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Building a Better Game through Dynamic Programming: A Flip Analysis 
Building a Better Game through Dynamic 
Programming: A Flip Analysis 
Michael A. Trick 
Graduate School of Industrial Administration 
Carnegie Mellon University 
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213, USA 
Flip is a solitaire board game produced by craft 
woodworkers. We analyze Flip and suggest modifi-cations 
to the rules to make the game more market-able. 
In addition to being an interesting application 
of dynamic programming, this case shows the use 
of operations research in managerial decision 
Flip and Flip-Flop 
Before reading more about Flip, I invite you to play 
a few games. The rules are very simple: you begin 
with the number 1 through 12 face up. Every turn, 
two dice will be rolled. You choose values whose 
sum equals the roll (simply click on them, and 
“accept” the choices; if you make a mistake, click 
on a tile a second time to cancel your choice) and 
turn them face down. You continue until either all 
values are face down (you win!) or there is no com-bination 
of of face-up values that equal the roll (you 
lose). As you play this game, try to figure out an 
optimal strategy, and estimate the chance of 
winning Flip. 
Now, try your hand at Flip-Flop. Here the goal is to 
get all of the red tiles flipped over to their green 
sides. A tile can be flipped (red to green) or flopped 
(green to red) as long as the total changed matches 
the roll of the dice. How long do you think it will 
take (on average) to flip from red to green? 
1. Introduction 
In the past, I have found dynamic programming a 
difficult topic to cover in my MBA level operations 
research courses. While applications of 
dynamic programming abound, many of them 
degenerate into a flurry of notation when addressed 
in class. I needed an example of a problem that 
was difficult enough that the use of a formal 
quantitative process was justified, but simple 
enough so that the class would not be overwhelmed. 
In the following, I present an analysis of Flip, a 
solitaire board game produced by many craft 
wordworkers and widely available at craft shows. 
The model is relatively complicated, and beyond 
easy formulation in a spreadsheet. It is simple 
enough, however, that students with knowledge of 
a programming language can do this analysis as a 
term project or can modify a working program to 
analyze variants easily. 
One difficulty with using games as an example in 
class is that they lack realism to students, particu-larly 
those seeking an MBA. After all, we are not 
training students to better spend their recreational 
time! I therefore present this problem as I, in fact, 
received it: as a question of game design and evalu-ation 
to enhance marketing. This hits much closer 
to home with most students. The result is an 
example of not just how to do Operations Research, 
but why. 
2. Problem Description 
G&E Woodworking* is a small-scale craft shop in 
Canada that produces a number of wood items for 
sale at craft shows. One partner (G) does the 
design, cutting, and assembly of the items, while 
INFORMS Transcations on Education 2:1 (50-58) ÓINFORMS
Building a Better Game through Dynamic Programming: A Flip Analysis 
the other (E) is responsible for staining and final 
presentation. G&E sells only during the fall craft 
season leading up to Christmas. Every spring G&E 
chooses a number of products for sale in the 
upcoming year. The summer is spent producing the 
items by hand for sale in the fall. No more than 5 or 
6 different items are produced each year due to 
production line limitations. 
In the Spring of 1999, G&E considered producing a 
solitaire board game which I will call Flip. Flip met 
the basic requirements of G&E: it was attractive, 
novel within the local market, and could be produced 
by G. As a game, however, Flip caused G&E to 
worry. The rule set they received with the plans was 
very terse, and it was not clear that the game was 
playable. The purpose of this analysis is to 
determine the playability of this game, and to 
recommend rule modifications (if any) to improve 
its playability. 
A Flip game consists of a folding box and a set of 
two dice (as shown above). The box opens flat into 
a top portion and a bottom portion. Across the top 
of the top portion are twelve small wooden tiles, 
each of which pivots on a common bar. On each tile 
is a number from 1 to 12, which each number repre-sented 
exactly once. The bottom portion of the box 
is lined in felt. 
The game begins with all the numbers visible. 
During each round, the dice are rolled in the bottom 
part of the box. The player then chooses a subset of 
tiles to flip, so that their values are no longer 
visible. These tiles must total the roll of the dice. 
So, in the initial configuration of all numbers 
visible, a roll of 7 gives legal moves “7”, “1-6”, 
“2-5”, “3-4”, and “1-2-4”. The game continues until 
either all numbers are flipped (the player wins) or 
there is no legal move (the player loses). 
A sample game is as follows: 
Position: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 
Roll: 9 
Decision: Flip 1 and 8 
Position: _ 2 3 4 5 6 7 _ 9 10 11 12 
Roll: 8 
Decision: Flip 2 and 6 
Position: _ _ 3 4 5 _ 7 _ 9 10 11 12 
Roll: 7 
Decision: Flip 7 
Position: _ _ 3 4 5 _ _ _ 9 10 11 12 
Roll: 6 
No move. Player loses. 
3. Good Solitaire Games 
Before we can analyze this game, we should define 
what we want in a solitaire game. Flip already meets 
the basic requirements of G&E Woodworking: it is 
attractive and can be produced. The tactile feel of 
flipping the tiles is also an advantage. Since physi-cally 
this seems like a good product, we will limit 
ourselves to analyzing Flip as a game. 
There are a number of properties we might want in 
a solitaire game. These include: 
Reasonableness: The player should have a reason-able 
chance of winning the game, if she plays 
optimally. Different players will differ on what they 
deem reasonable, and what is reasonable for a 
1 minute game would almost certainly not be 
reasonable for a 3 hour game. Flip takes about 1 
minute to play. We will define a reasonable version 
of Flip to be one in which the expectation of 
winning is at least 1 game in 20 (under optimal play). 
Responsiveness: The probability of winning should 
depend on the player’s choices. Good decisions 
should be rewarded with a high chance of winning, 
while poor ones should sharply decrease the 
Subtlety: The winning strategy should not be easily 
summarized. Players should feel there are always 
subtle improvements they can make in their actions. 
