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TOK Chs. 7-8, p. 94-132

Team 1: 94-100
Team 2: 101-106
Team 3: 107-113
Team 4: 114-120
Team 5: 121-127
Team 6: 128-132

   Week 2:
   Logic and Epistemology
                              TOK, p. 115-132
                          Selected Readings
Where we are Going?
• Blog 1: Gun Control
  Argue Out Teams (10
• Notes: Ch.1-3 (18 min.,
  3 min. each)
• Finish Week 1:
   – What is a Knower?
   – Intro to Ways of Knowing
• Start Week 2:
   –   Activity 3: Witch Trial
   –   Laws of Logic
   –   Formal and Informal
   –   Fallacies
   –   Blog 2: Fallacies
Loftus and Palmer (1974)
• Elizabeth Loftus investigated the
  interaction between language,
  memory and eyewitness
• Conclusions:
   – The way a question is
      worded often leads to a
      new reconstruction of a
   – Eyewitness testimony and
      estimations are often a
      dependent variable.
   – What other factors
      contribute to memory
•   Memory and testimony are the
    cognitive foundation of the
    –   Neurologically, memories are chemical
        reactions resulting from synapse
        activation within the brain.
    –   Rationally, memories are the calculator
        and "rulebook" that allows for proper
        and logical thinking.
    –   Emprically, memories are the record of
        our senses reconstructed through will or
        by outside stimulai
    –   Pragmatically, memories are the
        priorities of the world in which p;ersonal
        meaning is constructed.
•   Do we have memories of the way
    things are, or is there always
    personal bias? Do our senses
    create accurate pictures of
The Ways of Knowing
• Reason
   –   Analytic and synthetic
   –   a priori or a posteriori
   –   constructs of logic that define a thing or
       to define basic laws using symbolacrae

• Sense Perception
   –   Correspondance testing between
       memory and seeing, etc.
   –   Basis for scientific philosophy.
   –   Often subjective and vulnerable to bias.
       see aesthetic philosophy.

• Intuition/imagination (?)
   –   Memories reconstructed often with
       disregard for the backward looking sense
       perception and/or rationality to project
       to future events, develop innovative
       hypothesis, or to be a great artist.
The Ways of Knowing
• Language
  – The symbols that connect our
    thoughts to others
  – Intrinsically indirect and
    requires assumptions about the
    world (such as the existence of
    other minds).
  – Often can present challenges
    to synergy of information

• Emotion
  – The personal reaction and
    cultural parameters of
    expression connecting to
    others by thou
Tests of “Truthiness”
•   Correspondence
    – Statements are true so much as the
      relate to actual, observable data from
      the world.
        • “The snow is white”
•   Coherence
    – Statements are true so much as they
      are logically consistent with previous
      beliefs about the world.
        •   “there are no pink elephants in Lake Elsinore
            because I know elephants are gray, live in

•   Pragmatic
    – A statement is true if +it allows you to
      interact effectively and efficeintly with
      the cosmos.
        •   “My belief that inanimate objects do not
            spontaneously get up and move about is true
            because it makes my world more predictable
            and thus easier to live in. It “works”
Testimony or Knowledge by
• Information about the
  world often comes
  through degrees of
   – Data is received, passed,
     written, consolidated,
     taught, and recited.
• How might the “authority
  fallacy” be different than
  “knowledge by
• List 10 things you know by
• List 10 things you know by
  personal testimony.
Knowledge Prism
                        Knower                        • Knowledge is reliant upon
                                                        various presuppositions:

                             Proofs and Truth Tests
Empirical Observation

                                                        – Rationality, laws of logic, and
                                                          language can be used
                                                          consistently and with meaning
                                                        – Statements and observations
                                                          can be investigated against
                                                          counter-factuals to correspond
                                                          some semblance of “external
                                                          world” and “the way things
                                                          really are”
                                                        – An identity and mind to
                                                          process, articulate, and
                                                          construct a worldview based
                                                          on observation and truth
Rational and Empirical
• What is the difference between the
  following phrases?:
   – “2+2=4”
   – “This cat is orange.”
   – “I was probed by an alien last night.”
• Rationality: intuited propositions
  deduced towards knowledge.
   – A priori knowledge
• Empiricism: Knowledge and
  concepts needed for knowledge
  come from our senses and
   – A posteriori knowledge
Plato: “Justified True Belief”
• Knowledge, according
  to Plato, has three
  – Justified: Is a truth claim in
    the realm of falsifiability?
  – True: is there enough
    evidence or reasonable
    argument for its probable
  – Belief: do I internalize and
    assume the claim into my
    worldview and
Acquaintance vs. Description
• “If you can’t
  say it, you
  don’t know it”
  –   Hans Reichenbach (German
      philosopher of science, 1891-1953)

• “I know more
  than I can say.”
  –   Michael Polanyi (Hungarian
      philosopher of science, 1891-1976)
•   “I am enough of an artist to draw freely
    upon my imagination. Imagination is
    more important than knowledge.
    Knowledge is limited. Imagination
    encircles the world.”

•   “Everything you can imagine is real”

•   “We are what we pretend to be, so we
    must be careful about what we pretend
    to be.”

•   Can Imagination be a source of
    knowledge? What would its limits be?
    Can you know something that is only
    feasible in your mind?
TOK Chs. 7-8, p. 94-132

Team 1: 94-100
Team 2: 101-106
Team 3: 107-113
Team 4: 114-120
Team 5: 121-127
Team 6: 128-132

   Week 2:
   Logic and Epistemology
                               TOK, p. 94-132
                          Selected Readings
Activity 3: The Illogical Game
• Watch the following clip from
  Monty Python’s Quest for the
  Holy Grail
• Identify 5 statements that
  “don’t add up” based on your
  prior knowledge and common
• In teams of four, see if you can
  identify the formal and informal
  fallacies behind your
  statements. List them out.
   – If you don’t know the names, try
     and describe/explain why they are
Break down of the Argument
1. All witches are things that can burn.
2. All things that can burn are made of
3. Therefore, all witches are made of
wood. (from 1 & 2)

4. All things that are made of wood are
things that can float.
5. All things that weigh as much as a duck
are things that can float.
6. So all things that weigh as much as a
duck are things that are made of wood.
(from 4 & 5)

