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          A Guide to Frequently Used Terms and Phrases

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The National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) is a nonprofit organization working to strength-
en and expand democracy worldwide. Calling on a global network of volunteer experts, NDI provides practical
assistance to civic and political party leaders advancing democratic values, practices, and institutions. NDI works
with democrats in every region of the world to build political and civic organizations, to safeguard elections, and to
promote citizen participation, openness, and accountability in government.

Copyright © National Democratic Institute (NDI) 2009. All rights reserved. Portions of this work may be repro-
duced and/or translated for noncommercial purposes provided NDI is acknowledged as the source of the materi-
al and is sent copies of any translation.

                National Democratic Institute
                for International Affairs
                2030 M Street, NW, 5th Floor
                Washington, DC 20036-3306
                tel: (202) 728-5500
                fax: (202) 728-5520

Translated by Nathalie Sleimane, Designed by Marc Rechdane.

For any comments or suggestions please contact:

~¡©ŸG ôaƒjh .⁄É©dG ‘ ™°SGh ¥É£f ≈∏Y Égô°ûfh á«WGô≤Á~dG ~«WƒJ π«Ñ°S ‘ πª©J ,á«ëHQ ÒZ ᪶æe ƒg á«dh~dG ¿hDƒ°û∏d »æWƒdG »WGô≤Á~dG ~¡©ŸG
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                                                                                   .¿G~°TQ ∑QÉe »YÉÑW º«ª°üJ ,¿Éª«∏°S ‹ÉJÉf áªLôJ

                 :ÊhÎμdE’G ~jÈdG ¤EG ÜÉàμdG Gòg áªLôJ ∫ƒM ∫GDƒ°S hCG ≥«∏©J …CG ∫É°SQEG AÉLôdG

Compiling the English-based jargon of election work and translating it into a language as intricate and uncompro-
mising as Arabic is a daunting mission. It would be an understatement to say that Arabic speakers are passionate
about their language and quick to debate usage, nuance, and meaning. NDI’s Arabic Publication Center in Beirut
first set out on this venture in 2004, publishing its English-Arabic Translator’s Guide to Election Terminology the
following year. With 200 additional entries and a new Arabic-English feature, this revised and updated publication
of the Guide has left few stones unturned. Even the most obscure expressions have been discussed and definitions
have been attempted.

As NDI expands democracy and governance programs throughout the Arabic speaking world, Arabic speakers on
the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) team will inevitably be at the forefront of creating new and precise
idiom to convey the concepts and ideas central to NDI’s work.

The team at the Arabic Publication Center humbly offers this second effort with the hope that it will not only prove
useful to NDI programs but that it will spark the regional discussion necessary to refine and improve its content.
The Guide is meant to be used as a reference document for NDI staff and contract interpreters. It is not meant to
be the final, authoritative resource.

User feedback is essential - comments and thoughts on terms, definition, usage, and regional application are desired
and actively solicited. Comments and suggestions can be emailed to the NDI Publication Center at:

Joseph Hall, Senior Advisor
Middle East and North Africa
Beirut, Lebanon

ΩÉ¡ŸG ±É°üe ¤EG ¿É«bôj á«Hô©dG á¨∏dÉc I~≤©eh áÑ©°U á¨d ¤EG É¡àªLôJh äÉHÉîàf’G ∫É› ‘ πª©dÉH á≤∏©àŸG ájõ«∏μfE’G äÉë∏£°üŸG ™ªL q¿CG ∂°T ’
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                                                                                                    .É¡d m∞jô©J ™°Vh ¤EG Éæ«©°Sh ,¢TÉ≤ædG

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                         .kÉ«FÉ¡f kÉ«ª°SQ kÉ©Lôe ’ ,º¡©e ~bÉ©àdG qºàj øjòdG ¿ƒjQƒØdG ¿ƒªLΟGh ~¡©ŸG ‘ πeÉ©dG ≥jôØdG √~ªà©j kÉ©Lôe ¿ƒμ«d ™°Vho

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                                                                                                                ≈∏YC’G QÉ°ûà°ùŸG ,∫ƒg ∞jRƒL
                                                                                                           É«≤jôaCG ∫ɪ°Th §°SC’G ¥ô°ûdG á≤£æŸ
                                                                                                                                 ¿ÉæÑd - ähÒH

This updated and revised Guide builds on the work of its first publication, for which May Ahmar, served as editor.
She was assisted by Hiba Charara with research and by Arabic Publication Center Translator, Nour Al Assad, with

Nathalie Sleimane, Arabic Publication Center Coordinator, served as the primary and final editor for this second
publication of the Guide. Mr. Ayman Mhanna and Ms. Deborah Brown from the NDI Lebanon team assisted with
translation, research, and editing the Guide. Elizabeth Tomber and Neil Durnan from the Levant team and Julia
Brothers, Laura Grace, and Richard Klein from the Elections team contributed an additional 180 terms and pro-
vided expert advice for the Guide.


The glossaries included in NDI’s “Monitoring Electronic Technologies in the Electoral Process” by Vladimr Pran and Patrick
Merloe, and “The Political Campaign Planning Manual” by J.Brian O'Day were added verbatim to the Guide. Other
sources and websites are gratefully acknowledged below:

ACE PROJECT Glossary & Encyclopedia:
Produced by the International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES), the International Institute for Democracy
and Electoral Assistance (IDEA), and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA).

International IDEA:
Electoral System Design: The New International IDEA Handbook (English and Arabic versions) 2005/2006.

UNDP Programme on Governance in the Arab Region (POGAR).

UNTERM is a Multilingual Database including terminology related to the United Nations’ work in elections, gov-
ernance, and other programs.

Access Clark County is the official website for Clark County Nevada. It provides information about local govern-
ment, legislation, and public services for local constituents.

The Boulder Community Network (BCN) provides non-profit organizations with information about community

Elections Canada is an independent body established by parliament. This website is part of an effort to provide
accessible information about the federal electoral system.
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                                                                                                         .äÉHÉîàf’G ∫É› ‘ AGÈîc º¡©bƒe øe

                                                                                                                                        ™LGôŸGh QOÉ°üŸG áªFÉb
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                                                                                           :á«dÉàdG »gh ,É¡«dEG Éf~æà°SG »àdG iôNC’G á«fhÎμdE’G
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¿hDƒ°ûdG IQGOEGh ,(IDEA) äÉHÉîàf’Gh á«WGô≤Á~∏d á«dh~dG á°ù°SDƒŸGh ,(IFES) á«HÉîàf’G ᪶fCÓd á«dh~dG á°ù°SDƒŸG øe mIQOÉÑà ´hô°ûŸG Gòg CÉ°ûf ~bh
                                                                                     .(UNDESA) I~ëàŸG ·C’G ‘ á«YɪàL’Gh ájOÉ°üàb’G
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                         :ÊhÎμdE’G ™bƒŸG ≈∏Y (POGAR)                            á«Hô©dG ∫h~dG ‘ ºμ◊G IQGOEG ∫ƒM »FɉE’G I~ëàŸG ·C’G èeÉfôH
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                :ÊhÎμdE’G ™bƒŸG ≈∏Y ôaGƒàJ »gh .iôNC’G èeGÈdÉH ∂dòch ,ºμ◊G IQGOEGh äÉHÉîàf’G

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                                                                                  :á«dGQ~ØdG ∫h~dG ‘ ÜÉîàf’G
N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE                                                                      1

Absentee Ballot       A ballot used by voters who are unable       º¡©°ùj ’ øjòdG ¿ƒÑNÉædG É¡e~îà°ùj ´GÎbG ábQh
                      to go to the polls to vote, either because   ábÉYEÉH º¡àHÉ°UE’ ÉeEG ,´GÎb’G õcGôe ¤EG ∫ƒ°UƒdG
»HÉ«¨dG ´GÎb’G ábQh   they are disabled or will be away from
                      their district on election day. Often, but
                                                                   Ωƒj ‘ á«HÉîàf’G IôFG~dG øY ºg~©Ñd hCG áj~°ùL
                      not always, absentee balloting is done       ¿ƒÑNÉædG A’Dƒg ´Î≤j Ée kÉÑdÉZ ,∂dòd .ÜÉîàf’G
                      through the mail. See also, “Out of          ' ~∏ÑdG êQÉN âjƒ°üJ'' kÉ° jCG ™LGQ .~jÈdG ÈY kÉ«HÉ«Z
                      Country Voting (OCV)” and “Postal
                                                                                                  .''~jÈdG ÈY âjƒ°üJ''h
                      Vote/Voting By Mail.”

Absentee Voting       A voting method by which voters can          øe º¡JGƒ°UCÉH A’OE’G ÚÑNÉæ∏d í«àJ âjƒ°üJ á«dBG
»HÉ«Z ´GÎbG/âjƒ°üJ    cast their ballots without going to their    Ωƒj ‘ º¡d IO~ÙG ´GÎb’G õcGôe ¤EG ¬LƒàdG ¿hO
                      polling station on the day fixed for vot-
                      ing. See also “Embassy Voting,”
                                                                   ,''äGQɢ˘Ø˘ °ùddG ‘ âjƒ˘˘°üJ'' kɢ ° jCG ™˘˘LGQ .Üɢ˘î˘ à˘ f’G
                      “Out of Country Voting (OCV),”                   .''~jÈdG ÈY âjƒ°üJ''h ,''~∏ÑdG êQÉN âjƒ°üJ''h
                      and “Postal Vote/Voting By Mail.”

Absolute Majority     The required level of support in votes        ∫ƒ˘°ü◊G ܃˘˘∏˘ £ŸG äGƒ˘˘°UC’G O~˘˘Y ᢢjÌcC’G √ò˘˘¡˘ H OGô˘˘jo
                      required to win an electoral contest or       …C’ Gk ~«jCÉJ hCG á«HÉîàfG ácô©e …ÉC H RƒØ∏d áeÉY ¬«∏Y
á≤∏£e ájÌcCG          a referendum. In most countries, an
                      absolute majority is calculated as 50%
                                                                    ,¿G~˘∏˘Ñ˘dG º˘¶˘©˘e ‘ .Aɢ˘à˘ Ø˘ à˘ °SÓ˘˘d ᢢMhô˘˘£˘ e ᢢdÉC ˘ °ùe
                      + 1, while in other countries a higher       äGƒ°UC’G øe %50 áÑ°ùæH á≤∏£ŸG ájÌcC’G Ö°ùàëoJ                n
                      threshold is required by law, such as        ¢ ©H ‘ ¿ƒfÉ≤dG ΩÉμMCG •Î°ûJ ɪ«a ,~MGh 䃰U ~FGR
                      two-thirds or 70%. Various legal sys-        √òg ÚeCÉàd ≈∏YCG áÑ°ùf ≈∏Y ∫ƒ°ü◊G iôNC’G ¿G~∏ÑdG
                      tems set different quota requirements
                      for the absolute majority; for example       áÑ°ùædG √òg q¿GC kɪ∏Y ,kÓãe Úã∏ãdG ájÌcCÉc ,ájÌcC’G
                      a country may include all eligible vot-      ±Óà˘NɢH ∞˘∏˘à˘î˘J á˘≤˘∏˘£ŸG á˘jÌcC’G ÚeCɢà˘d á˘Hƒ˘∏˘£ŸG
                      ers or legislators, not simply all partic-   Ö°ùà˘ë˘j ’ ¿G~˘∏˘ Ñ˘ dG ¢ ©˘˘Ñ˘ a .ᢢ«˘ fƒ˘˘fɢ˘≤˘ dG ᢢª˘ ¶˘ f’GC
                      ipating voters or legislators, in the cal-
                      culation of an absolute majority which
                                                                   ÜGƒædG hCG ÚÑNÉædG O~Y ¢SÉ°SCG ≈∏Y á≤∏£ŸG ájÌcC’G
                      means that high voter abstention rates       ™«ªL ¢SÉ°SCG ≈∏Y πH ,Ö°ùMh âjƒ°üàdG ‘ ÚcQÉ°ûŸG
                      can cause an initiative to fail. See also    q¿GC »æ©j ɇ ,âjƒ°üà∏d Ú∏gDƒŸG ÜGƒædG hCG ÚÑNÉædG
                      “Plurality/Relative Majority” and             ÖÑ°ùàj ¿CG øμÁ âjƒ°üàdG øY Ú©æટG áÑ°ùf ´ÉØJQG
                      “Simple Majority.”
                                                                    ' á«Ñ°ùf ájÌcCG' kÉ° jCG ™LGQ .âjƒ°üJ IQOÉÑe …GC ∫É°ûaEÉH
                                                                                                                  .''ájOÉY ájÌcCG' h
2                                    N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE

Accessibility                  The level of access for election stake-         øà ,äÉHÉîàf’G ‘ Ú«æ©ŸG IQ~b i~e ≈∏Y ∫~J     q
                               holders, including citizens and political       ,¿ƒ°ùaÉæàŸG ¿ƒ«°SÉ«°ùdG ¿ƒë°TôŸGh ¿ƒæWGƒŸG º¡«a
´ÓW’Gh ácQÉ°ûŸG á«fÉμeEG
             Ÿ                 competitors, to participate in and gar-
                               ner information about all stages of the
                                                                               äÉeƒ∏©ŸG ™ªL ≈∏Y ∂dòch É¡«a ácQÉ°ûŸG ≈∏Y
                               electoral process.                                            .á«HÉîàf’G á«∏ª©dG πMGôe πc øY

Accountability                 The relationship between government             ,øWGƒŸGh áeƒμ◊G ÚH CÉ°ûæJ »àdG ábÓ©dÉH ≈q∏éàJ
                               and citizens. Acknowledgement and               äGQGô˘≤˘dG ø˘Y ɢ¡˘à˘«˘ dhDƒ˘ °ùÃ á˘˘eƒ˘˘μ◊G ô˘ ≤˘ J å«˘˘M
             e                 assumption of responsibility for deci-
                               sions, actions, and policies, in light of       πªëàJh ,É¡æY Q~°üJ »àdG äÉ°SÉ«°ùdGh ∫ɪYC’Gh
                               agreed expectations, such as an agree-          øe ±ôW πc ¬©bƒàj Ée Aƒ°V ≈∏Y á«dhDƒ°ùŸG √òg
                               ment between an elected official and            ∫hDƒ˘ ˘°ùŸG ÚH Oƒ˘˘ ≤˘ ˘©ŸG ¥É˘˘ Ø˘ ˘J’G ¬˘˘ Ñ˘ ˘°ûj ÉÃh ô˘˘ NB’G
                               his/her constituents.
                                                                                                                       .¬«ÑNÉfh ÖîàæŸG  n

Ad Hoc Electoral               Electoral districts that are created out-       É¡«∏Y ±QÉ©àŸG ôWC’G êQÉN CÉ°ûæJ á«HÉîàfG ôFGhO
Districts                      side of the standard framework and/or           ô˘˘ FGh~˘˘ dG º˘˘ «˘ ˘°SÎd IO~ÙG ᢢ «˘ ˘æ˘ ˘ eõ˘˘ ˘dG π˘˘ ˘¡ŸG hCG/h
                               timeline for designing electoral districts.
¢Vô¨d ICÉ°ûæe á«HÉîàfG ôFGhO
           æ                                                                                                                         .á«HÉîàf’G
á°UÉN á«HÉîàfG ôFGhO/¢UÉN
Additional                     See “Mixed-Member            Proportional                               .''á£∏àıG ájƒ° ©dG Ωɶf'' ™LGQ
Member System                  System.”
‘É°VE’G ~©≤ŸG ÜÉîàfG Ωɶf
Adjudication                   The hearing and deciding of a legal case        QG~°UEGh áªμÙG ΩÉeCG ™aôoJ á«fƒfÉb iƒYO ‘ ô¶ædG
                               in a court of law.                                                                  .É¡fCÉ°ûH ºμM
äÉYRÉæŸG ‘ π°üa

Administration Clerk The person responsible for organizing                     Ωƒ˘˘«˘ ∏˘ d I~˘ ©ŸG OGƒŸG º˘˘«˘ ¶˘ æ˘ J ø˘˘ Y ∫Cɢ ˘°ù˘˘ jo ¢ü °T
                                                                                            q                                              l
…QGOEG ∞Xƒe                    materials for election day and assisting        á«fƒfÉ≤dG äGAGôLE’G ≥«Ñ£J ‘ ~YÉ°ùjh »HÉîàf’G
                               with post-election day statutory require-
                               ments, in addition to performing gener-
                                                                               ,ƒgh .»HÉîàf’G Ωƒ«dG ~©H Ée kɪμM ÖJÎJ »àdG
                               al administration and clerical functions        á˘eɢ©˘dG á˘jQGOE’G Ωɢ˘¡ŸÉ˘˘H ™˘˘∏˘ £˘ ° j ,∂dP ø˘˘Y kÓ˘ ° a
                               related to elections administration.                                          .äÉHÉîàf’G IQGOEÉH á£ÑJôŸG

Administrative                 The unintentional exclusion of an eligi-        π˘é˘°S ø˘e âjƒ˘°üà˘∏˘d π˘˘gƒ˘ e ÖNɢ˘f …GC º˘˘°SG •É˘˘≤˘ °SEG
                                                                                                          D           q
Exclusion                      ble voter from the voters roll due to lim-      á«∏ªY IQGOEG ‘ m π∏N OƒLƒd ~°üb ÒZ øY ÚÑNÉædG
                               itations of voter registration administra-
…QGOEG AÉ°übEG                 tion, such as a poorly publicized dead-
                                                                               π˘¡˘e ø˘Y ¿Ó˘Y’G ‘ Ò°ü≤˘à˘dɢc ,ÚÑ˘Nɢæ˘dG π˘˘«˘ é˘ °ùJ
                               lines, redistricting, clerical errors, or due   ,á«HÉîàf’G ôFGh~dG º«°SôJ IOÉYEG ÖÑ°ùH hCG ,π«é°ùàdG
                               to voter inaction, such as failing to com-      ∫ɪμà°SG øY ÚÑNÉædG ¢ùYÉ≤J hCG ájQGOE’G AÉ£NC’G
                               plete the registration process correctly.                    .á«YôŸG ∫ƒ°UC’G ≥ah π«é°ùàdG á«∏ªY
N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE                                                                   3

Advance Voting        Voting conducted before election day          IÎØ˘dG ø˘ª˘°V Üɢ˘î˘ à˘ f’G Ωƒ˘˘j π˘˘Ñ˘ b …ô˘˘é˘ j ´GÎbG
ôμÑe âjƒ°üJ           during a period specified by the electoral    ¿G~∏ÑdG ¿CÉ°T øeh .ÜÉîàf’G ¿ƒfÉb ÖLƒÃ IO~ÙG
                      law. Countries that allow early voting
                      may require citizens to justify why they
                                                                    ø˘˘e Ö∏˘˘ £˘ ˘J ¿CG ô˘˘ μ˘ ˘ÑŸG ´GÎb’ɢ˘ H í˘˘ ª˘ ˘°ùJ »˘˘ à˘ ˘dG
                      are unable to cast a ballot on election       º¡JGƒ°UCÉH A’OE’G øY ºgõéY ÖÑ°S ôjÈJ É¡«æWGƒe
                      day. Also known as advanced voting.                                                    .ÜÉîàf’G Ωƒj ‘

Advertisements        Political campaigning in a form of voter      äÓª◊G ¿ÉHEG ÚÑNÉædÉH ∫É°üJ’G ∫Éμ°TCG øe lπμ°T
(»HÉîàfG) ¿ÓYEG       contact in which the campaign pays to         ádÉ°SQ ∫É°üjEG ΩÓYE’G πFÉ°Sh ~¡©àJ å«M á«°SÉ«°ùdG
                      have the mass media deliver the mes-
                      sage. See also “Mass Media,”
                                                                    πFÉ°Sh''h ,''(á∏ª◊G) ádÉ°SQ'' ™LGQ .∫~H πHÉ≤e á∏ª◊G
                      “Message,” and “Paid Media.”                                            .''´ƒa~e ΩÓYEG' h ,''ΩÓYE’G

Affiliate             In the electoral context, this is a person,   ¢üî°ûdG ¤EG ,»HÉîàf’G ¥É«°ùdG ‘ ,í∏£°üŸG Gòg Ò°ûj
`H §ÑJôe              political group, or a non-political           »àdG á«°SÉ«°ùdG ÒZ ᪶æŸG hCG á«°SÉ«°ùdG áYƒªÛG hCG
                      organization associated with a candi-
                      date or political organization.
                                                                           .»°SÉ«°S º«¶æàH hCG í°Tôà •ÉÑJQG É¡j~d ¿ƒμj

Alien/Non-Citizen     Individuals living in a country who are       áØ°U πªëj ¿CG ÒZ øe ø«©e ~∏H ‘ ¢û«©j Ol ôa
»ÑæLCG                not legal citizens of the nation or of the    áj’ƒdG hCG ádh~dG ÉjÉYôd I~FÉ©dG »Yô°ûdG øWGƒŸG
                      state in which they reside, and therefore
                      do not have access to the same rights
                                                                    ¥ƒ˘≤◊ɢH ™˘à˘ª˘à˘dG ¬˘dƒ˘î˘j ’ ɇ ,ɢ¡˘«˘a º˘«˘≤˘ j »˘˘à˘ dG
                      and responsibilities as citizens. See also    .É¡˘«˘æ˘WGƒ˘e ¤EG IOƒ˘¡˘©ŸG äɢ«˘dhDƒ˘°ùŸÉ˘H ´Ó˘£˘°V’Gh
                      “Citizen” and “Resident.”                                   .''~∏ÑdG ‘ º«≤e''h ' øWGƒe'' kÉ° jCG ™LGQ

Alliance              An association of groups, people, or          ≈∏Y ≥aGƒàJ k’hO hCG kÉ°UÉî°TCG hCG äÉYƒª› º° j ™ªŒ
                                                                                                                 q      q
∞dÉ–                  nations who agree to cooperate to             .∑ΰûe ±~g ≥«≤– πLCG øe É¡æ«H Ée ‘ ¿hÉ©àdG
                      achieve a common goal. An alliance is
                      usually a formal agreement. See also
                                                                                          .''±ÓàFG''h ' πàμJ'' kÉ° jCG ™LGQ
                      “Bloc” and “Coalition.”

