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Kredia Bankare Dhe Pavlefshmeria E Normes Se Interesit Tek...
............................................................................................................................................................. 2
......................................................... 3 NORMA E INTERESIT E KREDIVE
.......................................................................................................... 4 KREDITE BANKARE –
BEKIM APO MALLKIM? .............................................................................................. 4 LIDHJA
....................................................................... 6 FORMA E DREJTE QE LIDH NORMEN E
INTERESIT ME INVESTIMET ..................................................... 7 ARSYET QE BEJNE QE
NORMA E INTERESIT TE MOS NDIKOJNE TE INVESTIME ................................... 8
........................................................................................................................................... 12
REFERENCAT ... Show more content on ...
Ne nje situate te tille, me norma interesi kaq te uleta, askush nuk eshte i gatshem te jape hua.
Ndryshimet ne normat e interesit mund te ndikojne dhe kursin e kembimit te nje monedhe. Per
shembull, nje norme me e larte e interesit ne leke krahasuar me interesat ne valute i ben investimet
ne leke me joshese, pasi kthimi nga ky investim eshte me i larte. Kjo ben qe te rritet vlera e lekut
kundrejt ketyre monedhave. Normat e larta te interesave kane dy lloj efektesh kontradiktore mbi
kursimet e konsumatoreve. Se pari, sa me teper te fitojne njerezit nepermjet kursimeve, aq me te
prirur jane ata per te kursyer. Megjithate, sa me te medha te jene fitimet, aq me te pasur ndihen
kursimtaret, rrjedhimisht ata do te shpenzojne me teper ne vend qe te kursejne. NORMA E
INTERESIT E KREDIVE Norma e interesit te kredive te ofruara nga bankat eshte nje pike kryesore
pas te ciles rendin jo vetem bankat, sepse prej tyre varen te ardhurat e aktivitetit bankar, por edhe
klientet, pasi per ta eshte me se e domosdoshme te njohin koston e kredise se marre prane bankes.
Shuma e interesave per t'u paguar varet nga disa faktore: shuma kryesore e marre ose e dhene hua,
kohezgjatja per te cilen eshte marre/dhene huaja, norma e deklaruar vjetore e interesit, grafiku i
shlyerjes se kredise dhe menyra e perllogaritjes se interesit. Ne tregun bankar shqiptar normat e
interesit te kredive te
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Canada regulation
Table of Contents
1 Country, Politics and Industry Background
1.1 Brief on Political System
Resource: wikipedia
Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Canada is a
federal state that is governed as a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy with
Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state. It is a bilingual nation with both English and French as
official languages at the federal level.
Canada has strong democratic traditions upheld through a parliamentary system within the construct
of constitutional monarchy; the monarchy of Canada is the foundation of the executive, legislative,
and judicial branches.
The direct participation of the royal and ... Show more content on ...
The Quebec and federal governments asked the high court to suspend its ruling for 18 months. Less
than two months after its initial ruling, the court agreed to suspend its decision for 12 months,
retroactive to June 9, 2005.
1.4 Health care system problem
1.4.1 Long Wait times
Although life–threatening cases are dealt with immediately, some services needed are non–urgent
and patients are seen at the next–available appointment in their local chosen facility. (Wikipedia)
1.4.2 Restrictions on privately funded health care
The Canada Health Act, which sets the conditions with which provincial/territorial health insurance
plans must comply if they wish to receive their full transfer payments from the federal government,
does not allow charges to insured persons for insured services (defined as medically necessary care
provided in hospitals or by physicians). Most provinces have responded through various
prohibitions on such payments. This does not constitute a ban on privately funded care; indeed,
about 30% of Canadian health expenditures come from private sources, both insurance and out–of–
pocket payments. The Canada Health Act does not address delivery. Private clinics are therefore
permitted, albeit subject to provincial/territorial regulations, but they cannot charge above the
agreed–upon fee schedule unless they are treating non–insured persons (which may include those
eligible under automobile insurance or worker 's compensation, in
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Notes On La Revolution Numerique
A. Historique
Gaston Bachelard (1993) affirme que : « Le réel n'est jamais « ce qu'on pourrait croire » mais il est
toujours ce qu'on aurait dû penser. » (p. 13) ( a citer ds la bibl)
Avec la révolution numérique depuis les années 1940 et l'apparition des premiers ordinateurs on s'est
engagé dans un profond bouleversement technologique qui est devenu non seulement technologique.
Puis grâce à la puissance des super–ordinateurs apparus dans les années 1950 et 1960, ils occupaient
des armoires entières. Dans les années 1970 tout est devenu accessible à tous grâce aux micro–
ordinateurs – Selon Robert X. Cringely dans son documentaire (1996), une poignée de cingles
d'informatique et autres Hobbyists s'est acharnée à concevoir, produire et distribuer– puis les
dimensions des micro–ordinateurs ont diminué grâces aux interfaces graphiques des années 1980.
Le grand évènement était avec l'arrivée du World Wide Web qui a transformé l'internet. Cette
technologie d'interconnections comptait seulement 213 machines en aout 1981, en un cyberspace
planétaire qui a atteint 5 milliards de terminaux connectés en aout 2010 , et une véritable « vie sur
écran » selon Sherry Turkle(1995) s'est développée au cours des années 1990 autant qu'une
authentique et nouvelle de culture qui est la cyberculture. Selon Pierre Levy (1997) la cyberculture
désigne « l'ensemble des techniques (matérielles et intellectuelles), des pratiques, des modes de
pensée et des
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Modalitati Specifice de Promovare a Produselor Si...
Modalitati specifice de promovare a produselor si serviciilor turistice Strategia de marketing
Planificarea strategica orientate catre pita a inceput sa intre pentru prima data in atentia marilor
corporatii din S.U.A. in jurul anilor '70. Aceasta a fost determinate de succesiunea unor procese cum
ar fi: criza generala de materii prime si in special criza energetica, stagnarea economica, inflatia,
expansiunea japoneza. Rolul marketingului in planificarea strategica Planificarea strategica este un
proces managerial de dezvoltare si sustinere a unei legaturi stranse si a echilibrului intre resursele si
obiectivele intreprinderii, pe de o parte, respectiv schimbarile si oportunitatile pietei, pe de alta
parte. Tinta planificarii ... Show more content on ...
Aceasta este idea exprimata de Theodore Lewitt atunci cand il citeaza pe Leo McGivena: "Am
vandut 1 milion de burghie de 6 mm, nu pentru ca oamenii aveau nevoie de burghie de 6 mm, ci
pentru ca aveau nevoie de gauri de 6 mm". De fapt, in optica de marketing, elemental cel mai
important este serviciul oferit utilizatorului, indifferent de suportul material sau immaterial al
acestuia. Printre altele, putem afirma ca in numeroase cazuri furnizarea unui bun este asociata cu
oferta unui serviciu (servicii post–vanzare, de exemplu), in aceasi masura in care numeroase servicii
se bazeaza pe furnizarea unui bun ( calculator pentru serviciile informatice, mancare in cazul unui
restaurant etc) Dincolo de problemele legate de definirea lor este demn de consemnat ca in tarile
occidentale sectorul serviciilor reprezinta aproximativ jumatate din populatia active si din produsul
intern brut al acestora. In acelasi timo, serviciile prezinta anumite particularitati care influenteaza
comportamentul consumatorului si care trebuie a fi studiate in scopul definirii liniilor directoare ale
unui marketing adaptat acestui sector. Principalele caracteristici ale sistemului de producere al
serviciilor Sectorul serviciilor, ca sic el al bunurilor tangibile, grupeaza activitati deosebit de
diverse. La prima vedere, exista foarte putine puncte commune intre transportul aerian sau feroviar,
serviciile hoteliere, banci, asigurari, restaurante, magazine etc. Aceasta
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Anne Bradstreet's Poem
I choose for my reseach essay assignment the poem " In Reference to Her Children, 23 June, 1659"
by Anne Bradstreet as the earliest Native American writing, and the first in a long line of American
poets who took their consolation not from thealogy , but from the " wondrous works", as she wrote,
" that I see, the vast frame of the heaven and the earth, the order of all things." In Anne works, we
see the writing prolifically in poetry form, and she deliver a great massage and moral for her
religious values, for her family and her children as well. The family and the life in the Puritan
believe of Anne are the stronger point of relationship she created in her writting and made her
intresting in the social society of America in 1650–1660. ... Show more content on
Anne represent modern verion where the mother can get the way to educated their children to be
stronger and walking with their feed in the life. She has her onw principes that are fresh for the
mothers today. Her example is a subject of the truths or relation for faith and draw a moral from all
of them. In the Anne character to many mothers can learne a self–effacing which gradually becomes
more authoritative, ability of an experience life, preference for balance in educating children,
attachment to nature and body with believe in the God and simple clue to be followed with respect
in the growth healthy children. Anne raised her children by herself with moral values which
protection them, and she is struggling to trust that they will survive in life with what she has taught
them. This is the main idea for young aduls today when they will be leaving their home and
becaming indipendently. On another side Anne lesson is for the parents who have their home an"
empty nest syndrome" for the parents may feel when their children leave home for the first time and
they feeling loneliness. Since young adults leaving their family house for a normal and healthy event
the parent geting hard time to maintein their feeling, but in the same way they are happy for them
because they are starting a
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Marketing Promocija
MEĐUNARODNI MARKETING 1.Značaj i uloga promocije u međunarodnom marketingu
Najznačajniji element pri kreiranju marketing strategije u modernom svetu savremenih dostignuća i
novih oblika poslovanja , predstavlja promocija. Iako je u različitim područjima svhaćena na
razlicite načine promocija,u svakom slučaju, predstavlja savremen metod marketing komunicianja
na kompleksnom tržistu. Njena osnovna uloga je da potstakne kupovinu, razbije predrasude ,
pretvori nedostatak u prednost. U suštini, na promociju treba gledati kao na stimulans razmene.
