
             the               listening,      employees to     community        stakeholders,
             organizational    resolving and   participate on   members to       including
             structure         responding      social           participate on   external
                                               platforms        social           agency
                                                                hosted by
             Hub and          Radian6        All             Public          Add local or
             spoke model       Internal       employees        community        domain
Approach     Central          blogs and       empowered        policy for       know-how
             strategy team     community       to engage,       each             Manage
             with subject      Employee       but must         community        content
             matter            Storm           identify                          calendar and
             experts                           themselves as                     workflow

               Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.
Structure & Stakeholders
 All Dell Employees
  are encouraged to
  blog and tweet
 Employees can
  blog/ tweet as a
  dell representative
  by identifying
  themselves as
 Dell official Twitter
  accounts clearly
  identify the
  employees behind

Dell Listening & Response Workflow

      Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.
Dell Blog Response Checklist

   Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.
Dell Social Media Policy
 Dell has a public
  social media policy
  for its employees

Dell Community Policy
 Dell has a public
  community policy
  for the members of
  its community and
  support forums.

Six Elements of Social Strategy
Context         Community       Campaigns        Content          CRM            Channel

Creating the   Identifying    Creating and    Creating and    Creating      Creating
right context   evangelists,    managing a       managing a       referral and   specific
in terms of     social object   campaign         campaign         rewards        tactics for
                and             calendar, to     calendar, to     programs       online and
                community       attract the      retain the       supported by   offline
metrics,        platform.       interest of      interest of      reputation     channel and
structures,                     evangelists on   evangelists on   and            integrating
workflows                       a regular        a regular        recommendat    them.
and policies.                   basis.           basis.           ion systems.
360° Marketing Redux
Old 360° Marketing Campaigns
 Step 1: Identify a
  brand message that
  represents the
  brand values
 Step 2: Produce a
  TV commercial to      Digital                              Print
  communicate the
  brand message
 Step 3: Buy ads to
  promote the
  message across                        TV Commercial        Radio
 Step 4: Repeat with
  a new TVC with a
  different creative
  twist on the brand      PR & Events                   Billboards
                                         Direct Mail
Old 360° Marketing Campaigns
      As TVC-centric
      campaigns don’t really      The brand starts and
      build upon previous         ends with zero
      campaigns…                  attention in spite of
                                  high ad spends.

                                                      The old role of the
                                                      campaign was to
               Campaign 1 Campaign 2 Campaign 3       maximize reach and
   Attention                                          frequency of the
                                                      brand message.

Saatchi & Saatchi: Lovemarks
 Lovemarks are
  brands that score
  high on both love
  and respect
 Three ingredients
  of love: mystery,
  sensuality and

Seth Godin: Ideavirus
 An ideavirus is an
  idea that spreads
  on its own, like a
 Similar to the
  “contagious idea”
  concept from

Jyri Engestrom: Social Object
 People don’t just
  connect to each
  other. They
  connect through a
  shared object.
 A social object is
  an idea that
  connects people.
 Related to
  concept of
  Ideasliver: a social
  object that you
  can own.

How To Scale Passion?
            The BIG question for
            organizations in the 21st
            century: how to convert       Brands can scale the
            employees, partners and       passion of their evangelists
            customers into evangelists?   by building and nurturing
                                          (online) communities.

Step 1: Identify Passion      Step 2: Ignite Passion      Step 3: Scale Passion
 Select a BIG lifestyle,   Build a focused community    Build scale by leveraging
  interest, or cause.               around it.          existing social platforms.
New 360° Marketing Campaigns
 Step 1: Identify a
  big social object
  (lifestyle, interest
  or cause) that is
  connected with the
  brand values
 Step 2: Build an       Digital                            Print
  online community
  around the social
 Step 3: Create a
  campaign to
  energize evangelists   In-Store        Community          Radio
  across channels
 Step 4: Repeat with
  a connected
  campaign around
  the same social          PR & Events                 Billboards
                                         Direct Mail
New 360° Marketing Campaigns
      As community-centric
      campaigns build upon      They add new layers to
      the work done in the      the community each
      previous campaigns…       time and grow
                                attention over time.

                 Content + Community + CRM

                                      Campaign 3
                                                   The new role of the
                             Campaign 2
                                                   campaign is to
                                                   recruit evangelists
                  Campaign 1
   Attention                                       into the brand-
                                                   hosted community.

New 360° Marketing Campaigns
            Brands need to commit
            to a community-centric   Brands need to get
            strategy for the long    content, community
            term to benefit.         and CRM right to really
                                     connect campaigns.

            Content + Community + CRM         Campaign         To attract
                                              Calendar         evangelists
                                 Campaign 3
                                              Content          To retain
                       Campaign 2             Calendar         evangelists

                                              Community        To grow
             Campaign 1
Attention                                     Platform         organically

                                              CRM Program      To direct

Pepsi Refresh 360° Marketing
         Case Study
Pepsi’s Super Bowl Love Affair
 Pepsi spent $142
  million on Super
  Bowl ads in the
  last decade
 Most Pepsi Super
  Bowl ads were full
  music videos with
  top celebrities
  which went viral
  with million plus
  views on YouTube
 Overall, Pepsi
  spends more than
  half its marketing
  budget on TV

The Promise of PepsiCo
 In 2009, PepsiCo
  committed to the
  promise of
  “performance with
  delivering growth
  by investing in a
  healthier future
  for people and our


Pepsi: Moments to Movement
                      Each of our beverage
                      brands has a strategy
                      and marketing
                      platform that will be
                      less about (creating) a
                      moment, more about a

                      My primary role
                      involves thinking about
Frank Cooper,         “How do we start          Bonin Bough,
Chief Consumer        integrating social        Global Director of
Engagement Officer,   media into the overall    Digital and Social
PepsiCo               organization?"            Media, PepsiCo
Pepsi Refresh Anthem
 In January 2009,
  Pepsi launched its
  Refresh rebranding
  with a ‘Forever
  Young’ TVC
  featuring Bob
  Dylan and
 Every generation
  refreshes the
  world. Now it’s
  your turn.

