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    YEAR 13

My task is to produce a persuasive pitch and thorough
treatment which provides a full description of the
proposed production, it’s purpose, audience and

My idea was inspired from when the Children’s Minister
 Sarah Teather and Mothers’ Union chief executive Reg
 Bailey came to my college and talked to students about
 the sexualisation of music videos. Through my
 documentary I will learn more about the government
 censorships on sexually explicit music videos
The title of my documentary is going to be: Music Censorships because after I have conducted the audience research, my target audience
    stated in my questionnaire that they prefer a much straight forward and simple titles, which is what I have done for them. I will comply
    with the demands of my target audience as a documentary producer.

I will obtain polarized opinions by introduce the questions: Are the government right or wrong in putting certificates in sexy music videos?
     To make my documentary interesting and debatable.
The style or mode of address of my documentary is going to be investigative, serious and critical modes attached to it.
Additionally, the main reason why, I have decided to produce an investigative documentary is because, after conducting my audience
    research, I have discovered that 50% of my target audience preferred a documentary that was investigative. So I went with the wishes of
    my target audience. Another reason why my documentary is going to be investigative is because I want to know for my own interests and
    for my target audiences’ interests what the wider society thinks about government censoring on sexually explicit music videos.
The key purpose of my documentary is to inform, educate and raise awareness to my target audience about government censorships on
    sexually explicit music videos. My idea appeals to my target audience as it is going to be made by a young person, so it’s interesting to
    see a documentary that is not made by a real professional adult documentary producer.
My goal is also to introduce polarized opinions about government censorings on sexually explicit music videos being published
The subject matter or topic of my documentary is mainly about government censorships.
   Most importantly, the conventions of my documentary are:
   - Nonfiction as I will be documenting an aspect of reality.
   - My documentary is not a biased type as it contains a variety of other personal opinions from different individuals.
   - I will be also using archive footage for my cutaways from the secondary resources such as the Internet, magazines or newspapers.
   - Two expert opinions to make it believable and more realistic connoting that the documentary and the issues are for real in today’s
    society. I will also convey that the documentary is a current and new issue.
   - Voice over narration, which will help me include more information in my documentary and display my cutaways during a voice over
    narration which will make my documentary more fascinating.
   - Cutaways where I will be displaying relevant images or pictures in my documentary.
   - I might also use long takes dominate or I might use the 5 shot rule.
The Mode of my documentary is participatory and investigative.
I have decided to present my documentary at the beginning myself because I know what the story is about in depth and what I am going to be
   I want to present the documentary at the beginning with either a voice over
   I would also like to include a secondary video from a video link to show that my docmentary is also covered in the news. For example, I
    would like to edit a scene from SKY News that is introducing the government censorships on sexualized music videos. Here are some
    video links that I would like to edit a specific scene and include it in my documentary.

   At the beginning of the documentary, I will be talking about the introduction of the documentary explaining what/why I am doing it. I will
    then include cutaways that are relevant to my subject matter. I might also have some background sound relevant to the documentary such
    as a song or tune.
   Music:
For music on the background of my documentary I will be using a music track that contains lots of sexually explicit scenes such as Christina
    Aguilera - Not Myself Tonight or Ciara/ Love Sex Magic

Introduction script:

’’Hi I’m Maryam Latifi and my documentary is about
   government censorships on sexually explicit music videos.
   My responsibilities will be to investigate whether it is right or
   wrong to censor sexualized music videos?
I will provide you with different opinions on what people
   actually think about this issue in our modern society.
But, I will be also asking a range of questions in the
   interviews, Vox Pops, which will give you an inside look on
   the realistic issues raised in our current society about
   excessively sexualized music videos. For example,
   Rihanna/ Rude Boy’’.

As I have conducted out the Audience Research through my questionnaires, I have found out that I was actually giving the
    questionnaires to the wrong target audience because they seem to be not be bothered about the government censorships on
    sexually explicit music videos.

I have also found out that I didn’t get the results that I actually wanted or expected.
Therefore, I have to revise my target audience again and choose a rather more specific target audience that are well aware of my
     documentary’s issues and they have the knowledge behind the whole subject matter of government censoring on sexually explicit
     music videos.
I have found out that my specific target audience are well educated boys and girls who read well known newspapers and study or
     are well aware of the educational theories behind the subject matter of my documentary.
This specific target audience have also at an advanced level knowledge about censorships, classification, objectification of
     women, music videos, politics, and the theories behind it.
For my new target audience, I have made a new PowerPiont presentation.

But, below I have included some key findings of my audience research which was the questionnaire and my focus group.

                                                     My results for Question 1

                                                     As you can see from the chart, the chart shows that the majority
                                                     of the people that I have asked to answer my questionnaire are
                                                     16-17 years old.

