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Nazi Human Experimentation
In 1933–1945, under Adolf Hitler, the National Socialist German Workers' party detained political
control over Germany. Members of this group more commonly known as the Nazi party, wanted to
institute Germany as a dominant world power. They began by establishing a dictatorship over all
cultural, economic, and political activities of the people (Nazis). This would launch the beginning of
the Holocaust, a massive massacre of roughly 11 million Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, Soviet
prisoners of war, mentally handicapped, and countless more (The Simon). Most of these deaths
occurred in concentration camps that developed all throughout Europe. In particular camps such as
Dachau, Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Ravensbruck, and Sachsenhausen, medical experiments were
cold–heartedly performed on selected prisoners without consent and generally, concluded in death,
mutilation or permanent disability (Nazi Science). Schools all over America teach a broad history of
the Holocaust and the concentration camps to their students at some point in time. However, from
experience, I do not recall ever discussing these medical experiments or the Nuremberg Code that
resulted from them. The Nuremburg code was created just after the Nuremburg trials following
WWII. These trials were held before the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg against
leading Nazi doctors, whom twenty–three received charges with War Crimes and Crimes Against
Humanity as evidence exposed the many merciless tortures they had
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Obedience In The My Lai Massacre
The Implications of Obedience Within the United States Military: The My Lai Massacre On March
16, 1968, a unit of the United States military was ordered to advance into a village called Son My in
northern Vietnam. It was there that a mass execution of unarmed civilians took place. One may
wonder how the United States could do something so seemingly inhumane after considering what
the Nazis did only twenty years prior to the Vietnam War. However, in the context of a tense
situation, there are particular factors that will affect one's decision–making skills. Factors such as
uncertainty, routinization, gradual escalation, and dehumanization of the victim are all possible
components in affecting one's obedience.
When uncertainty is present in a given situation, obedience tends to be greater. Being in an
unfamiliar position may prompt one to have a lower self–confidence. Consequently, this self–
perceived inferiority may cause the subject to look to authority for assistance (Nelson, class lecture,
2017). This was clearly evident at My Lai, as many of the soldiers were young and inexperienced,
merely trained to follow orders given to them by authority. According to Kelman & Hamilton
(1989) in their article "The My Lai Massacre: A Military Crime of Obedience," Charlie Company
"contained no significant deviation from the average company." That is, most of the men had
volunteered for the draft and had not yet even finished college. Most were eighteen to twenty–two
years old, still
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The Holocaust Essays
It is without a doubt that the Holocaust will forever go down in history as one of the most heinous
crimes against humanity. Even years after the Nazi leadership, effects of the war still haunt the
streets of Germany and the memories of the few survivors still alive today. Hitler and his Nazi
regime held power in Germany from 1939 until 1945, when they were defeated by the Allied forces
(Davenport 10). Within that time, Hitler was responsible for the death of six million Jewish people,
and millions of other non–Jews. (Davenport 10) However, when the war ended, it was a big
question as to who to blame for these horrendous crimes. Several of Hitler's head leaders, and Hitler
himself, either committed suicide or went into hiding before they ... Show more content on ...
Later, it was proven that the USSR was correct in pushing for a trial to occur. If the United States
had continued its argument to not to go through with the trial, it would jeopardize the values that the
country was built on. The trials began with a 24,000 word indictment, taking nearly two days to read
(Levinson 578). Each of the men was tried on four counts, conspiracy to wage aggressive war,
crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity (Levinson 578), by a set of judges
and jury that represented each of the Allied countries (fix citation). By having a fair and just trial, it
gives the court the power to show that every human, no matter what the crime, has the right to a fair
trial and that justice would eventually be served. By exercising the justice system, it also allowed
the public to view the magnitude of the crimes committed by the men, and the level of involvement
that each of them had in Nazi activity. The trial brought many chilling pieces of evidence against the
men. They showed film of concentration camps, gas chambers, cremation ovens, and the forced
medical experience as principal and oral evidence to the judge and jury (Fix citation). The
prosecution also brought six witnesses to the stand; including concentration camp survivors
themselves (fix citation). Most of the accused stood somber and disconnected during the
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The Renaissance Of The North
When I think of the Renaissance of the North, I think immediately of Albrecht Dürer. His many
various works cover a large variation of subjects, ranging from the religious and heavily symbolic to
the secular world of man. His abilities to transform any medium within which he works is
tremendous. Being one of the most well known and influential artists of the Northern Renaissance,
Durer has been in immense influence since his time. Son of an expert goldsmith (Albrecht Durer the
Elder), he was influenced artistically from a very young age. Born May of 1471, being the third
child of fifteen or more siblings, his father wanted him to take on the family business. A very
promising show of artistic talent from a young age made Durer ripe for the tutelage of artist Michael
Wolgemut. Starting in 1486, Wolgemuts ' teachings would later heavily influence Druer 's realistic
and intricate approach to any medium. Coming from Nuremberg, Germany; he would have been
exposed to some of the finest wealth in the North, often used as a hub for publishing as well as
many other luxury markets. Sharing strong ties with Italy, this would be a perfect background for
Durer as a growing artist. Starting with woodcuts intended for book illustration, he felt the tug of
passion and destiny through his art. With an artistic hunger and ready to learn, Durer made it a point
to visit his Italian neighbors at least twice in his life, once in 1494 and again eleven years later in
1505. This was an
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International Criminal Law And International Law
International Criminal Law can be described as a public international law. It deals with international
and transnational crimes among the member states. The International Criminal Laws are designed to
forbid some kinds of conducts or behaviours generally viewed as very consequential atrocities.
These laws also make sure that the perpetrators of such heinous criminal conducts are accountable
for their acts. Mainly, the International Criminal Law deals with war crimes, genocide, crimes of
aggression and the crimes against humanity. Besides, the International Criminal Court (ICC)
governed by the Rome Statute, which is a multilateral treaty and serves as a foundational and
governing document of ICC. Another way, it can be described as an intergovernmental organisation
and international tribunal. The ICC is the headway through which International criminal law
develops since its inception. It is situated in The Hague in Netherlands. Currently, there are 122
states which are parties to the Rome Statute, by ratifying the Rome Statute, states become member
states of the ICC. The International Criminal Law (ICL) has been started performing with
Nuremberg Tribunal for War Criminals after 1945. Actually, the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials
addressed war crimes, crimes against peace, and crimes against humanity committed during the
Second World War@. The International Military Tribunal sat in Nuremberg, which prosecuted
Germany perpetrators while the International Military
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Essay on The International Tribunal for the Former...
The International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
On May 25, 1993, U.N. Security Council Resolution 827 established an international tribunal
charged with prosecuting violations of international law arising from the armed conflicts in the
former Yugoslavia. Not since the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials, following World War II has an
international court tried individuals accused of crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide.
The International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTFY), which was established at The
Hague, Netherlands, is widely seen as an important step toward the deterrence of crimes, the
establishment of the firm rule of international law, and the promotion of world peace. Yet, from its
inception, the tribunal ... Show more content on ...
In eastern Bosnia, these atrocities were war crimes that breached the Geneva Conventions and other
international laws governing conflicts between nations. They were also breaches of international
humanitarian law, as formulated at Nuremberg and elsewhere. When these tactics were employed by
Bosnian Serb forces as part of the program of so–called "ethnic cleansing" directed against Bosnian
Muslims and other non–Serbs, they also constituted genocide. The Genocide Convention is
specifically designed to cover crimes against groups, as opposed to crimes against humanity which
"do not necessarily involve offenses against or persecutions of groups." But the Convention also
limits the crime of genocide to actions occurring between states. Under the tribunal's mandate,
however, ethnic persecution is treated as an "international" crime even if it has occurred within a
single state. This is a considerable expansion of international law, yet, through it, ICTFY
"exemplifies a new understanding of accountability that makes heinous and systematic rights
violations an international matter." The thinking behind this change in the interpretation of
international humanitarian law is based on the easily observed fact that "victims of ethnic
persecution are citizens who have been rendered aliens within their own homeland," and their status,
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Nazi's Reveal Surrender To Western Allies
The Nuremberg Trials, were set up by the Allies to hold the Nazis accountable for what they had
done during World War II. The Nuremberg Trials contained 13 trials, thus many were executed, put
to death sentence, received life in prison and, received prison time with varying lengths. VICTORY
"Nazi's Reveal Surrender to Western Allies" dubbed The Stars and the Stripes newspaper after
World War II was over. Now that the war is over the Allies have a couple thousand Nazi convicts to
take care of. The Russians (Joseph Stalin) had proposed that 50,000 to 100,000 Nazis be executed.
Winston Churchill proposed a "summary execution" of high ranking Nazis. Both proposals did not
go though. Instead the United States proposed that a criminal trial would
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Friedel Dzubas Research Paper
Friedel Dzubas was born in Berlin during 1915 and received his formal artistic training from
Prussian Academy of Fine Art from 1936–1939 under the guidance of artist Paul Klee. During 1939
Dzubas fled Germany to London then went onto the United States. He is known for creating works
with an oil based acrylic paint known as Magna. Aside from painting Dzubas was known for
applying pigment by staining and scrubbing paint onto canvas and paper. He is known creating large
works with very few small paintings. He is credited with created possibly the largest abstract
painting in the world titled _Crossings_ and measures 59 feet. His work was heavily critiqued and
promoted by renowned Modern art critic Clement Greenberg, along with other mid–century
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Unethical And Criminal Behavior During The Prussian...
The experiment with human subject was brought to an attention to the Prussian Parliament, when
several unethical and criminal behaviors were traced in the field of research in Germany in the
nineteenth century. The research was mainly conducted unethically in the hospitals, mainly without
any informed consent. The turning point for the establishment of universal rule regarding human
experiment was done after the case of Neisser, where in 1898, Albert Neisser, who discovered the
gonococcus and professor of dermatology at university of Breslau, conducted "clinical trials on
serum therapy in patients with syphilis. In order to find a method of syphilis prevention, he injected
cell free serum from patients with syphilis into patients who were admitted for other medical
conditions. Most of these patients were prostitutes, who were neither informed about the procedure,
nor asked for consent." After several discussions in the Prussian parliament about the case, attention
was given to the need of participant's autonomy and beneficence. The criticism of unethical human
experiments in the media and in the parliament, the Reich government issued detailed 'Guidelines
for new therapy and human experimentation' in 1931 (Vollmann, & Rolf, 1996).
Nuremberg Code (1946) Since, the post–World War I gave a way for Nazis to rise to power in
Germany and that had led to an era, where all basic human rights of the citizens were ceased, the
research sector was also greatly affected as 'the Nazi
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Albrecht Durer Self-Portrait Essay
Albrecht Durer SelfPortrait Artist and Humanist, Albrecht Durer is one of the most significant
figures in the history f European art outside Italy during the Renaissance (Gowing 195). Portraying
the questioning spirit of the Renaissance, Durer's conviction that he must examine and explore his
own situation through capturing the very essence of his role as artist and creator, is reflected in the
Self–portrait in a Fur Collared Robe (Strieder 10).
With the portrait, Durer's highly self–conscious approach to his status as an artist coveys his exalted
mission of art more clearly than in any other painting. He seems to be "less concerned with himself
as a person than with himself as an artist, and less with the artist than with the ... Show more content
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Symmetrically arranging his serious, handsome face and mass of shoulder length hair deliberately
invite comparison with the image of Christ. The idealized arrangement and strict symmetry of the
face is based on a construction made up of circle and a triangle, a formula used down to the
Byzantine period for images of the Redeemer. The frontal pose and symmetrical composition have
recurred in many images of Christ, particularly in the form of the vera icon, or "true image"
No architectural setting appears within the plain, black background of the painting (Hutchison 67).
The darkened tone and limited but unified color scheme create a mood of sanctity (Hutchinson 68).
The contours of the face are molded by means of soft light and transparent shadows, almost in an
attempt to fathom the inner depths of Durer's creative spirit (Strieder 147). Set against the dark
background, the strong face and chin emanate an impression of energy from the portrait. Within the
background on the right–hand side, the inscription reads "I Albrecht Durer of Nuremberg painted
myself thus, with undying colors, at the age of twenty–eight years" (Hutchinson 67). This was a
personal verification of the quality of his materials and his
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The Holocaust After World War II
Have you ever wondered or thought about what happened to the Nazis that helped with different
parts of the Holocaust after World War II ended? Well, I thought about it and I did some research
about the famous trials that happened between the years 1945 through 1949. These trials were made
up after a man by the name of Adolf Hitler wanted world domination and he treated the jews
horribly. This event solved a lot of problems from establishing an International Court and knowing
what to do with the men that helped Hitler with the Holocaust. The charges were among many
things but mostly crimes against hummanity was the most used charge. There was also a lot of
controversy about the laws that were made in the court and before the trials even ... Show more
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This trial also brought in interpreters, because all of the judges and people that were tried spoke at
least 4 different languages, and they needed somebody that understood the languages and could
translate it back quickly and effictiently.
At the end of this trial, The International tribunal found all but 3 guilty. 12 men were sentenced to
death, one in absentia, and the rest were put in prison. The prison sentences went from at least 10
years to life behind bars. 10 of the condemned were excuted by hanging on October 16, 1946. One
of Hitler's right hand man and the commander of the Luftwaffe commited suicide with a Cyannide
pill the night before his execution.
