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KIB E-newsletter April 2022
This Issue:
- Increase in VAT
- Digitalization of
- E-Meterai
- TakTik Tax Series 1
The increase in VAT rate to
11% in accordance with Law
No. 7/2021 concerning
Harmonization of Tax
Regulations (HPP Law) has
officially applied on April 1,
2022. According to Minister of
Finance Sri Mulyani, the VAT
rate in other countries that are
members of the Organization
for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD) is at
15%. So according to her, there
will be no problem with the
increase in VAT of 1% for
Kenaikan tarif PPN menjadi
11% sesuai Undang-Undang
Nomor 7/2021 tentang
Harmonisasi Peraturan
Perpajakan (UU HPP) telah
resmi berlaku pada 1 April
2022. Menurut Menteri
Keuangan Sri Mulyani, tarif
PPN di negara-negara yang
tergabung dalam Organisasi
Kerja Sama dan Pembangunan
Ekonomi (OECD) berada di
posisi 15%. Sehingga
menurutnya, tidak akan ada
masalah atas kenaikan PPN
yang sebesar 1% bagi
"Taxes are mutual
cooperation by the
Indonesian people
from the economic
side of the relatively
~ Sri Mulyani (2022)
Increase in
VAT Rate
Tarif PPN
Isu Ini:
- Kenaikan Tarif PPN
- Digitalisasi UMKM
- E-Meterai
- Seri 1 TakTik Tax
Ajib Hamdani from the Accounting and Taxation
Study Sector of the Association of Indonesian
Company estimates that a 1% increase in VAT rate
will affect people's purchasing power and
enhance economic growth targets.
Based on the HPP Law, there are several types of
goods that are exempt from VAT:
- Food and drinks served in hotels,
restaurants, stalls, and its kind
- Money and gold bars for the benefit of the
country's foreign exchange reserves and
- Religious services
- Arts and entertainment services
- Hospitality services, include rental
services for rooms and/or hotel spaces
- Services provided by the government in
order to operate the government in
- Parking space accommodation services
- Cook and catering services
- Basic goods (rice, grain, corn, sago,
soybeans, salt, meat, eggs, milk without
added sugar, fruits, vegetables) needed
by the people.
Ajib Hamdani dari Bidang Kajian Akuntansi dan
Perpajakan Asosiasi Emiten Indonesia
memperkirakan kenaikan yang sebesar 1% pada
tarif PPN akan berpengaruh terhadap daya beli
masyarakat dan meningkatkan target
pertumbuhan ekonomi.
Berdasarkan UU HPP, terdapat beberapa jenis
barang yang dibebaskan dari PPN:
- Makanan dan minuman yang disajikan di
hotel, restoran, rumah makan, warung,
dan sejenisnya
- Uang dan emas batangan untuk
kepentingan cadangan devisa negara dan
surat berharga
- Jasa keagamaan
- Jasa kesenian dan hiburan
- Jasa perhotelan, meliputi jasa penyewaan
kamar dan/atau ruangan hotel
- Jasa yang disediakan oleh pemerintah
dalam rangka menjalankan pemerintahan
secara umum
- Jasa penyediaan tempat parkir
- Jasa boga dan katering
- Barang kebutuhan pokok (beras, gabah,
jagung, sagu, kedelai, garam, daging,
telur, susu tanpa tambahan gula, buah-
buahan, sayur-sayuran) yang dibutuhkan
There is a new paragraph in Article 8A, namely
"VAT-in on the acquisition of Taxable Goods
and/or Taxable Services, import of Taxable Goods,
as well as the use of Intangible Taxable Goods
and/or utilization of Taxable Services from outside
the Customs Area within the Customs Area, which
in calculating VAT payable using the Tax Basis in
the form of other values as intended in paragraph
(1), can be credited."
There are also changes to the acquisition and
maintenance of vehicles in the form of sedans and
station wagons unless they are merchandise or
leased, included as a type of expenditure whose
VAT-in can be credited.
In addition to the 11% increase in VAT, there are
17 new VAT-related regulations that need to be
1. PER-03/PJ/2022 – Tax Invoice
Regulates changes to the inclusion of NIK /
passport number, filling in the type of goods
in the tax invoice, foreign currency
transactions, the serial number of tax
invoices, transaction codes, resetting e-Faktur
signers, H2H e-Faktur applications, upload
deadline on e-Faktur, resetting sales invoices,
information of VAT facilities in e-Faktur,
resetting of Retail Merchant Taxable
Enterprises (PKP) Tax Invoices, and tax
disputes related to VAT-in.
Terdapat penambahan ayat baru pada Pasal 8A
yaitu “Pajak Masukan atas perolehan Barang Kena
Pajak dan/atau Jasa Kena Pajak, impor Barang
Kena Pajak, serta pemanfaatan Barang Kena Pajak
Tidak Berwujud dan/atau pemanfaatan Jasa Kena
Pajak dari luar Daerah Pabean di dalam Daerah
Pabean, yang dalam penghitungan Pajak
Pertambahan Nilai terutang menggunakan Dasar
Pengenaan Pajak berupa nilai lain sebagaimana
dimaksud pada ayat (1), dapat dikreditkan.”
Terdapat juga perubahan pada perolehan dan
pemeliharaan kendaraan bermotor berupa sedan
dan station wagon, kecuali merupakan barang
dagangan atau disewakan termasuk menjadi jenis
pengeluaran yang Pajak Masukan nya dapat
Selain kenaikan tarif PPN sebesar 11%, terdapat
17 peraturan baru terkait PPN yang perlu
1. PER-03/PJ/2022 - Faktur Pajak
Mengatur perubahan atas pencantuman
NIK/nomor paspor, pengisian jenis barang
dalam Faktur Pajak, transaksi dalam mata
uang asing, pemberian nomor seri faktur
pajak, kode transaksi, pengaturan kembali
penanda tangan e-faktur, aplikasi e-faktur
H2H, pembatasan waktu upload e-faktur,
pengaturan kembali faktur penjualan,
keterangan fasilitas PPN dalam e-Faktur,
pengaturan kembali Faktur Pajak PKP
Pedagang Eceran, dan sengketa pajak terkait
dengan Pajak Masukan.
2. PMK-58/PMK.03/2022 - Appointment of
Other Parties as Tax Collectors and
Procedures for Collecting, Depositing,
and/or Tax Reporting by Other Parties for
Procurement of Goods and/or Services
Transactions through the Government
Procurement Information System
Regulates the procurement of goods and/or
services taxed by Other Parties through the
Procurement Information System consists of
online retail procurement and procurement
marketplace, the delivery of goods and/or
services includes submission to government
agencies and parties other than government
agencies in the Procurement Information
System, taxes collected by Other Parties
including Income Tax (PPh) Article 22, VAT,
and sales tax on luxury goods (PPnBM), using
Unification of Tax Return and VAT Tax Return
1107 PUT for Other Parties.
3. PMK-59/PMK.03/2022 - Procedures for
Registration & Elimination of Tax ID (NPWP),
Inauguration & Revocation of PKP
Inauguration, and Deduction &/ Collection,
Deposit, & Tax Reporting for Government
Regulates the exemption of Income Tax (PPh)
4(2), 15, 21, 22, 23, VAT, and PPnBM
deductions and/or collection by Government
Agencies for transactions made through the
Government Procurement Information System
and regulating tax collection treatment for
transactions using government credit cards for
regional governments and village
governments treated the same as for
transactions using central government credit
2. PMK-58/PMK.03/2022 - Penunjukkan Pihak
Lain Sebagai Pemungut Pajak dan Tata Cara
Pemungutan, Penyetoran, dan/atau
Pelaporan Pajak yang Dipungut oleh Pihak
Lain atas Transaksi Pengadaan Barang
dan/atau Jasa melalui Sistem Informasi
Pengadaan Pemerintah
Mengatur transaksi pengadaan barang
dan/atau jasa dipungut pajak oleh Pihak Lain
melalui Sistem Informasi Pengadaan terdiri
dari ritel daring pengadaan dan marketplace
pengadaan, penyerahan barang dan/atau
jasa meliputi penyerahan kepada instansi
pemerintah dan pihak selain instansi
pemerintah dalam Sistem Informasi
Pengadaan, pajak yang dipungut oleh Pihak
Lain meliputi pajak penghasilan (PPh) Pasal
22, PPN, dan pajak penjualan atas barang
mewah (PPnBM), menggunakan SPT Masa
Pajak Penghasilan Unifikasi dan SPT Masa
PPN 1107 PUT bagi Pihak Lain.
3. PMK-59/PMK.03/2022 - Tata Cara
Pendaftaran & Penghapusan NPWP,
Pengukuhan & Pencabutan Pengukuhan
PKP, serta Pemotongan &/ Pemungutan,
Penyetoran, & Pelaporan Pajak Bagi Instansi
Mengatur pengecualian pemotongan
dan/atau pemungutan pajak penghasilan
(PPh) 4(2), 15, 21, 22, 23, PPN, dan PPnBM
oleh Instansi Pemerintah untuk transaksi
yang dilakukan melalui Sistem Informasi
Pengadaan Pemerintah dan mengatur
perlakuan pemungutan pajak untuk transaksi
yang menggunakan kartu kredit pemerintah
bagi pemerintah daerah dan pemerintah
desa menjadi sama dengan perlakuan untuk
transaksi yang menggunakan kartu kredit
pemerintah pusat.
4. PMK- 60/PMK.03/2022 - Procedures for The
Appointment of Collectors, Collection,
Deposits, and Reporting of Value Added Tax
on the Utilization of Intangible Taxable Goods
and/or Taxable Services from Outside the
Customs Area Within the Customs Area
Through the Trade Through Electronic
Systems (PMSE)
Regulates foreign traders or service providers
who conduct transactions with buyers and/or
service recipients through foreign PMSE
organizers or domestic PMSE organizers, VAT
charged on the use of intangible taxable goods
and/or services from outside the Customs Area
within the Customs Area is collected,
deposited, and reported by merchants,
providers, organizers of foreign or domestic
PMSE appointed as PMSE VAT collectors; and
issue commercial invoices, billing, order
receipts, or similar documents. Regulates the
11% VAT rate, which comes into effect on April
, 2022, the details of VAT transactions
collected for the quarterly report, and the
annual report contained details of VAT
transactions collected in the quarterly report.
5. PMK-61/PMK.03/2022 - Value Added Tax on
Self-Building Activities
Regulates the Self-Building Activities, which
are building activities that increases the area
of a pre-existing building; and building
activities by other parties for individuals or
entities, but VAT on such activities is not
collected by other parties. Tax basis of VAT on
Self-Building Activities in certain value of the
amount of costs incurred and / or paid to build
the building for each fiscal period until the
building is completed, excluding the cost of
land acquisition. VAT charged is obtained from
2.2 percent of the tax basis, the acquisition of
taxable goods and/or services in connection
with SBA cannot be credited, while the VAT
listed in the Tax Payment Invoice of SBA’s VAT
(certain documents) can be credited.
4. PMK- 60/PMK.03/2022 - Tata Cara
Penunjukan Pemungut, Pemungutan,
Penyetoran, Dan Pelaporan Pajak
Pertambahan Nilai Atas Pemanfaatan Barang
Kena Pajak Tidak Berwujud Dan/Atau Jasa
Kena Pajak Dari Luar Daerah Pabean Di Dalam
Daerah Pabean Melalui Perdagangan Melalui
Sistem Elektronik (PMSE)
Mengatur pedagang atau penyedia jasa luar
negeri yang melakukan transaksi dengan
pembeli dan/atau penerima jasa melalui
penyelenggara PMSE luar negeri atau
penyelenggara PMSE dalam negeri, PPN yang
terutang atas pemanfaatan BKP tidak
berwujud dan/atau JKP dari luar Daerah
Pabean di dalam Daerah Pabean dipungut,
disetorkan, dan dilaporkan oleh pedagang,
penyedia, penyelenggara PMSE luar negeri
atau dalam negeri yang ditunjuk sebagai
pemungut PPN PMSE; dan menerbitkan
commercial invoice, billing, order receipt, atau
dokumen sejenis. Mengatur tarif PPN 11%,
yang mulai berlaku pada tanggal 1 April 2022,
rincian transaksi PPN yang dipungut untuk
laporan triwulanan, dan laporan tahunan telah
memuat rincian transaksi PPN yang dipungut
dalam laporan triwulanan.
