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Initial Plans
George Wetton
Initial Reaction
• For my FMP idea I will be doing the many different aspects that are taken when it
comes to marketing and selling a film. I will be producing a teaser trailer. This teaser
trailer will consist of an approx. 1 minute 15 seconds duration. A sneak peak of the
teaser trailer will also be released. These sneak peaks usually get released a day or so
before the teaser trailer and it just shows the audience what they should expect in
the trailer. It’s also telling them a teaser will be coming out soon so the audience
need to be ready.
• I will also be making a full trailer which is being aimed at the duration of 2 minutes
55 seconds approx. I think these are the three most important video formats of
selling a film that’s coming out. With this being a full trailer its going to contain a lot
more scenes than what the teaser trailer is going for.
• I will also be making posters for the short film that I will be promoting. There will be
character posters that will be released. I want to make at least four when it come's to
the release of the film as that’s how many I made last year and I think it’s a good way
to connect the posters together into one individual poster when they are all put
• I want these poster to not be too in your face and too complicated. Minimalism is a
key factor that I want to focus on but I still want to make it as eye catching as
possible. I also want to make main poster. These needs to be the most eye catching.
It needs to be deemed as important but still not have it just covered with loads of
images. Obviously all these posters being released they need to have a theme.
Sharing the same colours and style that I am trying to promote in the posters and the
Initial Reaction - 2• These trailers that I am making will include a song that I will be making on garage band. This
song needs to illustrate the dark nature that I am trying to project in the trailer. It needs start
off being very upbeat and light. Then it needs to start of very slow and then have pause in
the middle of the trailer where the tension builds for the person who is watching this soon
picks ups that it’s a horror. It has to become very tense at that point, becoming a lot more
quitter and then louder with the notes that are being played. The music of course needs to
fit in with the trailer with each note needing to fit in with every emotion that the trailer is
trying to convey. I will also make a short version of the song I am making so that It can be
specifically aimed at the teaser and sneak peak trailer.
• I will also be making a DVD cover for the promotion of my film. This DVD cover will have all
the recognisable features all the DVD cover’s have. Along with the poster as well this DVD is
getting a rating but I haven’t figured out what that will be yet.
• These are general forms of promotion. This build the anticipation of the audience and makes
them aware of what the film will be about. It also enhances the an audience on the media
side to expand more with just one film being able to do that.
• In addition to all the marketing it would be nice to experiment with some picture on
Photoshop. Editing a few posters onto walls and have them as bus posters as well. I think
this is a good idea as it shows the many ways to promote a film in which the audience cant
even escape from seeing the promotion. Its natural and its outside as opposed to seeing a
poster online or a trailer on the TV.
• There are other various means and ways of advertising a product as well. Including t-shirt
design’s, key chains and bus stop posters. These are things that I might try and tackle if I
have enough time to get the other stuff done.
Initial reaction - 3• I want the genre of my film to be a dark comedy. However it will be different then
what most dark comedy's are played out. As the trailer goes on it will switch from
light hearted to horror. There will be sections in the main full trailer where the mood
changes quickly and you know that it isn’t just a light hearted comedy. I want things
to change in the trailer from the music to the colour schemes and lighting.
• Despite the trailer changing its shift of tone, I want the posters to remain in a
consistent style of horror. This posters will be presented in a dark grey grungy
monotone and the main poster will be presented in the them style of the colour but
also trying to remain with the same elements that the previous posters had.
• I think to have the film play out as a light hearted comedy and then into a horror is a
good twist that I want to present. Even with a trailer I feel like it can be effective and
can be played off well if it doesn't look too much like a student project.
• Another way of promoting the film would be through magazine. This is another way I
would like to promote my film. By doing this I am including more images that would
be taken on the day of filming and when we take the images for the posters along
with this magazine I will be including an article on what the film is about. This will
include a interview with the director of the film that is me.
• This magazine like the DVD cover and poster will need to include everything that a
magazine should include. Counting that as barcode, masthead, index etc. whether I
will be using an existing magazine that is already out or one that I will make myself is
yet to be confirmed and I will learn as I go along in the initial plans or research.
Potential Production Techniques - 1
• Long shots
Long shots are the best way when it comes to filming. Whilst close up shots are also good as
they are often used to cause suspension. Long shots can convey how the character is isolated in
the scene. Making the character being a lot of more on alone and having a lot more in the shots.
Particularly the looking through the glass shots are the best. Having the character inside the
building/house with the camera outside pointing in. This makes the audience think about what
could be possibly looking inside.
• Underexpose
Underexposure is the best when it comes to horror because it creates more shadows. By doing
this it gives it the meaning of looking mysterious and add the fear factor of something being
hidden within the darkness. A stop of underexpose is what is needed to set the tone and light
the scene. So that it brings out more in the grade.
• Using Haze
Using haze or fog in a similar way to underexposing this scene is a good way to lay it out when it
comes to the eeriness. Creating the anonymous feel that is a similar technique that
underexposing does by not making everything that is in the shot clear. Just so long as you clearly
make out the key part of the scene. That it makes it go along way. Having the audience focus on
that one key thing and not the surroundings of the particular shot.
Potential Production Techniques – 2
Specific things
• Victims
Horror movies often include a said character that has been in somewhat unfortunately in contact
with the main antagonist and has been affected by the actions that a showed in the film. This could
be shown in many different ways such as torture or death. This makes the audience more terrified
by having this because they can relate to the character and alerts them to the threats that they
may come across on a daily basis. However some horror films build upon justice in the end with a
majority of the characters dying in the film but the main good antagonist defeating the villain at
the end.
• Killers
With death being a common factor in horror there has to be a killer in the film. This killer is seen
with the villain as the killer. There are many different ways this can be applied through realism of it
being a serial killer or being centred around the paranormal focusing on the afterlife and demons.
The killer can appear in many different ways through being anonymous or being the main character
in the film.
• The use of rational fears
One of the main conventions that applied when it comes to presenting horror is presenting many
different rational fears. From the fear of the dark to arachnophobia. It’s these fears that work a lot
better in scaring as opposed to jump scares because they don’t come off as cheap. They are
genuinely terrifying and even though they are specific fears so they aren’t scaring the whole of the
audience. It does convey the horror behind these fears and maximises them so that the horror
they are trying to present is clear.
Potential Production Techniques - 3
• Secluded locations
Horror films often include an area that is isolated and secluded form the rest of society. This is
done because it feels more threatening to not have any people around. Making it a lot more
easier for the main character to be harmed. Doing the opposite and having a lot of people in
the shot will distract the audience. It will also make the main character less of a key focus.
• Music/sound
If there can be two words that can describe the music that is heard in a horror film it would be
‘dramatic’ and ‘climatic’. The reason I would use both of these words to describe the music is
because it fits in well with the scene of something happing and the suspense of the music
getting faster. This creeps the audience with them wondering what will happen when the
music finishes. This is also done to empathize that this a dramatic moment and may be an
important one. Though sometimes the music can appear misleading tricking the audience by
putting them in a false sense of insecurity.
• Many different sub genres
There are many different sub genres that don’t just co-exist with horror but also go into horror.
Each horror film is different in their own way but they can be categorised. Put some into sci-fi,
or gore, supernatural etc. These genres also link in with each other such as ‘Halloween’ for
example features the supernatural mainly with it to be believed that Michael Myers is the
devils creation but also features quite a bit of gore from the murdering scenes.
Sub genres
• Cannibalism
• Classic horror
• Creatures features
• Demonic possession
• Ghosts
• Gore
• Gothic
• Haunted house or other building
• Halloween
• Macabre
• Psychic powers
• Reincarnation
• Satanic stories
• Serial killers
• Slashers
• Teen terrors
• Vampires
• Witchcraft
• Wolves/werewolf
• Biblical
• Historical
• Medical
• Animals and nature
• Madness/paranoia
• Phobia
• Romance
• Home invasion
• Survival
• Trapped
• Unknown
• Self reflection
• World pandemic
Elements that I want to include from
previous horror films
When it comes to the various techniques that are applied in horror I would like to include
variety of the ones that are taken. Whilst I will be taking my own twist on the film it will
be applying some of the various rules that the other horror films have had. Such as
including the important things that a horror film needs such as a killer that will be used
as the main villain who I will be playing. The killer that I will be playing will be a serial
killer meaning that there will be various victims that will be included in this film. I wanted
this most importantly because I want the audience to relate to the character and then be
scared when the character gets hurt. There will be a lot of secluded locations in my
filming as well. Including a church, forest and a isolated house. Whilst a lot of my shots
will be using haze. If not possible due to weather conditions then the most important
part that I want to include is using underexposure. Cinematography is key for what I want
to have so using darker shots will make it what genre it is. Which is horror. I would like to
use some long shots as well. A lot of it being set up in a forest or up upon hill. I want
some aesthetic shots there to pick everything up.