We can certainly add to this list, but these require-ments 
seem a natural starting point 
* While G&E Woodworking exists, and the problem they faced was essentially the one presented, certain aspects of this case have 
been fictionalized for expository purposes. 
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Building a Better Game through Dynamic Programming: A Flip Analysis 
4. Analyzing Flip 
In the appendix, we show how Flip can be formu-lated 
as a stochastic dynamic program with 4096 
states. In this section, I go through the results and 
describe alternative designs for this game. 
The first result is the player’s chance of winning for 
the definition of Flip given, given the player plays 
optimally. This probability is .00362218, or approxi-mately 
1 game in 276 (we will use the latter repre-sentation, 
as it is easier to read). This number gets 
to the heart of the reasonableness of Flip, and it 
seems that Flip is not a reasonable game. With a 
chance of winning only 1 in 276, it is clear that the 
vast majority of buyers will lose interest in the game 
long before winning any game. 
To determine the responsiveness of Flip, we need 
some heuristics to which we compare this probabil-ity 
of winning. Two simple heuristics are Lex-Min 
and Lex-Max, where the player takes the lexically 
minimal (maximal, respectively) feasible choice. In 
the starting position, for a roll of 8, Lex-Min flips 
4-3-1 and Lex-Max flips 8. Both of these seem 
reasonable choices, and might be adopted as heuris-tics 
by a player first faced with this game. 
The chance of Lex-Min winning the game is 1 in 
7671 and that for Lex-Max is 1 in 290. This speaks 
well for responsiveness: poor decisions can lead to 
very poor outcomes, as in the case of Lex-Min. 
Flip does less well in subtlety, however, since the 
simple rule Lex-Max does almost as well as the 
optimal rule. In fact, for many positions and rolls, it 
is easy to see that Lex-Max is the optimal rule. In 
particular, if the number given by the roll is not 
already flipped, it is always optimal to flip that 
number. The only decision points where the rules 
differ are in trying to choose pairs or triples that add 
up to an unavailable number. The optimal rule in 
these cases seems quite subtle. For instance, if we 
look only at cases when an 8 is rolled without 8 
being available and where any of 1-7, 2-6 or 3-5 can 
be chosen, we get the following: 
Cases with 3-5 optimal: 
1 2 3 5 6 7 10 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 
1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 
1 2 3 5 6 7 10 11 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 12 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 12 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 12 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 12 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 
Cases with 2-6 optimal: 
1 2 3 5 6 7 
1 2 3 5 6 7 9 
1 2 3 5 6 7 11 
1 2 3 5 6 7 12 
1 2 3 5 6 7 9 11 
1 2 3 5 6 7 9 12 
1 2 3 5 6 7 10 12 
1 2 3 5 6 7 11 12 
1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 
1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 12 
1 2 3 5 6 7 9 11 12 
1 2 3 5 6 7 10 11 12 
1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 
Cases with 1-7 optimal: 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 12 
This seems very subtle indeed! 
The difference between Lex-Max and the optimal 
decision can be significant. The following give some 
1 2 _ 4 5 6 _ 8 _ __ __ __ 
Roll 11 
Optimal (6,5): 1 in 8.6; 
Lex-Max (8,2,1): 1 in 15.1 
1 2 _ 4 5 6 _ _ _ 10 11 __ 
Roll 9 
Optimal (5,4): 1 in 119.3; 
Lex-Max (6,2,1): 1 in 243 
1 _ 3 _ _ 6 _ 8 _ 10 __ __ 
Roll 9 
Optimal (6,3): 1 in 29.4; 
Lex-Max (8,1): 1 in 44.7 
INFORMS Transcations on Education 2:1 (50-58) ÓINFORMS
Building a Better Game through Dynamic Programming: A Flip Analysis 
5. Improving the Game 
While the optimal strategy is not obvious, the facts 
remain that even with best play the player is 
unlikely to win, and the strategy of always 
choosing the lexically maximum choice does almost 
as well as the optimal strategy. 
In fact, the unlikeness of winning this game is not 
surprising. Consider the end of the game when only 
one number is visible (it is not necessary that a game 
reach these states, but they are hard to avoid). At 
best, the remaining number will be a 7, leading to a 
1 in 6 chance of winning on the last role. All other 
possibilities are less likely, down to the impossibil-ity 
of rolling a 1 with two dice. 
We can improve the player’s chances by allowing a 
limited number of “failing” rolls. If the player flips 
all the numbers using no more than the allotted n 
umber of failing rolls, then she is declared a 
“winner”. With just the 7 remaining and 5 permitted 
failures, the player has an almost 2 in 3 chance of 
winning, while leaving the 2 with 5 permitted 
failures has less than a 1 in 6 chance. 
G&E Woodworking confirmed that this was a rea-sonable 
modification to the game, and in fact G 
would be able to fashion a small peg and drill holes 
to keep count of the number of failing rolls. This 
would distinguish the product on the market and 
make for a fancier looking game. 
The dynamic program is easily modified to track the 
number of failing rolls (as shown in the appendix). 
The following table shows how the number of 
allowed failures affects the probability of winning: 
Even allowing as few as 5 failures makes the game 
reasonable in its chance of winning and allowing 
10 failures still doesn’t make the game too easy. The 
drawback of this, however, is that the game is less 
responsive to the player’s actions. While a poor 
strategy like Lex-Min is strongly punished if no 
failures are allowed, the probabilities are only halved 
if 10 failures are allowed. 
The above analysis assumed that the player is forced 
to make a move when a legal move exists. We can 
make the game more responsive to the player’s 
actions by allowing the player to strategically claim 
a failure even when a legal move is possible. While 
this counts against the failure count, it may leave 
the player in a better position. For instance, in the 
situation where only 2 and 5 are unflipped, if the 
player rolls a 5, it is much better to declare a failure 
if possible and hope for a 7 on the next roll, rather 
than play the 5 and hope to roll a 2. 