5. PMK-61/PMK.03/2022 - Pajak Pertambahan
Nilai atas Kegiatan Membangun Sendiri
Mengatur tentang Kegiatan Membangun
Sendiri yaitu kegiatan membangun yang
menambah luas bangunan yang sudah ada
sebelumnya; dan kegiatan membangun
bangunan oleh pihak lain bagi orang pribadi
atau badan, tetapi PPN atas kegiatan tersebut
tidak dipungut oleh pihak lain. DPP PPN
Kegiatan Membangun Sendiri berupa nilai
tertentu sebesar jumlah biaya yang
dikeluarkan dan/atau yang dibayarkan untuk
membangun bangunan untuk setiap masa
pajak sampai dengan bangunan selesai, tidak
termasuk biaya perolehan tanah. PPN
Terutang diperoleh dari 2,2 persen dari DPP,
perolehan BKP dan/atau JKP sehubungan
dengan KMS tidak dapat dikreditkan,
sedangkan PPN yang tercantum dalam SSP PPN
KMS (dokumen tertentu) dapat dikreditkan.
6. PMK-62/PMK.03/2022 - Other values as the
tax basis and certain amounts collected and
deposited in the calculation of Value Added
Tax on the delivery of taxable goods in the
form of certain Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Regulates the delivery of Certain LPG which the
share of prize is subsidized is the delivery of
Certain LPG from Business Entities to the
Government paid through Certain LPG
subsidies, consisting of the subsidy of price and
Value Added Tax. Meanwhile, on the delivery
of certain LPG which the share of prize is not
subsidized will be subjected to VAT at the point
of handover of the Business Entity or the point
of handover of the Agent or base. In the
making of a Tax Invoice, for the subsidized
share of price, the Business Entity submits a
request for payment of subsidies to the Budget
User Authority and for the unsubsidized share
of price made at the time of delivering Certain
LPG or at the time of payment.
7. PMK-63/PMK.03/2022 – VAT on Tobacco
Product Submission
Regulates the charges of VAT on the delivery of
tobacco products made domestically by the
Producer at the time of ordering the excise
tape or those made abroad by the Importer at
the time of ordering the excise tape. The
calculation of VAT on the delivery of tobacco
products is the VAT rate multiplied by the tax
basis obtained from 100/(100+t) multiplied by
the Retail Selling Price. As the 11% VAT rate
that has been applied, the calculation becomes
9.9% multiplied by the Retail Selling Price.
6. PMK-62/PMK.03/2022 - Nilai lain sebagai
dasar pengenaan pajak dan besaran tertentu
yang dipungut dan disetor dalam
penghitungan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai atas
penyerahan barang kena pajak berupa
Liquefied Petroleum Gas tertentu
Mengatur penyerahan LPG Tertentu yang
bagian harganya disubsidi merupakan
penyerahan LPG Tertentu dari Badan Usaha ke
Pemerintah yang dibayar melalui subsidi LPG
Tertentu, terdiri dari subsidi harga dan Pajak
Pertambahan Nilai. Sedangkan, atas
penyerahan LPG tertentu yang bagian
harganya tidak disubsidi akan dipungut PPN
pada titik serah Badan Usaha atau titik serah
Agen atau pangkalan. Dalam pembuatan
Faktur Pajak, untuk bagian harga disubsidi
maka Badan Usaha mengajukan permintaan
pembayaran subsidi kepada Kuasa Pengguna
Anggaran dan untuk bagian harga yang tidak
disubsidi dibuat pada saat menyerahkan LPG
Tertentu atau saat pembayaran.
7. PMK-63/PMK.03/2022 – PPN atas
Penyerahan Hasil Tembakau
Mengatur pengenaan PPN atas penyerahan
hasil tembakau yang dibuat di dalam negeri
oleh Produsen pada saat melakukan
pemesanan pita cukai maupun yang dibuat di
luar negeri oleh Importir pada saat melakukan
pemesanan pita cukai. Perhitungan PPN atas
penyerahan hasil tembakau yaitu tarif PPN
dikali dengan DPP yang diperoleh dari
100/(100+t) dikalikan dengan Harga Jual
Eceran. Atas tarif PPN 11% yang sudah berlaku
maka perhitungan menjadi 9,9% dikalikan
dengan Harga Jual Eceran.
8. PMK-62/PMK.03/2022 - Other values as the
tax basis and certain amounts collected and
deposited in the calculation of Value Added
Tax on the delivery of taxable goods in the
form of certain Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Regulates the delivery of Certain LPG which the
share of prize is subsidized is the delivery of
Certain LPG from Business Entities to the
Government paid through Certain LPG
subsidies, consisting of the subsidy of price and
Value Added Tax. Meanwhile, on the delivery
of certain LPG which the share of prize is not
subsidized will be subjected to VAT at the point
of handover of the Business Entity or the point
of handover of the Agent or base. In the
making of a Tax Invoice, for the subsidized
share of price, the Business Entity submits a
request for payment of subsidies to the Budget
User Authority and for the unsubsidized share
of price made at the time of delivering Certain
LPG or at the time of payment.
9. PMK-63/PMK.03/2022 – VAT on Tobacco
Product Submission
Regulates the charges of VAT on the delivery of
tobacco products made domestically by the
Producer at the time of ordering the excise
tape or those made abroad by the Importer at
the time of ordering the excise tape. The
calculation of VAT on the delivery of tobacco
products is the VAT rate multiplied by the tax
basis obtained from 100/(100+t) multiplied by
the Retail Selling Price. As the 11% VAT rate
that has been applied, the calculation becomes
9.9% multiplied by the Retail Selling Price.
10. PMK-64/PMK.03/2022 – Value Added Tax on
The Delivery of Certain Agricultural Goods
Regulates taxes on Certain Agricultural Goods
(BHPT), VAT on Certain Agricultural Products
Goods is subject to a rate of 1.1% of the selling
price for the submission of the related BHPT,
8. PMK-62/PMK.03/2022 - Nilai lain sebagai
dasar pengenaan pajak dan besaran tertentu
yang dipungut dan disetor dalam
penghitungan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai atas
penyerahan barang kena pajak berupa
Liquefied Petroleum Gas tertentu
Mengatur penyerahan LPG Tertentu yang
bagian harganya disubsidi merupakan
penyerahan LPG Tertentu dari Badan Usaha ke
Pemerintah yang dibayar melalui subsidi LPG
Tertentu, terdiri dari subsidi harga dan Pajak
Pertambahan Nilai. Sedangkan, atas
penyerahan LPG tertentu yang bagian
harganya tidak disubsidi akan dipungut PPN
pada titik serah Badan Usaha atau titik serah
Agen atau pangkalan. Dalam pembuatan
Faktur Pajak, untuk bagian harga disubsidi
maka Badan Usaha mengajukan permintaan
pembayaran subsidi kepada Kuasa Pengguna
Anggaran dan untuk bagian harga yang tidak
disubsidi dibuat pada saat menyerahkan LPG
Tertentu atau saat pembayaran.
9. PMK-63/PMK.03/2022 – PPN atas
Penyerahan Hasil Tembakau
Mengatur pengenaan PPN atas penyerahan
hasil tembakau yang dibuat di dalam negeri
oleh Produsen pada saat melakukan
pemesanan pita cukai maupun yang dibuat di
luar negeri oleh Importir pada saat melakukan
pemesanan pita cukai. Perhitungan PPN atas
penyerahan hasil tembakau yaitu tarif PPN
dikali dengan DPP yang diperoleh dari
100/(100+t) dikalikan dengan Harga Jual
Eceran. Atas tarif PPN 11% yang sudah berlaku
maka perhitungan menjadi 9,9% dikalikan
dengan Harga Jual Eceran.
10. PMK-64/PMK.03/2022 – Pajak Pertambahan
Nilai atas Penyerahan Barang Hasil Pertanian
Mengatur pajak atas Barang Hasil Pertanian
Tertentu (BHPT), PPN atas Barang Hasil
Pertanian Tertentu dikenakan tarif 1,1% dari
harga jual atas penyerahan BHPT terkait,
Taxable Enterprises are obliged to issue Tax
Invoices (FP) when handing over certain
Agricultural Products, VAT-in on the
acquisition of Taxable Goods / Services,
imports of Taxable Goods, as well as the use of
intangible Taxable Goods and / or Services
utilization from outside the customs area
within the customs area in connection with
BHPT submission activities cannot be credited.
11. PMK-65/PMK.03/2022 - Value Added Tax on
The Delivery of Used Vehicle
Regulates VAT on the delivery of used vehicles,
Taxable Enterprises that can apply this
provision is Taxable Enterprises used vehicle
sellers who carry out certain business activities
in the form of handing over used motor
vehicles, either in whole or in part and not a
conformational submission. VAT-out is
obtained using 10 percent VAT rate x
conformation VAT rate x Selling Price. The
effective rate is 1.1 percent x Selling Price,
which comes into effect on April 1, 2022. VAT-
in on the acquisition of Taxable Goods /
Services, imports of Taxable Goods, as well as
the use of intangible Taxable Goods and / or
Services utilization from outside the customs
area within the Customs Area, which is related
to the handling of used vehicles by Taxable
Enterprises who carry out business activities in
the form of handing over used vehicles cannot
be credited.
12. PMK-66/PMK.03/2022 - Other Values as The
Tax Basis on The Delivery of Subsidized
Fertilizers for the Agricultural Sector
Regulates the taxes on the delivery of fertilizer
to the agricultural sector, for the subsidized
share of price the VAT is paid by the
government, while for the share of price is not
subsidized the VAT is paid by the buyer.
PKP wajib menerbitkan Faktur Pajak (FP) saat
penyerahan Barang Hasil Pertanian tertentu,
Pajak Masukan atas perolehan BKP/JKP, impor
BKP, serta pemanfaatan BKP tidak berwujud
dan/atau pemanfatan JKP dari luar daerah
pabean di dalam daerah pabean sehubungan
dengan kegiatan penyerahan BHPT tidak dapat
11. PMK-65/PMK.03/2022 - Pajak Pertambahan
Nilai atas Penyerahan Kendaraan Bermotor
Mengatur PPN atas penyerahan kendaraan
bermotor bekas, PKP yang dapat menerapkan
ketentuan ini adalah PKP pedagang kendaraan
bermotor bekas yang melakukan kegiatan
usaha tertentu berupa penyerahan kendaraan
bermotor bekas, baik seluruhnya atau
sebagian dan bukan merupakan penyerahan
konformasi. Pajak keluaran diperoleh
menggunakan PPN sebesar 10 persen x tarif
PPN konformasi. Pasal 7 ayat (1) UU PPN x
Harga Jual. Tarif efektif yaitu 1,1 persen x
Harga Jual, yang mulai berlaku pada 1 April
2022. Pajak Masukan atas perolehan BKP/JKP,
impor BKP, serta pemanfaatan BKP tidak
berwujud dan/atau pemanfaatan JKP dari luar
daerah pabean di dalam Daerah Pabean, yang
berhubungan dengan penyerahan kendaraan
bermotor bekas oleh PKP yang melakukan
kegiatan usaha berupa penyerahan kendaraan
bermotor bekas tidak dapat dikreditkan.
12. PMK-66/PMK.03/2022 - Nilai Lain Sebagai
Dasar Pengenaan Pajak atas Penyerahan
Pupuk Bersubsidi untuk Sektor Pertanian
Mengatur pengenaan pajak atas penyerahan
pupuk untuk sektor pertanian, untuk bagian
harga disubsidi maka PPN dibayarkan oleh
pemerintah, sedangkan untuk bagian harga
tidak disubsidi maka PPN dibayarkan oleh
The tax basis for the delivery of fertilizesr with
a subsidized share of price is obtained from
100/(100+t) multiplied by the amount of
subsidy payment, while the tax basis for the
unsubsidized share of price is obtained from
100/(100+t) multiplied by the highest retail
price. Producers need to create a tax invoice at
the time of submitting a request for payment
of subsidized Fertilizer and when handing over
subsidized fertilizer to the distributor, or at
payment in case the payment is made
preceding submission.
13. PMK-67/PMK.03/2022 – Value Added Tax on
The Assignment of Insurance Agent Services,
Insurance Brokerage Services, and
Reinsurance Brokerage Services
Regulates Insurance Brokers and Reinsurance
Brokerage Services as VAT collectors,
Insurance Companies & Reinsurance
Companies are obliged to collect, deposit, and
report VAT on the payment of commissions for
insurance agent services and
insurance/reinsurance brokerage services. VAT
is calculated at a rate of 1.1 percent multiplied
by commissions / rewards for insurance agent
services and 2.2 percent multiplied by
commissions / rewards for insurance /
reinsurance brokerage services. Insurance
agents, insurance brokerage companies, and
reinsurance are obliged to create Tax Invoices.
