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Say No To Drugs Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of advocating against drug usage presents a multifaceted
challenge. Firstly, one must navigate the delicate balance between providing factual information
about the detrimental effects of drugs while avoiding a preachy or didactic tone. It requires
meticulous research to gather statistics, case studies, and expert opinions to substantiate
arguments effectively.
Additionally, addressing the complexities surrounding drug addiction demands sensitivity and
empathy. It involves delving into the psychological, social, and even economic factors
contributing to substance abuse. Understanding the nuances of addiction requires a nuanced
approach to ensure the essay does not oversimplify a deeply entrenched societal issue.
Furthermore, conveying a compelling message that resonates with the audience's emotions and
values is crucial. It involves crafting engaging narratives or employing persuasive rhetoric to
encourage readers to empathize with the plight of those affected by drug addiction and to
recognize the importance of prevention and rehabilitation efforts.
In essence, composing an essay on this topic entails not only synthesizing factual information but
also navigating ethical considerations and employing persuasive techniques to advocate for
positive change.
[At the end, without mentioning the topic: Similar essays and much more can be ordered on]
Say No To Drugs EssaySay No To Drugs Essay
Essay about Finding Strength in Poverty in There Are No...
There are No Children Here Finding Strength in Poverty
Being privileged is something that I didn t understand until I read There are No
Children Here, by Alex Kotlowitz. The truth is that I knew I had it better than others,
but the absolute difference was not truly recognized until I met the boys Lafayette,
and Pharaoh. These boys were presented to me by Kotlowitz, via his book, and the
evident pain and sorrow that these young men went through on a daily basis was
more than most privileged people experience in an entire lifetime. That is what being
privileged is.
When I started reading this book, I thought that is was going to be another poor me
story about some poor black kids who got a raw deal. That was my ignorant, ... Show
more content on ...
The grass was green, the flowers were all around, and the hallways seemed to go
on forever. Their family was the first to move into the homes, and at that time, they
were proud of that. Here they were, in a nice, affordable place where they could
raise their children in a descent environment, around other people. As more
families moved in, they relied on each other, and would gather in the court yard to
talk and enjoy each others company. The times sure changed though. The Chicago
Housing Authority started neglecting the Homes. Grass would go months without
mowing, the appliances would deteriorate without replacement, and the plumbing
was left to self destruct. When the CHA didn t control the Homes, and the police
wouldn t enforce the laws, crime soon ran free to torture the inhabitants of the
once grand Henry Horner Homes. The people of Henry Horner, especially the
good people, longed for a place that they could sit up at night on a porch without
fear. They had a dream of a place without the violence, but many of the people here
became so conditioned to think that this is the way it was supposed to be, that a
thought of getting out was a fleeting one. Pharaoh, the youngest of the two boys,
was a daydreamer in the beginning of the book. The child had his head in the
clouds, and often times dreamt of a place that offered safety, and a piece of the
American Dream . The progression in the boy was evident from the summer of 1987,
the beginning of the book,
Elements Of Poetry In Ask MeBy Arakida Moritage
1. In Ask me by William Stafford (376), the element of poetry that stands out most
for me is didactic poetry. William starts with Some time when the river is ice ask
me mistakes I have made. grabbing reader s attention towards the issue he is
discussing in his poem. Some people stood with him during difficult times, some
didn t ask me what difference their strongest love or hate has made. But, that doesn
t make any difference. We know the current is there, hidden; and there are comings
and goings from miles away that hold the stillness exactly before us. everyone has
the potential to solve their problems. Stafford is addressing that people solve their
own problems. This makes them strong. 2. In The falling flower by Arakida
Moritake (438), the element that stands out most for in the poem is imagery. The
poem sparks the person with its set of unusual images. The poet triggers the image
of a flower falling from the tree The falling flower . And that flower flies back to
the tree in the form of a butterfly. I saw drift back to the branch Was a butterfly .
Arakida is discussing the birth of a butterfly by his vivid imagery. 3. In The
Wayfarer by Stephen Crane (381), the element that stands out most for me is tone.
The tone of the poet towards this poem is judgemental. The vagabond who is
choosing the path is surprised to see the heavily grown path It was thickly grown
with weeds. . It occurs to him that one has taken this path I see that none has passed
The White Gentle Bondrewd In The Abyss
Bondrewd the lord of dawn was once a man others wanted to be. The men that tried
achieved many great strides, just to die from the curse or predators found in the
abyss. If only they knew that the white whistle Bondrewed was a man of no regrets
and ultimate sacrifices. For his only goal was to try and find out the truth behind
the abyss. To do this he sent many children down to a very deep level of the abyss
where the curse was increasingly harrowing. It was so intense that the curse often
forced the blood out of your body, made your physical features abnormal, and it also
dealt serious memory loss. His reasoning, the people that he dealt the pain to, and
what he is after he is stopped is something of great value to him the characters and
Healthy Commercial Dog Food
Have you ever taken a look at the ingredients listed on a bag or can of commercial
dog food? If so, depending on which brand you looked at, chances are you
wondered how it could be healthy. Sadly, the truth is that most commercial dog
foods are no healthier for your pet than a bag of potato chips is for you. So, before
you allow your dogto take another bite of that chow you have been giving them, you
should read this article on choosing a healthy commercial dog food.
Commercial dog foods are a great convenience but what you are gaining in
convenience, you might be losing in the health of your pet. Luckily, there are some
commercial foods that are nutritious too. When push comes to shove, you should
make sure the food you are feeding your ... Show more content on ...
Basically, meal is meat that has been pre cooked. When you are looking at low
quality foods, you will generally find a meat ingredient first. That meat ingredient
will be followed by a number of fillers and by products. Yes, meat has been listed as
the first ingredient, but there are more fillers and that changes the ratio, so you want
to avoid anything that has a lot of by products or fillers listed.
When choosing a commercial dog food, preservatives are necessary in order to
keep the dog food from going stale. However, those preservatives should not
artificial chemicals. Did you know artificial chemicals could cause cancers? In fact,
you should avoid any foods that have chemical preservatives such as BHT, BHA and
Typically, healthy commercial all natural dog foods are going to be more
expensive, but your dog may actually eat less of them since they are not loaded
with fillers that have no nutritional value and, therefore, it takes less food to meet
his nutritional needs. You want to look for foods that are natural and/or organic as
these will be free from toxins. Feeding a healthy commercial all natural dog food to
your dog may cost a bit more, but you will be paid back with lower vet bills and a
healthy dog that lives a long
How Does Netflix s Negatively Effect Canadian Culture
Last week, the Wall Street Journal posted the article, Netflix Makes Canada Pledge
on its website. The article was about how the well known streaming service is
keeping business with the Great White North. This is being done due to the concerns
growing in Canada because of the streaming service s increase success in the country.
Some believe Netflix s outsource material could negatively impact Canadian
televisionand film. There have been reports of a decrease in cable and an increase
of streaming services which includes Netflix. There is also the belief of the possible
risk that the streaming service can also effect Canadian culture. As a result, Netflix
has taken several steps to satisfy the country s demands. As of now, Netflix is already
Product Differentiation In Philippine Teleseryes
To the Teleseryes crews,
Differentiation is needed in order for the local Teleseryes in the Philippines to
improve its products and services. Differentiation can be achieved through designing
meaningful differences in order to distinguish the local Teleseryes to other foreign
telenovelas which are being offered in the market.
Specifically, Product Differentiation which pertains to improving the product that the
Philippine Telenovela Industry is offering Teleseryes should be performed.
Furthermore, the following are the researchers recommendation for improvement on
the elements of Teleseryes which is aligned with the study s results.
Acting Skills of Actors/Actresses and Dependence on Actors/Actresses Teleseryes
should ensure that the Actors and Actresses in the Teleseryes have undergone
rigorous training in order to enhance his/her skills before debuting a role. Regardless
of their name and popularity, training for actors and actresses is a need because their
portrayal will make the Teleseryes alive. Relevantly, the characters should have good
physique, a retentive memory, an ... Show more content on ...
Joint Venture refers to two companies which will temporarily work together with a
purpose capitalizing for opportunities. Through this, Filipino culture and tourism can
further be highlighted through the scenarios in Teleseryes. Additionally, with the
current crises in troubled international tourist spots, travelers will be looking for other
places in the world to visit. This is the right time to show to the international
community that Philippines have awesome scenic spots including Boracay, Mindoro,
Cebu, Bohol, Ilocos, Baguio, and so many undiscovered provinces. With the support
from the government and tourism organizations, Teleseryes can be a platform to
promote the country s culture, land and
Waiting For Superman
Ever since we were young kids we used to believe that in times of crisis Superman
would come to our rescue, however the most heartbreaking day in our childhood was
probably when we realized that Superman did not exist. Similarly, parents look for
proper education for their children however they soon find that just like Superman,
this educationdoes not exist. In Waiting for Superman , Davis Guggenheiminforms
parents that schools are failing to produce successful students and inspires his
viewers to act against this injustice.
Waiting for Superman is a documentary directed by Davis Guggenheim that shows
the injustices in the public school system. The film reveals how education has
declined. Guggenheim focuses on five students and their ... Show more content on ...
He uses the example of a girl named Daisy who is going to go to Stevenson Middle
School, where only 13% of their students are proficient in math. Then she ll go to
Roosevelt High School, which is one of the worst high schools in LA, with 50%
dropout rate, and only 3 out of 100 meet the academic requirements for admission
to a public California College (Waiting for Superman ). Daisy hopes that one day
she will be a doctor or veterinarian because she wants to help people. But
Guggenheim skillfully uses Daisy to show that her dreams have a very low
chance of coming true because of her school. Guggenheim uses these kids as heart
wrenching stories that reach out to the viewers to take a stance and make change.
He furthermore uses a cause and effect strategy to claim that if parents want better
education for their kids, it means having more options. Many parents want their
children to attend a charter school such as Daisy s parents who want her to enter
KIPP LA Prep because the students become more advanced in reading and writing.
However due to the popularity of these charter schools, to get in she ll have to
participate in a lottery. If Daisy wins the lottery she will be able to get on a good
path to achieve her dreams. As the movie shows parents and children scream when
they find out they got in or they cry when they find
Lowering The Age Of Drinking Alcohol Essay
Should the Age Limit for Drinking Alcohol be Lowered?
Everyone hears about tragedies because of drunk drivers or the stories of the
people who grew up with alcoholic parents or the choices people who drink
extensively make that hurt and affect so many others. My mother grew up with two
alcoholic parents. They could be mean drunks. There are the different kinds of
drunks everyone knows: mean drunks, funny drunks, loud drunks, clumsy drunks,
emotional drunks, etc. What a lot of people don t realize is that, all drunks and
alcoholics have a few things in common. They all forget it in the morning, always
have a drink, always deny their problem, frequently can t/don t accept help unless
they want to change. There is no talking to an alcoholic.
My mother s father sobered up, but he died just a couple years ago; her mother, on
the other hand. never really sobered up. She is still and alcoholic and not only is it
hard on my mother still but it s hard on all of us. You can t talk to her and have her
temper what we said. She went to the hospital about two years ago for a reaction to a
medicine and the doctors took her BAC (Blood Alcohol Content). Her BAC was
.34. The legal limit is .08. She should have been dead. And during that time she was
forced to go the withdrawals and, as a first hand witness, it is one of the scariest
things seeing someone so out of there mind and element. It s like they are a whole
different, ugly person. What makes it ... Show more content on ...
Someone might argue that foreign countries have 18 years as the legal age, but
they don t think about how most other countries are more mature by that age and
use alcohol for religious purposes instead of for a good time . Our society is too
immature and irresponsible to handle a younger drinking age. And age that can
create addicts and destroy bodies and minds of young people. Twenty one is not an
ideal age but it is surely better than 17 or
Designing A Quality Business Letterhead
If you have just started a small business, you must be wondering where to start as
there are so many things to decide right from choosing an office space, hiring staff,
promotion of your company s brand and so on. But among them, the most
considerable factor is to enhance your business effectiveness that you can do by
printing your business letterhead. Yes! Designing a quality business letterhead is an
important step to start an established business. Placing your company s logo on your
business materials is the right way to promote how your company is and what it
Business letterhead templates
What is a business letterhead?
A business letterhead is used as a powerful tool to promote a business. It is nothing
but an official document of your business that shows how established your business
is and what is its professional image in the market. Besides these, a nicely designed
letterhead can bring potential customers to your company and convey the message
that you strictly follow professional principles in all you do.
Moreover, printing a business letterhead with your company s logo on the top subtly
plant the value of your business in customer s minds. Sending each piece of
marketing material in your company s letterhead strengthens the relationship between
and your customers and this does not require any giant promotion or investment. A
good business letterhead not only depicts your business s vision and mission but also
reminds your customers and clients
Greek Afterlife Myths
Have you ever contemplated what happens after death? Do you soul escape from all
reality into nothingness? Do you merely just cease to exist in one world and progress
into the next? These uncertainties have conflicted the minds of many philosophers
and scholars since the creation of civilization. Religious factions were born and they
fabricated the core beliefs that modern society affirms to be true. However, one
unconditionally original interpretation of the afterlife is that of the Ancient Greeks.
This polytheistic culture believed in the Underworld; a tasteless, vulgar world where
your final destination was determined by your actions and good will in the living
world. Many Ancient Greek myths spoke of intriguing accounts of the Underworld....
Show more content on ...
He was one of few to granted permission to return back to the living world (Carlos
Parada, Underworld and Afterlife , 3). Many beasts and famous monsters from
Greek myths resided here. The atmosphere is dark pale and disheartening. Every
breath taken is melancholy and every thought is meaningless (Parada, 3). The
description of the entrance is not meant for the torture of the entities, but simply the
passage to your final destination. Upon arrival, the ferryman, Charon, takes payment
for passage into the Underworld. He accepts coins possessed by the souls given to
them by living who disposed of their body (Mark Cartwright, Hades , 2). Those not
given a coin remain is the purgatory state before the entrance for eternity. Charon
then guides the dead along the river Styx (Parada, 4). It is believed to be one of
five rivers that occupy the Underworld. The Acheron, Lethe, Phlegethon, Cocytus,
and Styx compose of the major rivers (Linda Alchin, River Styx , 2). There are an
abundant supply of guards who insure no entities escape from the gates go the
Underworld. Cerberus, for example, is described as a enormous three headed
hound; infamous for his irascible nature (Parada, 5). Further along, now traversing
on the river, a more vivid picture of the landscape can be drawn. The Underworld is
situated is a ill lit chasm where anything sustaining refrains from growing (Parada,
Separation Of Judicial Power And The Australian
The separation of power doctrine is properly speaking a doctrine not so much about
the separation of function as about the separation of functionaries. In case of
commonwealth it represents an intermediate position between the governmental
systems the United States of America and the United Kingdom each of which in
some measure serve as a model for the Australian constitution. The effect of relative
absence of power separation of power between legislative and executivefunctions of
government, the effect of the strict demarcation of judicial power and the content of
judicial power. Although the separation of power has divided power and function
each body it is very hard to implement them in the complex modern community. The
countries which... Show more content on ...
The boil makers case and others such as Drake vs minster for immigration and
ethnic affairs in the case it was held by the federal court of Australia that it is not
unconstitutional for a federal judge to be appointed in a personal capacity as a
member of the administrative appeal tribunal. In many cases it has been evident that
the absolute separation of power cannot be done in the practical scenario as easily
as in theory because of the complex nature of society and the clashes or influence of
three bodies on the function of each other is very much possible and certain. For
instance judges questioned their function and task outside their judicial power for
executing congress regulating claims to invalid pension. In recent time in some cases
it also viewed that high court is playing political role in Australia as evidenced by its
interpretation of the Constitution in
How A Musical Machine As The Exemplification Of An...
I propose to add to a musical machine as the exemplification of an intelligent
music framework. A standout amongst the most difficult ranges inside of PC music
is genuine
time execution, and inside of this, joining machine listening systems to
incorporate some intuitiveness in the middle of client and framework. Whilst the
generative perspectives
of an intuitive framework can take into account more prominent comprehension of
human innovativeness
(Boden 1990), the logical perspectives can reveal insight into the intricate operation of
human discernment. This zone envelops such an extensive variety of computational,
subjective and social issues that the degree for exploration and study is verging on
Further, the part of the robot in today s general public is quick moving from that of
minimal human connection, to right on the bleeding edge as visit aides, household
helps for tele presence and progressively as a major aspect of our stimulation
frameworks (Xie
Advancement of intuitive musical robots would test individuals
biases and limits concerning the situations in which we associate
with innovation and its advancement and level of contribution inside of our lives.