7. Therefore, all witches are things that
weigh as much as a duck. (from 3 & 6)
8. This thing is a thing that weighs as much
as a duck.
9. Therefore, this thing is a witch. (from 7 &
Laws of Logic
• 1. Law of identity.
   – Everything is what it is.
     A is A or A is Identical
     with A.
• 2. law of
   – A cannot be A and
     not A at the same
• 3. Law of Exculded
   – A is either a or not A
Formal Logic
• Syllogism
   – Two statements that
     create conditions
     towards and absolute
     conclusion statement.
• Distribution
   – A line in logic that is
     properly moving from
     specific to general (i.e.
     all cats are mammals)
     based on language.
• Modus Ponus
   – Form of logical reasoning
     that forms the basis of all
     formal logic
Deductive Reasoning
• Taking general
  statements of truth
  about the world
  and reasoning
  towards a specific
• Formal logical
  constructs like the
  modus ponens are
Inductive Reasoning
• Inductive reasoning
  is perhaps the
  opposite of
• One takes specific
  statements and
  arrives at a general
• Which is more
Formal Fallacies
• Affirmative conclusion
  from a negative premise
  (illicit negative) – when a
  categorical syllogism has a
  positive conclusion, but at
  least one negative
• Fallacy of exclusive
  premises – a categorical
  syllogism that is invalid
  because both of its
  premises are negative.
• Fallacy of four terms
  (quaternio terminorum) – a
  categorical syllogism that
  has four terms.
Formal Fallacies
• Illicit major – a
  categorical syllogism
  that is invalid because
  its major term is not
  distributed in the major
  premise but distributed
  in the conclusion.
• Illicit minor – a
  categorical syllogism
  that is invalid because
  its minor term is not
  distributed in the minor
  premise but distributed
  in the conclusion.
Formal Fallacies
• Negative conclusion
  from affirmative
  premises (illicit
  affirmative) – when a
  categorical syllogism
  has a negative
  conclusion but
  affirmative premises.
• Fallacy of the
  undistributed middle –
  the middle term in a
  categorical syllogism is
  not distributed.
Quick Application
1. If it's raining, I'll   • Modus Ponens
   meet you at the
   movie theater.
2. It's raining.
3. Therefore, I'll meet
   you at the movie
Quick Application
• If the cake is made    • Modus Tollens
  with sugar, then the
  cake is sweet.
  The cake is not
• Therefore, the cake
  is not made with
Quick Application
• Either the Sun orbits   • Disjunctive Syllogism
  the Earth, or the
  Earth orbits the Sun.
  The Sun does not
  orbit the Earth.
  Therefore, the Earth
  orbits the Sun.
Quick Application
• Everyone who          • Reasoning by
  drives at 80 MPH is     Transivity
• All who speed         P->Q
  break the law.        Q->R
• Therefore, everyone   ______
  who drives at 80
  MPH breaks the Law    Therefore: P->R
Quick Application
• No fish are dogs, and    • Affirmative
  no dogs can fly,           conclusion
  therefore all fish can
  fly.                     • If A ⊄ B and B ⊄ C the
                             n A ⊂ C.
• We don't read that
  trash. People who
  read that trash don't
  appreciate real
  literature. Therefore,
  we appreciate real
Quick Application
• No mammals are      • Fallacy of exclusive
  fish.                 premies
• Some fish are not   • No X are Y.
  whales.             • Some Y are not Z.
• Therefore, some     • Therefore, some Z
  whales are not        are not X.
Quick Application
• All fish have fins.      • Fallacy of four terms
• All goldfish are fish.
• All humans have
Quick Application
• All dogs are         • Illicit major
• No cats are dogs.
• Therefore, no cats
  are animals.
Quick Application
• All cats are felines.   •   Illicit minor
• All cats are            •   All A are B.
  mammals.                •   All A are C.
• Therefore, all          •   Therefore, all C are
  mammals are                 B.
Quick Application
• All cats are animals.   • Negative
• Some pets are cats.       conclusion from
• Therefore, some           affirmative premises
  pets are not              (illicit affirmative)
                          • if A is a subset of B,
                            and B is a subset of
                            C, then A is not a
                            subset of C.
Quick Application
• Money is green     • Fallacy of the
• Trees are green,     undistributed
• money grows on       middle
  trees.             • All A's are C's.
                       All B's are C's.
                     • All A’s are B’s
Informal Logic
Ad Hominem
A personal attack: that is, an argument
based on the perceived failings of an
adversary rather than on the merits of the

Ad Misericordiam
An argument that involves an irrelevant
or highly exaggerated appeal to pity or

An argument based on the assumption
that the opinion of the majority is always
valid: everyone believes it, so you should

Begging the Question
A fallacy in which the premise of an
argument presupposes the truth of its
conclusion; in other words, the argument
takes for granted what it's supposed to
prove. Also known as a circular
Informal Logic
Dicto Simpliciter
An argument in which a general rule is
treated as universally true regardless of
the circumstances: a sweeping

False Dilemma
A fallacy of oversimplification: an
argument in which only two alternatives
are provided when in fact additional
options are available. Sometimes called
the either-or fallacy.

Name Calling
A fallacy that relies on emotionally
loaded terms to influence an audience.

Non Sequitur
An argument in which a conclusion does
not follow logically from what preceded
Informal Fallacies
Post Hoc
A fallacy in which one event is said to be
the cause of a later event simply
because it occurred earlier.

Red Herring
An observation that draws attention
away from the central issue in an
argument or discussion.

Stacking the Deck
A fallacy in which any evidence that
supports an opposing argument is simply
rejected, omitted, or ignored.

