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 Biological importance
 Amino acids : Classification.
 Introduction to peptides.
 Proteins - Classification : simple and
conjugated; Globular and fibrous.
 Charge properties - Buffer action.
 Denaturation
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 Most abundant organic molecules of the
living system
 Its fundamental basis of structures and
function of life.
 50 % of dry weight of every cell
 It’s a polymer of L α-amino acids.
 300 different amino acids occur in nature –
only 20 as standard amino acids.
 21st amino acid added - Selenocysteine
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 Beside forming long chain polypeptide unit of
protein, amino acids have additional functions
◦ nerve transmission
◦ biosynthesis of porphyrins, purines, pyrimidines,
and urea
◦ Short polymers of AA – peptides
◦ Neuroendocrine system - hormones, hormone
releasing factors, neuromodulators, or
◦ Microorganisms : D- and L-α-amino acids
 Therapeutic value: antibiotics bacitracin and gramicidin A
and the antitumor agent bleomycin
 Some may be toxic
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 It’s a group of organic
compounds containing
two functional groups –
amino (-NH2) and
carboxyl group (-COOH)
 Its also called Zwitter Ion–
both acidic and basic
functional group (dipolar
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• This property is known as amphoteric and
are often called ampholytes
• Neither humans nor any other higher animals
can synthesize 10 of the 20 common amino
acids – Essential Amino acids
 Amino acid has been classified under various
◦ Structure
 With side chain containing Aliphatic Side Chains
 With Side Chains Containing Hydroxylic (OH) Groups
 With Side Chains Containing Sulfur Atoms
 With Side Chains Containing Acidic Groups or Their Amides
 With Side Chains Containing Basic Groups
 Containing Aromatic Rings
 Imino Acid
◦ Polarity
 Non Polar
 Polar
◦ Nutritional
 Essential and Non-essential
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 Simplest
amino acids
 Contains
chain of
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 Non- polar group : No charge on R group. Ex:
Alanine, leucine. Isoleucine, valine, methionine,
phenylalanine, tryptophan and proline
 Polar group
◦ No charge on R : no charge on R but posses group such
as hydroxyl, sulfhydryl and amide. Ex: Glycine, serine,
threonine, cysteine, glutamine, asparigine and tyrsoine
◦ Positive R- Lysine, arginine, and histidine
◦ Negative R – asparatic acid and glutamic acid
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 It cant be synthesized in the body and therefore
need to be supplied through diet
 Proper growth and maintenance of the individual
 Ex. Arginine, Valine, Histidine, Isoleucine,
leucine, lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine,
Threonine, Tryphtophan
 Mnemonics : AV hill, MP TT
 Semi-essential amino acid: Adults can synthesize
2 amino acid and not by growing children. Ex:
Arginine and histidine
 So in all 8 are essential and 2 semi essential
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 Two AA covalently joined
through a substituted
amide linkage – peptide
 Dehydration – removal of
◦ OH- Carboxyl group of one
◦ H+ from amino group of
another AA
• Example of a
condensation reaction
– common biological
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 Two AA reacts to form
dipeptides, Three AA can
be joined by two peptide
bonds to form a tripeptide
and so on.
 Oligopeptide: When a few
AA are joined by various
peptide linkage
 When many amino acids
are joined, the product is
called a polypeptide.
 Proteins may have
thousands of amino acid
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 Proteins catalyze metabolic reactions, power
cellular motion, and forms structural integrity to
hair, bones, tendons and teeth
 Human proteins therefore reflects the
sophistication and diversity of their biologic roles
 Therefore maturation of a newly synthesized
polypeptide into a biologically functional protein
◦ Requires folding into a specific three-dimensional
arrangement, or conformation
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 During maturation, posttranslational
modifications may add new chemical groups or
remove it transiently
 Genetic or nutritional deficiencies that impede
protein maturation are deleterious
to health.