The Major War Criminals' Trials ended in the year of 1946, then the Allies started a new trial that
had the lesser people on trial. These people ranged from doctors, store owners, and lawyers. This set
of trials were called the subsequent trials. There were a total of 12 trials grouped together to form
the subsequent trials. The first trial was the Doctors Trial this lasted from December 9th, 1946 to
August 20,
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Essay about World War II
World War II
During World War II, Nazi commanding officers, and soldiers under their command, carried out
crimes against humanity in order to please their commanding officers or out of fear of what may
become of the, if they did not comply with their orders. What could have been going through the
minds of Nazi officers and soldiers while they were carrying out the orders they had received to
almost wipe out an entire race of people? The Nazi criminals were brought to justice in what was
called the Nuremberg Trials. The prosecutors that brought the Nazis to trials consisted of the four
powers of the United States, Great Britain, France, and Russia (Britannica 1). The Nuremberg trials
were basically a series of trials held in ... Show more content on ...
The crimes committed were so severe that the tribunal could not allow the Nazis to walk away
without facing some sort of punishment. Even though the laws were made ex post facto, the crimes
committed by the Nazi leaders were crimes against humanity, and those crimes should not have to
be written down in any law books. Crimes committed against humanity should be understood to be
wrong and if someone should break those laws, they should expect to be punished for what they
commit, even though there was no written law. Stanley Milgram, a Yale psychologist, conducted a
classic study obedience in which the participants were forced to either violate their conscience by
obeying the immoral demands of an authority figure or to refuse those demands (Behrens 343).
Milgram's study suggested that under a special set of circumstances the obedience we naturally
show authority figures could transform us into agents of terror (343). His experiment showed that
normal people could be influenced to the point of administering great amounts of pain on another
human being, just because a person in a position of authority told them to do so (343). A theory that
was reached as a result of Milgram's experiment was that "it is easy to ignore responsibility when
one is only an intermediate link in a chain of action" (355). Milgram's results offer a possible
explanation as to why the Nazis did what they did. Even though
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10 Principles Regaarding Ethical Clinic and Set of...
Nuremberg Code is a set of 10 sophisticate principles regarding ethical clinical research on human
being (Grodin, 1994). It is mainly for protection of subjects' human right (Shuster, 1997), such as
compulsory of informed consent and the equal authority of subjects as the physician–researcher to
end the experiment.
1.2 Helsinki Declaration (1964)
Helsinki Declaration is a set of guidelines on clinical research for physician as their responsibility
toward protection of their research subjects (Williams, 2008). World Medical Association (WMA)
also encourage it is used as reference by other parties in conduction of clinical research (Bădărău,
2013). Compared with the Nuremberg Code, which mainly focuses on safeguard of the subjects, its
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The vile medical crimes during the WW II had raise the awareness on the need of a world body
which able to define and promulgate medical ethnics around the world (Tyebkhan, 2003). Thus, the
World Medical Association (WMA) was set up in 1947 with 1st Annual Meeting of General
Assembly in September 1947, Paris (Human and Fluss, 2001). WMA is an international
confederation composed of national medical associations that seek to promote medical ethics and
professional standards (Human and Fluss, 2001).
Helsinki Declaration was first developed and promulgated in June 1964 by World Medical
Association General Assembly in Helsinki after more than a decade of debate and discussion among
the members of WMA (Williams, 2008).
Since the first adoption, revision and amendment were done several times on the Helsinki
Declaration for refinement. The Helsinki Declaration had been revised 8 times at meeting of WMA:
Tokyo 1957, Italy 1983, Hong Kong 1989, South Africa 1996, Edinburg 2000, Washington 2002,
Tokyo 2004, Seoul 2008 and Brazil 2013 (Association, 2013).
3 Importance of Nuremberg Code and Helsinki Declaration
In my opinion, Nuremberg Code and Helsinki Declaration play an important role as guideline in
clinical research involving human being. Both Nuremberg Code and Helsinki Declaration protect
the clinical subjects in term of their right and safety. By referring to them before performing of the
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Summary Of The Film Judgement At Nuremberg
The film, Judgment at Nuremberg, was about the Nuremberg Trials after World War II. It trialed
four German Judges who were accused of non–combatant war crimes against a civilian population,
the Holocaust, and the post–World War II geopolitical complexity of the actual Nuremberg Trials.
The trial discussed how Germany is not at total fault, the degradation of Germany, and the hypocrisy
and deceit from the destruction of the Allies.
Taking place in the Palace of Justice courtroom, Judge Dan Haywood, the Chief Trial Judge, began
the trial by trying to learn how the defendants could have sentenced so many people to torturous
deaths. Haywood sought to understand how the German people could have praised the crimes of the
Nazi regime. Hans Rolfe, the defense attorney for the Germans, explained that the judges did not
make the laws, they only interpreted it and carried it out, unaware of what happened inside the
concentration camps. When Rolfe was making his argument for the defense, he powerfully mixed
pity into his statements, making the people question even the moral basis of the court. After Ernst
Janning, one of the defendants, admitted his guilt during his defense speech, Rolfe tells the court, "If
Ernst Janning is guilty, it is the world's guilt." Janning was not the only one who made an oath to
follow Nazi principles; many people contributed to Hitler's tyranny in one way or another. Nazi
Germany was the dominant power during the World War II due to many people,
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The Nuremberg Code Of Ethical Principles For Human...
The Nuremberg Code of Ethics is in a sense a set of ethical researched principles for human
experimentation. The Nuremberg Code was created after the second World. This ethical code was
created based upon the human experimentations that the Axis Powers conducted during the war. The
code gives the principles against the methods used by the Nazis in their participation in human
experimentations. The Nuremberg Code stresses the general core of what is and what is not
voluntary consent and is in practice to prevent the abuse of humans as subjects. The Nuremberg
Code is a 10–point statement that in short basically says that all participation in research must be
voluntary. The person–involved should have the legal capacity to give consent, should be able to
exercise free power of choice and they should have the adequate knowledge and comprehension of
all the subject matter that is involved in the understanding of making the ... Show more content on ...
This, in my opinion makes perfect sense. It makes sense for they're to have consent in not only
voluntary medical studies, but with other decisions in everyday life. As humans, living where we do,
we have the right to our own bodies therefore, before anything, there needs to be consent. The
remaining codes also provide insight on what regulates voluntary consent, such as the following
principle stating that the results if the research must be for the good of society and inaccessible to
any other means. Also, the study must be based on the information provided by the results of animal
experimentation, natural history if the disease or any other circumstances to be studied. The next
code is that the experiment must avoid all unnecessary suffering. Next, the code states that the study
cannot include death or disabling injuries as a result. The
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The Trials Of The Defeated Nazis
After World War II, the victorious Allies decided to hold a trial for the defeated Nazis. These trials
lasted from November 20, 1945 till October 1, 1946. Although the victors claimed that they would
give the accused a fair trial, upon closer inspection we can see that in reality, these trials were biased
and were a "victor's justice." After the war, each of the Allies leaders had their own idea for how
they should deal with the Nazi's. Stalin suggested that they should have trials, but here everyone is
guilty and afterwards is shot. What then would be the point of having a trial then? It would just
appear as a 'play' before they would perform their actual intentions. He may have suggested this also
so that he could say that ... Show more content on ...
Although the Americans were applying "American justice" to the trials, they didn't even follow their
constitution while doing so. The US constitution states that laws cannot be made post–facto, but in
Nuremberg, they created these laws (for example, crimes against humanity, and waging aggressive
war) after the Germans had "committed" them. It is wrong however to charge defendants with
crimes that didn't exist in anyone's books at the time they were committed. Although some might
say that these crimes are "common knowledge," they may in fact be only common knowledge to
you. Not everyone in the world views things in the same way you might. John F. Kennedy even said
about the Nuremberg trials that "The Constitution was not a collection of loosely given political
promises subject to broad interpretation. It was not a list of pleasing platitudes to be set lightly aside
when expediency required it...[and] discard these Constitutional precepts in order to punish a
vanquished enemy. The Allies also said that they would keep away the "hand of vengeance" and
give a fair trial, but in reality they didn't follow this. Several rules were established for the
Nuremberg trials, but the Allies didn't even bother to follow some of these rules, or perform them
fairly. For example, rule 2 (Notice to Defendants and Right to Assistance of Counsel) said that
"Each individual defendant in custody shall receive not less than 30 days before a trial a copy,
translated into a
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Ethical And Unethical Dilemmas
In many research studies human participants are used to give us a better understanding of how
something works. There were numerous studies that involved humans that were unethical and
unjustifiable. Two examples that lead to major changes in research studies were the Nazi War crimes
and the Tuskegee experiment.
On December 17, 1942, the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union issued the first joint
declaration officially noting the mass murder of European Jews and resolving to prosecute those
responsible for crimes against civilian populations. These trials became known as the Nuremberg
trials or the Nazi War crime trials. The International Military Tribunal defined crimes against
humanity as "murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation or persecutions on political, racial, or
religious grounds." (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, n.d., p. 1) As a result the
Nuremberg Code was developed which declared that human beings deserve the dignity of humane
treatment during medical experimentations. It outlines the following: The voluntary consent of the
human subject is absolutely essential. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results of
the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and
unnecessary in nature. It should be conducted as to avoid all necessary and physical and mental
suffering and injury. No experiment should be conducted, where there is an a priori reason to
believe that death or disabling
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Just War Theory Essay
Just War Theory
Price reduced due to problems with format
One of the perennial realities of human existence is war. From the earliest recorded events of human
history all the way through to modern times, human communities have engaged in armed conflict as
a method of dispute resolution. While war has been a constant part of the human experience, there
has also been a tendency within virtually all human civilisations to limit the extent of war and the
methods by which warfare may be conducted.(1) In Western civilisation, this limitation on warfare
has taken shape as an effort to limit both the determination of when war is appropriate and the
means used in battle.(2) Within the Western moral, legal, and political arena, the connected ... Show
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Understanding, then, that the theory of just war is one in which many sources mingle over the
course of centuries, it is helpful to make a brief overview of those sources before delving into the
main task of explaining just war theory. B. MAIN SOURCES OF JUST WAR THEORY 1. The
Religious Sources of Just War Theory Many of the key thinkers who have expounded on just war
theory through the centuries have identified themselves with the Christian faith, both in its Catholic
and Protestant varieties. Just war theory has also gained a general acceptance among Christian
theologians, philosophers, and jurists as a method of passing judgement on the morality or
immorality of a particular conflict.(8) The general Christian conception of just war theory forms the
core of secular just war theory and as such has had a tremendous influence on the secular
conception of the just war.(9) Early Christian approaches to war were largely pacifistic in nature,
due to a focus in the early Church to the notion that Christians were distinct from the rest of society.
(10) However, with the growing Christianization of the Roman Empire, and the increasing political
and social influence of the Christian Church, Christian theologians during the fourth and fifth
centuries began to develop justifications for the use of force which would eventually take
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Essay on The International Military Tribunal for the Far East
The International Military Tribunal for the Far East
"Before assembling here today the Members of the Tribunal signed a joint affirmation to administer
justice according to law, without fear, favor or affection.
We fully appreciate the great responsibility resting upon us. There has been no more important
criminal trial in all history. Certainly we are not a Senate or a House of Peers met for the
impeachment of a Verrus or a Hastings, but a court of our respective countries. On the other hand
the accused before us were no mere provincial governors, but for more than a decade were the
leaders of Japan at the height of her power and prosperity. They include former prime ministers,
foreign ministers, finance ministers, chiefs of ... Show more content on ...
The prosecution team was made up of justices from eleven Allied nations: Australia, Canada, China,
France, Great Britain, India, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Philippines, the Soviet Union and
the United States of America.(See Affirmation). The Tokyo trials lasted two and a half years, from
May 1946 to November 1948. Other war criminals were tried in the respective victim countries.
Lastly, the war crime trials were held at ten different locations in China.
The International Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE) consisted of a large variety of different
persons representing different countries. The Tribunal's sheer size and complexity is an example of
an un–needed redundancy that among today's standards is unfathomable. When compared to its
counterpart at Nuremberg, one can determine the seemingly comprehensive and complete
proceedings as oddly overbearing. The Tokyo Trials "lasted three times longer than the Trial of the
Major German War Criminals. It involved at least 230 translators and 237 Prosecution and Defense
lawyers." The hypocritical aspects involve the methods and procedures in which the IMTFE
operated. It was established in order to prosecute war criminals, allowing for the justice system to
take on its role. Yet the IMTFE has set its own rules and standards, decided what evidence , however
crucial, may or may not be entered as exhibits. The lack of a complete and fair trial existed not only
in the admittance or the one sided
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Pros And Cons Of The Nuremberg War Trial
Beverley McLachlin, the 2007 Chief Justice of Canada, once said, "The most advanced justice
system in the world is a failure if it does not provide justice to the people it is meant to serve."
The Nuremberg War Trial has been considered the most significant as well as the most debatable
event in military law history. To those who support the trial it promises the first effective recognition
of a world law for the punishment of criminals who start wars or conduct inhuman acts during them.
To the opposing critics the trial appears in many aspects a denial of legal ethics which they regard as
the heart of any system of justice under law.
Towards the end of World War II the Allies were counting the days until Hitler's regime would
finally be defeated ... Show more content on ...