                                                     For my documentary what I actually require is a much older
                                                     target audience who are mature about my subject matter and the
                                                     topic of my documentary.
   Q2) 50% said Investigative and 50% said Celebratory.
   Q3) The vast majority almost 70% said they watch TV channels on YouTube.
   Q4) approximately around 70% said they use laptop as their main device to watch TV programmes including
    documentaries. 30% said they watch often on BBC IPlayer their TV programmes. This connotes that I will publish my
    documentary on main websites such as YouTube so it can be watch on laptops and other devices too.
   Q5) 50% said it’s wrong to censor music videos because everyone has got the right to be an individual.
   50% said it is right to censor music videos to protect mainly our younger generation and to prevent younger people to
    be too sexualised.
   Q6) From my questionnaire I realized that out of 100%, 80% of the group of individuals who answered my questions said
    they didn’t like the elaborated title because it was too long which required to be altered into a rather shorter and
    straightforward title with effective and unforgettable connotations.
   Q7) The most popular results from the answers of the documentary are that my target audience prefer mainly a
    documentary to consist of facts, opinions and the truth must be told about the key issues of my documentary. 50% said
    they wanted factual information, 30% said they want opinions and, finally, 20% said they want a documentary to
    include of information that is real and the truth.
   Q8) For this question, I belief that the majority prefers the narrator or presenter in my documentary to be out of the picture
    as it is more fascinating to see visual imageries, rather, than constantly someone talking to you. This is even more viable
    because I can use Voice Over on Mac PCs and do proper editing to use videos, relevant cutaways at the same time and
    relevant background tracks in my documentary.
   Q9) 60% said yes and 40% responded as No that they do want a documentary about government censorships on
    sexually explicit music videos.
   Q10) The results indicates that censorships and classification of music videos aren’t as effective or adequate as they
    should be. 70% out of 100% of target audience said that censorships have no impact on them at all. There are
    always alternatives pathways chosen by young people such as YouTube or other websites which do publish what young
    people really want to see.
My key findings found when conducting the Focus Group.
I obtained the same results from my Focus Group as I did from the questionnaires where the target audience that I choose
    before the audience research said that my documentary wasn’t appealing to them.
And, it turned out that they were not overall interested in my documentary or my target audience didn’t answer my questions
   seriously in the focus groups. This indicated to me that I was asking the wrong target audience to answer my
   questions again similar to the questionnaire. Whereas, the individuals who I thought where very appealing and
   interested in my documentary were particularly those who were studying the topics raised in my documentary or had
   advanced knowledge about the issues covered in my documentary.
It may not have an impact on my target audience but it does protect them from seeing what they aren’t suppose to see
    without them realizing it.
My Focus Group have helped me to find many things out about my target audience, particularly to make my documentary
   as interested, focused and primarily aim target my audience throughout the documentary so that my target
   audience can relate themselves to the subject matter and find it fascinating to watch.
Even though, my target audience in my focus group weren’t really interested I can make my documentary
   interesting by debating about the topic more in my documentary so they clearly understand what the
   documentary is about and this will enable them to think about the issues covered in my documentary too. For
   instance, like any documentary you watch it fully until you understand it and then debate or discuss about it to
   clarify their understanding with each other properly.
Again, by conducting the audience research I have found out that my target audience prefers a documentary that
   mainly contains of realistic opinions and fact rather than fiction and biased opinions.
Additionally, when my target audience were describing my documentary they did state that it was mainly for ’adults’. This
   made me think that I have to actually target a rather older target audience, which is why I had to reform my target
   audience profile. My new reform target audience is shown on the next slides
It is important to mention, that after I did my questionnaire I realized that my target audience had to be reformed or readjusted to
      meet their preferences in accordance to my documentary. However, they may well be similar to my previous target audience. For
      instance, their Social demographics.
This specific target audience are young male and female who are well educated, hard working, mature and sensible. They are either
    in collage, employment or training (EET).
    The age of my primary and secondary target audience is 18-20 years old. Their social class is middle class backgrounds. Their are
       from a mixed ethnic background. Their nationality is Britis hand their gender is unisex.
The hobbies and interests of my target audience are as followed:
-      Listening to either R&B, chill out instrumentals, Techno music, classic or they may listen to any type of multicultural songs such as Arabic
       or Turkish.
-      Playing sports activities such as football, jogging, running, dancing, swimming or playing tennis.
-      Reading non fictional or fictional books such as love books, books about life, educational books such as Sociology or Health and Social
       Care Books or other general books of a young person’s interests.
-      Other hobbies or interests may include cooking, collecting, crafting, writing and many more.
-       My primary target audience which are girls who like to do some shopping, they may be busy taking up other activities in their spare
       times such as Yoga, horse riding, visiting theatres, galleries, museums, swimming, driving, volunteering or travelling to countries
-      Unlike my secondary target audience who are boys may be interests in soccer, games, guitars, working on their PC or computers for
       educational purposes not gaming, producing professional music as a hobby. My secondary target audience, who are boys are
       mature, well educated, hard working, motivated and they are serious about things. This target audience may be in full time
       education, employment or training. Who are overly similar to my primary target audience except their gender.
-      Overall, my specific target audience are highly aware of what they should prioritize and what is important in life and what isn’t. For instance,
       if they have essays to finish they will make sure to finish it and not go clubbing instead. My specifically chosen target audience are wise and
       inspirational for their younger generation. They portray a positive role model for the young children around them.
-      The Social Demographic of my target audience is:
- D suggests Semi- skilled and unskilled manual workers
- E is pensioners, lower grade workers and the unemployed.
The media grouping of my primary and secondary target
   audience is they are fans of either well known fashion
   magazines such as Grazia or Vogue. They may are also
   in favour of reading The independent, The Daily
   Telegraph or Guardian. They are also interested to
   either read books or novels in their spare time.
In addition, my specific target audience likes to watch
   educational and informative TV programs such as
   documentaries on Panorama, The National Geographic
   Channel or How it is made? Programs which are highly
   educational, informative and interesting. Personally, I
   love these sorts of channels that’s why I choose a target
   audience that is almost similar to myself.
The main gap in the market is that my documentary is factual program for young people and is made by a young person. Yet also, there aren’t any
    documentaries that are about government censorships on sexually explicit music videos.
    My audience and content research showed there was a gap in the market for my documentary because not a lot of my target audience knew exactly
     what government censorships was about and they seem to not be really bothered about sexually explicit music videos due to ignorance and lack
     of interests.
    My documentary is a gap in the market because there aren’t any documentaries about the issues that I will be covering. As it is the key source of
     attraction and merchandise sexually explicit music videos are not emphasized or introduced to the wider publish as a serious issue because according to
     the mass media it isn’t an important issue and it is not affecting anyone. But it actually is where I have got some real example of music videos and evidence
     for my documentary shown below.
There is a vital need for my documentary because:
- I will raise awareness about the issues that I will be cover to the wider public and primarily to my target audience who will and can make a difference for out
     new generation.
- The need for my documentary will be that I can shed light on the vast amounts of music videos that are completely sexualized and the music videos
     are becoming more of a soft porn show than normal music videos. It is becoming too much and it is effecting our younger generation. This
     must be stopped and the only way is through my documentary.
- If you want the new generation of young people to emphasis or make more effort on their appearance and sex than there is no need for me to
      produce my documentary. Instead, if you want a new generation that makes a difference to our country and maintains the cultural capital than
      stand beside me and support me to produce this documentary in order to reinforce that these sexualized videos are crossing many boundaries
      and it is becoming too excessive in our modern western society.
- If this is not stopped our younger generation will not know or acknowledge the difference between a professional and powerful women and a
My documentary is made possible by interviewing Sadiq Khan who will or can talk about my subject matter in more detail
I will be interviewing Kira too in order to make it clear that there are different ways of producing a music videos and that it doesn’t have to be all sexually
       emphasized. This enables me to demonstrate POLARIZED OPINIONS.
I can arrange interviews with the contacts that I have to make for my documentary.
    Prior the interviews, I will structure professional and relevant questions for my interviewees.
     In addition, I am also able to conduct Vox Pops, in my documentary, I will be presenting the introduction and conclusion myself of my documentary and
     my interviewees. I have to mention that, my documentary is viable because it is just for 5 minutes and I have by now developed my idea thoroughly
     to understand and acknowledge exactly what I am going to be doing to meet my aims and purposes.
    It is also viable because if there are any errors or mistakes I have got access to expert software programs to edit, erase, copy, paste, produce or
     establish what is required for my documentary.

When presenting my main chosen idea that was about the objectification of
   women, at the beginning of the planning process, my audience feedback was
   that I had to be more specific with my idea, make it viable and
   realistic, choose one ideas that I am interested in and make it appealing to
   my target audience.
My audience/ client feedback was:
’’To choose an ideas that is a gap in the market but it should be current’’
’’What am I trying to investigate which will establish the documentary’’.
’’Your idea sounds plain, try to be even more specific and talk about it in
   elaborated analysis’’.
Yet also, is my ideas really what my target audience what to see?
Through questioning and answering myself I could develop my main specific
   chosen idea even further and meet my assessment criteria.

