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Fluoride Pros And Cons
What is fluoride? Water fluoridation has always been a hot topic and now it's at its peak, from
debates in the news among congressmen and from state to state. Fluoride is a compound of
chemicals that are used to help prevent tooth decay, and can prevent loss of important minerals from
the tooth enamel. Many Americans consume fluoride through which can be found in water, soft
drinks, and juice. Water fluoridation has been around since the 1940's, when it was commonly
known to be in everyone's drinking water. There are four different ways to get fluoride: have a
dentist apply it, take fluoride tablets, using tooth paste with fluoride, and drinking water with
fluoride in it. When fluoride is applied it will help reduce cavities and help your teeth be strong and
less ... Show more content on ...
The history of fluoride dates back to the 1940's when an experiment was conducted in four major
cities in the United States to see if water fluoridation would help the communities with dental
cavities. This study states that "Over a ten year period of fluoridation, the incidence of cavities in
each city was cut in half. The beneficial effect of fluoride was not dependent on the source of the
fluoride" (Fallon 2006 pg. 2). The benefits of fluoride are great because if a person takes in some
fluoride over a period of time there will be less cavities and he/she will have stronger teeth.
Arkansas Dental Hygiene Association states, "Community water fluoridation is an effective, safe,
and inexpensive way to prevent tooth decay. Fluoridation benefits Americans of all ages and
socioeconomic status." It has been proven that the use of fluoride dental products can effectively
prevent tooth decay in
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Fluoride Water Crisis
Having lived a good portion of my life in the US, I am very aware of the ongoing and vast array of
conversations about water. There are issues with drought, flooding, contamination, water rights and
even stealing, but the conversation that many people neglect to have is the one about fluoridation.
While I find myself disturbed by the fact that most people turn a blind eye to this use of fluorides in
our public water systems, I am equally disturbed that municipalities do it at all.
Too often we blindly trust that our government has our best interest at the base of their decisions.
Not to paint with too wide of a brush, but we all know only too well that that not always the case. I
don't mean to sound overly cynical, but it often appears ... Show more content on ...
Infants are most at risk since they consume the highest amounts per body weight through formulas.
Dental fluorosis a condition that shows up in the discoloration of tooth enamel, and is a bi–product
of getting too much fluoride in the diet. Dental fluorosis shows up in later years as presenting as
white spots, pitting and a permanent and intrinsic darkening. This condition is systematic of a wider
range of problems.
Studies done by the National Research Council concluded "It is apparent that fluorides have the
ability to interfere with the functions of the brain." The Environmental Protection Agency upon
review of the studies listed fluoride among approximately 100 other chemicals showing substantial
evidence of promoting developmental neurotoxicity. There have been over 100 experiments done on
animals providing proof that shows fluoride impacting cognitive thinking. Animals who were
ingesting fluoride at the same consumption rate as a average household user were found to have
brain damage that impacted learning and
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Fluoride Concentration In Drinking Water Essay
The (SDWA) did set a primary standards (enforceable limits) for the fluoride concentration in the
drinking water that is 4.0 (mg/L) or 4.0 ppm as a (MCLG & MCL) respectively. At this level of
protection which is based on the best available science research that will prevent potential health
problems. In addition, (SDWA) did set a secondary standard (non–enforceable limits) for the
fluoride concentration in the drinking water that is 2.0 (mg/L) or 2.0 ppm as a (MCL). At this level
which undergo as cosmetic effect and may cause skin, tooth discoloration, aesthetic effects.
However, the (EPA) recommends secondary standards of the fluoride to water systems as it achieves
the balance between the beneficial effects of protection such as tooth decay ... Show more content
on ...
However, water suppliers who follow the primary standards levels, put young children and their
developing teeth at risk for disease, as the maximum fluoride level is twice that of the recommended
level for children. On the other hand, "believing that fluoride is an industrial poison requires to deny
decades of evidence that fluoride at low concentrations has no ill effects. Also have to believe that
the "industry" is paying the "government" to keep quiet while industrial dumping of chemical waste
into public water supplies". Thus, for the moment got confused between that statement and "anti–
fluoride campaigners believe that fluoride in drinking water is harmful because it alters your brain in
some way". However, my stance on adding fluoride in drinking water will join the thought of the
majority of medical and dental practitioners in our community who indicated their support of
retaining fluoride in our community water supply. Since there is no actual and scientific approved
evidence of how fluoride addition into drinking water is harmful for the human (no significant
health risk). Besides, as a percussion step, I will follow the (PHS) recommendation level for fluoride
as safe and acceptable fluoride drinking water
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Fluoride in Drinking Water: Is it good? Essay
Fluoride in drinking water has been a hot topic in the past decade. Some communities are all for it
and some are completely against it. With such a range of opinions on the matter some organizations
have took it upon themselves to present the pros and cons of the fluoride to the public so they can
make informed decisions. Often times these surveys are bias to one side or the other, so I shall be
giving information on both sides of the issue, the future outlook, and my personal opinion in order
to help inform you to decide on your own.
Fluorine is an element that reacts with minerals in the earth to create a salt. The salt is often
naturally occurring in nature and is found in very small amounts in urban and rural wells. Although
it is ... Show more content on ...
The NRC reported in 2007 that fluoride was considered an element essential to life. Fluoride plays
an important role in the body's ability to perform metabolic and biochemical reactions that help
prevent tooth decay and help bone formation. Essentially the government says that the fluoridation
of water is more helpful than harmful for people as it is a good use of tax dollars as it treats upper
class and lower class citizens equally in dental prevention.
Although with all this information on the benefits of treating public water there is still information
that is overlooked by governments. Fluoride is a pollutant, insecticide, poison, and a byproduct of
fertilizer, nuclear power plants, and metal processing. Fluoride is also found in many processed
goods, dental hygiene products, and pharmaceuticals meaning the average person's intake is most
likely far greater than the recommended levels. In the 1930s they were looking for an easy way to
dispose of the toxic byproduct. During this time period one of the largest aluminum companies
funded a test to determine how bad or good fluoride actually was to the people, this is when it was
first deemed as a beneficial treatment. To me it seems kind of fishy that a company more worried
about public relations and how to dispose of the toxic byproduct was trusted to carry out the testing
themselves. This thinking came from the era where it was thought that smoking cigarettes would
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Fluoride Research Paper
Fluoride Slows the Early Stages of Tooth Decay
Plaque that builds up on teeth naturally produces acids that break down the tooth enamel, leaving
teeth open to bacteria that cause decay. Fluoride helps to reverse this process and can help to repair
the enamel on the teeth of your loved one. Seniors have a higher likelihood of developing tooth
decay, due to loss of saliva production and loss of dexterity, which can make brushing and flossing
difficult. Drinking fluoridated water is a simple way to get fluoride to the teeth, preventing or
slowing down tooth decay.
Drinking Fluoridated Water Can Help Your Loved One Keep their Teeth
Recent studies have shown that adults over the age of 50 who drank fluoridated water were more
likely to keep their
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Why Fluoride Is Dangerous And Harmful
Most people would like to control what they consume, and even though this is becoming harder with
unmarked labeling and chemical additives, governments and councils all over the globe are adding
chemicals such as fluoride into city water supplies. The public is told that it is just to conserve their
health but we have created the illusion for ourselves that fluoride is added for other reasons, I.E.
population control and to lower our IQ. So why are governments doing this? I thought that it would
be interesting to find out why fluoride is added to our water and if it is really necessary.
Most people know fluoride as a chemical added to water and toothpaste to improve dental health.
Some people believe that fluoride is vital to the growth and maintenance of out teeth but others say
fluoride is dangerous and harmful even when diluted. So what are the reasons behind adding this
supposed "poison" to our water supply and do we really need it? Well I believe we need fluoride,
and this document should help to explain why.
What Is Fluoride:
Fluorine is an element in the many fluoride compounds that are commonly added to water supplies
and dental products to rebuild and reinforce the enamel on our teeth. There are over 10 different
fluoride compounds. This is because fluorine has the capability of forming compounds with nearly
all the elements. When fluorine is combined with something else, for example sodium, it becomes a
fluoride compound (Sodium Fluoride).
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Fluoride Decline
Introduction Fluoride is the ionic form of the element fluorine and is the 13th most abundant
element in the earth's crust. Chemically, fluoride is negatively charged and combines with positive
ions to form stable compounds such as calcium fluoride or sodium fluoride. Such fluorides are
released into the environment naturally in the form of both water and air. Generally, when the term
fluoride is mentioned, thoughts associated with calcified tissues (i.e., bones and teeth) are provoked.
This is likely due to fluoride's high affinity for calcium, enabling its ability to inhibit or even reverse
the initiation and progression of dental caries, otherwise known as tooth decay. Caries are an
infectious, multifactorial disease afflicting most persons ... Show more content on ...
The developing human brain is uniquely vulnerable to toxic chemical exposures, and major
windows of developmental vulnerability occur in the womb, during infancy and early childhood.
Chemical exposure, even at low levels, can cause permanent brain injury during these fragile growth
phases, where exposure during adulthood would have little or no adverse effects. Classified amongst
other neurotoxic chemicals, fluoride, when administered at high levels, has the potential to cause
neurotoxicity in adults and can result in negative impacts on memory and learning according to
rodent study reports. Throughout the last several years, advances in scientific research have enabled
expansion of what little understanding there is about the substance's impact on children's
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Effects Of Fluoride On Human Health
The Harmful Effects of Fluoride on Human Health
Removing fluoride from consumer products' benefits human health, prevent low IQ's, and rids the
notion that it helps cavities. Fluoride combines the element fluorine with another substance,
generally a metal ("Water"1). Once in the body, fluoride absorbs into the blood through the digestive
tract. They collectively accumulate where areas high in calcium take place, such as bones and teeth
("Water"1). Over the years, since inception, many people have questioned why fluoride continues to
remain integrated into the water and consumer products in general. Many toothpaste brands have
fluoride in it, and dentist claims it aids in preventing cavities, although there is research that will
explain that ... Show more content on ...
The pineal gland is the part of the brain that manages your circadian rhythm and from a spiritual
perspective, allows mutli–dimensional perception. "In the 1990's, a British scientist, Jennifer Luke,
discovered that fluoride accumulates strikingly high levels in the pineal gland" ("Fluoride"1). This is
not a good thing at all, and can cause more effects on females than males, although it is not good for
anyone. Melatonin, which is produced in the pineal gland, maintains the body's circadian rhythm
and also regulates the onset puberty in females. This ties into the next finding, which is the proven
fact that melatonin levels are lower with high levels of fluoride in the pineal gland, and affects more
of the pineal gland normal functions ("Fluoride"1). All of these facts can prove that with a reduced
melatonin production, sleep hinders and affects our daily lives. "While the impacts of these fluoride
concentrations in the pineal gland are not fully understood, studies have found that calcified deposits
in the pineal gland are associated with decreased numbers of functioning pinealocytes and reduced
melatonin production as well as impairments in the sleep–wake cycle" ("Fluoride"1). In the spiritual
world, fluoridation can cause serious problems for the third eye concept in the pineal gland
("Rinpoche"). It mentions that within the calcified pineal gland, it can become increasingly difficult
to activate the universal perception that comes along with balancing the chakras ("Rinpoche").
There are methods you can work with that can decalcify, and furthermore there are plenty of
conspiracies that state fluoridation is deliberately causing calcified pineal glands to lower
perceptions and
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Fluoride Essay
Fluoride is a mineral that occurs naturally in almost all foods and water supplies. The fluoride ion
comes from the element fluorine. Fluorine, the 13th most abundant element in the earth's crust, is
never encountered in its free state in nature. It exists only in combination with other elements as a
fluoride compound. Fluoride is effective in preventing and reversing the early signs of tooth decay.
Researchers have shown that there are several ways through which fluoride achieves its decay–
preventive effects. It makes the tooth structure stronger, so teeth are more resistant to acid attacks.
Acid is formed when the bacteria in plaque break down sugars and carbohydrates from the diet.
Repeated acid attacks break down the tooth, ... Show more content on ...
Nearly 145 million Americans are currently receiving the benefits of optimally fluoridated water.
With the 1995 enactment of Assembly
Bill 733 in California, ten states and territories in the United States now mandate fluoridation
through legislation. Besides California, these include seven other states (Connecticut, Georgia,
Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, Ohio and South Dakota), as well as the District of Columbia and
Puerto Rico. Three states (South Dakota, Rhode Island and Kentucky), as well as the District of
Columbia, have achieved the ultimate success with 100 percent of their treatable community water
systems providing the benefits of fluoridation to their citizens.
While safety has been an issue frequently raised by those opposed to fluoridation, scientific data
from peer–reviewed clinical research provide overwhelming evidence that the adjustment of
fluoride levels in drinking water to the optimal level is undoubtedly safe. Hundreds of studies on
fluoride metabolism have tracked the outcomes of ingested fluoride. Ingested fluoride essentially
travels three metabolic pathways. It is either excreted by the kidneys, absorbed by the teeth or taken
up in the skeleton. At optimal levels fluoride has never been demonstrated to cause skeletal fluorosis
or other bone problems. On the contrary, there is mounting evidence that continued exposure of
individuals to low levels of
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Fluoride Essay For Kids
Fluoride is a must on your child toothpaste
Many children's toothpastes are the cutest team and smells like a whole candy store, showing
Advice & Rön review. But the worst is still the alternative children's toothpastes that lacks fluoride –
it's crazy because fluoride is the best protection against tooth decay.
Advice & Findings have examined 14 children's toothpastes. Blue and pink jelly, strong, synthetic
aromas of strawberry and bubble gum is not uncommon. And all the more or less sweet taste.
Must kids really have a special children's toothpaste? Can not brush with mom's and dad's
toothpaste? We let the matter proceed to the Bibi Stenman, dental hygienist and "of fluoride Auntie",
development and public health coordinator in the Public Dental Service in Stockholm County. ...