14. PMK-68/PMK.03/2022 – Value Added Tax
and Income Tax on Crypto Asset Trading
Regulates the taxes on Crypto assets, Crypto is
not a currency but other rights and interests in
the form of digital so it is included as Intangible
Taxable Goods. The Organizer of Trading
Through Electronic Systems (PPMSE) will
collect taxes on trading transactions of Crypto
DPP atas penyerahan pupuk dengan bagian
harga disubsidi diperoleh dari 100/(100+t)
dikalikan jumlah pembayaran subsidi,
sedangkan DPP untuk bagian harga yang tidak
disubsidi diperoleh dari 100/(100+t) dikalikan
harga eceran tertinggi. Produsen perlu
membuat faktur pajak pada saat mengajukan
permintaan pembayaran subsidi Pupuk
Bersubsidi dan saat menyerahkan Pupuk
Bersubsidi kepada distributor, atau saat
pembayaran dalam hal pembayaran dilakukan
mendahului penyerahan.
13. PMK-67/PMK.03/2022 – Pajak Pertambahan
Nilai atas Penyerahan Jasa Agen Asuransi,
Jasa Jasa Pialang Asuransi, dan Jasa Pialang
Mengatur Pialang Asuransi, dan Jasa Pialang
Reasuransi sebagai pemungut PPN,
Perusahaan Asuransi & Perusahaan Reasuransi
wajib melakukan pemungutan, penyetoran,
dan pelaporan PPN atas pembayaran komisi
jasa agen asuransi dan jasa pialang
asuransi/reasuransi. PPN dipungut dengan
tarif 1,1 persen dikali komisi/imbalan untuk
jasa agen asuransi, dan 2,2 persen dikali
komisi/imbalan, untuk jasa pialang
asuransi/reasuransi. Agen asuransi,
perusahaan pialang asuransi, dan reasuransi
wajib membuat Faktur Pajak.
14. PMK-68/PMK.03/2022 – Pajak Pertambahan
Nilai dan Pajak Penghasilan atas Transaksi
Perdagangan Aset Kripto
Mengatur pengenaan pajak atas aset Kripto,
Kripto bukan mata uang melainkan hak dan
kepentingan lainnya yang berbentuk digital
sehingga merupakan Barang Kena Pajak Tidak
Berwujud. Penyelenggara Perdagangan
Melalui Sistem Elektronik (PPMSE) akan
memungut pajak atas transaksi perdagangan
aset Kripto.
VAT is levied to the buyer/recipient based on a
rate of 0.11% of the transaction value of Crypto
assets if the exchanger is registered in
Bappebti, if it is not registered with Bappebti it
is subject to a rate of 0.22%. Income Tax Art.22
is also charged to the seller at a rate of 0.1% of
the transaction value of Crypto assets if the
exchanger is registered in Bappebti, if it is not
registered with Bappebti then it is subject to a
rate of 0.2%. Exchanger service provider
services are Taxable Services so they are
subjected to VAT and Income Tax in
accordance with the regulations and general
rates, while Crypto asset transaction
verification services (mining) are subjected to
VAT at a rate of 1.1% of Crypto assets received
in the value of money and Income Tax Art.22
at a rate of 0.1% on income received or earned.
15. PMK-69/PMK.03/2022 – Income Tax and
Value Added Tax on the Implementation of
Financial Technology
Regulates the taxes on the implementation of
financial technology, VAT is charged on the
services of providing peer to peer (P2P) lending
platforms because the channel / payment
system is Taxable Services. Lenders are
subjected to Income Tax Art.23 (15% rate) or
Art.26 (20% rate) if the P2P lending platform is
licensed by OJK. Platforms licensed by OJK are
not the subjected to Income Tax, while if they
are not licensed by OJK, the platform is subject
to Income Tax Art.21/23/26. The platform is
obliged to make withholding tax invoice,
deposit, and report the income tax deducted in
the Periodic Tax Return.
16. PMK-70/PMK.03/2022 - Criteria and/or
Details of Food and Beverages, Arts and
Entertainment Services, Hospitality Services,
Parking Lot Provider Services, Boga or
Catering Services that are exempt to VAT
Goods that are not the object of VAT are foods
and drinks served in hotels, restaurants, stalls
and others, or by food and catering
PPN dipungut kepada pembeli/penerima
berdasarkan tarif 0,11% dari nilai transaksi aset
Kripto jika exchanger terdaftar di Bappebti, jika
tidak terdaftar di Bappebti maka dikenakan
tarif 0,22%. PPh 22 juga dikenakan pada
penjual dengan tarif 0,1% dari nilai transaksi
aset Kripto jika exchanger terdaftar di
Bappebti, jika tidak terdaftar di Bappebti maka
dikenakan tarif 0,2%. Jasa penyedia layanan
exchanger merupakan JKP sehingga dikenakan
PPN dan dikenakan PPh atas imbalan jasa
tersebut sesuai ketentuan dan tarif umum,
sedangkan jasa verifikasi transaksi aset Kripto
(mining) dikenakan tarif PPN 1,1% atas nilai
uang aset Kripto yang diterima dan PPh 22
dengan tarif 0,1% atas penghasilan yang
diterima atau diperoleh.
15. PMK-69/PMK.03/2022 – Pajak Penghasilan
dan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai atas
Penyelenggaraan Teknologi Finansial
Mengatur pengenaan pajak atas
penyelenggaraan teknologi finansial, PPN
dikenakan pada jasa penyediaan platform peer
to peer (P2P) lending karena sarana/sistem
pembayaran merupakan JKP. Pemberi
pinjaman dipotong PPh 23 (tarif 15%) atau PPh
26 (tarif 20%) jika platform P2P lending berizin
OJK. Platform yang berizin OJK tidak menjadi
objek pemotongan PPh, sedangkan jika tidak
berizin OJK maka platform dikenakan PPh
21/23/26. Platform wajib membuat bukti
pemotongan, menyetorkan, dan melaporkan
PPh yang dipotong dalam SPT Masa PPh.
16. PMK-70/PMK.03/2022 – Kriteria dan/atau
Rincian Makanan dan Minuman, Jasa
Kesenian dan Hiburan, Jasa Perhotelan, Jasa
Penyediaan Tempat Parkir, Jasa Boga atau
Katering yang Tidak Dikenai Pajak PPN
Barang yang bukan menjadi objek PPN yaitu
makanan dan minuman yang disajikan di hotel,
restoran, rumah makan, warung dan
sejenisnya, atau oleh Pengusaha boga atau
Services that are not the object of VAT are arts
and entertainment services, hospitality
services, provider services, parking places,
food or catering services. Meanwhile, goods
that are the object of VAT are the delivery of
food and beverages served by convenient store
entrepreneurs and others who do not solely sell
food and / or drinks, food and / or beverage
factory entrepreneurs, facility provider
entrepreneurs whose main business activities
provide aircraft waiting services (lounges) at
the airport. Arts and entertainment services
subjected to VAT are services to provide places
/ spaces and / or tools and equipment for golf
and the digital services in the form of
streaming movies or other audio visuals
through internet channels. Hospitality services
that are subjected to VAT are room rental
services except for events or meetings, unit
and/ or room rental services including
additional supporting facilities based on their
business licenses, and travel bureau or trips
services. Parking place management services
are not subjected to VAT.
17. PMK-71/PMK.03/2022 - VAT on The
Assignment of Certain Taxable Services
For Taxable Enterprises who submit five
certain Taxable Services, they must collect and
deposit VAT of a certain amount. Five certain
Taxable Services that are subjected to VAT of a
certain amount include postal package
delivery services (1.1%), travel bureau services
and/or travel agency services (1.1%), freight
forwarding services (1.1%), marketing services
with voucher media, payment transaction
services related to voucher distribution,
services for organizing consumer loyalty and
reward programs (1.1%), travel services to
other places on religious trips are charged at a
rate of 1.1% if detailed and charged at a rate
of 0.55% if not detailed.
Jasa yang bukan menjadi objek PPN yaitu jasa
kesenian dan hiburan, jasa perhotelan, jasa
penyediaan, tempat parker, jasa boga atau
katering. Sedangkan, barang yang menjadi
objek PPN yaitu penyerahan makanan dan
minuman yang disajikan oleh pengusaha toko
swalayan dan sejenisnya yang tidak semata-
mata menjual makanan dan/atau minuman,
pengusaha pabrik makanan dan/atau
minuman, pengusaha penyedia fasilitas yang
kegiatan usaha utamanya menyediakan
pelayanan jasa menunggu pesawat (lounge)
pada bandar udara. Jasa kesenian dan hiburan
yang dikenai PPN yaitu kegiatan pelayanan
penyediaan tempat/ruang dan/atau peralatan
dan perlengkapan untuk permainan golf dan
penyerahan jasa digital berupa penayangan
(streaming) film atau audio visual lainnya
melalui saluran internet. Jasa perhotelan yang
dikenai PPN yaitu jasa penyewaan ruangan
untuk selain kegiatan acara atau pertemuan,
jasa penyewaan unit dan/atau ruangan
termasuk tambahan fasilitas penunjang
lainnya didasarkan atas izin usahanya, dan jasa
biro perjalanan atau perjalanan wisata. Jasa
pengelolaan tempat parker tidak dikenai PPN.
17. PMK-71/PMK.03/2022 - PPN atas Penyerahan
Jasa Kena Pajak Tertentu
Bagi Pengusaha Kena Pajak yang melakukan
penyerahan lima Jasa Kena Pajak tertentu
wajib memungut dan menyetorkan PPN
dengan besaran tertentu. Lima JKP tertentu
yang dikenakan PPN dengan besaran tertentu
yaitu jasa pengiriman paket pos (1,1%), jasa
biro perjalanan wisata dan/atau jasa agen
perjalanan wisata (1,1%), jasa pengurusan
transportasi (1,1%), jasa pemasaran dengan
media voucer, jasa penyelenggaraan layanan
transaksi pembayaran terkait dengan distribusi
voucher, jasa penyelenggaraan program
loyalitas dan penghargaan pelanggan (1,1%),
jasa perjalanan ke tempat lain dalam
perjalanan ibadah keagamaan (tarif 1,1% jika
dirinci dan 0,55% jika tidak dirinci).
The government continues to encourage the
development of Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. One of the
ways is by utilizing digital technology to increase
transactions of MSME players. MSME
entrepreneurs today can more easily run their
business thanks to digital technology that has
developed rapidly. Based on the data from the
Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, the MSMEs
business sector plays a role in improving the
Indonesian economy, where MSMEs absorb 97
percent of the workforce and integrate
investments of 60.4 percent.
In the inauguration of the opening of the National
Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) on Digital
Transformation and Complete Data collection of
Cooperatives and MSMEs in 2022, President
Jokowi stated that digitalization is a solution for
MSME players in surviving and growing in the
COVID-19 pandemic situation. In the pandemic
situation, mobility restrictions become a problem
for businesses because it requires them to switch
from physical stores to e-commerce. According to
him, the number of MSMEs must still be enhanced
and utilize the digital technology to encourage
Indonesian MSMEs to become part of the
national and global supply chains.
Pemerintah terus berupaya mendorong
perkembangan Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan
Menengah (UMKM) di Indonesia. Salah satunya
dengan pemanfaatan teknologi digital untuk
meningkatkan transaksi pelaku UMKM.
Pengusaha UMKM saat ini dapat dengan lebih
mudah menjalankan usahanya berkat teknologi
digital yang sudah berkembang pesat.
Berdasarkan data Kementerian Koperasi dan
UKM, sektor bisnis UMKM berperan dalam
perbaikan ekonomi Indonesia, dimana UMKM
menyerap 97 persen tenaga kerja dan
mengintegrasikan investasi sebesar 60,4 persen.
Dalam peresmian pembukaan Rapat Koordinasi
Nasional (Rakornas) Transformasi Digital dan
Pendataan Lengkap Koperasi dan UMKM Tahun
2022, Presiden Jokowi menyatakan bahwa
digitalisasi menjadi solusi bagi para pelaku
UMKM dalam bertahan dan bertumbuh dalam
situasi pandemi COVID-19. Dalam situasi
pandemi, pembatasan mobilitas menjadi
masalah bagi para pelaku usaha karena
mengharuskan untuk beralih dari toko fisik ke e-
commerce. Menurutnya, jumlah UMKM masih
harus ditingkatkan dan memanfaatkan teknologi
digital untuk mendorong UMKM Indonesia
menjadi bagian dari rantai pasok nasional
maupun global.
Digitalization of MSMEs Digitalisasi UMKM
In support of digital transformation, Kadin
Indonesia held the Digitalization of Nusantara
Expo and Summit (DNES) 2022. In the event, PT
Telkom Indonesia Persero introduced the Kadin
Tech Hub platform. Kadin Tech Hub is a
meeting platform for companies, agencies, and
MSMEs to discuss and support each other.
