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Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 1
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Semester 2
Written By Sasmirido Doni
Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 2
Dengan mengucap syukur alhamdulillah kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah
melimpahkan rahmatNya, sehingga dapat terselesaikan pembuatan Modul mata elajaran
Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 6 Semester 2 ini.
Berangkat dari anggapan semua pihak bahwa Bahasa Inggris itu sulit, penulis
termotivasi untuk menyusun Modul ini agar bisa membantu peserta didik dalam mempelajari
Bahasa Inggris lebih jauh. Selain itu, Modul ini disusun dimaksudkan untuk membantu serta
menunjang mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai pegangan dasar bagi peserta didik. Modul
ini disusun berdasarkan beberapa buku acuan serta pengalaman penulis selama mengajar
mata pelajaran ini serta berdasarkan silabus yang ada. Dalam kesempatan ini penulis
mengucapkan pada semua pihak yang telah membantu hingga tersusunnya Modul ini.
Dalam penyelesaian Modul ini tentunya penulis menyadari bahwa Modul ini masih
ada kekurangan, untuk itu adanya kritik dan saran yang membangun sangat diharapkan agar
karya-karya selanjutnya lebih sempurna lagi.
Bukittinggi, Desemeber 2014
Sasmirido Doni
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 3
1. Pendahuluan
2. Halaman Depan
A. Kata Pengantari
B. Table of Contentii
3. Bagian Isi
Chapter I : Procedural Text1
Chapter II : My Village 9
Chapter III: Daily Activities 12
Chapter IV: Asking For Giving Direction 16
Chapter V: Could/Can You 21
Chapter VI: My Vocation 24
Chapter VII: I am Happy32
Chapter VIII: Keep Silent, Please!37
4. Penutup: 43
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 4
Procedure text is a text which describes how something is accomplished through a
sequence of actions or steps.
Generic structure of procedural textt:
 Aim/Goal : How to make................../How to use..................
 Materials/Tools : Materials to make something/Tools to use something.
 Steps/Method : Steps to make something/Tools to use something
 How to make a glass of milk
 How to make a plate of ...........juice
 How to make a cup of coffee
 How to make a cup of tea
How to make a glass of .......?
- First ......
- Second .........
As the sentence introducers (sequencers)
especially in spoken text :
First … Firstly
Second … Secondly
After that … Afterwards
Finally … Lastly
As time introducers, especially in written
text :
… before
After …
When …
While …
… until …
During …
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 5
Exercise 1
Read and memorize the words below!
Vocabularies Meaning
 Add
 Stir
 Put into
 Pour
 Ready to serve
 Ready to drink
 Ready to eat
 Seasoning
 Materials
 First
 Second
 Third
 Next, Then
 Finally
 Tools
 Cut
 Don’t mix
 Blend
 Turn
 Put
 Mix
 For five minutes
 Boil
 Wait until
 Fried
 Peel
 Cook
 Prepare
 Tambahkan
 Aduk
 Letakan ke dalam
 Tuangkan
 Siap untuk disajikan
 Siap untuk diminum
 Siap untuk dimakan
 Bumbu
 Alat-alat
 Pertama
 Kedua
 Ketiga
 Selanjutnya/berikutnya
 Akhirnya
 Alat-alat
 Potong
 Jangan campur
 Campur
 Balikan
 Letakan
 Campur
 Selama 5 menit
 Rebus
 Tunggu sampai
 Goreng
 Mengupas
 Masak
 Siapkan
How to Make Mango Juice
 a piece of mango
 a half glass of water
 a glass of ice pack
 a spoon of sugar
 milk
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 6
 Knife
 Glass
 Spoon
 Juicer
 First, peel the mango and clean it
 Next, cut the mango into pieces and put them into the juicer
 Then, put the water, ice and sugar
 After that turn on the juicer and wait about 15 seconds
 Finally, pour the mango juice into the glass and ready to drink
Exercise 2
1. The first step tells us about....
a.cut the mango c. peel it
b. put it into the juicer d. clean it
2. What will you do after the first step?....
a. put it into the juicer c. peel it
b. cut it d. put the water into the juicer
3. The materials needed in making Mango Juice are ....
a. mango, juicer, water, sugar, ice c. mango, sugar, milk, water, ice
b. mango, water, ice, sugar, spoon d. mango, ice, water, sugar, milk, glass
4. The last step in making mango juice is ....
a. turn on the juice and wait about 15 minutes
b. put the water, ice and sugar
c. pour the mango juice into the juicer
d. pour the mango juice into the glass
5. The tools needed in making the mango juice are .....
a. spoon, knife, glass, juicer and water c. spoon, glass, knife, juicer and glass
b. knife, spoon, glass, water, and juicer d. juicer, glass, knife, spoon, and milk
6. How long you should wait to blend the juice?
a. 15 minutes c.15 hours
b. 15 seconds d. 15 days
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 7
How to Make Brownies
• 150gram of butter.
• 150gram of dark chocolate.
• 300 gram of flour                 
• 4 eggs.
• 600 gram of regular sugar
• 1 tsp vanilla extract
- Melt the chocolate with the butter.
- Stir the eggs with the sugar and the vanilla extract.
- Preheat the oven at low temperature
- Combine the mixes you made.
- Add the flour and stir with a wooden spoon.
- Grease a brownie tin.
- Add a little flour to cover the tin.
- Add the brownie dough.
- Bake for 10-30 minutes.
- To check the brownies, put a knife in the mix. The knife must be moist!
- Eat them 15 minutes after you took them out of the oven.
(Adapted from
Butter (n) Mentega
flour (n) Tepung
Melt (v) Lelehkan
Stir (v) Aduk
mixes (n) Adonan
Grease (v) Lumasi, minyaki
Tin (n) Panci
Dough (n) Adonan
Bake (v) Panggang
Knife (n) Pisau
Moist (adj) Basah
Exercise 3
1. How much flour do you need to make brownies?
2. What is the first thing to do when making brownies?
3. What should you do before combining the mixes?
4. What should you do after greasing a brownie tin?
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 8
5. According to text, how many steps are there to make brownies?
6. According to the text, is it difficult to make brownies?
7. What is the purpose of the text?
8. Eat them 15 minutes after you took them out of the oven. The underlined word refers to….
9. Grease a brownie tin. The underlined word could best be replaced by….
10. The knife must be moist. What is the antonym of ‘moist’?
Exercise 4
1. Write down how to make a glass of orange juice!
- Materials:
- Tools
- Procedure
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 9
Exercise 1
Read and memorize the vocabularies below!
Vocabularies Meaning Vocabularies Meaning
 Republic
 Kingdom
 Empire
 Monarch
 Province
 Municipality
 Regency
 District
 Village
 President
 Republik
 Kerajaan
 Kekaisaran
 Monarki
 Propinsi
 Kota madya
 Kabupaten
 Kecamatan
 Desa
 Presiden
 King
 Queen
 Emperor
 Prime minister
 Ambassador
 Governor
 Mayor
 Regent
 Head of district
 Village chief
 Raja
 Ratu
 Kaisar
 Perdana mentri
 Duta besar
 Gubernur
 Wali kota
 Bupati
 Camat
 Kepala desa
Exercise 2
Read the text carefully!
There is a kingdom in Europe. It is called United Kingdom. Queen Elizabeth II leads
this country. The capital of United Kingdom is London. It is located in England and it is the
biggest city in Europe. More than 7 million people live there.
When you are in London, don’t forget to visit Buckingham palace. The famous palace
is the London home of Queen Elizabeth II. Guards carefully watch the palace grounds.
Tourists enjoy watching the changing of the guards. The queen has very little power when
compared with earlier English kings and queens. Today, an elected prime minister and
parliament hold most government power. Elizabeth II is very popular in her country. You will
find her image or photograph on every British stamp, banknote, and coin.
Answer the questions below based on the text above!
1. Where is United Kingdom located?
2. What is the capital city of United Kingdom?
3. Who is the queen of United Kingdom?
4. What is the name of Queen Elizabeth II’s palace?
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 10
5. Where can you see the Queen’s image?
Excercise 3
Rearrange the sentences below into right sentences!
1. Republic – a – is – Indonesia
Answer: ........................................................
2. Kingdom – a king – leads
Answer: ........................................................
3. Capital – the – of – Semarang – is – Central Java
4. The – Barrack Obama – president – is – the USA – of
Answer: .........................................................
5. Ministers – some – president – help – a
Exercise 4
Fill in the blanks below with the correct answer!
1. France is a republic. A ................................ leads this country.
2. Japan is an empire. A/an .............................. leads this country.
3. Thailand is a ............................. A king leads this country.
4. A person who leads a province is called ..............................
5. A person who leads a municipality is called ........................
6. A person who leads a regency is called .............................
7. Nort Sumatra is province in Indonesia. The capital of North Sumatra is ......................
8. Malaysia is a country in Southeast Asia. The capital of Malaysia is .......................
9. The wife of a king is called ............................
10. The daughter of a king is called .....................
Exercise 5
Chose the correct answer!
1. DKI Jakarta, West Java, and Banten are the names of ............... in Indonesia
a.regency b.province c.district d.municipality
2. Indonesia is a/an ................ A president leads Indonesia
a.empire b.monarch c.republic d.kingdom
3. Adi : What do we call the king’s son?
Andi : we call him ..........
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 11
a. queen b.prince c.minister d.princess
4. Bali is a province. A ............ leads this province.
a. mayor b.regent c.governor d.village chief
Text for number 5 to 9
The United States is the third largest country in area in the world, after Russia and
Canada. It covers the width of North America between Canada and Mexico. That gives the
United States long coastline facing both the Atlantic and Facific oceans. The United States is
a democrasy country. This means that the American citizens choose their government rather
than having one forced on them. Americans choose their government by voting.