In this case, the decisions for Lex-Min and Lex-Max 
do not change, but the optimal decision does strate-gically 
use the allowed failures: 
Table 2: Probabilities allowing Failures (chance of 
winning is 1 in...) 
The overall difference with Lex-Max is still not quite 
ideal, so Lex-Max remains a good starting heuris-tic. 
Like the base game, however, there are still some 
states where the difference between Lex-Max and 
the Optimal is extreme. As an obvious example, if 
there are still failures allowed, the player should 
never leave the “1” tile as the only unflipped tile: 
Table 1: Probabilities allowing Failures (chance of 
winning is 1 in...) 
INFORMS Transcations on Education 2:1 (50-58) ÓINFORMS
Building a Better Game through Dynamic Programming: A Flip Analysis 
no roll can then flip it. This analysis can get quite 
subtle: in 3 4 5 7 9 11, rolling an 8 (allowing the 3 5 
to be flipped) has an optimal decision to flip if there 
are 5 or fewer failures allowed, but to declare fail-ure 
with more than 5, which is hardly a predictable 
Allowing failures seems to increase the subtlety of 
the game. Without failures, there are 1297 state/roll 
pairs (out of 4096*12=49152) where the optimal 
decision is not to take the Lex-Max. With 10 
permitted failures, this increases to 14,975 out of 
the 491,520 states. In addition to the complexity of 
determining whether or not to unnecessarily declare 
a roll a failure, there exist states where the decision 
of which numbers to flip depends on the number of 
allowed failures remaining. 
6. Flip-Flop 
Playing Flip leads to thoughts about more complex 
games with the same board. Such games would be a 
marketing advantage, and would extend the useful-ness 
of the game. Furthermore, some variations may 
improve on Flip’s subtlety, which is hampered by 
the similarity of the optimal strategy to Lex-Max. 
Flip-Flop is a variation of the game that has the 
property that the game is always winnable (almost 
certainly). For this variation, the number tiles must 
be colored differently front and back, and the 
numeral must appear on both sides. G&E confirms 
this can be done, with E applying a dark stain to one 
side of the tile, and a light stain to the other. The 
numerals begin all light-side up. The goal is to get 
them all dark-side up. During each roll, tiles total-ing 
the roll must be rotated (either dark to light or 
light to dark). Flip-Flop cannot end in failure, since 
there are always legal moves. A player may, how-ever, 
find herself cycling between similar positions, 
failing to make headway towards the goal. We call 
turning a tile from light to dark flipping and from 
dark to light flopping. A set of tiles is flipped if each 
tile goes from light to dark. 
The dynamic program for this problem is more 
complicated, since the natural formulation is not 
acyclic. Techniques like value-iteration are needed 
in order to solve this problem. Again, the details are 
in the appendix. Here we evaluate the quality of 
Flip-Flop as a solitaire game. 
Under optimal play, this game is expected to take 
49.42 rolls to complete. The strategy seems subtle, 
though there are some general guidelines: 
Until 12 is flipped, the game is expected to last 
around 50 more rolls; once the 12 is flipped, the 
game reduces to around 25 rolls in expectation. 
Table 3: Simulated Rolls to Finish 
INFORMS Transcations on Education 2:1 (50-58) ÓINFORMS
Building a Better Game through Dynamic Programming: A Flip Analysis 
Once a number at least 7 is flipped, it is never 
Once all the values at least 7 are flipped, the game 
is expected to last no more than 10 rolls, and no 
position in such a case is expected to take less than 
The conclusion drawn from this is that the initial 
goal is simply to get the values 7 and higher flipped, 
without much care for the resulting position among 
Expectations only give part of the story, however. 
To determine the full distribution of outcomes, we 
need to simulate the system using the optimal 
decision rule. I ran 10,000 simulations, and had the 
following distribution of time to finish: 
Clearly there is some range of possibilities! Given 
the speed at which a game can be played, however, 
Flip-Flop seems a reasonable game, though the 
frustration of playing optimally and still taking more 
than 300 rolls, as happened in 5 of the 10,000 runs, 
is obvious. 
To determine the responsiveness and subtlety of the 
game, it is again necessary to find one or more 
natural heuristics to compare against. Some 
obvious heuristics do very poorly. For instance, 
taking the Lex-Max flip, if one exists, and 
otherwise flopping the number corresponding to the 
roll is a relatively simple rule. Such a rule appears 
not to be bounded in time. This speaks well to the 
responsiveness of the game: the optimal rule works 
much better than very simple rules. 
Given the insights from the optimal strategy (which 
generally would not be available to the player), we 
can create a simple heuristic that does have reason-able 
bounds. The idea is to take the Lex-Max flip 
when possible. When no flip is possible, a random 
feasible move is chosen with the proviso that no 
number at least a “no-flop” value is flopped. 
The quality of this heuristic depends on the 
“No-flop” value. 
Even with the insight from the optimal solution, this 
simple heuristic does significantly worse than opti-mal. 
All of the decrease is in the final phase, with 
the heuristic with a no-flop value of 7 taking, on 
average, 14 rolls once the values 7 or higher have 
been removed (rather than the optimal of about 8). 
This speaks well to the subtlety of the game, par-ticularly 
in the final phase. 
It is interesting to note that the best choice in this 
heuristic is to never flop a 6 or higher, while the 
optimal strategy sometimes (but very rarely) flops a 
six. This again shows that the optimal solution is 
subtler than this simple heuristic can manage. 
