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Iyan Sopyan
Apt 03/03/2020
As a tooll for QC BE in vitro, and
in vivo Prediction
S2 FTF 1
 Teori Diolusi
 Kenapa disolusi?
 Alat disolusi
 Uji disolusi terbanding
(UDT/Comparative disolution)
S2 FTF 3
S2 FTF 4
S2 FTF 5
S2 FTF 6
S2 FTF 7
S2 FTF 8
S2 FTF 9
S2 FTF 10
S2 FTF 11
Jenis Sediaan yang memerlukan uji
 Tablet/Kaplet
 Oral suspensi/emulsi
 Sistemik semisolid (suppositoria)
 Trandermal sistemik (patch)
 Sediaan yang pelepasnya terkendali (ER)
S2 FTF 12
Disolution Test
 Disolusi partikulat
 Disolusi intrinsik
 Disolusi-permeasi/disolusi usus terbalik
S2 FTF 13
1. Pemindahan
molekul dari fase
solut pada suhu
an energi potensial
atau usaha netto
untuk proses
tersebut : w22:
Proses pemindahan molekul tersebut terjadi dalam 3 tahap
2. Pembentukan lubang
dalam solven yang cukup
besar agar dapat
menerima molekul solut.
Usaha: w11.
3. Molekul solut
ditempatkan dalam
lubang dalam
solven, dan usaha
yang diperolah atau
penurunan energi
potensial adalah -
Lubang dalam solven sekarang tertutup dan terjadi tambahan penurunan
energi, -w12 , bersangkutan dengan usaha neto dalam langkah terakhir ini
adalah -2 w12 .
Usaha total adalah (w22 + w11 -2 w12 ).
(37±100C) in aqueous medium with pH range of 1-7.5.)
P a d a p H y a n g s e s u a i
Melihat ionisasi dari bahan obat yang di uji
minimal 3 replicate penentuan kelarutan pada
masing2 pH
Standard buffer solutions dijelaskan di pharmacopoeias
Methods other than shake flask method (with
Justification). e g. acid or base titration methods
S2 FTF 15
Proses Disolusi
Partikel halus
Disintegrasi Deagregasi
Obat dalam Larutan
(in vitro/in vivo)
Obat dalam darah,
cairan biologis, dan
Skema Wagner
S2 FTF 16
Teori Disolusi
 Disolusi merupakan suatu jenis spesifik dari
reaksi heterogen menghasilkan transfer massa
sebagai akibat dari pelepasan dan pemindahan
molekul solut dari permukaan padat
 Kecepatan Disolusi didefinisikan sebagai jumlah
zat obat yang masuk ke dalam larutan per unit
waktu di bawah kondisi yang dibakukan dari
antarmuka cair-padat, suhu dan komposisi
S2 FTF 17
S2 FTF 18
Mempengaruhi proses disolusi
 Hukum Fick:
 Hukum Noyes & Whitney:
. ( )
k S Cs C
 
( )
dC D A
Cs C
dt h
 
Koefisien D (difusi) mengikuti
hukum Stoke-Einstein :
k’= tetapan Boltzman
T= suhu mutlak medium
r= jari-jari molekul
= kekentalan/viskositas
6 . .
k T
r 
S2 FTF 19
Why dissolution ?
In Vitro Dissolution
Quality Control Bioavaibility/ Bioequivalence
 Product specification
 Batch Release
 Shelf Life
IR Product BCS
Lower strength
ER Product IVIVC
Lower strength
20S2 FTF
S2 FTF 21
Diperkenalkan oleh : Amidon, G. L.; Lennernas, H.; Shah, V. P.;
Crison, J. R. pada tahun 1995 dengan judul :
A Theoretical Basis for a Biopharmaceutic Drug Classification: The
Correlation of In Vitro Drug Product Dissolution and In Vivo
Bioavailability. Pharm. Res. 12: 413–420. (FDA, 2000; European Agency
for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products, 2001).
S2 FTF 22
Teori Disolusi yang terumum adalah
1. Teori Film
2. Teori Pembaharuan Permukaan
(Teori Penetrasi)
3. Teori Kecepatan Solvasi Terbatas
4. Gabungan Teori 1 dan 2
S2 FTF 23
Partikel padat dicelupkan ke dalam cairan, saat mulai melarut
partikel akan dikelilingi oleh film tak bergerak dari pelarut
dengan tebal h, yang bergantung pada kondisi pengadukan,
ketebalan lapisan film makin menipis oleh pengadukan yang
C sat
Film tak bergerak
C sol
S2 FTF 24
Persamaan Teori Film
Jika masa terlarut setara dengan m, volume
disolusi, v, dan luas permukaan zat padat, S,
maka persamaan Fick I dapat ditulis :
 K adalah konstanta kecepatan disolusi
V 
dm 
S2 FTF 25
Teori Pembaharuan Permukaan
(Surface Renewal Theory)
Teori ini disebut juga Teori Penetrasi atau Model
Berbeda dengan teori
pertama (tradisional),
pada teori ini lapisan yg
berdekatan dengan
partikel tidak stagnan,
tetapi bergerak (selalu
diperbaharui) sehingga
konsentrasinya (CA)
lebih kecil dari CS
Hipotesis ini didukung oleh fakta bahwa molekul harus
tersolvasi sebelum melarut.
S2 FTF 26
Persamaaan pada Model Danckwert :
V CsolCsatDS
 
 = Kecepatan Pembaharuan
permukaan segar
S2 FTF 27
Teori Solvasi Terbatas
Teori ini menyatakan bahwa dalam proses disolusi
terjadi mekanisme solvasi dimana disolusi lebih
merupakan fungsi kelarutan dari pada fungsi difusi.
Persamaan :
G = Kecepatan disolusi per unit luas
ki = tetapan tranfer antarmuka efektif
S2 FTF 28
S2 FTF 29
Dua kondisi tersebut dapat ditentukan jika profile
disolusi kedua produk/bets pada setiap
pengujian dengan medium disolusi memiliki
kesamaan :
1. Jika kedua hasil uji dan produk referen (baku)
menunjukkan lebih dari 85% disolusi selama
15 min, profile demikian dipertimbangkan
memiliki kemiripan
• Tidak diperlukan perhitungan
jika tidak seperti diatas, gunakan poin 2
2. Hitung nila f2 (faktor similaritas):
• Jika f2 ≥ 50, Profile pada normalnya
memiliki kemiripan (similar)
S2 FTF 30
Solid oral dosage forms
Immediate release typically means that 75% of the API is dissolved
within 45 minutes
 Rapidly dissolving: ≥ 85% in ≤ 30 minutes
 Very rapidly dissolving: ≥ 85% in ≤ 15 minutes
Not part of presentation
Modified-release dosage forms (consult Int.Ph., BP, USP)
 Formulation deliberately changes release (slows down)
 Extended-release (prolonged-release)
Slower release throughout the GI tract
 Delayed-release (enteric coated tablets)
Resists gastric fluid & disintegrates in intestinal fluid
S2 FTF 31
• Paddle, 50 (75) rpm or
• Basket, 100 rpm
Dissolution media
All three media
for full
1. Buffer pH 6.8 or simulated intestinal fluid
without enzymes
2. Buffer pH 4.5
3. 0.1 M HCl or buffer pH 1.2 or simulated
gastric fluid without enzymes
Volume of media 900 ml or less
Temperature 37°C ± 0.5°C
Sampling points 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, (60, 120) min. (typical)
Units (individual) 12 for “official” studies
S2 FTF 32
n = number of time points
R(t) = mean % API dissolved of reference product at time point x
T(t) = mean % API dissolved of test product at time point x
 Minimum of 3 time points (zero excluded)
 12 units (each in own dissolution vessel) for each product (for
“official” purposes)
 Only one measurement should be considered after both products
have reached 85 % dissolution
 RSD at higher time points ≤ 10%
Similarity Factor (f2)
S2 FTF 33
Lamivudine 150 mg & zidovudine 300 mg tablets
Source, WHO publication:
 Ongoing Monitoring of Antiretroviral Products as Part of
WHO’s Prequalification Project. Journal of Generic
Medicines (accepted for publication, January 2006 edition)