Treba je razlikovati od istrazivanja tržišta zbog toga što promocija ne ispituje tržišne specifičnosti,
vec obaveštava porošače o svojoj ponudi i ključnim prednostima u odnosu na konkurenciju . ...
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direktnog tržišnog komunicaranja koje se realizuje kontaktom između prodavca i kupca. Kupcu se
lično obraća prodajni predstavnik sa konačnim ciljem da zaključi kupoprodajni ugovor. Najveća
prednost ove vrste prodaje leži u njenoj fleksibilnosti. Korekcije i prilagođavanja je moguće vršiti na
licu mesta izlazeći u susret zahtevima kupaca. Loša strana individualizovane komunikacije je ta da
košta mnogo. Posao međunarodnog prodavca na prvi pogled izgleda vrlo privlačno. Međutim, radi
se o složenom i napornom poslu koji zahteva posebne veštine osoblja. Nužno je razvijati prodajne
sposobnosti, uvažavati karakteristike različitih kultura, običaja i od velikog značaja je poznavanje
stranih jezika. Pored različitih sistema koji su parametri pri odlučivanju o kupovini, različiti su
kriterijumi i ciljevi kupaca po pojedinim zemljama. Naravno, postoje proizvodi koji zbog svojih
karakteristika i visoke tehnologije čine da kriterijumi za njihovu kupovinu budu isti
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The Objectives Of Financial Reporting
Introduction The objectives of financial reporting are a key element of financial accounting standard
setting. Standard setters have identified financial accounting as providing valuation–relevant
information and contracting–relevant information (Zeff, 2012). The Financial Accounting Standards
Board (FASB) states that the general objective of financial reporting is to provide 'information that
is useful to represent any potential investors and creditors and other users in making rational
investment, credit and similar decisions' (FASB, 2008). It is then narrowed down into two sub–
objectives; 'information to help users in assessing the amounts, timing and uncertainty of
prospective cash receipts' (decision–usefulness) and 'information ... Show more content on ...
It shows that an stewardship uses historical information in the objectives of financial reporting. By
elevating stewardship to a secondary objective it could lead to a de–emphasis on information
regarding the entity's performance which would be unacceptable (Gassen, 2008). However the
negative consequences of leaving stewardship out of the financial reporting comprises; weakening
shareholder rights, earnings or valuation focus for predicative purposes; greater rules; greater focus
of secondary market users; greater possibility that real and consequential loss will not be identified;
discount between company objectives and financial reporting objectives (PAAinE, 2007).
Objectives of financial reporting may be potentially inconsistent with the scope of financial
reporting. Agency theory stresses the possibility of a divergence of interest between management
and shareholders, both of which are assured to be relentlessly purposing their economic self–interest
(Rudiger Smith, 2011). Perhaps it is for this reason that stewardship is characterised as a demand for
information on management's safe custody of the assets and compliance laws and regulation (AASB
and Lennard, 2011). 2.2 Decision–usefulness The decision–usefulness involves the preparation of
financial accounting information that studies the theory of investor decision making in order to infer
the nature and types of information that investors
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Civil Rights: A Short Story
Dan just woke up from his 2 hour nap. Damn it! He fell asleep while completing his Final Civil
Rights project which was due on monday. Surprisingly he didn't procrastinate as much as usually.
He started working on it 3 days ago when it was given to him weeks before. Thankfully he was
almost done with it, about 1 more hour of work left.
Only a little longer...and the final sentence.. aaand BAM! yahooo! Another pointless project done!
yay. He hated studying Law, it was unbelievably boring for him. But he was already at the end of
semester 2 and was not about drop out. The only thing which kept him alive and motivated was
YouTube, and of course his music which he loved and listened to every time he got a chance. But
Youtube, it was something special, it was a happy world which he loved to submerge in and not
come out for hours and even days out of. In that world he can be and act like the person who he
really is and no one would judge mostly because it was filled with people like him who are trying to
find purpose. Of course he only had 400 subscribers but they were all loyal and so nice and almost
all watched all of his videos ... Show more content on ...
No one else was in the kitchen at that time since it was a friday night and everyone went out with
their friends, family or beloved someone having fun. Everyone except him. He started collecting the
ingredients he needed from the refrigerator and cabinets. You gotta be kiddin' me! He couldn't find
any flour or milk and the amount of sugar was hardly enough to fill a table spoon. He made himself
an excuse of not going grocery shopping because he would have change his clothes to something
more socially acceptable then a pink dinosaur onesie. But deep inside he knew that he actually did
not want to Sainsbury's because his ex boyfriend, Felix, worked there. Dan prefered not to think
about Felix. Yet he was still craving
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L'Histoire de La Danse Classique/History of Ballet
History of Ballet
Ballet is a formalized form of dance with its origins in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th and
16th centuries. It quickly spread to the French court of Catherine de ' Medici where it was developed
even further. In the 17th century at the time of Louis XIV, ballet was codified. The predominance of
French in the vocabulary of ballet reflects this history. It also became a form closely associated with
the opera. Ballet then spread from the heart of Europe to other nations. The Royal Danish Ballet and
the Imperial Ballet of the Russian Empire were founded in the 1740s and began to flourish,
especially after about 1850. In 1907 the Russian ballet in turn moved back to France. Soon ballet
spread around the world ... Show more content on ...
Together, they took an Italian theatre style, the commedia dell 'arte, and adapted it into their work
for a French audience, creating the comédie–ballet. Among their greatest productions, with
Beauchamp as the choreographer,[15] was Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme (1670).[19]
In 1669 Louis XIV, who had retired as a dancer, founded the Académie d 'Opéra with Pierre Perrin
as director. Later, after Perrin went bankrupt, the king reestablished the Opéra as the Académie
royale de Musique and made Lully the director.
18th century
The 18th century was a period of advance in the technical standards of ballet and the period when
ballet became a serious dramatic art form. At this time, women played a secondary role as dancers,
encumbered as they were with hoops, corsets, wigs and high heels.
Reforms were made in ballet composition by composers such as Christoph Gluck. Finally, ballet
was divided into three formal techniques sérieux, demi–caractère and comique.
19th–20th century
The 19th century was a period of great social change, which was reflected in ballet by a shift away
from the aristocratic sensibilities that had dominated earlier periods through romantic ballet.
Ballerinas such as Geneviève Gosselin, Marie Taglioni and Fanny Elssler experimented with new
techniques such as pointework that
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Analysis Of The Poem ' Avec Le Livre Imprime '
Avec le livre imprimé, les textes s'étaient stabilisés dans des formes conformes à des règles et
certaines normes, qui étaient devenues quasi stables. L'expérience de lecture pouvait s'appuyer sur
ces constantes cristallisées dans le livre imprimé. Avec le texte numérique, l'écran devient l'unique
lieu d'interaction avec l'œuvre. De nouveaux repères sont construits par le lecteur pour identifier
l'œuvre, se repérer dans son parcours, mémoriser des passages importants et des expériences
spécifiques. Mauger, Poliak & Pudal (1995) affirment que «La notion même de texte vient à éclater.