Pepsi Refresh Everything
 The earlier version
  of the Pepsi
  Refresh website
  showcased content
  and contests that
  focused on
  refreshing various
  aspects of popular

Pepsi Refresh Studio
 In September
  2009, Pepsi tied up
  with to
  launch a contest to
  create a user-
  generated video
  and music track of
  the single "La La
  La" from LMFAO.

The Pepsi Refresh Project
 In January 2010,
  Pepsi launched the
  Pepsi Refresh
  Project with a
  budget of $20m and
  an intent to support
  ideas that refresh
  local communities.
 Based on the Pepsi
  Optimism Project
  (POP) Survey
  findings: Americans
  believe that the
  best ideas are more
  likely to come from
  "normal people" as
  opposed to public
Pepsi Refresh: One People TVC
 The One People
  TVC for Pepsi
  promoted online.
 However, Pepsi let
  go of its Super
  Bowl opening ad
  position for the
  first time in 23

Pepsi Refresh: Game Mechanics
 Up to 1000 ideas
  can be submitted
  in six categories
  each month with
  voting in the next
  month. Each
  month is
  effectively a new
 32 grants of $5k,
  $25k, $50k and
  $250k, totaling to
  $1.3m each month.
 Leader board for
  the most popular
Pepsi Refresh: Ambassadors
 Respected thought
  leaders from GOOD
  act as Refresh
  Ambassadors (and
  managers) in each
 Pepsi also tied up
  with GOOD, Global
  Giving, Do
  Something and City
  Years as cause

Pepsi Refresh: Blog
 Written by six
  ambassadors from
 Blog posts include
  a combination of
  how-to tips, case
  studies and
  grantee stories to
  energize and
  educate the

Pepsi Refresh: Showcase
 All funded ideas
  are showcased and
  their progress
  tracked on the
  idea blog.

Pepsi Refresh: Virality
 Contestants can
  promote their
  ideas via updates
  on social networks
  like Facebook and
  Twitter, or via a
  widget on their
  blog or website.
 The Pepsi Refresh
  voting app on
  Facebook shows
  ideas your friends
  support and has
  more than 50k

Pepsi Refresh: Brand Website
 The Pepsi brand
  website promotes
  the Pepsi Refresh
  Project along with
  other current
  brand promotions,
  most of which are
  related to the
  Pepsi Refresh
  Project theme.

Pepsi Refresh: Facebook
 Customized landing
  tab on Facebook to
  showcase the
  highlights of the

Pepsi Refresh: Facebook
 Tab to showcase
  MTV VJ’s road trip
  across America to
  meet the Pepsi
  Refresh grant

Pepsi Refresh: Facebook
 Tab to showcase
  Pepsi Refresh
  Challenge where
  Demi Moore and
  Kevin Bacon
  promoted their
  favorite causes.

Pepsi Refresh: One Goal in Mind
 In the run up to
  the FIFA World
  Cup, Pepsi Refresh
  tied up with the US
  soccer team to run
  a contest where
  three players
  promoted their
  favorite ideas

Pepsi Refresh: Cherry Goodness
 Pepsi Refresh
  contest where
  consumers can win
  $5000 for
  themselves and
  $5000 to support
  their favorite
  charity by finding
  one of the 100
  specially marked
  Pepsi Cherry

Pepsi Refresh: Results
 Added 200k new
  Facebook fans in
  Super Bowl week.
 Over 500k new
  Facebook fans by
  end May.
 2m registered
  users by end-May.
 5m unique visitors
  a month.
 60,000 tweets (175
  million Twitter
  impressions) by

Pepsi Refresh: Canada
 Pepsi is now
  starting the Pepsi
  refresh Project in
 10 grants of $5k,
  $25k, $50k and
  $250k, totaling to
  $200k each month.

Six Shifts in 360° Marketing
   One: From TVC-centric                    Content + Community + CRM
    campaign to community-
    centric campaign
   Two: From inside-out brand                                   Campaign 3
    message to outside-in
    social object                                    Campaign 2
   Three: From standalone
    campaigns to a series of
    campaigns that build upon
                                             Campaign 1
    each other
   Four: From standalone
    content pieces to
    permission-based content
   Five: From linear ad-
    supported growth to viral
    organic growth
   Six: From reach and
    frequency to participation
Six Shifts in 360° Marketing
 One: From TVC-     From
  centric campaign
  to community-
  centric campaign

Six Shifts in 360° Marketing
 Two: From inside-      From
  out brand message
  to outside-in social

Six Shifts in 360° Marketing
 Three: From       From
  campaigns to a
  series of
  campaigns that
  build upon each

Six Shifts in 360° Marketing
 Four: From           From
  standalone content
  pieces to
  content streams

Six Shifts in 360° Marketing
 Five: From linear   From
  growth to viral
  organic growth

Six Shifts in 360° Marketing
 Six: From reach    From
  and frequency to

Decoding the Social
   in Social CRM
Social CRM Use Cases
            Marketing      Sales          Support          Innovation     Collaborati

            Brand        Identifying    Identifying     Identifying   Profiles,
Insights    tracking      leads           problems         trends and     groups and
            Research                                      ideas          activity
            communities                                                   streams
            Changing     Converting     Solving         Acknowledgi   Shared
Response    medium or     leads           problems         ng ideas       workspaces

            Viral        Referral       Suggestion      Suggestion    Blogs and
Proactive   marketing     campaigns       campaigns        campaigns      wikis

            Evangelist   Evangelist     Self-service    Ideation      Employee
Crowd-      communities   communities     communities      communities    and partner
sourcing                                                                  communities

            Adapted from: Altimeter Social CRM Use Cases
The Social & CRM Sides of SCRM
            Some players are
            approaching Social CRM
            from the Social-side,       The Social and CRM
            others from the CRM-side.   approaches are rooted in
                                        different value systems
                                        and might not converge.

