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Unit 07. & 34.
Image 1
This image was one of the eight photos I took for my storyboard, showcasing what was going to
occur in my film. There were two separate photos that I took for this particular part of the film
however I decided that this one looked significantly better.
Visual Codes
• Composition and Quality: The overall photo is simple and easy to understand in terms of context. Since the
photo was shot on my phone, one that doesn’t have a good enough camera, the image is slightly out of
focus (it ended up focusing on the door handle rather than my dogs paw which is the opposite of what I
wanted when I first took the photo).
• Contrast and Narrative: In contrast to the film I took inspiration from, Virgin Media Shorts award-winning
Rocket, there are some similarities between my photos and scenes from that short. For example there are
numerous themes in the short where a shot is taken from an angle where it looks like the dog is holding
and/or doing something himself when in reality it is either the person behind the camera or another
individual that is making the motion (e.g., in my photos I held my dogs paw on the door handle so when I
took the photo it would look as if he himself was opening the door). This photos fits in with the overall
narrative and premise of my film; that a dog, who is being completely ignored by the rest of the household,
attempts to sort out a situation himself.
• Representation and Reference: I don’t think that there is any specific meaning to this image other than
what shows is happening during this part of the film. I also don’t think that any part of my project is
referencing anything in particular (the plotline is taken inspiration from a previous short from Virgin Media
however none of the scenes in my own are similar to the ones shown in the short).
Codes Used
• Technology: The photo was taken on my phone (a Samsung A12) so you’re able to clearly tell that the
picture isn’t the best quality compared to the CANON cameras we use at College. The reason for not using a
camera was because I didn’t have access to one at the time and since I was short on time and didn’t want
to get further behind I thought that instead of waiting to book out and take a camera home from college I
would instead just take the photos on my phone to save time.
• Production Techniques, Image Manipulation and Construction: There is no form of editing on my eight
images what-so-ever. This is because, at the end of the day, I was behind on work and didn’t have the time
to edit my images in Photoshop or even on my phone (I was busy catching up on previous work that I had
been missing as well as other assignments). However I think that if I had the chance to edit my images I
would want to brighten the contrast (or the overall image) around my dog, this is because we were relying
on using natural lighting when we took the photos. I also noticed that the camera focused on the door
handle rather than my dog. I don’t dislike the image and I think that this version would look better
compared to a version of the camera focusing on my dog.
Image 1 Critical
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• Purpose: The intention of this image is to showcase what will occur during the short film. It is an image
from toward the end of the short film where my dog will open the door to the back garden in order to go
outside and play. I’m not too sure about how I could relate this image to the brief that we had been given
but I think it portrays what will occur during my short film well, since it obvious about what is happening in
the image.
• Opportunities for Development: It is obvious that this image could definitely be improved, through the use
of either Photoshop or the editing apps I have on my phone (e.g., PicsArt). As stated previously I would
want to increase the brightness of the overall image because of the lack of lighting I had during the time of
the photoshoot. I think that I would want the background (e.g., the door handle and the door) to be the
brightest part of the image and then have my dog be the only part of the image to have any sort of shade
to it. This is because I would want some contrast on the image to make it somewhat more interesting
rather than what the plain original image is.
• Visual Communication: You’re able to tell what is happening in the image because of it’s simplicity. I didn’t
want to try and make the photo look complicated or have any special meaning to it because I just wanted
my photos to represent what was going to happen in my film. Because the overall plot of my film is quite
simple and doesn’t have any particular theme or meaning behind it I don’t think there was any need to
make the images appear complicated or technical.
of the
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• Lack of Techniques: I didn’t implement any techniques into my photos because I didn’t have
the time or the equipment to do so (at the time the photos were taken Photoshop and
PremierPro were acting up and wouldn’t work correctly without crashing – I also thought
about using the editing apps on my phone since that was where I took the photos, however
a large majority of the filters and/or tools that I could use to improve my image were locked
behind a paywall so I was stuck with the standard).
• I have stated previously that my biggest dislike with the image is the brightness as well as
the blurriness (which couldn’t be helped since I was using my phone which doesn’t have the
best camera). Since I wasn’t aiming for the photos to be seen as ‘in-depth’ or ‘technical’ or
have some form of meaning behind them (or portraying a theme to the audience) I didn’t
bother trying to add anything to the images because it would just waste more time.
Image 2
This was another of the eight images that I took for my storyboard, which showed what
was going to happen in my short film. Like the previous photos there were two
separate photos that I took to see which would turn out better. The two ended up
looking similar so I just chose the first one I took.
• Composition and Quality: The photo is simplistic (as are all of the photos that I had taken) and it is
very easy to interpret what is happening. The camera on my phone isn’t good enough to take high
quality images so I was stuck with having images that looked blurry and/or out of focus.
• Contrast and Narrative: In contrast to what I took inspiration from I think that there are some
similarities between my photos and the short from Virgin Media. For example there are multiple
scenes of wide angle camera shots of the dog as they are trying to accomplish something. Although
my photo isn’t exactly the same, the photo is still at a wide angle shot. This photo fits in well with
the overall narrative of my short film since it shows off a part of what will occur during the short
film (e.g., this scene is during the beginning when my dog notices the weather and wants to go
outside and play so he decides to try and get the households attention).
• Representation and Reference: As stated previously there is no form of reference or representation
in my photos because it wasn’t something that I was aiming for. I wanted my photos to show the
audience what exactly is going to happen in my short film without the need of any techniques or
l Codes
• Technology: The quality of the photos wasn’t too great and almost all of the photos ended up
somewhat out of focus or focused on the wrong thing or just looked blurry in general. The phone
that I used to take the photos on isn’t one that’s great with a camera (the majority of Samsung
phone don’t have good quality cameras like iPhones).
• Production Techniques, Image Manipulation and Construction: I think that this image would also
benefit from having the brightness lifted. This is because there are areas on the image (especially
on my dog) where it looks too dim and I would want to be able to see the full image that has the
same brightness level. I also think that it would be a good idea to experiment with some of the
filters in Photoshop to see what I could experiment with. This image was one that I also used during
the creation of our quote on quote ‘merch’. With this I used the magic wand tool in Photoshop to
cut-out my dog. I then used the shape tool to create a rectangle and then I used the cut-out image
of my dog and put the two together. I then found font online (on Font Meme) and overlaid the font
onto the two images. I was able to make a logo using this image.