Most significantly, the German defendants at Nuremberg were being tried for several categories of
offense that had no precedent under international law creating "ex post facto" charge, meaning that
the defendants were indicted for something that was not a crime until after they had committed it. At
the time that the German officials on trial committed the various atrocities for which they were
charged, no international law specifically banned their actions. The prosecution was therefore able
to construct their charges to maximize the rate of conviction. Most national legal codes, including
the law of the United States, require that a crime must have been illegal at the time the act was
committed in order to charges to be pressed. The major focuses of the prosecution were crimes
against the peace, crimes against humanity, war crimes, organizations, and conspiracy. Of all these,
only war crimes was a clearly recognized category under pre–existing international law.
War crimes jurisprudence was based on The Hague and Geneva conventions, and narrowly
governed the treatment of foreign soldiers and civilians during wartime. Technically, the only war
crimes committed by the Germans involved the treatment of Allied prisoners of war and of the
populations of conquered
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Nuremberg Research Paper
PROBLEM DEFINTION IN THE URBAN CONTEXT Nuremberg, Germany is a city that is well
known throughout the records of history. Post World War II, Nuremberg was the center for justice to
trial various Nazi and German officials from their heinous war crimes. After the Nuremberg trials,
Nuremberg began to urbanize like the rest of Germany recovering from World War II by
redeveloping neighborhoods and streets. Most of the streets were designed to be small and
inaccessible by more than a few cars at a time. As the German population increased and more
Germans moved to the city of Nuremberg, the amount of cars populating the city also began to rise.
With the increasing amount of cars came the abundance of emissions and air pollution from the
vehicles. ... Show more content on ...
Within the first two months after the removal of cars, there air quality in the surrounding areas
actually deteriorated because of the changing of weather (Pluske) However, after one year of the car
removal, air pollution within the road closure significantly decreased and Nuremberg had a decrease
of Nitrous Oxide by over 30% because of the elimination of cars. This can be directly seen in the
figure below. The figure describes the change of spatial air structure of NO2 from the 1980s to the
late 1990's where the upwind pushes the air out of the city and then circulates back to the city. From
the years of 1981–1985 which was before the removal of cars, the nitrous oxide was in the form of a
bell shape curve where the pollution reached a peak percentage in the middle of the city, however,
after the removal of cars it can be seen that there is a downward trend of nitrious oxide within the
area and in the
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Office Of The Prosecutor : An Investigation Into The...
Course instructor:
Office of the Prosecutor, ICC
TO: [name of recipient]
FROM: [name of author]
DATE: [date]
RE: [subject of memo]
This memo addresses the issue of whether this office has sufficient grounds to launch an
investigation into the events that took place in Minoropolis.
The issues that arise from the facts are;
Systematicplanned attack and retaliation.
Forceful eviction of civilian population.
Racial Slur or Hate Speech.
Article 7 of the Rome Statute, Crimes against Humanity defines murder and extermination. A crime
against humanity occurs when a party commits a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian
population that includes certain acts such as ... Show more content on ...
The term organization must satisfy certain criteria put down by an ICC Pre–Trial Chamber, the
organization must have a hierarchy of command, possess the means to carry out a widespread or
systematic attack, exercises control over a part of the territory of a State, and has criminal activities
against a civilian population as a purpose. In Minora, the drug cartels are said to be well organized
and have authority throughout the Minora country with the help of local police.Their criminal
activities have brought violence to the country with victims being both rivals of member gangs and
ordinary citizens. The drug cartels also use military weapons such as automatic weapons and
grenade launchers that are used to attack the government forces.
The definition of a non–international armed conflict is provided for under International
Humanitarian Law (Bouchet–Saulnier, Brav, & Michel 426). Common Article 3 to the Geneva
Conventions of 1949 and modified by Art. 1 of Additional Protocol II to state that the conflict must
have an extended period of violence, and the parties must be organized and armed. The conflict in
Minora between the government forces and drug cartels has taken place since January 2014 and
went on until September. This can be said to be a long period of violence. In the case of Prosecutor
v Tadic`
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The Overwhelming Importance Of The Nuremberg Trials
Lia Turenne
Kila Knight
English 1213–27271
23 February 2018
The Overwhelming Importance of The Nuremburg Trials "It was the virtue of the Nuremberg trial
that it was conceived in hatred of war, and nurtured by those starved of peace. Of course, the trial
was botched and had to deal with new crimes for which there was no provision in
national law or international law." (Rebecca West). The trials were full of controversy and an
overwhelming hope for justice which was the motive behind everything. The creation of the first
concentration camp sparked the anger amongst the Allied nations leading to an increase of hostility.
Throughout the Nuremberg Trials archive, the group of memorialized people are the German Nazis
and the Allied powers. The Nazis whom were ... Show more content on ...
It started with a German invasion on Poland which then quickly led to the creation of "the first
concentration camp for political prisoners". The concentration camps angered many people which
led to the Nuremberg Trials. The trials were an important part of history because of the prosecution
on war criminals who explicitly treated people of different religions in a horrific way. During the
trials nearly one million case files were collected and stored for future uses. Harvard Law school
accumulated all files that were salvageable, created a project to digitize the documents which led to
the creation of the Nuremberg Trials archive. With generous amounts of funding, their project is still
operating and they are continuing to digitize the remaining documents. The files that are currently
available in their archive hold such valuable information to educate generations to come. These files
are vital to the history of so many because every wrongdoing during the war teaches what not to do
and these files hold the truth on what will
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Nuremberg Trials: Under Control Council Law
Nuremberg trials
The second set of trials of lesser war criminals was conducted under Control Council Law No. 10 at
the U.S. Nuremberg Military Tribunals, which included the Doctors' Trial and the Judges' Trial. The
medical experiments conducted by German doctors and prosecuted in the so–called Doctors' Trial
led to the creation of the Nuremberg Code to control future trials involving human subjects, a set of
research ethics principles for human experimentation.
" The creation of the IMT was followed by trials of lesser Nazi officials and the trials of Nazi
doctors, who performed experiments on people in prison camps. Critics of the Nuremberg trials
argued that the charges against the defendants were only defined as "Crimes" after they were
committed and that therefore the trial was invalid as a form of "Victors' justice". The activities of
those institutions have frequently been vigorously criticized by positivistic jurists ... [who] have
asked: How can principles enunciated by the Nuremberg Tribunal, to take it as an example, be of
legal value until most of the states have agreed to a tribunal with jurisdiction to enforce those
principles? ... Show more content on ...
How could the law, first explicitly accepted in the Nuremberg Charter of 1945, have bound the
defendants in the trial when they committed the acts for which they were indicted years earlier?
Documentary shown at the Nuremberg trial in November, 1945 exhibiting the horrors of the
concentration camps The Nuremberg Trials on the Yad Vashem website Official records of the
Nuremberg trials in 42 volumes from the records of the Library of congress Donovan
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Dramatic Elements In Aunt Raini
In this theatrical production– Aunt Raini, directed by the playwright Tom Smith and produced by
Pacific Lutheran University, has successfully perform theatrical elements within different
perspective of the performance, while the performance has connected and integrated the content
based from the script stories. For instance, from a stage production perspective, the constructing
style of the scenes, walls, flats or hand props and the accurate placement of stage properties on stage
has specified the background story setting while different style of composing, designing and
painting of the scenery represent the amount of efforts and works that whole crew had put in during
the process of theater production.
The story of the theatrical performance Aunt Raini was inspired by Leni Riefenstahl, a world–
renowned filmmaker who creates the documentary "Triumph of the Will" of the Reich Party
Congress 1934 in Nuremberg. Sadly, most of Riefenstahl's works after this documentary are
reference as pieces of propaganda for the Nazi Party, which led to her to be misunderstood and
isolated within the art and film communities throughout her lifetime. In this performance, Leni
Riefenstahl, also reference as the protagonist character of "Aunt Raini", has come to New York City
to visit her grandniece Katherine. On the other hand, Katherine, known as "The Great Revealer" for
her ability to find the best up–and–coming artists on the Time magazine, is a successful art gallery
owner. Meanwhile, One of
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The Wartime Of The Nuremberg Trials
On 8th August, 1945, shortly after the end of World War II in May of 1945, the Allied governments
entered into a joint agreement establishing the International Military Tribunal for the purpose of
trying those responsible for the war atrocities. Whereas some 5,000 Nazi's were charged with war
crimes, the Nuremberg trials were designed specifically to prosecute high ranking Nazi officials
with whom the authority for the commission of heinous atrocities rested.
The Nuremberg Trials would therefore be marked in history as one of its kind. Prior to its formation,
war crimes were limited to the military courts of the individual countries and for the very first time
the Nuremberg Trials would mark the inception of the concept of collective guilt as a justification
for punishment. The four counts of indictment were: Conspiracy to commit crimes alleged in other
counts, crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
This paper seeks to canvass the legacy of the Nuremberg Trial; the legal justifications and
procedural innovations that were once controversial and which through the turn of the century have
now come to be regarded as a milestone towards the application of principles of international law,
establishment of a permanent international criminal court enshrined under the Rome Statute and
setting new precedents for the international community. Furthermore, the author seeks to juxtapose
the legal and political justifications given for the
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Word Collision: Christopher Columbus and The Taino Natives
The swift sandy beaches of the Caribbean were once desolate and unknown rule by the natural
habitat of Taino natives whose sole existence revolved around primitive nature. These Virgin Islands
would be a critical and strategic discovery for the strengthening Spanish empire during the 15th
century under the rule of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabel of Castile . On October 1492, a man by the
name of Christopher Columbus would take the power of the Spanish crown to excellency and great
dominion over the new world. The lives of both the natives and the Spaniards would be
revolutionized and two completely different worlds would collide for the first time. The discovery
of the New World was masked by preconceptions, ancient interpretations of ... Show more content
on ...
Consequently, Columbus states that the Indians have a closer relationship to the lord based on their
lifestyle, selflessness, and kindness to strangers. Moreover, in this letter he also ascertains a degree
of innocence in the Indians while drawing a distinction amongst the Europeans advantageous
actions in the exchanges for broken objects for pieces of valuable gold. Throughout the letter,
Columbus describes his prohibition in the colonists to trade with the Indians since he deemed it
unfair to trade something worthless to the Spaniards for gold that would grant them and the crown
more wealth. Columbus' ulterior motives are dominated by the socio–cultural and religious
teachings of the Catholic Church. Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabel of Castile, both proclaimed as
God given kings, wanted full centralization of their established autocratic governance. The goal of
expansion into the western world would be to propagate the dominion of the Catholic Church and
the power of the Spanish empire to lands unknown to humanity at the time before the Portuguese
and other imminent powers. As a discoverer, Columbus was shaped by the crusading environment
he grew up in as well as the desire of annexation of land. The main paradox between the first
encounter is presented in the belief system of the Indians whom have faith in nature as their ruling
God, such beliefs are mirrored to those of the ancient Greeks and in the
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Examination Of Past And Present Ethical Guidelines On...
Eilidh Cowan
Ethics of Biomedical Science Research
Ioan Alexandru Beldean
Examination of past and present ethical guidelines on biomedical research
Ethics can be defined as a set of moral values informing one's decisions. But this set of moral values
can be influenced by many different things, such as various cultures, religions, and even
technological advancements. This is called moral relativism, the idea that there are no real truths in
ethics and what is right or wrong varies person by person. That is why before there was any codes or
set of rules regarding what was ethical put in place, people were able to get away with doing all
sorts of scientific research, that would now be deemed unethical. Biomedical research is to be done
to eventually better the health of humans.
Biomedical research has been going on for many years, it is how we have knowledge of many
deadly diseases as well as the discovery of vaccines and antibiotics! These things seem so common
today, but infact went through lots of stages of research to get to the technologies we have today.
However, before 1947, there were no codes of ethics or regulations to ensure that research being
done was ethical. The smallpox vaccination, although the first successful vaccine to ever be
developed, would be considered highly unethical today. Edward Jenner experimented on a healthy
young 8 year old boy without consent. In today's society, this study would never have been allowed
to continue. There are many other
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The Power Of Adolf Hitler
There are many powerful leaders around the world that are one with the words, but one really stands
out: Adolf Hitler. He was very persuasive and he used the power of words to his competence to
make people stand beside him. Hitler was not a pleasant man, but he was a very astute one; he could
convince so many people that Jewish people were ominous in a couple of short sentences.
Additionally, he was so strong in various ways and that is why one may think of Adolf Hitler as the
most effective in using the power of words and language to influence others than any other man.
Hitler was always very persuasive, and three reasons why include: the way he uses words to make
the message persuasive, how he uses propaganda to convince people, and the way he uses words to
create emotion. To begin, the way Hitler uses words to make the message persuasive is very
imperative. Adolf Hitler always convinced people that Jews were abhorrent people, and the way he
did that was scare tactics. People frequently make decisions off of fear, so he chose to tell people
about the scary things that Jews would do if they took over. To add, this frightened Germans,
making them rancor all Jews, which put Hitler in the right direction to becoming a powerful leader.
Even though everything Hitler said about Jews was apocryphal, he made a lot of people believe that
it was accurate, because of the way he convinced people and got them on his side. "In the political
field he refuses the state the means for its
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The Trials Of The Nuremberg Trials
It is a pleasant autumn day in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1960. Suddenly, agents from Israel's
intelligence agency, Mossad, tackled a man to the ground (Lichtblau, The Nazis Next Door 68).
Unbeknownst to spectators, that man was Adolf Eichmann, aide to the Fascist dictator Adolf Hitler.