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Many children find it far too strong taste of adult toothpaste. But yes, it is as well to let the kids
brush their teeth with adult toothpaste as long as they have no special additives with additional
grinding or bleach, for example.
– Personally, I think it is unfortunate that most children toothpastes are so cute, and many parents
have contacted us about it. Lately there have been some child toothpastes with milder taste, such as
mint. This is good, this has listened to consumers, she says.
Nowadays, it is not much difference in the fluoride content of children's and adult toothpastes. The
fluorine content in children previously toothpaste was substantially lower than in adult toothpaste
and low in most cases around 500 ppm (milligrams per kilogram toothpaste). Small child swallows
the toothpaste easily, and too much fluoride can damage the enamel of the teeth as they
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Fluoride Persuasive Memo
Courtney Bost
1200 Newnan Crossing Blvd E
Newnan, Georgia 30265
Representative Lynn Westmoreland
2202 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
September 7, 2015
Dear Representative Westmoreland:
I am writing to you on behalf of my support of House Bill 129. This bill would allow water
authorities to propose a referendum for the cessation of fluoridation of county water supply. As a
citizen of district 3 and of a fluoridated county, I would greatly appreciate the ability to vote for
whether or not I would like to consume water with fluoride in it. I believe that a choice in the matter
would greatly benefit every county and its citizens. Since we are the ones consuming the water, I
think it should be a community decision instead of a decision made by local, state, or federal
governments. After all, this is supposedly a nation of "we ... Show more content on
According to World Health Organization data obtained from a study on 12 year old's levels of tooth
decay, fluoride has had very little effect, if any at all, on tooth decay. Countries such as Japan, Italy,
and Iceland, who are non–fluoridated countries, actually have about the same level of tooth decay
decrease as countries that have fluoridated water. Fluoride is considered a drug, according to the
FDA, which means that it is a medical treatment. Medical treatments are not to be given unless the
patient agrees to the treatment, therefore, placing fluoride into the public water supply violates
informed consent seeing as how citizens are not given the opportunity to vote on the matter. Even if
people could vote on the situation, not all people are going to agree with and since it is considered a
drug, it
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Pros And Cons Of Fluoride In Public Water
The measured add–on of fluoride to the public water supply to decrease tooth decay is water
fluoridation. Depending on where the water is coming from, most water supplies has a naturally
happening fluoride concentration, but is generally low and does not help. To help, fluoride is being
added into public water at a continuous concentration to reach that naturally occurring limit and no
more. There are advantages to fluoride being added to the public water, but there are also
controversial disadvantages.
American Dental Association (ADA) has written and article on "5 Reasons Why Fluoride in Water is
Good for Communities"(ADA, 2017.). The ADA then proceeds to go into depth on each of these
five topics, as I will summarize in my own words. First, fluoride prevents tooth decay by being
present in the ... Show more content on ...
One of the main disagreement is fluoridation takes away the public's choice. "Rodriguez reportedly
said it is a violation of his individual rights by the government because the process forces people to
consume a substance they may not know is present or that they would rather avoid" (Advocate, V.
2015). There is also a controversial debate if it would be cheaper for the cities and communities to
discontinue the fluoridation program. Then, Teek Miller, a retired science and math teacher wrote a
letter to her city council and stated that she thinks brushing teeth with fluoride is beneficial, but
swallowing the chemical is not. Miller goes on to explain how fluoride is damaging to the bones and
brain, when swallowing (Advocate, V. 2015). Public health officials have been looking into the
health considerations when digesting fluoride, because in large amounts, fluoride is considered
poison, but those levels cannot be reached by drinking just fluoridated
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Comparison of Studies: Effects of Fluoride concentration...
Since the implementation of artificially introducing fluoride into water, a great amount of resistance
has taken place. Many people claim that fluoridating community water sources can cause not only
dental fluorosis, but a multitude of adverse systemic conditions. This perception has led to many
political battles on the subject. The problems associated with fluoride ingestion tend to present when
concentrations are higher that generally accepted. In communities with natural high fluoride
concentrations, adverse effects have range from dental and skeletal fluorosis to decreased birth rates,
increased kidney stones, impaired thyroid function, and lower intelligence (Chen, 2013, p. 1). These
tend to be the concerns of the opposition to ... Show more content on ...
Showing a decrease in systemic exposure to fluoride. However, the study also found that urinary
fluid concentrations were higher than drinking water concentrations (Chen, 2013, p. 7). The other
factors measure, indicators of changes in bone metabolism that may result in adverse effects,
remained low in low concentrations of fluoride in drinking water (Chen, 2013, p. 6). This shows that
a low concentration of fluoride in drinking water does not cause the bone problems that many
opposition to water fluoridation are concerned with. It does show that fluoride levels need to be
closely monitored and the body's metabolism of fluoride taken into account, because of some
systemic accumulation. In another article about water fluoridation, we look at the dental risk and
benefits of implementing this program. Well less saturated with pure scientific evidence, it provides
factual information in a more understandable manor. The study centers on measurement of decayed,
missing, and filled teeth (DMF index) in the population of children five to fifteen years old, in
Ireland, from the span of 1960 to 2002, in fluoridated and non–fluoridated areas (Harding &
O'Mullane, 2013, p. 133). The mean DMF score was significantly lower in children consuming
fluoridated water over the rate of occurrence in those with non–fluoridated water (Harding &
O'Mullane, 2013, p. 133). Though in recent years, the contrast is less severe. I speculated this may
be due to an
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Fluoride: What Are The Facts
Campbell, A. W. (2013). Fluoride: What Are the Facts? Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine,
19(5), 8–10.
This article talks about some facts of water fluoridation. First this article addresses when fluoride
was first put into the water and why it was put there. The article explains the health issues that could
possibly come from the fluoridation of water. These issues include skeletal fluorosis, kidney disease
and dental fluorosis. The article also talks about how the amount of fluoride each person gets cannot
be controlled very well. This article acknowledges more of the negative side effects of water
fluoridation rather than talking about the positive. However the weakness of this article is that the
author privileges the negative ... Show more content on ...
It also brings in how the media gets involved with the issue because some people opposed that water
fluoridation should be mandatory. The article explains how tooth decay occurs and it also goes into
full detail of how fluoride works in multiple ways to prevent tooth decay. The argument for and
against water fluoridation on whether it improves dental is also examined in the article. One reason
this article is useful for my research is that it describes three way that fluoride works to prevent
tooth decay whereas most other sources that I have read does not describe how the fluoride works
they only say that fluoride helps. This article also explains how tooth decay occurs, which most
other articles do not describe. The author acknowledges the possible side effects from over
fluoridation and states that there is very little evidence that water fluoridation causes any negative
health side effects. However the author does not say what evidence supports the claim that is does
not cause health issues, which weakness this article some. (184
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Fluoride Research Paper
Fluoride and the brain
The fluoride within our drinking water has always been a hot topic for debate. It's known to cause a
number of health problems ranging from lowered thyroid function to cancer. Today we're going to
look at fluoride and the brain specifically. Fluoride damage to the brain happens to be one of the
most active areas of research today. In the past thirty years, over one hundred studies that have taken
place have found evidence to prove that fluoride exposure can actually damage the brain. This
particular research has included:
More than 100 animal studies proving long–term exposure to differing levels of fluoride will
damage the brain. This is especially the case when the person in question is suffering from an iodine
deficiency ... Show more content on ...
For a number of different reasons, it's unlikely that any of these limitations could explain the link
between fluoride and IQ. Firstly, the majority of the studies controlled the key factors and a link
between fluoride and a reduced IQ was still observed. This fact was reiterated within the Harvard
review, which also reported a significant link within the studies that controlled certain key factors.
The two studies, which controlled the largest number of factors, (Rocha Amador 2007 and Xiang
2003a,b) still reported some of the largest links to date. Secondly, the link between fluoride and a
lowered IQ in children is predicted by a large body of other evidence, which found links between
fluoride and neurobehaviour in ways that were consistent with a neurotoxin. In addition to this, the
studies focusing on the learning and memory capacity of rats after fluoride exposure were all under
very carefully controlled laboratory conditions. Aside from this, an even larger body of animal
research discovered that fluoride could directly damage the brain after confirming their findings in
aborted human fetuses from areas with high–fluoridated water.
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Fluoride Argumentative Essay
Daniel Fernandez
What if you found out that the water in your house was poisoning you and your family? How would
you feel knowing that the water your family uses everyday might slowly be killing them? Many
people believe that the government is secretly poisoning communities across the country by putting
fluoride in our tap water. Others believe that fluoride is a safe product that benefits us. Most
scientists and researchers are split on whether fluoride is harmful or not. The United States has been
fluoridating communities' water supplies since the early 1940's (, 2013). In this
essay we will be looking to see if fluoride should be in our water supply or not.
The government says that we need fluoride, but fluoride is not an essential nutrient for humans.
Fluoride is the only chemical added into our water for the purpose of medical treatment. It is
supposed to prevent tooth decay, but studies show that tooth decay hasn't decreased significantly
since fluoride was added (, 2012). Fluoridated countries do not have less tooth
decay than non–fluoridated countries. Many U.S ... Show more content on ...
Fluoride in the Pineal gland disrupts the sleep–wake cycle. Melatonin levels drop in the Pineal gland
when it is in disarray. Melatonin is a hormone that is produced in the Pineal gland it helps the body's
circadian rhythm and regulates when teens go through puberty. Young women are going through
puberty earlier and earlier. Some believe that a low melatonin level from fluoride in the pineal gland
is the culprit. Fluoride causes young women to go through puberty earlier than natural and that can
have some serious effects on their health (, 2012). A couple of consequences due to
early puberty in females is short stature and in some studies an increased risk of breast cancer
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The Efficacy Of Sodium Fluoride
1. Aims:
To determine the efficacy of sodium fluoride varnish (22,600ppm) application biannual and use of
high concentration fluoride toothpaste (2800ppm) together in high caries risk children wearing
orthodontic braces against development of white surface lesions (WSL) between 12– 16 years of
2. Objectives:
To detect and classify progress of caries using ICDAS system in high caries risk children wearing
orthodontic braces with combined use of fluoride varnish applications biannually and use of high
concentration fluoride toothpaste (2800ppm) vs. use of fluoride varnish application biannually and
normal strength (1450 ppm) fluoride toothpaste.
3. Hypotheses:
The combined use of biannual fluoride application and high concentration fluoride toothpaste
reduced the occurrence and progress of caries measured according to ICDAS system in high caries
risk children.
4. Study design:
2 year randomised controlled trial was conducted.
Methods for the proposed study:
1. Population of interest:
The study was conducted at a very busy orthodontic practice. A total of 186 participants were
included in the study.
Inclusion criteria for children to be part of study was: Patient fitted with fixed brace in last 2 month,
no active carious lesion present, dietary analysis shows high cariogenic diet, committed to attend
every six months.
Children excluded from the study: children who already
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Fluoride As A Safe And Effective Way Of The Dental Health...
Visiting a dentist, in most cases, is not exactly an event that someone looks forward to. Oral hygiene
is important in making sure that no problems arise for teeth, however, and the issue of unhealthy
teeth has been combatted by advertisements, and more recently, the additive of fluoride into tap
water. Fluoride has been important in the process of improving the dental health of Americans; after
the addition of fluoride into tap water, tooth decay decreased drastically among Americans and most
significantly among young children. It's argued, however, that fluoride is dangerous, not required,
and a violation of someone 's rights by being added to water. In reality, fluoride is a safe and
effective way to prevent tooth decay by being added ... Show more content on ...
This statement assumes that enough fluoride is added to water to harm whomever is drinking it; the
actual amount of fluoride in drinking water is in the range of 0.7 to 1.2 parts per million. To help
visualize that amount, just one part per million is one minute out of two years. For fluoride to be
harmful to humans, someone would have to ingest 5 to 10 grams in the same sitting, the same as
needing to drink more than 10,000 glasses of tap water at the same time, which is physically
impossible. In fact, the human stomach can only hold about 34 ounces at it's capacity, not close to
the 80,000 ounces of tap water someone would need to ingest to die. Before getting close to being
harmed by fluoride, water intoxication would potentially kill the individual. Not enough fluoride is
added to have chronic effects too. Chronic fluoride toxicity occurs after being exposed to fluoride
for long periods of times, developing after 10 years. Nevertheless, the amount added to fluoride is
not enough to develop chronic fluoride toxicity. Therefore, the amount of fluoride added to water
has no ill effects on populations.
It's claimed that the addition of fluoride into the drinking water is unlawful as people who do not
want fluoride in their water should not be forced to drink it. This claim has never help up in a court
of law; in fact, the courts believe that fluoridation is good for public health and welfare,
"Fluoridation is viewed by the courts a
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Fluoride Benefits
Chemical filled water? No thank you! It was has been said that New Zealand's water supplies are
100% pure and natural as well as being good for the human body. But this is not the case. This
fluoridated water is affecting all of us right at this moment. That glass of water you just drank is
now affecting important organs within your body. This fluoride is a by product of phosphate which
is found in sources of food, toothpastes and mouthwashes. Is this something you'd like to ingest?
The benefits of using fluoride are to protect our teeth against dental diseases. But the negatives
outway the positives.
Some New Zealanders believe that fluoridating our water sources are completely non harmful. It has
been noted that fluoride benefits the whole community; "It gives the greatest benefits to ... Show
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Fluoride Free Nz is one of those organisations who are against fluoridating water supplies in New
Zealand. As some are aware, the fluoride added to our water source is hydrofluoric acid which is a
by product of aluminum, steel, cement and phosphate, and is manufactured to make things such as
plastics and toothpaste. From these byproducts, diseases such as, Cancers, Skeletal Fluorosis and
Dental Fluorosis are more likely to occur. There have also been studies that children's IQ's lower
over time. A concern for many New Zealand residents is the fact that the intake of Silicofluoride
cannot be a controlled dosage, due to not knowing how much an individual will drink daily. Of
course, the more intake of fluoride means less is going to be released from the body. In adults,
around 40–50% of the non excreted fluoride remains in the body. Large quantities accumulate in the
bone tissue and pineal gland, affecting movement of an individual. Children excrete even less, with
around 80% remaining in their bones. Knowing this, more New Zealanders are opting to remove
fluoride from the water
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Fluoride Research Paper
Fluoride is not a beneficial mineral to dental patients because it is poisonous. According to Michael
Schachter M.D, "Fluoride is more poisonous than lead and just slightly less poisonous than arsenic.
It is a cumulative poison that accumulates in bone over the years" ("The Dangers of Fluoride and
Fluoridation"). Fluoride is a poison and accumulates over time especially when it is digested. By
digesting this mineral the patient is slowly poisoning them without knowing it.The patient should
realize that this poison like any other can eventually cause damages to one's body over time. The
Fluoride Action Network claims, "In 1997, the FDA ordered toothpaste manufacturers to add a
poison warning on all fluoride toothpaste sold in the U.S. The FDA
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Fluoride Mouth Rinses
Focus on Fluorides: Update on the use of Fluoride for the Prevention of Dental Caries This article is
based on the negative and positive impacts of fluoride uses. Topics discussed include: updates on
community water fluoridation, fluoride available in dentifrices, and fluoride varnish, use and
recommendations. Fluoride is the first line of defense, along with education, for preventing caries.
Fluoride is the only compound recognized by the FDA for the prevention of dental caries (Carey,
2014). Fluoride comes primarily from fluoridated community water, toothpastes, and mouth rinses.
The intake of water and processed beverages in the United States provides about 75% of a person's
fluoride intake (Carey, 2014). Community water fluoridation began ... Show more content on ...
Products that contain sodium fluoride (NaF) as the active ingredient also need to have sufficient
detergent to prevent the fluoride ions from reacting with the silica abrasives forming insoluble
fluorosilicates (Carey, 2014). There is a large effort to develop reliable methods of measurement of
available fluoride. The difficulty in achieving the analytical methods is related to the large variety of
ingredients used in toothpaste products and the different forms of fluoride delivered during tooth
brushing (Carey, 2014). There are three categories of fluoride form toothpaste during tooth brushing:
free ionic fluoride which has the ability to react with tooth structure, interfere with microbial
metabolism, absorb to the oral mucosa, and has anticaries efficacy; profluoride compounds that are
delivered or precipitate in the oral cavity during brushing, release ionic fluoride over time, and
contribute to anticaries efficacy; and unavailable fluoride compounds that do not release fluoride
ions, are either spat out or swallowed, and have no anticaries efficacy (Carey, 2014).
Monofluorophosphate is an example of a profluoride compound that is hydrolyzed to release ionic
fluoride through salivary enzyme action (Carey, 2014). The total and potentially available fluoride
can be
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Fluoride Informative Speech
Truth about Fluoride
Objective: To inform my audience about the history, present, and future of fluoride.
Central Idea: Fluoride benefits is a lie
The ingredient that takes place in our everyday life is fluoride. It is well known for its happy
propaganda of everybody needing good health and what better way to start it then with your teeth
and make you think fluoride is good for the health, when the reality of the matter is , it damages
your health. Hello my name is Frank Gomez and today I will be speaking about the truths about
I'm going to be giving some detailed background about the history, the changes, and the impacts on
the future.
How did it start you may ask,
Fluoride has long since been introduced as being a health factor A. All the information is ... Show
more content on ...
Fluoridation is not a natural process nature thought of it first that fluoride in high level occurs in
fluoride water studies shown a segmented frog suffers significant damage including bone disease,
changes in behavior and shorter life span
B. It has gotten rather popular
1. Many sources besides tap water. Before not a single tube of toothpaste had fluoride. Now every
one of them has it. Many processed beverages and foods have elevated levels of fluoride. Other
sources pesticides, tea Teflon pans, pharma,
2. Today world health organization says no real difference of tooth decay of minority countries vs
majorly with yes who fluoride vs those who don't
C. More evidence now
1. The main chemical; ingredient added into fluoride isn't what most people think naturally
occurring compound it is a corrosive acid captured in air controlled pollution devices .
2. In 2012 a team of Harvard scientists warned that the developing brain is another target. A large
studies of china found reduced IQ scores to children expose to fluoride.
Now that we have uncovered the truth about fluoride, how is the future going to turn out about
III Impacts on the future
A. Why do people want
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Who is against fluoride being added to water and Why
Who is against fluoride being added to water and Why
This report investigates about water fluoridation, and its effects and why it is added to water. Water
fluoridation is a process where fluoride is added to public drinking water. The main purpose of this
is to reduce tooth decay. The dosage that is added to the water is paramount to stopping tooth decay.
This process can only be achieved by physically adding the fluoride to the drinking water. When the
fluoridated water is drunk it acts on the surface of the teeth building up the enamel. It also leaves
low levels of fluoride in the saliva. This also reduces the decaying rate of the teeth. This practice is
common among developed countries. This is where the rate of tooth decay is high. ... Show more
content on ...
Strengthening bones
Some studies show that fluoride is one of the minerals that is required to build up strong bones.
When fluoride is used correctly, it increases the rate in which the bones grow and makes them
While the use of fluoride is beneficial, we cannot ignore the harmful effects of using fluoride.
Uncontrolled fluoride intake can be very counter reproductive and sometimes lead to chronic
conditions that change your lifestyle.
Why unions and civil societies are against of adding fluoride in water
The practice is unethical
Doctors and other medical personnel see added doses of fluoride to drinking water, as a malpractice.
This is because medical ethics do not allow for any administration of drugs without the consent of
the patient or a proper diagnosis. In addition, the practice also gives fluoride to people who do not
need it. Not everyone is affected by tooth decay, however the system does not choose whom to give
the dose and whom to skip. This leads to accumulation of fluoride in the blood system, which can
lead to life threatening conditions.
The dose cannot be controlled
People take different amounts of water making. This makes it difficult to regulate the dose taken by
one person. In addition, fluoride is not meant to be ingested into the body, rather it is meant to be
used on the surface of teeth. Athletes and those with diabetes will take more water than ordinary
people will. This makes there fluoride intake more than the
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The Negative and Positive Benefits of Fluoride
The ingestion of fluoride has been associated to benefits for the teeth. According to some observers
in the past, fluoride strengthens the enamel of the teeth making it not so susceptible to cavities.
From this hypothesis the fluoridation of water had its start and until today it is believed to be one of
the most responsible sources for reducing cavities in the population (Graham & Morin, 1999). In
some author's view the fluoridation of the water implies a significant change and the positive effects
can been seen in the so–called post–fluoride generation. In this generation the number of adults
without any teeth has dramatically declined and similar improvements can be observed in the
periodontal health − related to gums and supporting structures of teeth − (Milgrom & Reisine,
2000). However the lack of consideration of fluoride's potential to be harmful to human's health is
questionable and studies have pointed out the dark side of this compound (Bryson, 2006). A study
conducted in the cities of Newburgh and Kingston, in New York have shown that the prevalence of
cavities in the population is similar or even less in communities that doesn't have artificial
fluoridated water compared to the ones that have fluoride add to the water. This study conducted
forty years ago is one considerable evidence that fluoridating the water isn't strongly necessary
nowadays to prevent tooth decay, considering that the access to fluoridated products, such as
toothpaste, mouthwash and
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Argumentative Essay: The Use Of Fluoride In Water
In 1945 Grand Rapids, Michigan was the first city to put fluoride in their water. Many people don't
think about what actually is in water, they think nothing of what it could contain when they drink it.
Most don't think about the fluoride that is in the water they are drinking in the moment. Even less
know why there is fluoride in their water. The reason being is that the government puts fluoride in
our water to control us.
The government uses fluoride to control us because an effect of it is that it affects the brain's
learning and memory. While doing a few experiments they have shown that, "45 animal studies
reporting that mice or rats ingesting fluoride have an impaired capacity to learn and/or remember"
(Brain). Mice and rats are used for testing because their behavior resemble those of humans and they
share 80% of their genes with us which means that the side effects they show will also happen to us.
By drinking the fluoride that is put in water it is damaging our learning and memory making us
more susceptible to mind control. The government can take advantage of the damage fluoride does
because as stated beforehand it affects our memory, the government could brainwash us into
thinking something that did not happen. They can also change the way that we ... Show more
content on ...
As explained, "Hyperactivity and cognitive deficits are generally linked with hippocampal damage,
and in fact, the hippocampus is considered to be the central processor which integrates inputs from
the environment, memory, and motivational stimuli to produce behavioral decisions and modify
memory... Overall, the behavioral changes from fluoride exposure are consistent with interrupted
hippocampal development. Whether the hippocampus is indeed the brain region most susceptible to
fluoride is a possibility deserving consideration in future studies"
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Fluoride Effects
Fluoride is the ionic form of the element fluorine, different in chemical and physical properties. It is
most usually used in compounds for industry, however, it can be added to water sources. Few areas
in the UK have fluoridated tap water, providing them with key nutrients needed by the body and an
efficient method of preventing tooth decay. On the other hand, there has been speculation linking
fluoride to certain disorders and diseases which has caused concern within the country.
Although Fluoridated water carries many health benefits there have been numerous theories linked
to negative conditions. This causes people to fear what is being put into their water, raising concerns
such as "how will this affect our children" and other safety ... Show more content on
When fluoridation plans came about in 1964 it was estimated that only 10% of children would be
affected by fluorosis, however cases have since exceeded such estimations. There are three forms of
fluorosis; mild, moderate and severe. Although nearly all cases are considered amongst the 'mild'
category there is still evidence of negative effects, enough to make people sceptical. Along with
fluoride being harmful to teeth it was found to damage soft tissues and bones. Recently there have
been 24 studies performed which found links to reduced IQ in children exposed to amounts of
fluoride. However, these tests were not tested with fluoridated water. When added to water it is in
compound form, for example as sodium fluoride, therefore reducing its toxicity. It is also well
known that susceptibility to the fluoride toxins varies greatly between individuals. Fluorosis is the
most common disorder which fluoride creates. It is almost always having a cosmetic effect leaving
white streaks on teeth as well as altering the appearance of growing teeth in children. The fact that it
leaves permanent damage to the tooth's enamel means that parents are highly reluctant to having
such a harmful chemical in their water. This is not only a common theme in the UK, only 11
countries in the world have more than 50% of their population drinking fluoridated water. With only
about 6 million people supplied with fluoridated water, it means only 10% of the UK has agreed to
the legislations. This shows that very few people agree with its benefits. Anti– fluoride campaigns
are most prominent in Manchester and London, two major
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Hydrogen Fluoride Research Paper
Hydrogen fluoride is a highly dangerous chemical compound and pollutant. Hydrogen fluoride is a
colorless gas with a strong odor and gas that is extremely soluble in water ("Hydrogen" 2015).
When dissolved in water, hydrogen fluoride is typically called hydrofluoric acid ("Facts" 2013). It is
one of the strongest known acids with a pH of 1. It has a specific gravity between 1.15 and 1.18 and
a molecular weight of 20.10 grams per mole (Strategic). Hydrogen fluoride is commonly used in
industries. It is highly used in oil refineries, removing rust, and glass etching. It is also used in
everyday cleaning products, like car cleaners and water–spot removers (ATSDR 1992). Hydrogen
Fluoride is sometimes added to drinking water and is found in a plethora of dental care products to
help tooth enamel ("Hydrogen" 2015). Furthermore, hydrogen ... Show more content on ...
Hydrogen fluoride is exceptionally corrosive. If inhaled, it can cause coughing, sore throats,
breathing problems, and inflammation of the lungs. Because of its corrosiveness, it is can cause
burns and even penetrate through the skin and bone when exposed to the skin. Permanent eye
damage, blurred vision, pain, and redness of the can occur if it comes in contact with eyes. Ingesting
large amounts, more than 6mg of the compound, can cause vomiting, burning of the digestive tract,
diarrhea, and kidney damage (Strategic). Long term exposure can cause hypocalcaemia and
hypomagnesaemia (Ozcan 2011). Hydrogen fluoride is also detrimental to plants and animals.
Hydrogen fluoride raises the pH of soil and kills vegetation. It is extremely toxic to aquatic life as
well. The amount of Hydrogen fluoride in water that effects aquatic life depends on the species. For
instance, 60 ppm is lethal for fish in fresh water and the lethal concentration of hydrogen fluoride
for salt water shrimp greater than 300ppm in a forty–eight hour time span
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Fluoride And Turmeric : A Dangerous Poison
Effects of Fluoride and Turmeric
Makena Layton, Emily Salsman, Layne Short
Turmeric scientific name: Curcuma longa
Fluoride is a dangerous poison and is often compared to lead and mercury by researchers.(6) In
small amounts, fluoride can prevent tooth decay.(7) Within the last hundred years, the majority of
developed countries have fluoridated water. (4) Recent studies from Harvard and the American
Cancer Society show that fluoride in drinking water can have serious effects. A range of effects,
from tooth defects to brain damage and cancer can occur. Increased toxins in the brain, irregular
heart rate, and slower growth are also known. Studies have also shown that turmeric can reverse the
effects of fluoride poisoning. Turmeric is a cooking spice originating in India (3), with a vivid color,
which is caused by curcumin. Curcumin, currently seen in many supplements, and is used in
medications to reverse swelling (5). In this experiment, there were four groups: embryo water,
embryo water with turmeric added the next day, fluoride with turmeric added the next day, and
fluoride. All of the groups had ten embryos each. The concentration of the fluoride was 3 mg/500
mL of water. The concentration for the turmeric was 5 mg/500 mL of water. Increased heart rate and
larger food sacs were common among fluoride groups. Turmeric appeared to bring the heart rate
down, though it caused some discoloration to the embryos. This is expected, though, as turmeric is
known for its rich orange
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Essay On Fluoride
Fluoride (the thick fluid dentists put on your teeth that feels strange) was put in the water supply to
assist the growth and to have a healthy and beautiful set of teeth from childhood to adulthood, but
could that help be toxic?