   1st I wanted to make a documentary about why music videos objectify women? But, my idea wasn’t viable
    because music industries won’t allow me to easily get in their building.
   2nd Then, I wanted to make a documentary about the effects of objectification of women on young females
    but the idea was to broad and not too specific enough. I changed this idea by doing lots of presentations
    and got feedbacks from my counterparts and media teachers.
   3rd However, most of the guidance I was from my media teachers and idea development occurred when I
    presented my ideas to my media teachers and we kept on asking ourselves whether the ideas were
    current, focussed, appeal and a gap in the market.
   The problem with choosing what ideas to pick was that there were multiple documentaries that already
    have produced with the ideas I came up with. The solution to this problem was that I kept on
    researching relevant background researches on Internet that could help me alter a bit the angle of
    my idea to make it current.
   4th When I have decided which idea I am going to develop I produced a grid and focused on
    whether my specific idea was focussed, current, appealing to my target audience and whether I
    have relevant contacts which I did.
   Focus - Are the government right in putting certificates in sexually explicit music videos.
   Current- David Cameron commissioning the BBFC to censor all music videos that are sexually
    explicit or uses unacceptable contents.
   Appealing to my target audience- They listen to lots of music including R&B, Hip Hop etc. which
    does have a lot of sexually explicit music videos.
   Relevant contacts- Ms. Peacock, Sadiq Khan, Kira (who is a up-to- becoming a musician/star)
The reason why I decided to abandon my other ideas and choose the third idea because when I was in Year 12, I got introduced to the topic about
     the objectification of women by my Media teacher, Ms Molyneux and this really got me interested into the subject matter as I really wanted to
     raise awareness to the wider public and do something about it so that the objectification of women doesn't exceed
I thought to my self that music videos won't be music videos anymore but rather soft porn music videos which will start to become too
     inappropriate for the young viewers such as children and teenagers.
As I research into the roots of my idea I found out that there was actually a gap in the market for my documentary.

    In addition, my other ideas about the London riots and the cosmetics Industry weren’t as strong enough because the investigating why young
    people took part in the London Riots was too ambitious and the effects of the cosmetics on particularly female teenagers lost my
    interest and my target audience wouldn’t be interested in it too.
   The weaknesses of my specifically chosen ideas was that am I able to get hold of Sadiq Khan and interview him as he is a busy man it
    may not happen. Another weakness is whether I am able to produce a good effective polarized opinions documentary that appeals and
    interests my target audience.
   In contrast, the strengths of my documentary is that I have got thorough evidence about the issue of my documentary.

At the beginning, I actually wanted to produce a documentary about the objectification of women and how it influences younger viewers.

Why is my original idea changed?

   - I had to develop a focused subject matter.
   - Target my audience.
   - There was already a documentary made in the market about the objectification of women. As this was the case, I changed my idea into the
    government censoring sexy music videos.
   This is the way my original idea changed because:
   It was too broad and elaborated.
   My target audience lost interest.
   I would be confused as a producer on what to focus in my documentary.
   It wasn’t current.
   It didn’t appeal to my target audience.
What do I want to find out?
What is currently out in the factual programming market similar to what
I am making?

Type of research method                             Why this method is effective?
Secondary Quantitative Research using TV guides     The method is effective because the percentages or
to look at factual programs and create a            numerical data will enable me to see how many factual
percentages or numerical data to help me find out   programs there are that is similar to the one show and
how many programs there are out there that are      appeals to teenagers. Hereby, I can find out about the
factual and what is currently out in the factual    variety of factual programs.
programming market similar to what I am making.
                                                    In addition, this method is effective because I can find
                                                    out across different channels what and how many
                                                    factual programming there is.
Secondary Quantitative Research
From the research I have found out three key things. These were that:

1)   I discovered that over 32 factual programs were published on Channel 4 which
     were almost similar to my documentary . For example, 10 Years Younger,
     Extreme Male Beauty, How to Look Good Naked and Katie: My Beautiful
2)    On BBC Three I have found out again that over 33 factual programs were on
     that were similar to my documentary. And that were out in the current market. For
     example, Snog Marry or Avoid? On BBC Three I have find out that my
     documentary could best fit in on the Arts, Culture & the Media factual
     programs. For instance, Great Movie Mistakes because it is very interested just
     like my documentary and my documentary's title would be Music Censorships ,
     which can relate to the title of the factual market. In addition, my documentary
     also deals with government censorships and music videos.
3)    I have also found out after conducting the secondary quantitative research across
     different channels what and how many factual programming there is, which I
     have stated above.
What do I want to find out?
Who do these programmes appeal to?

  Type of research method                                   Why this method is effective?

  Primary Qualitative Research where I think it is better   This will enable me to find out specifically when doing the
  to proceed a Vox Pops as I will obtain a myriad of        Vox Pops with my teenage target audience what they
  personal opinions about the factual programs,             actually like about a factual programmes or what is it about
  particularly from teenagers.                              the programmes that appeals to them, for example,
                                                            Extraordinary Stories.
  Some of the things that I will ask them is:
  -Does factual programming appeals to you. For             The Vox Pops will enable me to obtain their personal
  instance, Skinny vs. Super Size or embarrassing           opinions and views about the factual programmes.
  - Then, I will ask them what is it about these factual
  programs that appeals to you?
  - Why do these programs appeal to you?
Primary Qualitative Research
After conducting the Vox Pops I have found out that my target audience was really
  interested in factual programs because it was mainly the opinions of the
  characters in the documentaries and that it was documenting an aspect of
  reality, documentaries consists of real life stories which are more relevant,
  appeal and believable for my target audience. Expert and polarized
  opinions were very important for my target audience too when I did the Vox
  Pops with them. They said they preferred facts , statistics and figures too.

I have also discovered that my documentaries like factual documentaries because
   they were educational, informed the young audience, persuasive,
   supportive, advised and provided further contact details for any inquiries
   raised in the documentary for example embarrassing bodies is a perfect
   factual documentary that is almost similar to my documentary.
What do I want to find out?
Is there a place in the market for my program?

Type of research method                                      Why this method is effective?

Primary Quantitative Research – where I will conduct a       This method will be highly effective because I can ask them
survey about whether there is a gap in the market . I will   what is missing in the factual programming market which is
specifically design for my target audience.                  similar to my program and appeals to teenagers. What hasn’t
                                                             my target audience yet seen in the factual programs. Then, I
Hereby, I can also ask my target audience whether they       will count in order of what is expected from my target
have seen or heard from my documentary ever before.          audience.
And whether there is a gap in the market for the issues in
my documentary has never been raised.
   By carrying out the survey I have found out very crucial information about
    the gap in the market. Those were that:
   My target audience, which were 90% of them who did not know any
    factual programs that was made by someone else similar to my
    80% of them said there was a gap in the market for my documentary
    as it was missing and never raise awareness about.
   55% of my target audience in the survey said that there were
    documentaries about the government censorships on sexually explicit music
    videos missing in the factual programming market.
   85% of my target audience in the survey stated that they haven’t yet seen
    any factual programs which are similar to my program and that
    appeals to teenagers.
      My most important interview, at the beginning of my documentary is with Sadiq Khan.
      This is mainly going to take place in his office or in a office to connote that he is a highly
      educated professional. This will denote that my documentary is a serious and critical

      Mr Sadiq Khan is a British Labour Party politician, who grew up in Tooting. He is a well
      respected man from the Labour party. He is currently the Shadow Lord Chancellor and
      Justice Secretary with responsibility for political and constitutional reform.