Along with Hitler and other Third Reich Nazis, he had organized the Holocaust–a massive genocide
murdering eleven million people. How is it possible that, after all of these years, Eichmann
remained hidden? How is it possible that the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, which were held by the
Allied Powers after World War II, did not execute this man? The Nuremberg Trials were a series of
thirteen trials held between 1945 and 1949 to prosecute some Nazi war criminals. The trials were
held in Nuremberg, Germany, because its courthouse was not damaged from the war. The four
Allied Powers held the hearings, and the best–known trial was the Trial of Major War Criminals
("Nuremberg Trials"). The fact of the matter is that not many Nazis were actually convicted in the
Nuremberg Trials, even though these court proceedings were supposed to bring Nazis to justice.
Overall, the Nuremberg Trials were not effective in prosecuting Nazi war criminals. This is because
few Nazis were executed, many fled to South America, the U.S. enlisted them as spies, and they
became top scientists in the United States Space Program.
One reason why the Nuremberg Trials were not effective is because only ten Nazis were
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Nazi Guards Guilty
Were the Nazi guards guilty of any crimes? Many guards didn't have much choice in whether to
guard the concentration camps or not, some of them even helped prisoners escape or avoid death by
gas chambers. So, most of the Nazi guards weren't guilty. Did the guards even like guarding camps
like Auschwitz, or were they forced to? If you were a guard in WW2, there wasn't much justice for
you after the war as many of the families affected simply sued the guards for actions they didn't
want to do. Also, after the war the German government discriminated against these guards by:
lowering pensions from the war, and depriving them of their rights. Another reason that the
Auschwitz guards didn't want to be there would've been the conditions of the camp, ... Show more
content on ...
One was Irma Grese, known as the "Beautiful Beast"(, she was a tall,blonde haired
female guard that was feared by the prisoners. Part of the reason she was so cruel was possibly the
way she grew up. At age 13 she lost her mother, after elementary school she immediately began
work. She ended up in control of one of the concentration camps when she was the head of road
construction and was promoted. Some of the things she did to the prisoners included; beating and
killing prisoners for no reason, often for fun. She would also stomp on prisoners that were on the
ground with her boots. Another cruel Nazi official was Herman Goering. He created the gestapo, as
well as establishing one of the most feared secret police in Nazi Germany, he would steal millions of
pounds(currency) from the Jewish victims. One of the other horrible Nazi officials was Paul
Gobbels(Listverse). He was the administrator of propaganda. He was responsible for all of the awful
hate messages sent through Germany meant to turn the public on the Jewish population. Those were
the other side of the Nazi officials whom should be punished for the crimes they
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Treatment of Ethnic Minorities by Nazi Germany Essay
Treatment of Ethnic Minorities by Nazi Germany
Hitler hated three kinds of people– Jews, communists and democracy and in his view they were all
connected. Hitler believed that the Aryan people were the master race, and most of theses people
were Germans. He believed that Jews were an "inferior species". He believed that what the Jews
believed in was spreading and crushing Germany. Anything Jewish was wrong. He spoke of a myth
that the Jewish bankers planned to break down the financial system and that this was a reason that
war broke out in 1914.
Hitler hated Bolshevism (communism) because he saw it as a Jewish belief. The Jewish founder,
Karl Marx, set out to break the world politically, ... Show more content on ...
He believed that the growth of Democracy in Europe was because of Jewish lies.
Immediately after the Nazi takeover in 1933. Gobbels and Julius Streicher began to act violently
against the Jews openly. Gangs of brown shirts physically attacked Jews on the street and smashed
their houses. In 1934 there was a law that Jews were no longer allowed to join the civil service and
were banned from work. In 1935 the Nuremberg Race Laws created a programme of legal
The NurembergRace Laws, 1935
* Marriage between Jews and Germans forbidden.
* 'Full' Jews deprived of German citizenship.
* 'Full' Jews defined as those having three Jewish grandparents.
Some Jews did fight back at this though. Groups of Jewish men who went to war told people of the
honourable role they played in the 1914–18 struggles. Handbills were handed out which said that
12,000 Jew's died fighting for the nation. But these little protests compared as nothing to what the
Germans did. They used propaganda to show that Jews were enemies of the Germans and were
unworthy to be called German citizens.
There was a story that a Jew had killed a German in Paris, the Nazi's started the night which was
known as Kristallnacht. On the 9th of November over 100 Jews died in a series of violent attacks.
There were broken windows, smashed homes looted shops and attacked
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Nationalism And Its Impact On Society
Throughout history, nationalism has evolved in a massive way. Nationalism is a concept that was
not always around, and began as a simple love of one's country. This soon progressed into the belief
that a country or state is superior to another. In the source, the perspective given is that of
displeasure towards the current approach governments are taking to promote nationalism. In order to
create patriotism in a country, often times the government will look past previous wrongdoings. We
should embrace the perspectives reflected in the source fully and hold people accountable for
international crimes. However, many organizations are in place that successfully hold these people
accountable time and time again. A crime should always be duly punished no matter the amount of
time separating the past and present. On the contrary, some people may say that necessary means
should be taken to keep a country united. In addition, a popular ideology is that the past must stay in
the past, and that it's not worth the conviction. My three months in social studies 20–1 have taught
me the significance of justice and therefor I support and defend the principle of righteous
punishment for crimes committed. Without systems and forms of international or national justice,
war crimes and crimes against humanity would occur more frequently without any measures to
prevent or discipline the offenders. There are currently more than one international organization
designed to bring justice to
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The Need To Safeguard The Practice Of Research Ethics
Research Ethics
This essay is aimed at my fellow students and tries to explain using some different case studies
firstly what research ethics are and what happens when you don't stick to these same ethics.
Research ethics involves concepts and principles of right conduct within the research being carried
out. Oxford dictionary defined ethics as 'Moral principles that govern a person's behaviour or the
conducting of an activity' (Oxford). This is especially true within research ethics as this research is a
public trust that must be ethically conducted, trustworthy, and socially responsible if the results are
to be valuable and be believed.
The need to safeguard the practice of research ethics within all fields of sciences and engineering is
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Research should be carried out only by medically/scientifically qualified individuals and in
appropriate laboratories.
5. Risks should not exceed benefits that will potentially result from the experiment.
(Research & Economic Development)
During the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg in 2002, held on
the, the then UN Secretary–General Kofi Annan (2002) stated that "And more and more we are
realizing that it is only by mobilizing the corporate sector that we can make significant progress.
The corporate sector has the finances, the technology and the management to make this happen"
(Annan, 2002, para. 5–6).
This shows that assessing the compatibility of business ethics and sustainable development is
important and is encouraged at the highest level.
A basic ethical dilemma that commonly takes place with many engineers has to be the duty to report
a to the proper responsible authorities if a client or employer is failing to follow the engineer's
directions and/or designs causing possible harm. This duty should annul all or any duty to a client or
the employer as it may put people in harms way. As an engineer they may face some penalties, or
have their license taken away, if something unethical has occurred (Engineers,
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The Trials Of The War II
After World War II, the victorious associates made a decision to hold a trail for the defeated Nazi
officials. These Trails continued from November 20, 1945 till October 1, 1946. In these Tails,
defendant use Nuremberg Defense, a legal strategy employed by many of the defendants at the
Nuremberg war crimes trials seeking to convict Nazi perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against
humanity committed during the Second World War, as a defense by claiming they were not guilty of
charges against them as they were simply following orders (Rationalwiki). Even though the victors
claimed that they would give the defendant a fair trial, on closer examination anyone can see that in
reality, these trails were biased and were a victor's justice (A ... Show more content on ...
Being a different couldn't make anyone superior or inferior to one another "Diversity is our strength,
we say. There is not an American president who would say anything else: We are a country made
stronger by our individuality, by our differences."(Rodriguez). No doubt, Hitler had a lot of
followers and who knows if some or even all of them were forced into this just out of fear. Once
they were committed, they must have realize that they were not getting out of it. Also, the law
requires them to do things even though they did not want to do it which also includes the Holocaust.
In from Crito by Plato, the dialogue of Socrates explain that the law exist as one unit, to break one
means to break them all, and by disobeying the law one can start the anarchy in country. One should
never break the law even they have to sacrifice themselves or take life for it. Some of the accusers
had to perform their deeds because Hitler told them to do so. No one disobey Hitler ever. If they
didn't follow Hitler's order, then they would have committed a crime against him and Germany.
Eliminate the Jews and other people that Hitler and the law requires them to consider those people
to be inferior; However, King doesn't
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The Nazis And The Nazi Past
The Nazis left a lasting legacy that is still felt around the world today. The Nazi past weighs most
heavily on Germany and its citizens who still grapple today with what the Nazis mean to their
identity. This struggle was much different in the years immediately following World War II and the
subsequent creation of divided Germany than today. In the German Democratic Republic (East
Germany), the Nazi past was completely ignored. Instead focused on the West as the enemy. In the
Federal Republic of Germany the government also attempted to ignore the Nazi past, with the
government focusing more on building a democracy rather than emphasizing the brutal past.
However, in a free society issues of identity are much harder to contain . The Nazi past began to
come up despite these concerted efforts to bury it, yet even when questions about the past began to
be raised, people in the 1960s were nearly ignorant about the real atrocities that the Nazis had
committed . From 1963–1965, State Attorney Richard Bauer indicted 22 Nazi officials who had
worked at the Auschwitz–Birkenau concentration camp . These trials attempted not only to educate
average Germans about what had truly happened during World War II, but also to eliminate the idea
that everyone who had committed these crimes were abnormal monsters, the concept that allowed
the German population of the post–war era to distance themselves from this evil. In the 1960s the
concept of Auschwitz–Birkenau, and the Nazi concentration
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Code Of Hammurabi Natural Law
The Code of Hammurabi (~1780 BCE) is the first known preserved example of written "law" which
describes potential crimes and prescribed punishments (Code, 2017). Originating in the
Mesopotamian region, the codex serves as an edict and guide for the peoples of the region to follow
in the course of common civility within the larger society. "The code was grounded in commonly
accepted principles of morality and ethics and provided a clear set of norms for all members of
society to live together in peace" (Code, 2017, para 3). The Code of Hammurabi laid the
groundwork for the idea of jurisprudence in that; when the people know what is expected of them
and are made aware of the potential punishment in the event that declared potential crimes ... Show
more content on ...
It is important to note that "the Allies eventually established the laws and procedures for the
Nuremberg trials with the London Charter of the International Military Tribunal (IMT), issued on
August 8, 1945" (History, 2010, para 6). It was the IMT which, in a ex post facto manner, declared
under Article 6: Jurisdiction and General Principles, that the acts which fell under their purview
were those of "Crimes against peace (a.), War crimes (b.), Crimes against humanity (c.)" (Avalon,
2008). With the final surrender of Germany during WWII occurring on May 8, 1945 and the IMT
war crimes description being committed to writing a full three months to the day after the final
surrender of those who would be tried for said crimes, there is no conceivable way under the
positive law concept of Nullum crimen sine lege that the individuals being tried could have known
that the actions that they took prior to the establishment of the law, and during the course of the war,
would be punishable under an international war crimes court which did not exist at the time of the
actions. The intent of the IMF was to ensure that any individual, civilian or military who had
committed what the IMF considered to be humanitarian atrocities would be brought to judgment
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The Holocaust: The Nuremberg Trials
The Holocaust was a tragic event in history. About 6 million people lost their lives during this event.
During the first half of the 20th century, led by Adolf Hitler, encouraged segregation against Jews
and other "undesirables" such as gypsies, homosexual men and women, the mentally disabled, or
physically disabled. Jewish children soon couldn't even go to school with the other German
children. Jewish businesses were forced to close and synagogues were burned and vandalized. Nazis
also set up ghettos, where Jews were segregated from the people and were forced to live in horrible
conditions. The Nazis developed "The Final Solution," a plan to get rid of the Jews. They decided
the most efficient way of doing this was to set up camps to exterminate ... Show more content on ...
First, there was no precedent for an international trial of war criminals. There were earlier instances
of prosecution for war crimes. Such as the execution of a confederate army officer Henry Wirz for
his maltreatment of Union prisoners of war during the American Civil War; and the courts–martial
held in Turkey in 1919–1920 to punish those responsible for the Armenian genocide of 1915–1916.
These were trials conducted according to the laws of a single nation rather than, as in case of the
Nuremberg Trials, a group of four powers with different legal traditions and practices ("The
Nuremberg Trials"). The four leading powers with different legal traditions and practices were
France, Britain, The Soviet Union, and the US. The allies eventually established the laws and
procedures for the Nuremberg trials with the London Charter of the International Military Tribunal,
issued on August 8, 1945 ("Nuremberg Trials" US History). Among other things, the charter defined
three categories of crimes: crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity. It was
determined that civilian officials as well as military officers could be accused of war
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Euthanasia Programs of Nazi Germany Essay
On the first of September, 1939 World War II began. Hitler is in power of Nazi Germany and is
wanting to cleanse the German people of racially unsound elements. He enacts a program that will
aim to eliminate the so called "lives unworthy of life" called the T4 program (History Place). Over
the next six years throughout Germany, many people are experimenting with and euthanized to help
Nazi Germany reach a "pure" state. Was this program that was enacted ethical and what has
happened since then to stop something like this from happening again? What kind of medical
advances and data did we achieve from it and is it ethical today to use what they learned in today's
medical trials? The T4 program was not the beginning of Germany's ... Show more content on ...