Fluoride has been put into the public water supply to help babies. When you're older it helps with
resistance to enamel destroying acids, cavities, and other kinds of tooth decay as said by the
American Dental Association. Gradually "Studies show that fluoride in community water systems
prevents at least 25 percent of tooth decay in children and adults..." and "Early studies, such as those
conducted in Grand Rapids, showed that water fluoridation reduced the amount of cavities children
get in their baby teeth by ... Show more content on ...
For most cities, every $1 invested in water fluoridation saves $38 in dental treatment costs." Many
people opposing this view think of it as a harsh chemical but really it's naturally present in
groundwater and oceans. Even though we are adding more fluoride to the water, water fluoridation
"is the adjustment of fluoride to a recommended level for preventing tooth decay." and fluoride is
"similar to fortifying other foods and beverages, like fortifying salt with iodine, milk with vitamin
D, orange juice with calcium and bread with folic acid." People oppose water fluoridation because
they think it is an unsafe practice "...there is no dispute that fluoridation is causing millions of
children to develop dental fluorosis, a discoloration of the teeth that is caused by excessive fluoride
intake." this may be true,but that is if you consume much more than 2 liters of water a day.
Which that number is only "...over 5 percent of males between ages of nineteen and fifty consume at
least 5 liters of water a day...while 1 percent of females consume over 5.5 liters a day." in a total of
around probably 8 percent in total of the population of the 19–50 year old males
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Fluoride Conspiracy By Laurie Higgs
Fluoride has been used by people for many decades. The most common use is in toothpaste.
Fluoride was added to toothpaste to lower the amount of dental cavities that one gets, and works by
protecting the enamel (outer hard layer over the tooth). Another use of fluoride is in drinking water.
It was added to drinking water to also help with tooth decay. Many people are debating whether or
not this is truly safe. In the essay, "The Fluoride Conspiracy", by Laurie Higgs, she talks about the
use of fluoride drinking waters and dangers it brings by using logos, pathos, and ethos. Higgs
explains in her essay that the use of fluoride has been used in water for some time now and that it is
used to help prevent tooth decay as stated in her citations. She further explains that when brushing
ones teeth and swallows an "x" amount of toothpaste that that one should called poison control, so
why would one be able to drink it? About sixty percent of homes contain fluoride–added water and
an average person is suppose to drink eight 8–ounce glasses of water each day, while the amount of
fluoride in each glass contains more than twice the amount (to be consumed) of fluoride allowed in
toothpaste (Higgs par.2), and if one had too much ... Show more content on ...
In the essay it states that fluoride in water is a "dangerous poison" and "toxic" (Higgs para.3). She
uses these words to explain the effects of fluoride and creates the reader to have fear. She also uses
appeals to pathos by explaining that by drinking the water one can increase hypothyroidism.
Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. The essay
says that hypothyroidism can lead to "depression, fatigue, weight gain, muscle and joint pains,
increased cholesterol levels and heart disease" (as qtd. in Higgs par.5). The author uses human
health and the problems that can arise from drinking water with fluoride to evoke the readers
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Fluoride In Public Water: Pros And Cons
Benjamin Oseroff:
and D, athletes, and manual laborers that consume large quantities of water; they are seen as the
most at risk for fluoride toxicity. More recent studies associate consumption of fluoridated water to
health risks like ADHD and underactive thyroids. 1 The high concentration of fluoride in bones over
time also causes fractures in elderly populations. Fluoride is a bio–accumulative, highly toxic
chemical that was a key element in the atomic bomb of the
1940s.Human studies were conducted at the time by bomb program researches to understand its
effects on human health. Although the results of these studies remain classified, it is clear that they
inspired the first litigations against the US A–bomb program regarding fluoride ... Show more
content on ...
This water fluoridation policy violates the Hippocratic tradition of "do no harm" by providing
treatment that can endanger the physical or mental well–being of people. Medication rarely comes
without side effects or negative consequences, and there is enough research on the neurotoxicity of
fluoride to prove that its inclusion in public water sources contradicts moral reasoning.11 It also
conflicts with Mill's moral principle of harm that considers creating damage to others a curtailment
on individuals' rights. The actions of the CDC should be limited because their causing harm is
Supporters of this public policy can counter this argument with the "do well" principle, underlining
that giving fluoride leads to a reduction in tooth decay more significant than the risk of mild side
effects like cosmetic flurosis.10
Benjamin Oseroff:
Benjamin Oseroff:
Benjamin Oseroff:
I argue that the benefits received from ingesting fluoride do not outweigh the known and suspected
hazards of its accumulation in the body over
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Fluoride And Its Effect On Our Lives
Drink 8 glasses of water a day! Everywhere you go, you see and hear this but would you if you
knew what was in it? If you knew would you still drink it? Lots of chemicals are added to get water
fresh and pure. You're told they all have health benefits. But is this true? One chemical isn't as
healthy as all the rest. It's quite harmful. This is fluoride. Fluoride shouldn't be in our waters because
fluoride in high levels can cause dental fluorosis, cavities, and decay. With fluoride in our water,
toothpastes, food and drinks, pesticides and even tea, it is easy to get more then you bodies need.
During the developing stage when you're an infant, and as you become a child, fluoride can have
some series effects that continue on as you grow older. Thus drinking the water wouldn't be a good
idea but you still have to. Along with damaging your teeth fluoride can also affect your cancer rate,
your brain, and heart disease.
For Those Wondering.
Added to toothpastes and mouth washes to help defend your teeth from cavities is fluoride. Fluoride
helps in teeth support and repairs broken surfaces. It works by forming a strong compound with
other chemicals on your teeth so that they'll be less–prone to acid attack. The acid comes from the
bacteria that live on sugars we eat. Brushing and flossing your teeth will get rid of the bacteria and
rinse them away but it doesn't help in the long term. Fluoride works to form a compound that is long
lasting to keep your teeth healthy and strong.
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Fluoride And Sugar Causes Tooth
Maintaining a healthy smile means proper brushing, flossing, and using fluoride. Fluoride is a
natural mineral that helps to strengthen enamel, reducing the amount of bacteria that attack your
teeth and preventing cavities. Bridgeview Dental Group, located in Kodiak, specializes in family
dental care, including teeth whitening, root canals, and tooth implants. They've highlighted a few of
the myths that surround fluoride use, debunking them to reveal the truth.
Sugar Causes Tooth Decay: While this myth is partially true, as sugar is a vehicle for bacteria, the
main cause of cavities is because the enamel breaks down and doesn't defend the tooth against
germs. Fluoride promotes stronger enamel, which protects the teeth from those oncoming
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Fluoride And Its Effect On The Quality Of Life
Fluoride plays an important role in improving overall health amongst the population by reducing the
occurrence of dental caries.
Dental caries has been shown to have a negative impact on the quality of life, psychological and
social aspects of children's lives.
Fluoride is naturally present to some extent in all foods and water.
Water fluoridation
Is the adjustment of the natural concentration of fluoride in drinking water to the optimal
recommended level for the prevention of dental caries.
Fluoride plays a key role in preventing dental caries and works in two ways systemically and
As a topical effect; fluoride in saliva interacts with the minerals on the tooth surface to replace all
the lost enamel and so prevents dental caries.
Fluoride at an optimal level in the water supply provides the ideal, constant "repair kit" for teeth, as
fluoride protects both developing (i.e. pre–eruption) and erupted teeth against caries, it benefits
individuals of all ages.
As a systemic effect; the presence of fluoride in the pre–eruptive phase leads to structural
improvements that render the tooth more resistant to later acid attack, i.e. after the tooth erupts into
the mouth.
By reducing the amount of dental caries in both children and adults, aiding in counter–balancing the
negative health implications associated with increased levels of dental caries.
In Ireland, water fluoridation plays a key role in counter–balancing the effects of poor tooth
brushing habits and
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Fluoride Research Paper
Fluoride and the thyroid
We've discussed the many invisible ingredients in our tap water with fluoride being one of them.
We've also touched upon the dangers of each individual ingredient and just what they can do to our
health over a long period of time but here we're going to delve a little deeper. This article will be
looking at fluoride and its affect on your thyroid.
Why is fluoride in our drinking water?
Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral and can be found in water in differing amounts dependent
on which area of the UK that you reside in. Fluoride can also be found in certain foods such as tea
and fish as well as a lot of our toothpastes and mouthwashes. The main reason it's now
manufactured and subsequently added into our public ... Show more content on ...
On the contrary, altered thyroid function can be associated with an intake of fluoride as low as 0.05–
0.1mg of fluoride per kg of bodyweight per day. If you happen to suffer from an iodine deficiency
then you could notice an alteration with a dosage as little as 0.03mg/kg/day. This means for a person
of 70kg (that's roughly 154lbs), just 3.5mg of fluoride per day could end in a thyroid dysfunction.
The most recent analysis relating to exposure was taken by the US Environmental Protection
Agency. They estimated that an average adult was consuming around 3mg of fluoride per day with
some regularly ingesting up to 6mg per day. What they found to be even more concerning however
were the doses for children. With an average 14kg child (around 30lbs), the fluoride intake of more
than 0.7mg per day were enough to put them at risk yet figures showed children within this weight
range to be consuming around 1.5mg of fluoride each and every day and in some cases more. This
meant that children were consuming more than twice the amount that was necessary to alter the
thyroid function. Chronic exposures such as this could have a seriously detrimental impact along
with life–long effects on the intellectual, social and even sexual development of children as they
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Fluoride Research Paper
Amanda Pham
Mrs. Norwood
Chemistry I
Fluoridation of Water
Fluoride is a compound that contains fluorine with another element or group. It is used mainly in
dental hygiene products such as toothpaste. Toothpaste that contains fluoride is now required by the
FDA to have a warning label that states, "... If more than used for brushing is accidently swallowed,
get medical help or call the Poison Control Center right away." The consumption of fluorine over
long periods of time could lead to health complications. Despite the possible side effects, the
government has deposited fluorine into our water systems. With that being said, fluorine should not
be allowed to be put into our drinking water.
One example of why fluoride should not
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Case Study The Revolutionary Idea Of Fluoride
The Revolutionary Idea Of Adding Fluoride To Drinking Water Introduction to Public Health
(HLTB16H3), Summer 2018 Michelle Letchumanan, Ph.D. Candidate Tutorial 2: Thursdays
2:00pm–3:00PM, MW120 Thursday, June 7 2018 Tefna Francis 1004254362
Fluoridation of drinking water addresses the health issue of tooth decay and the related dental
problems associated with it.1 Fluoride is associated with this health issue since fluoride has been
recognized as an important nutrient for healthy teeth.1 ... Show more content on ...
In 1945, Brantford, Ontario, became the first Canadian city to add fluoride to its water.3 This was
the first milestone that was involved in laying the groundwork for the achievement of adding
fluoride to Canadian drinking water. Brantford was paired with neighbouring Sarnia in an 11–year
case study of the effects of water fluoridation.3 This event was the first key process that contributed
to the groundwork of this revolutionary idea. The rate of community water fluoridation in Canada
has grown, with 45.1% of the total population now having access to fluoridated water.3 The
implementation of this program has impacted a significant part of the Canadian population in a
positive way. The benefit–cost ratio indicated that, at an expected average effectiveness of 30 %
caries reduction, one dollar invested in the program saved $71.05–$82.83 per Quebec's
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Silver Diamine Fluoride: A Case Study
In 2014, the United States welcomed a product called silver diamine fluoride after it was approved
by the Food and Drug Administration. It was with the help of Dr. Peter Milgrom, DDS., a professor
at the University of Washington, who pushed through and got this fluoride approved. It was cleared
as a cavity varnish for patients with hypersensitivity. It became available to dentists in 2015 and the
CDT code of D1354 was created in January of 2016. Prior to this, the dentistry did not have a code
to monitor this. Price per bottle of silver diamine fluoride is $129. Each bottle averages roughly 250
drops, which makes each drop of fluoride 0.52. Since its clearance for hypertension by the FDA,
dentists have discovered the fluoride's antimicrobial effects on dental caries. Silver diamine fluoride
now has an off–label use to arrest dental caries while simultaneously preventing dental caries, and
treating dental hypersensitivity. This is similar to that of fluoride varnish, which was created to treat
hypersensitivity, but has an off–label use of preventing decay. ... Show more content on ...
Silver ions have a long history of use in both dentistry and medicine. It was known to treat tetanus
before other antibiotics were created. In dentistry, one documentation of the silver nitrate dates over
nine hundred years ago in Japan, where Geisha and married women used silver as a cosmetic to
blacken their teeth for many months. These women were found to have little to no evidence of
dental caries. Countries like Japan, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Cuba, and China have used this
product since the 1980's or
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Pros And Cons Of Fluoride
Fluoride Debate
The aim of this work is to compile support and opposition for the motion 'should we artificially
fluoridate our water supply'. Scientific literature has been used throughout in order to provide
reliable points. Some personal views and points have been expressed.