 Ex: Creutzfeldt Jakob disease, Scrapie,
Alzheimer’s disease, and bovine spongiform
 Scurvy - nutritional deficiency that impairs
protein maturation.
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 The modular nature of protein synthesis and folding
are embodied in the concept of orders of protein
◦ Primary structure: linking amino acid residues in a
polypeptide chain
◦ Secondary structure: stable arrangements of amino acid
residues giving rise to recurring structural patterns into
geometrically ordered units; twisting resulting in α-helix or
◦ Tertiary structure: the three-dimensional assembly of
secondary structural units to form larger functional units
◦ Quaternary structure: It’s the arrangement in space of
protein having two or more polypeptide subunits
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 Primary (1°) structure
 Each protein has a
distinctive number and
sequence of amino acid
 These determines how it
folds up into a unique
 This in turn determines
the function of
the protein
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Bovine Pancreatic
Ribonuclease A
 2° structures
 Polypeptide chain can arrange
itself into characteristic helical or
pleated segments
◦ Given by Pauling and Corey
◦ hydrogen bonding interactions
between adjacent amino acid
• Free rotation is possible
about only two of the three
covalent bonds of the
polypeptide backbone
 α-carbon (Cα) to the carbonyl carbon
(Co) bond
 Cα to nitrogen bond
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Psi (Ψ)
Phi (Φ)
 α helix is twisted by
an equal amount about each α-
 With a phi angle of approx. −570
and a psi angle of approx − 470
 Complete turn of the helix
contains an average of 3.6
aminoacyl residues
 Distance it rises per turn (pitch)
is 0.54 nm
 R groups of each aminoacyl
residue in an α helix face
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 Stability of an α helix arises
primarily from hydrogen
 Between the oxygen of
carbonyl and the hydrogen
atom of nitrogen of the 4th
residue down the
polypeptide chain
 Supplemented by van der
Waals interactions
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 Extended conformation of
polypeptide chains
 Viewed edge-on, form a
zigzag or pleated pattern
in which the R groups of
adjacent residues point in
opposite directions
 Stability from hydrogen
bonds between the
carbonyl oxygens and
amide hydrogens of
peptide bonds - adjacent
segments of β sheet
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 Parallel:polypeptide chain proceed in the same
direction amino to carboxyl
 Antiparallel: they proceed in opposite
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 Short segments of amino acids that join two
units of secondary structure – 3-4 units
 Globular proteins - compact folded structure
 Nearly one-third of the amino acid residues
are in turns or loops where the polypeptide
chain reverses direction
 The structure is a 1800 turn involving four
amino acid residues
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 Carbonyl oxygen of the
first residue forms a
hydrogen bond with the
amino-group hydrogen of
the fourth residue
 The peptide groups of the
central two residues do
not participate in any
hydrogen bonding
 Gly (small and flexible)
and Pro (readily assume
the cis configuration)
residues often occur in
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 Generally found on the surface of a protein
 γ -turn - less common is the, a three residue
turn with a hydrogen bond between the first
and third residues.
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 Entire 3-dimensional conformation of a
 Beside H bond, sulfide bond (-S-S), ionic
interaction and hydrophobic bond
 Consists of helices, sheets, bends, turns, and
loops— assemble to form domains
 Domain is a section of protein structure -
perform a particular chemical or physical task
◦ binding of a substrate or other ligand
◦ anchor a protein to a membrane
◦ interact with a regulatory molecules
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 Enzyme triose
phosphate isomerase
complexed with the
substrate analog 2-
 Elegant and symmetrical
arrangement of
alternating β sheets
(light blue) and a helices
(green), with the β
sheets forming a β-
barrel core surrounded
the helices
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 Single domain - triose phosphate isomerase, myoglobin
 Two domains - lactate dehydrogenase, quinone
 A polypeptides with 200 amino acids normally consists of
two or more domains
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Tetrameric enzyme
dehydrogenase with
the substrates
NaDh (red) and
pyruvate (blue)
 Majority of proteins are composed of single
polypeptide chains
 Some of protein consists of 2 or more
polypeptide chain which may be identical or
 Such protein are termed as oligomers and poses
quaternary structures.