Allocation of Seats   Distribution of seats to political parties    Úë°TôŸG hCG á«°SÉ«°ùdG ÜGõMC’G ≈∏Y ~YÉ≤ŸG ™jRƒJ
                      or candidates within a legislative body       »àdG äGƒ°UC’G O~©d kÉ≤ah á«©jô°ûàdG áÄ«¡dG πNGO
~YÉ≤ŸG ™jRƒJ          according to votes received.
                                                                                                    .É¡«∏Y ¿ƒ∏°üëj
4                              N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE

Alternative Vote         A voting method used in plurality/major-        ≥Ñ£ŸG …ÌcC’G ΩɶædG πX ‘ ™ÑàoJ âjƒ°üJ á«dBG
                                                                                                    q           q
πj~ÑdG 䃰üdG Ωɶf       ity systems in single-member districts in       ‘ GƒÑJôj ¿CÉH ÚÑNÉæ∏d í«àJh ájOôØdG ôFGh~dG øª°V
                         which voters mark their order prefer-
                         ences for candidates on the ballot by
                                                                         º¡«dEG øjÒ°ûe ,Ú∏° ØŸG º¡«ë°Tôe ´GÎb’G ábQh
                         using numbers. If no candidate wins an          πæj ⁄ ∫ÉM ‘h .º¡j~d á«∏° aC’G áLQO Ö°ùëHm ΩÉbQCÉH
                         absolute majority when first preference         äGƒ˘°UC’G ™˘jRƒ˘J ~˘æ˘Y á˘≤˘∏˘£ŸG ᢢjÌcC’G í˘˘°Tô˘˘e …CG
                         votes are distributed, the least successful
                         candidates are excluded and the second
                                                                         Ú뢰TôŸG Oɢ©˘Ñ˘à˘°SG ¤EG Qɢ°ü˘oj ,¤hC’G ᢫˘∏˘«˘° Ø˘˘à˘ dG
                         preference votes of their supporters are        äGƒ°UCG ™jRƒJ IOÉYEG ¤EGh ácô©ŸG øY kɶM πbC’G
                         redistributed. This process continues           ¿CG ¤EG IôμdG OÉ©oJh .á«fÉãdG á«∏«° ØàdG º¡j~jDƒe
                         until a candidate achieves a majority.                               .ájÌcC’ÉH Úë°TôŸG ~MCG ≈¶ëj

Amendment of             A revision or change made in the elec-          Gòg ‘ á«YôŸG ᪶fC’Gh ÜÉîàf’G ¿ƒfÉb ´É° NEG
Electoral Law            toral law and regulations by formal proce-      .»ª°SQ AGôLE’ kÉ≤ÑW ,Ò«¨àdG hCG á©LGôŸG ¤EG ∫ÉÛG
                         dure. See also “Electoral Reform.”
»HÉîàf’G ¿ƒfÉ≤dG πj~©J                                                                       .' »HÉîàfG ìÓ°UEG' kÉ° jCG ™LGQ

Anomaly                  A deviation or departure from the normal        ~YGƒ≤dG hCG ,∫ƒ°UC’G hCG ,᪶fC’G øY êhôN hCG ±GôëfG
I~YÉ≤dG øY Phò°T         order, form, or rule. Can be found by           ‘ Phò˘˘°ûdG ô˘˘gɢ˘ ¶˘ ˘e º˘˘ g~˘˘ MGC ~˘˘ °Uô˘˘ j ~˘˘ ≤˘ ˘a .ᢢ «˘ ˘YôŸG
                         comparing election results (e.g. rates of
                         voter participation, numbers of spoilt bal-
                                                                         äÉHÉîàf’G É¡à∏é°S »àdG èFÉàædG áfQÉ≤à äÉHÉîàf’G
                         lots, margins of victory, etc.) from a cur-     ¥GQhCG O~˘˘ Yh ,ÚÑ˘˘ Nɢ˘ æ˘ ˘dG ᢢ cQɢ˘ ˘°ûe Ö°ùæ˘˘ ˘c) ᢢ ˘jQÉ÷G
                         rent election in the region with data from      äÉfÉ«ÑH (É¡«dEG Éeh ,RƒØdG ¢ûeÉgh ,á«ZÓdG ´GÎb’G
                         previous years.                                 .iôNCG ≥WÉæe hCG mäGƒæ°S ‘ äôL äÉHÉîàfG øe IÉ≤à°ùe

Apathy Voter             A trend among some voters that demon-           ¿h~Ñj ɪ∏b øjòdG ÚÑNÉædG ¢ ©H i~d áéFGQ ádÉM
m ∫ÉÑe’ ÖNÉf             strates lack of interest in voting, politics,   ,»˘°Sɢ«˘°ùdG π˘ª˘©˘dGh ,âjƒ˘°üà˘dG ᢫˘∏˘ ª˘ Y ‘ kɢ eɢ˘ª˘ à˘ gG
                         candidates, and other public issues. See also
                         “Voter Drop Off” and “Voter Fatigue.”
                                                                         ™LGQ .ΩÉ©dG ¿CÉ°ûdÉH ≥∏©àJ iôNCG ÉjÉ° b ‘h ,Úë°TôŸGh
                                                                         .''ÖNÉædG áªg Qƒàa''h ' ácQÉ°ûŸG iƒà°ùe ¢VÉØîfG'' kÉ° jCG
                                                                                                        Ÿ           e
Apparentement            A device used in some list proportional         í«àJh á«Ñ°ùædG áëFÓdG ᪶fCG ¢ ©H ‘ ~ªà©oJ á«dBG
»HÉîàfG πàμJ             representation systems which enables            ‘ É¡∏àμJ øY ø∏©J ¿CG É¡æ«H Ée ‘ •ÉÑJQG ’ mÜGõMC’
                         separate parties to declare themselves
                         linked for the purpose of seat allocation.       .~YÉ≤ŸG ™jRƒJ ~æY É¡°VGôZC’ áe~N ,äÉHÉîàf’G

Appellate Court          Any court of law that is empowered to           øY QOÉ°U ºμM ‘ ô¶ædG á«MÓ°U É¡«dEG πncƒJ áªμfi …CG
±ÉæÄà°S’G áªμfi           hear an appeal of a court or other tribunal.    ø©£∏d áYƒaôŸG ihÉY~dG ‘ âÑdG QÉWEG ‘h .iôNCG áªμfi
                         In the process of electoral complaints
                         adjudication, an appellate court can be the
                                                                         ±ÉæÄà°S’G áªμfi Ωƒ≤J ¿CG øμÁ ,äÉHÉîàf’G áë°U ‘
                         next body of review after the election          áÄ«g ~©H ¿ƒ©£dG √òg ‘ ô¶æJ »àdG á©LGôŸG áÄ«g ΩÉ≤e
                         management body (EMB), electoral court,         ¿ƒ˘©˘£˘dɢH ᢰüàıG á˘ª˘μÙG ~˘©˘H hCG ,äɢ˘Hɢ˘î˘à˘f’G IQGOEG
                         electoral tribunal, or other designated judi-   QG~°UE’ ¢VƒØe ôNBG »FÉ° b RÉ¡L …GC ~©H hCG á«HÉîàf’G
                         cial body has issued a decision. See also                     s                         q
                         “Review Authority/Body.”                                     .''á©LGôŸG áÄ«g'' kÉ° jCG ™LGQ .¿CÉ°ûdG Gò¡H QGôb
N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE                                                                  5

Applying for          The procedure by which an individual           ¢Vƒÿ ¬˘ë˘°Tô˘J ø˘Y ø˘∏˘©˘j ¿CɢH Oô˘Ø˘∏˘d í˘«˘à˘ j AGô˘˘LEG
Candidacy             officially declares his or her candidacy       ‘ ≥Ñ£ŸG »HÉî˘à˘f’G ¿ƒ˘fɢ≤˘∏˘d kɢ©˘Ñ˘Jh .äɢHɢî˘à˘f’G
                      to contest an election. Depending on
í«°TÎdG Ö∏W Ë~≤J      the electoral law of the country, apply-
                                                                     í°TôŸG øe äÉHÉîàfÓd í°TÎdG »Y~à°ùj ~b ,~∏ÑdG
                      ing for candidacy may require collecting       kɨ∏Ñe ´Op ƒj ¿CG hCG ™«bGƒàdG øe kÉæ«©e Gk O~Y ™ªéj ¿CG
                      a certain number of signatures or pay-          π«é°ùJ' h ,''í°TÎ∏d á«∏gC’G •hô°T'' ™LGQ .∫ÉŸG øe
                      ing a deposit. See also “Ballot
                                                                                                     .''Úë°TôŸG hCG ÜGõMC’G
                      Qualification” and “Registration of
                      Parties or Candidates.”

Appointed Official    An individual holding public office            ¬HÉîàfG ÖLƒÃ ,kÉeÉY kÉÑ°üæe π¨°ûj …òdG ¢üî°ûdG
ø«©oe ∫hDƒ°ùe
            e         selected for the position by another           äɢĢ«˘g ø˘e iô˘NCG á˘Ä˘«˘g Öfɢ˘L ø˘˘e Ö°üæŸG Gò˘˘¡˘ d
 s                    branch of government, such as the
                      executive or legislature, rather than by
                                                                     ÖLƒÃ ’ ,á«©jô°ûàdG hCG ájò«ØæàdG ᣰùdÉc ,ºμ◊G
                      an election by citizens.                                                     .ÚæWGƒŸG øe ¬HÉîàfG

Approval Voting       A single-seat election method in               øe ÚÑNÉædG øuμªoJ ,~MGh ~©≤e AπŸ ÜÉîàfG á«dBG
á≤aGƒŸÉH âjƒ°üJ       which voters can vote for, or approve          ,ºgO~Y ¿Éc kÉjCG ,Úë°TôŸG øe ¿hDhÉ°ûj øŸ âjƒ°üàdG
                      of, as many candidates as they wish.
                      Each approved candidate receives one
                                                                     í°Tôe πc ∫Éæj ,‹ÉàdÉHh .º¡ë«°TôJ ≈∏Y á≤aGƒŸG hCG
                      vote, and the candidate with the most          RƒØj ¿CG ≈∏Y Gk ~MGh kÉJƒ°U ÚÑNÉædG á≤aGƒÃ ≈¶ëj
                      votes wins.                                            .äGƒ°UC’G á«Ñ∏ZCG ∫Éæj …òdG í°TôŸG ~©≤ŸÉH

Association           Group of individuals who organize              øY kÉYÉaO º¡aƒØ°U ¿ƒª q¶æj øjòdG OGôaC’G øe áYƒª›
á£HGQ/á«©ªL           around a common idea or cause, with            áØ°U ¿ƒ∏ªëj GƒfÉcCG AGƒ°S ,ácΰûe á«° b hCG Iôμa
                      either formal or informal status in a polit-
                      ical system. Associations are considered
                                                                     √ògh .»°SÉ«°ùdG ΩɶædG πNGO ᫪°SQ ÒZ hCG ᫪°SQ
                      civil society organizations (CSOs) and         Ê~ŸG ™ªàÛG äɪ¶æe ΩÉ≤à Èà©oJ »àdG äÉ«©ª÷G
                      can include non-governmental organiza-         äÉHÉ≤ædG hCG á«eƒμ◊G ÒZ äɪ¶æŸG º° J ¿CG øμÁ
                      tions (NGOs) or labor unions. See also         ,''Ê~ŸG ™ª˘àÛG äɢª˘¶˘æ˘e' kɢ° jCG ™˘LGQ .᢫˘dɢª˘©˘ dG
                      “Civil Society Organization (CSO),”
                      “Non-Governmental Organization                       .''á«dɪY äGOÉ–G''h ,''á«eƒμM ÒZ äɪ¶æe''h
                      (NGO)” and “Union.”

At-Large              Candidates may be elected “at-large” to        á˘≤˘£˘æŸG ¥É˘£˘f ≈˘∏˘Y' ¿ƒ˘ë˘°TôŸG Ö˘î˘à˘æ˘oj ¿CG Rƒ˘˘é˘ j
É¡∏eÉμH á≤£æŸG π«ã“   represent an entire jurisdiction that          ´ôØàJ »àdG ájQGOE’G I~MƒdG πeÉc Gƒ∏㪫d ' πμc
                      contains sub-districts. This jurisdiction
                      then serves as a single constituency. At-
                                                                     IôFGO á≤£æŸG √òg πqμ°ûàa .á«HÉîàfG ôFGhO É¡æY
                      large systems allow 50 % of voters to          IO~©àŸG ᪶fC’G íª°ùJ ,‹ÉàdÉHh .I~MGh á«HÉîàfG
                      control 100 % of seats, and in conse-          Iô£«°ùdÉH ÚÑNÉædG øe áÄŸG ‘ 50 áÑ°ùæd π«ãªàdG
                      quence typically results in racially and
                                                                     ¤EG kɢ«˘F~˘Ñ˘e »˘˘° Ø˘˘j ɇ ,~˘˘Yɢ˘≤ŸG O~˘˘Y π˘˘eɢ˘c ≈˘˘∏˘ Y
                      politically homogenous elected bodies.
                                                                     .kÉ«°SÉ«°Sh kÉ«bôY á°ùfÉéàe áÑîàæe äÉÄ«g π«μ°ûJ
6                            N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE

At-Large District     A district that contains sub districts, or    »àdG hCG ,á«HÉîàfG ôFGhO I~Y º° J »àdG á≤£æŸG
É¡∏eÉμH á≤£æe         where more than one candidate shares          ¢ù«Fô˘d Rƒ˘é˘«˘a .~˘MGh í˘°Tô˘e ø˘e ÌcCG ɢ¡˘ª˘°Sɢ≤˘à˘j
                      the same district. A mayor may run “at-
                      large” while city council members run
                                                                    í°TÎj ɪ«a ' á≤£æŸG πeÉc øY'' í°TÎj ¿CG áj~∏ÑdG
                      in districts. See “Multi-Member               .᢫˘Hɢî˘à˘f’G ô˘FGh~˘dG ø˘Y …~˘∏˘Ñ˘ dG ¢ù∏ÛG Aɢ˘° YCG
                      District.”                                                              .''~YÉ≤ŸG IO~©àe IôFGO'' ™LGQ

At-Large Plurality    See “Block Vote/Bloc Vote.”                                                        .''á∏àμdG Ωɶf'' ™LGQ
Ö°ùëH á∏àμdG âjƒ°üJ
…ÌcC’G ΩɶædG
Audience              A person or people to whom information        hCG äÉeƒ∏©ŸG ¿ƒ≤∏àj øjòdG ¢UÉî°TC’G øe ¿ƒμàj
Qƒ¡ªL                 is conveyed or messages are directed.                                   .πFÉ°SôdG º¡«dEG ¬LƒoJ

Audit (Electoral)     An examination of records and activi-         Ég~«≤J øe ~cCÉà∏d ,ᣰûfC’Gh äÓé°ùdG áæjÉ©e
(»HÉîàfG) ≥«b~J       ties conducted to ensure compliance           ,á«YôŸG πª©dG äGAGôLEGh äÉ°SÉ«°ùdGh §HGƒ° dÉH
                      with established controls, policies, and
                      operational procedures. Also to recom-
                                                                    ≈∏Y ¬dÉNOEG ìÎ≤e πj~©J …CG ¿CÉ°ûH äÉ«°UƒJ ™aôdh
                      mend any indicated changes in con-                                            .IQƒcòŸG øjOÉ«ŸG
                      trols, policy, or procedures.

Authority             Quality that leads the judgments, deci-        º¡JOGQEG Aπà Gƒ∏Ñ≤àj ¿CG ≈∏Y øjôNB’G πª– »àdG áØ°üdG
á£∏°S                 sions, recommendations, and orders of          øY IQOÉ°üdG ôeGhC’Gh äÉ«°UƒàdGh äGQGô≤dGh ΩÉμMC’G
                      certain individuals and institutions to
                      be accepted voluntarily as right and
                                                                    ,áë«ë°Uh ᪫∏°S ÉgQÉÑàYÉH äÉ°ù°SDƒŸG hCG OGôaC’G ¢ ©H
                      therefore to be implemented through           hCG äÉ°ù°SDƒŸG √ò¡d ´É«°üf’G ∫ÓN øe Égƒ≤Ñ£j ¿CG ≈∏Yh
                      obedience and cooperation. Authority          ~ªà°ùJ á«°SÉ«°ùdG á£∏°ùdG q¿GC lí«ë°U .É¡©e ¿hÉ©àdG
                      is a main source of political power, but
                      it is not identical to it. For example, the
                                                                    qøμdh ,É¡d áMƒæªŸG á£∏°ùdG øe ∫hC’G É¡Jƒb Q~°üe
                      State may be the main holder of                øY ™˘Ñ˘£˘dɢH ∞˘∏˘à˘î˘j á˘dhDƒ˘°ùe á˘¡˘é˘c á˘£˘∏˘°ùdG Ωƒ˘¡˘Ø˘e
                      authority, and therefore be the target         ±~˘¡˘à˘°ùJ kÓ˘ã˘e ɢæ˘g ø˘e .᢫˘MÓ˘°üc á˘£˘∏˘ °ùdG Ωƒ˘˘¡˘ Ø˘ e
                      of advocacy.                                   á¡÷G kÓãe ¿ƒμJ ~b É¡qfGC Éà ádh~dG á©aG~ŸG äÓªM
                                                                                                         n                 o
                                                                                           .á£∏°ùdG É¡«dEG πncƒoJ »àdG á«°SÉ°SC’G
N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE                                                                7

Balanced Media         Media that presents more than one side        ≈àe ÈN …CG øY ô¶f á¡Lh øe ÌcCG ¢Vô©j ΩÓYEG
¿RGƒàe ΩÓYEG           of a story when appropriate. To be bal-       ’ ¿RGƒ˘à˘dG á˘Ø˘°U ΩÓ˘YE’G Üɢ°ùà˘cGh .kÉ˘Ñ˘°Sɢ˘æ˘ e ¿É˘˘c
                       anced, media is not required to allocate
                       precisely equal time to all sides, but the
                                                                     á˘Mɢ°ùŸG ±Gô˘WC’G ™˘«˘ ª˘ L í˘˘æÁ ¿CG ¬˘˘æ˘ e »˘˘Y~˘˘à˘ °ùj
                       quality of being balanced precludes           ∫ƒëj ¿CG ¬æe »Y~à°ùj ɉEG ,kG~j~– É¡JGP á«eÓYE’G
                       inflated coverage of one side and/or          hCG/h kÉ«eÓYEG ±GôWC’G ~MCG á«£¨J ‘ •GôaE’G ¿hO
                       disregard or omission of another.                                .øjôNB’G ±GôWC’G ∫ɪgEG hCG πgÉŒ

Ballot Box             Official container into which voters                                         p
                                                                       .´GÎb’G ¥GQhCG ¿ƒÑNÉædG ¬«a §≤°ùoj »ª°SQ AÉYh
´GÎb’G ¥h~æ°U          place their ballot papers.

Ballot Box Seals       A method of tamper-proofing the ballot        ≥˘˘jô˘˘W ø˘˘Y ,´GÎb’G ≥˘˘jOɢ˘æ˘ °üH åÑ˘˘©˘ dG ™˘˘æŸ ᢢ«˘ dGB
´GÎb’G ¥h~æ°U ΩÉàNCG   box, with a uniquely numbered keyed           øªa .Iõq«‡ ΩÉbQCÉH IôØ°ûe ∫ÉØbCG hCG πØ≤H Ég~jhõJ
                       lock. It is appropriate to seal, with a
                       paper seal, wax, or some other method,
                                                                     ≥q∏©e ƒgh ,´GÎb’G ¥h~æ°U πØb ºàîjo ¿CG ≥ahC’G
                       the keyhole of each lock when it is           …CÉH hCG ,ôªMC’G ™ª°ûdÉH hCG ,¥Qh øe ”ÉîH ,¥h~æ°üdÉH
                       affixed to the ballot box. Tamper-proof       ™æ“ ∫ÉØbCÉH ´GÎb’G ≥jOÉæ°U ºàîa .iôNCG á∏«°Sh
                       sealing of ballot boxes is one of the basic   ágGõæd á«°SÉ°SC’G äÉfɪ° dG ~MCG πμ°ûj É¡H åÑ©dG
                       guarantees of voting integrity. Ballot
                       boxes must be sealed from the com-            A~H òæe áeƒàfl ≥jOÉæ°üdG ≈≤ÑJ ¿CG Öéjh .´GÎb’G
                       mencement of voting through to their          ÜÉH ∫ÉØbEG ôKEG ,≥jOÉæ°üdG íàa ájɨdh ´GÎb’G á«∏ªY
                       opening, after the close of voting, for                .äGƒ°UC’G Rôa ¢Vô¨H É¡∏≤æd Gk ~«¡“ ,´GÎb’G
                       removal of ballot boxes for the count.