      He is the right person to interview for my documentary because his opinions and thoughts
      would be highly valuable and crucial for my documentary to provide his full point of
      view about the issues covered in my documentary and about the questions that I will ask
      him so that my target audience, as viewers, understand thoroughly and clearly what my
      documentary is all about. Yet also, he’s a powerful man, he could be the authorized
      person dealing with government censorships on sexually explicit music videos.


      As Mr. Khan is a Member of the Parliament, he has got a myriad of other important
      responsibilities that must be prioritized over my interview with him. However, I might get
      one chance to interview him which will mean that I have to prepare my interview very
      well as I won’t have the chance to correct my mistakes in the interview again.

      Therefore, Sadiq Khan’s availability is not as easy as I thought would be.

1)    What do you think about the government censoring
      on sexually explicit music videos?
2)    Do you think it is right or wrong? Why?
3)    What if censorships or the classification of music
      videos do not have an impact or effect on the
      younger generation as they will find alternatives to
      see the music videos?
4)    Do you think the government is actually infringing
      individual's personal rights?
5)    Should the government go to extreme measures and
      ban or censor all unacceptable music videos on all
      sites not just one particular website such as
         Secondly, Kira is a youth worker who works in the Tooting Hub, at the same
            time, she is also a musician who produces Rap/ Hip Hop Music and music
            videos. Kira studied in London Metropolitan University for Music Technology.

         The reason why I choose to interview Kira is because she wants to be involved in
            the music industry and knows what it is all about to have the image she has. Her
            image is the contrast of what my documentary is about. Kira beliefs that the
            music industry has no impact upon her as it is not all about sexually explicit
            music videos or the objectification of women but also about who you actually
            want or can to be in the music industry.
         This interviewee would be the contrast of the interviewee with Mr. Khan as they’re
            both very different individuals.
         From my audience research I have discovered how my target audience likes to see
            in a documentary where there is a polarized opinions presented about an
            interesting and important topic. For them this creates a sense of realism and that
            the documentary is actually dealing with a current, truthful and appealing to my
            target audience issue.


         Kira is a close friends, which I can contact when required. She isn’t available at all
            times, but we can always easily arrange a convenient appointment with each

1) Is it easy to get into the music industry without having
    to portray that image of seductiveness to your target
2) What do you think about the government censoring on
    sexually explicit music videos? Is it right or wrong?
3) Are you against the idea of censorships on music
4) Does government censorships on sexually explicit
    music videos has any impact on you whatsoever?
For my Vox Pops or Focus Group which is taking place in the middle scene of my
In addition, I am going to interview student who are from collage and study the issues
   involved in my documentary. Or at least have got a clear knowledge about what to say
   and what the documentary is all about.

This individuals would be the perfect people to interview because they would give the best
  and wise opinions about the issues raised in my documentary. As they have got
  knowledge about it at an advanced level and they would take the interview serious,
  which I have learned by conducting the Audience Research.


My focus group or Vox Pops individuals are always available during their free periods,
  lunch times, or after school times which will enable me to film them and ask for their
This is important because these students are representing the reflection of who my target
  audience actually are and what they do in their every day lives?
- 0.00 -=0:59 Seconds INTRODUCTION
For the introduction part, I am going to introduce the documentary and what it is about/its purpose and
   aims. Then, I’m talk about who I am going to talk about whom the interviewees are and their
I will also display some cutaways or relevant videos such as SKY News reports about government
    censoring on sexually explicit music videos. There will also be some Voice Over Narrations and/or a
    background music instrumental that is appealing to my target audience but relevant to my
    documentary’s subject matter and caption.
- 1:00-=1:59 Seconds
Here will be an interview of Mr. Sadiq Khan about the focus area or subject matter. This interview will
   be for or against the censoring of sexy music videos.
- 2:00-=2:59 Seconds
Also, I will play here another interview that has got a polarized opinion or opposite opinion from the first
   interview with Kira who might be for or against the idea of government censorings on sexually
   explicit music videos. I will represent a woman who isn’t entirely sexualised but, yet still, seems to
   have power, strong and a talent without the revealing of her clothes. I will use Kira where she
   portrays a powerful image but doesn’t has to be sexy in her music videos.
- 3.00 -=3:59 Seconds
Vox Pops asking the wider public of their opinions on the government censorships on sexy music
   videos. Use an formal term for (sexy).
- 4:00-=5:00 Seconds CONCLUSION
At last, for the conclusion, I will summarise the overall findings of my documentary. I will look forward to
    showing or proving my target audience that there was a need for my documentary and that I have
    meet my purposes and that the documentary may have been successful depending on how it will
    come out at the end.
                 For my documentary, I have got a variety of locations where my
                    interviewees are most available and the setting represents the
                    issue or subject matter of my documentary. For example, I have
                    to interview Sadiq Khan for my documentary, which is more likely
                    going to take place in an office.
                 My key location for the interview with Mr. Sadiq Khan would be in a
                    formal office to connote professionalism, sophistication and that
                    the interview is serious with him.

                In contrast, the interview with the musician/ youth worker
                would be either in a music studio or in a youth club with
                her near a some musical instruments.

                 For my Vox Pops or Focus Group I want to asks the opinions
                 of collage students that are representing my target audience
                 in my documentary and they will tell the viewers their opinions
                 and thoughts
                 about government censoring on sexually explicit music videos.

 For my Vox Pops, I am going to interview Ashley, Rihanna, Jebel and
  Junior who are my collage counterparts.
Questions asked:
What is your opinion on the government censorings on sexually explicit
  music videos?
Do you think it is right or wrong? Why?
Do you think that the government cannot overly control what is allowed to
  be seen and what isn’t?
What do you think about the music video censorships not having any
  impacts or influence on young people as they have alternative ways to
  see what they want to see?
Do you think the government are obstructing individuals rights?