With its uses of sub genres. I would like to include self reflection. The main villain is
looking back at everything bad that he is done and is slowly realising who he is. So that is
an important sub genre. There's also aspects of madness/paranoia with him realising
who he is and slowly getting driven past insanity because of it.
Target audience to Horror films
In terms of gender horror films are mostly aimed at the male audience rather than
the female audience with them being a lot more susceptible to the blood and gore
that is often shown in the films. Having the immaturity to not get affected by it as
much. A lot of the thrill seeking and dramatic moment also appeal to the male
audience a lot more.
Horror films are often aimed between the ages of 14-27 for the most popular. The
reason for this is because there is a lot more thrilling scenes in which the younger
audience enjoy a lot more than the older audience. The younger audience are a lot
more drawn to the gore and violence with it pulling them in. the complete opposite
of the audience that draws them away.
• Another point of interest is that these films are aimed
an audience that like to engage on mystery. These films
are aimed an audience that like the various twists that
are applied and get the audience thinking
Mind Map – Potential idea 1
Mind Map – Potential idea 2
Mind Map – Potential Idea 3
Mind Map – Final idea
Mind Map – final Idea P2
Mind Map – Final Idea P3
Mind map analysis
My mind map has helped me massively from taking a look a look at my previous ideas
this has helped me shape up what my film idea is. There have been a few rejected ideas
that I looked from the previous two projects such as having the trailer set on a camera
like ‘Blair witch project’. But then there’s also ideas that I have took from the previous
two such as the poster idea of the victims reflection being in the knife. These mind maps
helped me gather up a lot of important details from titles, props, costumes locations etc.
Whilst its still an early process and I haven’t gathered up all the information that is
gathered I do have a general idea of what I'm going to do from this alone. I have also
been open to what possible and what is required. Such as when it has come to props I
have talked about the stuff I own already and the stuff I'm still going to have to order
online. I already know that I have most of the props but I need to order some fake blood
and I still need to get permission from the church to film. It’s good because I'm moving
on, with it not only helping me but setting me up with targets that need to be achieved
before the filming process. Another great thing that has come out of doing my mind
maps is that its made me think more about why I'm going to do certain things in this
project. When it came to camera angles it made me think more about why would I have
the camera here and what effect would this add to the scene.
With the promotion details, it has given me big ideas. To have a trailer or a poster was
something I had originally planned but to know what was going to appear in them. That
where the mind maps helped me.
Planning ideas
I am
good at
I am OK at this I am not
Joining in discussions
Working in a group
Influencing others
Accepting the opinions of others
Learning from others
Knowing my roles and responsibilities
Analysing facts
Understanding why things go wrong
Finding solutions
Working to the requirements of a
Meeting deadlines
Getting to class on time
Being responsible for my classwork
Working productively in class
Not using my mobile phone in class
Asking questions
Listening to others
Being accurate with spelling,
punctuation and grammar
Speaking to a group
Communicating my ideas and
concepts for production
Speaking formally and informally in
appropriate situations
Writing clearly (handwriting)
Using computers to file and store
Using Adobe Premiere Pro
Using Adobe Photoshop
Using Garage band
Using basic computer packages like
Microsoft Word and Excel
I am
good at
I am OK at this I am not
and Literacy
Application of
Skills Audit reflection
• One of the main strengths that I had uncovered from looking at the table is that I would better in groups.
Despite our FMP work getting marked on our grade and all the work that is being produced has to be produced
by yourself. That doesn’t mean that I have to all my work alone. Needing actors and actress for my trailer. For
my trailers I can shoot them with my friends and with this we can share all the skills we have learned over the
years. Whilst it is my project they can give me few tips on certain shots and camera angles.
• Another strength that I had gathered from looking at my table above is that I know how to operate the software
Photoshop. Considering that only two years ago I never had used the software before and now I'm confident at
using. I think that’s a huge strength. One of the aspects that I am looking most forward to in my FMP is making
the posters for my film. Making posters, such as film ones. Is something that I do outside of college and is
something I would like to incorporate in this project because it shows what I am really good at.
• However as shown from the two tables shown in the previous two slides. I do have weakness in which I can
improve on. I think the main weakness is to improve on my knowledge with garage band. It’s a software that I
will be using to edit my music on and is essential that I learn all the key skills that will be required for me to
make a successful music track that will appear on my trailer because if that that gets affected. Then so does the
rest of my trailer. Music is the key essential for the trailer to look good. Sound counts as promotion material to
the film as well.
• Another weakness that needs improvement on from looking at the tables above is to be able to meet the
deadlines in time. This is complication that I always run into because I plan too much and do much work into it.
So planning is a strength that I could add whenever I do a project but when I comes to time management that
could be considered a weakness for me. It could be the possibility that I am too ambitious when it comes to
certain aspects of the project and whenever I explore them I go into way too much detail. As a result of this it
takes me a lot more longer to finish stuff.
Key Words - that have relation to the
Trailers for the film itself
• Contrast, shift, mood, time, gangs, truth, chase, death, woods, fight,
trust, responsibility, anxious, blood, terror, communication, karma,
clocks, scream, armour, weapons, running, smash, fast, door, tap,
close, silhouette, imposter, unknown.
• Overpowering, loud, dark, Minimalistic, usage of colour, themes,
connections, mysterious, shadow, space, splash, grungy,
professional, stern, misery, reflection, smile, terror, glass, stalk,
serious, informative.
• Shifts, deep, fast, slow, varied pace, high, low, explosive,
unpredictable, crashing, thrilling.
Pros & Cons
Trailers and video
• Any trailer or video work will be edited on Premiere pro. This software is very simple to use and
I shall have no problem when it comes to editing. However when it comes to filming. This is
where there's struggling factor. Everything needs to be shot right and If there's one slight
mistake. You'll find yourself having to do another take. Filming is fun however and I'm really
interested in seeing all the different camera angles I can do.
• The posters are something I'm looking the most forward to with photoshop being my
favourite software and I find that I am much more capable using that software more than
other. Posters hold so much importance when it comes to promotion for the film.
Magazine and DVD cover
• For the magazine and DVD cover I will also be using photoshop to edit for these. Whilst I
still have the most enjoyment in making posters. It’s a similar thing to do but with far
more complicated elements added to it. Including writing out the article and other details
about the magazine. Whether with a poster its more completely reliant on the design
elements. Of course there features like the title, date tagline etc. However that doesn't
involve loads of typing out. Yet again its just about the design.
• The music is something I will be making on garage band. This is the only software I can use
for it to fit this purpose. Whilst this isn’t my biggest enjoyment when it comes to selling
the film. Garage band isn’t a software that I'm most comfortable not knowing much about
how to edit on it. Only having a vague idea. However I want the music for my trailer to be
completely original and if it comes out well it will make the trailer look really well.
Information behind this artwork and
why I chose it
The other artwork on
the left is another
original that bacon
had made.
Artwork on the left
is the original
which Francis
Bacon had made
The original owner of the painting was made my
Francis Bacon. The artwork is called ‘study for a
portrait’ and was released in 1952. Bacon’s aimed
style was expressionism. The artwork had different
titles as well ‘Businessman I’ or ‘A Man’s Head’.
However the most important thing to talk about is
the important motif of screaming which is a
recurring visual in Bacon’s work. The figure at the
top shows a man in a black suit with a black tie and a
white shirt along with disoriented face and a pair of
glasses. The artwork below shows a similar type of
style with man positioned looking straight on with a
hunched back black suit with a white shirt and the
ever so similar disorientated face. This piece of
artwork is viewed as Bacon’s development in the
genre of portraiture. I have chosen this do a poster
inspired by this artwork because when researching
to various paintings that I thought would work with
my film. I thought this one because the character is
disorientated and not quite there. Personification
what my main antagonist in the film stands for.