Straw Man
A fallacy in which an opponent's
argument is overstated or misrepresented
in order to be more easily attacked or
Activity 4:
• In teams of 4 watch the
  following videos on
  your iPad by going to
• Identify the primary
  fallacy being used.
• Explain why it is being
  used. Why is it
• Discuss how a topic
  could have been
  approached should
  the fallacy be
  corrected (avoid bias)
Blog 3: Logical Argument
• Create a logical
  proposition with a
  formal or informal
• Respond to another
  proposition with the
  identification. Offer
  a correction.
Blog 3: Logical Argument
• Decide on a position
  that you care deeply
• Find someone online
  (blogs, youtube,
  facebook, etc.) who
  you agree with on this
  position, but can see a
  logical fallacy in their
• Write your position, their
  quote, and an analysis
  of the fallacy in one
Thinker Portrait: Rene Descartes

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2. logic and epistemology, chs. 7 8, p. 94-132

  • 1. TOK Chs. 7-8, p. 94-132 Team 1: 94-100 Team 2: 101-106 Team 3: 107-113 Team 4: 114-120 Team 5: 121-127 Team 6: 128-132 Week 2: Logic and Epistemology TOK, p. 115-132 Selected Readings
  • 2. Where we are Going? • Blog 1: Gun Control Argue Out Teams (10 Minutes) • Notes: Ch.1-3 (18 min., 3 min. each) • Finish Week 1: – What is a Knower? – Intro to Ways of Knowing • Start Week 2: – Activity 3: Witch Trial – Laws of Logic – Formal and Informal – Fallacies – Blog 2: Fallacies
  • 3. Loftus and Palmer (1974) • Elizabeth Loftus investigated the interaction between language, memory and eyewitness testimony. • Conclusions: – The way a question is worded often leads to a new reconstruction of a memory – Eyewitness testimony and estimations are often a dependent variable. – What other factors contribute to memory dependancy?
  • 4. Memory • Memory and testimony are the cognitive foundation of the "knower" – Neurologically, memories are chemical reactions resulting from synapse activation within the brain. – Rationally, memories are the calculator and "rulebook" that allows for proper and logical thinking. – Emprically, memories are the record of our senses reconstructed through will or by outside stimulai – Pragmatically, memories are the priorities of the world in which p;ersonal meaning is constructed. • Do we have memories of the way things are, or is there always personal bias? Do our senses create accurate pictures of reality?
  • 5. The Ways of Knowing • Reason – Analytic and synthetic – a priori or a posteriori – constructs of logic that define a thing or to define basic laws using symbolacrae • Sense Perception – Correspondance testing between memory and seeing, etc. – Basis for scientific philosophy. – Often subjective and vulnerable to bias. see aesthetic philosophy. • Intuition/imagination (?) – Memories reconstructed often with disregard for the backward looking sense perception and/or rationality to project to future events, develop innovative hypothesis, or to be a great artist.
  • 6. The Ways of Knowing • Language – The symbols that connect our thoughts to others – Intrinsically indirect and requires assumptions about the world (such as the existence of other minds). – Often can present challenges to synergy of information • Emotion – The personal reaction and cultural parameters of expression connecting to others by thou
  • 7. Tests of “Truthiness” • Correspondence – Statements are true so much as the relate to actual, observable data from the world. • “The snow is white” • Coherence – Statements are true so much as they are logically consistent with previous beliefs about the world. • “there are no pink elephants in Lake Elsinore because I know elephants are gray, live in africa…etc.” • Pragmatic – A statement is true if +it allows you to interact effectively and efficeintly with the cosmos. • “My belief that inanimate objects do not spontaneously get up and move about is true because it makes my world more predictable and thus easier to live in. It “works”
  • 8. Testimony or Knowledge by Authority • Information about the world often comes through degrees of testimony – Data is received, passed, written, consolidated, taught, and recited. • How might the “authority fallacy” be different than “knowledge by authority?” • List 10 things you know by authority • List 10 things you know by personal testimony.