– Reduces tooth decay o Reduction in pain of an individual o Reduces amount of children having
dental related GA. Does the potential risks of fluoridation outweigh the risk of GA
– How much is 1ppm? o 1mg/L o According to guidance – on average 2L of water should be drunk
p/d o 2mg of fluoridated water ingested p/d
– Topical Flouride is most effective at reducing tooth decay o Tooth brushing in conjunction with
fluoridated water will provide powerful combination ... Show more content on ...
to neurotoxicity, development of osteosarcoma and interference with biochemical systems. Further
exploration into these studies raised alarm bells in their relevance to the 'fluoride debate'. For
example I found the amount of fluoride being used in many studies to be well above any reported
daily human consumption, for example Ge Y et. El. (30) Used 100mg doses (there was no mention
of frequency) to prove a link between fluoride and apoptosis of brain cells. Other studies undertaken
usually had too many variables, for example Liu H et. El attempted to study the effect of fluoride on
male fertility using a population with high fluoride intake and another with low. The study doesn't
take into account other variables such as diet, volume / frequency of fluoride intake or genetics. The
conclusions being drawn where tenuous, with, in my opinion, no conclusive evidence to prove the
hypothesis, with the studies mentioning further research is
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Fluoride Pros And Cons

  • 1. Fluoride Pros And Cons What is fluoride? Water fluoridation has always been a hot topic and now it's at its peak, from debates in the news among congressmen and from state to state. Fluoride is a compound of chemicals that are used to help prevent tooth decay, and can prevent loss of important minerals from the tooth enamel. Many Americans consume fluoride through which can be found in water, soft drinks, and juice. Water fluoridation has been around since the 1940's, when it was commonly known to be in everyone's drinking water. There are four different ways to get fluoride: have a dentist apply it, take fluoride tablets, using tooth paste with fluoride, and drinking water with fluoride in it. When fluoride is applied it will help reduce cavities and help your teeth be strong and less ... Show more content on ... The history of fluoride dates back to the 1940's when an experiment was conducted in four major cities in the United States to see if water fluoridation would help the communities with dental cavities. This study states that "Over a ten year period of fluoridation, the incidence of cavities in each city was cut in half. The beneficial effect of fluoride was not dependent on the source of the fluoride" (Fallon 2006 pg. 2). The benefits of fluoride are great because if a person takes in some fluoride over a period of time there will be less cavities and he/she will have stronger teeth. Arkansas Dental Hygiene Association states, "Community water fluoridation is an effective, safe, and inexpensive way to prevent tooth decay. Fluoridation benefits Americans of all ages and socioeconomic status." It has been proven that the use of fluoride dental products can effectively prevent tooth decay in ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Fluoride Water Crisis Having lived a good portion of my life in the US, I am very aware of the ongoing and vast array of conversations about water. There are issues with drought, flooding, contamination, water rights and even stealing, but the conversation that many people neglect to have is the one about fluoridation. While I find myself disturbed by the fact that most people turn a blind eye to this use of fluorides in our public water systems, I am equally disturbed that municipalities do it at all. Too often we blindly trust that our government has our best interest at the base of their decisions. Not to paint with too wide of a brush, but we all know only too well that that not always the case. I don't mean to sound overly cynical, but it often appears ... Show more content on ... Infants are most at risk since they consume the highest amounts per body weight through formulas. Dental fluorosis a condition that shows up in the discoloration of tooth enamel, and is a bi–product of getting too much fluoride in the diet. Dental fluorosis shows up in later years as presenting as white spots, pitting and a permanent and intrinsic darkening. This condition is systematic of a wider range of problems. Studies done by the National Research Council concluded "It is apparent that fluorides have the ability to interfere with the functions of the brain." The Environmental Protection Agency upon review of the studies listed fluoride among approximately 100 other chemicals showing substantial evidence of promoting developmental neurotoxicity. There have been over 100 experiments done on animals providing proof that shows fluoride impacting cognitive thinking. Animals who were ingesting fluoride at the same consumption rate as a average household user were found to have brain damage that impacted learning and ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Fluoride Concentration In Drinking Water Essay The (SDWA) did set a primary standards (enforceable limits) for the fluoride concentration in the drinking water that is 4.0 (mg/L) or 4.0 ppm as a (MCLG & MCL) respectively. At this level of protection which is based on the best available science research that will prevent potential health problems. In addition, (SDWA) did set a secondary standard (non–enforceable limits) for the fluoride concentration in the drinking water that is 2.0 (mg/L) or 2.0 ppm as a (MCL). At this level which undergo as cosmetic effect and may cause skin, tooth discoloration, aesthetic effects. However, the (EPA) recommends secondary standards of the fluoride to water systems as it achieves the balance between the beneficial effects of protection such as tooth decay ... Show more content on ... However, water suppliers who follow the primary standards levels, put young children and their developing teeth at risk for disease, as the maximum fluoride level is twice that of the recommended level for children. On the other hand, "believing that fluoride is an industrial poison requires to deny decades of evidence that fluoride at low concentrations has no ill effects. Also have to believe that the "industry" is paying the "government" to keep quiet while industrial dumping of chemical waste into public water supplies". Thus, for the moment got confused between that statement and "anti– fluoride campaigners believe that fluoride in drinking water is harmful because it alters your brain in some way". However, my stance on adding fluoride in drinking water will join the thought of the majority of medical and dental practitioners in our community who indicated their support of retaining fluoride in our community water supply. Since there is no actual and scientific approved evidence of how fluoride addition into drinking water is harmful for the human (no significant health risk). Besides, as a percussion step, I will follow the (PHS) recommendation level for fluoride as safe and acceptable fluoride drinking water ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Fluoride in Drinking Water: Is it good? Essay Fluoride in drinking water has been a hot topic in the past decade. Some communities are all for it and some are completely against it. With such a range of opinions on the matter some organizations have took it upon themselves to present the pros and cons of the fluoride to the public so they can make informed decisions. Often times these surveys are bias to one side or the other, so I shall be giving information on both sides of the issue, the future outlook, and my personal opinion in order to help inform you to decide on your own. Fluorine is an element that reacts with minerals in the earth to create a salt. The salt is often naturally occurring in nature and is found in very small amounts in urban and rural wells. Although it is ... Show more content on ... The NRC reported in 2007 that fluoride was considered an element essential to life. Fluoride plays an important role in the body's ability to perform metabolic and biochemical reactions that help prevent tooth decay and help bone formation. Essentially the government says that the fluoridation of water is more helpful than harmful for people as it is a good use of tax dollars as it treats upper class and lower class citizens equally in dental prevention. Although with all this information on the benefits of treating public water there is still information that is overlooked by governments. Fluoride is a pollutant, insecticide, poison, and a byproduct of fertilizer, nuclear power plants, and metal processing. Fluoride is also found in many processed goods, dental hygiene products, and pharmaceuticals meaning the average person's intake is most likely far greater than the recommended levels. In the 1930s they were looking for an easy way to dispose of the toxic byproduct. During this time period one of the largest aluminum companies funded a test to determine how bad or good fluoride actually was to the people, this is when it was first deemed as a beneficial treatment. To me it seems kind of fishy that a company more worried about public relations and how to dispose of the toxic byproduct was trusted to carry out the testing themselves. This thinking came from the era where it was thought that smoking cigarettes would ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Fluoride Research Paper Fluoride Slows the Early Stages of Tooth Decay Plaque that builds up on teeth naturally produces acids that break down the tooth enamel, leaving teeth open to bacteria that cause decay. Fluoride helps to reverse this process and can help to repair the enamel on the teeth of your loved one. Seniors have a higher likelihood of developing tooth decay, due to loss of saliva production and loss of dexterity, which can make brushing and flossing difficult. Drinking fluoridated water is a simple way to get fluoride to the teeth, preventing or slowing down tooth decay. Drinking Fluoridated Water Can Help Your Loved One Keep their Teeth Recent studies have shown that adults over the age of 50 who drank fluoridated water were more likely to keep their ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Why Fluoride Is Dangerous And Harmful Rationale: Most people would like to control what they consume, and even though this is becoming harder with unmarked labeling and chemical additives, governments and councils all over the globe are adding chemicals such as fluoride into city water supplies. The public is told that it is just to conserve their health but we have created the illusion for ourselves that fluoride is added for other reasons, I.E. population control and to lower our IQ. So why are governments doing this? I thought that it would be interesting to find out why fluoride is added to our water and if it is really necessary. Intro: Most people know fluoride as a chemical added to water and toothpaste to improve dental health. Some people believe that fluoride is vital to the growth and maintenance of out teeth but others say fluoride is dangerous and harmful even when diluted. So what are the reasons behind adding this supposed "poison" to our water supply and do we really need it? Well I believe we need fluoride, and this document should help to explain why. What Is Fluoride: Fluorine is an element in the many fluoride compounds that are commonly added to water supplies and dental products to rebuild and reinforce the enamel on our teeth. There are over 10 different fluoride compounds. This is because fluorine has the capability of forming compounds with nearly all the elements. When fluorine is combined with something else, for example sodium, it becomes a fluoride compound (Sodium Fluoride). ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Fluoride Decline Introduction Fluoride is the ionic form of the element fluorine and is the 13th most abundant element in the earth's crust. Chemically, fluoride is negatively charged and combines with positive ions to form stable compounds such as calcium fluoride or sodium fluoride. Such fluorides are released into the environment naturally in the form of both water and air. Generally, when the term fluoride is mentioned, thoughts associated with calcified tissues (i.e., bones and teeth) are provoked. This is likely due to fluoride's high affinity for calcium, enabling its ability to inhibit or even reverse the initiation and progression of dental caries, otherwise known as tooth decay. Caries are an infectious, multifactorial disease afflicting most persons ... Show more content on ... The developing human brain is uniquely vulnerable to toxic chemical exposures, and major windows of developmental vulnerability occur in the womb, during infancy and early childhood. Chemical exposure, even at low levels, can cause permanent brain injury during these fragile growth phases, where exposure during adulthood would have little or no adverse effects. Classified amongst other neurotoxic chemicals, fluoride, when administered at high levels, has the potential to cause neurotoxicity in adults and can result in negative impacts on memory and learning according to rodent study reports. Throughout the last several years, advances in scientific research have enabled expansion of what little understanding there is about the substance's impact on children's ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Effects Of Fluoride On Human Health The Harmful Effects of Fluoride on Human Health Removing fluoride from consumer products' benefits human health, prevent low IQ's, and rids the notion that it helps cavities. Fluoride combines the element fluorine with another substance, generally a metal ("Water"1). Once in the body, fluoride absorbs into the blood through the digestive tract. They collectively accumulate where areas high in calcium take place, such as bones and teeth ("Water"1). Over the years, since inception, many people have questioned why fluoride continues to remain integrated into the water and consumer products in general. Many toothpaste brands have fluoride in it, and dentist claims it aids in preventing cavities, although there is research that will explain that ... Show more content on ... The pineal gland is the part of the brain that manages your circadian rhythm and from a spiritual perspective, allows mutli–dimensional perception. "In the 1990's, a British scientist, Jennifer Luke, discovered that fluoride accumulates strikingly high levels in the pineal gland" ("Fluoride"1). This is not a good thing at all, and can cause more effects on females than males, although it is not good for anyone. Melatonin, which is produced in the pineal gland, maintains the body's circadian rhythm and also regulates the onset puberty in females. This ties into the next finding, which is the proven fact that melatonin levels are lower with high levels of fluoride in the pineal gland, and affects more of the pineal gland normal functions ("Fluoride"1). All of these facts can prove that with a reduced melatonin production, sleep hinders and affects our daily lives. "While the impacts of these fluoride concentrations in the pineal gland are not fully understood, studies have found that calcified deposits in the pineal gland are associated with decreased numbers of functioning pinealocytes and reduced melatonin production as well as impairments in the sleep–wake cycle" ("Fluoride"1). In the spiritual world, fluoridation can cause serious problems for the third eye concept in the pineal gland ("Rinpoche"). It mentions that within the calcified pineal gland, it can become increasingly difficult to activate the universal perception that comes along with balancing the chakras ("Rinpoche"). There are methods you can work with that can decalcify, and furthermore there are plenty of conspiracies that state fluoridation is deliberately causing calcified pineal glands to lower perceptions and ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Fluoride Essay Fluoride Fluoride is a mineral that occurs naturally in almost all foods and water supplies. The fluoride ion comes from the element fluorine. Fluorine, the 13th most abundant element in the earth's crust, is never encountered in its free state in nature. It exists only in combination with other elements as a fluoride compound. Fluoride is effective in preventing and reversing the early signs of tooth decay. Researchers have shown that there are several ways through which fluoride achieves its decay– preventive effects. It makes the tooth structure stronger, so teeth are more resistant to acid attacks. Acid is formed when the bacteria in plaque break down sugars and carbohydrates from the diet. Repeated acid attacks break down the tooth, ... Show more content on ... Nearly 145 million Americans are currently receiving the benefits of optimally fluoridated water. With the 1995 enactment of Assembly Bill 733 in California, ten states and territories in the United States now mandate fluoridation through legislation. Besides California, these include seven other states (Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, Ohio and South Dakota), as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Three states (South Dakota, Rhode Island and Kentucky), as well as the District of Columbia, have achieved the ultimate success with 100 percent of their treatable community water systems providing the benefits of fluoridation to their citizens. While safety has been an issue frequently raised by those opposed to fluoridation, scientific data from peer–reviewed clinical research provide overwhelming evidence that the adjustment of fluoride levels in drinking water to the optimal level is undoubtedly safe. Hundreds of studies on fluoride metabolism have tracked the outcomes of ingested fluoride. Ingested fluoride essentially travels three metabolic pathways. It is either excreted by the kidneys, absorbed by the teeth or taken up in the skeleton. At