Ballot Box Stuffing    A type of voter fraud in which an indi-       ~˘ª˘©˘j å«˘M »˘Hɢî˘à˘f’G ô˘jhõ˘à˘dG Ühô˘°V ø˘˘e Üô˘˘°V
´GÎb’G ¥h~æ°U ƒ°ûM
                 M     vidual submits more than one ballot.          .¥h~æ°üdG ‘ ´GÎbG ábQh øe ÌcCG •É≤°SEG ¤EG ÖNÉædG
                       This term is also used when a respon-
                       dent to computerized survey submits
                                                                     ´Ó£à°SG ‘ m∑QÉ°ûe ¤EG kÉ° jCG í∏£°üŸG Gòg Ò°ûjh
                       more than one survey.                         .´Ó£à°S’G áHƒLCG øY áî°ùf øe ÌcCG π°Sôj ÊhÎμdEG
8                               N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE

Ballot Initiative         A proposed piece of legislation (a law)       âjƒ°üàdG Ö©°û∏d ≈æ°ùàj ìÎ≤e (¿ƒfÉb) ™jô°ûJ
                                                                                           q       n
âjƒ°üàdG IQOÉÑe           on which people can vote. See also                          .''ΩÉY AÉàØà°SG'' kÉ° jCG ™LGQ .¬«∏Y

Ballot Placement          The location and order of races, candi-       ,ɢ¡˘«˘∏˘Y ¢ù˘naɢæ˘àŸG Ö°UɢæŸG ∞˘∏˘àfl Ö«˘Jô˘Jh ™˘bƒ˘˘e
´GÎb’G ábQh Ö«JôJ á≤jôW   date names, and ballot initiatives on the     ᢢbQh ‘ âjƒ˘˘°üà˘˘dG äGQOɢ˘Ñ˘ eh ,Ú뢢°TôŸG Aɢ˘ ª˘ ˘°SCGh
                          ballot. Races are often placed in order
                          of importance and candidate names are
                                                                        kÉ≤ah Ö°UÉæŸG √òg Ö«JôJ ºàj Ée kÉÑdÉZ .´GÎb’G
                          often ordered randomly.                        .kÉ«FGƒ°ûY Úë°TôŸG Aɪ°SCG êGQOEG ºàj ɪæ«H ɡ૪gC’

Ballot Qualification      A set of pre-established criteria that par-   ôaGƒàJ ¿CG Öéj »àdG kÉØ∏°S IO~ÙG ÒjÉ©ŸG øe á∏ªL
í°TÎ∏d á«∏gC’G •hô°T      ties or individual candidates must meet       ,í°TÎdG º¡d ≥ë«d øjOôØæŸG Úë°TôŸG hCG ÜGõMC’G ‘
                          to be placed on a ballot. These require-
                          ments should be rational, reasonable,
                                                                        á˘dƒ˘≤˘©˘eh ᢫˘≤˘£˘æ˘e •hô˘°ûdG √ò˘g ¿ƒ˘˘μ˘ J ¿CG ≈˘˘∏˘ Y
                          and objective. See also “Applying for         ' í˘«˘°TÎdG Ö∏˘W Ë~˘≤˘ J' kɢ° jCG ™˘LGQ .᢫˘ Yƒ˘˘°Vƒ˘˘eh
                          Candidacy” and “Registration of                                   .''Úë°TôŸG hCG ÜGõMC’G π«é°ùJ' h°J
                          Parties or Candidates.”

Ballot Reconciliation The process of comparing the number               IOƒLƒŸG ´GÎb’G ¥GQhCG O~Y áfQÉ≤à »° ≤j AGôLEG     l
´GÎb’G ¥GQhCG á≤HÉ£e      of ballots in the ballot box with the         í˘FGƒ˘d ≥˘˘ah ÚÑ˘˘Nɢ˘æ˘ dG O~˘˘©˘ H ´GÎb’G ¥h~˘˘æ˘ °U ‘
                          number of voters according to the vot-
                          ers list or other records of the total
                                                                        ÚÑNÉædG ´ƒª› O~ëj ôNBG πé°S …CG hCG Ö£°ûdG
                          number of persons who cast ballots.           øe ø«Ñàj ¿CG Öéj ,‹ÉàdÉHh .º¡JGƒ°UCÉH GƒdOCG øjòdG
                          The number of ballots cast should             …hÉ°ùj É¡H ¤~ŸG ¥GQhC’G O~Y q¿CG ÚÑNÉædG áëF’
                          equal the number of voters according                                                   .ÚÑNÉædG On ~Y
                          to the voters list.

Ballot Structure          The method of presenting voter choic-         ábQh ‘ ÖNÉædG äGQÉ«N É¡«a ¢Vô©oJ »àdG á≤jô£dG
´GÎb’G ábQh º«ª°üJ        es on the ballot paper (i.e. candidate-       ´GÎb’G ÖNÉæ∏d IÒNC’G √òg í«àJ ¿CÉc) ´GÎb’G
                          centered vs. party-centered).
                                                                                      .(ÜGõMCG ídÉ°üd ’ Úë°Tôe ídÉ°üd

Ballot Tampering/         Deliberately spoiling paper ballots of a      ÚÑNÉædG ´GÎbG ¥GQhCÉH Gk ~ªY åÑ©dG ≈∏Y ºg~MCG ΩG~bEG
Vote Tampering            voter one seeks to disenfranchise, often      ±~¡H ∂dPh ,âjƒ°üàdG ≥M øe º¡fÉeôM ¤EG ≈©°ùj øjòdG
                          in the aim of eliminating votes for a
/´GÎb’G ¥GQhCÉH ÖYÓJ      political opponent.          See also
                                                                        .»˘°Sɢ«˘°ùdG º˘°üÿG ¤EG á˘∏˘j’G äGƒ˘˘°UC’G ¢ ©˘˘H Oɢ˘©˘Ñ˘à˘°SG
äGƒ°UC’ÉH ÖYÓJ            “Disenfranchise.”                                        .''´GÎb’G ≥M øe (ÖNÉædG) ¿ÉeôM'' kÉ° jCG ™LGQ

Ballot/Ballot Paper       Official document on which voters can         º˘¡˘«˘ë˘°Tô˘e ¿ƒ˘Ñ˘Nɢæ˘dG ɢ¡˘«˘a O~˘ë˘j ᢢ«˘ ª˘ °SQ ᢢbQh
´GÎbG ᪫°ùb/ábQh
           b              indicate their preferences to cast their                              .º¡d ¿ƒJƒ°üj øjòdG Ú∏° ØŸG
N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE                                                                       9

Balloting                   See “Voting.”                                                                               .''âjƒ°üJ'' ™LGQ
Ballots Destroyed              Ballots that have been rendered             hCG ɢ¡˘ «˘ am π˘˘∏˘ N Oƒ˘˘Lƒ˘˘d á◊ɢ˘°U ÒZ ´GÎbG ᢢbQh
áØ∏àe ´GÎbG ábQh            invalid because of damage or tampering;                                                 ;É¡H ÖYÓàdG ÖÑ°ùH
                               Ballots that have been disposed of
                            after the election results have been made
                                                                         øY kÉ«ª°SQ ¿ÓYE’G ~©H É¡H åÑ©dG ” ´GÎbG ábQh  q
                            official. Ballots should not be destroyed    ’EG ´GÎb’G ¥GQhCG ±ÓJEG Rƒéj ’ .äÉHÉîàf’G èFÉàf
                            until after the time for challenging a       ΩÉeCG äÉHÉîàf’G èFÉàæH ø©£dG ≈∏Y âbh Qhôe ~©H
                            result before a court or tribunal has        ” »˘à˘dG ¿ƒ˘©˘£˘dɢH kɢ«˘Fɢ¡˘f âÑ˘dG ~˘©˘H hCG ,á˘ª˘ μÙG
                            passed, or if a challenge has been lodged,   q                                    q
                            after the challenge has been finally dealt     ´GÎb’G ¥GQhCG ±Ó˘JEG kɢ° jCG ø˘«˘©˘à˘jh .ɢ¡˘H Ω~˘˘≤˘ à˘ dG
                            with. Ballots should be destroyed in such                             .´GÎb’G ájô°S ≈∏Y ßaÉ– má≤jô£H
                            a manner that keeps the vote secret.

Ballots/Votes Cast          The number of ballots correctly deposit-                p
                                                                         πμ°ûH â£≤°SoCG »àdG ´GÎb’G ¥GQhCG O~Y ¤EG Ò°ûJ
/É¡H ¤~oŸG ´GÎb’G ¥GQhCG    ed into the ballot box or transmitted                       p
                                                                         Iõ¡LCG ÈY â∏°SQoCG hCG ´GÎb’G ≥jOÉæ°U πNGO í«ë°U
                            through an electronic voting machine
áYp Î≤e äGƒ°UCG             (EVM) which will be enumerated in the
                                                                         ÉgDhÉ°üMEG ºàj ¥GQhCG »gh ,á«fhÎμdE’G âjƒ°üàdG
                            vote count. Unused and spoilt ballots        ÒZ ´GÎb’G ¥GQhCG ɢ˘ ˘ ˘eCG .äGƒ˘˘ ˘ ˘°UC’G Rô˘˘ ˘ ˘a ~˘˘ ˘ ˘æ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘Y
                            are not considered ballots cast.                   .áfÉÿG √òg ‘ πN~J Óa á«ZÓdG hCG á∏ª©à°ùŸG

Bar Graph                   A chart with rectangular bars with           Ö°SÉæàj πμ°ûdG á∏«£à°ùe I~ªYCG øe ∞dCÉàj ∫h~L
I~ªYCG πμ°T ≈∏Y ÊÉ«H º°SQ   lengths proportional to the values that      ¬˘LhCG O~˘©˘à˘Jh .ɢ¡˘∏˘ã“ »˘à˘dG á˘ª˘«˘ ≤˘ dG ™˘˘e ɢ˘¡˘ dƒ˘˘W
                            they represent. Bar graphs have several
                            uses in elections, such as representing
                                                                         Rp Èàa ,äÉHÉîàf’G ‘ á«fÉ«ÑdG Ωƒ°SôdG √òg ∫ɪ©à°SG
                            where candidates or parties stand in rela-   ¢ ©ÑdG º¡° ©H øe ÜGõMC’G hCG Úë°TôŸG ™bGƒe kÓãe
                            tion to each other in the electoral race.                                     .á«HÉîàf’G ácô©ŸG ‘

Baseline Poll               A political poll taken to determine as       ≈∏˘Y ∫ƒ˘°ü◊G ±~˘¡˘H ᢫˘°Sɢ«˘°ùdG AGQBÓ˘d ´Ó˘£˘à˘°SG
á«dhC’G …CGôdG äÉYÓ£à°SG    much information about the voters as         …ôéjh .ÚÑNÉædG øY äÉeƒ∏©ŸG øe øμ‡ Q~b ÈcCG
                            possible. The baseline poll is usually
                            done early in the campaign before there
                                                                         øe IôμÑe á∏Môe ‘ kIOÉY ‹hC’G ´Ó£à°S’G Gòg
                            is much political activity. See “Political   á˘£˘°ûfC’G ∞˘qã˘μ˘à˘J ¿CG π˘Ñ˘ b ᢢ«˘ Hɢ˘î˘ à˘ f’G ᢢ∏˘ ª◊G
                            Polling” and “Tracking Poll/Survey.”         ' ᢫˘°Sɢ«˘°ùddG AGQB’G ´Ó˘£˘à˘°SG'' ™˘LGQ .᢫˘°Sɢ˘«˘ °ùdG
                                                                                                  .''á«∏MôŸG …CGôdG äÉYÓ£à°SG''h

Bias                        A leaning in favor of or against some-       Ω~Yh ôNBG ¿hO ±ôW hCG á«° ≤d Ö°ü©àdG hCG ÜõëàdG
RÉ«ëfG/õ«–                  thing or someone; partiality or preju-                   .''õ«ëàe ÒZ'' ¢ «≤ædG ™LGQ .ájOÉ«◊G
        q                   dice. For antonym, see “Unbiased.”
10                                 N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE

Bicameral Legislature In government, bicameralism is the                    q¿CG ¤EG ºμ◊G á°SQɇ Qɪ° e ‘ í∏£°üŸG Gòg Ò°ûj
á«FÉæK á«©jô°ûJ áÄ«g
              J             practice of having two legislative or par-       hCG ÚàaôZ øe ¿Éfƒμàj á«©jô°ûàdG áÄ«¡dG hCG ¿ÉŸÈdG
                            liamentary chambers. Thus, a bicameral
Ú°ù∏› äGP/π«ãªàdG
    ∏                       parliament or bicameral legislature is a
                                                                             á˘jOɢMGC ᢫˘©˘jô˘°ûJ á˘Ä˘«˘g' ™˘˘ ˘ ˘ LGQ .Úæ˘˘ ˘ ˘ KG Ú°ù∏›
                            parliament or legislature which consists                                                            .''π«ãªàdG
                            of two chambers or houses. See also
                            “Unicameral Legislature.”

Bill                        Proposed act not yet passed by the leg-                                  .~©H ¿ÉŸÈdG √ô≤j ⁄ ìÎ≤e ¿ƒfÉb
                                                                                                                  q      n
¿ƒfÉb ´hô°ûe

Bipartisan                  Consisting of, or supported by, mem-            ¿GÈà˘©˘jo Ú«˘°Sɢ«˘°S ÚHõ˘M Aɢ° YCɢH ≥˘∏˘©˘à˘j ɢe π˘ c q
/ÚHõëH ≥∏©àe                bers of two major political parties.            ø˘e π˘c hCG ,᢫˘ °Sɢ˘«˘ °ùdG ÜGõ˘˘MC’G Rô˘˘HCG ø˘˘e ᢠ°Uɢ˘N
ÚHõM øe ~ js ƒe
             D                                                                                                       .º¡ªY~H ≈¶ëj

Birth Registry              Official records of people's births. In         »Øa .IO’ƒdG äGOÉ¡°T hCG ᫪°SôdG äÓé°ùdÉH πqãªàj
äGO’ƒdG πé°S
          °                 some countries it is necessary to pro-          øY ᫪°SQ áî°ùf QG~°üà°SG ø«©àj ,¿G~∏ÑdG ¢ ©H
                            duce an official copy of one's birth cer-
                            tificate to prove citizenship or voting
                                                                            ᢫˘∏˘ gC’ hCG Oƒ˘˘dƒŸG ᢢ«˘ °ùæ÷ kɢ Jɢ˘Ñ˘ KEG IO’ƒ˘˘dG IOɢ˘¡˘ °T
                            eligibility.                                                                                         .âjƒ°üàdG

Black Box Voting            The practice of recording votes using a         äGƒ˘˘°UC’G π˘˘«˘ é˘ °ùJ ᢢ«˘ ∏˘ ª˘ ˘Y ¤EG Ò°ûj lí˘ ˘∏˘ ˘£˘ ˘°üe
Oƒ°SC’G ¥h~æ°üdG ‘ âjƒ°üJ   direct recording electronic (DRE) sys-          âjƒ°üàdG ᪶fCG ΩG~îà°SG ≥jôW øY á«HÉîàf’G
                            tem that does not provide a subsequent
                            paper record of the voter's action.
                                                                            πé°S …CG kÉ≤M’ Q~°üoJ ’ »àdG ô°TÉÑŸG ÊhÎμdE’G
                                                                                 .ÖNÉædG É¡H Ωƒ≤j »àdG ´GÎb’G á«∏ª©d »bQh
Blank Ballot                A ballot with no mark, meaning that the         q¿CG ¤EG kIQɢ˘°TEG ,ᢢeÓ˘˘Y …CG ø˘˘e ᢢ«˘ ˘dɢ˘ N ´GÎbG ᢢ bQh
AÉ° «H ´GÎbG ábQh           voter did not vote for any of the candi-         ºgDhɪ°SCG IOQGƒdG Úë°TôŸG øe …C’ 䃰üj ⁄ ÖNÉædG
                            dates on the ballot, nor did he or she
                                                                                                                    q q
                            vote for or against a proposition on the         âjƒ°üà∏d ìhô£e ìGÎbG …C’ ’h ,´GÎb’G ábQh ‘
                            ballot.                                                         .¬à°VQÉ©e hCG ¬«∏Y á≤aGƒŸG π«Ñb øe ¿EG

Blanket Primary             A primary election in which the names           Úë°TôŸG ™«ªL Aɪ°SCG É¡«a OpôJ áj~«¡“ äÉHÉîàfG
á∏eÉ°T áj~«¡“ äÉHÉîàfG      of all the candidates for all the parties       ™«°ûj .I~˘˘MGh ´GÎbG ᢢbQh ‘ ᢢ aɢ˘ c ÜGõ˘˘ MC’G ø˘˘ e
                            are on one ballot. This term is used specifi-
                            cally within the U.S. electoral system.
                                                                            Ωɢ¶˘æ˘dG ø˘ª˘ °V Gk ~˘˘j~– í˘˘∏˘ £˘ °üŸG Gò˘˘g ∫ɢ˘ª˘ ©˘ à˘ °SG
                                                                                                      .I~ëàŸG äÉj’ƒdG ‘ »HÉîàf’G
N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE                                                                       11

Blind Pull                    When all eligible voters in a geographic    âjƒ°üà∏d Ú∏gDƒŸG ÚÑNÉædG ™«ªL ™«é°ûJ á«∏ªY
âjƒ°üàdG ¤EG ÚÑNÉædG ™aO      area are encouraged to vote regardless      A’OE’G ≈∏Y IO~fi á«aGô¨L á©≤H øª°V øj~LGƒàŸGh
                              of which candidate they support. For
õ««“ ¿hO                      example, in areas where there is consid-
                                                                          .¬fh~jDƒj …òdG í°TôŸG øY ô¶ædG ¢ ¨H º¡JGƒ°UCÉH
                              erable support for a candidate - say six    kÓãe Úë°TôŸG ~MCG É¡«a ≈¶ëj »àdG ≥WÉæŸG »Øa
                              out of ten voters support the candidate      π˘°UCG ø˘e ÚÑ˘Nɢf á˘à˘°S º˘Y~˘H π˘˘≤˘ æ˘ d ,ÒÑ˘˘c º˘˘Y~˘˘H
                              - it may benefit the campaign of that        Q~b ÈcCG ¬LƒJ øe í°TôŸG ∑GP á∏ªM ~«ØJ ~b ,Iô°ûY
                              candidate if as many voters as possible
                              go to the polls, regardless of whether or    ô¶ædG ¢ ¨H ´GÎb’G õcGôe ¤EG ÚÑNÉædG øe øμ‡
                              not the supporters have been identified.     .øjô°UÉæŸG Qƒ° M øe ~cCÉàdG ≈∏Y IQ~≤dG i~e øY
                              See also “GOTV Get Out The Vote”             ™aO''h ' âjƒ°üàdG ≈∏Y ÚÑNÉædG ™«é°ûJ' kÉ° jCG ™LGQ
                              and “Pull.”
                                                                                                        .''âjƒ°üàdG ¤EG ÚÑNÉædG

Bloc                          A group with a shared interest/pur-         hCG í˘dɢ°üe º˘¡˘©˘ªŒ ø˘jò˘dG ¢UɢTC’G ø˘˘e ᢢYƒ˘˘ª›
á∏àc/πàμJ                     pose; group of voters or politicians who    hCG ÚÑ˘˘ Nɢ˘ æ˘ ˘dG ø˘˘ e ᢢ Yƒ˘˘ ª› hCG ;ᢢ cΰûe äɢ˘ jɢ˘ ˘Z
                              share common goals.            See also
                              “Alliance” and “Coalition.”
                                                                          ™LGQ .ácΰûe ±G~gCG º¡©ªŒ øjòdG Ú«°SÉ«°ùdG
                                                                                                               .''±ÓàFG''h ' ∞dÉ–'' kÉ° jCG

Block Vote/Bloc Vote A multi-seat election method in plurali-             Ωɢ¶˘æ˘dG π˘X ‘ ≥˘Ñ˘£˘oJ ~˘Yɢ≤˘ e I~˘˘Y AπŸ Üɢ˘î˘ à˘ fG ᢢ«˘ dGB
                                                                                    q       s
á∏àμdG âjƒ°üJ/á∏àμdG Ωɶf     ty/majority systems in which each voter     ∫OÉ©j äGƒ°UCG O~Y íæÁ ¿CG ÖNÉf πμd í«àJh …ÌcC’G
                              can vote on as many seats that are to be
                              filled within the electoral district. The
                                                                          .á«HÉîàf’G IôFG~dG øª°V ÉgDƒ∏e Öéj »àdG ~YÉ≤ŸG O~Y
                              candidates with the most votes win - an     O~Y ÈcCÉH ¿ƒ¶ëj øjòdG ¿ƒë°TôŸG ~YÉ≤ŸG √ò¡H RƒØjh
                              absolute majority is not required. See      ájÌcC’G ≈∏Y IQhô° dÉH Gƒ∏°üëj ⁄ ¿EGh ,äGƒ°UC’G øe
                              also “Plurality/Relative Majority.”                             .''á«Ñ°ùf ájÌcCG' kÉ° jCG ™LGQ .á≤∏£ŸG

Board of Elections            Usually a non-partisan or multi-partisan    I~Y πãÁ hCG ÜõM …CG πãÁ ’ RÉ¡L ¤EG kIOÉY Ò°ûJ
äÉHÉîàf’G ≈∏Y ±Gô°TE’G áÄ«g   board set up to oversee the election and    ≈˘˘ ∏˘ ˘Y ±Gô˘˘ °TE’G ±~˘˘ ˘¡˘ ˘ H √Dhɢ˘ ˘°ûfEG º˘˘ ˘à˘ ˘ jh ,ÜGõ˘˘ ˘MCG
                              ensure that it is conducted fairly. See
                              also “Election Management Body
                                                                          kÉ° jCG ™LGQ .É¡JQGOEG ø°ùM ≈∏Y ô¡°ùdGh äÉHÉîàf’G
                              (EMB).”                                                                        .''äÉHÉîàf’G IQGOEG áÄ«g''

Booth Capturing               The act of seizing and controlling a        ¬H ∑É°ùeE’Gh ´GÎb’G º∏b ≈∏Y ~«dG ™°VƒH ≈q∏éàJ
´GÎb’G º∏≤H ºqμ–              polling station so that many fraudulent        .äGƒ°UC’G øe ÒÑc O~Y ôjhõàH íª°ùj ƒëf ≈∏Y
                              votes may be cast there.