  • 9. Knowledge Prism Knower • Knowledge is reliant upon various presuppositions: Proofs and Truth Tests Empirical Observation – Rationality, laws of logic, and language can be used consistently and with meaning – Statements and observations can be investigated against counter-factuals to correspond some semblance of “external world” and “the way things really are” – An identity and mind to process, articulate, and construct a worldview based on observation and truth statements. Rationality
  • 10. Rational and Empirical • What is the difference between the following phrases?: – “2+2=4” – “This cat is orange.” – “I was probed by an alien last night.” • Rationality: intuited propositions deduced towards knowledge. – A priori knowledge • Empiricism: Knowledge and concepts needed for knowledge come from our senses and perception. – A posteriori knowledge
  • 11. Plato: “Justified True Belief” • Knowledge, according to Plato, has three parameters: – Justified: Is a truth claim in the realm of falsifiability? – True: is there enough evidence or reasonable argument for its probable correctness? – Belief: do I internalize and assume the claim into my worldview and understanding
  • 12. Acquaintance vs. Description • “If you can’t say it, you don’t know it” – Hans Reichenbach (German philosopher of science, 1891-1953) • “I know more than I can say.” – Michael Polanyi (Hungarian philosopher of science, 1891-1976)
  • 13. Imagination • “I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” • “Everything you can imagine is real” • “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.” • Can Imagination be a source of knowledge? What would its limits be? Can you know something that is only feasible in your mind?
  • 14. TOK Chs. 7-8, p. 94-132 Team 1: 94-100 Team 2: 101-106 Team 3: 107-113 Team 4: 114-120 Team 5: 121-127 Team 6: 128-132 Week 2: Logic and Epistemology TOK, p. 94-132 Selected Readings
  • 15. Activity 3: The Illogical Game • Watch the following clip from Monty Python’s Quest for the Holy Grail • Identify 5 statements that “don’t add up” based on your prior knowledge and common sense • In teams of four, see if you can identify the formal and informal fallacies behind your statements. List them out. – If you don’t know the names, try and describe/explain why they are illogical.
  • 16. Break down of the Argument 1. All witches are things that can burn. 2. All things that can burn are made of wood. 3. Therefore, all witches are made of wood. (from 1 & 2) 4. All things that are made of wood are things that can float. 5. All things that weigh as much as a duck are things that can float. 6. So all things that weigh as much as a duck are things that are made of wood. (from 4 & 5) 7. Therefore, all witches are things that weigh as much as a duck. (from 3 & 6) 8. This thing is a thing that weighs as much as a duck. 9. Therefore, this thing is a witch. (from 7 & 8)
  • 17.
  • 18. Laws of Logic • 1. Law of identity. – Everything is what it is. A is A or A is Identical with A. • 2. law of Contradiction. – A cannot be A and not A at the same time. • 3. Law of Exculded Midddle. – A is either a or not A
  • 19. Formal Logic • Syllogism – Two statements that create conditions towards and absolute conclusion statement. • Distribution – A line in logic that is properly moving from specific to general (i.e. all cats are mammals) based on language. • Modus Ponus – Form of logical reasoning that forms the basis of all formal logic
  • 20. Deductive Reasoning • Taking general statements of truth about the world and reasoning towards a specific conclusion. • Formal logical constructs like the modus ponens are deductive
  • 21. Inductive Reasoning • Inductive reasoning is perhaps the opposite of deduction • One takes specific statements and arrives at a general conclusion/principle • Which is more scientific?
  • 22. Formal Fallacies • Affirmative conclusion from a negative premise (illicit negative) – when a categorical syllogism has a positive conclusion, but at least one negative premise. • Fallacy of exclusive premises – a categorical syllogism that is invalid because both of its premises are negative. • Fallacy of four terms (quaternio terminorum) – a categorical syllogism that has four terms.
  • 23. Formal Fallacies • Illicit major – a categorical syllogism that is invalid because its major term is not distributed in the major premise but distributed in the conclusion. • Illicit minor – a categorical syllogism that is invalid because its minor term is not distributed in the minor premise but distributed in the conclusion.
  • 24. Formal Fallacies • Negative conclusion from affirmative premises (illicit affirmative) – when a categorical syllogism has a negative conclusion but affirmative premises. • Fallacy of the undistributed middle – the middle term in a categorical syllogism is not distributed.