 Samples from PQ project or bought/requested
Apparatus: paddle at 75 rpm
Medium: 900 ml 0.1 M hydrochloric acid, 37°C
Sample times: 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 45 minutes
Analysis: HPLC
Data presented for individual APIs in next tablesS2 FTF 34
Lamivudine 150 mg & zidovudine 300 mg tablets
% Lamivudine of label claim dissolved
Combivir® Gen-1 Gen-2 Gen-3 Gen-4
5 85 25 92 65 45
10 96 46 96 85 81
15 97 65 98 95 92
20 97 80 98 98 95
30 97 97 98 98 96
45 97 97 98 98 97
≥ 85 in
15 min ?
no ✔ ✔ ✔
f2 21
S2 FTF 35
Example 3
Lamivudine 150 mg & zidovudine 300 mg tablets (4)
 Conclusion (considering only 0.1 M HCl as
1. 3 products show profile similarity with Combivir®
(≥ 85% in 15 minutes)
2. The profiles of Combivir® and Gen-1 are not similar
 The products may still show bio-equivalency
 The dissolution profiles of the APIs in
a particular product are similar (true
for all 5 products)
 Examples: see profiles of Combivir® and Gen-1
S2 FTF 36
% Zidovudine of label claim dissolved
Combivir® Gen-1 Gen-2 Gen-3 Gen-4
5 85 22 74 68 45
10 97 44 90 88 83
15 98 64 97 96 95
20 98 81 99 100 98
30 98 100 101 99 99
45 99 100 100 99 100
≥ 85 in
15 min ?
no ✔ ✔ ✔
f2 20S2 FTF 37
Combivir ® dissolution profile Gen-1 dissolution profile
0.1 M hydrochloric acid 0.1 M hydrochloric acid
Note the similarity of the API profiles of each product
APIs highly soluble = dissolution controlled by disintegration time
Is particle size of APIs expected to be critical ?
0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (minutes)
0 10 20 30 40
Time (minutes)
S2 FTF 38
Comparative dissolution data
Full report, including
1. Purpose of study
2. Products / batches information
 Batch number, manufacturing/expiry date, packaging,
 CoA & size for “own” batches (and BMR for bio-studies
3. Dissolution conditions and method
4. Analytical method or reference to part of dossier
5. Results (% API dissolved)
 Tabulated
 Graphically
 Similarity determination / calculation
6. Conclusion
S2 FTF 39
Some conclusions
 Comparative dissolution
 should form an essential part of R&D of solid oral dosage
forms (including suspensions),
 supports bio-studies,
 is required for comparison of pharmaceutical release
properties of pivotal batches,
 is used to set dissolution specifications, and
 assists in post-approval changes
 It is thus important
 to conduct the studies under controlled conditions in the
3 media, all as required by the guidelines,
 to take samples for analysis at meaningful intervals and
to be able to determine similarity of profiles
S2 FTF 40
Peralatan Disolusi
Apparatus Classification in the USP :
Apparatus 1 (rotating basket)
Apparatus 2 (paddle assembly)
Apparatus 3 (reciprocating cylinder)
Apparatus 4 (flow-through cell)
Apparatus 5 (paddle over disk)
Apparatus 6 (cylinder)
Apparatus 7 (reciprocating holder)
S2 FTF 41
Type 4-7
S2 FTF 42
S2 FTF 43
Peralatan Disolusi
Apparatus Classification in the European Pharmacopoeia
For solid dosage forms Paddle apparatus
Basket apparatus
Flow-through apparatus
For transdermal patches Disk assembly method
Cell method
Rotating cylinder method
For special dosage forms Chewing apparatus
Flow-through apparatus
S2 FTF 44
S2 FTF 45
S2 FTF 46
S2 FTF 47
2. Korelasi in vitro – in vivo (IVIVC)
model matematik prediktif yang
menggambarkan hubungan antara sifat
in vitro dari bentuk sediaan dengan
respon yang relevan (in vivo)
1. Level A
Korelasi paling baik
the most informative,
as it represents a
generally linear, point-
to-point relationship
between in vitro
dissolution and in vivo
absorption profiles.