The prizes are clear when working with musical apply autonomy, as you can typify
all the upsides of advanced music whilst keeping up the lavishness of
acoustic sounds (Weinberg et al 2005). A musical accomplice not
Dretske s What Change Blindness
In Dretske s paper over what change blindness teaches about consciousness, I think
one of the most important ideas pointed out is that what is in question is not what
the person thinks they saw or were aware of, but what they actually were aware of.
This is really hard to test and get results on accurately. Now, later on in the paper,
Dretske gives a scenario and later about it says, Reactions to Sam will not add up
to knowledge. They will be guesses correct guesses, perhaps, if they are reliably
caused by information being received about Sam but guesses nonetheless. Sarah s
judgments about Sam, however, are not guesses. She knows he wasn t standing on
his head. No guessing about it. She knows it because she could see he wasn t. That
The Influence Of Media And Pop Culture On Young Girls
In today s society media and pop culture are heavy influences on girls of all ages.
Everywhere we look there is something claiming to make us happier, look better, and
telling us how we can improve our lifestyles. Young girls to young adults are drawn
to these advertisements. Studies say that girls from the age of thirteen to nineteen are
most vulnerable to the persuasion of the advertisements put out by companies
claiming to help them live a better and more defined life. Magazines such as
Seventeenmagazinetarget young girls using celebrities, visual techniques, and many
other techniques to draw their attention. To be in Style
One technique used by Seventeen is the use of bright colors to drawn in attention.
They use bold, busy colors and fonts contrasted on clean, crisp backgrounds to catch
the young eyes of girls who connect these contrasts with an upbeat style. They use
bold, feminine, sophisticated type fonts to grab the eyes of women. Their headlines
stick out, making themselves the center of attention.
Most of these headlines are fashion centered. They use fashion to appeal to girls
find the best clothes makeup and hairstyles. They make it feel personal by
claiming to know what will work for you and your body type, face shape, and skin
tone. They sell their secrets on how to look great every day. They dress they re
models in clothes that reflect the theme of the magazine. This appeals to the women s
desire to be in style.
Another technique they use and one of the most commonly used by Seventeen is
the use of celebrities. Teens often look at celebrities as superhumans. They find
celebrities to look up to. They idolize them, want to be like them. Magazines use
this to their advantage. They plaster the faces of some of the most influential stars
to their front pages claiming to help teens become just like their idol. They make
sure to cover all social platforms from actresses to singer, models, and socialites.
Seventeen has used people such as Sarah Hyland, Maddie Ziegler, Zendaya and
Carrie Underwood. They use these people as marketing tools. These people are seen
in the public eye as credible sources especially by the girls who look up to them.
They try to appeal to the fact
Operation Anaconda Case Study
Task Organization during Operation Anaconda
SFC Albert G. Davis
MLC 02 18
MSG Gina R. Aceves Task Organization during Operation Anaconda
The war in the Middle East was in full effect and the United States Central Command
(CENTCOM) already had forces in the Afghanistan area of responsibility (AOR).
These pre positioned troops were the result of intelligence reports that showed the
Taliban and al Qaeda were hiding out in the Shahi Khot valley in Afghanistan.
CENTCOM S poor task organization for the multiple coalition forces on the ground
and air contributed to the breakdown of Task Force Mountain s battle plan.
Available Assets Task organization is creating an operating force, support staff, or
sustainment package of specific size and composition to meet a unique task or
mission (Department of the ... Show more content on ...
The lack of tactical control (TACON) with the amount of different forces engaged in
the operation made command authority an issue. (Fleri, Howard, Hukill, Searle, 2013)
The Joint Task Force (JTF) did not have the TACON it should have had with the
SOF. Prior to the start of the JTF Mountain, the SOF operated under the control of
the Joint Special Operations Task Force and bypassed the Joint Commander. SOF
groups needed to be inserted at a time when the air support was not bombing the
Task force command and control (C2) was a major issue when key staff elements
were not present. The continuing air support need for the attack on the valley
required more air controllers than CENTCOM would allow the JTF to have in the
AOR. Without enough air liaisons for each group they began to us the air control
elements of the Airforce.
Germany s Production And Consumption Of Biodiesel
In many international countries, Europe is the prime continent that is in lead in the
production and consumption of biodiesel. Because Europe is governed by the
European Union, their policy was rethought due to costs of food supply and carbon
dioxide statistics. The European Union proposed a 5.75% cap on the fraction of fuel
that is biofuel. ( Europe ) The policy changed to ensure sustainable production and
environmental responsibility, provide enhanced trade between EU member states,
and support research and innovation , ( Europe ) which are some of the new parts
of the biofuel strategy. These policies are also looking into new taxation directives
and biomass plans. Today, Germany is the top leading country in the production of
biodiesel, producing 2,859 millions of liters per year. Germany has made a huge
commitment in trying to increase the use of renewable energy, which Is why they
are leading the production of biodiesel. Before this Germany relied on oil 90% of
the time, however now, Germany government supports biofuel production and
environmental responsibility through the legislations. ( Europe ) Germany supports
renewable energy directive started by the EU, and has also started tax incentives
for biodiesels, as well as set obligations for various regions in producing biomass.
Since 2015, Germany s legislation resulted in a drastic improvement of climate
performance of biodiesel production. (Beckman) Mineral oil sellers need to now
reduce greenhouse gas
Andy Campbell s Tomato Soup Rhetorical Analysis
Andy Warhol created a silkscreen canvas in 1964 of a Campbell s condensed
tomato soup can. He uses the same fonts, colors, and sizes that have caught people
s eyes when they shop. I, myself, have never tried Campbell s tomato soup. Every
time we have any type of tomato soup, my mom makes it from diced tomatoes and
adds her own ingredients. Campbell s tomato soup uses an original logo on every can
so when people see it they know what it is. Think of the McDonald s logo. Every
time you see a yellow M in a red background you think of McDonalds. Campbell s
logo is a man sitting with, from my perspective, food around him. You can also see
at the bottom of most cans, what looks like the New Orleans sign. It is like a fleer
delit. To me, this is
Lululemon Swot Essay
SWOT Analysis
Company name: Lululemon Athletica Inc. (NASDAQ:LULU; TSX:LLL)
Product: Lululemon Athletica produces yoga inspired athletic apparel for both
women and men.
#1. Innovative Design Process
Lululemon offers high quality premium athletic apparel that is designed for
performance, comfort, functionality and style. The innovative design process is
attributed to a number of factors such as, real time customer feedback. Lululemon
seeks real time customer feedback on the design and development of new and existing
products. By directly integrating the customer into the product development process
the design team can understand and directly respond to consumer needs and wants
while creating innovative designs that ... Show more content on ...
#2. Inadequate Inventory: Lululemon s growth is stymied by inadequate inventory of
popular items [3] and sizes which often results in expensive air freighting of product
from overseas.
#3. Perceived female focus:
Lululemon was launched as women s only athletic apparel company, making it
difficult to reeducate consumers that the company also carries men s apparel....
#3. Price Point There are other brands in the marketplace that offer the same product
but at lower price point...
# 3 Perceived as a yoga only brand.............
O: Opportunities
#1. A growing number of yoga participants in United States and Canada
Over the years Lululemon has built significant brand equity among yoga enthusiasts.
The number of yoga participants in the United States has jumped more than five fold,
from three million in 2000 to 16.5 million in 2005, growth opportunities for the
business are excellent.[4]
#2. Excess commercial real estate
Due to the down turn in the economy there are increasing retail vacancies allowing
Lululemon to negotiate favorable leases in Class A properties.
#3. TBD
T: Threats
# 1 Weak economic conditions
The current weak and volatile economic conditions, particularly in the United States
and Canada, have impacted consumer spending. These week economic conditions
will continue to impact consumer spending and purchasing habits for the foreseeable
future. Consumers
Developing Gross And Fine Motor Skills
Throughout generations there have been many toys developed for toddlers, never
the less the basic principle remains the same: By means of playing with toys the
toddler is learning to understand their world. This author will discuss common
toys for toddlers and how the use of these toys may be affected by the principles of
assimilation and accommodation, according to Feldman (2014). Piaget s theory
will be explained this author will also explore how these toys help in developing
gross and fine motor skills. Feldman (2014) states that Piaget s Theory is based on
a stage approach to development (p.144). It is supposed that children move through
a series of similar stages in a particular order from the time of birth to adolescence.
Feldman (2014) discussed these stages and explains that a child will move through
these stages when an appropriate level of maturity has taken place physically with
significant interaction, through experiences. Therefore, once a child has reached the
toddler years, he/she will have passed through several of Piaget s six sub stages of
the sensorimotor stages. Piaget suggests that when a child has reached a certain level
of physical development and has experienced pertinent experiences, the child will
pass through to the next stage in a gradual, steady transformation of behavior
(Feldman, 2014). To understand the principles of assimilation and accommodation in
the respect of the common toys that toddlers play with one
The Election of 2000
The election of 2000 was the closest and most controversial election in all U.S.
history. This event was the fierce competition full of irregularities and unfairness
between George W. Bush and Al Gore to become the first president elected in the
21st century that turned into an intense political and legal battle to decide the
presidency. It was such an interesting and unique election because unlike how
elections are supposed to work, the election of 2000, for many unique reasons, did
not end with a clear winner. This event was not only an election, but a test of
american democracy that challenged many people s trust in the american court
system, and left millions of americans asking the question, who really won the
election of... Show more content on ...
Ralph Nader was a strong liberal and a radical environmentalist who ran on the
Green Party ticket. Nader took a significant amount of votes away from Gore
which would prove to be very important later on in the race. Pat Buchanan was ultra
conservative candidate who ran on the reform party ticket. He was predicted to
take some votes away from Bush, but did not end up receiving many votes
partially due to health problems during his campaign. From near the beginning of
the election many people predicted it would be a close race, but no one could
have imagined exactly how close this race would come. Bush had the first lead
that lasted until august 2000 when gore took the lead after the democratic
convention. The American people were split down the middle after Bush and
Gore s three televised votes. Bush took most of the south and west, while Gore
took the northeast and California. Gore, however, in a rare case, did not win his
home state of Tennessee which if he had won, would have secured him enough
electoral votes to win the entire election. At the end of the voting it showed that
the popular vote was nearly tied, Gore beating bush by around 500,000 votes, only
a 0.5% lead. Bush had 47.9% of the popular vote and Gore had 48.4%. Ralph Nader
had a successful campaign and managed to win 2.7% of the popular vote while Pat
Buchanan only won 0.4% of the votes. Gore had won the popular vote by 500,000
votes but it didn t matter because in order to
Americans Will Have Insurance Coverage
Americans will have insurance coverage. The US has an unequal distribution of
the primary care, thus; the rural areas have been left with only few physicians.
Many physicians prefer practicing in urban areas because of the lucrative
advantage, better technology or demographic preference. Many sources including
Green et al, of Anita Phigpen Perry School of nursing confirms that the reason for
the shortage of physicians in the rural areas is due to the tendency of people in the
rural areas being poorer, sicker and older . This segment of people tends to be
uninsured, and physicians are attracted to urban and suburb areas where revenues
are. Today with the ACA policies, people in the underserved area have better
access to physicians, although the shortage persists. The US Department of
Health and Human Services, states that to help strengthen access to the primary
care workforce, the Affordable Care Act invests in health work force training,
including: a $ 1.5 billion investment in National Health Service Corps Scholarship
and loan repayment programs and $ 230 million over five years to primarily train
medical residents in community bases. However, do we have enough experts? All
articles I used in this paragraph are reliable. Fodeman is the chief medical officer
for the Office of Rural Health Policy in the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services; for 12 years, he has been a member of the University of Minnesota Medical
School. He has the current knowledge about the
Montaigne Of Cannibals Essay
In western cultures ethnocentrism is a very prevalent facet. Ethnocentrism,
essentially, is the tendency to use the cultural norms of one s own society as a
method of comparison for foreign cultures. This ethnocentrism has been projected on
many groups, and arguably is a result of a sense of superiority felt by those in
normalized western cultures. Michel De Montaigne s account of a cannibalistic
society is a prime example of the prevalence of this assumed European superiority. In
his work Of Cannibals , he makes a sustainable note of these principles. Michel De
Montaigne presents viable arguments against the practices of ethnocentrism
throughout Of Cannibals.
In the opening paragraph Montaigne makes mention of King Pyrrhus, a Greek king,
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The account of the cannibalistic society Montaigne receives is from a man who
lived among them. Montaigne describes the man as simple and crude (Montaigne
1653). In essence, Montaigne feeds the biases of Europeans, as he regards the man
as simple and crude. These definitives could be interpreted as synonymous to stupid
or unintelligent. However, Montaigne believes these traits to be superior; he
expresses that those who are clever contribute their own interpretations to situations.
Therefore, they often do not offer the full truth but instead alter history. While it
appears, Montaigne is insulting the man due to his remarks, such as we need a man
[. . .] so simple that he has not the stuff to build up false inventions (Montaigne
1653), he actually admires the sheer simplicity of this man and his ability to be
purely objective. Through his subjects he makes further notice of the wrongs of
ethnocentrism. He argues that in creating artificial and denaturalized objects and
principles that it is the Europeans who are truly wild, and those who live simply,
such as the cannibals are closer to the natural order and the way God intended
humans to be. He describes the cultural values of the man and the cannibals as
uncorrupted and equally as excellent (or even more so) as the culture Europeans have
Bird Imagery in Jane Eyre
In Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte uses many types of imagery to provide understanding
of the characters and also to express reoccurring themes in the novel. Through bird
imagery specifically, we are able to see Jane develop from a small, unhappy child into
a mature and satisfied young woman. The familiarity and transcendence of birds have
given them a wider range of meaning and symbol in literature than any other animal.
The resemblance of their activities to common patterns of human behavior makes
them exceptionally suitable for anthropomorphic imagerythat links man to the
common forms of nature (Lutwack xii). Through the use of birds such as doves and
sparrows Bronte enables the audience to gain insight into the type of person that Jane
... Show more content on ...
She has no connection with any of the Reeds, and therefore she finds refuge in the
secluded seat, a place where she can escape from the tortures of the Reeds, and
become transported into a world all her own. Furthermore, for Jane the window seat
is a form of tranquility the idea of flying above the toils of everyday life appeals to
her, much more than taking abuse from John Reed, the oldest of the Reed children,
and Mrs. Reed. Through the images of isolated seafowl in Bewick s book and the
solitary window seat we are able to see the loneliness that encompasses Jane while
at Gateshead, and her longing to be separated from the Reeds. The link between
Jane and birds is strengthened after she leaves Gateshead and moves to Lowood
Institution. Bronte foreshadows poor nutrition at the school through a hungry bird
whom Jane gives the remains of her breakfast. My vacant attention soon found
livelier attraction in the spectacle of a little hungry robin, which came and
chirruped on the twigs of the leafless cherry tree (41; ch. 4). This description of a
hungry bird allows the reader to understand Jane s compassion for others, and her
willingness to give. It also seems to foreshadow Jane s struggle at Lowood with poor
nutrition and moreover how she is forced to share her meals with other students:
Many a time I have shared between two claimants the precious morsel of brown
bread distributed at
Comparison Of Queen Elizabeth And Winston Churchill s
Queen Elizabeth wrote an inspiring speech to the Troops who fought for the Armada
about their honor and power over this astonishing war. Alongside, Winston Churchill
delivered a majestical yet powerful speech about the issue dealing with battle of
Britain and the unifications needing to be healed. Queen Elizabeth and Winston
Churchillboth delivered exhilarating speeches to their troops and counties with the
battle of Britain. The Queen delivers her speech to the courageous group of men
and women who fought this rigid, enduring war. While Winston delivers his
speech to the House of Commons. While analyzing and juxtaposing these two
speeches and their contrastive audiences; it is very mere to see the compelling
diction, dynamic emotion used in their speeches. Queen Elizabeth uses the woman
like senses in her to make her speech to be emotional yet uplifting. In regards she
uses the phrase, I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman . She
ultimately uses this parlance to employ her bodyful actions, to use this as a
defense yet comfort to these valiant,assiduous soldiers. Elizabeth uses her gender to
scheme her words to her spectators; women are known for their poignant side
therefore she displays this to the audience with her declamations. Many women use
their women instincts in their times of endearment, Jk Rowling gave a speech in
2008 and used the phrase, We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all
the power we need inside ourselves already . Jk
Generators Primary Heating Water Circuit Functioning
Generators Primary Cooling Water Circuit functioning :
In order to distinguish the treated water from the secondary coolant (raw water,
condensator etc.) it is named as primary water because it is used for cooling stator
winding, phase connectors and bushings . The secondary cooling absorbs the heat
from the primary cooler when water is circulated in a closed circuit by the primary
water cooler. The pump is supplied with in primary water cooler. Water is supplied
to the flow paths of the generator by supplying it to the primary water tank i.e by
supplying it to tht primary water cooler through the pump.