7. Results and Other Approaches 
As a result of this analysis, G&E Woodworking 
modified the rules of Flip to allow up to five failing 
rolls and to allow a player to declare a failure, even 
when a legal move was available. They also stained 
the sides of the tiles different colors, included num-bers 
on both sides and included the rules to 
Given the insights from the optimal strategy (which 
generally would not be available to the player), we 
can create a simple heuristic that does have reason-able 
bounds. The idea is to take the Lex-Max flip 
when possible. When no flip is possible, a random 
feasible move is chosen with the proviso that no 
number at least a “no-flop” value is flopped. 
The change implemented to Flip was not the only 
possibility. For instance, the winning conditions 
could have been changed to allow, say, a “win” if 
either 0 or 1 tile remains unflipped. Another fea-sible 
winning rule would be to allow a win if either 
all the tiles are flipped or the player successfully 
makes some number of rolls. A third choice would 
be to begin the game with, say, the numbers 10 
Table 4: Heuristic results for Flip-Flop through 12 already flipped (in this latter game, 
INFORMS Transcations on Education 2:1 (50-58) ÓINFORMS
Building a Better Game through Dynamic Programming: A Flip Analysis 
optimal play gives a 1 in 14 chance of winning). 
Another direction could have been to change the 
game into a two person game. For instance, players 
could alternate rolls on a single board, with the 
person who is first unable to make a move declared 
the loser (a simple modification of the code for Flip 
calculates the value of this game: the first player to 
roll has a 50.9% chance of winning if both sides 
play optimally). Or players could each have their 
own board and make simultaneous rolls until one 
either flips his entire board (and is the winner) or 
cannot make a move (and is the loser). 
It is an interesting class exercise to take the dynamic 
program developed and to modify it to handle these 
and other objectives. The two-person games are very 
difficult to analyze, but related problems of making 
decisions to maximize the expected number of rolls 
that can be made give insight into the underlying 
model and lead to interesting analyses of the result-ing 
optimal decisions. For example, if the goal is to 
minimize the expected number of rolls needed to 
flip all the numbers, it is no longer optimal to 
always flip the number corresponding to the roll. 
For instance, on a roll of 6, in some states it is better 
to remove 1, 2, and 3 rather than 6. 
While the Flip itself is rather straightforward (but 
surprisingly addictive, even to one who spends too 
much time playing computer games) and the 
analysis is a straightforward application of dynamic 
programming, it is the use of the insights given by 
optimization to make good decisions (in this case, 
deciding on the rules to enhance the marketing of 
the game) that is interesting and difficult. Flip has 
turned out to be a good classroom of example of not 
just how we do operations research, but why we do 
INFORMS Transcations on Education 2:1 (50-58) ÓINFORMS
Building a Better Game through Dynamic Programming: A Flip Analysis 
Appendix I 
Modeling and Implementation 
The modeling of this problem as a dynamic program 
is a straightforward classroom exercise that can de-generate 
into a flurry of notation. We begin with the 
formulation of Flip: 
First we define the states and decisions. A state will 
correspond to an arrangement of tiles and will be 
given by a length 12 0-1 string, generally denoted s. 
s[i]=1 corresponds to tile i being unflipped, while 
s[i]=0 corresponds to a flipped tile. There are 
2^12=4096 states. We will refer to the “all flipped” 
state as the 0-state. 
Define f(s) to be the probability of winning under 
optimal play beginning at state s. A decision d(s,r) 
(where d(s,r) is the state chosen after starting in s 
and rolling r) must be made for every state s and 
roll of the dice r. Denote the probability of roll r as 
f(s) = Sr p(r) f(d(s,r)) (1) 
To determine d(s,r), we need to determine which 
states are possible starting from s and rolling r. Let 
R(r) be the set of length-12 0-1 strings whose “1” 
entries add up to r. For instance, for r=5, R(r) 
consists of the strings 
Define s £ t for two vectors s and t in the normal 
way, with each component of s being less than or 
equal to the corresponding component of t. Then 
d(s,r) = argminuÎR(r), u£ s {f(s-u)} (2) 
In (2), u represents a feasible decision for state s 
and roll r. If the set over which the argmin is taken 
is empty, then the corresponding probability of 
winning is 0. 
Finally, once all tiles are flipped, we are successful, 
so we can base our dynamic program on 
f(0) = 1 (3) 
Between (1), (2), and (3) we now have our dynamic 
programming formulation. 
To solve this dynamic program, we can recursively 
calculate f(s). We need to order our calculations to 
only use previous calculated values. This is done 
by ordering the states in increasing order of the 
number of “1”s in their representation (with ties 
broken arbitrarily) since once a tile is flipped, it can 
never be unflipped. 
The code provided to solve this recursion uses 
reasonably efficient data structures to model this 
problem. The R(r) values are kept in a linked list, 
and all states and roll values are packed into integer 
values (so, for instance, the value 19 is used to 
represent the string 110001000000). 
Only a few changes are needed to formulate the 
version of flip where failing rolls are allowed. The 
state space must include the number of failures so 
far (so is of the form (s,b) where b is the number of 
failures). The failure value increases either when 
there is no feasible decision for a state and roll or 
when declaring a failure is the optimal decision. 
Formulating Flip-Flop is slightly more complicated. 
We use the same state definitions as before. f(s) is 
defined to be the expected number of rolls remain-ing 
under optimal play, given beginning in state s. 
Again d(s,r) is the decision for state s and roll r. 
Now we have: 
f(s) = Sr p(r) f(d(s,r))+1 (1) 
where the “+1” adds in the current roll. 
Since flipped tiles can be flopped, it is no longer 
necessary for a move to be less than the current state. 
Instead, the new state is given by sÅ u, where Å 
represents the component-wise “exclusive-or” 
operation. This gives us: 
d(s,r) = argminuÎR(r) {f(sÅ u)} (2) 
Finally, once we are in the 0 state, we are done, so 
f(0) = 0 (3) 
To solve this, it is no longer possible to use straight-forward 
backwards recursion: the states do not have 
a natural ordering. Instead some version of policy 
or value iteration must be used to solve (1), (2) and 
(3). The code given uses a simple value iteration 
method whereby an initial set of values is refined 
INFORMS Transcations on Education 2:1 (50-58) ÓINFORMS
Building a Better Game through Dynamic Programming: A Flip Analysis 
until there is no further change. 