Ce n'est plus le livre papier qui propose un texte, son propre texte, construite à travers plusieurs
pages au lecteur, mais le lecteur lui–même qui compose un texte, son propre texte, à travers sa
manière de parcourir l'espace que lui offre le numérique. »
Aujourd'hui, cette numérisation a donné au livre ou l'œuvre une nouvelle vie même s'il est ancien. Il
redevient anonyme en perdant son paratexte « carte d'identité » préétablie. Son nouveau rôle est de
convaincre et séduire le lecteur de nouveau par ses caractéristiques intrinsèques. Il cherche ainsi à
mobiliser les pratiques de lecture en prenant les caractéristiques du livre imprimé (mise en page
familière, format, disposition...) pour que le lecteur puisse construire un contexte qui sera guide dans
son interaction avec le texte à l'écran.
De plus, ce livre a été capable d'augmenter les capacités de lecture, de compréhension et de
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Management Des Opération Renault Rapport
Rapport Final Renault Trucks Rapport Final Renault Trucks Sommaire Introduction 1 Présentation
de l'entreprise 4 Histoire de l'entreprise 4 Activité du Groupe 5 Implantation 7 Modélisation de
l'Opération 7 Chaîne Logistique 7 Vision Globale de Supply Chain 7 La Chaîne Logistique 8
Description en détail 9 Carte de pilotage en temps réel14 Anticipation Court/Moyen Terme15
Structuration Long Terme16 Interaction avec l'environnement17 ... Show more content on ...
La seconde partie sera consacrée à la modélisation des opérations que nous avons pu observer dans
l'usine de Vénissieux ou qui nous ont été décrites par notre guide : la chaîne logistique, le pilotage
en temps réel, les anticipations de l'entreprise à court et à moyen termes, la structuration à long
terme et l'interaction avec l'environnement. Enfin, la dernière partie de ce rapport sera dédiée à
l'approfondissement du thème du lean management au sein de l'usine de moteurs de Vénissieux.
Cette partie abordera les deux principaux piliers du lean, à savoir le jidoka et le juste à temps.
Présentation de l'entreprise Histoire de l'entreprise L'histoire de Renault Trucks commence à Lyon
en 1894, lorsque Marius Berliet conçoit sa première voiture puis, en 1906 son premier camion. La
production « de masse » (40 camions par jour) commence lors de la guerre de 14–18 afin d'envoyer
un maximum de camions au front. Dans la période d'après–guerre, l'entreprise se doit de se
diversifier pour continuer d'exister, les premiers accords avec Renault sont créés pour la
construction d'un char commandé par l'armée française. Berliet va ainsi continuer ses partenariats
afin de produire des machines toujours plus avancées, comme lors de son association pour la
production du
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A Summary On Cette Decomposition
Cette décomposition est également appelée décomposition verticale. La première apparition de la
décomposition temporelle a eu lieu en 1980 sous le nom de "multi–couches", en anglais,
"multilayer". Dans la stratégie hiérarchisée, le système de pilotage se compose de quatre niveaux
hiérarchiques qui communiquent entre eux. En effet, le niveau le plus bas est celui de la " régulation
" qui est l 'organe en contact direct avec le procédé, duquel il reçoit les mesures y(t) et à qui il envoie
les commandes u(t) permettant de satisfaire le cahier des charges imposé. Le niveau d 'optimisation
fournit quant à lui au régulateur les consignes permettant d 'optimiser un certain nombre de critères
de performances, en se basant sur un modèle dynamique ou statique, ou sur plusieurs modèles de
référence dans le cas d 'une commande multi–modèles ou d 'une gestion de situations d 'urgence
(commande fi détection de pannes, diagnostic de commande...). Le niveau d 'adaptation a pour rôle
d 'adapter les paramètres des modèles de référence et/ou du régulateur. Le niveau d 'organisation,
enfin, fait intervenir directement l 'opérateur et consiste à choisir les différentes méthodes et à les
traduire en algorithmes transmis aux niveaux inférieurs. Schématiquement, à chacun de ces niveaux
peuvent être associées différentes techniques et méthodologies : egin{itemize} item Niveau 1 : les
outils de la commande. item Niveau 2 : l 'optimisation (programmation linéaire, non linéaire...), et la
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Bullying in the Workplace
Introduction Bullying in the workplace has always been an issue that has not been given much
importance. It is indeed a problem that should be addressed by the concerned personnel because it
can result in many health and safety issues, especially when nurses are bullied at their workplace.
From the beginning of times, people who are deployed at a senior post to tend to look down upon
the students or new people who have just started work. Nursing is also one of the professions in
which the fresh graduates or students are bullied to the extent that they feel that they would not be
able to face their seniors. They start developing inferiority complex and are unable to perform their
job well. When they are taunted by their seniors and preceptors about their lack of knowledge and
experience, their confidence is shattered. This implies that when they are handling a case, they are
not confident if they are doing the right thing or not. In this tussle, they sometimes do not even
perform the task they were really good at and put the health and safety of the patient at stake. Many
incidents of this sort have taken place in the past and take place every single day and it is an
example of just a single profession in which bullying is quite extensive and subtle at the same time.
Therefore, the administration of the hospitals, and other workplaces for that matter, should make
sure that the trainees are not targeted by their seniors just because they have less experience than
them. The
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Essay on comm 320
Cases Comm 315
Case1 : King v.BioChem Therapeutic Inc. Fact: Dr King is hired by Bio Chem. She signed a special
contract that specifies a period of probation. During this period, she can be let go but you have to be
known the wrong behavior in order to be able to rectify it. If the wrong behavior persists then your
contract will be terminated.
Issue: Is the termination of the contract of Dr King for fault justified?
Employer version of facts:
1st meeting: after 5 months and a half, during this meeting, the management team are saying that
they told her that she was being unsubordinated
2nd meeting: after 10 months, the management team told her that her behavior was still being not
acceptable and that constitutes a second ... Show more content on ...
Hasanie is arguing that Dynergie is not a competitor of Kaufel.
He is also arguing that he asked his direct superior if he could take this opportunity, and he agreed.
However, the direct supervisor is denying. There is not writing evidence of this authorization.
The last argument of Hasanie is that he was a victim of constructive dismissal. Basically a
constructive dismissal happens when an employer changes your working environment, inviting you
to leave. However, Kaufel argues that they offered opportunities for growth within the group and
that Hasanie was only waiting for his package. Finally they are arguing that they needed more time
to reorganize the group and assign responsibilities.
The judges conclude that Hasanie did not establish his case of having been dismissed without cause,
or having been constructively dismissed.
Case 4: CopyFax v. Lambert
The different injunctions
Institution of Proceeding Final Judgement
Provisional Injunction Interlocutory Injunction Permanent Injunction
The provisional injunction is given based on emergency criterias. It is used to maintain the status
quo. The provisional injunction is valid for 10 days. Within these 10 days, the individual has to
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A Short Note On Un Test De Depistage
Quand subir un test de dépistage?
La Fondation des maladies du cœur recommande de mesurer la tension artérielle au moins une fois
tous les deux ans. Cependant, si vous avez reçu un diagnostic d'hypertension artérielle dans le passé,
si vous souffrez de diabète, d'embonpoint ou d'obésité ou si vous avez des antécédents familiaux
d'hypertension artérielle ou de maladie cardiovasculaire, il pourrait être indiqué de faire vérifier
votre tension artérielle plus souvent. En outre, certains groupes ethniques présentent un risque accru
d'hypertension artérielle. Ce sont entre autres les Sud–asiatiques, les membres des Premières nations
et des peuples autochtones, les Inuits et les personnes d'origine africaine. Si vous appartenez à l'un
de ces groupes, votre médecin pourrait vous recommander de subir des tests de dépistage plus
En quoi consiste ce test de dépistage?
La tension artérielle mesure la pression exercée sur les parois des artères par le sang qui circule dans
le corps, pompé par le cœur (autrement dit, le flux sanguin). La méthode utilisée pour mesurer la
tension artérielle est simple et sans douleur. Votre médecin placera un brassard gonflable autour de
votre bras et après l'avoir gonflé il le dégonflera lentement. La tension est exprimée au moyen de
deux chiffres l'un sur l'autre, le premier (plus élevé) indiquant la pression systolique et le second
(moins élevé) indiquant la pression diastolique.
Sachez qu'il faut mesurer la tension artérielle plus
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The Impact of Morality, Religion, and Law Upon...