Flow path I :
Stator winding is cooled by Flow path I . This flow path passes through the stator bars
via insulated barbefor this it passes through the water manifold on the exciter end of
the generator which is connected to thestatus bars by a separate hose.Cooling water
flows through hollow strands inside the bars. At the turbine end, the water return to
the primary water tank which comes from another water manifold which in turn
comes from the similar hoses.Minimum temperature rise is obtained for both the bars
and the coolers because the water folw is single pass through the stator. Movements
are relatively minimised which are caused due to the different thermal expansions
between the bottom and the top bars.
Flow Path II :
Phase connectors and the Bushings are cooled by Flow Path II . The cooling water
is circulated through the thick walled copper tubes of the
Harry Haller
In Steppenwolf, Hermann Hess s main character Harry Haller is a man divided by
two natures that are in constant conflict. On one hand he is a wolf who is a rebel
against society s norms. The wolf is a vicious loner who thinks that the evils of the
world will prevail over the good. On the other hand there is a humanistic side of
Harry. The humanistic side allows Harry to fanaticize a dream world and go along
with the norms of society. He is positive about the world and is good. The
humanistic side resembles a longing to be within the bourgeois, which is defined
as the middle class. As these two natures are constantly battling and in conflict with
one another, one must win and one must lose. Even though Harry Haller has
moments of happiness and fantasy, on the whole I believe he is a pessimist
because he often acts rebellious, unpredictable, and suicide. This correlates with
Schopenhauer s man vs brute. The man would have the same characters as Harry s
humanistic side while the brute shares common features from the brute. Harry
Haller s dual nature is in an everlasting competition with each other. The narrator
states, In him the man and the wolf did not go the same way together, but were in
continual and deadly enmity (42). This quote states that his dual nature is always
in a continual battle and that they never see through the same eyes. The wolf and
the man are direct opposites of one another. Never do they side on one thing
together. The wolf connects to enmity because the wolf is animalistic and
dangerous. The wolf is considered a pessimist because it believes evil will prevail
over the good. That is why it is deadly. I think that the author uses the word enmity
to show the audience how strongly one side dislikes the other. I think that these two
sides don t just have different views but also don t like each other s views and one is
always trying to overpower the other. The wolf corresponds with the brute from
Schopenhauer s On the Sufferingof the World by thinking that the human s hopes and
dreams will only cause more disappointment and pain. Unless suffering is the direct
and immediate object of life, our existence must entirely fall of its aim (Schopenhauer
455). I believe this means
Examples Of Chillingworth A Man Of Villainy
Chillingworth: A man of villainy? As it stands people in a general consensus seem to
vilify Chillingworth as one of the only negative characters throughout the anti
transcendentalist novel, The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne. However, this
is not necessarily the case and the evils of Chillingworth had been merely just
additions to his persona that were added throughout his life. Namely, this
transformation from a decent and loving husband to a sadistic man who only cares
about finding the other adulterer to something and making his life a living hell, and
then to something no one would expect, and this was all caused by one particular
The man we know as Roger Chillingworth was living his life happily with his wife
Hester Prynne, they soon stumbled upon the idea of moving to the New World and
becoming settlers there. This idea is what sets the two into the spiral of backlash that
leads into the deforming of Chillingworth s caring nature into that of sadism and
disdain for one singular ... Show more content on ...
He attempts to confront her asking what had happened and, she gives him absolutely
nothing but scowls and rude remarks. Even so he asks her to tell no one about his
being at the colony so that he may find the other culprit of this act of adultery. This is
the first stage that Chillingworth goes through, he gains the desire to find the man
who had lain with his wife. So, in order to achieve his goal, he goes under the alias
Roger Chillingworth as a means of getting in close with the town s inhabitants in
order to find the culprit. This leads him to his housing arrangement with Arthur
Dimmesdale, the newest and youngest priest in the convent. And with this housing
communion, it spikes Roger s suspicion with Dimmesdale this then leads him to his
next stage of his sadistic nature, where he begins his
The Armenian Genocide In The Ottoman Empire
Jayden: Starting in 1915, the Turkish government stimulated a plan to exterminate
Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire. Most sources agree that there were around
2 million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire at the time of the massacre. By the early
1920s, when the manslaughter and deportations finally ended, 1.5 million of Turkey s
Armenians were deceased, with many more forcefully removed from their homeland
in the Ottoman Empire.The genocide left the Armenian community in a wreckage ,
and present day Armeniais only a fragment of the size of Armenia before the
disastrous massacre committed by the Ottoman Empire.
Sam: Today, most history experts and others worldwide label this event as a genocide.
A genocide is the deliberately executing of a large group of people, most of which are
of the same ethnic group or nation. Unfortunately, the Turkish government does not
acknowledge the damage that these events had upon the people. Despite pressure
from Armenians and social justice advocates throughout the world, it is still illegal in
Turkey to converse about the events that included the Armenians during this era.
Armenians were publicly humiliated and ... Show more content on ...
An example of this is a purple flower. The flower is a symbol that stands for God s
presence during this tough time. The forget me not flower has five petals, each of
which symbolizes the five continents, where Armenians settled after the genocide.
Madison: While there are few solutions to genocide, the best way to solve this is to
create a better situation in this massacre. An example of this would be to better
educate the Armenian children about this horrible bloodshed in hopes that what
happened will not occur in the future. When becoming educated on what s happening
in the world it creates a better understanding of what is occurring and provides
solutions to prevent this in the future and not repeat
The Cownership Of Native Americans In The Native
Until the 1600 s a tribe living in the Eastern Woodlands of America called the
Shawnees inhabited the lands west of the Appalachian Mountains in areas between
the Ohio Valley and the Mississippi River, this tribe has faced many hardships and
were left feeling resentful for all the unjust they ve encountered. My why question
is derived from reading chapter 16 of World Together World Apart Volume 2 and its
relevant to our course because no one really discusses how the American settlers
colonized the Native Americans and how Tribes are still having negative effects
from this history, why did so many people from the Shawnees tribe in the Ohio
Valley gather around to listen to the prophecies from a ShawneeShaman in 1805? To
answer this question, I will focus on how the Shawnees faced constant disownership
of their land by European settlers, the aftermath of American settlers migration to the
western country , and how Tenskwatawa visions motivated people.
From 1662 1794, the Shawnees dealt with constant warfare and dislocation from
foreign forces. First being dragged into the French and Indian conflict, and having to
deal with the repercussions of the French losing the war against the British, then the
British losing against the Americans, which would create an influx of American
settlers to the western country . In the book Shawnee!: The Ceremonialism of a
Native Indian Tribe and Its Cultural Background by Howard James he discusses the
role the Shawnees played during the
Marketing Profile Of HUL Laundry Care
HUL Laundry care
Pioneer in Indian detergent powder. Constantly upgraded itself. e.g. Surfexcel Blue,
Quick wash39, Launched in 1969, Rin with the power of its thunderous lightning
flash has become a household name synonymous with dazzling white clothes. A
Value added brand with different variants e.g. Rin matric Rin advanced. Rin has won
a number of accolades, the most recent being voted as the Most Preferred Detergent
brand in India at the Awaaz Consumer Awards in 2006. A Heritage brand launched
in 1888 In the form of detergent cake. Value added brand i.e. priced over Wheel but
below Rin. Famous in WB Kerala. SUNLIGHT.
Market Share of HUL
Regaining lost market share is the job at hand for the market leader in the soaps and
detergents category which is fast expanding with new and old players in the segment
adopting an aggressive stance. In fact, soaps and detergents have always contributed
a big chunk (41 per cent) of HUL s turnover. But the profit margins in this category
have been under pressure and a tough competitive environment has ... Show more
content on ...
The growth of the soaps and detergents category needs to be viewed on a very high
base in the previous year which saw price increases linked to commodity cost
inflation. During the year under review, the prices of products, particularly the
detergents segment, were reduced taking into account the reduction in commodity
prices. The segmental margin of this category was lower by 100 bps (one per cent)
linked to the volatility in commodity costs in the initial part of the year and the
actions taken to defend the company s leadership position in the face of heightened
competitive activity. While the company is the undisputed market leader in this
category, it continues to focus on the challenge of winning back its lost market share
in this important
Persuasive Essay On The Existence Of God
In our ever conscience society, the idea of God has become a highly tried and
tested controversy between the believer and the non. Faith is no longer the matter
of blind reliance like it has often described as.The debates over the existence of the
Christian God have reached and pressed limits in our current society more
ravenously than they have ever before in history. The all too well known statement
of doubt is summed up in the simple phrase: How can you serve a God you can t
even prove exists? While God cannot be put in a test tube or out on display in a
museum, his existence can be archaeologically proven.The resurrection of Jesus
Christ demonstrates that he is the Almighty God.
The existence of Jesus Christ is often a topic questioned in itself. The surprising
aspect of this question is not the lack of evidence, but rather the amount of
supporting evidence. Flavius Josephus was a Roman senator, orator and
ethnographer (55/56 c. 118 C.E.), who is considered the best of Roman historians. In
one of his greatest works, Jewish Antiquities, Josephus mentions Jesus the Messiah
when describing the execution of James. Being therefore this kind of person [i.e., a
heartless Sadducee], Ananus, thinking that he had a favorable opportunity because
Festus had died and Albinus was still on his way, called a meeting [literally,
sanhedrin ] of judges and brought into it the brother of Jesus who is called Messiah
... James by name, and some others. He made the accusation that they had
Analysis Of The Book If The Chronicles Of Narnia
If The Chronicles of Narnia is read in chronological order, C.S. Lewis introduces
Polly Plummer as his first main female character in The Magician s Nephew.
However, the title indicates this story is not about her; it is about Digory, the
magician s nephew. She explores and travels with Digory as his friend, but her
involvement in the story is mainly seen through her impact on Digory s
perspective and decisions. Nevertheless, by the same feminist ideology that
declares each person prove her own merit, the strength of Polly s characterization
should be measured on its own. To suggest, as Susan Henthrone does in The Image
of Woman in the Fiction of C.S. Lewis, that Polly s role as a supporting character
means that she is not a strong character is to do a disservice to her distinctive
characterization. Digory s indignation at Uncle Andrew s sexist manipulations and
comments serves to undermine the conception that Lewis, as a narrator,
undervalues Polly simply because of her gender. To get Digory to go to what he
calls the Other World, Uncle Andrew tricks Polly into putting on the green ring that
will transport her without giving her the ring that would bring her back. It would
be easy to assume, from Digory s initial condemnation of Andrew in the
exclamation that he behaved like a coward, sending a girl into a place you re afraid
to go yourself (Lewis, 25), that Lewis implies that Polly s gender, and some inherent
weakness therein, makes Andrew s trickery truly
Plan For Implementing Cobit For Gardner Novelties Essay
1.0Plans for implementing COBIT for Gardner Novelties
According to the owner of the Gardner Novelties, Inc., William Montgomery
Gardner III (WG), the company needs to be compliant with Sarbanes Oxley (SOX)
Act Section 404. This will involve making assessment of the internal controls over
the financial reporting for the company. Such internal controls have to be adequate,
tested, and audited as the required by the SEC (Moeller, 2008). As a result, the
company has been requested to explore the COBIT framework for the
implementation of the compliance with the SOX Act, more specifically, Sarbanes
Oxley Act Section 404 (Hoitash, Hoitash, Bedard, 2008). According to SOX Act, the
insurer of IPO needs all the information concerning their annual reports which should
involve scope and adequacy of internal control structures and procedures for financial
COBIT stands for Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies
(Damianides, 2004). It is a set best control framework which was developed by
Information Systems Audit and Control Association(ISACA) and IT Government
Institute in 1996. COBIT has been employed by companies which need to be
compliant with SOX as well as being used by the Auditors who do assess the control
features. COBIT s approximately 300 control objectives are usually grouped into
Executive summary, Framework, Control Objectives, Control Practice, Management
Guidelines, and Audit Guidelines which constitutes the six BOBIT components.
The Color White Analysis
The color white has many meanings ranging from innocence to light. For
weddings, a white dress means purity while a white piece of paper means a clean
slate. All of the meanings seems far fetch to the people who consider themselves
indecent even if they want to change. In this play Willie fits into this group of
people. The blank paper appears several times in the dialogue which shows that it
has some significance to Willie. She evens compares the sky to to colorof a clean
piece of paper (1090). Willie s life is no where near fitting for a thirteen year old,
and she maybe rethinking her past while talking to Tom about her time in school.
She tells Tom about how Miss Preston would give Willie the paper and tell her,
Draw what you please! (1089).... Show more content on ...
The doll is falling apart do to age or neglect (1083). Willie is telling Tom all of
these wonderful stories about her inherited beaux and Alva while holding the doll.
Everything seems innocent, but there is a hidden meaning behind the her doll.
Williams describes Willie as childlike and laughing randomly while resembling a
doll with her makeup (1083). Willie tells Tom that she is worried about washing
the dolls hair because of the doll s compound fracture (1088). She says, I think that
most of her brains spilled out. She s been acting silly ever since. Saying an doing
the most outrageous things (1088). The doll s compound fracture and brains
spilling out represents Willie after losing her parents and sister while now being
homeless. Spilling brains can make a person go crazy and so can losing all of
their family members like Willie. She evens refers herself as being peculiar to
Tom in the beginning of their conversation (1082). Since her parents are gone,
Willie looks up to Alva instead. She learns to sleep with men from her sister which
is an outrageous thing to do for a thirteen year old. Although she is talking to her
doll in the dialogue, Willie is speaking of herself. The doll resembles Willie in some
ways. She still tries to convince Tom that her life can be extravagant, but the doll is
How Did Spain Purchase Louisiana Colonies
At the conclusion of the French and Indian War, Spain formally takes possession
of the Louisiana Colony as stipulated in the Treaty of Paris in 1763. France had
secretly transferred Louisiana to Spain in 1762 with the Treaty of Fountaineblue. By
the end of the French period of Louisiana, New Orleans was a commercially
prosperous, self sustaining city, trading all across the French commercial system
(Wall, p. 65). It had become a major port city for importing and exporting products.
With the transfer of rule from France to Spain, the Louisianacolony would
experience some social, political, cultural and economic consequences. The
provisions of the Treaty of Paris of 1763 surprised the colonists of Louisiana. New
Orleans residents were apprehensive and in some cases hostile. Few residents want
to be subject to Spanish rule. So much so that a group of wealthy merchants travel to
Paris to convince Sieur de Bienville to secure a meeting with King Louis XV. But the
King is committed to the transfer and will not meet with them. Louisiana s fate is
sealed. While being subject to... Show more content on ...
The colony is to obey Spain s strict mercantile policies over trade and commerce.
His new rules limit legal trade for Louisiana to a list of designated Spanish ships
and new ports belonging to Spain. He also set prices on goods. Merchants can no
longer charge what they want and can no longer trade with British colonies. The
residents are not pleased with Governor Ulloa s policies and believe his rules ruin the
established trading arrangements of Louisiana. Louisiana has grown accustomed to
trading with French ports in the Caribbean and illegally with nearby British colonies.
Louisiana has created a lucrative commercial community and is unhappy with the
new economic policies of Spain. In spite of the discontent, Ulloa seeks to improve
relations with the
Animal Farm Then Vs Now
Then V. Now
Animal Farm was a book written by George Orwell in 1945 about the Russian
Revolution, and because Animal Farm was written about politics, and politics tends
to repeat itself, it can relate to many current and older political events. Some events
can even compare so exactly, it is almost as if they were based off of it. Animal
Farm can compare to the Egyptian Revolution that took place in 2011 because there
was an original uprising, the new leader was thrown out of the country, and the
second leader was even more cruel.
The book tells the story of how the animals, whom represent the people of Russia,
overthrow their human master Mr. Jones, which represents Tsarism, to make a new
and better form of government. In this new ... Show more content on
Since this book was written about a political event, and politics always finds a way
to repeat itself, this book can relate and compare to many different situations and
event that have happened throughout the years, and in many years to come. The
book, Animal Farm and the Egyptian Revolution relate to each other in many
different ways. A few of those ways being that there was an original uprising that
involved the old, cruel leader being removed from office, the new leader that took
over after the uprising was thrown out of the country, and the second leader after the
uprising was even more cruel than the first who was kicked
Cannibalism In A Modest Proposal By Jonathan Swift
Jonathan Swift, in his essay A Modest Proposal , effectively utilizes an extended
metaphor in order to convey his message that we must take action against
widespread poverty. The satirical point employed suggests that poor children be
eaten in order to decrease the surplus population, and is efficacious due to the fact
that in such a terrible state of affairs, cannibalism can be logically defended as a
viable solution. Swift s essay, written in 1729, clearly precedes the existing social
programs in effect throughout much of the first world. However, the ominous
reality is that Swift s essay can just as effectively be used as a comparison, albeit a
figurative one, to modern day society, if our current welfare spending continues.