The formulations given have proven to be at the edge 
of the capabilities of my (MBA) students: some are 
fluent enough mathematically to generate the results 
in this appendix while others are not (Carnegie 
Mellon’s MBA class is probably not typical 
however, due to a higher number of technically-oriented 
students than most MBA programs). Once 
we go through these examples in class, however, 
students typically are able to work through formu-lations 
of variations and, for those with program-ming 
skills, update the programs to reflect their 
Appendix II 
Links to Source Code and Optimal Strategy 
Game: Flip 
Program in C: flip.c 
Program in Java: 
Optimal Strategy: flip.out (1.95Mb) 
Game: Flip-Flop 
Program in C: flip_flop.c 
Program in Java: 
Optimal Strategy: flip_flop.out (3.90Mb) 
INFORMS Transcations on Education 2:1 (50-58) ÓINFORMS

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1532 0545-2001-02-01-0050

  • 1. TRICK Building a Better Game through Dynamic Programming: A Flip Analysis Building a Better Game through Dynamic Programming: A Flip Analysis Michael A. Trick Graduate School of Industrial Administration Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213, USA Abstract Flip is a solitaire board game produced by craft woodworkers. We analyze Flip and suggest modifi-cations to the rules to make the game more market-able. In addition to being an interesting application of dynamic programming, this case shows the use of operations research in managerial decision making. ________________________________________ Flip and Flip-Flop Before reading more about Flip, I invite you to play a few games. The rules are very simple: you begin with the number 1 through 12 face up. Every turn, two dice will be rolled. You choose values whose sum equals the roll (simply click on them, and “accept” the choices; if you make a mistake, click on a tile a second time to cancel your choice) and turn them face down. You continue until either all values are face down (you win!) or there is no com-bination of of face-up values that equal the roll (you lose). As you play this game, try to figure out an optimal strategy, and estimate the chance of winning Flip. Now, try your hand at Flip-Flop. Here the goal is to get all of the red tiles flipped over to their green sides. A tile can be flipped (red to green) or flopped (green to red) as long as the total changed matches the roll of the dice. How long do you think it will take (on average) to flip from red to green? 1. Introduction In the past, I have found dynamic programming a difficult topic to cover in my MBA level operations research courses. While applications of dynamic programming abound, many of them degenerate into a flurry of notation when addressed in class. I needed an example of a problem that was difficult enough that the use of a formal quantitative process was justified, but simple enough so that the class would not be overwhelmed. In the following, I present an analysis of Flip, a solitaire board game produced by many craft wordworkers and widely available at craft shows. The model is relatively complicated, and beyond easy formulation in a spreadsheet. It is simple enough, however, that students with knowledge of a programming language can do this analysis as a term project or can modify a working program to analyze variants easily. One difficulty with using games as an example in class is that they lack realism to students, particu-larly those seeking an MBA. After all, we are not training students to better spend their recreational time! I therefore present this problem as I, in fact, received it: as a question of game design and evalu-ation to enhance marketing. This hits much closer to home with most students. The result is an example of not just how to do Operations Research, but why. 2. Problem Description G&E Woodworking* is a small-scale craft shop in Canada that produces a number of wood items for sale at craft shows. One partner (G) does the design, cutting, and assembly of the items, while 50 INFORMS Transcations on Education 2:1 (50-58) ÓINFORMS
  • 2. TRICK Building a Better Game through Dynamic Programming: A Flip Analysis the other (E) is responsible for staining and final presentation. G&E sells only during the fall craft season leading up to Christmas. Every spring G&E chooses a number of products for sale in the upcoming year. The summer is spent producing the items by hand for sale in the fall. No more than 5 or 6 different items are produced each year due to production line limitations. In the Spring of 1999, G&E considered producing a solitaire board game which I will call Flip. Flip met the basic requirements of G&E: it was attractive, novel within the local market, and could be produced by G. As a game, however, Flip caused G&E to worry. The rule set they received with the plans was very terse, and it was not clear that the game was playable. The purpose of this analysis is to determine the playability of this game, and to recommend rule modifications (if any) to improve its playability. A Flip game consists of a folding box and a set of two dice (as shown above). The box opens flat into a top portion and a bottom portion. Across the top of the top portion are twelve small wooden tiles, each of which pivots on a common bar. On each tile is a number from 1 to 12, which each number repre-sented exactly once. The bottom portion of the box is lined in felt. The game begins with all the numbers visible. During each round, the dice are rolled in the bottom part of the box. The player then chooses a subset of tiles to flip, so that their values are no longer visible. These tiles must total the roll of the dice. So, in the initial configuration of all numbers visible, a roll of 7 gives legal moves “7”, “1-6”, “2-5”, “3-4”, and “1-2-4”. The game continues until either all numbers are flipped (the player wins) or there is no legal move (the player loses). A sample game is as follows: Position: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Roll: 9 Decision: Flip 1 and 8 Position: _ 2 3 4 5 6 7 _ 9 10 11 12 Roll: 8 Decision: Flip 2 and 6 Position: _ _ 3 4 5 _ 7 _ 9 10 11 12 Roll: 7 Decision: Flip 7 Position: _ _ 3 4 5 _ _ _ 9 10 11 12 Roll: 6 No move. Player loses. 3. Good Solitaire Games Before we can analyze this game, we should define what we want in a solitaire game. Flip already meets the basic requirements of G&E Woodworking: it is attractive and can be produced. The tactile feel of flipping the tiles is also an advantage. Since physi-cally this seems like a good product, we will limit ourselves to analyzing Flip as a game. There are a number of properties we might want in a solitaire game. These include: Reasonableness: The player should have a reason-able chance of winning the game, if she plays optimally. Different players will differ on what they deem reasonable, and what is reasonable for a 1 minute game would almost certainly not be reasonable for a 3 hour game. Flip takes about 1 minute to play. We will define a reasonable version of Flip to be one in which the expectation of winning is at least 1 game in 20 (under optimal play). Responsiveness: The probability of winning should depend on the player’s choices. Good decisions should be rewarded with a high chance of winning, while poor ones should sharply decrease the probabilities. Subtlety: The winning strategy should not be easily summarized. Players should feel there are always subtle improvements they can make in their actions. We can certainly add to this list, but these require-ments seem a natural starting point * While G&E Woodworking exists, and the problem they faced was essentially the one presented, certain aspects of this case have been fictionalized for expository purposes. 51 INFORMS Transcations on Education 2:1 (50-58) ÓINFORMS
