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George Wetton
Product Research
Existing product research
Existing Product – Trailer one
The Blair witch project teaser trailer
My first product that I will take a look at is this teaser trailer for the Blair witch project.
This film is set on a camera throughout the whole of the film so various shots in the teaser
pick that up. However it starts off with the credit logo and then total darkness where you
can hear a distraught lady crying claiming it to be her apology video. Already this causes
interest to the viewer. Diving straight into the plot as opposed to showing how it set up in
a trailer. The film looks like its given a very realistic tone to it and feels more like a horror
documentary than a film with actors. With various messages coming up giving a little
context as to who the girl is and what she was doing to end up there. The music is very
tense despite it being very quite too the music works in line with the text and bounces
well with each shocking thing appears in the teaser. It has a knocking rhythm that gets
more apparent as the trailer goes on with it building tension as the trailer goes on. Various
news reports start cropping up from various channels to narrate a little as what
occurrence has happened in that the part of the plot of the film. When the narration for
these events are happening that’s when we get our first shots of what seems to be the
footage of the crime scene. Picking up various shots of the trees up above and shots of the
floor down below. As well as the equipment that was used during the events like the
cameras. The trailer is really trying to pull off a documentary style presenting it with
interviews and apparent found footage. The eeriness of the colour being very grey and
dull set’s the scene that this is very melancholy and doesn’t look like anything that should
be counted as too realistic. The first title card arrives as the light shines through on the
text and then we are found back to the woman but this time we can see her. The audience
would have been on their seats whist watching this because of how real she is and how
she appears to be out of the frame of the camera. Filming herself and being up close to
the camera during a scary moment. The title of the film appear in a similar style to the
previous title card. The final shots have the character running with the camera being very
shaky and there being a lot of screaming.
Teaser trailer
Existing Product – Trailer two
Donnie Darko (2001) full trailer
Already this film is entering some interesting camera work starting off with a Dutch
camera tilt and having the teacher looking like she is narrating the scenes by putting
her voice over a few shots of the trailer. There are various white flashes that transition
from scene to scene. This fits in with the music and it’s the music rhythm that starts it
off. A lot of the various shots have themselves fade out in the darkness before the next
shot enters. This is a good technique to transition each shot in the film into the trailer
as it fits well with the music. Adding to the dramatic effect that music is also trying to
pull off. Of course this doesn't do this transitioning effect for every shot but works for
the ones that it does. With this being a full trailer it’s a lot longer and includes a variety
of a lot more scenes. Really delving it the mind of Donnie by showing loads of shots for
a few seconds really fast. It can also been seen as a full trailer from the amount of title
cards it uses. Using words like ‘time travel’ and ‘sacrifice’ to show some of the pointers
and factors that the film has to offer. As the trailer goes further on. The music starts
getting a lot faster to fit in line with all the fast shots and the title cards become a lot
more zoomed in. So that they are a lot more eye catching than what they were like
before. These shots of the film get so fast that they are only there to witness for a split
second when it comes to the end. The title arrives and then actors who have appeared
in the film come up at the end. This interesting way of laying it out is a good selling
point. May not be one that everyone will concentrate on but for any film fanatics is
noticeable. The cast usually appear before the title. This leaves a lasting impression of
the how huge and great the cast are in these last few shots of the trailer. The cast
doesn’t give off just one or two people that will appear but eight different cast
members. The music that plays in the back as well feels very anonymous and contrasts
to the more past pacing music that we got before the title had emerged. The last shot is
of the billing card which can been on posters. This usually is the last thing that appear
in trailers.
Full trailer
Existing Product – Trailer three
Sneak peak teaser
Spiderman Homecoming (2017) sneak peak
This six second clip is very short but it’s a sneak peak for the trailer
that you will get soon. This specific teaser is what inspired me to do
a sneak peak teaser. There isn’t an awful lot to analyse because its
so short. We see one shot of the spider gadgetry flying of the
chest. Then a title card emerges which says ‘tomorrow’ telling us
the release of when the teaser will be released. Then another shot
cuts in to what seems to be a fight on airplane. The title of the film
appear and then it stopes. This teaser only consists of two scenes
from the film and even with those two scenes you don’t feel like
you are taking anything away from them. With this film being
completely new and not a sequel to any other of the spiderman
films. It’s a nice way of hinting what the suit and what the
production values might hold for the next film. It gives the modern
day look a hint as to what the audience should expect. In terms of
title cards they are done with a blue background and yellow letters
connotating to it to resemble Spiderman's suit. In conclusion this
sneak peak isn’t meant to give off a lot of what the plot is about.
It’s merely meant to give the audience an urge of an excitement
and to shows them what is to come.
Existing Product – Trailer four
Full trailer
My friend Dahmer (2017) full trailer
The film starts off with a causal introduction of Dahmer and his mates. Already
setting of the creepy tone of how casual it looks but how awkward Dahmer is. Most
that starts this off is usual to horror films. It doesn’t feel creepy and like the start it
feels casual. We see what Dahmer s life is like day to day and it almost makes you
sympathise for him. Seeing how bullied and bad he was. The whole set up doesn't
feel like horror with the light music. Right until the camera takes the photo and the
screen goes black and white. Maybe symbolising the fact that not everything black
and white. That the is boy is truly messed up. The music becomes a lot more darker
and it starts to really feel like a horror. It get’s to the point where it feels like there
isn’t even any music. Making the audience focus more on dialogue and the sound
effects that are in the actual shots of the trailer. When the title cards show up, they
do it in a way the other trailers didn’t. As opposed to giving various words that hold
relevance to the plot. This film gives reviews from various other companies that
have their opinion on the film. Again just like the Donnie Darko film as the trailer
goes on the shots that are being shown go a lot faster and music is also a lot more
faster. All the cast members names however are shown in one go in contrast to the
Donnie dark one. Fitting in five cast member into one card. Eventually it slows
down right up to the end. Still holding the tapping sound that the music has to
offer. This film slows down to just two more shots of the film when the music is
slow and end with the chilling line “I'm just like anybody else” being said by
Dahmer. The doors shuts and we left with the title and a faint echo of whatever
appears to sound like a bang. Again like all the other film trailers, this end’s with a
billing card telling you the various cast and crew.
Comparing my friend Dahmer to
Donnie dark old/modern
These are two films that can’t be made much of a
comparison to. They are both horror but are very
different films. However in terms of how it’s been
shot and how the trailer has been presented there’s
are few subtle things that can be picked up on.
Whilst there isn’t a big age difference between the
two. You can certainly tell even from the companies
that are being the presented and the
cinematography that it’s a bit more older. There are
few subtle things that are presented in this trailer
too that show how advanced we’ve got since then
with the sound effects and the music. The faint echo
that has been placed after each quick shot is being
shown. Amongst other things whilst the theme of
the film is being presented in this way. The subtle
flashes that are shown in the lettering show that the
film has that early 20’s vibe. When comparing it to
the my friend Dahmer trailer. You can already tell
with the music sounding a lot more crisp and the
quality of the video looking much better. The
eeriness feels like its been transitioned better as
well. Going from jovial music to something with a
slight echo and low tone. With selling the trailers are
vastly different. The ‘my friend Dahmer’ has multiple
reviews and star ratings presented to sell the film
but the ‘Donnie Darko’ one has none. This just
shows that cinema has got much better in
presentation when it comes to selling the film.
Donnie Darko (2001)
My friend Dahmer (2017)
Research Analysis - Trailer
What common features do the researched products
The main common feature that all these trailer have is that they all do well in building up
the tone of the horror film. It paces up with the more that get’s revealed. The only thing
that doesn’t have a common feature is the sneak peak Spiderman homecoming teaser. The
only thing that can be used in comparison to the others is the multiple flashes that are used
to transition the scenes. This makes the scenes more intense and is a good use of style,
especially when it comes to psychological films because it’s entering the character’s mind.
Also with these trailers apart from ‘spiderman’ one. The music is very delicate and quiet
because they are horror films. There are some point’s of the trailer where the music is so
quiet you won’t be able to hear the sound of it. Another feature that occurs a lot in these
trailers is its uses of colours. Even if it’s a sunny day in the film. The image of it all has been
desaturated. So that it’s given a dull melancholy feel that makes the film fit in with the
darker aspects of the rest of the film. These trailers including the ‘spiderman’ one hold’s
everything that is needed when presenting a trailer. From the cast, title, date and title
cards. Another element that I found common when researching these products is the two
films ‘my friend Dahmer’ and ‘the Blair witch project’. Both have a continuous knocking
effect that works well with music and the shots of the trailers that are being presented.
That last thing that can be noted when concentrating on the common features that are
being presented is in relation to the films itself and the main characters of the film. Whilst
‘my friend Dahmer’ is based of true story and his a lot more sinister than the ‘Donnie
Darko’ trailer. They both still delve into the mind’s of both characters in the trailer. Seeing
the psychology of what was going on in their minds.
Research Analysis - Trailer
What aspects of the research will you include within your on
The aspect that I want to include in my trailer that I have took from these trailers is the
suspension of music. How the music gets more faster and dramatic in a similar way to the
‘Donnie Darko’ and ‘My friend Dahmer’ trailers. With the ‘my Friend Dahmer’ trailer. It
shows the film start off as not being comedic but not as serious as later on. The darker
aspects of the film build on as the more is revealed. This makes it even more sinister when
you find out more stuff that the killer has done. In contrast to the ‘Blair witch project’.
Even though they are two separate plots and the film itself actually builds it up. The trailer
for ‘Blair witch project’ dives straight into it and just teases what's going on. Another
aspect from this research that I might include is to have the structure from the ‘spider
man’ sneak peak in my sneak peek too. Just have one scene from the film then show of
the credits of it. I also want to have sections of my trailer in black and white in a similar
way to ‘the Blair witch project’ trailer. The reason sections of that film is in black and white
is because of the camera they are filming on. For my trailer is will use the black and white
effect to contrast the lighter parts of the trailer that will show up the beginning. The
structure of fitting in five cast members into one card I will do as well. This will reduce
time by showing each cast member at once. Including more shots from the film. The last
thing that I will include in my trailer from viewing these trailers is an effect of the knocking
which was added to ‘the Blair witch project’. The rhythm of the notes and how the
knocking gets more noticeable as the scenes get more tense is something that inspired me
to take this into my trailer. I feel like with this and a number of faster shots that work in
with the music like the ‘Donnie Darko’ trailer. The ending will come off as impactful for the
viewer to watch it.
Existing Product – Poster one
The Dark knight teaser poster (2008)
This Dark Knight poster shows the joker behind a glass mirror using some blood to
spell out the words ‘”why so serious?” this is often referred to as being the tagline
of the film and is a nice natural way of doing. As opposed to just have it in blocked
letters at the bottom. We can also tell that the joker is writing out this message or
pointing to it gleefully. Though seen as it was his line from the film, it would make
more sense if he did it. Whilst this is a nice almost-silhouette type of image. It isn’t
completely clear that who this is. Conveying the mystery of the person behind the
glass. The whilst you can almost tell it is the joker with it being his quote in the
film and vividly making out the gloves, hair, eyes and coat. Another feature that I
recognisable is the posture. Its not straight and the head is tiled. The smile that he
is drawing on the glass is a big representation of his mood. You can tell the
character is smiling just from the faint squint that you can see from the paint that
applied to his eyes and the way his whole body is twisted. The letters and the
smile look like they have been drawn onto the window first with pen and then
covered with the blood. There's something about the fact that the image isn’t very
clear is what makes it creepy. If you’ve seen the film then you'll know the
character straight away but its not very clear. There's also many questions added
to this poster despite its aesthetic visual looks. You ask yourself. Where was this
photo took? Is it the joker for definite? What’s wrong with the glass for us not
being able see him? Location setting is very interesting as well. Everything behind
the glass is very vivid but it’s still easy to pick up the details. Such as the outline
building of Gotham in the background. The buildings are very linty. Which maybe
enters into the joker’s mindset of not seeing the full potential of Gotham and
wanting to take over. The colour pallet adds a nice touch to the poster with the
blue and white being the main primary colours. There's a nice fade between the
two showing the white at the top and their fade into the blue so that you can see
Gotham properly. Along with colours, the website of the film is red in the same
way the blood is on the window. Linking the two colours together.
Existing Product – Poster two
Us poster (2019)
The first noticeable thing when it comes to analysing this poster is the face of
how petrified the woman is with a wide eyes expression and tear rolling
down her cheek. You can tell this woman is or has been in pain emotionally
or physically. She has been terrified by something which already connotes it
to be a horror. The stare that the lady is giving is very uncomfortable and that
rubs off onto the audience. The second most noticeable thing is the mask
that she is holding. Which is an exact replica of her face there but without the
eyes because she is not wearing it and without the tear meaning that she is
wearing a metaphorical mask and is crying behind it. The tear shows us that
she is in pain. Without it her facial expression looks totally normal which is
what makes the mask so sinister. When it comes to the darkness that is
surround her. That gives of the impressions that she is in the unknown. As
well as with the lighting, there's a white light bounding onto her face. This
might share some clue as to what it she is looking at. In terms of colours the
mixture of red and dark red compliment each other really well. Showing that
it is a horror through the primary colours that are presented here. Whilst the
image of the face and the mask is most usual. The clothing can be noted as
rather odd too. With just a red shirt it might be seen as a type of uniform.
Something that she has been forced to wear. Another peculiar clothing item
is the brown leather glove which takes up a fair bit of the page. The font is a
white colour making it contrast to the black background so that it will stand
out. It’s a classic font that tells this is a either a classic film or there are
classical elements to it. The title of the film as has a very springy look to it.
Still looking classical but also having the element of it curling and looking like
something from the woods. This poster is so good because there are so many
elements that tell you about the film when analysing it but they aren’t in
your face and obvious about them. The poster itself feels very minimalistic
and is very self contained into making this woman the key focus of the poster.
Existing Product – Poster three
Halloween poster (2018)
This posters feel very dark in comparison to the previous ones that I have looked
at and analysed. The main feature of this poster is the face of Michael Myers
looking down. In a close up shot you can really see all the wrinkles and lines on his
face. Connotating to the fact that he is old and the mask has aged with him. This
gives this a lot more depth telling you that is present day. The lighting I think is
excellent. Whilst the location is unknown. The white light has been pointed to the
left side of his face making the right side appear in complete darkness. All you
have with this is the left side of his face then the rest of himself being bathed in
the darkness that surrounds him. The darkness that is in the eyes as well gives it a
very anonymous feel. Mot being able to see the full nature of the character eyes
behind the mask. However like I had mentioned in my initial plans. If the
brightness of image is turned up then you can see the eyes behind the mask and
that the brilliance of lighting in posters. This poster is very minimalistic especially
in terms of it having no tagline the uses of colour however are taken further here
with the date ‘October 19’ being in orange connoting to it being set in Halloween.
Orange is a colour that is often linked in with Halloween. This is a clever use of
colour. Then of course there is the iconic logo. This is design of the logo matches
the simplicity of the poster. However nothing has changed here with them
remaining to keep the same logo that they had before in the original films. This
posters main key focus is minimalism and how that attracts the audience, the
marvel films are big but the posters are often given criticism on how much they
stick on there. This poster only has one image and all the Halloween posters only
have one or two things. They haven’t got ten or eleven images shoved onto the
poster. I think by doing that it attracts the audience by teasing them but not giving
them too much. The Michael Myers mask is iconic. I consider just having that and
a few tiny added details is great promotional material for a poster.
Marvel posters evidence
Existing Product – Poster four
SAW four poster (2008)
The final movie which I will analysis is from the saw franchise. I think this saw
poster is incredible impressive. The uses of colour are enough to talk about on
their own. The uses of dark colours is incredible but the boldness of adding red
works to. Unusual as a lot of saw don’t have a lot of colours which is fine because
they still work. From analysing this poster you can tell that the person who is
wearing the pig mask is a woman from the heels that are shown on the bottom.
Form the main image it shows a victim wearing pig mask and a red piece of
clothing looking into the distance. This victim can be seen to be trapped in a
torture device that has been set up in a by John Kramer (jigsaw). Uses of the grey
colour work well in matching up with the colour of the device. They haven’t spoilt
the image and have stuck with their three primary colours. The poster itself has
been given a scratched out look with there being a few scratches to give the
poster a worn out look and look very natural when it’s being promoted outdoors
at a bus stop for instance. However the scratches do look deliberate with them
showing to have a square shape to them that wasn’t finished off. The uses of red
are incredibly talented with the logo matching the same colour of the logo. The
title has also done a similar thing of with it sharing the same colours of the date.
This highlights the most important part of the poster and leaves the tagline “it’s a
trap” a lot darker. Making the words a lot more meaningful. This poster also
unlike the others has a credit telling you about the cast and crew that’s in the
film. The use of lighting is presented very well here too with the light casting over
to the pig mask so that it’s very clear and little to the clothing so that you can
make out that the colour of the clothing is red. The location is unknown and the
character is also unknown with this bit of mis en scene only being presented in
promotional material and not in the actual film. However it does open a lot of
questions of who they are and what they are doing there? These questions
encourage the audience to go and see the film.
Research Analysis - Poster
What common features do the researched products have?