Implicit within Swift s essay is a call for radical change to the inaction towards the
poor that existed in his 18th century society. Though his call was thoroughly
addressed by nearly every global government, the poor class has not shrunk in any
way due to this, and in fact, government assistance has only worsened the problem.
One must only examine the nature of the welfare stateto see the oppression inherent
within it. By definition, the welfare state is a means of giving assistance to those
who do not produce an arbitrary amount of recorded capital for themselves. There is
absolutely no encouragement to work, no obligation for productivity. Rather, the
Heritage Foundation reported that only two of 80 tested welfare programs in
America had
Essay on A Lesson Before Dying Major Works Data Sheet
Data Sheet English 1 HonorsBlock: 1ABDate: 4/27/13
A Lesson Before Dying
Ernest J. Gaines
Historical Fiction
Title Associations or Predictions:
Given the title, A Lesson Before Dying, we can infer and predict that a character in
the book will die. Also, we can predict that before they die, they will learn something,
probably a valuable lesson
Biographical Information about the author:
Ernest J. Gaines was born in Oscar, Louisiana in 1933. He was born and raised on a
plantation. He had six brothers and sisters and they were taken care of by his great
aunt, Augusteen Jefferson. Him and his siblings were sent to labor alongside their
elders in the fields. He served in the U.S. Army, but then... Show more content on ...
Grant is very strict towards his students. Grant then thinks about his teacher when
he was a child, Matthew Antoine, describes him to us, tells about his influence,
and what they talked about. Next, Grant goes with Miss Emma to visit Jefferson in
his cell, but when they talk to him, he doesn t acknowledge that they are their and
is difficult to them. During Grant s next visit, Jefferson acts like a hog and is
infatuated with the idea that he is one. Grant wants to leave town with Vivian, but
there are several things holding them back. Grant and Vivian discuss the names of
their future children and talk to Miss Emma and Tante Lou. The visits to the jail
continue and there isn t much progress with Jefferson. Jefferson doesn t want to
eat or talk. Grant goes to Mr. Pichot s house and Jefferson s execution date is set on
a Friday. Another visit, Jefferson tells Grant that he wants a gallon of ice cream for
dinner his last night. Grant gets him a radio to keep him company, but Reverend
Ambrose, Tante Lou, and Miss Emma thing the radio is a bad thing for him. Grant
also gets Jefferson a notebook and pencil so he can right down his feelings or what
he s thinking about. You start to see Grant and Jefferson start to bond and Grant
leaves happy with what is happening. The next time he goes to see Jefferson, Miss
Emma goes.
Climax/Turning Point: Grant gives Jefferson a compassionate and heartfelt lecture
/speech which causes Jefferson to start crying and it leads Grant to cry as
Noonan Syndrome Research Paper
Imagine yourself walking into a grocery store, and having all eyes stare at you in
shock. As you continue to walk, they can t help themselves but stare even more.
Most people won t even get near you; they are scared as if you could hurt them in
any way. Believe it or not there are people who have no choice but to deal with
situation everyday. What they have is a genetic disorder called Noonan Syndrome,
and they do not choose to have this. Noonan Syndrome is an autosomal dominant
disorder, which is inherited by the mutation from one affected parent. So it is not
like someone choses to have this disorder, it just gets passed down to them. Since
this disorder is caused by a mutation in the genes, there are some other cases that
result from... Show more content on ...
You married someone who doesn t have the disease, but they are recessive. Would
you still have children? The possibility of your children getting this disease is a 50
50 chance. It brings a lot of thought to your mind right? The disease I am talking
about is Huntington s disease. This disease causes, clumping in the brain and
causes the death of nearby nerve cells. A brain area responsible for coordinating
movement, and of the cortex, which controls thought, perception and memory, are
most often affected. In my opinion I would choose not to have children, even if
there is only a 50 50 chance. I would not be able to live with myself knowing that I
passed down a deadly disease to my children. I rather not have children of my own;
there would still be more options for me to choose from. I could adopt children, I
won t have my own children but I ll still be a mom to others that are in need of
Raise The Red Lantern Essay
Raise The Red Lantern is a film that follows the story of Songlian, a young
university student forced to become the concubine of a feudal lord after the death of
her father. Songlian is the fourth mistress to the Master and has the most trouble
assimilating to the domestic life of servitude that is expected of her. The harsh
traditions and expectations present in the manor are made clear through Yimou
Zhang s use of framing. The vastness of the manor is assumed however Zhang
choses to show limited areas neatly framed in geometric symmetry. Characters in the
shot are always framed within a structure of the manor and placed carefully in each
frameso not to disturb the symmetry and order in each shot. The precision of the
camera visually represents the restrictions placed on the mistresses and how Songlian
feels trapped in her new life.
From the very moment she steps foot on the property Songlian is swallowed up by
the overbearing traditions of the manor. Her face is ... Show more content on ...
Songlian does not admit to her own insanity, in fact it is the Master that decides she
is to be treated as such when she accuses him of murdering the third mistress. The
Master was ultimately the one that decided Songlian s condition and sealed her fate
with a curse of eternal isolation. In the ending scene Songlian paces back and forth
in her doorway, framing herself in the window on her right and the window on her
left. This signifies her compliance with her own oppression, which is forced on her
through the idea that her insanity makes her opposition an illogical delusion. Zhang s
use of framing throughout the film serves as a visual metaphor to Songlian s feelings
of imprisonment and oppression. The perfect symmetry and clean lines of the manor
contrast with the corrupted practices and chaotic behavior that ensues
The Impact Of Stress And Strain On Relationships
Connections require work and will undoubtedly confront challenges vast and little.
Basic, regular stressors can strain a cozy relationship, and significant wellsprings of
stress may undermine the soundness of the relationship. For whatever length of time
that each accomplice will address the current issue and take an interest in building up
an answer, most relationship issues are reasonable, however when challenges are left
unaddressed, pressure mounts, poor propensities create, and the wellbeing and life
span of the relationship are in peril.
The Impact of Stress and Strain on Relationships
Strain can be set on a relationship when upsetting conditions influence the couple all
in all, or even only one of the accomplices. Perpetual disease of one individual, for
instance, can affect the prosperity of both accomplices. Many couples battle with
imparting viably and feeling that they are heard by their accomplices, and
additionally contrasts in child rearing, political perspectives, or desires. Extreme
stressors incorporate treachery, terminal disease of one accomplice, and genuine
emotional well being issues. Hatred, disdain, and an expansion in the recurrence of
contentions have a tendency to be indications of basic issues that have been left
Some regular relationship concerns incorporate money related troubles, hindrances to
correspondence, routine clash, enthusiastic separation, sexual closeness issues, and
absence of trust. Once in a while, marriage itself
How Did George Washington Plan The Presidential Home
In 1790 George Washington had hired Pierre L Enfant to plan the city and design the
presidential home. The plan by L Enfant s plan was four times larger than the
structure that is standing today. By 1792 L`Enfant had been dismissed due to his
exceedingly dominant handling of the city plans. In the absence of the original
architect a competition began to select the new architect of the presidential house.
James Hoban and Irish American was chosen after winning over George Washington
with his personality and designs.
George Washington laid the first cornerstone of the Whitehouse on October 13, 1972
in a freemason ceremony. The eight year construction was completed in 1800, with
George Washington overseeing the construction of the house he himself never
occupied. President John Adams was the first to live in the residence. When Thomas
Jefferson was elected in 1801 John Adams had put in so much work on the interior
design he did not want to leave but as it was the presidential home he unwillingly left
after only a few months in residence. ... Show more content on ...
was burned down by British to restore the White House just as it was
( James Hoban returned to oversee and restore the house to
its original state, there were only a few structural changes during the reconstruction
the floor plan remained much the same. Construction was completed in 1817. The
front and rear porticos were added to the White House 1825 and 1830, when Thomas
Jefferson commissioned Benjamin Henry Latrobe to make architectural changes to
the mansion (Latrobe had done proposals that included porticos as early as 1807).
Additional changes followed in 1835, when running water and central heating were
I Admire The Little Rock Nine Analysis
I admire the Little Rock nine because of them standing for what they believe in and
refused to let white people to control their future. After the Little Rock nine felt the
courts had approved for segregation. The nine students had to endure prejudice going
to school while attending school and after school. However eight of the nine students
were determined to not allow the white citizen in Arkansas to control their rights.
Elizabeth was a brave to stand alone for what she believes in. Her obtaining her
education was important to her and the other eight students. All nine of these students
were straight A students and was used to dealing with discrimination living in the
South. Looking at the socialization chart the white kids was thought don t
What Are The Differences And Similarities Between FX
Q1: Where did the swap market originate? And why?
The earliest SWAP market originated in the United Kingdom in the 1970s. The main
purpose of this market is to circumvent the foreign exchange controls adopted by the
British government. The first swap is a change in the currency swap. The British
government taxes foreign exchange transactions involving sterling. This makes it
more difficult for capital to leave the country, thereby increasing domestic investment.
Q2: Why Swaps are so popular? What is their economic rationale?
Interchanges help to limit or manage the volatility of interest rates, and swap yields
lower interest rates than would have been available to the company. Swaps are used
because domestic companies usually get better ... Show more content on ...
Interest rate swaps include the exchange of interest payments, while currency swaps
include the exchange of the same amount of cash in one currency. Interest rate swaps
are financial derivative contracts where both parties agree to exchange interest rate
cash flows
Q8: What is the combination of FX and interest rate swap called? How many swap
types can you construct by mixing the basic flavors?
The combination of FX and interest rate swaps is called CIRCUS. In terms of their
magnitude importance, the five common types of swaps are: interest rate swaps,
currency swaps, credit swaps, commodity swaps and stock swaps. There are many
other types of swaps
Q9: Swaps are important risk management tools. How would you use swaps in the
following situations (give an example and describe the swap type)
For example, consider an ordinary fixed interest rate floating interest rate swap,
Party A pay a fixed rate, Party B pay a floating rate. In such an agreement, the fixed
interest rate should be such that the present value of the future fixed interest rate
paid by Party A is equal to the present value (ie, the net present value is zero) paid by
the expected future variable interest rate. If this is not the case, then arbitrator C
The Human Resource ( Hr ) Department
The Human Resource (HR) department manages the tangible indirect reward to
employees. The Benefits that an employer provides to their employees are ones
needed to provide the motivation to retain their employment and provide a positive
return on investment. With the rising cost of health care, companies are relying on
their HR department to provide benefits that will help in lowering the cost
associated with older workers. Employers have found one benefit that has provided
the greatest return on their investment as it addresses the rising cost of health care,
absenteeism, and turnover rate of employees. This paper will analyze HR s
management of the benefit package and identify the benefit that has provided a
substantial gain for the employee and employer. Employers have software and
computer systems that have life cycles and equipment such as machinery, trucks,
tools, and other accessories that have maintenance schedules. These programs are
used to help prolong and ensure that equipment is functioning and operating properly
for the work that they are tasked to perform. Employers need a benefit that will
provide the same for their employees. Analyzing the Organizational Cost of a Longer
Working Life With the rising cost of health care, companies are relying on their
Human Resources (HR) department to provide benefits that will help in lowering the
cost associated with older workers. The Human Resources Management (HRM) is
part of the organizational functions that
Forbidden s No Triangle-Love
At first Forbidden seem to be another typical young adult paranormal romance, with
the mysterious guy and the new girl setting that may seem a little familiar. However
in the end I feel it did a rather good job on balancing the romance and the
supernatural world building. I thought the writing was colorful, and the story was
very engaging. Not to say it didn t have it s moment, but overall I really enjoyed
reading this book.
What I liked about this book:
Interesting supernatural creatures в€
No triangle love...yet в€
Unique leading female character в€
Interesting storyline в€
Complex yet gripping supernatural world в€
Forbidden has build a complex supernatural world with layers of suspense and
mysteries, that will keep you attentive throughout
Teen Activism
NTRODUCTION We live in a world that is in need of change. Many of us have
strong opinions about things, including teens. These teens speak out about what
they believe in, in order to make the world a better place. These people are called
teen activist. In this essay, you will learn about what teen activism, the examples
of Malala Yousafzai, Abby Reiman, and Zea Tongeman, and you will also learn
what I would do if I were a teen activist. So keep reading and enjoy! What is teen
activism? Now you re probably wondering, what is teen activism anyway? Well,
teen activism is when young people express themselves in order to make a change
for the better. For example, think of Malala Yousafzai. Since I will be writing
about her next, I won t go into full on detail mode. Anywho, she started a fund
called the Malala Fund to help kids, but especially girls to be able to have an
education. Now that you know what teen activism is, let s look at some teen
activist. Malala Yousafzai Malala Yousafzai is a pakistani schoolgirl. When she
was little, she didn t get to go to school, because in her country, girls weren t
allowed to go to school. But, she went anyway. Soon enough, she was targeted by
the Taliban. When she was 12 years old, she was on her way home from school,
when she was shot in the head. Luckily for her, the bullet didn t touch her brain.
After 5 hours of surgery, she was almost better. I say almost because she was
paralyzed in the left side of her face. After this whole
Comparing Modest Proposal And Vanishing Middle Class
Compare and Contrast Essay
In a Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift and Vanishing Middle Class by Elizabeth
Warren, argue that the economic system in both Ireland and the United States are
flawed. Swift argues that the poor is dragging down the middle class. In contrary
Warren argues that the middle class is the greatest ally of the poor. Swift argues
that the poor is dragging down the middle class, as the children of poor people are a
burden to their parents and country. His solution to help the poor have a better
economic status is by selling their children as food to the rich. Swift wants to get his
point through, that the landlords are becoming more rich, while the poor are not
getting the help that is needed.Warren argues that if the middle class is ... Show more
content on ...
In the reading, he stated, It is a melancholy object to those, who walk through this
great town,or travel in the country, when they see the streets, the roads and cabbin
doors crowded with beggars of the female sex, followed by three, four, or six
children, all in rags, and importuning every passenger for an alms (Swift Page 1).
What this means is that Ireland is becoming more overpopulated. These poor
families have to deal with their children, even though they can t afford to take care
of them. This matters because the children are more of a burden to the families
because they can t really do anything to help out their families situation. Swift
argues that mothers can t go to work due to the children, since they need to be
taken care of. Ireland is becoming more overpopulated due to the poor families
because they are having around four through six kids. This will eventually hurt the
whole economic system thus bringing down the middle class down. As well as the
whole country will be affected. Luckily Swift finds a solution to this problem, which
is selling their kids to the rich as
Blood sampling is also useful, and protein and cell levels can be used to calculate a
LRINEC score. LRINEC stands for Laboratory Risk Indicator for Necrotizing
Fasciitis and is a great tool for distinguishing common skin infections from
necrotizing fasciitis. In addition, its score is used to determine if immediate surgical
debridement is necessary. Measurements included in the LRINEC score is C
reaction protein, white blood cell count, hemoglobin, sodium, creatinine, and glucose
(16). CRP levels vary drastically among cellulitis and necrotizing fasciitis. CRP
stands for C reactive protein, which is a naturally produced chemical in the liver that
serves as a blood test marker for inflammation throughout the body. A high CRP level
American Beauty And Erikson s Theory On Psychosocial...
THe film AMerican Beauty was reviewed to help explain Erik Erikson s theory on
psychosocial development. The psychosocial developmental theory consists of
eight stages that humans go through from infancy up unto a mature adult over 60.
While watching American Beauty several stages of psychosocial development
were portrayed. The biggest takeaway from this movie showed that one may fail in
order to overcome Erikson s psychosocial development. The stage that was most
observed was the identity vs role confusion, during this stage according to our
textbook Adolescents ask themselves Who am I? They establish sexual, political,
religious, and vocational identities or are confused about their roles. (Berger, 2017
Table 2.1) Upon reviewing American Beauty I will include examples of the different
types of behaviors demonstrated that reflect a particular stage of development or
crisis in their life.
American Beauty and Psychosocial Development Erik Erikson developed the
psychosocial development theory that consists of eight stages.