  • 3. TRICK Building a Better Game through Dynamic Programming: A Flip Analysis 4. Analyzing Flip In the appendix, we show how Flip can be formu-lated as a stochastic dynamic program with 4096 states. In this section, I go through the results and describe alternative designs for this game. The first result is the player’s chance of winning for the definition of Flip given, given the player plays optimally. This probability is .00362218, or approxi-mately 1 game in 276 (we will use the latter repre-sentation, as it is easier to read). This number gets to the heart of the reasonableness of Flip, and it seems that Flip is not a reasonable game. With a chance of winning only 1 in 276, it is clear that the vast majority of buyers will lose interest in the game long before winning any game. To determine the responsiveness of Flip, we need some heuristics to which we compare this probabil-ity of winning. Two simple heuristics are Lex-Min and Lex-Max, where the player takes the lexically minimal (maximal, respectively) feasible choice. In the starting position, for a roll of 8, Lex-Min flips 4-3-1 and Lex-Max flips 8. Both of these seem reasonable choices, and might be adopted as heuris-tics by a player first faced with this game. The chance of Lex-Min winning the game is 1 in 7671 and that for Lex-Max is 1 in 290. This speaks well for responsiveness: poor decisions can lead to very poor outcomes, as in the case of Lex-Min. Flip does less well in subtlety, however, since the simple rule Lex-Max does almost as well as the optimal rule. In fact, for many positions and rolls, it is easy to see that Lex-Max is the optimal rule. In particular, if the number given by the roll is not already flipped, it is always optimal to flip that number. The only decision points where the rules differ are in trying to choose pairs or triples that add up to an unavailable number. The optimal rule in these cases seems quite subtle. For instance, if we look only at cases when an 8 is rolled without 8 being available and where any of 1-7, 2-6 or 3-5 can be chosen, we get the following: Cases with 3-5 optimal: 1 2 3 5 6 7 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 1 2 3 5 6 7 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 Cases with 2-6 optimal: 1 2 3 5 6 7 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 1 2 3 5 6 7 11 1 2 3 5 6 7 12 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 11 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 12 1 2 3 5 6 7 10 12 1 2 3 5 6 7 11 12 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 12 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 11 12 1 2 3 5 6 7 10 11 12 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 Cases with 1-7 optimal: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 12 This seems very subtle indeed! The difference between Lex-Max and the optimal decision can be significant. The following give some examples 1 2 _ 4 5 6 _ 8 _ __ __ __ Roll 11 Optimal (6,5): 1 in 8.6; Lex-Max (8,2,1): 1 in 15.1 1 2 _ 4 5 6 _ _ _ 10 11 __ Roll 9 Optimal (5,4): 1 in 119.3; Lex-Max (6,2,1): 1 in 243 1 _ 3 _ _ 6 _ 8 _ 10 __ __ Roll 9 Optimal (6,3): 1 in 29.4; Lex-Max (8,1): 1 in 44.7 52 INFORMS Transcations on Education 2:1 (50-58) ÓINFORMS
  • 4. TRICK Building a Better Game through Dynamic Programming: A Flip Analysis 5. Improving the Game While the optimal strategy is not obvious, the facts remain that even with best play the player is unlikely to win, and the strategy of always choosing the lexically maximum choice does almost as well as the optimal strategy. In fact, the unlikeness of winning this game is not surprising. Consider the end of the game when only one number is visible (it is not necessary that a game reach these states, but they are hard to avoid). At best, the remaining number will be a 7, leading to a 1 in 6 chance of winning on the last role. All other possibilities are less likely, down to the impossibil-ity of rolling a 1 with two dice. We can improve the player’s chances by allowing a limited number of “failing” rolls. If the player flips all the numbers using no more than the allotted n umber of failing rolls, then she is declared a “winner”. With just the 7 remaining and 5 permitted failures, the player has an almost 2 in 3 chance of winning, while leaving the 2 with 5 permitted failures has less than a 1 in 6 chance. G&E Woodworking confirmed that this was a rea-sonable modification to the game, and in fact G would be able to fashion a small peg and drill holes to keep count of the number of failing rolls. This would distinguish the product on the market and make for a fancier looking game. The dynamic program is easily modified to track the number of failing rolls (as shown in the appendix). The following table shows how the number of allowed failures affects the probability of winning: Even allowing as few as 5 failures makes the game reasonable in its chance of winning and allowing 10 failures still doesn’t make the game too easy. The drawback of this, however, is that the game is less responsive to the player’s actions. While a poor strategy like Lex-Min is strongly punished if no failures are allowed, the probabilities are only halved if 10 failures are allowed. The above analysis assumed that the player is forced to make a move when a legal move exists. We can make the game more responsive to the player’s actions by allowing the player to strategically claim a failure even when a legal move is possible. While this counts against the failure count, it may leave the player in a better position. For instance, in the situation where only 2 and 5 are unflipped, if the player rolls a 5, it is much better to declare a failure if possible and hope for a 7 on the next roll, rather than play the 5 and hope to roll a 2. In this case, the decisions for Lex-Min and Lex-Max do not change, but the optimal decision does strate-gically use the allowed failures: Table 2: Probabilities allowing Failures (chance of winning is 1 in...) The overall difference with Lex-Max is still not quite ideal, so Lex-Max remains a good starting heuris-tic. Like the base game, however, there are still some states where the difference between Lex-Max and the Optimal is extreme. As an obvious example, if there are still failures allowed, the player should never leave the “1” tile as the only unflipped tile: Table 1: Probabilities allowing Failures (chance of winning is 1 in...) 53 INFORMS Transcations on Education 2:1 (50-58) ÓINFORMS