The capital of the United States is Washinton D.C. That’s where the federal (national)
government is based. The United States is made up of 50 individual states. Each state has its
own separate, democratically elected government.
5. The United states is located in .....
a. Asia b.America c.Africa d.Europe
6. The United States is the third largest country in area after Rusia and .....
a. Canada b.Indonesia c. Australia d. The UK
7. The capital of The United States is .....
a. Boston b.Wagington DC c.Los Angels d.New Mexico
8. The American choose their government by ....
a. random b. power c.accident d. voting
9. There are ...... states in The United States
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 12
Get up Have breakfast
Brush my teeth
Get dressed Take the school bus
Start lesson
Paint Teach
Make up bed
Iron Walk the dog
Wash Set the table
Cook meal
Have lunch
Drink tea
Do homework
Watch TV Listen to music
Play football Play games
Read book
Have a shower Sleep
Write your own daily activities now!
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 13
Match the pictures with the phrase beside
14. Wake up
1. Take a shower
16. Brush (my) teeth
20. Shave
2. Comb (my) hair
5. Put on makeup
13. Get dressed
4. Have breakfast
9. Go to school /
3. Have lunch
6. Go shopping
8. Go back home
19. Do the housework
17. Do the homework
7. Cook
18. Have dinner
12. Watch TV
15. Read a book
11. Take a bath
10. Go to bed
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 14
Text for number 1 to 4
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 15
Terry is a dilligent girl. She is a student of SD Karakter Bangsa. She arranges her
schedule well. She gets up at 05.00 o’clock every morning. She makes up her bed before
going to take a bath. She usually takes a bath at 05.30 am. She has breakfast together with her
parents and her brothers, Bayu and Bima in the dining room. After that, she prepares herself
to leave. Then, she goes to school at 06.30 am. Her father takes her to school. She goes home
for school at 01.00 pm. She does her homework at 04.30 pm in her bedroom. Then, she goes
to bed at 09.00 pm.
1. What does Terry do at 05.30 am?
a.gets up b.has breakfast c.takes a bath d.goes to school
2. Who takes Terry to school?
a. her brothers b.her Mom c.Bayu and Bima d.her father
3. Where does Terry and her family have breakfast? the dining room school SD Karakter Bangsa the bathroom
4. Is Terry a dilligent girl?
a.yes, she does, she’s not c.yes, she is d.yes, she do
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 16
- How do I get to ........?
- How do i go to ......?
- Can you show me where is .........?
- Where is ..........?
 From here you ................
 It is in front of......./beside......../behind........
traffic lights turn left
roundabout turn right
crossroads go straight on
T-junction zebra crossing
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 17
Read the public places below!
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 18
Answer the questions below!
1. If you are standing in Blue Street, how do you go to the post office?. Give your own
2. If Jessica is from the Souvenir Shop and she wants to go to the Nail Salon, how do
you show her the direction?.
3. A tourist just has lunch at the Restaurant and he asks you how to go to the Shoe Store.
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 19
1. Fill in the blanks and complete the words.
__ __ __ t __ __ r__ __ __ __ o __ __ __ __ c __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ t __
a __ __ __ __
__ __ p __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ b __ __ __ __
G __ __
__ __ __t __ __ __
__ __ s __ __ __ __ __
__ __ u __ __ __ __ __ s __
__ __ __i __ __
__ __ f __
__ i __ __ __ __ __
__ __ a __ __ __ __ __ k __ i __ __ __ __
__ __s __t __ __
__ h __ __
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 20
1. Match the pictures below!
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 21
CAN YOU/COULD YOU ................
Farah: Could you help me , please?
Audi: Sure, what can i do for you?
Farah: Do you know the name of this space object?
Audi: Yes, i do. It is a comet
Farah: Oh, i see. Thank’s Audi
Audi: You are welcome
Exercise 1
Study the explanation below!
1. Untuk meminta bantuan secara sopan, kita menggunakan kalimat tanya “Could you
help me please”?
Andi: Could you help me, please?
Adi: Yes sure or i’m sorry i can’t
2. Untuk menawarkan bantuan kepada orang lain, kita dapat menggunakan kalimat tanya
“Can i help you”? Atau “What can i do for you”?
Mr.Bean: Can i help you?
Lis: Yes, Please or No, Thank’s
Caca: What can i do for you?
Teacher: Please, bring me that globe
Caca: All right. Here you are
Teacher: Thank you
Mr.Bean: Could you help me
Doctor: Yes, of course
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 22
Caca: You Are welcome
Complete these sentences by using Can or Can’t + one of the verbs:
1. I’m sorry but we your party next Saturday
2. I like this hotel room. You ......................the mountains from the window
3. You are speaking very quietly. I ................................. you
4. Have you seen my bag?. I
5. Jimmy got the job because she ................................. five languages
Arrange the sentences below into the correct form!
1. Live – we – earth – on – the
Answer: .....................................................
2. Planet – is – the – Jupiter – biggest
Answer: ....................................................
3. The sun – around – the earth – moves
Answer: ....................................................
4. The earth – some – continets – of – consists
Answer: ....................................................
5. The – the earth – planet – third – the solar system – is – in
Answer: .....................................................................
Fill in the blanks with correct answer!
1. People usually go to the ........................... for fishing
2. The highest ........................... in the world is Everest
3. We have to keep our ....................... green
4. Fishermen go to the .................... to catch fish
5. Farmers grow rice in the ..................................
1. Jika kita menerima bantuan dari orang lain, kita harus mengucapkan terima kasih
(Thank you atau Thank you a lot).
2. Untuk menjawab ucapan terima kasih, kita mengucapkan terima kasih kembali (You’re
welcome atau Don’t mention it).
Come find hear see speak
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 23
That’s what’s happening!
Draw a line matching the action to the correct picture and ask by using CAN YOU......?. Try
to write the word on the line underneath.
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 24
Listen and practice the dialogue below!
Rendy: Do you have a plan for the next holiday?
Naya: i don’t have any idea
Rendy: What about going to Painan?
Naya: That’s a good idea. How will we go there?
Rendy: By bus or renting a car. From Bayang Sani, we can go to Langkisau Hill and Cerocok
Naya: What can we do there?
Rendy: We can enjoy beautiful scenery, swim and get on the banana boat
Naya: Alright
Study the explanations below!
1. Untuk meminta kejelasan tentang nama suatu tempat, kita dapat menggunakan
kalimat tanya: Is it......?
Lina: Is it a beach? Wina: Is Borobudur a temple?
Lani: Yes, it is or No, it is not Rara: Yes, it is or No, it’s not
2. Untuk menanyakan tempat yang akan dituju kita menggunakan kalimat tanya: Where
will you go........?
Icha: Where will you go next holiday Ani
Ani: i will go to Jakarta
3. Untuk menanyakan apa yang dapat kita lakukan di suatu tempat, digunakan kalimat
tanya: What can we do in...........?
Lisa: What can we do in the beach?
Fitri: We can swim there and make a sand castle
4. Kalimat tanya “Is there a tourism object in.......?, (Menanyakan keberadaan objek
wisata di suatu daerah/tempat).
Zaki: Is there a tourism object in Painan?
Zumi: Yes, there is
Zaki: What is it?
Zumi: It is Cerocok Beach and Langkisau Hill
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 25
Buatlah bahasa inggris kata yang bergambar di bawah ini!
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 26
Every summer, my family and I go on holiday to the . We usually take
our full of beach things, as for example, a , a , a
, some and a . My brother James carries his . My sister
Emma carries her because she can’t swim very well. My friend Paul also
comes with us. He likes diving a lot and that’s why he never forgets his
or his . Mum is wearing her favourite trousers, her and some
very nice . Dad always carries a because he loves reading
under a . Mum always applies some on us since we arrive the . We
have a very good time and we sometimes find some and . At
noon, when it’s very , we usually have a slice of because it’s very
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 27
A)Complete the sentences. Use going to form of the verbs in the box.
1. Mark ____________ the piano at the school concert next week.
2. Mary´s mum ____________ a new job next week.
3. I ____________ a party for my birthday this year.
4. Mum ____________ me a cake for my birthday party next week.
5. Alan and John ____________ their birthday next weekend.
6. Dad ____________ to work on Tuesday.
7. I ____________ two weeks with my grandparents in the country.
8. We ____________ the train tomorrow.
B) What are your plans for the next weekend?
Start like this: Next weekend I’m going to the mountains/ seaside/beach……
C) What places do you like to visit the most with your family on your semester holiday and
Why?. Write down your own words!.
Play celebrate make spend start not go not take not have
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 28
Read the text carefully!
There is a beutiful island in Indonesia. It is Bali. Bali is located between Java and
Nusa Tenggara. Bali is also a province. The capital of Bali is Denpasar.
Bali is very famous around the world. The island has many beautiful places. Some of
them are Kuta Beach, Tanjung Banoa, Bedugul, Kintamani, Dreamland and so on.
On holiday, many tourists visit Bali. They are domestic and foreign tourists. Foreign
tourists usually spend their time at the beach because they like to have sunbath there.
D)Answer the questions below based on the text above!
1. Where is Bali located? ___________________________________
2. Is Bali a province? ______________________________________
3. Mention 5 beautiful places in Bali! ________________________________________
4. Are there some foreign tourists in Bali? ____________________________________
5. What do the foreign tourists like to do in the beach? __________________________
E) Arrange the sentences below into the correct form!
1. Island – Bali – a – beautiful – is
Answer: ............................................................
2. Play – can – we – playground – swing – the – in
Answer: .............................................................
3. Go – will – where – we?
Answer: .............................................................
4. Jakarta – located – is – the National Monument – is
Answer: ..............................................................