American Beauty and Psychosocial Development Erikson focused on the various
stages of personality development throughout the entire lifespan. Erikson
maintained that personality develops in a predetermined order, builds upon each
previous stage. (McLeod, 2013) The eight stages begin at birth up and expand into
maturity which is 65 years old and older. Erikson felt that a crisis occurs at each
stage of development and he focuses a lot on the adolescent period. As a person
moves on through life and completes each stage successfully it generally results in
a healthy and happy person, failure to accomplish basic virtues throughout the
stages generally results to an unhappy person and a negative sense of self. There is
always ways to go back in the stages and resolve them later on in life. Throughout
the movie American Beauty (Mendes, Ball, Cohen, Spacey, Bening, and Birch)
there were examples of several stages of psychosocial development. In the very
beginning of the movie one of the main characters Lester is giving a brief
introduction to his life. He states how he feels dead inside and that basically he s
unhappy with his life. Throughout the film Lester, Jane and

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Say No To Drugs Essay

  • 1. Say No To Drugs Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of advocating against drug usage presents a multifaceted challenge. Firstly, one must navigate the delicate balance between providing factual information about the detrimental effects of drugs while avoiding a preachy or didactic tone. It requires meticulous research to gather statistics, case studies, and expert opinions to substantiate arguments effectively. Additionally, addressing the complexities surrounding drug addiction demands sensitivity and empathy. It involves delving into the psychological, social, and even economic factors contributing to substance abuse. Understanding the nuances of addiction requires a nuanced approach to ensure the essay does not oversimplify a deeply entrenched societal issue. Furthermore, conveying a compelling message that resonates with the audience's emotions and values is crucial. It involves crafting engaging narratives or employing persuasive rhetoric to encourage readers to empathize with the plight of those affected by drug addiction and to recognize the importance of prevention and rehabilitation efforts. In essence, composing an essay on this topic entails not only synthesizing factual information but also navigating ethical considerations and employing persuasive techniques to advocate for positive change. [At the end, without mentioning the topic: Similar essays and much more can be ordered on] Say No To Drugs EssaySay No To Drugs Essay
  • 2. Essay about Finding Strength in Poverty in There Are No... There are No Children Here Finding Strength in Poverty Being privileged is something that I didn t understand until I read There are No Children Here, by Alex Kotlowitz. The truth is that I knew I had it better than others, but the absolute difference was not truly recognized until I met the boys Lafayette, and Pharaoh. These boys were presented to me by Kotlowitz, via his book, and the evident pain and sorrow that these young men went through on a daily basis was more than most privileged people experience in an entire lifetime. That is what being privileged is. When I started reading this book, I thought that is was going to be another poor me story about some poor black kids who got a raw deal. That was my ignorant, ... Show more content on ... The grass was green, the flowers were all around, and the hallways seemed to go on forever. Their family was the first to move into the homes, and at that time, they were proud of that. Here they were, in a nice, affordable place where they could raise their children in a descent environment, around other people. As more families moved in, they relied on each other, and would gather in the court yard to talk and enjoy each others company. The times sure changed though. The Chicago Housing Authority started neglecting the Homes. Grass would go months without mowing, the appliances would deteriorate without replacement, and the plumbing was left to self destruct. When the CHA didn t control the Homes, and the police wouldn t enforce the laws, crime soon ran free to torture the inhabitants of the once grand Henry Horner Homes. The people of Henry Horner, especially the good people, longed for a place that they could sit up at night on a porch without fear. They had a dream of a place without the violence, but many of the people here became so conditioned to think that this is the way it was supposed to be, that a thought of getting out was a fleeting one. Pharaoh, the youngest of the two boys, was a daydreamer in the beginning of the book. The child had his head in the clouds, and often times dreamt of a place that offered safety, and a piece of the American Dream . The progression in the boy was evident from the summer of 1987, the beginning of the book,
  • 3. Elements Of Poetry In Ask MeBy Arakida Moritage 1. In Ask me by William Stafford (376), the element of poetry that stands out most for me is didactic poetry. William starts with Some time when the river is ice ask me mistakes I have made. grabbing reader s attention towards the issue he is discussing in his poem. Some people stood with him during difficult times, some didn t ask me what difference their strongest love or hate has made. But, that doesn t make any difference. We know the current is there, hidden; and there are comings and goings from miles away that hold the stillness exactly before us. everyone has the potential to solve their problems. Stafford is addressing that people solve their own problems. This makes them strong. 2. In The falling flower by Arakida Moritake (438), the element that stands out most for in the poem is imagery. The poem sparks the person with its set of unusual images. The poet triggers the image of a flower falling from the tree The falling flower . And that flower flies back to the tree in the form of a butterfly. I saw drift back to the branch Was a butterfly . Arakida is discussing the birth of a butterfly by his vivid imagery. 3. In The Wayfarer by Stephen Crane (381), the element that stands out most for me is tone. The tone of the poet towards this poem is judgemental. The vagabond who is choosing the path is surprised to see the heavily grown path It was thickly grown with weeds. . It occurs to him that one has taken this path I see that none has passed
  • 4. The White Gentle Bondrewd In The Abyss Bondrewd the lord of dawn was once a man others wanted to be. The men that tried achieved many great strides, just to die from the curse or predators found in the abyss. If only they knew that the white whistle Bondrewed was a man of no regrets and ultimate sacrifices. For his only goal was to try and find out the truth behind the abyss. To do this he sent many children down to a very deep level of the abyss where the curse was increasingly harrowing. It was so intense that the curse often forced the blood out of your body, made your physical features abnormal, and it also dealt serious memory loss. His reasoning, the people that he dealt the pain to, and what he is after he is stopped is something of great value to him the characters and
  • 5. Healthy Commercial Dog Food Have you ever taken a look at the ingredients listed on a bag or can of commercial dog food? If so, depending on which brand you looked at, chances are you wondered how it could be healthy. Sadly, the truth is that most commercial dog foods are no healthier for your pet than a bag of potato chips is for you. So, before you allow your dogto take another bite of that chow you have been giving them, you should read this article on choosing a healthy commercial dog food. Commercial dog foods are a great convenience but what you are gaining in convenience, you might be losing in the health of your pet. Luckily, there are some commercial foods that are nutritious too. When push comes to shove, you should make sure the food you are feeding your ... Show more content on ... Basically, meal is meat that has been pre cooked. When you are looking at low quality foods, you will generally find a meat ingredient first. That meat ingredient will be followed by a number of fillers and by products. Yes, meat has been listed as the first ingredient, but there are more fillers and that changes the ratio, so you want to avoid anything that has a lot of by products or fillers listed. When choosing a commercial dog food, preservatives are necessary in order to keep the dog food from going stale. However, those preservatives should not artificial chemicals. Did you know artificial chemicals could cause cancers? In fact, you should avoid any foods that have chemical preservatives such as BHT, BHA and Ethoxyquin. Typically, healthy commercial all natural dog foods are going to be more expensive, but your dog may actually eat less of them since they are not loaded with fillers that have no nutritional value and, therefore, it takes less food to meet his nutritional needs. You want to look for foods that are natural and/or organic as these will be free from toxins. Feeding a healthy commercial all natural dog food to your dog may cost a bit more, but you will be paid back with lower vet bills and a healthy dog that lives a long
  • 6. How Does Netflix s Negatively Effect Canadian Culture Last week, the Wall Street Journal posted the article, Netflix Makes Canada Pledge on its website. The article was about how the well known streaming service is keeping business with the Great White North. This is being done due to the concerns growing in Canada because of the streaming service s increase success in the country. Some believe Netflix s outsource material could negatively impact Canadian televisionand film. There have been reports of a decrease in cable and an increase of streaming services which includes Netflix. There is also the belief of the possible risk that the streaming service can also effect Canadian culture. As a result, Netflix has taken several steps to satisfy the country s demands. As of now, Netflix is already
  • 7. Product Differentiation In Philippine Teleseryes To the Teleseryes crews, Differentiation is needed in order for the local Teleseryes in the Philippines to improve its products and services. Differentiation can be achieved through designing meaningful differences in order to distinguish the local Teleseryes to other foreign telenovelas which are being offered in the market. Specifically, Product Differentiation which pertains to improving the product that the Philippine Telenovela Industry is offering Teleseryes should be performed. Furthermore, the following are the researchers recommendation for improvement on the elements of Teleseryes which is aligned with the study s results. Acting Skills of Actors/Actresses and Dependence on Actors/Actresses Teleseryes should ensure that the Actors and Actresses in the Teleseryes have undergone rigorous training in order to enhance his/her skills before debuting a role. Regardless of their name and popularity, training for actors and actresses is a need because their portrayal will make the Teleseryes alive. Relevantly, the characters should have good physique, a retentive memory, an ... Show more content on ... Joint Venture refers to two companies which will temporarily work together with a purpose capitalizing for opportunities. Through this, Filipino culture and tourism can further be highlighted through the scenarios in Teleseryes. Additionally, with the current crises in troubled international tourist spots, travelers will be looking for other places in the world to visit. This is the right time to show to the international community that Philippines have awesome scenic spots including Boracay, Mindoro, Cebu, Bohol, Ilocos, Baguio, and so many undiscovered provinces. With the support from the government and tourism organizations, Teleseryes can be a platform to promote the country s culture, land and
  • 8. Waiting For Superman Ever since we were young kids we used to believe that in times of crisis Superman would come to our rescue, however the most heartbreaking day in our childhood was probably when we realized that Superman did not exist. Similarly, parents look for proper education for their children however they soon find that just like Superman, this educationdoes not exist. In Waiting for Superman , Davis Guggenheiminforms parents that schools are failing to produce successful students and inspires his viewers to act against this injustice. Waiting for Superman is a documentary directed by Davis Guggenheim that shows the injustices in the public school system. The film reveals how education has declined. Guggenheim focuses on five students and their ... Show more content on ... He uses the example of a girl named Daisy who is going to go to Stevenson Middle School, where only 13% of their students are proficient in math. Then she ll go to Roosevelt High School, which is one of the worst high schools in LA, with 50% dropout rate, and only 3 out of 100 meet the academic requirements for admission to a public California College (Waiting for Superman ). Daisy hopes that one day she will be a doctor or veterinarian because she wants to help people. But Guggenheim skillfully uses Daisy to show that her dreams have a very low chance of coming true because of her school. Guggenheim uses these kids as heart wrenching stories that reach out to the viewers to take a stance and make change. He furthermore uses a cause and effect strategy to claim that if parents want better education for their kids, it means having more options. Many parents want their children to attend a charter school such as Daisy s parents who want her to enter KIPP LA Prep because the students become more advanced in reading and writing. However due to the popularity of these charter schools, to get in she ll have to participate in a lottery. If Daisy wins the lottery she will be able to get on a good path to achieve her dreams. As the movie shows parents and children scream when they find out they got in or they cry when they find
  • 9. Lowering The Age Of Drinking Alcohol Essay Should the Age Limit for Drinking Alcohol be Lowered? Everyone hears about tragedies because of drunk drivers or the stories of the people who grew up with alcoholic parents or the choices people who drink extensively make that hurt and affect so many others. My mother grew up with two alcoholic parents. They could be mean drunks. There are the different kinds of drunks everyone knows: mean drunks, funny drunks, loud drunks, clumsy drunks, emotional drunks, etc. What a lot of people don t realize is that, all drunks and alcoholics have a few things in common. They all forget it in the morning, always have a drink, always deny their problem, frequently can t/don t accept help unless they want to change. There is no talking to an alcoholic. My mother s father sobered up, but he died just a couple years ago; her mother, on the other hand. never really sobered up. She is still and alcoholic and not only is it hard on my mother still but it s hard on all of us. You can t talk to her and have her temper what we said. She went to the hospital about two years ago for a reaction to a medicine and the doctors took her BAC (Blood Alcohol Content). Her BAC was .34. The legal limit is .08. She should have been dead. And during that time she was forced to go the withdrawals and, as a first hand witness, it is one of the scariest things seeing someone so out of there mind and element. It s like they are a whole different, ugly person. What makes it ... Show more content on ... Someone might argue that foreign countries have 18 years as the legal age, but they don t think about how most other countries are more mature by that age and use alcohol for religious purposes instead of for a good time . Our society is too immature and irresponsible to handle a younger drinking age. And age that can create addicts and destroy bodies and minds of young people. Twenty one is not an ideal age but it is surely better than 17 or
  • 10. Designing A Quality Business Letterhead Introduction If you have just started a small business, you must be wondering where to start as there are so many things to decide right from choosing an office space, hiring staff, promotion of your company s brand and so on. But among them, the most considerable factor is to enhance your business effectiveness that you can do by printing your business letterhead. Yes! Designing a quality business letterhead is an important step to start an established business. Placing your company s logo on your business materials is the right way to promote how your company is and what it offers. Business letterhead templates What is a business letterhead? A business letterhead is used as a powerful tool to promote a business. It is nothing but an official document of your business that shows how established your business is and what is its professional image in the market. Besides these, a nicely designed letterhead can bring potential customers to your company and convey the message that you strictly follow professional principles in all you do. Moreover, printing a business letterhead with your company s logo on the top subtly plant the value of your business in customer s minds. Sending each piece of marketing material in your company s letterhead strengthens the relationship between and your customers and this does not require any giant promotion or investment. A good business letterhead not only depicts your business s vision and mission but also reminds your customers and clients
  • 11. Greek Afterlife Myths Have you ever contemplated what happens after death? Do you soul escape from all reality into nothingness? Do you merely just cease to exist in one world and progress into the next? These uncertainties have conflicted the minds of many philosophers and scholars since the creation of civilization. Religious factions were born and they fabricated the core beliefs that modern society affirms to be true. However, one unconditionally original interpretation of the afterlife is that of the Ancient Greeks. This polytheistic culture believed in the Underworld; a tasteless, vulgar world where your final destination was determined by your actions and good will in the living world. Many Ancient Greek myths spoke of intriguing accounts of the Underworld.... Show more content on ... He was one of few to granted permission to return back to the living world (Carlos Parada, Underworld and Afterlife , 3). Many beasts and famous monsters from Greek myths resided here. The atmosphere is dark pale and disheartening. Every breath taken is melancholy and every thought is meaningless (Parada, 3). The description of the entrance is not meant for the torture of the entities, but simply the passage to your final destination. Upon arrival, the ferryman, Charon, takes payment for passage into the Underworld. He accepts coins possessed by the souls given to them by living who disposed of their body (Mark Cartwright, Hades , 2). Those not given a coin remain is the purgatory state before the entrance for eternity. Charon then guides the dead along the river Styx (Parada, 4). It is believed to be one of five rivers that occupy the Underworld. The Acheron, Lethe, Phlegethon, Cocytus, and Styx compose of the major rivers (Linda Alchin, River Styx , 2). There are an abundant supply of guards who insure no entities escape from the gates go the Underworld. Cerberus, for example, is described as a enormous three headed hound; infamous for his irascible nature (Parada, 5). Further along, now traversing on the river, a more vivid picture of the landscape can be drawn. The Underworld is situated is a ill lit chasm where anything sustaining refrains from growing (Parada,
  • 12. Separation Of Judicial Power And The Australian Constitution The separation of power doctrine is properly speaking a doctrine not so much about the separation of function as about the separation of functionaries. In case of commonwealth it represents an intermediate position between the governmental systems the United States of America and the United Kingdom each of which in some measure serve as a model for the Australian constitution. The effect of relative absence of power separation of power between legislative and executivefunctions of government, the effect of the strict demarcation of judicial power and the content of judicial power. Although the separation of power has divided power and function each body it is very hard to implement them in the complex modern community. The countries which... Show more content on ... The boil makers case and others such as Drake vs minster for immigration and ethnic affairs in the case it was held by the federal court of Australia that it is not unconstitutional for a federal judge to be appointed in a personal capacity as a member of the administrative appeal tribunal. In many cases it has been evident that the absolute separation of power cannot be done in the practical scenario as easily as in theory because of the complex nature of society and the clashes or influence of three bodies on the function of each other is very much possible and certain. For instance judges questioned their function and task outside their judicial power for executing congress regulating claims to invalid pension. In recent time in some cases it also viewed that high court is playing political role in Australia as evidenced by its interpretation of the Constitution in
  • 13. How A Musical Machine As The Exemplification Of An... Presentation I propose to add to a musical machine as the exemplification of an intelligent music framework. A standout amongst the most difficult ranges inside of PC music is genuine time execution, and inside of this, joining machine listening systems to incorporate some intuitiveness in the middle of client and framework. Whilst the generative perspectives of an intuitive framework can take into account more prominent comprehension of human innovativeness (Boden 1990), the logical perspectives can reveal insight into the intricate operation of human discernment. This zone envelops such an extensive variety of computational, subjective and social issues that the degree for exploration and study is verging on unbounded. Further, the part of the robot in today s general public is quick moving from that of exceptionally minimal human connection, to right on the bleeding edge as visit aides, household partners, helps for tele presence and progressively as a major aspect of our stimulation frameworks (Xie 2003). Advancement of intuitive musical robots would test individuals biases and limits concerning the situations in which we associate with innovation and its advancement and level of contribution inside of our lives. The prizes are clear when working with musical apply autonomy, as you can typify all the upsides of advanced music whilst keeping up the lavishness of acoustic sounds (Weinberg et al 2005). A musical accomplice not
  • 14. Dretske s What Change Blindness In Dretske s paper over what change blindness teaches about consciousness, I think one of the most important ideas pointed out is that what is in question is not what the person thinks they saw or were aware of, but what they actually were aware of. This is really hard to test and get results on accurately. Now, later on in the paper, Dretske gives a scenario and later about it says, Reactions to Sam will not add up to knowledge. They will be guesses correct guesses, perhaps, if they are reliably caused by information being received about Sam but guesses nonetheless. Sarah s judgments about Sam, however, are not guesses. She knows he wasn t standing on his head. No guessing about it. She knows it because she could see he wasn t. That
  • 15. The Influence Of Media And Pop Culture On Young Girls In today s society media and pop culture are heavy influences on girls of all ages. Everywhere we look there is something claiming to make us happier, look better, and telling us how we can improve our lifestyles. Young girls to young adults are drawn to these advertisements. Studies say that girls from the age of thirteen to nineteen are most vulnerable to the persuasion of the advertisements put out by companies claiming to help them live a better and more defined life. Magazines such as Seventeenmagazinetarget young girls using celebrities, visual techniques, and many other techniques to draw their attention. To be in Style One technique used by Seventeen is the use of bright colors to drawn in attention. They use bold, busy colors and fonts contrasted on clean, crisp backgrounds to catch the young eyes of girls who connect these contrasts with an upbeat style. They use bold, feminine, sophisticated type fonts to grab the eyes of women. Their headlines stick out, making themselves the center of attention. Most of these headlines are fashion centered. They use fashion to appeal to girls find the best clothes makeup and hairstyles. They make it feel personal by claiming to know what will work for you and your body type, face shape, and skin tone. They sell their secrets on how to look great every day. They dress they re models in clothes that reflect the theme of the magazine. This appeals to the women s desire to be in style. Idolization Another technique they use and one of the most commonly used by Seventeen is the use of celebrities. Teens often look at celebrities as superhumans. They find celebrities to look up to. They idolize them, want to be like them. Magazines use this to their advantage. They plaster the faces of some of the most influential stars to their front pages claiming to help teens become just like their idol. They make sure to cover all social platforms from actresses to singer, models, and socialites. Seventeen has used people such as Sarah Hyland, Maddie Ziegler, Zendaya and Carrie Underwood. They use these people as marketing tools. These people are seen in the public eye as credible sources especially by the girls who look up to them. They try to appeal to the fact
  • 16. Operation Anaconda Case Study Task Organization during Operation Anaconda SFC Albert G. Davis MLC 02 18 MSG Gina R. Aceves Task Organization during Operation Anaconda The war in the Middle East was in full effect and the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) already had forces in the Afghanistan area of responsibility (AOR). These pre positioned troops were the result of intelligence reports that showed the Taliban and al Qaeda were hiding out in the Shahi Khot valley in Afghanistan. CENTCOM S poor task organization for the multiple coalition forces on the ground and air contributed to the breakdown of Task Force Mountain s battle plan. Available Assets Task organization is creating an operating force, support staff, or sustainment package of specific size and composition to meet a unique task or mission (Department of the ... Show more content on ... The lack of tactical control (TACON) with the amount of different forces engaged in the operation made command authority an issue. (Fleri, Howard, Hukill, Searle, 2013) The Joint Task Force (JTF) did not have the TACON it should have had with the SOF. Prior to the start of the JTF Mountain, the SOF operated under the control of the Joint Special Operations Task Force and bypassed the Joint Commander. SOF groups needed to be inserted at a time when the air support was not bombing the valley. Task force command and control (C2) was a major issue when key staff elements were not present. The continuing air support need for the attack on the valley required more air controllers than CENTCOM would allow the JTF to have in the AOR. Without enough air liaisons for each group they began to us the air control elements of the Airforce.