 When it consists of 2 polypeptides - dimers
 Homodimers contain two copies of the same
polypeptide chain, while in a heterodimer the
polypeptides differ
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 Solublity: forms colloidal solution instead of true
solutions in water – large size of protein
 Molecular Weight: depends on number of amino
 Shape: there is wide variety in shape –
globular(insulin), oval(albumin), fibrous or
elongated (fibrinogen)
 Acidic and basic: depends on ratio of (lysine +
arginine) : (Glut + Asp). Ratios greater than 1 is
basic and vice-versa
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 Protein are isoelectric
 Nature of amino acids determines the pH of a
 Acidic amino acid (Asp, Glu) and basic amino acid
(His, lys, Arg) – determines the charge on protein
 At isoelectric pH, the protein exist as Zwitter-
ions and dipolar ions
◦ Electrically neutral
◦ Minimum solubility
◦ Maximum precipitability
◦ Least buffering capacity
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 Proteins are classified on the basis of
◦ Chemical nature and solubility
 Simple
 Conjugates
 Derived
◦ Function
 Structural
 Enzyme or catalytic
 Transport
 Hormonal
 Contractile
 Storage
 Genetic
 Defense
 Receptor
◦ Nutritional Importance
 Complete
 Partially incomplete
 Incomplete
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 They are composed of only amino acid
 They are again classified as
◦ Globular Protein : spherical or oval in shape, soluble
in water or other solvent and digestible
 Globulin: soluble in neutral and salt solution. Ex:
serum globulin
 Albumin: soluble in water and dilute salt solutions and
cogulated by heat. Ex: serum albumin, ova albumin,
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 Globular Protein (Cont)…
◦ Glutelins : soluble in dilute acids, alkalies and
mostly found in plants. Ex: Glutelin (wheat),
oryzenin (rice)
◦ Prolamines: soluble in alcohol. Ex: gliadin(wheat),
zein (maize)
◦ Histones: strongly basic proteins, soluble in water
and dilute acids but insoluble in dilute ammonium
hydroxide. Ex: thymus histone
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 Fibrous Protein: fiber like in shape, insoluble
in water and resistant to digestion. It again of
3 types
◦ Collagen: connective tissue protein lacking
tryptophan. On heating with boiling water or acids
it turns to soluble gelatin
◦ Elastin: elastic tissues such as tendons and ateries
◦ Keratin: present in the exoskeleton structures. Ex:
hair, nails, horns
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 Beside amino acid, it contains a non-protein
moiety known as prosthetic group or
conjugating group. Its again of 6 types
◦ Nucleoprotein: nucleic acid (DNA or RNA)
◦ Glycoprotein: prosthetic group is carbohydrate
which is less than 4 % and when it exceeds 4% its
called mucoprotein. Ex: mucin (saliva), ovamucid
(egg white)
◦ Lipoprotein: found in the conjugation with lipids.
Ex: serum lipoprotein, membrane lipoprotein
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 Phosphoprotein: phosphoric acid as
conjugate. Ex: casein(milk), vitelline (egg
 Chromoprotein: prosthetic group is colored in
nature. Ex: Hemoglobins, cytochromes
 Metalloprotein: it contains metal ions such as
Fe, Co, Zn, Cu, Mg,
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 Denatured or degraded product of simple or
conjugated protein
 Its of 2 types
◦ Primary derived protein: denatured or cogulated or first
hydrolyzed product of proteins. They are
 Cogulated proteins: denatured protein produced by agents
such as heat, acids, alkalies
 Proteans: earliest product of protein hydrolysis by enzymes,
dilute acids, alkalies etc. Insoluble in water
 Metaprotein: second stage of protein hydrolysis obtained by
treatment with slightly stronger acids and alkalies
◦ Secondary derived protein: progressive hydrolytic
product of protein hydrolysis. Ex: proteoses, peptones,
polypeptides and peptides
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 The phenomenon of disorganization of native
protein structure
 It results in the loss of secondary, tertiary and
quaternary structure of proteins.