Booth Management              Managing of the booths in the polling                                  .´GÎb’G º∏b πNGO ∫RÉ©ŸG IQGOEG
´GÎb’G º∏b IQGOEG             station.
12                                       N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE

Borda Count                       A voting system for single or multiple-        á˘jOɢ˘MC’G ô˘˘FGh~˘˘dG ø˘˘ª˘ °V ~˘˘ª˘ à˘ ©˘ jo âjƒ˘˘°üJ Ωɢ˘¶˘ f
äGƒ°UC’G ÜÉ°ùàM’ ' GOQƒH'' Ωɶf
             à                    seat elections using rank preference bal-      ¿CG ÖNÉæ∏d í«àjh ,π«ãªàdG IO~©àŸG hCG π«ãªàdG
                                  lots. A voter's first choice is worth a full
                                  point and subsequent choices are worth
                                                                                 .´GÎb’G ábQh ‘ á«∏° aC’G Ö°ùëH Úë°TôŸG ÖqJôj
                                  a percentage of a point. The                   √QÉàîj …òdG í°TôŸG ≈¶ëj ,ΩɶædG Gòg πX ‘h              q
                                  candidate(s) with the most cumulative          ≈¶ëj ɪ«a á∏eÉc á£≤f ¤hC’G áLQ~dÉH ÖNÉædG
                                  points wins.                                   áæ«©e áÑ°ùæH á«dÉàdG ÖJGôŸG ‘ πëj …òdG í°TôŸG
                                                                                    q                                       q
                                                                                 ™ªéj …òdG ƒ¡a õFÉØdG í°TôŸG ÉeCG .á£≤ædG √òg øe
                                                                                                                       .•É≤ædG øe O~Y ÈcCG
Bottleneck                        A situation in which the flow of people        ≥a~J É¡«a ô°ùëæj mádÉM ∞°Uƒd Ω~îà°ùjo í∏£°üe
(´GÎb’G á«∏ªY) á∏bôY              is slowed at one place in the voting           π˘NGO hCG ´GÎb’G π˘MGô˘e ø˘e á˘∏˘ Mô˘˘e ‘ ÚÑ˘˘Nɢ˘æ˘ dG
                                  process, therefore causing the process
                                  to slow down or halt.
                                                                                 hCG ´GÎb’G á«∏ªY AÉ£HEÉH ÖÑ°ùàj ɇ ,´GÎb’G õcôe
Bottoms Up                        A multi-seat election method. Similar to       âjƒ°üàdÉH á¡«Ñ°T ~YÉ≤e I~Y AπŸ ÜÉîàfG á«dBG
¤EG πØ°SC’G øe ~YÉ≤ŸG ™jRƒJ       instant runoff voting except runoff            ™˘jRƒ˘J äGQhO q¿CG Aɢæ˘ã˘à˘°SɢH ,º˘˘°SÉ◊G »˘˘∏˘ «˘ ° Ø˘˘à˘ dG
                                  cycles stop when number of remaining
≈∏YC’G                            candidates is equal to the number of
                                                                                 Ú뢢°TôŸG O~˘˘Y ihɢ˘ °ùà˘˘ j ÚM ∞˘˘ bƒ˘˘ à˘ ˘J äGƒ˘˘ °UC’G
                                  seats to be filled.                                        .ÉgDƒ∏e Öéj »àdG ~YÉ≤ŸG O~©H ÚbÉÑdG

Boundary (Election)               Something that marks an electoral limit        ™LGQ .á«HÉîàf’G ôFGh~dG ∞∏àfl ÚH π°üØj Ée »g
(á«HÉîàf’G ôFGh~dG) Oh~M          or border. See also “Constituency.”                                     .''á«HÉîàfG IôFGO'' kÉ° jCG

Boundary Delimitation The process of drawing boundaries of                       ¢VGôZC’ áe~N á«HÉîàf’G ôFGh~dG Oh~M º°SQ á«∏ªY
á«HÉîàf’G ôFGh~dG º«°SôJ          constituencies for allocation of seats. See    ô˘FGh~˘dG º˘«˘°Sô˘˘J' kɢ ˘ ° jCG ™˘˘ ˘LGQ .~˘˘ ˘Yɢ˘ ˘≤ŸG ™˘˘ ˘jRƒ˘˘ ˘J
                                  also “Districting” and “Redistricting.”
                                                                                      .''á«HÉîàf’G ôFGh~dG º«°SôJ IOÉYEG' h ' á«HÉîàf’G

Bribing Voters                    The act of giving or promising any             ≠dÉÑe ,íæà OƒYh ™£b hCG ,íæe ≈∏Y í°TôŸG ΩG~bEG
Iƒ°TôdÉH ÚÑNÉædG ádɪà°SG         money gift, office, employment, or             …GC ¤EG äBÉaÉμe hCG ,∞FÉXh hCG ,Ö°UÉæe hCG ,á«dÉe
                                  reward to a voter, at anytime in order to
                                  influence him or her to give or withhold
                                                                                 hCG ¬Jƒ°üH A’OE’ÉH ¬YÉæbE’ ¿Éc âbh …GC ‘h ,ÖNÉf
                                  his/her vote. See also “Vote-Buying.”          .''äGƒ°UC’G AGô°T'' kÉ° jCG ™LGQ .âjƒ°üàdG øY ΩÉéME’ÉH

Briefing                          A short and clear summary of a situa-          ƒgh .ç~M hCG ™°Vh …CG øY í°VGhh õLƒe ¢üî∏e
≥Ñ°ùe ¢üî∏e
    e                             tion or an event. It can be a meeting or       πμ°T ≈∏Y ´Rs ƒjo ¿CG hCG ´ÉªàLG πμ°T òîàj ¿CG øμÁ
                                  a set of written materials.
                                                                                                                     .áYƒÑ£e OGƒe
N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE                                                            13

Budget           The amount of money a candidate or        ¬≤Øæj …òdG ‹ÉŸG ≠∏ÑŸG ¤EG kIOÉY í∏£°üŸG Gòg Ò°ûj
áfRGƒe           party spends on various aspects of the    ∞˘∏˘à˘îÃ á˘«˘Hɢî˘à˘f’G á˘∏˘ª◊G ≈˘∏˘Y Üõ◊G hCG í˘˘°TôŸG
                 campaign. Can also refer to allocation
                 of time and resources.
                                                           âbƒdG ¤EG kÉ° jCG í∏£°üŸG Gòg Ò°ûj ¿CG øμÁh .É¡ÑfGƒL
                                                              .É¡d IOƒ°UôŸG ájô°ûÑdG OQGƒŸGh á∏ªë∏d ¢ü°üıG
By-Election      An election not held at the regularly     º s¶æoJ ɉEG É¡d O~ÙG ~YƒŸG ‘ kIOÉY ~n≤©oJ ’ äÉHÉîàfG
á«Yôa äÉHÉîàfG   scheduled time, often to fill a vacancy   á˘˘Ñ˘ °ùf ɢ˘eCG .ô˘˘Zɢ˘°T mÖ°üæ˘˘e AπŸ ¿É˘˘«˘ MC’G Ö∏˘˘ZCG ‘
                 in the office. There is often much
                 lower voter turnout in a special or by-   äÉHÉîàf’G ‘ á° Øîæe ¿ƒμJ Ée kÉÑdɨa ácQÉ°ûŸG
                 election. By-elections are also known           .á°UÉÿG äÉHÉîàf’ÉH kÉ° jCG ±ô©oJ »àdG á«YôØdG
                 as special elections.

By-Law           A law or rule governing the internal        .᪶æª∏d á«∏NG~dG ¿hDƒ°ûdG ≈Yôj Ωɶf hCG ¿ƒfÉb
»∏NGO Ωɶf       affairs of an organization.
14                               N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE

Campaign                  Political activity, including meetings,      äÉYɪàL’G πª°ûJ á«°SÉ«°ùdG ᣰûfC’G øe á∏ªL      l
á∏ªM                      rallies, speeches, demonstrations,           äɢ°VGô˘©˘à˘ °S’Gh äGÒ°ùŸGh Ö˘˘ n£oÿGh äɢ˘fɢ˘Lô˘˘¡ŸGh
                          parades, and other events. The use of
                          media intended to inform citizens or
                                                                       .᪠q¶æŸG äÉÑ°SÉæŸG øe ÉgÒZh IQÉ«°ùdG ÖcGƒŸGh
                          government about the platform of a           ΩÓYEG á«æH ΩÓYE’G πFÉ°Sh ΩG~îà°SG É¡«dEG ±É° jo
                          particular candidate, coalition, or group                  qp
                                                                       hCG í°Tôe Ég~©jo »àdG èeGÈdÉH áeƒμ◊G hCG ÚæWGƒŸG
                          of citizens, to gather support.                 .ºY~∏d Gk ~°ûM ÚæWGƒŸG øe ≥jôa hCG øq«©e ∞dÉ–

Campaign Abuse/           An infringement, either intentional or       ¿ƒ˘fɢ≤˘dG Ωɢμ˘MC’ ,~˘ª˘©˘à˘ e ÒZ hCG ~˘˘ª˘ ©˘ à˘ e ,¥ô˘˘N
Violation                 unintentional, of the electoral law's reg-   ÖfGƒL øe ÖfÉL …CG º«¶æJ ≈YôJ »àdG »HÉîàf’G
                          ulations on any aspect of the campaign,
º«¶æJ ΩÉμMCG ¥ôN/∑É¡àfG   such as campaign finance, advertising,
                                                                       »àdG Oƒ«≤dGh ,É¡JÉfÓYEGh ,á∏ª◊G πjƒªàc ,á∏ª◊G
á∏ª◊G                     and media restrictions.                                        .»eÓYE’G iƒà°ùŸG ≈∏Y É¡d ™° îJ

Campaign Calendar         A calendar developed by a campaign to        ∫h~÷G ~˘j~˘ë˘à˘d á˘∏˘ª◊G ƒ˘ª˘¶˘æ˘e ɢg~˘©˘ oj ᢢeɢ˘fRhQ
á∏ª◊G áeÉfRhQ             schedule events and voter contact in         ɢ˘gDhɢ˘«˘ MEG ™˘˘eõŸG äɢ˘Ñ˘ °Sɢ˘æŸGh çG~˘˘MCÓ˘ d »˘˘æ˘ eõ˘˘ dG
                          the campaign.
                                                                                                    .ÚÑNÉædÉH ∫É°üJ’G ~«YGƒeh
Campaign Committee The decision-making group in a cam-                  ‘ QGô≤dG ™˘æ˘°U ¬˘«˘dEG ~˘¡˘©˘jo …ò˘dG ≥˘jô˘Ø˘dɢH π˘qã˘ª˘à˘J
á∏ª◊G áæ÷                 paign made up of the key advisors to          √ò¡d ≈æ°ùàjh .í°TôŸG …QÉ°ûà°ùe RôHCG º° jh á∏ª◊G
                          the candidate. This committee could
                                                                                q                                    q
                          also provide financial assistance to can-
                                                                        áaÉ°VEG á«dÉŸG äG~YÉ°ùŸÉH í°TôŸG ~“ ¿CG kÉ° jCG áæé∏dG
                                                                        k                                     q
                          didates, in addition to strategic support.   kÉ° jCG ™LGQ .¬d √ôaƒJ …òdG »é«JGΰS’G ºY~dG ¤EG
                          See also “Campaign Team.”                                                               .''á∏ª◊G ≥jôa''

Campaign Donation         A contribution of money to fund a             .á«°SÉ«°S á∏ªM πjƒªàd Ω~≤oJ »àdG á«dÉŸG áªgÉ°ùŸG
á∏ªë∏d äÉYÈJ              political campaign. There are two types       πjƒªàdG'' :äÉYÈàdG øe ÚYƒæH äÓª◊G ≈¶–h
                          of campaign donations: “hard money,”
                          which is regulated by campaign finance
                                                                        π˘jƒ˘ª˘à˘H á˘≤˘∏˘©˘àŸG ÚfGƒ˘≤˘dG ¬˘ª˘ q¶˘æ˘J …ò˘dG ' ~˘«˘≤ŸG
                          laws, and “soft money,” which is not         ™˘° î˘j ’ …ò˘dG ' ~˘q«˘ ≤ŸG ÒZ π˘˘jƒ˘˘ª˘ à˘ dG''h ,ᢢ∏˘ ª◊G
                          subject to campaign finance laws, but        …CG ºY~d ¬dɪ©à°SG Qqò©àj ɉEG IQƒcòŸG ÚfGƒ≤∏d
                          cannot be used to directly support a         kɢ° jCG ™˘LGQ .kGô˘°TÉ˘Ñ˘ e kɢ ª˘ YO ‹GQ~˘˘a Ö°üæŸ í˘˘°Tô˘˘e
                          candidate for federal office. See also
                          “Hard Money/Soft Money.”                                     .''~«≤ŸG ÒZ πjƒªàdG/~«≤ŸG πjƒªàdG''
                                                                                            q                         q
N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE                                                                   15

Campaign Finance             A movement to restrict and monitor            »àdG á«dÉŸG ≠dÉÑŸG §Ñ°Vh áÑbGôŸ ádhòÑŸG Oƒ¡÷G
Reform                       the amount of money individuals and           π˘jƒ˘ª˘ à˘ d í˘˘dɢ˘°üŸG äɢ˘Yƒ˘˘ª›h OGô˘˘aC’G ɢ˘¡˘ H º˘˘¡˘ °ùj
                             interest groups can contribute to politi-
á∏ª◊G πjƒ“ ᪶fCG ìÓ°UEG     cal campaigns.
                                                                                                               .á«°SÉ«°ùdG äÓª◊G

Campaign Finance             Laws that restrict the amount of money        í˘ª˘°ù˘jo »˘à˘dG ᢫˘dÉŸG ≠˘dÉ˘ÑŸG á˘ª˘«˘ b ø˘˘e ~– ÚfGƒ˘˘b
                                                                             n                                                 q
Regulations                  individuals and interest groups can con-      äÓªë∏d É¡H GƒYÈàj ¿CÉH ídÉ°üŸG äÉYƒª›h OGôaCÓd
                             tribute to political campaigns. Regulations
äÓª◊G πjƒ“ ᪶fCG            require candidates or political parties to
                                                                           äÓª◊G πjƒ“ ᪶fCG ÖLƒà°ùJ Ée kÉÑdÉZ .á«°SÉ«°ùdG
                             maintain and disclose financial records.      ∑ɢ˘ °ùeE’G ᢢ «˘ ˘°Sɢ˘ «˘ ˘°ùdG ÜGõ˘˘ MC’G hCG Ú뢢 °TôŸG ø˘˘ e
                                                                                                        .É¡æY ∞°ûμdGh á«dÉe äÓé°ùH
Campaign Literature Printed campaign material used to                      ÚÑNÉædG ´ÓWE’ á∏ª◊G É¡YRƒJ »àdG áYƒÑ£ŸG OGƒŸG
á∏ª◊G äGQƒ°ûæe/OGƒe
            æ                inform and persuade potential voters             .¬d âjƒ°üàdÉH º¡YÉæbEGh í°TôŸG ≈∏Y Ú∏ªàÙG
                             about the candidate.

Campaign Manager             The person responsible for overseeing         ᢢ«˘ é˘ «˘ JGΰSG ™˘˘°Vh ≈˘˘∏˘ Y ±ô˘˘°ûj …ò˘˘dG ¢ü°ûdG
á∏ª◊G ôj~e                   the strategic development and the day-to-                              .á«eƒ«dG É¡fhDƒ°T IQGOEGh á∏ª◊G
                             day running of the campaign. The candi-
                             date cannot be the campaign manager.

Campaign Period              Period of time, defined by law, within        Úë°Tôª∏d É¡«a íª°ùjh ¿ƒfÉ≤dG ÉgO~ëj á«æeR IÎa
á∏ª◊G I~e                    which candidates may conduct cam-             äÉjÉY~dGh OGƒŸG Ghô°ûæjh á∏ª◊G ᣰûfCG GhòØæj ¿CÉH
                             paign activities and distribute election

Campaign Plan                The written document drafted at the           á˘eɢ¡˘dG çɢë˘HC’G ™˘ªŒ »˘˘à˘ dG ᢢHƒ˘˘à˘ μŸG ᢢ≤˘ «˘ Kƒ˘˘dG
á∏ª◊G á£N                    beginning of a campaign bringing togeth-      á«é˘«˘JGΰS’Gh á˘dɢ°Sô˘dGh á˘na~˘¡˘à˘°ùŸG äɢYƒ˘ªÛGh
                             er the important research, targeting, mes-
                             sage, strategy, and step-by-step outline of
                                                                           ¤EG QÉ°üjo Ée kÉÑdÉZh .á«HÉîàf’G á∏ª◊G ‘ á©ÑàŸG           q
                             how the campaign will get to election day.    ᣰûfCG ÖcGƒàa ,á∏ª◊G ájG~H ‘ á£ÿG √òg áZÉ«°U
                                                                                .»HÉîàf’G Ωƒ«dG ¤EG k’ƒ°Uh ,kIƒ£N kIƒ£N á∏ª◊G
Campaign                     People who have proven past experi-                                             m
                                                                           ÉgƒÑ°ùàcG ∫ÉÛG Gòg ‘ á∏jƒW IÈîH ¿ƒ©àªàj ¢UÉî°TCG     l
Professionals                ence working on campaigns, and under-         ºgh »°VÉŸG ‘ äÓª◊G øe O~Y º«¶æJ ‘ º¡∏ªY øe
                             stand the fundamentals of campaign
äÓª◊G ¿hDƒ°T ‘ ¿ƒ°üàfl/AGÈN   development, such as raising money,
                                                                           ±ô©jo h .πª©dG Gòg AGOCG AÉ≤d Gk ôLCG ¿ƒ°VÉ≤àj Ée kÉÑdÉZ
                             formulating a campaign message, work-         äÓª◊G º«¶æàd á«°SÉ°SC’G ÇOÉÑŸÉH ™°SGƒdG º¡eÉŸEG º¡æY
                             ing with the media, and targeting and         ,á˘∏˘ª◊G á˘dɢ°SQ á˘Zɢ«˘°Uh ,äɢYÈà˘dG ™˘ª˘L ∫ɢã˘e ≈˘˘∏˘ Y
                             persuading voters. See also “Campaign         ÚÑ˘Nɢæ˘dG ±G~˘¡˘à˘°SGh ,ΩÓ˘Y’G π˘Fɢ˘°Sh ™˘˘e »˘˘Wɢ˘©˘ à˘ dGh
                             Committee,” “Campaign Manager,”
                             and “Scheduler.”                              ôj~e''h ,''á∏ª◊G áæ÷'' kÉ° jCG ™LGQ .âjƒ°üàdÉH º¡YÉæbE’
                                                                                         .''∫ɪYC’G/~«YGƒŸG ∫h~L ™°VGh''h ,''á∏ª◊G
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دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
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دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
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دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
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دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
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دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
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دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
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دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
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دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
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دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
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دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
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دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
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دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
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دليل المترجم  للمصطلحات الانتخابية
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دليل المترجم للمصطلحات الانتخابية

  • 1. Election Terminology A Guide to Frequently Used Terms and Phrases ‫ﻣﺼﻄﻠﺤـﺎﺕ‬ ‫ﺇﻧـﺘـﺨــــﺎﺑــﻴــــﺔ‬ ‫ﻄﻠﺤ ﺎﺕ ﻭﺍﻟ ﻌ ﺒ ﺎﺭﺍﺕ ﺍﻟﺸ ﺎﺋ ﻌ ﺔ‬ ‫ﺩﻟــﻴــﻞ ﺍﳌﺼﻄﻠﺤـــﺎﺕ ﻭﺍﻟــﻌــﺒــﺎﺭﺍﺕ ﺍﻟﺸــﺎﺋــﻌــــﺔ‬ G Governance e Campaig Plan p ign a M Majority R l Election n J dicial Pow Judicial Powe Bi Bias NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTE
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. The National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) is a nonprofit organization working to strength- en and expand democracy worldwide. Calling on a global network of volunteer experts, NDI provides practical assistance to civic and political party leaders advancing democratic values, practices, and institutions. NDI works with democrats in every region of the world to build political and civic organizations, to safeguard elections, and to promote citizen participation, openness, and accountability in government. Copyright © National Democratic Institute (NDI) 2009. All rights reserved. Portions of this work may be repro- duced and/or translated for noncommercial purposes provided NDI is acknowledged as the source of the materi- al and is sent copies of any translation. National Democratic Institute for International Affairs 2030 M Street, NW, 5th Floor Washington, DC 20036-3306 tel: (202) 728-5500 fax: (202) 728-5520 website: Translated by Nathalie Sleimane, Designed by Marc Rechdane. For any comments or suggestions please contact: ~¡©ŸG ôaƒjh .⁄É©dG ‘ ™°SGh ¥É£f ≈∏Y Égô°ûfh á«WGô≤Á~dG ~«WƒJ π«Ñ°S ‘ πª©J ,á«ëHQ ÒZ ᪶æe ƒg á«dh~dG ¿hDƒ°û∏d »æWƒdG »WGô≤Á~dG ~¡©ŸG áμÑ°ûH kÉæ«©à°ùe ,á«WGô≤Á~dG äÉ°ù°SDƒŸGh äÉ°SQɪŸGh º«≤dG ôjƒ£J πLCG øe ,Ú«°SÉ«°ùdGh Ú«f~ŸG IOÉ≤∏d á«∏ª©dG I~YÉ°ùŸG »æWƒdG »WGô≤Á~dG ágGõf ¿ƒ°Uh ,á«f~ŸGh á«°SÉ«°ùdG äɪ¶æŸG AÉæH ±~¡H ,⁄É©dG AÉëfCG πc ‘ Ú«WGô≤Á~dG ™e kÉ° jCG ~¡©ŸG ¿hÉ©àjh .ÚYƒ£àŸG AGÈÿG øe á«ŸÉY .ºμ◊G ‘ ádAÉ°ùŸGh ìÉàØf’G õjõ©Jh ,ÚæWGƒŸG ácQÉ°ûe ™«é°ûJ ¤EG áaÉ°VE’ÉH ,äÉHÉîàf’G ÜÉàμdG Gòg øe AGõLCG êÉàfEG IOÉYEG øμÁ .¬d áXƒØfi ¥ƒ≤◊G ™«ªL .2009 á«dh~dG ¿hDƒ°û∏d »æWƒdG »WGô≤Á~dG ~¡©ª∏d ™Ñ£dG ¥ƒ≤M Oƒ©J © .~¡©ŸG ¤EG áªLÎdG øY áî°ùf ∫É°SQEGh IQƒ°ûæŸG IOɪ∏d Gk Q~°üe »æWƒdG »WGô≤Á~dG ~¡©ŸG ôcP •ô°T ,ájQÉŒ ÒZ mäÉjɨd É¡àªLôJ hCG/h .¿G~°TQ ∑QÉe »YÉÑW º«ª°üJ ,¿Éª«∏°S ‹ÉJÉf áªLôJ :ÊhÎμdE’G ~jÈdG ¤EG ÜÉàμdG Gòg áªLôJ ∫ƒM ∫GDƒ°S hCG ≥«∏©J …CG ∫É°SQEG AÉLôdG
  • 5. Foreword Compiling the English-based jargon of election work and translating it into a language as intricate and uncompro- mising as Arabic is a daunting mission. It would be an understatement to say that Arabic speakers are passionate about their language and quick to debate usage, nuance, and meaning. NDI’s Arabic Publication Center in Beirut first set out on this venture in 2004, publishing its English-Arabic Translator’s Guide to Election Terminology the following year. With 200 additional entries and a new Arabic-English feature, this revised and updated publication of the Guide has left few stones unturned. Even the most obscure expressions have been discussed and definitions have been attempted. As NDI expands democracy and governance programs throughout the Arabic speaking world, Arabic speakers on the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) team will inevitably be at the forefront of creating new and precise idiom to convey the concepts and ideas central to NDI’s work. The team at the Arabic Publication Center humbly offers this second effort with the hope that it will not only prove useful to NDI programs but that it will spark the regional discussion necessary to refine and improve its content. The Guide is meant to be used as a reference document for NDI staff and contract interpreters. It is not meant to be the final, authoritative resource. User feedback is essential - comments and thoughts on terms, definition, usage, and regional application are desired and actively solicited. Comments and suggestions can be emailed to the NDI Publication Center at: Joseph Hall, Senior Advisor Middle East and North Africa Beirut, Lebanon
  • 6. áÄWƒJ ΩÉ¡ŸG ±É°üe ¤EG ¿É«bôj á«Hô©dG á¨∏dÉc I~≤©eh áÑ©°U á¨d ¤EG É¡àªLôJh äÉHÉîàf’G ∫É› ‘ πª©dÉH á≤∏©àŸG ájõ«∏μfE’G äÉë∏£°üŸG ™ªL q¿CG ∂°T ’ »àdG á≤«b~dG äÉæjÉÑàdGh ,ÉgÒHÉ©J ∫ɪ©à°SG á≤jôW á°ûbÉæe øY ≈fGƒàj ’h ¬à¨∏H ±ƒ¨°T »Hô©dG ÇQÉ≤dG q¿CG ~MCG ≈∏Y ≈Øîj ’h .á«æ° ŸGh ábÉ°ûdG Q~°UCÉa 2004 ΩÉ©dG ‘ IôeɨŸG √òg »æWƒdG »WGô≤Á~dG ~¡©ª∏d ™HÉàdG ähÒH ‘ á«Hô©dG äGQƒ°ûæŸG õcôe ¢VÉN ,∂dP øe kÉbÓ£fGh .É¡«fÉ©eh ,É¡ØæàμJ í∏£°üe »àÄà áK~ÙGh áë≤æŸG á©Ñ£dG √òg º«©£J ™e ,øμdh .‹ÉàdG ΩÉ©dG ‘ »HôY/…õ«∏μfEG-á«HÉîàf’G äÉë∏£°üª∏d ºLΟG π«dO øe á©ÑW ∫hCG øe É¡Ñ«°üf äòNCG kÉeÉ¡HEG ÌcC’G äÉë∏£°üŸG ≈àM ;´ƒ°VƒŸG Gòg ÖfGƒL πμH áWÉME’G ¿ÉμeE’G Q~b ÉædhÉM ,á«Hô©dG ®ÉØdC’ÉH Om ô°ùe êGQOEGh ‘É°VEG q .É¡d m∞jô©J ™°Vh ¤EG Éæ«©°Sh ,¢TÉ≤ædG kɪàM »©«Ñ£dG øe ¿Éμa ,ºμ◊G IQGOEGh á«WGô≤Á~dG »ndÉ› ‘ »Hô©dG ⁄É©dG ¿G~∏H ‘ É¡ª q¶æj »àdG èeGÈdG ¥É£f ™°Sƒj »æWƒdG »WGô≤Á~dG ~¡©ŸG ¿Éc ÉqŸh r q π≤æd á≤«bO á«MÓ£°UG äGQÉÑY çG~ëà°SG ∫É› ‘ kÉjOÉjQ Gk QhO É«≤jôaCG ∫ɪ°Th §°ShC’G ¥ô°ûdG á≤£æe øª°V á«Hô©dG á¨∏dÉH ≥WÉædG πª©dG ≥jôa …ODƒj ¿CG .~¡©ŸG πªY É¡dƒM Qƒëªàj »àdG QÉμaC’Gh º«gÉØŸG ~¡©ŸG èeGôH iƒà°ùe ≈∏Y ÉgGh~L âÑãJ ’CG kÓeBG á«fÉãdG áHôéàdG √òg ™°VGƒJ πμH á«Hô©dG äGQƒ°ûæŸG õcôe ‘ πeÉ©dG ≥jôØdG ¢Vƒîj Éæg øe π«d~dG Gòg q¿CG kɪ∏Y ,¬«∏Y äÉæ«°ù– ∫ÉNOEGh π«d~dG Gòg ÚeÉ° e í«≤æàd …Qhô° dG ¢TÉ≤ædG ÜGƒHCG á≤£æŸG ‘ íàØJ ¿CG πH ,Ö°ùMh »æWƒdG »WGô≤Á~dG p .kÉ«FÉ¡f kÉ«ª°SQ kÉ©Lôe ’ ,º¡©e ~bÉ©àdG qºàj øjòdG ¿ƒjQƒØdG ¿ƒªLΟGh ~¡©ŸG ‘ πeÉ©dG ≥jôØdG √~ªà©j kÉ©Lôe ¿ƒμ«d ™°Vho ,äÉë∏£°üŸG øY º¡FGQBG hCG º¡JÉ≤«∏©J AG~HEG ¤EG ìÉ◊EÉH º¡ãëfh ,¬dƒM äÉYÉÑ£fG øe º¡j~d ¿ƒμàj Éà π«d~dG ƒe~îà°ùe ÉfOhõj ¿CG É檡j ,∂dòd q q :ÊhÎμdE’G ~jÈdG ¤EG π«d~dG Gòg áªLôJ ∫ƒM ìGÎbG hCG ≥«∏©J …CG ∫É°SQEG AÉLôdG .≥WÉæŸG ‘ É¡dɪ©à°SG á«°Uƒ°üNh ,É¡dɪ©à°SG á≤jôWh ,É¡JÉØjô©Jh q ≈∏YC’G QÉ°ûà°ùŸG ,∫ƒg ∞jRƒL É«≤jôaCG ∫ɪ°Th §°SC’G ¥ô°ûdG á≤£æŸ ¿ÉæÑd - ähÒH
  • 7. Acknowledgements This updated and revised Guide builds on the work of its first publication, for which May Ahmar, served as editor. She was assisted by Hiba Charara with research and by Arabic Publication Center Translator, Nour Al Assad, with translation. Nathalie Sleimane, Arabic Publication Center Coordinator, served as the primary and final editor for this second publication of the Guide. Mr. Ayman Mhanna and Ms. Deborah Brown from the NDI Lebanon team assisted with translation, research, and editing the Guide. Elizabeth Tomber and Neil Durnan from the Levant team and Julia Brothers, Laura Grace, and Richard Klein from the Elections team contributed an additional 180 terms and pro- vided expert advice for the Guide. Sources The glossaries included in NDI’s “Monitoring Electronic Technologies in the Electoral Process” by Vladimr Pran and Patrick Merloe, and “The Political Campaign Planning Manual” by J.Brian O'Day were added verbatim to the Guide. Other sources and websites are gratefully acknowledged below: ACE PROJECT Glossary & Encyclopedia: Produced by the International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES), the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA), and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA). International IDEA: Electoral System Design: The New International IDEA Handbook (English and Arabic versions) 2005/2006. UNDP Programme on Governance in the Arab Region (POGAR). UNTERM is a Multilingual Database including terminology related to the United Nations’ work in elections, gov- ernance, and other programs. Access Clark County is the official website for Clark County Nevada. It provides information about local govern- ment, legislation, and public services for local constituents. The Boulder Community Network (BCN) provides non-profit organizations with information about community issues. Elections Canada is an independent body established by parliament. This website is part of an effort to provide accessible information about the federal electoral system.
  • 8. ôj~≤Jh ôμ°T áª∏c áÑg I~«°ùdG øe mI~YÉ°ùà ,ÉgOG~YEG ≈∏Y ôªMC’G »e á°ùfB’G âaô°TCG »àdG ¤hC’G á©Ñ£dG äÉ«£©e ¤EG π«d~dG øe áK~ÙGh áë≤æŸG á©Ñ£dG √òg äõμJQG .á«Hô©dG äGQƒ°ûæŸG õcôe ‘ áªLΟG ,~©°SC’G Qƒf á°ùfB’G øeh ,çÉëHC’ÉH âeÉb »àdG IQGô°T mI~YÉ°ùà ,AÉ«dG ¤EG ∞dC’G øe π«d~dG Gòg øe á«fÉãdG á©Ñ£dG OG~YEG ≈∏Y âaô°TCG ~≤a ,á«Hô©dG äGQƒ°ûæŸG õcôe ¿hDƒ°T á≤°ùæe ,¿Éª«∏°S ‹ÉJÉf á°ùfB’G ÉeCG IOÉ°TE’G Q~Œh .í«≤æàdGh çÉëHC’Gh áªLÎdG ä’É› ‘ ,¿ÉæÑd ‘ πeÉ©dG ~¡©ŸG ≥jôa øª°V øjƒ° Y ɪ¡àØ°üH ,¿hGôH GQƒÑjO á°ùfB’Gh Éæ¡e øÁCG ~«°ùdG øe GQƒdh ,RôKhôH É«dƒLh ,¥ô°ûŸG èeGÈH »æ©ŸG ≥jôØdG øe ¿ÉfQOo π«fh ÈeƒJ å«HGõ«dEG ,ºgDhɪ°SCG á«dÉàdG ¢UÉî°TC’G kÉ° jCG É¡e~b »àdG I~YÉ°ùŸÉH kÉ° jCG q kÉbÓ£fG º¡JGQÉ°ûà°SÉH π«d~dG GƒæZCGh kÉë∏£°üe 180 áaÉ°VEÉH kÉ©«ªL A’Dƒg º¡°SCG ~≤a .äÉHÉîàf’G èeGÈH »æ©ŸG ≥jôØdG øe øjÓc OQÉ°ûàjQh ,¢ùjGôZ q .äÉHÉîàf’G ∫É› ‘ AGÈîc º¡©bƒe øe ™LGôŸGh QOÉ°üŸG áªFÉb øe ' á«HÉîàf’G äÉ«∏ª©dG ‘ I~ªà©ŸG á«fhÎμdE’G äÉ«LƒdƒæμàdG áÑbGôe'' ¿Gƒæ©H ôNBGm π«dO ‘ áe~îà°ùŸG äÉë∏£°üŸG ´ƒª› π«d~dG Gòg ¤EG n∞«°VoCG n n ™bGƒŸGh QOÉ°üŸÉH ¬jƒæàdG øe kÉ° jCG ~H ’h .…GOhCG øjGôH ∞«dCÉJ øe ' á«HÉîàf’G á«°SÉ«°ùdG äÓª◊G OG~YEG π«dO'' ‘h ,ƒdÒe ∂jôJÉHh ¿GôH ÒÁOÓa OG~YEG q :á«dÉàdG »gh ,É¡«dEG Éf~æà°SG »àdG iôNC’G á«fhÎμdE’G :»HÉîàf’G ™bƒŸG ≈∏Y (ACE PROJECT) É¡Ø«dÉμJh äÉHÉîàf’G IQGOEG ´hô°ûe øY QOÉ°üdG á«HÉîàf’G äÉë∏£°üŸG ºé©eh ' ¢ùjEG' áYƒ°Sƒe ¿hDƒ°ûdG IQGOEGh ,(IDEA) äÉHÉîàf’Gh á«WGô≤Á~∏d á«dh~dG á°ù°SDƒŸGh ,(IFES) á«HÉîàf’G ᪶fCÓd á«dh~dG á°ù°SDƒŸG øe mIQOÉÑà ´hô°ûŸG Gòg CÉ°ûf ~bh .(UNDESA) I~ëàŸG ·C’G ‘ á«YɪàL’Gh ájOÉ°üàb’G :ÊhÎμdE’G ™bƒŸG ≈∏Y äÉHÉîàf’Gh á«WGô≤Á~∏d á«dh~dG á°ù°SDƒŸG .2006/2005 áë≤æŸGh I~j~÷G á«Hô©dG ¬àî°ùfh ájõ«∏μfE’G ¬àî°ùf ‘ äÉHÉîàf’Gh á«WGô≤Á~∏d á«dh~dG á°ù°SDƒŸG π«dO :á«HÉîàf’G º¶ædG ∫Éμ°TCG :ÊhÎμdE’G ™bƒŸG ≈∏Y (POGAR) á«Hô©dG ∫h~dG ‘ ºμ◊G IQGOEG ∫ƒM »FɉE’G I~ëàŸG ·C’G èeÉfôH »ndÉ› ‘ ᪶æŸG πª©H á∏°üàŸG äÉë∏£°üŸG øª° àJh I~ëàŸG ·C’G ᪶æe É¡JÉ°ûfCG »àdG (UNTERM) äɨ∏dG IO~©àŸG äÉë∏£°üŸG I~YÉb r q :ÊhÎμdE’G ™bƒŸG ≈∏Y ôaGƒàJ »gh .iôNC’G èeGÈdÉH ∂dòch ,ºμ◊G IQGOEGh äÉHÉîàf’G ,äÉ©jô°ûàdGh ,á«∏ÙG ºμ◊G äÉ°ù°SDƒe øY äÉeƒ∏©e ™bƒŸG Gòg Ω~≤jh .GOÉØ«f ‘ ∑QÓc á©WÉ≤Ÿ (Access Clark County) »ª°SôdG ÊhÎμdE’G ™bƒŸG q .»∏ÙG ÖNÉæ∏d IôaGƒàŸG áeÉ©dG äÉe~ÿGh :ÊhÎμ˘˘dE’G ™˘˘bƒŸG ≈˘˘∏˘ Y ᢢ«˘ ∏ÙG ¿hDƒ˘ °ûdG ø˘˘Y mäɢ˘eƒ˘˘∏˘ ©Ã ᢢ«˘ ë˘ Hô˘˘dG ÒZ äɢ˘ª˘ ˘¶˘ ˘æŸG ~“ »˘˘ à˘ ˘dG q (Boulder Community Network) á˘μ˘Ñ˘ °T ᪶fCG øY äÉeƒ∏©ŸG Òaƒàd ádhòÑŸG Oƒ¡÷G QÉWEG ‘ ÊhÎμdE’G ™bƒŸG Gòg ICÉ°ûf âJCG ~bh .¿ÉŸÈdG ÉgCÉ°ûfCG á∏≤à°ùe áÄ«g »gh Elections Canada áÄ«g :á«dGQ~ØdG ∫h~dG ‘ ÜÉîàf’G
  • 9.
  • 10. N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE 1 A Absentee Ballot A ballot used by voters who are unable º¡©°ùj ’ øjòdG ¿ƒÑNÉædG É¡e~îà°ùj ´GÎbG ábQh to go to the polls to vote, either because ábÉYEÉH º¡àHÉ°UE’ ÉeEG ,´GÎb’G õcGôe ¤EG ∫ƒ°UƒdG »HÉ«¨dG ´GÎb’G ábQh they are disabled or will be away from their district on election day. Often, but Ωƒj ‘ á«HÉîàf’G IôFG~dG øY ºg~©Ñd hCG áj~°ùL not always, absentee balloting is done ¿ƒÑNÉædG A’Dƒg ´Î≤j Ée kÉÑdÉZ ,∂dòd .ÜÉîàf’G through the mail. See also, “Out of ' ~∏ÑdG êQÉN âjƒ°üJ'' kÉ° jCG ™LGQ .~jÈdG ÈY kÉ«HÉ«Z Q Country Voting (OCV)” and “Postal .''~jÈdG ÈY âjƒ°üJ''h Vote/Voting By Mail.” Absentee Voting A voting method by which voters can øe º¡JGƒ°UCÉH A’OE’G ÚÑNÉæ∏d í«àJ âjƒ°üJ á«dBG »HÉ«Z ´GÎbG/âjƒ°üJ cast their ballots without going to their Ωƒj ‘ º¡d IO~ÙG ´GÎb’G õcGôe ¤EG ¬LƒàdG ¿hO polling station on the day fixed for vot- ing. See also “Embassy Voting,” ,''äGQɢ˘Ø˘ °ùddG ‘ âjƒ˘˘°üJ'' kɢ ° jCG ™˘˘LGQ .Üɢ˘î˘ à˘ f’G “Out of Country Voting (OCV),” .''~jÈdG ÈY âjƒ°üJ''h ,''~∏ÑdG êQÉN âjƒ°üJ''h Q and “Postal Vote/Voting By Mail.” Absolute Majority The required level of support in votes ∫ƒ˘°ü◊G ܃˘˘∏˘ £ŸG äGƒ˘˘°UC’G O~˘˘Y ᢢjÌcC’G √ò˘˘¡˘ H OGô˘˘jo required to win an electoral contest or …C’ Gk ~«jCÉJ hCG á«HÉîàfG ácô©e …ÉC H RƒØ∏d áeÉY ¬«∏Y k á≤∏£e ájÌcCG a referendum. In most countries, an q absolute majority is calculated as 50% ,¿G~˘∏˘Ñ˘dG º˘¶˘©˘e ‘ .Aɢ˘à˘ Ø˘ à˘ °SÓ˘˘d ᢢMhô˘˘£˘ e ᢢdÉC ˘ °ùe + 1, while in other countries a higher äGƒ°UC’G øe %50 áÑ°ùæH á≤∏£ŸG ájÌcC’G Ö°ùàëoJ n threshold is required by law, such as ¢ ©H ‘ ¿ƒfÉ≤dG ΩÉμMCG •Î°ûJ ɪ«a ,~MGh 䃰U ~FGR two-thirds or 70%. Various legal sys- √òg ÚeCÉàd ≈∏YCG áÑ°ùf ≈∏Y ∫ƒ°ü◊G iôNC’G ¿G~∏ÑdG tems set different quota requirements for the absolute majority; for example áÑ°ùædG √òg q¿GC kɪ∏Y ,kÓãe Úã∏ãdG ájÌcCÉc ,ájÌcC’G a country may include all eligible vot- ±Óà˘NɢH ∞˘∏˘à˘î˘J á˘≤˘∏˘£ŸG á˘jÌcC’G ÚeCɢà˘d á˘Hƒ˘∏˘£ŸG ers or legislators, not simply all partic- Ö°ùà˘ë˘j ’ ¿G~˘∏˘ Ñ˘ dG ¢ ©˘˘Ñ˘ a .ᢢ«˘ fƒ˘˘fɢ˘≤˘ dG ᢢª˘ ¶˘ f’GC ipating voters or legislators, in the cal- culation of an absolute majority which ÜGƒædG hCG ÚÑNÉædG O~Y ¢SÉ°SCG ≈∏Y á≤∏£ŸG ájÌcC’G means that high voter abstention rates ™«ªL ¢SÉ°SCG ≈∏Y πH ,Ö°ùMh âjƒ°üàdG ‘ ÚcQÉ°ûŸG can cause an initiative to fail. See also q¿GC »æ©j ɇ ,âjƒ°üà∏d Ú∏gDƒŸG ÜGƒædG hCG ÚÑNÉædG “Plurality/Relative Majority” and ÖÑ°ùàj ¿CG øμÁ âjƒ°üàdG øY Ú©æટG áÑ°ùf ´ÉØJQG “Simple Majority.” f ' á«Ñ°ùf ájÌcCG' kÉ° jCG ™LGQ .âjƒ°üJ IQOÉÑe …GC ∫É°ûaEÉH q .''ájOÉY ájÌcCG' h
  • 11. 2 N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE Accessibility The level of access for election stake- øà ,äÉHÉîàf’G ‘ Ú«æ©ŸG IQ~b i~e ≈∏Y ∫~J q holders, including citizens and political ,¿ƒ°ùaÉæàŸG ¿ƒ«°SÉ«°ùdG ¿ƒë°TôŸGh ¿ƒæWGƒŸG º¡«a ´ÓW’Gh ácQÉ°ûŸG á«fÉμeEG Ÿ competitors, to participate in and gar- ner information about all stages of the äÉeƒ∏©ŸG ™ªL ≈∏Y ∂dòch É¡«a ácQÉ°ûŸG ≈∏Y electoral process. .á«HÉîàf’G á«∏ª©dG πMGôe πc øY Accountability The relationship between government ,øWGƒŸGh áeƒμ◊G ÚH CÉ°ûæJ »àdG ábÓ©dÉH ≈q∏éàJ and citizens. Acknowledgement and äGQGô˘≤˘dG ø˘Y ɢ¡˘à˘«˘ dhDƒ˘ °ùÃ á˘˘eƒ˘˘μ◊G ô˘ ≤˘ J å«˘˘M áÑ°SÉfi/ádAÉ°ùe e assumption of responsibility for deci- q sions, actions, and policies, in light of πªëàJh ,É¡æY Q~°üJ »àdG äÉ°SÉ«°ùdGh ∫ɪYC’Gh q agreed expectations, such as an agree- øe ±ôW πc ¬©bƒàj Ée Aƒ°V ≈∏Y á«dhDƒ°ùŸG √òg q ment between an elected official and ∫hDƒ˘ ˘°ùŸG ÚH Oƒ˘˘ ≤˘ ˘©ŸG ¥É˘˘ Ø˘ ˘J’G ¬˘˘ Ñ˘ ˘°ûj ÉÃh ô˘˘ NB’G his/her constituents. .¬«ÑNÉfh ÖîàæŸG n Ad Hoc Electoral Electoral districts that are created out- É¡«∏Y ±QÉ©àŸG ôWC’G êQÉN CÉ°ûæJ á«HÉîàfG ôFGhO Districts side of the standard framework and/or ô˘˘ FGh~˘˘ dG º˘˘ «˘ ˘°SÎd IO~ÙG ᢢ «˘ ˘æ˘ ˘ eõ˘˘ ˘dG π˘˘ ˘¡ŸG hCG/h timeline for designing electoral districts. ¢Vô¨d ICÉ°ûæe á«HÉîàfG ôFGhO æ .á«HÉîàf’G á°UÉN á«HÉîàfG ôFGhO/¢UÉN Additional See “Mixed-Member Proportional .''á£∏àıG ájƒ° ©dG Ωɶf'' ™LGQ Member System System.” ‘É°VE’G ~©≤ŸG ÜÉîàfG Ωɶf Adjudication The hearing and deciding of a legal case QG~°UEGh áªμÙG ΩÉeCG ™aôoJ á«fƒfÉb iƒYO ‘ ô¶ædG in a court of law. .É¡fCÉ°ûH ºμM äÉYRÉæŸG ‘ π°üa Administration Clerk The person responsible for organizing Ωƒ˘˘«˘ ∏˘ d I~˘ ©ŸG OGƒŸG º˘˘«˘ ¶˘ æ˘ J ø˘˘ Y ∫Cɢ ˘°ù˘˘ jo ¢ü °T q l …QGOEG ∞Xƒe materials for election day and assisting á«fƒfÉ≤dG äGAGôLE’G ≥«Ñ£J ‘ ~YÉ°ùjh »HÉîàf’G with post-election day statutory require- ments, in addition to performing gener- ,ƒgh .»HÉîàf’G Ωƒ«dG ~©H Ée kɪμM ÖJÎJ »àdG al administration and clerical functions á˘eɢ©˘dG á˘jQGOE’G Ωɢ˘¡ŸÉ˘˘H ™˘˘∏˘ £˘ ° j ,∂dP ø˘˘Y kÓ˘ ° a related to elections administration. .äÉHÉîàf’G IQGOEÉH á£ÑJôŸG Administrative The unintentional exclusion of an eligi- π˘é˘°S ø˘e âjƒ˘°üà˘∏˘d π˘˘gƒ˘ e ÖNɢ˘f …GC º˘˘°SG •É˘˘≤˘ °SEG D q Exclusion ble voter from the voters roll due to lim- á«∏ªY IQGOEG ‘ m π∏N OƒLƒd ~°üb ÒZ øY ÚÑNÉædG itations of voter registration administra- …QGOEG AÉ°übEG tion, such as a poorly publicized dead- π˘¡˘e ø˘Y ¿Ó˘Y’G ‘ Ò°ü≤˘à˘dɢc ,ÚÑ˘Nɢæ˘dG π˘˘«˘ é˘ °ùJ E lines, redistricting, clerical errors, or due ,á«HÉîàf’G ôFGh~dG º«°SôJ IOÉYEG ÖÑ°ùH hCG ,π«é°ùàdG to voter inaction, such as failing to com- ∫ɪμà°SG øY ÚÑNÉædG ¢ùYÉ≤J hCG ájQGOE’G AÉ£NC’G plete the registration process correctly. .á«YôŸG ∫ƒ°UC’G ≥ah π«é°ùàdG á«∏ªY
  • 12. N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE 3 Advance Voting Voting conducted before election day IÎØ˘dG ø˘ª˘°V Üɢ˘î˘ à˘ f’G Ωƒ˘˘j π˘˘Ñ˘ b …ô˘˘é˘ j ´GÎbG ôμÑe âjƒ°üJ during a period specified by the electoral ¿G~∏ÑdG ¿CÉ°T øeh .ÜÉîàf’G ¿ƒfÉb ÖLƒÃ IO~ÙG law. Countries that allow early voting may require citizens to justify why they ø˘˘e Ö∏˘˘ £˘ ˘J ¿CG ô˘˘ μ˘ ˘ÑŸG ´GÎb’ɢ˘ H í˘˘ ª˘ ˘°ùJ »˘˘ à˘ ˘dG are unable to cast a ballot on election º¡JGƒ°UCÉH A’OE’G øY ºgõéY ÖÑ°S ôjÈJ É¡«æWGƒe day. Also known as advanced voting. .ÜÉîàf’G Ωƒj ‘ Advertisements Political campaigning in a form of voter äÓª◊G ¿ÉHEG ÚÑNÉædÉH ∫É°üJ’G ∫Éμ°TCG øe lπμ°T (»HÉîàfG) ¿ÓYEG contact in which the campaign pays to ádÉ°SQ ∫É°üjEG ΩÓYE’G πFÉ°Sh ~¡©àJ å«M á«°SÉ«°ùdG have the mass media deliver the mes- sage. See also “Mass Media,” πFÉ°Sh''h ,''(á∏ª◊G) ádÉ°SQ'' ™LGQ .∫~H πHÉ≤e á∏ª◊G “Message,” and “Paid Media.” .''´ƒa~e ΩÓYEG' h ,''ΩÓYE’G Affiliate In the electoral context, this is a person, ¢üî°ûdG ¤EG ,»HÉîàf’G ¥É«°ùdG ‘ ,í∏£°üŸG Gòg Ò°ûj `H §ÑJôe political group, or a non-political »àdG á«°SÉ«°ùdG ÒZ ᪶æŸG hCG á«°SÉ«°ùdG áYƒªÛG hCG organization associated with a candi- date or political organization. .»°SÉ«°S º«¶æàH hCG í°Tôà •ÉÑJQG É¡j~d ¿ƒμj Alien/Non-Citizen Individuals living in a country who are áØ°U πªëj ¿CG ÒZ øe ø«©e ~∏H ‘ ¢û«©j Ol ôa q »ÑæLCG not legal citizens of the nation or of the áj’ƒdG hCG ádh~dG ÉjÉYôd I~FÉ©dG »Yô°ûdG øWGƒŸG state in which they reside, and therefore do not have access to the same rights ¥ƒ˘≤◊ɢH ™˘à˘ª˘à˘dG ¬˘dƒ˘î˘j ’ ɇ ,ɢ¡˘«˘a º˘«˘≤˘ j »˘˘à˘ dG q and responsibilities as citizens. See also .É¡˘«˘æ˘WGƒ˘e ¤EG IOƒ˘¡˘©ŸG äɢ«˘dhDƒ˘°ùŸÉ˘H ´Ó˘£˘°V’Gh “Citizen” and “Resident.” .''~∏ÑdG ‘ º«≤e''h ' øWGƒe'' kÉ° jCG ™LGQ Alliance An association of groups, people, or ≈∏Y ≥aGƒàJ k’hO hCG kÉ°UÉî°TCG hCG äÉYƒª› º° j ™ªŒ q q ∞dÉ– nations who agree to cooperate to .∑ΰûe ±~g ≥«≤– πLCG øe É¡æ«H Ée ‘ ¿hÉ©àdG achieve a common goal. An alliance is usually a formal agreement. See also .''±ÓàFG''h ' πàμJ'' kÉ° jCG ™LGQ “Bloc” and “Coalition.” Allocation of Seats Distribution of seats to political parties Úë°TôŸG hCG á«°SÉ«°ùdG ÜGõMC’G ≈∏Y ~YÉ≤ŸG ™jRƒJ or candidates within a legislative body »àdG äGƒ°UC’G O~©d kÉ≤ah á«©jô°ûàdG áÄ«¡dG πNGO ~YÉ≤ŸG ™jRƒJ according to votes received. .É¡«∏Y ¿ƒ∏°üëj
  • 13. 4 N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE Alternative Vote A voting method used in plurality/major- ≥Ñ£ŸG …ÌcC’G ΩɶædG πX ‘ ™ÑàoJ âjƒ°üJ á«dBG q q πj~ÑdG 䃰üdG Ωɶf ity systems in single-member districts in ‘ GƒÑJôj ¿CÉH ÚÑNÉæ∏d í«àJh ájOôØdG ôFGh~dG øª°V which voters mark their order prefer- ences for candidates on the ballot by º¡«dEG øjÒ°ûe ,Ú∏° ØŸG º¡«ë°Tôe ´GÎb’G ábQh using numbers. If no candidate wins an πæj ⁄ ∫ÉM ‘h .º¡j~d á«∏° aC’G áLQO Ö°ùëHm ΩÉbQCÉH n absolute majority when first preference äGƒ˘°UC’G ™˘jRƒ˘J ~˘æ˘Y á˘≤˘∏˘£ŸG ᢢjÌcC’G í˘˘°Tô˘˘e …CG q votes are distributed, the least successful candidates are excluded and the second Ú뢰TôŸG Oɢ©˘Ñ˘à˘°SG ¤EG Qɢ°ü˘oj ,¤hC’G ᢫˘∏˘«˘° Ø˘˘à˘ dG preference votes of their supporters are äGƒ°UCG ™jRƒJ IOÉYEG ¤EGh ácô©ŸG øY kɶM πbC’G redistributed. This process continues ¿CG ¤EG IôμdG OÉ©oJh .á«fÉãdG á«∏«° ØàdG º¡j~jDƒe q until a candidate achieves a majority. .ájÌcC’ÉH Úë°TôŸG ~MCG ≈¶ëj Amendment of A revision or change made in the elec- Gòg ‘ á«YôŸG ᪶fC’Gh ÜÉîàf’G ¿ƒfÉb ´É° NEG Electoral Law toral law and regulations by formal proce- .»ª°SQ AGôLE’ kÉ≤ÑW ,Ò«¨àdG hCG á©LGôŸG ¤EG ∫ÉÛG dure. See also “Electoral Reform.” »HÉîàf’G ¿ƒfÉ≤dG πj~©J .' »HÉîàfG ìÓ°UEG' kÉ° jCG ™LGQ Anomaly A deviation or departure from the normal ~YGƒ≤dG hCG ,∫ƒ°UC’G hCG ,᪶fC’G øY êhôN hCG ±GôëfG I~YÉ≤dG øY Phò°T order, form, or rule. Can be found by ‘ Phò˘˘°ûdG ô˘˘gɢ˘ ¶˘ ˘e º˘˘ g~˘˘ MGC ~˘˘ °Uô˘˘ j ~˘˘ ≤˘ ˘a .ᢢ «˘ ˘YôŸG comparing election results (e.g. rates of voter participation, numbers of spoilt bal- äÉHÉîàf’G É¡à∏é°S »àdG èFÉàædG áfQÉ≤à äÉHÉîàf’G lots, margins of victory, etc.) from a cur- ¥GQhCG O~˘˘ Yh ,ÚÑ˘˘ Nɢ˘ æ˘ ˘dG ᢢ cQɢ˘ ˘°ûe Ö°ùæ˘˘ ˘c) ᢢ ˘jQÉ÷G rent election in the region with data from äÉfÉ«ÑH (É¡«dEG Éeh ,RƒØdG ¢ûeÉgh ,á«ZÓdG ´GÎb’G previous years. .iôNCG ≥WÉæe hCG mäGƒæ°S ‘ äôL äÉHÉîàfG øe IÉ≤à°ùe Apathy Voter A trend among some voters that demon- ¿h~Ñj ɪ∏b øjòdG ÚÑNÉædG ¢ ©H i~d áéFGQ ádÉM m ∫ÉÑe’ ÖNÉf strates lack of interest in voting, politics, ,»˘°Sɢ«˘°ùdG π˘ª˘©˘dGh ,âjƒ˘°üà˘dG ᢫˘∏˘ ª˘ Y ‘ kɢ eɢ˘ª˘ à˘ gG candidates, and other public issues. See also “Voter Drop Off” and “Voter Fatigue.” ™LGQ .ΩÉ©dG ¿CÉ°ûdÉH ≥∏©àJ iôNCG ÉjÉ° b ‘h ,Úë°TôŸGh .''ÖNÉædG áªg Qƒàa''h ' ácQÉ°ûŸG iƒà°ùe ¢VÉØîfG'' kÉ° jCG Ÿ e Apparentement A device used in some list proportional í«àJh á«Ñ°ùædG áëFÓdG ᪶fCG ¢ ©H ‘ ~ªà©oJ á«dBG n »HÉîàfG πàμJ representation systems which enables ‘ É¡∏àμJ øY ø∏©J ¿CG É¡æ«H Ée ‘ •ÉÑJQG ’ mÜGõMC’ separate parties to declare themselves linked for the purpose of seat allocation. .~YÉ≤ŸG ™jRƒJ ~æY É¡°VGôZC’ áe~N ,äÉHÉîàf’G k Appellate Court Any court of law that is empowered to øY QOÉ°U ºμM ‘ ô¶ædG á«MÓ°U É¡«dEG πncƒJ áªμfi …CG ±ÉæÄà°S’G áªμfi hear an appeal of a court or other tribunal. ø©£∏d áYƒaôŸG ihÉY~dG ‘ âÑdG QÉWEG ‘h .iôNCG áªμfi In the process of electoral complaints adjudication, an appellate court can be the ±ÉæÄà°S’G áªμfi Ωƒ≤J ¿CG øμÁ ,äÉHÉîàf’G áë°U ‘ next body of review after the election áÄ«g ~©H ¿ƒ©£dG √òg ‘ ô¶æJ »àdG á©LGôŸG áÄ«g ΩÉ≤e management body (EMB), electoral court, ¿ƒ˘©˘£˘dɢH ᢰüàıG á˘ª˘μÙG ~˘©˘H hCG ,äɢ˘Hɢ˘î˘à˘f’G IQGOEG electoral tribunal, or other designated judi- QG~°UE’ ¢VƒØe ôNBG »FÉ° b RÉ¡L …GC ~©H hCG á«HÉîàf’G cial body has issued a decision. See also s q “Review Authority/Body.” .''á©LGôŸG áÄ«g'' kÉ° jCG ™LGQ .¿CÉ°ûdG Gò¡H QGôb
  • 14. N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE 5 Applying for The procedure by which an individual ¢Vƒÿ ¬˘ë˘°Tô˘J ø˘Y ø˘∏˘©˘j ¿CɢH Oô˘Ø˘∏˘d í˘«˘à˘ j AGô˘˘LEG Candidacy officially declares his or her candidacy ‘ ≥Ñ£ŸG »HÉî˘à˘f’G ¿ƒ˘fɢ≤˘∏˘d kɢ©˘Ñ˘Jh .äɢHɢî˘à˘f’G to contest an election. Depending on í«°TÎdG Ö∏W Ë~≤J the electoral law of the country, apply- í°TôŸG øe äÉHÉîàfÓd í°TÎdG »Y~à°ùj ~b ,~∏ÑdG ing for candidacy may require collecting kɨ∏Ñe ´Op ƒj ¿CG hCG ™«bGƒàdG øe kÉæ«©e Gk O~Y ™ªéj ¿CG q a certain number of signatures or pay- π«é°ùJ' h ,''í°TÎ∏d á«∏gC’G •hô°T'' ™LGQ .∫ÉŸG øe °J ing a deposit. See also “Ballot .''Úë°TôŸG hCG ÜGõMC’G Qualification” and “Registration of Parties or Candidates.” Appointed Official An individual holding public office ¬HÉîàfG ÖLƒÃ ,kÉeÉY kÉÑ°üæe π¨°ûj …òdG ¢üî°ûdG ø«©oe ∫hDƒ°ùe e selected for the position by another äɢĢ«˘g ø˘e iô˘NCG á˘Ä˘«˘g Öfɢ˘L ø˘˘e Ö°üæŸG Gò˘˘¡˘ d s branch of government, such as the executive or legislature, rather than by ÖLƒÃ ’ ,á«©jô°ûàdG hCG ájò«ØæàdG ᣰùdÉc ,ºμ◊G an election by citizens. .ÚæWGƒŸG øe ¬HÉîàfG Approval Voting A single-seat election method in øe ÚÑNÉædG øuμªoJ ,~MGh ~©≤e AπŸ ÜÉîàfG á«dBG á≤aGƒŸÉH âjƒ°üJ which voters can vote for, or approve ,ºgO~Y ¿Éc kÉjCG ,Úë°TôŸG øe ¿hDhÉ°ûj øŸ âjƒ°üàdG of, as many candidates as they wish. Each approved candidate receives one í°Tôe πc ∫Éæj ,‹ÉàdÉHh .º¡ë«°TôJ ≈∏Y á≤aGƒŸG hCG vote, and the candidate with the most RƒØj ¿CG ≈∏Y Gk ~MGh kÉJƒ°U ÚÑNÉædG á≤aGƒÃ ≈¶ëj votes wins. .äGƒ°UC’G á«Ñ∏ZCG ∫Éæj …òdG í°TôŸG ~©≤ŸÉH o Association Group of individuals who organize øY kÉYÉaO º¡aƒØ°U ¿ƒª q¶æj øjòdG OGôaC’G øe áYƒª› á£HGQ/á«©ªL around a common idea or cause, with áØ°U ¿ƒ∏ªëj GƒfÉcCG AGƒ°S ,ácΰûe á«° b hCG Iôμa either formal or informal status in a polit- ical system. Associations are considered √ògh .»°SÉ«°ùdG ΩɶædG πNGO ᫪°SQ ÒZ hCG ᫪°SQ civil society organizations (CSOs) and Ê~ŸG ™ªàÛG äɪ¶æe ΩÉ≤à Èà©oJ »àdG äÉ«©ª÷G can include non-governmental organiza- äÉHÉ≤ædG hCG á«eƒμ◊G ÒZ äɪ¶æŸG º° J ¿CG øμÁ q tions (NGOs) or labor unions. See also ,''Ê~ŸG ™ª˘àÛG äɢª˘¶˘æ˘e' kɢ° jCG ™˘LGQ .᢫˘dɢª˘©˘ dG “Civil Society Organization (CSO),” “Non-Governmental Organization .''á«dɪY äGOÉ–G''h ,''á«eƒμM ÒZ äɪ¶æe''h (NGO)” and “Union.” At-Large Candidates may be elected “at-large” to á˘≤˘£˘æŸG ¥É˘£˘f ≈˘∏˘Y' ¿ƒ˘ë˘°TôŸG Ö˘î˘à˘æ˘oj ¿CG Rƒ˘˘é˘ j n É¡∏eÉμH á≤£æŸG π«ã“ represent an entire jurisdiction that ´ôØàJ »àdG ájQGOE’G I~MƒdG πeÉc Gƒ∏㪫d ' πμc contains sub-districts. This jurisdiction q then serves as a single constituency. At- IôFGO á≤£æŸG √òg πqμ°ûàa .á«HÉîàfG ôFGhO É¡æY large systems allow 50 % of voters to IO~©àŸG ᪶fC’G íª°ùJ ,‹ÉàdÉHh .I~MGh á«HÉîàfG control 100 % of seats, and in conse- Iô£«°ùdÉH ÚÑNÉædG øe áÄŸG ‘ 50 áÑ°ùæd π«ãªàdG quence typically results in racially and ¤EG kɢ«˘F~˘Ñ˘e »˘˘° Ø˘˘j ɇ ,~˘˘Yɢ˘≤ŸG O~˘˘Y π˘˘eɢ˘c ≈˘˘∏˘ Y politically homogenous elected bodies. .kÉ«°SÉ«°Sh kÉ«bôY á°ùfÉéàe áÑîàæe äÉÄ«g π«μ°ûJ nn
  • 15. 6 N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE At-Large District A district that contains sub districts, or »àdG hCG ,á«HÉîàfG ôFGhO I~Y º° J »àdG á≤£æŸG q É¡∏eÉμH á≤£æe where more than one candidate shares ¢ù«Fô˘d Rƒ˘é˘«˘a .~˘MGh í˘°Tô˘e ø˘e ÌcCG ɢ¡˘ª˘°Sɢ≤˘à˘j the same district. A mayor may run “at- large” while city council members run í°TÎj ɪ«a ' á≤£æŸG πeÉc øY'' í°TÎj ¿CG áj~∏ÑdG in districts. See “Multi-Member .᢫˘Hɢî˘à˘f’G ô˘FGh~˘dG ø˘Y …~˘∏˘Ñ˘ dG ¢ù∏ÛG Aɢ˘° YCG District.” .''~YÉ≤ŸG IO~©àe IôFGO'' ™LGQ At-Large Plurality See “Block Vote/Bloc Vote.” .''á∏àμdG Ωɶf'' ™LGQ Ö°ùëH á∏àμdG âjƒ°üJ ë …ÌcC’G ΩɶædG Audience A person or people to whom information hCG äÉeƒ∏©ŸG ¿ƒ≤∏àj øjòdG ¢UÉî°TC’G øe ¿ƒμàj q Qƒ¡ªL is conveyed or messages are directed. .πFÉ°SôdG º¡«dEG ¬LƒoJ s Audit (Electoral) An examination of records and activi- Ég~«≤J øe ~cCÉà∏d ,ᣰûfC’Gh äÓé°ùdG áæjÉ©e q (»HÉîàfG) ≥«b~J ties conducted to ensure compliance ,á«YôŸG πª©dG äGAGôLEGh äÉ°SÉ«°ùdGh §HGƒ° dÉH with established controls, policies, and operational procedures. Also to recom- ≈∏Y ¬dÉNOEG ìÎ≤e πj~©J …CG ¿CÉ°ûH äÉ«°UƒJ ™aôdh n mend any indicated changes in con- .IQƒcòŸG øjOÉ«ŸG trols, policy, or procedures. Authority Quality that leads the judgments, deci- º¡JOGQEG Aπà Gƒ∏Ñ≤àj ¿CG ≈∏Y øjôNB’G πª– »àdG áØ°üdG á£∏°S sions, recommendations, and orders of øY IQOÉ°üdG ôeGhC’Gh äÉ«°UƒàdGh äGQGô≤dGh ΩÉμMC’G certain individuals and institutions to be accepted voluntarily as right and ,áë«ë°Uh ᪫∏°S ÉgQÉÑàYÉH äÉ°ù°SDƒŸG hCG OGôaC’G ¢ ©H therefore to be implemented through hCG äÉ°ù°SDƒŸG √ò¡d ´É«°üf’G ∫ÓN øe Égƒ≤Ñ£j ¿CG ≈∏Yh obedience and cooperation. Authority ~ªà°ùJ á«°SÉ«°ùdG á£∏°ùdG q¿GC lí«ë°U .É¡©e ¿hÉ©àdG q is a main source of political power, but it is not identical to it. For example, the qøμdh ,É¡d áMƒæªŸG á£∏°ùdG øe ∫hC’G É¡Jƒb Q~°üe State may be the main holder of øY ™˘Ñ˘£˘dɢH ∞˘∏˘à˘î˘j á˘dhDƒ˘°ùe á˘¡˘é˘c á˘£˘∏˘°ùdG Ωƒ˘¡˘Ø˘e authority, and therefore be the target ±~˘¡˘à˘°ùJ kÓ˘ã˘e ɢæ˘g ø˘e .᢫˘MÓ˘°üc á˘£˘∏˘ °ùdG Ωƒ˘˘¡˘ Ø˘ e of advocacy. á¡÷G kÓãe ¿ƒμJ ~b É¡qfGC Éà ádh~dG á©aG~ŸG äÓªM n o .á£∏°ùdG É¡«dEG πncƒoJ »àdG á«°SÉ°SC’G
  • 16. N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE 7 B Balanced Media Media that presents more than one side ≈àe ÈN …CG øY ô¶f á¡Lh øe ÌcCG ¢Vô©j ΩÓYEG q ¿RGƒàe ΩÓYEG of a story when appropriate. To be bal- ’ ¿RGƒ˘à˘dG á˘Ø˘°U ΩÓ˘YE’G Üɢ°ùà˘cGh .kÉ˘Ñ˘°Sɢ˘æ˘ e ¿É˘˘c anced, media is not required to allocate precisely equal time to all sides, but the á˘Mɢ°ùŸG ±Gô˘WC’G ™˘«˘ ª˘ L í˘˘æÁ ¿CG ¬˘˘æ˘ e »˘˘Y~˘˘à˘ °ùj quality of being balanced precludes ∫ƒëj ¿CG ¬æe »Y~à°ùj ɉEG ,kG~j~– É¡JGP á«eÓYE’G inflated coverage of one side and/or hCG/h kÉ«eÓYEG ±GôWC’G ~MCG á«£¨J ‘ •GôaE’G ¿hO disregard or omission of another. .øjôNB’G ±GôWC’G ∫ɪgEG hCG πgÉŒ Ballot Box Official container into which voters p .´GÎb’G ¥GQhCG ¿ƒÑNÉædG ¬«a §≤°ùoj »ª°SQ AÉYh ´GÎb’G ¥h~æ°U place their ballot papers. Ballot Box Seals A method of tamper-proofing the ballot ≥˘˘jô˘˘W ø˘˘Y ,´GÎb’G ≥˘˘jOɢ˘æ˘ °üH åÑ˘˘©˘ dG ™˘˘æŸ ᢢ«˘ dGB ´GÎb’G ¥h~æ°U ΩÉàNCG box, with a uniquely numbered keyed øªa .Iõq«‡ ΩÉbQCÉH IôØ°ûe ∫ÉØbCG hCG πØ≤H Ég~jhõJ lock. It is appropriate to seal, with a paper seal, wax, or some other method, ≥q∏©e ƒgh ,´GÎb’G ¥h~æ°U πØb ºàîjo ¿CG ≥ahC’G n the keyhole of each lock when it is …CÉH hCG ,ôªMC’G ™ª°ûdÉH hCG ,¥Qh øe ”ÉîH ,¥h~æ°üdÉH affixed to the ballot box. Tamper-proof ™æ“ ∫ÉØbCÉH ´GÎb’G ≥jOÉæ°U ºàîa .iôNCG á∏«°Sh sealing of ballot boxes is one of the basic ágGõæd á«°SÉ°SC’G äÉfɪ° dG ~MCG πμ°ûj É¡H åÑ©dG guarantees of voting integrity. Ballot boxes must be sealed from the com- A~H òæe áeƒàfl ≥jOÉæ°üdG ≈≤ÑJ ¿CG Öéjh .´GÎb’G k mencement of voting through to their ÜÉH ∫ÉØbEG ôKEG ,≥jOÉæ°üdG íàa ájɨdh ´GÎb’G á«∏ªY opening, after the close of voting, for .äGƒ°UC’G Rôa ¢Vô¨H É¡∏≤æd Gk ~«¡“ ,´GÎb’G removal of ballot boxes for the count. Ballot Box Stuffing A type of voter fraud in which an indi- ~˘ª˘©˘j å«˘M »˘Hɢî˘à˘f’G ô˘jhõ˘à˘dG Ühô˘°V ø˘˘e Üô˘˘°V ´GÎb’G ¥h~æ°U ƒ°ûM M vidual submits more than one ballot. .¥h~æ°üdG ‘ ´GÎbG ábQh øe ÌcCG •É≤°SEG ¤EG ÖNÉædG This term is also used when a respon- dent to computerized survey submits ´Ó£à°SG ‘ m∑QÉ°ûe ¤EG kÉ° jCG í∏£°üŸG Gòg Ò°ûjh more than one survey. .´Ó£à°S’G áHƒLCG øY áî°ùf øe ÌcCG π°Sôj ÊhÎμdEG
  • 17. 8 N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE Ballot Initiative A proposed piece of legislation (a law) âjƒ°üàdG Ö©°û∏d ≈æ°ùàj ìÎ≤e (¿ƒfÉb) ™jô°ûJ q n âjƒ°üàdG IQOÉÑe on which people can vote. See also .''ΩÉY AÉàØà°SG'' kÉ° jCG ™LGQ .¬«∏Y “Referendum.” Ballot Placement The location and order of races, candi- ,ɢ¡˘«˘∏˘Y ¢ù˘naɢæ˘àŸG Ö°UɢæŸG ∞˘∏˘àfl Ö«˘Jô˘Jh ™˘bƒ˘˘e ´GÎb’G ábQh Ö«JôJ á≤jôW date names, and ballot initiatives on the ᢢbQh ‘ âjƒ˘˘°üà˘˘dG äGQOɢ˘Ñ˘ eh ,Ú뢢°TôŸG Aɢ˘ ª˘ ˘°SCGh ballot. Races are often placed in order of importance and candidate names are kÉ≤ah Ö°UÉæŸG √òg Ö«JôJ ºàj Ée kÉÑdÉZ .´GÎb’G q often ordered randomly. .kÉ«FGƒ°ûY Úë°TôŸG Aɪ°SCG êGQOEG ºàj ɪæ«H ɡ૪gC’ q Ballot Qualification A set of pre-established criteria that par- ôaGƒàJ ¿CG Öéj »àdG kÉØ∏°S IO~ÙG ÒjÉ©ŸG øe á∏ªL í°TÎ∏d á«∏gC’G •hô°T ties or individual candidates must meet ,í°TÎdG º¡d ≥ë«d øjOôØæŸG Úë°TôŸG hCG ÜGõMC’G ‘ to be placed on a ballot. These require- ments should be rational, reasonable, á˘dƒ˘≤˘©˘eh ᢫˘≤˘£˘æ˘e •hô˘°ûdG √ò˘g ¿ƒ˘˘μ˘ J ¿CG ≈˘˘∏˘ Y and objective. See also “Applying for ' í˘«˘°TÎdG Ö∏˘W Ë~˘≤˘ J' kɢ° jCG ™˘LGQ .᢫˘ Yƒ˘˘°Vƒ˘˘eh Candidacy” and “Registration of .''Úë°TôŸG hCG ÜGõMC’G π«é°ùJ' h°J Parties or Candidates.” Ballot Reconciliation The process of comparing the number IOƒLƒŸG ´GÎb’G ¥GQhCG O~Y áfQÉ≤à »° ≤j AGôLEG l ´GÎb’G ¥GQhCG á≤HÉ£e of ballots in the ballot box with the í˘FGƒ˘d ≥˘˘ah ÚÑ˘˘Nɢ˘æ˘ dG O~˘˘©˘ H ´GÎb’G ¥h~˘˘æ˘ °U ‘ number of voters according to the vot- ers list or other records of the total ÚÑNÉædG ´ƒª› O~ëj ôNBG πé°S …CG hCG Ö£°ûdG number of persons who cast ballots. øe ø«Ñàj ¿CG Öéj ,‹ÉàdÉHh .º¡JGƒ°UCÉH GƒdOCG øjòdG q The number of ballots cast should …hÉ°ùj É¡H ¤~ŸG ¥GQhC’G O~Y q¿CG ÚÑNÉædG áëF’ equal the number of voters according .ÚÑNÉædG On ~Y to the voters list. Ballot Structure The method of presenting voter choic- ábQh ‘ ÖNÉædG äGQÉ«N É¡«a ¢Vô©oJ »àdG á≤jô£dG n ´GÎb’G ábQh º«ª°üJ es on the ballot paper (i.e. candidate- ´GÎb’G ÖNÉæ∏d IÒNC’G √òg í«àJ ¿CÉc) ´GÎb’G centered vs. party-centered). .(ÜGõMCG ídÉ°üd ’ Úë°Tôe ídÉ°üd Ballot Tampering/ Deliberately spoiling paper ballots of a ÚÑNÉædG ´GÎbG ¥GQhCÉH Gk ~ªY åÑ©dG ≈∏Y ºg~MCG ΩG~bEG Vote Tampering voter one seeks to disenfranchise, often ±~¡H ∂dPh ,âjƒ°üàdG ≥M øe º¡fÉeôM ¤EG ≈©°ùj øjòdG in the aim of eliminating votes for a /´GÎb’G ¥GQhCÉH ÖYÓJ political opponent. See also .»˘°Sɢ«˘°ùdG º˘°üÿG ¤EG á˘∏˘j’G äGƒ˘˘°UC’G ¢ ©˘˘H Oɢ˘©˘Ñ˘à˘°SG B äGƒ°UC’ÉH ÖYÓJ “Disenfranchise.” .''´GÎb’G ≥M øe (ÖNÉædG) ¿ÉeôM'' kÉ° jCG ™LGQ Ballot/Ballot Paper Official document on which voters can º˘¡˘«˘ë˘°Tô˘e ¿ƒ˘Ñ˘Nɢæ˘dG ɢ¡˘«˘a O~˘ë˘j ᢢ«˘ ª˘ °SQ ᢢbQh ´GÎbG ᪫°ùb/ábQh b indicate their preferences to cast their .º¡d ¿ƒJƒ°üj øjòdG Ú∏° ØŸG vote. q
  • 18. N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE 9 Balloting See “Voting.” .''âjƒ°üJ'' ™LGQ ´GÎbG Ballots Destroyed Ballots that have been rendered hCG ɢ¡˘ «˘ am π˘˘∏˘ N Oƒ˘˘Lƒ˘˘d á◊ɢ˘°U ÒZ ´GÎbG ᢢbQh áØ∏àe ´GÎbG ábQh invalid because of damage or tampering; ;É¡H ÖYÓàdG ÖÑ°ùH Ballots that have been disposed of after the election results have been made øY kÉ«ª°SQ ¿ÓYE’G ~©H É¡H åÑ©dG ” ´GÎbG ábQh q official. Ballots should not be destroyed ’EG ´GÎb’G ¥GQhCG ±ÓJEG Rƒéj ’ .äÉHÉîàf’G èFÉàf until after the time for challenging a ΩÉeCG äÉHÉîàf’G èFÉàæH ø©£dG ≈∏Y âbh Qhôe ~©H result before a court or tribunal has ” »˘à˘dG ¿ƒ˘©˘£˘dɢH kɢ«˘Fɢ¡˘f âÑ˘dG ~˘©˘H hCG ,á˘ª˘ μÙG passed, or if a challenge has been lodged, q q after the challenge has been finally dealt ´GÎb’G ¥GQhCG ±Ó˘JEG kɢ° jCG ø˘«˘©˘à˘jh .ɢ¡˘H Ω~˘˘≤˘ à˘ dG q with. Ballots should be destroyed in such .´GÎb’G ájô°S ≈∏Y ßaÉ– má≤jô£H a manner that keeps the vote secret. Ballots/Votes Cast The number of ballots correctly deposit- p πμ°ûH â£≤°SoCG »àdG ´GÎb’G ¥GQhCG O~Y ¤EG Ò°ûJ /É¡H ¤~oŸG ´GÎb’G ¥GQhCG ed into the ballot box or transmitted p Iõ¡LCG ÈY â∏°SQoCG hCG ´GÎb’G ≥jOÉæ°U πNGO í«ë°U through an electronic voting machine áYp Î≤e äGƒ°UCG (EVM) which will be enumerated in the ÉgDhÉ°üMEG ºàj ¥GQhCG »gh ,á«fhÎμdE’G âjƒ°üàdG q vote count. Unused and spoilt ballots ÒZ ´GÎb’G ¥GQhCG ɢ˘ ˘ ˘eCG .äGƒ˘˘ ˘ ˘°UC’G Rô˘˘ ˘ ˘a ~˘˘ ˘ ˘æ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘Y are not considered ballots cast. .áfÉÿG √òg ‘ πN~J Óa á«ZÓdG hCG á∏ª©à°ùŸG Bar Graph A chart with rectangular bars with Ö°SÉæàj πμ°ûdG á∏«£à°ùe I~ªYCG øe ∞dCÉàj ∫h~L I~ªYCG πμ°T ≈∏Y ÊÉ«H º°SQ lengths proportional to the values that ¬˘LhCG O~˘©˘à˘Jh .ɢ¡˘∏˘ã“ »˘à˘dG á˘ª˘«˘ ≤˘ dG ™˘˘e ɢ˘¡˘ dƒ˘˘W they represent. Bar graphs have several uses in elections, such as representing Rp Èàa ,äÉHÉîàf’G ‘ á«fÉ«ÑdG Ωƒ°SôdG √òg ∫ɪ©à°SG where candidates or parties stand in rela- ¢ ©ÑdG º¡° ©H øe ÜGõMC’G hCG Úë°TôŸG ™bGƒe kÓãe tion to each other in the electoral race. .á«HÉîàf’G ácô©ŸG ‘ Baseline Poll A political poll taken to determine as ≈∏˘Y ∫ƒ˘°ü◊G ±~˘¡˘H ᢫˘°Sɢ«˘°ùdG AGQBÓ˘d ´Ó˘£˘à˘°SG á«dhC’G …CGôdG äÉYÓ£à°SG much information about the voters as …ôéjh .ÚÑNÉædG øY äÉeƒ∏©ŸG øe øμ‡ Q~b ÈcCG possible. The baseline poll is usually done early in the campaign before there øe IôμÑe á∏Môe ‘ kIOÉY ‹hC’G ´Ó£à°S’G Gòg is much political activity. See “Political á˘£˘°ûfC’G ∞˘qã˘μ˘à˘J ¿CG π˘Ñ˘ b ᢢ«˘ Hɢ˘î˘ à˘ f’G ᢢ∏˘ ª◊G Polling” and “Tracking Poll/Survey.” ' ᢫˘°Sɢ«˘°ùddG AGQB’G ´Ó˘£˘à˘°SG'' ™˘LGQ .᢫˘°Sɢ˘«˘ °ùdG .''á«∏MôŸG …CGôdG äÉYÓ£à°SG''h Bias A leaning in favor of or against some- Ω~Yh ôNBG ¿hO ±ôW hCG á«° ≤d Ö°ü©àdG hCG ÜõëàdG RÉ«ëfG/õ«– thing or someone; partiality or preju- .''õ«ëàe ÒZ'' ¢ «≤ædG ™LGQ .ájOÉ«◊G q q dice. For antonym, see “Unbiased.”
  • 19. 10 N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE Bicameral Legislature In government, bicameralism is the q¿CG ¤EG ºμ◊G á°SQɇ Qɪ° e ‘ í∏£°üŸG Gòg Ò°ûj á«FÉæK á«©jô°ûJ áÄ«g J practice of having two legislative or par- hCG ÚàaôZ øe ¿Éfƒμàj á«©jô°ûàdG áÄ«¡dG hCG ¿ÉŸÈdG liamentary chambers. Thus, a bicameral q Ú°ù∏› äGP/π«ãªàdG ∏ parliament or bicameral legislature is a á˘jOɢMGC ᢫˘©˘jô˘°ûJ á˘Ä˘«˘g' ™˘˘ ˘ ˘ LGQ .Úæ˘˘ ˘ ˘ KG Ú°ù∏› J parliament or legislature which consists .''π«ãªàdG of two chambers or houses. See also “Unicameral Legislature.” Bill Proposed act not yet passed by the leg- .~©H ¿ÉŸÈdG √ô≤j ⁄ ìÎ≤e ¿ƒfÉb q n islature. ¿ƒfÉb ´hô°ûe e Bipartisan Consisting of, or supported by, mem- ¿GÈà˘©˘jo Ú«˘°Sɢ«˘°S ÚHõ˘M Aɢ° YCɢH ≥˘∏˘©˘à˘j ɢe π˘ c q /ÚHõëH ≥∏©àe bers of two major political parties. ø˘e π˘c hCG ,᢫˘ °Sɢ˘«˘ °ùdG ÜGõ˘˘MC’G Rô˘˘HCG ø˘˘e ᢠ°Uɢ˘N k q ÚHõM øe ~ js ƒe D .º¡ªY~H ≈¶ëj Birth Registry Official records of people's births. In »Øa .IO’ƒdG äGOÉ¡°T hCG ᫪°SôdG äÓé°ùdÉH πqãªàj äGO’ƒdG πé°S ° some countries it is necessary to pro- øY ᫪°SQ áî°ùf QG~°üà°SG ø«©àj ,¿G~∏ÑdG ¢ ©H duce an official copy of one's birth cer- q tificate to prove citizenship or voting ᢫˘∏˘ gC’ hCG Oƒ˘˘dƒŸG ᢢ«˘ °ùæ÷ kɢ Jɢ˘Ñ˘ KEG IO’ƒ˘˘dG IOɢ˘¡˘ °T eligibility. .âjƒ°üàdG Black Box Voting The practice of recording votes using a äGƒ˘˘°UC’G π˘˘«˘ é˘ °ùJ ᢢ«˘ ∏˘ ª˘ ˘Y ¤EG Ò°ûj lí˘ ˘∏˘ ˘£˘ ˘°üe Oƒ°SC’G ¥h~æ°üdG ‘ âjƒ°üJ direct recording electronic (DRE) sys- âjƒ°üàdG ᪶fCG ΩG~îà°SG ≥jôW øY á«HÉîàf’G tem that does not provide a subsequent paper record of the voter's action. πé°S …CG kÉ≤M’ Q~°üoJ ’ »àdG ô°TÉÑŸG ÊhÎμdE’G q .ÖNÉædG É¡H Ωƒ≤j »àdG ´GÎb’G á«∏ª©d »bQh Blank Ballot A ballot with no mark, meaning that the q¿CG ¤EG kIQɢ˘°TEG ,ᢢeÓ˘˘Y …CG ø˘˘e ᢢ«˘ ˘dɢ˘ N ´GÎbG ᢢ bQh AÉ° «H ´GÎbG ábQh voter did not vote for any of the candi- ºgDhɪ°SCG IOQGƒdG Úë°TôŸG øe …C’ 䃰üj ⁄ ÖNÉædG dates on the ballot, nor did he or she q q vote for or against a proposition on the âjƒ°üà∏d ìhô£e ìGÎbG …C’ ’h ,´GÎb’G ábQh ‘ ballot. .¬à°VQÉ©e hCG ¬«∏Y á≤aGƒŸG π«Ñb øe ¿EG Blanket Primary A primary election in which the names Úë°TôŸG ™«ªL Aɪ°SCG É¡«a OpôJ áj~«¡“ äÉHÉîàfG á∏eÉ°T áj~«¡“ äÉHÉîàfG of all the candidates for all the parties ™«°ûj .I~˘˘MGh ´GÎbG ᢢbQh ‘ ᢢ aɢ˘ c ÜGõ˘˘ MC’G ø˘˘ e are on one ballot. This term is used specifi- cally within the U.S. electoral system. Ωɢ¶˘æ˘dG ø˘ª˘ °V Gk ~˘˘j~– í˘˘∏˘ £˘ °üŸG Gò˘˘g ∫ɢ˘ª˘ ©˘ à˘ °SG .I~ëàŸG äÉj’ƒdG ‘ »HÉîàf’G
  • 20. N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE 11 Blind Pull When all eligible voters in a geographic âjƒ°üà∏d Ú∏gDƒŸG ÚÑNÉædG ™«ªL ™«é°ûJ á«∏ªY âjƒ°üàdG ¤EG ÚÑNÉædG ™aO area are encouraged to vote regardless A’OE’G ≈∏Y IO~fi á«aGô¨L á©≤H øª°V øj~LGƒàŸGh of which candidate they support. For õ««“ ¿hO example, in areas where there is consid- .¬fh~jDƒj …òdG í°TôŸG øY ô¶ædG ¢ ¨H º¡JGƒ°UCÉH q erable support for a candidate - say six kÓãe Úë°TôŸG ~MCG É¡«a ≈¶ëj »àdG ≥WÉæŸG »Øa out of ten voters support the candidate π˘°UCG ø˘e ÚÑ˘Nɢf á˘à˘°S º˘Y~˘H π˘˘≤˘ æ˘ d ,ÒÑ˘˘c º˘˘Y~˘˘H on - it may benefit the campaign of that Q~b ÈcCG ¬LƒJ øe í°TôŸG ∑GP á∏ªM ~«ØJ ~b ,Iô°ûY candidate if as many voters as possible go to the polls, regardless of whether or ô¶ædG ¢ ¨H ´GÎb’G õcGôe ¤EG ÚÑNÉædG øe øμ‡ q not the supporters have been identified. .øjô°UÉæŸG Qƒ° M øe ~cCÉàdG ≈∏Y IQ~≤dG i~e øY See also “GOTV Get Out The Vote” ™aO''h ' âjƒ°üàdG ≈∏Y ÚÑNÉædG ™«é°ûJ' kÉ° jCG ™LGQ °J and “Pull.” .''âjƒ°üàdG ¤EG ÚÑNÉædG Bloc A group with a shared interest/pur- hCG í˘dɢ°üe º˘¡˘©˘ªŒ ø˘jò˘dG ¢UɢTC’G ø˘˘e ᢢYƒ˘˘ª› á∏àc/πàμJ pose; group of voters or politicians who hCG ÚÑ˘˘ Nɢ˘ æ˘ ˘dG ø˘˘ e ᢢ Yƒ˘˘ ª› hCG ;ᢢ cΰûe äɢ˘ jɢ˘ ˘Z share common goals. See also “Alliance” and “Coalition.” ™LGQ .ácΰûe ±G~gCG º¡©ªŒ øjòdG Ú«°SÉ«°ùdG .''±ÓàFG''h ' ∞dÉ–'' kÉ° jCG Block Vote/Bloc Vote A multi-seat election method in plurali- Ωɢ¶˘æ˘dG π˘X ‘ ≥˘Ñ˘£˘oJ ~˘Yɢ≤˘ e I~˘˘Y AπŸ Üɢ˘î˘ à˘ fG ᢢ«˘ dGB q s á∏àμdG âjƒ°üJ/á∏àμdG Ωɶf ty/majority systems in which each voter ∫OÉ©j äGƒ°UCG O~Y íæÁ ¿CG ÖNÉf πμd í«àJh …ÌcC’G can vote on as many seats that are to be filled within the electoral district. The .á«HÉîàf’G IôFG~dG øª°V ÉgDƒ∏e Öéj »àdG ~YÉ≤ŸG O~Y candidates with the most votes win - an O~Y ÈcCÉH ¿ƒ¶ëj øjòdG ¿ƒë°TôŸG ~YÉ≤ŸG √ò¡H RƒØjh absolute majority is not required. See ájÌcC’G ≈∏Y IQhô° dÉH Gƒ∏°üëj ⁄ ¿EGh ,äGƒ°UC’G øe also “Plurality/Relative Majority.” .''á«Ñ°ùf ájÌcCG' kÉ° jCG ™LGQ .á≤∏£ŸG f Board of Elections Usually a non-partisan or multi-partisan I~Y πãÁ hCG ÜõM …CG πãÁ ’ RÉ¡L ¤EG kIOÉY Ò°ûJ q äÉHÉîàf’G ≈∏Y ±Gô°TE’G áÄ«g board set up to oversee the election and ≈˘˘ ∏˘ ˘Y ±Gô˘˘ °TE’G ±~˘˘ ˘¡˘ ˘ H √Dhɢ˘ ˘°ûfEG º˘˘ ˘à˘ ˘ jh ,ÜGõ˘˘ ˘MCG ensure that it is conducted fairly. See also “Election Management Body kÉ° jCG ™LGQ .É¡JQGOEG ø°ùM ≈∏Y ô¡°ùdGh äÉHÉîàf’G (EMB).” .''äÉHÉîàf’G IQGOEG áÄ«g'' Booth Capturing The act of seizing and controlling a ¬H ∑É°ùeE’Gh ´GÎb’G º∏b ≈∏Y ~«dG ™°VƒH ≈q∏éàJ ´GÎb’G º∏≤H ºqμ– polling station so that many fraudulent .äGƒ°UC’G øe ÒÑc O~Y ôjhõàH íª°ùj ƒëf ≈∏Y m votes may be cast there. Booth Management Managing of the booths in the polling .´GÎb’G º∏b πNGO ∫RÉ©ŸG IQGOEG ´GÎb’G º∏b IQGOEG station.
  • 21. 12 N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE Borda Count A voting system for single or multiple- á˘jOɢ˘MC’G ô˘˘FGh~˘˘dG ø˘˘ª˘ °V ~˘˘ª˘ à˘ ©˘ jo âjƒ˘˘°üJ Ωɢ˘¶˘ f n äGƒ°UC’G ÜÉ°ùàM’ ' GOQƒH'' Ωɶf à seat elections using rank preference bal- ¿CG ÖNÉæ∏d í«àjh ,π«ãªàdG IO~©àŸG hCG π«ãªàdG lots. A voter's first choice is worth a full point and subsequent choices are worth .´GÎb’G ábQh ‘ á«∏° aC’G Ö°ùëH Úë°TôŸG ÖqJôj a percentage of a point. The √QÉàîj …òdG í°TôŸG ≈¶ëj ,ΩɶædG Gòg πX ‘h q candidate(s) with the most cumulative ≈¶ëj ɪ«a á∏eÉc á£≤f ¤hC’G áLQ~dÉH ÖNÉædG points wins. áæ«©e áÑ°ùæH á«dÉàdG ÖJGôŸG ‘ πëj …òdG í°TôŸG q q ™ªéj …òdG ƒ¡a õFÉØdG í°TôŸG ÉeCG .á£≤ædG √òg øe .•É≤ædG øe O~Y ÈcCG Bottleneck A situation in which the flow of people ≥a~J É¡«a ô°ùëæj mádÉM ∞°Uƒd Ω~îà°ùjo í∏£°üe n (´GÎb’G á«∏ªY) á∏bôY is slowed at one place in the voting π˘NGO hCG ´GÎb’G π˘MGô˘e ø˘e á˘∏˘ Mô˘˘e ‘ ÚÑ˘˘Nɢ˘æ˘ dG process, therefore causing the process to slow down or halt. hCG ´GÎb’G á«∏ªY AÉ£HEÉH ÖÑ°ùàj ɇ ,´GÎb’G õcôe .É¡∏«£©J Bottoms Up A multi-seat election method. Similar to âjƒ°üàdÉH á¡«Ñ°T ~YÉ≤e I~Y AπŸ ÜÉîàfG á«dBG l ¤EG πØ°SC’G øe ~YÉ≤ŸG ™jRƒJ instant runoff voting except runoff ™˘jRƒ˘J äGQhO q¿CG Aɢæ˘ã˘à˘°SɢH ,º˘˘°SÉ◊G »˘˘∏˘ «˘ ° Ø˘˘à˘ dG cycles stop when number of remaining ≈∏YC’G candidates is equal to the number of Ú뢢°TôŸG O~˘˘Y ihɢ˘ °ùà˘˘ j ÚM ∞˘˘ bƒ˘˘ à˘ ˘J äGƒ˘˘ °UC’G seats to be filled. .ÉgDƒ∏e Öéj »àdG ~YÉ≤ŸG O~©H ÚbÉÑdG Boundary (Election) Something that marks an electoral limit ™LGQ .á«HÉîàf’G ôFGh~dG ∞∏àfl ÚH π°üØj Ée »g (á«HÉîàf’G ôFGh~dG) Oh~M or border. See also “Constituency.” .''á«HÉîàfG IôFGO'' kÉ° jCG Boundary Delimitation The process of drawing boundaries of ¢VGôZC’ áe~N á«HÉîàf’G ôFGh~dG Oh~M º°SQ á«∏ªY k á«HÉîàf’G ôFGh~dG º«°SôJ constituencies for allocation of seats. See ô˘FGh~˘dG º˘«˘°Sô˘˘J' kɢ ˘ ° jCG ™˘˘ ˘LGQ .~˘˘ ˘Yɢ˘ ˘≤ŸG ™˘˘ ˘jRƒ˘˘ ˘J also “Districting” and “Redistricting.” .''á«HÉîàf’G ôFGh~dG º«°SôJ IOÉYEG' h ' á«HÉîàf’G Bribing Voters The act of giving or promising any ≠dÉÑe ,íæà OƒYh ™£b hCG ,íæe ≈∏Y í°TôŸG ΩG~bEG Iƒ°TôdÉH ÚÑNÉædG ádɪà°SG money gift, office, employment, or …GC ¤EG äBÉaÉμe hCG ,∞FÉXh hCG ,Ö°UÉæe hCG ,á«dÉe reward to a voter, at anytime in order to q influence him or her to give or withhold hCG ¬Jƒ°üH A’OE’ÉH ¬YÉæbE’ ¿Éc âbh …GC ‘h ,ÖNÉf q his/her vote. See also “Vote-Buying.” .''äGƒ°UC’G AGô°T'' kÉ° jCG ™LGQ .âjƒ°üàdG øY ΩÉéME’ÉH Briefing A short and clear summary of a situa- ƒgh .ç~M hCG ™°Vh …CG øY í°VGhh õLƒe ¢üî∏e q ≥Ñ°ùe ¢üî∏e e tion or an event. It can be a meeting or πμ°T ≈∏Y ´Rs ƒjo ¿CG hCG ´ÉªàLG πμ°T òîàj ¿CG øμÁ a set of written materials. .áYƒÑ£e OGƒe
  • 22. N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE 13 Budget The amount of money a candidate or ¬≤Øæj …òdG ‹ÉŸG ≠∏ÑŸG ¤EG kIOÉY í∏£°üŸG Gòg Ò°ûj áfRGƒe party spends on various aspects of the ∞˘∏˘à˘îÃ á˘«˘Hɢî˘à˘f’G á˘∏˘ª◊G ≈˘∏˘Y Üõ◊G hCG í˘˘°TôŸG campaign. Can also refer to allocation of time and resources. âbƒdG ¤EG kÉ° jCG í∏£°üŸG Gòg Ò°ûj ¿CG øμÁh .É¡ÑfGƒL .É¡d IOƒ°UôŸG ájô°ûÑdG OQGƒŸGh á∏ªë∏d ¢ü°üıG By-Election An election not held at the regularly º s¶æoJ ɉEG É¡d O~ÙG ~YƒŸG ‘ kIOÉY ~n≤©oJ ’ äÉHÉîàfG á«Yôa äÉHÉîàfG scheduled time, often to fill a vacancy á˘˘Ñ˘ °ùf ɢ˘eCG .ô˘˘Zɢ˘°T mÖ°üæ˘˘e AπŸ ¿É˘˘«˘ MC’G Ö∏˘˘ZCG ‘ in the office. There is often much lower voter turnout in a special or by- äÉHÉîàf’G ‘ á° Øîæe ¿ƒμJ Ée kÉÑdɨa ácQÉ°ûŸG election. By-elections are also known .á°UÉÿG äÉHÉîàf’ÉH kÉ° jCG ±ô©oJ »àdG á«YôØdG n as special elections. By-Law A law or rule governing the internal .᪶æª∏d á«∏NG~dG ¿hDƒ°ûdG ≈Yôj Ωɶf hCG ¿ƒfÉb »∏NGO Ωɶf affairs of an organization.
  • 23. 14 N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE C Campaign Political activity, including meetings, äÉYɪàL’G πª°ûJ á«°SÉ«°ùdG ᣰûfC’G øe á∏ªL l á∏ªM rallies, speeches, demonstrations, äɢ°VGô˘©˘à˘ °S’Gh äGÒ°ùŸGh Ö˘˘ n£oÿGh äɢ˘fɢ˘Lô˘˘¡ŸGh parades, and other events. The use of media intended to inform citizens or .᪠q¶æŸG äÉÑ°SÉæŸG øe ÉgÒZh IQÉ«°ùdG ÖcGƒŸGh q government about the platform of a ΩÓYEG á«æH ΩÓYE’G πFÉ°Sh ΩG~îà°SG É¡«dEG ±É° jo q particular candidate, coalition, or group qp hCG í°Tôe Ég~©jo »àdG èeGÈdÉH áeƒμ◊G hCG ÚæWGƒŸG of citizens, to gather support. .ºY~∏d Gk ~°ûM ÚæWGƒŸG øe ≥jôa hCG øq«©e ∞dÉ– Campaign Abuse/ An infringement, either intentional or ¿ƒ˘fɢ≤˘dG Ωɢμ˘MC’ ,~˘ª˘©˘à˘ e ÒZ hCG ~˘˘ª˘ ©˘ à˘ e ,¥ô˘˘N l Violation unintentional, of the electoral law's reg- ÖfGƒL øe ÖfÉL …CG º«¶æJ ≈YôJ »àdG »HÉîàf’G ulations on any aspect of the campaign, q º«¶æJ ΩÉμMCG ¥ôN/∑É¡àfG such as campaign finance, advertising, »àdG Oƒ«≤dGh ,É¡JÉfÓYEGh ,á∏ª◊G πjƒªàc ,á∏ª◊G á∏ª◊G and media restrictions. .»eÓYE’G iƒà°ùŸG ≈∏Y É¡d ™° îJ Campaign Calendar A calendar developed by a campaign to ∫h~÷G ~˘j~˘ë˘à˘d á˘∏˘ª◊G ƒ˘ª˘¶˘æ˘e ɢg~˘©˘ oj ᢢeɢ˘fRhQ q á∏ª◊G áeÉfRhQ schedule events and voter contact in ɢ˘gDhɢ˘«˘ MEG ™˘˘eõŸG äɢ˘Ñ˘ °Sɢ˘æŸGh çG~˘˘MCÓ˘ d »˘˘æ˘ eõ˘˘ dG the campaign. .ÚÑNÉædÉH ∫É°üJ’G ~«YGƒeh Campaign Committee The decision-making group in a cam- ‘ QGô≤dG ™˘æ˘°U ¬˘«˘dEG ~˘¡˘©˘jo …ò˘dG ≥˘jô˘Ø˘dɢH π˘qã˘ª˘à˘J n á∏ª◊G áæ÷ paign made up of the key advisors to √ò¡d ≈æ°ùàjh .í°TôŸG …QÉ°ûà°ùe RôHCG º° jh á∏ª◊G the candidate. This committee could q q also provide financial assistance to can- áaÉ°VEG á«dÉŸG äG~YÉ°ùŸÉH í°TôŸG ~“ ¿CG kÉ° jCG áæé∏dG k q didates, in addition to strategic support. kÉ° jCG ™LGQ .¬d √ôaƒJ …òdG »é«JGΰS’G ºY~dG ¤EG See also “Campaign Team.” .''á∏ª◊G ≥jôa'' Campaign Donation A contribution of money to fund a .á«°SÉ«°S á∏ªM πjƒªàd Ω~≤oJ »àdG á«dÉŸG áªgÉ°ùŸG s á∏ªë∏d äÉYÈJ political campaign. There are two types πjƒªàdG'' :äÉYÈàdG øe ÚYƒæH äÓª◊G ≈¶–h of campaign donations: “hard money,” which is regulated by campaign finance π˘jƒ˘ª˘à˘H á˘≤˘∏˘©˘àŸG ÚfGƒ˘≤˘dG ¬˘ª˘ q¶˘æ˘J …ò˘dG ' ~˘«˘≤ŸG q laws, and “soft money,” which is not ™˘° î˘j ’ …ò˘dG ' ~˘q«˘ ≤ŸG ÒZ π˘˘jƒ˘˘ª˘ à˘ dG''h ,ᢢ∏˘ ª◊G subject to campaign finance laws, but …CG ºY~d ¬dɪ©à°SG Qqò©àj ɉEG IQƒcòŸG ÚfGƒ≤∏d cannot be used to directly support a kɢ° jCG ™˘LGQ .kGô˘°TÉ˘Ñ˘ e kɢ ª˘ YO ‹GQ~˘˘a Ö°üæŸ í˘˘°Tô˘˘e candidate for federal office. See also “Hard Money/Soft Money.” .''~«≤ŸG ÒZ πjƒªàdG/~«≤ŸG πjƒªàdG'' q q
  • 24. N ATIONAL D EMOCRATIC I NSTITUTE 15 Campaign Finance A movement to restrict and monitor »àdG á«dÉŸG ≠dÉÑŸG §Ñ°Vh áÑbGôŸ ádhòÑŸG Oƒ¡÷G Reform the amount of money individuals and π˘jƒ˘ª˘ à˘ d í˘˘dɢ˘°üŸG äɢ˘Yƒ˘˘ª›h OGô˘˘aC’G ɢ˘¡˘ H º˘˘¡˘ °ùj interest groups can contribute to politi- á∏ª◊G πjƒ“ ᪶fCG ìÓ°UEG cal campaigns. .á«°SÉ«°ùdG äÓª◊G Campaign Finance Laws that restrict the amount of money í˘ª˘°ù˘jo »˘à˘dG ᢫˘dÉŸG ≠˘dÉ˘ÑŸG á˘ª˘«˘ b ø˘˘e ~– ÚfGƒ˘˘b n q Regulations individuals and interest groups can con- äÓªë∏d É¡H GƒYÈàj ¿CÉH ídÉ°üŸG äÉYƒª›h OGôaCÓd tribute to political campaigns. Regulations äÓª◊G πjƒ“ ᪶fCG require candidates or political parties to äÓª◊G πjƒ“ ᪶fCG ÖLƒà°ùJ Ée kÉÑdÉZ .á«°SÉ«°ùdG maintain and disclose financial records. ∑ɢ˘ °ùeE’G ᢢ «˘ ˘°Sɢ˘ «˘ ˘°ùdG ÜGõ˘˘ MC’G hCG Ú뢢 °TôŸG ø˘˘ e .É¡æY ∞°ûμdGh á«dÉe äÓé°ùH Campaign Literature Printed campaign material used to ÚÑNÉædG ´ÓWE’ á∏ª◊G É¡YRƒJ »àdG áYƒÑ£ŸG OGƒŸG á∏ª◊G äGQƒ°ûæe/OGƒe æ inform and persuade potential voters .¬d âjƒ°üàdÉH º¡YÉæbEGh í°TôŸG ≈∏Y Ú∏ªàÙG about the candidate. Campaign Manager The person responsible for overseeing ᢢ«˘ é˘ «˘ JGΰSG ™˘˘°Vh ≈˘˘∏˘ Y ±ô˘˘°ûj …ò˘˘dG ¢ü°ûdG á∏ª◊G ôj~e the strategic development and the day-to- .á«eƒ«dG É¡fhDƒ°T IQGOEGh á∏ª◊G day running of the campaign. The candi- date cannot be the campaign manager. Campaign Period Period of time, defined by law, within Úë°Tôª∏d É¡«a íª°ùjh ¿ƒfÉ≤dG ÉgO~ëj á«æeR IÎa á∏ª◊G I~e which candidates may conduct cam- äÉjÉY~dGh OGƒŸG Ghô°ûæjh á∏ª◊G ᣰûfCG GhòØæj ¿CÉH paign activities and distribute election propaganda. .á«HÉîàf’G Campaign Plan The written document drafted at the á˘eɢ¡˘dG çɢë˘HC’G ™˘ªŒ »˘˘à˘ dG ᢢHƒ˘˘à˘ μŸG ᢢ≤˘ «˘ Kƒ˘˘dG á∏ª◊G á£N beginning of a campaign bringing togeth- á«é˘«˘JGΰS’Gh á˘dɢ°Sô˘dGh á˘na~˘¡˘à˘°ùŸG äɢYƒ˘ªÛGh er the important research, targeting, mes- sage, strategy, and step-by-step outline of ¤EG QÉ°üjo Ée kÉÑdÉZh .á«HÉîàf’G á∏ª◊G ‘ á©ÑàŸG q how the campaign will get to election day. ᣰûfCG ÖcGƒàa ,á∏ª◊G ájG~H ‘ á£ÿG √òg áZÉ«°U .»HÉîàf’G Ωƒ«dG ¤EG k’ƒ°Uh ,kIƒ£N kIƒ£N á∏ª◊G Campaign People who have proven past experi- m ÉgƒÑ°ùàcG ∫ÉÛG Gòg ‘ á∏jƒW IÈîH ¿ƒ©àªàj ¢UÉî°TCG l Professionals ence working on campaigns, and under- ºgh »°VÉŸG ‘ äÓª◊G øe O~Y º«¶æJ ‘ º¡∏ªY øe stand the fundamentals of campaign äÓª◊G ¿hDƒ°T ‘ ¿ƒ°üàfl/AGÈN development, such as raising money, ±ô©jo h .πª©dG Gòg AGOCG AÉ≤d Gk ôLCG ¿ƒ°VÉ≤àj Ée kÉÑdÉZ n formulating a campaign message, work- äÓª◊G º«¶æàd á«°SÉ°SC’G ÇOÉÑŸÉH ™°SGƒdG º¡eÉŸEG º¡æY ing with the media, and targeting and ,á˘∏˘ª◊G á˘dɢ°SQ á˘Zɢ«˘°Uh ,äɢYÈà˘dG ™˘ª˘L ∫ɢã˘e ≈˘˘∏˘ Y persuading voters. See also “Campaign ÚÑ˘Nɢæ˘dG ±G~˘¡˘à˘°SGh ,ΩÓ˘Y’G π˘Fɢ˘°Sh ™˘˘e »˘˘Wɢ˘©˘ à˘ dGh E Committee,” “Campaign Manager,” and “Scheduler.” ôj~e''h ,''á∏ª◊G áæ÷'' kÉ° jCG ™LGQ .âjƒ°üàdÉH º¡YÉæbE’ .''∫ɪYC’G/~«YGƒŸG ∫h~L ™°VGh''h ,''á∏ª◊G