5. Holiday – plantation tea – you – do – next – go – to?
Answer: ..............................................................
F) Match the words below!
 Village
 Palace
 Waterfall
 Mountain
 Beach
 Temple
 Zoo
 Playground
 Library
 Cave
 Candi
 Istana
 Halaman untuk bermain
 Gunung
 Desa
 Goa
 Kebun binatang
 Perpustakaan
 Air terjun
 Pantai
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 29
Text number 1 to 4
There is a beautiful beach in Yogyakarta. It is Parangtritis beach. It is located in Bantul
regency. It is very easy to get to the beach from Yogyakarta. If we go by car, it takes about
one hour to get there.
Parangtritis beach has beautiful scenery. The water is very clean with a long coastline. You
can take a walk, ride a horse, or make sand castle over there, but don’t swim at the beach
because of the big wave at the beach.
Answer the questions based on the text!
1. Parangtritis beach is located in ........... regency
a. Sleman c.Gunungkidul
b. Bantul d. Kulonprogo
2. It only takes .................. from Yogyakarta to Parangtritis Beach
a. An hour c. Three hours
b. Two hours d. Four hours
3. Max: Does Parangtritis have beautiful scenery?
Christ: Yes, it ........
a. Is b.Are c. Do d. Does
4. We can do these activities in Parangtritis beach, except .....
a. Swim c. Ride a horse
b. Take a walk d. Make sand castle
5. We can ............... at the supermarket
a. Shop c. Read books
b. Swim d. Have a sunbath
6. I want to go to the borrow some books
a. Movie c. Museum
b. Library d. Supermarket
7. There is a beutiful beach in Yogyakarta. It is .................. beach
a. Sanur c. Parangtritis
b. Nusa dua d. Pangandaran
8. These tourism objects are in Bali, except .....
a. Kuta beach c. Bedugul
b. Kintamani d. Ancol
9. Kurt: What can we do in the zoo?
Max: We can ......
a. Buy clothes c. Make sand castle
b. Borrow books d. See many kind of animals
10. I want to see some historical things. I go to ......
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 30
a. Movie c. Library
b. Museum d. Supermarket
11. Mount Bromo is located in ......
a. East Java c. North Sulawesi
b. West Java d. West Kalimantan
12. The pupils are learning … the classroom.
a. on b. at c. Is d. in
13. A person who collects … is called a philatelist
a. envelopes b. letters c. addresses d. stamps
14. . … is that slim girl? She is Tamara
a. Where b. Who c. Which d. What
15. . … is your new school bag? It is purple
a. What b. Which prefer c. Which d. What colour
Text for number 16 to 18
A Nice Day
This is a bright afternoon. In Ivan’s home, some peoples are enjoying their activities.
They are all busy. His father is repairing and cleaning the car. His mother is cooking.
She is just making gado-gado and grilled fish. His sister is watering some flowers
beside the house. Ivan is painting. They are very hapy. (No.8-10)
16. What is his sister’s hobby ?
a. painting b. gardening c. cooking the car
17. Is Ivan’s mother cooking?
a. Yes, she is b. No, she isn’t c. Yes, he is d. No, he isn’t
18. 10. Who is watering the flowers?
a. Ivan’s sister b. Ivan’s mother c . Ivan’s father d. Ivan’s brother
19. 11. A place to care patients is a …
a. hotel b. hospital c. cinema d. bank
20. Fenny : “…”
Gina: “Traditional dance.”
a. Do you like dancing ? c. What kind of dance do you like ?
b. Does she like traditional dance ? d. Which traditional dance that famous in Bali?
21. Hanna is my sister. … hobby is singing.
a. My b. Her c. Your d. His
22. I like reading. Reading makes me …
a. smart b. late c. lazy d. stupid
23. We borrow books from the library. We always return the book …
a. late b. on time c. any time d. some time
24. How many papayas are there on the table ?
a. Yes, I am c. Three papayas
b. That is a green papaya d. These are good papayas
25. There are some fruits on the table. All … the fruits are ripe.
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 31
a. at b. of c. is d. in
26. There is … of bananas in the basket.
a. a slice b. a bunch c. a loaf d. a log
27. Rudy : “….”
Anne : “There are nine apples”
a. Is that an apple ? c. How many apples are there?
b. What colour of those apples? d. Which do you prefer?
28. Jenny : Do you like peanut?
Asep : Yes, ….
a. I do b. she does c. he does d. you are
29. in – my – two – bag - there - apples - are
Arrange these words into a good sentence!
a. There two apples in are my bag c. There apples are two in my bag
b. There are two bag in my apples d. There are two apples in my bag
30. Afternoon – brother – what – drink – does – your – in – the?
a. What does your brother drink in the afternoon?
b. What afternoon does the brother drink in your?
c. What brother does in the afternoon drink your?
d. What does in your afternoon the brother drink?NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 32
 Him (Laki-Laki
 Her
 Hamdi
 Hamra
 Mutia
 Teguh
 Barack Obama
 Sule and Ajis
 Your friend
 Your father
Because = Karena That is why =
Oleh karena itu
And = Dan But
= Tetapi
Or = Atau
(Luna Maya)
(My mother)
 Smart
 Diligent
 Naughty
 Crazy
 Poor
 Rich
 Talk-active
 Handsome
 Beautiful
 Shy
 Snobbish
 Fat
 Thin
 Stupid
 Generous
 Funny
 Bad
 Friendly
 Materialistic
/Mata duitan/
EXERCISES = LatihanTranslate into English = Terjemahkan kedalam bahasa inggris
1. Saya suka ayah saya karena dia pintar = ……………………………………………………………...
2. Saya tidak suka Barack Obama tapi saya suka SBY =………………………………………………..
3. Saya cinta ibu saya karena dia cantik =………………………………………………………………..
4. Saya tidak suka teman saya karena dia jahat =………………………………………………………..
5. Ibu dan ayah saya tidak suka Omas karena dia bodoh =………………………………………………
6. Mutia dan hamdi suka Kfc karena Kfc enak =…………………………………………………………
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 33
Match the words below and read aloud!
 Sad
 Happy
 Sick
 Nervous
 Healthy
 Sleepy
 Hungry
 Thirsty
 Tired
 Bored
 Hot
 Cold
 Jelous
 Angry
 Worry
 Upset
 Frightened
 Interested
 Satisfied
 Terrible
 Boring
 Interesting
 Amazing
 Frightening
 Disappointing
 Disappointed
 Amazed
 Frightened
 Grogi
 Khawatir
 Marah
 Sehat
 Haus
 Sedih
 Lapar
 Senang
 Tertarik
 Lelah
 Puas
 Sakit
 Mengantuk
 Cemburu
 Bosan
 Takut
 Kacau
 Dingin
 Kecewa
 Panas
 Menarik
 Membosankan
 Takut
 Takjub
 Menakjubkan
 Mengecewakan
 Kecewa
 Menakutkan
Study the explanations below!
1. Jika kita ingin menanyakan perasaan pada seseorag, kita dapat menggunakan kalimat
tanya : - How do .......(you/they) feel? or
- How does ......... (she/he/nama orang lain) feel?
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 34
Shinta: How do you feel?
Aji: I feel bored or i’m bored
Cinta: How do they feel?
Yaya: They feel sleepy or they are sleepy
Jhoni: How does she feel?
Jhon: She feels happy or she is happy
2. Ketika seseorang sedang mengalami keadaan yang tidak mengenakan, kita dapat
menawarkan bantuan dengan mengucapkan “What can i do for you atau Do you
need my help”?
Sisi: How do you feel?
Sule: I feel thirsty
Sisi: What can i do for you?
Sule: Could you bring me a glass of water?
Sisi: Sure
Sule: Thank’s anyway
Sisi: You are welcome
Read the text below carefully!
Today, Ria does not go to school. She does not feel very well. She gets fever. She
feels cold but her temperature is hot.
Then, her mother, Mrs.Leni brings her to see the doctor. The doctor is Mrs.Suci. she
checks Ria’s condition. Then she write a prescription. She asks Mrs.Leni to buy the
prescription at the drug store. Before going home, Mrs.Suci asks Ria to take enough rest. She
must also have the medicines regularly.
Answer the quetions below based on the text!
1. Does ria go to school today?
Answer: ...............................................................
2. What happen to her?
Answer: ................................................................
3. How does she feel?
Answer: .................................................................
4. Who brings her to the doctor?
Answer: .................................................................
5. What the doctor suggest to her?
Answer: ................................................................
Choose the correct answer below!
1. They see a ghost. They feel....
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 35
a. Bored b.tired c.disgusted d.frightened
2. Nita is a nice girl, ........ her friends like her very much
a. So b.but c. then d.because
3. I don’t have anything to do today, i feel .......
a. Good b.bored c.interested d.disappointed
4. Ari’s score is bad, so her parents are ......
a. Interested b.interesting c.disappointed d.disappointing
5. Sammy feels sad ......... he lost his book
a. So b.then c.because d.and
Text for number 6 to 10
Juna is a smart boy. He is the best student in his class. His favourite subject is Math.
Today, he competes in the Math olimpiad. He wins the competition because he gets the
highest score. He is very happy. He gets a trophy and money. His parents are proud of him.
6. Is Juna smart?, Yes, he .......
a. Is c.are d.was
7. His favourite subject is ..........
a.Biology b.Math c.Religion d.Science
8. X: What does Juna compete today?
Y: He competes ..........
a. Poestry reading c.Story telling
b. Science olimpiad d.Math Olimpiad
9. A: Does Juna win in the competition?
B: Yes, he ..........
a. Is b.does d.are
10. Chrisy: How does Juna feel?
Dodi: He feels ...........
a. Happy b.sad c.nervous d.embrassed
11. Ami: How do you feel Rita?
Rita: I feel................