Through the implementation of the law an estimated 350,000 people were sterilized between the
years of 1933 and 1939. The shortage of labor helped attribute to the decline where they would
deem you useful if you were able to work and thus were exempted from the law from 1933. The war
has started and hospital space that was being used by the sick and disabled was needed for wounded
soldiers from the war. They did not want to have to feed and sustain those that were not useful to the
war efforts. Hitler, because of this problem started to endorse the usage of "mercy killing" of people
that were sick or disabled. (History Place) This is how the T4 program came around and even
though it was signed in October of 1939 Hitler backdated the document to September to make it
look that it was a wartime measure. The program was coordinated by fifty physicians that
volunteered to do the killings. The main headquarters for this program was located in a villa in
Berlin located at number 4 Tiergarten Street thus the name T4. (Georgetown) The program operated
the same as the Law for the Prevention of Progeny with Hereditary Diseases but also would include
those that were in institutions for more than five years, were criminally insane, or did not possess
German citizenship. (History Place) The way the program would work is they sent out
questionnaires out to mental institutions, hospitals and other institutions caring for the chronically
ill. (History Place) Based
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Nazi Human Experimentation

  • 1. Nazi Human Experimentation In 1933–1945, under Adolf Hitler, the National Socialist German Workers' party detained political control over Germany. Members of this group more commonly known as the Nazi party, wanted to institute Germany as a dominant world power. They began by establishing a dictatorship over all cultural, economic, and political activities of the people (Nazis). This would launch the beginning of the Holocaust, a massive massacre of roughly 11 million Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, Soviet prisoners of war, mentally handicapped, and countless more (The Simon). Most of these deaths occurred in concentration camps that developed all throughout Europe. In particular camps such as Dachau, Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Ravensbruck, and Sachsenhausen, medical experiments were cold–heartedly performed on selected prisoners without consent and generally, concluded in death, mutilation or permanent disability (Nazi Science). Schools all over America teach a broad history of the Holocaust and the concentration camps to their students at some point in time. However, from experience, I do not recall ever discussing these medical experiments or the Nuremberg Code that resulted from them. The Nuremburg code was created just after the Nuremburg trials following WWII. These trials were held before the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg against leading Nazi doctors, whom twenty–three received charges with War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity as evidence exposed the many merciless tortures they had ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Obedience In The My Lai Massacre The Implications of Obedience Within the United States Military: The My Lai Massacre On March 16, 1968, a unit of the United States military was ordered to advance into a village called Son My in northern Vietnam. It was there that a mass execution of unarmed civilians took place. One may wonder how the United States could do something so seemingly inhumane after considering what the Nazis did only twenty years prior to the Vietnam War. However, in the context of a tense situation, there are particular factors that will affect one's decision–making skills. Factors such as uncertainty, routinization, gradual escalation, and dehumanization of the victim are all possible components in affecting one's obedience. When uncertainty is present in a given situation, obedience tends to be greater. Being in an unfamiliar position may prompt one to have a lower self–confidence. Consequently, this self– perceived inferiority may cause the subject to look to authority for assistance (Nelson, class lecture, 2017). This was clearly evident at My Lai, as many of the soldiers were young and inexperienced, merely trained to follow orders given to them by authority. According to Kelman & Hamilton (1989) in their article "The My Lai Massacre: A Military Crime of Obedience," Charlie Company "contained no significant deviation from the average company." That is, most of the men had volunteered for the draft and had not yet even finished college. Most were eighteen to twenty–two years old, still ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Holocaust Essays It is without a doubt that the Holocaust will forever go down in history as one of the most heinous crimes against humanity. Even years after the Nazi leadership, effects of the war still haunt the streets of Germany and the memories of the few survivors still alive today. Hitler and his Nazi regime held power in Germany from 1939 until 1945, when they were defeated by the Allied forces (Davenport 10). Within that time, Hitler was responsible for the death of six million Jewish people, and millions of other non–Jews. (Davenport 10) However, when the war ended, it was a big question as to who to blame for these horrendous crimes. Several of Hitler's head leaders, and Hitler himself, either committed suicide or went into hiding before they ... Show more content on ... Later, it was proven that the USSR was correct in pushing for a trial to occur. If the United States had continued its argument to not to go through with the trial, it would jeopardize the values that the country was built on. The trials began with a 24,000 word indictment, taking nearly two days to read (Levinson 578). Each of the men was tried on four counts, conspiracy to wage aggressive war, crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity (Levinson 578), by a set of judges and jury that represented each of the Allied countries (fix citation). By having a fair and just trial, it gives the court the power to show that every human, no matter what the crime, has the right to a fair trial and that justice would eventually be served. By exercising the justice system, it also allowed the public to view the magnitude of the crimes committed by the men, and the level of involvement that each of them had in Nazi activity. The trial brought many chilling pieces of evidence against the men. They showed film of concentration camps, gas chambers, cremation ovens, and the forced medical experience as principal and oral evidence to the judge and jury (Fix citation). The prosecution also brought six witnesses to the stand; including concentration camp survivors themselves (fix citation). Most of the accused stood somber and disconnected during the ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Renaissance Of The North When I think of the Renaissance of the North, I think immediately of Albrecht Dürer. His many various works cover a large variation of subjects, ranging from the religious and heavily symbolic to the secular world of man. His abilities to transform any medium within which he works is tremendous. Being one of the most well known and influential artists of the Northern Renaissance, Durer has been in immense influence since his time. Son of an expert goldsmith (Albrecht Durer the Elder), he was influenced artistically from a very young age. Born May of 1471, being the third child of fifteen or more siblings, his father wanted him to take on the family business. A very promising show of artistic talent from a young age made Durer ripe for the tutelage of artist Michael Wolgemut. Starting in 1486, Wolgemuts ' teachings would later heavily influence Druer 's realistic and intricate approach to any medium. Coming from Nuremberg, Germany; he would have been exposed to some of the finest wealth in the North, often used as a hub for publishing as well as many other luxury markets. Sharing strong ties with Italy, this would be a perfect background for Durer as a growing artist. Starting with woodcuts intended for book illustration, he felt the tug of passion and destiny through his art. With an artistic hunger and ready to learn, Durer made it a point to visit his Italian neighbors at least twice in his life, once in 1494 and again eleven years later in 1505. This was an ... Get more on ...
  • 5. International Criminal Law And International Law Introduction: International Criminal Law can be described as a public international law. It deals with international and transnational crimes among the member states. The International Criminal Laws are designed to forbid some kinds of conducts or behaviours generally viewed as very consequential atrocities. These laws also make sure that the perpetrators of such heinous criminal conducts are accountable for their acts. Mainly, the International Criminal Law deals with war crimes, genocide, crimes of aggression and the crimes against humanity. Besides, the International Criminal Court (ICC) governed by the Rome Statute, which is a multilateral treaty and serves as a foundational and governing document of ICC. Another way, it can be described as an intergovernmental organisation and international tribunal. The ICC is the headway through which International criminal law develops since its inception. It is situated in The Hague in Netherlands. Currently, there are 122 states which are parties to the Rome Statute, by ratifying the Rome Statute, states become member states of the ICC. The International Criminal Law (ICL) has been started performing with Nuremberg Tribunal for War Criminals after 1945. Actually, the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials addressed war crimes, crimes against peace, and crimes against humanity committed during the Second World War@. The International Military Tribunal sat in Nuremberg, which prosecuted Germany perpetrators while the International Military ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Essay on The International Tribunal for the Former... The International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia On May 25, 1993, U.N. Security Council Resolution 827 established an international tribunal charged with prosecuting violations of international law arising from the armed conflicts in the former Yugoslavia. Not since the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials, following World War II has an international court tried individuals accused of crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide. The International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTFY), which was established at The Hague, Netherlands, is widely seen as an important step toward the deterrence of crimes, the establishment of the firm rule of international law, and the promotion of world peace. Yet, from its inception, the tribunal ... Show more content on ... In eastern Bosnia, these atrocities were war crimes that breached the Geneva Conventions and other international laws governing conflicts between nations. They were also breaches of international humanitarian law, as formulated at Nuremberg and elsewhere. When these tactics were employed by Bosnian Serb forces as part of the program of so–called "ethnic cleansing" directed against Bosnian Muslims and other non–Serbs, they also constituted genocide. The Genocide Convention is specifically designed to cover crimes against groups, as opposed to crimes against humanity which "do not necessarily involve offenses against or persecutions of groups." But the Convention also limits the crime of genocide to actions occurring between states. Under the tribunal's mandate, however, ethnic persecution is treated as an "international" crime even if it has occurred within a single state. This is a considerable expansion of international law, yet, through it, ICTFY "exemplifies a new understanding of accountability that makes heinous and systematic rights violations an international matter." The thinking behind this change in the interpretation of international humanitarian law is based on the easily observed fact that "victims of ethnic persecution are citizens who have been rendered aliens within their own homeland," and their status, ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Nazi's Reveal Surrender To Western Allies The Nuremberg Trials, were set up by the Allies to hold the Nazis accountable for what they had done during World War II. The Nuremberg Trials contained 13 trials, thus many were executed, put to death sentence, received life in prison and, received prison time with varying lengths. VICTORY "Nazi's Reveal Surrender to Western Allies" dubbed The Stars and the Stripes newspaper after World War II was over. Now that the war is over the Allies have a couple thousand Nazi convicts to take care of. The Russians (Joseph Stalin) had proposed that 50,000 to 100,000 Nazis be executed. Winston Churchill proposed a "summary execution" of high ranking Nazis. Both proposals did not go though. Instead the United States proposed that a criminal trial would ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Friedel Dzubas Research Paper Friedel Dzubas was born in Berlin during 1915 and received his formal artistic training from Prussian Academy of Fine Art from 1936–1939 under the guidance of artist Paul Klee. During 1939 Dzubas fled Germany to London then went onto the United States. He is known for creating works with an oil based acrylic paint known as Magna. Aside from painting Dzubas was known for applying pigment by staining and scrubbing paint onto canvas and paper. He is known creating large works with very few small paintings. He is credited with created possibly the largest abstract painting in the world titled _Crossings_ and measures 59 feet. His work was heavily critiqued and promoted by renowned Modern art critic Clement Greenberg, along with other mid–century ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Unethical And Criminal Behavior During The Prussian... The experiment with human subject was brought to an attention to the Prussian Parliament, when several unethical and criminal behaviors were traced in the field of research in Germany in the nineteenth century. The research was mainly conducted unethically in the hospitals, mainly without any informed consent. The turning point for the establishment of universal rule regarding human experiment was done after the case of Neisser, where in 1898, Albert Neisser, who discovered the gonococcus and professor of dermatology at university of Breslau, conducted "clinical trials on serum therapy in patients with syphilis. In order to find a method of syphilis prevention, he injected cell free serum from patients with syphilis into patients who were admitted for other medical conditions. Most of these patients were prostitutes, who were neither informed about the procedure, nor asked for consent." After several discussions in the Prussian parliament about the case, attention was given to the need of participant's autonomy and beneficence. The criticism of unethical human experiments in the media and in the parliament, the Reich government issued detailed 'Guidelines for new therapy and human experimentation' in 1931 (Vollmann, & Rolf, 1996). Nuremberg Code (1946) Since, the post–World War I gave a way for Nazis to rise to power in Germany and that had led to an era, where all basic human rights of the citizens were ceased, the research sector was also greatly affected as 'the Nazi ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Albrecht Durer Self-Portrait Essay Albrecht Durer SelfPortrait Artist and Humanist, Albrecht Durer is one of the most significant figures in the history f European art outside Italy during the Renaissance (Gowing 195). Portraying the questioning spirit of the Renaissance, Durer's conviction that he must examine and explore his own situation through capturing the very essence of his role as artist and creator, is reflected in the Self–portrait in a Fur Collared Robe (Strieder 10). With the portrait, Durer's highly self–conscious approach to his status as an artist coveys his exalted mission of art more clearly than in any other painting. He seems to be "less concerned with himself as a person than with himself as an artist, and less with the artist than with the ... Show more content on ... Symmetrically arranging his serious, handsome face and mass of shoulder length hair deliberately invite comparison with the image of Christ. The idealized arrangement and strict symmetry of the face is based on a construction made up of circle and a triangle, a formula used down to the Byzantine period for images of the Redeemer. The frontal pose and symmetrical composition have recurred in many images of Christ, particularly in the form of the vera icon, or "true image" (Strieder14). No architectural setting appears within the plain, black background of the painting (Hutchison 67). The darkened tone and limited but unified color scheme create a mood of sanctity (Hutchinson 68). The contours of the face are molded by means of soft light and transparent shadows, almost in an attempt to fathom the inner depths of Durer's creative spirit (Strieder 147). Set against the dark background, the strong face and chin emanate an impression of energy from the portrait. Within the background on the right–hand side, the inscription reads "I Albrecht Durer of Nuremberg painted myself thus, with undying colors, at the age of twenty–eight years" (Hutchinson 67). This was a personal verification of the quality of his materials and his ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Holocaust After World War II Have you ever wondered or thought about what happened to the Nazis that helped with different parts of the Holocaust after World War II ended? Well, I thought about it and I did some research about the famous trials that happened between the years 1945 through 1949. These trials were made up after a man by the name of Adolf Hitler wanted world domination and he treated the jews horribly. This event solved a lot of problems from establishing an International Court and knowing what to do with the men that helped Hitler with the Holocaust. The charges were among many things but mostly crimes against hummanity was the most used charge. There was also a lot of controversy about the laws that were made in the court and before the trials even ... Show more content on ... This trial also brought in interpreters, because all of the judges and people that were tried spoke at least 4 different languages, and they needed somebody that understood the languages and could translate it back quickly and effictiently. At the end of this trial, The International tribunal found all but 3 guilty. 12 men were sentenced to death, one in absentia, and the rest were put in prison. The prison sentences went from at least 10 years to life behind bars. 10 of the condemned were excuted by hanging on October 16, 1946. One of Hitler's right hand man and the commander of the Luftwaffe commited suicide with a Cyannide pill the night before his execution. The Major War Criminals' Trials ended in the year of 1946, then the Allies started a new trial that had the lesser people on trial. These people ranged from doctors, store owners, and lawyers. This set of trials were called the subsequent trials. There were a total of 12 trials grouped together to form the subsequent trials. The first trial was the Doctors Trial this lasted from December 9th, 1946 to August 20, ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Essay about World War II World War II During World War II, Nazi commanding officers, and soldiers under their command, carried out crimes against humanity in order to please their commanding officers or out of fear of what may become of the, if they did not comply with their orders. What could have been going through the minds of Nazi officers and soldiers while they were carrying out the orders they had received to almost wipe out an entire race of people? The Nazi criminals were brought to justice in what was called the Nuremberg Trials. The prosecutors that brought the Nazis to trials consisted of the four powers of the United States, Great Britain, France, and Russia (Britannica 1). The Nuremberg trials were basically a series of trials held in ... Show more content on ... The crimes committed were so severe that the tribunal could not allow the Nazis to walk away without facing some sort of punishment. Even though the laws were made ex post facto, the crimes committed by the Nazi leaders were crimes against humanity, and those crimes should not have to be written down in any law books. Crimes committed against humanity should be understood to be wrong and if someone should break those laws, they should expect to be punished for what they commit, even though there was no written law. Stanley Milgram, a Yale psychologist, conducted a classic study obedience in which the participants were forced to either violate their conscience by obeying the immoral demands of an authority figure or to refuse those demands (Behrens 343). Milgram's study suggested that under a special set of circumstances the obedience we naturally show authority figures could transform us into agents of terror (343). His experiment showed that normal people could be influenced to the point of administering great amounts of pain on another human being, just because a person in a position of authority told them to do so (343). A theory that was reached as a result of Milgram's experiment was that "it is easy to ignore responsibility when one is only an intermediate link in a chain of action" (355). Milgram's results offer a possible explanation as to why the Nazis did what they did. Even though ... Get more on ...