Story synopsis
• Darren small (played by George wetton) wakes up in an abandoned building
with no means of escape with all windows and doors being fully locks. The only
way he can communicate is through a walkie talkie device. Through this his
communicating with an unknown group who claim to be part of CIA and meant
to help with his escape. Whilst everything they say is true. Darren must face the
ongoing battle on whether he can trust them or not. Trapped in a hell that he
cant escape Darren soon learns that he has to tell one truth in order to make
the bomb that is underneath the house go back a few seconds and learns that
wherever he is its remote far location. He just needs to delay time as much as
possible for bomb disposal to arrive. This film plays off a little a bit like a
comedy but the more questions that Darren answers the most you learn about
the character and how evil he truly is. Through this test he is being forced to
look back at every evil thing he has created with a majority of the evil things
being taken place in a woods where he did most of his murdering's. Through
remembering all this Darren is driven insane. The trailer ends with the CIA
group he had been taking insane Darren away. Grabbing his legs and his arms
taking him out of the door that was originally locked, whilst they are taking him
away he’s been driven so past the point of insanity that he's just laughing to
Mood Boards
Mood Board - 1
Mood Board - 2
Mood Board - 3
Mood Board - Locations
Mood board – camera shots/angles
Mood Board – Style Sheet
The first noticeable thing talk about in the back. Despite myself not yet
having decided how many I want. I want the background for the
majority of my posters to be black with the white fog. This gives the
posters a bit of mystery with fog coming out of nowhere. Plus black is a
colour that works on posters. Especially horror films. The red is another
primary colour with there being one of two posters with fake blood.
The dark and light grey is the overall main theme of the film. Each
poster in some way will be giving off these colours. To show that its not
a happy film with them being very monotone colours.
From imaging what the primary colours for my
trailer will be like. There's going to be a lot of
green and brown which is taken from the fact
the location area is a forest. Many hues of
white and grey as well to represent the other
locations. Grey being a very monotone colour
and fitting in with melancholy nature of the
film. Overall I consider these colours to
compliment each other very nicely.
Contrasting whilst still working.
Mood Board - Discussion
This is my analysis of the mood boards that I have made in the past few slides. So the first three slides are
about the aesthetic of the film. I could do this in three slides because it’s a very aesthetically filmed trailer.
Focusing on key things throughout the trailer such as eye, candle, scream etc. These are clips that are going
to be very short and will be seen mostly in the full trailer because it’s at a faster pace. Among other things
the first three moods boards all focus on emotion and how the characters are reacting in the trailers. There
are many links in three moods boards presented in the three slides including insanity, (person screaming
and paranoid eyes) time (digital clocks and multiple clocks showing up) etc.
When it has come to the locations I have picked out judging by the evidence these locations are considered
to be quiet place. Quiet places can be seen as the most horrific when it comes to presenting horror as they
are places with least amount of people. Concluding to feeling alone and being more frightened to that.
Majority of these locations are natural and can just be filmed whilst travelling somewhere when point to
the moors. Another thing these locations are is how they are contrasted in terms of structure and this is
where the camera work comes in. There's tall, high structure buildings that I'm going to have to get in from
a long frame. Then there's flat fully landscaped fields that are nice contrast from the church. I also thought
more about the simple setting of the house where the main basis of the film is going to be placed with the
character being trapped there. It made me thing more about which house would be good place to film and
I had finally settled with one when I found the images that looked similar to the wone I had in mind.
With my camera shots/angles slide I have focused on the many different key shots that I have planned for
my short film. Every single shot though has a meaning behind it. Whether it’s a Dutch angle because it
intensifies the scene by having the camera slightly tilted or a full length shot because it shows the full
profile of the character running. I have also thought about the camera shots that don’t just necessarily
focus on the characters but their locations too. There's an image with somebody looking out to the
distance by the river. This is a far way a shot and with this you can pick up every single detail that the
location has to offer. This is something I would like to succeed upon.
Mood Board – Discussion 2: Style
In this style sheet discussion I will be talking about the various colours that appear in my mood boards and
why they are such an important part to my project. Through this these colours are important because they
are not only presenting the darker aspects that are in my film but also the natural colours that crop up
because of locational reasonings. The colours of the film that are being presented are also important
because they dictate which genre the said film belongs to. Not being light vibrant colours, they are
presented as being as dark dim colours. These colours link into each other having a theme with each
colour not being too different from the other. As well as the trailers and the posters colours also looking
similar not straying to away with having different colours for that. Among other things the particular
reason why I haven’t chose a whole range of different colours is because they just need their basic themes
that match well together. Four is enough and even then I've tried to go for colours that are very similar to
each other. Of course with the trailers that’s difficult you've got to think about where your going to be and
the colour of that surrounding. However that doesn’t mean you can’t be in control for the majority
especially when it comes to making your posters. Being able to manipulate and edit certain colours so that
the theme remains the same and nothing a different colour stand out too much. These are the initial
colours that I have planned to have meaning, that it’s not just these colours that will be in my trailer. These
are the main theme colours but already I can tell there's going to be brown (duffle coat) and gold (door
knocker and handle) just from looking at the mood board that I have presented here. This mood board for
my colours has helped me because it has given me more insight as to what colours will be introduced in
the poster and that excites me. As it’s designing the posters that I'm looking forward to the most. I have
also thought about what colours go well with each other looking at various hades of one colour and
deciphering that is the particular shade not only that I want but will work.
Mood Board Analysis
Is there any repetition in the images you have collected? Repeated
colours/images styles/fonts/tone/mood
When it comes to colours there definitely a connection to all the images. They are all dark monotone
colours that fit perfectly towards the film. Also with locations there's a lot grey colours and the locations
aren’t busy. A lot of them spacious whether there in the woods or in a self contained woods. Whilst there
a few monochrome images, with it being set in nature. There's also a lot of green recurring in the images
with some of the photos appearing moors and the countryside. There's also the wood photos that have
green so green has to be the most connected colour that not deliberate. Unlike after when editing,
changing the colours to black and white or making it darker. What I wanted to presented in these mood
boards are sheer terror. So eyes that are projecting fear the image of someone screaming. The way the
images are sharing fear all links together. There's many different repeated images that link well including
the hoodie photos that represent the gangs and the blood images that shows that it’s a horror film. The
tone also shows serious signs of insanity coming into play. From the images to laughter to the screaming
images of people. These images are representing different moods but they all link down to mental health
and how serious someone can quickly go insane. Another link when it comes to colours is that even
though they are all dark images there is still a little bit of light shining through to represent the day.
Showing that the dark is overpowering the light in these images. A lot of the camera angles are
moderately close ups, as well suggesting that the film is very closed in. It’s built up around one person and
isn’t fully exploring loads of locations. Just focusing on one key charcter and more his thought processes
rather than his surroundings. Time is another key element of the mood boards which also links into
insanity with the charcter slowly going insane he loose track of time and make time his own. Clocks in all
forms becomes a big part when it comes to the aesthetic in the trailer.
Mood Board Analysis
How will your mood board influence your final product?
My mood boards have influenced my final product in different ways but the most important comes down
to colour. Through doing the mood boards I have through certain colours that I would use and what would
be the meaning behind them. There were colours I was going to use previously like going for a tint of aqua
blue and shades of purple. But these colour ideas got dropped when I felt like they didn’t place any
meaning behind the story. Every colour that’s in that mood board hasn’t just been placed there and has as
sense of importance. These moods boards have also inspired me when it has comes to various camera
shots I was willing to pull off. Initially I was a bit unsure about the Dutch shots in the trailer but having
researched these images it has helped me decipher that this is a fantastic shot to use and really pulls off
the suspense emotion that I want to convey. There's also an image on the third slide of some writing. This
image in particular influenced me to look at the film differently. From looking at this image it made me
think if I'm delving into the character’s insanity and what he says. It also made me think about delving into
the character’s thoughts. Whilst these are just trailers I’m also thinking it would be a pretty good idea if in
the teaser scene in particular because there as scene where there's just one long talk. That the character
is thinking messed up thoughts and that frightens the audience even more. My mood boards has
influenced my final product in other ways as well encouraging me to take the characters to a lot more of a
physical level. To have them running and fighting. It’s a bit ironic that out of all the things that could
influence me to have that idea it would be my mood board. Originally there wasn’t going to be any fighting
and just a little bit of running but since doing my mouldboard it has influenced me because the thrill of all
the physical activity will engage the audience. Among other things it has told me how different each image
is while its's dark and retains all the things that I aimed it to be. There's a lot of different images containing
or showing different meaning. Take the second slide for instance. There's an image with truth and then
there's another image that says trust. Whilst these are two very different words. They link together, with
trust you can tell the trust to someone and with someone sharing the truth you can trust someone. These
connections I picked up whilst making my mood board and I realised how important they are.
Key influences
Key influences from films and TV – 1
Sin city
• When it came to the cinemaphotography aspect of the film my main inspiration
was looking into the film ‘Sin city’. The monochrome style that is presented in the
film inspired me as it brings a very moody tone to the film that contrast the rest of
the film that is colour coordinated. Whilst mine is a student film. If I had higher
budget. I would want to do the same as sin city and make some colours stand out
from the black and white that I s being presented in the film. I consider it to be a
• Psychoville inspired me in terms of genre when it came to picking out my next film.