It will approximately cost me over £1000 as a professional
   documentary producer. But as a media student it is going to
   cost me nothing but I do have got a lot of responsibilities
   and duties to complete which are covered in my Budget
   Breakdown sheet.
Overall, I have the confidence that this idea or
 documentary is going to be highly
because it introduces a topic that has never
 been seen as a important or serious. Yet
 also, common documentaries are haven’t
 raise this topic yet, which gave me the
 opportunity to do so.
This was mainly a gap in the market for me
 that other documentaries haven’t covered
 the issues that I am covering.
1 pick this one pitch

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  • 1. MARYAM LATIFI A2 MEDIA PRODUCTION YEAR 13 MS. MOLYNEUX AND MR. DAVIES POWERPOINT PRESENTATION OF MY PITCH My task is to produce a persuasive pitch and thorough treatment which provides a full description of the proposed production, it’s purpose, audience and viability.
  • 2. MY PITCH My idea was inspired from when the Children’s Minister Sarah Teather and Mothers’ Union chief executive Reg Bailey came to my college and talked to students about the sexualisation of music videos. Through my documentary I will learn more about the government censorships on sexually explicit music videos
  • 3. MY PITCH The title of my documentary is going to be: Music Censorships because after I have conducted the audience research, my target audience stated in my questionnaire that they prefer a much straight forward and simple titles, which is what I have done for them. I will comply with the demands of my target audience as a documentary producer. I will obtain polarized opinions by introduce the questions: Are the government right or wrong in putting certificates in sexy music videos? To make my documentary interesting and debatable. The style or mode of address of my documentary is going to be investigative, serious and critical modes attached to it. Additionally, the main reason why, I have decided to produce an investigative documentary is because, after conducting my audience research, I have discovered that 50% of my target audience preferred a documentary that was investigative. So I went with the wishes of my target audience. Another reason why my documentary is going to be investigative is because I want to know for my own interests and for my target audiences’ interests what the wider society thinks about government censoring on sexually explicit music videos. Purpose: The key purpose of my documentary is to inform, educate and raise awareness to my target audience about government censorships on sexually explicit music videos. My idea appeals to my target audience as it is going to be made by a young person, so it’s interesting to see a documentary that is not made by a real professional adult documentary producer. My goal is also to introduce polarized opinions about government censorings on sexually explicit music videos being published inconsiderably. The subject matter or topic of my documentary is mainly about government censorships.  Most importantly, the conventions of my documentary are:  - Nonfiction as I will be documenting an aspect of reality.  - My documentary is not a biased type as it contains a variety of other personal opinions from different individuals.  - I will be also using archive footage for my cutaways from the secondary resources such as the Internet, magazines or newspapers.  - Two expert opinions to make it believable and more realistic connoting that the documentary and the issues are for real in today’s society. I will also convey that the documentary is a current and new issue.  - Voice over narration, which will help me include more information in my documentary and display my cutaways during a voice over narration which will make my documentary more fascinating.  - Cutaways where I will be displaying relevant images or pictures in my documentary.  - I might also use long takes dominate or I might use the 5 shot rule.
  • 4. The Mode of my documentary is participatory and investigative. I have decided to present my documentary at the beginning myself because I know what the story is about in depth and what I am going to be doing?  I want to present the documentary at the beginning with either a voice over  I would also like to include a secondary video from a video link to show that my docmentary is also covered in the news. For example, I would like to edit a scene from SKY News that is introducing the government censorships on sexualized music videos. Here are some video links that I would like to edit a specific scene and include it in my documentary.     At the beginning of the documentary, I will be talking about the introduction of the documentary explaining what/why I am doing it. I will then include cutaways that are relevant to my subject matter. I might also have some background sound relevant to the documentary such as a song or tune.  Music: For music on the background of my documentary I will be using a music track that contains lots of sexually explicit scenes such as Christina Aguilera - Not Myself Tonight or Ciara/ Love Sex Magic  Cutaways:
  • 5. Introduction script: ’’Hi I’m Maryam Latifi and my documentary is about government censorships on sexually explicit music videos. My responsibilities will be to investigate whether it is right or wrong to censor sexualized music videos? I will provide you with different opinions on what people actually think about this issue in our modern society. But, I will be also asking a range of questions in the interviews, Vox Pops, which will give you an inside look on the realistic issues raised in our current society about excessively sexualized music videos. For example, Rihanna/ Rude Boy’’.
  • 6. KEY FINDINGS FOR DOING MY AUDIENCE RESEARCH – QUESTIONNAIRE As I have conducted out the Audience Research through my questionnaires, I have found out that I was actually giving the questionnaires to the wrong target audience because they seem to be not be bothered about the government censorships on sexually explicit music videos. I have also found out that I didn’t get the results that I actually wanted or expected. Therefore, I have to revise my target audience again and choose a rather more specific target audience that are well aware of my documentary’s issues and they have the knowledge behind the whole subject matter of government censoring on sexually explicit music videos. I have found out that my specific target audience are well educated boys and girls who read well known newspapers and study or are well aware of the educational theories behind the subject matter of my documentary. This specific target audience have also at an advanced level knowledge about censorships, classification, objectification of women, music videos, politics, and the theories behind it. For my new target audience, I have made a new PowerPiont presentation. But, below I have included some key findings of my audience research which was the questionnaire and my focus group. My results for Question 1 As you can see from the chart, the chart shows that the majority of the people that I have asked to answer my questionnaire are 16-17 years old. For my documentary what I actually require is a much older target audience who are mature about my subject matter and the topic of my documentary.
  • 7. KEY FINDINGS FROM MY QUESTIONAIRE  Q2) 50% said Investigative and 50% said Celebratory.  Q3) The vast majority almost 70% said they watch TV channels on YouTube.  Q4) approximately around 70% said they use laptop as their main device to watch TV programmes including documentaries. 30% said they watch often on BBC IPlayer their TV programmes. This connotes that I will publish my documentary on main websites such as YouTube so it can be watch on laptops and other devices too.  Q5) 50% said it’s wrong to censor music videos because everyone has got the right to be an individual.  50% said it is right to censor music videos to protect mainly our younger generation and to prevent younger people to be too sexualised.  Q6) From my questionnaire I realized that out of 100%, 80% of the group of individuals who answered my questions said they didn’t like the elaborated title because it was too long which required to be altered into a rather shorter and straightforward title with effective and unforgettable connotations.  Q7) The most popular results from the answers of the documentary are that my target audience prefer mainly a documentary to consist of facts, opinions and the truth must be told about the key issues of my documentary. 50% said they wanted factual information, 30% said they want opinions and, finally, 20% said they want a documentary to include of information that is real and the truth.  Q8) For this question, I belief that the majority prefers the narrator or presenter in my documentary to be out of the picture as it is more fascinating to see visual imageries, rather, than constantly someone talking to you. This is even more viable because I can use Voice Over on Mac PCs and do proper editing to use videos, relevant cutaways at the same time and relevant background tracks in my documentary.  Q9) 60% said yes and 40% responded as No that they do want a documentary about government censorships on sexually explicit music videos.  Q10) The results indicates that censorships and classification of music videos aren’t as effective or adequate as they should be. 70% out of 100% of target audience said that censorships have no impact on them at all. There are always alternatives pathways chosen by young people such as YouTube or other websites which do publish what young people really want to see.