  • 13. 10 Principles Regaarding Ethical Clinic and Set of... Nuremberg Code is a set of 10 sophisticate principles regarding ethical clinical research on human being (Grodin, 1994). It is mainly for protection of subjects' human right (Shuster, 1997), such as compulsory of informed consent and the equal authority of subjects as the physician–researcher to end the experiment. 1.2 Helsinki Declaration (1964) Helsinki Declaration is a set of guidelines on clinical research for physician as their responsibility toward protection of their research subjects (Williams, 2008). World Medical Association (WMA) also encourage it is used as reference by other parties in conduction of clinical research (Bădărău, 2013). Compared with the Nuremberg Code, which mainly focuses on safeguard of the subjects, its ... Show more content on ... The vile medical crimes during the WW II had raise the awareness on the need of a world body which able to define and promulgate medical ethnics around the world (Tyebkhan, 2003). Thus, the World Medical Association (WMA) was set up in 1947 with 1st Annual Meeting of General Assembly in September 1947, Paris (Human and Fluss, 2001). WMA is an international confederation composed of national medical associations that seek to promote medical ethics and professional standards (Human and Fluss, 2001). Helsinki Declaration was first developed and promulgated in June 1964 by World Medical Association General Assembly in Helsinki after more than a decade of debate and discussion among the members of WMA (Williams, 2008). Since the first adoption, revision and amendment were done several times on the Helsinki Declaration for refinement. The Helsinki Declaration had been revised 8 times at meeting of WMA: Tokyo 1957, Italy 1983, Hong Kong 1989, South Africa 1996, Edinburg 2000, Washington 2002, Tokyo 2004, Seoul 2008 and Brazil 2013 (Association, 2013). 3 Importance of Nuremberg Code and Helsinki Declaration In my opinion, Nuremberg Code and Helsinki Declaration play an important role as guideline in clinical research involving human being. Both Nuremberg Code and Helsinki Declaration protect the clinical subjects in term of their right and safety. By referring to them before performing of the protocol, ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Summary Of The Film Judgement At Nuremberg The film, Judgment at Nuremberg, was about the Nuremberg Trials after World War II. It trialed four German Judges who were accused of non–combatant war crimes against a civilian population, the Holocaust, and the post–World War II geopolitical complexity of the actual Nuremberg Trials. The trial discussed how Germany is not at total fault, the degradation of Germany, and the hypocrisy and deceit from the destruction of the Allies. Taking place in the Palace of Justice courtroom, Judge Dan Haywood, the Chief Trial Judge, began the trial by trying to learn how the defendants could have sentenced so many people to torturous deaths. Haywood sought to understand how the German people could have praised the crimes of the Nazi regime. Hans Rolfe, the defense attorney for the Germans, explained that the judges did not make the laws, they only interpreted it and carried it out, unaware of what happened inside the concentration camps. When Rolfe was making his argument for the defense, he powerfully mixed pity into his statements, making the people question even the moral basis of the court. After Ernst Janning, one of the defendants, admitted his guilt during his defense speech, Rolfe tells the court, "If Ernst Janning is guilty, it is the world's guilt." Janning was not the only one who made an oath to follow Nazi principles; many people contributed to Hitler's tyranny in one way or another. Nazi Germany was the dominant power during the World War II due to many people, ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Nuremberg Code Of Ethical Principles For Human... The Nuremberg Code of Ethics is in a sense a set of ethical researched principles for human experimentation. The Nuremberg Code was created after the second World. This ethical code was created based upon the human experimentations that the Axis Powers conducted during the war. The code gives the principles against the methods used by the Nazis in their participation in human experimentations. The Nuremberg Code stresses the general core of what is and what is not voluntary consent and is in practice to prevent the abuse of humans as subjects. The Nuremberg Code is a 10–point statement that in short basically says that all participation in research must be voluntary. The person–involved should have the legal capacity to give consent, should be able to exercise free power of choice and they should have the adequate knowledge and comprehension of all the subject matter that is involved in the understanding of making the ... Show more content on ... This, in my opinion makes perfect sense. It makes sense for they're to have consent in not only voluntary medical studies, but with other decisions in everyday life. As humans, living where we do, we have the right to our own bodies therefore, before anything, there needs to be consent. The remaining codes also provide insight on what regulates voluntary consent, such as the following principle stating that the results if the research must be for the good of society and inaccessible to any other means. Also, the study must be based on the information provided by the results of animal experimentation, natural history if the disease or any other circumstances to be studied. The next code is that the experiment must avoid all unnecessary suffering. Next, the code states that the study cannot include death or disabling injuries as a result. The ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Trials Of The Defeated Nazis After World War II, the victorious Allies decided to hold a trial for the defeated Nazis. These trials lasted from November 20, 1945 till October 1, 1946. Although the victors claimed that they would give the accused a fair trial, upon closer inspection we can see that in reality, these trials were biased and were a "victor's justice." After the war, each of the Allies leaders had their own idea for how they should deal with the Nazi's. Stalin suggested that they should have trials, but here everyone is guilty and afterwards is shot. What then would be the point of having a trial then? It would just appear as a 'play' before they would perform their actual intentions. He may have suggested this also so that he could say that ... Show more content on ... Although the Americans were applying "American justice" to the trials, they didn't even follow their constitution while doing so. The US constitution states that laws cannot be made post–facto, but in Nuremberg, they created these laws (for example, crimes against humanity, and waging aggressive war) after the Germans had "committed" them. It is wrong however to charge defendants with crimes that didn't exist in anyone's books at the time they were committed. Although some might say that these crimes are "common knowledge," they may in fact be only common knowledge to you. Not everyone in the world views things in the same way you might. John F. Kennedy even said about the Nuremberg trials that "The Constitution was not a collection of loosely given political promises subject to broad interpretation. It was not a list of pleasing platitudes to be set lightly aside when expediency required it...[and] discard these Constitutional precepts in order to punish a vanquished enemy. The Allies also said that they would keep away the "hand of vengeance" and give a fair trial, but in reality they didn't follow this. Several rules were established for the Nuremberg trials, but the Allies didn't even bother to follow some of these rules, or perform them fairly. For example, rule 2 (Notice to Defendants and Right to Assistance of Counsel) said that "Each individual defendant in custody shall receive not less than 30 days before a trial a copy, translated into a ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Ethical And Unethical Dilemmas In many research studies human participants are used to give us a better understanding of how something works. There were numerous studies that involved humans that were unethical and unjustifiable. Two examples that lead to major changes in research studies were the Nazi War crimes and the Tuskegee experiment. On December 17, 1942, the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union issued the first joint declaration officially noting the mass murder of European Jews and resolving to prosecute those responsible for crimes against civilian populations. These trials became known as the Nuremberg trials or the Nazi War crime trials. The International Military Tribunal defined crimes against humanity as "murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation or persecutions on political, racial, or religious grounds." (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, n.d., p. 1) As a result the Nuremberg Code was developed which declared that human beings deserve the dignity of humane treatment during medical experimentations. It outlines the following: The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results of the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature. It should be conducted as to avoid all necessary and physical and mental suffering and injury. No experiment should be conducted, where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Just War Theory Essay Just War Theory Price reduced due to problems with format One of the perennial realities of human existence is war. From the earliest recorded events of human history all the way through to modern times, human communities have engaged in armed conflict as a method of dispute resolution. While war has been a constant part of the human experience, there has also been a tendency within virtually all human civilisations to limit the extent of war and the methods by which warfare may be conducted.(1) In Western civilisation, this limitation on warfare has taken shape as an effort to limit both the determination of when war is appropriate and the means used in battle.(2) Within the Western moral, legal, and political arena, the connected ... Show more content on ... Understanding, then, that the theory of just war is one in which many sources mingle over the course of centuries, it is helpful to make a brief overview of those sources before delving into the main task of explaining just war theory. B. MAIN SOURCES OF JUST WAR THEORY 1. The Religious Sources of Just War Theory Many of the key thinkers who have expounded on just war theory through the centuries have identified themselves with the Christian faith, both in its Catholic and Protestant varieties. Just war theory has also gained a general acceptance among Christian theologians, philosophers, and jurists as a method of passing judgement on the morality or immorality of a particular conflict.(8) The general Christian conception of just war theory forms the core of secular just war theory and as such has had a tremendous influence on the secular conception of the just war.(9) Early Christian approaches to war were largely pacifistic in nature, due to a focus in the early Church to the notion that Christians were distinct from the rest of society. (10) However, with the growing Christianization of the Roman Empire, and the increasing political and social influence of the Christian Church, Christian theologians during the fourth and fifth centuries began to develop justifications for the use of force which would eventually take ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Essay on The International Military Tribunal for the Far East The International Military Tribunal for the Far East "Before assembling here today the Members of the Tribunal signed a joint affirmation to administer justice according to law, without fear, favor or affection. We fully appreciate the great responsibility resting upon us. There has been no more important criminal trial in all history. Certainly we are not a Senate or a House of Peers met for the impeachment of a Verrus or a Hastings, but a court of our respective countries. On the other hand the accused before us were no mere provincial governors, but for more than a decade were the leaders of Japan at the height of her power and prosperity. They include former prime ministers, foreign ministers, finance ministers, chiefs of ... Show more content on ... The prosecution team was made up of justices from eleven Allied nations: Australia, Canada, China, France, Great Britain, India, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Philippines, the Soviet Union and the United States of America.(See Affirmation). The Tokyo trials lasted two and a half years, from May 1946 to November 1948. Other war criminals were tried in the respective victim countries. Lastly, the war crime trials were held at ten different locations in China. The International Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE) consisted of a large variety of different persons representing different countries. The Tribunal's sheer size and complexity is an example of an un–needed redundancy that among today's standards is unfathomable. When compared to its counterpart at Nuremberg, one can determine the seemingly comprehensive and complete proceedings as oddly overbearing. The Tokyo Trials "lasted three times longer than the Trial of the Major German War Criminals. It involved at least 230 translators and 237 Prosecution and Defense lawyers." The hypocritical aspects involve the methods and procedures in which the IMTFE operated. It was established in order to prosecute war criminals, allowing for the justice system to take on its role. Yet the IMTFE has set its own rules and standards, decided what evidence , however crucial, may or may not be entered as exhibits. The lack of a complete and fair trial existed not only in the admittance or the one sided ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Pros And Cons Of The Nuremberg War Trial Beverley McLachlin, the 2007 Chief Justice of Canada, once said, "The most advanced justice system in the world is a failure if it does not provide justice to the people it is meant to serve." The Nuremberg War Trial has been considered the most significant as well as the most debatable event in military law history. To those who support the trial it promises the first effective recognition of a world law for the punishment of criminals who start wars or conduct inhuman acts during them. To the opposing critics the trial appears in many aspects a denial of legal ethics which they regard as the heart of any system of justice under law. Towards the end of World War II the Allies were counting the days until Hitler's regime would finally be defeated ... Show more content on ... Most significantly, the German defendants at Nuremberg were being tried for several categories of offense that had no precedent under international law creating "ex post facto" charge, meaning that the defendants were indicted for something that was not a crime until after they had committed it. At the time that the German officials on trial committed the various atrocities for which they were charged, no international law specifically banned their actions. The prosecution was therefore able to construct their charges to maximize the rate of conviction. Most national legal codes, including the law of the United States, require that a crime must have been illegal at the time the act was committed in order to charges to be pressed. The major focuses of the prosecution were crimes against the peace, crimes against humanity, war crimes, organizations, and conspiracy. Of all these, only war crimes was a clearly recognized category under pre–existing international law. War crimes jurisprudence was based on The Hague and Geneva conventions, and narrowly governed the treatment of foreign soldiers and civilians during wartime. Technically, the only war crimes committed by the Germans involved the treatment of Allied prisoners of war and of the populations of conquered ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Nuremberg Research Paper PROBLEM DEFINTION IN THE URBAN CONTEXT Nuremberg, Germany is a city that is well known throughout the records of history. Post World War II, Nuremberg was the center for justice to trial various Nazi and German officials from their heinous war crimes. After the Nuremberg trials, Nuremberg began to urbanize like the rest of Germany recovering from World War II by redeveloping neighborhoods and streets. Most of the streets were designed to be small and inaccessible by more than a few cars at a time. As the German population increased and more Germans moved to the city of Nuremberg, the amount of cars populating the city also began to rise. With the increasing amount of cars came the abundance of emissions and air pollution from the vehicles. ... Show more content on ... Within the first two months after the removal of cars, there air quality in the surrounding areas actually deteriorated because of the changing of weather (Pluske) However, after one year of the car removal, air pollution within the road closure significantly decreased and Nuremberg had a decrease of Nitrous Oxide by over 30% because of the elimination of cars. This can be directly seen in the figure below. The figure describes the change of spatial air structure of NO2 from the 1980s to the late 1990's where the upwind pushes the air out of the city and then circulates back to the city. From the years of 1981–1985 which was before the removal of cars, the nitrous oxide was in the form of a bell shape curve where the pollution reached a peak percentage in the middle of the city, however, after the removal of cars it can be seen that there is a downward trend of nitrious oxide within the area and in the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Office Of The Prosecutor : An Investigation Into The... Author: Course instructor: Course: Date: Office of the Prosecutor, ICC TO: [name of recipient] FROM: [name of author] DATE: [date] RE: [subject of memo] Introduction This memo addresses the issue of whether this office has sufficient grounds to launch an investigation into the events that took place in Minoropolis. Issues The issues that arise from the facts are; Systematicplanned attack and retaliation. Forceful eviction of civilian population. Murder. Torture. Racial Slur or Hate Speech. Discussion Article 7 of the Rome Statute, Crimes against Humanity defines murder and extermination. A crime against humanity occurs when a party commits a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population that includes certain acts such as ... Show more content on ... The term organization must satisfy certain criteria put down by an ICC Pre–Trial Chamber, the organization must have a hierarchy of command, possess the means to carry out a widespread or systematic attack, exercises control over a part of the territory of a State, and has criminal activities against a civilian population as a purpose. In Minora, the drug cartels are said to be well organized and have authority throughout the Minora country with the help of local police.Their criminal activities have brought violence to the country with victims being both rivals of member gangs and ordinary citizens. The drug cartels also use military weapons such as automatic weapons and grenade launchers that are used to attack the government forces. The definition of a non–international armed conflict is provided for under International Humanitarian Law (Bouchet–Saulnier, Brav, & Michel 426). Common Article 3 to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and modified by Art. 1 of Additional Protocol II to state that the conflict must