Similar virtual business dialogue called
“Financial Digitalization to Promote Business
Growth in Indonesia’s SMEs” held, which
involved us with Bambang Budi Suwarso
(Managing Director of KIB Consulting) as
Dalam mendukung transformasi digital, Kadin
Indonesia menyelenggarakan acara Digitalisasi
Nusantara Expo dan Summit (DNES) 2022.
Dalam acara tersebut PT Telkom Indonesia
Persero memperkenalkan platform Kadin Tech
Hub. Kadin Tech Hub adalah wadah pertemuan
bagi perusahaan, instansi, maupun UMKM
untuk saling berdiskusi dan mendukung sesama
pelaku usaha. Dialog bisnis virtual yang sejenis
“Financial Digitalization to Promote Business
Growth in Indonesia’s SMEs” telah dilaksanakan
yang melibatkan kami dengan Bambang Budi
Suwarso (Managing Director KIB Consulting)
sebagai moderator.
E-Meterai Meterai Elektronik
e-Meterai is a type of stamp in an electronic
format that has special characteristics and
contains safety elements issued by the
government. Based on UU No. 10/2020,
electronic stamp or e-Meterai is used as an object
of stamp duty on electronic documents. In the
Stamp Duty Law, it is explained that the definition
of documents that are subjected to stamp duty is
not only physical documents but also documents
in electronic form, so it requires e-Meterai to
certify electronic documents.
e-Meterai have certain features that can
guarantee the electronic stamps are valid for use.
Features of the e-Meterai:
- Has a picture of Garuda Pancasila as the
state symbol
- There is inscription "METERAI
- Stamp duty rate of "10000" with the
- There are unique digital codes
e-Meterai adalah meterai dalam format
elektronik yang punya ciri khusus dan
mengandung unsur pengaman yang dikeluarkan
oleh pemerintah. Berdasarkan Undang-Undang
No. 10 Tahun 2020, materai elektronik atau e-
Meterai digunakan sebagai objek bea meterai
yang dikenakan atas dokumen elektronik. Pada
UU Bea Meterai dijelaskan bahwa definisi
dokumen yang menjadi objek bea materai tidak
hanya dokumen fisik saja tetapi juga dokumen
dalam bentuk elektronik, sehingga dibutuhkan e-
Meterai untuk mengesahkan dokumen
e-Meterai mempunyai ciri-ciri tertentu yang
dapat menjamin meterai elektronik dinyatakan
sah untuk digunakan. Ciri-ciri e-Meterai:
- Memiliki gambar lambang negara Garuda
- Terdapat tulisan “METERAI ELEKTRONIK”
- Tarif bea meterai sebesar “10000”
dengan tertera tulisan “SEPULUH RIBU
- Terdapat kode unik digital
1. A picture of state symbol
Garuda Pancasila
3. Amount of "10000" and
4. Unique codes
e-Meterai can be obtained through the pos.e- website. Payment of stamp duty
using electronic stamp is made by affixing e-
Meterai to electronic documents subjected to
stamp duty through an electronic stamp system.
Before using the e-Meterai, please note that
stamp duty is subjected on a particular object:
- Documents created as a tool to explain a
civil related event
- Documents used as evidence in court
- Documents stating the amount of money
with a nominal amount of more than IDR
5,000,000 (five million rupiah)
e-Meterai bisa diperoleh melalui laman pos.e- Pembayaran bea meterai
menggunakan meterai elektronik dilakukan
dengan membubuhkan e-Meterai pada dokumen
elektronik yang terutang bea meterai melalui
sistem meterai elektronik.
Sebelum menggunakan e-Meterai, perlu
diketahui bahwa bea meterai dikenakan atas
objek tertentu:
- Dokumen yang dibuat sebagai alat untuk
menerangkan mengenai suatu kejadian
yang bersifat perdata
- Dokumen yang digunakan sebagai alat
bukti di pengadilan
- Dokumen yang menyatakan jumlah uang
dengan nominal lebih dari Rp.5.000.000
(lima juta rupiah)
KIB Consulting organizes TakTik Tax Series events
that will be held periodically every month. The first
TakTik Tax Series was held in collaboration with the
Jakarta Power Manulife Indonesia Agency and the
Indonesian Taxpayers' Legal Association (IKHWPI)
on March 25, 2022 with the first topic “Taxation
Aspects of Cross-Border Transactions”. TakTik Tax
Series 1 discusses:
- Holistic overview of Cross-Border
- Overview of the taxation aspects of Cross-
Border Transactions.
- Tax Subjects
- Tax Objects
- Foreign Tax Credits
- Transfer Pricing
- Taxation aspects of outbound transactions
- Taxation aspects of inbound transactions
- Taxation aspects of Permanent
Establishment (PE)
KIB Consulting menyelenggarakan acara TakTik
Tax Series yang akan diadakan secara berkala
setiap bulan. TakTik Tax Series yang pertama
diselenggarakan atas kerja sama dengan Agency
Jakarta Power Manulife Indonesia dan Ikatan
Kuasa Hukum Wajib Pajak Indonesia (IKHWPI)
pada tanggal 25 Maret, 2022 dengan topik
pertama “Aspek Perpajakan atas Cross-Border
Transactions”. TakTik Tax Series 1 membahas
- Gambaran Cross-Border Transactions
secara menyeluruh.
- Gambaran umum aspek perpajakan
Cross-Border Transactions.
- Subyek Pajak
- Obyek Pajak
- Kredit Pajak Luar Negeri
- Transfer Pricing
- Aspek perpajakan outbound transactions
- Aspek perpajakan inbound transactions
- Aspek perpajakan Bentuk Usaha Tetap
TakTik Tax Series 1
Seri 1 TakTik Tax
The holistic overview of Cross-Border Transactions: Gambaran lengkap dari Cross-Border
Tax Subjects in Cross-Border Transactions: Subyek Pajak dalam Cross-Border Transactions:
Domestic Tax Subjects
- Residing in Indonesia
- Stay in Indonesia for more than 183
days in 12 months
- Stay in Indonesia for one tax period
and intends to reside in Indonesia
- Established in Indonesia; or
- located in Indonesia
Subyek Pajak Dalam Negeri
1.Orang Pribadi:
- Bertempat tinggal di Indonesia
- Berada di Indonesia > 183 hari
dalam 12 bulan
- Dalam satu tahun pajak berada di
Indonesia dan berniat bertempat
tinggal di Indonesia
2.Badan Usaha:
- Didirikan di Indonesia; atau
- bertempat kedudukan di Indonesia
Foreign Tax Subjects
- Not residing in Indonesia
- Stay in Indonesia for less than 183
days in 12 months
- Not established in Indonesia; or
- Not located in Indonesia,
who conduct business or activities
through PE in Indonesia, or receive
or earn income from Indonesia by
not running a business or doing
activities through PE.
Subyek Pajak Luar Negeri
1.Orang Pribadi:
- Tidak bertempat tinggal di
- Berada di Indonesia < 183 hari
dalam 12 bulan
- Tidak didirikan di Indonesia; atau
- Tidak bertempat kedudukan di
yang menjalankan usaha atau
melakukan kegiatan melalui BUT
di Indonesia, atau yang
menerima atau memperoleh
penghasilan dari Indonesia tidak
dari menjalankan usaha atau
melakukan kegiatan melalui BUT.
Bentuk Usaha tetap (BUT)
1. Tempat kedudukan manjemen;
2. Cabang perusahaan;
3. Kantor perwakilan;
4. Gedung kantor;
5. Wilayah kerja pertambangan
minyak dan gas bumi;
6. Lainnya.
Permanent Establishment (PE)
1. Management location;
2. Branch of the company;
3. Representative office;
4. Office building;
5. Oil and gas mining working area;
6. Others.
Tax Objects in Cross-Border Transactions: Obyek Pajak dalam Cross-Border Transactions:
Obyek PPh
Penghasilan berupa:
- Gaji, upah, tunjangan dll;
- Hadiah;
- Laba usaha;
- Keuntungan modal;
- Bunga;
- Dividen;
- Royalti;
- Sewa; Lainnya.
Object of Income Tax
Income in the form of:
- Salaries, wages, benefits, and others;
- Prize;
- Operating profit;
- Capital gain;
- Interest;
- Dividend;
- Royalty;
- Leases; Others.
Exempt from Income Tax
Income in the form of:
- Aids/donations;
- Grants;
- Inheritance;
- Paid-in capital;
- Benefit in kind;
- Payment of accident, illness, or death
insurance, and scholarship insurance;
- Dividends with certain criteria;
- Contributions received by pension
funds that have been authorized by
- Income from capital invested by
pension funds;
- Share of profits received by members
of the cooperative or CV;
- Income received by Venture Capital;
- Scholarships with certain
- Residuals received by non-profit
educational institutions;
- Aids or donations from BPJS;
- Deposit funds of Costs of Organizing
Hajj (BPIH) and the results of the
- Residuals received by social/religious
Bukan Obyek PPh
Penghasilan berupa:
- Bantuan/sumbangan;
- Hibah;
- Warisan;
- Setoran modal;
- Pemberian Natura;
- Pembayaran asuransi kecelakaan,
sakit, atau kematian, dan asuransi
- Dividen dengan kriteria tertentu;
- Iuran yang diterima dana pensiun
yang telah disahkan oleh OJK;
- Penghasilan dari modal yang
ditanamkan oleh dana pensiun;
- Bagian laba yang diterima oleh
anggota koperasi atau Perseroan
- Penghasilan yang diterima oleh
Modal Ventura
- Beasiswa dengan persyaratan
- Sisa lebih yang diterima oleh
Lembaga nirlaba Pendidikan
- Bantuan atau sumbangan dari
- Dana setoran BPIH dan hasil
- Sisa lebih yang diterima Lembaga
From the foreign income which become the
object of income tax as the result of outbound
transactions, the tax that has been paid abroad
can be credited in Indonesia or referred to as
foreign tax credit. Foreign tax credits are taxes
paid or owed from foreign income subjected to
income tax under the Income Tax Law (UU PPh).
Atas penghasilan luar negeri yang menjadi obyek
pajak atas transaksi keluar, maka pajak yang telah
dibayar di luar negeri atas penghasilan tersebut
dapat dikreditkan di Indonesia atau disebut
sebagai kredit pajak luar negeri. Kredit pajak luar
negeri adalah pajak yang dibayar atau terutang di
luar negeri atas penghasilan dari luar negeri yang
terutang PPh berdasarkan UU PPh.
Meanwhile for inbound transactions, the income
which become the object of income tax will be
deducted by income tax Article 26 done by the
domestic tax subjects to the foreign tax subjects
at a rate of 20%. For Permanent Establishments
(PE), the income is subjected to Branch Profit Tax
TakTik Tax Series 1 held on March 25, 2022 can
be watched again through the following youtube
Do not miss the next TakTik Tax Series!
Sedangkan atas transaksi masuk, penghasilan
yang menjadi obyek pajak akan dipotong PPh
Pasal 26 oleh subyek pajak dalam negeri kepada
subyek pajak luar negeri dengan tarif sebesar
20%. Untuk Badan Usaha Tetap (BUT), dikenakan
pajak Branch Profit Tax (BPT).
TakTik Tax Series 1 pada 25 Maret, 2022 dapat
disaksikan kembali melalui link youtube berikut
Jangan lewatkan Seri TakTik Tax berikutnya!
Business Consulting
Business Set Up
Business Matching
Merger & Acquisition
Financial Valuation
Due diligence:
Operational, Legal,
Accounting, Tax
Outstanding Debt Collection
Business & Asset Appraisal
Transfer Pricing Documentation (TP-Doc)
Company Setup & Liquidation
Copyrights & Patent Dispute
Copyrights & Patent Registration
Legal Dispute Settlement
PT. Konsultan Indonesia Bersama (KIB Consulting) is a boutique
company serving Finance, Business, Accounting and Tax Advisory since
2008. KIB has been immensely successful in creating a local business
network of small-medium-and-big businesses. We highly adept
intelligent workforce that can help a company achieve their mission-
critical projects and goals. Keeping pace with projects and being on the
look-out for every opportunity to grow with our clients has become
our mission statement. KIB commits to bring the best suited services
for our clients and stakeholders.
All of our resources are multifaceted and come with years of
commended performance. Project completion rate of our consultants
is 97%, 3% is attributed to unforeseen situations like changes of
clients’ decision issues, natural disaster, etc. We appreciate the
experience that our team bring and together we thrive to grow and
prosper together.