optimal levels fluoride has never been demonstrated to cause skeletal fluorosis or other bone problems. On the contrary, there is mounting evidence that continued exposure of individuals to low levels of ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Fluoride Essay For Kids Fluoride is a must on your child toothpaste Many children's toothpastes are the cutest team and smells like a whole candy store, showing Advice & Rön review. But the worst is still the alternative children's toothpastes that lacks fluoride – it's crazy because fluoride is the best protection against tooth decay. Advice & Findings have examined 14 children's toothpastes. Blue and pink jelly, strong, synthetic aromas of strawberry and bubble gum is not uncommon. And all the more or less sweet taste. Must kids really have a special children's toothpaste? Can not brush with mom's and dad's toothpaste? We let the matter proceed to the Bibi Stenman, dental hygienist and "of fluoride Auntie", development and public health coordinator in the Public Dental Service in Stockholm County. ... Show more content on ... Many children find it far too strong taste of adult toothpaste. But yes, it is as well to let the kids brush their teeth with adult toothpaste as long as they have no special additives with additional grinding or bleach, for example. – Personally, I think it is unfortunate that most children toothpastes are so cute, and many parents have contacted us about it. Lately there have been some child toothpastes with milder taste, such as mint. This is good, this has listened to consumers, she says. Nowadays, it is not much difference in the fluoride content of children's and adult toothpastes. The fluorine content in children previously toothpaste was substantially lower than in adult toothpaste and low in most cases around 500 ppm (milligrams per kilogram toothpaste). Small child swallows the toothpaste easily, and too much fluoride can damage the enamel of the teeth as they ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Fluoride Persuasive Memo Courtney Bost 1200 Newnan Crossing Blvd E Newnan, Georgia 30265 Representative Lynn Westmoreland 2202 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 September 7, 2015 Dear Representative Westmoreland: I am writing to you on behalf of my support of House Bill 129. This bill would allow water authorities to propose a referendum for the cessation of fluoridation of county water supply. As a citizen of district 3 and of a fluoridated county, I would greatly appreciate the ability to vote for whether or not I would like to consume water with fluoride in it. I believe that a choice in the matter would greatly benefit every county and its citizens. Since we are the ones consuming the water, I think it should be a community decision instead of a decision made by local, state, or federal governments. After all, this is supposedly a nation of "we ... Show more content on ... According to World Health Organization data obtained from a study on 12 year old's levels of tooth decay, fluoride has had very little effect, if any at all, on tooth decay. Countries such as Japan, Italy, and Iceland, who are non–fluoridated countries, actually have about the same level of tooth decay decrease as countries that have fluoridated water. Fluoride is considered a drug, according to the FDA, which means that it is a medical treatment. Medical treatments are not to be given unless the patient agrees to the treatment, therefore, placing fluoride into the public water supply violates informed consent seeing as how citizens are not given the opportunity to vote on the matter. Even if people could vote on the situation, not all people are going to agree with and since it is considered a drug, it ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Pros And Cons Of Fluoride In Public Water The measured add–on of fluoride to the public water supply to decrease tooth decay is water fluoridation. Depending on where the water is coming from, most water supplies has a naturally happening fluoride concentration, but is generally low and does not help. To help, fluoride is being added into public water at a continuous concentration to reach that naturally occurring limit and no more. There are advantages to fluoride being added to the public water, but there are also controversial disadvantages. American Dental Association (ADA) has written and article on "5 Reasons Why Fluoride in Water is Good for Communities"(ADA, 2017.). The ADA then proceeds to go into depth on each of these five topics, as I will summarize in my own words. First, fluoride prevents tooth decay by being present in the ... Show more content on ... One of the main disagreement is fluoridation takes away the public's choice. "Rodriguez reportedly said it is a violation of his individual rights by the government because the process forces people to consume a substance they may not know is present or that they would rather avoid" (Advocate, V. 2015). There is also a controversial debate if it would be cheaper for the cities and communities to discontinue the fluoridation program. Then, Teek Miller, a retired science and math teacher wrote a letter to her city council and stated that she thinks brushing teeth with fluoride is beneficial, but swallowing the chemical is not. Miller goes on to explain how fluoride is damaging to the bones and brain, when swallowing (Advocate, V. 2015). Public health officials have been looking into the health considerations when digesting fluoride, because in large amounts, fluoride is considered poison, but those levels cannot be reached by drinking just fluoridated ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Comparison of Studies: Effects of Fluoride concentration... Since the implementation of artificially introducing fluoride into water, a great amount of resistance has taken place. Many people claim that fluoridating community water sources can cause not only dental fluorosis, but a multitude of adverse systemic conditions. This perception has led to many political battles on the subject. The problems associated with fluoride ingestion tend to present when concentrations are higher that generally accepted. In communities with natural high fluoride concentrations, adverse effects have range from dental and skeletal fluorosis to decreased birth rates, increased kidney stones, impaired thyroid function, and lower intelligence (Chen, 2013, p. 1). These tend to be the concerns of the opposition to ... Show more content on ... Showing a decrease in systemic exposure to fluoride. However, the study also found that urinary fluid concentrations were higher than drinking water concentrations (Chen, 2013, p. 7). The other factors measure, indicators of changes in bone metabolism that may result in adverse effects, remained low in low concentrations of fluoride in drinking water (Chen, 2013, p. 6). This shows that a low concentration of fluoride in drinking water does not cause the bone problems that many opposition to water fluoridation are concerned with. It does show that fluoride levels need to be closely monitored and the body's metabolism of fluoride taken into account, because of some systemic accumulation. In another article about water fluoridation, we look at the dental risk and benefits of implementing this program. Well less saturated with pure scientific evidence, it provides factual information in a more understandable manor. The study centers on measurement of decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMF index) in the population of children five to fifteen years old, in Ireland, from the span of 1960 to 2002, in fluoridated and non–fluoridated areas (Harding & O'Mullane, 2013, p. 133). The mean DMF score was significantly lower in children consuming fluoridated water over the rate of occurrence in those with non–fluoridated water (Harding & O'Mullane, 2013, p. 133). Though in recent years, the contrast is less severe. I speculated this may be due to an ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Fluoride: What Are The Facts Campbell, A. W. (2013). Fluoride: What Are the Facts? Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine, 19(5), 8–10. This article talks about some facts of water fluoridation. First this article addresses when fluoride was first put into the water and why it was put there. The article explains the health issues that could possibly come from the fluoridation of water. These issues include skeletal fluorosis, kidney disease and dental fluorosis. The article also talks about how the amount of fluoride each person gets cannot be controlled very well. This article acknowledges more of the negative side effects of water fluoridation rather than talking about the positive. However the weakness of this article is that the author privileges the negative ... Show more content on ... It also brings in how the media gets involved with the issue because some people opposed that water fluoridation should be mandatory. The article explains how tooth decay occurs and it also goes into full detail of how fluoride works in multiple ways to prevent tooth decay. The argument for and against water fluoridation on whether it improves dental is also examined in the article. One reason this article is useful for my research is that it describes three way that fluoride works to prevent tooth decay whereas most other sources that I have read does not describe how the fluoride works they only say that fluoride helps. This article also explains how tooth decay occurs, which most other articles do not describe. The author acknowledges the possible side effects from over fluoridation and states that there is very little evidence that water fluoridation causes any negative health side effects. However the author does not say what evidence supports the claim that is does not cause health issues, which weakness this article some. (184 ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Fluoride Research Paper Fluoride and the brain The fluoride within our drinking water has always been a hot topic for debate. It's known to cause a number of health problems ranging from lowered thyroid function to cancer. Today we're going to look at fluoride and the brain specifically. Fluoride damage to the brain happens to be one of the most active areas of research today. In the past thirty years, over one hundred studies that have taken place have found evidence to prove that fluoride exposure can actually damage the brain. This particular research has included: More than 100 animal studies proving long–term exposure to differing levels of fluoride will damage the brain. This is especially the case when the person in question is suffering from an iodine deficiency ... Show more content on ... For a number of different reasons, it's unlikely that any of these limitations could explain the link between fluoride and IQ. Firstly, the majority of the studies controlled the key factors and a link between fluoride and a reduced IQ was still observed. This fact was reiterated within the Harvard review, which also reported a significant link within the studies that controlled certain key factors. The two studies, which controlled the largest number of factors, (Rocha Amador 2007 and Xiang 2003a,b) still reported some of the largest links to date. Secondly, the link between fluoride and a lowered IQ in children is predicted by a large body of other evidence, which found links between fluoride and neurobehaviour in ways that were consistent with a neurotoxin. In addition to this, the studies focusing on the learning and memory capacity of rats after fluoride exposure were all under very carefully controlled laboratory conditions. Aside from this, an even larger body of animal research discovered that fluoride could directly damage the brain after confirming their findings in aborted human fetuses from areas with high–fluoridated water. ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Fluoride Argumentative Essay Daniel Fernandez What if you found out that the water in your house was poisoning you and your family? How would you feel knowing that the water your family uses everyday might slowly be killing them? Many people believe that the government is secretly poisoning communities across the country by putting fluoride in our tap water. Others believe that fluoride is a safe product that benefits us. Most scientists and researchers are split on whether fluoride is harmful or not. The United States has been fluoridating communities' water supplies since the early 1940's (, 2013). In this essay we will be looking to see if fluoride should be in our water supply or not. The government says that we need fluoride, but fluoride is not an essential nutrient for humans. Fluoride is the only chemical added into our water for the purpose of medical treatment. It is supposed to prevent tooth decay, but studies show that tooth decay hasn't decreased significantly since fluoride was added (, 2012). Fluoridated countries do not have less tooth decay than non–fluoridated countries. Many U.S ... Show more content on ... Fluoride in the Pineal gland disrupts the sleep–wake cycle. Melatonin levels drop in the Pineal gland when it is in disarray. Melatonin is a hormone that is produced in the Pineal gland it helps the body's circadian rhythm and regulates when teens go through puberty. Young women are going through puberty earlier and earlier. Some believe that a low melatonin level from fluoride in the pineal gland is the culprit. Fluoride causes young women to go through puberty earlier than natural and that can have some serious effects on their health (, 2012). A couple of consequences due to early puberty in females is short stature and in some studies an increased risk of breast cancer (, ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Efficacy Of Sodium Fluoride RESEARCH METHODS 2 QUESTION 1: PART A: 1. Aims: To determine the efficacy of sodium fluoride varnish (22,600ppm) application biannual and use of high concentration fluoride toothpaste (2800ppm) together in high caries risk children wearing orthodontic braces against development of white surface lesions (WSL) between 12– 16 years of age. 2. Objectives: To detect and classify progress of caries using ICDAS system in high caries risk children wearing orthodontic braces with combined use of fluoride varnish applications biannually and use of high concentration fluoride toothpaste (2800ppm) vs. use of fluoride varnish application biannually and normal strength (1450 ppm) fluoride toothpaste. 3. Hypotheses: The combined use of biannual fluoride application and high concentration fluoride toothpaste reduced the occurrence and progress of caries measured according to ICDAS system in high caries risk children. 4. Study design: 2 year randomised controlled trial was conducted. PART B: Methods for the proposed study: 1. Population of interest: The study was conducted at a very busy orthodontic practice. A total of 186 participants were included in the study. Inclusion criteria for children to be part of study was: Patient fitted with fixed brace in last 2 month, no active carious lesion present, dietary analysis shows high cariogenic diet, committed to attend every six months. Children excluded from the study: children who already ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Fluoride As A Safe And Effective Way Of The Dental Health... Visiting a dentist, in most cases, is not exactly an event that someone looks forward to. Oral hygiene is important in making sure that no problems arise for teeth, however, and the issue of unhealthy teeth has been combatted by advertisements, and more recently, the additive of fluoride into tap water. Fluoride has been important in the process of improving the dental health of Americans; after the addition of fluoride into tap water, tooth decay decreased drastically among Americans and most significantly among young children. It's argued, however, that fluoride is dangerous, not required, and a violation of someone 's rights by being added to water. In reality, fluoride is a safe and effective way to prevent tooth decay by being added ... Show more content on ... This statement assumes that enough fluoride is added to water to harm whomever is drinking it; the actual amount of fluoride in drinking water is in the range of 0.7 to 1.2 parts per million. To help visualize that amount, just one part per million is one minute out of two years. For fluoride to be harmful to humans, someone would have to ingest 5 to 10 grams in the same sitting, the same as needing to drink more than 10,000 glasses of tap water at the same time, which is physically impossible. In fact, the human stomach can only hold about 34 ounces at it's capacity, not close to the 80,000 ounces of tap water someone would need to ingest to die. Before getting close to being harmed by fluoride, water intoxication would potentially kill the individual. Not enough fluoride is added to have chronic effects too. Chronic fluoride toxicity occurs after being exposed to fluoride for long periods of times, developing after 10 years. Nevertheless, the amount added to fluoride is not enough to develop chronic fluoride toxicity. Therefore, the amount of fluoride added to water has no ill effects on populations. It's claimed that the addition of fluoride into the drinking water is unlawful as people who do not want fluoride in their water should not be forced to drink it. This claim has never help up in a court of law; in fact, the courts believe that fluoridation is good for public health and welfare, "Fluoridation is viewed by the courts a ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Fluoride Benefits Chemical filled water? No thank you! It was has been said that New Zealand's water supplies are 100% pure and natural as well as being good for the human body. But this is not the case. This fluoridated water is affecting all of us right at this moment. That glass of water you just drank is now affecting important organs within your body. This fluoride is a by product of phosphate which is found in sources of food, toothpastes and