Image 2 Critical
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• Purpose: The intention of this image is to show my audience what is going to happen during my
short film. This image is set in the scene at the beginning of the short film when my dog notices the
good weather and decides that he wants to go outside, thus he tries to get the attention of the
household members and open the door for him so he can go play outside. As stated previously I’m
not too sure how I can relate this to the brief in anyway however the overall short film fits in with
the brief (e.g., the film fits with the duration of 1-2 minutes, doesn’t include any sound, only has one
film location and only has one actor involved). A reoccurring theme with my images is that you’re
able to tell what is clearly going on and what will occur during the film.
• Opportunities for Development: As mentioned previously, there are a lot of filters in Photoshop that
can alter the image. There is a particular filter titled ‘cut-out’ and alters the image to remove the
edges of the image and distort them. You’re also able to alter how you want to distort the image
e.g., you’re able to select how much of the edges of the image you would want to see, such as if you
would want them to still be present in the image or get rid of them completely.
• Original Intentions: If I had more time to retake my photos and have a good quality camera, I would
want there to be at least some form of detail. My original plan for my photos hasn’t changed since
the purpose of my photos was to be a part of my storyboards since I didn’t think there was any form
of meaning behind my plot for my short story at all.
of the
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• Quality: As expected, the photos aren’t great and could be improved greatly. Because
I was using a phone to take my photos the quality of my photos wasn’t what I wanted.
I think that my photos can obviously be improved through the use of a camera that I
could borrow from college. Since I was running out of time and was busy finishing
other work I had to rush.
• Pre-production and Planning: Before I took the photos, I had to plan out what my
storyboards would be. Since I already knew what my short film was going to be and all
of the scenes that were going to happen were already planned out, I found it easy to
plan my storyboard.
• Production: I ended up rushing the process of taking the photos since I was too
preoccupied with other work that I was behind on. Luckily enough I had already
planned out what I wanted my photos to look and how I would go about taking them.
There wasn’t much that occurred during the production process and I didn’t
encounter any issues either.
Image 3
The third of the eight images that I took for my storyboards (that were featured in Task 12 and Task 6 –
however during Task 6 we had yet to take the photos so they aren’t the same as the ones I’m using for a final
evaluation). There was only one photo for this particular part of the storyboard, since we somehow
managed to take it perfectly the first time.
• Composition and Quality: The photo represents one of the scenes in my storyboards and shows what will
occur during my short film (during this part of the short film where my dog decides to try and open the
back door so that he can go outside and play. This image shows him trying to reach the door handle). Out
of all of the photos that I had taken this was one of the only photos that came out in good quality.
• Contrast and Narrative: Although the photos that I had taken aren’t exactly like the scenes from the Virgin
Media short, there are some similarities (especially since I’m using the short as the inspiration from my
own idea, I decided that I would try and see what they had done and see if I could potentially replicate)
such as a particular scene in the short where the dog is seen standing on his two behind legs (exactly the
same as to how my dog is in this photo) however the only difference is that the short shows the dog trying
to jump onto the sofa to grab something to make his rocket.
• Technology: Compared to the other photos I had evaluated previous (as well as the other photos that I will
evaluate later on) this is one of the best I had taken. It doesn’t appear as blurry as the previous two and
the lighting also doesn’t effect the photo either because in the kitchen, where I took this particular photo,
the main light is just above the door to the back garden where I took the photo. Although the photo
could’ve been improved greatly through the use of a camera, I think that this particular photo isn’t too
• Audience: My audience isn’t a specific age range (because I don’t think that there is a specific age range
that my short film could go into – I was thinking that an age group similar to mine would be the best since I
would know what they like and dislike and since I am constantly surrounded by the similar age range at
college I can conduct interviews, surveys etc... In order to see what they would want to be improved or
what they wouldn’t want to see at all). If I see my age range as one similar to mine then I would have an
easier time trying to appeal and creating a product that they would like since I would be close to that age
range constantly at college to get their opinions through out the production process.
Image 3 Critical
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• Purpose: This photo showcases what is going to happen in my storyboards as well as my
short film. This part of the short film is toward the end when my dog decides to, instead of
gaining the attention of the household members, take matters in his own hands and tries to
open the door so that he can get into the back garden. However I took this photo during a
later time in the day (during the film I would want a shot of the garden to be bright outside
so you’re able to clearly see the full garden view as well as my dog) which is the opposite of
what I would want to happen in my film.
• Brief: I think that the overall storyboards as well as the my entire idea for this project fits in
with the brief that we had been given. In the brief it explains that the film can be no longer
than 1-2 minutes, can only include one actor (or one human actor) and include no dialogue,
unless spoken in rhyme. I think that my idea fits perfectly with this brief since the premise is
short, I will only have two actors; one being my dog who doesn’t class as a human actor and
a member of my household who won’t make much of an appearance aside from only having
certain body parts appear in shots.
of the
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• Quality: I think that the quality in this photo is a lot better compared to all of the other
photos that I had taken altogether. I think what sets the image a part from the previous two
is that the lighting is a lot better so you’re able to see my dog a lot clearer. I think that
shooting at a later time in the day also made it look better since there is no natural light
that could make the image look even brighter however I wouldn’t want to have to film at a
later time in the day since I would want there to be shots of the back garden that can be
visibly viewed by the audience as well as my dog also being present.
• Production: The production process of this image was rather simple. I had another member
of my household hold my dog up so that it looked as if he was trying to reach the door
handle by himself (it doesn’t look too good since you’re clearly able to see that someone is
holding him up but I intend to film it from a different angle where you wouldn’t be able to
see the other person). I took the photo at the same height level as my dog since I wanted to
try and fit his full body in the photo.
Image 4
The fourth of my eight images that I took for my storyboards – the ones featured in Task 6 and
Task 12. This was also another photo that was taken only once, since I didn’t think that there
was any reason to retake the photo since I thought that the photo was good enough.
• Composition and Quality: The photo is one of the last parts of my storyboard and a scene
that will feature in my short film. This particular scene is when my dog decides to go and
use his leash in order to try and open the back door since the other members of the
household were ignoring him. It is a close up shot of the leash (I also took another photo of
my dog next to leash to try and showcase what was happening since it wasn’t very clear in
this image.
• Referencing: Although the image doesn’t reference any particular already existing scene or
image from other products I think that it is a known idea of shooting from a particular angle
then it comes off as if someone else is doing something instead e.g., with my film I plan to
shoot from an angle when myself as well as another household member aren’t visible
whilst one of us holds onto the leash and my dog then we can make it look as though he
was doing it himself.