        1. Social media 2. Community   3. Community    4. CRM
        tools with CRM platforms with platforms with   solutions with
        features        CRM connectors CRM core        social features

        Hootsuite     Jive            Salesforce    MS Dynamics
        Radian6       Lithium         RightNow      Oracle
        Buzzstream    ENgage          Helpstream
Social                                                             CRM
Public                                                            Private
Many-to-many                                                      One-to-one
Emergent                                                          Rule-driven
 Provides workflow,
  analytics, for
  teams to manage
  multiple Twitter
  accounts and
  messages across
  multiple networks.
  Other features are
  influence rating,
  custom URL for
  analytics, regional

 Enable teams to
  monitor, manage,
  and triage
  conversations in
  Twitter, analyze
  keywords and
  trends, assign
  updates to team
  members and
  schedule responses

 Lightweight
  relations tool
  targeted at SMEs
  and agencies.
 Keyword tracking,
  profiling, contact
  management and

BuzzStream Case Study
 How can a photo
  sharing startup
  influencers to
  write about its
 Video demo

 Social media
  analytics tool
  targeted at
  agencies and
 Keyword tracking,
  profiling, workflow
 Integration with
  Saleforce CRM.
 Integration with
  Webtrends and
  Omniture web
Radian6 Case Study 1
 How can a
  company find
  “point of need”
  sales leads on
  Twitter and the
  social web?
 Screenshot 1 of 4:
  related to select
  keywords in

Radian6 Case Study 1
 How can a
  company find
  “point of need”
  sales leads on
  Twitter and the
  social web?
 Screenshot 2 of 4:
  Syncing contact
  record between
  Radian6 and

Radian6 Case Study 1
 How can a
  company find
  “point of need”
  sales leads on
  Twitter and the
  social web?
 Screenshot 3 of 4:
  Tracking contact
  history in

Radian6 Case Study 1
 How can a
  company find
  “point of need”
  sales leads on
  Twitter and the
  social web?
 Screenshot 4 of 4:
  Tracking impact on
  web traffic with
  Webtrends &

Radian6 Case Study 2
 How can a cable
  company manage
  customer support
  in real time?
 Screenshot 1 of 4:
  related to select
  keywords in

Radian6 Case Study 2
 How can a cable
  company manage
  customer support
  in real time?
 Screenshot 2 of 4:
  related to
  potential customer
  support problems
  in Radian6.

Radian6 Case Study 2
 How can a cable
  company manage
  customer support
  in real time?
 Screenshot 3 of 4:
  Assigning problems
  to customer
  support team using
  the workflow
  features in

Radian6 Case Study 2
 How can a cable
  company manage
  customer support
  in real time?
 Screenshot 4 of 4:
  Syncing case with
  Salesforce CRM and
  tracking case
  history in

Sysomos Heartbeat
 Social media
  analytics tool
  targeted at
  agencies and
 Keyword tracking,
  profiling, workflow
 Integration with
  Saleforce CRM.

Alterian SM2
 Social media
  analytics tool
  targeted at
  agencies and
 Keyword tracking,
  profiling, workflow
 Integration with
  Alterian Dynamic
  Messenger and
  Alterian Content

 Full-featured
  enterprise social
  platform for large
 Deep integration
  with Twitter,
  Salesforce and

 Blogs, forums,
  idea, chat, mobile.
 Reputation system,
  tribal knowledge
  base, command
  center, content
  discovery, content

Lithium Case Study 1
 How can a gadgets
  marketer connect
  across the social
  web, ideation
  platforms, support
  forums and CRM

INgage ELAvate
 Full-featured
  enterprise social
  platform for large
  enterprises and
 Ideation,
  community, public
  marketplace and
  mobile solutions.
 Deep analytics and
  Microsoft Dynamics
  CRM integration.

Jive Market Engagement
 Jive’s social media
  monitoring and
  response offering,
  includes a virtual
  war room.
 Integrated with
  their full-featured
  collaboration and

Jive Case Study 1
 How can a mobile
  phone company
  connect with its
  consumers to
  generate ideas for
  new products and
 Structured ideation
  platform to solicit
  and select best
  customer ideas.

 Community
  platform focused
  on customer
 Social media
 Ideas, Q&A and
  knowledge bases.
 Integration with
  Salesforce or
  Oracle CRM.

 Complete suite of
  applications for
  enterprises, driven
  by semantic text
 Partnerships with
  Lithium and

RightNow CRM
 Full suite of social
  and community
  integrated with
  SaaS-based CRM.
 Support,
  innovation and
 Social media

Salesforce Service Cloud
 Full suite of social
  and community
  integrated with
  SaaS-based CRM.
 Community
  features like ideas
  and answers.
 Integration with
  knowledge base
  and CRM.
 Deep Twitter
 and
  Facebook API.
Chatter Collaboration Cloud
 Facebook for the
 Members can
  create personal
  profile, public
  groups, monitor
  projects and share
 Integration with
  Twitter and

Chatter Collaboration Platform
 APIs for developers
  to create new
  social applications
  connected with

Salesforce Case Study 1
 How can a coffee
  chain collaborate
  with its consumers
  to co-create new
  products and
 Structured ideation
  platform to solicit
  and select best
  customer ideas.