Ami: Why?
Rita: Because i did not have breakfast this morning
12. If we affer a help, we say ......................
a. What can i help you? c. How do you feel?
b. Are you happy? d. Can you help me?
Text for number 13 to 22
My name is Jason. I am twelve years old. I am a student. I am from England. My
favourite singer is Justin Bieber. My favorite lesson is English. My mother’s name is Mary.
She is thirty-eight years old. She is a teacher. Her favourite singer is Celine Dion. My father’s
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 36
name is Mahmut. He is forty-two years old. He is a doctor. He is Turkish. His favourite
singer is Michael Jackson Gencebay.
Fill in the blanks below based on the text above and choose one of the word in the coulom!
13. Jason is ______________________ a. 12 b. 20 c. 22
14. Jason is a _____________________ a. teacher b. student c. doctor
15. Jason is from__________________ a. England b. Turkey c. Japan
16. Jason’s favourite lesson is_______ a. math b. English c. music
17. Jason’s father is_______________ a. 44 b. 43 c. 42
18. Jason’s father is a_____________ a. Teacher b. student c. doctor
19. Jason’s father is______________ a. English b. Turkish c. Japanese
20. Jason’s mother is a ___________ a. teacher b. doctor c. student
21. Jason’s mother is _____________ a. 36 b. 38 c. 30
22. Jason’s favourite singer is ______ a. Baris Manco b. Volkan Konak c. Orhan
Fill in the blanks below!
1. The condition is worrying, so we feel .......................
2. We sometimes are frightened seeing horror movie because it is ...................
3. My father gives me a new bag. I feel very .................
4. I get a good score in English. It makes me .................
5. The service is very disappointing. So, we feel .......................
6. Mr.Anang is bored with his job because it is ....................
7. The scenery is ..................... So, i am amazed
8. Waiting is tiring, so i feel ................
9. Adi is ..................... with ghost because it is frightening
10. Science is interesting, so we are ........................... in it
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 37
Study the explanations below
1. Ada dua bentuk kalimat perintah yaitu Command and Prohibition
a. Command
Command yaitu perintah yang diberikan pada orang lain. Verb 1+Object.
Budi: Open the door! Jarjit: Do your homework!
Ani: Ok Upin: Alright
b. Prohibition
Prohibition yaitu larangan yang dikatakan kepada orang lain. Don’t+Verb
Ipin: Don’t come late Cinta: Don’t swim on the river
Upin: Sure Cindy: Alright
2. Request
Request adalah permintaan atau permohonan untuk menyuruh seseorang dengan cara
yang lebih sopan. Untuk membuat kalimatnya cukup menambahkan “Would You” di
awal kalimat perintah dan menambah kata “Please” di belakangnya.
Perhatikan perubahan kalimat di bawah ini!
 Order: Get out!
Request: Would you get out, please!
 Order: Raise your hand!
Request: would you raise your hand, please!
 Order: Don’t sit here!
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 38
Request: Would you not to sit here, please!
3. Untuk response/jawabanya menggunkan:
 Yes, certainly
 Yes, of course
 Yes, sure
 Alright
 I’m sorry, i can’t
Study and memorize the sentences below!
Sentences Meaning
 Get up!
 Brush your teeth!
 Sweep the floor!
 Open the door!
 Keep silent!
 Help me!
 Study hard!
 Wash your clothes!
 Turn off the TV!
 Come in!
 Watch your step!
 Turn right
 Turn left
 Stand up!
 Raise your hand!
 Be careful!
 Don’t play on the street!
 Don’t come late to school!
 Don’t enter!
 Don’t forget to study!
 Don’t be lazy!
 Don’t touch it!
 Don’t disturb me!
 Don’t get closer!
 Don’t swim!
 Don’t park here!
 Don’t stop!
 Don’t turn around!
 Bangun!
 Gosok gigimu!
 Sapu lantai!
 Buka pintu!
 Diamlah!
 Tolong saya!
 Rajinlah belajar
 Cuci pakainmu!
 Matikan TV!
 Masuklah!
 Awas langkahmu!
 Belok kanan!
 Belok kiri!
 Berdiri!
 Angkat tanganmu!
 Hati-hatilah!
 Jangan main di jalan!
 Jangan terlambat ke sekolah!
 Jangan masuk!
 Jangan lupa belajar!
 Jangan malas!
 Jangan pegang!
 Jangan ganggu saya!
 Jangan mendekat!
 Jangan berenang!
 Jangan parkir disini!
 Jangan berhenti!
 Jangan berputar!
Change the Orders below into Requests!
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 39
1. Order: Stand up!
Request: ..............................................
2. Order: Raise your hand!
Request: ..............................................
3. Order: Say your name!
Request: ..............................................
4. Order: Turn left!
Request: .............................................
5. Order: Walk 2 steps forward!
Request: ............................................
6. Order: Touch your nose!
Request: ...........................................
7. Order: Say “A”!
Request: ............................................
8. Order: Walk to your chair!
Request: ............................................
9. Order: Sit down!
Request: ............................................
10. Order: Say “Thank You”!
Request: .............................................
Put the correct words based on the sentences below!
1. ............................... the book! (read/listen)
2. ............................... your name! (open/say)
3. ............................... the window! (open/throw)
4. ............................... your hand! (close/raise)
5. ............................... your homework! (do/smile)
6. ............................... right over there! (tear/turn)
7. ............................... silent! (buy/keep)
8. ................................ be late! (don’t/do)
9. ................................ that bread! (eat/burn)
10. ................................ careful! (is/be)
Answer the questions below!
1. We must be ................ when we walk to school
a. Lazy b. Careless c. carefull d. afraid
Text for number 2 to 7
The class is almost over. Before going home, Mr.Ahmad gives homework. He says “Open
page twelve, Do exercise five, Submit it next week. Any question”?. The students say “No
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 40
Then, they pray together and go home.
2. The teacher is ......
a. Vino b.Ahmad c.Rudy d.Rahmad
3. The teacher gives ..... before going home to the students.
a. Cake b.test c.parcel d.homework
4. The teacher asks the students to do homework page .......
a. 5 b.12 c.6 d.7
5. They must do exercise ......
a. 1 b.5 c.7 d.4
6. They must submit the homework .......
a. Tomorrow b.yesterday moth week
7. Then they pray together and go home. The word pray means .....
a. Makan b.jalan c.berdoa d.shalat
The dialogue below is for number 8 to 10
Ussy: Hi Putri, What are you doing?
Putri: I’m arranging these books on the book shelf
Ussy: What can i do for you?
Putri: Oh, Thank’s a lot. Now, can you move those books over there?
Ussy: Sure, where should i put these books?
Putri: Please, put them on the top of the shelf
Ussy: Alright, you have so many book collections
Putri: Yes i’ve. I want to make a small library
Ussy: May i borrow your book anytime?
Putri: Yes, of course. Just come to my house anytime you want!.
Answer these questions below based on the conversation!
8. What is Putri doing?
a. Moving the book shelf c.making a new library
b. Arranging the books d.borrowing books
9. Putri asks Ussy to .....
a. Get out c.put the books on the top of the shelf
b. Make a small library the books
10. What does Ussy asks to Putri?
a. Asks money c.borrows her books anytime
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 41
b. Asks her books d.asks her house
11. The weather is very hot. What will you say to your friend?
a. Turn off the fan c.turn on the stove
b. Turn on the lamp d.turn on the fan
12. The students are having national exam. The head master writes ......
a. Don’t walk here c.keep silent
b. Don’t see me d. don’t go
Translate the sentences below into Bahasa Indoneisa!
1. Clean the blackboard!
Answer: .....................................................
2. Turn on the lamp!
Answer: ......................................................
3. Don’t stop here!
Answer: ......................................................
4. Would you come here, please!
Answer: ......................................................
5. Would you not to park your car here!
Answer: ......................................................
6. Say it again!
Answer: ......................................................
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni
Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 42
2. Write the missing words
of the verb To
Be (interrogative form):
Am I …?
4. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the
verb to be.
a) He _______ Mark.
b) you _______ my friend.
c) Susan _______ my sister.
d) I _______ student.
e) Tim _______English.
f) Mrs. Smith _______ a teacher.
g) Mark and Susan _______ twins.
g) They _______ scientists.
6. Put the words in the right order.
a) am / I / student / a
b) a / student / is / Mary
c) not / my brother / Tim / is
d) happy / are / we ?
e) Tim and Sue / not / are / late.
8. Make questions for these answers.
a) ________________________________________?
No, I´m not Spanish. I´m Portuguese.
b) ________________________________________?
Yes, they are my friends.
c) ________________________________________?
3. Write the missing words of the
verb To Be (negative form):
I am not ______
You ____  You aren´t
she ____  ______
He ____  ______
It ____  ______
We ____  ______
You ____  ______
They ____  ______
1. Write the missing
words of the verb To
Be ( affirmative form):
I am I´m
You ____  You´re
she ____  ______
He ____  ______
It ____  ______
We ____  ______
You ____  ______
They ____  ______
5. Make negative sentences.
a) I´m Mary.
b) Mark is a good student.
c) We are friends.