The Impact of Morality, Religion, and Law Upon Advertising
Religion and other value systems are certainly crucial in defining and sanctioning sex and decency.
Moslem countries tend to frown upon all kinds of salacious displays and even indirect sexual
references. Similar Christian standards operate in such countries as Ireland, South Africa, Mexico,
and the Philippines. Other cultures may be considered rather tolerant in sexual matters (for example,
French commercials on public television readily show live semi–nude models) but may prohibit any
show of pubic hair (Japan), the promotion of contraceptives (France), or the lewd use of women
(Scandinavia and the Netherlands) in advertisements. Values change, however. Thus, the spread of
... Show more content on ...
U.S. courts keep struggling with the definition of obscenity in the context of the First Amendment.
The activism of religious and feminist groups clearly affects the stiffening of standards. Several
Moslem countries (such as Iran and Saudi Arabia) are strongly resisting the invasion of Western
advertising themes and approaches. Besides, a vocal minority of women are increasingly objecting
to the deprecation of their sex (in Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and Sweden). They
oppose ads that belittle women, insult their intelligence, depict them in an offending manner, imply
sex inequalities, or display violence against them. Some people, including men, oppose commercials
about personal–hygiene products (in Canada and the United States).
Media control is crucial whenever a strong clearance system exists (in Mexico and Taiwan),
particularly where television and radio networks are government controlled or when general
censorship prevails (in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia). In general, TV and radio commercials are more
restricted than print and direct–mail ads, which are more selective in their audience–reaching;
private networks are often more tolerant than public ones in such countries as Italy. In any case,
much depends on the execution of the advertisements as well as on their placement and timing. An
ad in Playboy or a commercial shown at midnight will be received differently from those appearing
in general–circulation magazines
... Get more on ...
Nano Station M2/M5 Loco Manual
Models: NanoStation M2/M5 NanoStation Loco M2/M5/M900
Thank you for purchasing a Nanostation M series product. This is a point–to–point CPE wireless
device. This Quick Start Guide is for use with the following models:
Model NanoStation M2 NanoStation M5 NanoStation Loco M2 NanoStation Loco M5 NanoStation
Loco M900 Operating Frequency 2403–2475 MHz 5170–5875 MHz* 2402–2482 MHz 5170–5875
MHz* 904–926 MHz Ethernet Ports 2 2 1 1 1
* Only 5745–5850 MHz is supported in the USA and Canada
Package Contents
24v PoE Adapter
Power Cord
Mounting Ties
* Products may be different from pictures and are subject ... Show more content on
Read, follow, and keep these instructions. 2. Heed all warnings. 3. Only use attachments/accessories
specified by the manufacturer.
WARNING: Do not use this product in location that can be
submerged by water.
WARNING: Avoid using this product during an electrical
storm. There may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.
Electrical Safety Information
1. Compliance is required with respect to voltage, frequency, and current requirements indicated on
the manufacturer's label. Connection to a different power source than those specified may result in
improper operation, damage to the equipment or pose a fire hazard if the limitations are not
followed. 2. There are no operator serviceable parts inside this
... Get more on ...
La Science Politique Et Le Néo-Institutionnalisme
La science politique et le néo–institutionnalisme Séminaire du 7–12–05 Introduction Dans ce texte,
il s 'agit dans un premier temps de présenter d 'une façon générale le néo–institutionnalisme en tant
que courant de pensée afin de le situer plus ou moins dans son contexte d 'apparition et notamment
pour comprendre quel type d 'approche il se propose d 'être. Dans un deuxième temps, il sera
question de discuter des trois courants qui le composent, c 'est–à–dire : l 'institutionnalisme du choix
rationnel, l 'institutionnalisme historique et l 'institutionnalisme sociologique. Ici, le texte sera
structuré en deux parties selon les deux interrogations principales de l 'analyse institutionnelle :
quelle est la relation entre l ... Show more content on ...
Elles consistent en contraintes informelles (sanctions, tabous, coutumes, traditions et codes de
conduite) ou règles formelles (constitutions, lois, droits de propriété) , mais dans quelle mesure
structurent–t–elles ces interactions ? La formation des préférences et objectifs des acteurs se réalise
en dehors du système politique mais au moment même de l 'interaction stratégique les institutions
jouent un rôle contraignant. En effet, en fournissant des informations sur les procédures à suivre, sur
les sanctions attribuées à certains comportements et surtout, sur la façon dont les autres sont
présumés se comporter, elles limitent et structurent les choix des acteurs dans le sens d 'une
réduction des incertitudes. Ainsi, vu que chaque acteur agit selon des règles formelles et informelles
préétablies, la stratégie dominante ne consistera plus à se méfier des autres et à ne jamais coopérer.
Les institutions remédient aux incertitudes individuelles qui sont la source même des dilemmes
collectifs. En ce sens, elles réduisent les coûts de transaction entre les acteurs, c 'est–à–dire les coûts
impliqués par la recherche d 'un accord, et garantissent la rentabilité de la coopération. C 'est
pourquoi elles constituent comme des solutions à des problèmes de coopération et permettent en
quelque sorte de stabiliser les relations sociales, d 'où leur grande utilité pour les acteurs. Barry
illustre bien ce genre de raisonnement en s
... Get more on ...
Strain Theory Of Terrorism
Other than that research, Todd Sandler (2013) saw the correlation between the Terrorism  Game
Theory, as he explains: Game theory shows how terrorists exploit asymmetric warfare to their
strategic advantage. Terrorist networks allow terrorists to deploy their ''best–shot'' effort against
targeted countries whose lack of cooperation means that there are always soft targets or the weakest
links for terrorists to attack for maximum gain. In addition, terrorists choose an optimal risk–
minimizing network structure. Many other researchers, (ex. Rosendorff and Sandler 2004; Siqueira
2005). name game–theoretic approach as the explanation of the terroristic actions and probably their
prediction, in any case they see the terrorists to be an active ... Show more content on ...
Post (1998) underline the importance of the family composition (single parent, uncomplite family)
and the relations inside of the family. Post (1998)  also cites studies that show how many terrorists
were reared in families that were fragmented, with fathers who were hostile.
Regarding the behavioral explaination, Post (1998) stated that if terrorism was strategic and
rational, such groups should be more likely to disband after they achieve victories. (...) Instead,
they want to remain in the group for them the sense of belonging to a group is very important (...) it
helps them to fulfil their need to belong as well as their need to engage in risky endeavours. (Post
(1998) in Moss, 2016)
Moss, Simon, (2016). The rational choice theory of terrorism.
... Get more on ...
La Stratégie de Gamme Au Sein de L’entreprise
Chapitre II :
La stratégie de gamme au sein de l'entreprise
Introduction :
Une gamme de produit est la réponse de l'entreprise aux besoins détectés sur le marché. Qu'elle soit
destinée aux consommateurs ou aux entreprises clientes, la gamme est avant tout la réponse aux
attentes ou aux besoins ressentis. Le responsable produit, structure souvent sa gamme sous plusieurs
dimensions et niveaux lui permettent de bien segmenter sa clientèle afin de mieux lui répondre et
l'aider de ce fait à se repérer par rapport à l'offre de l'entreprise. Dans ce deuxième chapitre nous
avons traité la gamme de produits et les différents outils permettant aux responsables de produits de
bien maîtriser leur offre.
Section 1 : La gamme de produit : ... Show more content on ...
N'est pas la source d'un important chiffre d'affaires immédiat * Fonction de défense ; Bloquer d'une
façon ou d'une autre un concurrent. * Fonction obligation : Segment présent car le client le
demande. On doit donc le fournir * Fonction de bonne gestion ; ne permet pas un profit important
mais rentabilise ou amortit une structure. Il comble un creux saisonnier.
Et, la constitution d'une gamme peut aussi viser certains avantages6 qui sont : * La fidélisation de la
clientèle. * L'internationalisation de la clientèle. * La diminution de certains coûts (marketing...) *
L'adaptation au cycle de vie d'une offre (à la banalisation, standardisation...) * L'augmentation de la
marge sur coût variable en augmentation du niveau de gamme. * La diffusion d'un premier prix en
diminution du niveau de gamme. * L'agressivité d'un prix en diminution du niveau de gamme.
Cependant l'évolution d'une gamme implique : * Un coût d'innovation, de qualité et de
communication (conséquence normale de l'évolution) ; * L'acquisition de l'organisation et des
compétences relatives au métier (il faut s'organiser pour produire différemment) ; * Un risque de
cannibalisation des offres (un produit sert de substitut à un autre) ; * Un
... Get more on ...