  • 5. TRICK Building a Better Game through Dynamic Programming: A Flip Analysis no roll can then flip it. This analysis can get quite subtle: in 3 4 5 7 9 11, rolling an 8 (allowing the 3 5 to be flipped) has an optimal decision to flip if there are 5 or fewer failures allowed, but to declare fail-ure with more than 5, which is hardly a predictable result. Allowing failures seems to increase the subtlety of the game. Without failures, there are 1297 state/roll pairs (out of 4096*12=49152) where the optimal decision is not to take the Lex-Max. With 10 permitted failures, this increases to 14,975 out of the 491,520 states. In addition to the complexity of determining whether or not to unnecessarily declare a roll a failure, there exist states where the decision of which numbers to flip depends on the number of allowed failures remaining. 6. Flip-Flop Playing Flip leads to thoughts about more complex games with the same board. Such games would be a marketing advantage, and would extend the useful-ness of the game. Furthermore, some variations may improve on Flip’s subtlety, which is hampered by the similarity of the optimal strategy to Lex-Max. Flip-Flop is a variation of the game that has the property that the game is always winnable (almost certainly). For this variation, the number tiles must be colored differently front and back, and the numeral must appear on both sides. G&E confirms this can be done, with E applying a dark stain to one side of the tile, and a light stain to the other. The numerals begin all light-side up. The goal is to get them all dark-side up. During each roll, tiles total-ing the roll must be rotated (either dark to light or light to dark). Flip-Flop cannot end in failure, since there are always legal moves. A player may, how-ever, find herself cycling between similar positions, failing to make headway towards the goal. We call turning a tile from light to dark flipping and from dark to light flopping. A set of tiles is flipped if each tile goes from light to dark. The dynamic program for this problem is more complicated, since the natural formulation is not acyclic. Techniques like value-iteration are needed in order to solve this problem. Again, the details are in the appendix. Here we evaluate the quality of Flip-Flop as a solitaire game. Under optimal play, this game is expected to take 49.42 rolls to complete. The strategy seems subtle, though there are some general guidelines: Until 12 is flipped, the game is expected to last around 50 more rolls; once the 12 is flipped, the game reduces to around 25 rolls in expectation. Table 3: Simulated Rolls to Finish 54 INFORMS Transcations on Education 2:1 (50-58) ÓINFORMS
  • 6. TRICK Building a Better Game through Dynamic Programming: A Flip Analysis Once a number at least 7 is flipped, it is never flopped. Once all the values at least 7 are flipped, the game is expected to last no more than 10 rolls, and no position in such a case is expected to take less than 7.5. The conclusion drawn from this is that the initial goal is simply to get the values 7 and higher flipped, without much care for the resulting position among 1-6. Expectations only give part of the story, however. To determine the full distribution of outcomes, we need to simulate the system using the optimal decision rule. I ran 10,000 simulations, and had the following distribution of time to finish: Clearly there is some range of possibilities! Given the speed at which a game can be played, however, Flip-Flop seems a reasonable game, though the frustration of playing optimally and still taking more than 300 rolls, as happened in 5 of the 10,000 runs, is obvious. To determine the responsiveness and subtlety of the game, it is again necessary to find one or more natural heuristics to compare against. Some obvious heuristics do very poorly. For instance, taking the Lex-Max flip, if one exists, and otherwise flopping the number corresponding to the roll is a relatively simple rule. Such a rule appears not to be bounded in time. This speaks well to the responsiveness of the game: the optimal rule works much better than very simple rules. Given the insights from the optimal strategy (which generally would not be available to the player), we can create a simple heuristic that does have reason-able bounds. The idea is to take the Lex-Max flip when possible. When no flip is possible, a random feasible move is chosen with the proviso that no number at least a “no-flop” value is flopped. The quality of this heuristic depends on the “No-flop” value. Even with the insight from the optimal solution, this simple heuristic does significantly worse than opti-mal. All of the decrease is in the final phase, with the heuristic with a no-flop value of 7 taking, on average, 14 rolls once the values 7 or higher have been removed (rather than the optimal of about 8). This speaks well to the subtlety of the game, par-ticularly in the final phase. It is interesting to note that the best choice in this heuristic is to never flop a 6 or higher, while the optimal strategy sometimes (but very rarely) flops a six. This again shows that the optimal solution is subtler than this simple heuristic can manage. 7. Results and Other Approaches As a result of this analysis, G&E Woodworking modified the rules of Flip to allow up to five failing rolls and to allow a player to declare a failure, even when a legal move was available. They also stained the sides of the tiles different colors, included num-bers on both sides and included the rules to Flip-Flop. Given the insights from the optimal strategy (which generally would not be available to the player), we can create a simple heuristic that does have reason-able bounds. The idea is to take the Lex-Max flip when possible. When no flip is possible, a random feasible move is chosen with the proviso that no number at least a “no-flop” value is flopped. The change implemented to Flip was not the only possibility. For instance, the winning conditions could have been changed to allow, say, a “win” if either 0 or 1 tile remains unflipped. Another fea-sible winning rule would be to allow a win if either all the tiles are flipped or the player successfully makes some number of rolls. A third choice would be to begin the game with, say, the numbers 10 Table 4: Heuristic results for Flip-Flop through 12 already flipped (in this latter game, 55 INFORMS Transcations on Education 2:1 (50-58) ÓINFORMS
  • 7. TRICK Building a Better Game through Dynamic Programming: A Flip Analysis optimal play gives a 1 in 14 chance of winning). Another direction could have been to change the game into a two person game. For instance, players could alternate rolls on a single board, with the person who is first unable to make a move declared the loser (a simple modification of the code for Flip calculates the value of this game: the first player to roll has a 50.9% chance of winning if both sides play optimally). Or players could each have their own board and make simultaneous rolls until one either flips his entire board (and is the winner) or cannot make a move (and is the loser). It is an interesting class exercise to take the dynamic program developed and to modify it to handle these and other objectives. The two-person games are very difficult to analyze, but related problems of making decisions to maximize the expected number of rolls that can be made give insight into the underlying model and lead to interesting analyses of the result-ing optimal decisions. For example, if the goal is to minimize the expected number of rolls needed to flip all the numbers, it is no longer optimal to always flip the number corresponding to the roll. For instance, on a roll of 6, in some states it is better to remove 1, 2, and 3 rather than 6. While the Flip itself is rather straightforward (but surprisingly addictive, even to one who spends too much time playing computer games) and the analysis is a straightforward application of dynamic programming, it is the use of the insights given by optimization to make good decisions (in this case, deciding on the rules to enhance the marketing of the game) that is interesting and difficult. Flip has turned out to be a good classroom of example of not just how we do operations research, but why we do it. 56 INFORMS Transcations on Education 2:1 (50-58) ÓINFORMS
  • 8. TRICK Building a Better Game through Dynamic Programming: A Flip Analysis Appendix I Modeling and Implementation The modeling of this problem as a dynamic program is a straightforward classroom exercise that can de-generate into a flurry of notation. We begin with the formulation of Flip: First we define the states and decisions. A state will correspond to an arrangement of tiles and will be given by a length 12 0-1 string, generally denoted s. s[i]=1 corresponds to tile i being unflipped, while s[i]=0 corresponds to a flipped tile. There are 2^12=4096 states. We will refer to the “all flipped” state as the 0-state. Define f(s) to be the probability of winning under optimal play beginning at state s. A decision d(s,r) (where d(s,r) is the state chosen after starting in s and rolling r) must be made for every state s and roll of the dice r. Denote the probability of roll r as p(r). Then f(s) = Sr p(r) f(d(s,r)) (1) To determine d(s,r), we need to determine which states are possible starting from s and rolling r. Let R(r) be the set of length-12 0-1 strings whose “1” entries add up to r. For instance, for r=5, R(r) consists of the strings 000010000000 100100000000 011000000000 Define s £ t for two vectors s and t in the normal way, with each component of s being less than or equal to the corresponding component of t. Then d(s,r) = argminuÎR(r), u£ s {f(s-u)} (2) In (2), u represents a feasible decision for state s and roll r. If the set over which the argmin is taken is empty, then the corresponding probability of winning is 0. Finally, once all tiles are flipped, we are successful, so we can base our dynamic program on f(0) = 1 (3) Between (1), (2), and (3) we now have our dynamic programming formulation. To solve this dynamic program, we can recursively calculate f(s). We need to order our calculations to only use previous calculated values. This is done by ordering the states in increasing order of the number of “1”s in their representation (with ties broken arbitrarily) since once a tile is flipped, it can never be unflipped. The code provided to solve this recursion uses reasonably efficient data structures to model this problem. The R(r) values are kept in a linked list, and all states and roll values are packed into integer values (so, for instance, the value 19 is used to represent the string 110001000000). Only a few changes are needed to formulate the version of flip where failing rolls are allowed. The state space must include the number of failures so far (so is of the form (s,b) where b is the number of failures). The failure value increases either when there is no feasible decision for a state and roll or when declaring a failure is the optimal decision. Formulating Flip-Flop is slightly more complicated. We use the same state definitions as before. f(s) is defined to be the expected number of rolls remain-ing under optimal play, given beginning in state s. Again d(s,r) is the decision for state s and roll r. Now we have: f(s) = Sr p(r) f(d(s,r))+1 (1) where the “+1” adds in the current roll. Since flipped tiles can be flopped, it is no longer necessary for a move to be less than the current state. Instead, the new state is given by sÅ u, where Å represents the component-wise “exclusive-or” operation. This gives us: d(s,r) = argminuÎR(r) {f(sÅ u)} (2) Finally, once we are in the 0 state, we are done, so f(0) = 0 (3) To solve this, it is no longer possible to use straight-forward backwards recursion: the states do not have a natural ordering. Instead some version of policy or value iteration must be used to solve (1), (2) and (3). The code given uses a simple value iteration method whereby an initial set of values is refined 57 INFORMS Transcations on Education 2:1 (50-58) ÓINFORMS
  • 9. TRICK Building a Better Game through Dynamic Programming: A Flip Analysis until there is no further change. The formulations given have proven to be at the edge of the capabilities of my (MBA) students: some are fluent enough mathematically to generate the results in this appendix while others are not (Carnegie Mellon’s MBA class is probably not typical however, due to a higher number of technically-oriented students than most MBA programs). Once we go through these examples in class, however, students typically are able to work through formu-lations of variations and, for those with program-ming skills, update the programs to reflect their formulations. 58 Appendix II Links to Source Code and Optimal Strategy Game: Flip Program in C: flip.c Program in Java: Optimal Strategy: flip.out (1.95Mb) Game: Flip-Flop Program in C: flip_flop.c Program in Java: Optimal Strategy: flip_flop.out (3.90Mb) INFORMS Transcations on Education 2:1 (50-58) ÓINFORMS