Accounting and Assurance
Accounting Preparer
Independent Audit
Actuarial report (PSAK 24)
About Us
Contact Us
(021) 22677883
Bambang B. Suwarso
Rachmat Kurniawan
Yosefine Amelia
North Jakarta -14450
KIB Building
Jalan Pluit Barat 1 no. 55
Gold Coast Tower
Eiffel Unit N
Pantai Indah Kapuk
The facts and opinions stated or expressed in this publication are
for information purposes only, and are not necessary and/or must
not be relied upon as being to those of the publisher or of the
Institutions for which the contributing authors work.
Although every part of content has been taken to ensure the
accuracy of the information contained within this publication, it
should not be by any person relied upon as the basis for taking any
action or making any decision.
KIB Consulting and its representative, cannot be held liable or
otherwise be responsible in any way for any advice, action taken or
decision made on the basis of the facts, surveys, and opinions stated
or expressed within this publication.
Tax and Custom Consulting
Tax Diagnostic Review
Tax Planning
Tax Compliance
Tax Dispute
Tax ruling
Tax Reconciliation

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Tax Flash KIB April 2022.pdf

  • 1. 1 TAX FLASH KIB E-newsletter April 2022 This Issue: - Increase in VAT Rate - Digitalization of MSMEs - E-Meterai - TakTik Tax Series 1 The increase in VAT rate to 11% in accordance with Law No. 7/2021 concerning Harmonization of Tax Regulations (HPP Law) has officially applied on April 1, 2022. According to Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, the VAT rate in other countries that are members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is at 15%. So according to her, there will be no problem with the increase in VAT of 1% for Indonesia. Kenaikan tarif PPN menjadi 11% sesuai Undang-Undang Nomor 7/2021 tentang Harmonisasi Peraturan Perpajakan (UU HPP) telah resmi berlaku pada 1 April 2022. Menurut Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani, tarif PPN di negara-negara yang tergabung dalam Organisasi Kerja Sama dan Pembangunan Ekonomi (OECD) berada di posisi 15%. Sehingga menurutnya, tidak akan ada masalah atas kenaikan PPN yang sebesar 1% bagi Indonesia. "Taxes are mutual cooperation by the Indonesian people from the economic side of the relatively well-off” ~ Sri Mulyani (2022) Increase in VAT Rate Kenaikan Tarif PPN Isu Ini: - Kenaikan Tarif PPN - Digitalisasi UMKM - E-Meterai - Seri 1 TakTik Tax
  • 2. 2 Ajib Hamdani from the Accounting and Taxation Study Sector of the Association of Indonesian Company estimates that a 1% increase in VAT rate will affect people's purchasing power and enhance economic growth targets. Based on the HPP Law, there are several types of goods that are exempt from VAT: - Food and drinks served in hotels, restaurants, stalls, and its kind - Money and gold bars for the benefit of the country's foreign exchange reserves and securities - Religious services - Arts and entertainment services - Hospitality services, include rental services for rooms and/or hotel spaces - Services provided by the government in order to operate the government in general - Parking space accommodation services - Cook and catering services - Basic goods (rice, grain, corn, sago, soybeans, salt, meat, eggs, milk without added sugar, fruits, vegetables) needed by the people. Ajib Hamdani dari Bidang Kajian Akuntansi dan Perpajakan Asosiasi Emiten Indonesia memperkirakan kenaikan yang sebesar 1% pada tarif PPN akan berpengaruh terhadap daya beli masyarakat dan meningkatkan target pertumbuhan ekonomi. Berdasarkan UU HPP, terdapat beberapa jenis barang yang dibebaskan dari PPN: - Makanan dan minuman yang disajikan di hotel, restoran, rumah makan, warung, dan sejenisnya - Uang dan emas batangan untuk kepentingan cadangan devisa negara dan surat berharga - Jasa keagamaan - Jasa kesenian dan hiburan - Jasa perhotelan, meliputi jasa penyewaan kamar dan/atau ruangan hotel - Jasa yang disediakan oleh pemerintah dalam rangka menjalankan pemerintahan secara umum - Jasa penyediaan tempat parkir - Jasa boga dan katering - Barang kebutuhan pokok (beras, gabah, jagung, sagu, kedelai, garam, daging, telur, susu tanpa tambahan gula, buah- buahan, sayur-sayuran) yang dibutuhkan rakyat.
  • 3. 3 There is a new paragraph in Article 8A, namely "VAT-in on the acquisition of Taxable Goods and/or Taxable Services, import of Taxable Goods, as well as the use of Intangible Taxable Goods and/or utilization of Taxable Services from outside the Customs Area within the Customs Area, which in calculating VAT payable using the Tax Basis in the form of other values as intended in paragraph (1), can be credited." There are also changes to the acquisition and maintenance of vehicles in the form of sedans and station wagons unless they are merchandise or leased, included as a type of expenditure whose VAT-in can be credited. In addition to the 11% increase in VAT, there are 17 new VAT-related regulations that need to be considered: 1. PER-03/PJ/2022 – Tax Invoice Regulates changes to the inclusion of NIK / passport number, filling in the type of goods in the tax invoice, foreign currency transactions, the serial number of tax invoices, transaction codes, resetting e-Faktur signers, H2H e-Faktur applications, upload deadline on e-Faktur, resetting sales invoices, information of VAT facilities in e-Faktur, resetting of Retail Merchant Taxable Enterprises (PKP) Tax Invoices, and tax disputes related to VAT-in. Terdapat penambahan ayat baru pada Pasal 8A yaitu “Pajak Masukan atas perolehan Barang Kena Pajak dan/atau Jasa Kena Pajak, impor Barang Kena Pajak, serta pemanfaatan Barang Kena Pajak Tidak Berwujud dan/atau pemanfaatan Jasa Kena Pajak dari luar Daerah Pabean di dalam Daerah Pabean, yang dalam penghitungan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai terutang menggunakan Dasar Pengenaan Pajak berupa nilai lain sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1), dapat dikreditkan.” Terdapat juga perubahan pada perolehan dan pemeliharaan kendaraan bermotor berupa sedan dan station wagon, kecuali merupakan barang dagangan atau disewakan termasuk menjadi jenis pengeluaran yang Pajak Masukan nya dapat dikreditkan. Selain kenaikan tarif PPN sebesar 11%, terdapat 17 peraturan baru terkait PPN yang perlu diperhatikan: 1. PER-03/PJ/2022 - Faktur Pajak Mengatur perubahan atas pencantuman NIK/nomor paspor, pengisian jenis barang dalam Faktur Pajak, transaksi dalam mata uang asing, pemberian nomor seri faktur pajak, kode transaksi, pengaturan kembali penanda tangan e-faktur, aplikasi e-faktur H2H, pembatasan waktu upload e-faktur, pengaturan kembali faktur penjualan, keterangan fasilitas PPN dalam e-Faktur, pengaturan kembali Faktur Pajak PKP Pedagang Eceran, dan sengketa pajak terkait dengan Pajak Masukan.
  • 4. 4 2. PMK-58/PMK.03/2022 - Appointment of Other Parties as Tax Collectors and Procedures for Collecting, Depositing, and/or Tax Reporting by Other Parties for Procurement of Goods and/or Services Transactions through the Government Procurement Information System Regulates the procurement of goods and/or services taxed by Other Parties through the Procurement Information System consists of online retail procurement and procurement marketplace, the delivery of goods and/or services includes submission to government agencies and parties other than government agencies in the Procurement Information System, taxes collected by Other Parties including Income Tax (PPh) Article 22, VAT, and sales tax on luxury goods (PPnBM), using Unification of Tax Return and VAT Tax Return 1107 PUT for Other Parties. 3. PMK-59/PMK.03/2022 - Procedures for Registration & Elimination of Tax ID (NPWP), Inauguration & Revocation of PKP Inauguration, and Deduction &/ Collection, Deposit, & Tax Reporting for Government Agencies Regulates the exemption of Income Tax (PPh) 4(2), 15, 21, 22, 23, VAT, and PPnBM deductions and/or collection by Government Agencies for transactions made through the Government Procurement Information System and regulating tax collection treatment for transactions using government credit cards for regional governments and village governments treated the same as for transactions using central government credit cards. 2. PMK-58/PMK.03/2022 - Penunjukkan Pihak Lain Sebagai Pemungut Pajak dan Tata Cara Pemungutan, Penyetoran, dan/atau Pelaporan Pajak yang Dipungut oleh Pihak Lain atas Transaksi Pengadaan Barang dan/atau Jasa melalui Sistem Informasi Pengadaan Pemerintah Mengatur transaksi pengadaan barang dan/atau jasa dipungut pajak oleh Pihak Lain melalui Sistem Informasi Pengadaan terdiri dari ritel daring pengadaan dan marketplace pengadaan, penyerahan barang dan/atau jasa meliputi penyerahan kepada instansi pemerintah dan pihak selain instansi pemerintah dalam Sistem Informasi Pengadaan, pajak yang dipungut oleh Pihak Lain meliputi pajak penghasilan (PPh) Pasal 22, PPN, dan pajak penjualan atas barang mewah (PPnBM), menggunakan SPT Masa Pajak Penghasilan Unifikasi dan SPT Masa PPN 1107 PUT bagi Pihak Lain. 3. PMK-59/PMK.03/2022 - Tata Cara Pendaftaran & Penghapusan NPWP, Pengukuhan & Pencabutan Pengukuhan PKP, serta Pemotongan &/ Pemungutan, Penyetoran, & Pelaporan Pajak Bagi Instansi Pemerintah Mengatur pengecualian pemotongan dan/atau pemungutan pajak penghasilan (PPh) 4(2), 15, 21, 22, 23, PPN, dan PPnBM oleh Instansi Pemerintah untuk transaksi yang dilakukan melalui Sistem Informasi Pengadaan Pemerintah dan mengatur perlakuan pemungutan pajak untuk transaksi yang menggunakan kartu kredit pemerintah bagi pemerintah daerah dan pemerintah desa menjadi sama dengan perlakuan untuk transaksi yang menggunakan kartu kredit pemerintah pusat.
  • 5. 5 4. PMK- 60/PMK.03/2022 - Procedures for The Appointment of Collectors, Collection, Deposits, and Reporting of Value Added Tax on the Utilization of Intangible Taxable Goods and/or Taxable Services from Outside the Customs Area Within the Customs Area Through the Trade Through Electronic Systems (PMSE) Regulates foreign traders or service providers who conduct transactions with buyers and/or service recipients through foreign PMSE organizers or domestic PMSE organizers, VAT charged on the use of intangible taxable goods and/or services from outside the Customs Area within the Customs Area is collected, deposited, and reported by merchants, providers, organizers of foreign or domestic PMSE appointed as PMSE VAT collectors; and issue commercial invoices, billing, order receipts, or similar documents. Regulates the 11% VAT rate, which comes into effect on April 1st , 2022, the details of VAT transactions collected for the quarterly report, and the annual report contained details of VAT transactions collected in the quarterly report. 5. PMK-61/PMK.03/2022 - Value Added Tax on Self-Building Activities Regulates the Self-Building Activities, which are building activities that increases the area of a pre-existing building; and building activities by other parties for individuals or entities, but VAT on such activities is not collected by other parties. Tax basis of VAT on Self-Building Activities in certain value of the amount of costs incurred and / or paid to build the building for each fiscal period until the building is completed, excluding the cost of land acquisition. VAT charged is obtained from 2.2 percent of the tax basis, the acquisition of taxable goods and/or services in connection with SBA cannot be credited, while the VAT listed in the Tax Payment Invoice of SBA’s VAT (certain documents) can be credited. 4. PMK- 60/PMK.03/2022 - Tata Cara Penunjukan Pemungut, Pemungutan, Penyetoran, Dan Pelaporan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai Atas Pemanfaatan Barang Kena Pajak Tidak Berwujud Dan/Atau Jasa Kena Pajak Dari Luar Daerah Pabean Di Dalam Daerah Pabean Melalui Perdagangan Melalui Sistem Elektronik (PMSE) Mengatur pedagang atau penyedia jasa luar negeri yang melakukan transaksi dengan pembeli dan/atau penerima jasa melalui penyelenggara PMSE luar negeri atau penyelenggara PMSE dalam negeri, PPN yang terutang atas pemanfaatan BKP tidak berwujud dan/atau JKP dari luar Daerah Pabean di dalam Daerah Pabean dipungut, disetorkan, dan dilaporkan oleh pedagang, penyedia, penyelenggara PMSE luar negeri atau dalam negeri yang ditunjuk sebagai pemungut PPN PMSE; dan menerbitkan commercial invoice, billing, order receipt, atau dokumen sejenis. Mengatur tarif PPN 11%, yang mulai berlaku pada tanggal 1 April 2022, rincian transaksi PPN yang dipungut untuk laporan triwulanan, dan laporan tahunan telah memuat rincian transaksi PPN yang dipungut dalam laporan triwulanan. 5. PMK-61/PMK.03/2022 - Pajak Pertambahan Nilai atas Kegiatan Membangun Sendiri Mengatur tentang Kegiatan Membangun Sendiri yaitu kegiatan membangun yang menambah luas bangunan yang sudah ada sebelumnya; dan kegiatan membangun bangunan oleh pihak lain bagi orang pribadi atau badan, tetapi PPN atas kegiatan tersebut tidak dipungut oleh pihak lain. DPP PPN Kegiatan Membangun Sendiri berupa nilai tertentu sebesar jumlah biaya yang dikeluarkan dan/atau yang dibayarkan untuk membangun bangunan untuk setiap masa pajak sampai dengan bangunan selesai, tidak termasuk biaya perolehan tanah. PPN Terutang diperoleh dari 2,2 persen dari DPP, perolehan BKP dan/atau JKP sehubungan dengan KMS tidak dapat dikreditkan, sedangkan PPN yang tercantum dalam SSP PPN KMS (dokumen tertentu) dapat dikreditkan.
  • 6. 6 6. PMK-62/PMK.03/2022 - Other values as the tax basis and certain amounts collected and deposited in the calculation of Value Added Tax on the delivery of taxable goods in the form of certain Liquefied Petroleum Gas Regulates the delivery of Certain LPG which the share of prize is subsidized is the delivery of Certain LPG from Business Entities to the Government paid through Certain LPG subsidies, consisting of the subsidy of price and Value Added Tax. Meanwhile, on the delivery of certain LPG which the share of prize is not subsidized will be subjected to VAT at the point of handover of the Business Entity or the point of handover of the Agent or base. In the making of a Tax Invoice, for the subsidized share of price, the Business Entity submits a request for payment of subsidies to the Budget User Authority and for the unsubsidized share of price made at the time of delivering Certain LPG or at the time of payment. 7. PMK-63/PMK.03/2022 – VAT on Tobacco Product Submission Regulates the charges of VAT on the delivery of tobacco products made domestically by the Producer at the time of ordering the excise tape or those made abroad by the Importer at the time of ordering the excise tape. The calculation of VAT on the delivery of tobacco products is the VAT rate multiplied by the tax basis obtained from 100/(100+t) multiplied by the Retail Selling Price. As the 11% VAT rate that has been applied, the calculation becomes 9.9% multiplied by the Retail Selling Price. 6. PMK-62/PMK.03/2022 - Nilai lain sebagai dasar pengenaan pajak dan besaran tertentu yang dipungut dan disetor dalam penghitungan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai atas penyerahan barang kena pajak berupa Liquefied Petroleum Gas tertentu Mengatur penyerahan LPG Tertentu yang bagian harganya disubsidi merupakan penyerahan LPG Tertentu dari Badan Usaha ke Pemerintah yang dibayar melalui subsidi LPG Tertentu, terdiri dari subsidi harga dan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai. Sedangkan, atas penyerahan LPG tertentu yang bagian harganya tidak disubsidi akan dipungut PPN pada titik serah Badan Usaha atau titik serah Agen atau pangkalan. Dalam pembuatan Faktur Pajak, untuk bagian harga disubsidi maka Badan Usaha mengajukan permintaan pembayaran subsidi kepada Kuasa Pengguna Anggaran dan untuk bagian harga yang tidak disubsidi dibuat pada saat menyerahkan LPG Tertentu atau saat pembayaran. 7. PMK-63/PMK.03/2022 – PPN atas Penyerahan Hasil Tembakau Mengatur pengenaan PPN atas penyerahan hasil tembakau yang dibuat di dalam negeri oleh Produsen pada saat melakukan pemesanan pita cukai maupun yang dibuat di luar negeri oleh Importir pada saat melakukan pemesanan pita cukai. Perhitungan PPN atas penyerahan hasil tembakau yaitu tarif PPN dikali dengan DPP yang diperoleh dari 100/(100+t) dikalikan dengan Harga Jual Eceran. Atas tarif PPN 11% yang sudah berlaku maka perhitungan menjadi 9,9% dikalikan dengan Harga Jual Eceran.
  • 7. 7 8. PMK-62/PMK.03/2022 - Other values as the tax basis and certain amounts collected and deposited in the calculation of Value Added Tax on the delivery of taxable goods in the form of certain Liquefied Petroleum Gas Regulates the delivery of Certain LPG which the share of prize is subsidized is the delivery of Certain LPG from Business Entities to the Government paid through Certain LPG subsidies, consisting of the subsidy of price and Value Added Tax. Meanwhile, on the delivery of certain LPG which the share of prize is not subsidized will be subjected to VAT at the point of handover of the Business Entity or the point of handover of the Agent or base. In the making of a Tax Invoice, for the subsidized share of price, the Business Entity submits a request for payment of subsidies to the Budget User Authority and for the unsubsidized share of price made at the time of delivering Certain LPG or at the time of payment. 9. PMK-63/PMK.03/2022 – VAT on Tobacco Product Submission Regulates the charges of VAT on the delivery of tobacco products made domestically by the Producer at the time of ordering the excise tape or those made abroad by the Importer at the time of ordering the excise tape. The calculation of VAT on the delivery of tobacco products is the VAT rate multiplied by the tax basis obtained from 100/(100+t) multiplied by the Retail Selling Price. As the 11% VAT rate that has been applied, the calculation becomes 9.9% multiplied by the Retail Selling Price. 10. PMK-64/PMK.03/2022 – Value Added Tax on The Delivery of Certain Agricultural Goods (BHPT) Regulates taxes on Certain Agricultural Goods (BHPT), VAT on Certain Agricultural Products Goods is subject to a rate of 1.1% of the selling price for the submission of the related BHPT, 8. PMK-62/PMK.03/2022 - Nilai lain sebagai dasar pengenaan pajak dan besaran tertentu yang dipungut dan disetor dalam penghitungan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai atas penyerahan barang kena pajak berupa Liquefied Petroleum Gas tertentu Mengatur penyerahan LPG Tertentu yang bagian harganya disubsidi merupakan penyerahan LPG Tertentu dari Badan Usaha ke Pemerintah yang dibayar melalui subsidi LPG Tertentu, terdiri dari subsidi harga dan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai. Sedangkan, atas penyerahan LPG tertentu yang bagian harganya tidak disubsidi akan dipungut PPN pada titik serah Badan Usaha atau titik serah Agen atau pangkalan. Dalam pembuatan Faktur Pajak, untuk bagian harga disubsidi maka Badan Usaha mengajukan permintaan pembayaran subsidi kepada Kuasa Pengguna Anggaran dan untuk bagian harga yang tidak disubsidi dibuat pada saat menyerahkan LPG Tertentu atau saat pembayaran. 9. PMK-63/PMK.03/2022 – PPN atas Penyerahan Hasil Tembakau Mengatur pengenaan PPN atas penyerahan hasil tembakau yang dibuat di dalam negeri oleh Produsen pada saat melakukan pemesanan pita cukai maupun yang dibuat di luar negeri oleh Importir pada saat melakukan pemesanan pita cukai. Perhitungan PPN atas penyerahan hasil tembakau yaitu tarif PPN dikali dengan DPP yang diperoleh dari 100/(100+t) dikalikan dengan Harga Jual Eceran. Atas tarif PPN 11% yang sudah berlaku maka perhitungan menjadi 9,9% dikalikan dengan Harga Jual Eceran. 10. PMK-64/PMK.03/2022 – Pajak Pertambahan Nilai atas Penyerahan Barang Hasil Pertanian Tertentu Mengatur pajak atas Barang Hasil Pertanian Tertentu (BHPT), PPN atas Barang Hasil Pertanian Tertentu dikenakan tarif 1,1% dari harga jual atas penyerahan BHPT terkait,
  • 8. 8 Taxable Enterprises are obliged to issue Tax Invoices (FP) when handing over certain Agricultural Products, VAT-in on the acquisition of Taxable Goods / Services, imports of Taxable Goods, as well as the use of intangible Taxable Goods and / or Services utilization from outside the customs area within the customs area in connection with BHPT submission activities cannot be credited. 11. PMK-65/PMK.03/2022 - Value Added Tax on The Delivery of Used Vehicle Regulates VAT on the delivery of used vehicles, Taxable Enterprises that can apply this provision is Taxable Enterprises used vehicle sellers who carry out certain business activities in the form of handing over used motor vehicles, either in whole or in part and not a conformational submission. VAT-out is obtained using 10 percent VAT rate x conformation VAT rate x Selling Price. The effective rate is 1.1 percent x Selling Price, which comes into effect on April 1, 2022. VAT- in on the acquisition of Taxable Goods / Services, imports of Taxable Goods, as well as the use of intangible Taxable Goods and / or Services utilization from outside the customs area within the Customs Area, which is related to the handling of used vehicles by Taxable Enterprises who carry out business activities in the form of handing over used vehicles cannot be credited. 12. PMK-66/PMK.03/2022 - Other Values as The Tax Basis on The Delivery of Subsidized Fertilizers for the Agricultural Sector Regulates the taxes on the delivery of fertilizer to the agricultural sector, for the subsidized share of price the VAT is paid by the government, while for the share of price is not subsidized the VAT is paid by the buyer. PKP wajib menerbitkan Faktur Pajak (FP) saat penyerahan Barang Hasil Pertanian tertentu, Pajak Masukan atas perolehan BKP/JKP, impor BKP, serta pemanfaatan BKP tidak berwujud dan/atau pemanfatan JKP dari luar daerah pabean di dalam daerah pabean sehubungan dengan kegiatan penyerahan BHPT tidak dapat dikreditkan. 11. PMK-65/PMK.03/2022 - Pajak Pertambahan Nilai atas Penyerahan Kendaraan Bermotor Bekas Mengatur PPN atas penyerahan kendaraan bermotor bekas, PKP yang dapat menerapkan ketentuan ini adalah PKP pedagang kendaraan bermotor bekas yang melakukan kegiatan usaha tertentu berupa penyerahan kendaraan bermotor bekas, baik seluruhnya atau sebagian dan bukan merupakan penyerahan konformasi. Pajak keluaran diperoleh menggunakan PPN sebesar 10 persen x tarif PPN konformasi. Pasal 7 ayat (1) UU PPN x Harga Jual. Tarif efektif yaitu 1,1 persen x Harga Jual, yang mulai berlaku pada 1 April 2022. Pajak Masukan atas perolehan BKP/JKP, impor BKP, serta pemanfaatan BKP tidak berwujud dan/atau pemanfaatan JKP dari luar daerah pabean di dalam Daerah Pabean, yang berhubungan dengan penyerahan kendaraan bermotor bekas oleh PKP yang melakukan kegiatan usaha berupa penyerahan kendaraan bermotor bekas tidak dapat dikreditkan. 12. PMK-66/PMK.03/2022 - Nilai Lain Sebagai Dasar Pengenaan Pajak atas Penyerahan Pupuk Bersubsidi untuk Sektor Pertanian Mengatur pengenaan pajak atas penyerahan pupuk untuk sektor pertanian, untuk bagian harga disubsidi maka PPN dibayarkan oleh pemerintah, sedangkan untuk bagian harga tidak disubsidi maka PPN dibayarkan oleh pembeli.