Salesforce Case Study 2
 How can a
  computer vendor
  engage its
  customers to get
  ideas for new
  products and
  improvements on
  existing products?
 Structured ideation
  platform to solicit
  and select best
  customer ideas.

Salesforce Case Study 3
 How can a shoe
  involve its
  consumers to
  create new designs
  and products?
 Structured ideation
  platform to solicit
  and select best
  customer ideas.

 Offers products
  and services that
  help firms using
  platform to
  integrate their
  communities with
  Facebook, Amazon
  Web Services and
  Google Apps.


Apirio Case Study 1
 Custom Facebook
  powered by
  Salesforce to drive
  and measure word-
  of-mouth referrals
  in a Starbucks
  campaign to

Apirio Case Study 2
 Custom Facebook
  powered by
  Salesforce to use
  and measure word-
  of-mouth referrals
  in a Mark campaign
  to encourage
  product referrals.

 Salesforce
  application to
  manage contacts
  and conversations
  on Twitter,
  Facebook and

 Off-domain
  platform integrates
  with Salesforce.

In Summary
The Experience Ecosystem Toolkit
                The toolkit for creating
                                              Salesforce seems to be
                a talkworthy
                                              best positioned to offer
                experience ecosystem
                                              an end-to-end solution.
                is coming together.

                          The Conversation Feedback Loop

Social Media      Social            Collaboration     Social Commerce Community
Analytics         Applications      Solutions         & CRM Solutions Platforms

Listening        Sharing          Collaborating   Converting        Energizing
Profiling        Connecting       Co-creating     Supporting        Retaining

Radian6          Facebook API     SocialText       Bazaarvoice      Jive
Sysomos          OpenSocial API   Chatter          SF Sales Cloud   Lithium
Alterian SM2     Twitter API      Accept Ideas     RightNow         INgage
Buzzstream       LinkedIn API     SF Service Cloud Helpstream

                          Talkworthy Experience Ecosystem
Social CRM Solution Components
                                                     #6 CAMPAIGNS

                            4.5 Super-user                                 5.5 Partner
                               Profiling                                    Relations

                                                       3.5 Mobile
                 4.4 Workflow                                                           5.4 Influencer
                 Management                                                               Relations
                                    3.4 OpenSocial                  3.6 Analytics
                                      Integration                    Integration
      4.3 Community                                                                             5.3 Market
       Engagement 3.3 LinkedIn                                                      3.7 CRM      Research
                    Integration                                                   Integration
                                                      2.3 Groups
   4.2 Content                                                                                       5.2 Sales &
     Creation       3.2 Twitter                                                      3.8 Transaction Marketing
                                      2.2 Forums                       2.4 Chat
                    Integration                     1.1 Profiles                       Integration
                                                 1.2 Relationships
4.1 Content   3.1 Facebook                     1.3 Activity Streams                       3.9 Content 5.1 Customer
                                  2.1 Blogs                                 2.5 Ideas
Moderation     Integration                    1.4 Reputation System                       Syndication    Support
                                              1.5 Search & Discovery
#4 SERVICES   #3 INTEGRATION                           #1 CORE            #2 APPLICATIONS                #5 USE CASES
Ask Us How || @2020social
     @gauravonomics                 @ksarda

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2020 Social Decoding The Social In Social CRM