• Relationship to Other Media: As stated in previous tasks (as well as in this evaluation) I
have taken inspiration from an award winning short from Virgin Media titled ‘Rocket’. The
purpose of that video was to show a dog trying to create a rocket ship from parts of the
house he is living in. There are multiple shots where it is taken so it looks like the dog is
doing certain things (e.g., there is a scene in the short where the dog takes some cardboard,
however it is taken from a front perspective where you’re only able to see the cardboard
move and then it cuts to the dog) that I also would want to replicate in my own project.
• Cultural Differences: I do not think that any of the images that I have taken reference any
form of other culture nor any differences between cultures. The only reason I could think of
is that my particular breed of dog is different from those of other cultures since they aren’t
common in other countries.
Image 4 Critical
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• Original Intentions: My original intentions of this image is for my short film to reference the
one that I had taken inspiration from. I wanted to use some of the scenes that I liked from
the short and turn it into my own idea and use that in my final product. One of these scenes
is one that I have already mentioned previously. What I wanted from this photo was a close
up shot of the leash and my dogs paw on top, so it looked as it my dog was going to use the
door handle to open the door however at the time my dog was unavailable to use as a
photography model, so I had to change my plan and ended up with just a close up shot of
the leash.
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• Audience: ’Rocket’, the Virgin Media short I based my story upon, was a short that I had
researched during Task 7. I was unable to find, however, the target audience to the short so I
had to come up with my own interpretation as to what I believe would be a suitable
audience for the short. Since the short mainly features a dog as its main actor it is safe to
assume that the short is suitable for all ages. However if I had to pick a specific age range I
would believe it to be intended toward an older audience, since it was entered into a
competition. But I don’t want that same age range for my audience since I believe that it will
be easier to make a product that appeals to the same age range as myself (young adults).
• Industry Protocols: One of the tasks that we had been given previously was to identify and
give meaning to the different industry protocols within the film industry. I think that my
photos, in reference to the locations where the photo was taken and the actors that were
involved, follow the industry protocols of protecting not only the location of filming as well
as the well-being of my actors.
Image 5
The fifth of my eight images that I took for my storyboards – the ones featured in Task 6 and
Task 12. This image was one of the scenes that will occur either during the first few scenes of
the short film or toward the end (this is because I’m unsure of where I want to include this
• Composition and Quality: I am still undecided if I want to use this particular scene at
either the start or the end of my short film. This is because the wide of the garden fits in
well with the two scenes. E.g., the first scene at the beginning is when my dog notices the
weather outside and decides that he wants to go outside and play. The other scene is
toward the end where after struggling and is, finally, able to open the back door my dog
notices that the weather has turned miserable.
• Referencing: I’m glad that I was able to reference the full idea of my short film in the eight
photos that I took. There were a lot of issues regarding my time taking photos. 1.) I was
unable to book out a camera at the time since I had been focusing on previous work that I
had either not done or I needed to make corrections for. 2.) At the time of taking the
photos I still wasn’t sure about certain scenes of my short film and I didn’t want to shoot
anything until I was one hundred percent sure which meant that I had put off taking
photos for a while until I had to take them at random points in the day with no plan.
• Technology: Compared to the other photos that I had taken previously, as well as some
that will be evaluated further on, this particular photo is a lot more in focus than the
others. My intention was not to have the leash on the door handle and just focus on the
wide shot of the back garden. However since I was in a rush to take these photos I ended
up having to leave the leash on the door handle and just try to focus on the background. In
the end it seemed like the entire image ended up focusing, so I was able to get a good shot
of the garden. Because I had issues with previous photos focusing on the wrong part of the
image I was worried that the same would occur with this image however in the end it
turned out better.
Image 5 Critical
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• Original Intentions: As mentioned previously, I was unsure on where I wanted this part of
the short film to occur. My original intention of this was to have this scene at both the
start and end of the short film but I wanted the two shots to look different e.g., at the
start of the film where my dog sees the good weather outside and decides that he wants
to play and then at the end of the film where my dog is finally able to go outside but finds
that the weather has changed for the worst. I wanted to showcase the change in weather
toward the end of the film and try to use the same similar shots between the two.
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• Production Process: The process of taking this photo was a lot more simpler since I didn’t
have to have my dog model, which I had found to be quite challenging. Since the photo
was only going to be a wide shot of my back garden, there wasn’t much prep or thought
that went into taking the photograph. However my original intention was to just take a
wide angle shot of the garden by itself without any other props but because I was so
short on time I had to take all of the photos at once and didn’t have chance for any
redo's, hence why they don’t look as good (aside from the fact that they were shot on a
phone rather than a professional camera).
Image 6
The sixth of the eight images for my storyboards and what my final short film will look like in the
end. It’s original purpose is to represent the scene in the film at the beginning when my dog
notices the weather and wants to go outside and play.
• Composition and Quality: Because of the natural lighting, as well as some of the back lights in
our kitchen, the entire photo looks a lot brighter compared to the first photo shown previously.
I think that taking the photos during the day is what made the photos look a lot better
compared to when I had taken them on a previous night, the light from the window outside
made the photos look a lot more natural. And if I were to want to recreate that same lighting
with my previous other photos it wouldn’t look the same due to the natural lighting differences
and the time of day the two were taken.
• Visual Communication: You’re able to tell what is clearly happening in the photo, a dog is
looking outside with a lead next to him. You are then able to interpret what would happen next
in your head e.g., does the dog want to go on a walk? Is he feeling miserable because of the
weather? That was something that I wanted to attempt to create with this photo. I have
mentioned previously that there was no real theme or representation behind my photos but I
did want to try and see if I could create a photo where the audience would interpret their own
ending to it.
• Production Techniques, Image Manipulation and Construction: I don’t think that the image
requires any form of alternating on Photoshop or any kind of editing software. One of the only
issues I had with my images was the overall lack of detail in the photos e.g., the blurriness, how
they images were out of focus. However this was an issue that I could easily solve by booking
out a camera from college, which then would allow me to take higher resolution photographs.
However, as mentioned previously with another image, I would want to experiment to see if I
could alter the photography so that the rain you can see outside is then replaced with a
brighter background to represent a sunny day, which fits in with my storyboards since this
photo represents the beginning of my short film.