  • 17. Germany s Production And Consumption Of Biodiesel In many international countries, Europe is the prime continent that is in lead in the production and consumption of biodiesel. Because Europe is governed by the European Union, their policy was rethought due to costs of food supply and carbon dioxide statistics. The European Union proposed a 5.75% cap on the fraction of fuel that is biofuel. ( Europe ) The policy changed to ensure sustainable production and environmental responsibility, provide enhanced trade between EU member states, and support research and innovation , ( Europe ) which are some of the new parts of the biofuel strategy. These policies are also looking into new taxation directives and biomass plans. Today, Germany is the top leading country in the production of biodiesel, producing 2,859 millions of liters per year. Germany has made a huge commitment in trying to increase the use of renewable energy, which Is why they are leading the production of biodiesel. Before this Germany relied on oil 90% of the time, however now, Germany government supports biofuel production and environmental responsibility through the legislations. ( Europe ) Germany supports renewable energy directive started by the EU, and has also started tax incentives for biodiesels, as well as set obligations for various regions in producing biomass. Since 2015, Germany s legislation resulted in a drastic improvement of climate performance of biodiesel production. (Beckman) Mineral oil sellers need to now reduce greenhouse gas
  • 18. Andy Campbell s Tomato Soup Rhetorical Analysis Andy Warhol created a silkscreen canvas in 1964 of a Campbell s condensed tomato soup can. He uses the same fonts, colors, and sizes that have caught people s eyes when they shop. I, myself, have never tried Campbell s tomato soup. Every time we have any type of tomato soup, my mom makes it from diced tomatoes and adds her own ingredients. Campbell s tomato soup uses an original logo on every can so when people see it they know what it is. Think of the McDonald s logo. Every time you see a yellow M in a red background you think of McDonalds. Campbell s logo is a man sitting with, from my perspective, food around him. You can also see at the bottom of most cans, what looks like the New Orleans sign. It is like a fleer delit. To me, this is
  • 19. Lululemon Swot Essay SWOT Analysis Company name: Lululemon Athletica Inc. (NASDAQ:LULU; TSX:LLL) Product: Lululemon Athletica produces yoga inspired athletic apparel for both women and men. Strengths #1. Innovative Design Process Lululemon offers high quality premium athletic apparel that is designed for performance, comfort, functionality and style. The innovative design process is attributed to a number of factors such as, real time customer feedback. Lululemon seeks real time customer feedback on the design and development of new and existing products. By directly integrating the customer into the product development process the design team can understand and directly respond to consumer needs and wants while creating innovative designs that ... Show more content on ... [2] #2. Inadequate Inventory: Lululemon s growth is stymied by inadequate inventory of popular items [3] and sizes which often results in expensive air freighting of product from overseas. #3. Perceived female focus: Lululemon was launched as women s only athletic apparel company, making it difficult to reeducate consumers that the company also carries men s apparel.... Or #3. Price Point There are other brands in the marketplace that offer the same product but at lower price point... Or # 3 Perceived as a yoga only brand............. O: Opportunities #1. A growing number of yoga participants in United States and Canada Over the years Lululemon has built significant brand equity among yoga enthusiasts. The number of yoga participants in the United States has jumped more than five fold, from three million in 2000 to 16.5 million in 2005, growth opportunities for the business are excellent.[4] #2. Excess commercial real estate
  • 20. Due to the down turn in the economy there are increasing retail vacancies allowing Lululemon to negotiate favorable leases in Class A properties. #3. TBD T: Threats # 1 Weak economic conditions The current weak and volatile economic conditions, particularly in the United States and Canada, have impacted consumer spending. These week economic conditions will continue to impact consumer spending and purchasing habits for the foreseeable future. Consumers
  • 21. Developing Gross And Fine Motor Skills Throughout generations there have been many toys developed for toddlers, never the less the basic principle remains the same: By means of playing with toys the toddler is learning to understand their world. This author will discuss common toys for toddlers and how the use of these toys may be affected by the principles of assimilation and accommodation, according to Feldman (2014). Piaget s theory will be explained this author will also explore how these toys help in developing gross and fine motor skills. Feldman (2014) states that Piaget s Theory is based on a stage approach to development (p.144). It is supposed that children move through a series of similar stages in a particular order from the time of birth to adolescence. Feldman (2014) discussed these stages and explains that a child will move through these stages when an appropriate level of maturity has taken place physically with significant interaction, through experiences. Therefore, once a child has reached the toddler years, he/she will have passed through several of Piaget s six sub stages of the sensorimotor stages. Piaget suggests that when a child has reached a certain level of physical development and has experienced pertinent experiences, the child will pass through to the next stage in a gradual, steady transformation of behavior (Feldman, 2014). To understand the principles of assimilation and accommodation in the respect of the common toys that toddlers play with one
  • 22. The Election of 2000 The election of 2000 was the closest and most controversial election in all U.S. history. This event was the fierce competition full of irregularities and unfairness between George W. Bush and Al Gore to become the first president elected in the 21st century that turned into an intense political and legal battle to decide the presidency. It was such an interesting and unique election because unlike how elections are supposed to work, the election of 2000, for many unique reasons, did not end with a clear winner. This event was not only an election, but a test of american democracy that challenged many people s trust in the american court system, and left millions of americans asking the question, who really won the election of... Show more content on ... Ralph Nader was a strong liberal and a radical environmentalist who ran on the Green Party ticket. Nader took a significant amount of votes away from Gore which would prove to be very important later on in the race. Pat Buchanan was ultra conservative candidate who ran on the reform party ticket. He was predicted to take some votes away from Bush, but did not end up receiving many votes partially due to health problems during his campaign. From near the beginning of the election many people predicted it would be a close race, but no one could have imagined exactly how close this race would come. Bush had the first lead that lasted until august 2000 when gore took the lead after the democratic convention. The American people were split down the middle after Bush and Gore s three televised votes. Bush took most of the south and west, while Gore took the northeast and California. Gore, however, in a rare case, did not win his home state of Tennessee which if he had won, would have secured him enough electoral votes to win the entire election. At the end of the voting it showed that the popular vote was nearly tied, Gore beating bush by around 500,000 votes, only a 0.5% lead. Bush had 47.9% of the popular vote and Gore had 48.4%. Ralph Nader had a successful campaign and managed to win 2.7% of the popular vote while Pat Buchanan only won 0.4% of the votes. Gore had won the popular vote by 500,000 votes but it didn t matter because in order to
  • 23. Americans Will Have Insurance Coverage Americans will have insurance coverage. The US has an unequal distribution of the primary care, thus; the rural areas have been left with only few physicians. Many physicians prefer practicing in urban areas because of the lucrative advantage, better technology or demographic preference. Many sources including Green et al, of Anita Phigpen Perry School of nursing confirms that the reason for the shortage of physicians in the rural areas is due to the tendency of people in the rural areas being poorer, sicker and older . This segment of people tends to be uninsured, and physicians are attracted to urban and suburb areas where revenues are. Today with the ACA policies, people in the underserved area have better access to physicians, although the shortage persists. The US Department of Health and Human Services, states that to help strengthen access to the primary care workforce, the Affordable Care Act invests in health work force training, including: a $ 1.5 billion investment in National Health Service Corps Scholarship and loan repayment programs and $ 230 million over five years to primarily train medical residents in community bases. However, do we have enough experts? All articles I used in this paragraph are reliable. Fodeman is the chief medical officer for the Office of Rural Health Policy in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; for 12 years, he has been a member of the University of Minnesota Medical School. He has the current knowledge about the
  • 24. Montaigne Of Cannibals Essay In western cultures ethnocentrism is a very prevalent facet. Ethnocentrism, essentially, is the tendency to use the cultural norms of one s own society as a method of comparison for foreign cultures. This ethnocentrism has been projected on many groups, and arguably is a result of a sense of superiority felt by those in normalized western cultures. Michel De Montaigne s account of a cannibalistic society is a prime example of the prevalence of this assumed European superiority. In his work Of Cannibals , he makes a sustainable note of these principles. Michel De Montaigne presents viable arguments against the practices of ethnocentrism throughout Of Cannibals. In the opening paragraph Montaigne makes mention of King Pyrrhus, a Greek king, ... Show more content on ... The account of the cannibalistic society Montaigne receives is from a man who lived among them. Montaigne describes the man as simple and crude (Montaigne 1653). In essence, Montaigne feeds the biases of Europeans, as he regards the man as simple and crude. These definitives could be interpreted as synonymous to stupid or unintelligent. However, Montaigne believes these traits to be superior; he expresses that those who are clever contribute their own interpretations to situations. Therefore, they often do not offer the full truth but instead alter history. While it appears, Montaigne is insulting the man due to his remarks, such as we need a man [. . .] so simple that he has not the stuff to build up false inventions (Montaigne 1653), he actually admires the sheer simplicity of this man and his ability to be purely objective. Through his subjects he makes further notice of the wrongs of ethnocentrism. He argues that in creating artificial and denaturalized objects and principles that it is the Europeans who are truly wild, and those who live simply, such as the cannibals are closer to the natural order and the way God intended humans to be. He describes the cultural values of the man and the cannibals as uncorrupted and equally as excellent (or even more so) as the culture Europeans have
  • 25. Bird Imagery in Jane Eyre In Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte uses many types of imagery to provide understanding of the characters and also to express reoccurring themes in the novel. Through bird imagery specifically, we are able to see Jane develop from a small, unhappy child into a mature and satisfied young woman. The familiarity and transcendence of birds have given them a wider range of meaning and symbol in literature than any other animal. The resemblance of their activities to common patterns of human behavior makes them exceptionally suitable for anthropomorphic imagerythat links man to the common forms of nature (Lutwack xii). Through the use of birds such as doves and sparrows Bronte enables the audience to gain insight into the type of person that Jane ... Show more content on ... She has no connection with any of the Reeds, and therefore she finds refuge in the secluded seat, a place where she can escape from the tortures of the Reeds, and become transported into a world all her own. Furthermore, for Jane the window seat is a form of tranquility the idea of flying above the toils of everyday life appeals to her, much more than taking abuse from John Reed, the oldest of the Reed children, and Mrs. Reed. Through the images of isolated seafowl in Bewick s book and the solitary window seat we are able to see the loneliness that encompasses Jane while at Gateshead, and her longing to be separated from the Reeds. The link between Jane and birds is strengthened after she leaves Gateshead and moves to Lowood Institution. Bronte foreshadows poor nutrition at the school through a hungry bird whom Jane gives the remains of her breakfast. My vacant attention soon found livelier attraction in the spectacle of a little hungry robin, which came and chirruped on the twigs of the leafless cherry tree (41; ch. 4). This description of a hungry bird allows the reader to understand Jane s compassion for others, and her willingness to give. It also seems to foreshadow Jane s struggle at Lowood with poor nutrition and moreover how she is forced to share her meals with other students: Many a time I have shared between two claimants the precious morsel of brown bread distributed at
  • 26. Comparison Of Queen Elizabeth And Winston Churchill s Speech Queen Elizabeth wrote an inspiring speech to the Troops who fought for the Armada about their honor and power over this astonishing war. Alongside, Winston Churchill delivered a majestical yet powerful speech about the issue dealing with battle of Britain and the unifications needing to be healed. Queen Elizabeth and Winston Churchillboth delivered exhilarating speeches to their troops and counties with the battle of Britain. The Queen delivers her speech to the courageous group of men and women who fought this rigid, enduring war. While Winston delivers his speech to the House of Commons. While analyzing and juxtaposing these two speeches and their contrastive audiences; it is very mere to see the compelling diction, dynamic emotion used in their speeches. Queen Elizabeth uses the woman like senses in her to make her speech to be emotional yet uplifting. In regards she uses the phrase, I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman . She ultimately uses this parlance to employ her bodyful actions, to use this as a defense yet comfort to these valiant,assiduous soldiers. Elizabeth uses her gender to scheme her words to her spectators; women are known for their poignant side therefore she displays this to the audience with her declamations. Many women use their women instincts in their times of endearment, Jk Rowling gave a speech in 2008 and used the phrase, We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already . Jk
  • 27. Generators Primary Heating Water Circuit Functioning Generators Primary Cooling Water Circuit functioning : In order to distinguish the treated water from the secondary coolant (raw water, condensator etc.) it is named as primary water because it is used for cooling stator winding, phase connectors and bushings . The secondary cooling absorbs the heat from the primary cooler when water is circulated in a closed circuit by the primary water cooler. The pump is supplied with in primary water cooler. Water is supplied to the flow paths of the generator by supplying it to the primary water tank i.e by supplying it to tht primary water cooler through the pump. Flow path I : Stator winding is cooled by Flow path I . This flow path passes through the stator bars via insulated barbefor this it passes through the water manifold on the exciter end of the generator which is connected to thestatus bars by a separate hose.Cooling water flows through hollow strands inside the bars. At the turbine end, the water return to the primary water tank which comes from another water manifold which in turn comes from the similar hoses.Minimum temperature rise is obtained for both the bars and the coolers because the water folw is single pass through the stator. Movements are relatively minimised which are caused due to the different thermal expansions between the bottom and the top bars. Flow Path II : Phase connectors and the Bushings are cooled by Flow Path II . The cooling water is circulated through the thick walled copper tubes of the
  • 28. Harry Haller In Steppenwolf, Hermann Hess s main character Harry Haller is a man divided by two natures that are in constant conflict. On one hand he is a wolf who is a rebel against society s norms. The wolf is a vicious loner who thinks that the evils of the world will prevail over the good. On the other hand there is a humanistic side of Harry. The humanistic side allows Harry to fanaticize a dream world and go along with the norms of society. He is positive about the world and is good. The humanistic side resembles a longing to be within the bourgeois, which is defined as the middle class. As these two natures are constantly battling and in conflict with one another, one must win and one must lose. Even though Harry Haller has moments of happiness and fantasy, on the whole I believe he is a pessimist because he often acts rebellious, unpredictable, and suicide. This correlates with Schopenhauer s man vs brute. The man would have the same characters as Harry s humanistic side while the brute shares common features from the brute. Harry Haller s dual nature is in an everlasting competition with each other. The narrator states, In him the man and the wolf did not go the same way together, but were in continual and deadly enmity (42). This quote states that his dual nature is always in a continual battle and that they never see through the same eyes. The wolf and the man are direct opposites of one another. Never do they side on one thing together. The wolf connects to enmity because the wolf is animalistic and dangerous. The wolf is considered a pessimist because it believes evil will prevail over the good. That is why it is deadly. I think that the author uses the word enmity to show the audience how strongly one side dislikes the other. I think that these two sides don t just have different views but also don t like each other s views and one is always trying to overpower the other. The wolf corresponds with the brute from Schopenhauer s On the Sufferingof the World by thinking that the human s hopes and dreams will only cause more disappointment and pain. Unless suffering is the direct and immediate object of life, our existence must entirely fall of its aim (Schopenhauer 455). I believe this means