  • 1. Decoding the Social in Social CRM 2020 Social: Because Business is Social @gauravonomics @ksarda
  • 3. Decoding Social Social We can look at networking social technologies Blogging By Tool through many Microblogging lenses. Photo-sharing Consumer Video-sharing Product design generated Sales and content marketing Conversations By Core Decoding By Customer Collaboration Dynamic Social Function support Community Public relations Collective Partner relations intelligence Employee Business-to- relations By Type of business We like to focus on Organiza- Business-to- the core social tion consumer dynamics. Government Non-profit
  • 4. Five Core Social Dynamics Invisible Collective Intelligence Ease of Community Understanding Collaboration Conversation Consumer Generated Content Visible Easy Ease of Difficult Implementing
  • 5. Forrester Social Technographics  Forrester Social Technographics report categorizes social media behavior into seven groups.  In the US, joiners are the biggest group after spectators.  Source: Forrester Social Technographics Report, 2009
  • 6. Social Media in India In India, joiners are the biggest group after spectators, but the other Brands in India should use groups are small. communities, social games and social contests 30.0 to engage with joiners. 26.0 25.0 20.0 16.0 15.0 13.2 9.5 10.0 3.2 4.2 5.0 2.0 2.8 2.0 1.0 - Social Professional Customer Microblogging Social voting Video sharing Photo sharing Document Blogging Wikis networking networking review sharing Joiners + Critics + Conversatio Collectors + Creators + Creators + Spectators nalists + Spectators Spectators Critics + Spectators Collectors + Conversatio Source: Monthly unique users in millions from nalists ; Forrester Social Technographics Report
  • 7. Focus on People vs. Content Most social platforms are including rich user profiles, to shift the Instead, content-centric focus towards people. platforms should build deep integration with people-centric platforms. Focus on Focus on Content People
  • 9. Dell Hell  Viral campaign against Dell’s unresponsive customer service, started by journalist Jeff Jarvis. Source: Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.
  • 10. Social Media Evolution at Dell 1996-97: 2005-06: 2007-08: 2008-09: 2009-10: Dell Support Dell Hell Ideastorm Digital Dell Outlet Initiatives Forum Blogger Employee Nomad on Facebook Dell outreach Storm Take Your and Twitter Community Direct2Dell Own Path Social Forum Dell Go commerce Green Involve Dell Reach out Involve Build Use social Challenges customers in and build consumers communities networks to support and long-term and of interest trigger sales product relationships employees in around social discussions with product and objects influencers process innovation Source: cincinnati-april-7-3678335 Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.
  • 11. Consumer Generated Content Your consumers are authors, photographers and filmmakers, all Tap into their rolled into one. creativity. Ask them to interpret your brand. I wrote a blog post I love the about it I also new designed a airport!  IX poster
  • 12. Dell Go Green  Dell Go Green is a consumer generated content contest where consumers submit ideas to redesign, reuse of recycle gadgets to make them go green. Source: Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.
  • 13. Conversations Your customers, partners and employees are talking Listen to them, reach about you, in public. out to them, engage them in a two-way conversation. Have you used this Yes! It phone? rocks!  
  • 14. Direct2Dell Blog  One of the most celebrated corporate blogs.  Posts about business, technology and consumer trends, corporate social responsibility and business unit announcements. Source: blogs/b/direct2dell Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.
  • 15. Dell SMB on Facebook  Dell’s Small Business Facebook page, structured as a resource for small businesses to use social media, has more than 37,000 fans. Source:
  • 16. Dell Outlet on Twitter  Dell uses Twitter as a channel to sell refurbished computers to corporate purchase managers.  @delloutlet has 1.5 million followers and has resulted in sales of more than $6 million. Source:
  • 17. Collaboration People can help solve each others’ problems, if we help them Create rich profiles connect. and reputation systems to encourage people to help each other. How do I fix this Let me tell problem? you how!  
  • 18. Dell Support Community  User driven support community to increase customer satisfaction and drive down support costs. Source: Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.
  • 19. Community Communities come together around a shared social object: a Build and nurture a lifestyle, cause or community platform to interest. host your customers, partners, employees, and evangelists. Here’s what I am passionate We have so I’m about it too! much in passionate common! about! 
  • 20. Dell Digital Nomad  Community built around the idea of being a digital nomad.  Targeted at highly mobile laptop users. Source: Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.
  • 21. Dell Take Your Own Path  Community where users shared inspiring stories of entrepreneurship.  Driven by the Dell SME team.  Now replicated internationally. Source: Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.
  • 22. Collective Intelligence Customers, employees and partners can give Observe their behavior, you new ideas and ask for their ideas, insights. recognize and reward them for their contribution. Here’s ! Here’s how we It worked! an can make Thank you! idea! it better! 
  • 23. Dell Ideastorm  User driven ideation community to listen to customer’s ideas on product improvement and new product development. Source: Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.
  • 24. Dell Employee Storm  Internal ideation platform to enable Dell’s worldwide community of more than 80,000 employees to post and discuss ideas on topics ranging from product innovation to company HR policies. Source: Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.
  • 25. Social Media Context at Dell Structure Internal Social Community Role of workflow media policy Agency policy Fitting social Developing Developing Developing Assigning Challenges media within workflows for guidelines for guidelines for roles to all the listening, employees to community stakeholders, organizational resolving and participate on members to including structure responding social participate on external platforms social agency platforms hosted by company Hub and Radian6 All Public Add local or Dell’s spoke model Internal employees community domain Approach Central blogs and empowered policy for know-how strategy team community to engage, each Manage with subject Employee but must community content matter Storm identify calendar and experts themselves as workflow NameatDell Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.
  • 26. Structure & Stakeholders  All Dell Employees are encouraged to blog and tweet  Employees can blog/ tweet as a dell representative by identifying themselves as NameatDell  Dell official Twitter accounts clearly identify the employees behind them. Source:
  • 27. Dell Listening & Response Workflow Source: cincinnati-april-7-3678335 Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.
  • 28. Dell Blog Response Checklist Source: outreach-in-the-blogosphere Disclosure: Dell is a 20:20 Media and 2020 Social client.
  • 29. Dell Social Media Policy  Dell has a public social media policy for its employees /en/policy?c=us&l=en&s=gen&~section=019
  • 30. Dell Community Policy  Dell has a public community policy for the members of its community and support forums.
  • 31. Six Elements of Social Strategy Context Community Campaigns Content CRM Channel Creating the Identifying Creating and Creating and Creating Creating right context evangelists, managing a managing a referral and specific in terms of social object campaign campaign rewards tactics for and calendar, to calendar, to programs online and objectives, community attract the retain the supported by offline metrics, platform. interest of interest of reputation channel and structures, evangelists on evangelists on and integrating workflows a regular a regular recommendat them. and policies. basis. basis. ion systems.
  • 33. Old 360° Marketing Campaigns TV  Step 1: Identify a brand message that represents the brand values  Step 2: Produce a TV commercial to Digital Print communicate the brand message  Step 3: Buy ads to promote the message across TV Commercial Radio In-Store channels  Step 4: Repeat with a new TVC with a different creative twist on the brand PR & Events Billboards message Direct Mail
  • 34. Old 360° Marketing Campaigns As TVC-centric campaigns don’t really The brand starts and build upon previous ends with zero campaigns… attention in spite of high ad spends. The old role of the campaign was to Campaign 1 Campaign 2 Campaign 3 maximize reach and Attention frequency of the brand message. Time
  • 35. Saatchi & Saatchi: Lovemarks  Lovemarks are brands that score high on both love and respect  Three ingredients of love: mystery, sensuality and intimacy Source:
  • 36. Seth Godin: Ideavirus  An ideavirus is an idea that spreads on its own, like a virus.  Similar to the “contagious idea” concept from Publicis Source:
  • 37. Jyri Engestrom: Social Object  People don’t just connect to each other. They connect through a shared object.  A social object is an idea that connects people.  Related to Gaurav’s concept of Ideasliver: a social object that you can own. Source:
  • 38. How To Scale Passion? The BIG question for organizations in the 21st century: how to convert Brands can scale the employees, partners and passion of their evangelists customers into evangelists? by building and nurturing (online) communities. Step 1: Identify Passion Step 2: Ignite Passion Step 3: Scale Passion Select a BIG lifestyle, Build a focused community Build scale by leveraging interest, or cause. around it. existing social platforms.
  • 39. New 360° Marketing Campaigns TV  Step 1: Identify a big social object (lifestyle, interest or cause) that is connected with the brand values  Step 2: Build an Digital Print online community around the social object  Step 3: Create a campaign to energize evangelists In-Store Community Radio across channels  Step 4: Repeat with a connected campaign around the same social PR & Events Billboards object Direct Mail
  • 40. New 360° Marketing Campaigns As community-centric campaigns build upon They add new layers to the work done in the the community each previous campaigns… time and grow attention over time. Content + Community + CRM Campaign 3 The new role of the Campaign 2 campaign is to recruit evangelists Campaign 1 Attention into the brand- hosted community. Time
  • 41. New 360° Marketing Campaigns Brands need to commit to a community-centric Brands need to get strategy for the long content, community term to benefit. and CRM right to really connect campaigns. Content + Community + CRM Campaign To attract Calendar evangelists Campaign 3 Content To retain Campaign 2 Calendar evangelists Community To grow Campaign 1 Attention Platform organically CRM Program To direct behavior Time
  • 42. Pepsi Refresh 360° Marketing Case Study
  • 43. Pepsi’s Super Bowl Love Affair  Pepsi spent $142 million on Super Bowl ads in the last decade  Most Pepsi Super Bowl ads were full music videos with top celebrities which went viral with million plus views on YouTube  Overall, Pepsi spends more than half its marketing budget on TV Source:
  • 44. The Promise of PepsiCo  In 2009, PepsiCo committed to the promise of “performance with purpose”: delivering growth by investing in a healthier future for people and our planet. Source:,,
  • 45. Pepsi: Moments to Movement Each of our beverage brands has a strategy and marketing platform that will be less about (creating) a moment, more about a movement. My primary role involves thinking about Frank Cooper, “How do we start Bonin Bough, Chief Consumer integrating social Global Director of Engagement Officer, media into the overall Digital and Social PepsiCo organization?" Media, PepsiCo
  • 46. Pepsi Refresh Anthem  In January 2009, Pepsi launched its Refresh rebranding with a ‘Forever Young’ TVC featuring Bob Dylan and  Every generation refreshes the world. Now it’s your turn. Source:
  • 47. Pepsi Refresh Everything  The earlier version of the Pepsi Refresh website showcased content and contests that focused on refreshing various aspects of popular culture. Source:
  • 48. Pepsi Refresh Studio  In September 2009, Pepsi tied up with to launch a contest to create a user- generated video and music track of the single "La La La" from LMFAO. Source:
  • 49. The Pepsi Refresh Project  In January 2010, Pepsi launched the Pepsi Refresh Project with a budget of $20m and an intent to support ideas that refresh local communities.  Based on the Pepsi Optimism Project (POP) Survey findings: Americans believe that the best ideas are more likely to come from "normal people" as opposed to public figures. Source:
  • 50. Pepsi Refresh: One People TVC  The One People TVC for Pepsi Refresh aggressively promoted online.  However, Pepsi let go of its Super Bowl opening ad position for the first time in 23 years. Source:
  • 51. Pepsi Refresh: Game Mechanics  Up to 1000 ideas can be submitted in six categories each month with voting in the next month. Each month is effectively a new campaign.  32 grants of $5k, $25k, $50k and $250k, totaling to $1.3m each month.  Leader board for the most popular ideas. Source:
  • 52. Pepsi Refresh: Ambassadors  Respected thought leaders from GOOD act as Refresh Ambassadors (and community managers) in each category.  Pepsi also tied up with GOOD, Global Giving, Do Something and City Years as cause marketing partners. Source:
  • 53. Pepsi Refresh: Blog  Written by six category ambassadors from Good.  Blog posts include a combination of announcements, how-to tips, case studies and grantee stories to energize and educate the community. Source:
  • 54. Pepsi Refresh: Showcase  All funded ideas are showcased and their progress tracked on the idea blog. Source:
  • 55. Pepsi Refresh: Virality  Contestants can promote their ideas via updates on social networks like Facebook and Twitter, or via a widget on their blog or website.  The Pepsi Refresh voting app on Facebook shows ideas your friends support and has more than 50k users. Source:
  • 56. Pepsi Refresh: Brand Website  The Pepsi brand website promotes the Pepsi Refresh Project along with other current brand promotions, most of which are thematically related to the Pepsi Refresh Project theme. Source:
  • 57. Pepsi Refresh: Facebook  Customized landing tab on Facebook to showcase the highlights of the project. Source:
  • 58. Pepsi Refresh: Facebook  Tab to showcase MTV VJ’s road trip across America to meet the Pepsi Refresh grant recipients. Source:
  • 59. Pepsi Refresh: Facebook  Tab to showcase Pepsi Refresh Celebrity Challenge where Demi Moore and Kevin Bacon promoted their favorite causes. Source:
  • 60. Pepsi Refresh: One Goal in Mind  In the run up to the FIFA World Cup, Pepsi Refresh tied up with the US soccer team to run a contest where three players promoted their favorite ideas Source:
  • 61. Pepsi Refresh: Cherry Goodness  Pepsi Refresh contest where consumers can win $5000 for themselves and $5000 to support their favorite charity by finding one of the 100 specially marked Pepsi Cherry products. Source:
  • 62. Pepsi Refresh: Results  Added 200k new Facebook fans in Super Bowl week.  Over 500k new Facebook fans by end May.  2m registered users by end-May.  5m unique visitors a month.  60,000 tweets (175 million Twitter impressions) by end-May. Source:
  • 63. Pepsi Refresh: Canada  Pepsi is now starting the Pepsi refresh Project in Canada.  10 grants of $5k, $25k, $50k and $250k, totaling to $200k each month. Source:
  • 64. Six Shifts in 360° Marketing  One: From TVC-centric Content + Community + CRM campaign to community- centric campaign  Two: From inside-out brand Campaign 3 message to outside-in social object Campaign 2  Three: From standalone campaigns to a series of campaigns that build upon Campaign 1 Attention each other  Four: From standalone content pieces to permission-based content streams  Five: From linear ad- Time supported growth to viral organic growth  Six: From reach and frequency to participation
  • 65. Six Shifts in 360° Marketing  One: From TVC- From centric campaign to community- centric campaign To
  • 66. Six Shifts in 360° Marketing  Two: From inside- From out brand message to outside-in social object To
  • 67. Six Shifts in 360° Marketing  Three: From From standalone campaigns to a series of campaigns that build upon each other To
  • 68. Six Shifts in 360° Marketing  Four: From From standalone content pieces to permission-based content streams To
  • 69. Six Shifts in 360° Marketing  Five: From linear From ad-supported growth to viral organic growth To
  • 70. Six Shifts in 360° Marketing  Six: From reach From and frequency to participation To
  • 71. Decoding the Social in Social CRM
  • 72. Social CRM Use Cases Marketing Sales Support Innovation Collaborati on Brand Identifying Identifying Identifying Profiles, Insights tracking leads problems trends and groups and Research ideas activity communities streams Changing Converting Solving Acknowledgi Shared Response medium or leads problems ng ideas workspaces message Viral Referral Suggestion Suggestion Blogs and Proactive marketing campaigns campaigns campaigns wikis campaigns Evangelist Evangelist Self-service Ideation Employee Crowd- communities communities communities communities and partner sourcing communities Adapted from: Altimeter Social CRM Use Cases
  • 73. The Social & CRM Sides of SCRM Some players are approaching Social CRM from the Social-side, The Social and CRM others from the CRM-side. approaches are rooted in different value systems and might not converge. 1. Social media 2. Community 3. Community 4. CRM tools with CRM platforms with platforms with solutions with features CRM connectors CRM core social features Hootsuite Jive Salesforce MS Dynamics Radian6 Lithium RightNow Oracle Buzzstream ENgage Helpstream Social CRM Public Private Many-to-many One-to-one Emergent Rule-driven
  • 74. HootSuite  Provides workflow, analytics, for teams to manage multiple Twitter accounts and distribute messages across multiple networks. Other features are influence rating, custom URL for analytics, regional tracking. Source:
  • 75. CoTweet  Enable teams to monitor, manage, and triage conversations in Twitter, analyze keywords and trends, assign updates to team members and schedule responses Source:
  • 76. BuzzStream  Lightweight influencer relations tool targeted at SMEs and agencies.  Keyword tracking, profiling, contact management, workflow management and conversation history. Source:
  • 77. BuzzStream Case Study  How can a photo sharing startup convince influencers to write about its platform?  Video demo Source:
  • 78. Radian6  Social media analytics tool targeted at agencies and enterprises.  Keyword tracking, sentiment, analytics, profiling, workflow management.  Integration with Saleforce CRM.  Integration with Webtrends and Omniture web analytics. Source: &
  • 79. Radian6 Case Study 1  How can a landscaping company find “point of need” sales leads on Twitter and the social web?  Screenshot 1 of 4: Tracking conversations related to select keywords in Radian6. Source: generation/
  • 80. Radian6 Case Study 1  How can a landscaping company find “point of need” sales leads on Twitter and the social web?  Screenshot 2 of 4: Syncing contact record between Radian6 and Salesforce. Source: generation/
  • 81. Radian6 Case Study 1  How can a landscaping company find “point of need” sales leads on Twitter and the social web?  Screenshot 3 of 4: Tracking contact history in Salesforce. Source: generation/