Image 6 Critical
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• Original Intentions: What I originally wanted was to get a good shot of my dog either
outside or looking out of the window. However since the weather wasn’t great the day I
had to shoot my photos, I decided that I would go with my second option. The whole
purpose of my photos was to showcase what was going to happen in my film, so that I
could get some form of idea as to what my ideas would look like and see if there was
anything that I would need to do before I began filming e.g., was there any props that I
would need to purchase, were there scenes that I intended up not wanting to
shoot/found difficulty to film.
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• Quality: During my time taking the photos for my storyboards I ended up shooting at
two separate times. I took the majority of the during night-time and the rest during the
day-time. The reason for this was because I needed someone to help me shoot some of
the photos (e.g., as you can see on some of the photos there is someone holding my dog
up whilst I take the photos) and this is because 1. I wasn’t able to shoot the photos
whilst holding my dog at the same time and 2. my household members often either work
or are busy during the time that I wanted to take photos so I had no choice but to wait.
Image 7
This is one of the last eight images I took for my storyboards. The photos is
supposed to showcase my dog trying to get the attention of other household
Visual Codes
• Composition and Quality: The photo is a lot brighter than I had originally wanted it
to be, this is because I had to take this photo in a different room than where I wanted
to e.g., this photo was supposed to be taken in the kitchen where there is a lot more
natural lighting. I also realized that you’re unable to see the full image due to where I
had taken the photo which also wasn’t intended. However the overall quality of the
image is decent (since this photo didn’t end up blurry or out of focus)
• Visual Communication: I don’t think that you’re able to tell what is going on in this
photo as clearly as the others. I think one of the main reasons being that I ended up
taking the photo in a position where you can’t see the whole of my dogs body. What I
wanted was to take a photo of my dog trying to get someone's attention by clawing
onto their chair but you’re unable to see that clearly in this photo since the bottom
half has been cut off.
Codes Used
• Production Techniques, Image Manipulation and Construction: I most definitely
think that this image would benefit from being shot in the same locations as the
previous photos. I would also want to make sure that I end up getting the whole of
the photo shot, rather than just having the bottom half cut off. I also think that
because the image is so bland that I also could experiment in Photoshop to see how I
could improve it. There is a few particular filters in Photoshop that I have used in
previous projects so I think that they could also look good for this image e.g., there is
a filter called ’cut-out’ where you can change the image completely and alternate the
shapes in your image (e.g., if I wanted to I could change the image to the point where
it would become unrecognizable). I used this particular filter as an experiment when
we created our merch.
Image 7 Critical
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• Purpose: The purpose of this image was supposed to showcase what was going to
happen in my short film. However during the time when I had to shoot my photos it
seems like I may have shot too close to my dog meaning that you’re unable to see his
bottom half. What I wanted to showcase was my dog trying to get the attention of a
household member since he wants to go outside and play but since the bottom half of
my dog has been cut off (to show him standing up on his front paws trying to get the
attention of the person sitting in the chair – which you also can’t see because of where I
took the image).
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• Production Process: The process of taking this image took a lot longer than I had
intended. This is because it was during the night-time and both myself, my dog and the
other person who helped me take the photos were tired. It also didn’t help that my dog
wouldn’t stay it the correct position and we had to retake the same photo a few times
before we took one that I thought looked good enough.
• Pre-production and Planning: By the time I had begun to take my photos at home, I had
already created a form of storyboard (seen in Task 6) where I used images online to sort
of showcase what I wanted to create. My original plan was to take photos in the same
location (e.g., my kitchen since the light is a lot more natural, especially since I would be
shooting during the day-time).
Image 8
This is the last of the eight images I took to showcase my storyboard
and/or what was going happen in my short film.
Codes Used
• Composition and Quality: The lighting in this image is much lighter compared to the
previous photo (since it was taken in the kitchen where there is a lot more natural lighting
because of the back door and the windows compared to my own room where you were
unable to see the window and the fact that it was taken later on in the evening). If I were
to want to recreate that same lighting as shown in these photos taken from my kitchen
then I would have to either 1. retake the photos or 2. edit them in Photoshop. However
both options I would find to be quite time consuming and that I wouldn’t have the time
since I would be busy either completing other work or beginning to actually shoot my
short film.
Codes Used
• Production Techniques, Image Manipulation and Construction: There is no form of
editing to any of my eight images since I had thought that there would be no point (this is
because I had thought that there would be no point to editing my images since there
really wouldn’t be anything for me to edit besides adding filters which I thought would
make the images look a lot less natural – this however I decided against after actually
taking my photos since I didn’t think that they were of good quality). With this image in
particular I don’t think that there is anything for me to really edit, you’re clearly able to
tell what the image is and the lighting or even the quality of the image is good. It also
helped that the weather was clear so that there was a lot more natural lighting. However
this image was supposed to represent the end of my film where the weather is supposed
to be rainy so that my dog cannot go outside.
Image 8 Critical
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• Original Intentions: What I originally wanted was to take an image of my back door open
and my dog sat by the door and looking out (just like image 6 however I would have to back
door open). I found that this would be almost impossible for me to shoot (even in my film)
since whenever the back door opens my dog is always immediately outside. However I
think that I may be to shoot it if I were to have assistance from one of my household
members but I don’t think that it would look as good since I would have to try and film at an
angle where you wouldn’t able to see someone holding my dog in place (I originally wanted
a shot of the bad weather outside as it then pans down to my dog looking out but since I
would need to have someone holding my dog I don’t think that it’s something I’m able to
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• Production Process: It didn’t take as long to shoot this image, since I didn’t have to worry
about my dog or getting my dog to behave and/or keep him sat in a specific position.
However I did want to take this particular photo during a time where the weather wasn’t
great since this image is supposed to symbolise the end of my short film when, after all of
his efforts, my dog is able to go outside and play only to discover that the weather has
gotten much worse since the first time he had noticed.
• Lack of techniques: As stated previously, there are no techniques in any of my photos. I
thought about using Photoshop to edit my images to see if I could alter the brightness on
some of them to try and replicate the ones taken with more natural lighting however I
thought that it would also be a lot more time wasting compared to what I would receive at
the end not being the best.