  • 9. 9 The tax basis for the delivery of fertilizesr with a subsidized share of price is obtained from 100/(100+t) multiplied by the amount of subsidy payment, while the tax basis for the unsubsidized share of price is obtained from 100/(100+t) multiplied by the highest retail price. Producers need to create a tax invoice at the time of submitting a request for payment of subsidized Fertilizer and when handing over subsidized fertilizer to the distributor, or at payment in case the payment is made preceding submission. 13. PMK-67/PMK.03/2022 – Value Added Tax on The Assignment of Insurance Agent Services, Insurance Brokerage Services, and Reinsurance Brokerage Services Regulates Insurance Brokers and Reinsurance Brokerage Services as VAT collectors, Insurance Companies & Reinsurance Companies are obliged to collect, deposit, and report VAT on the payment of commissions for insurance agent services and insurance/reinsurance brokerage services. VAT is calculated at a rate of 1.1 percent multiplied by commissions / rewards for insurance agent services and 2.2 percent multiplied by commissions / rewards for insurance / reinsurance brokerage services. Insurance agents, insurance brokerage companies, and reinsurance are obliged to create Tax Invoices. 14. PMK-68/PMK.03/2022 – Value Added Tax and Income Tax on Crypto Asset Trading Transactions Regulates the taxes on Crypto assets, Crypto is not a currency but other rights and interests in the form of digital so it is included as Intangible Taxable Goods. The Organizer of Trading Through Electronic Systems (PPMSE) will collect taxes on trading transactions of Crypto assets. DPP atas penyerahan pupuk dengan bagian harga disubsidi diperoleh dari 100/(100+t) dikalikan jumlah pembayaran subsidi, sedangkan DPP untuk bagian harga yang tidak disubsidi diperoleh dari 100/(100+t) dikalikan harga eceran tertinggi. Produsen perlu membuat faktur pajak pada saat mengajukan permintaan pembayaran subsidi Pupuk Bersubsidi dan saat menyerahkan Pupuk Bersubsidi kepada distributor, atau saat pembayaran dalam hal pembayaran dilakukan mendahului penyerahan. 13. PMK-67/PMK.03/2022 – Pajak Pertambahan Nilai atas Penyerahan Jasa Agen Asuransi, Jasa Jasa Pialang Asuransi, dan Jasa Pialang Reasuransi Mengatur Pialang Asuransi, dan Jasa Pialang Reasuransi sebagai pemungut PPN, Perusahaan Asuransi & Perusahaan Reasuransi wajib melakukan pemungutan, penyetoran, dan pelaporan PPN atas pembayaran komisi jasa agen asuransi dan jasa pialang asuransi/reasuransi. PPN dipungut dengan tarif 1,1 persen dikali komisi/imbalan untuk jasa agen asuransi, dan 2,2 persen dikali komisi/imbalan, untuk jasa pialang asuransi/reasuransi. Agen asuransi, perusahaan pialang asuransi, dan reasuransi wajib membuat Faktur Pajak. 14. PMK-68/PMK.03/2022 – Pajak Pertambahan Nilai dan Pajak Penghasilan atas Transaksi Perdagangan Aset Kripto Mengatur pengenaan pajak atas aset Kripto, Kripto bukan mata uang melainkan hak dan kepentingan lainnya yang berbentuk digital sehingga merupakan Barang Kena Pajak Tidak Berwujud. Penyelenggara Perdagangan Melalui Sistem Elektronik (PPMSE) akan memungut pajak atas transaksi perdagangan aset Kripto.
  • 10. 10 VAT is levied to the buyer/recipient based on a rate of 0.11% of the transaction value of Crypto assets if the exchanger is registered in Bappebti, if it is not registered with Bappebti it is subject to a rate of 0.22%. Income Tax Art.22 is also charged to the seller at a rate of 0.1% of the transaction value of Crypto assets if the exchanger is registered in Bappebti, if it is not registered with Bappebti then it is subject to a rate of 0.2%. Exchanger service provider services are Taxable Services so they are subjected to VAT and Income Tax in accordance with the regulations and general rates, while Crypto asset transaction verification services (mining) are subjected to VAT at a rate of 1.1% of Crypto assets received in the value of money and Income Tax Art.22 at a rate of 0.1% on income received or earned. 15. PMK-69/PMK.03/2022 – Income Tax and Value Added Tax on the Implementation of Financial Technology Regulates the taxes on the implementation of financial technology, VAT is charged on the services of providing peer to peer (P2P) lending platforms because the channel / payment system is Taxable Services. Lenders are subjected to Income Tax Art.23 (15% rate) or Art.26 (20% rate) if the P2P lending platform is licensed by OJK. Platforms licensed by OJK are not the subjected to Income Tax, while if they are not licensed by OJK, the platform is subject to Income Tax Art.21/23/26. The platform is obliged to make withholding tax invoice, deposit, and report the income tax deducted in the Periodic Tax Return. 16. PMK-70/PMK.03/2022 - Criteria and/or Details of Food and Beverages, Arts and Entertainment Services, Hospitality Services, Parking Lot Provider Services, Boga or Catering Services that are exempt to VAT Goods that are not the object of VAT are foods and drinks served in hotels, restaurants, stalls and others, or by food and catering entrepreneurs. PPN dipungut kepada pembeli/penerima berdasarkan tarif 0,11% dari nilai transaksi aset Kripto jika exchanger terdaftar di Bappebti, jika tidak terdaftar di Bappebti maka dikenakan tarif 0,22%. PPh 22 juga dikenakan pada penjual dengan tarif 0,1% dari nilai transaksi aset Kripto jika exchanger terdaftar di Bappebti, jika tidak terdaftar di Bappebti maka dikenakan tarif 0,2%. Jasa penyedia layanan exchanger merupakan JKP sehingga dikenakan PPN dan dikenakan PPh atas imbalan jasa tersebut sesuai ketentuan dan tarif umum, sedangkan jasa verifikasi transaksi aset Kripto (mining) dikenakan tarif PPN 1,1% atas nilai uang aset Kripto yang diterima dan PPh 22 dengan tarif 0,1% atas penghasilan yang diterima atau diperoleh. 15. PMK-69/PMK.03/2022 – Pajak Penghasilan dan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai atas Penyelenggaraan Teknologi Finansial Mengatur pengenaan pajak atas penyelenggaraan teknologi finansial, PPN dikenakan pada jasa penyediaan platform peer to peer (P2P) lending karena sarana/sistem pembayaran merupakan JKP. Pemberi pinjaman dipotong PPh 23 (tarif 15%) atau PPh 26 (tarif 20%) jika platform P2P lending berizin OJK. Platform yang berizin OJK tidak menjadi objek pemotongan PPh, sedangkan jika tidak berizin OJK maka platform dikenakan PPh 21/23/26. Platform wajib membuat bukti pemotongan, menyetorkan, dan melaporkan PPh yang dipotong dalam SPT Masa PPh. 16. PMK-70/PMK.03/2022 – Kriteria dan/atau Rincian Makanan dan Minuman, Jasa Kesenian dan Hiburan, Jasa Perhotelan, Jasa Penyediaan Tempat Parkir, Jasa Boga atau Katering yang Tidak Dikenai Pajak PPN Barang yang bukan menjadi objek PPN yaitu makanan dan minuman yang disajikan di hotel, restoran, rumah makan, warung dan sejenisnya, atau oleh Pengusaha boga atau katering.
  • 11. 11 Services that are not the object of VAT are arts and entertainment services, hospitality services, provider services, parking places, food or catering services. Meanwhile, goods that are the object of VAT are the delivery of food and beverages served by convenient store entrepreneurs and others who do not solely sell food and / or drinks, food and / or beverage factory entrepreneurs, facility provider entrepreneurs whose main business activities provide aircraft waiting services (lounges) at the airport. Arts and entertainment services subjected to VAT are services to provide places / spaces and / or tools and equipment for golf and the digital services in the form of streaming movies or other audio visuals through internet channels. Hospitality services that are subjected to VAT are room rental services except for events or meetings, unit and/ or room rental services including additional supporting facilities based on their business licenses, and travel bureau or trips services. Parking place management services are not subjected to VAT. 17. PMK-71/PMK.03/2022 - VAT on The Assignment of Certain Taxable Services For Taxable Enterprises who submit five certain Taxable Services, they must collect and deposit VAT of a certain amount. Five certain Taxable Services that are subjected to VAT of a certain amount include postal package delivery services (1.1%), travel bureau services and/or travel agency services (1.1%), freight forwarding services (1.1%), marketing services with voucher media, payment transaction services related to voucher distribution, services for organizing consumer loyalty and reward programs (1.1%), travel services to other places on religious trips are charged at a rate of 1.1% if detailed and charged at a rate of 0.55% if not detailed. Jasa yang bukan menjadi objek PPN yaitu jasa kesenian dan hiburan, jasa perhotelan, jasa penyediaan, tempat parker, jasa boga atau katering. Sedangkan, barang yang menjadi objek PPN yaitu penyerahan makanan dan minuman yang disajikan oleh pengusaha toko swalayan dan sejenisnya yang tidak semata- mata menjual makanan dan/atau minuman, pengusaha pabrik makanan dan/atau minuman, pengusaha penyedia fasilitas yang kegiatan usaha utamanya menyediakan pelayanan jasa menunggu pesawat (lounge) pada bandar udara. Jasa kesenian dan hiburan yang dikenai PPN yaitu kegiatan pelayanan penyediaan tempat/ruang dan/atau peralatan dan perlengkapan untuk permainan golf dan penyerahan jasa digital berupa penayangan (streaming) film atau audio visual lainnya melalui saluran internet. Jasa perhotelan yang dikenai PPN yaitu jasa penyewaan ruangan untuk selain kegiatan acara atau pertemuan, jasa penyewaan unit dan/atau ruangan termasuk tambahan fasilitas penunjang lainnya didasarkan atas izin usahanya, dan jasa biro perjalanan atau perjalanan wisata. Jasa pengelolaan tempat parker tidak dikenai PPN. 17. PMK-71/PMK.03/2022 - PPN atas Penyerahan Jasa Kena Pajak Tertentu Bagi Pengusaha Kena Pajak yang melakukan penyerahan lima Jasa Kena Pajak tertentu wajib memungut dan menyetorkan PPN dengan besaran tertentu. Lima JKP tertentu yang dikenakan PPN dengan besaran tertentu yaitu jasa pengiriman paket pos (1,1%), jasa biro perjalanan wisata dan/atau jasa agen perjalanan wisata (1,1%), jasa pengurusan transportasi (1,1%), jasa pemasaran dengan media voucer, jasa penyelenggaraan layanan transaksi pembayaran terkait dengan distribusi voucher, jasa penyelenggaraan program loyalitas dan penghargaan pelanggan (1,1%), jasa perjalanan ke tempat lain dalam perjalanan ibadah keagamaan (tarif 1,1% jika dirinci dan 0,55% jika tidak dirinci).
  • 12. 12 The government continues to encourage the development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. One of the ways is by utilizing digital technology to increase transactions of MSME players. MSME entrepreneurs today can more easily run their business thanks to digital technology that has developed rapidly. Based on the data from the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, the MSMEs business sector plays a role in improving the Indonesian economy, where MSMEs absorb 97 percent of the workforce and integrate investments of 60.4 percent. In the inauguration of the opening of the National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) on Digital Transformation and Complete Data collection of Cooperatives and MSMEs in 2022, President Jokowi stated that digitalization is a solution for MSME players in surviving and growing in the COVID-19 pandemic situation. In the pandemic situation, mobility restrictions become a problem for businesses because it requires them to switch from physical stores to e-commerce. According to him, the number of MSMEs must still be enhanced and utilize the digital technology to encourage Indonesian MSMEs to become part of the national and global supply chains. Pemerintah terus berupaya mendorong perkembangan Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) di Indonesia. Salah satunya dengan pemanfaatan teknologi digital untuk meningkatkan transaksi pelaku UMKM. Pengusaha UMKM saat ini dapat dengan lebih mudah menjalankan usahanya berkat teknologi digital yang sudah berkembang pesat. Berdasarkan data Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM, sektor bisnis UMKM berperan dalam perbaikan ekonomi Indonesia, dimana UMKM menyerap 97 persen tenaga kerja dan mengintegrasikan investasi sebesar 60,4 persen. Dalam peresmian pembukaan Rapat Koordinasi Nasional (Rakornas) Transformasi Digital dan Pendataan Lengkap Koperasi dan UMKM Tahun 2022, Presiden Jokowi menyatakan bahwa digitalisasi menjadi solusi bagi para pelaku UMKM dalam bertahan dan bertumbuh dalam situasi pandemi COVID-19. Dalam situasi pandemi, pembatasan mobilitas menjadi masalah bagi para pelaku usaha karena mengharuskan untuk beralih dari toko fisik ke e- commerce. Menurutnya, jumlah UMKM masih harus ditingkatkan dan memanfaatkan teknologi digital untuk mendorong UMKM Indonesia menjadi bagian dari rantai pasok nasional maupun global. Digitalization of MSMEs Digitalisasi UMKM
  • 13. 13 In support of digital transformation, Kadin Indonesia held the Digitalization of Nusantara Expo and Summit (DNES) 2022. In the event, PT Telkom Indonesia Persero introduced the Kadin Tech Hub platform. Kadin Tech Hub is a meeting platform for companies, agencies, and MSMEs to discuss and support each other. Similar virtual business dialogue called “Financial Digitalization to Promote Business Growth in Indonesia’s SMEs” held, which involved us with Bambang Budi Suwarso (Managing Director of KIB Consulting) as moderator. Dalam mendukung transformasi digital, Kadin Indonesia menyelenggarakan acara Digitalisasi Nusantara Expo dan Summit (DNES) 2022. Dalam acara tersebut PT Telkom Indonesia Persero memperkenalkan platform Kadin Tech Hub. Kadin Tech Hub adalah wadah pertemuan bagi perusahaan, instansi, maupun UMKM untuk saling berdiskusi dan mendukung sesama pelaku usaha. Dialog bisnis virtual yang sejenis “Financial Digitalization to Promote Business Growth in Indonesia’s SMEs” telah dilaksanakan yang melibatkan kami dengan Bambang Budi Suwarso (Managing Director KIB Consulting) sebagai moderator.