Now this shows is more of a comedy than lost in communication but it did inspire
me to inject comedy toward the beginning of the film and then subtle transition it
goes into horror with the twists that appear in the film. I reckon also in terms of
colour it didn’t inspire me but now I look at it. It does have a resemblance for what
I am aiming at. Featuring thee morbid look. Whilst ‘the ritual’ (down below) does
have a more natural realistic look to it. In contrast to the Psychoville poster that are
giving off a stormy look that doesn’t look as realistic but the whole show in terms
of colours settles with a dull tone. So event though it’s a comedy. You know it’s a
dark one.
The Ritual
• The ritual was a film that I had watched on Netflix last month. This inspired me to
various shots in the woods. I knew I could film all of it in a woods and that I would
have to expand my locations. From watching this film it gave me the idea of making
something creepy out of what could be in the woods. It also inspired colour pallet
that I was going to have for the film as well. Deciding to take the posters and the
trailer to darker grey hues which matched the black and white of the rest of the film.
Key influences from films and TV – 2
Black mirror: Bandersnatch
• Bandersnatch was another key influence that added to my film. Bandersnatch
was an exclusive Netflix episode of black mirror. In this episode the character
was inspired to make his own choices. Whilst this aspect of the episode didn’t
inspire me. The insanity of the main character did, with various scenes where the
character is seen to be delusional and not getting enough sleep. You see the
character pushed over the edge. This is something I wanted to acquire and I
consider this to be a good idea. As it work s well with the aesthetic images and
the rhythm that’s slowly getting faster.
SAW films
• The saw films have inspired me in terms of poster making. I think when it comes
to minimalism and colour. The saw film do it best. From research into these over
the years. Its helped me get a better grasp of the many different overlays that
are added to a film poster. The poster for saw VI has influenced me the most.
Having one key colour within in the whole of the poster and then having a
secondary colour albeit being the red this time.
The cabin in the woods
• The film cabin the woods inspired me for obvious reason that its set in the woods
and majority of fast paced action scenes take place in the woods. But It wasn’t
just that. There's a lot of reason this film has inspired me. The main factor being
the posters. Creating a similar grey grungy effect which I wish to achieve in my
posters. Not just with the poster on the left but the poster on the right with it
including different primary colours to separate poster from another. Another
reason this film has inspired me is its uses of using a singular object an important
key to the film. Just having that image along on a full poster. Gives the object an
sense of importance and intrigues the audience.
Key influences from film and TV – 3
The Exorcist
• The exorcist poster I looked the most is the one on the left. The next slide will
explain why but briefly it intrigued me because there’s an iconic poster that has
been inspired by something else. This is something I wanted to do and gave me
more hope for my poster. The film itself is very good but didn’t inspire me in a any
sort of way with them being two very different horror movies. The poster on the
right however did have some influence with the character looking shrouded in
mystery and giving a menacing look I wanted to have this for my first poster.
• The sinister poster have influenced me in a rather macabre way of the uses of
blood in horror movie posters. Blood is a primary key to these posters and from
looking into these poste. They are what influenced me to have a blood smile for
one of my posters. Also in a similar way to the other poster there primary colour
is grey. This is because grey is a very dull monotone colour that fits in with
horror. From looking at these posters it told me that if done correctly red and
grey compliment each other really well when on a horror movie poster.
Halloween (2018)
• Theses Halloween posters will always stick with me. Specifically the one on the right
and if all possible It would be nice if I could employ a little trick that I did last year that I
got from this poster. The one I'm referring to is the one on the left of Michael Myers.
This one is interesting because of the sinister look the character is conveying but also if
you turn the brightness up on the image then then you can see the eyes behind the
mask. I think this is a really clever little Easter egg and shows how well minimalistic
posters can be.
The exorcistAs you can see the picture on the left is
the exorcist (1973) poster which was
inspired by the artwork on the right.
The artwork titled the empire of right
made by a Belgian artist called Rene
Magritte. Even thought they aren’t
identical the poster does have a similar
resemblance. The designer of the
poster is clever because he took the
design of a normal painting and made a
horror film poster out of it. Whilst
adding other features and dismissing
others so that it looks more horror.
Such like adding a silhouette of a man
in front of the house, getting rid of the
blue sky so that it looks less cheerful,
being within a closer proximity towards
the house etc. The thing that remain
constant with these to pictures is the
bright street light and how much it
shines. Whilst the light shines brighter
in the exorcist poster. It’s the one thing
that remain significant in the poster.
This is something that I want to do with
my poster and the artwork that I have
chosen out as seen in the previous
Halloween poster: Brightness turned
With the
turned up you
can now see
the sinister
look of
Michael Myers
eyes behind
the mask.
Key influences for the magazine – 1
• My biggest influencer when it has to come to doing my movie
magazine article was looking into Empire. I want to have the front
cover laid out in a similar way that all these other issues are. The
masthead of the magazine will be laid out in front of the
characters that are on the front page. Some magazines have the
character in the front because that way the you can pay attention
to every detail that’s on the front magazine.
• SFX has been another big influencer when it has come to the design
of my magazine. it retains a similar resemblance to the ‘empire’
magazine. the magazine on the right has a banner at the bottom of
the magazine. I want to include this but have it indented slightly
more towards the bottom. I don’t want the banner getting in the
way of the image but I think it’s a good way to present more details
of what's in the magazine.
Total film
• Total film influenced me as well through the colours that match.
The titles and the headline have matching colours. Showing that
the magazine in each issue changes the colour of it’s title varying
on what the primary colour is that week. Depending on the main
theme colour of the film.
Key influences for the magazine – 2
• Entertainment shares similar resemblance to the design of the
previous three magazine that I had looked at. Proving a point
that all magazine specifically movie one shares a common
resemblance. That there is rules and laws, not being able to
share the same layout design as a reality magazine. The images
being presented in this are a lot more clos up and person. This
was something that influenced me to do something similar
Film Stories
• Whilst the other magazines have had quite an influence on me this
one did ever so less. It’s similar to the other magazine in terms of
images and layout design but this time I feel like its just shrunk.
Making everything that is on the page not stand out very well and
clear. It was okay to look into and I gained some influence of
where I should put certain magazine details in but it was nothing
major like the other magazines.
Little white lies
• I’ve decided to include this magazine as part of one my influences.
Whist like ‘film stories’ it isn't a big influence. I would like to
include it because of the way its not filled with extra details about
what else in the magazine. The magazine is just the image alone
on its on. This inspired me to do two cover one with the details,
and one with the title and the image alone. Almost like a slip cover
for the magazine.
Key influences for the magazine – 3
• One key influence when it comes to photography specifically for my magazine is to have the
lighting in black and white. Professionally this is quite difficult but I think it looks very
effective especially if the photoshoot of the magazine was for a horror film. The technique of
point a light at someone in a dark room is very easy but its going to have to be spent a lot of
time on and editing for the images to come out well. In my opinion black is a genius colour
and work’s well metaphorically by telling you that this film isn’t a happy one.
Front cover
• The entertainment issue with the ‘no time to die’ film issued on the front is the
magazine that inspired me to do something similar to this. I like the lighting and
the balance of colours including the pink and blue that are two colours that you
would think don’t go together but really they do. I consider this choice of style to
work with any genre that you are going for because when it comes to magazines its
more the basis of the article and photography. As opposed to horror that has to
stand out in front of you face.
Double page analysis - 1
• Link:
telling you
a little
about the
other films
that will be
featured in
the article. Black border across the page to continue it as an
ongoing article. For continuity reasons.
Blue colour schemes that
match the image and don’t
contrast with any other
Font that is
often used to
Important text in
blue matching the
theme of the rest of
the magazine
Name of
the film
Person who
wrote the
Main primary
image. Take up a
full page and a bit
Date in which the
upcoming films will
be released. Clear
Double page analysis - 2
• Link:
A lot of red
the goriness
of the blood
Various tears and
showing the
ragged effect of
the magazine
Scratched out
connotating it
to be horror.
Sub article in a
coloured box to
separate with
article on the
rest of the page.
The first letter ‘I’
is much larger
than the rest of
the article.
Uses of colours
the articles text is
in white because
the background is
a dark colour. So
they need to go
with something
Blood drippage caught
on the side of the white
bordered page.
Showing the
covers of the
book and where
to get them.
Another way of
Double page analysis – 3
• Link:
Total film
Star rating given
with it being a
Statistical analysis
results to back up the
evidence of their
points using facts
One main
primary image.
