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2015 Year of Climate Change Agreement and the
Sustainable Development post-2015 Agenda
Global Change, Energy & Sustainable
Development and our Leadership
May 2015- Aachen
Founder Energy For One World
Adriaan Kamp
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs- Earth Institute:
The Age of Sustainable Development
Clickable Video Presentation
2009- - Founder of Energy For One
World/ CEO World
A practice on Global Change, Energy ,
Sustainable Development and
Program Director Nyenrode BU Executive
Program- The Netherlands: Energy
17 years Shell International :
Upstream Oil and Gas Project and
Business Development ( 5
Countries and HQ).
Director and Entrepreneur of Start-
Adriaan Kamp
Contents of Session
1. Global Change, Climate Change and
the Sustainable Development Agenda post -2015
2. Energy Trends, Energy transition/
3. Our (Change) Leadership- Global, Regional,
Local. From Plan (Strategy) to Reality
4. Wrap-up
Year 2015 – A Pivot Year
• Feb: February 5-7 – Delhi Sustainable Development Summit
| New Delhi, India
• March: Returns in from Voluntary Contributions INDC.
• April : Pope Francis Encyclical
• May : 12-13 – Bonn Conference for Global Transformation
| Bonn, Germany / 2nd
annual United Nations Sustainable
Energy for All Forum from 17-21 May New York
• June: UN Vienna Energy Forum 18-20 June
• July: 7-10 – Our Common Future under Climate Change
| Paris, France
• September: 25-27 UN General Assembly/ SDG post-2015
• December: Paris Climate Change Agreement - Nov 30-Dec
How are we going to live together and provide
energy to all people of this world – reliably,
sustainably, affordable, and in harmony?
Can we build Sustainable Societies for all?
Sustainable Development- Some Highlights
1968 Club of Rome
1987 Gro Brundland Commission- Definition of Sustainable Development
1992 Rio Earth Summit
1997 Kyoto Protocol
2000 UN Millennium Developments Goals
2002 Cradle-to-Cradle Philosophies- Mc Donough/Braungart
2006 Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth
2009 Copenhagen
2012 Rio+20: Re-thinking Sustainability/ Sustainable Energy For All. Jurgen
Randers: 2052 (Club of Rome).
2014 COP 20 -Lima and Defining Post-2015 SDG.
2015 Paris New Climate Change agreement and Post-2015 SDG05/07/15
By defining our goal more clearly, by making it seem more manageable
and less remote, we help all people to see it, to draw hope from it,
and to move irresistibly towards it.
Clickable Link To UN SDSN Goal Page
Clickable Presentation
UN Climate Change Summit in NY &
Climate Change, Cop20 in Lima- 2014
Click to go to Website
Geopolitical shifts and re-alignments
• Economic and finance system change
and fundamentals
• A new technological era
• Global production systems & the rise
of new (multinational) corporations
• Social Changes (network economies),
and the quest for wealth justice
• Planetary boundaries/ Resource
• Demographic change and migration/
Changing labour markets
Global Change
7 Billion
9 Billion
90 trillion
225 million
oil eq/day
500- 750
oil eq/day
400 ppm CO2 and Carbon Budget
consumed for 2 degrees/ 21st
??? ppm CO2 and
Climate Change Effects
The world needs energy
05/07/15 Energy For One World- All Rights Reserved
2/1/2012 Energy For One World- All Rights Reserved
Shell Energy Scenario: we do not know how it will play out…
Future Strategies and Scenario’s: With Uncertainties
One World. Many Needs. Many Views
It’s our time. Let us grow our
Economies and take care of
our people
You’ll fix whatever you want
to fix!
The West:
“If you do as I have done
it will be
a mess.”
Let us all change- rapidly
Let’s secure our nation,
people and planet
Will there be enough for
Can i afford it?
Who will deliver it to me?
The poor:
When will we see
electricity and get
Opec and GasPec:
You need us!
We can deliver your needs!
What is all that fuzz about
Availability and climate
Prognosis Renewables/CleanTech
(Business As Usual) (IRENA/UN Energy For All) (exponential growth)
21 % 30% > 70%
BAU= Business As Usual,
ReMap2030= UN Energy For All Study and Plan
DDCP= UN Sustainable Development Goals
post-2015/ Deep-De-carbonization project
Clickable Access to Report
Thomas Piketty and Pope Francis
On Capital, Wealth and Social Justice
Clickable Video Presentation Clickable Video Presentation
The State of Our World Energy System
Three wise moves:
• The Western (OECD-) countries could do well if they were able to “make room” and reduce
their average fossil energy footprint significantly, in order to-
• Allow and facilitate the non-OECD countries to grow and allow their benefits and wealth
creation (opportunity) from fossil energy.
• The general predicted increase in world average energy consumption per capita should
ideally be generated by non-fossil fuels such as renewable energy. Overall world fossil fuel
production is not to rise and should taper-down significantly if we do not wish to cross
levels which can no longer be sustained or guaranteed for our economies, societies or
And an action agenda:
• A political agenda: “We need better oversight and agreement on the rules of the
game on sustainability and the dynamic developments in the world energy
system.” We need policies, markets and regulations which supports the new
• A business and large (energy) corporation agenda: “making room for the new:
enabling the development of energy architectures of the 21st
• A social agenda: “we need to allow for the poor and middle-class incomes:
ensuring that energy once and when made available – remains affordable.”
• We need leadership values of the 21st century : allowing for better integration of
sustainability in the energy value chains and across borders.
John Naisbitt : Mind Set!
1. While many things change, most things remain
2. The future is embedded in the present
3. Focus on the score of the game
4. Understanding how powerful it is not to have to be
5. See the future as a big puzzle
6. Don’t get so far ahead of the parade that people don’t
know you’re in it.
7. Resistance to change falls if benefits are real
8. Things that we expect to happen always happen more
9. You don’t get results by solving problems but by
exploiting opportunities
10. Don’t add unless you subtract
11. Don’t forget the ecology of technology
John Naisbitt’s first published Book
Megatrends (1982) was at the top of the NYT
bestseller list for more than 2 years. His
experience reaches from executive positions in
the corporate world to appointments by
Kennedy and Johnson, and as an entrepreneur.
He is a former visiting fellow at Harvard
University, a former visiting professor at
Moscow State University, and currently a
faculty member of the Nanjing University in
China. He has lived in three continents and
travels the world as one of the most sought-
after speakers. He holds fifteen honorary
doctorates in the humanities, technology and
2/1/2012 Energy For One World- All Rights Reserved
Clickable Video Presentation
The Future is embedded in the Present
The Future is Uncertain
The Future can be Shaped and Build
The Future is Now
Regional Blocks
Companies and Institutes
Co-alitions of the Willing
A Vision on our Future
(typical of Futurists)
Clickable Video (YouTube) Presentation
A Vision from Denmark
Clickable Video (YouTube)
Click to Go To Website
Old vs New Clickable Presentations
Vs 250 Bn USD investment
The State of Our World Energy System
The world energy system is presently rapidly changing – and under the influence of:
• Population Growth
• Wealth Distribution
• Energy Demand Increase
• Distribution and Prize Fluctuations
• Economy and Society
• Planetary Boundaries and Climate Change
• Five worlds- Five Emotions (OECD, BRICS, Opec/Gaspec, Emerging
and Developing, Poor)
• Present Realities in Technology and New Frontiers in the Cleantech-
Fossil Industry
• Global, Local and Regional dimensions
• Importance and Realities of Business, Society, Ecology, Economy and
Sustainable Community Building
The Rise of a new middle-class ( 3 Billion) – in MegaCities
and more people live in Greater Tokyo (35m) than in all of Canada
The top 10 cities by population:
1. Tokyo, (34 million)
2. Seoul (24.4 million)
3. Guangzhou (24.2 million)
4. Mexico City (23.4 million)
5. Delhi (23.2 million)
6. Mumbai (22.8 million)
7. New York (22.2 million)
8. Sao Paolo (20.9 million)
9. Manila (19.6 million)
10.Shanghai (19.4 million)
All above fit comfortably into the list
Of Top-50 nations by population
Click to Go to
Contents of Session
1. Global Change, Climate Change and
the Sustainable Development Agenda post -2015
2. Energy Trends, Energy transition/
3. Our (Change) Leadership- Global, Regional,
Local. From Plan (Strategy) to Reality
4. Wrap-up
Cleantech has over the last 10 years made an
impact over a wide range of businesses
. Awareness for “Clean” has risen thanks to
a problem we need to solve
Wind Powering US- what it takes to
Largest Offshore Wind Farm’s
2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024
2 yr 4yr 6yr 8 yr 10 yr 12 yr 14 yr 16 yr 18yr 20 yr
5 yr 10 yr 15 yr 20 yr 25 yr 30 yr 35 yr 40 yr 45 yr 50 yr
An offshore area of 100km2
175 wind turbines
Two offshore substations
Nearly 450km of offshore cabling
One onshore substation
630MW of electricity
Enough power for nearly half a million homes
Largest Solar Farm (First Solar)
2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024
2 yr 4yr 6yr 8 yr 10 yr 12 yr 14 yr 16 yr 18yr 20 yr
5 yr 10 yr 15 yr 20 yr 25 yr 30 yr 35 yr 40 yr 45 yr 50 yr
3500 hectares
160,000 homes
1,5 Bn USD
550 MW
8 million panels
Eco-Modernity at and around homes
Solar City- A New Value
Exxon Mobile- Transport Outlook
05/07/15 Energy For One World- All Rights Reserved
In the words of a car-manufacturer,
Carlos Ghosn
Electric Vehicles sales are in
direct correlation with the
number and amount of
charging stations installed
in a city, region or nation.
It's a public-private
partnership. It's a matter of
trust. It's a matter of
convenience. But it surely
the way to go into our
(Carlos doesnot believe in fuel-celled LPV's. He
is truly committed to the electrification of self-
driving and navigating new car concepts)
From WEF/ Accenture: The energy architecture is an integrated
physical system of energy sources, carriers and demand sectors
shaped by government, industry and civil society.
The energy architecture on location is a reflection of the socio-
political, economic, ecological and business philosophies,
leadership and interests exercised on location.
The energy architecture in a country, region or global community is (ideally)
to serve (the rise of, establishment of) thriving sustainable societies-
making energy available, affordable and sustainable to all: balancing
economic interests with that of society and nature. Here and there. Now
and in the future.
Energy Architecture
Energy & Sustainability
Today From now on
45 1 2
Re-inventing Strategies/Relationships:
“X-Factor of Integration, Transition
and Transformation”
1 2
Old vs New Clickable Presentations
Vs 250 Bn USD investment
“Every Energy Company and Every Energy
Architecture in this world can be improved
upon in order to raise the availability,
affordability and sustainability of energy to
all”.- Adriaan Kamp, 2015
Contents of Session
1. Global Change, Climate Change and
the Sustainable Development Agenda post -2015
2. Energy Trends, Energy transition/
3. Our (Change, Business) Leadership- Global,
Regional, Local. From Plan (Strategy) to
4. Wrap-up
John D. Rockefeller, 1870:
Business Tycoon, Legend and Founder of the
first oil major
• As no other before- he knew the
importance of standards and scale and
of access to market (re. transportation
prices and rights). By so doing- he built
the first true oil mayor. Unbeatable in
• Deal-making behind closed-doors and
looking at global opportunities in the
market with an analytical eye and self-
• “Old boys”- network
• But also the creator of the Rockefeller
Human Value and Freedom Principles,
enshrined at Rockefeller Centre, New York.
05/07/15 Energy For One World- All Rights Reserved
Michael Porter: “Niche, Cost Leadership or
Differentiation” and his remorse in 2011
05/07/15 Energy For One World- All Rights Reserved
Following several corporate crisis, including the
US financial and Wall Street scandals in 2008,
Occupy Wall Street, etc.:
«A big part of the problem lies with companies themselves,
which remain trapped in an outdated approach to value
creation that has emerged over the past few decades. They
continue to view value creation narrowly, optimizing short-
term financial performance in a bubble while missing the most
important customer needs and ignoring the broader influences
that determine their longer-term success.
How else could companies overlook the wellbeing of their
customers, the depletion of natural resources vital to their
businesses, the viability of key suppliers, or the economic
distress of communities in which they produce and sell? How
else could companies think that simply shifting activities to
locations with ever lower wages was a sustainable «solution»
to competitive challenges?»*
 Conscious Capitalism
 The rise of new (global and business)
leadership: Gandhi’s and Mandela’s
 Neuroscience , psychology and spirituality
 Gaia, Oneness and Global Mind-set.
Transformative leadership
Accelerate - Change Management
“Only good can come from good”
Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved
What Happy and Conscious people know
Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved
“Manage others as you would
like to be managed yourself”
Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved
Organizing people
Servant Leadership : a simple but o so powerful
idea : Turning you 180 degrees and making you
available for growth..
Here’s the essence of the gospel of Greenleaf.
First and foremost, truly great managers want
to serve the people they lead. They do this by
supporting them rather than dictating to them,
and by assigning top priority to employee well-
being. Deceptively simple and deeply profound.
Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved
Three dimensions
“Good is the enemy of Great”
Cultural Dimensions
Global People Skills
Ernest Gundling: Understanding Cultures and
Relationships. The way it works
Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved
Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved
“Resistance to change falls when the
benefits are clear”
Recommended Reading- Bibliography
• John Naisbitt, Mind Set, Reset your thinking and see the future, Harper
Collins Publishers- 2006
• Dominique Moisi, The Geopolitics of Emotion, Double Day, 2009
• A. G. Lafley/ Ram Charan, The Game-changer, Crown Publishing, 2008
• Larry Bossidy/ Ram Charan, Execution- Random House, 2002
• Hermann Scheer, Energy Autonomy, Earthscan, 2007
• Al Gore, Our Choice, Rodale , 2009
• Al Gore – the Future, Random House, 2013
• Ernest Gundling, Working GlobeSmart, Davies Black, 2003
• Stephen Howarth, A century in oil, Weidenfeld & Nicolsen, 1997
• David S. Landes, The wealth and poverty of nations, W.W. Norton &
Company, 1999
• Piketty , Capital in the 21st
century, 2014
• Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel, Evangelii Gaudium, 2013
• Thomas Barnett, A Blueprint for Action, The Pentagon’s new map
Recommended WatchList
- Youtube Video’s
• A Conversation with Al Gore: Six Drivers of Global Change:
• Jeffrey Sachs, Coursera, The Age of Sustainable Development:
• Montreux 2013 - Jo Confino and Peter Bakker
• Arnold Swarzenegger in Wien 2011
• Kandeh Yumkella
• Dr. Herman Scheer (T)
• Prof Dominique Moisi: Planetary Fears
• Energy For One World Channel:
Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved

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2015 global change, energy architecture and leadership lecture series presentation slides aachen

  • 1. 2015 Year of Climate Change Agreement and the Sustainable Development post-2015 Agenda Global Change, Energy & Sustainable Development and our Leadership 2hrs-mini-MBA 9th May 2015- Aachen Founder Energy For One World Adriaan Kamp
  • 2. Prof. Jeffrey Sachs- Earth Institute: The Age of Sustainable Development 05/07/15 Clickable Video Presentation
  • 3. 2009- - Founder of Energy For One World/ CEO World A practice on Global Change, Energy , Sustainable Development and Leadership. Program Director Nyenrode BU Executive Program- The Netherlands: Energy MBA 17 years Shell International : Upstream Oil and Gas Project and Business Development ( 5 Countries and HQ). Director and Entrepreneur of Start- ups Adriaan Kamp
  • 4. Contents of Session 1. Global Change, Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Agenda post -2015 2. Energy Trends, Energy transition/ architectures 3. Our (Change) Leadership- Global, Regional, Local. From Plan (Strategy) to Reality 4. Wrap-up
  • 5. Year 2015 – A Pivot Year • Feb: February 5-7 – Delhi Sustainable Development Summit | New Delhi, India • March: Returns in from Voluntary Contributions INDC. • April : Pope Francis Encyclical • May : 12-13 – Bonn Conference for Global Transformation | Bonn, Germany / 2nd annual United Nations Sustainable Energy for All Forum from 17-21 May New York • June: UN Vienna Energy Forum 18-20 June • July: 7-10 – Our Common Future under Climate Change | Paris, France • September: 25-27 UN General Assembly/ SDG post-2015 • December: Paris Climate Change Agreement - Nov 30-Dec 11
  • 6. How are we going to live together and provide energy to all people of this world – reliably, sustainably, affordable, and in harmony? Can we build Sustainable Societies for all? 6
  • 7. Sustainable Development- Some Highlights 1968 Club of Rome 1987 Gro Brundland Commission- Definition of Sustainable Development 1992 Rio Earth Summit 1997 Kyoto Protocol 2000 UN Millennium Developments Goals 2002 Cradle-to-Cradle Philosophies- Mc Donough/Braungart 2006 Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth 2009 Copenhagen 2012 Rio+20: Re-thinking Sustainability/ Sustainable Energy For All. Jurgen Randers: 2052 (Club of Rome). 2014 COP 20 -Lima and Defining Post-2015 SDG. 2015 Paris New Climate Change agreement and Post-2015 SDG05/07/15
  • 8. 8 By defining our goal more clearly, by making it seem more manageable and less remote, we help all people to see it, to draw hope from it, and to move irresistibly towards it.
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. 11 Clickable Link To UN SDSN Goal Page
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15. UN Climate Change Summit in NY & Climate Change, Cop20 in Lima- 2014
  • 16. Click to go to Website
  • 17. 07.05.15 Geopolitical shifts and re-alignments • Economic and finance system change and fundamentals • A new technological era • Global production systems & the rise of new (multinational) corporations • Social Changes (network economies), and the quest for wealth justice • Planetary boundaries/ Resource Scarcities • Demographic change and migration/ Changing labour markets Global Change
  • 18. 18 2014 2030-2050 7 Billion People 9 Billion People 90 trillion USD economy 180-210 trillion USD 225 million oil eq/day 500- 750 million oil eq/day 400 ppm CO2 and Carbon Budget consumed for 2 degrees/ 21st century ??? ppm CO2 and Climate Change Effects
  • 19. The world needs energy 05/07/15 Energy For One World- All Rights Reserved
  • 20. 2/1/2012 Energy For One World- All Rights Reserved Shell Energy Scenario: we do not know how it will play out…
  • 21. Future Strategies and Scenario’s: With Uncertainties 05/07/15
  • 22. One World. Many Needs. Many Views
  • 23. BRIC: It’s our time. Let us grow our Economies and take care of our people You’ll fix whatever you want to fix! The West: “If you do as I have done it will be a mess.” Let us all change- rapidly Let’s secure our nation, people and planet Emerging: Will there be enough for us? Can i afford it? Who will deliver it to me? The poor: When will we see electricity and get mobility? Opec and GasPec: You need us! We can deliver your needs! What is all that fuzz about Availability and climate change?
  • 24.
  • 25. Prognosis Renewables/CleanTech 2030-2040 BAU ReMap2030 UN DDCP (Business As Usual) (IRENA/UN Energy For All) (exponential growth) 21 % 30% > 70% BAU= Business As Usual, ReMap2030= UN Energy For All Study and Plan DDCP= UN Sustainable Development Goals post-2015/ Deep-De-carbonization project
  • 27. Thomas Piketty and Pope Francis On Capital, Wealth and Social Justice 05/07/15 Clickable Video Presentation Clickable Video Presentation
  • 28. The State of Our World Energy System Three wise moves: • The Western (OECD-) countries could do well if they were able to “make room” and reduce their average fossil energy footprint significantly, in order to- • Allow and facilitate the non-OECD countries to grow and allow their benefits and wealth creation (opportunity) from fossil energy. • The general predicted increase in world average energy consumption per capita should ideally be generated by non-fossil fuels such as renewable energy. Overall world fossil fuel production is not to rise and should taper-down significantly if we do not wish to cross levels which can no longer be sustained or guaranteed for our economies, societies or nature. And an action agenda: • A political agenda: “We need better oversight and agreement on the rules of the game on sustainability and the dynamic developments in the world energy system.” We need policies, markets and regulations which supports the new • A business and large (energy) corporation agenda: “making room for the new: enabling the development of energy architectures of the 21st century” • A social agenda: “we need to allow for the poor and middle-class incomes: ensuring that energy once and when made available – remains affordable.” • We need leadership values of the 21st century : allowing for better integration of sustainability in the energy value chains and across borders. 28
  • 29. John Naisbitt : Mind Set! 1. While many things change, most things remain constant 2. The future is embedded in the present 3. Focus on the score of the game 4. Understanding how powerful it is not to have to be right 5. See the future as a big puzzle 6. Don’t get so far ahead of the parade that people don’t know you’re in it. 7. Resistance to change falls if benefits are real 8. Things that we expect to happen always happen more slowly 9. You don’t get results by solving problems but by exploiting opportunities 10. Don’t add unless you subtract 11. Don’t forget the ecology of technology John Naisbitt’s first published Book Megatrends (1982) was at the top of the NYT bestseller list for more than 2 years. His experience reaches from executive positions in the corporate world to appointments by Kennedy and Johnson, and as an entrepreneur. He is a former visiting fellow at Harvard University, a former visiting professor at Moscow State University, and currently a faculty member of the Nanjing University in China. He has lived in three continents and travels the world as one of the most sought- after speakers. He holds fifteen honorary doctorates in the humanities, technology and science. 2/1/2012 Energy For One World- All Rights Reserved
  • 32. The Future is embedded in the Present The Future is Uncertain The Future can be Shaped and Build The Future is Now
  • 33. UN Regional Blocks Countries Cities Communities Companies and Institutes Co-alitions of the Willing
  • 34. A Vision on our Future (typical of Futurists) Clickable Video (YouTube) Presentation
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38. A Vision from Denmark Clickable Video (YouTube)
  • 39. Click to Go To Website
  • 41.
  • 42. Old vs New Clickable Presentations Vs 250 Bn USD investment
  • 43. The State of Our World Energy System The world energy system is presently rapidly changing – and under the influence of: • Population Growth • Wealth Distribution • Energy Demand Increase • Distribution and Prize Fluctuations • Economy and Society • Planetary Boundaries and Climate Change Givens: • Five worlds- Five Emotions (OECD, BRICS, Opec/Gaspec, Emerging and Developing, Poor) • Present Realities in Technology and New Frontiers in the Cleantech- Fossil Industry • Global, Local and Regional dimensions • Importance and Realities of Business, Society, Ecology, Economy and Politics
  • 46. The Rise of a new middle-class ( 3 Billion) – in MegaCities and more people live in Greater Tokyo (35m) than in all of Canada The top 10 cities by population: 1. Tokyo, (34 million) 2. Seoul (24.4 million) 3. Guangzhou (24.2 million) 4. Mexico City (23.4 million) 5. Delhi (23.2 million) 6. Mumbai (22.8 million) 7. New York (22.2 million) 8. Sao Paolo (20.9 million) 9. Manila (19.6 million) 10.Shanghai (19.4 million) All above fit comfortably into the list Of Top-50 nations by population
  • 47.
  • 48. Click to Go to
  • 49. Contents of Session 1. Global Change, Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Agenda post -2015 2. Energy Trends, Energy transition/ architectures 3. Our (Change) Leadership- Global, Regional, Local. From Plan (Strategy) to Reality 4. Wrap-up
  • 50. Cleantech has over the last 10 years made an impact over a wide range of businesses 05/07/15
  • 51. . Awareness for “Clean” has risen thanks to a problem we need to solve
  • 52. Wind Powering US- what it takes to win(d)... 05/07/15
  • 53. Largest Offshore Wind Farm’s 4 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2 yr 4yr 6yr 8 yr 10 yr 12 yr 14 yr 16 yr 18yr 20 yr 5 yr 10 yr 15 yr 20 yr 25 yr 30 yr 35 yr 40 yr 45 yr 50 yr An offshore area of 100km2 175 wind turbines Two offshore substations Nearly 450km of offshore cabling One onshore substation 630MW of electricity Enough power for nearly half a million homes
  • 55. Largest Solar Farm (First Solar) 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2 yr 4yr 6yr 8 yr 10 yr 12 yr 14 yr 16 yr 18yr 20 yr 5 yr 10 yr 15 yr 20 yr 25 yr 30 yr 35 yr 40 yr 45 yr 50 yr 3500 hectares 160,000 homes 1,5 Bn USD 550 MW 8 million panels
  • 56.
  • 57. Eco-Modernity at and around homes
  • 58. Solar City- A New Value Proposition
  • 59. Exxon Mobile- Transport Outlook 05/07/15 Energy For One World- All Rights Reserved
  • 60. In the words of a car-manufacturer, Carlos Ghosn Electric Vehicles sales are in direct correlation with the number and amount of charging stations installed in a city, region or nation. It's a public-private partnership. It's a matter of trust. It's a matter of convenience. But it surely the way to go into our Future. (Carlos doesnot believe in fuel-celled LPV's. He is truly committed to the electrification of self- driving and navigating new car concepts)
  • 61.
  • 62.
  • 63. 63
  • 64. From WEF/ Accenture: The energy architecture is an integrated physical system of energy sources, carriers and demand sectors shaped by government, industry and civil society. The energy architecture on location is a reflection of the socio- political, economic, ecological and business philosophies, leadership and interests exercised on location. The energy architecture in a country, region or global community is (ideally) to serve (the rise of, establishment of) thriving sustainable societies- making energy available, affordable and sustainable to all: balancing economic interests with that of society and nature. Here and there. Now and in the future. 64 Energy Architecture
  • 65. Energy & Sustainability Today From now on 1 2 3 45 1 2 3 4 5
  • 66. Re-inventing Strategies/Relationships: “X-Factor of Integration, Transition and Transformation” 1 2 3 4 5
  • 67. Old vs New Clickable Presentations Vs 250 Bn USD investment
  • 68. “Every Energy Company and Every Energy Architecture in this world can be improved upon in order to raise the availability, affordability and sustainability of energy to all”.- Adriaan Kamp, 2015 68
  • 69. Contents of Session 1. Global Change, Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Agenda post -2015 2. Energy Trends, Energy transition/ architectures 3. Our (Change, Business) Leadership- Global, Regional, Local. From Plan (Strategy) to Reality 4. Wrap-up
  • 71. John D. Rockefeller, 1870: Business Tycoon, Legend and Founder of the first oil major • As no other before- he knew the importance of standards and scale and of access to market (re. transportation prices and rights). By so doing- he built the first true oil mayor. Unbeatable in Price. • Deal-making behind closed-doors and looking at global opportunities in the market with an analytical eye and self- interest. • “Old boys”- network • But also the creator of the Rockefeller Human Value and Freedom Principles, enshrined at Rockefeller Centre, New York. 05/07/15 Energy For One World- All Rights Reserved
  • 72. Michael Porter: “Niche, Cost Leadership or Differentiation” and his remorse in 2011 05/07/15 Energy For One World- All Rights Reserved Following several corporate crisis, including the US financial and Wall Street scandals in 2008, Occupy Wall Street, etc.: «A big part of the problem lies with companies themselves, which remain trapped in an outdated approach to value creation that has emerged over the past few decades. They continue to view value creation narrowly, optimizing short- term financial performance in a bubble while missing the most important customer needs and ignoring the broader influences that determine their longer-term success. How else could companies overlook the wellbeing of their customers, the depletion of natural resources vital to their businesses, the viability of key suppliers, or the economic distress of communities in which they produce and sell? How else could companies think that simply shifting activities to locations with ever lower wages was a sustainable «solution» to competitive challenges?»*
  • 73.
  • 74.
  • 75.  Conscious Capitalism  The rise of new (global and business) leadership: Gandhi’s and Mandela’s  Neuroscience , psychology and spirituality  Gaia, Oneness and Global Mind-set. Transformative leadership Conscious Humanity
  • 76. Accelerate - Change Management
  • 77.
  • 78.
  • 79. “Only good can come from good” Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved
  • 80. What Happy and Conscious people know • Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved
  • 81. “Manage others as you would like to be managed yourself” Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved
  • 83. Servant Leadership : a simple but o so powerful idea : Turning you 180 degrees and making you available for growth.. Here’s the essence of the gospel of Greenleaf. First and foremost, truly great managers want to serve the people they lead. They do this by supporting them rather than dictating to them, and by assigning top priority to employee well- being. Deceptively simple and deeply profound. Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved
  • 85. “Good is the enemy of Great”
  • 86. Core Values Cultural Dimensions Global People Skills CONSCIOUS UNCONSCIOUS
  • 87. Ernest Gundling: Understanding Cultures and Relationships. The way it works Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved
  • 88. Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved “Resistance to change falls when the benefits are clear”
  • 90. Recommended Reading- Bibliography • John Naisbitt, Mind Set, Reset your thinking and see the future, Harper Collins Publishers- 2006 • Dominique Moisi, The Geopolitics of Emotion, Double Day, 2009 • A. G. Lafley/ Ram Charan, The Game-changer, Crown Publishing, 2008 • Larry Bossidy/ Ram Charan, Execution- Random House, 2002 • Hermann Scheer, Energy Autonomy, Earthscan, 2007 • Al Gore, Our Choice, Rodale , 2009 • Al Gore – the Future, Random House, 2013 • Ernest Gundling, Working GlobeSmart, Davies Black, 2003 • Stephen Howarth, A century in oil, Weidenfeld & Nicolsen, 1997 • David S. Landes, The wealth and poverty of nations, W.W. Norton & Company, 1999 • Piketty , Capital in the 21st century, 2014 • Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel, Evangelii Gaudium, 2013 • Thomas Barnett, A Blueprint for Action, The Pentagon’s new map
  • 91. Recommended WatchList - Youtube Video’s • A Conversation with Al Gore: Six Drivers of Global Change: • Jeffrey Sachs, Coursera, The Age of Sustainable Development: • Montreux 2013 - Jo Confino and Peter Bakker • Arnold Swarzenegger in Wien 2011 • Kandeh Yumkella • Dr. Herman Scheer (T) • Prof Dominique Moisi: Planetary Fears • Energy For One World Channel:
  • 92. Energy For One World- 2012, All Rights Reserved

Editor's Notes

  1. Hello!
  2. And that brings me to the extra-ordinary lecture series of Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: The Age of Sustainable Development "The Age of Sustainable Development" gives students an understanding of the key challenges and pathways to sustainable development - that is, economic development that is also socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable. This open COURSERA course provides an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of sustainable development, drawing on the most recent developments in the social, policy, and physical sciences. Sustainable development is the most urgent challenge facing humanity. The fundamental question is how the world economy can continue to develop in a way that is socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable. The course describes the complex interactions between the world economy and the Earth's physical environment. Ecological processes and constraints (climate, disease ecology, physical resources such as soils and energy sources, topography and transport conditions) significantly shape the patterns of economic development, demography, and wealth and poverty. At the same time, human activities (farming, land use, urbanization, demographic change, and energy use) change the physical environments, increasingly in dangerous ways. The course offers a broad overview of the key challenges and potential solutions to achieve sustainable development in the 21st century. I suggest you register and learn.
  3. This first module, and simply put- consists of three parts. 1st- The setting of the scene: The global change challenge and the energy future we find ourselves today in. 2nd. I will take a moment to share some of the key milestones and highlights of the global efforts to come to a Sustainable Development Agenda post-2015, including Climate Change Safety agreements. 3rd. I will take a little time to wrap-up but also to re-iterate and share the key focus and journey in this lecture series: Our Leadership over the Energy Architectures –as it develops.
  4. So- the principle question we may ask ourselves: How are we going to live together and provide energy to all people of this world- reliably, sustainably, affordably and in harmony? And Can we build truly vibrant and sustainable societies for all? Two relative easy questions to ask- but as you may understand and agree with me - not such easy questions to answer.. Well- let’s have a look at them…
  5. As the road on the discussions and dialogues on the planetary boundaries – at the highest political level- has been a bumpy and lengthy one. Well- it all started with the Visionary Project and Modelling work of the Club of Rome, back in the 60’s. It’s first report and publication was actually not at all that well received. In fact- the leading politicians and business man from and in that time, all fervent advocates of unconstrained economic growth- boo-boo’d the club members away , almost in oblivion- and depicted them as poor or bad news prophets…. It was the work and careful leadership of Gro Brundtland, and ex Norwegian PM and the Rio Earth Summit which created new hopes and new inspiration that the United Leadership of the world, or the UN, would and could come to grasp with the finite planet- and the needs of it’s today’s people and future generations. The Rio Earth summit became and was generally felt (by politics and business community) as a success. The definition and development of the UN Millennium Goals and the UN capacity and capability program roll-out (e.g. end of poverty, child education, disease control, food for every person, etc. etc.) is and could be seen a showcase what a collective community and spirit of world leadership can achieve. However- the subsequent years of negotiations for an agreement on the planetary boundaries or climate became cumbersome. “Milestones” of Al Gore’s inconvenient Truth or the Copenhagen COP-15 made Climate Change initially Top of Agenda, but the failure to reach an agreement became also a sign of a world order in dynamic change, and a world order no longer aligned and attuned to the principles of the initial agreements. In fact, Rio+20, the conference in Brazil in 2012 – gave birth and signs of new political block battles between the Rich and the Poor, and the East and the West: OECD vs. BRICS, ChINdia and G77. Sustainability or Sustainable Development from now were no longer a case of environmental or ecological protection, only No- the fact of the matter is and was- and in the words of former President of China Mr. Hu : People and People development First. Sustainability and Sustainable development became more directly linked and related to the economies, the social development of the various member states.- and whereby the richer countries are to “give”’ more to the more “poorer’ nations. In addition- and as part of the Climate Change,Safety & Social Justice negotiations – finance became an important element in the negotiations – whereby again - the more richer nations needed “to speak” with more cash (money on the table) in order to alleviate, help and restore the damage done to the poorer or more vulnerable nations (e.g. Bangladesh, Small Island States). That brings us to 2015. Till today. Following the success of the Millenium Development Goals, Secretary Ban-Ki Moon and with the help of special advisor Jeffrey Sachs have embarked on a journey of the development of a new and very exciting “capacity and capability program for the world”,- a new landing on the moon mission- and for the years (decades) to come: The so-called post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals… And that process is going “remarkably smooth” between the relevant stakeholders in the community of nations. What is more open is… === Let me quote some text here from there website: In April 1968, a small international group of professionals from the fields of diplomacy, industry, academia and civil society met at a quiet villa in Rome. Invited by Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei and Scottish scientist Alexander King, they came together to discuss the dilemma of prevailing short-term thinking in international affairs and, in particular, the concerns regarding unlimited resource consumption in an increasingly interdependent world.   …. The international effects of this publication in the fields of politics, economics and science are best described as a ‘Big Bang’: over night, the Club of Rome had demonstrated the contradiction of unlimited and unrestrained growth in material consumption in a world of clearly finite resources and had brought the issue to the top of the global agenda. End Quote- So much from this think-tank.
  6. The outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, entitled “The future we want”, inter alia, set out a mandate to establish an open working group to develop a set of sustainable development goals for consideration and appropriate action by the General Assembly at its sixty-eighth session. It also provided the basis for their conceptualization. The document gave the mandate that the sustainable development goals should be coherent with and integrated into the United Nations development agenda beyond 2015
  7. And in this slide, from the UN SDSN I show you the 10 SDG sustainable development goals - as it stand today. And – again let’s look at these new Sustainable development goals post-2015, as they have been formulated by a forum of world leaders over the last 2- 3 years. Simply said: The top-5 goals are still related with the fight against poverty, social inclusion, health and human rights. The goals Nr 6- to-10 are clearly goals and programs who are focussed in relation to a finite planet, with finite resources and a growing populations. I have encircled the goals where Energy & Sustainability play a crucial role in allowing the program to reach it’s target or success… As you can see: 8 out of the 10 goals will include our abilities to unlock energy “affordably, sustainably and available to all” for the program to succeed... Energy truly vital.
  8. Now- and if we look at the latest dashboard on our socio-economic and ecological dashboard of plant earth- then the aggregate of our human development looks seriously go-ing off-chart. The new and up-to-date Planetary dashboard, and presented at the latest World Economic Forum in Davos- shows- shows our “Great Acceleration” in human activity since 1950. Human activity, predominantly the global economic system, is now the prime driver of change in the Earth System (the sum of our planet's interacting physical, chemical, biological and human processes), according to a set of 24 global indicators, or “planetary dashboard”, published in the journal Anthropocene Review (16 January 2015). It is difficult to overestimate the scale and speed of change. === In a single lifetime humanity has become a planetary-scale geological force,” says lead author Professor Will Steffen, who led the joint project between the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) and the Stockholm Resilience Centre. Press release | A decade on, IGBP in collaboration with the Stockholm Resilience Centre has reassessed and updated the Great Acceleration indicators, first published in the IGBP synthesis, Global Change and the Earth System in 2004. Paper The trajectory of the Anthropocene: The Great Acceleration (Anthropocene Review) 15 January 2015. Data download Great Acceleration data (excel 2007, 364.7 kB) When we first aggregated these datasets, we expected to see major changes but what surprised us was the timing. Almost all graphs show the same pattern. The most dramatic shifts have occurred since 1950. We can say that around 1950 was the start of the Great Acceleration,” said Professor Steffen, a researcher at the Australian National University and the Stockholm Resilience Centre. The bulk of economic activity, and so too, for now, the lion’s share of consumption, remain largely within the OECD countries, which in 2010 accounted for about 74% of global GDP but only 18% of the global population. This points to the profound scale of global inequality, which distorts the distribution of the benefits of the Great Acceleration and confounds international efforts, for example climate agreements, to deal with its impacts on the Earth System. However, the paper shows that recently, global production, traditionally based within OECD countries, has shifted towards BRICS nations -- Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Moreover, the mushrooming middle classes in BRICS nations are driving greater consumption here too.   About one half of the global population now lives in urban areas and about third of the global population has completed the transition from agrarian to industrial societies. This shift is evident in several indicators. Most of the post-2000 rise in fertilizer consumption, paper production and motor vehicles has occurred in the non-OECD world.  This new “planetary dashboard” highlights how the trajectories of Earth and human development are now lightly bound. The findings will be presented at this weeks World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, 21-24 January.
  9. Well – one of the elements, and a rather key one, in our today’s “sustainability” is the current state and prognosis of the effects of our carbon (and methane) emissions in the atmosphere. It will be the center of attention over coming year, as end 2015, and in Paris, world leaders have agreed to agree on a next realm of agreement on carbon emission post-2015. In fact- the agreement is only to come into effect after 2020. You may look at these risks as a probability- or a unproven perception- but the fact of the matter is, is that a global community of experts and key scientists find this serious enough to raise the alarm bells on the state we are in, and the pathways of progress we today- and collectively- have. I suggest you watch the documentary movie Earth2100 attached in this handout- and to give you a better impression of what this sustainabilty change challenge is about. Now one other thing you may and can know today: the global energy sector, more specifically- the fossil fuel industry- is here the culprit., ie. the largest emitter of carbon emission in the atmosphere. And to be honost- the damage has been done.
  10. Are The climate negotations and discussions. End 2014- we saw and witnessed the conclusion of the Lima talks. A sure relief to Mrs SG Christiana Figueres and H.E. and President Manuel Pulgar Vidal.- who played an instrumental and key role in achieving last-second miracles. Compliments and a salute to their leadership.Go to the results of Lima pageLima climate change talks reach global warming agreement Lima UN talks agree on building blocks for 2015 climate dealBut overall- Lima left the impression of a somewhat unpredictable and wieldy- process and circus- and "allowing"- clear and in the open- politicking, haggling and negotiations between country blocks (and their environmental ministers) ..  . Not yet a comforting or re-assuring sight.It was bout the money , self-interests or what today could be "sold" politically at home- not so much about achieving our global goals or the pathways for achieving our common success.A sure relief to the organising bodies is that in the end- a draft 5-A4 piece of document was realized between the parties -after more than 14 days of negotiations, and years of preparations. But can we applaud this draft - as we have witnessed the amounts of "politicking" on this so-called deal? Are we confident that this form, style and this format of multi-national leadership is going to give us the answers and actions we need?Are the countries and energy corporations truly ready, willing and committed to this process? in the US, in ChInSea, in G77, in Africa?Let me be clear:If the science and scientific evidence holds, then we - and as a global community- have already crossed the lines what is to "responsible emissions in the atmosphere". Today, the amount of (human induced) CO2 in the atmosphere has already crossed the acceptable norm of 400 ppm.So- in essence-and again- if science holds true- we are already walking towards a global climate crisis.The clock is ticking.So- we very urgently need an international binding agreement (or agreement between the strong, producing or consuming- and powerful), as there are now also some very plausible and probable "unintended consequence" of this slow-moving and relative (unpredictable) climate change negotiation process:During the 14 days of negotiations - the UN tabled the proposal to end the fossil fuel industry by year 2050.: to agree on a zero emission norm.That statement raised immediately some alarms and news in the media on the existential crisis of the larger oil and gas firms.IN the handout I have shared here some thinking- on what this may do. ==== And now some thinking:Resource holding nations know it. Oil companies know this. "Having struck" oil, gas or coal is having found "new richness".Only in Norway already, the state is blessed with a state reserve of over - now almost - 1 trillion USD based on the money streams from the oil and gas finds...So- oil, gas and coal are directly connected with attaining (economic) wealth. It's a >10 trillion USD gold-pot, every year.Wind, solar and renewables- are not. Or not perceived as such.So- whilst all these environmental ministers are negotiating in Lima- the people sitting on the resources, the resource holders- the ministers of petroleum and economy- the oil companies- will look with eagle (or hawk) eyes to this process- and will make-up their minds how they are going to plan, play and produce their reserves.As the climate change programme and agreements become more clear ,sincere or evident (post 2015/ post 2020/ post 2030) - we may and can expect some backlash and competitive forces to unleash from this establishment (oil countries and companies) on the whole it is or may become an existential threat....We may start to see new divisions or a new acceleration in pumping-up of resources- the strategic choices made by oil, coal and gas companies and (new oil-rich) countries (in eg. Africa) to "better pump it up all now-" and continue to  accelerate the glut and penetration of the fossil fuel footprint (and it's technologies)  over the globe- rather than wait and see- and as such- giving the new- the renewable industry very few room to gain market share... and leaving us in essence with a bigger puzzle to solve in years to come:And we may start to see a new game of "blame and liabilities" raised in the international community towards the (western and perhaps Arab) nations and companies who have enriched themselves on oil & gas, but have endangered the lives and land of people in the poorer or climate risk nations, such as Blangladesh, Africa or small island states.How are we going to feel at every storm, every drought, and every flood - in this world?  The slow-moving and non-committal climate change process is and remains a risk on and over new (energy architecture) decision making, a proper functioning energy market and can be a Pandora's box in the unpredictable and dynamic geopolitical game of emotions, competitive economical forces and politicking we find ourselves today in.And today, and in this game- the western economies and oil companies are most exposed.Add to that the insights from Professor Sachs- and we may ask ourselves the question:Will we be able to do better?Do we have an opportunity to do differently - include more integrated, wholesome and better combinations?I believe there may be.
  11. And there is one programme within the UN who is looking at all that: and that is the programme Sustainable Energy For All. In September 2011, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon launched the Sustainable Energy for All initiative and shared his vision for how governments, business and civil society, working in partnership, can make sustainable energy for all a reality by 2030. Energy is the golden thread that connects economic growth, increased social equity, and an environment that allows the world to thrive. At a time when 1.2 billion people worldwide lack access to electricity, when 2.8 billion people do not have clean and safe cooking facilities, and when a shift to sustainable energy use is imperative to protect the Earth’s climate, no less than a worldwide effort is required to achieve sustainable energy for all. In the words of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Energy enables. From job creation to economic development, from security concerns to the full empowerment of women, energy lies at the heart of all countries’ core interests. The United Nations General Assembly unanimously declared the decade 2014‑2024 as the Decade of Sustainable Energy for All, underscoring the importance of energy issues for sustainable development and for the elaboration of the post-2015 development agenda. And on our slides you see the leader of this program. Dr. Kandeh Yumkella. IN the handout there are a couple of video lectures from this eminent men and initiative taker of this enormous effort. === Sustainable energy provides new opportunities for growth. It enables businesses to grow, generates jobs, and creates new markets. Children can study after dark. Clinics can store life-saving vaccines. Countries can grow more resilient, with competitive economies. With sustainable energy, countries can build the clean energy economies of the future. Transforming the world’s energy systems will also lead to new multi-trillion-dollar investment opportunities. Sustainable energy for all is an investment in our collective future. Universal energy access, increasing the use of renewable energy, improved energy efficiency and addressing the nexus between energy and health, women, food, water and other development issues are at the heart of all countries’ core interest, which must be deeply integrated in the development agenda. ==== Where modern energy services are plentiful, the problem is different – waste and pollution. Emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from fossil fuels are contributing to changes in the Earth’s climate that are causing widespread harm to lives, communities, infrastructure, institutions and budgets. Climate change puts us all at risk, but it hurts the poor first – and worst. “Energy is the golden thread that connects economic growth, increased social equity, and an environment that allows the world to thrive.” Sustainable Energy For All Value Added: Our Value-Added: What Makes Sustainable Energy for All Different – and How It’s Making a Difference Sustainable Energy for All provides a clear, concise global vision and a set of objectives that support action across all three pillars of sustainable development. The initiative leverages the global leadership and unprecedented convening power of the United Nations and the World Bank. Sustainable Energy for All brings together an unparalleled network of leaders from all sectors of society – governments, business and civil society – into a partnership that can transform the world’s energy sector. Sustainable Energy for All’s mobilises stakeholders around best practices and supports the adoption of innovative solutions. The initiative is helping to create the conditions that will enable a massive scale-up of private investment in energy access and clean energy. The initiative tracks progress toward the three objectives in a transparent, accountable manner
  12. And let’s look at The Global Energy Challenge- as we today know and have come to see it. Our world is also under rapid construction and development, with new wealth and wealth distribution being created, every day, and in an unprecedented speed. Over the coming two to three decades some 3 billion people in Asia, Middle-East & Africa, Latin-America are expected to join the new global middle-class and are to enjoy the same consumption patterns in their homes, in their offices and in their transportation as in the OECD and upper middle class families in the emerging and developing nations.[1] By the mid of the century, we expect we will be living with 9 billion people- sharing one planet. As we look at the world of today- and tomorrow- we can see great political, economic, social- , technological , ecological and organizational shifts taking place in our society, in our economies and – well- in – the biosphere of our planet and in nature. In simple terms. You cannot have a thriving and vibrant economy, if you donot have a healthy and peaceful society – in well-being. And you cannot have a society – at peace, well-being and wealthy- if the nature system around it cannot support it. So in essence: Our coming decades is – by some UN experts such as jeffrey Sachs called the Age of Sustainable Development: === Leadership over our economies, and in our industries such as the Energy sector- more and more is in need of a new balancing act: attuning corporate strategies, business innovation and organizational forms” with that of the ”dynamic contect change” and societal needs and realities they find themselvesin. In simple terms. You cannot have a thriving and vibrant economy, if you donot have a healthy and peaceful society – in well-being. And you cannot have a society – at peace, well-being and wealthy- if the nature system around it cannot support it. So in essence: Our coming decades is – by some UN experts such as jeffrey Sachs called the Age of Sustainable Development: Our key change challenge is to realize healthy and stable economies within healty, peaceful and vibrant societies- in respect of each other and in balance with nature. Nature needs to be sustainable as a supporting frame in order to maintain the rest. It’s that easy.
  13. The question is: Can we energize ourselves safely and sustainably into this future world? From a 7 billion population towards a 9 billion global community From a 90 trillion USD to a 180-210 trillion USD From 225 boeq towards 500-750 boeeq- if nothing dramatically changes. And as today- and that is a fact – we have already ‘polluted” the earth atmosphere with over 400 ppm CO2 – enough for a prognosed 2 Degrees Celsius Global warming,. And in addition we have consumed and emitted in the first 15 years already all the carbon which was considered the safe budget for this century. Add to that the Great Acceleration and the many other planetary boundaries we are seemingly at ease are crossing… Now – how do are we to do this – and how are we go-ing from here? === Energy is vital and essential to modern day life. In fact, the wealthier you become, the more energy you are likely to use. That feels logical. [2] Today, all activities on our planet are fuelled by a daily energy supply of 225 million barrels of oil equivalent (boe). Roughly 80% comes from oil, natural gas and coal (fossil fuels). It is expected that in 2050 the total amount of energy that needs be produced will amount to 750 million boe per day. This figure is based on a worldwide population growth of 50% in the coming 40 years, and a higher average level of energy consumption (5 kW per capita or 120 kWh per capita per day[3]). How can we deliver this large amount of energy in a clean manner?[4] How does the transition path to 50 terawatt look like?[5] The question is: Can we ënergize ourselves safely into this world? As today- and that is a fact - we already have ‘polluted” the earth atmosphere with over 400 ppm CO2 – enough for a prognosed 2 Degrees Celsius Global warming,. And in addition we have consumed and emitted in the first 15 years already all the carbon which was considered the safe budget for this century. So- Now, if all people on this planet by then were to consume fossil (oil, gas, coal) fuel energy in the same way as people presently do in the West and wealthy parts of the emerging nations, we will be in for trouble, as we would need Five planets (for as much as we can understand now) to find and produce these resources. And we will have surely exceeded an acceptable carbon emission levels- endangering our lives and species for decades, if not centuries to come. The present trend is exactly that. So, over the next decades, - in fact today and tomorrow- the energy industry will need to find answers to the challenge. And that is You & me! The clean-tech industry- the industry of renewable energy supply, smart energy infrastructures [6] and energy saving- will have to play a significant role, perhaps much larger than presently predicted or seen. But will the speed of developments and integration of the clean-tech industry and its innovations be in time for the market? How about the time needed in order to grow these solutions to scale, and to develop the capabilities into a reliable new energy infrastructure? How about the present strength and distribution of the existing resource base in the conventional coal, oil and gas resource system? Will the new frontier reserves such as shale oil and gas be sufficiently strong in order to balance the expected (rapid and steep) decline in the existing and large producing fields? Can (all of) these new frontier production reserves be actually produced- from an economic, ecological and societal point of view? So with this rise in complexity and uncertainties both on the demand side as well on the supply side of the world energy system, and in a socio-technical context,  we may expect the world energy system perhaps to run against triple-A limits (affordability, availability, acceptability) or may become unstable (price volatilities, market swings, security or unrest, etc.). [1] UN report, McKinsey report: The next 3 billion [2] See graph UNDP [3] 1boe = 1564 kilowatt-hours (kWh). Note that today’s energy consumption per capita is 2.3 kW or 55 kWh per day. There are big differences around the world (China: less than 2 kW; US: more than 11 kW). [4] BP 2030 Energy Future Report ( central source report for our study!) [5] Energy Future Project- Berkhout, de Ridder & Kamp [6] E.g. micro-grids, smart and supergrids [7] In this respect: oil and/or gas reserves
  14. Now let’s look at how were doing in our world- of Energy. And we show you here a simple graph projecting the expected energy future from BP’s Energy outlook 2030 from 2012. This is here not an exact science- but shows you a kind of trend we find ourselves today in. And the simple truth enclosed in this graph, is:- So far, and over the last century- Wealth and Energy have been directly correlated. The more wealthier you got, the more energy you were going to consume. And also the other way around- the more energy you consumed, the more wealth ( goods, service, mobility) you were able to create or enjoy. Energy and wealth are inter-related. But energy and population are also related. The more people are living on planet earth, and if nothing changes, the more energy we will need. Add to this the general rise in wealth across the nations and in population (remember some 3 billion people will join the new middle-class over the coming decades) and you may see the picture evolve: A dramatic and rapid rise in energy demand. Across the globe – and fuelled by the rise and developing nations in countries such as China and India., and the rest. The picture above shows also still the expectations of India before the rise of Prime Minister Modi in India to power. I guess you will agree with me- that the rise of energy demand in India is most likely to double if not triple of what you see depicted in the above graph. So- given what I earlier shared with you- we may state: Houston- we may have a problem (or at least a challenge): How are we going to fuel all these people in the world reliably, sustainably, affordable, and in harmony?
  15. So- and in a nutshell- we are not sure about our near-to-mid term future. On Energy that is. And how it will serve our Economies and Societies and in relation to Nature. No one can. No one can be sure. No matter who you are in our Energy Sector, or what Professional expertise you carry- be it the CEO of one of the largest Oil & Gas Companies, the State Minister or Leader of a country, An economist in an Energy institute, watchdog or block- our future is uncertain. There are some serious black swans, red post signals and signs and un-clarities (in relation, in demand needs and supply reserves, in capacity and cost development, on sustainability, etc. etc.) which causes us to frown our eyebrows. And there are also some “very bright and light” examples –name it- white swans- which make me (or us) smile. Add them all together- and the simple truth is : we don’t know how it all adds-up. And that is already a good thing to know: To acknowledge that we donot know how our energy markets, and our world energy system- will behave over the next one to two decades. I can say this with some clear certainty- as I have had the pleasure and insight of the Best of the West and the Most of the East is willing and able to offer or share. So – our individual and collective approach to our Global Change Challenge- and Energy & Sustainabilty Challenge- does matter. It’s crucial. Therefore I am so excited about this special lecture series. To my mind: This gap in knowledge and this sure-certainty in some of the behaviours of the players in our world energy system- and thus the performance of our energy architectures on location – is a problem or change challenge which can ideally be solved best within the Brotherhood of Energy Professionals. We have two options: Either we continue to compete across the silo’s , the energy value chain- between countries and companies- and hold our own cards to our chest- or we elect to come to a better grasp to what needs doing: on location, in the regions and on aggregate. That’s is the focus of this special lecture series. How can we do that?
  16. Well- first of all- is to allow ourselves to think in probable scenario’s. Scenario’s wherein Certainties and un-certainties in the development and new frontiers in the conventional oil and gas industry can be off-set against certainties and un-certainties in the cleantech industry. Will we see a tipping point? Will energy storage become available? When and in what speed can the world build cleantech capabilities and capacities- and new energy architectures. At what cost and in what timeframe can we change the existing electrification infrastructure and our transportation sector? Next to that- we can see on our horizon a world of emotions. Are we going to compete or collaborate? Can we influence the ways in which we relate? How will we behave in times of scarcity or in abundance? What market mechanism will prevail- in the free- markets, regulated and state-controlled markets. By starting to walk and talk this path- a little more intense- we may start to discover insights valuable to our company, company strategy and things we collective may want to your nation, region or overall.
  17. Now- and as I have walked this path now for a while, and where-ever I had a conversation with people above this global energy change challenge- I received a variety of perspectives on the challenge. We live in One World- but we do have a wide variety of local and personal needs- and we do live in a world with very many and different views or awarenesses. So- the first thing we may realize when we address the issues is that there is and will be no single one answer to the problem. First and foremost- the problem is perceived differently by different people around the globe. And as the problem (or needs) are perceived different, so are the answers and solutions… I have attached in the handout a recent article in the New York Times from Andrew Revin with the working title Can Humanity’s ‘Great Acceleration’ Be Managed and, If So, How? I share you some similar observations and insights in my working practice- and which we are working with: We need to understand the Global AND Local- in order to make good and proper (energy) decisions on locations– balancing Social needs, with Economy and Sustainability. And Vica versa. The aggregate of all the local needs and deeds should be somehow be overlooked- and guided.- especially on Energy & Sustainability. === In the words of Andrew Revin: Ultimately, there will need to be an institution (or institutions) operating, with authority, above the level of individual countries to ensure that the planetary boundaries are respected. In effect, such an institution, acting on behalf of humanity as a whole, would be the ultimate arbiter of the myriad trade-offs that need to be managed as nations and groups of people jockey for economic and social advantage. It would, in essence, become the global referee on the planetary playing field. === Go to press release from Planetary dashboard shows “Great Acceleration” in human activity since 1950Human activity, predominantly the global economic system, is now the prime driver of change in the Earth System (the sum of our planet's interacting physical, chemical, biological and human processes), according to a set of 24 global indicators, or “planetary dashboard”, published in the journal Anthropocene Review (16 January 2015). Go to article from Andrew Revin: IN this article we can read the following words-: Even without specifying exact global boundaries, global metrics can be highly misleading for policy. For example, with nitrogen, where the majority of human emissions come from synthetic fertilizers, the real-world challenge is to apply just the right amount of nitrogen to optimize crop yields while minimizing nitrogen losses that harm aquatic ecosystems. Reducing fertilizer application in Africa might seem beneficial globally, yet the result in this region would be even poorer crop yields without any notable reduction in nitrogen pollution; Africa’s fertilizer use is already suboptimal for crop yields. What can look like a good or a bad thing globally can prove exactly the opposite when viewed regionally and locally. What use is a global indicator for a local issue? As in real estate, location is everything. Finally, and most importantly, the planetary boundaries are burdened not only with major uncertainties and weak scientific theory – they are also politically problematic. Real world environmental challenges like nitrogen pollution, freshwater consumption and land-use change are ultimately a matter of politics, in the sense that there are losers and winners, and solutions have to be negotiated among many stakeholders. The idea of a scientific expert group determining top-down global limits on these activities and processes ignores these inevitable trade-offs and seems to preclude democratic resolution of these questions. It has been argued that (Steffen et al 2011): Ultimately, there will need to be an institution (or institutions) operating, with authority, above the level of individual countries to ensure that the planetary boundaries are respected. In effect, such an institution, acting on behalf of humanity as a whole, would be the ultimate arbiter of the myriad trade-offs that need to be managed as nations and groups of people jockey for economic and social advantage. It would, in essence, become the global referee on the planetary playing field. Here the planetary boundaries framework reaches its logical conclusion with a political scenario that is as unlikely as it is unpalatable. There is no ultimate global authority to rule over humanity or the environment. Science has a tremendously important role to play in guiding environmental management, not as a decider, but as a resource for deliberative, evidence-based decision making by the public, policy makers, and interest groups on the challenges, trade-offs and possible courses of action in negotiating the environmental challenges of societal development (DeFries et al 2012). Proposing that science itself can define the global environmental limits of human development is simultaneously unrealistic, hubristic, and a strategy doomed to fail.
  18. Now to continue, and in simple terms, in the energy landscape of the world - we can today see the following type of conversations… So how are we going to share one planet and ideally staying out of trouble? Well, and to start, and in a very simplified way- the countries presently divide themselves in resource [7] rich (exporting) countries or in energy (poor, importing) countries. So, this creates a world picture in Five (Energy) Clusters: OECD, or the West- The high consumers of the past, present andperhaps the future China, and BRICS  /MIST- The new parties in town Saudi and OPEC/Russia and Gaspec- The oil and Gas “cursed” nations India and leading emerging nations- Ready to join The Very poor- How can we join? These clusters have all their own pattern of energy architecture and behaviors and politics. Now the question here is: how these clusters of nations are going to inter-relate, behave and develop over the coming decades? Will there be a free and open market for energy and energy supplies, or will we there be more retrenchment and competition, and jockeying for position? Will parties decide to make isolated decisions and Machiavellian policies and in order to optimize own outcomes and advantages or will we see a new form of collaboration benefitting the common good and all?
  19. And I just want to flag to you- one of the flagship projects within the UNSDSN organisation- the so-called Deep-decarbonization project. With an assembled scientific team- the organisation has and is going to look into every country, every energy architecture on this planet- and will propose pathways of how that economy, that country, that energy architecture will be able to come to a zero-emission infrastructure by 2050. Quite ambitious. But also actually quite needy- to bring to the attention. Now=- the study is still in the academic realms, and doesnot test itself against the forces and changes needed at policy makers, industry , economy or organizations in order to make it true. That’s the addition this lecture series bring to you. Our lecture series is about the pragmatics. About how we – the true energy professional- can start talking and walking the path of renewal. Of getting safe- and to stay out of trouble.
  20. As trouble is not only in our natural environment. Possible and potential trouble is also seen ahead in our run to progress in our economies and social realms. Last year, Pope Francis’ gave a special address to the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos. In the handout you’ll find the full text of his address. But in simple words- the Pope re-addressed some of his earlier observations made in his Evangelii Gaudium: I ask you to ensure that humanity is served by wealth and not ruled by it. Let me be clear: The Pope is not standing alone here. He finds serious economist such as Paul Krugman, Joseph Stiglitz and now also Thomas Piketty at his side.- as well NGO’s such as Oxfam and Occupy wall street movement. Current fact is that the ‘1% rich and wealthy’ own and possess more than the rest of humanity- that is more than 50% of global wealth. There are clear flaws and short-comings, say – a shadow-side- in our todays free-market economies, in capitalism and elite wealth, and in the rush to greed for money (all over the planet). Energy and Finance are strongly interlinked. Energy – Economy and Society as well. So the warning of the Pope- is not only a warning to Government and Government Officials – but is – to my mind- a “call for grace and understanding for wanting to do better” in the Energy Sector and our Society overall. -- Full Adress of Pope Francis.I am very grateful for your kind invitation to address the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, which, as is customary, will be held at Davos-Klosters at the end of this month. Trusting that the meeting will provide an occasion for deeper reflection on the causes of the economic crisis affecting the world these past few years, I would like to offer some considerations in the hope that they might enrich the discussions of the Forum and make a useful contribution to its important work.Ours is a time of notable changes and significant progress in different areas which have important consequences for the life of humanity. In fact, “We must praise the steps being taken to improve people’s welfare in areas such as healthcare, education and communications” (Evangelii Gaudium, 52), in addition to many other areas of human activity, and we must recognize the fundamental role that modern business activity has had in bringing about these changes, by stimulating and developing the immense resources of human intelligence.Nonetheless, the successes which have been achieved, even if they have reduced poverty for a great number of people, often have led to a widespread social exclusion. Indeed, the majority of the men and women of our time still continue to experience daily insecurity, often with dramatic consequences.In the context of your meeting, I wish to emphasise the importance that the various political and economic sectors have in promoting an inclusive approach which takes into consideration the dignity of every human person and the common good. I am referring to a concern that ought to shape every political and economic decision, but which at times seems to be little more than an afterthought. Those working in these sectors have a precise responsibility towards others, particularly those who are most frail, weak and vulnerable. It is intolerable that thousands of people continue to die every day from hunger, even though substantial quantities of food are available, and often simply wasted. Likewise, we cannot but be moved by the many refugees seeking minimally dignified living conditions, who not only fail to find hospitality, but often, tragically, perish in moving from one place to another. I know that these words are forceful, even dramatic, but they seek both to affirm and to challenge the ability of this assembly to make a difference. In fact, those who have demonstrated the aptitude for being innovative and for improving the lives of many people by their ingenuity and professional expertise can further contribute by putting their skills at the service of those who are still living in dire poverty.What is needed, then, is a renewed, profound and broadened sense of responsibility on the part of all. “Business is – in fact – a vocation, and a noble vocation, provided that those engaged in it see themselves challenged by a greater meaning in life” (Evangelii Gaudium, 203). Such men and women are able to serve more effectively the common good and to make the goods of this world more accessible to all. Nevertheless, the growth of equality demands something more than economic growth, even though it presupposes it. It demands first of all “a transcendent vision of the person” (Benedict XVI, Caritas in Veritate, 11), because “without the perspective of eternal life, human progress in this world is denied breathing-space” (ibid.). It also calls for decisions, mechanisms and processes directed to a better distribution of wealth, the creation of sources of employment and an integral promotion of the poor which goes beyond a simple welfare mentality. I am convinced that from such an openness to the transcendent a new political and business mentality can take shape, one capable of guiding all economic and financial activity within the horizon of an ethical approach which is truly humane. The international business community can count on many men and women of great personal honesty and integrity, whose work is inspired and guided by high ideals of fairness, generosity and concern for the authentic development of the human family. I urge you to draw upon these great human and moral resources and take up this challenge with determination and far-sightedness. Without ignoring, naturally, the specific scientific and professional requirements of every context, I ask you to ensure that humanity is served by wealth and not ruled by it.Dear Mr Chairman and friends, I hope that you may see in these brief words a sign of my pastoral concern and a constructive contribution to help your activities to be ever more noble and fruitful. I renew my best wishes for a successful meeting, as I invoke divine blessings on you and the participants of the forum, as well as on your families and all your work.From the Vatican, 17th January 2014.