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Kredia Bankare Dhe Pavlefshmeria E Normes Se Interesit Tek...

  • 1. Kredia Bankare Dhe Pavlefshmeria E Normes Se Interesit Tek... PERMBAJTJA HYRJE ............................................................................................................................................................. 2 HUAMARRJA / NORMAT E INTERESIT, SI NDIKOJNE NE EKONOMI ......................................................... 3 NORMA E INTERESIT E KREDIVE .......................................................................................................... 4 KREDITE BANKARE – BEKIM APO MALLKIM? .............................................................................................. 4 LIDHJA MES NORMES SE INTERESIT DHE INVESTIMEVE ....................................................................... 6 FORMA E DREJTE QE LIDH NORMEN E INTERESIT ME INVESTIMET ..................................................... 7 ARSYET QE BEJNE QE NORMA E INTERESIT TE MOS NDIKOJNE TE INVESTIME ................................... 8 KONKLUZIONE ........................................................................................................................................... 12 REFERENCAT ... Show more content on ... Ne nje situate te tille, me norma interesi kaq te uleta, askush nuk eshte i gatshem te jape hua. Ndryshimet ne normat e interesit mund te ndikojne dhe kursin e kembimit te nje monedhe. Per shembull, nje norme me e larte e interesit ne leke krahasuar me interesat ne valute i ben investimet ne leke me joshese, pasi kthimi nga ky investim eshte me i larte. Kjo ben qe te rritet vlera e lekut kundrejt ketyre monedhave. Normat e larta te interesave kane dy lloj efektesh kontradiktore mbi kursimet e konsumatoreve. Se pari, sa me teper te fitojne njerezit nepermjet kursimeve, aq me te prirur jane ata per te kursyer. Megjithate, sa me te medha te jene fitimet, aq me te pasur ndihen kursimtaret, rrjedhimisht ata do te shpenzojne me teper ne vend qe te kursejne. NORMA E INTERESIT E KREDIVE Norma e interesit te kredive te ofruara nga bankat eshte nje pike kryesore pas te ciles rendin jo vetem bankat, sepse prej tyre varen te ardhurat e aktivitetit bankar, por edhe klientet, pasi per ta eshte me se e domosdoshme te njohin koston e kredise se marre prane bankes. Shuma e interesave per t'u paguar varet nga disa faktore: shuma kryesore e marre ose e dhene hua, kohezgjatja per te cilen eshte marre/dhene huaja, norma e deklaruar vjetore e interesit, grafiku i shlyerjes se kredise dhe menyra e perllogaritjes se interesit. Ne tregun bankar shqiptar normat e interesit te kredive te ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Canada regulation COUNTRY: CANADA Table of Contents 1 Country, Politics and Industry Background 1.1 Brief on Political System Resource: wikipedia Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Canada is a federal state that is governed as a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state. It is a bilingual nation with both English and French as official languages at the federal level. Canada has strong democratic traditions upheld through a parliamentary system within the construct of constitutional monarchy; the monarchy of Canada is the foundation of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The direct participation of the royal and ... Show more content on ... The Quebec and federal governments asked the high court to suspend its ruling for 18 months. Less than two months after its initial ruling, the court agreed to suspend its decision for 12 months, retroactive to June 9, 2005. 1.4 Health care system problem 1.4.1 Long Wait times Although life–threatening cases are dealt with immediately, some services needed are non–urgent and patients are seen at the next–available appointment in their local chosen facility. (Wikipedia) 1.4.2 Restrictions on privately funded health care The Canada Health Act, which sets the conditions with which provincial/territorial health insurance plans must comply if they wish to receive their full transfer payments from the federal government, does not allow charges to insured persons for insured services (defined as medically necessary care provided in hospitals or by physicians). Most provinces have responded through various prohibitions on such payments. This does not constitute a ban on privately funded care; indeed, about 30% of Canadian health expenditures come from private sources, both insurance and out–of– pocket payments. The Canada Health Act does not address delivery. Private clinics are therefore permitted, albeit subject to provincial/territorial regulations, but they cannot charge above the
  • 4. agreed–upon fee schedule unless they are treating non–insured persons (which may include those eligible under automobile insurance or worker 's compensation, in ... Get more on ...
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  • 6. Notes On La Revolution Numerique CHAPITRE 1 : LA REVOLUTION NUMERIQUE A. Historique Gaston Bachelard (1993) affirme que : « Le réel n'est jamais « ce qu'on pourrait croire » mais il est toujours ce qu'on aurait dû penser. » (p. 13) ( a citer ds la bibl) Avec la révolution numérique depuis les années 1940 et l'apparition des premiers ordinateurs on s'est engagé dans un profond bouleversement technologique qui est devenu non seulement technologique. Puis grâce à la puissance des super–ordinateurs apparus dans les années 1950 et 1960, ils occupaient des armoires entières. Dans les années 1970 tout est devenu accessible à tous grâce aux micro– ordinateurs – Selon Robert X. Cringely dans son documentaire (1996), une poignée de cingles d'informatique et autres Hobbyists s'est acharnée à concevoir, produire et distribuer– puis les dimensions des micro–ordinateurs ont diminué grâces aux interfaces graphiques des années 1980. Le grand évènement était avec l'arrivée du World Wide Web qui a transformé l'internet. Cette technologie d'interconnections comptait seulement 213 machines en aout 1981, en un cyberspace planétaire qui a atteint 5 milliards de terminaux connectés en aout 2010 , et une véritable « vie sur écran » selon Sherry Turkle(1995) s'est développée au cours des années 1990 autant qu'une authentique et nouvelle de culture qui est la cyberculture. Selon Pierre Levy (1997) la cyberculture désigne « l'ensemble des techniques (matérielles et intellectuelles), des pratiques, des modes de pensée et des ... Get more on ...
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  • 8. Modalitati Specifice de Promovare a Produselor Si... Modalitati specifice de promovare a produselor si serviciilor turistice Strategia de marketing Planificarea strategica orientate catre pita a inceput sa intre pentru prima data in atentia marilor corporatii din S.U.A. in jurul anilor '70. Aceasta a fost determinate de succesiunea unor procese cum ar fi: criza generala de materii prime si in special criza energetica, stagnarea economica, inflatia, expansiunea japoneza. Rolul marketingului in planificarea strategica Planificarea strategica este un proces managerial de dezvoltare si sustinere a unei legaturi stranse si a echilibrului intre resursele si obiectivele intreprinderii, pe de o parte, respectiv schimbarile si oportunitatile pietei, pe de alta parte. Tinta planificarii ... Show more content on ... Aceasta este idea exprimata de Theodore Lewitt atunci cand il citeaza pe Leo McGivena: "Am vandut 1 milion de burghie de 6 mm, nu pentru ca oamenii aveau nevoie de burghie de 6 mm, ci pentru ca aveau nevoie de gauri de 6 mm". De fapt, in optica de marketing, elemental cel mai important este serviciul oferit utilizatorului, indifferent de suportul material sau immaterial al acestuia. Printre altele, putem afirma ca in numeroase cazuri furnizarea unui bun este asociata cu oferta unui serviciu (servicii post–vanzare, de exemplu), in aceasi masura in care numeroase servicii se bazeaza pe furnizarea unui bun ( calculator pentru serviciile informatice, mancare in cazul unui restaurant etc) Dincolo de problemele legate de definirea lor este demn de consemnat ca in tarile occidentale sectorul serviciilor reprezinta aproximativ jumatate din populatia active si din produsul intern brut al acestora. In acelasi timo, serviciile prezinta anumite particularitati care influenteaza comportamentul consumatorului si care trebuie a fi studiate in scopul definirii liniilor directoare ale unui marketing adaptat acestui sector. Principalele caracteristici ale sistemului de producere al serviciilor Sectorul serviciilor, ca sic el al bunurilor tangibile, grupeaza activitati deosebit de diverse. La prima vedere, exista foarte putine puncte commune intre transportul aerian sau feroviar, serviciile hoteliere, banci, asigurari, restaurante, magazine etc. Aceasta ... Get more on ...
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  • 10. Anne Bradstreet's Poem I choose for my reseach essay assignment the poem " In Reference to Her Children, 23 June, 1659" by Anne Bradstreet as the earliest Native American writing, and the first in a long line of American poets who took their consolation not from thealogy , but from the " wondrous works", as she wrote, " that I see, the vast frame of the heaven and the earth, the order of all things." In Anne works, we see the writing prolifically in poetry form, and she deliver a great massage and moral for her religious values, for her family and her children as well. The family and the life in the Puritan believe of Anne are the stronger point of relationship she created in her writting and made her intresting in the social society of America in 1650–1660. ... Show more content on ... Anne represent modern verion where the mother can get the way to educated their children to be stronger and walking with their feed in the life. She has her onw principes that are fresh for the mothers today. Her example is a subject of the truths or relation for faith and draw a moral from all of them. In the Anne character to many mothers can learne a self–effacing which gradually becomes more authoritative, ability of an experience life, preference for balance in educating children, attachment to nature and body with believe in the God and simple clue to be followed with respect in the growth healthy children. Anne raised her children by herself with moral values which protection them, and she is struggling to trust that they will survive in life with what she has taught them. This is the main idea for young aduls today when they will be leaving their home and becaming indipendently. On another side Anne lesson is for the parents who have their home an" empty nest syndrome" for the parents may feel when their children leave home for the first time and they feeling loneliness. Since young adults leaving their family house for a normal and healthy event the parent geting hard time to maintein their feeling, but in the same way they are happy for them because they are starting a ... Get more on ...
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  • 12. Marketing Promocija MEĐUNARODNI MARKETING 1.Značaj i uloga promocije u međunarodnom marketingu Najznačajniji element pri kreiranju marketing strategije u modernom svetu savremenih dostignuća i novih oblika poslovanja , predstavlja promocija. Iako je u različitim područjima svhaćena na razlicite načine promocija,u svakom slučaju, predstavlja savremen metod marketing komunicianja na kompleksnom tržistu. Njena osnovna uloga je da potstakne kupovinu, razbije predrasude , pretvori nedostatak u prednost. U suštini, na promociju treba gledati kao na stimulans razmene. Treba je razlikovati od istrazivanja tržišta zbog toga što promocija ne ispituje tržišne specifičnosti, vec obaveštava porošače o svojoj ponudi i ključnim prednostima u odnosu na konkurenciju . ... Show more content on ... LIČNA PRODAJA U MEĐUNARODNOM MARKETINGU Lična prodaja predstavlja oblik direktnog tržišnog komunicaranja koje se realizuje kontaktom između prodavca i kupca. Kupcu se lično obraća prodajni predstavnik sa konačnim ciljem da zaključi kupoprodajni ugovor. Najveća prednost ove vrste prodaje leži u njenoj fleksibilnosti. Korekcije i prilagođavanja je moguće vršiti na licu mesta izlazeći u susret zahtevima kupaca. Loša strana individualizovane komunikacije je ta da košta mnogo. Posao međunarodnog prodavca na prvi pogled izgleda vrlo privlačno. Međutim, radi se o složenom i napornom poslu koji zahteva posebne veštine osoblja. Nužno je razvijati prodajne sposobnosti, uvažavati karakteristike različitih kultura, običaja i od velikog značaja je poznavanje stranih jezika. Pored različitih sistema koji su parametri pri odlučivanju o kupovini, različiti su kriterijumi i ciljevi kupaca po pojedinim zemljama. Naravno, postoje proizvodi koji zbog svojih karakteristika i visoke tehnologije čine da kriterijumi za njihovu kupovinu budu isti ... Get more on ...
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  • 14. The Objectives Of Financial Reporting Introduction The objectives of financial reporting are a key element of financial accounting standard setting. Standard setters have identified financial accounting as providing valuation–relevant information and contracting–relevant information (Zeff, 2012). The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) states that the general objective of financial reporting is to provide 'information that is useful to represent any potential investors and creditors and other users in making rational investment, credit and similar decisions' (FASB, 2008). It is then narrowed down into two sub– objectives; 'information to help users in assessing the amounts, timing and uncertainty of prospective cash receipts' (decision–usefulness) and 'information ... Show more content on ... It shows that an stewardship uses historical information in the objectives of financial reporting. By elevating stewardship to a secondary objective it could lead to a de–emphasis on information regarding the entity's performance which would be unacceptable (Gassen, 2008). However the negative consequences of leaving stewardship out of the financial reporting comprises; weakening shareholder rights, earnings or valuation focus for predicative purposes; greater rules; greater focus of secondary market users; greater possibility that real and consequential loss will not be identified; discount between company objectives and financial reporting objectives (PAAinE, 2007). Objectives of financial reporting may be potentially inconsistent with the scope of financial reporting. Agency theory stresses the possibility of a divergence of interest between management and shareholders, both of which are assured to be relentlessly purposing their economic self–interest (Rudiger Smith, 2011). Perhaps it is for this reason that stewardship is characterised as a demand for information on management's safe custody of the assets and compliance laws and regulation (AASB and Lennard, 2011). 2.2 Decision–usefulness The decision–usefulness involves the preparation of financial accounting information that studies the theory of investor decision making in order to infer the nature and types of information that investors ... Get more on ...
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  • 16. Civil Rights: A Short Story Dan just woke up from his 2 hour nap. Damn it! He fell asleep while completing his Final Civil Rights project which was due on monday. Surprisingly he didn't procrastinate as much as usually. He started working on it 3 days ago when it was given to him weeks before. Thankfully he was almost done with it, about 1 more hour of work left. Only a little longer...and the final sentence.. aaand BAM! yahooo! Another pointless project done! yay. He hated studying Law, it was unbelievably boring for him. But he was already at the end of semester 2 and was not about drop out. The only thing which kept him alive and motivated was YouTube, and of course his music which he loved and listened to every time he got a chance. But Youtube, it was something special, it was a happy world which he loved to submerge in and not come out for hours and even days out of. In that world he can be and act like the person who he really is and no one would judge mostly because it was filled with people like him who are trying to find purpose. Of course he only had 400 subscribers but they were all loyal and so nice and almost all watched all of his videos ... Show more content on ... No one else was in the kitchen at that time since it was a friday night and everyone went out with their friends, family or beloved someone having fun. Everyone except him. He started collecting the ingredients he needed from the refrigerator and cabinets. You gotta be kiddin' me! He couldn't find any flour or milk and the amount of sugar was hardly enough to fill a table spoon. He made himself an excuse of not going grocery shopping because he would have change his clothes to something more socially acceptable then a pink dinosaur onesie. But deep inside he knew that he actually did not want to Sainsbury's because his ex boyfriend, Felix, worked there. Dan prefered not to think about Felix. Yet he was still craving ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. L'Histoire de La Danse Classique/History of Ballet History of Ballet Ballet is a formalized form of dance with its origins in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th and 16th centuries. It quickly spread to the French court of Catherine de ' Medici where it was developed even further. In the 17th century at the time of Louis XIV, ballet was codified. The predominance of French in the vocabulary of ballet reflects this history. It also became a form closely associated with the opera. Ballet then spread from the heart of Europe to other nations. The Royal Danish Ballet and the Imperial Ballet of the Russian Empire were founded in the 1740s and began to flourish, especially after about 1850. In 1907 the Russian ballet in turn moved back to France. Soon ballet spread around the world ... Show more content on ... Together, they took an Italian theatre style, the commedia dell 'arte, and adapted it into their work for a French audience, creating the comédie–ballet. Among their greatest productions, with Beauchamp as the choreographer,[15] was Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme (1670).[19] In 1669 Louis XIV, who had retired as a dancer, founded the Académie d 'Opéra with Pierre Perrin as director. Later, after Perrin went bankrupt, the king reestablished the Opéra as the Académie royale de Musique and made Lully the director. 18th century The 18th century was a period of advance in the technical standards of ballet and the period when ballet became a serious dramatic art form. At this time, women played a secondary role as dancers, encumbered as they were with hoops, corsets, wigs and high heels. Reforms were made in ballet composition by composers such as Christoph Gluck. Finally, ballet was divided into three formal techniques sérieux, demi–caractère and comique. 19th–20th century The 19th century was a period of great social change, which was reflected in ballet by a shift away from the aristocratic sensibilities that had dominated earlier periods through romantic ballet. Ballerinas such as Geneviève Gosselin, Marie Taglioni and Fanny Elssler experimented with new techniques such as pointework that ... Get more on ...
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  • 20. Analysis Of The Poem ' Avec Le Livre Imprime ' Avec le livre imprimé, les textes s'étaient stabilisés dans des formes conformes à des règles et certaines normes, qui étaient devenues quasi stables. L'expérience de lecture pouvait s'appuyer sur ces constantes cristallisées dans le livre imprimé. Avec le texte numérique, l'écran devient l'unique lieu d'interaction avec l'œuvre. De nouveaux repères sont construits par le lecteur pour identifier l'œuvre, se repérer dans son parcours, mémoriser des passages importants et des expériences spécifiques. Mauger, Poliak & Pudal (1995) affirment que «La notion même de texte vient à éclater. Ce n'est plus le livre papier qui propose un texte, son propre texte, construite à travers plusieurs pages au lecteur, mais le lecteur lui–même qui compose un texte, son propre texte, à travers sa manière de parcourir l'espace que lui offre le numérique. » Aujourd'hui, cette numérisation a donné au livre ou l'œuvre une nouvelle vie même s'il est ancien. Il redevient anonyme en perdant son paratexte « carte d'identité » préétablie. Son nouveau rôle est de convaincre et séduire le lecteur de nouveau par ses caractéristiques intrinsèques. Il cherche ainsi à mobiliser les pratiques de lecture en prenant les caractéristiques du livre imprimé (mise en page familière, format, disposition...) pour que le lecteur puisse construire un contexte qui sera guide dans son interaction avec le texte à l'écran. De plus, ce livre a été capable d'augmenter les capacités de lecture, de compréhension et de ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Management Des Opération Renault Rapport Rapport Final Renault Trucks Rapport Final Renault Trucks Sommaire Introduction 1 Présentation de l'entreprise 4 Histoire de l'entreprise 4 Activité du Groupe 5 Implantation 7 Modélisation de l'Opération 7 Chaîne Logistique 7 Vision Globale de Supply Chain 7 La Chaîne Logistique 8 Description en détail 9 Carte de pilotage en temps réel14 Anticipation Court/Moyen Terme15 Structuration Long Terme16 Interaction avec l'environnement17 ... Show more content on ... La seconde partie sera consacrée à la modélisation des opérations que nous avons pu observer dans l'usine de Vénissieux ou qui nous ont été décrites par notre guide : la chaîne logistique, le pilotage en temps réel, les anticipations de l'entreprise à court et à moyen termes, la structuration à long terme et l'interaction avec l'environnement. Enfin, la dernière partie de ce rapport sera dédiée à l'approfondissement du thème du lean management au sein de l'usine de moteurs de Vénissieux. Cette partie abordera les deux principaux piliers du lean, à savoir le jidoka et le juste à temps. Présentation de l'entreprise Histoire de l'entreprise L'histoire de Renault Trucks commence à Lyon en 1894, lorsque Marius Berliet conçoit sa première voiture puis, en 1906 son premier camion. La production « de masse » (40 camions par jour) commence lors de la guerre de 14–18 afin d'envoyer un maximum de camions au front. Dans la période d'après–guerre, l'entreprise se doit de se diversifier pour continuer d'exister, les premiers accords avec Renault sont créés pour la construction d'un char commandé par l'armée française. Berliet va ainsi continuer ses partenariats afin de produire des machines toujours plus avancées, comme lors de son association pour la production du ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. A Summary On Cette Decomposition Cette décomposition est également appelée décomposition verticale. La première apparition de la décomposition temporelle a eu lieu en 1980 sous le nom de "multi–couches", en anglais, "multilayer". Dans la stratégie hiérarchisée, le système de pilotage se compose de quatre niveaux hiérarchiques qui communiquent entre eux. En effet, le niveau le plus bas est celui de la " régulation " qui est l 'organe en contact direct avec le procédé, duquel il reçoit les mesures y(t) et à qui il envoie les commandes u(t) permettant de satisfaire le cahier des charges imposé. Le niveau d 'optimisation fournit quant à lui au régulateur les consignes permettant d 'optimiser un certain nombre de critères de performances, en se basant sur un modèle dynamique ou statique, ou sur plusieurs modèles de référence dans le cas d 'une commande multi–modèles ou d 'une gestion de situations d 'urgence (commande fi détection de pannes, diagnostic de commande...). Le niveau d 'adaptation a pour rôle d 'adapter les paramètres des modèles de référence et/ou du régulateur. Le niveau d 'organisation, enfin, fait intervenir directement l 'opérateur et consiste à choisir les différentes méthodes et à les traduire en algorithmes transmis aux niveaux inférieurs. Schématiquement, à chacun de ces niveaux peuvent être associées différentes techniques et méthodologies : egin{itemize} item Niveau 1 : les outils de la commande. item Niveau 2 : l 'optimisation (programmation linéaire, non linéaire...), et la génération ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Bullying in the Workplace Introduction Bullying in the workplace has always been an issue that has not been given much importance. It is indeed a problem that should be addressed by the concerned personnel because it can result in many health and safety issues, especially when nurses are bullied at their workplace. From the beginning of times, people who are deployed at a senior post to tend to look down upon the students or new people who have just started work. Nursing is also one of the professions in which the fresh graduates or students are bullied to the extent that they feel that they would not be able to face their seniors. They start developing inferiority complex and are unable to perform their job well. When they are taunted by their seniors and preceptors about their lack of knowledge and experience, their confidence is shattered. This implies that when they are handling a case, they are not confident if they are doing the right thing or not. In this tussle, they sometimes do not even perform the task they were really good at and put the health and safety of the patient at stake. Many incidents of this sort have taken place in the past and take place every single day and it is an example of just a single profession in which bullying is quite extensive and subtle at the same time. Therefore, the administration of the hospitals, and other workplaces for that matter, should make sure that the trainees are not targeted by their seniors just because they have less experience than them. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Essay on comm 320 Cases Comm 315 Case1 : King v.BioChem Therapeutic Inc. Fact: Dr King is hired by Bio Chem. She signed a special contract that specifies a period of probation. During this period, she can be let go but you have to be known the wrong behavior in order to be able to rectify it. If the wrong behavior persists then your contract will be terminated. Issue: Is the termination of the contract of Dr King for fault justified? Ratio Employer version of facts: 1st meeting: after 5 months and a half, during this meeting, the management team are saying that they told her that she was being unsubordinated 2nd meeting: after 10 months, the management team told her that her behavior was still being not acceptable and that constitutes a second ... Show more content on ... Hasanie is arguing that Dynergie is not a competitor of Kaufel. He is also arguing that he asked his direct superior if he could take this opportunity, and he agreed. However, the direct supervisor is denying. There is not writing evidence of this authorization. The last argument of Hasanie is that he was a victim of constructive dismissal. Basically a constructive dismissal happens when an employer changes your working environment, inviting you to leave. However, Kaufel argues that they offered opportunities for growth within the group and that Hasanie was only waiting for his package. Finally they are arguing that they needed more time to reorganize the group and assign responsibilities. The judges conclude that Hasanie did not establish his case of having been dismissed without cause, or having been constructively dismissed. Case 4: CopyFax v. Lambert The different injunctions Institution of Proceeding Final Judgement Provisional Injunction Interlocutory Injunction Permanent Injunction The provisional injunction is given based on emergency criterias. It is used to maintain the status quo. The provisional injunction is valid for 10 days. Within these 10 days, the individual has to ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. A Short Note On Un Test De Depistage Quand subir un test de dépistage? La Fondation des maladies du cœur recommande de mesurer la tension artérielle au moins une fois tous les deux ans. Cependant, si vous avez reçu un diagnostic d'hypertension artérielle dans le passé, si vous souffrez de diabète, d'embonpoint ou d'obésité ou si vous avez des antécédents familiaux d'hypertension artérielle ou de maladie cardiovasculaire, il pourrait être indiqué de faire vérifier votre tension artérielle plus souvent. En outre, certains groupes ethniques présentent un risque accru d'hypertension artérielle. Ce sont entre autres les Sud–asiatiques, les membres des Premières nations et des peuples autochtones, les Inuits et les personnes d'origine africaine. Si vous appartenez à l'un de ces groupes, votre médecin pourrait vous recommander de subir des tests de dépistage plus fréquemment. En quoi consiste ce test de dépistage? La tension artérielle mesure la pression exercée sur les parois des artères par le sang qui circule dans le corps, pompé par le cœur (autrement dit, le flux sanguin). La méthode utilisée pour mesurer la tension artérielle est simple et sans douleur. Votre médecin placera un brassard gonflable autour de votre bras et après l'avoir gonflé il le dégonflera lentement. La tension est exprimée au moyen de deux chiffres l'un sur l'autre, le premier (plus élevé) indiquant la pression systolique et le second (moins élevé) indiquant la pression diastolique. Sachez qu'il faut mesurer la tension artérielle plus ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. The Impact of Morality, Religion, and Law Upon... The Impact of Morality, Religion, and Law Upon Advertising Religion and other value systems are certainly crucial in defining and sanctioning sex and decency. Moslem countries tend to frown upon all kinds of salacious displays and even indirect sexual references. Similar Christian standards operate in such countries as Ireland, South Africa, Mexico, and the Philippines. Other cultures may be considered rather tolerant in sexual matters (for example, French commercials on public television readily show live semi–nude models) but may prohibit any show of pubic hair (Japan), the promotion of contraceptives (France), or the lewd use of women (Scandinavia and the Netherlands) in advertisements. Values change, however. Thus, the spread of ... Show more content on ... U.S. courts keep struggling with the definition of obscenity in the context of the First Amendment. The activism of religious and feminist groups clearly affects the stiffening of standards. Several Moslem countries (such as Iran and Saudi Arabia) are strongly resisting the invasion of Western advertising themes and approaches. Besides, a vocal minority of women are increasingly objecting to the deprecation of their sex (in Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and Sweden). They oppose ads that belittle women, insult their intelligence, depict them in an offending manner, imply sex inequalities, or display violence against them. Some people, including men, oppose commercials about personal–hygiene products (in Canada and the United States). Media control is crucial whenever a strong clearance system exists (in Mexico and Taiwan), particularly where television and radio networks are government controlled or when general censorship prevails (in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia). In general, TV and radio commercials are more restricted than print and direct–mail ads, which are more selective in their audience–reaching; private networks are often more tolerant than public ones in such countries as Italy. In any case, much depends on the execution of the advertisements as well as on their placement and timing. An ad in Playboy or a commercial shown at midnight will be received differently from those appearing in general–circulation magazines ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Nano Station M2/M5 Loco Manual Models: NanoStation M2/M5 NanoStation Loco M2/M5/M900 Introduction Introduction Thank you for purchasing a Nanostation M series product. This is a point–to–point CPE wireless device. This Quick Start Guide is for use with the following models: Model NanoStation M2 NanoStation M5 NanoStation Loco M2 NanoStation Loco M5 NanoStation Loco M900 Operating Frequency 2403–2475 MHz 5170–5875 MHz* 2402–2482 MHz 5170–5875 MHz* 904–926 MHz Ethernet Ports 2 2 1 1 1 * Only 5745–5850 MHz is supported in the USA and Canada Package Contents UB I NE T UB I ET ITI N QU RKS WO ITI N QU UB I NE T UB I ET ITI N QU
  • 35. RKS WO ITI N QU NanoStation 24v PoE Adapter Power Cord Mounting Ties * Products may be different from pictures and are subject ... Show more content on ... Read, follow, and keep these instructions. 2. Heed all warnings. 3. Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer. WARNING: Do not use this product in location that can be submerged by water. WARNING: Avoid using this product during an electrical storm. There may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning. Electrical Safety Information 1. Compliance is required with respect to voltage, frequency, and current requirements indicated on the manufacturer's label. Connection to a different power source than those specified may result in improper operation, damage to the equipment or pose a fire hazard if the limitations are not followed. 2. There are no operator serviceable parts inside this ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. La Science Politique Et Le Néo-Institutionnalisme La science politique et le néo–institutionnalisme Séminaire du 7–12–05 Introduction Dans ce texte, il s 'agit dans un premier temps de présenter d 'une façon générale le néo–institutionnalisme en tant que courant de pensée afin de le situer plus ou moins dans son contexte d 'apparition et notamment pour comprendre quel type d 'approche il se propose d 'être. Dans un deuxième temps, il sera question de discuter des trois courants qui le composent, c 'est–à–dire : l 'institutionnalisme du choix rationnel, l 'institutionnalisme historique et l 'institutionnalisme sociologique. Ici, le texte sera structuré en deux parties selon les deux interrogations principales de l 'analyse institutionnelle : quelle est la relation entre l ... Show more content on ... Elles consistent en contraintes informelles (sanctions, tabous, coutumes, traditions et codes de conduite) ou règles formelles (constitutions, lois, droits de propriété) , mais dans quelle mesure structurent–t–elles ces interactions ? La formation des préférences et objectifs des acteurs se réalise en dehors du système politique mais au moment même de l 'interaction stratégique les institutions jouent un rôle contraignant. En effet, en fournissant des informations sur les procédures à suivre, sur les sanctions attribuées à certains comportements et surtout, sur la façon dont les autres sont présumés se comporter, elles limitent et structurent les choix des acteurs dans le sens d 'une réduction des incertitudes. Ainsi, vu que chaque acteur agit selon des règles formelles et informelles préétablies, la stratégie dominante ne consistera plus à se méfier des autres et à ne jamais coopérer. Les institutions remédient aux incertitudes individuelles qui sont la source même des dilemmes collectifs. En ce sens, elles réduisent les coûts de transaction entre les acteurs, c 'est–à–dire les coûts impliqués par la recherche d 'un accord, et garantissent la rentabilité de la coopération. C 'est pourquoi elles constituent comme des solutions à des problèmes de coopération et permettent en quelque sorte de stabiliser les relations sociales, d 'où leur grande utilité pour les acteurs. Barry illustre bien ce genre de raisonnement en s ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Strain Theory Of Terrorism Other than that research, Todd Sandler (2013) saw the correlation between the Terrorism Game Theory, as he explains: Game theory shows how terrorists exploit asymmetric warfare to their strategic advantage. Terrorist networks allow terrorists to deploy their ''best–shot'' effort against targeted countries whose lack of cooperation means that there are always soft targets or the weakest links for terrorists to attack for maximum gain. In addition, terrorists choose an optimal risk– minimizing network structure. Many other researchers, (ex. Rosendorff and Sandler 2004; Siqueira 2005). name game–theoretic approach as the explanation of the terroristic actions and probably their prediction, in any case they see the terrorists to be an active ... Show more content on ... Post (1998) underline the importance of the family composition (single parent, uncomplite family) and the relations inside of the family. Post (1998) also cites studies that show how many terrorists were reared in families that were fragmented, with fathers who were hostile. Regarding the behavioral explaination, Post (1998) stated that if terrorism was strategic and rational, such groups should be more likely to disband after they achieve victories. (...) Instead, they want to remain in the group for them the sense of belonging to a group is very important (...) it helps them to fulfil their need to belong as well as their need to engage in risky endeavours. (Post (1998) in Moss, 2016) Moss, Simon, (2016). The rational choice theory of terrorism. ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. La Stratégie de Gamme Au Sein de L’entreprise Chapitre II : La stratégie de gamme au sein de l'entreprise Introduction : Une gamme de produit est la réponse de l'entreprise aux besoins détectés sur le marché. Qu'elle soit destinée aux consommateurs ou aux entreprises clientes, la gamme est avant tout la réponse aux attentes ou aux besoins ressentis. Le responsable produit, structure souvent sa gamme sous plusieurs dimensions et niveaux lui permettent de bien segmenter sa clientèle afin de mieux lui répondre et l'aider de ce fait à se repérer par rapport à l'offre de l'entreprise. Dans ce deuxième chapitre nous avons traité la gamme de produits et les différents outils permettant aux responsables de produits de bien maîtriser leur offre. Section 1 : La gamme de produit : ... Show more content on ... N'est pas la source d'un important chiffre d'affaires immédiat * Fonction de défense ; Bloquer d'une façon ou d'une autre un concurrent. * Fonction obligation : Segment présent car le client le demande. On doit donc le fournir * Fonction de bonne gestion ; ne permet pas un profit important mais rentabilise ou amortit une structure. Il comble un creux saisonnier. Et, la constitution d'une gamme peut aussi viser certains avantages6 qui sont : * La fidélisation de la clientèle. * L'internationalisation de la clientèle. * La diminution de certains coûts (marketing...) * L'adaptation au cycle de vie d'une offre (à la banalisation, standardisation...) * L'augmentation de la marge sur coût variable en augmentation du niveau de gamme. * La diffusion d'un premier prix en diminution du niveau de gamme. * L'agressivité d'un prix en diminution du niveau de gamme. Cependant l'évolution d'une gamme implique : * Un coût d'innovation, de qualité et de communication (conséquence normale de l'évolution) ; * L'acquisition de l'organisation et des compétences relatives au métier (il faut s'organiser pour produire différemment) ; * Un risque de cannibalisation des offres (un produit sert de substitut à un autre) ; * Un ... Get more on ...