7. Find the correct answer.

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Modul Kelas VI SD Semester 2

  • 1. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 1 2014 Modul B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Semester 2 Written By Sasmirido Doni Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015 NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 2. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 2 KATA PENGANTAR Dengan mengucap syukur alhamdulillah kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan rahmatNya, sehingga dapat terselesaikan pembuatan Modul mata elajaran Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 6 Semester 2 ini. Berangkat dari anggapan semua pihak bahwa Bahasa Inggris itu sulit, penulis termotivasi untuk menyusun Modul ini agar bisa membantu peserta didik dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris lebih jauh. Selain itu, Modul ini disusun dimaksudkan untuk membantu serta menunjang mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai pegangan dasar bagi peserta didik. Modul ini disusun berdasarkan beberapa buku acuan serta pengalaman penulis selama mengajar mata pelajaran ini serta berdasarkan silabus yang ada. Dalam kesempatan ini penulis mengucapkan pada semua pihak yang telah membantu hingga tersusunnya Modul ini. Dalam penyelesaian Modul ini tentunya penulis menyadari bahwa Modul ini masih ada kekurangan, untuk itu adanya kritik dan saran yang membangun sangat diharapkan agar karya-karya selanjutnya lebih sempurna lagi. Bukittinggi, Desemeber 2014 Penyusun Sasmirido Doni NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 3. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 3 TABLE OF CONTENT 1. Pendahuluan 2. Halaman Depan A. Kata Pengantari B. Table of Contentii 3. Bagian Isi Chapter I : Procedural Text1 Chapter II : My Village 9 Chapter III: Daily Activities 12 Chapter IV: Asking For Giving Direction 16 Chapter V: Could/Can You 21 Chapter VI: My Vocation 24 Chapter VII: I am Happy32 Chapter VIII: Keep Silent, Please!37 4. Penutup: 43 NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 4. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 4 CHAPTER I PROCEDURAL TEXT Procedure text is a text which describes how something is accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps. Generic structure of procedural textt:  Aim/Goal : How to make................../How to use..................  Materials/Tools : Materials to make something/Tools to use something.  Steps/Method : Steps to make something/Tools to use something  How to make a glass of milk  How to make a plate of ...........juice  How to make a cup of coffee  How to make a cup of tea How to make a glass of .......? - First ...... - Second ......... As the sentence introducers (sequencers) especially in spoken text : First … Firstly Second … Secondly After that … Afterwards Finally … Lastly As time introducers, especially in written text : … before After … When … While … … until … During … NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 5. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 5 Exercise 1 Read and memorize the words below! Vocabularies Meaning  Add  Stir  Put into  Pour  Ready to serve  Ready to drink  Ready to eat  Seasoning  Materials  First  Second  Third  Next, Then  Finally  Tools  Cut  Don’t mix  Blend  Turn  Put  Mix  For five minutes  Boil  Wait until  Fried  Peel  Cook  Prepare  Tambahkan  Aduk  Letakan ke dalam  Tuangkan  Siap untuk disajikan  Siap untuk diminum  Siap untuk dimakan  Bumbu  Alat-alat  Pertama  Kedua  Ketiga  Selanjutnya/berikutnya  Akhirnya  Alat-alat  Potong  Jangan campur  Campur  Balikan  Letakan  Campur  Selama 5 menit  Rebus  Tunggu sampai  Goreng  Mengupas  Masak  Siapkan How to Make Mango Juice Materials:  a piece of mango  a half glass of water  a glass of ice pack  a spoon of sugar  milk Tools: NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 6. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 6  Knife  Glass  Spoon  Juicer Steps:  First, peel the mango and clean it  Next, cut the mango into pieces and put them into the juicer  Then, put the water, ice and sugar  After that turn on the juicer and wait about 15 seconds  Finally, pour the mango juice into the glass and ready to drink Exercise 2 1. The first step tells us about.... a.cut the mango c. peel it b. put it into the juicer d. clean it 2. What will you do after the first step?.... a. put it into the juicer c. peel it b. cut it d. put the water into the juicer 3. The materials needed in making Mango Juice are .... a. mango, juicer, water, sugar, ice c. mango, sugar, milk, water, ice b. mango, water, ice, sugar, spoon d. mango, ice, water, sugar, milk, glass 4. The last step in making mango juice is .... a. turn on the juice and wait about 15 minutes b. put the water, ice and sugar c. pour the mango juice into the juicer d. pour the mango juice into the glass 5. The tools needed in making the mango juice are ..... a. spoon, knife, glass, juicer and water c. spoon, glass, knife, juicer and glass b. knife, spoon, glass, water, and juicer d. juicer, glass, knife, spoon, and milk 6. How long you should wait to blend the juice? a. 15 minutes c.15 hours b. 15 seconds d. 15 days NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 7. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 7 How to Make Brownies Ingredients • 150gram of butter. • 150gram of dark chocolate. • 300 gram of flour                  • 4 eggs. • 600 gram of regular sugar • 1 tsp vanilla extract Steps - Melt the chocolate with the butter. - Stir the eggs with the sugar and the vanilla extract. - Preheat the oven at low temperature - Combine the mixes you made. - Add the flour and stir with a wooden spoon. - Grease a brownie tin. - Add a little flour to cover the tin. - Add the brownie dough. - Bake for 10-30 minutes. - To check the brownies, put a knife in the mix. The knife must be moist! - Eat them 15 minutes after you took them out of the oven. (Adapted from Glossary Butter (n) Mentega flour (n) Tepung Melt (v) Lelehkan Stir (v) Aduk mixes (n) Adonan Grease (v) Lumasi, minyaki Tin (n) Panci Dough (n) Adonan Bake (v) Panggang Knife (n) Pisau Moist (adj) Basah Exercise 3 1. How much flour do you need to make brownies? 2. What is the first thing to do when making brownies? 3. What should you do before combining the mixes? 4. What should you do after greasing a brownie tin? NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 8. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 8 5. According to text, how many steps are there to make brownies? 6. According to the text, is it difficult to make brownies? 7. What is the purpose of the text? 8. Eat them 15 minutes after you took them out of the oven. The underlined word refers to…. 9. Grease a brownie tin. The underlined word could best be replaced by…. 10. The knife must be moist. What is the antonym of ‘moist’? Exercise 4 1. Write down how to make a glass of orange juice! - Materials: ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ - Tools ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- - Procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 9. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 9 CHAPTER II MY VILLAGE Exercise 1 Read and memorize the vocabularies below! Vocabularies Meaning Vocabularies Meaning  Republic  Kingdom  Empire  Monarch  Province  Municipality  Regency  District  Village  President  Republik  Kerajaan  Kekaisaran  Monarki  Propinsi  Kota madya  Kabupaten  Kecamatan  Desa  Presiden  King  Queen  Emperor  Prime minister  Ambassador  Governor  Mayor  Regent  Head of district  Village chief  Raja  Ratu  Kaisar  Perdana mentri  Duta besar  Gubernur  Wali kota  Bupati  Camat  Kepala desa Exercise 2 Read the text carefully! There is a kingdom in Europe. It is called United Kingdom. Queen Elizabeth II leads this country. The capital of United Kingdom is London. It is located in England and it is the biggest city in Europe. More than 7 million people live there. When you are in London, don’t forget to visit Buckingham palace. The famous palace is the London home of Queen Elizabeth II. Guards carefully watch the palace grounds. Tourists enjoy watching the changing of the guards. The queen has very little power when compared with earlier English kings and queens. Today, an elected prime minister and parliament hold most government power. Elizabeth II is very popular in her country. You will find her image or photograph on every British stamp, banknote, and coin. Answer the questions below based on the text above! 1. Where is United Kingdom located? 2. What is the capital city of United Kingdom? 3. Who is the queen of United Kingdom? 4. What is the name of Queen Elizabeth II’s palace? NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 10. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 10 5. Where can you see the Queen’s image? Excercise 3 Rearrange the sentences below into right sentences! 1. Republic – a – is – Indonesia Answer: ........................................................ 2. Kingdom – a king – leads Answer: ........................................................ 3. Capital – the – of – Semarang – is – Central Java Answer:.......................................................... 4. The – Barrack Obama – president – is – the USA – of Answer: ......................................................... 5. Ministers – some – president – help – a Answer:............................................................. Exercise 4 Fill in the blanks below with the correct answer! 1. France is a republic. A ................................ leads this country. 2. Japan is an empire. A/an .............................. leads this country. 3. Thailand is a ............................. A king leads this country. 4. A person who leads a province is called .............................. 5. A person who leads a municipality is called ........................ 6. A person who leads a regency is called ............................. 7. Nort Sumatra is province in Indonesia. The capital of North Sumatra is ...................... 8. Malaysia is a country in Southeast Asia. The capital of Malaysia is ....................... 9. The wife of a king is called ............................ 10. The daughter of a king is called ..................... Exercise 5 Chose the correct answer! 1. DKI Jakarta, West Java, and Banten are the names of ............... in Indonesia a.regency b.province c.district d.municipality 2. Indonesia is a/an ................ A president leads Indonesia a.empire b.monarch c.republic d.kingdom 3. Adi : What do we call the king’s son? Andi : we call him .......... NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 11. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 11 a. queen b.prince c.minister d.princess 4. Bali is a province. A ............ leads this province. a. mayor b.regent c.governor d.village chief Text for number 5 to 9 The United States is the third largest country in area in the world, after Russia and Canada. It covers the width of North America between Canada and Mexico. That gives the United States long coastline facing both the Atlantic and Facific oceans. The United States is a democrasy country. This means that the American citizens choose their government rather than having one forced on them. Americans choose their government by voting. The capital of the United States is Washinton D.C. That’s where the federal (national) government is based. The United States is made up of 50 individual states. Each state has its own separate, democratically elected government. 