  21. Now- what do we know of tomorrow? The world of today and tomorrow is in rapid acceleration. In the amount of people living on one planet, In the amount of new wealth creation and distribution. 3 billion people in the BRICS and emerging nations joining the middle-class, And in the need for energy. IN order to have the comfort of mobility, housing, communication, school, health, jobs and life entertainment. So – our shared challenge is to discover and to create the circumstances and conditions, ie. accelerate the right innovations, in order to allow everybody to enjoy energy in abundance. That is part of the exciting journey we like to take with you in this open conversation .. ==== But let us look today at what the role of innovation is in Energy, and how we can approach this. A vision and approach to this Global Energy Challenge is outlined in an earlier edition of my (program) book “Energy For One World”. Some of the essential elements hereof have been researched in a sponsored study and thesis. The objective and focus of this opening presentation is somewhat different, but it’s a good moment to share here some of the key change challenges we are facing in our overall world energy system: “Three wise moves” (or “three simple, non-dogmatic and intuitive rules”) spring to mind if we look at the total and aggregate developments – in our world energy system, today: The Western (OECD-) countries could do well if they were able to “make room” and reduce their average fossil energy footprint significantly, in order to- Allow and facilitate the non-OECD countries to grow and allow their benefits and wealth creation (opportunity) from fossil energy. The general predicted increase in world average energy consumption per capita should ideally be generated by non-fossil fuels such as renewable energy. Overall world fossil fuel production is not to rise further significantly if we do not wish to cross levels which can no longer be sustained or guaranteed for our economies, societies or nature. And an overall action agenda: A political agenda: we need better and a global oversight and agreement on the rules of the game on sustainability and the dynamic developments in the world energy system. A business and large (energy)  corporation  agenda: making room for the new: enabling the development of energy architectures of the 21st century A social agenda: we need to allow for the poor and middle-class incomes: ensuring that energy when made available – remains affordable. We need leadership values of the 21st century: allowing for better integration of sutainability in the energy value chains and across borders. The role of the Energy Business, in all this – and in realizing a sustainable development and action agenda post-MDG 2015- is to our minds - quite significant. It is our view that the afore mentioned Global (Energy) Challenge can be best solved by a attuned collaboration between Policy makers and the Business and Energy professionals (and Executives) in the sector and around the globe. Hence our excitement in our practice to develop, create and realize the (informal and global) ´platforms and formats´- ie. the conditions and facilities- for the energy professionals and policy makers (Executives) to step-up in their leadership and approach to this (global) change challenge. Only by pulling and combining the best-and-brightest resources and knowledge available, and only if we allow ourselves to find ´new and fresh-styled formats or platforms´ Between: the conventional energy sector and the cleantech industry business-, finance-, politics- and science the East and the West, The North and the South The have and have not’s   May we have a chance of raising our shared awareness and building the (innovative) capabilities and capacities within the sector, and across borders. The energy sector that then can truly remain the ´engine´ and blessing for our economies and societies.
  22. Shift Happens. Just think about this. Shift happens in Politics. In People Emotions. In Technology. In Power In economies. IN Businesses In the ways we relate and communicate Shift simply happens
  23. And our abilities to prognose and predict how we and our environmental are changing are not always in sync with what we may expect…
  24. Now- building or creating sustainable societies, or cities, is something we can do. We- the people- can build and shape our future. Our destiny. Many aspects of our lives, and our future, are determined by the state we are in today and by the actions and decisions we take today and tomorrow. Collectively and spread over 193 nations, 7 billion+ people, in over 4000+ cities and thriving business communities. Many aspects of our near- to mid-term future are already available or show their signs today: e.g. the rise of internet has given rise to social networks and a complete different way of connecting, working and sharing. IN the energy sector- we can see the creation of self-sustained houses, off-grid rural electrification based on sun, wind and bio, new energy architectures combining renewables, demand-management, smart grids, energy efficiency with energy storage (Pumped storage and local storage), and in transportation we see the rise of self-navigating electric cars, ships on fuel cells and wind, airplanes on solar, etc. etc. I hope you will find time to look at the Youtube video of the futurist, or trend-watcher- as in their field of work they look at today- and digest key trends and drivers of change with shapes our future tomorrow.
  25. Now to bring about true and lasting Integration, Transition and Transformation in our Societies- we need Vision and we need the skills and possibilities to influence, agree, decide, organize and realize. ‘This influence’ can be done at a Global Level (think UN, G20, BRICS, OECD, Opec, IEA, IEF) – and this influence and realization can be on lower levels: in cities and in communities. The Energy Business community, especially the larger-scale energy companies, be it state -be it private or stock-listed- is where today’s realities are be-ing executed- and futures can be build. Overall- and across the globe- the energy business community are the shapers and builders of our energy future. Now in the X-factor of tomorrow- I see this Business community, the energy professionals so to speak- assuming a much larger role in the stewardship over the energy architecture development, as done generally today- securing sustainable development. The beauty is- that energy professionals around the globe are connected. Horizontally across the value chains and in each Sector (be it oil, coal, renewables). Now- if we aspire to rapidly accelerate and step-up our Vision on Building truly vibrant and Sustainable Societies- then I see that the leaders in and over these energy companies AND the energy professionals within these companies can open-up and zipper. To open-up and build the new bridges for our new realities- from local, regional and global- and collectively create a new elevated construct of energy architectures. To my mind- this is a crucial element in the post-2015 UN SDSN development goals – re-inveting our established frameworks and organisations- if we are to succeed in its mission and delivery.
  26. But let’s have a look at the typical “archetype” of views and perspectives there are out there- in our world. How do people look at the Future? And how we are best to manage it? One of the answers is to be an optimist. A technology/ innovation revolution optimist. And there are some very good reasons to be so- as the last one or two centuries have been truly amazing and astonishing in what science and technology has given and offered to mankind. As an educated Applied Physicist, and keeping abreast with the (acceleration) of science and it’s applications- I also live in wonder. : wonder on how our world currently is rapidly changing and improving. In the words of Erik Solheim of the OECD: never ever has there be so many people living on this planet- and which could enjoy a relative or rather happy, healthy and wealthy lifestyle. Sure- there is an amazing amount of work left, and all included in the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals, - but the interesting thing is – that thanks to technology, and thanks to our abilities to roll-out wealth (think e.g. China Inc) to the many- the outlook is that we can end poverty, that we can end hunger, that we can ensure everybody a proper education and that we can end dis-comforting diseases.. But as our world accelerates and rapidly moves into this new frontiers of a global civilisation- there are clearly also some shadow-sides and questions to be asked on our abilities to live together, or whether the choices and decisions we make in and over our cities, lifestyles and (energy) infrastructures are truly sustainable. I have included a Vision from a Futurist/ Trendwatcher on our near future in the presentation package,. and I strongly suggest you watch it: as it is quite amuzing and entertaining. But for the realists, pragmatists or sceptics under us: here are surely some pies in the skies..…
  27. Our world of tomorrow can best come about by a Vision. A clear and attractive vision of how tomorrow can be or look like, and to create the organisation, technologies and skills in order to actually realize that. Often the late Steve Jobs of Apple Computers has been used as an example of a visionary leader. Elon Musk today is seen as such a leader in space, cars (Tesla) and solar (Solar City). Visionary leaders stand in today, but do not accept the status quo or the condition we are in today. They see opportunity. Opportunity to make things better. And they generally do this on a what bigger scale: ie. a Big-Bets on what may be. Visionary leaders are also in Politics: Nations have seen the rise and fall of visionary leaders: the good, the bad and the ugly ones. Visionary leaders have been in Business. IN fact the origins of the energy related industry was by Visionary Business Leaders. I name a view: Rockefeller, Edison, Ford, Carnegie etc. etc. And Visionary Leaders have been in the arts and culture, in science, in education, - in fact- in all aspects of our lives. Today- we live in a time where we want to have “Visionary Teams” or “Visionary Co-alitions of the willing”- such as e.g. the C-40. So- our history tells and learns us- that we can be the creators of our future. We can envision new things- and we can collective create new things. Vision helps and has helped to inspire: to build civilisations, nations and even to win wars. So- as we are working with the question(s): can we build sustainable societies for all? And how do we fuel all people on this planet? – we can use a slice of Vision. To inspire us. And to elevate us, and gives us the courage and energy to do well.
  28. At the other side of future building, is – and I already said it- is building the future. This is the form most used in our established businesses, government administrations and organisations. It is the method of creating an explorative future- a future based on the past and the present- and in control of what we know and have today. It’s the annual budget cycle, the 3-years strategic review, the government budget rounds, etc. etc. It is the aggregate of today’s activities supplemented with the activities we see ourselves doing tomorrow and over the coming 3-12 months. It’s focussed on short-term , here and now. Pragmatic. Not in the air. NO pie in the sky. No dreams. Now comes some thinking from the Business University where I lead (sometimes) Executive Energy Education: IN today’s world and change challenge– we need both. We need AND the Visionary (ie the teams of our future) AND the builders of our future. Together. Making our plans.
  29. In another way of framing it. If we like to progress our Energy Future- and based on the Sustainable development (and sustainable societies) change challenge we find ourselves in…than best if we can step from where we are today (the facts) towards what – ideally- we would like to have. The future on the horizon in 15-20 years from now. And if we are able to define that future, across the stakeholders and the community, then – at least- we’ve got a vision for the plan and journey we have to make. Over the coming 15-20 years. Now the moment to do so in Energy Land- is right NOW. Right this year- we are in an urgent and important need to re-define the future we want. In the energy sector, and across the value chain of stakeholders and related energy businesses: In short: we need a Vision on our Energy Architecture- for over 15-20 years. NOW.
  30. An example of a Vision on an Energy Architecture and created by a stakeholder community from government, city and energy businesses is Denmark. I have included in the slide presentation and handout the link to this 14 minutes video clip. I strongly suggest you have a look at it- after this lecture. Today- 30% of Denmarks electricity is supplied by Wind Farms.
  31. Add to that- and next door to Denmark- Germany’s Energiewende, another ‘Visionary Project’-. Well this “Visionary project” did not just come about in a year (2011). It is rooted in the anti-nuclear movement of the 70s and brings together both conserva-tives and conserva-tionists — from environmentalists to the church. The shock of the oil crisis and the meltdown in Chernobyl lead to the search for alternatives — the rise of the solar voltaic industry, the political work and philosophy of Dr. Herman Scheerr, the godfather of IRENA and the book Energy Autonomy including the invention of feed-in tariffs. There were now many good reasons for Germany to switch to renewable energy and to increase energy conservation, and there are reasons to do so now. Fighting climate change Reducing energy imports Stimulating technology innovation and the green economy Reducing and eliminating the risks of nuclear Energy security Strengthening local economies and providing social justice. So- the drivers for change has not been ONE but many- and different for different interest groups- and over time. And that is very important for us to understand.
  32. Well- one way to look at the ways and means you can influence a local or global community –for the better, as I may hope- is the simple word: PESTO It’s from the Oil Community (from project development work) and it stands for Political, Economic, Social, Technology and Organisation. So- in simple terms: We can influence, develop or frame our new energy architectures- by developing a stakeholder relation or (policy) tools to create the conditions and constellations for change. As we look at our future- we can also use this frame- to identify “risks and opportunities” in our paths forwards. And start de-risking or managiing them Today – and as I look at our world frame- I would pledge for another lense.- for our realisations The lenses of : UN’s Global Community- Country City- Local Community- Science and Company- and the Coalitions of the Willing.
  33. But the future can be read and seen by the many “light-houses”, the innovation and change programs scattered around the globe. The signals and signs of new energy architecture become more and more real visible in the personal car mobility- where a wave and convergence of three technologies is going to smarten the car as we know it- from self-driving, self navigating and electric driven cars- we , and according to Industry expert- we are expected to see a “big shift” in consumer buying power and needs from 2020 onwards.. Another shift is and can already been seen around the houses: from distributed, microgrids, off-grids, self powered and heated homes- as now promoted by companies such as E-on in Germany and Solar City of Elon Musk or the Smart Cities of China, Middle-East and India… It's actually quite simple. On the moment that we embrace the principle from Me to We, and that our company or work is 'in service' of the wider community and we start taking decisions based on that principle -included the needs for future generations-  our future flows and falls into place..As I spoke earlier briefly on the opportunity for the Energy Sector to embrace New Visions and New Architectures befit for the 21st century -and now on "Avant-garde" Leaders such as Carlos Ghosn (Renault/Nissan), Google Self driving cars, Elon Musk with Solar City and Tesla, E-on Company of Germany, Sustainable Housing and City Planners in North-West Europe - or the Sustainable Cities in UAE-Masdar, China- Tijanjin, Chonqing, Saudi Arabia, or the 100 smart cities of PM Modi of India- demonstrating to us the way and ways by which new energy architectures are today possible, feasible and scale-able.But they do not come by itself.Actually- they thrive best if we can create the "winning community constellations" in the market, customers, governments  (/policy makers) , investment community, suppliers and energy service companies on location- "in- one-go".In the words of Carlos Ghosn:Electric Vehicles sales are in direct correlation with the number and amount of charging stations installed in a city, region or nation. It's a public-private partnership. It's a matter of trust. It's a matter of convenience. But it surely the way to go into our Future.(Carlos doesnot believe in fuel-celled PLV's. He is truly committed to the electrification of self-driving and navigating new car concepts)The same is true for the roll-out of Solar City or the new E-on's . There where the technical/market eco-system is supportive and adaptive to embrace the changed and new-styled distributed energy architectures across urban communities- the flywheel will start to spin..Traditionally - the energy sector is quite conservative and hierarchical, and furthermore orientated towards the supply-side of the equation: Those sitting on the upstream reserves (be it coal, oil or gas- ie. the money) determine to a large degree the project, sales and infrastructure development of the energy sector over the value chain well into the consuming locations.However- the "new song and dance" in energy and energy architecture development may no longer be best served by this game played in corporate silo's ( top-down) , - but is most likely far better served and played if done more and more in balanced community (of the energy professionals) across the value chains.Building a "well-tuned orchestra and community"  between government, business and business innovation, community which are ready, willing and prepared to realize true and truthful energy architecture innovations and changes. Big and Small.=== And we know that we have and are facing "great difficulties, complexities and challenges" in the continuance of "this great 20th century machine" in our near- and mid-term future in this industry.   And not only on sustainability.   Not only as we are accessing ever more remote, difficult, poisonous or environmental sensitive fields in our portfolio's of extraction and production, but also we are facing an explosion of energy demand around the globe:   Now relate the above to today's approximately 250 BnUSD investment and revenue levels in the totality of the "cleantech - industry"- and the sums of money we put in R&D and innovation-  and you may start to "see" and agree with me how  "massively under-balanced" we yet are- in our overall world energy system:   I wrote the following words (with some senior geology and energy futurists scientists) earlier:   Today, all activities on our planet are fuelled by a daily energy supply of 225 million barrels of oil equivalent (boe). Roughly 80% comes from oil, natural gas and coal (fossil fuels). It is expected that in 2050 the total amount of energy that needs be produced will amount to 500-750 million boe per day. This figure is based on a worldwide population growth of 50% in the coming 40 years, and a higher average level of energy consumption (5 kW per capita or 120 kWh per capita per day[3]). How can we deliver this large amount of energy in a clean manner?[4] How does the transition path to 50 terawatt look like?[5] Now, if all people on this planet by then were to consume fossil (oil, gas, coal) fuel energy in the same way as people presently do in the West and wealthy parts of the emerging nations, we will be in for trouble, as we would need Five planets (for as much as we can understand now) to find and produce these resources. The present trend is exactly that. So, over the next decades the energy industry will need to find answers to the challenge. The clean-tech industry- the industry of renewable energy supply, smart energy infrastructures [6] and energy saving- will have to play a significant role, perhaps much larger than presently predicted or seen. But will the speed of developments and integration of the clean-tech industry and its innovations be in time for the market? How about the time needed in order to grow these solutions to scale, and to develop the capabilities into a reliable new energy infrastructure? How about the present strength and distribution of the existing resource base in the conventional coal, oil and gas resource system? Will the new frontier reserves such as shale oil and gas be sufficiently strong in order to balance the expected (rapid and steep) decline in the existing and large producing fields? Can (all of) these new frontier production reserves be actually produced- from an economic, ecological and societal point of view? So with this rise in complexity and uncertainties both on the demand side as well on the supply side of the world energy system, and in a socio-technical context,  we may expect the world energy system perhaps to run against triple-A limits (affordability, availability, acceptability) or may become unstable (price volatilities, market swings, security or unrest, etc.).
  34. We have come to the conclusion of conclude what do we know of today and tomorrow? The world of today and tomorrow is in rapid acceleration. In the amount of people living on one planet, In the amount of new wealth creation and distribution. 3 billion people in the BRICS and emerging nations joining the middle-class, And in the need for energy. In order to have the comfort of mobility, housing, communication, school, health, jobs and life entertainment. So – our shared challenge is to discover and to create the circumstances and conditions, ie. accelerate the right innovations, create the right organizational forms, the right spirit, platforms and collaborations- in order to allow everybody to enjoy energy in abundance. That is part of the exciting journey we have taken in Energy For One World. IN our second module we will spend a little bit more time on the start in this exiting journey: building a vision for a sustainable society. Here and there. Now and tomorrow.. I am very excited about this module and the whole series, and look very much forwards to your continued interest and participation in this very exciting path forwards: learning to change and build the capabilities and capacities for deliveries.
  35. Building Sustainable Comunities Let’s look at this Energy For All iniative – and let’s start to look at the bottom of the pyramide The poor and rural communities. How are we to progress sustainable communities and how are we to bring energy to these villages? I come with two examples. One from India and one from Pakistan. And I will speak on the one in Pakistan only. In Pakistan, led by Dr. Akhter Hameed Khan, some very innovative work has been done to develop knowledge systems to support and maintain sustainable communities. In brief this work has consisted of: Mapping of local infrastructures and experiences, land us practices and physical structures Linking the rural with the national or global d evelopments: The knowledge and social capital generated through this physical and social mapping process has been integrated with large government and corporate sector development plans under the UN framework And making better use of Local Youth is trained and employed for mapping, local dialogue and gainful employment. These young workers also build bridges between the community and outside world (Context) As a matter of fact, the process of globalization has also led to (the process of) commercialization of rural village – of the agricultural, pastoral and fishing and hunting communities. This process has- at times- been accompanied by a intrusion of the physical, social and knowledge space of isolated rural settlements. Consequently land use, management of e.g. forest and natural resources, and traditional energy and water use practices have changed to the detriment of local environment and livelihood. In numerous communities socially responsible professionals and civil society organizations have initiated the sustainable development process of developing a more local body of knowledge, tools and programs to restore ecological balance, mitigate climate change, improve natural resource management and introduce efficient energy management practices to strengthen community resilience. Maintaining and protecting tradition, and blending this with modernity there where best and needed: A new form of Eco-modernity – a new form of collaboration between the outside support and the internal community- on a micro rural scale. As such: a very subtle, human and community-friendly approach. Not judging by what we see “as poor”- but more looking with fresh eyes and listening ears to the needs and see and feel what can “be rich”. Locally – in the cultural tradition. Much more sensitive- and far less commercial driven But let me be clear. At the bottom of the pyramid- and in our global community- people need help. Without our help- these people are chanceless and suffer. To that end- all the frames and programs of Prof. Jeffrey Sachs and Kandeh Yumkella are creating deserve our utmost attention and support- whereever we can === Scope of activities This approach has been used for holistic planning at local level and included themes relating to shelter, energy efficient houses, land, forest and natural resource use planning, water management, social forestry , sanitation and solid waste management. I have already depicted some of this work through my power point slides. ==
  36. But the world is a busy place. And the world is under rapid construction. It was already back in 2002, that the UN started to note that the global population was rapidly migrating into urban area’s. In fact – massive urban area’s.
  37. IN a global research survey done by McKinsey in 2011 over the top-600 cities in the world, McKinsey surveyed how these cities were to develop over the coming 10-15 years. Some remarkable facts came above table.And in McKinsey words: Quote The urban world is shifting. Today only 600 urban centers generate about 60 percent of global GDP. While 600 cities will continue to account for the same share of global GDP in 2025, this group of 600 will have a very different membership. Over the next 15 years, the center of gravity of the urban world will move south and, even more decisively, east. Today, major urban areas in developed-regions are, without doubt, economic giants. Half of global GDP in 2007 came from 380 cities in developed-regions, with more than 20 percent of global GDP coming from 190 North American cities alone. The 220 largest cities in developing-regions contributed another 10 percent. But by 2025, one-third of these developed-market cities will no longer make the top 600; and one out of every 20 cities in emerging-markets is likely to see its rank drop out of the top 600. By 2025, 136 new cities are expected to enter the top 600, all of them from the developing world and overwhelmingly—100 new cities—from China Unquote
  38. And thus, and as the problems of sustainable cities became apparent- a group of majors of 18 megacities came together in London in 2005 and formed a cooperation on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The meeting resulted in an agreement to cooperate on reducing climate emissions by taking decisive and immediate action on a number of points, most notably the creation of procurement policies and alliances to accelerate the uptake of climate-friendly technologies and influence the market place. This was the start of the network. And of a more local and down-to-earth campaign and initiative. Today the group is mentioned the C-40, but has actual city membership, outreach and impact well over those 40 cities. === in the handout some more information of this City-led, Major led initiative. And You can also visit their website. The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40) is a network of the world’s megacities committed to addressing climate change. Acting both locally and collaboratively, C40 Cities are having a meaningful global impact in reducing both greenhouse gas emissions and climate risks. C40 brings together a unique set of assets and creates a shared sense of purpose. C40 offers cities an effective forum where they can collaborate, share knowledge and drive meaningful, measurable and sustainable action on climate change. The C40 Mission C40 is a global network of large cities taking action to address climate change by developing and implementing policies and programs that generate measurable reductions in both greenhouse gas emissions and climate risks. Working together since 2005 In October 2005, then Mayor of London Ken Livingstone convened representatives from 18 megacities to pursue action and cooperation on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The meeting resulted in an agreement to cooperate on reducing climate emissions by taking decisive and immediate action on a number of points, most notably the creation of procurement policies and alliances to accelerate the uptake of climate-friendly technologies and influence the market place. This was the start of the network. In 2006, Mayor Livingstone invited the Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI) to become its delivery partner, greatly strengthening both organisations with a shared sense of purpose and an efficient support network for delivering world-class projects that optimise emissions reductions. The network at this point had grown to 40 cities, and thus the name C40 was born. Serving as C40’s first Chair, Mayor Livingstone established the C40 Secretariat in London, set up the C40 Steering Committee and initiated the use of C40 workshops to exchange best practices amongst C40 Cities. In 2008, former Mayor of Toronto David Miller took over as C40 Chair. Highlights of his tenure included the Copenhagen Climate Summit for Mayors and the C40 Cities Mayors Summit in Seoul, both in 2009, as well as the launch of practical action initiatives for cities, such as the C40-CCI Climate Positive Development Programme and the Carbon Finance Capacity Building programme. In November 2010, New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg began his tenure as C40 Chair. Key milestones in 2011 include the full integration of C40 with the CCI Cities Program by which C40 executives and staff are working in unison with CCI City Directors and programmatic teams to support climate action in cities. The work that the C40 Cities accomplishes is critical for reducing carbon emissions worldwide, but there is far more to be done, as President of the C40 Board, former C40 Chair, and 108th Mayor of New York City Mayor Bloomberg explains. While international negotiations continue to make incremental progress, C40 Cities are forging ahead. Collectively they have taken more than 4,700 actions to tackle climate change, and the will to do more is stronger than ever. As innovators and practitioners, our cities are at the forefront of this issue – arguably the greatest challenge of our time. Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg Another highlight of 2011 was the C40 Cities Mayors Summit in Sao Paulo, where C40 announced new partnerships with the World Bank and ICLEI—Local Governments for Sustainability—to accelerate climate action in cities through streamlined financing, greenhouse gas accounting and uniform reporting. The release of two reports developed in collaboration with Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and ARUP, respectively, emphasized the critical role of measurement and transparency in tackling climate change in megacities. Rio de Janeiro Mayor Eduardo Paes began his tenure as C40 Chair in December 2013. Leading the Way We’re proud of what cities have accomplished since 2005, and we continue to lead the way on mitigating the risks of climate change with our innovative and effective approach.
  39. This first module, and simply put- consists of three parts. 1st- The setting of the scene: The global change challenge and the energy future we find ourselves today in. 2nd. I will take a moment to share some of the key milestones and highlights of the global efforts to come to a Sustainable Development Agenda post-2015, including Climate Change Safety agreements. 3rd. I will take a little time to wrap-up but also to re-iterate and share the key focus and journey in this lecture series: Our Leadership over the Energy Architectures –as it develops.
  40. DID YOU KNOW? Year the 1st offshore wind farm was built in Europe: 1991 Number of offshore wind farms now operating in Europe: 66 Number of people now employed in the European offshore wind industry: 58,000 World’s largest offshore wind farm: The London Array % of Denmark’s electricity supplied by wind power: 30% London ARRAY Facts and Figures An offshore area of 100km2 175 wind turbines Two offshore substations Nearly 450km of offshore cabling One onshore substation 630MW of electricity Enough power for nearly half a million UK homes a year – two thirds of the homes in Kent CO2 savings of 925,000 tonnes a year The remarkable levels of activity during 2012, with 84 foundations, 175 wind turbines, 178 array cables and three export cables installed. October that year saw the first turbine producing power, with the final one coming on line in April 2013. Since then, the operation and maintenance team has focused on the performance and output of the wind farm. Operational Milestones: London Array’s first winter of full operation (October 2013 to March 2014) saw the wind farm generate 1,500 GWh (1.5 TWh) of clean power – equivalent to the annual consumption of around 325,000 British households – and ahead of target. January 2014 was a record month with more than 306 GWh of electricity exported, some 14 GWh on 6 January alone. February came a close second with just under 306 GWh. The good performance was helped by unusually windy weather which, combined with high availability, meant the turbines were able to capitalise on the near-perfect conditions to achieve very high load factors At the end of April 2014, London Array’s net output from when the first turbine came on line reached 3 TWh   – saving some 1,290,000 tonnes in carbon dioxide output. Cape Wind It is interesting to note – that the application for filing of Cape Wind was done back in 2001. It took some 14 years of legal and commercial scale preparation before construction of this project actually could take place. Cape Wind is nearing construction to become America’s first offshore wind farm.  Cape Wind will consist of 130 Siemens 3.6-megawatt offshore wind turbines with a capacity of 468 megawatts.  The project will be located in Federal waters off the coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, on Horseshoe Shoal in Nantucket Sound, the most technically optimal offshore wind power site in the United States.
  41. Dimensions of the Farm: 3,5 hectares 160,000 homes 1,5 Bn USD 550 MW 8 million panels If we do this 1000 times, then we can power 160 million homes= America (USA)= 30-40% of total energy. How long does it take us to get there? Understanding that doubling of capacity in the industry does take / or may take time. Assume: Only 6 hours a day 15% efficiency.
  42. General expectation is that we will see the number of light vehicles double if not triple over coming two to three decades. From 1 billion to 3 billion cars by 2050 for our personal mobility. Exxon Mobil recent allowed only a 20% increase in fuel demand consumption in these passengers cars- in order to fuel thus an additional 1 or 2 billion cars. Is this likely?. Let alone of the rapid and enormous increase in heavy transport fuel consumption. So, -in any shape or form- and over the next decades we will have to see some form of change in the way we fuel our cars. In order to better share the amount of petrol available, in order to maintain an affordable price and - perhaps- in order to clean our cities from its noise and fumes.So we have to start to consider new options for our personal cars and new options for the related infrastructure. We have to smarten-up. Especially in our cities.So-i want to share with you some first suggestions on how each and every nation or city - can start to manage this transition or change.As a joke i sometimes state the following: We need the genius of a Steve Jobs, the commercial accumen of Bill Gates, the business mind set and financial efficiency of a Rockefeller, the abilities to scale what customers want of a Henry Ford, and the abilities of persistence, invention and delivery of an Edison.But first of all- let's look at the present range of solutions available for considerations (if we want to define new ways of transportation projects- we need to study the landscape and see what options are available): == Cars By 2020 there could be one billion cars on the world’s roads, 50 per cent more than today, Toyota's cumulative global hybrid vehicle sales reached 1.458.325 units as of the end of April 2008. Emerging markets present the main opportunity for long-term car sales growth and they propel the global car market to over 60m units by 2009; Chinas sheer force of numbers presents the major long-term demand growth opportunity and we believe that the car market in China will hit six million units by 2009, buoyed by rising replacement demand as well as new demand; Prognosis is that by 2025, 25% of cars manufactered and sold in the developing world are electric (or hybrids) Cities and city commuting: By 2050, world population will grow by 50% to 9 Billion people <1% of Earth Surface. 50%+ of world population. 75% of world energy demand 97% of cars drive less than 250 miles a day. (present predicted range of electric cars)
  43. "Avant-garde" Leaders such as Carlos Ghosn (Renault/Nissan), Google Self driving cars, Elon Musk with Solar City and Tesla, E-on Company of Germany, Sustainable Housing and City Planners in North-West Europe - or the Sustainable Cities in UAE-Masdar, China- Tijanjin, Chonqing, Saudi Arabia, or the 100 smart cities of PM Modi of India- demonstrate to us the way and ways by which new energy architectures are today possible, feasible and scale-able.But they do not come by itself.Actually- they thrive best if we can create the "winning community constellations" in the market, customers, governments  (/policy makers) , investment community, suppliers and energy service companies on location- "in- one-go". IN the words of Carlos: Electric Vehicles sales are in direct correlation with the number and amount of charging stations installed in a city, region or nation. It's a public-private partnership. It's a matter of trust. It's a matter of convenience. But it surely the way to go into our Future.
  44. In our near future, we may best come to grasp with a new frame of “Energy Architecture” in the the energy sector- A frame based on (at least) 12-dimensions. 12 dimensions representing: People & Societies, Economy, Planetary Boundaries, Conventional Oil, coal and gas, Renewables- Sun, wind and bio, andn the Local, smart, de-central and distributed energy networks, including roll-out of energy efficiencies Our lIfestyles: Eco-conscious lifestyle- such as we can find in the Eco-villages in the west and in e.g. the rural communities of Africa and Asia We see Cities or Sustainable Cities Lifestyles And we see a lifestyle connected with High-Technology Advancement: A World Future Vision based on Science (Pulp-) Fiction, but now also more and more supported by some key research institutes: our science and technology is going to help us to create a complete new world order based on AI and perhaps abundance. And the 3 key consuming dimensions of energy Cities – and/or Sustainable Cities with energy-plus/ zero-carbon sustainable housing designs (including better materials) Transportation – in the air, on the water and on the road Industry- a selection and range of petro-chemical industry, agri-culture, etc.- now more and more in competition with nano-technology, miniaturization, 3D-printing, new material science based on AI/big computing. In other words:- So- developing and investing in an (national/ local) energy architecture becomes a little bit more than only investing or developing the supply side, or the oil, gas and coal side of the equation. Investing in an Energy Architecture now becomes a 12-dimensional frame, and whereby the stewards and stakeholders carefully review the best places to invest (or change) their time, money and resources in – in the community- and in order to achieve the best possible impact and sustainable conditions for their economies and societies – not only for the short-term, but for the years to come. And not only for the own location- but also taking the needs and demands of others and elsewhere in considerations. This new balance in investment and development in and over an Energy architecture- asks (government and business boardrooms) to change focus from a sole supply-sided focus (traditional) towards a much more balanced approach including into the realms of Economy, LifeStyle and the construct of sustainable houses and cities. an AND AND world (over 12-dimensions). And in this AND AND-world - the players in the energy architecture value chain sit (willingly) around the table, to better share and integrate their investment and dvelopment portfolio’s towards the best viable and sustainable energy architecture development concepts and solutions. For the whole. Not a private business matter, not a pure-free market play, not a play of state and governance. It is truly a new public-private compact. And that is a little bit different game than the traditional game played in the silo’s of the established large-scale energy and utility corporates – today- be it in state hands or in public listed company firms. So : Our today and tomorrow’s energy landscape asks and invites us actually to re-invent ourselves a little bit and to become a little bit more imaginative in our approaches and work collaborations in order to empower our societies and sustain our near future. The new role of the Energy Sector and Energy Professional envisioned is to become the new stewards, the new orchestra leaders- over these 12 dimensions. Why do I say that?
  45. Now- let’s look at what the definition of the term- “Energy Architecture- is,”: (From WEF/ Acceenture:) The energy architecture is an integrated physical system of energy sources, carriers and demand sectors shaped by government, industry and civil society. But - The energy architecture on location is also a reflection of the socio-political, economic, ecological and business philosophies, leadership and interests exercised on location. Ideally, The energy architecture in a country, region or global community is (ideally) to serve (the rise of, establishment of) thriving sustainable societies- making energy available, affordable and sustainable to all: balancing economic interests with that of society and nature. Here and there. Now and in the future. Quite interesting. But what does that mean? Best explained in a picture..
  46. And now comes some magic. In the Past and still very much today- the energy sector is and has been very much supply-side orientated. With the upstream (coal,) oil and gas sitting on top-of-the-value chain, and making and attracting the largest talent, capital investment and government income- they are and have been in fact determining the markets. Oil & Gas rules. The Fossil Fuel industry is and has been the undisputable Nr. 1- and the rest is and had to following The other "elements" in the energy value chain receive a much lesser role and as they are perceived less sexy, more detailistic to frame, and are seen less worthy (or less government income).  Nevertheless and over the last decades, each of these "other" elements in the energy value chains - from re-designing houses and cars (Product- Redesigns) towards energy architectures re-designs ( E-on in Germany and Denmark), Sun and Wind have demonstrated some of their potential. And in the words of an ex-oil man, I have seen these 'other' stages being "de-risked" , I have seen the potential we have in better unlocking and I have seen how these "other" elements can be brought to scale. So- the change challenge we face today, and in order to serve sustainability, our economies and our societies- is to change challenge our industry habits, our mind-sets, our (energy) project framings and our approach: Changing the role of oil and gas. From being the Nr1 supply-sided determinant over the market towards the Nr. 5 serving and becoming the complementary powerbase (last stop, last resort) in case the (eco-friendly , sustainable and disruptable technologies)  energy architecture cannot deliver to scale. Turning the priorities for project framing, investment and energy architecture 360 degrees around. Changing the game we play. Now- that requires some New Vision. And- that requires some New Leadership
  47. IN this new energy vision- an individual country need is no longer served by the traditional approach, but best taking the whole value chain and energy options in one conceptual framework forwards: We balance our Vision of our Future Society with the developments within our national and global Economies, with that of the needs of sustainability (local and global) with a vision on a new energy architecture. A new X-factor of Integration, Transition and Transformation. In essence- whenever we execute a new energy infrastructure project or opportunity- we look and review the whole. And we look where we can best spend our dollars worth of money in order to leverage the value of energy. And the first step we may want to take is that of Integration.Integration is simply the art of improving and bettering the business model and relationships between the (upstream)  conventional energy sector with that of the utility firms, energy distribution, renewables, cleantech, energy efficiency and products designs (housing, cars, industry). Perhaps you remember Mrs. Maria vd Hoeven of the IEA comments last year observation: the energy sector is in need of change of business model in the utility sector. Well- the good news is; The Board of Germany’s largest utility firm E-on did so and decided end last year to do so.By bettering integration between the parties we can come to new and exciting new energy architectures which can help to maximize the amount of energy return from a single gas atom, electron or  photon. In our cars, homes and offices/ industries.By integrating networks (peer-to-peer micro-grids, smart local grids, national and region grids)- the energy sector will be able to combine the best of both worlds: the world of small and many in de-centralized solutions with that of the world of few and large: de world of centralized energy solutions (the present blueprint).In the world of integration- we often use the word: smartness: to embody the new possibilities of better balancing energy demand with supply over a grid system.Now the trick in realizing "integration at scale" is actually a conscious choice made in the boardrooms of the various firms: it is the willingness to allow to unlock some new magic between the business parties in the energy value chain: to review and reflect on established investment decision making and pricing mechanisms/ business models between stakeholders and shareholders in the chain.It is the willingness and abilities of business leadership to actually manage and steer this "change-of-focus" within and between the energy professionals and trade: Today’s reality is that large parts of the energy industry are actually quite conservative in nature:  how hard it is to change the roles and functionalities of established discipline heads within.? How hard it is to change the focus from profitability towards maximizing energy return from an integrated value chain? How difficult is it to change from output focussed to a more sensible way of looking at what the contributions of the energy sector are towards (one's own and global) economy, society and nature?So- we need every fire-power and ammunition in order to provide these professionals with the right meaning and incentives for change: -I sincerely hope that this lecture series and the work of global leaders such as Jeffrey Sachs and Maria vd Hoeven helps..Integration also needs a strong and willing commitment to develop the right capabilities and capacities between the (upstream) oil and gas companies, the utilities, the network distribution companies and the technical service companies.This is large-scale, long-term program management.Not an art for the weak.It is the art of innovation: of making room for the new- and to allow new consortia to rise who can bring  these new solutions, value and values to the table.My guess:It is about to happen. It is about to happen in a big scale. And it can truly create "new energy and excitement, new pride and passion" within and between the professionals in the energy industry and across the energy value chains.Is there a business case? You must be kidding: Just look at the facts and prognosis of what the world needs over coming decades- and how that may impact our lives and planet.. We just got to become a little bit more responsible and aware of what world we are living in.Do-ing nothing is simply not an option.Transition:Transition is actually the period of change. Whenever and where-ever boardrooms decide that today's status quo do not longer serve or guarantee a sustained future- we are and can be in transition.We open-up for the new, and allow other technical solutions and other business models and new organisations to develop or flourish. Within or outside ourselves.The word transition in energy is often used to describe the pathways moving from a dominant conventional energy infrastructure towards a (more) clean-tech, renewable, durable energy infrastructure- including the re-design of our houses, neighbourhoods, transportation and industries.Energy transition management is an art. It can be learned to leaders- and it specifically requires the abilities to change an organisation and established believes: How can we change staff and professionals who are trained and who solemnly believe in that their own profession and contributions will prevail?There are companies in this world who have demonstrated that they can change the DNA of their group: e.g. DuPont, Nokia.Resistance to change (or to energy transition) is large. Very large. In the conservative parts of the industry -  in ministries or boardrooms in the emerging or developing nations, as well in the established markets of the West.Too many financial, professional , supply chain and stakeholder interests aspire to maintain or grow the status quo., or have been corrupted.  To stay risk-averse- as the sums of capital and money involved, or the risks of failure or the reduction in profitability are simply too large to be carried by individual leaders.Only by having a right vision, and  the right wisdom and leadership skills in  a supporting context (stewards over a shared future) can we see the larger corporates to move along.In countries craving for energy- we see that energy integration and energy transition are much closer on the radar of leadership: unfortunately - and that is a truth- not all countries and not all cultures are able or fit to lead in this type of innovation.Change or transition is not without risk. Just think in terms of project and program management: the costs, times or returns from "transition/ innovation projects" are much harder to plan and predict than established blueprints. Failure is the biggest fear of many professional-amateurs in this field.Therefore I pledge that nations who can excel in innovation and who have the industrial capabilities and talent- take on this leadership role and proof and demonstrate to our world what new energy infrastructures can look like.  At scale.Today - we know and can read that PM Modi of India aspires to have 100 smart cities in India. That's transition also: if Industry, Government (National or Local Authorities) and the Industry sector starts to work together: magic can be done.It's an absolutely fabulous industry with yet a huge and unlocked reservoir of re-newal (transition) potential.TransformationTransformation - is to my mind- the highest and most powerful form of change - in the three levels mentioned. It constitutes a new and shared awareness in mind. A new state of mind in and over the energy sector, over our society and our human well-being.It helps to see new essences of what may need to be done: e.g. Raising the energy sector's abilities in order to support and attain truly sustainable societies.That's a transformation of mind-set.Another transformation of mind-set is if in the ministries and boardrooms across the board we can instil the vision and passion to create energy architectures across the globe- which are durable, available, affordable and sustainable.That the energy professionals from Russia, India, China, Middle-East, Africa and the West can sit again at one table and start to honestly and openly  "talk and walk " the path of super-grids, energy architecture integrations, city solutions, etc. etc.: Jointly designing and creating the next level of energy future and integration: Energy for All.-and by doing so making my newspaper reading ever so much more boring.I wish this kind of transformation- as I believe that the spirit of understanding that we all (and our children and children children) deserve and need energy in order to thrive on this planet can be helping in this matter.By instilling this story and this vision in the energy industry sector of today, and given all the geopolitics of emotions among ourselves, I believe we can help to prevent ourselves a lot of unnecessary suffering or troubles.So count me in. My practice is working on all these three levels of change-and is available to bring it to every corner of this globe.One thing I know for certain:Every nation on this planet, any energy architecture on location and in the region- can be improved upon.Can be improved on it's ways and means of Integration, Transition and Transformation- and in order to serve national and our global community.As such- I wish you a great deal of Sustainability AND Change!
  48. But the future can be read and seen by the many “light-houses”, the innovation and change programs scattered around the globe. The signals and signs of new energy architecture become more and more real visible in the personal car mobility- where a wave and convergence of three technologies is going to smarten the car as we know it- from self-driving, self navigating and electric driven cars- we , and according to Industry expert- we are expected to see a “big shift” in consumer buying power and needs from 2020 onwards.. Another shift is and can already been seen around the houses: from distributed, microgrids, off-grids, self powered and heated homes- as now promoted by companies such as E-on in Germany and Solar City of Elon Musk or the Smart Cities of China, Middle-East and India… It's actually quite simple. On the moment that we embrace the principle from Me to We, and that our company or work is 'in service' of the wider community and we start taking decisions based on that principle -included the needs for future generations-  our future flows and falls into place..As I spoke earlier briefly on the opportunity for the Energy Sector to embrace New Visions and New Architectures befit for the 21st century -and now on "Avant-garde" Leaders such as Carlos Ghosn (Renault/Nissan), Google Self driving cars, Elon Musk with Solar City and Tesla, E-on Company of Germany, Sustainable Housing and City Planners in North-West Europe - or the Sustainable Cities in UAE-Masdar, China- Tijanjin, Chonqing, Saudi Arabia, or the 100 smart cities of PM Modi of India- demonstrating to us the way and ways by which new energy architectures are today possible, feasible and scale-able.But they do not come by itself.Actually- they thrive best if we can create the "winning community constellations" in the market, customers, governments  (/policy makers) , investment community, suppliers and energy service companies on location- "in- one-go".In the words of Carlos Ghosn:Electric Vehicles sales are in direct correlation with the number and amount of charging stations installed in a city, region or nation. It's a public-private partnership. It's a matter of trust. It's a matter of convenience. But it surely the way to go into our Future.(Carlos doesnot believe in fuel-celled PLV's. He is truly committed to the electrification of self-driving and navigating new car concepts)The same is true for the roll-out of Solar City or the new E-on's . There where the technical/market eco-system is supportive and adaptive to embrace the changed and new-styled distributed energy architectures across urban communities- the flywheel will start to spin..Traditionally - the energy sector is quite conservative and hierarchical, and furthermore orientated towards the supply-side of the equation: Those sitting on the upstream reserves (be it coal, oil or gas- ie. the money) determine to a large degree the project, sales and infrastructure development of the energy sector over the value chain well into the consuming locations.However- the "new song and dance" in energy and energy architecture development may no longer be best served by this game played in corporate silo's ( top-down) , - but is most likely far better served and played if done more and more in balanced community (of the energy professionals) across the value chains.Building a "well-tuned orchestra and community"  between government, business and business innovation, community which are ready, willing and prepared to realize true and truthful energy architecture innovations and changes. Big and Small.=== And we know that we have and are facing "great difficulties, complexities and challenges" in the continuance of "this great 20th century machine" in our near- and mid-term future in this industry.   And not only on sustainability.   Not only as we are accessing ever more remote, difficult, poisonous or environmental sensitive fields in our portfolio's of extraction and production, but also we are facing an explosion of energy demand around the globe:   Now relate the above to today's approximately 250 BnUSD investment and revenue levels in the totality of the "cleantech - industry"- and the sums of money we put in R&D and innovation-  and you may start to "see" and agree with me how  "massively under-balanced" we yet are- in our overall world energy system:   I wrote the following words (with some senior geology and energy futurists scientists) earlier:   Today, all activities on our planet are fuelled by a daily energy supply of 225 million barrels of oil equivalent (boe). Roughly 80% comes from oil, natural gas and coal (fossil fuels). It is expected that in 2050 the total amount of energy that needs be produced will amount to 500-750 million boe per day. This figure is based on a worldwide population growth of 50% in the coming 40 years, and a higher average level of energy consumption (5 kW per capita or 120 kWh per capita per day[3]). How can we deliver this large amount of energy in a clean manner?[4] How does the transition path to 50 terawatt look like?[5] Now, if all people on this planet by then were to consume fossil (oil, gas, coal) fuel energy in the same way as people presently do in the West and wealthy parts of the emerging nations, we will be in for trouble, as we would need Five planets (for as much as we can understand now) to find and produce these resources. The present trend is exactly that. So, over the next decades the energy industry will need to find answers to the challenge. The clean-tech industry- the industry of renewable energy supply, smart energy infrastructures [6] and energy saving- will have to play a significant role, perhaps much larger than presently predicted or seen. But will the speed of developments and integration of the clean-tech industry and its innovations be in time for the market? How about the time needed in order to grow these solutions to scale, and to develop the capabilities into a reliable new energy infrastructure? How about the present strength and distribution of the existing resource base in the conventional coal, oil and gas resource system? Will the new frontier reserves such as shale oil and gas be sufficiently strong in order to balance the expected (rapid and steep) decline in the existing and large producing fields? Can (all of) these new frontier production reserves be actually produced- from an economic, ecological and societal point of view? So with this rise in complexity and uncertainties both on the demand side as well on the supply side of the world energy system, and in a socio-technical context,  we may expect the world energy system perhaps to run against triple-A limits (affordability, availability, acceptability) or may become unstable (price volatilities, market swings, security or unrest, etc.).
  49. So- I dream of the moment that we can say:   Energy is no longer an issue that can divide our nations, that can affect or deprive people from their economic activities, social comforts or freedom of movements- nor that it can endanger our animal life, our lands and seas or our biosphere.     I dream of a world of energy abundance.   I dream of a world where energy is no longer an issue of national security- but I dream of a world where we speak about making and having energy available to all..   I dream of a world, where a farmer, a manufacturer or a city community can no longer be pulled back, starved or downed by the price or the availability of energy..   I dream of a world where the exploration, production and distribution of energy is no longer a danger to our animal life, our natural land, our seas or our biosphere- and man itself.   I dream of an energy industry which is truly vibrant and supportive to the rise of sustainable societies, without the spin, self-protection, defensive sustainability or riff-raff.     I dream of an energy industry - healed from the (financial) interests by those who can play with prize, access, power, investment levels, and so on.    I dream of a world where all the energy professionals - and across the value chains- feel part in a "global brotherhood"- an elite group of professionals- like in the health-sector- and who truly serve societies - and are organizing, empowering and enabling themselves to create the energy architectures we need.I dream of a world where the energy sector is "free of concerns"   We need large-scale business innovation in the energy sector. We need to revolutionize parts of our today's 20st century energy infrastructures to a next level of sustainability.    Not only to Sustain (think Lima).- but also simply to stay out of trouble (Think Nobel Peace Prize) =====   We need the energy profession, the energy corporations the business leadership of the energy corporations to become much more responsible and engaged in the actual change challenge and dimensions of the change challenge we are in.   Stewardship over the Energy Architecture - by the Energy Businesses itself- in a global-, local- and corporate setting is a new and emerging business leadership role.  Within the energy sector, and across the energy value chains, great political-, economic-, social-, technological-, ecological- and organizational- shifts and dynamics are taking place. Leadership over Energy corporations, today- be it in Coal, Oil & Gas, Utility, Renewables, Distribution or Energy Support firms – requires a new balancing act: attuning “corporate strategies and organizational forms” with that of the “ dynamic context change and societal needs” they are in. I dream to see those Leaders to stand-up in the larger Energy (Oil and Gas) Corporations and to start to walk this path. I dream that today's hero's and Energy & Sustainability leaders - such as Carlos Ghosn, Elon Musk, E-on Board, Peter Head (former Arup founder) get embraced, supported, replicated and brought to scale- not resisted- by the Leaders within the Large-scale energy corporations around the globe That is what I dream.
  50. This first module, and simply put- consists of three parts. 1st- The setting of the scene: The global change challenge and the energy future we find ourselves today in. 2nd. I will take a moment to share some of the key milestones and highlights of the global efforts to come to a Sustainable Development Agenda post-2015, including Climate Change Safety agreements. 3rd. I will take a little time to wrap-up but also to re-iterate and share the key focus and journey in this lecture series: Our Leadership over the Energy Architectures –as it develops.
  51. I like to conclude. And I like to conclude by talking a little bit on our journey in this lecture series… And I will be short..
  52. John D. Rockefeller, a former accountant, became the first great oil tycoon in the USA, understood the importance of controlling transportation and distribution of oil. His business genius further extends to his ability to “see” what the people at that time wanted (initially kerosine lanterns, later petrol for cars), and find the appropriate business model to deliver this to the market, At scale From 1870 and onwards, and with the birth of Standard Oil Company – (the later Exxon Mobile)- he successfully managed to secure smart business deals with railroads, key transporters and distributors, allowing him to compete on price. In fact- he was a master in making business deals behind closed-doors and looking at global opportunities in the market with an analytical eye and self-interest. The influence of this man on todays energy corporation leadership and practices cannot be underestimated. We need to take a good look at him. And hopefully agree on the many positive aspects of the man (a great business innovator and new frontier man), but we may also perhaps agree that our present times require a much more evolved business leadership style for our own good sake and progression of our societies. I will explain.
  53. And to explain this, I like to move to Professor Michael Porter. His influence over present day business beliefs can also not be underestimated. In this classic book of Professor Michael Porter- an analysis on how corporations can achieve competitive advantage and maintain their positition towards competitors or market substitutes Looking on how best to stay in the game, and win the game: Focus. Focus on Niche, Cost-leadership or Differentiation Actually, describing what early and great 20thy century entrepreneurs already knew or where doing. At times opportunistic, and at times based on power, influence or money- building Nr.1 positions in the market. Winning and Taking. Examples of this belief we may find in a positive way at GE’s Jack Welsh (“Winning”) or in a much more negative form e.g. The Movie Wall Street with Gorden Gekko’s famous : “Greed is Good.” What is a fact is that Mr Porter has educated this belief and this behaviour around the globe , at universities and at our leaders in Europe, the Middle-East, Europe and Far-east. I ask myself now at times: How much damage has been done- over this whole period? Why? Because – end 2010/ early 2011 – we hear a complete revised Michael Porter: Let me share some of his most recent words: «A big part of the problem lies with companies themselves, which remain trapped in an outdated approach to value creation that has emerged over the past few decades. They continue to view value creation narrowly, optimizing short-term financial performance in a bubble while missing the most important customer needs and ignoring the broader influences that determine their longer-term success. How else could companies overlook the wellbeing of their customers, the depletion of natural resources vital to their businesses, the viability of key suppliers, or the economic distress of communities in which they produce and sell? How else could companies think that simply shifting activities to locations with ever lower wages was a sustainable «solution» to competitive challenges?»* But the question now is: How much of our present leadership is listening to this latest Michael Porter? How many of our present energy corporations are still practicing the old Porter and what they hence learned in their MBA or Executive management class? So still working the old Michael Porter. - I have to share this with you- I think and based of what I have seen and know: unfortunately: much too many. If we donot find ways to improve this old leadership style, I sense we are in for some big trouble. In energy land. But let me help you to gain a positive and healthy perspective of what needs doing in this vital industry and let’s talk a little later of what we can do to improve our leadership. Today. Not tomorrow.
  54. The Energy professional of today and tomorrow - is invited and asked to be able to: - Balance, listen and translate needs and views of the variety of (national and international) stakeholders into a workable vision and plan.- Innovate and lead the local-, regional- and global energy architectures to a next level of performance.- Work for the business whilst maintaining an eye on society and the common good, economy (profitability), sustainability and relevance. Global Change has everything to do with the rise in population, the general increase and rapid distribution of wealth and the growing needs for Energy (to fuel the people and economies). Global Change has also much to do with the dynamic shifts in geo-political balances and (international) relationships and decision making, the ways in which the global, regional and national energy markets develop and in the ways we dare to elevate our societies for the better including sustainability. As Energy is a relative slow moving, but a very large sector - our today's decisions, choices and behaviours in aggregate and in the Energy Land determine to a large degree the outcome of our efforts.Will we stay out of trouble? Will we be surprised? Or are we going to meet a wall? Today's Stewardship over the Energy Architecture is hence an essential new leadership skill: In Business and in Governments.
  55. Year 2015 may be a Pivot Year in Energy Land. First of all, and at the end of 2015, we will experience the results of years’ of climate change negotiations in Paris. Secondly, and in September of 2015,  the UN is to agree and embark on a ground-breaking program of capacity and capability building in the realms of Sustainable Development. In both programs- Energy and the Energy Sector are crucial and vital element for it’s success. The world is craving for resources. Resource exploitation becomes ever more complex and costly. The future of resource exploitation complex and difficult to improve or innovate. How do we stay out of trouble in a world where everybody wants to win or live abundant- and in an industry sector which is reaching it’s limits of growth or is running towards scarcity or unsustainability?  And not forgetting all the concerns with human live, health (in consuming the product) and our natural environment (“the great acceleration“) . Well – that- and in a nutshell- is the Energy sector, today. In the words of Ban-Ki Moon: We are the last generation that can fight climate change. We have a duty to act How are we going to live together and provide energy to all people of this world – reliably, sustainably, affordable, and in harmony? Can we build Sustainable Societies for all? Stewardship over the Energy Architecture[1] in a global-,  local- and corporate setting is to our mind a new and urgent business leadership role. Energy For One World practice  focus is on the outlook and present workings of our world energy system- and how we can improve our individual and collective strategies,  decisions and action making on Energy Architecture (local, regional, and national) -for our Economies, Sustainability and Societal needs. The practice is directed towards the realization of systematic improvements in the local and global energy system and outlook. To enable partners to define and realize the opportunity space for business and government to succeed in the energy world of today and tomorrow. A key perspective is in our understanding that all nations and all people have a fundamental right for energy. In order to achieve this, and for a growing world population, we may want to improve on our local, regional and global energy system realizations. Energy For One world helps to develop a (local and relevant) strategy- balancing Energy with Economy, Society and Sustainability needs, and based on this strategy, on how to define and realize (business or national) opportunities. We have a global outreach and intelligence network – and partner with a range of very senior representatives and reputable seniors from Academics, Institutes, Energy Corporations and Consulting. ==== Stewardship over Energy (and Energy Transition management) requires clarity of vision, awareness, focus and the relevant change and balancing strategies which require the development of new competencies, capabilities, capacities and skills - in business and in the energy trade.   Over the coming years and decades, Leaders and Professionals in the Energy Industry will be challenged on Global (Energy) Change.   The causes of a crisis in the energy landscape can all be to do with uncovering revelations on resource ownership or availability of recoverable reserves (conventional or unconventional) or the sheer trading and international play with access to resources or demand-supply imbalances.The fact is that some of the people sitting on top of the value chain and controlling the money streams of energy may not all have or share this incentive for change. The opposite is true for the people outside the sector, at the lower scale of employment and who are made dependent on the availability of energy. These people are vulnerable, and generally have no voice - or take to the streets when it is generally much too late.The growing and rising global middle-class of the world - soon a 3 billion+ people - are squeezed in between those two layers - and will feel the rising pressures of the cost of energy and transportation in their households.Energy craving or energy scarcity in one nation, can lead to trouble elsewhere. Energy shortage or energy price hikes can cause economies to falter or stagnate, and governments to topple. To that end, it can be compared with the continued rise and fall of crises in our global financial sector. One nation can affect another nation. And so on. Making decisions on energy, energy policy and energy architecture are hence utmost important ones. Not only because of the impact they have - directly and indirectly - on the economy and countries involved, but also because many of the energy decisions are made in time - but have a lasting effect over time that sometimes impact our global (energy) system for the next 20-30 years. It is very difficult for governments and business board rooms to see and reflect on their individual actions short or long-term – and in a global market situation where most parties are seeking to gain. To understand the geopolitical, socio-economic and ecological consequences of their deeds – now and in time, individually and in aggregate in the sector. Moreover, and especially, when all of us do have to operate in a market which is pretty dynamic, unpredictable and uncertain. On all dimensions. The demands to continue to make energy reliably available in one nation or to the whole, for an affordable and in an acceptable (think: sustainability) way is most likely to become a pressing challenge.That's why we and I - at Energy For One World- are so excited that we have chosen these three features in one program and practice.Global Change, Energy and Stewardship.Global Change has everything to do with the rise in population, the general increase and rapid distribution of wealth and the growing needs for Energy (to fuel the people and economies).Global Change has also much to do with the dynamic shifts in geo-political balances and (international) relationships and decision making, the ways in which the global, regional and national energy markets develop and in the ways we dare to elevate our societies for the better.As Energy is a relative slow moving, but a very large sector- our today's decisions, choices and behaviours in aggregate and in the Energy Land determine to a large degree the outcome of our efforts.Will we stay out of trouble or will be surprised and are we to meet a wall? Today's Stewardship over the Energy Landscape is hence an essential new leadership features.Stewardship over Energy (and Energy Transition management) requires clarity of vision, focus, courage and discipline  in order to realize relevant change strategies which require new competencies, capabilities, capacities and skills. As change is required. Change in our Perspectives over the Energy Landscape. Change in the organisational forms by which we discuss and aim to resolve the energy challenge, and Change in the Leadership approach to the challenges awaiting us. It is this change (of Vision, Organizational Form and in Leadership ) which is - to my mind- the essential ingredient for our success.Whilst much of building the new energy architectures of the 21st century depends on our abilities to unlock and apply the new and promising energy technologies in powering our transportation, housing and cities and general infrastructure- it is this change of style and approach - with and within the sector which creates to my mind the best conditions for us to have a chance in the change.There is a  great parallel in the developments in the international finance markets and those of the energy landscape (as there are differences, too). The causes of a crisis in the energy landscape can all be to do with uncovering revelations on holdership or availability of recoverable reserves (conventional or unconventional) or the sheer trading or international play with access to resources or demand-supply unbalances.The fact is that the people sitting on top of the value chain and in the money streams of energy have not a great incentive for change. The prognosis is that their status, position and influence over our society is only to grow.The opposite is true for the people outside the sector, at the lower scale of employment and made dependent on the availability of energy. These people are vulnerable, and generally have no voice- or take to the streets when it is generally much too late...The growing and rising global middle-class of the world - soon a 3 billion -plus people- are squeezed in between those two layers - and will feel the rising pressures of the cost of energy and transportation in their households.Meanwhile- and the larger and more powerful nations and continents on this planet- are also intertwined in a "cold resource war".Will these countries be able to come to grasp with a shared responsibility over energy and it's distribution- or will we see a much more competitive and -at times- rivalling and unhealthy relationships develop?Fact is - that all sides in this equation- believe in their right.That's why a shared stewardship over the energy landscape is so important. To better take responsibility over the whole.In a national or regional agenda, but also at the global and international scale.
  56. And finally- there is a perspective on the rise of a more conscious and shared leadership style. A leadership style which can transcend over own or own community needs and believes, and who can work, think and act from a global mind-set. Truly looking at complex situations from a detached, almost neutral position- and with the intent to best serve the whole. Making best use of positive psychology and hope. Whilst the above views are brief and just an example- and in no means intended to be conclusive- they can help us to better understand the situation we are in- and what stakeholder groups mind-maps can be. This is important for us to know. Perhaps it is relevant that before we address any problem, any complex situation- we may first better understand in what categories of perspectives our society and stakeholders are in today.. MY expectation is: all of the above and perhaps more. So- our pathways need to find some form of resonance (or ring some hidden bells) in them all. And remember: Resistance to change falls when the benefits are made clear. So- our pathways forward need to be able to demonstrate the benefits to all stakeholders. Collectively and individually. We have to become true social artists… That’s quite a challenge!!
  57. Happy, Positive, Compassion, Empathetic, Empowering, Making room, Etc. etc.
  58. Finally- Turning your Leadership beliefs or values upside-down is a next step forward. Understanding that the role of the leader is humble and is to create the conditions for others to flourish. To work with empathy and sympathy and the desire to give and share. Examples of what this leadership style means and takes are presently only being formed or understood- despite the fact that the philosophies and thinking on them have been now some 20-25 years with us. Our challenge is to blend all of the above – and all of these principles from history and today- in a realistic and workable solution in each and every culture and environment. Situational. But with the intent and passion for creation, growth and people. Only with this intent, and with those skills and capabilities can we see “great” execution in our countries and generations to come. MY view: the world deserves it.
  59. Een creatief in een accountancy baan bij een energie bedrijf Een pietjeprecies in een leiderschapsrol in de politiek Een generalist in een managementfunctie bij een klein provinciaalse onderneming
  60. Well part of Gundling’s view and teaching is that where-ever we are working in an international arena- we have to become aware, develop empathy and sympathy for the following aspects of people and foreign cultures. Core Values are: Trust, respect, listening, observation, empathy, flexibility, informed judgement, persistence Cultural dimensions are: individualism vs,. Group, task orientated vs. Relationship orientated, direct vs indirect, equality vs. Hierarchy The Awareness of what is being said, and awareness of what is not being said- or unconsciously expressed is a kind of 6th sense for people and situations.
  61. Now I come to another and perhaps a most important element of modern day execution. What sets further great execution apart from good execution. What makes an art. Not a science.. It is the people-stuff. The ability to sense and understand the variety in people. What drives them. What binds them. What unites, and what separates. To have a knack and to be able to bridge the gap between inter- and intra company disciplines. To be able to listen to the various cultures, and to create an environment where every body is safe and can positively contribute to the work.; This is true for work within one culture, and this is even more true for work across one or many cultures. I have been priviliged to have been exposed to both aspects, and feel blessed with the givings. A way to familiarize yourself with the extra challenges across nations and cultures- you can travel , befriend or educate yourself in this. I recommend the books and education of Gundling for any serious endeavours on this.