These posters despite being in the same genre are quite different. The most common
feature that I was able to pick up on was it’s choice of colours. Seeing a pattern of black and
red being used a fair bit for all of them apart from the ‘Halloween’ one. Whether it’s to use
at clothing or as blood being smeared onto glass. These two colours often connote to
horror. There's also a lot of symbolic meaning behind a lot of them. They are all minimalist
but have a particular object that gives off part of the movie if you have seen it. For example
the joker spelling his catchphrase why so serious?” onto the glass board or the person
wearing the mask of their doppelganger in ‘us’. These are subtle hints that illustrate that
there is more to the poster than meets the eye. The majority of them illustrate false
emotions as well. With ‘the dark knight’ one. It shows that the joker is putting on a fake
smile. For the ‘us’ poster, the character in it is showing to give off no emotion through facial
expression but clearly it’s sadness from the tear on the cheek. For the saw poster the
character wearing the pig mask looks like its giving no emotion because of the mask. So it’s
just sat there looking patient. Another common feature that can be seen in these posters is
based on how simple the font can be when dealing with horror. Just so long as it shows
meaning to the project you are doing. Franchises such as ‘saw’ or ‘Halloween’ don’t really
have to abide by these as they are iconic franchises. Films like ‘us’ that are just out however
have to have something in the title but the simpler the font is. The more effective it can
actually be.
Research Analysis - Poster
What aspects of the research will you include within
your on work?
The main aspect that will be incorporated in my poster that is similar to the other
posters is that my teaser poster is being inspired by ‘the dark knight’ poster that I had
analysed first of all of them. I will include the serial killers image blurred out ever so
slightly and drawing a blood curling smile through the glass where his mouth should be.
I want the image to be clear enough to see that the killer behind the glass is actually
serious and in pain. Another aspect of my research that I want to include in my posters
is to have the effect of something standing out if the brightness of the poster is turned
up. I thought this was a really good Easter egg to have and must have excited the fans
when they found that out. In something so simple. That’s hidden. In terms of colours I
think red and black work really well together. So with that I think it would be interesting
to experiment with. Like I said in my previous slide all the posters about from the
‘Halloween’ one look like they are giving off false emotions. I consider doing that
especially with a psychological horror that I am doing. Another aspect that has inspired
me from looking at existing products is how I use my colours. I need a specific primary
colour that has relation to the film and then I can apply in ways that it’s hinting
something, I think ‘Halloween’ works the best for this example. Having ‘range for the
date of October because the colour orange often connotes to October.
Existing Product – Magazine one
Entertainment weekly (October 2018 issue) Halloween
Front page
The first magazine I will be taking a look at is the front cover of this entertainment
weekly. It has Jamie lee Curtis, out of character on the front cover you can tell this
from the facial expression that she is pulling on her face. Looking happy and more
contempt than her character this can be seen more of a photoshoot that the
images for film. You can see that Michael Myers face is on the pumpkin. It look’s
like she is happy because she has carved or in more threatening terms look like
she’s about to cut it. The colour choice of the title of the magazine is orange
connotating to the pumpkin and Halloween in general. The primary colours are
something in which you can focus on with the darker colours fitting in with the
photography but the text is all in white so that it can stand out from the image.
Drawing the audience into the article as well. Halloween the name of the film and
the time of the year in which this came out is the largest piece of text which is on
the page. The page is a lot more limited to what is included in the magazine. There
isn’t columns telling you about the article inside. This style of minimalism makes
you focus on the image a lot more and shows that the main article had really
earned to be front page. Having two Halloween sections on the front and then one
other article on something else
Double page spread
This double page spread is obviously a different one. The front cover that I had
just analysed was from 2018 and this double page spread is from 1980 for the
promotion of ‘the shining’ film. Most magazines back in those days didn’t have
colour to the inside of the pages with it being too expensive. So this is page is all in
black and white. Which makes it difficult to analyse the colours that are being
shown. The only thing that has colour is the coming soon. This is a red colour so
the balance of darker colours and then a bright colours works well. Making that
colours stand out well.
Existing Product – Magazine two
Movie magic (December 2004 issue) Harry potter
Front Page
The first thing that can be analysed from taking a look at the front cover of this magazine is
it’s use of colours. They are a lot more lighter than most of the magazines seen. Whilst they
still hold a professional standard in the modelling and photography. There's a lot more added
to the front cover of this magazine. Giving of various posters and articles that come with the
magazine. There's no primary colours at the front. Whilst one can argue that a light blue is
the main primary colour. There's many ranging from the different images that are being
presented from green to red and black. However they have been faithful to keeping the same
colours to the primary image. Each individual section of article is positioned in rows of four
or three. This is a way of putting certain parts such as cover lines in rows. Blue is a very tonal
colour that associates with calmness this attracts the reader in. In terms of imagery the
character is well focus on the front. It’s nothing to explosive or in the way. Appearing very
calm and relaxed which works with the colours.
Inside cover
Taking a look at this cover inside the magazine. Everything seems to be positioned correctly.
There's certain articles that have been highlighted a certain colour to show importance to
the article that is being presented. There is also a small article that includes a short ranking.
With it’s uses of colour’s it’s using red to highlight the specific number of where that robot
has been placed. Its not even text boxes of articles that are being highlighted but its also the
text about the article. Some of its highlighted red to address that it’s the headline of the
article. The most noticeable thing is that whatever is the brightest thing on the page is the
article that stands out the most. The highlighted yellow box is more likely going to catch the
eyes of any reader. All boxes that are highlighted blue keep the same theme that the front
cover has. Another aspect that is noticeable is the imagery. When looking at the making of
robo-babes. Number one has a strong female character with her arms on her hips. Looking
powerful. This makes number one even great but balancing the good posture and makes
people consider their judgment to be a good one.
Existing Product – Magazine three
Arka (November 2018 issue) Bohemian Rhapsody
Front Page
The structure for the front cover of this magazine is interesting. The image of Rami Malek
(the guy on the front cover) is positioned to the left side of the cover with the contents of
the article positioned to the right side. For this front cover image. The image isn’t directly
in the middle its on the left side and the contents are all kept the other. The uses of colour
highlight what's important that in the magazine. The title of the film, important names,
important article magazine details etc. These are important parts that are appear in the
magazine. another element which has been put to god use is sizing. The font of each article
that keep appearing is getting larger and larger. So when it reaches to the title of the film
it’s the largest article that can be seen on the page which is a good thing because it’s the
primary article. One faint thing that I had noticed was the reflection of the QUEEN logo in
the reflection of the sunglasses. This is hinting towards who the character is and is a good
way of establishing the name of the character in the image if nobody knows who it is. The
font is usual. Whilst I'm sure that the title of the magazine is this font every week. It been
placed backwards as if you would only be able to read if it was facing a mirror. This is an
odd way of getting the title out there but I admire it because it’s a unique sense of
expressing the title rather than just having some boring title. Minimalism is good but
you’ve got to make it your and make it look different.
Inside cover
The primary colours set for the inside of this magazine is red and white. This is more of a
design element above anything else. Whilst it highlights a fact which is on the picture. It
mostly has red columns that are positioned there to the side. Just as a design element. The
photos have retained there natural colour because they are there to the show the film off
but they aren’t a major factor on what sells the film. It’s the article that does that. The
image also shares the same colour effect with the front cover because quite a lot of the
film is set on a stage. There's a faint fog that doesn’t even have to be applied. Same with
the colouring of the image. That’s the mood lighting that has been placed onto the stage so
Research Analysis - Magazine
What common features do the researched products
The most common feature that I had found when researching these magazine was
continuity of themes when comparing the inside cover to the front. Whilst they were only
there for the last two because it was a different magazine article to the front cover. For the
‘bohemian rhapsody’ article it doesn’t focus on similar colours but the theme of using deep
colours such as purple and blue are very distinctive. For the harry potter one this was
probably the most frequent because the boxes that were blue highlight the various parts of
the article that are related to harry potter. Whist there isn’t a lot that they have in common
the title of the magazines plays in well with main articles. Having an orange coloured title for
‘entertainment’ to connote to Halloween. The silver and white shine gloss that movie magic
has. Holding relation to the logo of the film and the Rockstar music vibe that the title holds
for the music magazine. Another common feature that I found when looking at these
existing products is is that they aren’t giving away the full meaning behind the picture. With
the exception oh Harry Potter and the owl. The Halloween issue has Jamie Lee Curtis carving
Michael Meyers face onto a pumpkin. However it is not given any context whether she is in
character or not from her smiling. Same with the queen issue. It has Freddie Mercury there
but just hint at if no one knew from first glance. Then reflection of the word ‘Queen’ has
been reflected onto the sunglasses.
Research Analysis - Magazine
What aspects of the research will you include within
your on work?
The main aspect that I wanted to include in my magazine which I found from researching
these is to have a colour that holds a connotation that particular film in the text on the
magazine. For example if the whole film was set in the woods then green would be an
appropriate colour when deciding what it should be for the text. Another aspect that I have
found from this research that I will include my work is to have something as sharp as a font
for the front cover of my magazine. Now whilst the sharp lettering is a connotation to the
knife that Jamie Lee Curtis has in her hand. It could also be used in other contexts such as
the description of a slasher films or hold relation to another sharp object. I would also like
to include a simple minimalistic design for the front of my magazine. Halloween’s issue is
the best example for this. There's a lot of empty space with this it offers the reader to
concentrate on the main image that is the most important. The layout design for the Harry
Potter issue is the contrast as to what I want the front cover design to look like. Another
design element that I found most interesting and would like to experiment with is the uses
of colour coordinated textboxes to highlight the important parts of the article.
Existing Product – DVD cover art one
The Amityville horror DVD cover
This DVD cover will be the first one I will analyse is the Amityville
horror movie. The first thing that can be analysed from looking at
this, is it’s choices of colours. Having bright colours but in darker
tones and mixing them in in well with the imagery that’s been
placed on the DVD, the banner telling you the edition of the DVD
at the top is in red matching the main theme colour of the front
cover. The green being the secondary colour of the DVD case
doing a similar thing having the review in green and box of
special features in the same colour. Its uses of colours have
worked extremely well. The green and black blending with the
shadows of the darker colours and creating its own look nicely
but also keeping it to a horror standard by having the colours
darker. Having the DVD in a dark colour because it’s horror but
keeping the text light. So its a lot more easier to read. The one
thing that is surprisingly missing from the cover of this DVD is the
age certificate. It doesn’t give off any sort of clue what the age
rating is and from this we have to presume that is around an
18/15 from it being a horror film. Another interesting element to
add about this DVD is that there s isn't a lot of images of the back
of the cover. It’s just teasing the film and sells it more in the
synopsis of the film. In conclusion this DVD includes everything
that is need from a synopsis of the film, companies logos,
barcode etc. however it doesn’t include an age certificate on the
front, spine and back cover. Without this the audience wont be
able to tell what the film is in terms of who's allowed to see it.
Another design element that I think is great is the title. The ‘y’ is
left hanging between the two r’s. Leaving the impression that its
been scratched out.
Existing Product – DVD cover art two
SAW VI Director’s cut DVD cover
This DVD’s cover is contrasted to the previous one that was
analysed. Focusing on light grungy colours so the image of the
font cover stands out more. There's a faint overlay of a
splatter blood positioned by the image behind the man and in
front of saw. Showing the full extent as to how gory the film is.
The primary colours are black, red, white and grey. The red is
on the banner at the top and the special features lettering.
The red lettering connotes to the colour of blood. Which can
also be seen as the overlay in front of the saw at the front.
The synopsis is a bit smaller than the one previously and the
image at the back is just one. That concentrates on the wheel
trap. The black that has been faded into the back of the centre
of the cover helps show the image a lot clearer. The same as
the previous other previous DVD cover. The one thing that is
majorly missing is the age certificate. The grungy faded out
grey spray paint effect that has been applied to the top of the
back of the DVD cover looks good. Creating this mould dirty
effect that connotes to the bathroom as seen in the film or
most locations in the saw franchise. The title unlike the others
has been repeated on the other side. This will let the viewer
who can only see the back the name of film know. The main
thing that can be picked up on from this cover is the grungy
effect that has been created at both the front and back. Old
often connotes to horror and is effective. If the DVD was just a
white cover then it wouldn’t work as well because it would
look to clean and would match the theme that the saw
franchise has.
Existing Product – DVD cover art three
Outcast DVD cover
This DVD cover of the previous two is a lot more professional. It has
everything that is need to make it a DVD along with an age certificate
which is something that the previous two were lacking. In terms of
colours too. They have kept the same professional standard as the
other two. The images on the back cover of the people are the same
primary colour that has been placed on the whole of the DVD. Having
an icy blue tone to it. This blends in well with the darkness that is
surrounding the rest of the DVD. Not even in terms of images but the
packing of the DVD the colours compliment each other nicely. Red can
be seen through certain sections of the DVD as well as including where
the details of the DVD are. It has also been included on the word ‘cast’
in ‘outcast’. Red yet again is being used in a horror product because it
has that horror connotation which could mean blood or something
even more sinister. The synopsis and title card is totally white. As for
the rest of it there's certain sections where red has been placed. The
red and white balance well with each other. This DVD includes
everything that is needed. It has review of the film on the front and
back of the cover. So it can be just as eye catching on either side. Yet
again the darker colours are being shown throughout the whole of the
DVD. So the silhouette of the hand/claw that is at the front. Stands out
because it’s the largest thing that can be seen of the front of the DVD
and also stands out with the white smoke surrounding the other area.
Amongst other things that can be noticed. Smoke is another thing that
is presented on this DVD. It’s the uses of the black and white smoke
effect that work with the blue shade. Another thing that I think will
captivate the audience that is looking at the product is in it’ uses of
fonts. The text stands out the most and the title, along with the reviews
as well stand out a lot. Having a scratched out look about them.
DVD analysis meanings
Barcode: Every
selling product
has one
Age certificate
shown on the spin:
Viewer looks at the
case from a side
Image and title can
be seen on the
spine of the DVD to
draw people in
Teaser images
and special
Synopsis: informs
people what the
film is about
Cast: The cast has been
displayed above the
title of the film
format the
film is in
Billing block:
main and big
names of
the film
Main image
shown on the
front cover:
Draws the
with it’s
to the
shower scene
Review quote: Often
comes from
newspapers makes the
reader think they are
missing out
Tagline Title: simple white font but the
red connotes to the colour of
blood. A colour which is soften
associated with horror
the film
Research Analysis – DVD cover art
What common features do the researched products
The main common feature that I have found from researching these products is how all of
them have one main key colour as their theme. With the exception of ‘the Amityville
horror’ film. That has red at the front and green at the back. The other two have stuck with
their colours of grey and blue. The most common feature that can be noted is that whilst
two of them don’t have age ratings. They all have everything that is needed to make it sell
as a DVD. Companies, short reviews, special features and stand out images. This is
everything that is needed for the DVD. Design is the USP (Unique selling point). With the
colours they also do a similar thing that the magazines do. Highlighting the important parts
in separate colours. This is seen in all three DVD covers. The most noticeable one is the
‘outcast’ film. Highlighting all the important details at the bottom of the DVD in red.
Another common feature which I had found when researching these products was its logo’s
of the films are very grungy and look battered in comparison to the rest of the DVD. With
the exception of ‘the Amityville horror’ DVD. The titles look very worn and torn because
horror often connotes to old. It’s a cool effect which is applied with a lot of horror because
it doesn’t work as well with any other genre.
Research Analysis – DVD cover art
What aspects of the research will you include within your
on work?
The main aspect that I will include in my work that has relation to these products is to have
a main set primary colour for the whole of the cover. This sounds pretty obvious but before
I began researching these products I didn’t even think about having one main theme colour
that matches front to back. It can be seen most in ‘outcast’ product that I had researched.
The images at the back have been filtered to have the same colour as the rest of DVD.
Another aspect that I will include on my DVD cover that I got from this is to have a grungy
effect applied to my DVD. This will be the theme of my film. So it will be placed on my
posters and most of the promotional material that I am making. I want to make a similar
thing with the back cover as well. Having the dark grey fog fade in with the white which is
another primary colour to the DVD. Another element which I aimed specifically at the DVD
is to have a balance of two colours. Red and black are two colours that I think compliment
each other really well. So possibly them two. I will do a similar technique where it will be
applied on the DVD’s details at the bottom of the cover and also some of the various
reviews from other companies of the DVD. I also want them to connect but contrast in
some manner. So with my film being focused on a psychological film. For example it could
be half ‘normal people’ in red and the other ‘half gone mad’ in black. One last aspect that I
would like to include in this product is making it a specific edition of something. By doing
this is make’s the product look more real. This was something that I didn’t consider
including till I looked at the previous existing products.
Audience Research
Online Research
Primary audience Research
Audience Interviews
6Th may 2020 -
Alex Bleach –
Older Adult
Does Watch
10Th May 2020 – Sherburn
Georgina Whiteley –
Old teen
Does watch
4th May – York
Ethan Pratt –
Old teen
Doesn’t watch
What are your favourite
things about horror films?
My favourite thing about
horror is the characters they
can be interesting when
played right.
My favourite thing about horror is the
twists that are pulled in every section
and the many different plot element
leading up to it.
I’m not a big fan of horror
but I’d have to say character
development. I feel like a lot
of the horror films I watch
miss that.
What are your worst things
about horror films?
The one thing I cant stand
about some horror films is
the campy acting and how
characters can overreact in
certain situations
I don’t like it when horror films are too
gory. I feel like it doesn’t add much to
the plot and the only thin g it does is
make you turn away so your missing
the film.
I don’t like it when horror
films have boring 2D
characters. The plot fails
when the characters aren’t
What is your favourite
horror films and why?
My favourite film is the
grudge because the stunt
preforming and the whole
design of the antagonist
freaks me out every time.
My favourite horror film would have to
be the saw films. Whilst I cant even
think of which one is my favourite. I
really admire the colour schemes and
the characters that add to it.
My favourite horror film is
the insidious films. The
music and the effects that
are created are genuinely so
What three primary colours
would you pick for a horror
It would have to focus on
dark colours if a horror film.
Perhaps blue, black and red.
If I was to pick colours for the film then
I would focus on dark shades such as
green, blue and grey.
For the colours I would
suggest picking colours that
would with the selected
item. If you were to do one
with a bathroom. Have a
grungy white colours
• 80’s creature films
Through out the majority of the 80’s there was a huge rise in creature films. This was a trend
that proved to be successful with films such as ‘gremlins’ and ‘an American werewolf in
• 90’s slasher’s films
In the 90’s there was a high success rate in slasher films. For example scream and final
destination. The problem with these ones is they started to get stale towards the end of
making them. This is when acting for the films got a lot worse and stereotypes were starting to
be placed on horror because of how comedic it was
• 10’s paranormal films
Another successful series of films was the paranormal. The films held a high regard for
franchise and seen as a majority of them were based off true stories. This made them even
more frightening. The actor/actresses that were getting picked for the roles weren’t regarded
as bad. The effect were more up date despite some films not doing so great.
- These are a few trends that I had picked up over the years of horror films. I feel like that
through the circle. Horror has developed. Through the 90’s period even though there was still
great films being released it had dipped. But in recent years horror has got a lot more
recognition than what it used to. The bad image will always be there for the films that weren’t
as successful but the films like ‘the conjuring’ or ‘insidious’ series that have great acting and
great effect make people proud to watch horror films and are glad that the franchise is still
going today.
Genre cycle
• Horror has gone through many different genre cycle in history. The most common
modern day one is zombie films. Zombies work in horror because it’s about
spreading dieses and is something that could actually happen. Perhaps not in a
cannibal sense but is still something that bring fear into other peoples minds.
• Another cycle of horror which is the one that is used perhaps the most is the
paranormal. When looking at films such as the paranormal activity or insidious.
They have clever ways for making the films scary because of how real they feel.
With the ‘paranormal activity’ films it’s the camera being placed in the movie. With
insidious it’s the ear screening violin music that feel unnatural to the scene and feel
like it shouldn’t be there.
• Sci-fi plays a part into horror’s history too. Looking at films such as ‘alien’, ‘the
thing’ or ‘Frankenstein’. All three of these link to science whether is concentrating
on the practical work if its actually going up to space. This creates the effect that a
lot can be done with science making people scared of that. Fear can be put into a
lot of things. It can also if it’s willing to go a step further make irrational fears
become rational through creative thinking. For example the fear of shadows.
• Another type of horror which is classified in the genre is spoof films. Whilst they
are also in the comedy genre too they are shared in both genres. This genre links in
with all the others because it can be taken anywhere. Whether it’s a zombie film or
hammer horror one. It has to sell of course but it can get away with looking too
campy and comedic.
Skills Audit
I have gained a variety of different skills over the course of my project since the start of
September. Ranging from many different softwares including Photoshop, Premiere Pro,
Garage band and Adobe after effects. Team work is one attribute that I consider myself to be
highly good at but throughout the most of it I’m better at directing and giving out various
tips on how I want this shot. This being my own project. That’s a good skill to have. Most of
my skills however lie with Photoshop and considering that it was software I had never used
before until I came to college. I think my skills have exceeded and my passion for it has
definitely uplifted my motivation to try to fix any problem that might occur along the way.
Video editing is another skill which I have gained a lot of knowledge over. Especially this
year. Feeling a lot more independent and left on my own when trying to edit a video.
Though Photoshop is still more my area. I think I have exceeded in both areas. I don’t do a
lot of film work but from what I have done I have picked up a few things over the years. I
think in the same way that you can create anything with photoshop. You can create anything
with a camera and that’s always been something that I have had a keen focus on. Time
management is a big focus that I need to work on. Last year was ok but this year has been a
bit dodgy with everything that has been going on and with that I haven’t had a proper
schedule that I could focus on. I think one element that does need improving is my need to
better. I’ll accept feedback and critical comments that are aimed towards my work because
that’s the best thing for it to look better as a final product. However it’s the motivation to do
that after because there's certain thing’s I have done in a way that I wanted it. Something
that links into that, that I am good at is communication. Through the thoughts of other
people are the tips they are willing to give along the way. I feel like that is hugely beneficial
and talking through it with other people is something I enjoy very much.
Subject Research
Jack the Ripper – The creepiest part about this serial killer is that to this day he is still
known to be unidentified. This killer often did most of his killings in the Whitechapel area of London in
1888. By this he had names such as the Whitechapel murder and the leather apron. Attacks often
involved prostitutes who lived in the slums of East London. Whilst the killer was never found, they did
find a letter from someone hoax claimed to be Jack the ripper but this has been believed to be a hoax.
He committed 11 brutal murders that the police investigation found lasting from the spam of 1888 to
Jeffrey Dahmer – Known as the Milwaukee Cannibal or the Milwaukee Monster. This American
school boy killer in the 70’s. this ex offender was known for the dismemberment and murder of 17 men and
boys from 1978 to 1991. This person was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, schizotypal
personality disorder and psychotic disorder. This serial killer got put in Columbia correctional institution and
was put to death in 1994 for the crimes he had committed.
Ted Bundy – He was an American serial killer that had kidnapped, raped and murdered several
young women. After many months of denials before his execution in 1989 he confessed to 30 homicides that
committed in seven states throughout 1974 to 197. However the true number of victim’s unknown. He was
regarded as handsome and charismatic which he would often use to lure his opponents in. He would often
approach the stranger asking for help or faking an injury. Here he would knock them out and do whatever he
wanted with them. These vicious acts extended to animals as well.
- Analysing through the three killers that I have looked at I have gained some proper insight to
the real evil that the world has to face sometimes. Films whilst they are based on the true story
are known to exaggerate the details of the film. Looking at the real vicious acts that these
people have done is sickening and most of what is played in films is based off the real thing.
Looking at this I have gathered some of the vicious disgusting things that they have done and
whilst my film is that gory I might take some elements of this to put in my film.
Disclaimer – This slide Focuses on
serials killers and can be very effective
when read. So if you aren’t interested
then move onto the next slide.
Questionnaire Analysis/ Online
Survey (Primary research)
Survey Outline• For my Primary Research I constructed a survey for people to fill out. This has helped give out more insight as to
who my target audience are. I will also conduct one to one interviews with specific people so it can gather more
qualitive research of extracting more information in contrast to a quantitative research where I'm asking load’s of
• My main aim on how I can gather as much information from different people. I did this by planning my questions
ahead of time. I have used Survey monkey before. So I already had a general idea of what I could do. Survey
monkey is an online website where once you are logged in. You can conduct your own questions to ask people to
get general idea of what your target audience is. It’s generally used for professional businesses so you can link it in
with your LinkedIn account. There are many ways you can conduct these questions from multiple choice, ticking
boxes, yes or no and have people type in their own answers. Through this I will have to compare each bit of
research that I am constructing. From my primary to secondary or my interviews research. By the end I will have
gathered what the most successful way is to gather what my target audience what.
• In order of this survey being a total success. I will need to go through a few questions to get the basic knowledge of
what I should ask them and also get the idea of who it is I'm asking.
1.) Personal information - So I could understand what my demographic is. I will have to ask questions not too personal
but have enough information to give myself a good enough idea of who I am aiming this questions to. So just age and
gender. I will be able to know what audience I aiming these questions too.
2.) Mainly closed/less in-depth questions – This means that I should be asking questions that don’t acquire a lot of
detail. Mostly yes or no questions would be preferable. Not having so many questions that require a lot detail. As this
will be saved for the one to one interviews. This survey is just about collecting an overall data figure through a wide
amount of my audience.
03.) Out of range – Don’t go out of the range with the questions I am asking. Make sure that they are relevant to the
project I am doing. Do questions that just don’t talk about horror but specifically about the horror film I am making.
Aim at thing things that will help and that I am unsure about. Such as location or elements that I will include.
04.) Questions that end with false leads – I can’t do questions that will lead with answers that could change a big
concept of my project. This could be questions such as what do you think of horror films as a whole. If a lot of answers
give out no to liking horror. Then that could mean that I aren’t listening to my audience or I do listen to them and I
would have to scrap everything in my project.
Survey Results - Comedy to Horror
• Observation: From this quick observation. Question 1 shows that 80% out of the 100% of people I
asked appreciate when a film starts off as a comedy and transitions into something darker. Only 20%
thought that this cant be done successfully.
• What this says about my audience: This says that most of my audience like new ideas when it
comes genres and are open to lot more ideas. There's still however 8 people out of the 40 that maybe a
little to shy when it comes to that experimentation. However out of this small percentage could be
somebody who has seen a similar type of thing happen to a film that they watched and didn’t enjoy it.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• My product will appeal to this audience because I will try and balance the two genres in my trailer so
that they will play off well. This will be done through music, camera shots etc. This is an experiment to
see if this mix of genres will work with there not being many films that have balance the two. Most
horror films start off with average day life routine anyway so it will be interesting to take this to another
Question one
Survey Results – Least favourite thing
Survey Results – Least favourite thing
• Observation: From this we can observe that I got a lot of answers but quite few are the same.
From bad acting that leads to characters not being able to attach to the audience or unrealistic storytelling and
plot devices. The jump factor pops up a few times as well when it comes to scaring the audience. This being
because it can be seen as a stereotype now. Hammy acting, victims having weak motives and perhaps moments
that meant to be shocking but fail from them working too hard.
• What this says about my audience: From this observation above. We can
see that the audience have a good understanding of the flaws of some horror films. The main basis that’s most
important is to make the film realistic and not too much like a student film. Not just through camera work but
also in terms of script and plotlines.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will
appeal to this audience because its still early in production. These things that need avoiding. Can be avoided.
Whilst there may be a few things that could meet these through budget reasons every step is being taken to
making sure that this product comes out right. Plus to make a good script that doesn’t cost anything but a
creative mind. So in terms of unrealistic plot points. I shouldn’t have to worry there.
Question Two
Survey Results – Psychological issues
Question three
• Observation: Most opinions of Psychological issues from my audience appear to be positive when that
subject matter is aimed at horror. Some people from the audience don’t like them as they can be seen as too realistic
but then there have been people who have said they love horror for that very reason. Some people have seen as a
good way to highlight that’s subject matter. Which I agree with and also think its an interesting point.
• What this says about my audience: This shows me that my audience are able to
recognise storytelling from a character's perspective. You can really not have a lot going on plot wise and show the
general audience how that character is feeling. That feels more scary. The majority of my audience think that the film
tackling Psychological problems can make it successful and for so many different reasons.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: This film that will be
presented delves into a lot of psychological issues. Its about a serial killer with serious mental health problems. Whilst
the audience will be able to relate to the other characters the most. I hope that that even just shown in the trailer it
takes the audience into the dark places of a person’s mindset.
Survey Results – Psychological Issues
Question Three
• Observation: From this observation we can see that the majority of my audience that being 72. 50%
consider trailers to be the best way to promote a film. 7.50% consider posters the best way to promote a
film. Only 1 person thinks that there are other methods of selling a film than the ones I have picked and
17.50% consider think that all these methods of promotion are just as important as the other. In
conclusion to my audience the best way of selling a film is through trailers.
• What this says about my audience: This says what I wanted it to say. With trailers being my
main focus of this project. So the fact that most of my audience prefer this way of selling a film is
excellent. From looking at this you can see how diverse my audience is its almost really a mixed bag of
answers but it was easy to determine it down to one.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to my audience
because I will be including all these methods of promotion. Whilst trailers will be my main key focus for
this project I will also being doing posters for my film. To my audience who like the trailers this will be a
massive appeal to the. Having a sneak peak, teaser and a full trailer.
Survey Results – Type of Promotion
Question Four
Survey Results – Most important
elementsQuestion Five
Survey Results – Most important elements
Question Five
• Observation: Taking a look at what my audience have said I can gather that there are a lot of important
elements in horror. However the most recurring answers include having suspense in the film. So that they can have
shocking moments and jump scares that won’t appear cheap. Twists can also be considered an important element and
can lead to the same emotion suspense. Also what comes out in the screen can be important element of horror. From
the cinematography to the make up. All these elements make the film more realistic which boosts up the fear factor.
• What this says about my audience: This says that my audience have good idea of what
captures the importance of horror films. They have nailed it down not only to what has to be done in order for it look
good but also what emotion that has to be captured from the audience. This shows that whilst some people that are
my aren’t a big fan of horror. They still share similar views to the ones that are.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to my audience from the
stretch of budget that I am pulling in order for the production of this trailer to look good. I will make sure that all the
make up looks good. Also one of the main reasons I wanted to film for this project is so that the cinematography looks
great. Employing many different camera techniques. So that its looks as unique as possible.
• Observation: From this observation my audience consider breaking the fourth wall to look good but
only when it is done right. Having 40% of the people saying that. However behind 35% of the people don’t like the
idea. Thinking that it is a good idea to include it and the amount of people aren’t fussed are both at equal
numbers. Having 12.50% for both the results.
• What this says about my audience: This says that a selected few amount of my
audience consider that breaking the breaking the fourth wall to look good when only done well. A lot of my
results are varied. None of them stand out and all have mixed thoughts on it. This still shows that there is hope
that it can work and
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will
appeal to this audience because whilst I will be concluding with the fourth wall breaking it’s a continuation of the
experimentation that I want to with this film. Just like two genres mixed up. I think that this is a perfect way to
create tension in the film if the serial killer is talking to the audience directly.
Survey Results – Fourth wall breaking
Question Six
• Observation: From looking at my graph, it shows that inside a normal house is the best approach as to
where I should be filming, gaining 77.50%. Country moors had gained 70%. Forest by 67.50% and a church/graveyard
with 62.50%. This meaning that that the best place to film from leading results is the normal looking house.
• What this says about my audience: All these results seen on my graph show that
these results are pretty close with each other. Whilst inside a normal house has been chosen to be a good setting for a
horror film. The rest that are shown on the graph are also pretty close. This saying that my audience share the same
opinions on what locations should be used for a horror film.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to
this audience because the main setting of the film will be set in the house. The place that everybody had voted for. The
church/graveyard and the forest also share a similar percentage of results which is good because I will try and include
the same amount of different shots in the trailer for where they are both filmed.
Survey Results - Locations
Question Seven
• Observation: The majority of people had ticked different results and not many had done none of above. Some people came out
with different results including one thinking that having it set in a normal house is overused despite that gathering the most votes.
Graveyards is also another location that someone considers them to have similar opinion on. There was also something about countryside's
not being considered a scary location. This is because of how contrasted it is to the others and it’s a lot less claustrophobic.
• What this says about my audience: From these results we can analysis that my audience have a good
understanding of the meaning behind locations and what effect it can create. Such as the countryside not being considered as
claustrophobic as the other places because of how outdoors it is.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will evidently not appeal to the
whole of my audience because small parts of my audience have different opinions on what is best and worst
locations for a horror film. However I do know from the results, the places that need to appear the most in the
Survey Results – Don’t like the
locationsQuestion Eight
• Observation: As you can see from this graph it shows 52.20% have said yes to the idea of considering
character posters to be as memorable as the other posters. 7.50% have considered this to be a no and 40% have
regarded this as being a matter of how the poster actually looks. Meaning that overall my audience have found
character posters to be just as memorable as theatrical posters.
• What this says about my audience: This say’s that the majority of my audience find
that character posters are just as memorable as theatrical posters. This being because my audience like any piece of
media relating to the film they enjoy and will motivate any one who wants to sell a film to do the same.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:My product will appeal to
this audience because the character posters will be done in a similar theme as to the official ones. They will have the
same sense of style. Holding the continuity of the film in all products of advertising. I will design these posters. So that
they look just as important as the theatrical ones.
Survey Results – Yes to character posters
Question Nine
• Observation: From all the results that I had looked at, most of them didn’t say no, for example question
eight. The above is a selection of a group that selected no. N/A meaning they said yes. One of the results said that
character posters are less impactful than theatrical posters. Another point which was brought up was someone saying
that they don’t think of connection to the characters when they see the posters. Another statement was brought up that
it could be well if it focuses on the plot and not just the characters.
• What this says about my audience: This is connected to most of my answers that I said
on the last slide. My audience have different reasoning's behind what they think makes a good poster. It’s all subjective
but the main basis is that my audience find character poster less impactful in a certain degree. Whilst this statement is
true the theatrical poster also has to be just as memorable. Character posters are just important but the theatrical
posters are also important and if they fail then that’s not good. As they are considered the main posters.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to
this audience because it focuses on both the theatrical and character posters. I consider both posters to
be as important as the other. For reasons such as the ones above. They have motivated me to make
better character posters. So that they will look more impactful. I want to change the minds of some of the
audience and get them thinking that character posters can looks just as good as the theatrical ones.
Survey Results – No to character postersQuestion Ten
Survey SummaryTo summarise I have sent this survey across as many different platforms. I started by emailing it to specific
people that were among my target audience and that I was friend with. Then I shared the survey through
Facebook to generate some answers through people I didn’t know all too well. I even posted this survey
on Twitter. Trying to gather enough people as possible. I posted this survey link onto a subreddit on Reddit
under the name of R/horror. There are many polls and many opinionated questions being asked on
Reddit. It’s this social media platform that has the best chance of getting my questions asked so I knew it
was right to ask here.
To create a short summary of the type of answers that my surveys got. I have bullet pointed them:
1.) A large selection of my audience like the genre that I am going for. They like the idea of comedy
transitioning into a horror film. This is great as I really wanted to show that contrasting nature in the trailer.
2.) The least favourite thing about horror didn’t really give much to go on. The answers were quite
predictable. I know that I set the question but I didn’t think that they were going to focus on stereotype such
as cheap jump scares or hammy acting. Whilst these aren’t great. These are things that I knew already. I
wanted the specifics of something that could work but that they don’t like the paranormal or historic.
3.) The views on Psychological issues is something that me and my audience both share. We both agree that
it’s interesting when you delve into the mind of the killer in the film.
4.) With the types of promotion and which one was the most important. My audience considered trailers to
be the most important part of promotion. I was shocked that posters came in so low behind it. However it
gave me a good insight as to what my audience want the most out of the project.
5.) When I asked my audience what were some of the most important elements to them. The answer of
there being twists in the film relieved me. Whilst in some cases of horror it’s often seen as a stereotype.
However that doesn't even matter because you don’t know what the twist could be and what direction it
could lead the film.
6.) In short with the breaking the fourth wall element that I want to add to my film. My audience liked that
idea but only when it was done right. It cant come of as comical in a sense and it cant look cheap. It will be in
sections of my trailer where the character is breaking the fourth wall where cinematography comes into play.
7.) For all the various locations that I was having it was a mixed bag on what the audience wanted. Some of
them liked all the locations that were set but some didn’t. For example someone expressed the opinion of
the outdoors not being a great place to film as it doesn’t feel as claustrophobic enough like the other
locations. In summary I am going to stick with my locations as the majority liked them.
8.) The last question I asked was character posters. In short my audience considered them to be just as
important as the other posters are. This is what I hoped as they will be done in the same theme. So they will
same level of detail.
Secondary Research
Secondary Research: Audience
research – mid adult/Mid-life
In a way I do not consider target audience’s to be the final word on what you should aim for.
There have been many studies on what people think about horror. How it comforts some and
how it disturbs others. This holds regards to the person and not the age/gender/class. However
when considering what my secondary audience would be it would be placed in a mid adult
section. The main audience which it should not be aimed at is anyone that is to far under the
age certificate. 16’s will often watch a 18 certificated horror film and enjoy it. In fact that’s the
main age it should be aimed at because it’s when their knowledge of films start to develop in
their eyes. They can get away with watching a lot more. They are being introduced to horror
movies which makes the films more new and exciting. However adults still share the same
passion for it. It’s often regarded as middle age when a casual audience member watches a high
budgeted horror film and is impressed by it. Through this they have seen horror films adapt and
evolve over the years. Whilst still retaining their youth enough to remember how things used to
be different.
Secondary Research: Online Research
• Observation: A study showed that after watching a horror movie, both men and women saw an increase in
their white blood cells’ activity. Indicating that the older the audience member is the most chance that the
adrenaline will be boosted because they get less unaware when they get older but aren’t at that that age
where it scares them to never watch it again.
• What this say’s about my audience: This says that this audience is vital when it comes to horror. They are
more likely to five off good reviews from the chance that they have more chance of being scare. Making good
horror films is important however and that’s when you need to fin out what the younger audience think.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this audience because it is
considered scary. It also has most middle aged characters so the audience will be able to find some relatability
into the people they are watching.
Secondary Audience Research
• Observations: It basically enlists with there demographic, the question that is usually asked the most is.
‘Should children watch horror films?’ But for adults it’s the only genre which they can have to
themselves and that is something that is important to them because it doesn’t happen a lot.
• What this says about my audience: This says that my secondary audience might not be as well formed
with every thing that makes a good horror film but that doesn’t place them as a bad audience. It makes
the film even more exciting and suspenseful.
• How will my product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this audience because it’s a
film that would be considered unusual to this demographic. Adults watch psychological films but its
never from the point of the killer and I feel like that in itself will draw them in.
Secondary Audience Research
• Observations: Studies show that horror films have been said to relieve stress. Stress is more
apparent when you get older. Having a lot of stressful things to cope with such as a house,
job etc.
• What this says about my audience: This says that horror films are often have a bad
reputation for the gore but this overlooks the suspense that boosts the adrenaline of the
an average viewer. Through watching something so tense it can make other people forget
about other problems and feel engaged with the film that they are watching.
• How will my product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this product
because it a horror film that a series of engaging suspenseful moments that will boost the
increase of watching after the viewing of the trailer.
Interview Outline
• For my interviews I plan on doing them very differently to my surveys that I did online. This will be done
person to person in speech. I will make notes of what the person is saying and then draft it out neatly.
The type of questions that will be asked will be very different to the ones that I asked on the survey
• These questions will be organised and structured a lot different than the survey ones because this will be
done one to one. Meaning I shall ask questions that follow on longer and more detailed questions for
instance asking them if they think twists in horror films are done well in their opinion. That’s a very
leading question and could lead to a detailed answer which will give me enough information on that
person's take of that opinion.
• I’ve decided that I will interview my brother. This is good because even though we are close. He’s very
opinionated and won’t alter his views to fit well with the questions I am asking. He’s also not the biggest
fan of horror. So it will be interesting to see someone’s take with horror as it’s very different is very
different to the other person I’m interviewing. The second person I shall be interviewing is my friend
Luke. He’s very contrasted as he’s very much into horror and even though he’s my best friend. He’s not
the sort of person to change their opinion.
• Whilst I may structure it out with the basics of age and gender. So the person who is reading it can
understand the target audience I'm aiming at. However I wont be asking any questions that are too
personal. This will make the person who I am interviewing too uncomfortable and is also information
that is not needed.
• Another thing to note is that whilst this may be more in-depth than the survey I constructed before. The
interviews will have to still be quite shorts. So that both the interviews are easy to compare when time
comes to it .
Interview 1Luke Headland
What is your age?
What is you gender?
Do you enjoy watching horror?
“I consider horror to be my favourite genres when it comes to any other. For a production side. I really
admire all the work that goes into make it looking as genuine as possible. I also like how it tackles
difficult realistic day to day issues that wouldn’t be acceptable in a comedy or a romantic genre film.
Just so long as it doesn't have cheap jump scares and one dimensional characters that can be
considered not very clever. Then the film can be taken anywhere and be seen as engaging.”
What is your favourite horror film and why?
“SAW 2 is by far my favourite horror film because its an impressive sequel to the second film with the
traps going onto a whole different level that the first film didn’t offer. I like this film was the characters
feel a lot more 3-Dimensional. They have a lot more character and there's quite a few characters so
there is a lot to work on.
What style do you think would be best for my poster? Have it filled with loads of things or be kept at
simple minimalism?
“I prefer minimalism when it comes to posters especially horror as those are the ones that look the
creepiest. The reasoning behind this is that posters are often considered to be a lot more memorable
when they have the focus on just one specific image. Look at all the posters that the saw franchise have
released or the iconic ‘Exorcist’ poster. These focus on one thing and with that one thing the viewer
focuses their attention to that. You don’t give away too much of the film by doing this, making the
viewer even more intrigued to see the film.”
Interview 1
• Observation: From this observation, Luke can be seen to have a passion for horror films.
Though he doesn’t like it when the characters are dull and prefers them when they are more than
one dimensional. This being his reason for loving his favourite his favourite saw film. He also
admires all the production work that goes behind it and loves to see how it is made. This is
something he finds to be genius with it looking so realistic. He also prefers the more minimalism
style of film posters considering them to be scarier and easier to attract attention.
• What this says about my audience: This says that part of my audience
already know what makes an good horror film. They don’t want to see the type of stuff that they
are used to seeing in a bad horror film such as the campy characters or the predicable jump scares.
It also says that the minimalism is the approach to take when it comes to making a horror. Not
having is filled with images perhaps make its scarier and the image more isolated. It also shows
that this type of audience are enthusiasts to these type of films. Looking at them from a different
angle and be interested in the behind the scenes as well as the film.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will
appeal to this type of audience because all the posters that I had already planned were going to be
minimalism. I was going to make a teaser poster this will be really simple. The rest will be
minimalistic too but have a little more to look at. In terms of character the main serial killer of the
film will be the most interesting but from this I will also focus on giving the other characters as
much personality as well. My product will also appeal to this audience because I will be supplying a
full breakdown to any production that happened. How I made it, what I made it with etc.
Interview 2Sam Wetton
What is your age?
What is your gender?
Do you enjoy watching Horror?
“I am not a big fan of horror to be honest. I much prefer comedies and light hearted topics when
it comes to films. I don’t like the gore that’s often used in the films. Whilst I appreciate the plot
and storylines that are in the film. Gore is one of the aspects that I avoid trying to see when it
comes to horror.”
What is your favourite horror film and why?
“Even thought I'm not a massive fan of horror films. From what I have see. I would have to say
the film is ‘the boy’. The reason being behind this is the twist it takes in which the viewer thinks
that the film is all about the supernatural all the way through. When really its just a creepy that
lives in the walls. Whilst horror isn’t my favourite genre because of the gore. I really do admire
the twists that appear in some of the film franchises such as this one or the SAW franchise as
another example.”
What style do you think would be best for my poster? Have it filled with loads of
things or be kept at simple minimalism?
“I prefer minimalism when it comes to posters. At the end of the day I suppose it depends on
what is on the poster. As that is what makes it. However if i was to make a poster though I would
have to go with minimalism. As it’s the most interesting option at the end of the day. Its more
attractive for the audience to be concentrating on one particular key image as opposes to loads
that are just going on around them.”
Interview 2• Observation: There's a lot that can be observed from this which is different
from the previous interview. For a start the person who in interviewed wasn’t a big fan
of horror film and so I wanted to see what it was like from that angle. This person
focused a lot more on the twist that may appear in a horror film and the everything
might not be what it seems aspect. This person also admires minimalism when it comes
to posters as well. Whilst they aren’t that much of a fan of horror. They can still tell
what make a good poster from their experience of having seen a few in their lifetime.
• What this says about my audience: This says that even the
audience that aren’t into horror still now what makes a good poster and good film. They
can pick out the cons of horror films and that make its better. Criticism is the key step to
go forward and listening to that feedback is really what's going to me the film improve.
Despite having criticism on this genre they still cant avoid having a favourite on the
genre and by them explain why they liked it. You could include subtle element from the
previous films that are ranked high not just by my audience but by everyone. Appealing
to the current audience is great but bringing in a new audience can be even better.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My
product will appeal to this specific audience because its it will include different twist
within the film. Their will be hints that the character is associated with the devil or
something from hell. When in actual fact he's just evil. My product will also appeal to
my audience through how minimalistic m posters are. The character ones are the most
minimalistic but the rest are too.
Interview Analysis
To begin with. The first thing in which I predicted had come true. That the interviews would help gain a lot
more information than surveys which they did. A lot of the information that I had gathered was a lot more
quantitative than the information I had got from my surveys. Through this I was able to interview people
from my choosing. Just so long as it fitted in with the target audience I was aiming at in order to garter as
much information as possible. I tried picking similar age categories that were rounded off to three years
apart and knowing that one was a big fan of horror and the other not so much. It was interesting to see how
one contrasted the other. I started with Luke first. Me and Luke both share similar views when it comes to
horror. So his answers were a little predictable but there were something things he said that were new to
me. For instance that ‘saw 2’ was his favourite film. This was useful because then he could give off answers
as to why and using that It tells me what makes such as great horror film.
When it came to the second interview. I interviewed my brother. He unlike the previous person I had
interviewed. Wasn’t as big of a fan when it came to horror. It was interesting to gather up reasons as to why
he didn’t like it. Gore was one common answers that came up. Which was also a repetitive answer that I had
found when I was doing my surveys. Overall all though he didn’t concentrate on the negatives of horror.
Knowing that the interview wasn’t about that. Storylines, plot twist and characters were the thing that
Interest him the most. The interesting part when it came to style. Minimalism was an answer that came up
both times. I consider that the information that I had gathered wasn’t just based off horror posters when it
came to minimalism. I think it works for all genres as it doesn’t fill up the page and brings the audience
member in a lot more.
Overall it was interesting process to go through to interview someone who was a horror movie fan and
someone who wasn’t. However their views wasn't that different. When it came to the most important parts
such as the storyline. It showed that even from a casual member (in reference to the second person). Shares
the same views to the someone who has more interest in films (in reference to the first). Another thing to
add overall that I had gained from this is that too a casual audience member. Gore can be very off putting. So
whilst it is good to add it has to be kept to a minimum and have a more focus on the plot.
Audience Research:
1. Wetton, G. (2020) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on 10/04/2020)
2. Headland, L. (2020) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 10/04/2020)
3. Wetton, S. (2020) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on 10/04/2020)
4. André Øvredal. (7th August 2019) Scary stories to tell in the dark
5. DSLRguide. (18th September 2018) Horror Film Cinematography. Link:
6. Danny Driven. (8th January 2010) The Filmmaker's Book of the Dead: How to Make Your Own Heart-Racing
Horror Movie. Link:
7. Jordan Peele. (17th March 2017) Get Out
8. Marc Blake. (12th September 2013) Writing the Horror movie. Link:
9. Movieclips. Indie. (10th October 2017) My friend Dahmer trailer #1. Link:
10. Movieclips Classic Trailers. (15th October 2013) Insidious trailer #1. Link:
11. SciFiNow magazine. (November 2019) Joker. Link:
12. Stephen Jones. (30th October 2014) The Art of Horror Movies: an Illustrated History. Link:
13. The Closer Look. (29th October 2017) How to Terrify the Audience. Link:
14. Total film magazine. A Quiet place part 2 (January 2020) Link:
15. Wolfcrow. (12th September 2017) 15 Essential Camera Shots, Angles and Movements in Filmmaking. Link:
Books – Green
Films - Red
Trailers – Blue
Videos – Yellow
Magazine - Purple
Own Research - Black
Product research:
1. Library binding. (1st January 2012) Make Your Own Horror Movie (Make Your Movie) Link:
2. Derf Backderf. (1st march 2012) My friend Dahmer link:
3. M. Night Shyamalan. (2017) Split DVD Link:
4. Marc blac. (12th September 2013) Writing the horror movie paperback link:
5. Tate Taylor. (2019) MA DVD link:
Subject research:
1. Johnson Bernard (2018) Techniques horror movies use to scare you link:
2. VE Renne. ( 26th October 2018) 6 spooky lighting techniques you can use in a horror film link:
3. Ryan camp (29th October 2017) Horror Filmmaking - How to Make A Horror Movie link:
4. Marek Larwood. (25th October 2012) How to make a horror film link:
5. Sarah Dobbs. (28th October 2016) How to write a horror film link:
Experiment Research:
1. Mir Rom (9th January 2017) create a creepy horror movie poster on Photoshop link:
2. Picture fun (27th February 2018) Horror movie poster Photoshop effect link:
Bibliography Books – Green
Films – Red
DVD - Black
Trailers – Blue
Videos – Yellow
Magazine - Purple
Articles – Orange
Practical Research
Practical Research Image one –
Process #1The first thing I did was open up a file
by 24 width and 36 length. I then
opened up a new layer and placed the
image that is on my left onto the page.
The next step that I took was to
remove the background so using the
magic wand tool I pressed around the
areas that I didn’t want. Once the
background had been removed. Then
as a simple trick of removing the red
strap because it didn’t work with the
rest of the colours I. I used the pencil
tool. Setting it to black. I drew over the
image so that the whole of the jacket
was black. Once the background had
been removed. Then I duplicated the
layer so that there was two more
images of me. The next step was to
have the location so I opened up a new
image of what it was that I wanted.
When I had opened up a new layer and a new
image of the background. I made sure that it
was at the bottom so that my images were
visible. The next thing I did was desaturate the
main image by changing the layers to
luminosity on the top bar. They had to be black
and white to the match the melancholic feel
that I was trying to aim at. My next step was
turning down the opacity of the images so that
they were faint and blended in with the
background. Having a ghostly apparition. The
next step was to experiment with several
overlays which I could experiment with.
Looking for grungy images that fit in with the
horror feel. After trying out several layers and
playing around with the levels. I brought in one
more image of the skull and bones. This I
placed on the top right and turned the opacity
down. When finished I did a quick export of
the image as a PNG.
Practical Research Image one –
Process #2
Practical Research Image two –
Process #1
The first step that I took was opening up a new file and putting in
the measurements that would match that of a horror movie
poster. I opened up a new layer and placed the image of me first.
Here I used the magic wand tool again. Drawing around the
image on the parts I didn’t want because I wanted it to look like I
was sitting on the bench. The next image that I opened on the
document was the colourful bench. Moving the layer down and
placing me over it. The next thing I did was open a new image of
variation of colourful dots on a different layer. I used the magic
wand tool again and got rid of any dark parts. So that it was just
left with colour. I then used the rubber tool. Just smooth off the
parts that were rough from the magic wand tool. I then
duplicated that layer and positioned it upside down. I put the
copy of that image at the bottom. From this point on I opened
another layer started to experiment with my brushes. I
downloaded several different dripping design and having found
which one I was going to use. I se the colour for it. I did this by
going through every colour that was on the pallet to try and get
he whole range of the colours.
Trying out a variety of different shades so
that its all balanced out right and there
isn’t going to be too much colouring
placed in one area. I created this effect
because the balance of light colours work
well with the dots above. I then set the
layer after mine so that my image was in
front of it and the colours weren’t getting
in the way. The next thing I did was just an
overlay. I opened up a picture that had
some light colours and positioned it so it
was focusing on them and not the white
shade in the image. Now the next thing I
had to do was set the image dark light.
This made it fade in more with the image
and gives that feel that it is there but it
isn’t too obvious. The last thing I did was
go into file and export my image as a
Practical Research Image two –
Process #2
When evaluating back on my work. I have come up with a few things to say. The first
being this was a good chance to try and different brushes for the brush tool. This
allowed me to go through a section that worked and take out some that didn’t. Whilst
I got to experiment with that. I felt like I had already knew the software well enough
to not really gain much from the overall experience. Whilst I felt I wasn’t really
experimenting here just designing posters where I know everything is. What I was
doing was making two very different posters in stark contrast with each. The first one
was a dark grey pallet and had rain as a focus. As well as the skull and crossbones. So I
wanted something quite dark and melancholic. Then for my second poster. I flipped
that around. Creating something with a lot more colour and standing out in to the
design. So it was interesting to see the two different moos that were being presented
here. Another thing to say about doing these practical experiments is that they made
me think about my own project. Whilst it is horror so most of my posters will be like
the first poster I made. I do however think that adding a bit of colour to one of the
posters that I am making so it stands out more when comparing them to the other
one’s I made. Overall it was good to have a little refresh for my memory when it came
to using this software. However I should have used a software that I didn’t feel
comfortable with so that I could practise with that.
Research Evaluation
03. research
03. research
03. research
03. research

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03. research

  • 3. Existing Product – Trailer one Link: The Blair witch project teaser trailer My first product that I will take a look at is this teaser trailer for the Blair witch project. This film is set on a camera throughout the whole of the film so various shots in the teaser pick that up. However it starts off with the credit logo and then total darkness where you can hear a distraught lady crying claiming it to be her apology video. Already this causes interest to the viewer. Diving straight into the plot as opposed to showing how it set up in a trailer. The film looks like its given a very realistic tone to it and feels more like a horror documentary than a film with actors. With various messages coming up giving a little context as to who the girl is and what she was doing to end up there. The music is very tense despite it being very quite too the music works in line with the text and bounces well with each shocking thing appears in the teaser. It has a knocking rhythm that gets more apparent as the trailer goes on with it building tension as the trailer goes on. Various news reports start cropping up from various channels to narrate a little as what occurrence has happened in that the part of the plot of the film. When the narration for these events are happening that’s when we get our first shots of what seems to be the footage of the crime scene. Picking up various shots of the trees up above and shots of the floor down below. As well as the equipment that was used during the events like the cameras. The trailer is really trying to pull off a documentary style presenting it with interviews and apparent found footage. The eeriness of the colour being very grey and dull set’s the scene that this is very melancholy and doesn’t look like anything that should be counted as too realistic. The first title card arrives as the light shines through on the text and then we are found back to the woman but this time we can see her. The audience would have been on their seats whist watching this because of how real she is and how she appears to be out of the frame of the camera. Filming herself and being up close to the camera during a scary moment. The title of the film appear in a similar style to the previous title card. The final shots have the character running with the camera being very shaky and there being a lot of screaming. Teaser trailer
  • 4. Existing Product – Trailer two Donnie Darko (2001) full trailer Already this film is entering some interesting camera work starting off with a Dutch camera tilt and having the teacher looking like she is narrating the scenes by putting her voice over a few shots of the trailer. There are various white flashes that transition from scene to scene. This fits in with the music and it’s the music rhythm that starts it off. A lot of the various shots have themselves fade out in the darkness before the next shot enters. This is a good technique to transition each shot in the film into the trailer as it fits well with the music. Adding to the dramatic effect that music is also trying to pull off. Of course this doesn't do this transitioning effect for every shot but works for the ones that it does. With this being a full trailer it’s a lot longer and includes a variety of a lot more scenes. Really delving it the mind of Donnie by showing loads of shots for a few seconds really fast. It can also been seen as a full trailer from the amount of title cards it uses. Using words like ‘time travel’ and ‘sacrifice’ to show some of the pointers and factors that the film has to offer. As the trailer goes further on. The music starts getting a lot faster to fit in line with all the fast shots and the title cards become a lot more zoomed in. So that they are a lot more eye catching than what they were like before. These shots of the film get so fast that they are only there to witness for a split second when it comes to the end. The title arrives and then actors who have appeared in the film come up at the end. This interesting way of laying it out is a good selling point. May not be one that everyone will concentrate on but for any film fanatics is noticeable. The cast usually appear before the title. This leaves a lasting impression of the how huge and great the cast are in these last few shots of the trailer. The cast doesn’t give off just one or two people that will appear but eight different cast members. The music that plays in the back as well feels very anonymous and contrasts to the more past pacing music that we got before the title had emerged. The last shot is of the billing card which can been on posters. This usually is the last thing that appear in trailers. Link Full trailer
  • 5. Existing Product – Trailer three Sneak peak teaser Link: oXp_iLWz9gjA8xWjx1U2Eg&index=1498 Spiderman Homecoming (2017) sneak peak This six second clip is very short but it’s a sneak peak for the trailer that you will get soon. This specific teaser is what inspired me to do a sneak peak teaser. There isn’t an awful lot to analyse because its so short. We see one shot of the spider gadgetry flying of the chest. Then a title card emerges which says ‘tomorrow’ telling us the release of when the teaser will be released. Then another shot cuts in to what seems to be a fight on airplane. The title of the film appear and then it stopes. This teaser only consists of two scenes from the film and even with those two scenes you don’t feel like you are taking anything away from them. With this film being completely new and not a sequel to any other of the spiderman films. It’s a nice way of hinting what the suit and what the production values might hold for the next film. It gives the modern day look a hint as to what the audience should expect. In terms of title cards they are done with a blue background and yellow letters connotating to it to resemble Spiderman's suit. In conclusion this sneak peak isn’t meant to give off a lot of what the plot is about. It’s merely meant to give the audience an urge of an excitement and to shows them what is to come.
  • 6. Existing Product – Trailer four Full trailer Link: My friend Dahmer (2017) full trailer The film starts off with a causal introduction of Dahmer and his mates. Already setting of the creepy tone of how casual it looks but how awkward Dahmer is. Most that starts this off is usual to horror films. It doesn’t feel creepy and like the start it feels casual. We see what Dahmer s life is like day to day and it almost makes you sympathise for him. Seeing how bullied and bad he was. The whole set up doesn't feel like horror with the light music. Right until the camera takes the photo and the screen goes black and white. Maybe symbolising the fact that not everything black and white. That the is boy is truly messed up. The music becomes a lot more darker and it starts to really feel like a horror. It get’s to the point where it feels like there isn’t even any music. Making the audience focus more on dialogue and the sound effects that are in the actual shots of the trailer. When the title cards show up, they do it in a way the other trailers didn’t. As opposed to giving various words that hold relevance to the plot. This film gives reviews from various other companies that have their opinion on the film. Again just like the Donnie Darko film as the trailer goes on the shots that are being shown go a lot faster and music is also a lot more faster. All the cast members names however are shown in one go in contrast to the Donnie dark one. Fitting in five cast member into one card. Eventually it slows down right up to the end. Still holding the tapping sound that the music has to offer. This film slows down to just two more shots of the film when the music is slow and end with the chilling line “I'm just like anybody else” being said by Dahmer. The doors shuts and we left with the title and a faint echo of whatever appears to sound like a bang. Again like all the other film trailers, this end’s with a billing card telling you the various cast and crew.
  • 7. Comparing my friend Dahmer to Donnie dark old/modern These are two films that can’t be made much of a comparison to. They are both horror but are very different films. However in terms of how it’s been shot and how the trailer has been presented there’s are few subtle things that can be picked up on. Whilst there isn’t a big age difference between the two. You can certainly tell even from the companies that are being the presented and the cinematography that it’s a bit more older. There are few subtle things that are presented in this trailer too that show how advanced we’ve got since then with the sound effects and the music. The faint echo that has been placed after each quick shot is being shown. Amongst other things whilst the theme of the film is being presented in this way. The subtle flashes that are shown in the lettering show that the film has that early 20’s vibe. When comparing it to the my friend Dahmer trailer. You can already tell with the music sounding a lot more crisp and the quality of the video looking much better. The eeriness feels like its been transitioned better as well. Going from jovial music to something with a slight echo and low tone. With selling the trailers are vastly different. The ‘my friend Dahmer’ has multiple reviews and star ratings presented to sell the film but the ‘Donnie Darko’ one has none. This just shows that cinema has got much better in presentation when it comes to selling the film. Donnie Darko (2001) My friend Dahmer (2017)
  • 8. Research Analysis - Trailer What common features do the researched products have? The main common feature that all these trailer have is that they all do well in building up the tone of the horror film. It paces up with the more that get’s revealed. The only thing that doesn’t have a common feature is the sneak peak Spiderman homecoming teaser. The only thing that can be used in comparison to the others is the multiple flashes that are used to transition the scenes. This makes the scenes more intense and is a good use of style, especially when it comes to psychological films because it’s entering the character’s mind. Also with these trailers apart from ‘spiderman’ one. The music is very delicate and quiet because they are horror films. There are some point’s of the trailer where the music is so quiet you won’t be able to hear the sound of it. Another feature that occurs a lot in these trailers is its uses of colours. Even if it’s a sunny day in the film. The image of it all has been desaturated. So that it’s given a dull melancholy feel that makes the film fit in with the darker aspects of the rest of the film. These trailers including the ‘spiderman’ one hold’s everything that is needed when presenting a trailer. From the cast, title, date and title cards. Another element that I found common when researching these products is the two films ‘my friend Dahmer’ and ‘the Blair witch project’. Both have a continuous knocking effect that works well with music and the shots of the trailers that are being presented. That last thing that can be noted when concentrating on the common features that are being presented is in relation to the films itself and the main characters of the film. Whilst ‘my friend Dahmer’ is based of true story and his a lot more sinister than the ‘Donnie Darko’ trailer. They both still delve into the mind’s of both characters in the trailer. Seeing the psychology of what was going on in their minds.
  • 9. Research Analysis - Trailer What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? The aspect that I want to include in my trailer that I have took from these trailers is the suspension of music. How the music gets more faster and dramatic in a similar way to the ‘Donnie Darko’ and ‘My friend Dahmer’ trailers. With the ‘my Friend Dahmer’ trailer. It shows the film start off as not being comedic but not as serious as later on. The darker aspects of the film build on as the more is revealed. This makes it even more sinister when you find out more stuff that the killer has done. In contrast to the ‘Blair witch project’. Even though they are two separate plots and the film itself actually builds it up. The trailer for ‘Blair witch project’ dives straight into it and just teases what's going on. Another aspect from this research that I might include is to have the structure from the ‘spider man’ sneak peak in my sneak peek too. Just have one scene from the film then show of the credits of it. I also want to have sections of my trailer in black and white in a similar way to ‘the Blair witch project’ trailer. The reason sections of that film is in black and white is because of the camera they are filming on. For my trailer is will use the black and white effect to contrast the lighter parts of the trailer that will show up the beginning. The structure of fitting in five cast members into one card I will do as well. This will reduce time by showing each cast member at once. Including more shots from the film. The last thing that I will include in my trailer from viewing these trailers is an effect of the knocking which was added to ‘the Blair witch project’. The rhythm of the notes and how the knocking gets more noticeable as the scenes get more tense is something that inspired me to take this into my trailer. I feel like with this and a number of faster shots that work in with the music like the ‘Donnie Darko’ trailer. The ending will come off as impactful for the viewer to watch it.
  • 10. Existing Product – Poster one The Dark knight teaser poster (2008) This Dark Knight poster shows the joker behind a glass mirror using some blood to spell out the words ‘”why so serious?” this is often referred to as being the tagline of the film and is a nice natural way of doing. As opposed to just have it in blocked letters at the bottom. We can also tell that the joker is writing out this message or pointing to it gleefully. Though seen as it was his line from the film, it would make more sense if he did it. Whilst this is a nice almost-silhouette type of image. It isn’t completely clear that who this is. Conveying the mystery of the person behind the glass. The whilst you can almost tell it is the joker with it being his quote in the film and vividly making out the gloves, hair, eyes and coat. Another feature that I recognisable is the posture. Its not straight and the head is tiled. The smile that he is drawing on the glass is a big representation of his mood. You can tell the character is smiling just from the faint squint that you can see from the paint that applied to his eyes and the way his whole body is twisted. The letters and the smile look like they have been drawn onto the window first with pen and then covered with the blood. There's something about the fact that the image isn’t very clear is what makes it creepy. If you’ve seen the film then you'll know the character straight away but its not very clear. There's also many questions added to this poster despite its aesthetic visual looks. You ask yourself. Where was this photo took? Is it the joker for definite? What’s wrong with the glass for us not being able see him? Location setting is very interesting as well. Everything behind the glass is very vivid but it’s still easy to pick up the details. Such as the outline building of Gotham in the background. The buildings are very linty. Which maybe enters into the joker’s mindset of not seeing the full potential of Gotham and wanting to take over. The colour pallet adds a nice touch to the poster with the blue and white being the main primary colours. There's a nice fade between the two showing the white at the top and their fade into the blue so that you can see Gotham properly. Along with colours, the website of the film is red in the same way the blood is on the window. Linking the two colours together.
  • 11. Existing Product – Poster two Us poster (2019) The first noticeable thing when it comes to analysing this poster is the face of how petrified the woman is with a wide eyes expression and tear rolling down her cheek. You can tell this woman is or has been in pain emotionally or physically. She has been terrified by something which already connotes it to be a horror. The stare that the lady is giving is very uncomfortable and that rubs off onto the audience. The second most noticeable thing is the mask that she is holding. Which is an exact replica of her face there but without the eyes because she is not wearing it and without the tear meaning that she is wearing a metaphorical mask and is crying behind it. The tear shows us that she is in pain. Without it her facial expression looks totally normal which is what makes the mask so sinister. When it comes to the darkness that is surround her. That gives of the impressions that she is in the unknown. As well as with the lighting, there's a white light bounding onto her face. This might share some clue as to what it she is looking at. In terms of colours the mixture of red and dark red compliment each other really well. Showing that it is a horror through the primary colours that are presented here. Whilst the image of the face and the mask is most usual. The clothing can be noted as rather odd too. With just a red shirt it might be seen as a type of uniform. Something that she has been forced to wear. Another peculiar clothing item is the brown leather glove which takes up a fair bit of the page. The font is a white colour making it contrast to the black background so that it will stand out. It’s a classic font that tells this is a either a classic film or there are classical elements to it. The title of the film as has a very springy look to it. Still looking classical but also having the element of it curling and looking like something from the woods. This poster is so good because there are so many elements that tell you about the film when analysing it but they aren’t in your face and obvious about them. The poster itself feels very minimalistic and is very self contained into making this woman the key focus of the poster.
  • 12. Existing Product – Poster three Halloween poster (2018) This posters feel very dark in comparison to the previous ones that I have looked at and analysed. The main feature of this poster is the face of Michael Myers looking down. In a close up shot you can really see all the wrinkles and lines on his face. Connotating to the fact that he is old and the mask has aged with him. This gives this a lot more depth telling you that is present day. The lighting I think is excellent. Whilst the location is unknown. The white light has been pointed to the left side of his face making the right side appear in complete darkness. All you have with this is the left side of his face then the rest of himself being bathed in the darkness that surrounds him. The darkness that is in the eyes as well gives it a very anonymous feel. Mot being able to see the full nature of the character eyes behind the mask. However like I had mentioned in my initial plans. If the brightness of image is turned up then you can see the eyes behind the mask and that the brilliance of lighting in posters. This poster is very minimalistic especially in terms of it having no tagline the uses of colour however are taken further here with the date ‘October 19’ being in orange connoting to it being set in Halloween. Orange is a colour that is often linked in with Halloween. This is a clever use of colour. Then of course there is the iconic logo. This is design of the logo matches the simplicity of the poster. However nothing has changed here with them remaining to keep the same logo that they had before in the original films. This posters main key focus is minimalism and how that attracts the audience, the marvel films are big but the posters are often given criticism on how much they stick on there. This poster only has one image and all the Halloween posters only have one or two things. They haven’t got ten or eleven images shoved onto the poster. I think by doing that it attracts the audience by teasing them but not giving them too much. The Michael Myers mask is iconic. I consider just having that and a few tiny added details is great promotional material for a poster.
  • 14. Existing Product – Poster four SAW four poster (2008) The final movie which I will analysis is from the saw franchise. I think this saw poster is incredible impressive. The uses of colour are enough to talk about on their own. The uses of dark colours is incredible but the boldness of adding red works to. Unusual as a lot of saw don’t have a lot of colours which is fine because they still work. From analysing this poster you can tell that the person who is wearing the pig mask is a woman from the heels that are shown on the bottom. Form the main image it shows a victim wearing pig mask and a red piece of clothing looking into the distance. This victim can be seen to be trapped in a torture device that has been set up in a by John Kramer (jigsaw). Uses of the grey colour work well in matching up with the colour of the device. They haven’t spoilt the image and have stuck with their three primary colours. The poster itself has been given a scratched out look with there being a few scratches to give the poster a worn out look and look very natural when it’s being promoted outdoors at a bus stop for instance. However the scratches do look deliberate with them showing to have a square shape to them that wasn’t finished off. The uses of red are incredibly talented with the logo matching the same colour of the logo. The title has also done a similar thing of with it sharing the same colours of the date. This highlights the most important part of the poster and leaves the tagline “it’s a trap” a lot darker. Making the words a lot more meaningful. This poster also unlike the others has a credit telling you about the cast and crew that’s in the film. The use of lighting is presented very well here too with the light casting over to the pig mask so that it’s very clear and little to the clothing so that you can make out that the colour of the clothing is red. The location is unknown and the character is also unknown with this bit of mis en scene only being presented in promotional material and not in the actual film. However it does open a lot of questions of who they are and what they are doing there? These questions encourage the audience to go and see the film.
  • 15. Research Analysis - Poster What common features do the researched products have? These posters despite being in the same genre are quite different. The most common feature that I was able to pick up on was it’s choice of colours. Seeing a pattern of black and red being used a fair bit for all of them apart from the ‘Halloween’ one. Whether it’s to use at clothing or as blood being smeared onto glass. These two colours often connote to horror. There's also a lot of symbolic meaning behind a lot of them. They are all minimalist but have a particular object that gives off part of the movie if you have seen it. For example the joker spelling his catchphrase why so serious?” onto the glass board or the person wearing the mask of their doppelganger in ‘us’. These are subtle hints that illustrate that there is more to the poster than meets the eye. The majority of them illustrate false emotions as well. With ‘the dark knight’ one. It shows that the joker is putting on a fake smile. For the ‘us’ poster, the character in it is showing to give off no emotion through facial expression but clearly it’s sadness from the tear on the cheek. For the saw poster the character wearing the pig mask looks like its giving no emotion because of the mask. So it’s just sat there looking patient. Another common feature that can be seen in these posters is based on how simple the font can be when dealing with horror. Just so long as it shows meaning to the project you are doing. Franchises such as ‘saw’ or ‘Halloween’ don’t really have to abide by these as they are iconic franchises. Films like ‘us’ that are just out however have to have something in the title but the simpler the font is. The more effective it can actually be.
  • 16. Research Analysis - Poster What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? The main aspect that will be incorporated in my poster that is similar to the other posters is that my teaser poster is being inspired by ‘the dark knight’ poster that I had analysed first of all of them. I will include the serial killers image blurred out ever so slightly and drawing a blood curling smile through the glass where his mouth should be. I want the image to be clear enough to see that the killer behind the glass is actually serious and in pain. Another aspect of my research that I want to include in my posters is to have the effect of something standing out if the brightness of the poster is turned up. I thought this was a really good Easter egg to have and must have excited the fans when they found that out. In something so simple. That’s hidden. In terms of colours I think red and black work really well together. So with that I think it would be interesting to experiment with. Like I said in my previous slide all the posters about from the ‘Halloween’ one look like they are giving off false emotions. I consider doing that especially with a psychological horror that I am doing. Another aspect that has inspired me from looking at existing products is how I use my colours. I need a specific primary colour that has relation to the film and then I can apply in ways that it’s hinting something, I think ‘Halloween’ works the best for this example. Having ‘range for the date of October because the colour orange often connotes to October.
  • 17. Existing Product – Magazine one Entertainment weekly (October 2018 issue) Halloween Front page The first magazine I will be taking a look at is the front cover of this entertainment weekly. It has Jamie lee Curtis, out of character on the front cover you can tell this from the facial expression that she is pulling on her face. Looking happy and more contempt than her character this can be seen more of a photoshoot that the images for film. You can see that Michael Myers face is on the pumpkin. It look’s like she is happy because she has carved or in more threatening terms look like she’s about to cut it. The colour choice of the title of the magazine is orange connotating to the pumpkin and Halloween in general. The primary colours are something in which you can focus on with the darker colours fitting in with the photography but the text is all in white so that it can stand out from the image. Drawing the audience into the article as well. Halloween the name of the film and the time of the year in which this came out is the largest piece of text which is on the page. The page is a lot more limited to what is included in the magazine. There isn’t columns telling you about the article inside. This style of minimalism makes you focus on the image a lot more and shows that the main article had really earned to be front page. Having two Halloween sections on the front and then one other article on something else Double page spread This double page spread is obviously a different one. The front cover that I had just analysed was from 2018 and this double page spread is from 1980 for the promotion of ‘the shining’ film. Most magazines back in those days didn’t have colour to the inside of the pages with it being too expensive. So this is page is all in black and white. Which makes it difficult to analyse the colours that are being shown. The only thing that has colour is the coming soon. This is a red colour so the balance of darker colours and then a bright colours works well. Making that colours stand out well.
  • 18. Existing Product – Magazine two Movie magic (December 2004 issue) Harry potter Front Page The first thing that can be analysed from taking a look at the front cover of this magazine is it’s use of colours. They are a lot more lighter than most of the magazines seen. Whilst they still hold a professional standard in the modelling and photography. There's a lot more added to the front cover of this magazine. Giving of various posters and articles that come with the magazine. There's no primary colours at the front. Whilst one can argue that a light blue is the main primary colour. There's many ranging from the different images that are being presented from green to red and black. However they have been faithful to keeping the same colours to the primary image. Each individual section of article is positioned in rows of four or three. This is a way of putting certain parts such as cover lines in rows. Blue is a very tonal colour that associates with calmness this attracts the reader in. In terms of imagery the character is well focus on the front. It’s nothing to explosive or in the way. Appearing very calm and relaxed which works with the colours. Inside cover Taking a look at this cover inside the magazine. Everything seems to be positioned correctly. There's certain articles that have been highlighted a certain colour to show importance to the article that is being presented. There is also a small article that includes a short ranking. With it’s uses of colour’s it’s using red to highlight the specific number of where that robot has been placed. Its not even text boxes of articles that are being highlighted but its also the text about the article. Some of its highlighted red to address that it’s the headline of the article. The most noticeable thing is that whatever is the brightest thing on the page is the article that stands out the most. The highlighted yellow box is more likely going to catch the eyes of any reader. All boxes that are highlighted blue keep the same theme that the front cover has. Another aspect that is noticeable is the imagery. When looking at the making of robo-babes. Number one has a strong female character with her arms on her hips. Looking powerful. This makes number one even great but balancing the good posture and makes people consider their judgment to be a good one.
  • 19. Existing Product – Magazine three Arka (November 2018 issue) Bohemian Rhapsody Front Page The structure for the front cover of this magazine is interesting. The image of Rami Malek (the guy on the front cover) is positioned to the left side of the cover with the contents of the article positioned to the right side. For this front cover image. The image isn’t directly in the middle its on the left side and the contents are all kept the other. The uses of colour highlight what's important that in the magazine. The title of the film, important names, important article magazine details etc. These are important parts that are appear in the magazine. another element which has been put to god use is sizing. The font of each article that keep appearing is getting larger and larger. So when it reaches to the title of the film it’s the largest article that can be seen on the page which is a good thing because it’s the primary article. One faint thing that I had noticed was the reflection of the QUEEN logo in the reflection of the sunglasses. This is hinting towards who the character is and is a good way of establishing the name of the character in the image if nobody knows who it is. The font is usual. Whilst I'm sure that the title of the magazine is this font every week. It been placed backwards as if you would only be able to read if it was facing a mirror. This is an odd way of getting the title out there but I admire it because it’s a unique sense of expressing the title rather than just having some boring title. Minimalism is good but you’ve got to make it your and make it look different. Inside cover The primary colours set for the inside of this magazine is red and white. This is more of a design element above anything else. Whilst it highlights a fact which is on the picture. It mostly has red columns that are positioned there to the side. Just as a design element. The photos have retained there natural colour because they are there to the show the film off but they aren’t a major factor on what sells the film. It’s the article that does that. The image also shares the same colour effect with the front cover because quite a lot of the film is set on a stage. There's a faint fog that doesn’t even have to be applied. Same with the colouring of the image. That’s the mood lighting that has been placed onto the stage so
  • 20. Research Analysis - Magazine What common features do the researched products have? The most common feature that I had found when researching these magazine was continuity of themes when comparing the inside cover to the front. Whilst they were only there for the last two because it was a different magazine article to the front cover. For the ‘bohemian rhapsody’ article it doesn’t focus on similar colours but the theme of using deep colours such as purple and blue are very distinctive. For the harry potter one this was probably the most frequent because the boxes that were blue highlight the various parts of the article that are related to harry potter. Whist there isn’t a lot that they have in common the title of the magazines plays in well with main articles. Having an orange coloured title for ‘entertainment’ to connote to Halloween. The silver and white shine gloss that movie magic has. Holding relation to the logo of the film and the Rockstar music vibe that the title holds for the music magazine. Another common feature that I found when looking at these existing products is is that they aren’t giving away the full meaning behind the picture. With the exception oh Harry Potter and the owl. The Halloween issue has Jamie Lee Curtis carving Michael Meyers face onto a pumpkin. However it is not given any context whether she is in character or not from her smiling. Same with the queen issue. It has Freddie Mercury there but just hint at if no one knew from first glance. Then reflection of the word ‘Queen’ has been reflected onto the sunglasses.
  • 21. Research Analysis - Magazine What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? The main aspect that I wanted to include in my magazine which I found from researching these is to have a colour that holds a connotation that particular film in the text on the magazine. For example if the whole film was set in the woods then green would be an appropriate colour when deciding what it should be for the text. Another aspect that I have found from this research that I will include my work is to have something as sharp as a font for the front cover of my magazine. Now whilst the sharp lettering is a connotation to the knife that Jamie Lee Curtis has in her hand. It could also be used in other contexts such as the description of a slasher films or hold relation to another sharp object. I would also like to include a simple minimalistic design for the front of my magazine. Halloween’s issue is the best example for this. There's a lot of empty space with this it offers the reader to concentrate on the main image that is the most important. The layout design for the Harry Potter issue is the contrast as to what I want the front cover design to look like. Another design element that I found most interesting and would like to experiment with is the uses of colour coordinated textboxes to highlight the important parts of the article.
  • 22. Existing Product – DVD cover art one The Amityville horror DVD cover This DVD cover will be the first one I will analyse is the Amityville horror movie. The first thing that can be analysed from looking at this, is it’s choices of colours. Having bright colours but in darker tones and mixing them in in well with the imagery that’s been placed on the DVD, the banner telling you the edition of the DVD at the top is in red matching the main theme colour of the front cover. The green being the secondary colour of the DVD case doing a similar thing having the review in green and box of special features in the same colour. Its uses of colours have worked extremely well. The green and black blending with the shadows of the darker colours and creating its own look nicely but also keeping it to a horror standard by having the colours darker. Having the DVD in a dark colour because it’s horror but keeping the text light. So its a lot more easier to read. The one thing that is surprisingly missing from the cover of this DVD is the age certificate. It doesn’t give off any sort of clue what the age rating is and from this we have to presume that is around an 18/15 from it being a horror film. Another interesting element to add about this DVD is that there s isn't a lot of images of the back of the cover. It’s just teasing the film and sells it more in the synopsis of the film. In conclusion this DVD includes everything that is need from a synopsis of the film, companies logos, barcode etc. however it doesn’t include an age certificate on the front, spine and back cover. Without this the audience wont be able to tell what the film is in terms of who's allowed to see it. Another design element that I think is great is the title. The ‘y’ is left hanging between the two r’s. Leaving the impression that its been scratched out.
  • 23. Existing Product – DVD cover art two SAW VI Director’s cut DVD cover This DVD’s cover is contrasted to the previous one that was analysed. Focusing on light grungy colours so the image of the font cover stands out more. There's a faint overlay of a splatter blood positioned by the image behind the man and in front of saw. Showing the full extent as to how gory the film is. The primary colours are black, red, white and grey. The red is on the banner at the top and the special features lettering. The red lettering connotes to the colour of blood. Which can also be seen as the overlay in front of the saw at the front. The synopsis is a bit smaller than the one previously and the image at the back is just one. That concentrates on the wheel trap. The black that has been faded into the back of the centre of the cover helps show the image a lot clearer. The same as the previous other previous DVD cover. The one thing that is majorly missing is the age certificate. The grungy faded out grey spray paint effect that has been applied to the top of the back of the DVD cover looks good. Creating this mould dirty effect that connotes to the bathroom as seen in the film or most locations in the saw franchise. The title unlike the others has been repeated on the other side. This will let the viewer who can only see the back the name of film know. The main thing that can be picked up on from this cover is the grungy effect that has been created at both the front and back. Old often connotes to horror and is effective. If the DVD was just a white cover then it wouldn’t work as well because it would look to clean and would match the theme that the saw franchise has.
  • 24. Existing Product – DVD cover art three Outcast DVD cover This DVD cover of the previous two is a lot more professional. It has everything that is need to make it a DVD along with an age certificate which is something that the previous two were lacking. In terms of colours too. They have kept the same professional standard as the other two. The images on the back cover of the people are the same primary colour that has been placed on the whole of the DVD. Having an icy blue tone to it. This blends in well with the darkness that is surrounding the rest of the DVD. Not even in terms of images but the packing of the DVD the colours compliment each other nicely. Red can be seen through certain sections of the DVD as well as including where the details of the DVD are. It has also been included on the word ‘cast’ in ‘outcast’. Red yet again is being used in a horror product because it has that horror connotation which could mean blood or something even more sinister. The synopsis and title card is totally white. As for the rest of it there's certain sections where red has been placed. The red and white balance well with each other. This DVD includes everything that is needed. It has review of the film on the front and back of the cover. So it can be just as eye catching on either side. Yet again the darker colours are being shown throughout the whole of the DVD. So the silhouette of the hand/claw that is at the front. Stands out because it’s the largest thing that can be seen of the front of the DVD and also stands out with the white smoke surrounding the other area. Amongst other things that can be noticed. Smoke is another thing that is presented on this DVD. It’s the uses of the black and white smoke effect that work with the blue shade. Another thing that I think will captivate the audience that is looking at the product is in it’ uses of fonts. The text stands out the most and the title, along with the reviews as well stand out a lot. Having a scratched out look about them.
  • 25. DVD analysis meanings Barcode: Every selling product has one Age certificate: 18 Age certificate shown on the spin: Viewer looks at the case from a side Image and title can be seen on the spine of the DVD to draw people in Teaser images and special features Synopsis: informs people what the film is about Production companies Cast: The cast has been displayed above the title of the film Skyline Shows what format the film is in Billing block: credits Highlighting main and big names of the film Main image shown on the front cover: Draws the audience with it’s resemblance to the psycho shower scene Review quote: Often comes from newspapers makes the reader think they are missing out Tagline Title: simple white font but the red connotes to the colour of blood. A colour which is soften associated with horror Company promoting the film
  • 26. Research Analysis – DVD cover art What common features do the researched products have? The main common feature that I have found from researching these products is how all of them have one main key colour as their theme. With the exception of ‘the Amityville horror’ film. That has red at the front and green at the back. The other two have stuck with their colours of grey and blue. The most common feature that can be noted is that whilst two of them don’t have age ratings. They all have everything that is needed to make it sell as a DVD. Companies, short reviews, special features and stand out images. This is everything that is needed for the DVD. Design is the USP (Unique selling point). With the colours they also do a similar thing that the magazines do. Highlighting the important parts in separate colours. This is seen in all three DVD covers. The most noticeable one is the ‘outcast’ film. Highlighting all the important details at the bottom of the DVD in red. Another common feature which I had found when researching these products was its logo’s of the films are very grungy and look battered in comparison to the rest of the DVD. With the exception of ‘the Amityville horror’ DVD. The titles look very worn and torn because horror often connotes to old. It’s a cool effect which is applied with a lot of horror because it doesn’t work as well with any other genre.
  • 27. Research Analysis – DVD cover art What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? The main aspect that I will include in my work that has relation to these products is to have a main set primary colour for the whole of the cover. This sounds pretty obvious but before I began researching these products I didn’t even think about having one main theme colour that matches front to back. It can be seen most in ‘outcast’ product that I had researched. The images at the back have been filtered to have the same colour as the rest of DVD. Another aspect that I will include on my DVD cover that I got from this is to have a grungy effect applied to my DVD. This will be the theme of my film. So it will be placed on my posters and most of the promotional material that I am making. I want to make a similar thing with the back cover as well. Having the dark grey fog fade in with the white which is another primary colour to the DVD. Another element which I aimed specifically at the DVD is to have a balance of two colours. Red and black are two colours that I think compliment each other really well. So possibly them two. I will do a similar technique where it will be applied on the DVD’s details at the bottom of the cover and also some of the various reviews from other companies of the DVD. I also want them to connect but contrast in some manner. So with my film being focused on a psychological film. For example it could be half ‘normal people’ in red and the other ‘half gone mad’ in black. One last aspect that I would like to include in this product is making it a specific edition of something. By doing this is make’s the product look more real. This was something that I didn’t consider including till I looked at the previous existing products.
  • 29. Primary audience Research Audience Interviews 6Th may 2020 - Wolverhampton Alex Bleach – Older Adult Does Watch 10Th May 2020 – Sherburn Georgina Whiteley – Old teen Does watch 4th May – York Ethan Pratt – Old teen Doesn’t watch What are your favourite things about horror films? My favourite thing about horror is the characters they can be interesting when played right. My favourite thing about horror is the twists that are pulled in every section and the many different plot element leading up to it. I’m not a big fan of horror but I’d have to say character development. I feel like a lot of the horror films I watch miss that. What are your worst things about horror films? The one thing I cant stand about some horror films is the campy acting and how characters can overreact in certain situations I don’t like it when horror films are too gory. I feel like it doesn’t add much to the plot and the only thin g it does is make you turn away so your missing the film. I don’t like it when horror films have boring 2D characters. The plot fails when the characters aren’t good. What is your favourite horror films and why? My favourite film is the grudge because the stunt preforming and the whole design of the antagonist freaks me out every time. My favourite horror film would have to be the saw films. Whilst I cant even think of which one is my favourite. I really admire the colour schemes and the characters that add to it. My favourite horror film is the insidious films. The music and the effects that are created are genuinely so scary. What three primary colours would you pick for a horror film? It would have to focus on dark colours if a horror film. Perhaps blue, black and red. If I was to pick colours for the film then I would focus on dark shades such as green, blue and grey. For the colours I would suggest picking colours that would with the selected item. If you were to do one with a bathroom. Have a grungy white colours
  • 30. Trends • 80’s creature films Through out the majority of the 80’s there was a huge rise in creature films. This was a trend that proved to be successful with films such as ‘gremlins’ and ‘an American werewolf in London’. • 90’s slasher’s films In the 90’s there was a high success rate in slasher films. For example scream and final destination. The problem with these ones is they started to get stale towards the end of making them. This is when acting for the films got a lot worse and stereotypes were starting to be placed on horror because of how comedic it was • 10’s paranormal films Another successful series of films was the paranormal. The films held a high regard for franchise and seen as a majority of them were based off true stories. This made them even more frightening. The actor/actresses that were getting picked for the roles weren’t regarded as bad. The effect were more up date despite some films not doing so great. - These are a few trends that I had picked up over the years of horror films. I feel like that through the circle. Horror has developed. Through the 90’s period even though there was still great films being released it had dipped. But in recent years horror has got a lot more recognition than what it used to. The bad image will always be there for the films that weren’t as successful but the films like ‘the conjuring’ or ‘insidious’ series that have great acting and great effect make people proud to watch horror films and are glad that the franchise is still going today.
  • 31. Genre cycle • Horror has gone through many different genre cycle in history. The most common modern day one is zombie films. Zombies work in horror because it’s about spreading dieses and is something that could actually happen. Perhaps not in a cannibal sense but is still something that bring fear into other peoples minds. • Another cycle of horror which is the one that is used perhaps the most is the paranormal. When looking at films such as the paranormal activity or insidious. They have clever ways for making the films scary because of how real they feel. With the ‘paranormal activity’ films it’s the camera being placed in the movie. With insidious it’s the ear screening violin music that feel unnatural to the scene and feel like it shouldn’t be there. • Sci-fi plays a part into horror’s history too. Looking at films such as ‘alien’, ‘the thing’ or ‘Frankenstein’. All three of these link to science whether is concentrating on the practical work if its actually going up to space. This creates the effect that a lot can be done with science making people scared of that. Fear can be put into a lot of things. It can also if it’s willing to go a step further make irrational fears become rational through creative thinking. For example the fear of shadows. • Another type of horror which is classified in the genre is spoof films. Whilst they are also in the comedy genre too they are shared in both genres. This genre links in with all the others because it can be taken anywhere. Whether it’s a zombie film or hammer horror one. It has to sell of course but it can get away with looking too campy and comedic.
  • 32. Skills Audit I have gained a variety of different skills over the course of my project since the start of September. Ranging from many different softwares including Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Garage band and Adobe after effects. Team work is one attribute that I consider myself to be highly good at but throughout the most of it I’m better at directing and giving out various tips on how I want this shot. This being my own project. That’s a good skill to have. Most of my skills however lie with Photoshop and considering that it was software I had never used before until I came to college. I think my skills have exceeded and my passion for it has definitely uplifted my motivation to try to fix any problem that might occur along the way. Video editing is another skill which I have gained a lot of knowledge over. Especially this year. Feeling a lot more independent and left on my own when trying to edit a video. Though Photoshop is still more my area. I think I have exceeded in both areas. I don’t do a lot of film work but from what I have done I have picked up a few things over the years. I think in the same way that you can create anything with photoshop. You can create anything with a camera and that’s always been something that I have had a keen focus on. Time management is a big focus that I need to work on. Last year was ok but this year has been a bit dodgy with everything that has been going on and with that I haven’t had a proper schedule that I could focus on. I think one element that does need improving is my need to better. I’ll accept feedback and critical comments that are aimed towards my work because that’s the best thing for it to look better as a final product. However it’s the motivation to do that after because there's certain thing’s I have done in a way that I wanted it. Something that links into that, that I am good at is communication. Through the thoughts of other people are the tips they are willing to give along the way. I feel like that is hugely beneficial and talking through it with other people is something I enjoy very much.
  • 33. Subject Research Jack the Ripper – The creepiest part about this serial killer is that to this day he is still known to be unidentified. This killer often did most of his killings in the Whitechapel area of London in 1888. By this he had names such as the Whitechapel murder and the leather apron. Attacks often involved prostitutes who lived in the slums of East London. Whilst the killer was never found, they did find a letter from someone hoax claimed to be Jack the ripper but this has been believed to be a hoax. He committed 11 brutal murders that the police investigation found lasting from the spam of 1888 to 1891. Jeffrey Dahmer – Known as the Milwaukee Cannibal or the Milwaukee Monster. This American school boy killer in the 70’s. this ex offender was known for the dismemberment and murder of 17 men and boys from 1978 to 1991. This person was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, schizotypal personality disorder and psychotic disorder. This serial killer got put in Columbia correctional institution and was put to death in 1994 for the crimes he had committed. Ted Bundy – He was an American serial killer that had kidnapped, raped and murdered several young women. After many months of denials before his execution in 1989 he confessed to 30 homicides that committed in seven states throughout 1974 to 197. However the true number of victim’s unknown. He was regarded as handsome and charismatic which he would often use to lure his opponents in. He would often approach the stranger asking for help or faking an injury. Here he would knock them out and do whatever he wanted with them. These vicious acts extended to animals as well. - Analysing through the three killers that I have looked at I have gained some proper insight to the real evil that the world has to face sometimes. Films whilst they are based on the true story are known to exaggerate the details of the film. Looking at the real vicious acts that these people have done is sickening and most of what is played in films is based off the real thing. Looking at this I have gathered some of the vicious disgusting things that they have done and whilst my film is that gory I might take some elements of this to put in my film. Disclaimer – This slide Focuses on serials killers and can be very effective when read. So if you aren’t interested then move onto the next slide.
  • 35. Survey Outline• For my Primary Research I constructed a survey for people to fill out. This has helped give out more insight as to who my target audience are. I will also conduct one to one interviews with specific people so it can gather more qualitive research of extracting more information in contrast to a quantitative research where I'm asking load’s of people. • My main aim on how I can gather as much information from different people. I did this by planning my questions ahead of time. I have used Survey monkey before. So I already had a general idea of what I could do. Survey monkey is an online website where once you are logged in. You can conduct your own questions to ask people to get general idea of what your target audience is. It’s generally used for professional businesses so you can link it in with your LinkedIn account. There are many ways you can conduct these questions from multiple choice, ticking boxes, yes or no and have people type in their own answers. Through this I will have to compare each bit of research that I am constructing. From my primary to secondary or my interviews research. By the end I will have gathered what the most successful way is to gather what my target audience what. • In order of this survey being a total success. I will need to go through a few questions to get the basic knowledge of what I should ask them and also get the idea of who it is I'm asking. 1.) Personal information - So I could understand what my demographic is. I will have to ask questions not too personal but have enough information to give myself a good enough idea of who I am aiming this questions to. So just age and gender. I will be able to know what audience I aiming these questions too. 2.) Mainly closed/less in-depth questions – This means that I should be asking questions that don’t acquire a lot of detail. Mostly yes or no questions would be preferable. Not having so many questions that require a lot detail. As this will be saved for the one to one interviews. This survey is just about collecting an overall data figure through a wide amount of my audience. 03.) Out of range – Don’t go out of the range with the questions I am asking. Make sure that they are relevant to the project I am doing. Do questions that just don’t talk about horror but specifically about the horror film I am making. Aim at thing things that will help and that I am unsure about. Such as location or elements that I will include. 04.) Questions that end with false leads – I can’t do questions that will lead with answers that could change a big concept of my project. This could be questions such as what do you think of horror films as a whole. If a lot of answers give out no to liking horror. Then that could mean that I aren’t listening to my audience or I do listen to them and I would have to scrap everything in my project.
  • 36. Survey Results - Comedy to Horror • Observation: From this quick observation. Question 1 shows that 80% out of the 100% of people I asked appreciate when a film starts off as a comedy and transitions into something darker. Only 20% thought that this cant be done successfully. • What this says about my audience: This says that most of my audience like new ideas when it comes genres and are open to lot more ideas. There's still however 8 people out of the 40 that maybe a little to shy when it comes to that experimentation. However out of this small percentage could be somebody who has seen a similar type of thing happen to a film that they watched and didn’t enjoy it. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • My product will appeal to this audience because I will try and balance the two genres in my trailer so that they will play off well. This will be done through music, camera shots etc. This is an experiment to see if this mix of genres will work with there not being many films that have balance the two. Most horror films start off with average day life routine anyway so it will be interesting to take this to another extreme. Question one
  • 37. Survey Results – Least favourite thing Question Two
  • 38. Survey Results – Least favourite thing • Observation: From this we can observe that I got a lot of answers but quite few are the same. From bad acting that leads to characters not being able to attach to the audience or unrealistic storytelling and plot devices. The jump factor pops up a few times as well when it comes to scaring the audience. This being because it can be seen as a stereotype now. Hammy acting, victims having weak motives and perhaps moments that meant to be shocking but fail from them working too hard. • What this says about my audience: From this observation above. We can see that the audience have a good understanding of the flaws of some horror films. The main basis that’s most important is to make the film realistic and not too much like a student film. Not just through camera work but also in terms of script and plotlines. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this audience because its still early in production. These things that need avoiding. Can be avoided. Whilst there may be a few things that could meet these through budget reasons every step is being taken to making sure that this product comes out right. Plus to make a good script that doesn’t cost anything but a creative mind. So in terms of unrealistic plot points. I shouldn’t have to worry there. Question Two
  • 39. Survey Results – Psychological issues Question three
  • 40. • Observation: Most opinions of Psychological issues from my audience appear to be positive when that subject matter is aimed at horror. Some people from the audience don’t like them as they can be seen as too realistic but then there have been people who have said they love horror for that very reason. Some people have seen as a good way to highlight that’s subject matter. Which I agree with and also think its an interesting point. • What this says about my audience: This shows me that my audience are able to recognise storytelling from a character's perspective. You can really not have a lot going on plot wise and show the general audience how that character is feeling. That feels more scary. The majority of my audience think that the film tackling Psychological problems can make it successful and for so many different reasons. • How will your product appeal to this audience: This film that will be presented delves into a lot of psychological issues. Its about a serial killer with serious mental health problems. Whilst the audience will be able to relate to the other characters the most. I hope that that even just shown in the trailer it takes the audience into the dark places of a person’s mindset. Survey Results – Psychological Issues Question Three
  • 41. • Observation: From this observation we can see that the majority of my audience that being 72. 50% consider trailers to be the best way to promote a film. 7.50% consider posters the best way to promote a film. Only 1 person thinks that there are other methods of selling a film than the ones I have picked and 17.50% consider think that all these methods of promotion are just as important as the other. In conclusion to my audience the best way of selling a film is through trailers. • What this says about my audience: This says what I wanted it to say. With trailers being my main focus of this project. So the fact that most of my audience prefer this way of selling a film is excellent. From looking at this you can see how diverse my audience is its almost really a mixed bag of answers but it was easy to determine it down to one. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to my audience because I will be including all these methods of promotion. Whilst trailers will be my main key focus for this project I will also being doing posters for my film. To my audience who like the trailers this will be a massive appeal to the. Having a sneak peak, teaser and a full trailer. Survey Results – Type of Promotion Question Four
  • 42. Survey Results – Most important elementsQuestion Five
  • 43. Survey Results – Most important elements Question Five • Observation: Taking a look at what my audience have said I can gather that there are a lot of important elements in horror. However the most recurring answers include having suspense in the film. So that they can have shocking moments and jump scares that won’t appear cheap. Twists can also be considered an important element and can lead to the same emotion suspense. Also what comes out in the screen can be important element of horror. From the cinematography to the make up. All these elements make the film more realistic which boosts up the fear factor. • What this says about my audience: This says that my audience have good idea of what captures the importance of horror films. They have nailed it down not only to what has to be done in order for it look good but also what emotion that has to be captured from the audience. This shows that whilst some people that are my aren’t a big fan of horror. They still share similar views to the ones that are. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to my audience from the stretch of budget that I am pulling in order for the production of this trailer to look good. I will make sure that all the make up looks good. Also one of the main reasons I wanted to film for this project is so that the cinematography looks great. Employing many different camera techniques. So that its looks as unique as possible.
  • 44. • Observation: From this observation my audience consider breaking the fourth wall to look good but only when it is done right. Having 40% of the people saying that. However behind 35% of the people don’t like the idea. Thinking that it is a good idea to include it and the amount of people aren’t fussed are both at equal numbers. Having 12.50% for both the results. • What this says about my audience: This says that a selected few amount of my audience consider that breaking the breaking the fourth wall to look good when only done well. A lot of my results are varied. None of them stand out and all have mixed thoughts on it. This still shows that there is hope that it can work and • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this audience because whilst I will be concluding with the fourth wall breaking it’s a continuation of the experimentation that I want to with this film. Just like two genres mixed up. I think that this is a perfect way to create tension in the film if the serial killer is talking to the audience directly. Survey Results – Fourth wall breaking Question Six
  • 45. • Observation: From looking at my graph, it shows that inside a normal house is the best approach as to where I should be filming, gaining 77.50%. Country moors had gained 70%. Forest by 67.50% and a church/graveyard with 62.50%. This meaning that that the best place to film from leading results is the normal looking house. • What this says about my audience: All these results seen on my graph show that these results are pretty close with each other. Whilst inside a normal house has been chosen to be a good setting for a horror film. The rest that are shown on the graph are also pretty close. This saying that my audience share the same opinions on what locations should be used for a horror film. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this audience because the main setting of the film will be set in the house. The place that everybody had voted for. The church/graveyard and the forest also share a similar percentage of results which is good because I will try and include the same amount of different shots in the trailer for where they are both filmed. Survey Results - Locations Question Seven
  • 46. • Observation: The majority of people had ticked different results and not many had done none of above. Some people came out with different results including one thinking that having it set in a normal house is overused despite that gathering the most votes. Graveyards is also another location that someone considers them to have similar opinion on. There was also something about countryside's not being considered a scary location. This is because of how contrasted it is to the others and it’s a lot less claustrophobic. • What this says about my audience: From these results we can analysis that my audience have a good understanding of the meaning behind locations and what effect it can create. Such as the countryside not being considered as claustrophobic as the other places because of how outdoors it is. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will evidently not appeal to the whole of my audience because small parts of my audience have different opinions on what is best and worst locations for a horror film. However I do know from the results, the places that need to appear the most in the trailer. Survey Results – Don’t like the locationsQuestion Eight
  • 47. • Observation: As you can see from this graph it shows 52.20% have said yes to the idea of considering character posters to be as memorable as the other posters. 7.50% have considered this to be a no and 40% have regarded this as being a matter of how the poster actually looks. Meaning that overall my audience have found character posters to be just as memorable as theatrical posters. • What this says about my audience: This say’s that the majority of my audience find that character posters are just as memorable as theatrical posters. This being because my audience like any piece of media relating to the film they enjoy and will motivate any one who wants to sell a film to do the same. • How will your product appeal to this audience:My product will appeal to this audience because the character posters will be done in a similar theme as to the official ones. They will have the same sense of style. Holding the continuity of the film in all products of advertising. I will design these posters. So that they look just as important as the theatrical ones. Survey Results – Yes to character posters Question Nine
  • 48. • Observation: From all the results that I had looked at, most of them didn’t say no, for example question eight. The above is a selection of a group that selected no. N/A meaning they said yes. One of the results said that character posters are less impactful than theatrical posters. Another point which was brought up was someone saying that they don’t think of connection to the characters when they see the posters. Another statement was brought up that it could be well if it focuses on the plot and not just the characters. • What this says about my audience: This is connected to most of my answers that I said on the last slide. My audience have different reasoning's behind what they think makes a good poster. It’s all subjective but the main basis is that my audience find character poster less impactful in a certain degree. Whilst this statement is true the theatrical poster also has to be just as memorable. Character posters are just important but the theatrical posters are also important and if they fail then that’s not good. As they are considered the main posters. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this audience because it focuses on both the theatrical and character posters. I consider both posters to be as important as the other. For reasons such as the ones above. They have motivated me to make better character posters. So that they will look more impactful. I want to change the minds of some of the audience and get them thinking that character posters can looks just as good as the theatrical ones. Survey Results – No to character postersQuestion Ten
  • 49. Survey SummaryTo summarise I have sent this survey across as many different platforms. I started by emailing it to specific people that were among my target audience and that I was friend with. Then I shared the survey through Facebook to generate some answers through people I didn’t know all too well. I even posted this survey on Twitter. Trying to gather enough people as possible. I posted this survey link onto a subreddit on Reddit under the name of R/horror. There are many polls and many opinionated questions being asked on Reddit. It’s this social media platform that has the best chance of getting my questions asked so I knew it was right to ask here. To create a short summary of the type of answers that my surveys got. I have bullet pointed them: 1.) A large selection of my audience like the genre that I am going for. They like the idea of comedy transitioning into a horror film. This is great as I really wanted to show that contrasting nature in the trailer. 2.) The least favourite thing about horror didn’t really give much to go on. The answers were quite predictable. I know that I set the question but I didn’t think that they were going to focus on stereotype such as cheap jump scares or hammy acting. Whilst these aren’t great. These are things that I knew already. I wanted the specifics of something that could work but that they don’t like the paranormal or historic. 3.) The views on Psychological issues is something that me and my audience both share. We both agree that it’s interesting when you delve into the mind of the killer in the film. 4.) With the types of promotion and which one was the most important. My audience considered trailers to be the most important part of promotion. I was shocked that posters came in so low behind it. However it gave me a good insight as to what my audience want the most out of the project. 5.) When I asked my audience what were some of the most important elements to them. The answer of there being twists in the film relieved me. Whilst in some cases of horror it’s often seen as a stereotype. However that doesn't even matter because you don’t know what the twist could be and what direction it could lead the film. 6.) In short with the breaking the fourth wall element that I want to add to my film. My audience liked that idea but only when it was done right. It cant come of as comical in a sense and it cant look cheap. It will be in sections of my trailer where the character is breaking the fourth wall where cinematography comes into play. 7.) For all the various locations that I was having it was a mixed bag on what the audience wanted. Some of them liked all the locations that were set but some didn’t. For example someone expressed the opinion of the outdoors not being a great place to film as it doesn’t feel as claustrophobic enough like the other locations. In summary I am going to stick with my locations as the majority liked them. 8.) The last question I asked was character posters. In short my audience considered them to be just as important as the other posters are. This is what I hoped as they will be done in the same theme. So they will same level of detail.
  • 51. Secondary Research: Audience research – mid adult/Mid-life In a way I do not consider target audience’s to be the final word on what you should aim for. There have been many studies on what people think about horror. How it comforts some and how it disturbs others. This holds regards to the person and not the age/gender/class. However when considering what my secondary audience would be it would be placed in a mid adult section. The main audience which it should not be aimed at is anyone that is to far under the age certificate. 16’s will often watch a 18 certificated horror film and enjoy it. In fact that’s the main age it should be aimed at because it’s when their knowledge of films start to develop in their eyes. They can get away with watching a lot more. They are being introduced to horror movies which makes the films more new and exciting. However adults still share the same passion for it. It’s often regarded as middle age when a casual audience member watches a high budgeted horror film and is impressed by it. Through this they have seen horror films adapt and evolve over the years. Whilst still retaining their youth enough to remember how things used to be different.
  • 52. Secondary Research: Online Research • Observation: A study showed that after watching a horror movie, both men and women saw an increase in their white blood cells’ activity. Indicating that the older the audience member is the most chance that the adrenaline will be boosted because they get less unaware when they get older but aren’t at that that age where it scares them to never watch it again. • What this say’s about my audience: This says that this audience is vital when it comes to horror. They are more likely to five off good reviews from the chance that they have more chance of being scare. Making good horror films is important however and that’s when you need to fin out what the younger audience think. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this audience because it is considered scary. It also has most middle aged characters so the audience will be able to find some relatability into the people they are watching.
  • 53. Secondary Audience Research • Observations: It basically enlists with there demographic, the question that is usually asked the most is. ‘Should children watch horror films?’ But for adults it’s the only genre which they can have to themselves and that is something that is important to them because it doesn’t happen a lot. • What this says about my audience: This says that my secondary audience might not be as well formed with every thing that makes a good horror film but that doesn’t place them as a bad audience. It makes the film even more exciting and suspenseful. • How will my product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this audience because it’s a film that would be considered unusual to this demographic. Adults watch psychological films but its never from the point of the killer and I feel like that in itself will draw them in.
  • 54. Secondary Audience Research • Observations: Studies show that horror films have been said to relieve stress. Stress is more apparent when you get older. Having a lot of stressful things to cope with such as a house, job etc. • What this says about my audience: This says that horror films are often have a bad reputation for the gore but this overlooks the suspense that boosts the adrenaline of the an average viewer. Through watching something so tense it can make other people forget about other problems and feel engaged with the film that they are watching. • How will my product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this product because it a horror film that a series of engaging suspenseful moments that will boost the increase of watching after the viewing of the trailer.
  • 56. Interview Outline • For my interviews I plan on doing them very differently to my surveys that I did online. This will be done person to person in speech. I will make notes of what the person is saying and then draft it out neatly. The type of questions that will be asked will be very different to the ones that I asked on the survey • These questions will be organised and structured a lot different than the survey ones because this will be done one to one. Meaning I shall ask questions that follow on longer and more detailed questions for instance asking them if they think twists in horror films are done well in their opinion. That’s a very leading question and could lead to a detailed answer which will give me enough information on that person's take of that opinion. • I’ve decided that I will interview my brother. This is good because even though we are close. He’s very opinionated and won’t alter his views to fit well with the questions I am asking. He’s also not the biggest fan of horror. So it will be interesting to see someone’s take with horror as it’s very different is very different to the other person I’m interviewing. The second person I shall be interviewing is my friend Luke. He’s very contrasted as he’s very much into horror and even though he’s my best friend. He’s not the sort of person to change their opinion. • Whilst I may structure it out with the basics of age and gender. So the person who is reading it can understand the target audience I'm aiming at. However I wont be asking any questions that are too personal. This will make the person who I am interviewing too uncomfortable and is also information that is not needed. • Another thing to note is that whilst this may be more in-depth than the survey I constructed before. The interviews will have to still be quite shorts. So that both the interviews are easy to compare when time comes to it .
  • 57. Interview 1Luke Headland What is your age? 17 What is you gender? Male Do you enjoy watching horror? “I consider horror to be my favourite genres when it comes to any other. For a production side. I really admire all the work that goes into make it looking as genuine as possible. I also like how it tackles difficult realistic day to day issues that wouldn’t be acceptable in a comedy or a romantic genre film. Just so long as it doesn't have cheap jump scares and one dimensional characters that can be considered not very clever. Then the film can be taken anywhere and be seen as engaging.” What is your favourite horror film and why? “SAW 2 is by far my favourite horror film because its an impressive sequel to the second film with the traps going onto a whole different level that the first film didn’t offer. I like this film was the characters feel a lot more 3-Dimensional. They have a lot more character and there's quite a few characters so there is a lot to work on. What style do you think would be best for my poster? Have it filled with loads of things or be kept at simple minimalism? “I prefer minimalism when it comes to posters especially horror as those are the ones that look the creepiest. The reasoning behind this is that posters are often considered to be a lot more memorable when they have the focus on just one specific image. Look at all the posters that the saw franchise have released or the iconic ‘Exorcist’ poster. These focus on one thing and with that one thing the viewer focuses their attention to that. You don’t give away too much of the film by doing this, making the viewer even more intrigued to see the film.”
  • 58. Interview 1 • Observation: From this observation, Luke can be seen to have a passion for horror films. Though he doesn’t like it when the characters are dull and prefers them when they are more than one dimensional. This being his reason for loving his favourite his favourite saw film. He also admires all the production work that goes behind it and loves to see how it is made. This is something he finds to be genius with it looking so realistic. He also prefers the more minimalism style of film posters considering them to be scarier and easier to attract attention. • What this says about my audience: This says that part of my audience already know what makes an good horror film. They don’t want to see the type of stuff that they are used to seeing in a bad horror film such as the campy characters or the predicable jump scares. It also says that the minimalism is the approach to take when it comes to making a horror. Not having is filled with images perhaps make its scarier and the image more isolated. It also shows that this type of audience are enthusiasts to these type of films. Looking at them from a different angle and be interested in the behind the scenes as well as the film. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this type of audience because all the posters that I had already planned were going to be minimalism. I was going to make a teaser poster this will be really simple. The rest will be minimalistic too but have a little more to look at. In terms of character the main serial killer of the film will be the most interesting but from this I will also focus on giving the other characters as much personality as well. My product will also appeal to this audience because I will be supplying a full breakdown to any production that happened. How I made it, what I made it with etc.
  • 59. Interview 2Sam Wetton What is your age? 21 What is your gender? Male Do you enjoy watching Horror? “I am not a big fan of horror to be honest. I much prefer comedies and light hearted topics when it comes to films. I don’t like the gore that’s often used in the films. Whilst I appreciate the plot and storylines that are in the film. Gore is one of the aspects that I avoid trying to see when it comes to horror.” What is your favourite horror film and why? “Even thought I'm not a massive fan of horror films. From what I have see. I would have to say the film is ‘the boy’. The reason being behind this is the twist it takes in which the viewer thinks that the film is all about the supernatural all the way through. When really its just a creepy that lives in the walls. Whilst horror isn’t my favourite genre because of the gore. I really do admire the twists that appear in some of the film franchises such as this one or the SAW franchise as another example.” What style do you think would be best for my poster? Have it filled with loads of things or be kept at simple minimalism? “I prefer minimalism when it comes to posters. At the end of the day I suppose it depends on what is on the poster. As that is what makes it. However if i was to make a poster though I would have to go with minimalism. As it’s the most interesting option at the end of the day. Its more attractive for the audience to be concentrating on one particular key image as opposes to loads that are just going on around them.”
  • 60. Interview 2• Observation: There's a lot that can be observed from this which is different from the previous interview. For a start the person who in interviewed wasn’t a big fan of horror film and so I wanted to see what it was like from that angle. This person focused a lot more on the twist that may appear in a horror film and the everything might not be what it seems aspect. This person also admires minimalism when it comes to posters as well. Whilst they aren’t that much of a fan of horror. They can still tell what make a good poster from their experience of having seen a few in their lifetime. • What this says about my audience: This says that even the audience that aren’t into horror still now what makes a good poster and good film. They can pick out the cons of horror films and that make its better. Criticism is the key step to go forward and listening to that feedback is really what's going to me the film improve. Despite having criticism on this genre they still cant avoid having a favourite on the genre and by them explain why they liked it. You could include subtle element from the previous films that are ranked high not just by my audience but by everyone. Appealing to the current audience is great but bringing in a new audience can be even better. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this specific audience because its it will include different twist within the film. Their will be hints that the character is associated with the devil or something from hell. When in actual fact he's just evil. My product will also appeal to my audience through how minimalistic m posters are. The character ones are the most minimalistic but the rest are too.
  • 61. Interview Analysis To begin with. The first thing in which I predicted had come true. That the interviews would help gain a lot more information than surveys which they did. A lot of the information that I had gathered was a lot more quantitative than the information I had got from my surveys. Through this I was able to interview people from my choosing. Just so long as it fitted in with the target audience I was aiming at in order to garter as much information as possible. I tried picking similar age categories that were rounded off to three years apart and knowing that one was a big fan of horror and the other not so much. It was interesting to see how one contrasted the other. I started with Luke first. Me and Luke both share similar views when it comes to horror. So his answers were a little predictable but there were something things he said that were new to me. For instance that ‘saw 2’ was his favourite film. This was useful because then he could give off answers as to why and using that It tells me what makes such as great horror film. When it came to the second interview. I interviewed my brother. He unlike the previous person I had interviewed. Wasn’t as big of a fan when it came to horror. It was interesting to gather up reasons as to why he didn’t like it. Gore was one common answers that came up. Which was also a repetitive answer that I had found when I was doing my surveys. Overall all though he didn’t concentrate on the negatives of horror. Knowing that the interview wasn’t about that. Storylines, plot twist and characters were the thing that Interest him the most. The interesting part when it came to style. Minimalism was an answer that came up both times. I consider that the information that I had gathered wasn’t just based off horror posters when it came to minimalism. I think it works for all genres as it doesn’t fill up the page and brings the audience member in a lot more. Overall it was interesting process to go through to interview someone who was a horror movie fan and someone who wasn’t. However their views wasn't that different. When it came to the most important parts such as the storyline. It showed that even from a casual member (in reference to the second person). Shares the same views to the someone who has more interest in films (in reference to the first). Another thing to add overall that I had gained from this is that too a casual audience member. Gore can be very off putting. So whilst it is good to add it has to be kept to a minimum and have a more focus on the plot.
  • 63. Bibliography Audience Research: 1. Wetton, G. (2020) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on 10/04/2020) 2. Headland, L. (2020) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 10/04/2020) 3. Wetton, S. (2020) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on 10/04/2020) 4. André Øvredal. (7th August 2019) Scary stories to tell in the dark 5. DSLRguide. (18th September 2018) Horror Film Cinematography. Link: 6. Danny Driven. (8th January 2010) The Filmmaker's Book of the Dead: How to Make Your Own Heart-Racing Horror Movie. Link: Horror/dp/0240812069 7. Jordan Peele. (17th March 2017) Get Out 8. Marc Blake. (12th September 2013) Writing the Horror movie. Link: Horror-Movie-Marc-Blake/dp/1441196188 9. Movieclips. Indie. (10th October 2017) My friend Dahmer trailer #1. Link: 10. Movieclips Classic Trailers. (15th October 2013) Insidious trailer #1. Link: 11. SciFiNow magazine. (November 2019) Joker. Link: 163#thumb 12. Stephen Jones. (30th October 2014) The Art of Horror Movies: an Illustrated History. Link: 13. The Closer Look. (29th October 2017) How to Terrify the Audience. Link: 14. Total film magazine. A Quiet place part 2 (January 2020) Link: magazine/january-2020 15. Wolfcrow. (12th September 2017) 15 Essential Camera Shots, Angles and Movements in Filmmaking. Link: Books – Green Films - Red Trailers – Blue Videos – Yellow Magazine - Purple Own Research - Black
  • 64. Product research: 1. Library binding. (1st January 2012) Make Your Own Horror Movie (Make Your Movie) Link: Your-Own-Horror-Movie/dp/1429675284 2. Derf Backderf. (1st march 2012) My friend Dahmer link: Biographies/dp/1419702173/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=my+friend+dahmer&qid=1590695042&s=books&sr=1-1 3. M. Night Shyamalan. (2017) Split DVD Link: McAvoy/dp/B01NASMAJW 4. Marc blac. (12th September 2013) Writing the horror movie paperback link: MarcBlake/dp/1441196188/ref=asc_df_1441196188/?tag=googshopuk- 21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=310972644448&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13140349940970998015&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt =&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9046293&hvtargid=pla-558693117491&psc=1&th=1&psc=1 5. Tate Taylor. (2019) MA DVD link: Subject research: 1. Johnson Bernard (2018) Techniques horror movies use to scare you link: movies-use-to-scare-you 2. VE Renne. ( 26th October 2018) 6 spooky lighting techniques you can use in a horror film link: 3. Ryan camp (29th October 2017) Horror Filmmaking - How to Make A Horror Movie link: 4. Marek Larwood. (25th October 2012) How to make a horror film link: 5. Sarah Dobbs. (28th October 2016) How to write a horror film link: movie/ Experiment Research: 1. Mir Rom (9th January 2017) create a creepy horror movie poster on Photoshop link: 2. Picture fun (27th February 2018) Horror movie poster Photoshop effect link: Bibliography Books – Green Films – Red DVD - Black Trailers – Blue Videos – Yellow Magazine - Purple Articles – Orange
  • 67. Practical Research Image one – Process #1The first thing I did was open up a file by 24 width and 36 length. I then opened up a new layer and placed the image that is on my left onto the page. The next step that I took was to remove the background so using the magic wand tool I pressed around the areas that I didn’t want. Once the background had been removed. Then as a simple trick of removing the red strap because it didn’t work with the rest of the colours I. I used the pencil tool. Setting it to black. I drew over the image so that the whole of the jacket was black. Once the background had been removed. Then I duplicated the layer so that there was two more images of me. The next step was to have the location so I opened up a new image of what it was that I wanted.
  • 68. When I had opened up a new layer and a new image of the background. I made sure that it was at the bottom so that my images were visible. The next thing I did was desaturate the main image by changing the layers to luminosity on the top bar. They had to be black and white to the match the melancholic feel that I was trying to aim at. My next step was turning down the opacity of the images so that they were faint and blended in with the background. Having a ghostly apparition. The next step was to experiment with several overlays which I could experiment with. Looking for grungy images that fit in with the horror feel. After trying out several layers and playing around with the levels. I brought in one more image of the skull and bones. This I placed on the top right and turned the opacity down. When finished I did a quick export of the image as a PNG. Practical Research Image one – Process #2
  • 69. Practical Research Image two – Process #1 The first step that I took was opening up a new file and putting in the measurements that would match that of a horror movie poster. I opened up a new layer and placed the image of me first. Here I used the magic wand tool again. Drawing around the image on the parts I didn’t want because I wanted it to look like I was sitting on the bench. The next image that I opened on the document was the colourful bench. Moving the layer down and placing me over it. The next thing I did was open a new image of variation of colourful dots on a different layer. I used the magic wand tool again and got rid of any dark parts. So that it was just left with colour. I then used the rubber tool. Just smooth off the parts that were rough from the magic wand tool. I then duplicated that layer and positioned it upside down. I put the copy of that image at the bottom. From this point on I opened another layer started to experiment with my brushes. I downloaded several different dripping design and having found which one I was going to use. I se the colour for it. I did this by going through every colour that was on the pallet to try and get he whole range of the colours.
  • 70. Trying out a variety of different shades so that its all balanced out right and there isn’t going to be too much colouring placed in one area. I created this effect because the balance of light colours work well with the dots above. I then set the layer after mine so that my image was in front of it and the colours weren’t getting in the way. The next thing I did was just an overlay. I opened up a picture that had some light colours and positioned it so it was focusing on them and not the white shade in the image. Now the next thing I had to do was set the image dark light. This made it fade in more with the image and gives that feel that it is there but it isn’t too obvious. The last thing I did was go into file and export my image as a JPEG. Practical Research Image two – Process #2
  • 71. Evaluation When evaluating back on my work. I have come up with a few things to say. The first being this was a good chance to try and different brushes for the brush tool. This allowed me to go through a section that worked and take out some that didn’t. Whilst I got to experiment with that. I felt like I had already knew the software well enough to not really gain much from the overall experience. Whilst I felt I wasn’t really experimenting here just designing posters where I know everything is. What I was doing was making two very different posters in stark contrast with each. The first one was a dark grey pallet and had rain as a focus. As well as the skull and crossbones. So I wanted something quite dark and melancholic. Then for my second poster. I flipped that around. Creating something with a lot more colour and standing out in to the design. So it was interesting to see the two different moos that were being presented here. Another thing to say about doing these practical experiments is that they made me think about my own project. Whilst it is horror so most of my posters will be like the first poster I made. I do however think that adding a bit of colour to one of the posters that I am making so it stands out more when comparing them to the other one’s I made. Overall it was good to have a little refresh for my memory when it came to using this software. However I should have used a software that I didn’t feel comfortable with so that I could practise with that.

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  5. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  6. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  7. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  8. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  9. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  10. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  11. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  12. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  13. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  14. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  15. The boy
  16. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.