mouthwashes. Is this something you'd like to ingest? The benefits of using fluoride are to protect our teeth against dental diseases. But the negatives outway the positives. Some New Zealanders believe that fluoridating our water sources are completely non harmful. It has been noted that fluoride benefits the whole community; "It gives the greatest benefits to ... Show more content on ... Fluoride Free Nz is one of those organisations who are against fluoridating water supplies in New Zealand. As some are aware, the fluoride added to our water source is hydrofluoric acid which is a by product of aluminum, steel, cement and phosphate, and is manufactured to make things such as plastics and toothpaste. From these byproducts, diseases such as, Cancers, Skeletal Fluorosis and Dental Fluorosis are more likely to occur. There have also been studies that children's IQ's lower over time. A concern for many New Zealand residents is the fact that the intake of Silicofluoride cannot be a controlled dosage, due to not knowing how much an individual will drink daily. Of course, the more intake of fluoride means less is going to be released from the body. In adults, around 40–50% of the non excreted fluoride remains in the body. Large quantities accumulate in the bone tissue and pineal gland, affecting movement of an individual. Children excrete even less, with around 80% remaining in their bones. Knowing this, more New Zealanders are opting to remove fluoride from the water ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Fluoride Research Paper Fluoride is not a beneficial mineral to dental patients because it is poisonous. According to Michael Schachter M.D, "Fluoride is more poisonous than lead and just slightly less poisonous than arsenic. It is a cumulative poison that accumulates in bone over the years" ("The Dangers of Fluoride and Fluoridation"). Fluoride is a poison and accumulates over time especially when it is digested. By digesting this mineral the patient is slowly poisoning them without knowing it.The patient should realize that this poison like any other can eventually cause damages to one's body over time. The Fluoride Action Network claims, "In 1997, the FDA ordered toothpaste manufacturers to add a poison warning on all fluoride toothpaste sold in the U.S. The FDA ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Fluoride Mouth Rinses Focus on Fluorides: Update on the use of Fluoride for the Prevention of Dental Caries This article is based on the negative and positive impacts of fluoride uses. Topics discussed include: updates on community water fluoridation, fluoride available in dentifrices, and fluoride varnish, use and recommendations. Fluoride is the first line of defense, along with education, for preventing caries. Fluoride is the only compound recognized by the FDA for the prevention of dental caries (Carey, 2014). Fluoride comes primarily from fluoridated community water, toothpastes, and mouth rinses. The intake of water and processed beverages in the United States provides about 75% of a person's fluoride intake (Carey, 2014). Community water fluoridation began ... Show more content on ... Products that contain sodium fluoride (NaF) as the active ingredient also need to have sufficient detergent to prevent the fluoride ions from reacting with the silica abrasives forming insoluble fluorosilicates (Carey, 2014). There is a large effort to develop reliable methods of measurement of available fluoride. The difficulty in achieving the analytical methods is related to the large variety of ingredients used in toothpaste products and the different forms of fluoride delivered during tooth brushing (Carey, 2014). There are three categories of fluoride form toothpaste during tooth brushing: free ionic fluoride which has the ability to react with tooth structure, interfere with microbial metabolism, absorb to the oral mucosa, and has anticaries efficacy; profluoride compounds that are delivered or precipitate in the oral cavity during brushing, release ionic fluoride over time, and contribute to anticaries efficacy; and unavailable fluoride compounds that do not release fluoride ions, are either spat out or swallowed, and have no anticaries efficacy (Carey, 2014). Monofluorophosphate is an example of a profluoride compound that is hydrolyzed to release ionic fluoride through salivary enzyme action (Carey, 2014). The total and potentially available fluoride can be ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Fluoride Informative Speech Truth about Fluoride Objective: To inform my audience about the history, present, and future of fluoride. Central Idea: Fluoride benefits is a lie The ingredient that takes place in our everyday life is fluoride. It is well known for its happy propaganda of everybody needing good health and what better way to start it then with your teeth and make you think fluoride is good for the health, when the reality of the matter is , it damages your health. Hello my name is Frank Gomez and today I will be speaking about the truths about fluoride. I'm going to be giving some detailed background about the history, the changes, and the impacts on the future. How did it start you may ask, Body Fluoride has long since been introduced as being a health factor A. All the information is ... Show more content on ... Fluoridation is not a natural process nature thought of it first that fluoride in high level occurs in fluoride water studies shown a segmented frog suffers significant damage including bone disease, changes in behavior and shorter life span B. It has gotten rather popular 1. Many sources besides tap water. Before not a single tube of toothpaste had fluoride. Now every one of them has it. Many processed beverages and foods have elevated levels of fluoride. Other sources pesticides, tea Teflon pans, pharma, 2. Today world health organization says no real difference of tooth decay of minority countries vs majorly with yes who fluoride vs those who don't C. More evidence now 1. The main chemical; ingredient added into fluoride isn't what most people think naturally occurring compound it is a corrosive acid captured in air controlled pollution devices . 2. In 2012 a team of Harvard scientists warned that the developing brain is another target. A large studies of china found reduced IQ scores to children expose to fluoride. Now that we have uncovered the truth about fluoride, how is the future going to turn out about fluoride?
  • 44. III Impacts on the future A. Why do people want ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Who is against fluoride being added to water and Why Who is against fluoride being added to water and Why This report investigates about water fluoridation, and its effects and why it is added to water. Water fluoridation is a process where fluoride is added to public drinking water. The main purpose of this is to reduce tooth decay. The dosage that is added to the water is paramount to stopping tooth decay. This process can only be achieved by physically adding the fluoride to the drinking water. When the fluoridated water is drunk it acts on the surface of the teeth building up the enamel. It also leaves low levels of fluoride in the saliva. This also reduces the decaying rate of the teeth. This practice is common among developed countries. This is where the rate of tooth decay is high. ... Show more content on ... Strengthening bones Some studies show that fluoride is one of the minerals that is required to build up strong bones. When fluoride is used correctly, it increases the rate in which the bones grow and makes them stronger. While the use of fluoride is beneficial, we cannot ignore the harmful effects of using fluoride. Uncontrolled fluoride intake can be very counter reproductive and sometimes lead to chronic conditions that change your lifestyle. Why unions and civil societies are against of adding fluoride in water The practice is unethical Doctors and other medical personnel see added doses of fluoride to drinking water, as a malpractice. This is because medical ethics do not allow for any administration of drugs without the consent of the patient or a proper diagnosis. In addition, the practice also gives fluoride to people who do not need it. Not everyone is affected by tooth decay, however the system does not choose whom to give the dose and whom to skip. This leads to accumulation of fluoride in the blood system, which can lead to life threatening conditions. The dose cannot be controlled People take different amounts of water making. This makes it difficult to regulate the dose taken by one person. In addition, fluoride is not meant to be ingested into the body, rather it is meant to be used on the surface of teeth. Athletes and those with diabetes will take more water than ordinary people will. This makes there fluoride intake more than the
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  • 49. The Negative and Positive Benefits of Fluoride The ingestion of fluoride has been associated to benefits for the teeth. According to some observers in the past, fluoride strengthens the enamel of the teeth making it not so susceptible to cavities. From this hypothesis the fluoridation of water had its start and until today it is believed to be one of the most responsible sources for reducing cavities in the population (Graham & Morin, 1999). In some author's view the fluoridation of the water implies a significant change and the positive effects can been seen in the so–called post–fluoride generation. In this generation the number of adults without any teeth has dramatically declined and similar improvements can be observed in the periodontal health − related to gums and supporting structures of teeth − (Milgrom & Reisine, 2000). However the lack of consideration of fluoride's potential to be harmful to human's health is questionable and studies have pointed out the dark side of this compound (Bryson, 2006). A study conducted in the cities of Newburgh and Kingston, in New York have shown that the prevalence of cavities in the population is similar or even less in communities that doesn't have artificial fluoridated water compared to the ones that have fluoride add to the water. This study conducted forty years ago is one considerable evidence that fluoridating the water isn't strongly necessary nowadays to prevent tooth decay, considering that the access to fluoridated products, such as toothpaste, mouthwash and ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Argumentative Essay: The Use Of Fluoride In Water In 1945 Grand Rapids, Michigan was the first city to put fluoride in their water. Many people don't think about what actually is in water, they think nothing of what it could contain when they drink it. Most don't think about the fluoride that is in the water they are drinking in the moment. Even less know why there is fluoride in their water. The reason being is that the government puts fluoride in our water to control us. The government uses fluoride to control us because an effect of it is that it affects the brain's learning and memory. While doing a few experiments they have shown that, "45 animal studies reporting that mice or rats ingesting fluoride have an impaired capacity to learn and/or remember" (Brain). Mice and rats are used for testing because their behavior resemble those of humans and they share 80% of their genes with us which means that the side effects they show will also happen to us. By drinking the fluoride that is put in water it is damaging our learning and memory making us more susceptible to mind control. The government can take advantage of the damage fluoride does because as stated beforehand it affects our memory, the government could brainwash us into thinking something that did not happen. They can also change the way that we ... Show more content on ... As explained, "Hyperactivity and cognitive deficits are generally linked with hippocampal damage, and in fact, the hippocampus is considered to be the central processor which integrates inputs from the environment, memory, and motivational stimuli to produce behavioral decisions and modify memory... Overall, the behavioral changes from fluoride exposure are consistent with interrupted hippocampal development. Whether the hippocampus is indeed the brain region most susceptible to fluoride is a possibility deserving consideration in future studies" ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Fluoride Effects Fluoride is the ionic form of the element fluorine, different in chemical and physical properties. It is most usually used in compounds for industry, however, it can be added to water sources. Few areas in the UK have fluoridated tap water, providing them with key nutrients needed by the body and an efficient method of preventing tooth decay. On the other hand, there has been speculation linking fluoride to certain disorders and diseases which has caused concern within the country. Although Fluoridated water carries many health benefits there have been numerous theories linked to negative conditions. This causes people to fear what is being put into their water, raising concerns such as "how will this affect our children" and other safety ... Show more content on ... When fluoridation plans came about in 1964 it was estimated that only 10% of children would be affected by fluorosis, however cases have since exceeded such estimations. There are three forms of fluorosis; mild, moderate and severe. Although nearly all cases are considered amongst the 'mild' category there is still evidence of negative effects, enough to make people sceptical. Along with fluoride being harmful to teeth it was found to damage soft tissues and bones. Recently there have been 24 studies performed which found links to reduced IQ in children exposed to amounts of fluoride. However, these tests were not tested with fluoridated water. When added to water it is in compound form, for example as sodium fluoride, therefore reducing its toxicity. It is also well known that susceptibility to the fluoride toxins varies greatly between individuals. Fluorosis is the most common disorder which fluoride creates. It is almost always having a cosmetic effect leaving white streaks on teeth as well as altering the appearance of growing teeth in children. The fact that it leaves permanent damage to the tooth's enamel means that parents are highly reluctant to having such a harmful chemical in their water. This is not only a common theme in the UK, only 11 countries in the world have more than 50% of their population drinking fluoridated water. With only about 6 million people supplied with fluoridated water, it means only 10% of the UK has agreed to the legislations. This shows that very few people agree with its benefits. Anti– fluoride campaigns are most prominent in Manchester and London, two major ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Hydrogen Fluoride Research Paper Hydrogen fluoride is a highly dangerous chemical compound and pollutant. Hydrogen fluoride is a colorless gas with a strong odor and gas that is extremely soluble in water ("Hydrogen" 2015). When dissolved in water, hydrogen fluoride is typically called hydrofluoric acid ("Facts" 2013). It is one of the strongest known acids with a pH of 1. It has a specific gravity between 1.15 and 1.18 and a molecular weight of 20.10 grams per mole (Strategic). Hydrogen fluoride is commonly used in industries. It is highly used in oil refineries, removing rust, and glass etching. It is also used in everyday cleaning products, like car cleaners and water–spot removers (ATSDR 1992). Hydrogen Fluoride is sometimes added to drinking water and is found in a plethora of dental care products to help tooth enamel ("Hydrogen" 2015). Furthermore, hydrogen ... Show more content on ... Hydrogen fluoride is exceptionally corrosive. If inhaled, it can cause coughing, sore throats, breathing problems, and inflammation of the lungs. Because of its corrosiveness, it is can cause burns and even penetrate through the skin and bone when exposed to the skin. Permanent eye damage, blurred vision, pain, and redness of the can occur if it comes in contact with eyes. Ingesting large amounts, more than 6mg of the compound, can cause vomiting, burning of the digestive tract, diarrhea, and kidney damage (Strategic). Long term exposure can cause hypocalcaemia and hypomagnesaemia (Ozcan 2011). Hydrogen fluoride is also detrimental to plants and animals. Hydrogen fluoride raises the pH of soil and kills vegetation. It is extremely toxic to aquatic life as well. The amount of Hydrogen fluoride in water that effects aquatic life depends on the species. For instance, 60 ppm is lethal for fish in fresh water and the lethal concentration of hydrogen fluoride for salt water shrimp greater than 300ppm in a forty–eight hour time span ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Fluoride And Turmeric : A Dangerous Poison Effects of Fluoride and Turmeric Makena Layton, Emily Salsman, Layne Short Turmeric scientific name: Curcuma longa Fluoride is a dangerous poison and is often compared to lead and mercury by researchers.(6) In small amounts, fluoride can prevent tooth decay.