  • 25. Quick Application 1. If it's raining, I'll • Modus Ponens meet you at the movie theater. 2. It's raining. 3. Therefore, I'll meet you at the movie theater.
  • 26. Quick Application • If the cake is made • Modus Tollens with sugar, then the cake is sweet. The cake is not sweet. • Therefore, the cake is not made with sugar.
  • 27. Quick Application • Either the Sun orbits • Disjunctive Syllogism the Earth, or the Earth orbits the Sun. The Sun does not orbit the Earth. Therefore, the Earth orbits the Sun.
  • 28. Quick Application • Everyone who • Reasoning by drives at 80 MPH is Transivity speeding • All who speed P->Q break the law. Q->R • Therefore, everyone ______ who drives at 80 MPH breaks the Law Therefore: P->R
  • 29. Quick Application • No fish are dogs, and • Affirmative no dogs can fly, conclusion therefore all fish can fly. • If A ⊄ B and B ⊄ C the n A ⊂ C. • We don't read that trash. People who read that trash don't appreciate real literature. Therefore, we appreciate real literature.
  • 30. Quick Application • No mammals are • Fallacy of exclusive fish. premies • Some fish are not • No X are Y. whales. • Some Y are not Z. • Therefore, some • Therefore, some Z whales are not are not X. mammals.
  • 31. Quick Application • All fish have fins. • Fallacy of four terms • All goldfish are fish. • All humans have fins.
  • 32. Quick Application • All dogs are • Illicit major animals. • No cats are dogs. • Therefore, no cats are animals.
  • 33. Quick Application • All cats are felines. • Illicit minor • All cats are • All A are B. mammals. • All A are C. • Therefore, all • Therefore, all C are mammals are B. felines.
  • 34. Quick Application • All cats are animals. • Negative • Some pets are cats. conclusion from • Therefore, some affirmative premises pets are not (illicit affirmative) animals. • if A is a subset of B, and B is a subset of C, then A is not a subset of C.
  • 35. Quick Application • Money is green • Fallacy of the • Trees are green, undistributed • money grows on middle trees. • All A's are C's. All B's are C's. • All A’s are B’s
  • 36. Informal Logic Ad Hominem A personal attack: that is, an argument based on the perceived failings of an adversary rather than on the merits of the case. Ad Misericordiam An argument that involves an irrelevant or highly exaggerated appeal to pity or sympathy. Bandwagon An argument based on the assumption that the opinion of the majority is always valid: everyone believes it, so you should too. Begging the Question A fallacy in which the premise of an argument presupposes the truth of its conclusion; in other words, the argument takes for granted what it's supposed to prove. Also known as a circular argument.
  • 37. Informal Logic Dicto Simpliciter An argument in which a general rule is treated as universally true regardless of the circumstances: a sweeping generalization. False Dilemma A fallacy of oversimplification: an argument in which only two alternatives are provided when in fact additional options are available. Sometimes called the either-or fallacy. Name Calling A fallacy that relies on emotionally loaded terms to influence an audience. Non Sequitur An argument in which a conclusion does not follow logically from what preceded it.
  • 38. Informal Fallacies Post Hoc A fallacy in which one event is said to be the cause of a later event simply because it occurred earlier. Red Herring An observation that draws attention away from the central issue in an argument or discussion. Stacking the Deck A fallacy in which any evidence that supports an opposing argument is simply rejected, omitted, or ignored. Straw Man A fallacy in which an opponent's argument is overstated or misrepresented in order to be more easily attacked or refuted.
  • 39. Activity 4: • In teams of 4 watch the following videos on your iPad by going to • Identify the primary fallacy being used. • Explain why it is being used. Why is it effective? • Discuss how a topic could have been approached should the fallacy be corrected (avoid bias)
  • 40. Blog 3: Logical Argument • Create a logical proposition with a formal or informal fallacy. • Respond to another student’s proposition with the correct identification. Offer a correction.
  • 41. Blog 3: Logical Argument • Decide on a position that you care deeply about. • Find someone online (blogs, youtube, facebook, etc.) who you agree with on this position, but can see a logical fallacy in their presentation. • Write your position, their quote, and an analysis of the fallacy in one paragraph.