  • 14. 14 E-Meterai Meterai Elektronik e-Meterai is a type of stamp in an electronic format that has special characteristics and contains safety elements issued by the government. Based on UU No. 10/2020, electronic stamp or e-Meterai is used as an object of stamp duty on electronic documents. In the Stamp Duty Law, it is explained that the definition of documents that are subjected to stamp duty is not only physical documents but also documents in electronic form, so it requires e-Meterai to certify electronic documents. e-Meterai have certain features that can guarantee the electronic stamps are valid for use. Features of the e-Meterai: - Has a picture of Garuda Pancasila as the state symbol - There is inscription "METERAI ELEKTRONIK” - Stamp duty rate of "10000" with the inscription "SEPULUH RIBU RUPIAH" written - There are unique digital codes e-Meterai adalah meterai dalam format elektronik yang punya ciri khusus dan mengandung unsur pengaman yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah. Berdasarkan Undang-Undang No. 10 Tahun 2020, materai elektronik atau e- Meterai digunakan sebagai objek bea meterai yang dikenakan atas dokumen elektronik. Pada UU Bea Meterai dijelaskan bahwa definisi dokumen yang menjadi objek bea materai tidak hanya dokumen fisik saja tetapi juga dokumen dalam bentuk elektronik, sehingga dibutuhkan e- Meterai untuk mengesahkan dokumen elektronik. e-Meterai mempunyai ciri-ciri tertentu yang dapat menjamin meterai elektronik dinyatakan sah untuk digunakan. Ciri-ciri e-Meterai: - Memiliki gambar lambang negara Garuda Pancasila - Terdapat tulisan “METERAI ELEKTRONIK” - Tarif bea meterai sebesar “10000” dengan tertera tulisan “SEPULUH RIBU RUPIAH” - Terdapat kode unik digital
  • 15. 15 1. A picture of state symbol Garuda Pancasila 2. Inscription "METERAI ELEKTRONIK” 3. Amount of "10000" and Inscription "SEPULUH RIBU RUPIAH” 4. Unique codes e-Meterai can be obtained through the pos.e- website. Payment of stamp duty using electronic stamp is made by affixing e- Meterai to electronic documents subjected to stamp duty through an electronic stamp system. Before using the e-Meterai, please note that stamp duty is subjected on a particular object: - Documents created as a tool to explain a civil related event - Documents used as evidence in court - Documents stating the amount of money with a nominal amount of more than IDR 5,000,000 (five million rupiah) e-Meterai bisa diperoleh melalui laman pos.e- Pembayaran bea meterai menggunakan meterai elektronik dilakukan dengan membubuhkan e-Meterai pada dokumen elektronik yang terutang bea meterai melalui sistem meterai elektronik. Sebelum menggunakan e-Meterai, perlu diketahui bahwa bea meterai dikenakan atas objek tertentu: - Dokumen yang dibuat sebagai alat untuk menerangkan mengenai suatu kejadian yang bersifat perdata - Dokumen yang digunakan sebagai alat bukti di pengadilan - Dokumen yang menyatakan jumlah uang dengan nominal lebih dari Rp.5.000.000 (lima juta rupiah)
  • 16. 16 KIB Consulting organizes TakTik Tax Series events that will be held periodically every month. The first TakTik Tax Series was held in collaboration with the Jakarta Power Manulife Indonesia Agency and the Indonesian Taxpayers' Legal Association (IKHWPI) on March 25, 2022 with the first topic “Taxation Aspects of Cross-Border Transactions”. TakTik Tax Series 1 discusses: - Holistic overview of Cross-Border Transactions. - Overview of the taxation aspects of Cross- Border Transactions. - Tax Subjects - Tax Objects - Foreign Tax Credits - Transfer Pricing - Taxation aspects of outbound transactions - Taxation aspects of inbound transactions - Taxation aspects of Permanent Establishment (PE) KIB Consulting menyelenggarakan acara TakTik Tax Series yang akan diadakan secara berkala setiap bulan. TakTik Tax Series yang pertama diselenggarakan atas kerja sama dengan Agency Jakarta Power Manulife Indonesia dan Ikatan Kuasa Hukum Wajib Pajak Indonesia (IKHWPI) pada tanggal 25 Maret, 2022 dengan topik pertama “Aspek Perpajakan atas Cross-Border Transactions”. TakTik Tax Series 1 membahas mengenai: - Gambaran Cross-Border Transactions secara menyeluruh. - Gambaran umum aspek perpajakan Cross-Border Transactions. - Subyek Pajak - Obyek Pajak - Kredit Pajak Luar Negeri - Transfer Pricing - Aspek perpajakan outbound transactions - Aspek perpajakan inbound transactions - Aspek perpajakan Bentuk Usaha Tetap (BUT) TakTik Tax Series 1 Seri 1 TakTik Tax
  • 17. 17 The holistic overview of Cross-Border Transactions: Gambaran lengkap dari Cross-Border Transactions: Tax Subjects in Cross-Border Transactions: Subyek Pajak dalam Cross-Border Transactions: Domestic Tax Subjects 1.Individual: - Residing in Indonesia - Stay in Indonesia for more than 183 days in 12 months - Stay in Indonesia for one tax period and intends to reside in Indonesia 2.Corporate: - Established in Indonesia; or - located in Indonesia Subyek Pajak Dalam Negeri 1.Orang Pribadi: - Bertempat tinggal di Indonesia - Berada di Indonesia > 183 hari dalam 12 bulan - Dalam satu tahun pajak berada di Indonesia dan berniat bertempat tinggal di Indonesia 2.Badan Usaha: - Didirikan di Indonesia; atau - bertempat kedudukan di Indonesia
  • 18. 18 Foreign Tax Subjects 1.Individual: - Not residing in Indonesia - Stay in Indonesia for less than 183 days in 12 months 2.Corporate: - Not established in Indonesia; or - Not located in Indonesia, who conduct business or activities through PE in Indonesia, or receive or earn income from Indonesia by not running a business or doing activities through PE. Subyek Pajak Luar Negeri 1.Orang Pribadi: - Tidak bertempat tinggal di Indonesia - Berada di Indonesia < 183 hari dalam 12 bulan 2.Badan: - Tidak didirikan di Indonesia; atau - Tidak bertempat kedudukan di Indonesia, yang menjalankan usaha atau melakukan kegiatan melalui BUT di Indonesia, atau yang menerima atau memperoleh penghasilan dari Indonesia tidak dari menjalankan usaha atau melakukan kegiatan melalui BUT. Bentuk Usaha tetap (BUT) 1. Tempat kedudukan manjemen; 2. Cabang perusahaan; 3. Kantor perwakilan; 4. Gedung kantor; 5. Wilayah kerja pertambangan minyak dan gas bumi; 6. Lainnya. Permanent Establishment (PE) 1. Management location; 2. Branch of the company; 3. Representative office; 4. Office building; 5. Oil and gas mining working area; 6. Others. Tax Objects in Cross-Border Transactions: Obyek Pajak dalam Cross-Border Transactions: Obyek PPh Penghasilan berupa: - Gaji, upah, tunjangan dll; - Hadiah; - Laba usaha; - Keuntungan modal; - Bunga; - Dividen; - Royalti; - Sewa; Lainnya. Object of Income Tax Income in the form of: - Salaries, wages, benefits, and others; - Prize; - Operating profit; - Capital gain; - Interest; - Dividend; - Royalty; - Leases; Others.
  • 19. 19 Exempt from Income Tax Income in the form of: - Aids/donations; - Grants; - Inheritance; - Paid-in capital; - Benefit in kind; - Payment of accident, illness, or death insurance, and scholarship insurance; - Dividends with certain criteria; - Contributions received by pension funds that have been authorized by OJK; - Income from capital invested by pension funds; - Share of profits received by members of the cooperative or CV; - Income received by Venture Capital; - Scholarships with certain requirements; - Residuals received by non-profit educational institutions; - Aids or donations from BPJS; - Deposit funds of Costs of Organizing Hajj (BPIH) and the results of the investment; - Residuals received by social/religious institutions. Bukan Obyek PPh Penghasilan berupa: - Bantuan/sumbangan; - Hibah; - Warisan; - Setoran modal; - Pemberian Natura; - Pembayaran asuransi kecelakaan, sakit, atau kematian, dan asuransi beasiswa; - Dividen dengan kriteria tertentu; - Iuran yang diterima dana pensiun yang telah disahkan oleh OJK; - Penghasilan dari modal yang ditanamkan oleh dana pensiun; - Bagian laba yang diterima oleh anggota koperasi atau Perseroan Komanditer; - Penghasilan yang diterima oleh Modal Ventura - Beasiswa dengan persyaratan tertentu; - Sisa lebih yang diterima oleh Lembaga nirlaba Pendidikan /litbang; - Bantuan atau sumbangan dari BPJS; - Dana setoran BPIH dan hasil investasinya; - Sisa lebih yang diterima Lembaga sosial/keagamaan. From the foreign income which become the object of income tax as the result of outbound transactions, the tax that has been paid abroad can be credited in Indonesia or referred to as foreign tax credit. Foreign tax credits are taxes paid or owed from foreign income subjected to income tax under the Income Tax Law (UU PPh). Atas penghasilan luar negeri yang menjadi obyek pajak atas transaksi keluar, maka pajak yang telah dibayar di luar negeri atas penghasilan tersebut dapat dikreditkan di Indonesia atau disebut sebagai kredit pajak luar negeri. Kredit pajak luar negeri adalah pajak yang dibayar atau terutang di luar negeri atas penghasilan dari luar negeri yang terutang PPh berdasarkan UU PPh.
  • 20. 20 Meanwhile for inbound transactions, the income which become the object of income tax will be deducted by income tax Article 26 done by the domestic tax subjects to the foreign tax subjects at a rate of 20%. For Permanent Establishments (PE), the income is subjected to Branch Profit Tax (BPT). TakTik Tax Series 1 held on March 25, 2022 can be watched again through the following youtube link: Do not miss the next TakTik Tax Series! Sedangkan atas transaksi masuk, penghasilan yang menjadi obyek pajak akan dipotong PPh Pasal 26 oleh subyek pajak dalam negeri kepada subyek pajak luar negeri dengan tarif sebesar 20%. Untuk Badan Usaha Tetap (BUT), dikenakan pajak Branch Profit Tax (BPT). TakTik Tax Series 1 pada 25 Maret, 2022 dapat disaksikan kembali melalui link youtube berikut ini: Jangan lewatkan Seri TakTik Tax berikutnya!
  • 21. 21 Business Consulting Business Set Up Business Matching Investigation Merger & Acquisition Financial Valuation Due diligence: Operational, Legal, Accounting, Tax Outstanding Debt Collection Business & Asset Appraisal Transfer Pricing Documentation (TP-Doc) Company Setup & Liquidation Copyrights & Patent Dispute Copyrights & Patent Registration Legal Dispute Settlement PT. Konsultan Indonesia Bersama (KIB Consulting) is a boutique company serving Finance, Business, Accounting and Tax Advisory since 2008. KIB has been immensely successful in creating a local business network of small-medium-and-big businesses. We highly adept intelligent workforce that can help a company achieve their mission- critical projects and goals. Keeping pace with projects and being on the look-out for every opportunity to grow with our clients has become our mission statement. KIB commits to bring the best suited services for our clients and stakeholders. All of our resources are multifaceted and come with years of commended performance. Project completion rate of our consultants is 97%, 3% is attributed to unforeseen situations like changes of clients’ decision issues, natural disaster, etc. We appreciate the experience that our team bring and together we thrive to grow and prosper together. Accounting and Assurance Accounting Preparer Independent Audit Actuarial report (PSAK 24) About Us Contact Us Phone: (021) 22677883 Bambang B. Suwarso Rachmat Kurniawan Yosefine Amelia Addresses: North Jakarta -14450 KIB Building Jalan Pluit Barat 1 no. 55 Gold Coast Tower Eiffel Unit N Pantai Indah Kapuk Disclaimer: The facts and opinions stated or expressed in this publication are for information purposes only, and are not necessary and/or must not be relied upon as being to those of the publisher or of the Institutions for which the contributing authors work. Although every part of content has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within this publication, it should not be by any person relied upon as the basis for taking any action or making any decision. KIB Consulting and its representative, cannot be held liable or otherwise be responsible in any way for any advice, action taken or decision made on the basis of the facts, surveys, and opinions stated or expressed within this publication. Tax and Custom Consulting Tax Diagnostic Review Tax Planning Tax Compliance Tax Dispute Audit Objection Appeal Tax ruling Tax Reconciliation