(7) Within the last hundred years, the majority of developed countries have fluoridated water. (4) Recent studies from Harvard and the American Cancer Society show that fluoride in drinking water can have serious effects. A range of effects, from tooth defects to brain damage and cancer can occur. Increased toxins in the brain, irregular heart rate, and slower growth are also known. Studies have also shown that turmeric can reverse the effects of fluoride poisoning. Turmeric is a cooking spice originating in India (3), with a vivid color, which is caused by curcumin. Curcumin, currently seen in many supplements, and is used in medications to reverse swelling (5). In this experiment, there were four groups: embryo water, embryo water with turmeric added the next day, fluoride with turmeric added the next day, and fluoride. All of the groups had ten embryos each. The concentration of the fluoride was 3 mg/500 mL of water. The concentration for the turmeric was 5 mg/500 mL of water. Increased heart rate and larger food sacs were common among fluoride groups. Turmeric appeared to bring the heart rate down, though it caused some discoloration to the embryos. This is expected, though, as turmeric is known for its rich orange ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Essay On Fluoride Fluoride (the thick fluid dentists put on your teeth that feels strange) was put in the water supply to assist the growth and to have a healthy and beautiful set of teeth from childhood to adulthood, but could that help be toxic? Fluoride has been put into the public water supply to help babies. When you're older it helps with resistance to enamel destroying acids, cavities, and other kinds of tooth decay as said by the American Dental Association. Gradually "Studies show that fluoride in community water systems prevents at least 25 percent of tooth decay in children and adults..." and "Early studies, such as those conducted in Grand Rapids, showed that water fluoridation reduced the amount of cavities children get in their baby teeth by ... Show more content on ... For most cities, every $1 invested in water fluoridation saves $38 in dental treatment costs." Many people opposing this view think of it as a harsh chemical but really it's naturally present in groundwater and oceans. Even though we are adding more fluoride to the water, water fluoridation "is the adjustment of fluoride to a recommended level for preventing tooth decay." and fluoride is "similar to fortifying other foods and beverages, like fortifying salt with iodine, milk with vitamin D, orange juice with calcium and bread with folic acid." People oppose water fluoridation because they think it is an unsafe practice "...there is no dispute that fluoridation is causing millions of children to develop dental fluorosis, a discoloration of the teeth that is caused by excessive fluoride intake." this may be true,but that is if you consume much more than 2 liters of water a day. Which that number is only "...over 5 percent of males between ages of nineteen and fifty consume at least 5 liters of water a day...while 1 percent of females consume over 5.5 liters a day." in a total of around probably 8 percent in total of the population of the 19–50 year old males ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Fluoride Conspiracy By Laurie Higgs Fluoride has been used by people for many decades. The most common use is in toothpaste. Fluoride was added to toothpaste to lower the amount of dental cavities that one gets, and works by protecting the enamel (outer hard layer over the tooth). Another use of fluoride is in drinking water. It was added to drinking water to also help with tooth decay. Many people are debating whether or not this is truly safe. In the essay, "The Fluoride Conspiracy", by Laurie Higgs, she talks about the use of fluoride drinking waters and dangers it brings by using logos, pathos, and ethos. Higgs explains in her essay that the use of fluoride has been used in water for some time now and that it is used to help prevent tooth decay as stated in her citations. She further explains that when brushing ones teeth and swallows an "x" amount of toothpaste that that one should called poison control, so why would one be able to drink it? About sixty percent of homes contain fluoride–added water and an average person is suppose to drink eight 8–ounce glasses of water each day, while the amount of fluoride in each glass contains more than twice the amount (to be consumed) of fluoride allowed in toothpaste (Higgs par.2), and if one had too much ... Show more content on ... In the essay it states that fluoride in water is a "dangerous poison" and "toxic" (Higgs para.3). She uses these words to explain the effects of fluoride and creates the reader to have fear. She also uses appeals to pathos by explaining that by drinking the water one can increase hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. The essay says that hypothyroidism can lead to "depression, fatigue, weight gain, muscle and joint pains, increased cholesterol levels and heart disease" (as qtd. in Higgs par.5). The author uses human health and the problems that can arise from drinking water with fluoride to evoke the readers ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Fluoride In Public Water: Pros And Cons by Benjamin Oseroff: and D, athletes, and manual laborers that consume large quantities of water; they are seen as the most at risk for fluoride toxicity. More recent studies associate consumption of fluoridated water to health risks like ADHD and underactive thyroids. 1 The high concentration of fluoride in bones over time also causes fractures in elderly populations. Fluoride is a bio–accumulative, highly toxic chemical that was a key element in the atomic bomb of the 1940s.Human studies were conducted at the time by bomb program researches to understand its effects on human health. Although the results of these studies remain classified, it is clear that they inspired the first litigations against the US A–bomb program regarding fluoride ... Show more content on ... This water fluoridation policy violates the Hippocratic tradition of "do no harm" by providing treatment that can endanger the physical or mental well–being of people. Medication rarely comes without side effects or negative consequences, and there is enough research on the neurotoxicity of fluoride to prove that its inclusion in public water sources contradicts moral reasoning.11 It also conflicts with Mill's moral principle of harm that considers creating damage to others a curtailment on individuals' rights. The actions of the CDC should be limited because their causing harm is unethical. Supporters of this public policy can counter this argument with the "do well" principle, underlining that giving fluoride leads to a reduction in tooth decay more significant than the risk of mild side effects like cosmetic flurosis.10 Benjamin Oseroff: Benjamin Oseroff: Benjamin Oseroff: I argue that the benefits received from ingesting fluoride do not outweigh the known and suspected hazards of its accumulation in the body over ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Fluoride And Its Effect On Our Lives Drink 8 glasses of water a day! Everywhere you go, you see and hear this but would you if you knew what was in it? If you knew would you still drink it? Lots of chemicals are added to get water fresh and pure. You're told they all have health benefits. But is this true? One chemical isn't as healthy as all the rest. It's quite harmful. This is fluoride. Fluoride shouldn't be in our waters because fluoride in high levels can cause dental fluorosis, cavities, and decay. With fluoride in our water, toothpastes, food and drinks, pesticides and even tea, it is easy to get more then you bodies need. During the developing stage when you're an infant, and as you become a child, fluoride can have some series effects that continue on as you grow older. Thus drinking the water wouldn't be a good idea but you still have to. Along with damaging your teeth fluoride can also affect your cancer rate, your brain, and heart disease. For Those Wondering. Added to toothpastes and mouth washes to help defend your teeth from cavities is fluoride. Fluoride helps in teeth support and repairs broken surfaces. It works by forming a strong compound with other chemicals on your teeth so that they'll be less–prone to acid attack. The acid comes from the bacteria that live on sugars we eat. Brushing and flossing your teeth will get rid of the bacteria and rinse them away but it doesn't help in the long term. Fluoride works to form a compound that is long lasting to keep your teeth healthy and strong. ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Fluoride And Sugar Causes Tooth Maintaining a healthy smile means proper brushing, flossing, and using fluoride. Fluoride is a natural mineral that helps to strengthen enamel, reducing the amount of bacteria that attack your teeth and preventing cavities. Bridgeview Dental Group, located in Kodiak, specializes in family dental care, including teeth whitening, root canals, and tooth implants. They've highlighted a few of the myths that surround fluoride use, debunking them to reveal the truth. Sugar Causes Tooth Decay: While this myth is partially true, as sugar is a vehicle for bacteria, the main cause of cavities is because the enamel breaks down and doesn't defend the tooth against germs. Fluoride promotes stronger enamel, which protects the teeth from those oncoming ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Fluoride And Its Effect On The Quality Of Life Fluoride plays an important role in improving overall health amongst the population by reducing the occurrence of dental caries. Dental caries has been shown to have a negative impact on the quality of life, psychological and social aspects of children's lives. Fluoride is naturally present to some extent in all foods and water. Water fluoridation Is the adjustment of the natural concentration of fluoride in drinking water to the optimal recommended level for the prevention of dental caries. Fluoride plays a key role in preventing dental caries and works in two ways systemically and topically. As a topical effect; fluoride in saliva interacts with the minerals on the tooth surface to replace all the lost enamel and so prevents dental caries. Fluoride at an optimal level in the water supply provides the ideal, constant "repair kit" for teeth, as fluoride protects both developing (i.e. pre–eruption) and erupted teeth against caries, it benefits individuals of all ages. As a systemic effect; the presence of fluoride in the pre–eruptive phase leads to structural improvements that render the tooth more resistant to later acid attack, i.e. after the tooth erupts into the mouth. By reducing the amount of dental caries in both children and adults, aiding in counter–balancing the negative health implications associated with increased levels of dental caries. In Ireland, water fluoridation plays a key role in counter–balancing the effects of poor tooth brushing habits and ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Fluoride Research Paper Fluoride and the thyroid We've discussed the many invisible ingredients in our tap water with fluoride being one of them. We've also touched upon the dangers of each individual ingredient and just what they can do to our health over a long period of time but here we're going to delve a little deeper. This article will be looking at fluoride and its affect on your thyroid. Why is fluoride in our drinking water? Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral and can be found in water in differing amounts dependent on which area of the UK that you reside in. Fluoride can also be found in certain foods such as tea and fish as well as a lot of our toothpastes and mouthwashes. The main reason it's now manufactured and subsequently added into our public ... Show more content on ... On the contrary, altered thyroid function can be associated with an intake of fluoride as low as 0.05– 0.1mg of fluoride per kg of bodyweight per day. If you happen to suffer from an iodine deficiency then you could notice an alteration with a dosage as little as 0.03mg/kg/day. This means for a person of 70kg (that's roughly 154lbs), just 3.5mg of fluoride per day could end in a thyroid dysfunction. The most recent analysis relating to exposure was taken by the US Environmental Protection Agency. They estimated that an average adult was consuming around 3mg of fluoride per day with some regularly ingesting up to 6mg per day. What they found to be even more concerning however were the doses for children. With an average 14kg child (around 30lbs), the fluoride intake of more than 0.7mg per day were enough to put them at risk yet figures showed children within this weight range to be consuming around 1.5mg of fluoride each and every day and in some cases more. This meant that children were consuming more than twice the amount that was necessary to alter the thyroid function. Chronic exposures such as this could have a seriously detrimental impact along with life–long effects on the intellectual, social and even sexual development of children as they ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Fluoride Research Paper Amanda Pham Mrs. Norwood Chemistry I 12/1/2014 Fluoridation of Water Fluoride is a compound that contains fluorine with another element or group. It is used mainly in dental hygiene products such as toothpaste. Toothpaste that contains fluoride is now required by the FDA to have a warning label that states, "... If more than used for brushing is accidently swallowed, get medical help or call the Poison Control Center right away." The consumption of fluorine over long periods of time could lead to health complications. Despite the possible side effects, the government has deposited fluorine into our water systems. With that being said, fluorine should not be allowed to be put into our drinking water. One example of why fluoride should not ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Case Study The Revolutionary Idea Of Fluoride The Revolutionary Idea Of Adding Fluoride To Drinking Water Introduction to Public Health (HLTB16H3), Summer 2018 Michelle Letchumanan, Ph.D. Candidate Tutorial 2: Thursdays 2:00pm–3:00PM, MW120 Thursday, June 7 2018 Tefna Francis 1004254362 Fluoridation of drinking water addresses the health issue of tooth decay and the related dental problems associated with it.1 Fluoride is associated with this health issue since fluoride has been recognized as an important nutrient for healthy teeth.1 ... Show more content on ... In 1945, Brantford, Ontario, became the first Canadian city to add fluoride to its water.3 This was the first milestone that was involved in laying the groundwork for the achievement of adding fluoride to Canadian drinking water. Brantford was paired with neighbouring Sarnia in an 11–year case study of the effects of water fluoridation.3 This event was the first key process that contributed to the groundwork of this revolutionary idea. The rate of community water fluoridation in Canada has grown, with 45.1% of the total population now having access to fluoridated water.3 The implementation of this program has impacted a significant part of the Canadian population in a positive way. The benefit–cost ratio indicated that, at an expected average effectiveness of 30 % caries reduction, one dollar invested in the program saved $71.05–$82.83 per Quebec's ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Silver Diamine Fluoride: A Case Study In 2014, the United States welcomed a product called silver diamine fluoride after it was approved by the Food and Drug Administration. It was with the help of Dr. Peter Milgrom, DDS., a professor at the University of Washington, who pushed through and got this fluoride approved. It was cleared as a cavity varnish for patients with hypersensitivity. It became available to dentists in 2015 and the CDT code of D1354 was created in January of 2016. Prior to this, the dentistry did not have a code to monitor this. Price per bottle of silver diamine fluoride is $129. Each bottle averages roughly 250 drops, which makes each drop of fluoride 0.52. Since its clearance for hypertension by the FDA, dentists have discovered the fluoride's antimicrobial effects on dental caries. Silver diamine fluoride now has an off–label use to arrest dental caries while simultaneously preventing dental caries, and treating dental hypersensitivity. This is similar to that of fluoride varnish, which was created to treat hypersensitivity, but has an off–label use of preventing decay. ... Show more content on ... Silver ions have a long history of use in both dentistry and medicine. It was known to treat tetanus before other antibiotics were created. In dentistry, one documentation of the silver nitrate dates over nine hundred years ago in Japan, where Geisha and married women used silver as a cosmetic to blacken their teeth for many months. These women were found to have little to no evidence of dental caries. Countries like Japan, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Cuba, and China have used this product since the 1980's or ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Pros And Cons Of Fluoride Fluoride Debate The aim of this work is to compile support and opposition for the motion 'should we artificially fluoridate our water supply'. Scientific literature has been used throughout in order to provide reliable points. Some personal views and points have been expressed. Support – Reduces tooth decay o Reduction in pain of an individual o Reduces amount of children having dental related GA. Does the potential risks of fluoridation outweigh the risk of GA – How much is 1ppm? o 1mg/L o According to guidance – on average 2L of water should be drunk p/d o 2mg of fluoridated water ingested p/d – Topical Flouride is most effective at reducing tooth decay o Tooth brushing in conjunction with fluoridated water will provide powerful combination ... Show more content on ... to neurotoxicity, development of osteosarcoma and interference with biochemical systems. Further exploration into these studies raised alarm bells in their relevance to the 'fluoride debate'. For example I found the amount of fluoride being used in many studies to be well above any reported daily human consumption, for example Ge Y et. El. (30) Used 100mg doses (there was no mention of frequency) to prove a link between fluoride and apoptosis of brain cells. Other studies undertaken usually had too many variables, for example Liu H et. El attempted to study the effect of fluoride on male fertility using a population with high fluoride intake and another with low. The study doesn't take into account other variables such as diet, volume / frequency of fluoride intake or genetics. The conclusions being drawn where tenuous, with, in my opinion, no conclusive evidence to prove the hypothesis, with the studies mentioning further research is ... Get more on ...