  • 29. Examples Of Chillingworth A Man Of Villainy Chillingworth: A man of villainy? As it stands people in a general consensus seem to vilify Chillingworth as one of the only negative characters throughout the anti transcendentalist novel, The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne. However, this is not necessarily the case and the evils of Chillingworth had been merely just additions to his persona that were added throughout his life. Namely, this transformation from a decent and loving husband to a sadistic man who only cares about finding the other adulterer to something and making his life a living hell, and then to something no one would expect, and this was all caused by one particular instance. The man we know as Roger Chillingworth was living his life happily with his wife Hester Prynne, they soon stumbled upon the idea of moving to the New World and becoming settlers there. This idea is what sets the two into the spiral of backlash that leads into the deforming of Chillingworth s caring nature into that of sadism and disdain for one singular ... Show more content on ... He attempts to confront her asking what had happened and, she gives him absolutely nothing but scowls and rude remarks. Even so he asks her to tell no one about his being at the colony so that he may find the other culprit of this act of adultery. This is the first stage that Chillingworth goes through, he gains the desire to find the man who had lain with his wife. So, in order to achieve his goal, he goes under the alias Roger Chillingworth as a means of getting in close with the town s inhabitants in order to find the culprit. This leads him to his housing arrangement with Arthur Dimmesdale, the newest and youngest priest in the convent. And with this housing communion, it spikes Roger s suspicion with Dimmesdale this then leads him to his next stage of his sadistic nature, where he begins his
  • 30. The Armenian Genocide In The Ottoman Empire Jayden: Starting in 1915, the Turkish government stimulated a plan to exterminate Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire. Most sources agree that there were around 2 million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire at the time of the massacre. By the early 1920s, when the manslaughter and deportations finally ended, 1.5 million of Turkey s Armenians were deceased, with many more forcefully removed from their homeland in the Ottoman Empire.The genocide left the Armenian community in a wreckage , and present day Armeniais only a fragment of the size of Armenia before the disastrous massacre committed by the Ottoman Empire. Sam: Today, most history experts and others worldwide label this event as a genocide. A genocide is the deliberately executing of a large group of people, most of which are of the same ethnic group or nation. Unfortunately, the Turkish government does not acknowledge the damage that these events had upon the people. Despite pressure from Armenians and social justice advocates throughout the world, it is still illegal in Turkey to converse about the events that included the Armenians during this era. Armenians were publicly humiliated and ... Show more content on ... An example of this is a purple flower. The flower is a symbol that stands for God s presence during this tough time. The forget me not flower has five petals, each of which symbolizes the five continents, where Armenians settled after the genocide. Madison: While there are few solutions to genocide, the best way to solve this is to create a better situation in this massacre. An example of this would be to better educate the Armenian children about this horrible bloodshed in hopes that what happened will not occur in the future. When becoming educated on what s happening in the world it creates a better understanding of what is occurring and provides solutions to prevent this in the future and not repeat
  • 31. The Cownership Of Native Americans In The Native American... Until the 1600 s a tribe living in the Eastern Woodlands of America called the Shawnees inhabited the lands west of the Appalachian Mountains in areas between the Ohio Valley and the Mississippi River, this tribe has faced many hardships and were left feeling resentful for all the unjust they ve encountered. My why question is derived from reading chapter 16 of World Together World Apart Volume 2 and its relevant to our course because no one really discusses how the American settlers colonized the Native Americans and how Tribes are still having negative effects from this history, why did so many people from the Shawnees tribe in the Ohio Valley gather around to listen to the prophecies from a ShawneeShaman in 1805? To answer this question, I will focus on how the Shawnees faced constant disownership of their land by European settlers, the aftermath of American settlers migration to the western country , and how Tenskwatawa visions motivated people. From 1662 1794, the Shawnees dealt with constant warfare and dislocation from foreign forces. First being dragged into the French and Indian conflict, and having to deal with the repercussions of the French losing the war against the British, then the British losing against the Americans, which would create an influx of American settlers to the western country . In the book Shawnee!: The Ceremonialism of a Native Indian Tribe and Its Cultural Background by Howard James he discusses the role the Shawnees played during the
  • 32. Marketing Profile Of HUL Laundry Care HUL Laundry care Pioneer in Indian detergent powder. Constantly upgraded itself. e.g. Surfexcel Blue, Quick wash39, Launched in 1969, Rin with the power of its thunderous lightning flash has become a household name synonymous with dazzling white clothes. A Value added brand with different variants e.g. Rin matric Rin advanced. Rin has won a number of accolades, the most recent being voted as the Most Preferred Detergent brand in India at the Awaaz Consumer Awards in 2006. A Heritage brand launched in 1888 In the form of detergent cake. Value added brand i.e. priced over Wheel but below Rin. Famous in WB Kerala. SUNLIGHT. Market Share of HUL Regaining lost market share is the job at hand for the market leader in the soaps and detergents category which is fast expanding with new and old players in the segment adopting an aggressive stance. In fact, soaps and detergents have always contributed a big chunk (41 per cent) of HUL s turnover. But the profit margins in this category have been under pressure and a tough competitive environment has ... Show more content on ... The growth of the soaps and detergents category needs to be viewed on a very high base in the previous year which saw price increases linked to commodity cost inflation. During the year under review, the prices of products, particularly the detergents segment, were reduced taking into account the reduction in commodity prices. The segmental margin of this category was lower by 100 bps (one per cent) linked to the volatility in commodity costs in the initial part of the year and the actions taken to defend the company s leadership position in the face of heightened competitive activity. While the company is the undisputed market leader in this category, it continues to focus on the challenge of winning back its lost market share in this important
  • 33. Persuasive Essay On The Existence Of God In our ever conscience society, the idea of God has become a highly tried and tested controversy between the believer and the non. Faith is no longer the matter of blind reliance like it has often described as.The debates over the existence of the Christian God have reached and pressed limits in our current society more ravenously than they have ever before in history. The all too well known statement of doubt is summed up in the simple phrase: How can you serve a God you can t even prove exists? While God cannot be put in a test tube or out on display in a museum, his existence can be archaeologically proven.The resurrection of Jesus Christ demonstrates that he is the Almighty God. The existence of Jesus Christ is often a topic questioned in itself. The surprising aspect of this question is not the lack of evidence, but rather the amount of supporting evidence. Flavius Josephus was a Roman senator, orator and ethnographer (55/56 c. 118 C.E.), who is considered the best of Roman historians. In one of his greatest works, Jewish Antiquities, Josephus mentions Jesus the Messiah when describing the execution of James. Being therefore this kind of person [i.e., a heartless Sadducee], Ananus, thinking that he had a favorable opportunity because Festus had died and Albinus was still on his way, called a meeting [literally, sanhedrin ] of judges and brought into it the brother of Jesus who is called Messiah ... James by name, and some others. He made the accusation that they had
  • 34. Analysis Of The Book If The Chronicles Of Narnia If The Chronicles of Narnia is read in chronological order, C.S. Lewis introduces Polly Plummer as his first main female character in The Magician s Nephew. However, the title indicates this story is not about her; it is about Digory, the magician s nephew. She explores and travels with Digory as his friend, but her involvement in the story is mainly seen through her impact on Digory s perspective and decisions. Nevertheless, by the same feminist ideology that declares each person prove her own merit, the strength of Polly s characterization should be measured on its own. To suggest, as Susan Henthrone does in The Image of Woman in the Fiction of C.S. Lewis, that Polly s role as a supporting character means that she is not a strong character is to do a disservice to her distinctive characterization. Digory s indignation at Uncle Andrew s sexist manipulations and comments serves to undermine the conception that Lewis, as a narrator, undervalues Polly simply because of her gender. To get Digory to go to what he calls the Other World, Uncle Andrew tricks Polly into putting on the green ring that will transport her without giving her the ring that would bring her back. It would be easy to assume, from Digory s initial condemnation of Andrew in the exclamation that he behaved like a coward, sending a girl into a place you re afraid to go yourself (Lewis, 25), that Lewis implies that Polly s gender, and some inherent weakness therein, makes Andrew s trickery truly
  • 35. Plan For Implementing Cobit For Gardner Novelties Essay 1.0Plans for implementing COBIT for Gardner Novelties According to the owner of the Gardner Novelties, Inc., William Montgomery Gardner III (WG), the company needs to be compliant with Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) Act Section 404. This will involve making assessment of the internal controls over the financial reporting for the company. Such internal controls have to be adequate, tested, and audited as the required by the SEC (Moeller, 2008). As a result, the company has been requested to explore the COBIT framework for the implementation of the compliance with the SOX Act, more specifically, Sarbanes Oxley Act Section 404 (Hoitash, Hoitash, Bedard, 2008). According to SOX Act, the insurer of IPO needs all the information concerning their annual reports which should involve scope and adequacy of internal control structures and procedures for financial reports. COBIT stands for Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies (Damianides, 2004). It is a set best control framework which was developed by Information Systems Audit and Control Association(ISACA) and IT Government Institute in 1996. COBIT has been employed by companies which need to be compliant with SOX as well as being used by the Auditors who do assess the control features. COBIT s approximately 300 control objectives are usually grouped into Executive summary, Framework, Control Objectives, Control Practice, Management Guidelines, and Audit Guidelines which constitutes the six BOBIT components. COBIT s
  • 36. The Color White Analysis The color white has many meanings ranging from innocence to light. For weddings, a white dress means purity while a white piece of paper means a clean slate. All of the meanings seems far fetch to the people who consider themselves indecent even if they want to change. In this play Willie fits into this group of people. The blank paper appears several times in the dialogue which shows that it has some significance to Willie. She evens compares the sky to to colorof a clean piece of paper (1090). Willie s life is no where near fitting for a thirteen year old, and she maybe rethinking her past while talking to Tom about her time in school. She tells Tom about how Miss Preston would give Willie the paper and tell her, Draw what you please! (1089).... Show more content on ... The doll is falling apart do to age or neglect (1083). Willie is telling Tom all of these wonderful stories about her inherited beaux and Alva while holding the doll. Everything seems innocent, but there is a hidden meaning behind the her doll. Williams describes Willie as childlike and laughing randomly while resembling a doll with her makeup (1083). Willie tells Tom that she is worried about washing the dolls hair because of the doll s compound fracture (1088). She says, I think that most of her brains spilled out. She s been acting silly ever since. Saying an doing the most outrageous things (1088). The doll s compound fracture and brains spilling out represents Willie after losing her parents and sister while now being homeless. Spilling brains can make a person go crazy and so can losing all of their family members like Willie. She evens refers herself as being peculiar to Tom in the beginning of their conversation (1082). Since her parents are gone, Willie looks up to Alva instead. She learns to sleep with men from her sister which is an outrageous thing to do for a thirteen year old. Although she is talking to her doll in the dialogue, Willie is speaking of herself. The doll resembles Willie in some ways. She still tries to convince Tom that her life can be extravagant, but the doll is showing
  • 37. How Did Spain Purchase Louisiana Colonies At the conclusion of the French and Indian War, Spain formally takes possession of the Louisiana Colony as stipulated in the Treaty of Paris in 1763. France had secretly transferred Louisiana to Spain in 1762 with the Treaty of Fountaineblue. By the end of the French period of Louisiana, New Orleans was a commercially prosperous, self sustaining city, trading all across the French commercial system (Wall, p. 65). It had become a major port city for importing and exporting products. With the transfer of rule from France to Spain, the Louisianacolony would experience some social, political, cultural and economic consequences. The provisions of the Treaty of Paris of 1763 surprised the colonists of Louisiana. New Orleans residents were apprehensive and in some cases hostile. Few residents want to be subject to Spanish rule. So much so that a group of wealthy merchants travel to Paris to convince Sieur de Bienville to secure a meeting with King Louis XV. But the King is committed to the transfer and will not meet with them. Louisiana s fate is sealed. While being subject to... Show more content on ... The colony is to obey Spain s strict mercantile policies over trade and commerce. His new rules limit legal trade for Louisiana to a list of designated Spanish ships and new ports belonging to Spain. He also set prices on goods. Merchants can no longer charge what they want and can no longer trade with British colonies. The residents are not pleased with Governor Ulloa s policies and believe his rules ruin the established trading arrangements of Louisiana. Louisiana has grown accustomed to trading with French ports in the Caribbean and illegally with nearby British colonies. Louisiana has created a lucrative commercial community and is unhappy with the new economic policies of Spain. In spite of the discontent, Ulloa seeks to improve relations with the
  • 38. Animal Farm Then Vs Now Then V. Now Animal Farm was a book written by George Orwell in 1945 about the Russian Revolution, and because Animal Farm was written about politics, and politics tends to repeat itself, it can relate to many current and older political events. Some events can even compare so exactly, it is almost as if they were based off of it. Animal Farm can compare to the Egyptian Revolution that took place in 2011 because there was an original uprising, the new leader was thrown out of the country, and the second leader was even more cruel. The book tells the story of how the animals, whom represent the people of Russia, overthrow their human master Mr. Jones, which represents Tsarism, to make a new and better form of government. In this new ... Show more content on ... Since this book was written about a political event, and politics always finds a way to repeat itself, this book can relate and compare to many different situations and event that have happened throughout the years, and in many years to come. The book, Animal Farm and the Egyptian Revolution relate to each other in many different ways. A few of those ways being that there was an original uprising that involved the old, cruel leader being removed from office, the new leader that took over after the uprising was thrown out of the country, and the second leader after the uprising was even more cruel than the first who was kicked
  • 39. Cannibalism In A Modest Proposal By Jonathan Swift Jonathan Swift, in his essay A Modest Proposal , effectively utilizes an extended metaphor in order to convey his message that we must take action against widespread poverty. The satirical point employed suggests that poor children be eaten in order to decrease the surplus population, and is efficacious due to the fact that in such a terrible state of affairs, cannibalism can be logically defended as a viable solution. Swift s essay, written in 1729, clearly precedes the existing social programs in effect throughout much of the first world. However, the ominous reality is that Swift s essay can just as effectively be used as a comparison, albeit a figurative one, to modern day society, if our current welfare spending continues. Implicit within Swift s essay is a call for radical change to the inaction towards the poor that existed in his 18th century society. Though his call was thoroughly addressed by nearly every global government, the poor class has not shrunk in any way due to this, and in fact, government assistance has only worsened the problem. One must only examine the nature of the welfare stateto see the oppression inherent within it. By definition, the welfare state is a means of giving assistance to those who do not produce an arbitrary amount of recorded capital for themselves. There is absolutely no encouragement to work, no obligation for productivity. Rather, the Heritage Foundation reported that only two of 80 tested welfare programs in America had