  • 82. Radian6 Case Study 1  How can a landscaping company find “point of need” sales leads on Twitter and the social web?  Screenshot 4 of 4: Tracking impact on web traffic with Webtrends & Omniture. Source: generation/
  • 83. Radian6 Case Study 2  How can a cable company manage customer support in real time?  Screenshot 1 of 4: Tracking conversations related to select keywords in Radian6. Source: service-outreach/
  • 84. Radian6 Case Study 2  How can a cable company manage customer support in real time?  Screenshot 2 of 4: Identifying conversations related to potential customer support problems in Radian6. Source: service-outreach/
  • 85. Radian6 Case Study 2  How can a cable company manage customer support in real time?  Screenshot 3 of 4: Assigning problems to customer support team using the workflow features in Radian6. Source: service-outreach/
  • 86. Radian6 Case Study 2  How can a cable company manage customer support in real time?  Screenshot 4 of 4: Syncing case with Salesforce CRM and tracking case history in Salesforce. Source: service-outreach/
  • 87. Sysomos Heartbeat  Social media analytics tool targeted at agencies and enterprises.  Keyword tracking, sentiment, analytics, profiling, workflow management.  Integration with Saleforce CRM. Source:
  • 88. Alterian SM2  Social media analytics tool targeted at agencies and enterprises.  Keyword tracking, sentiment, analytics, profiling, workflow management.  Integration with Alterian Dynamic Messenger and Alterian Content Manager. Source: SM2/dynamic-messenger
  • 89. Lithium  Full-featured enterprise social computing platform for large enterprises.  Deep integration with Twitter, Omniture, Salesforce and Rightnow. Source: suite
  • 90. Lithium  Blogs, forums, idea, chat, mobile.  Reputation system, tribal knowledge base, command center, content discovery, content syndication. Source: suite
  • 91. Lithium Case Study 1  How can a gadgets marketer connect customer conversations across the social web, ideation platforms, support forums and CRM platforms? Source:
  • 92. INgage ELAvate  Full-featured enterprise social computing platform for large enterprises and government agencies.  Ideation, community, public comment, marketplace and mobile solutions.  Deep analytics and Microsoft Dynamics CRM integration. Source: enterprise
  • 93. Jive Market Engagement  Jive’s social media monitoring and response offering, includes a virtual war room.  Integrated with their full-featured internal collaboration and external community platform. Source: engagement
  • 94. Jive Case Study 1  How can a mobile phone company connect with its consumers to generate ideas for new products and features?  Structured ideation platform to solicit and select best customer ideas. Source:
  • 95. Helpstream  Community platform focused on customer service.  Social media monitoring.  Ideas, Q&A and knowledge bases.  Integration with Salesforce or Oracle CRM. Source:
  • 96. Attensity  Complete suite of customer experience applications for enterprises, driven by semantic text analysis.  Partnerships with Lithium and Radian6. Source:
  • 97. RightNow CRM  Full suite of social and community solutions integrated with SaaS-based CRM.  Support, innovation and customer communities.  Social media monitoring. Source: experience.php
  • 98. Salesforce Service Cloud  Full suite of social and community solutions integrated with SaaS-based CRM.  Community features like ideas and answers.  Integration with knowledge base and CRM.  Deep Twitter integration.  and Facebook API. Source: support/
  • 99. Chatter Collaboration Cloud  Facebook for the enterprise.  Members can create personal profile, public groups, monitor projects and share content.  Integration with Twitter and Facebook. Source:
  • 100. Chatter Collaboration Platform  APIs for developers to create new social applications connected with Chatter. Source:
  • 101. Salesforce Case Study 1  How can a coffee chain collaborate with its consumers to co-create new products and services?  Structured ideation platform to solicit and select best customer ideas. Source:
  • 102. Salesforce Case Study 2  How can a computer vendor engage its customers to get ideas for new products and improvements on existing products?  Structured ideation platform to solicit and select best customer ideas. Source:
  • 103. Salesforce Case Study 3  How can a shoe manufacturer involve its consumers to create new designs and products?  Structured ideation platform to solicit and select best customer ideas. Source:
  • 104. Apirio  Offers products and services that help firms using the platform to integrate their communities with Facebook, Amazon Web Services and Google Apps. Source: p
  • 105. Apirio Case Study 1  Custom Facebook application powered by Salesforce to drive and measure word- of-mouth referrals in a Starbucks campaign to encourage volunteerism. Source: viralmarketing_demo.htm
  • 106. Apirio Case Study 2  Custom Facebook application powered by Salesforce to use and measure word- of-mouth referrals in a Mark campaign to encourage product referrals. Source:
  • 107. SocialCRMTools  Salesforce application to manage contacts and conversations on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Source:
  • 108. GetSatisfaction  Off-domain customer-driven self-service platform integrates with Salesforce. Source:
  • 110. The Experience Ecosystem Toolkit The toolkit for creating Salesforce seems to be a talkworthy best positioned to offer experience ecosystem an end-to-end solution. is coming together. The Conversation Feedback Loop Social Media Social Collaboration Social Commerce Community Analytics Applications Solutions & CRM Solutions Platforms Solutions Listening Sharing Collaborating Converting Energizing Profiling Connecting Co-creating Supporting Retaining Radian6 Facebook API SocialText Bazaarvoice Jive Sysomos OpenSocial API Chatter SF Sales Cloud Lithium Alterian SM2 Twitter API Accept Ideas RightNow INgage Buzzstream LinkedIn API SF Service Cloud Helpstream Talkworthy Experience Ecosystem
  • 111. Social CRM Solution Components #6 CAMPAIGNS 4.5 Super-user 5.5 Partner Profiling Relations 3.5 Mobile 4.4 Workflow 5.4 Influencer Integration Management Relations 3.4 OpenSocial 3.6 Analytics Integration Integration 4.3 Community 5.3 Market Engagement 3.3 LinkedIn 3.7 CRM Research Integration Integration 2.3 Groups 4.2 Content 5.2 Sales & Creation 3.2 Twitter 3.8 Transaction Marketing 2.2 Forums 2.4 Chat Integration 1.1 Profiles Integration 1.2 Relationships 4.1 Content 3.1 Facebook 1.3 Activity Streams 3.9 Content 5.1 Customer 2.1 Blogs 2.5 Ideas Moderation Integration 1.4 Reputation System Syndication Support 1.5 Search & Discovery #4 SERVICES #3 INTEGRATION #1 CORE #2 APPLICATIONS #5 USE CASES
  • 112. Ask Us How || @2020social @gauravonomics @ksarda