2. Level B
Korelasi kurang baik
the dissolution time is
compared with the mean
residence time or in vivo
dissolution time.
S2 FTF 49
3. Level C
Sedikit ada korelasi
Establishes a single point
relationship of a
dissolution parameter
(drug released at one
specific timepoint) and
one PK parameter.
4. Level C Multiple
Hampir tiada korelasi
S2 FTF 50
S2 FTF 51
S2 FTF 52
S2 FTF 53
S2 FTF 54
Rate-Limiting Step to Absorption and Requirements for
Dissolution According to BCS Classification
of the Drug Substance
Solubility Permeability Major rate
limiting step
Requirement for
I High High Gastric
Fast over physiological range,
85% in 30 min in all media
II Low High Dissolution Specifications set on the basis
III High Low Uptake cross
the intestinal
Very fast over
physiological range,
85% in 15 min
IV Low Low Dissolution and
Case by case
evaluation; poor
chance of IVIVC
S2 FTF 55
S2 FTF 56

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Disolusi terbanding udt apt

  • 1. DISOLUSI Iyan Sopyan Apt 03/03/2020 As a tooll for QC BE in vitro, and in vivo Prediction S2 FTF 1
  • 2. Outline  Teori Diolusi  Kenapa disolusi?  Alat disolusi  Uji disolusi terbanding (UDT/Comparative disolution) S2 FTF 2
  • 12. Jenis Sediaan yang memerlukan uji disolusi  Tablet/Kaplet  Oral suspensi/emulsi  Sistemik semisolid (suppositoria)  Trandermal sistemik (patch)  Sediaan yang pelepasnya terkendali (ER) S2 FTF 12
  • 13. Disolution Test  Disolusi partikulat  Disolusi intrinsik  Disolusi-permeasi/disolusi usus terbalik S2 FTF 13
  • 14. 14 1. Pemindahan molekul dari fase solut pada suhu tertentu.Penerima- an energi potensial atau usaha netto untuk proses tersebut : w22: Proses pemindahan molekul tersebut terjadi dalam 3 tahap 2. Pembentukan lubang dalam solven yang cukup besar agar dapat menerima molekul solut. Usaha: w11. 3. Molekul solut ditempatkan dalam lubang dalam solven, dan usaha yang diperolah atau penurunan energi potensial adalah - w12 Lubang dalam solven sekarang tertutup dan terjadi tambahan penurunan energi, -w12 , bersangkutan dengan usaha neto dalam langkah terakhir ini adalah -2 w12 . Usaha total adalah (w22 + w11 -2 w12 ). S2 FTF
  • 15. (37±100C) in aqueous medium with pH range of 1-7.5.) P a d a p H y a n g s e s u a i Melihat ionisasi dari bahan obat yang di uji minimal 3 replicate penentuan kelarutan pada masing2 pH Standard buffer solutions dijelaskan di pharmacopoeias Methods other than shake flask method (with Justification). e g. acid or base titration methods SOLUBILITY DETERMINATION S2 FTF 15
  • 16. Proses Disolusi Tablet/ Kapsul Granul atau Agregat Partikel halus Disintegrasi Deagregasi Obat dalam Larutan (in vitro/in vivo) Obat dalam darah, cairan biologis, dan jaringan Absorpsi Disolusi (utama) Disolusi (utama) Disolusi (kecil) Skema Wagner S2 FTF 16
  • 17. Teori Disolusi  Disolusi merupakan suatu jenis spesifik dari reaksi heterogen menghasilkan transfer massa sebagai akibat dari pelepasan dan pemindahan molekul solut dari permukaan padat  Kecepatan Disolusi didefinisikan sebagai jumlah zat obat yang masuk ke dalam larutan per unit waktu di bawah kondisi yang dibakukan dari antarmuka cair-padat, suhu dan komposisi pelarut. S2 FTF 17