  • 8. FINDINGS FROM MY FOCUS GROUP My key findings found when conducting the Focus Group. I obtained the same results from my Focus Group as I did from the questionnaires where the target audience that I choose before the audience research said that my documentary wasn’t appealing to them. And, it turned out that they were not overall interested in my documentary or my target audience didn’t answer my questions seriously in the focus groups. This indicated to me that I was asking the wrong target audience to answer my questions again similar to the questionnaire. Whereas, the individuals who I thought where very appealing and interested in my documentary were particularly those who were studying the topics raised in my documentary or had advanced knowledge about the issues covered in my documentary. It may not have an impact on my target audience but it does protect them from seeing what they aren’t suppose to see without them realizing it. My Focus Group have helped me to find many things out about my target audience, particularly to make my documentary as interested, focused and primarily aim target my audience throughout the documentary so that my target audience can relate themselves to the subject matter and find it fascinating to watch. Even though, my target audience in my focus group weren’t really interested I can make my documentary interesting by debating about the topic more in my documentary so they clearly understand what the documentary is about and this will enable them to think about the issues covered in my documentary too. For instance, like any documentary you watch it fully until you understand it and then debate or discuss about it to clarify their understanding with each other properly. Again, by conducting the audience research I have found out that my target audience prefers a documentary that mainly contains of realistic opinions and fact rather than fiction and biased opinions. Additionally, when my target audience were describing my documentary they did state that it was mainly for ’adults’. This made me think that I have to actually target a rather older target audience, which is why I had to reform my target audience profile. My new reform target audience is shown on the next slides
  • 9. It is important to mention, that after I did my questionnaire I realized that my target audience had to be reformed or readjusted to meet their preferences in accordance to my documentary. However, they may well be similar to my previous target audience. For instance, their Social demographics. This specific target audience are young male and female who are well educated, hard working, mature and sensible. They are either in collage, employment or training (EET). The age of my primary and secondary target audience is 18-20 years old. Their social class is middle class backgrounds. Their are from a mixed ethnic background. Their nationality is Britis hand their gender is unisex. The hobbies and interests of my target audience are as followed: - Listening to either R&B, chill out instrumentals, Techno music, classic or they may listen to any type of multicultural songs such as Arabic or Turkish. - Playing sports activities such as football, jogging, running, dancing, swimming or playing tennis. - Reading non fictional or fictional books such as love books, books about life, educational books such as Sociology or Health and Social Care Books or other general books of a young person’s interests. - Other hobbies or interests may include cooking, collecting, crafting, writing and many more. - My primary target audience which are girls who like to do some shopping, they may be busy taking up other activities in their spare times such as Yoga, horse riding, visiting theatres, galleries, museums, swimming, driving, volunteering or travelling to countries abroad. - Unlike my secondary target audience who are boys may be interests in soccer, games, guitars, working on their PC or computers for educational purposes not gaming, producing professional music as a hobby. My secondary target audience, who are boys are mature, well educated, hard working, motivated and they are serious about things. This target audience may be in full time education, employment or training. Who are overly similar to my primary target audience except their gender. - Overall, my specific target audience are highly aware of what they should prioritize and what is important in life and what isn’t. For instance, if they have essays to finish they will make sure to finish it and not go clubbing instead. My specifically chosen target audience are wise and inspirational for their younger generation. They portray a positive role model for the young children around them. - The Social Demographic of my target audience is: - D suggests Semi- skilled and unskilled manual workers - E is pensioners, lower grade workers and the unemployed.
  • 10.
  • 11. The media grouping of my primary and secondary target audience is they are fans of either well known fashion magazines such as Grazia or Vogue. They may are also in favour of reading The independent, The Daily Telegraph or Guardian. They are also interested to either read books or novels in their spare time. In addition, my specific target audience likes to watch educational and informative TV programs such as documentaries on Panorama, The National Geographic Channel or How it is made? Programs which are highly educational, informative and interesting. Personally, I love these sorts of channels that’s why I choose a target audience that is almost similar to myself.
  • 12. VIABILITY/ GAP IN THE MARKET The main gap in the market is that my documentary is factual program for young people and is made by a young person. Yet also, there aren’t any documentaries that are about government censorships on sexually explicit music videos.  My audience and content research showed there was a gap in the market for my documentary because not a lot of my target audience knew exactly what government censorships was about and they seem to not be really bothered about sexually explicit music videos due to ignorance and lack of interests.  My documentary is a gap in the market because there aren’t any documentaries about the issues that I will be covering. As it is the key source of attraction and merchandise sexually explicit music videos are not emphasized or introduced to the wider publish as a serious issue because according to the mass media it isn’t an important issue and it is not affecting anyone. But it actually is where I have got some real example of music videos and evidence for my documentary shown below. There is a vital need for my documentary because: - I will raise awareness about the issues that I will be cover to the wider public and primarily to my target audience who will and can make a difference for out new generation. - The need for my documentary will be that I can shed light on the vast amounts of music videos that are completely sexualized and the music videos are becoming more of a soft porn show than normal music videos. It is becoming too much and it is effecting our younger generation. This must be stopped and the only way is through my documentary. - If you want the new generation of young people to emphasis or make more effort on their appearance and sex than there is no need for me to produce my documentary. Instead, if you want a new generation that makes a difference to our country and maintains the cultural capital than stand beside me and support me to produce this documentary in order to reinforce that these sexualized videos are crossing many boundaries and it is becoming too excessive in our modern western society. - If this is not stopped our younger generation will not know or acknowledge the difference between a professional and powerful women and a prostitute. Viability My documentary is made possible by interviewing Sadiq Khan who will or can talk about my subject matter in more detail I will be interviewing Kira too in order to make it clear that there are different ways of producing a music videos and that it doesn’t have to be all sexually emphasized. This enables me to demonstrate POLARIZED OPINIONS. I can arrange interviews with the contacts that I have to make for my documentary.  Prior the interviews, I will structure professional and relevant questions for my interviewees.  In addition, I am also able to conduct Vox Pops, in my documentary, I will be presenting the introduction and conclusion myself of my documentary and my interviewees. I have to mention that, my documentary is viable because it is just for 5 minutes and I have by now developed my idea thoroughly to understand and acknowledge exactly what I am going to be doing to meet my aims and purposes.  It is also viable because if there are any errors or mistakes I have got access to expert software programs to edit, erase, copy, paste, produce or establish what is required for my documentary.