5. The United states is located in ..... a. Asia b.America c.Africa d.Europe 6. The United States is the third largest country in area after Rusia and ..... a. Canada b.Indonesia c. Australia d. The UK 7. The capital of The United States is ..... a. Boston b.Wagington DC c.Los Angels d.New Mexico 8. The American choose their government by .... a. random b. power c.accident d. voting 9. There are ...... states in The United States NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 12. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 12 CHAPTER III DAILY ACTIVITIES Get up Have breakfast Brush my teeth Get dressed Take the school bus Start lesson Study Paint Teach Make up bed Iron Walk the dog Wash Set the table Cook meal Have lunch Drink tea Do homework Watch TV Listen to music Play football Play games Read book Have a shower Sleep Write your own daily activities now! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 13. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Match the pictures with the phrase beside 14. Wake up 1. Take a shower 16. Brush (my) teeth 20. Shave 2. Comb (my) hair 5. Put on makeup   13. Get dressed 4. Have breakfast 9. Go to school / work 3. Have lunch 6. Go shopping 8. Go back home 19. Do the housework 17. Do the homework 7. Cook 18. Have dinner 12. Watch TV 15. Read a book 11. Take a bath 10. Go to bed NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 14. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 14 Text for number 1 to 4 LISA LIVES IN SPRINGFIELD. LOOK AT HER DAY. DRAW THE HANDS IN THE CLOCKS. THEN COMPLETE YOUR DAY. I GET UP AT 7 O’CLOCK. I HAVE BREAKFAST AT 8 O’CLOCK. I GO TO SCHOOL AT 9. I HAVE BREAK AT HALF PAST 11. I HAVE LUNCH AT HALF PAST 12. I GO HOME AT 3 O’CLOCK I DO MY HOMEWORK AT 5 O’CLOCK. I HAVE DINNER AT 7 O’CLOCK. I GO TO BED AT HALF PAST 8. NOW, WRITE YOUR OWN DAILY ACTIVITIES _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 15. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 15 TERRY’S SCHEDULE Terry is a dilligent girl. She is a student of SD Karakter Bangsa. She arranges her schedule well. She gets up at 05.00 o’clock every morning. She makes up her bed before going to take a bath. She usually takes a bath at 05.30 am. She has breakfast together with her parents and her brothers, Bayu and Bima in the dining room. After that, she prepares herself to leave. Then, she goes to school at 06.30 am. Her father takes her to school. She goes home for school at 01.00 pm. She does her homework at 04.30 pm in her bedroom. Then, she goes to bed at 09.00 pm. 1. What does Terry do at 05.30 am? a.gets up b.has breakfast c.takes a bath d.goes to school 2. Who takes Terry to school? a. her brothers b.her Mom c.Bayu and Bima d.her father 3. Where does Terry and her family have breakfast? the dining room school SD Karakter Bangsa the bathroom 4. Is Terry a dilligent girl? a.yes, she does, she’s not c.yes, she is d.yes, she do NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 16. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 16 CHAPTER IV ASKING FOR AND GIVING DIRECTIONS IN THE STREET - How do I get to ........? - How do i go to ......? - Can you show me where is .........? - Where is ..........?  From here you ................  It is in front of......./beside......../behind........ traffic lights turn left roundabout turn right crossroads go straight on T-junction zebra crossing NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 17. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 17 VOCABULARIES Read the public places below! NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 18. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 18 Answer the questions below! 1. If you are standing in Blue Street, how do you go to the post office?. Give your own description! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. If Jessica is from the Souvenir Shop and she wants to go to the Nail Salon, how do you show her the direction?. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A tourist just has lunch at the Restaurant and he asks you how to go to the Shoe Store. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC PLACES NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 19. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 19 1. Fill in the blanks and complete the words. __ __ __ t __ __ r__ __ __ __ o __ __ __ __ c __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ t __ a __ __ __ __ __ __ p __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ b __ __ __ __ G __ __ __ __ __t __ __ __ __ __ s __ __ __ __ __ __ __ u __ __ __ __ __ s __ __ __ __i __ __ __ __ f __ __ i __ __ __ __ __ __ __ a __ __ __ __ __ k __ i __ __ __ __ __ __s __t __ __ __ h __ __ NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 20. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 20 1. Match the pictures below! NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 21. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 21 CHAPTER V CAN YOU/COULD YOU ................ Farah: Could you help me , please? Audi: Sure, what can i do for you? Farah: Do you know the name of this space object? Audi: Yes, i do. It is a comet Farah: Oh, i see. Thank’s Audi Audi: You are welcome Exercise 1 Study the explanation below! 1. Untuk meminta bantuan secara sopan, kita menggunakan kalimat tanya “Could you help me please”? Example: Andi: Could you help me, please? Adi: Yes sure or i’m sorry i can’t 2. Untuk menawarkan bantuan kepada orang lain, kita dapat menggunakan kalimat tanya “Can i help you”? Atau “What can i do for you”? Example: Mr.Bean: Can i help you? Lis: Yes, Please or No, Thank’s Caca: What can i do for you? Teacher: Please, bring me that globe Caca: All right. Here you are Teacher: Thank you Mr.Bean: Could you help me sir?. Doctor: Yes, of course NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 22. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 22 Caca: You Are welcome Complete these sentences by using Can or Can’t + one of the verbs: 1. I’m sorry but we your party next Saturday 2. I like this hotel room. You ......................the mountains from the window 3. You are speaking very quietly. I ................................. you 4. Have you seen my bag?. I 5. Jimmy got the job because she ................................. five languages Arrange the sentences below into the correct form! 1. Live – we – earth – on – the Answer: ..................................................... 2. Planet – is – the – Jupiter – biggest Answer: .................................................... 3. The sun – around – the earth – moves Answer: .................................................... 4. The earth – some – continets – of – consists Answer: .................................................... 5. The – the earth – planet – third – the solar system – is – in Answer: ..................................................................... Fill in the blanks with correct answer! 1. People usually go to the ........................... for fishing 2. The highest ........................... in the world is Everest 3. We have to keep our ....................... green 4. Fishermen go to the .................... to catch fish 5. Farmers grow rice in the .................................. VERBS Note: 1. Jika kita menerima bantuan dari orang lain, kita harus mengucapkan terima kasih (Thank you atau Thank you a lot). 2. Untuk menjawab ucapan terima kasih, kita mengucapkan terima kasih kembali (You’re welcome atau Don’t mention it). Come find hear see speak NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 23. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 23 That’s what’s happening! Draw a line matching the action to the correct picture and ask by using CAN YOU......?. Try to write the word on the line underneath. walk _______________ run ___________ stand _______________ read _______________ sit _________ jump _______________ sing _______________ dance _______________ CHAPTER VI NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 24. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 24 MY VOCATION Listen and practice the dialogue below! Rendy: Do you have a plan for the next holiday? Naya: i don’t have any idea Rendy: What about going to Painan? Naya: That’s a good idea. How will we go there? Rendy: By bus or renting a car. From Bayang Sani, we can go to Langkisau Hill and Cerocok Beach Naya: What can we do there? Rendy: We can enjoy beautiful scenery, swim and get on the banana boat Naya: Alright Study the explanations below! 1. Untuk meminta kejelasan tentang nama suatu tempat, kita dapat menggunakan kalimat tanya: Is it......? Example: Lina: Is it a beach? Wina: Is Borobudur a temple? Lani: Yes, it is or No, it is not Rara: Yes, it is or No, it’s not 2. Untuk menanyakan tempat yang akan dituju kita menggunakan kalimat tanya: Where will you go........? Example: Icha: Where will you go next holiday Ani Ani: i will go to Jakarta 3. Untuk menanyakan apa yang dapat kita lakukan di suatu tempat, digunakan kalimat tanya: What can we do in...........? Biexample: Lisa: What can we do in the beach? Fitri: We can swim there and make a sand castle 4. Kalimat tanya “Is there a tourism object in.......?, (Menanyakan keberadaan objek wisata di suatu daerah/tempat). Example: Zaki: Is there a tourism object in Painan? Zumi: Yes, there is Zaki: What is it? Zumi: It is Cerocok Beach and Langkisau Hill NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 25. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 25 Buatlah bahasa inggris kata yang bergambar di bawah ini! NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 26. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 26 HOLIDAY Every summer, my family and I go on holiday to the . We usually take our full of beach things, as for example, a , a , a , some and a . My brother James carries his . My sister Emma carries her because she can’t swim very well. My friend Paul also comes with us. He likes diving a lot and that’s why he never forgets his or his . Mum is wearing her favourite trousers, her and some very nice . Dad always carries a because he loves reading under a . Mum always applies some on us since we arrive the . We have a very good time and we sometimes find some and . At noon, when it’s very , we usually have a slice of because it’s very cool. NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 27. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 27 A)Complete the sentences. Use going to form of the verbs in the box. 1. Mark ____________ the piano at the school concert next week. 2. Mary´s mum ____________ a new job next week. 3. I ____________ a party for my birthday this year. 4. Mum ____________ me a cake for my birthday party next week. 5. Alan and John ____________ their birthday next weekend. 6. Dad ____________ to work on Tuesday. 7. I ____________ two weeks with my grandparents in the country. 8. We ____________ the train tomorrow. B) What are your plans for the next weekend? Start like this: Next weekend I’m going to the mountains/ seaside/beach…… _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________ C) What places do you like to visit the most with your family on your semester holiday and Why?. Write down your own words!. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Play celebrate make spend start not go not take not have NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 28. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 28 Read the text carefully! There is a beutiful island in Indonesia. It is Bali. Bali is located between Java and Nusa Tenggara. Bali is also a province. The capital of Bali is Denpasar. Bali is very famous around the world. The island has many beautiful places. Some of them are Kuta Beach, Tanjung Banoa, Bedugul, Kintamani, Dreamland and so on. On holiday, many tourists visit Bali. They are domestic and foreign tourists. Foreign tourists usually spend their time at the beach because they like to have sunbath there. D)Answer the questions below based on the text above! 1. Where is Bali located? ___________________________________ 2. Is Bali a province? ______________________________________ 3. Mention 5 beautiful places in Bali! ________________________________________ 4. Are there some foreign tourists in Bali? ____________________________________ 5. What do the foreign tourists like to do in the beach? __________________________ E) Arrange the sentences below into the correct form! 1. Island – Bali – a – beautiful – is Answer: ............................................................ 2. Play – can – we – playground – swing – the – in Answer: ............................................................. 3. Go – will – where – we? Answer: ............................................................. 4. Jakarta – located – is – the National Monument – is Answer: .............................................................. 5. Holiday – plantation tea – you – do – next – go – to? Answer: .............................................................. F) Match the words below!  Village  Palace  Waterfall  Mountain  Beach  Temple  Zoo  Playground  Library  Cave  Candi  Istana  Halaman untuk bermain  Gunung  Desa  Goa  Kebun binatang  Perpustakaan  Air terjun  Pantai NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 29. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 29 Text number 1 to 4 There is a beautiful beach in Yogyakarta. It is Parangtritis beach. It is located in Bantul regency. It is very easy to get to the beach from Yogyakarta. If we go by car, it takes about one hour to get there. Parangtritis beach has beautiful scenery. The water is very clean with a long coastline. You can take a walk, ride a horse, or make sand castle over there, but don’t swim at the beach because of the big wave at the beach. Answer the questions based on the text! 1. Parangtritis beach is located in ........... regency a. Sleman c.Gunungkidul b. Bantul d. Kulonprogo 2. It only takes .................. from Yogyakarta to Parangtritis Beach a. An hour c. Three hours b. Two hours d. Four hours 3. Max: Does Parangtritis have beautiful scenery? Christ: Yes, it ........ a. Is b.Are c. Do d. Does 4. We can do these activities in Parangtritis beach, except ..... a. Swim c. Ride a horse b. Take a walk d. Make sand castle 5. We can ............... at the supermarket a. Shop c. Read books b. Swim d. Have a sunbath 6. I want to go to the borrow some books a. Movie c. Museum b. Library d. Supermarket 7. There is a beutiful beach in Yogyakarta. It is .................. beach a. Sanur c. Parangtritis b. Nusa dua d. Pangandaran 8. These tourism objects are in Bali, except ..... a. Kuta beach c. Bedugul b. Kintamani d. Ancol 9. Kurt: What can we do in the zoo? Max: We can ...... a. Buy clothes c. Make sand castle b. Borrow books d. See many kind of animals 10. I want to see some historical things. I go to ...... NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 30. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 30 a. Movie c. Library b. Museum d. Supermarket 11. Mount Bromo is located in ...... a. East Java c. North Sulawesi b. West Java d. West Kalimantan 12. The pupils are learning … the classroom. a. on b. at c. Is d. in 13. A person who collects … is called a philatelist a. envelopes b. letters c. addresses d. stamps 14. . … is that slim girl? She is Tamara a. Where b. Who c. Which d. What 15. . … is your new school bag? It is purple a. What b. Which prefer c. Which d. What colour Text for number 16 to 18 A Nice Day This is a bright afternoon. In Ivan’s home, some peoples are enjoying their activities. They are all busy. His father is repairing and cleaning the car. His mother is cooking. She is just making gado-gado and grilled fish. His sister is watering some flowers beside the house. Ivan is painting. They are very hapy. (No.8-10) 16. What is his sister’s hobby ? a. painting b. gardening c. cooking the car 17. Is Ivan’s mother cooking? a. Yes, she is b. No, she isn’t c. Yes, he is d. No, he isn’t 18. 10. Who is watering the flowers? a. Ivan’s sister b. Ivan’s mother c . Ivan’s father d. Ivan’s brother 19. 11. A place to care patients is a … a. hotel b. hospital c. cinema d. bank 20. Fenny : “…” Gina: “Traditional dance.” a. Do you like dancing ? c. What kind of dance do you like ? b. Does she like traditional dance ? d. Which traditional dance that famous in Bali? 21. Hanna is my sister. … hobby is singing. a. My b. Her c. Your d. His 22. I like reading. Reading makes me … a. smart b. late c. lazy d. stupid 23. We borrow books from the library. We always return the book … a. late b. on time c. any time d. some time 24. How many papayas are there on the table ? a. Yes, I am c. Three papayas b. That is a green papaya d. These are good papayas 25. There are some fruits on the table. All … the fruits are ripe. NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 31. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 31 a. at b. of c. is d. in 26. There is … of bananas in the basket. a. a slice b. a bunch c. a loaf d. a log 27. Rudy : “….” Anne : “There are nine apples” a. Is that an apple ? c. How many apples are there? b. What colour of those apples? d. Which do you prefer? 28. Jenny : Do you like peanut? Asep : Yes, …. a. I do b. she does c. he does d. you are 29. in – my – two – bag - there - apples - are Arrange these words into a good sentence! a. There two apples in are my bag c. There apples are two in my bag b. There are two bag in my apples d. There are two apples in my bag 30. Afternoon – brother – what – drink – does – your – in – the? a. What does your brother drink in the afternoon? b. What afternoon does the brother drink in your? c. What brother does in the afternoon drink your? d. What does in your afternoon the brother drink?NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 32. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 32 CHAPTER VII I AM HAPPY You I Do n’t (Tidak) Like/suka/  Him (Laki-Laki  Her (Perempuan)  Hamdi  Hamra  Mutia  Teguh  Barack Obama  Sule and Ajis  Your friend  Your father Because = Karena That is why = Oleh karena itu And = Dan But = Tetapi Or = Atau He (Hamra) (Teguh) (Hamdi) She (Mutia) (Luna Maya) (My mother)  Smart  Diligent  Naughty  Crazy  Poor  Rich  Talk-active  Handsome  Beautiful  Shy  Snobbish  Fat  Thin  Stupid  Generous  Funny  Bad  Friendly  Materialistic /Pintar/ /Rajin/ /Nakal/ /Gila-gilaan/ /Miskin/ /Kaya/ /Cerewet/ /Ganteng/ /Cantik/ /Pemalu/ /Sombong/ /Gemuk/ /Kurus/ /Bodoh/ /Pemurah/ /Lucu/ /Jahat/ /Ramah/ /Mata duitan/ EXERCISES = LatihanTranslate into English = Terjemahkan kedalam bahasa inggris 1. Saya suka ayah saya karena dia pintar = ……………………………………………………………... 2. Saya tidak suka Barack Obama tapi saya suka SBY =……………………………………………….. 3. Saya cinta ibu saya karena dia cantik =……………………………………………………………….. 4. Saya tidak suka teman saya karena dia jahat =……………………………………………………….. 5. Ibu dan ayah saya tidak suka Omas karena dia bodoh =……………………………………………… 6. Mutia dan hamdi suka Kfc karena Kfc enak =………………………………………………………… NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 33. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 33 Match the words below and read aloud!  Sad  Happy  Sick  Nervous  Healthy  Sleepy  Hungry  Thirsty  Tired  Bored  Hot  Cold  Jelous  Angry  Worry  Upset  Frightened  Interested  Satisfied  Terrible  Boring  Interesting  Amazing  Frightening  Disappointing  Disappointed  Amazed  Frightened  Grogi  Khawatir  Marah  Sehat  Haus  Sedih  Lapar  Senang  Tertarik  Lelah  Puas  Sakit  Mengantuk  Cemburu  Bosan  Takut  Kacau  Dingin  Kecewa  Panas  Menarik  Membosankan  Takut  Takjub  Menakjubkan  Mengecewakan  Kecewa  Menakutkan Study the explanations below! 1. Jika kita ingin menanyakan perasaan pada seseorag, kita dapat menggunakan kalimat tanya : - How do .......(you/they) feel? or - How does ......... (she/he/nama orang lain) feel? Example: NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 34. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 34 Shinta: How do you feel? Aji: I feel bored or i’m bored Cinta: How do they feel? Yaya: They feel sleepy or they are sleepy Jhoni: How does she feel? Jhon: She feels happy or she is happy 2. Ketika seseorang sedang mengalami keadaan yang tidak mengenakan, kita dapat menawarkan bantuan dengan mengucapkan “What can i do for you atau Do you need my help”? Example: Sisi: How do you feel? Sule: I feel thirsty Sisi: What can i do for you? Sule: Could you bring me a glass of water? Sisi: Sure Sule: Thank’s anyway Sisi: You are welcome Read the text below carefully! Today, Ria does not go to school. She does not feel very well. She gets fever. She feels cold but her temperature is hot. Then, her mother, Mrs.Leni brings her to see the doctor. The doctor is Mrs.Suci. she checks Ria’s condition. Then she write a prescription. She asks Mrs.Leni to buy the prescription at the drug store. Before going home, Mrs.Suci asks Ria to take enough rest. She must also have the medicines regularly. Answer the quetions below based on the text! 1. Does ria go to school today? Answer: ............................................................... 2. What happen to her? Answer: ................................................................ 3. How does she feel? Answer: ................................................................. 4. Who brings her to the doctor? Answer: ................................................................. 5. What the doctor suggest to her? Answer: ................................................................ Choose the correct answer below! 1. They see a ghost. They feel.... NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 35. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 35 a. Bored b.tired c.disgusted d.frightened 2. Nita is a nice girl, ........ her friends like her very much a. So b.but c. then d.because 3. I don’t have anything to do today, i feel ....... a. Good b.bored c.interested d.disappointed 4. Ari’s score is bad, so her parents are ...... a. Interested b.interesting c.disappointed d.disappointing 5. Sammy feels sad ......... he lost his book a. So b.then c.because d.and Text for number 6 to 10 Juna is a smart boy. He is the best student in his class. His favourite subject is Math. Today, he competes in the Math olimpiad. He wins the competition because he gets the highest score. He is very happy. He gets a trophy and money. His parents are proud of him. 6. Is Juna smart?, Yes, he ....... a. Is c.are d.was 7. His favourite subject is .......... a.Biology b.Math c.Religion d.Science 8. X: What does Juna compete today? Y: He competes .......... a. Poestry reading c.Story telling b. Science olimpiad d.Math Olimpiad 9. A: Does Juna win in the competition? B: Yes, he .......... a. Is b.does d.are 10. Chrisy: How does Juna feel? Dodi: He feels ........... a. Happy b.sad c.nervous d.embrassed 11. Ami: How do you feel Rita? Rita: I feel................ Ami: Why? Rita: Because i did not have breakfast this morning 12. If we affer a help, we say ...................... a. What can i help you? c. How do you feel? b. Are you happy? d. Can you help me? Text for number 13 to 22 My name is Jason. I am twelve years old. I am a student. I am from England. My favourite singer is Justin Bieber. My favorite lesson is English. My mother’s name is Mary. She is thirty-eight years old. She is a teacher. Her favourite singer is Celine Dion. My father’s NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 36. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 36 name is Mahmut. He is forty-two years old. He is a doctor. He is Turkish. His favourite singer is Michael Jackson Gencebay. Fill in the blanks below based on the text above and choose one of the word in the coulom! 13. Jason is ______________________ a. 12 b. 20 c. 22 14. Jason is a _____________________ a. teacher b. student c. doctor 15. Jason is from__________________ a. England b. Turkey c. Japan 16. Jason’s favourite lesson is_______ a. math b. English c. music 17. Jason’s father is_______________ a. 44 b. 43 c. 42 18. Jason’s father is a_____________ a. Teacher b. student c. doctor 19. Jason’s father is______________ a. English b. Turkish c. Japanese 20. Jason’s mother is a ___________ a. teacher b. doctor c. student 21. Jason’s mother is _____________ a. 36 b. 38 c. 30 22. Jason’s favourite singer is ______ a. Baris Manco b. Volkan Konak c. Orhan Gencebay Fill in the blanks below! 1. The condition is worrying, so we feel ....................... 2. We sometimes are frightened seeing horror movie because it is ................... 3. My father gives me a new bag. I feel very ................. 4. I get a good score in English. It makes me ................. 5. The service is very disappointing. So, we feel ....................... 6. Mr.Anang is bored with his job because it is .................... 7. The scenery is ..................... So, i am amazed 8. Waiting is tiring, so i feel ................ 9. Adi is ..................... with ghost because it is frightening 10. Science is interesting, so we are ........................... in it NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 37. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 37 CHAPTER VIII KEEP SILENT, PLEASE!.... Study the explanations below 1. Ada dua bentuk kalimat perintah yaitu Command and Prohibition a. Command Command yaitu perintah yang diberikan pada orang lain. Verb 1+Object. Example: Budi: Open the door! Jarjit: Do your homework! Ani: Ok Upin: Alright b. Prohibition Prohibition yaitu larangan yang dikatakan kepada orang lain. Don’t+Verb 1+Object Example: Ipin: Don’t come late Cinta: Don’t swim on the river Upin: Sure Cindy: Alright 2. Request Request adalah permintaan atau permohonan untuk menyuruh seseorang dengan cara yang lebih sopan. Untuk membuat kalimatnya cukup menambahkan “Would You” di awal kalimat perintah dan menambah kata “Please” di belakangnya. Perhatikan perubahan kalimat di bawah ini!  Order: Get out! Request: Would you get out, please!  Order: Raise your hand! Request: would you raise your hand, please!  Order: Don’t sit here! NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 38. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 38 Request: Would you not to sit here, please! 3. Untuk response/jawabanya menggunkan:  Yes, certainly  Yes, of course  Yes, sure  Alright  I’m sorry, i can’t Study and memorize the sentences below! Sentences Meaning  Get up!  Brush your teeth!  Sweep the floor!  Open the door!  Keep silent!  Help me!  Study hard!  Wash your clothes!  Turn off the TV!  Come in!  Watch your step!  Turn right  Turn left  Stand up!  Raise your hand!  Be careful!  Don’t play on the street!  Don’t come late to school!  Don’t enter!  Don’t forget to study!  Don’t be lazy!  Don’t touch it!  Don’t disturb me!  Don’t get closer!  Don’t swim!  Don’t park here!  Don’t stop!  Don’t turn around!  Bangun!  Gosok gigimu!  Sapu lantai!  Buka pintu!  Diamlah!  Tolong saya!  Rajinlah belajar  Cuci pakainmu!  Matikan TV!  Masuklah!  Awas langkahmu!  Belok kanan!  Belok kiri!  Berdiri!  Angkat tanganmu!  Hati-hatilah!  Jangan main di jalan!  Jangan terlambat ke sekolah!  Jangan masuk!  Jangan lupa belajar!  Jangan malas!  Jangan pegang!  Jangan ganggu saya!  Jangan mendekat!  Jangan berenang!  Jangan parkir disini!  Jangan berhenti!  Jangan berputar! Change the Orders below into Requests! NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 39. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 39 1. Order: Stand up! Request: .............................................. 2. Order: Raise your hand! Request: .............................................. 3. Order: Say your name! Request: .............................................. 4. Order: Turn left! Request: ............................................. 5. Order: Walk 2 steps forward! Request: ............................................ 6. Order: Touch your nose! Request: ........................................... 7. Order: Say “A”! Request: ............................................ 8. Order: Walk to your chair! Request: ............................................ 9. Order: Sit down! Request: ............................................ 10. Order: Say “Thank You”! Request: ............................................. Put the correct words based on the sentences below! 1. ............................... the book! (read/listen) 2. ............................... your name! (open/say) 3. ............................... the window! (open/throw) 4. ............................... your hand! (close/raise) 5. ............................... your homework! (do/smile) 6. ............................... right over there! (tear/turn) 7. ............................... silent! (buy/keep) 8. ................................ be late! (don’t/do) 9. ................................ that bread! (eat/burn) 10. ................................ careful! (is/be) Answer the questions below! 1. We must be ................ when we walk to school a. Lazy b. Careless c. carefull d. afraid Text for number 2 to 7 The class is almost over. Before going home, Mr.Ahmad gives homework. He says “Open page twelve, Do exercise five, Submit it next week. Any question”?. The students say “No sir”. NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 40. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 40 Then, they pray together and go home. 2. The teacher is ...... a. Vino b.Ahmad c.Rudy d.Rahmad 3. The teacher gives ..... before going home to the students. a. Cake b.test c.parcel d.homework 4. The teacher asks the students to do homework page ....... a. 5 b.12 c.6 d.7 5. They must do exercise ...... a. 1 b.5 c.7 d.4 6. They must submit the homework ....... a. Tomorrow b.yesterday moth week 7. Then they pray together and go home. The word pray means ..... a. Makan b.jalan c.berdoa d.shalat The dialogue below is for number 8 to 10 Ussy: Hi Putri, What are you doing? Putri: I’m arranging these books on the book shelf Ussy: What can i do for you? Putri: Oh, Thank’s a lot. Now, can you move those books over there? Ussy: Sure, where should i put these books? Putri: Please, put them on the top of the shelf Ussy: Alright, you have so many book collections Putri: Yes i’ve. I want to make a small library Ussy: May i borrow your book anytime? Putri: Yes, of course. Just come to my house anytime you want!. Answer these questions below based on the conversation! 8. What is Putri doing? a. Moving the book shelf c.making a new library b. Arranging the books d.borrowing books 9. Putri asks Ussy to ..... a. Get out c.put the books on the top of the shelf b. Make a small library the books 10. What does Ussy asks to Putri? a. Asks money c.borrows her books anytime NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 41. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 41 b. Asks her books d.asks her house 11. The weather is very hot. What will you say to your friend? a. Turn off the fan c.turn on the stove b. Turn on the lamp d.turn on the fan 12. The students are having national exam. The head master writes ...... a. Don’t walk here c.keep silent b. Don’t see me d. don’t go Translate the sentences below into Bahasa Indoneisa! 1. Clean the blackboard! Answer: ..................................................... 2. Turn on the lamp! Answer: ...................................................... 3. Don’t stop here! Answer: ...................................................... 4. Would you come here, please! Answer: ...................................................... 5. Would you not to park your car here! Answer: ...................................................... 6. Say it again! Answer: ...................................................... NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 42. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Doni Materi B.Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sem.2Page 42 2. Write the missing words of the verb To Be (interrogative form): INTERROGATIVE Am I …? ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 4. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the verb to be. a) He _______ Mark. b) you _______ my friend. c) Susan _______ my sister. d) I _______ student. e) Tim _______English. f) Mrs. Smith _______ a teacher. g) Mark and Susan _______ twins. g) They _______ scientists. 6. Put the words in the right order. a) am / I / student / a __________________________ b) a / student / is / Mary __________________________ c) not / my brother / Tim / is __________________________ d) happy / are / we ? __________________________ e) Tim and Sue / not / are / late. ___________________________ 8. Make questions for these answers. a) ________________________________________? No, I´m not Spanish. I´m Portuguese. b) ________________________________________? Yes, they are my friends. c) ________________________________________? 3. Write the missing words of the verb To Be (negative form): NEGATIVE I am not ______ You ____  You aren´t she ____  ______ He ____  ______ It ____  ______ We ____  ______ You ____  ______ They ____  ______ 1. Write the missing words of the verb To Be ( affirmative form): AFFIRMATIVE I am I´m You ____  You´re she ____  ______ He ____  ______ It ____  ______ We ____  ______ You ____  ______ They ____  ______ 5. Make negative sentences. a) I´m Mary. ____________________ b) Mark is a good student. ____________________ c) We are friends. ____________________ 7. Find the correct answer. NON-ACTIVATED VERSION