  • 19. Mempengaruhi proses disolusi  Hukum Fick:  Hukum Noyes & Whitney: . ( ) dm k S Cs C dt   . ( ) dC D A Cs C dt h   Koefisien D (difusi) mengikuti hukum Stoke-Einstein : k’= tetapan Boltzman T= suhu mutlak medium r= jari-jari molekul = kekentalan/viskositas medium '. 6 . . k T D r   S2 FTF 19
  • 20. Why dissolution ? In Vitro Dissolution Quality Control Bioavaibility/ Bioequivalence  Product specification  Batch Release  Shelf Life IR Product BCS Lower strength ER Product IVIVC Lower strength 20S2 FTF
  • 22. BIOPHARMACEUTICAL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Diperkenalkan oleh : Amidon, G. L.; Lennernas, H.; Shah, V. P.; Crison, J. R. pada tahun 1995 dengan judul : A Theoretical Basis for a Biopharmaceutic Drug Classification: The Correlation of In Vitro Drug Product Dissolution and In Vivo Bioavailability. Pharm. Res. 12: 413–420. (FDA, 2000; European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products, 2001). S2 FTF 22
  • 23. Teori Disolusi yang terumum adalah 1. Teori Film 2. Teori Pembaharuan Permukaan (Teori Penetrasi) 3. Teori Kecepatan Solvasi Terbatas 4. Gabungan Teori 1 dan 2 S2 FTF 23
  • 24. TEORI FILM Partikel padat dicelupkan ke dalam cairan, saat mulai melarut partikel akan dikelilingi oleh film tak bergerak dari pelarut dengan tebal h, yang bergantung pada kondisi pengadukan, ketebalan lapisan film makin menipis oleh pengadukan yang cepat. Solida C sat Film tak bergerak C sol h Conc S2 FTF 24
  • 25. Persamaan Teori Film Jika masa terlarut setara dengan m, volume disolusi, v, dan luas permukaan zat padat, S, maka persamaan Fick I dapat ditulis : atau  K adalah konstanta kecepatan disolusi h Csat)(Csol D dt dc S V   h Csol)(Csat K.S dt dm   S2 FTF 25
  • 26. Teori Pembaharuan Permukaan (Surface Renewal Theory) Teori ini disebut juga Teori Penetrasi atau Model Danckwert Berbeda dengan teori pertama (tradisional), pada teori ini lapisan yg berdekatan dengan partikel tidak stagnan, tetapi bergerak (selalu diperbaharui) sehingga konsentrasinya (CA) lebih kecil dari CS Hipotesis ini didukung oleh fakta bahwa molekul harus tersolvasi sebelum melarut. S2 FTF 26
  • 27. Persamaaan pada Model Danckwert : )( dt dc V CsolCsatDS dt dW    = Kecepatan Pembaharuan permukaan segar S2 FTF 27
  • 28. Teori Solvasi Terbatas         D 1 )C(C h D G :menjadidifusi,lapisan modeldengandigabunginipermukaankonsepjika )Cki(CG solsat solsat Teori ini menyatakan bahwa dalam proses disolusi terjadi mekanisme solvasi dimana disolusi lebih merupakan fungsi kelarutan dari pada fungsi difusi. Persamaan : G = Kecepatan disolusi per unit luas ki = tetapan tranfer antarmuka efektif S2 FTF 28
  • 30. IN VITRO BIOEKIVALEN Dua kondisi tersebut dapat ditentukan jika profile disolusi kedua produk/bets pada setiap pengujian dengan medium disolusi memiliki kesamaan : 1. Jika kedua hasil uji dan produk referen (baku) menunjukkan lebih dari 85% disolusi selama 15 min, profile demikian dipertimbangkan memiliki kemiripan • Tidak diperlukan perhitungan jika tidak seperti diatas, gunakan poin 2 2. Hitung nila f2 (faktor similaritas): • Jika f2 ≥ 50, Profile pada normalnya memiliki kemiripan (similar) S2 FTF 30
  • 31. Glossary Solid oral dosage forms Immediate release typically means that 75% of the API is dissolved within 45 minutes  Rapidly dissolving: ≥ 85% in ≤ 30 minutes  Very rapidly dissolving: ≥ 85% in ≤ 15 minutes Not part of presentation Modified-release dosage forms (consult Int.Ph., BP, USP)  Formulation deliberately changes release (slows down)  Extended-release (prolonged-release) Slower release throughout the GI tract  Delayed-release (enteric coated tablets) Resists gastric fluid & disintegrates in intestinal fluid S2 FTF 31
  • 32. IN VITRO BIOEKIVALEN Apparatus (choice) • Paddle, 50 (75) rpm or • Basket, 100 rpm Dissolution media All three media for full comparison 1. Buffer pH 6.8 or simulated intestinal fluid without enzymes 2. Buffer pH 4.5 3. 0.1 M HCl or buffer pH 1.2 or simulated gastric fluid without enzymes Volume of media 900 ml or less Temperature 37°C ± 0.5°C Sampling points 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, (60, 120) min. (typical) Units (individual) 12 for “official” studies KONDISI PERCOBAAN S2 FTF 32
  • 33. n = number of time points R(t) = mean % API dissolved of reference product at time point x T(t) = mean % API dissolved of test product at time point x  Minimum of 3 time points (zero excluded)  12 units (each in own dissolution vessel) for each product (for “official” purposes)  Only one measurement should be considered after both products have reached 85 % dissolution  RSD at higher time points ≤ 10% Similarity Factor (f2) S2 FTF 33
  • 34. Example Lamivudine 150 mg & zidovudine 300 mg tablets Source, WHO publication:  Ongoing Monitoring of Antiretroviral Products as Part of WHO’s Prequalification Project. Journal of Generic Medicines (accepted for publication, January 2006 edition)  Samples from PQ project or bought/requested Apparatus: paddle at 75 rpm Medium: 900 ml 0.1 M hydrochloric acid, 37°C Sample times: 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 45 minutes Analysis: HPLC Data presented for individual APIs in next tablesS2 FTF 34
  • 35. Example Lamivudine 150 mg & zidovudine 300 mg tablets Time (min) % Lamivudine of label claim dissolved Combivir® Gen-1 Gen-2 Gen-3 Gen-4 5 85 25 92 65 45 10 96 46 96 85 81 15 97 65 98 95 92 20 97 80 98 98 95 30 97 97 98 98 96 45 97 97 98 98 97 ≥ 85 in 15 min ? ✔ Reference no ✔ ✔ ✔ f2 21 S2 FTF 35
  • 36. Example 3 Lamivudine 150 mg & zidovudine 300 mg tablets (4)  Conclusion (considering only 0.1 M HCl as medium) 1. 3 products show profile similarity with Combivir® (≥ 85% in 15 minutes) 2. The profiles of Combivir® and Gen-1 are not similar  The products may still show bio-equivalency  The dissolution profiles of the APIs in a particular product are similar (true for all 5 products)  Examples: see profiles of Combivir® and Gen-1 S2 FTF 36
  • 37. Time (min) % Zidovudine of label claim dissolved Combivir® Gen-1 Gen-2 Gen-3 Gen-4 5 85 22 74 68 45 10 97 44 90 88 83 15 98 64 97 96 95 20 98 81 99 100 98 30 98 100 101 99 99 45 99 100 100 99 100 ≥ 85 in 15 min ? ✔ Reference no ✔ ✔ ✔ f2 20S2 FTF 37
  • 38. Combivir ® dissolution profile Gen-1 dissolution profile 0.1 M hydrochloric acid 0.1 M hydrochloric acid Note the similarity of the API profiles of each product APIs highly soluble = dissolution controlled by disintegration time Is particle size of APIs expected to be critical ? 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time (minutes) Dissolution(%) Lamivudine Zidovudine 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 10 20 30 40 Time (minutes) Dissolution(%) Lamivudine Zidovudine S2 FTF 38
  • 39. Reporting Comparative dissolution data Full report, including 1. Purpose of study 2. Products / batches information  Batch number, manufacturing/expiry date, packaging, etc.  CoA & size for “own” batches (and BMR for bio-studies report) 3. Dissolution conditions and method 4. Analytical method or reference to part of dossier 5. Results (% API dissolved)  Tabulated  Graphically  Similarity determination / calculation 6. Conclusion S2 FTF 39
  • 40. Some conclusions  Comparative dissolution  should form an essential part of R&D of solid oral dosage forms (including suspensions),  supports bio-studies,  is required for comparison of pharmaceutical release properties of pivotal batches,  is used to set dissolution specifications, and  assists in post-approval changes  It is thus important  to conduct the studies under controlled conditions in the 3 media, all as required by the guidelines,  to take samples for analysis at meaningful intervals and to be able to determine similarity of profiles S2 FTF 40
  • 41. Peralatan Disolusi Apparatus Classification in the USP : Apparatus 1 (rotating basket) Apparatus 2 (paddle assembly) Apparatus 3 (reciprocating cylinder) Apparatus 4 (flow-through cell) Apparatus 5 (paddle over disk) Apparatus 6 (cylinder) Apparatus 7 (reciprocating holder) S2 FTF 41
  • 44. Peralatan Disolusi Apparatus Classification in the European Pharmacopoeia For solid dosage forms Paddle apparatus Basket apparatus Flow-through apparatus For transdermal patches Disk assembly method Cell method Rotating cylinder method For special dosage forms Chewing apparatus Flow-through apparatus S2 FTF 44
  • 48. 2. Korelasi in vitro – in vivo (IVIVC) FDA : model matematik prediktif yang menggambarkan hubungan antara sifat in vitro dari bentuk sediaan dengan respon yang relevan (in vivo) S2 FTF 48
  • 49. IVIVC Level 1. Level A Korelasi paling baik the most informative, as it represents a generally linear, point- to-point relationship between in vitro dissolution and in vivo absorption profiles. 2. Level B Korelasi kurang baik the dissolution time is compared with the mean residence time or in vivo dissolution time. S2 FTF 49
  • 50. IVIVC Level 3. Level C Sedikit ada korelasi Establishes a single point relationship of a dissolution parameter (drug released at one specific timepoint) and one PK parameter. 4. Level C Multiple Hampir tiada korelasi S2 FTF 50
  • 54. IVIVC vs BCS S2 FTF 54
  • 55. Rate-Limiting Step to Absorption and Requirements for Dissolution According to BCS Classification of the Drug Substance BCS class Solubility Permeability Major rate limiting step Requirement for dissolution I High High Gastric emptying Fast over physiological range, 85% in 30 min in all media II Low High Dissolution Specifications set on the basis of IVIVC III High Low Uptake cross the intestinal mucosa Very fast over physiological range, 85% in 15 min IV Low Low Dissolution and uptake Case by case evaluation; poor chance of IVIVC S2 FTF 55