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07. & 34. evaluation

  • 2. Image 1 Image’s Original Purpose This image was one of the eight photos I took for my storyboard, showcasing what was going to occur in my film. There were two separate photos that I took for this particular part of the film however I decided that this one looked significantly better. Visual Codes Used • Composition and Quality: The overall photo is simple and easy to understand in terms of context. Since the photo was shot on my phone, one that doesn’t have a good enough camera, the image is slightly out of focus (it ended up focusing on the door handle rather than my dogs paw which is the opposite of what I wanted when I first took the photo). • Contrast and Narrative: In contrast to the film I took inspiration from, Virgin Media Shorts award-winning Rocket, there are some similarities between my photos and scenes from that short. For example there are numerous themes in the short where a shot is taken from an angle where it looks like the dog is holding and/or doing something himself when in reality it is either the person behind the camera or another individual that is making the motion (e.g., in my photos I held my dogs paw on the door handle so when I took the photo it would look as if he himself was opening the door). This photos fits in with the overall narrative and premise of my film; that a dog, who is being completely ignored by the rest of the household, attempts to sort out a situation himself. • Representation and Reference: I don’t think that there is any specific meaning to this image other than what shows is happening during this part of the film. I also don’t think that any part of my project is referencing anything in particular (the plotline is taken inspiration from a previous short from Virgin Media however none of the scenes in my own are similar to the ones shown in the short). Technical Codes Used • Technology: The photo was taken on my phone (a Samsung A12) so you’re able to clearly tell that the picture isn’t the best quality compared to the CANON cameras we use at College. The reason for not using a camera was because I didn’t have access to one at the time and since I was short on time and didn’t want to get further behind I thought that instead of waiting to book out and take a camera home from college I would instead just take the photos on my phone to save time. • Production Techniques, Image Manipulation and Construction: There is no form of editing on my eight images what-so-ever. This is because, at the end of the day, I was behind on work and didn’t have the time to edit my images in Photoshop or even on my phone (I was busy catching up on previous work that I had been missing as well as other assignments). However I think that if I had the chance to edit my images I would want to brighten the contrast (or the overall image) around my dog, this is because we were relying on using natural lighting when we took the photos. I also noticed that the camera focused on the door handle rather than my dog. I don’t dislike the image and I think that this version would look better compared to a version of the camera focusing on my dog. Image Here
  • 3. Image 1 Critical reflection of the image’s ability to realise purpose • Purpose: The intention of this image is to showcase what will occur during the short film. It is an image from toward the end of the short film where my dog will open the door to the back garden in order to go outside and play. I’m not too sure about how I could relate this image to the brief that we had been given but I think it portrays what will occur during my short film well, since it obvious about what is happening in the image. • Opportunities for Development: It is obvious that this image could definitely be improved, through the use of either Photoshop or the editing apps I have on my phone (e.g., PicsArt). As stated previously I would want to increase the brightness of the overall image because of the lack of lighting I had during the time of the photoshoot. I think that I would want the background (e.g., the door handle and the door) to be the brightest part of the image and then have my dog be the only part of the image to have any sort of shade to it. This is because I would want some contrast on the image to make it somewhat more interesting rather than what the plain original image is. • Visual Communication: You’re able to tell what is happening in the image because of it’s simplicity. I didn’t want to try and make the photo look complicated or have any special meaning to it because I just wanted my photos to represent what was going to happen in my film. Because the overall plot of my film is quite simple and doesn’t have any particular theme or meaning behind it I don’t think there was any need to make the images appear complicated or technical. Critical reflection of the image’s quality of execution • Lack of Techniques: I didn’t implement any techniques into my photos because I didn’t have the time or the equipment to do so (at the time the photos were taken Photoshop and PremierPro were acting up and wouldn’t work correctly without crashing – I also thought about using the editing apps on my phone since that was where I took the photos, however a large majority of the filters and/or tools that I could use to improve my image were locked behind a paywall so I was stuck with the standard). • I have stated previously that my biggest dislike with the image is the brightness as well as the blurriness (which couldn’t be helped since I was using my phone which doesn’t have the best camera). Since I wasn’t aiming for the photos to be seen as ‘in-depth’ or ‘technical’ or have some form of meaning behind them (or portraying a theme to the audience) I didn’t bother trying to add anything to the images because it would just waste more time. Image Here
  • 4. Image 2 Image’s Original Purpose This was another of the eight images that I took for my storyboard, which showed what was going to happen in my short film. Like the previous photos there were two separate photos that I took to see which would turn out better. The two ended up looking similar so I just chose the first one I took. Visual Codes Used • Composition and Quality: The photo is simplistic (as are all of the photos that I had taken) and it is very easy to interpret what is happening. The camera on my phone isn’t good enough to take high quality images so I was stuck with having images that looked blurry and/or out of focus. • Contrast and Narrative: In contrast to what I took inspiration from I think that there are some similarities between my photos and the short from Virgin Media. For example there are multiple scenes of wide angle camera shots of the dog as they are trying to accomplish something. Although my photo isn’t exactly the same, the photo is still at a wide angle shot. This photo fits in well with the overall narrative of my short film since it shows off a part of what will occur during the short film (e.g., this scene is during the beginning when my dog notices the weather and wants to go outside and play so he decides to try and get the households attention). • Representation and Reference: As stated previously there is no form of reference or representation in my photos because it wasn’t something that I was aiming for. I wanted my photos to show the audience what exactly is going to happen in my short film without the need of any techniques or meaning. Technica l Codes Used • Technology: The quality of the photos wasn’t too great and almost all of the photos ended up somewhat out of focus or focused on the wrong thing or just looked blurry in general. The phone that I used to take the photos on isn’t one that’s great with a camera (the majority of Samsung phone don’t have good quality cameras like iPhones). • Production Techniques, Image Manipulation and Construction: I think that this image would also benefit from having the brightness lifted. This is because there are areas on the image (especially on my dog) where it looks too dim and I would want to be able to see the full image that has the same brightness level. I also think that it would be a good idea to experiment with some of the filters in Photoshop to see what I could experiment with. This image was one that I also used during the creation of our quote on quote ‘merch’. With this I used the magic wand tool in Photoshop to cut-out my dog. I then used the shape tool to create a rectangle and then I used the cut-out image of my dog and put the two together. I then found font online (on Font Meme) and overlaid the font onto the two images. I was able to make a logo using this image. Image Here
  • 5. Image 2 Critical reflection of the image’s ability to realise purpose • Purpose: The intention of this image is to show my audience what is going to happen during my short film. This image is set in the scene at the beginning of the short film when my dog notices the good weather and decides that he wants to go outside, thus he tries to get the attention of the household members and open the door for him so he can go play outside. As stated previously I’m not too sure how I can relate this to the brief in anyway however the overall short film fits in with the brief (e.g., the film fits with the duration of 1-2 minutes, doesn’t include any sound, only has one film location and only has one actor involved). A reoccurring theme with my images is that you’re able to tell what is clearly going on and what will occur during the film. • Opportunities for Development: As mentioned previously, there are a lot of filters in Photoshop that can alter the image. There is a particular filter titled ‘cut-out’ and alters the image to remove the edges of the image and distort them. You’re also able to alter how you want to distort the image e.g., you’re able to select how much of the edges of the image you would want to see, such as if you would want them to still be present in the image or get rid of them completely. • Original Intentions: If I had more time to retake my photos and have a good quality camera, I would want there to be at least some form of detail. My original plan for my photos hasn’t changed since the purpose of my photos was to be a part of my storyboards since I didn’t think there was any form of meaning behind my plot for my short story at all. Critical reflection of the image’s quality of execution • Quality: As expected, the photos aren’t great and could be improved greatly. Because I was using a phone to take my photos the quality of my photos wasn’t what I wanted. I think that my photos can obviously be improved through the use of a camera that I could borrow from college. Since I was running out of time and was busy finishing other work I had to rush. • Pre-production and Planning: Before I took the photos, I had to plan out what my storyboards would be. Since I already knew what my short film was going to be and all of the scenes that were going to happen were already planned out, I found it easy to plan my storyboard. • Production: I ended up rushing the process of taking the photos since I was too preoccupied with other work that I was behind on. Luckily enough I had already planned out what I wanted my photos to look and how I would go about taking them. There wasn’t much that occurred during the production process and I didn’t encounter any issues either. Image Here
  • 6. Image 3 Image’s Original Purpos e The third of the eight images that I took for my storyboards (that were featured in Task 12 and Task 6 – however during Task 6 we had yet to take the photos so they aren’t the same as the ones I’m using for a final evaluation). There was only one photo for this particular part of the storyboard, since we somehow managed to take it perfectly the first time. Visual Codes Used • Composition and Quality: The photo represents one of the scenes in my storyboards and shows what will occur during my short film (during this part of the short film where my dog decides to try and open the back door so that he can go outside and play. This image shows him trying to reach the door handle). Out of all of the photos that I had taken this was one of the only photos that came out in good quality. • Contrast and Narrative: Although the photos that I had taken aren’t exactly like the scenes from the Virgin Media short, there are some similarities (especially since I’m using the short as the inspiration from my own idea, I decided that I would try and see what they had done and see if I could potentially replicate) such as a particular scene in the short where the dog is seen standing on his two behind legs (exactly the same as to how my dog is in this photo) however the only difference is that the short shows the dog trying to jump onto the sofa to grab something to make his rocket. Technic al Codes Used • Technology: Compared to the other photos I had evaluated previous (as well as the other photos that I will evaluate later on) this is one of the best I had taken. It doesn’t appear as blurry as the previous two and the lighting also doesn’t effect the photo either because in the kitchen, where I took this particular photo, the main light is just above the door to the back garden where I took the photo. Although the photo could’ve been improved greatly through the use of a camera, I think that this particular photo isn’t too bad. • Audience: My audience isn’t a specific age range (because I don’t think that there is a specific age range that my short film could go into – I was thinking that an age group similar to mine would be the best since I would know what they like and dislike and since I am constantly surrounded by the similar age range at college I can conduct interviews, surveys etc... In order to see what they would want to be improved or what they wouldn’t want to see at all). If I see my age range as one similar to mine then I would have an easier time trying to appeal and creating a product that they would like since I would be close to that age range constantly at college to get their opinions through out the production process. Image Here
  • 7. Image 3 Critical reflection of the image’s ability to realise purpose • Purpose: This photo showcases what is going to happen in my storyboards as well as my short film. This part of the short film is toward the end when my dog decides to, instead of gaining the attention of the household members, take matters in his own hands and tries to open the door so that he can get into the back garden. However I took this photo during a later time in the day (during the film I would want a shot of the garden to be bright outside so you’re able to clearly see the full garden view as well as my dog) which is the opposite of what I would want to happen in my film. • Brief: I think that the overall storyboards as well as the my entire idea for this project fits in with the brief that we had been given. In the brief it explains that the film can be no longer than 1-2 minutes, can only include one actor (or one human actor) and include no dialogue, unless spoken in rhyme. I think that my idea fits perfectly with this brief since the premise is short, I will only have two actors; one being my dog who doesn’t class as a human actor and a member of my household who won’t make much of an appearance aside from only having certain body parts appear in shots. Critical reflection of the image’s quality of execution • Quality: I think that the quality in this photo is a lot better compared to all of the other photos that I had taken altogether. I think what sets the image a part from the previous two is that the lighting is a lot better so you’re able to see my dog a lot clearer. I think that shooting at a later time in the day also made it look better since there is no natural light that could make the image look even brighter however I wouldn’t want to have to film at a later time in the day since I would want there to be shots of the back garden that can be visibly viewed by the audience as well as my dog also being present. • Production: The production process of this image was rather simple. I had another member of my household hold my dog up so that it looked as if he was trying to reach the door handle by himself (it doesn’t look too good since you’re clearly able to see that someone is holding him up but I intend to film it from a different angle where you wouldn’t be able to see the other person). I took the photo at the same height level as my dog since I wanted to try and fit his full body in the photo. Image Here
  • 8. Image 4 Image’s Original Purpose The fourth of my eight images that I took for my storyboards – the ones featured in Task 6 and Task 12. This was also another photo that was taken only once, since I didn’t think that there was any reason to retake the photo since I thought that the photo was good enough. Visual Codes Used • Composition and Quality: The photo is one of the last parts of my storyboard and a scene that will feature in my short film. This particular scene is when my dog decides to go and use his leash in order to try and open the back door since the other members of the household were ignoring him. It is a close up shot of the leash (I also took another photo of my dog next to leash to try and showcase what was happening since it wasn’t very clear in this image. • Referencing: Although the image doesn’t reference any particular already existing scene or image from other products I think that it is a known idea of shooting from a particular angle then it comes off as if someone else is doing something instead e.g., with my film I plan to shoot from an angle when myself as well as another household member aren’t visible whilst one of us holds onto the leash and my dog then we can make it look as though he was doing it himself. Technical Codes Used • Relationship to Other Media: As stated in previous tasks (as well as in this evaluation) I have taken inspiration from an award winning short from Virgin Media titled ‘Rocket’. The purpose of that video was to show a dog trying to create a rocket ship from parts of the house he is living in. There are multiple shots where it is taken so it looks like the dog is doing certain things (e.g., there is a scene in the short where the dog takes some cardboard, however it is taken from a front perspective where you’re only able to see the cardboard move and then it cuts to the dog) that I also would want to replicate in my own project. • Cultural Differences: I do not think that any of the images that I have taken reference any form of other culture nor any differences between cultures. The only reason I could think of is that my particular breed of dog is different from those of other cultures since they aren’t common in other countries. Image Here
  • 9. Image 4 Critical reflection of the image’s ability to realise purpose • Original Intentions: My original intentions of this image is for my short film to reference the one that I had taken inspiration from. I wanted to use some of the scenes that I liked from the short and turn it into my own idea and use that in my final product. One of these scenes is one that I have already mentioned previously. What I wanted from this photo was a close up shot of the leash and my dogs paw on top, so it looked as it my dog was going to use the door handle to open the door however at the time my dog was unavailable to use as a photography model, so I had to change my plan and ended up with just a close up shot of the leash. Critical reflection of the image’s quality of execution • Audience: ’Rocket’, the Virgin Media short I based my story upon, was a short that I had researched during Task 7. I was unable to find, however, the target audience to the short so I had to come up with my own interpretation as to what I believe would be a suitable audience for the short. Since the short mainly features a dog as its main actor it is safe to assume that the short is suitable for all ages. However if I had to pick a specific age range I would believe it to be intended toward an older audience, since it was entered into a competition. But I don’t want that same age range for my audience since I believe that it will be easier to make a product that appeals to the same age range as myself (young adults). • Industry Protocols: One of the tasks that we had been given previously was to identify and give meaning to the different industry protocols within the film industry. I think that my photos, in reference to the locations where the photo was taken and the actors that were involved, follow the industry protocols of protecting not only the location of filming as well as the well-being of my actors. Image Here
  • 10. Image 5 Image’s Original Purpose The fifth of my eight images that I took for my storyboards – the ones featured in Task 6 and Task 12. This image was one of the scenes that will occur either during the first few scenes of the short film or toward the end (this is because I’m unsure of where I want to include this part). Visual Codes Used • Composition and Quality: I am still undecided if I want to use this particular scene at either the start or the end of my short film. This is because the wide of the garden fits in well with the two scenes. E.g., the first scene at the beginning is when my dog notices the weather outside and decides that he wants to go outside and play. The other scene is toward the end where after struggling and is, finally, able to open the back door my dog notices that the weather has turned miserable. • Referencing: I’m glad that I was able to reference the full idea of my short film in the eight photos that I took. There were a lot of issues regarding my time taking photos. 1.) I was unable to book out a camera at the time since I had been focusing on previous work that I had either not done or I needed to make corrections for. 2.) At the time of taking the photos I still wasn’t sure about certain scenes of my short film and I didn’t want to shoot anything until I was one hundred percent sure which meant that I had put off taking photos for a while until I had to take them at random points in the day with no plan. Technical Codes Used • Technology: Compared to the other photos that I had taken previously, as well as some that will be evaluated further on, this particular photo is a lot more in focus than the others. My intention was not to have the leash on the door handle and just focus on the wide shot of the back garden. However since I was in a rush to take these photos I ended up having to leave the leash on the door handle and just try to focus on the background. In the end it seemed like the entire image ended up focusing, so I was able to get a good shot of the garden. Because I had issues with previous photos focusing on the wrong part of the image I was worried that the same would occur with this image however in the end it turned out better. Image Here
  • 11. Image 5 Critical reflection of the image’s ability to realise purpose • Original Intentions: As mentioned previously, I was unsure on where I wanted this part of the short film to occur. My original intention of this was to have this scene at both the start and end of the short film but I wanted the two shots to look different e.g., at the start of the film where my dog sees the good weather outside and decides that he wants to play and then at the end of the film where my dog is finally able to go outside but finds that the weather has changed for the worst. I wanted to showcase the change in weather toward the end of the film and try to use the same similar shots between the two. Critical reflection of the image’s quality of execution • Production Process: The process of taking this photo was a lot more simpler since I didn’t have to have my dog model, which I had found to be quite challenging. Since the photo was only going to be a wide shot of my back garden, there wasn’t much prep or thought that went into taking the photograph. However my original intention was to just take a wide angle shot of the garden by itself without any other props but because I was so short on time I had to take all of the photos at once and didn’t have chance for any redo's, hence why they don’t look as good (aside from the fact that they were shot on a phone rather than a professional camera). Image Here
  • 12. Image 6 Image’s Original Purpose The sixth of the eight images for my storyboards and what my final short film will look like in the end. It’s original purpose is to represent the scene in the film at the beginning when my dog notices the weather and wants to go outside and play. Visual Codes Used • Composition and Quality: Because of the natural lighting, as well as some of the back lights in our kitchen, the entire photo looks a lot brighter compared to the first photo shown previously. I think that taking the photos during the day is what made the photos look a lot better compared to when I had taken them on a previous night, the light from the window outside made the photos look a lot more natural. And if I were to want to recreate that same lighting with my previous other photos it wouldn’t look the same due to the natural lighting differences and the time of day the two were taken. • Visual Communication: You’re able to tell what is clearly happening in the photo, a dog is looking outside with a lead next to him. You are then able to interpret what would happen next in your head e.g., does the dog want to go on a walk? Is he feeling miserable because of the weather? That was something that I wanted to attempt to create with this photo. I have mentioned previously that there was no real theme or representation behind my photos but I did want to try and see if I could create a photo where the audience would interpret their own ending to it. Technical Codes Used • Production Techniques, Image Manipulation and Construction: I don’t think that the image requires any form of alternating on Photoshop or any kind of editing software. One of the only issues I had with my images was the overall lack of detail in the photos e.g., the blurriness, how they images were out of focus. However this was an issue that I could easily solve by booking out a camera from college, which then would allow me to take higher resolution photographs. However, as mentioned previously with another image, I would want to experiment to see if I could alter the photography so that the rain you can see outside is then replaced with a brighter background to represent a sunny day, which fits in with my storyboards since this photo represents the beginning of my short film. Image Here
  • 13. Image 6 Critical reflection of the image’s ability to realise purpose • Original Intentions: What I originally wanted was to get a good shot of my dog either outside or looking out of the window. However since the weather wasn’t great the day I had to shoot my photos, I decided that I would go with my second option. The whole purpose of my photos was to showcase what was going to happen in my film, so that I could get some form of idea as to what my ideas would look like and see if there was anything that I would need to do before I began filming e.g., was there any props that I would need to purchase, were there scenes that I intended up not wanting to shoot/found difficulty to film. Critical reflection of the image’s quality of execution • Quality: During my time taking the photos for my storyboards I ended up shooting at two separate times. I took the majority of the during night-time and the rest during the day-time. The reason for this was because I needed someone to help me shoot some of the photos (e.g., as you can see on some of the photos there is someone holding my dog up whilst I take the photos) and this is because 1. I wasn’t able to shoot the photos whilst holding my dog at the same time and 2. my household members often either work or are busy during the time that I wanted to take photos so I had no choice but to wait. Image Here
  • 14. Image 7 Image’s Original Purpose This is one of the last eight images I took for my storyboards. The photos is supposed to showcase my dog trying to get the attention of other household members. Visual Codes Used • Composition and Quality: The photo is a lot brighter than I had originally wanted it to be, this is because I had to take this photo in a different room than where I wanted to e.g., this photo was supposed to be taken in the kitchen where there is a lot more natural lighting. I also realized that you’re unable to see the full image due to where I had taken the photo which also wasn’t intended. However the overall quality of the image is decent (since this photo didn’t end up blurry or out of focus) • Visual Communication: I don’t think that you’re able to tell what is going on in this photo as clearly as the others. I think one of the main reasons being that I ended up taking the photo in a position where you can’t see the whole of my dogs body. What I wanted was to take a photo of my dog trying to get someone's attention by clawing onto their chair but you’re unable to see that clearly in this photo since the bottom half has been cut off. Technical Codes Used • Production Techniques, Image Manipulation and Construction: I most definitely think that this image would benefit from being shot in the same locations as the previous photos. I would also want to make sure that I end up getting the whole of the photo shot, rather than just having the bottom half cut off. I also think that because the image is so bland that I also could experiment in Photoshop to see how I could improve it. There is a few particular filters in Photoshop that I have used in previous projects so I think that they could also look good for this image e.g., there is a filter called ’cut-out’ where you can change the image completely and alternate the shapes in your image (e.g., if I wanted to I could change the image to the point where it would become unrecognizable). I used this particular filter as an experiment when we created our merch. Image Here
  • 15. Image 7 Critical reflection of the image’s ability to realise purpose • Purpose: The purpose of this image was supposed to showcase what was going to happen in my short film. However during the time when I had to shoot my photos it seems like I may have shot too close to my dog meaning that you’re unable to see his bottom half. What I wanted to showcase was my dog trying to get the attention of a household member since he wants to go outside and play but since the bottom half of my dog has been cut off (to show him standing up on his front paws trying to get the attention of the person sitting in the chair – which you also can’t see because of where I took the image). Critical reflection of the image’s quality of execution • Production Process: The process of taking this image took a lot longer than I had intended. This is because it was during the night-time and both myself, my dog and the other person who helped me take the photos were tired. It also didn’t help that my dog wouldn’t stay it the correct position and we had to retake the same photo a few times before we took one that I thought looked good enough. • Pre-production and Planning: By the time I had begun to take my photos at home, I had already created a form of storyboard (seen in Task 6) where I used images online to sort of showcase what I wanted to create. My original plan was to take photos in the same location (e.g., my kitchen since the light is a lot more natural, especially since I would be shooting during the day-time). Image Here
  • 16. Image 8 Image’s Original Purpose This is the last of the eight images I took to showcase my storyboard and/or what was going happen in my short film. Visual Codes Used • Composition and Quality: The lighting in this image is much lighter compared to the previous photo (since it was taken in the kitchen where there is a lot more natural lighting because of the back door and the windows compared to my own room where you were unable to see the window and the fact that it was taken later on in the evening). If I were to want to recreate that same lighting as shown in these photos taken from my kitchen then I would have to either 1. retake the photos or 2. edit them in Photoshop. However both options I would find to be quite time consuming and that I wouldn’t have the time since I would be busy either completing other work or beginning to actually shoot my short film. Technical Codes Used • Production Techniques, Image Manipulation and Construction: There is no form of editing to any of my eight images since I had thought that there would be no point (this is because I had thought that there would be no point to editing my images since there really wouldn’t be anything for me to edit besides adding filters which I thought would make the images look a lot less natural – this however I decided against after actually taking my photos since I didn’t think that they were of good quality). With this image in particular I don’t think that there is anything for me to really edit, you’re clearly able to tell what the image is and the lighting or even the quality of the image is good. It also helped that the weather was clear so that there was a lot more natural lighting. However this image was supposed to represent the end of my film where the weather is supposed to be rainy so that my dog cannot go outside. Image Here
  • 17. Image 8 Critical reflection of the image’s ability to realise purpose • Original Intentions: What I originally wanted was to take an image of my back door open and my dog sat by the door and looking out (just like image 6 however I would have to back door open). I found that this would be almost impossible for me to shoot (even in my film) since whenever the back door opens my dog is always immediately outside. However I think that I may be to shoot it if I were to have assistance from one of my household members but I don’t think that it would look as good since I would have to try and film at an angle where you wouldn’t able to see someone holding my dog in place (I originally wanted a shot of the bad weather outside as it then pans down to my dog looking out but since I would need to have someone holding my dog I don’t think that it’s something I’m able to do). Critical reflection of the image’s quality of execution • Production Process: It didn’t take as long to shoot this image, since I didn’t have to worry about my dog or getting my dog to behave and/or keep him sat in a specific position. However I did want to take this particular photo during a time where the weather wasn’t great since this image is supposed to symbolise the end of my short film when, after all of his efforts, my dog is able to go outside and play only to discover that the weather has gotten much worse since the first time he had noticed. • Lack of techniques: As stated previously, there are no techniques in any of my photos. I thought about using Photoshop to edit my images to see if I could alter the brightness on some of them to try and replicate the ones taken with more natural lighting however I thought that it would also be a lot more time wasting compared to what I would receive at the end not being the best. Image Here