 It involves the change of physical, chemical and
biological properties
 Agents of Denaturation
◦ Physical agents: Heat, UV radiation, X-rays and violent
shaking (centrifuge)
◦ Chemical Agents: Acids, alkalies, organic solvents (ether,
alcohol), salts of heavy metals, urea, salicylate
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 Primary structures remains intact i.e peptide
linkage are not broken
 Loses its biological activity
 Insoluble in solvent which was previously soluble
 Viscosity increases while its surface tension
 Its more easily digestible
 Its usually irreversible, but careful denaturation
(renaturation) is reversible. Ex: Hemoglobin is
renatured on removal of salicylates
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 Coagulation
◦ Irreversible denaturation of protein to semi-solid viscous
◦ Albumins and globulins – coagulable proteins
 Flocculation
◦ Protein precipitation at isoelectric pH.
◦ Precipitate is known as flocculum
◦ Casein – milk protein, prepared by adjusting isoelectric
pH by dilute acetic acid
◦ Its reversible, but on heating it turns to be irreversible
For more Visit us:
 Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry, 30E (2015)
 Biochemistry - U. Satyanarayan and U.
Chakrapani 3rd edition
 Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Fourth
Edition - David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox
 Biochemistry - Garrett And Grisham 2nd Ed
 Biochemistry Stryer 5th Edition repost
 Color Atlas of Biochemistry 2005
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  • 1. For more Visit us: For more Visit us:
  • 2.  Biological importance  Amino acids : Classification.  Introduction to peptides.  Proteins - Classification : simple and conjugated; Globular and fibrous.  Charge properties - Buffer action.  Denaturation For more Visit us:
  • 3.  Most abundant organic molecules of the living system  Its fundamental basis of structures and function of life.  50 % of dry weight of every cell  It’s a polymer of L α-amino acids.  300 different amino acids occur in nature – only 20 as standard amino acids.  21st amino acid added - Selenocysteine For more Visit us:
  • 4.  Beside forming long chain polypeptide unit of protein, amino acids have additional functions ◦ nerve transmission ◦ biosynthesis of porphyrins, purines, pyrimidines, and urea ◦ Short polymers of AA – peptides ◦ Neuroendocrine system - hormones, hormone releasing factors, neuromodulators, or neurotransmitters ◦ Microorganisms : D- and L-α-amino acids  Therapeutic value: antibiotics bacitracin and gramicidin A and the antitumor agent bleomycin  Some may be toxic For more Visit us:
  • 5.  It’s a group of organic compounds containing two functional groups – amino (-NH2) and carboxyl group (-COOH)  Its also called Zwitter Ion– both acidic and basic functional group (dipolar ion) For more Visit us: • This property is known as amphoteric and are often called ampholytes • Neither humans nor any other higher animals can synthesize 10 of the 20 common amino acids – Essential Amino acids
  • 6.  Amino acid has been classified under various ways ◦ Structure  With side chain containing Aliphatic Side Chains  With Side Chains Containing Hydroxylic (OH) Groups  With Side Chains Containing Sulfur Atoms  With Side Chains Containing Acidic Groups or Their Amides  With Side Chains Containing Basic Groups  Containing Aromatic Rings  Imino Acid ◦ Polarity  Non Polar  Polar ◦ Nutritional  Essential and Non-essential For more Visit us:
  • 7.  Simplest amino acids  Contains branched chain of hydrocarbon s For more Visit us:
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  • 14.  Non- polar group : No charge on R group. Ex: Alanine, leucine. Isoleucine, valine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan and proline  Polar group ◦ No charge on R : no charge on R but posses group such as hydroxyl, sulfhydryl and amide. Ex: Glycine, serine, threonine, cysteine, glutamine, asparigine and tyrsoine ◦ Positive R- Lysine, arginine, and histidine ◦ Negative R – asparatic acid and glutamic acid For more Visit us:
  • 15.  It cant be synthesized in the body and therefore need to be supplied through diet  Proper growth and maintenance of the individual  Ex. Arginine, Valine, Histidine, Isoleucine, leucine, lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryphtophan  Mnemonics : AV hill, MP TT  Semi-essential amino acid: Adults can synthesize 2 amino acid and not by growing children. Ex: Arginine and histidine  So in all 8 are essential and 2 semi essential For more Visit us:
  • 16.  Two AA covalently joined through a substituted amide linkage – peptide bond  Dehydration – removal of H2O ◦ OH- Carboxyl group of one AA ◦ H+ from amino group of another AA • Example of a condensation reaction – common biological reactions For more Visit us:
  • 17.  Two AA reacts to form dipeptides, Three AA can be joined by two peptide bonds to form a tripeptide and so on.  Oligopeptide: When a few AA are joined by various peptide linkage  When many amino acids are joined, the product is called a polypeptide.  Proteins may have thousands of amino acid residues For more Visit us: Tetrapeptide
  • 18.  Proteins catalyze metabolic reactions, power cellular motion, and forms structural integrity to hair, bones, tendons and teeth  Human proteins therefore reflects the sophistication and diversity of their biologic roles  Therefore maturation of a newly synthesized polypeptide into a biologically functional protein ◦ Requires folding into a specific three-dimensional arrangement, or conformation For more Visit us:
  • 19.  During maturation, posttranslational modifications may add new chemical groups or remove it transiently  Genetic or nutritional deficiencies that impede protein maturation are deleterious to health.  Ex: Creutzfeldt Jakob disease, Scrapie, Alzheimer’s disease, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy  Scurvy - nutritional deficiency that impairs protein maturation. For more Visit us:
  • 20.  The modular nature of protein synthesis and folding are embodied in the concept of orders of protein structure: ◦ Primary structure: linking amino acid residues in a polypeptide chain ◦ Secondary structure: stable arrangements of amino acid residues giving rise to recurring structural patterns into geometrically ordered units; twisting resulting in α-helix or pleated ◦ Tertiary structure: the three-dimensional assembly of secondary structural units to form larger functional units ◦ Quaternary structure: It’s the arrangement in space of protein having two or more polypeptide subunits For more Visit us:
  • 21. For more Visit us:
  • 22.  Primary (1°) structure  Each protein has a distinctive number and sequence of amino acid residues  These determines how it folds up into a unique three-dimensional structure  This in turn determines the function of the protein For more Visit us: Bovine Pancreatic Ribonuclease A
  • 23.  2° structures  Polypeptide chain can arrange itself into characteristic helical or pleated segments ◦ Given by Pauling and Corey ◦ hydrogen bonding interactions between adjacent amino acid residues • Free rotation is possible about only two of the three covalent bonds of the polypeptide backbone  α-carbon (Cα) to the carbonyl carbon (Co) bond  Cα to nitrogen bond For more Visit us: Psi (Ψ) angle Phi (Φ) angle
  • 24.  α helix is twisted by an equal amount about each α- carbon  With a phi angle of approx. −570 and a psi angle of approx − 470  Complete turn of the helix contains an average of 3.6 aminoacyl residues  Distance it rises per turn (pitch) is 0.54 nm  R groups of each aminoacyl residue in an α helix face outward For more Visit us:
  • 25. For more Visit us:
  • 26.  Stability of an α helix arises primarily from hydrogen bonds  Between the oxygen of carbonyl and the hydrogen atom of nitrogen of the 4th residue down the polypeptide chain  Supplemented by van der Waals interactions For more Visit us:
  • 27.  Extended conformation of polypeptide chains  Viewed edge-on, form a zigzag or pleated pattern in which the R groups of adjacent residues point in opposite directions  Stability from hydrogen bonds between the carbonyl oxygens and amide hydrogens of peptide bonds - adjacent segments of β sheet For more Visit us:
  • 28.  Parallel:polypeptide chain proceed in the same direction amino to carboxyl  Antiparallel: they proceed in opposite directions For more Visit us:
  • 29.  Short segments of amino acids that join two units of secondary structure – 3-4 units  Globular proteins - compact folded structure  Nearly one-third of the amino acid residues are in turns or loops where the polypeptide chain reverses direction  The structure is a 1800 turn involving four amino acid residues For more Visit us:
  • 30.  Carbonyl oxygen of the first residue forms a hydrogen bond with the amino-group hydrogen of the fourth residue  The peptide groups of the central two residues do not participate in any hydrogen bonding  Gly (small and flexible) and Pro (readily assume the cis configuration) residues often occur in turns For more Visit us:
  • 31.  Generally found on the surface of a protein  γ -turn - less common is the, a three residue turn with a hydrogen bond between the first and third residues. For more Visit us:
  • 32.  Entire 3-dimensional conformation of a polypeptide  Beside H bond, sulfide bond (-S-S), ionic interaction and hydrophobic bond  Consists of helices, sheets, bends, turns, and loops— assemble to form domains  Domain is a section of protein structure - perform a particular chemical or physical task ◦ binding of a substrate or other ligand ◦ anchor a protein to a membrane ◦ interact with a regulatory molecules For more Visit us:
  • 33.  Enzyme triose phosphate isomerase complexed with the substrate analog 2- phosphoglycerate (red)  Elegant and symmetrical arrangement of alternating β sheets (light blue) and a helices (green), with the β sheets forming a β- barrel core surrounded by the helices For more Visit us:
  • 34.  Single domain - triose phosphate isomerase, myoglobin  Two domains - lactate dehydrogenase, quinone oxidoreductase  A polypeptides with 200 amino acids normally consists of two or more domains For more Visit us: Tetrameric enzyme lactate dehydrogenase with the substrates NaDh (red) and pyruvate (blue) bound
  • 35.  Majority of proteins are composed of single polypeptide chains  Some of protein consists of 2 or more polypeptide chain which may be identical or different  Such protein are termed as oligomers and poses quaternary structures.  When it consists of 2 polypeptides - dimers  Homodimers contain two copies of the same polypeptide chain, while in a heterodimer the polypeptides differ For more Visit us:
  • 36.  Solublity: forms colloidal solution instead of true solutions in water – large size of protein  Molecular Weight: depends on number of amino acid  Shape: there is wide variety in shape – globular(insulin), oval(albumin), fibrous or elongated (fibrinogen)  Acidic and basic: depends on ratio of (lysine + arginine) : (Glut + Asp). Ratios greater than 1 is basic and vice-versa For more Visit us:
  • 37.  Protein are isoelectric  Nature of amino acids determines the pH of a protein  Acidic amino acid (Asp, Glu) and basic amino acid (His, lys, Arg) – determines the charge on protein  At isoelectric pH, the protein exist as Zwitter- ions and dipolar ions ◦ Electrically neutral ◦ Minimum solubility ◦ Maximum precipitability ◦ Least buffering capacity For more Visit us:
  • 38.  Proteins are classified on the basis of ◦ Chemical nature and solubility  Simple  Conjugates  Derived ◦ Function  Structural  Enzyme or catalytic  Transport  Hormonal  Contractile  Storage  Genetic  Defense  Receptor ◦ Nutritional Importance  Complete  Partially incomplete  Incomplete For more Visit us:
  • 39.  They are composed of only amino acid residues  They are again classified as ◦ Globular Protein : spherical or oval in shape, soluble in water or other solvent and digestible  Globulin: soluble in neutral and salt solution. Ex: serum globulin  Albumin: soluble in water and dilute salt solutions and cogulated by heat. Ex: serum albumin, ova albumin, lactalbumin For more Visit us:
  • 40.  Globular Protein (Cont)… ◦ Glutelins : soluble in dilute acids, alkalies and mostly found in plants. Ex: Glutelin (wheat), oryzenin (rice) ◦ Prolamines: soluble in alcohol. Ex: gliadin(wheat), zein (maize) ◦ Histones: strongly basic proteins, soluble in water and dilute acids but insoluble in dilute ammonium hydroxide. Ex: thymus histone For more Visit us:
  • 41.  Fibrous Protein: fiber like in shape, insoluble in water and resistant to digestion. It again of 3 types ◦ Collagen: connective tissue protein lacking tryptophan. On heating with boiling water or acids it turns to soluble gelatin ◦ Elastin: elastic tissues such as tendons and ateries ◦ Keratin: present in the exoskeleton structures. Ex: hair, nails, horns For more Visit us:
  • 42.  Beside amino acid, it contains a non-protein moiety known as prosthetic group or conjugating group. Its again of 6 types ◦ Nucleoprotein: nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) ◦ Glycoprotein: prosthetic group is carbohydrate which is less than 4 % and when it exceeds 4% its called mucoprotein. Ex: mucin (saliva), ovamucid (egg white) ◦ Lipoprotein: found in the conjugation with lipids. Ex: serum lipoprotein, membrane lipoprotein For more Visit us:
  • 43.  Phosphoprotein: phosphoric acid as conjugate. Ex: casein(milk), vitelline (egg yolk)  Chromoprotein: prosthetic group is colored in nature. Ex: Hemoglobins, cytochromes  Metalloprotein: it contains metal ions such as Fe, Co, Zn, Cu, Mg, For more Visit us:
  • 44.  Denatured or degraded product of simple or conjugated protein  Its of 2 types ◦ Primary derived protein: denatured or cogulated or first hydrolyzed product of proteins. They are  Cogulated proteins: denatured protein produced by agents such as heat, acids, alkalies  Proteans: earliest product of protein hydrolysis by enzymes, dilute acids, alkalies etc. Insoluble in water  Metaprotein: second stage of protein hydrolysis obtained by treatment with slightly stronger acids and alkalies ◦ Secondary derived protein: progressive hydrolytic product of protein hydrolysis. Ex: proteoses, peptones, polypeptides and peptides For more Visit us:
  • 45.  The phenomenon of disorganization of native protein structure  It results in the loss of secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins.  It involves the change of physical, chemical and biological properties  Agents of Denaturation ◦ Physical agents: Heat, UV radiation, X-rays and violent shaking (centrifuge) ◦ Chemical Agents: Acids, alkalies, organic solvents (ether, alcohol), salts of heavy metals, urea, salicylate For more Visit us:
  • 46.  Primary structures remains intact i.e peptide linkage are not broken  Loses its biological activity  Insoluble in solvent which was previously soluble  Viscosity increases while its surface tension decreases  Its more easily digestible  Its usually irreversible, but careful denaturation (renaturation) is reversible. Ex: Hemoglobin is renatured on removal of salicylates For more Visit us:
  • 47.  Coagulation ◦ Irreversible denaturation of protein to semi-solid viscous precipitate ◦ Albumins and globulins – coagulable proteins  Flocculation ◦ Protein precipitation at isoelectric pH. ◦ Precipitate is known as flocculum ◦ Casein – milk protein, prepared by adjusting isoelectric pH by dilute acetic acid ◦ Its reversible, but on heating it turns to be irreversible For more Visit us:
  • 48.  Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry, 30E (2015)  Biochemistry - U. Satyanarayan and U. Chakrapani 3rd edition  Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Fourth Edition - David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox  Biochemistry - Garrett And Grisham 2nd Ed 1998  Biochemistry Stryer 5th Edition repost  Color Atlas of Biochemistry 2005 For more Visit us: