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Short	Laboratory	Report	2015	
	Vapour	Compression	Refrigeration	Cycle	
Chloé	Marie	Taylor		
Lab	Group:	Mech	18	
Date	of	Experiment:	10th
	November	2015	
Date	of	Lab	Report:	24th
	December	2015
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1			–			Summary	------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------	2	
2			–			Introduction	--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------	3	
3			–			Aims	of	Experiment	----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------	3	
4			–			Theory	of	Vapour	Compression	Refrigeration	Cycles	--------------------------------------------------.	4	
5			–			Set-up	and	Procedure	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------	6	
6			–			Observations	and	Results---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------	6	
7			–			Discussion	and	Analysis	of	Results	---------------------------------------------------------------------------	8	
8			–			Sources	and	Discussion	of	Error	------------------------------------------------------------------------------	11	
9			–			Conclusion	----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------	12	
10	–			References	---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------	12	
11	–			Appendix	------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13	
1	–	Summary		
An	air	conditioning	unit	was	used	for	the	experiment.	The	purpose	of	the	experiment	was	to	
study	the	performance	of	a	vapour	compression	refrigeration	cycle	by	calculating	the	unit’s	coefficient	
of	 performance	 (COPR).	 Air	 was	 heated,	 humidified,	 cooled	 and	 dehumidified	 and	 then	 reheated	
during	the	process.	Temperature	readings	for	the	air	and	the	refrigerant	and	working	parameters	of	
the	unit	were	recorded	during	the	experiment.	The	state	of	the	air	at	each	point	was	plotted	on	a	
psychometric	chart,	which	showed	that	the	unit	did	not	reduce	the	humidity	of	the	air	as	much	as	
expected.	This	was	suggested	to	be	due	to	the	refrigerant	not	removing	as	much	heat	from	the	air	as	
expected.	The	refrigerant	cycle	was	plotted	on	a	p-h	diagram,	where	the	ideal	and	actual	cycles	were	
shown	along	with	irreversible	processes.	It	was	shown	that	the	actual	cycle	moved	more	into	the	
super-heated	region	meaning	more	heat	was	rejected	into	the	environment	than	the	ideal	cycle.		
The	 cooling	 loads	 from	 the	 air	 and	 into	 the	 refrigerant	 were	 calculated,	 giving	 values	 of	
2.55kW	and	2.78kW	respectively.	The	difference	between	these	values	was	said	to	be	due	to	the	unit	
being	badly	insulated	hence	the	refrigerant	absorbed	heat	from	the	environment	as	well	as	the	air.	
COPR	values	for	the	refrigeration	cycle	were	calculated	based	on	the	air	and	the	refrigerant	cooling	
loads,	yielding	values	of	1.19	and	1.3	respectively.	The	COPR	based	on	the	refrigerant	was	said	to	be	
more	accurate	as	it	did	not	have	the	inaccuracies	of	the	wet	bulb	temperature	readings	that	the	air	
based	COPR	had.	Sources	of	error,	how	to	minimise	them	and	improvements	for	the	experiment	and	
the	air	conditioning	unit	are	discussed.
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2	-	Introduction	
	 Heat	 pumps	 are	 very	 important	 in	 today’s	 society,	 being	 the	 basis	 for	 refrigerators	 and	
freezers	as	well	as	some	heating	methods.	Heat	pumps	are	machines	which	move	heat	from	a	lower	
temperature	reservoir	(called	the	source)	to	a	higher	temperature	reservoir	(called	the	heat	sink)	
driven	by	a	work	input.	Depending	on	the	aim,	they	can	be	heaters	by	rejecting	heat	into	the	heat	
sink,	or	refrigerators	by	absorbing	heat	from	the	source.	Their	performance	is	measured	by	the	ratio	
of	cooling	obtained	to	work	required,	called	the	coefficient	of	performance	(COP)	shown	in	equation	
1	below.		
!"#$ = 	
	,																	+,. 1	
'(	=	cooling	load	(heat	removed	from	source)	(W)	
)	=	Work	input	(W)	
COP	values	will	generally	be	above	1	as	more	heat	will	be	removed	from	the	source	than	work	
is	put	in	due	to	the	nature	of	the	cycle	(discussed	in	3	–	Theory	of	Vapour	Compression	Refrigeration	
This	experiment	aims	to	find	the	COP	of	a	vapour	compression	refrigeration	cycle	as	it	is	used	
to	cool	and	dehumidify	air.	Irreversibilities	of	the	process	and	other	points	of	interest	will	be	discussed.	
3	-	Aims	of	Experiment	
An	air	conditioning	unit	operating	a	vapour	compression	refrigeration	cycle	will	be	used	to	heat	
air	 to	 a	 warm	 and	 humid	 state,	 then	 dehumidify	 and	 cool	 air.	 Temperatures	 of	 the	 air	 and	 the	
refrigerant	working	fluid	will	be	recorded	from	the	air	conditioning	unit.	Other	working	parameters	
including	differential	pressures,	mass	flow	rates	and	voltage/current	values	will	be	recorded.	These	
set	of	results	will	allow:	
• The	path	of	the	air	conditioning	process	to	be	plotted	on	a	psychometric	chart		
• The	state	of	the	air	at	each	point	to	be	found	and	comments	to	be	made	on	the	final	quality	
of	the	air	
• The	cooling	load	from	the	air	during	the	air	conditioning	cycle	to	be	calculated	
• The	ideal	and	real	cycle	for	the	refrigerant	on	a	p-h	diagram	to	be	plotted		
• The	cooling	load	for	the	refrigerant	during	the	cycle	to	be	calculated	
• The	coefficient	of	performance	of	the	refrigerator	(COP)	to	be	calculated
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4	-	Theory	of	Vapour	Compression	Refrigeration	Cycles	
Carnot	Cycle	
	 This	experiment	uses	a	vapour	compression	refrigeration	cycle	which	cools	air	down.	Though	
the	 air	 is	 heated	 and	 cooled	 in	 the	 air	 conditioning	 unit	 it	 is	 the	 refrigeration	 cycle	 (using	 R12	
refrigerant	as	the	working	fluid)	which	is	the	main	focus	of	the	experiment.	The	refrigeration	cycle	
removes	 heat	 from	 the	 air	 and	 rejects	 it	 to	 the	 environment,	 acting	 as	 a	 reverse	 heat	 engine	 –	
commonly	called	a	heat	pump.	Heat	pumps	are	based	around	reverse	Carnot	cycles,	which	are	exactly	
the	same	as	Carnot	cycle	but	the	process	directions	and	hence	work	and	heat	inputs	and	outputs	are	
reversed.	Figure	1	and	2	below	are	the	pressure-volume	(p-v)	and	temperature-entropy	(T-s)	diagrams	
for	a	reverse	Carnot	cycle.		
Figure	1:	Pressure	Volume	diagram	showing																				Figure	2:	Temperature-Entropy	graph	with										
Carnot	cycle.	ssssssssssss	sssssssssssddfffffffffffhsslkcsd	a	saturation	curve	showing	Carnot	cycle.	
The	processes	relating	to	the	points	in	figure	1	and	2	are	detailed	below:	
1-2:	Isentropic	compression	–	work	is	done	on	the	working	fluid	at	a	constant	entropy,	resulting	in	
an	increase	in	temperature	
2-3:	Isothermal	heat	rejection	–	heat	is	rejected	into	the	high	temperature	reservoir		
3-4:	Isentropic	expansion	–	work	is	done	by	the	working	fluid	at	a	constant	entropy,	resulting	in	a	
decrease	in	temperature	
4-1:	Isothermal	heat	absorption	–	heat	is	absorbed	('()	from	a	low	temperature	reservoir	
Note	that	figure	2	shows	the	saturation	curve	for	the	cycle.	Enclosed	in	the	saturation	curve	
the	 refrigerant	 is	 a	 mixed	 state	 of	 vapour	 and	 liquid.	 To	 the	 left	 of	 the	 saturated	 liquid	 line	 the	
refrigerant	 is	 a	 sub-cooled	 liquid,	 to	 the	 right	 of	 the	 saturated	 vapour	 line	 the	 refrigerant	 is	
superheated	vapour.	The	importance	of	this	is	discussed	below.	
	 To	base	a	refrigeration	cycle	around	the	reverse	Carnot	cycle,	a	working	fluid	must	be	found	
that	is	capable	of	isothermal	heat	rejection	and	absorption	at	the	temperatures	of	the	high	and	low	
temperature	reservoirs	(TH	and	TL).	This	can	be	obtained	by	using	fluids	that	condense	and	evaporate	
around	these	temperatures	as	phase	changes	are	processes	in	which	heat	is	input	or	output	with	no	
temperature	 change.	 This	 can	 be	 understood	 more	 by	 looking	 at	 the	 Carnot	 cycle	 encased	 in	 a	
saturation	curve	(figure	2).		By	choosing	a	refrigerant	which	has	saturation	temperatures	(TH	and	TL)	
at	the	required	pressures,	the	phase	changes	of	the	refrigerant	can	be	used	to	facilitate	the	isothermal	
processes	2-3	and	4-1.	The	refrigerant	will	have	a	low	boiling	point	allowing	it	to	change	phase	(and	
absorb	heat)	from	an	already	cool	temperature.		
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Practical	vapour	compression	refrigeration	cycle	
	 In	practice	the	reverse	Carnot	cycle	is	adjusted	to	the	vapour	compression	refrigeration	cycle	
shown	below	in	figure	3.	The	working	fluid	is	a	refrigerant	that	suits	the	high	and	low	temperature	
reservoirs	temperatures.		
Figure	3:	Temperature	Enthalpy	diagram	showing	
vapour	compression	refrigeration	cycle.	
The	processes	in	figure	3	are	as	follows:	
1-2:	Isentropic	compression	–	the	refrigerant	is	compressed	to	a	super-heated	vapour	
2-3:	Heat	rejection	–	the	superheated	vapour	is	cooled	to	the	saturation	temperature	(TH)	then	rejects	
heat	at	constant	temperature	until	it	reaches	the	saturated	liquid	point	
3-4:	Expansion	–	the	refrigerant	is	cooled	quickly	by	use	of	a	throttle	valve	to	TL,	forming	a	liquid	
vapour	mixture		
4-1:	 Heat	 absorption	 –	 the	 refrigerant	 absorbs	 heat	 ('()	 from	 low	 temperature	 reservoir	 until	 it	
reaches	the	saturated	vapour	point	
The	differences	in	figure	3	are	mainly	due	to	the	practicalities	of	running	a	reverse	Carnot	
cycle.	Stage	1-2	is	the	most	notably	different	as	it	is	shifted	completely	out	of	the	saturation	curve.	
Compressors	do	not	have	high	efficiency	and	require	more	maintenance	when	they	operate	with	a	
mixed	state	medium,	hence	the	compression	stage	is	shifted	into	the	superheated	vapour	region.		This	
means	that	process	2-3	can	no	longer	be	isothermal	as	the	super-heated	vapour	must	first	be	cooled	
to	its	saturation	temperature	(TH)	before	it	can	undergo	the	phase	transition	to	the	saturated	liquid.		
Process	3-4	is	an	irreversible	expansion	process	using	a	throttling	valve.	Throttling	valves	are	
used	rather	than	isentropic	expansion	engines	(which	expand	saturated	liquids)	as	there	is	only	a	small	
amount	of	work	output	to	be	gained	–	the	costs	for	an	engine	would	not	be	justifiable.	The	throttle	
valve	 reduces	 the	 pressure	 of	 the	 saturated	 liquid	 abruptly,	 causing	 flash	 evaporation	 (partial	
evaporation	of	liquid	due	to	sudden	drop	in	pressure)	of	the	liquid	and	reducing	its	temperature.	It	is	
ideally	a	constant	enthalpy	process.		
Figure	3	shows	an	ideal	refrigeration	cycle.	In	reality	the	compression	process	(1-2)	is	likely	to	
not	be	isentropic	hence	an	increase	in	entropy	will	be	seen.	This	will	also	mean	that	the	super-heated	
vapour	will	also	reach	a	higher	temperature	meaning	the	heat	rejection	process	will	have	to	reduce	
the	temperature	more	before	reaching	the	saturation	temperature	(TH).	There	will	be	other	generally	
frictional	losses	during	the	process	which	will	can	cause	pressure	drops	within	the	processes.		
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5	-	Set-up	and	Procedure		
The	apparatus	used	is	an	air	conditioning	unit.	The	unit	is	divided	into	stations	where	various	
readings	can	be	taken.	At	station	A	air	is	taken	in	from	the	room	and	enters	the	unit.	Station	B	is	for	
mixing	re-circulating	air	that	has	already	passed	through	the	unit	in	with	the	fresh	air	from	the	room.	
Air	will	not	be	re-circulated	during	the	experiment	so	any	readings	from	station	A	and	B	should	be	
identical.	Between	station	B	and	C	electric	pre-heaters	and	steam	injection	occurs	to	bring	the	air	to	
the	 conditions	 of	 a	 warm	 humid	 climate.	 Between	 station	 C	 and	 D	 the	 air	 passes	 though	 an					
evaporator	 where	 it	 is	 cooled	 and	 excess	 moisture	 is	 condensed	 out.	 The	 evaporator	 uses	
dichlorodifluoromethane	(R12)	refrigerant	–	the	cycle	of	the	refrigerant	is	of	key	importance	to	the	
experiment	and	will	be	discussed	in	more	detail	in	Section	7			–			Discussion	and	Analysis	of	Results.	
Between	station	D	and	E	there	is	re-heating	of	the	air	to	increase	its	temperature	and	reduce	its	
humidity.	Each	station	has	two	thermocoupled	thermometers	–	a	wet	and	a	dry	bulb.	By	taking	these	
two	readings	we	can	determine	the	state	of	the	air	(its	relative	humidity).	Other	readings	about	the	
unit	such	as	mass	flow	rates,	current	in	compressors,	relative	pressures	and	temperatures	in	the	
refrigerant	cycle	will	be	recorded.		
Set-up	and	Procedure		
	 Hot	and	humid	air	must	be	produced	for	the	air	conditioning	cycle.	This	air	will	then	be	
cooled	and	dehumidified	and	then	reheated	to	a	required	temperature	of	20°C.	
The	unit	is	turned	on	and	air	flow	is	set	to	a	minimum	of	0.07kgs-1
	(any	lower	and	the	reliability	
of	the	wet	bulb	thermocouples	will	be	poor).	The	boilers	and	refrigerator	units	are	turned	on	and	
allowed	to	stabilise	for	about	5	minutes.	Once	steam	is	being	produced	by	the	boilers,	two	of	the	three	
boilers	are	turned	off	and	the	re-heater	between	station	D	and	E	is	turned	on,	adjusting	it	so	that	the	
air	before	the	cooling	is	heated	to	25°C	and	a	relative	humidity	of	90%	(a	warm	humid	climate).		The	
unit	 is	 then	 left	 again	 to	 stabilise	 for	 10	 minutes,	 after	 which	 the	 re-heater	 is	 adjusted	 to	 give	 a	
temperature	of	about	20°C	and	relative	humidity	of	50-60%	after	the	cooling	as	it	exits	the	unit.	After	
allowing	the	unit	to	stabilise	for	10	minutes	once	more,	thermocouple	readings	and	other	parameters	
at	each	station	can	be	taken.	The	results	can	be	seen	in	the	section	below.	
6	-	Observations	and	Results	
The	temperature	readings	from	the	thermocouples	(wet	and	dry	bulbs)	were	recorded	and	
shown	in	table	1.	The	corrected	values	for	the	wet	bulb	temperature	are	also	shown	–	the	correction	
value	was	found	using	figure	6	which	shows	the	relationship	between	‘Screen’	and	‘Sling’	wet	bulb	
temperatures	when	the	dry	bulb	temperature	is	known.	Figure	6	and	a	brief	explanation	of	how	
correction	values	are	obtained	is	shown	in	the	Appendix.	
Station	 Dry	Bulb	Temperature	
Wet	Bulb	
(observed)	(°C)	
Wet	Bulb	
(corrected)	(°C)	
A	–	Intake	 20.0	 16.0	 16.4	
B	–	After	Mixing	 21.0	 17.0	 17.4	
C	–	After	Pre-heating	
and	Steam	Injection	
27.5	 27.5	 27.5	
D	–	After	Cooling	and	
18.3	 18.3	 18.3	
E	–	After	Re-heating	 24.0	 22.0	 22.2	
Table	1:	Dry,	Wet	bulb	and	corrected	wet	bulb	temperature	readings	from	each	station.
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Note	that	when	the	readings	for	station	C	and	D	were	taken	the	wet	bulb	temperatures	were	
higher	than	the	dry	bulb	temperatures.	The	wet	bulb	is	meant	to	be	less	than	or	equal	to	the	dry	bulb	
so	 the	 wet	 bulbs	 were	 given	 the	 same	 temperature	 as	 the	 dry	 bulb.	 No	 correction	 values	 were	
obtained	for	these	temperatures.	This	is	further	discussed	in	the	section	8	-	Sources	of	Error.		
The	air	at	A	and	B	is	expected	to	be	identical	as	there	is	no	change	in	the	air	between	these	
two	points.	However	at	station	B	there	is	an	increase	in	temperature	of	1°C	for	both	the	wet	and	the	
dry	 bulb.	 This	 could	 be	 due	 to	 the	 air	 conditioning	 unit	 acting	 as	 an	 insulation	 to	 the	 outside	
environment	so	air	further	in	the	unit	(station	B)	will	be	warmer	whereas	station	A	is	not	well	enclosed.	
It	could	also	be	due	to	a	too	short	stabilisation	period.	
The	temperature	readings	from	the	refrigerant	cycle	are	shown	in	table	2.	These	will	be	used	
in	Section	7			–			Discussion	and	Analysis	of	Results	to	plot	a	more	realistic	cycle	on	a	p-h	diagram.	
R12	Temperature:	 Temperature	(°C)	
Before	Expansion	valve	 33	
After	Expansion	valve	 0	
After	Evaporator	 21.5	
After	Compressor	 92	
Table	2:	Temperature	of	R12	refrigerant	at	various	stages	
through	cycle.	
The	voltage	supply,	and	currents	through	the	relevant	equipment	are	recorded,	shown	in	table	3.		
Voltage	(V)	 233	
Pre-heater	current	(A)	 2	
Boiler	current	(A)	 8	
Compressor	and	cooling	fan	current	(A)	 9.2	
Re-heater	current	(A)	 2	
Circulating	fan	current	(A)	 0.8	
Table	3:	Voltage	and	current	readings	from	the	unit.	
Using	 the	 value	 of	 voltage	 and	 compressor	 and	 cooling	 fan	 current	 we	 can	 calculate	 the	
amount	of	power	the	compressor	and	cooling	fan	require.	This	is	calculated	using	equation	2	below	
and	we	obtain	a	power	of	2.144kW.		
#/0+1 = 23 = 9.2×233 = 2143.6),																	+,. 2	
This	value	of	power	is	the	work	input	to	the	refrigerant	cycle.	It	will	be	used	later	to	find	a	
value	for	the	COPR	of	the	refrigerant	cycle.	
Other	variables	of	the	unit	which	were	recorded	are	shown	in	table	4.	They	will	be	used	in	
later	calculations	finding	the	COP	and	mass	flow	rates	of	the	air	and	refrigerant.		
Reading		 Units		
Orifice	Differential	(intake)	 mmH20	 0.7	
Orifice	Differential	(outlet)	 mmH20	 0.7	
Evaporator	Pressure	(gauge)	 kPa	 200	
Condenser	Pressure	(gauge)	 kPa	 750	
Refrigerant	mass	flow	rate	 kgs-1	
Table	4:	Orifice	differential	intake	and	outlet,	evaporator	and	condenser	pressure	and	refrigerant	mass	
flow	rate	as	recorded	from	the	unit.
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7	-	Discussion	and	analysis	of	Results	
Air	Calculations	
Psychometric	chart		
The	temperature	readings	(dry	and	wet	corrected)	from	table	1	are	plotted	on	a	psychometric	
chart	to	enable	the	state	of	the	air	at	each	station	to	be	found.	This	is	shown	in	figure	4	below	[1].	
Each	point	has	been	labelled	and	from	the	graph	we	can	find	the	specific	enthalpy,	%	saturation	and	
specific	volume	of	the	air	at	each	station.	The	data	obtained	from	the	graph	is	shown	in	table	5	below.		
Figure	4:	Psychometric	chart	for	air	at	101.325kPa	with	points	of	air	at	each	station	
plotted	on.	[1]	
	 Station	A	 Station	B	 Station	C	 Station	D	 Station	E	
Specific	Enthalpy	
45	 49	 87	 50	 66	
%	Saturation	 72	 70	 100	 100	 88	
Specific	Volume	
0.843	 0.848	 0.884	 0.842	 0.863	
Table	5:	Specific	enthalpy,	%	saturation	and	specific	volume	for	air	at	each	station	read	from	
figure	4.	
	 We	can	see	that	the	states	of	A	and	B	are	very	similar	–	this	is	expected	and	was	discussed	
earlier	in	section	5	-	Set-up	and	Procedure.	Station	C	was	aimed	to	have	a	%	saturation	of	90	and	a	
temperature	of	around	25°C,	table	5	and	table	1	show	that	actual	values	were	100%	saturation	and	
27.5°C.	Station	E	was	aimed	to	be	at	50-60%	saturation	and	around	20°C,	table	5	and	1	show	that	
actual	values	were	88%	and	22.2°C.	The	actual	%	saturation	at	E	is	considerably	higher	than	expected,	
showing	the	re-heating	process	between	D	and	E	did	not	reduce	the	relative	humidity	as	much	as	
expected.	The	final	temperature	of	the	air	leaving	the	conditioning	unit	(station	E)	was	2.2°C	above	
the	aimed	value,	suggesting	that	the	refrigeration	process	may	not	have	reduced	the	temperature	as	
much	as	was	required.	Had	the	refrigeration	cycle	cooled	the	air	more,	more	heat	could	have	been
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added	back	during	the	re-heating	process	which	may	have	decreased	the	%	saturation	more,	giving	a	
closer	value	of	both	%	saturation	and	temperature	to	the	aim.		
Other	differences	between	the	aimed	and	actual	values	are	commented	on	in	the	section	8	-	
Sources	of	Error.		 	
Cooling	Load	
	 The	cooling	load	on	the	air	is	the	amount	of	heat	removed	from	it	as	it	passes	through	the	
heat	exchanger	where	the	cooled	refrigerant	flows.	It	can	be	calculated	using	equation	3	below.		
'( = :(ℎ= − ℎ?),																	+,. 3	
:	=	mass	flow	rate	(kgs-1
)	(air)	
ℎ=	=	specific	enthalpy	of	air	before	cooling	(station	C)	(kJ/kg)	
ℎ?	=	specific	enthalpy	of	air	after	cooling	(station	D)	(kJ/kg)	
The	values	of	ℎ=	and	ℎ?	from	table	5	are	87	kJ/kg	and	50	kJ/kg	respectively.	The	mass	flow	
rate	of	air	can	be	calculated	using	equation	4	shown	below.	
: = 0.0757
	,																	+,. 4	
∆E	=	intake	orifice	differential	pressure	(mmH20)	
FG	=	specific	volume	at	intake	(station	A)	(m3
The	value	for	∆E	was	recorded	to	be	0.7	mmH20	(table	4)	and	the	value	of	FG	was	found	to	be	
0.843	m3
/kg	(graph	1	and	table	5).	These	two	values	can	be	substituted	into	equation	4	and	give	a	
value	of	0.0690kgs-1
	for	the	air	mass	flow	rate.	Substituting	the	mass	flow	rate	and	both	specific	
enthalpies	for	station	D	and	C	(table	5)	into	equation	3	a	cooling	load	on	the	air	of	2.55kW	is	obtained.		
Refrigerant	Calculations	
Refrigeration	Cycle	on	pressure-enthalpy	Diagram		
	 The	readings	that	were	taken	during	the	experiment	can	be	used	to	plot	a	p-h	diagram	for	the	
refrigerant	cycle.	A	pressure	enthalpy	(p-h)	diagram	shown	in	figure	5	[2]	can	then	be	used	to	find	the	
enthalpy	of	the	refrigerant	at	each	stage	and	hence	the	cooling	load	can	be	calculated.	This	can	then	
be	used	to	calculate	the	COPR	of	the	refrigeration	cycle.		
A	pressure	enthalpy	diagram	for	dichlorodifluoromethane	(R12)	was	used,	by	plotting	the	
points	the	changes	in	phase	of	the	refrigerant	can	clearly	be	seen.	Note	that	on	this	graph	there	are	
multiple	 axes.	 In	 order	 to	 plot	 the	 points	 the	 absolute	 pressures	 at	 which	 the	 condenser	 and	
evaporator	are	running	on	must	be	calculated.	The	gauge	running	pressures	of	the	evaporator	and	
condenser	were	recorded	to	be	200kPa	and	750kPa	respectively	(table	4).	To	convert	the	values	to	
absolute	pressure	the	atmospheric	pressure	(taken	as	100	kPa)	is	added	to	each	value.	From	this	the	
evaporator	pressure	is	found	to	be	300kPa	and	the	condenser	pressure	is	found	to	be	850kPa.	
	 Each	point	is	plotted	on	the	diagram	(figure	5),	note	that	the	same	nomenclature	for	the	points	
is	used	as	in	the	theory	section	(4)	above.	Point	one	represents	the	refrigerant	as	a	superheated	
vapour	as	it	exits	the	evaporator.	It	is	plotted	at	0.3	bar	(evaporator	pressure)	and	on	the	saturated	
vapour	curve.	Process	1-2	is	a	constant	entropy	compression	of	the	refrigerant	to	the	condenser	
pressure	(0.85	bar),	so	point	2	is	plotted	at	0.85	bar	(condenser	pressure)	and	at	entropy	as	point	1	
(0.7	kJ/kg/K).	Process	2-3	is	a	condensing	process	where	the	refrigerant	is	cooled	and	phase	changes	
into	a	liquid.	Point	3	can	be	plotted	at	0.85bar	(condenser	pressure)	and	on	the	saturated	liquid	curve.	
Process	 3-4	 is	 a	 constant	 enthalpy	 expansion	 process	 where	 the	 refrigerant	 is	 bought	 to	 the	
evaporator	 pressure	 (0.3	 bar)	 so	 point	 4	 is	 plotted	 at	 the	 same	 enthalpy	 as	 point	 3	 and	 on	 the	
evaporator	pressure	line.
Page	10	of	13	
	 Point	 1	 has	 been	 plotted	 assuming	 that	 the	 evaporator	 only	 heats	 the	 refrigerant	 to	 the	
saturated	vapour	point.	The	actual	point	1	(1a)	can	be	plotted	on	the	graph	using	the	temperature	of	
the	refrigerant	as	it	exits	the	evaporator	which	from	table	2	is	found	to	be	21.5°C.	Note	that	this	is	
much	higher	than	the	ideal	temperature	value	of	0°C.	It	is	seen	that	point	1a	is	in	the	superheated	
region	in	the	p-h	diagram,	meaning	the	evaporator	has	heated	the	refrigerant	more	than	is	expected.	
The	importance	of	this	will	be	discussed	when	calculating	the	cooling	load	on	the	refrigerant	(later	in	
Point	2	has	been	plotted	assuming	the	process	1-2	is	isentropic	(constant	entropy).	In	reality	
it	will	not	have	been	an	isentropic	process,	there	will	have	been	a	small	amount	of	heat	transfer	into	
the	refrigerant	resulting	in	a	higher	final	temperature.	A	more	realistic	point	2	can	be	plotted	by	using	
the	temperature	of	the	refrigerant	at	the	end	of	the	compression	process.	From	table	2	the	value	is	
found	to	be	92°C	and	can	be	plotted	(as	point	2a)	on	the	condenser	pressure	line	(0.85	bar)	using	a	
constant	temperature	line.	It	is	seen	that	the	actual	point	(2a)	is	further	to	the	right	than	the	ideal	
isentropic	point	(2),	as	the	ideal	point	is	at	a	temperature	of	40°C.	This	means	that	more	cooling	is	
needed	 to	 cool	 the	 superheated	 refrigerant	 to	 a	 saturated	 vapour,	 and	 also	 represents	 an	
irreversibility	in	the	cycle.		
Point	1a	and	2a	have	been	connected	and	drawn	on	figure	5,	to	allow	comparison	between	the	
actual	and	ideal	cycle.		
Figure	5:	Pressure-enthalpy	diagram	showing	the	refrigerant	cycle.	Note	that	point	1	
and	1a	and	the	isentropic	(2)	and	actual	(2a)	 points	of	the	compression	are	shown.	
Dashed	lines	represent	irreversible	processes.	[2]	 	
	 Irreversibilities	in	the	vapour	compression	refrigeration	cycle	have	been	shown	on	figure	5	by	
dashed	lines.	Process	1a	to	2a	is	irreversible	as	it	does	is	not	an	isentropic	process	(due	to	there	being	
small	amounts	of	heat	transfer)	hence	it	cannot	be	reversed.	Process	3	to	4	is	irreversible	due	to	the	
nature	of	the	air	conditioning	unit,	this	was	discussed	in	Section	4			–			Theory	of	Vapour	Compression	
Refrigeration	Cycles.		
Specic Enthalpy (kJkg)
Constant Specic
Entropy (kJkgK)
3 2 2
11 a
Page	11	of	13	
Cooling	Load	
	 The	cooling	load	on	the	air	can	be	calculated	using	equation	3	from	above,	note	that	ℎ=	and	ℎ?	
correspond	to	the	specific	enthalpies	of	the	refrigerant	at	points	1	and	4	on	figure	5	–	186	kJ/kg	and	
70	 kJkg	 respectively.	 These	 values	 and	 the	 mass	 flow	 rate	 of	 the	 refrigerant	 from	 table	 4	 of																
0.024	kgs-1
	can	be	substituted	into	equation	3,	giving	a	cooling	load	of	2.78kW.	Note	that	this	is	larger	
than	the	cooling	load	calculated	for	the	air	(2.55kW),	showing	that	the	refrigerant	gained	more	energy	
than	the	air	in	the	unit	lost.	This	difference	is	further	discussed	in	the	section	8	-	Sources	of	Error.		
Coefficient	of	Performance		
	 The	COPR	can	be	calculated	for	the	refrigeration	unit	using	equation	1	shown	below.		
!#$ = 	
	,																	+,. 1	
'(	=	cooling	load	(W)	
)	=	Work	input	(power	of	the	compressor)	(W)	
	 The	 work	 input	 into	 this	 cycle	 is	 the	 compressor,	 its	 power	 was	 calculated	 in	 section	 6	 -
Observations	and	Results	and	was	found	to	be	2.144kW.	This	and	the	value	for	cooling	load	from	
above	(2.78kW)	can	be	substituted	into	equation	1	yielding	a	COPR	of	1.30.	This	COPR	value	means	that	
for	every	1kW	of	work	input,	1.3kW	of	heat	will	be	removed	from	the	air.		
	 The	COPR	can	also	be	calculated	using	the	cooling	load	based	on	the	air’s	calculations.	The	
compressor	power	and	the	cooling	load	based	on	the	air	(2.55kW)	can	be	substituted	into	equation	4	
to	give	a	COPR	of	1.19.	This	is	smaller	than	the	COPR	based	around	the	refrigerant,	and	is	due	to	the	
cooling	load	of	the	air	being	lower	than	the	cooling	load	for	the	refrigerant.	This	COPR	value	means	
that	for	every	1kW	of	work	input,	1.19kW	of	heat	will	be	removed	from	the	air.	The	significance	of	this	
is	discussed	in	section	8	–	Sources	and	Discussion	of	Error.		
8	-	Sources	and	Discussion	of	Error	
	 As	 this	 experiment	 was	 mainly	 descriptive,	 it	 is	 difficult	 to	 quantify	 any	 errors.	 No	 fits	 or	
expected	trends	can	be	compared	to	the	results,	instead	the	systematic	and	experimental	errors	and	
improvements	for	the	experiment	and	the	air	conditioning	unit	are	discussed.		
	 The	air	conditioning	unit	was	used	in	a	large	room	with	other	large	pieces	of	equipment	running	
nearby.	Intermittent	construction	work	was	going	on	in	the	room	adjacent,	meaning	that	the	quality	
of	the	air	may	have	fluctuated	during	the	experiment.	It	is	also	possible	that	the	air	had	a	higher	dust	
and	particulate	content	than	normal.	The	experiment	was	conducted	within	a	2	hour	session,	this	time	
constraint	limited	the	time	that	could	be	used	for	stabilisation	of	the	unit.	If	the	experiment	were	to	
be	done	again,	an	isolated,	air	conditioned	and	filtered	room	should	be	used	and	longer	times	should	
be	allowed	for	the	stabilisation	of	the	unit.		
	 All	readings	were	taken	from	needle	scales	which	were	fluctuating,	increasing	the	error	in	the	
results.	The	unit	was	not	calibrated	before	usage	and	hence	the	results	obtained	may	have	systematic	
error.	A	digital	scale	may	have	increased	the	precision	of	the	results	obtained	though	this	would	
require	adjustment	on	the	unit.			
	 In	section	6	the	results	obtained	showed	that	for	two	of	the	recorded	temperatures	the	wet	
bulb	was	higher	than	the	dry	bulb	temperature	-	this	may	have	happened	due	to	the	unit	not	having	
enough	time	to	fully	stabilise.		
	 In	section	7	it	was	shown	that	the	aimed	temperature	and	saturations	at	stations	C	and	E	were	
different	to	the	values	aimed	for.	This	was	suggested	to	be	due	to	the	refrigeration	cycle	not	removing	
as	much	heat	from	the	air	as	expected.	This	is	supported	by	the	fact	that	the	cooling	load	on	the	air	
was	found	to	be	less	than	the	cooling	load	gained	by	the	refrigerant	(2.55kW	to	2.78kW,	section	7),	
showing	the	refrigerant	was	removing	more	heat	than	was	lost	from	the	air.	The	extra	heat	gained	by	
the	refrigerant	could	be	due	to	it	also	absorbing	heat	from	the	surrounding	environment	as	the	unit
Page	12	of	13	
may	not	be	well	insulated	on	the	section	where	the	heat	exchange	occurs.	The	extra	heat	absorption	
is	also	supported	by	the	actual	cycle	plotted	on	the	p-h	diagram	where	the	evaporator	increases	the	
temperature	of	the	refrigerant	as	well	as	changes	its	phase	(pushing	it	into	the	superheated	region).		
	 Two	COPR	values	were	calculated,	one	using	the	cooling	load	to	the	refrigerant	(1.3)	and	one	
from	the	cooling	load	from	the	air	(1.19).	The	COPR	based	on	the	air	is	more	conservative	as	it	uses	
the	 cooling	 load	 that	 was	 directly	 measured	 from	 the	 air	 and	 is	 the	 desired	 outcome	 of	 the	 air-
conditioning	process.	However	the	refrigerant	based	COPR	is	more	accurate	as	it	does	not	have	the	
inaccuracies	in	measurement	of	the	wet	bulb	readings	as	the	air	COPR	does.		
	 The	COPR	values	obtained	for	the	unit	could	be	improved	in	a	number	of	ways.	From	equation	
1	it	is	clear	that	the	COP	value	can	be	increased	by	making	the	cooling	load	larger,	or	the	work	input	
smaller.	The	cooling	load	could	be	made	larger	by	insulating	the	heat	exchange	section	to	ensure	that	
all	heat	absorbed	by	the	refrigerant	is	from	the	air.	It	could	also	be	increased	by	using	a	contra-current	
flow	of	the	refrigerant	and	air	when	the	exchange	takes	place	as	this	maintains	a	higher	temperature	
gradient	increasing	the	amount	of	heat	exchange.	Work	input	could	be	reduced	by	using	a	more	
efficient	compressor.		
9	–	Conclusion		
	 The	results	obtained	allowed	us	to	plot	the	state	of	the	air	on	a	psychometric	chart.	It	was	shown	
that	the	%	saturations	of	the	air	were	different	to	the	values	that	were	aimed	for,	this	was	attributed	
to	the	refrigerant	removing	less	heat	from	the	air	than	expected	hence	removing	less	humidity.	The	
temperatures	of	the	air	were	relatively	close	to	the	aimed	values,	though	the	final	temperature	of	the	
air	was	2.2°C	above	the	aimed	value,	again	suggesting	that	the	refrigeration	cycle	did	not	reduce	the	
air’s	temperature	enough.	
	 The	refrigerant	cycle	was	plotted	on	a	p-h	diagram,	showing	the	ideal	and	actual	cycle	along	
with	irreversibilities.	The	actual	cycle	moved	into	the	super-heated	vapour	region	of	the	graph	much	
more	than	the	actual	cycle,	meaning	that	more	heat	was	rejected	to	the	environment	than	expected.	
The	 cooling	 loads	 on	 the	 air	 and	 to	 the	 refrigerant	 were	 calculated,	 giving	 2.55kW	 and	 2.78kW	
respectively.	This	higher	refrigerant	cooling	load	was	said	to	be	due	to	the	air	conditioning	unit	not	
being	 well	 insulated	 so	 heat	 was	 removed	 from	 the	 surrounding	 environment	 as	 well	 as	 the	 air.	
	 COPR	values	were	calculated	based	on	the	cooling	loads	for	the	air	and	the	refrigerant,	yielding	
values	of	1.3	and	1.19	respectively.	The	COPR	based	on	the	air’s	cooling	load	was	said	to	be	more	
conservative	as	it	used	a	smaller	cooling	load	and	the	desired	outcome	of	the	refrigeration,	however	
it	 is	 more	 inaccurate	 as	 it	 includes	 the	 measurements	 of	 the	 wet	 bulb	 temperatures	 which	 are	
inherently	inaccurate.	Improvements	for	the	air	conditioning	unit	were	discussed	including	using	a	
more	efficient	compressor	and	a	counter-current	flow	in	the	heat	exchanger.	
10	–	References		
[1]	-	Heikal	Morgan	R.,	Miller	A.	J.	(2011).	AIR	CONDITIONING.	Available:	Last	accessed	24th	Dec	2015.	Edited.		
[2]	-	University	of	Birmingham	(2015).	Laboratory	Experiment	MP2.2.	Appendix	5	–	Enthalpy	diagram	
for	R12.	p10.	Edited.
[3]	-	University	of	Birmingham	(2015).	Laboratory	Experiment	MP2.2.	Appendix	6:	Relationship	
between	“Screen”	and	“Sling”	wet	bulb	temperatures.	p11.	Edited.
Page	13	of	13	
11	–	Appendix	
Relationship	between	“Screen”	and	“Sling”	wet	bulb	temperatures	
Figure	6:	Relationship	between	‘Screen’	and	‘Sling’	wet	bulb	temperatures.	[3]	
For	the	readings	from	station	A	values	of	20°C	and	16°C	were	obtained	for	the	dry	and	the	
wet	bulb	respectively.	To	obtain	the	correction	value	for	the	wet	bulb	temperature	a	line	was	drawn	
up	from	16°C	on	the	x	axis	until	the	dry	bulb	temperature	of	20°C	was	reached.	A	line	was	then	drawn	
horizontally	and	we	obtain	a	correction	value	of	0.4°C.	The	same	process	was	used	for	each	set	of	
thermocoupled	readings	and	the	corrected	values	are	shown	in	Table	1.

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  • 2. Page 2 of 13 Contents 1 – Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 2 – Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 3 – Aims of Experiment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 4 – Theory of Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycles --------------------------------------------------. 4 5 – Set-up and Procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 6 – Observations and Results--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 7 – Discussion and Analysis of Results --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 8 – Sources and Discussion of Error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11 9 – Conclusion ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 10 – References --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 11 – Appendix ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 1 – Summary An air conditioning unit was used for the experiment. The purpose of the experiment was to study the performance of a vapour compression refrigeration cycle by calculating the unit’s coefficient of performance (COPR). Air was heated, humidified, cooled and dehumidified and then reheated during the process. Temperature readings for the air and the refrigerant and working parameters of the unit were recorded during the experiment. The state of the air at each point was plotted on a psychometric chart, which showed that the unit did not reduce the humidity of the air as much as expected. This was suggested to be due to the refrigerant not removing as much heat from the air as expected. The refrigerant cycle was plotted on a p-h diagram, where the ideal and actual cycles were shown along with irreversible processes. It was shown that the actual cycle moved more into the super-heated region meaning more heat was rejected into the environment than the ideal cycle. The cooling loads from the air and into the refrigerant were calculated, giving values of 2.55kW and 2.78kW respectively. The difference between these values was said to be due to the unit being badly insulated hence the refrigerant absorbed heat from the environment as well as the air. COPR values for the refrigeration cycle were calculated based on the air and the refrigerant cooling loads, yielding values of 1.19 and 1.3 respectively. The COPR based on the refrigerant was said to be more accurate as it did not have the inaccuracies of the wet bulb temperature readings that the air based COPR had. Sources of error, how to minimise them and improvements for the experiment and the air conditioning unit are discussed.
  • 3. Page 3 of 13 2 - Introduction Introduction Heat pumps are very important in today’s society, being the basis for refrigerators and freezers as well as some heating methods. Heat pumps are machines which move heat from a lower temperature reservoir (called the source) to a higher temperature reservoir (called the heat sink) driven by a work input. Depending on the aim, they can be heaters by rejecting heat into the heat sink, or refrigerators by absorbing heat from the source. Their performance is measured by the ratio of cooling obtained to work required, called the coefficient of performance (COP) shown in equation 1 below. !"#$ = '( ) , +,. 1 Where: '( = cooling load (heat removed from source) (W) ) = Work input (W) COP values will generally be above 1 as more heat will be removed from the source than work is put in due to the nature of the cycle (discussed in 3 – Theory of Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycles). This experiment aims to find the COP of a vapour compression refrigeration cycle as it is used to cool and dehumidify air. Irreversibilities of the process and other points of interest will be discussed. 3 - Aims of Experiment An air conditioning unit operating a vapour compression refrigeration cycle will be used to heat air to a warm and humid state, then dehumidify and cool air. Temperatures of the air and the refrigerant working fluid will be recorded from the air conditioning unit. Other working parameters including differential pressures, mass flow rates and voltage/current values will be recorded. These set of results will allow: • The path of the air conditioning process to be plotted on a psychometric chart • The state of the air at each point to be found and comments to be made on the final quality of the air • The cooling load from the air during the air conditioning cycle to be calculated • The ideal and real cycle for the refrigerant on a p-h diagram to be plotted • The cooling load for the refrigerant during the cycle to be calculated • The coefficient of performance of the refrigerator (COP) to be calculated
  • 4. Page 4 of 13 4 - Theory of Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycles Carnot Cycle This experiment uses a vapour compression refrigeration cycle which cools air down. Though the air is heated and cooled in the air conditioning unit it is the refrigeration cycle (using R12 refrigerant as the working fluid) which is the main focus of the experiment. The refrigeration cycle removes heat from the air and rejects it to the environment, acting as a reverse heat engine – commonly called a heat pump. Heat pumps are based around reverse Carnot cycles, which are exactly the same as Carnot cycle but the process directions and hence work and heat inputs and outputs are reversed. Figure 1 and 2 below are the pressure-volume (p-v) and temperature-entropy (T-s) diagrams for a reverse Carnot cycle. Figure 1: Pressure Volume diagram showing Figure 2: Temperature-Entropy graph with Carnot cycle. ssssssssssss sssssssssssddfffffffffffhsslkcsd a saturation curve showing Carnot cycle. The processes relating to the points in figure 1 and 2 are detailed below: 1-2: Isentropic compression – work is done on the working fluid at a constant entropy, resulting in an increase in temperature 2-3: Isothermal heat rejection – heat is rejected into the high temperature reservoir 3-4: Isentropic expansion – work is done by the working fluid at a constant entropy, resulting in a decrease in temperature 4-1: Isothermal heat absorption – heat is absorbed ('() from a low temperature reservoir Note that figure 2 shows the saturation curve for the cycle. Enclosed in the saturation curve the refrigerant is a mixed state of vapour and liquid. To the left of the saturated liquid line the refrigerant is a sub-cooled liquid, to the right of the saturated vapour line the refrigerant is superheated vapour. The importance of this is discussed below. To base a refrigeration cycle around the reverse Carnot cycle, a working fluid must be found that is capable of isothermal heat rejection and absorption at the temperatures of the high and low temperature reservoirs (TH and TL). This can be obtained by using fluids that condense and evaporate around these temperatures as phase changes are processes in which heat is input or output with no temperature change. This can be understood more by looking at the Carnot cycle encased in a saturation curve (figure 2). By choosing a refrigerant which has saturation temperatures (TH and TL) at the required pressures, the phase changes of the refrigerant can be used to facilitate the isothermal processes 2-3 and 4-1. The refrigerant will have a low boiling point allowing it to change phase (and absorb heat) from an already cool temperature. P V 11 3 4 2 T s 1 3 4 2TH TL
  • 5. Page 5 of 13 Practical vapour compression refrigeration cycle In practice the reverse Carnot cycle is adjusted to the vapour compression refrigeration cycle shown below in figure 3. The working fluid is a refrigerant that suits the high and low temperature reservoirs temperatures. Figure 3: Temperature Enthalpy diagram showing vapour compression refrigeration cycle. The processes in figure 3 are as follows: 1-2: Isentropic compression – the refrigerant is compressed to a super-heated vapour 2-3: Heat rejection – the superheated vapour is cooled to the saturation temperature (TH) then rejects heat at constant temperature until it reaches the saturated liquid point 3-4: Expansion – the refrigerant is cooled quickly by use of a throttle valve to TL, forming a liquid vapour mixture 4-1: Heat absorption – the refrigerant absorbs heat ('() from low temperature reservoir until it reaches the saturated vapour point The differences in figure 3 are mainly due to the practicalities of running a reverse Carnot cycle. Stage 1-2 is the most notably different as it is shifted completely out of the saturation curve. Compressors do not have high efficiency and require more maintenance when they operate with a mixed state medium, hence the compression stage is shifted into the superheated vapour region. This means that process 2-3 can no longer be isothermal as the super-heated vapour must first be cooled to its saturation temperature (TH) before it can undergo the phase transition to the saturated liquid. Process 3-4 is an irreversible expansion process using a throttling valve. Throttling valves are used rather than isentropic expansion engines (which expand saturated liquids) as there is only a small amount of work output to be gained – the costs for an engine would not be justifiable. The throttle valve reduces the pressure of the saturated liquid abruptly, causing flash evaporation (partial evaporation of liquid due to sudden drop in pressure) of the liquid and reducing its temperature. It is ideally a constant enthalpy process. Figure 3 shows an ideal refrigeration cycle. In reality the compression process (1-2) is likely to not be isentropic hence an increase in entropy will be seen. This will also mean that the super-heated vapour will also reach a higher temperature meaning the heat rejection process will have to reduce the temperature more before reaching the saturation temperature (TH). There will be other generally frictional losses during the process which will can cause pressure drops within the processes. T s 1 TH TL 4 2 3
  • 6. Page 6 of 13 5 - Set-up and Procedure Equipment The apparatus used is an air conditioning unit. The unit is divided into stations where various readings can be taken. At station A air is taken in from the room and enters the unit. Station B is for mixing re-circulating air that has already passed through the unit in with the fresh air from the room. Air will not be re-circulated during the experiment so any readings from station A and B should be identical. Between station B and C electric pre-heaters and steam injection occurs to bring the air to the conditions of a warm humid climate. Between station C and D the air passes though an evaporator where it is cooled and excess moisture is condensed out. The evaporator uses dichlorodifluoromethane (R12) refrigerant – the cycle of the refrigerant is of key importance to the experiment and will be discussed in more detail in Section 7 – Discussion and Analysis of Results. Between station D and E there is re-heating of the air to increase its temperature and reduce its humidity. Each station has two thermocoupled thermometers – a wet and a dry bulb. By taking these two readings we can determine the state of the air (its relative humidity). Other readings about the unit such as mass flow rates, current in compressors, relative pressures and temperatures in the refrigerant cycle will be recorded. Set-up and Procedure Hot and humid air must be produced for the air conditioning cycle. This air will then be cooled and dehumidified and then reheated to a required temperature of 20°C. The unit is turned on and air flow is set to a minimum of 0.07kgs-1 (any lower and the reliability of the wet bulb thermocouples will be poor). The boilers and refrigerator units are turned on and allowed to stabilise for about 5 minutes. Once steam is being produced by the boilers, two of the three boilers are turned off and the re-heater between station D and E is turned on, adjusting it so that the air before the cooling is heated to 25°C and a relative humidity of 90% (a warm humid climate). The unit is then left again to stabilise for 10 minutes, after which the re-heater is adjusted to give a temperature of about 20°C and relative humidity of 50-60% after the cooling as it exits the unit. After allowing the unit to stabilise for 10 minutes once more, thermocouple readings and other parameters at each station can be taken. The results can be seen in the section below. 6 - Observations and Results The temperature readings from the thermocouples (wet and dry bulbs) were recorded and shown in table 1. The corrected values for the wet bulb temperature are also shown – the correction value was found using figure 6 which shows the relationship between ‘Screen’ and ‘Sling’ wet bulb temperatures when the dry bulb temperature is known. Figure 6 and a brief explanation of how correction values are obtained is shown in the Appendix. Station Dry Bulb Temperature (°C) Wet Bulb Temperature (observed) (°C) Wet Bulb Temperature (corrected) (°C) A – Intake 20.0 16.0 16.4 B – After Mixing 21.0 17.0 17.4 C – After Pre-heating and Steam Injection 27.5 27.5 27.5 D – After Cooling and Dehumidification 18.3 18.3 18.3 E – After Re-heating 24.0 22.0 22.2 Table 1: Dry, Wet bulb and corrected wet bulb temperature readings from each station.
  • 7. Page 7 of 13 Note that when the readings for station C and D were taken the wet bulb temperatures were higher than the dry bulb temperatures. The wet bulb is meant to be less than or equal to the dry bulb so the wet bulbs were given the same temperature as the dry bulb. No correction values were obtained for these temperatures. This is further discussed in the section 8 - Sources of Error. The air at A and B is expected to be identical as there is no change in the air between these two points. However at station B there is an increase in temperature of 1°C for both the wet and the dry bulb. This could be due to the air conditioning unit acting as an insulation to the outside environment so air further in the unit (station B) will be warmer whereas station A is not well enclosed. It could also be due to a too short stabilisation period. The temperature readings from the refrigerant cycle are shown in table 2. These will be used in Section 7 – Discussion and Analysis of Results to plot a more realistic cycle on a p-h diagram. R12 Temperature: Temperature (°C) Before Expansion valve 33 After Expansion valve 0 After Evaporator 21.5 After Compressor 92 Table 2: Temperature of R12 refrigerant at various stages through cycle. The voltage supply, and currents through the relevant equipment are recorded, shown in table 3. Reading Voltage (V) 233 Pre-heater current (A) 2 Boiler current (A) 8 Compressor and cooling fan current (A) 9.2 Re-heater current (A) 2 Circulating fan current (A) 0.8 Table 3: Voltage and current readings from the unit. Using the value of voltage and compressor and cooling fan current we can calculate the amount of power the compressor and cooling fan require. This is calculated using equation 2 below and we obtain a power of 2.144kW. #/0+1 = 23 = 9.2×233 = 2143.6), +,. 2 This value of power is the work input to the refrigerant cycle. It will be used later to find a value for the COPR of the refrigerant cycle. Other variables of the unit which were recorded are shown in table 4. They will be used in later calculations finding the COP and mass flow rates of the air and refrigerant. Reading Units Orifice Differential (intake) mmH20 0.7 Orifice Differential (outlet) mmH20 0.7 Evaporator Pressure (gauge) kPa 200 Condenser Pressure (gauge) kPa 750 Refrigerant mass flow rate kgs-1 0.024 Table 4: Orifice differential intake and outlet, evaporator and condenser pressure and refrigerant mass flow rate as recorded from the unit.
  • 8. Page 8 of 13 7 - Discussion and analysis of Results Air Calculations Psychometric chart The temperature readings (dry and wet corrected) from table 1 are plotted on a psychometric chart to enable the state of the air at each station to be found. This is shown in figure 4 below [1]. Each point has been labelled and from the graph we can find the specific enthalpy, % saturation and specific volume of the air at each station. The data obtained from the graph is shown in table 5 below. Figure 4: Psychometric chart for air at 101.325kPa with points of air at each station plotted on. [1] Station A Station B Station C Station D Station E Specific Enthalpy (kJ/kg) 45 49 87 50 66 % Saturation 72 70 100 100 88 Specific Volume (m3 /kg) 0.843 0.848 0.884 0.842 0.863 Table 5: Specific enthalpy, % saturation and specific volume for air at each station read from figure 4. We can see that the states of A and B are very similar – this is expected and was discussed earlier in section 5 - Set-up and Procedure. Station C was aimed to have a % saturation of 90 and a temperature of around 25°C, table 5 and table 1 show that actual values were 100% saturation and 27.5°C. Station E was aimed to be at 50-60% saturation and around 20°C, table 5 and 1 show that actual values were 88% and 22.2°C. The actual % saturation at E is considerably higher than expected, showing the re-heating process between D and E did not reduce the relative humidity as much as expected. The final temperature of the air leaving the conditioning unit (station E) was 2.2°C above the aimed value, suggesting that the refrigeration process may not have reduced the temperature as much as was required. Had the refrigeration cycle cooled the air more, more heat could have been
  • 9. Page 9 of 13 added back during the re-heating process which may have decreased the % saturation more, giving a closer value of both % saturation and temperature to the aim. Other differences between the aimed and actual values are commented on in the section 8 - Sources of Error. Cooling Load The cooling load on the air is the amount of heat removed from it as it passes through the heat exchanger where the cooled refrigerant flows. It can be calculated using equation 3 below. '( = :(ℎ= − ℎ?), +,. 3 Where: : = mass flow rate (kgs-1 ) (air) ℎ= = specific enthalpy of air before cooling (station C) (kJ/kg) ℎ? = specific enthalpy of air after cooling (station D) (kJ/kg) The values of ℎ= and ℎ? from table 5 are 87 kJ/kg and 50 kJ/kg respectively. The mass flow rate of air can be calculated using equation 4 shown below. : = 0.0757 ∆E FG , +,. 4 Where: ∆E = intake orifice differential pressure (mmH20) FG = specific volume at intake (station A) (m3 /kg) The value for ∆E was recorded to be 0.7 mmH20 (table 4) and the value of FG was found to be 0.843 m3 /kg (graph 1 and table 5). These two values can be substituted into equation 4 and give a value of 0.0690kgs-1 for the air mass flow rate. Substituting the mass flow rate and both specific enthalpies for station D and C (table 5) into equation 3 a cooling load on the air of 2.55kW is obtained. Refrigerant Calculations Refrigeration Cycle on pressure-enthalpy Diagram The readings that were taken during the experiment can be used to plot a p-h diagram for the refrigerant cycle. A pressure enthalpy (p-h) diagram shown in figure 5 [2] can then be used to find the enthalpy of the refrigerant at each stage and hence the cooling load can be calculated. This can then be used to calculate the COPR of the refrigeration cycle. A pressure enthalpy diagram for dichlorodifluoromethane (R12) was used, by plotting the points the changes in phase of the refrigerant can clearly be seen. Note that on this graph there are multiple axes. In order to plot the points the absolute pressures at which the condenser and evaporator are running on must be calculated. The gauge running pressures of the evaporator and condenser were recorded to be 200kPa and 750kPa respectively (table 4). To convert the values to absolute pressure the atmospheric pressure (taken as 100 kPa) is added to each value. From this the evaporator pressure is found to be 300kPa and the condenser pressure is found to be 850kPa. Each point is plotted on the diagram (figure 5), note that the same nomenclature for the points is used as in the theory section (4) above. Point one represents the refrigerant as a superheated vapour as it exits the evaporator. It is plotted at 0.3 bar (evaporator pressure) and on the saturated vapour curve. Process 1-2 is a constant entropy compression of the refrigerant to the condenser pressure (0.85 bar), so point 2 is plotted at 0.85 bar (condenser pressure) and at entropy as point 1 (0.7 kJ/kg/K). Process 2-3 is a condensing process where the refrigerant is cooled and phase changes into a liquid. Point 3 can be plotted at 0.85bar (condenser pressure) and on the saturated liquid curve. Process 3-4 is a constant enthalpy expansion process where the refrigerant is bought to the evaporator pressure (0.3 bar) so point 4 is plotted at the same enthalpy as point 3 and on the evaporator pressure line.
  • 10. Page 10 of 13 Point 1 has been plotted assuming that the evaporator only heats the refrigerant to the saturated vapour point. The actual point 1 (1a) can be plotted on the graph using the temperature of the refrigerant as it exits the evaporator which from table 2 is found to be 21.5°C. Note that this is much higher than the ideal temperature value of 0°C. It is seen that point 1a is in the superheated region in the p-h diagram, meaning the evaporator has heated the refrigerant more than is expected. The importance of this will be discussed when calculating the cooling load on the refrigerant (later in section). Point 2 has been plotted assuming the process 1-2 is isentropic (constant entropy). In reality it will not have been an isentropic process, there will have been a small amount of heat transfer into the refrigerant resulting in a higher final temperature. A more realistic point 2 can be plotted by using the temperature of the refrigerant at the end of the compression process. From table 2 the value is found to be 92°C and can be plotted (as point 2a) on the condenser pressure line (0.85 bar) using a constant temperature line. It is seen that the actual point (2a) is further to the right than the ideal isentropic point (2), as the ideal point is at a temperature of 40°C. This means that more cooling is needed to cool the superheated refrigerant to a saturated vapour, and also represents an irreversibility in the cycle. Point 1a and 2a have been connected and drawn on figure 5, to allow comparison between the actual and ideal cycle. Figure 5: Pressure-enthalpy diagram showing the refrigerant cycle. Note that point 1 and 1a and the isentropic (2) and actual (2a) points of the compression are shown. Dashed lines represent irreversible processes. [2] Irreversibilities in the vapour compression refrigeration cycle have been shown on figure 5 by dashed lines. Process 1a to 2a is irreversible as it does is not an isentropic process (due to there being small amounts of heat transfer) hence it cannot be reversed. Process 3 to 4 is irreversible due to the nature of the air conditioning unit, this was discussed in Section 4 – Theory of Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycles. Specic Enthalpy (kJkg) AbsolutePressure(MPa) Constant Specic Entropy (kJkgK) 4 3 2 2 11 a a
  • 11. Page 11 of 13 Cooling Load The cooling load on the air can be calculated using equation 3 from above, note that ℎ= and ℎ? correspond to the specific enthalpies of the refrigerant at points 1 and 4 on figure 5 – 186 kJ/kg and 70 kJkg respectively. These values and the mass flow rate of the refrigerant from table 4 of 0.024 kgs-1 can be substituted into equation 3, giving a cooling load of 2.78kW. Note that this is larger than the cooling load calculated for the air (2.55kW), showing that the refrigerant gained more energy than the air in the unit lost. This difference is further discussed in the section 8 - Sources of Error. Coefficient of Performance The COPR can be calculated for the refrigeration unit using equation 1 shown below. !#$ = '( ) , +,. 1 Where: '( = cooling load (W) ) = Work input (power of the compressor) (W) The work input into this cycle is the compressor, its power was calculated in section 6 - Observations and Results and was found to be 2.144kW. This and the value for cooling load from above (2.78kW) can be substituted into equation 1 yielding a COPR of 1.30. This COPR value means that for every 1kW of work input, 1.3kW of heat will be removed from the air. The COPR can also be calculated using the cooling load based on the air’s calculations. The compressor power and the cooling load based on the air (2.55kW) can be substituted into equation 4 to give a COPR of 1.19. This is smaller than the COPR based around the refrigerant, and is due to the cooling load of the air being lower than the cooling load for the refrigerant. This COPR value means that for every 1kW of work input, 1.19kW of heat will be removed from the air. The significance of this is discussed in section 8 – Sources and Discussion of Error. 8 - Sources and Discussion of Error As this experiment was mainly descriptive, it is difficult to quantify any errors. No fits or expected trends can be compared to the results, instead the systematic and experimental errors and improvements for the experiment and the air conditioning unit are discussed. The air conditioning unit was used in a large room with other large pieces of equipment running nearby. Intermittent construction work was going on in the room adjacent, meaning that the quality of the air may have fluctuated during the experiment. It is also possible that the air had a higher dust and particulate content than normal. The experiment was conducted within a 2 hour session, this time constraint limited the time that could be used for stabilisation of the unit. If the experiment were to be done again, an isolated, air conditioned and filtered room should be used and longer times should be allowed for the stabilisation of the unit. All readings were taken from needle scales which were fluctuating, increasing the error in the results. The unit was not calibrated before usage and hence the results obtained may have systematic error. A digital scale may have increased the precision of the results obtained though this would require adjustment on the unit. In section 6 the results obtained showed that for two of the recorded temperatures the wet bulb was higher than the dry bulb temperature - this may have happened due to the unit not having enough time to fully stabilise. In section 7 it was shown that the aimed temperature and saturations at stations C and E were different to the values aimed for. This was suggested to be due to the refrigeration cycle not removing as much heat from the air as expected. This is supported by the fact that the cooling load on the air was found to be less than the cooling load gained by the refrigerant (2.55kW to 2.78kW, section 7), showing the refrigerant was removing more heat than was lost from the air. The extra heat gained by the refrigerant could be due to it also absorbing heat from the surrounding environment as the unit
  • 12. Page 12 of 13 may not be well insulated on the section where the heat exchange occurs. The extra heat absorption is also supported by the actual cycle plotted on the p-h diagram where the evaporator increases the temperature of the refrigerant as well as changes its phase (pushing it into the superheated region). Two COPR values were calculated, one using the cooling load to the refrigerant (1.3) and one from the cooling load from the air (1.19). The COPR based on the air is more conservative as it uses the cooling load that was directly measured from the air and is the desired outcome of the air- conditioning process. However the refrigerant based COPR is more accurate as it does not have the inaccuracies in measurement of the wet bulb readings as the air COPR does. The COPR values obtained for the unit could be improved in a number of ways. From equation 1 it is clear that the COP value can be increased by making the cooling load larger, or the work input smaller. The cooling load could be made larger by insulating the heat exchange section to ensure that all heat absorbed by the refrigerant is from the air. It could also be increased by using a contra-current flow of the refrigerant and air when the exchange takes place as this maintains a higher temperature gradient increasing the amount of heat exchange. Work input could be reduced by using a more efficient compressor. 9 – Conclusion The results obtained allowed us to plot the state of the air on a psychometric chart. It was shown that the % saturations of the air were different to the values that were aimed for, this was attributed to the refrigerant removing less heat from the air than expected hence removing less humidity. The temperatures of the air were relatively close to the aimed values, though the final temperature of the air was 2.2°C above the aimed value, again suggesting that the refrigeration cycle did not reduce the air’s temperature enough. The refrigerant cycle was plotted on a p-h diagram, showing the ideal and actual cycle along with irreversibilities. The actual cycle moved into the super-heated vapour region of the graph much more than the actual cycle, meaning that more heat was rejected to the environment than expected. The cooling loads on the air and to the refrigerant were calculated, giving 2.55kW and 2.78kW respectively. This higher refrigerant cooling load was said to be due to the air conditioning unit not being well insulated so heat was removed from the surrounding environment as well as the air. COPR values were calculated based on the cooling loads for the air and the refrigerant, yielding values of 1.3 and 1.19 respectively. The COPR based on the air’s cooling load was said to be more conservative as it used a smaller cooling load and the desired outcome of the refrigeration, however it is more inaccurate as it includes the measurements of the wet bulb temperatures which are inherently inaccurate. Improvements for the air conditioning unit were discussed including using a more efficient compressor and a counter-current flow in the heat exchanger. 10 – References [1] - Heikal Morgan R., Miller A. J. (2011). AIR CONDITIONING. Available: Last accessed 24th Dec 2015. Edited. [2] - University of Birmingham (2015). Laboratory Experiment MP2.2. Appendix 5 – Enthalpy diagram for R12. p10. Edited. [3] - University of Birmingham (2015). Laboratory Experiment MP2.2. Appendix 6: Relationship between “Screen” and “Sling” wet bulb temperatures. p11. Edited.