  • 23. have an extended period of violence, and the parties must be organized and armed. The conflict in Minora between the government forces and drug cartels has taken place since January 2014 and went on until September. This can be said to be a long period of violence. In the case of Prosecutor v Tadic` ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Overwhelming Importance Of The Nuremberg Trials Lia Turenne Kila Knight English 1213–27271 23 February 2018 The Overwhelming Importance of The Nuremburg Trials "It was the virtue of the Nuremberg trial that it was conceived in hatred of war, and nurtured by those starved of peace. Of course, the trial was botched and had to deal with new crimes for which there was no provision in national law or international law." (Rebecca West). The trials were full of controversy and an overwhelming hope for justice which was the motive behind everything. The creation of the first concentration camp sparked the anger amongst the Allied nations leading to an increase of hostility. Throughout the Nuremberg Trials archive, the group of memorialized people are the German Nazis and the Allied powers. The Nazis whom were ... Show more content on ... It started with a German invasion on Poland which then quickly led to the creation of "the first concentration camp for political prisoners". The concentration camps angered many people which led to the Nuremberg Trials. The trials were an important part of history because of the prosecution on war criminals who explicitly treated people of different religions in a horrific way. During the trials nearly one million case files were collected and stored for future uses. Harvard Law school accumulated all files that were salvageable, created a project to digitize the documents which led to the creation of the Nuremberg Trials archive. With generous amounts of funding, their project is still operating and they are continuing to digitize the remaining documents. The files that are currently available in their archive hold such valuable information to educate generations to come. These files are vital to the history of so many because every wrongdoing during the war teaches what not to do and these files hold the truth on what will ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Nuremberg Trials: Under Control Council Law Nuremberg trials The second set of trials of lesser war criminals was conducted under Control Council Law No. 10 at the U.S. Nuremberg Military Tribunals, which included the Doctors' Trial and the Judges' Trial. The medical experiments conducted by German doctors and prosecuted in the so–called Doctors' Trial led to the creation of the Nuremberg Code to control future trials involving human subjects, a set of research ethics principles for human experimentation. " The creation of the IMT was followed by trials of lesser Nazi officials and the trials of Nazi doctors, who performed experiments on people in prison camps. Critics of the Nuremberg trials argued that the charges against the defendants were only defined as "Crimes" after they were committed and that therefore the trial was invalid as a form of "Victors' justice". The activities of those institutions have frequently been vigorously criticized by positivistic jurists ... [who] have asked: How can principles enunciated by the Nuremberg Tribunal, to take it as an example, be of legal value until most of the states have agreed to a tribunal with jurisdiction to enforce those principles? ... Show more content on ... How could the law, first explicitly accepted in the Nuremberg Charter of 1945, have bound the defendants in the trial when they committed the acts for which they were indicted years earlier? Documentary shown at the Nuremberg trial in November, 1945 exhibiting the horrors of the concentration camps The Nuremberg Trials on the Yad Vashem website Official records of the Nuremberg trials in 42 volumes from the records of the Library of congress Donovan ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Dramatic Elements In Aunt Raini In this theatrical production– Aunt Raini, directed by the playwright Tom Smith and produced by Pacific Lutheran University, has successfully perform theatrical elements within different perspective of the performance, while the performance has connected and integrated the content based from the script stories. For instance, from a stage production perspective, the constructing style of the scenes, walls, flats or hand props and the accurate placement of stage properties on stage has specified the background story setting while different style of composing, designing and painting of the scenery represent the amount of efforts and works that whole crew had put in during the process of theater production. The story of the theatrical performance Aunt Raini was inspired by Leni Riefenstahl, a world– renowned filmmaker who creates the documentary "Triumph of the Will" of the Reich Party Congress 1934 in Nuremberg. Sadly, most of Riefenstahl's works after this documentary are reference as pieces of propaganda for the Nazi Party, which led to her to be misunderstood and isolated within the art and film communities throughout her lifetime. In this performance, Leni Riefenstahl, also reference as the protagonist character of "Aunt Raini", has come to New York City to visit her grandniece Katherine. On the other hand, Katherine, known as "The Great Revealer" for her ability to find the best up–and–coming artists on the Time magazine, is a successful art gallery owner. Meanwhile, One of ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Wartime Of The Nuremberg Trials I. INTRODUCTION On 8th August, 1945, shortly after the end of World War II in May of 1945, the Allied governments entered into a joint agreement establishing the International Military Tribunal for the purpose of trying those responsible for the war atrocities. Whereas some 5,000 Nazi's were charged with war crimes, the Nuremberg trials were designed specifically to prosecute high ranking Nazi officials with whom the authority for the commission of heinous atrocities rested. The Nuremberg Trials would therefore be marked in history as one of its kind. Prior to its formation, war crimes were limited to the military courts of the individual countries and for the very first time the Nuremberg Trials would mark the inception of the concept of collective guilt as a justification for punishment. The four counts of indictment were: Conspiracy to commit crimes alleged in other counts, crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity. This paper seeks to canvass the legacy of the Nuremberg Trial; the legal justifications and procedural innovations that were once controversial and which through the turn of the century have now come to be regarded as a milestone towards the application of principles of international law, establishment of a permanent international criminal court enshrined under the Rome Statute and setting new precedents for the international community. Furthermore, the author seeks to juxtapose the legal and political justifications given for the ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Word Collision: Christopher Columbus and The Taino Natives The swift sandy beaches of the Caribbean were once desolate and unknown rule by the natural habitat of Taino natives whose sole existence revolved around primitive nature. These Virgin Islands would be a critical and strategic discovery for the strengthening Spanish empire during the 15th century under the rule of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabel of Castile . On October 1492, a man by the name of Christopher Columbus would take the power of the Spanish crown to excellency and great dominion over the new world. The lives of both the natives and the Spaniards would be revolutionized and two completely different worlds would collide for the first time. The discovery of the New World was masked by preconceptions, ancient interpretations of ... Show more content on ... Consequently, Columbus states that the Indians have a closer relationship to the lord based on their lifestyle, selflessness, and kindness to strangers. Moreover, in this letter he also ascertains a degree of innocence in the Indians while drawing a distinction amongst the Europeans advantageous actions in the exchanges for broken objects for pieces of valuable gold. Throughout the letter, Columbus describes his prohibition in the colonists to trade with the Indians since he deemed it unfair to trade something worthless to the Spaniards for gold that would grant them and the crown more wealth. Columbus' ulterior motives are dominated by the socio–cultural and religious teachings of the Catholic Church. Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabel of Castile, both proclaimed as God given kings, wanted full centralization of their established autocratic governance. The goal of expansion into the western world would be to propagate the dominion of the Catholic Church and the power of the Spanish empire to lands unknown to humanity at the time before the Portuguese and other imminent powers. As a discoverer, Columbus was shaped by the crusading environment he grew up in as well as the desire of annexation of land. The main paradox between the first encounter is presented in the belief system of the Indians whom have faith in nature as their ruling God, such beliefs are mirrored to those of the ancient Greeks and in the ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Examination Of Past And Present Ethical Guidelines On... Eilidh Cowan Ethics of Biomedical Science Research Ioan Alexandru Beldean Examination of past and present ethical guidelines on biomedical research Ethics can be defined as a set of moral values informing one's decisions. But this set of moral values can be influenced by many different things, such as various cultures, religions, and even technological advancements. This is called moral relativism, the idea that there are no real truths in ethics and what is right or wrong varies person by person. That is why before there was any codes or set of rules regarding what was ethical put in place, people were able to get away with doing all sorts of scientific research, that would now be deemed unethical. Biomedical research is to be done to eventually better the health of humans. Biomedical research has been going on for many years, it is how we have knowledge of many deadly diseases as well as the discovery of vaccines and antibiotics! These things seem so common today, but infact went through lots of stages of research to get to the technologies we have today. However, before 1947, there were no codes of ethics or regulations to ensure that research being done was ethical. The smallpox vaccination, although the first successful vaccine to ever be developed, would be considered highly unethical today. Edward Jenner experimented on a healthy young 8 year old boy without consent. In today's society, this study would never have been allowed to continue. There are many other ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Power Of Adolf Hitler There are many powerful leaders around the world that are one with the words, but one really stands out: Adolf Hitler. He was very persuasive and he used the power of words to his competence to make people stand beside him. Hitler was not a pleasant man, but he was a very astute one; he could convince so many people that Jewish people were ominous in a couple of short sentences. Additionally, he was so strong in various ways and that is why one may think of Adolf Hitler as the most effective in using the power of words and language to influence others than any other man. Hitler was always very persuasive, and three reasons why include: the way he uses words to make the message persuasive, how he uses propaganda to convince people, and the way he uses words to create emotion. To begin, the way Hitler uses words to make the message persuasive is very imperative. Adolf Hitler always convinced people that Jews were abhorrent people, and the way he did that was scare tactics. People frequently make decisions off of fear, so he chose to tell people about the scary things that Jews would do if they took over. To add, this frightened Germans, making them rancor all Jews, which put Hitler in the right direction to becoming a powerful leader. Even though everything Hitler said about Jews was apocryphal, he made a lot of people believe that it was accurate, because of the way he convinced people and got them on his side. "In the political field he refuses the state the means for its ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Trials Of The Nuremberg Trials It is a pleasant autumn day in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1960. Suddenly, agents from Israel's intelligence agency, Mossad, tackled a man to the ground (Lichtblau, The Nazis Next Door 68). Unbeknownst to spectators, that man was Adolf Eichmann, aide to the Fascist dictator Adolf Hitler. Along with Hitler and other Third Reich Nazis, he had organized the Holocaust–a massive genocide murdering eleven million people. How is it possible that, after all of these years, Eichmann remained hidden? How is it possible that the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, which were held by the Allied Powers after World War II, did not execute this man? The Nuremberg Trials were a series of thirteen trials held between 1945 and 1949 to prosecute some Nazi war criminals. The trials were held in Nuremberg, Germany, because its courthouse was not damaged from the war. The four Allied Powers held the hearings, and the best–known trial was the Trial of Major War Criminals ("Nuremberg Trials"). The fact of the matter is that not many Nazis were actually convicted in the Nuremberg Trials, even though these court proceedings were supposed to bring Nazis to justice. Overall, the Nuremberg Trials were not effective in prosecuting Nazi war criminals. This is because few Nazis were executed, many fled to South America, the U.S. enlisted them as spies, and they became top scientists in the United States Space Program. One reason why the Nuremberg Trials were not effective is because only ten Nazis were ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Nazi Guards Guilty Were the Nazi guards guilty of any crimes? Many guards didn't have much choice in whether to guard the concentration camps or not, some of them even helped prisoners escape or avoid death by gas chambers. So, most of the Nazi guards weren't guilty. Did the guards even like guarding camps like Auschwitz, or were they forced to? If you were a guard in WW2, there wasn't much justice for you after the war as many of the families affected simply sued the guards for actions they didn't want to do. Also, after the war the German government discriminated against these guards by: lowering pensions from the war, and depriving them of their rights. Another reason that the Auschwitz guards didn't want to be there would've been the conditions of the camp, ... Show more content on ... One was Irma Grese, known as the "Beautiful Beast"(, she was a tall,blonde haired female guard that was feared by the prisoners. Part of the reason she was so cruel was possibly the way she grew up. At age 13 she lost her mother, after elementary school she immediately began work. She ended up in control of one of the concentration camps when she was the head of road construction and was promoted. Some of the things she did to the prisoners included; beating and killing prisoners for no reason, often for fun. She would also stomp on prisoners that were on the ground with her boots. Another cruel Nazi official was Herman Goering. He created the gestapo, as well as establishing one of the most feared secret police in Nazi Germany, he would steal millions of pounds(currency) from the Jewish victims. One of the other horrible Nazi officials was Paul Gobbels(Listverse). He was the administrator of propaganda. He was responsible for all of the awful hate messages sent through Germany meant to turn the public on the Jewish population. Those were the other side of the Nazi officials whom should be punished for the crimes they ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Treatment of Ethnic Minorities by Nazi Germany Essay Treatment of Ethnic Minorities by Nazi Germany Hitler hated three kinds of people– Jews, communists and democracy and in his view they were all connected. Hitler believed that the Aryan people were the master race, and most of theses people were Germans. He believed that Jews were an "inferior species". He believed that what the Jews believed in was spreading and crushing Germany. Anything Jewish was wrong. He spoke of a myth that the Jewish bankers planned to break down the financial system and that this was a reason that war broke out in 1914. Hitler hated Bolshevism (communism) because he saw it as a Jewish belief. The Jewish founder, Karl Marx, set out to break the world politically, ... Show more content on ... He believed that the growth of Democracy in Europe was because of Jewish lies. Immediately after the Nazi takeover in 1933. Gobbels and Julius Streicher began to act violently against the Jews openly. Gangs of brown shirts physically attacked Jews on the street and smashed their houses. In 1934 there was a law that Jews were no longer allowed to join the civil service and were banned from work. In 1935 the Nuremberg Race Laws created a programme of legal persecution. The NurembergRace Laws, 1935 * Marriage between Jews and Germans forbidden. * 'Full' Jews deprived of German citizenship. * 'Full' Jews defined as those having three Jewish grandparents. Some Jews did fight back at this though. Groups of Jewish men who went to war told people of the honourable role they played in the 1914–18 struggles. Handbills were handed out which said that 12,000 Jew's died fighting for the nation. But these little protests compared as nothing to what the Germans did. They used propaganda to show that Jews were enemies of the Germans and were unworthy to be called German citizens. There was a story that a Jew had killed a German in Paris, the Nazi's started the night which was
  • 34. known as Kristallnacht. On the 9th of November over 100 Jews died in a series of violent attacks. There were broken windows, smashed homes looted shops and attacked ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Nationalism And Its Impact On Society Throughout history, nationalism has evolved in a massive way. Nationalism is a concept that was not always around, and began as a simple love of one's country. This soon progressed into the belief that a country or state is superior to another. In the source, the perspective given is that of displeasure towards the current approach governments are taking to promote nationalism. In order to create patriotism in a country, often times the government will look past previous wrongdoings. We should embrace the perspectives reflected in the source fully and hold people accountable for international crimes. However, many organizations are in place that successfully hold these people accountable time and time again. A crime should always be duly punished no matter the amount of time separating the past and present. On the contrary, some people may say that necessary means should be taken to keep a country united. In addition, a popular ideology is that the past must stay in the past, and that it's not worth the conviction. My three months in social studies 20–1 have taught me the significance of justice and therefor I support and defend the principle of righteous punishment for crimes committed. Without systems and forms of international or national justice, war crimes and crimes against humanity would occur more frequently without any measures to prevent or discipline the offenders. There are currently more than one international organization designed to bring justice to ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Need To Safeguard The Practice Of Research Ethics Research Ethics This essay is aimed at my fellow students and tries to explain using some different case studies firstly what research ethics are and what happens when you don't stick to these same ethics. Research ethics involves concepts and principles of right conduct within the research being carried out. Oxford dictionary defined ethics as 'Moral principles that govern a person's behaviour or the conducting of an activity' (Oxford). This is especially true within research ethics as this research is a public trust that must be ethically conducted, trustworthy, and socially responsible if the results are to be valuable and be believed. The need to safeguard the practice of research ethics within all fields of sciences and engineering is ... Show more content on ... Research should be carried out only by medically/scientifically qualified individuals and in appropriate laboratories. 5. Risks should not exceed benefits that will potentially result from the experiment. (Research & Economic Development) During the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg in 2002, held on the, the then UN Secretary–General Kofi Annan (2002) stated that "And more and more we are realizing that it is only by mobilizing the corporate sector that we can make significant progress. The corporate sector has the finances, the technology and the management to make this happen" (Annan, 2002, para. 5–6). This shows that assessing the compatibility of business ethics and sustainable development is important and is encouraged at the highest level. A basic ethical dilemma that commonly takes place with many engineers has to be the duty to report a to the proper responsible authorities if a client or employer is failing to follow the engineer's directions and/or designs causing possible harm. This duty should annul all or any duty to a client or the employer as it may put people in harms way. As an engineer they may face some penalties, or have their license taken away, if something unethical has occurred (Engineers, ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Trials Of The War II After World War II, the victorious associates made a decision to hold a trail for the defeated Nazi officials. These Trails continued from November 20, 1945 till October 1, 1946. In these Tails, defendant use Nuremberg Defense, a legal strategy employed by many of the defendants at the Nuremberg war crimes trials seeking to convict Nazi perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the Second World War, as a defense by claiming they were not guilty of charges against them as they were simply following orders (Rationalwiki). Even though the victors claimed that they would give the defendant a fair trial, on closer examination anyone can see that in reality, these trails were biased and were a victor's justice (A ... Show more content on ... Being a different couldn't make anyone superior or inferior to one another "Diversity is our strength, we say. There is not an American president who would say anything else: We are a country made stronger by our individuality, by our differences."(Rodriguez). No doubt, Hitler had a lot of followers and who knows if some or even all of them were forced into this just out of fear. Once they were committed, they must have realize that they were not getting out of it. Also, the law requires them to do things even though they did not want to do it which also includes the Holocaust. In from Crito by Plato, the dialogue of Socrates explain that the law exist as one unit, to break one means to break them all, and by disobeying the law one can start the anarchy in country. One should never break the law even they have to sacrifice themselves or take life for it. Some of the accusers had to perform their deeds because Hitler told them to do so. No one disobey Hitler ever. If they didn't follow Hitler's order, then they would have committed a crime against him and Germany. Eliminate the Jews and other people that Hitler and the law requires them to consider those people to be inferior; However, King doesn't ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Nazis And The Nazi Past The Nazis left a lasting legacy that is still felt around the world today. The Nazi past weighs most heavily on Germany and its citizens who still grapple today with what the Nazis mean to their identity. This struggle was much different in the years immediately following World War II and the subsequent creation of divided Germany than today. In the German Democratic Republic (East Germany), the Nazi past was completely ignored. Instead focused on the West as the enemy. In the Federal Republic of Germany the government also attempted to ignore the Nazi past, with the government focusing more on building a democracy rather than emphasizing the brutal past. However, in a free society issues of identity are much harder to contain . The Nazi past began to come up despite these concerted efforts to bury it, yet even when questions about the past began to be raised, people in the 1960s were nearly ignorant about the real atrocities that the Nazis had committed . From 1963–1965, State Attorney Richard Bauer indicted 22 Nazi officials who had worked at the Auschwitz–Birkenau concentration camp . These trials attempted not only to educate average Germans about what had truly happened during World War II, but also to eliminate the idea that everyone who had committed these crimes were abnormal monsters, the concept that allowed the German population of the post–war era to distance themselves from this evil. In the 1960s the concept of Auschwitz–Birkenau, and the Nazi concentration ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Code Of Hammurabi Natural Law The Code of Hammurabi (~1780 BCE) is the first known preserved example of written "law" which describes potential crimes and prescribed punishments (Code, 2017). Originating in the Mesopotamian region, the codex serves as an edict and guide for the peoples of the region to follow in the course of common civility within the larger society. "The code was grounded in commonly accepted principles of morality and ethics and provided a clear set of norms for all members of society to live together in peace" (Code, 2017, para 3). The Code of Hammurabi laid the groundwork for the idea of jurisprudence in that; when the people know what is expected of them and are made aware of the potential punishment in the event that declared potential crimes ... Show more content on ... It is important to note that "the Allies eventually established the laws and procedures for the Nuremberg trials with the London Charter of the International Military Tribunal (IMT), issued on August 8, 1945" (History, 2010, para 6). It was the IMT which, in a ex post facto manner, declared under Article 6: Jurisdiction and General Principles, that the acts which fell under their purview were those of "Crimes against peace (a.), War crimes (b.), Crimes against humanity (c.)" (Avalon, 2008). With the final surrender of Germany during WWII occurring on May 8, 1945 and the IMT war crimes description being committed to writing a full three months to the day after the final surrender of those who would be tried for said crimes, there is no conceivable way under the positive law concept of Nullum crimen sine lege that the individuals being tried could have known that the actions that they took prior to the establishment of the law, and during the course of the war, would be punishable under an international war crimes court which did not exist at the time of the actions. The intent of the IMF was to ensure that any individual, civilian or military who had committed what the IMF considered to be humanitarian atrocities would be brought to judgment ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Holocaust: The Nuremberg Trials The Holocaust was a tragic event in history. About 6 million people lost their lives during this event. During the first half of the 20th century, led by Adolf Hitler, encouraged segregation against Jews and other "undesirables" such as gypsies, homosexual men and women, the mentally disabled, or physically disabled. Jewish children soon couldn't even go to school with the other German children. Jewish businesses were forced to close and synagogues were burned and vandalized. Nazis also set up ghettos, where Jews were segregated from the people and were forced to live in horrible conditions. The Nazis developed "The Final Solution," a plan to get rid of the Jews. They decided the most efficient way of doing this was to set up camps to exterminate ... Show more content on ... First, there was no precedent for an international trial of war criminals. There were earlier instances of prosecution for war crimes. Such as the execution of a confederate army officer Henry Wirz for his maltreatment of Union prisoners of war during the American Civil War; and the courts–martial held in Turkey in 1919–1920 to punish those responsible for the Armenian genocide of 1915–1916. These were trials conducted according to the laws of a single nation rather than, as in case of the Nuremberg Trials, a group of four powers with different legal traditions and practices ("The Nuremberg Trials"). The four leading powers with different legal traditions and practices were France, Britain, The Soviet Union, and the US. The allies eventually established the laws and procedures for the Nuremberg trials with the London Charter of the International Military Tribunal, issued on August 8, 1945 ("Nuremberg Trials" US History). Among other things, the charter defined three categories of crimes: crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity. It was determined that civilian officials as well as military officers could be accused of war ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Euthanasia Programs of Nazi Germany Essay On the first of September, 1939 World War II began. Hitler is in power of Nazi Germany and is wanting to cleanse the German people of racially unsound elements. He enacts a program that will aim to eliminate the so called "lives unworthy of life" called the T4 program (History Place). Over the next six years throughout Germany, many people are experimenting with and euthanized to help Nazi Germany reach a "pure" state. Was this program that was enacted ethical and what has happened since then to stop something like this from happening again? What kind of medical advances and data did we achieve from it and is it ethical today to use what they learned in today's medical trials? The T4 program was not the beginning of Germany's ... Show more content on ... Through the implementation of the law an estimated 350,000 people were sterilized between the years of 1933 and 1939. The shortage of labor helped attribute to the decline where they would deem you useful if you were able to work and thus were exempted from the law from 1933. The war has started and hospital space that was being used by the sick and disabled was needed for wounded soldiers from the war. They did not want to have to feed and sustain those that were not useful to the war efforts. Hitler, because of this problem started to endorse the usage of "mercy killing" of people that were sick or disabled. (History Place) This is how the T4 program came around and even though it was signed in October of 1939 Hitler backdated the document to September to make it look that it was a wartime measure. The program was coordinated by fifty physicians that volunteered to do the killings. The main headquarters for this program was located in a villa in Berlin located at number 4 Tiergarten Street thus the name T4. (Georgetown) The program operated the same as the Law for the Prevention of Progeny with Hereditary Diseases but also would include those that were in institutions for more than five years, were criminally insane, or did not possess German citizenship. (History Place) The way the program would work is they sent out questionnaires out to mental institutions, hospitals and other institutions caring for the chronically ill. (History Place) Based ... Get more on ...