No other
images used. So
this is what
reader is drawn
Red highlighting the
important or new parts
of the article
Unusual clip
out style
where the
box extends
further out
Title of
what the
article is
about on
the top of
the page
Random fact stood
out of the rest of
the article this
often used as
quotation that
appear in the
Quote of the
article that
what they
have said and
come with an

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Unit 2- Research Aptitude (UGC NET Paper I).pdf

01.) Initial plans

  • 2. Initial Reaction • For my FMP idea I will be doing the many different aspects that are taken when it comes to marketing and selling a film. I will be producing a teaser trailer. This teaser trailer will consist of an approx. 1 minute 15 seconds duration. A sneak peak of the teaser trailer will also be released. These sneak peaks usually get released a day or so before the teaser trailer and it just shows the audience what they should expect in the trailer. It’s also telling them a teaser will be coming out soon so the audience need to be ready. • I will also be making a full trailer which is being aimed at the duration of 2 minutes 55 seconds approx. I think these are the three most important video formats of selling a film that’s coming out. With this being a full trailer its going to contain a lot more scenes than what the teaser trailer is going for. • I will also be making posters for the short film that I will be promoting. There will be character posters that will be released. I want to make at least four when it come's to the release of the film as that’s how many I made last year and I think it’s a good way to connect the posters together into one individual poster when they are all put together. • I want these poster to not be too in your face and too complicated. Minimalism is a key factor that I want to focus on but I still want to make it as eye catching as possible. I also want to make main poster. These needs to be the most eye catching. It needs to be deemed as important but still not have it just covered with loads of images. Obviously all these posters being released they need to have a theme. Sharing the same colours and style that I am trying to promote in the posters and the trailer.
  • 3. Initial Reaction - 2• These trailers that I am making will include a song that I will be making on garage band. This song needs to illustrate the dark nature that I am trying to project in the trailer. It needs start off being very upbeat and light. Then it needs to start of very slow and then have pause in the middle of the trailer where the tension builds for the person who is watching this soon picks ups that it’s a horror. It has to become very tense at that point, becoming a lot more quitter and then louder with the notes that are being played. The music of course needs to fit in with the trailer with each note needing to fit in with every emotion that the trailer is trying to convey. I will also make a short version of the song I am making so that It can be specifically aimed at the teaser and sneak peak trailer. • I will also be making a DVD cover for the promotion of my film. This DVD cover will have all the recognisable features all the DVD cover’s have. Along with the poster as well this DVD is getting a rating but I haven’t figured out what that will be yet. • These are general forms of promotion. This build the anticipation of the audience and makes them aware of what the film will be about. It also enhances the an audience on the media side to expand more with just one film being able to do that. • In addition to all the marketing it would be nice to experiment with some picture on Photoshop. Editing a few posters onto walls and have them as bus posters as well. I think this is a good idea as it shows the many ways to promote a film in which the audience cant even escape from seeing the promotion. Its natural and its outside as opposed to seeing a poster online or a trailer on the TV. • There are other various means and ways of advertising a product as well. Including t-shirt design’s, key chains and bus stop posters. These are things that I might try and tackle if I have enough time to get the other stuff done.
  • 4. Initial reaction - 3• I want the genre of my film to be a dark comedy. However it will be different then what most dark comedy's are played out. As the trailer goes on it will switch from light hearted to horror. There will be sections in the main full trailer where the mood changes quickly and you know that it isn’t just a light hearted comedy. I want things to change in the trailer from the music to the colour schemes and lighting. • Despite the trailer changing its shift of tone, I want the posters to remain in a consistent style of horror. This posters will be presented in a dark grey grungy monotone and the main poster will be presented in the them style of the colour but also trying to remain with the same elements that the previous posters had. • I think to have the film play out as a light hearted comedy and then into a horror is a good twist that I want to present. Even with a trailer I feel like it can be effective and can be played off well if it doesn't look too much like a student project. • Another way of promoting the film would be through magazine. This is another way I would like to promote my film. By doing this I am including more images that would be taken on the day of filming and when we take the images for the posters along with this magazine I will be including an article on what the film is about. This will include a interview with the director of the film that is me. • This magazine like the DVD cover and poster will need to include everything that a magazine should include. Counting that as barcode, masthead, index etc. whether I will be using an existing magazine that is already out or one that I will make myself is yet to be confirmed and I will learn as I go along in the initial plans or research.
  • 5. Potential Production Techniques - 1 Cinematography • Long shots Long shots are the best way when it comes to filming. Whilst close up shots are also good as they are often used to cause suspension. Long shots can convey how the character is isolated in the scene. Making the character being a lot of more on alone and having a lot more in the shots. Particularly the looking through the glass shots are the best. Having the character inside the building/house with the camera outside pointing in. This makes the audience think about what could be possibly looking inside. • Underexpose Underexposure is the best when it comes to horror because it creates more shadows. By doing this it gives it the meaning of looking mysterious and add the fear factor of something being hidden within the darkness. A stop of underexpose is what is needed to set the tone and light the scene. So that it brings out more in the grade. • Using Haze Using haze or fog in a similar way to underexposing this scene is a good way to lay it out when it comes to the eeriness. Creating the anonymous feel that is a similar technique that underexposing does by not making everything that is in the shot clear. Just so long as you clearly make out the key part of the scene. That it makes it go along way. Having the audience focus on that one key thing and not the surroundings of the particular shot.
  • 6. Potential Production Techniques – 2 Specific things • Victims Horror movies often include a said character that has been in somewhat unfortunately in contact with the main antagonist and has been affected by the actions that a showed in the film. This could be shown in many different ways such as torture or death. This makes the audience more terrified by having this because they can relate to the character and alerts them to the threats that they may come across on a daily basis. However some horror films build upon justice in the end with a majority of the characters dying in the film but the main good antagonist defeating the villain at the end. • Killers With death being a common factor in horror there has to be a killer in the film. This killer is seen with the villain as the killer. There are many different ways this can be applied through realism of it being a serial killer or being centred around the paranormal focusing on the afterlife and demons. The killer can appear in many different ways through being anonymous or being the main character in the film. • The use of rational fears One of the main conventions that applied when it comes to presenting horror is presenting many different rational fears. From the fear of the dark to arachnophobia. It’s these fears that work a lot better in scaring as opposed to jump scares because they don’t come off as cheap. They are genuinely terrifying and even though they are specific fears so they aren’t scaring the whole of the audience. It does convey the horror behind these fears and maximises them so that the horror they are trying to present is clear.
  • 7. Potential Production Techniques - 3 • Secluded locations Horror films often include an area that is isolated and secluded form the rest of society. This is done because it feels more threatening to not have any people around. Making it a lot more easier for the main character to be harmed. Doing the opposite and having a lot of people in the shot will distract the audience. It will also make the main character less of a key focus. • Music/sound If there can be two words that can describe the music that is heard in a horror film it would be ‘dramatic’ and ‘climatic’. The reason I would use both of these words to describe the music is because it fits in well with the scene of something happing and the suspense of the music getting faster. This creeps the audience with them wondering what will happen when the music finishes. This is also done to empathize that this a dramatic moment and may be an important one. Though sometimes the music can appear misleading tricking the audience by putting them in a false sense of insecurity. • Many different sub genres There are many different sub genres that don’t just co-exist with horror but also go into horror. Each horror film is different in their own way but they can be categorised. Put some into sci-fi, or gore, supernatural etc. These genres also link in with each other such as ‘Halloween’ for example features the supernatural mainly with it to be believed that Michael Myers is the devils creation but also features quite a bit of gore from the murdering scenes.
  • 8. Sub genres • Cannibalism • Classic horror • Creatures features • Demonic possession • Ghosts • Gore • Gothic • Haunted house or other building • Halloween • Macabre • Psychic powers • Reincarnation • Satanic stories • Serial killers • Slashers • Teen terrors • Vampires • Witchcraft • Wolves/werewolf • Biblical • Historical • Medical • Animals and nature • Madness/paranoia • Phobia • Romance • Home invasion • Survival • Trapped • Unknown • Self reflection • World pandemic
  • 9. Elements that I want to include from previous horror films When it comes to the various techniques that are applied in horror I would like to include variety of the ones that are taken. Whilst I will be taking my own twist on the film it will be applying some of the various rules that the other horror films have had. Such as including the important things that a horror film needs such as a killer that will be used as the main villain who I will be playing. The killer that I will be playing will be a serial killer meaning that there will be various victims that will be included in this film. I wanted this most importantly because I want the audience to relate to the character and then be scared when the character gets hurt. There will be a lot of secluded locations in my filming as well. Including a church, forest and a isolated house. Whilst a lot of my shots will be using haze. If not possible due to weather conditions then the most important part that I want to include is using underexposure. Cinematography is key for what I want to have so using darker shots will make it what genre it is. Which is horror. I would like to use some long shots as well. A lot of it being set up in a forest or up upon hill. I want some aesthetic shots there to pick everything up. With its uses of sub genres. I would like to include self reflection. The main villain is looking back at everything bad that he is done and is slowly realising who he is. So that is an important sub genre. There's also aspects of madness/paranoia with him realising who he is and slowly getting driven past insanity because of it.