  • 40. Essay on A Lesson Before Dying Major Works Data Sheet Data Sheet English 1 HonorsBlock: 1ABDate: 4/27/13 Title: A Lesson Before Dying Author: Ernest J. Gaines Genre: Historical Fiction Title Associations or Predictions: Given the title, A Lesson Before Dying, we can infer and predict that a character in the book will die. Also, we can predict that before they die, they will learn something, probably a valuable lesson Biographical Information about the author: Ernest J. Gaines was born in Oscar, Louisiana in 1933. He was born and raised on a plantation. He had six brothers and sisters and they were taken care of by his great aunt, Augusteen Jefferson. Him and his siblings were sent to labor alongside their elders in the fields. He served in the U.S. Army, but then... Show more content on ... Grant is very strict towards his students. Grant then thinks about his teacher when he was a child, Matthew Antoine, describes him to us, tells about his influence, and what they talked about. Next, Grant goes with Miss Emma to visit Jefferson in his cell, but when they talk to him, he doesn t acknowledge that they are their and is difficult to them. During Grant s next visit, Jefferson acts like a hog and is infatuated with the idea that he is one. Grant wants to leave town with Vivian, but there are several things holding them back. Grant and Vivian discuss the names of their future children and talk to Miss Emma and Tante Lou. The visits to the jail continue and there isn t much progress with Jefferson. Jefferson doesn t want to eat or talk. Grant goes to Mr. Pichot s house and Jefferson s execution date is set on a Friday. Another visit, Jefferson tells Grant that he wants a gallon of ice cream for dinner his last night. Grant gets him a radio to keep him company, but Reverend Ambrose, Tante Lou, and Miss Emma thing the radio is a bad thing for him. Grant also gets Jefferson a notebook and pencil so he can right down his feelings or what he s thinking about. You start to see Grant and Jefferson start to bond and Grant leaves happy with what is happening. The next time he goes to see Jefferson, Miss Emma goes. Climax/Turning Point: Grant gives Jefferson a compassionate and heartfelt lecture /speech which causes Jefferson to start crying and it leads Grant to cry as
  • 41. Noonan Syndrome Research Paper Imagine yourself walking into a grocery store, and having all eyes stare at you in shock. As you continue to walk, they can t help themselves but stare even more. Most people won t even get near you; they are scared as if you could hurt them in any way. Believe it or not there are people who have no choice but to deal with situation everyday. What they have is a genetic disorder called Noonan Syndrome, and they do not choose to have this. Noonan Syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder, which is inherited by the mutation from one affected parent. So it is not like someone choses to have this disorder, it just gets passed down to them. Since this disorder is caused by a mutation in the genes, there are some other cases that result from... Show more content on ... You married someone who doesn t have the disease, but they are recessive. Would you still have children? The possibility of your children getting this disease is a 50 50 chance. It brings a lot of thought to your mind right? The disease I am talking about is Huntington s disease. This disease causes, clumping in the brain and causes the death of nearby nerve cells. A brain area responsible for coordinating movement, and of the cortex, which controls thought, perception and memory, are most often affected. In my opinion I would choose not to have children, even if there is only a 50 50 chance. I would not be able to live with myself knowing that I passed down a deadly disease to my children. I rather not have children of my own; there would still be more options for me to choose from. I could adopt children, I won t have my own children but I ll still be a mom to others that are in need of
  • 42. Raise The Red Lantern Essay Raise The Red Lantern is a film that follows the story of Songlian, a young university student forced to become the concubine of a feudal lord after the death of her father. Songlian is the fourth mistress to the Master and has the most trouble assimilating to the domestic life of servitude that is expected of her. The harsh traditions and expectations present in the manor are made clear through Yimou Zhang s use of framing. The vastness of the manor is assumed however Zhang choses to show limited areas neatly framed in geometric symmetry. Characters in the shot are always framed within a structure of the manor and placed carefully in each frameso not to disturb the symmetry and order in each shot. The precision of the camera visually represents the restrictions placed on the mistresses and how Songlian feels trapped in her new life. From the very moment she steps foot on the property Songlian is swallowed up by the overbearing traditions of the manor. Her face is ... Show more content on ... Songlian does not admit to her own insanity, in fact it is the Master that decides she is to be treated as such when she accuses him of murdering the third mistress. The Master was ultimately the one that decided Songlian s condition and sealed her fate with a curse of eternal isolation. In the ending scene Songlian paces back and forth in her doorway, framing herself in the window on her right and the window on her left. This signifies her compliance with her own oppression, which is forced on her through the idea that her insanity makes her opposition an illogical delusion. Zhang s use of framing throughout the film serves as a visual metaphor to Songlian s feelings of imprisonment and oppression. The perfect symmetry and clean lines of the manor contrast with the corrupted practices and chaotic behavior that ensues
  • 43. The Impact Of Stress And Strain On Relationships Connections require work and will undoubtedly confront challenges vast and little. Basic, regular stressors can strain a cozy relationship, and significant wellsprings of stress may undermine the soundness of the relationship. For whatever length of time that each accomplice will address the current issue and take an interest in building up an answer, most relationship issues are reasonable, however when challenges are left unaddressed, pressure mounts, poor propensities create, and the wellbeing and life span of the relationship are in peril. The Impact of Stress and Strain on Relationships Strain can be set on a relationship when upsetting conditions influence the couple all in all, or even only one of the accomplices. Perpetual disease of one individual, for instance, can affect the prosperity of both accomplices. Many couples battle with imparting viably and feeling that they are heard by their accomplices, and additionally contrasts in child rearing, political perspectives, or desires. Extreme stressors incorporate treachery, terminal disease of one accomplice, and genuine emotional well being issues. Hatred, disdain, and an expansion in the recurrence of contentions have a tendency to be indications of basic issues that have been left unaddressed. Some regular relationship concerns incorporate money related troubles, hindrances to correspondence, routine clash, enthusiastic separation, sexual closeness issues, and absence of trust. Once in a while, marriage itself
  • 44. How Did George Washington Plan The Presidential Home History: In 1790 George Washington had hired Pierre L Enfant to plan the city and design the presidential home. The plan by L Enfant s plan was four times larger than the structure that is standing today. By 1792 L`Enfant had been dismissed due to his exceedingly dominant handling of the city plans. In the absence of the original architect a competition began to select the new architect of the presidential house. James Hoban and Irish American was chosen after winning over George Washington with his personality and designs. George Washington laid the first cornerstone of the Whitehouse on October 13, 1972 in a freemason ceremony. The eight year construction was completed in 1800, with George Washington overseeing the construction of the house he himself never occupied. President John Adams was the first to live in the residence. When Thomas Jefferson was elected in 1801 John Adams had put in so much work on the interior design he did not want to leave but as it was the presidential home he unwillingly left after only a few months in residence. ... Show more content on ... was burned down by British to restore the White House just as it was ( James Hoban returned to oversee and restore the house to its original state, there were only a few structural changes during the reconstruction the floor plan remained much the same. Construction was completed in 1817. The front and rear porticos were added to the White House 1825 and 1830, when Thomas Jefferson commissioned Benjamin Henry Latrobe to make architectural changes to the mansion (Latrobe had done proposals that included porticos as early as 1807). Additional changes followed in 1835, when running water and central heating were installed
  • 45. I Admire The Little Rock Nine Analysis I admire the Little Rock nine because of them standing for what they believe in and refused to let white people to control their future. After the Little Rock nine felt the courts had approved for segregation. The nine students had to endure prejudice going to school while attending school and after school. However eight of the nine students were determined to not allow the white citizen in Arkansas to control their rights. Elizabeth was a brave to stand alone for what she believes in. Her obtaining her education was important to her and the other eight students. All nine of these students were straight A students and was used to dealing with discrimination living in the South. Looking at the socialization chart the white kids was thought don t
  • 46. What Are The Differences And Similarities Between FX And... Swap Q1: Where did the swap market originate? And why? The earliest SWAP market originated in the United Kingdom in the 1970s. The main purpose of this market is to circumvent the foreign exchange controls adopted by the British government. The first swap is a change in the currency swap. The British government taxes foreign exchange transactions involving sterling. This makes it more difficult for capital to leave the country, thereby increasing domestic investment. Q2: Why Swaps are so popular? What is their economic rationale? Interchanges help to limit or manage the volatility of interest rates, and swap yields lower interest rates than would have been available to the company. Swaps are used because domestic companies usually get better ... Show more content on ... Interest rate swaps include the exchange of interest payments, while currency swaps include the exchange of the same amount of cash in one currency. Interest rate swaps are financial derivative contracts where both parties agree to exchange interest rate cash flows Q8: What is the combination of FX and interest rate swap called? How many swap types can you construct by mixing the basic flavors? The combination of FX and interest rate swaps is called CIRCUS. In terms of their magnitude importance, the five common types of swaps are: interest rate swaps, currency swaps, credit swaps, commodity swaps and stock swaps. There are many other types of swaps Q9: Swaps are important risk management tools. How would you use swaps in the following situations (give an example and describe the swap type) For example, consider an ordinary fixed interest rate floating interest rate swap, Party A pay a fixed rate, Party B pay a floating rate. In such an agreement, the fixed interest rate should be such that the present value of the future fixed interest rate paid by Party A is equal to the present value (ie, the net present value is zero) paid by the expected future variable interest rate. If this is not the case, then arbitrator C
  • 47. The Human Resource ( Hr ) Department The Human Resource (HR) department manages the tangible indirect reward to employees. The Benefits that an employer provides to their employees are ones needed to provide the motivation to retain their employment and provide a positive return on investment. With the rising cost of health care, companies are relying on their HR department to provide benefits that will help in lowering the cost associated with older workers. Employers have found one benefit that has provided the greatest return on their investment as it addresses the rising cost of health care, absenteeism, and turnover rate of employees. This paper will analyze HR s management of the benefit package and identify the benefit that has provided a substantial gain for the employee and employer. Employers have software and computer systems that have life cycles and equipment such as machinery, trucks, tools, and other accessories that have maintenance schedules. These programs are used to help prolong and ensure that equipment is functioning and operating properly for the work that they are tasked to perform. Employers need a benefit that will provide the same for their employees. Analyzing the Organizational Cost of a Longer Working Life With the rising cost of health care, companies are relying on their Human Resources (HR) department to provide benefits that will help in lowering the cost associated with older workers. The Human Resources Management (HRM) is part of the organizational functions that
  • 48. Forbidden s No Triangle-Love At first Forbidden seem to be another typical young adult paranormal romance, with the mysterious guy and the new girl setting that may seem a little familiar. However in the end I feel it did a rather good job on balancing the romance and the supernatural world building. I thought the writing was colorful, and the story was very engaging. Not to say it didn t have it s moment, but overall I really enjoyed reading this book. What I liked about this book: Interesting supernatural creatures в€ љ No triangle love...yet в€ љ Unique leading female character в€ љ Interesting storyline в€ љ Complex yet gripping supernatural world в€ љ Forbidden has build a complex supernatural world with layers of suspense and mysteries, that will keep you attentive throughout
  • 49. Teen Activism NTRODUCTION We live in a world that is in need of change. Many of us have strong opinions about things, including teens. These teens speak out about what they believe in, in order to make the world a better place. These people are called teen activist. In this essay, you will learn about what teen activism, the examples of Malala Yousafzai, Abby Reiman, and Zea Tongeman, and you will also learn what I would do if I were a teen activist. So keep reading and enjoy! What is teen activism? Now you re probably wondering, what is teen activism anyway? Well, teen activism is when young people express themselves in order to make a change for the better. For example, think of Malala Yousafzai. Since I will be writing about her next, I won t go into full on detail mode. Anywho, she started a fund called the Malala Fund to help kids, but especially girls to be able to have an education. Now that you know what teen activism is, let s look at some teen activist. Malala Yousafzai Malala Yousafzai is a pakistani schoolgirl. When she was little, she didn t get to go to school, because in her country, girls weren t allowed to go to school. But, she went anyway. Soon enough, she was targeted by the Taliban. When she was 12 years old, she was on her way home from school, when she was shot in the head. Luckily for her, the bullet didn t touch her brain. After 5 hours of surgery, she was almost better. I say almost because she was paralyzed in the left side of her face. After this whole
  • 50. Comparing Modest Proposal And Vanishing Middle Class Compare and Contrast Essay In a Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift and Vanishing Middle Class by Elizabeth Warren, argue that the economic system in both Ireland and the United States are flawed. Swift argues that the poor is dragging down the middle class. In contrary Warren argues that the middle class is the greatest ally of the poor. Swift argues that the poor is dragging down the middle class, as the children of poor people are a burden to their parents and country. His solution to help the poor have a better economic status is by selling their children as food to the rich. Swift wants to get his point through, that the landlords are becoming more rich, while the poor are not getting the help that is needed.Warren argues that if the middle class is ... Show more content on ... In the reading, he stated, It is a melancholy object to those, who walk through this great town,or travel in the country, when they see the streets, the roads and cabbin doors crowded with beggars of the female sex, followed by three, four, or six children, all in rags, and importuning every passenger for an alms (Swift Page 1). What this means is that Ireland is becoming more overpopulated. These poor families have to deal with their children, even though they can t afford to take care of them. This matters because the children are more of a burden to the families because they can t really do anything to help out their families situation. Swift argues that mothers can t go to work due to the children, since they need to be taken care of. Ireland is becoming more overpopulated due to the poor families because they are having around four through six kids. This will eventually hurt the whole economic system thus bringing down the middle class down. As well as the whole country will be affected. Luckily Swift finds a solution to this problem, which is selling their kids to the rich as
  • 51. LRINEC Score Blood sampling is also useful, and protein and cell levels can be used to calculate a LRINEC score. LRINEC stands for Laboratory Risk Indicator for Necrotizing Fasciitis and is a great tool for distinguishing common skin infections from necrotizing fasciitis. In addition, its score is used to determine if immediate surgical debridement is necessary. Measurements included in the LRINEC score is C reaction protein, white blood cell count, hemoglobin, sodium, creatinine, and glucose (16). CRP levels vary drastically among cellulitis and necrotizing fasciitis. CRP stands for C reactive protein, which is a naturally produced chemical in the liver that serves as a blood test marker for inflammation throughout the body. A high CRP level indicates
  • 52. American Beauty And Erikson s Theory On Psychosocial... THe film AMerican Beauty was reviewed to help explain Erik Erikson s theory on psychosocial development. The psychosocial developmental theory consists of eight stages that humans go through from infancy up unto a mature adult over 60. While watching American Beauty several stages of psychosocial development were portrayed. The biggest takeaway from this movie showed that one may fail in order to overcome Erikson s psychosocial development. The stage that was most observed was the identity vs role confusion, during this stage according to our textbook Adolescents ask themselves Who am I? They establish sexual, political, religious, and vocational identities or are confused about their roles. (Berger, 2017 Table 2.1) Upon reviewing American Beauty I will include examples of the different types of behaviors demonstrated that reflect a particular stage of development or crisis in their life. American Beauty and Psychosocial Development Erik Erikson developed the psychosocial development theory that consists of eight stages. American Beauty and Psychosocial Development Erikson focused on the various stages of personality development throughout the entire lifespan. Erikson maintained that personality develops in a predetermined order, builds upon each previous stage. (McLeod, 2013) The eight stages begin at birth up and expand into maturity which is 65 years old and older. Erikson felt that a crisis occurs at each stage of development and he focuses a lot on the adolescent period. As a person moves on through life and completes each stage successfully it generally results in a healthy and happy person, failure to accomplish basic virtues throughout the stages generally results to an unhappy person and a negative sense of self. There is always ways to go back in the stages and resolve them later on in life. Throughout the movie American Beauty (Mendes, Ball, Cohen, Spacey, Bening, and Birch) there were examples of several stages of psychosocial development. In the very beginning of the movie one of the main characters Lester is giving a brief introduction to his life. He states how he feels dead inside and that basically he s unhappy with his life. Throughout the film Lester, Jane and