  • 13. THE AUDIENCE/ CLIENT (TEACHER) FEEDBACK AND HOW THIS HAS CHANGED THE IDEA. When presenting my main chosen idea that was about the objectification of women, at the beginning of the planning process, my audience feedback was that I had to be more specific with my idea, make it viable and realistic, choose one ideas that I am interested in and make it appealing to my target audience. My audience/ client feedback was: ’’To choose an ideas that is a gap in the market but it should be current’’ ’’What am I trying to investigate which will establish the documentary’’. ’’Your idea sounds plain, try to be even more specific and talk about it in elaborated analysis’’. Yet also, is my ideas really what my target audience what to see? Through questioning and answering myself I could develop my main specific chosen idea even further and meet my assessment criteria.
  • 14. HOW DID MY ORIGINAL IDEA CHANGE?  1st I wanted to make a documentary about why music videos objectify women? But, my idea wasn’t viable because music industries won’t allow me to easily get in their building.  2nd Then, I wanted to make a documentary about the effects of objectification of women on young females but the idea was to broad and not too specific enough. I changed this idea by doing lots of presentations and got feedbacks from my counterparts and media teachers.  3rd However, most of the guidance I was from my media teachers and idea development occurred when I presented my ideas to my media teachers and we kept on asking ourselves whether the ideas were current, focussed, appeal and a gap in the market.  The problem with choosing what ideas to pick was that there were multiple documentaries that already have produced with the ideas I came up with. The solution to this problem was that I kept on researching relevant background researches on Internet that could help me alter a bit the angle of my idea to make it current.  4th When I have decided which idea I am going to develop I produced a grid and focused on whether my specific idea was focussed, current, appealing to my target audience and whether I have relevant contacts which I did.  Focus - Are the government right in putting certificates in sexually explicit music videos.  Current- David Cameron commissioning the BBFC to censor all music videos that are sexually explicit or uses unacceptable contents.  Appealing to my target audience- They listen to lots of music including R&B, Hip Hop etc. which does have a lot of sexually explicit music videos.  Relevant contacts- Ms. Peacock, Sadiq Khan, Kira (who is a up-to- becoming a musician/star)
  • 15. REASONS FOR CHOOSING MY MAIN IDEA The reason why I decided to abandon my other ideas and choose the third idea because when I was in Year 12, I got introduced to the topic about the objectification of women by my Media teacher, Ms Molyneux and this really got me interested into the subject matter as I really wanted to raise awareness to the wider public and do something about it so that the objectification of women doesn't exceed I thought to my self that music videos won't be music videos anymore but rather soft porn music videos which will start to become too inappropriate for the young viewers such as children and teenagers. As I research into the roots of my idea I found out that there was actually a gap in the market for my documentary.  In addition, my other ideas about the London riots and the cosmetics Industry weren’t as strong enough because the investigating why young people took part in the London Riots was too ambitious and the effects of the cosmetics on particularly female teenagers lost my interest and my target audience wouldn’t be interested in it too.  The weaknesses of my specifically chosen ideas was that am I able to get hold of Sadiq Khan and interview him as he is a busy man it may not happen. Another weakness is whether I am able to produce a good effective polarized opinions documentary that appeals and interests my target audience.  In contrast, the strengths of my documentary is that I have got thorough evidence about the issue of my documentary. At the beginning, I actually wanted to produce a documentary about the objectification of women and how it influences younger viewers. Why is my original idea changed?  - I had to develop a focused subject matter.  - Target my audience.  - There was already a documentary made in the market about the objectification of women. As this was the case, I changed my idea into the government censoring sexy music videos.  This is the way my original idea changed because:  It was too broad and elaborated.  My target audience lost interest.  I would be confused as a producer on what to focus in my documentary.  It wasn’t current.  It didn’t appeal to my target audience.
  • 16. RESEARCH INTO EXISTING OUTPUT What do I want to find out? What is currently out in the factual programming market similar to what I am making? Type of research method Why this method is effective? Secondary Quantitative Research using TV guides The method is effective because the percentages or to look at factual programs and create a numerical data will enable me to see how many factual percentages or numerical data to help me find out programs there are that is similar to the one show and how many programs there are out there that are appeals to teenagers. Hereby, I can find out about the factual and what is currently out in the factual variety of factual programs. programming market similar to what I am making. In addition, this method is effective because I can find out across different channels what and how many factual programming there is.
  • 17. KEY FINDINGS OF RESEARCH METHOD Secondary Quantitative Research From the research I have found out three key things. These were that: 1) I discovered that over 32 factual programs were published on Channel 4 which were almost similar to my documentary . For example, 10 Years Younger, Extreme Male Beauty, How to Look Good Naked and Katie: My Beautiful Friends. 2) On BBC Three I have found out again that over 33 factual programs were on that were similar to my documentary. And that were out in the current market. For example, Snog Marry or Avoid? On BBC Three I have find out that my documentary could best fit in on the Arts, Culture & the Media factual programs. For instance, Great Movie Mistakes because it is very interested just like my documentary and my documentary's title would be Music Censorships , which can relate to the title of the factual market. In addition, my documentary also deals with government censorships and music videos. 3) I have also found out after conducting the secondary quantitative research across different channels what and how many factual programming there is, which I have stated above.
  • 18. RESEARCH INTO EXISTING OUTPUT What do I want to find out? Who do these programmes appeal to? Type of research method Why this method is effective? Primary Qualitative Research where I think it is better This will enable me to find out specifically when doing the to proceed a Vox Pops as I will obtain a myriad of Vox Pops with my teenage target audience what they personal opinions about the factual programs, actually like about a factual programmes or what is it about particularly from teenagers. the programmes that appeals to them, for example, Extraordinary Stories. Some of the things that I will ask them is: -Does factual programming appeals to you. For The Vox Pops will enable me to obtain their personal instance, Skinny vs. Super Size or embarrassing opinions and views about the factual programmes. bodies. - Then, I will ask them what is it about these factual programs that appeals to you? - Why do these programs appeal to you?
  • 19. KEY FINDINGS Primary Qualitative Research After conducting the Vox Pops I have found out that my target audience was really interested in factual programs because it was mainly the opinions of the characters in the documentaries and that it was documenting an aspect of reality, documentaries consists of real life stories which are more relevant, appeal and believable for my target audience. Expert and polarized opinions were very important for my target audience too when I did the Vox Pops with them. They said they preferred facts , statistics and figures too. I have also discovered that my documentaries like factual documentaries because they were educational, informed the young audience, persuasive, supportive, advised and provided further contact details for any inquiries raised in the documentary for example embarrassing bodies is a perfect factual documentary that is almost similar to my documentary.
  • 20. UNIT 4: RESEARCH INTO EXISTING OUTPUT What do I want to find out? Is there a place in the market for my program? Type of research method Why this method is effective? Primary Quantitative Research – where I will conduct a This method will be highly effective because I can ask them survey about whether there is a gap in the market . I will what is missing in the factual programming market which is specifically design for my target audience. similar to my program and appeals to teenagers. What hasn’t my target audience yet seen in the factual programs. Then, I Hereby, I can also ask my target audience whether they will count in order of what is expected from my target have seen or heard from my documentary ever before. audience. And whether there is a gap in the market for the issues in my documentary has never been raised.