  • 10. Target audience to Horror films Gender In terms of gender horror films are mostly aimed at the male audience rather than the female audience with them being a lot more susceptible to the blood and gore that is often shown in the films. Having the immaturity to not get affected by it as much. A lot of the thrill seeking and dramatic moment also appeal to the male audience a lot more. Age Horror films are often aimed between the ages of 14-27 for the most popular. The reason for this is because there is a lot more thrilling scenes in which the younger audience enjoy a lot more than the older audience. The younger audience are a lot more drawn to the gore and violence with it pulling them in. the complete opposite of the audience that draws them away. • Another point of interest is that these films are aimed an audience that like to engage on mystery. These films are aimed an audience that like the various twists that are applied and get the audience thinking
  • 11. Mind Map – Potential idea 1
  • 12. Mind Map – Potential idea 2
  • 13. Mind Map – Potential Idea 3
  • 14. Mind Map – Final idea
  • 15. Mind Map – final Idea P2
  • 16. Mind Map – Final Idea P3
  • 17. Mind map analysis My mind map has helped me massively from taking a look a look at my previous ideas this has helped me shape up what my film idea is. There have been a few rejected ideas that I looked from the previous two projects such as having the trailer set on a camera like ‘Blair witch project’. But then there’s also ideas that I have took from the previous two such as the poster idea of the victims reflection being in the knife. These mind maps helped me gather up a lot of important details from titles, props, costumes locations etc. Whilst its still an early process and I haven’t gathered up all the information that is gathered I do have a general idea of what I'm going to do from this alone. I have also been open to what possible and what is required. Such as when it has come to props I have talked about the stuff I own already and the stuff I'm still going to have to order online. I already know that I have most of the props but I need to order some fake blood and I still need to get permission from the church to film. It’s good because I'm moving on, with it not only helping me but setting me up with targets that need to be achieved before the filming process. Another great thing that has come out of doing my mind maps is that its made me think more about why I'm going to do certain things in this project. When it came to camera angles it made me think more about why would I have the camera here and what effect would this add to the scene. With the promotion details, it has given me big ideas. To have a trailer or a poster was something I had originally planned but to know what was going to appear in them. That where the mind maps helped me.
  • 19. Skills Audit I am good at this I am OK at this I am not confident Team Working Problem Solving Self- Management Joining in discussions Working in a group Influencing others Accepting the opinions of others Learning from others Knowing my roles and responsibilities Analysing facts Understanding why things go wrong Finding solutions Working to the requirements of a brief Meeting deadlines Getting to class on time Being responsible for my classwork Working productively in class Not using my mobile phone in class
  • 20. Asking questions Listening to others Being accurate with spelling, punctuation and grammar Speaking to a group Communicating my ideas and concepts for production Speaking formally and informally in appropriate situations Writing clearly (handwriting) Using computers to file and store information Using Adobe Premiere Pro Using Adobe Photoshop Using Garage band Using basic computer packages like Microsoft Word and Excel Skills Audit I am good at this I am OK at this I am not confident Communicate and Literacy skills Application of IT
  • 21. Skills Audit reflection Strengths • One of the main strengths that I had uncovered from looking at the table is that I would better in groups. Despite our FMP work getting marked on our grade and all the work that is being produced has to be produced by yourself. That doesn’t mean that I have to all my work alone. Needing actors and actress for my trailer. For my trailers I can shoot them with my friends and with this we can share all the skills we have learned over the years. Whilst it is my project they can give me few tips on certain shots and camera angles. • Another strength that I had gathered from looking at my table above is that I know how to operate the software Photoshop. Considering that only two years ago I never had used the software before and now I'm confident at using. I think that’s a huge strength. One of the aspects that I am looking most forward to in my FMP is making the posters for my film. Making posters, such as film ones. Is something that I do outside of college and is something I would like to incorporate in this project because it shows what I am really good at. Weaknesses • However as shown from the two tables shown in the previous two slides. I do have weakness in which I can improve on. I think the main weakness is to improve on my knowledge with garage band. It’s a software that I will be using to edit my music on and is essential that I learn all the key skills that will be required for me to make a successful music track that will appear on my trailer because if that that gets affected. Then so does the rest of my trailer. Music is the key essential for the trailer to look good. Sound counts as promotion material to the film as well. • Another weakness that needs improvement on from looking at the tables above is to be able to meet the deadlines in time. This is complication that I always run into because I plan too much and do much work into it. So planning is a strength that I could add whenever I do a project but when I comes to time management that could be considered a weakness for me. It could be the possibility that I am too ambitious when it comes to certain aspects of the project and whenever I explore them I go into way too much detail. As a result of this it takes me a lot more longer to finish stuff.
  • 22. Key Words - that have relation to the film Trailers for the film itself • Contrast, shift, mood, time, gangs, truth, chase, death, woods, fight, trust, responsibility, anxious, blood, terror, communication, karma, clocks, scream, armour, weapons, running, smash, fast, door, tap, close, silhouette, imposter, unknown. Posters • Overpowering, loud, dark, Minimalistic, usage of colour, themes, connections, mysterious, shadow, space, splash, grungy, professional, stern, misery, reflection, smile, terror, glass, stalk, serious, informative. Music • Shifts, deep, fast, slow, varied pace, high, low, explosive, unpredictable, crashing, thrilling.
  • 23. Pros & Cons Trailers and video • Any trailer or video work will be edited on Premiere pro. This software is very simple to use and I shall have no problem when it comes to editing. However when it comes to filming. This is where there's struggling factor. Everything needs to be shot right and If there's one slight mistake. You'll find yourself having to do another take. Filming is fun however and I'm really interested in seeing all the different camera angles I can do. Posters • The posters are something I'm looking the most forward to with photoshop being my favourite software and I find that I am much more capable using that software more than other. Posters hold so much importance when it comes to promotion for the film. Magazine and DVD cover • For the magazine and DVD cover I will also be using photoshop to edit for these. Whilst I still have the most enjoyment in making posters. It’s a similar thing to do but with far more complicated elements added to it. Including writing out the article and other details about the magazine. Whether with a poster its more completely reliant on the design elements. Of course there features like the title, date tagline etc. However that doesn't involve loads of typing out. Yet again its just about the design. Music • The music is something I will be making on garage band. This is the only software I can use for it to fit this purpose. Whilst this isn’t my biggest enjoyment when it comes to selling the film. Garage band isn’t a software that I'm most comfortable not knowing much about how to edit on it. Only having a vague idea. However I want the music for my trailer to be completely original and if it comes out well it will make the trailer look really well.
  • 24. Information behind this artwork and why I chose it The other artwork on the left is another original that bacon had made. Artwork on the left is the original which Francis Bacon had made The original owner of the painting was made my Francis Bacon. The artwork is called ‘study for a portrait’ and was released in 1952. Bacon’s aimed style was expressionism. The artwork had different titles as well ‘Businessman I’ or ‘A Man’s Head’. However the most important thing to talk about is the important motif of screaming which is a recurring visual in Bacon’s work. The figure at the top shows a man in a black suit with a black tie and a white shirt along with disoriented face and a pair of glasses. The artwork below shows a similar type of style with man positioned looking straight on with a hunched back black suit with a white shirt and the ever so similar disorientated face. This piece of artwork is viewed as Bacon’s development in the genre of portraiture. I have chosen this do a poster inspired by this artwork because when researching to various paintings that I thought would work with my film. I thought this one because the character is disorientated and not quite there. Personification what my main antagonist in the film stands for.
  • 25. Story synopsis • Darren small (played by George wetton) wakes up in an abandoned building with no means of escape with all windows and doors being fully locks. The only way he can communicate is through a walkie talkie device. Through this his communicating with an unknown group who claim to be part of CIA and meant to help with his escape. Whilst everything they say is true. Darren must face the ongoing battle on whether he can trust them or not. Trapped in a hell that he cant escape Darren soon learns that he has to tell one truth in order to make the bomb that is underneath the house go back a few seconds and learns that wherever he is its remote far location. He just needs to delay time as much as possible for bomb disposal to arrive. This film plays off a little a bit like a comedy but the more questions that Darren answers the most you learn about the character and how evil he truly is. Through this test he is being forced to look back at every evil thing he has created with a majority of the evil things being taken place in a woods where he did most of his murdering's. Through remembering all this Darren is driven insane. The trailer ends with the CIA group he had been taking insane Darren away. Grabbing his legs and his arms taking him out of the door that was originally locked, whilst they are taking him away he’s been driven so past the point of insanity that he's just laughing to himself.
  • 30. Mood Board - Locations
  • 31. Mood board – camera shots/angles
  • 32. Mood Board – Style Sheet Posters The first noticeable thing talk about in the back. Despite myself not yet having decided how many I want. I want the background for the majority of my posters to be black with the white fog. This gives the posters a bit of mystery with fog coming out of nowhere. Plus black is a colour that works on posters. Especially horror films. The red is another primary colour with there being one of two posters with fake blood. The dark and light grey is the overall main theme of the film. Each poster in some way will be giving off these colours. To show that its not a happy film with them being very monotone colours. Trailers From imaging what the primary colours for my trailer will be like. There's going to be a lot of green and brown which is taken from the fact the location area is a forest. Many hues of white and grey as well to represent the other locations. Grey being a very monotone colour and fitting in with melancholy nature of the film. Overall I consider these colours to compliment each other very nicely. Contrasting whilst still working.
  • 33. Mood Board - Discussion This is my analysis of the mood boards that I have made in the past few slides. So the first three slides are about the aesthetic of the film. I could do this in three slides because it’s a very aesthetically filmed trailer. Focusing on key things throughout the trailer such as eye, candle, scream etc. These are clips that are going to be very short and will be seen mostly in the full trailer because it’s at a faster pace. Among other things the first three moods boards all focus on emotion and how the characters are reacting in the trailers. There are many links in three moods boards presented in the three slides including insanity, (person screaming and paranoid eyes) time (digital clocks and multiple clocks showing up) etc. When it has come to the locations I have picked out judging by the evidence these locations are considered to be quiet place. Quiet places can be seen as the most horrific when it comes to presenting horror as they are places with least amount of people. Concluding to feeling alone and being more frightened to that. Majority of these locations are natural and can just be filmed whilst travelling somewhere when point to the moors. Another thing these locations are is how they are contrasted in terms of structure and this is where the camera work comes in. There's tall, high structure buildings that I'm going to have to get in from a long frame. Then there's flat fully landscaped fields that are nice contrast from the church. I also thought more about the simple setting of the house where the main basis of the film is going to be placed with the character being trapped there. It made me thing more about which house would be good place to film and I had finally settled with one when I found the images that looked similar to the wone I had in mind. With my camera shots/angles slide I have focused on the many different key shots that I have planned for my short film. Every single shot though has a meaning behind it. Whether it’s a Dutch angle because it intensifies the scene by having the camera slightly tilted or a full length shot because it shows the full profile of the character running. I have also thought about the camera shots that don’t just necessarily focus on the characters but their locations too. There's an image with somebody looking out to the distance by the river. This is a far way a shot and with this you can pick up every single detail that the location has to offer. This is something I would like to succeed upon.
  • 34. Mood Board – Discussion 2: Style sheet In this style sheet discussion I will be talking about the various colours that appear in my mood boards and why they are such an important part to my project. Through this these colours are important because they are not only presenting the darker aspects that are in my film but also the natural colours that crop up because of locational reasonings. The colours of the film that are being presented are also important because they dictate which genre the said film belongs to. Not being light vibrant colours, they are presented as being as dark dim colours. These colours link into each other having a theme with each colour not being too different from the other. As well as the trailers and the posters colours also looking similar not straying to away with having different colours for that. Among other things the particular reason why I haven’t chose a whole range of different colours is because they just need their basic themes that match well together. Four is enough and even then I've tried to go for colours that are very similar to each other. Of course with the trailers that’s difficult you've got to think about where your going to be and the colour of that surrounding. However that doesn’t mean you can’t be in control for the majority especially when it comes to making your posters. Being able to manipulate and edit certain colours so that the theme remains the same and nothing a different colour stand out too much. These are the initial colours that I have planned to have meaning, that it’s not just these colours that will be in my trailer. These are the main theme colours but already I can tell there's going to be brown (duffle coat) and gold (door knocker and handle) just from looking at the mood board that I have presented here. This mood board for my colours has helped me because it has given me more insight as to what colours will be introduced in the poster and that excites me. As it’s designing the posters that I'm looking forward to the most. I have also thought about what colours go well with each other looking at various hades of one colour and deciphering that is the particular shade not only that I want but will work.
  • 35. Mood Board Analysis Is there any repetition in the images you have collected? Repeated colours/images styles/fonts/tone/mood When it comes to colours there definitely a connection to all the images. They are all dark monotone colours that fit perfectly towards the film. Also with locations there's a lot grey colours and the locations aren’t busy. A lot of them spacious whether there in the woods or in a self contained woods. Whilst there a few monochrome images, with it being set in nature. There's also a lot of green recurring in the images with some of the photos appearing moors and the countryside. There's also the wood photos that have green so green has to be the most connected colour that not deliberate. Unlike after when editing, changing the colours to black and white or making it darker. What I wanted to presented in these mood boards are sheer terror. So eyes that are projecting fear the image of someone screaming. The way the images are sharing fear all links together. There's many different repeated images that link well including the hoodie photos that represent the gangs and the blood images that shows that it’s a horror film. The tone also shows serious signs of insanity coming into play. From the images to laughter to the screaming images of people. These images are representing different moods but they all link down to mental health and how serious someone can quickly go insane. Another link when it comes to colours is that even though they are all dark images there is still a little bit of light shining through to represent the day. Showing that the dark is overpowering the light in these images. A lot of the camera angles are moderately close ups, as well suggesting that the film is very closed in. It’s built up around one person and isn’t fully exploring loads of locations. Just focusing on one key charcter and more his thought processes rather than his surroundings. Time is another key element of the mood boards which also links into insanity with the charcter slowly going insane he loose track of time and make time his own. Clocks in all forms becomes a big part when it comes to the aesthetic in the trailer.
  • 36. Mood Board Analysis How will your mood board influence your final product? My mood boards have influenced my final product in different ways but the most important comes down to colour. Through doing the mood boards I have through certain colours that I would use and what would be the meaning behind them. There were colours I was going to use previously like going for a tint of aqua blue and shades of purple. But these colour ideas got dropped when I felt like they didn’t place any meaning behind the story. Every colour that’s in that mood board hasn’t just been placed there and has as sense of importance. These moods boards have also inspired me when it has comes to various camera shots I was willing to pull off. Initially I was a bit unsure about the Dutch shots in the trailer but having researched these images it has helped me decipher that this is a fantastic shot to use and really pulls off the suspense emotion that I want to convey. There's also an image on the third slide of some writing. This image in particular influenced me to look at the film differently. From looking at this image it made me think if I'm delving into the character’s insanity and what he says. It also made me think about delving into the character’s thoughts. Whilst these are just trailers I’m also thinking it would be a pretty good idea if in the teaser scene in particular because there as scene where there's just one long talk. That the character is thinking messed up thoughts and that frightens the audience even more. My mood boards has influenced my final product in other ways as well encouraging me to take the characters to a lot more of a physical level. To have them running and fighting. It’s a bit ironic that out of all the things that could influence me to have that idea it would be my mood board. Originally there wasn’t going to be any fighting and just a little bit of running but since doing my mouldboard it has influenced me because the thrill of all the physical activity will engage the audience. Among other things it has told me how different each image is while its's dark and retains all the things that I aimed it to be. There's a lot of different images containing or showing different meaning. Take the second slide for instance. There's an image with truth and then there's another image that says trust. Whilst these are two very different words. They link together, with trust you can tell the trust to someone and with someone sharing the truth you can trust someone. These connections I picked up whilst making my mood board and I realised how important they are.
  • 38. Key influences from films and TV – 1 Sin city • When it came to the cinemaphotography aspect of the film my main inspiration was looking into the film ‘Sin city’. The monochrome style that is presented in the film inspired me as it brings a very moody tone to the film that contrast the rest of the film that is colour coordinated. Whilst mine is a student film. If I had higher budget. I would want to do the same as sin city and make some colours stand out from the black and white that I s being presented in the film. I consider it to be a unique Psychoville • Psychoville inspired me in terms of genre when it came to picking out my next film. Now this shows is more of a comedy than lost in communication but it did inspire me to inject comedy toward the beginning of the film and then subtle transition it goes into horror with the twists that appear in the film. I reckon also in terms of colour it didn’t inspire me but now I look at it. It does have a resemblance for what I am aiming at. Featuring thee morbid look. Whilst ‘the ritual’ (down below) does have a more natural realistic look to it. In contrast to the Psychoville poster that are giving off a stormy look that doesn’t look as realistic but the whole show in terms of colours settles with a dull tone. So event though it’s a comedy. You know it’s a dark one. The Ritual • The ritual was a film that I had watched on Netflix last month. This inspired me to various shots in the woods. I knew I could film all of it in a woods and that I would have to expand my locations. From watching this film it gave me the idea of making something creepy out of what could be in the woods. It also inspired colour pallet that I was going to have for the film as well. Deciding to take the posters and the trailer to darker grey hues which matched the black and white of the rest of the film.
  • 39. Key influences from films and TV – 2 Black mirror: Bandersnatch • Bandersnatch was another key influence that added to my film. Bandersnatch was an exclusive Netflix episode of black mirror. In this episode the character was inspired to make his own choices. Whilst this aspect of the episode didn’t inspire me. The insanity of the main character did, with various scenes where the character is seen to be delusional and not getting enough sleep. You see the character pushed over the edge. This is something I wanted to acquire and I consider this to be a good idea. As it work s well with the aesthetic images and the rhythm that’s slowly getting faster. SAW films • The saw films have inspired me in terms of poster making. I think when it comes to minimalism and colour. The saw film do it best. From research into these over the years. Its helped me get a better grasp of the many different overlays that are added to a film poster. The poster for saw VI has influenced me the most. Having one key colour within in the whole of the poster and then having a secondary colour albeit being the red this time. The cabin in the woods • The film cabin the woods inspired me for obvious reason that its set in the woods and majority of fast paced action scenes take place in the woods. But It wasn’t just that. There's a lot of reason this film has inspired me. The main factor being the posters. Creating a similar grey grungy effect which I wish to achieve in my posters. Not just with the poster on the left but the poster on the right with it including different primary colours to separate poster from another. Another reason this film has inspired me is its uses of using a singular object an important key to the film. Just having that image along on a full poster. Gives the object an sense of importance and intrigues the audience.
  • 40. Key influences from film and TV – 3 The Exorcist • The exorcist poster I looked the most is the one on the left. The next slide will explain why but briefly it intrigued me because there’s an iconic poster that has been inspired by something else. This is something I wanted to do and gave me more hope for my poster. The film itself is very good but didn’t inspire me in a any sort of way with them being two very different horror movies. The poster on the right however did have some influence with the character looking shrouded in mystery and giving a menacing look I wanted to have this for my first poster. Sinister • The sinister poster have influenced me in a rather macabre way of the uses of blood in horror movie posters. Blood is a primary key to these posters and from looking into these poste. They are what influenced me to have a blood smile for one of my posters. Also in a similar way to the other poster there primary colour is grey. This is because grey is a very dull monotone colour that fits in with horror. From looking at these posters it told me that if done correctly red and grey compliment each other really well when on a horror movie poster. Halloween (2018) • Theses Halloween posters will always stick with me. Specifically the one on the right and if all possible It would be nice if I could employ a little trick that I did last year that I got from this poster. The one I'm referring to is the one on the left of Michael Myers. This one is interesting because of the sinister look the character is conveying but also if you turn the brightness up on the image then then you can see the eyes behind the mask. I think this is a really clever little Easter egg and shows how well minimalistic posters can be.
  • 41. The exorcistAs you can see the picture on the left is the exorcist (1973) poster which was inspired by the artwork on the right. The artwork titled the empire of right made by a Belgian artist called Rene Magritte. Even thought they aren’t identical the poster does have a similar resemblance. The designer of the poster is clever because he took the design of a normal painting and made a horror film poster out of it. Whilst adding other features and dismissing others so that it looks more horror. Such like adding a silhouette of a man in front of the house, getting rid of the blue sky so that it looks less cheerful, being within a closer proximity towards the house etc. The thing that remain constant with these to pictures is the bright street light and how much it shines. Whilst the light shines brighter in the exorcist poster. It’s the one thing that remain significant in the poster. This is something that I want to do with my poster and the artwork that I have chosen out as seen in the previous slides
  • 42. Halloween poster: Brightness turned up With the brightness turned up you can now see the sinister look of Michael Myers eyes behind the mask.
  • 43. Key influences for the magazine – 1 Empire • My biggest influencer when it has to come to doing my movie magazine article was looking into Empire. I want to have the front cover laid out in a similar way that all these other issues are. The masthead of the magazine will be laid out in front of the characters that are on the front page. Some magazines have the character in the front because that way the you can pay attention to every detail that’s on the front magazine. SFX • SFX has been another big influencer when it has come to the design of my magazine. it retains a similar resemblance to the ‘empire’ magazine. the magazine on the right has a banner at the bottom of the magazine. I want to include this but have it indented slightly more towards the bottom. I don’t want the banner getting in the way of the image but I think it’s a good way to present more details of what's in the magazine. Total film • Total film influenced me as well through the colours that match. The titles and the headline have matching colours. Showing that the magazine in each issue changes the colour of it’s title varying on what the primary colour is that week. Depending on the main theme colour of the film.
  • 44. Key influences for the magazine – 2 Entertainment • Entertainment shares similar resemblance to the design of the previous three magazine that I had looked at. Proving a point that all magazine specifically movie one shares a common resemblance. That there is rules and laws, not being able to share the same layout design as a reality magazine. The images being presented in this are a lot more clos up and person. This was something that influenced me to do something similar Film Stories • Whilst the other magazines have had quite an influence on me this one did ever so less. It’s similar to the other magazine in terms of images and layout design but this time I feel like its just shrunk. Making everything that is on the page not stand out very well and clear. It was okay to look into and I gained some influence of where I should put certain magazine details in but it was nothing major like the other magazines. Little white lies • I’ve decided to include this magazine as part of one my influences. Whist like ‘film stories’ it isn't a big influence. I would like to include it because of the way its not filled with extra details about what else in the magazine. The magazine is just the image alone on its on. This inspired me to do two cover one with the details, and one with the title and the image alone. Almost like a slip cover for the magazine.
  • 45. Key influences for the magazine – 3 • One key influence when it comes to photography specifically for my magazine is to have the lighting in black and white. Professionally this is quite difficult but I think it looks very effective especially if the photoshoot of the magazine was for a horror film. The technique of point a light at someone in a dark room is very easy but its going to have to be spent a lot of time on and editing for the images to come out well. In my opinion black is a genius colour and work’s well metaphorically by telling you that this film isn’t a happy one. Front cover • The entertainment issue with the ‘no time to die’ film issued on the front is the magazine that inspired me to do something similar to this. I like the lighting and the balance of colours including the pink and blue that are two colours that you would think don’t go together but really they do. I consider this choice of style to work with any genre that you are going for because when it comes to magazines its more the basis of the article and photography. As opposed to horror that has to stand out in front of you face.
  • 46. Double page analysis - 1 • Link: Empire Index telling you a little about the other films that will be featured in the article. Black border across the page to continue it as an ongoing article. For continuity reasons. Blue colour schemes that match the image and don’t contrast with any other colour. Font that is often used to promote cinema material Important text in blue matching the theme of the rest of the magazine Name of the film Person who wrote the article Main primary image. Take up a full page and a bit Date in which the upcoming films will be released. Clear format
  • 47. Double page analysis - 2 • Link: SFX A lot of red illustrating the goriness of the blood Various tears and scratches showing the ragged effect of the magazine Scratched out lettering connotating it to be horror. Sub article in a different coloured box to separate with article on the rest of the page. The first letter ‘I’ is much larger than the rest of the article. Uses of colours the articles text is in white because the background is a dark colour. So they need to go with something lighter. Blood drippage caught on the side of the white bordered page. Showing the covers of the book and where to get them. Another way of promotion.
  • 48. Double page analysis – 3 • Link: Total film Star rating given with it being a review Statistical analysis results to back up the evidence of their points using facts One main primary image. No other images used. So this is what reader is drawn to. Red highlighting the important or new parts of the article Unusual clip out style where the box extends further out Title of what the article is about on the top of the page Random fact stood out of the rest of the article this often used as interesting quotation that appear in the magazine. Quote of the article that interesting Evaluated what they have said and come with an overall verdict Standout letter

Editor's Notes

  1. Log your initial thoughts regarding the set brief- What could you make? What are you good at? Your opinions? Can be a list of bullet points of reactions- does not have to be full prose. Can be hand drawn and scanned in.
  2. or hand drawn-scanned using college printers exploring 3 potential ideas
  3. or hand drawn-scanned using college printers exploring your final idea
  4. Collection of images related to your product/inspirational/visually interesting At least 15 needed
  5. Talk about everything from the text to the layout