  • 21. KEY FINDINGS  By carrying out the survey I have found out very crucial information about the gap in the market. Those were that:  My target audience, which were 90% of them who did not know any factual programs that was made by someone else similar to my documentary.  80% of them said there was a gap in the market for my documentary as it was missing and never raise awareness about.  55% of my target audience in the survey said that there were documentaries about the government censorships on sexually explicit music videos missing in the factual programming market.  85% of my target audience in the survey stated that they haven’t yet seen any factual programs which are similar to my program and that appeals to teenagers.
  • 22. MY INTERVIEWEES My most important interview, at the beginning of my documentary is with Sadiq Khan. This is mainly going to take place in his office or in a office to connote that he is a highly educated professional. This will denote that my documentary is a serious and critical documentary. Mr Sadiq Khan is a British Labour Party politician, who grew up in Tooting. He is a well respected man from the Labour party. He is currently the Shadow Lord Chancellor and Justice Secretary with responsibility for political and constitutional reform. He is the right person to interview for my documentary because his opinions and thoughts would be highly valuable and crucial for my documentary to provide his full point of view about the issues covered in my documentary and about the questions that I will ask him so that my target audience, as viewers, understand thoroughly and clearly what my documentary is all about. Yet also, he’s a powerful man, he could be the authorized person dealing with government censorships on sexually explicit music videos. Availability As Mr. Khan is a Member of the Parliament, he has got a myriad of other important responsibilities that must be prioritized over my interview with him. However, I might get one chance to interview him which will mean that I have to prepare my interview very well as I won’t have the chance to correct my mistakes in the interview again. Therefore, Sadiq Khan’s availability is not as easy as I thought would be.
  • 23. KEY QUESTIONS FOR MR. SADIQ KHAN 1) What do you think about the government censoring on sexually explicit music videos? 2) Do you think it is right or wrong? Why? 3) What if censorships or the classification of music videos do not have an impact or effect on the younger generation as they will find alternatives to see the music videos? 4) Do you think the government is actually infringing individual's personal rights? 5) Should the government go to extreme measures and ban or censor all unacceptable music videos on all sites not just one particular website such as YouTube.
  • 24. MY INTERVIEWEE – KIRA Secondly, Kira is a youth worker who works in the Tooting Hub, at the same time, she is also a musician who produces Rap/ Hip Hop Music and music videos. Kira studied in London Metropolitan University for Music Technology. The reason why I choose to interview Kira is because she wants to be involved in the music industry and knows what it is all about to have the image she has. Her image is the contrast of what my documentary is about. Kira beliefs that the music industry has no impact upon her as it is not all about sexually explicit music videos or the objectification of women but also about who you actually want or can to be in the music industry. This interviewee would be the contrast of the interviewee with Mr. Khan as they’re both very different individuals. From my audience research I have discovered how my target audience likes to see in a documentary where there is a polarized opinions presented about an interesting and important topic. For them this creates a sense of realism and that the documentary is actually dealing with a current, truthful and appealing to my target audience issue. Availability Kira is a close friends, which I can contact when required. She isn’t available at all times, but we can always easily arrange a convenient appointment with each other.
  • 25. KEY QUESTIONS FOR KIRA 1) Is it easy to get into the music industry without having to portray that image of seductiveness to your target audience? 2) What do you think about the government censoring on sexually explicit music videos? Is it right or wrong? 3) Are you against the idea of censorships on music videos? Why? 4) Does government censorships on sexually explicit music videos has any impact on you whatsoever? Why?
  • 26. VOX POPS For my Vox Pops or Focus Group which is taking place in the middle scene of my documentary. In addition, I am going to interview student who are from collage and study the issues involved in my documentary. Or at least have got a clear knowledge about what to say and what the documentary is all about. This individuals would be the perfect people to interview because they would give the best and wise opinions about the issues raised in my documentary. As they have got knowledge about it at an advanced level and they would take the interview serious, which I have learned by conducting the Audience Research. Availability My focus group or Vox Pops individuals are always available during their free periods, lunch times, or after school times which will enable me to film them and ask for their opinions. This is important because these students are representing the reflection of who my target audience actually are and what they do in their every day lives?
  • 27. TIME SCALE - 0.00 -=0:59 Seconds INTRODUCTION For the introduction part, I am going to introduce the documentary and what it is about/its purpose and aims. Then, I’m talk about who I am going to talk about whom the interviewees are and their opinions. I will also display some cutaways or relevant videos such as SKY News reports about government censoring on sexually explicit music videos. There will also be some Voice Over Narrations and/or a background music instrumental that is appealing to my target audience but relevant to my documentary’s subject matter and caption. - 1:00-=1:59 Seconds Here will be an interview of Mr. Sadiq Khan about the focus area or subject matter. This interview will be for or against the censoring of sexy music videos. - 2:00-=2:59 Seconds Also, I will play here another interview that has got a polarized opinion or opposite opinion from the first interview with Kira who might be for or against the idea of government censorings on sexually explicit music videos. I will represent a woman who isn’t entirely sexualised but, yet still, seems to have power, strong and a talent without the revealing of her clothes. I will use Kira where she portrays a powerful image but doesn’t has to be sexy in her music videos. - 3.00 -=3:59 Seconds Vox Pops asking the wider public of their opinions on the government censorships on sexy music videos. Use an formal term for (sexy). - 4:00-=5:00 Seconds CONCLUSION At last, for the conclusion, I will summarise the overall findings of my documentary. I will look forward to showing or proving my target audience that there was a need for my documentary and that I have meet my purposes and that the documentary may have been successful depending on how it will come out at the end.
  • 28. KEY LOCATIONS For my documentary, I have got a variety of locations where my interviewees are most available and the setting represents the issue or subject matter of my documentary. For example, I have to interview Sadiq Khan for my documentary, which is more likely going to take place in an office. My key location for the interview with Mr. Sadiq Khan would be in a formal office to connote professionalism, sophistication and that the interview is serious with him. In contrast, the interview with the musician/ youth worker would be either in a music studio or in a youth club with her near a some musical instruments. For my Vox Pops or Focus Group I want to asks the opinions of collage students that are representing my target audience in my documentary and they will tell the viewers their opinions and thoughts about government censoring on sexually explicit music videos.
  • 29. VOX POPS KEY QUESTIONS  For my Vox Pops, I am going to interview Ashley, Rihanna, Jebel and Junior who are my collage counterparts. Questions asked: What is your opinion on the government censorings on sexually explicit music videos? Do you think it is right or wrong? Why? Do you think that the government cannot overly control what is allowed to be seen and what isn’t? What do you think about the music video censorships not having any impacts or influence on young people as they have alternative ways to see what they want to see? Do you think the government are obstructing individuals rights?
  • 30. COSTS OF THE PROPOSED PRODUCTION It will approximately cost me over £1000 as a professional documentary producer. But as a media student it is going to cost me nothing but I do have got a lot of responsibilities and duties to complete which are covered in my Budget Breakdown sheet.
  • 31. CONCLUSION Overall, I have the confidence that this idea or documentary is going to be highly successful because it introduces a topic that has never been seen as a important or serious. Yet also, common documentaries are haven’t raise this topic yet, which gave me the opportunity to do so. This was mainly a gap in the market for me that other documentaries haven’t covered the issues that I am covering.