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YouTube Policies
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
YouTube Partner Programme overview,
application checklist and FAQ
• Minimum eligibility requirements to join
• Follow all the YouTube Partner Programme policies.
• Live in a country or region where the YouTube Partner
Programme is available.
• Have more than 4,000 public watch hours in the last 12
• Have more than 1,000 subscribers.
• Have a linked AdSense account.
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
YouTube Partner Programme application checklist
• Make sure that your channel follows our policies and
• Make sure that you only have one AdSense account
• Make sure that you have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000
public watch hours.
• Apply for YPP.
• Get reviewed
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
• Make sure that your channel follows our policies and guidelines. When
you apply, you'll go through a standard review process to see whether
your channel meets our policies and guidelines. Only channels that meet
them will be accepted into the programme. We also constantly check
channels in the programme to see whether they continue to meet our
policies and guidelines.
• Make sure that you only have one AdSense account. Once you're in the
programme, you'll need an AdSense account to get paid. If you already
have an AdSense account, use the one that's already approved. You can
link as many channels as you have to a single AdSense account. If you
don't have an AdSense account, you can create one while you're applying
for YPP.
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
• Make sure that you have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 public watch
hours. When we assess channels for YouTube Partner Programme access, we
need context. When you reach this threshold, it usually means that you have
more content. The threshold helps us make a more informed decision about
whether your channel meets our policies and guidelines.
• Apply for YPP. You can apply for YPP at any time, but your channel will only be
reviewed once you meet our threshold. Follow these instructions:
– Sign in to YouTube.
– In the top right-hand corner, select your account icon > Creator Studio.
– In the left-hand menu, select Channel > Status and features.
– Under 'Monetisation', click Enable.
– Follow the on-screen steps.
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
• Get reviewed. When your channel meets the YouTube Partner
Programme subscriber and watch hour threshold, it will automatically be
put in a review queue. Our automated systems and human reviewers will
then look at your channel's content to see whether it follows all our
guidelines. You can check your application status at any time
at you're accepted
into YPP: Congratulations! Here's a list of FAQ that we get from creators
who have just joined YPP.
• If you're rejected from YPP: Our reviewers found that a significant
portion of your channel doesn't meet our policies and guidelines. You
can re-apply 30 days after your rejection. Take a look at our FAQ for tips
on how to strengthen your application.
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
Review process
• Once you meet our subscriber and watch-time thresholds, your
application will be put in a queue. Our human reviewers will look at your
channel as a whole to see whether it meets our YouTube Partner
Programme policies.
• We'll get back to you with a decision once your channel has been
reviewed (typically about one month after you meet the threshold).
• Note: Sometimes, you may need to wait more than a month. There can
be multiple reasons for delays – higher-than-usual application volumes,
system issues or we may occasionally need to shift resources. Our policy
specialists try to get through applications as quickly as possible, but
delays can happen because we have a limited number of specialists.
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
How much my video earn ?
• Earnings will depend on a
number of factors. The two
key factors are the type of ad
and the pricing of ads
appearing with your videos.
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
What type of videos are eligible ?
• For a video to be eligible, you must own worldwide commercial
usage rights to everything in the video and the video must abide
by our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.
• This means you have created everything in your video yourself,
and that you have not sold exclusive commercial usage rights to
anyone else. If your video contains content created by someone
else, you must have their written permission to use and make
money from it.
• You may also share in the monetisation of eligible cover videos
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
• You may also share in the monetisation of eligible cover videos. Learn
• Examples of videos that could be eligible include:
• You filmed your cat, and there is no background music.
• Your video contains royalty-free music, and you can prove commercial
rights by using direct links to the song and applicable licence.
• Your friend's band wrote and recorded a song for your video and
states in writing that you can use and make money from it.
• Which videos are NOT eligible?
• Review your agreement with YouTube
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
• Your video is not eligible if it contains content that you didn't create or get
permission from its creator to use. You need to be able to show written
permission for the following video elements:
• Audio: copyrighted sound recordings, live performances, background music,
• Visuals: images, logos, software, etc.
• Any other content to which you don't own worldwide commercial usage rights.
• Examples of videos that are NOT eligible
• Your video contains a song you purchased for personal use (e.g. bought on
iTunes or in a shop) but didn't obtain a commercial licence.
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
• You found a video on the Internet and you cannot prove that it's in the
public domain.
• You are singing words of your favourite copyrighted song and there is
copyrighted audio in the background, such as instrumental or karaoke
• You have used content from someone else without permission, but you
haven't yet received a copyright notice on your video.
• Your video does not provide proper attribution or credits as required by a
• If your video is not eligible, it may be removed from YouTube.
• Review your agreement with YouTube
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
Community Guidelines
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
• Nudity or sexual content
• Harmful or dangerous content
• Hateful content
• Violent or graphic content
• Harassment and cyberbullying
• Spam, misleading metadata and scams
• Threats
• Copyright
• Privacy
• Impersonation
• Child safety
• Additional policies
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
Nudity or sexual content
• Sexualisation of minors: Sexually explicit content featuring minors and
content that sexually exploits minors. We report content containing child
sexual abuse imagery to the National Center for Missing and Exploited
Children, who work with global law enforcement agencies.
• Harmful or dangerous acts involving minors: Content showing a minor
participating in dangerous activity, or encouraging minors to engage in
dangerous activities. Never put minors in harmful situations that may
lead to injury, including dangerous stunts, dares or pranks.
• Infliction of emotional distress on minors: Content that could cause
minor participants or viewers emotional distress, such as exposing
minors to mature themes, simulating parental abuse, coercing minors or
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
• Misleading family content: Content that targets young minors and
families, but contains sexual themes, violence, obscene, or other mature
themes not suitable for young audiences. This includes family friendly
cartoons that target young minors and contain adult or age-
inappropriate themes such as violence, sex, death, drugs etc. Make sure
your titles, descriptions, and tags match the audience you are targeting.
You can also age restrict your content upon upload if it’s intended
for mature audiences.
• Cyberbullying and harassment involving minors: Content that targets
individuals for abuse or humiliation; reveals personal information, such
as email addresses or bank account numbers; records someone without
their consent; sexually harasses; or encourages others to engage in
bullying or harassment.
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
Harmful or dangerous content
• Extremely dangerous challenges: Challenges that pose imminent risk of physical injury.
• Dangerous or threatening pranks: Pranks that lead victims to fear imminent serious physical
danger, or that create serious emotional distress in minors.
• Instructions to kill or harm: Showing viewers how to perform activities meant to kill or maim
others, such as providing instructions on how to build a bomb meant to injure or kill people.
• Hard drug use or creation: Content that depicts people abusing controlled substances such as
cocaine or opioids, or content providing instructions on how to create drugs. Hard drugs are
defined as drugs that can (mostly) lead to physical addiction.
• Eating disorders: Content in which people suffering from anorexia or other eating disorders are
praised for weight loss, are bragging about it or are encouraging others to imitate the behaviour.
• Violent events: Promoting or glorifying violent tragedies, such as school shootings.
• Instructional theft: Showing users how to steal money or tangible goods.
• Instructional hacking and phishing: Showing users how to bypass secure computer systems or steal
user credentials and personal data.
• Promoting dangerous remedies or cures: Content that claims that harmful substances or
treatments can have health benefits
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
Hateful content
• Hate speech is not allowed on YouTube. We remove content
promoting violence or hatred against individuals or groups
based on any of the following attributes:
• Age | Caste |Disability |Ethnicity |Gender Identity |Nationality |Race | Immigration status
|Religion |Sex/Gender |Sexual Orientation |Victims of a major violent event and their kin
|Veteran status
• If you see content that violates this policy, please report it.
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
Violent or Graphic Content Policies
• Inciting others to commit violent acts against individuals or a defined group of people.
• Fights involving minors.
• Footage, audio or imagery involving road accidents, natural disasters, war aftermath,
terrorist attack aftermath, street fights, physical attacks, sexual assaults, immolation,
torture, corpses, protests or riots, robberies, medical procedures or other such scenarios
with the intent to shock or disgust viewers.
• Footage or imagery showing bodily fluids, such as blood or vomit, with the intent to shock
or disgust viewers.
• Content where there is infliction of unnecessary suffering or harm deliberately causing an
animal distress.
• Content where animals are encouraged or coerced to fight by humans.
• Dramatised or fictional footage of anything listed above where the viewer is not provided
with enough context to determine that the footage is dramatised or fictional.
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
Harassment and cyberbullying
• Content revealing someone's personal information, such as their address, private email addresses,
private phone numbers, passport number or bank account information
– Note: This does not include posting widely available public information, such as a public official's office
phone number
• Content that is deliberately posted in order to humiliate someone
• Content that makes hurtful and negative personal comments/videos about another person
• Content that incites others to harass or threaten individuals on or off YouTube
• Content featuring non-consensual sex acts or unwanted sexualisation
• Content threatening specific individuals with physical harm or destruction of property
• Content featuring abusive or threatening behaviour directed at a minor
• Content sexualising or degrading an individual who is engaged or present in an otherwise non-
sexual context
• Content claiming that specific victims of public violent incidents or their next of kin are actors, or
that their experiences are false
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
Spam, misleading metadata and scams
• Video spam: Content that is excessively posted, repetitive or untargeted and does one or more of the
– Promises users that they will see something but instead directs them off site.
– Gets clicks, views or traffic off YouTube by promising users that they'll quickly make money.
– Sends audiences to sites that spread malware or try to gather personal information, or other sites that have a negative impact.
• Misleading metadata or thumbnails: Using the title, thumbnails, description or tags to trick users into
believing that the content is something that it is not.
• Scams: Content offering cash gifting, 'get rich quick' schemes or pyramid schemes (sending money without a
tangible product in a pyramid structure).
• Voter suppression: Content aiming to mislead voters about the time, place, means or eligibility requirements
for voting.
• Incentivisation spam: Content that sells engagement metrics such as views, likes, comments or any other
metric on YouTube. This also includes content where the only purpose is to boost subscribers, views or other
metrics (e.g. 'sub4sub' content).
• Comments spam: Comments where the sole purpose is to gather personal information from users,
misleadingly drive users off YouTube or perform any of the prohibited behaviours noted above.
• Repetitive comments: Leaving large amounts of identical, untargeted or repetitive comments.
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
• Content revealing someone's personal information, such as their address, private email addresses,
private phone numbers, passport number or bank account information
– Note: This does not include posting widely available public information, such as a public official's office
phone number
• Content that is deliberately posted in order to humiliate someone
• Content that makes hurtful and negative personal comments/videos about another person
• Content that incites others to harass or threaten individuals on or off YouTube
• Content featuring non-consensual sex acts or unwanted sexualisation
• Content threatening specific individuals with physical harm or destruction of property
• Content featuring abusive or threatening behaviour directed at a minor
• Content sexualising or degrading an individual who is engaged or present in an otherwise non-
sexual context
• Content claiming that specific victims of public violent incidents or their next of kin are actors, or
that their experiences are false
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
• Respect copyright. Only upload videos that you made or that you're authorised
to use. This means don't upload videos that you didn't make, or use content in
your videos that someone else owns the copyright to, such as music tracks,
snippets of copyrighted programs or videos made by other users, without
necessary authorisations.
• We all make mistakes. When you get a copyright strike, it acts as a warning.
However, copyright strikes may affect your ability to monetise. In addition, if
your live stream or archived live stream is removed for copyright, your access
to live streaming will be restricted for 90 days.
• If you get three copyright strikes:
• Your account, along with any associated channels, is subject to termination.
• All of the videos uploaded to your account will be removed.
• You can't create new channels.
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
• Think carefully before you post personal information. This
includes things like the town that you live in, where you go to
school and your home address.
• Protect your account data and don't share your password with
others. YouTube staff will never ask you for your password. Don't
be fooled if someone contacts you pretending to be from
• Get permission first. As a rule of thumb, you should get
permission before filming other people or posting their personal
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
Policy on impersonation
• Channel impersonation: A channel that copies another channel's profile, background or overall look and feel
in such a way that makes it look like someone else's channel. The channel does not have to be 100%
identical, as long as the intent is clear to copy the other channel.
• Personal impersonation: Content intended to look like someone else is posting it.
• Examples
• Here are some examples of content that's not allowed on YouTube.
• Channels with the same name and image as another channel, with the only difference being a space
inserted into the name or a zero replacing the letter O.
• Using someone else's real name, username, image or other personal information to trick people into
believing that you are that person.
• Exactly matching a channel description to another channel.
• Setting up a channel using the name and image of a person, and then pretending that person is posting
content to the channel.
• Setting up a channel using the name and image of a person, and then posting comments on other channels
as if they were posted by the person.
• Channels claiming to be a 'fan account', but actually posing as another's channel and reuploading their
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
Child safety on YouTube
• Sexualisation of minors: Sexually explicit content featuring minors and content that sexually exploits minors.
We report content containing child sexual abuse imagery to the National Center for Missing and Exploited
Children, who work with global law enforcement agencies.
• Harmful or dangerous acts involving minors: Content showing a minor participating in dangerous activity, or
encouraging minors to engage in dangerous activities. Never put minors in harmful situations that may lead
to injury, including dangerous stunts, dares or pranks.
• Infliction of emotional distress on minors: Content that could cause minor participants or viewers emotional
distress, such as exposing minors to mature themes, simulating parental abuse, coercing minors or violence.
• Misleading family content: Content that targets young minors and families, but contains sexual themes,
violence, obscene, or other mature themes not suitable for young audiences. This includes family friendly
cartoons that target young minors and contain adult or age-inappropriate themes such as violence, sex,
death, drugs etc. Make sure your titles, descriptions, and tags match the audience you are targeting. You can
also age restrict your content upon upload if it’s intended for mature audiences.
• Cyberbullying and harassment involving minors: Content that targets individuals for abuse or humiliation;
reveals personal information, such as email addresses or bank account numbers; records someone without
their consent; sexually harasses; or encourages others to engage in bullying or harassment.
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
Additional policies
• Vulgar language
• Some language is not appropriate for younger audiences. The use of sexually explicit language or
excessive swearing in your video or associated metadata may lead to your video being age-
• Inactive accounts policy
• In general, users are expected to be active members within the YouTube community. If an account
is found to be overly inactive, the account may be reclaimed by YouTube without notice. Inactivity
may be considered as:
• Not logging into the site for at least six months
• Never having uploaded video content
• Not actively partaking in watching or commenting on videos or channels
• Encouraging Terms of Service violations
• If you post content that encourages other users to violate our Terms of Service, the content may
be removed, your account may be penalised and in some cases your account may be terminated.
M.Mujeeb Riaz _
M.Mujeeb Riaz _

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YouTube Policies and Monetization Guidelines | Community Guidelines |

  • 1. YouTube Policies M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 2. YouTube Partner Programme overview, application checklist and FAQ • Minimum eligibility requirements to join • Follow all the YouTube Partner Programme policies. • Live in a country or region where the YouTube Partner Programme is available. • Have more than 4,000 public watch hours in the last 12 months. • Have more than 1,000 subscribers. • Have a linked AdSense account. M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 3. YouTube Partner Programme application checklist • Make sure that your channel follows our policies and guidelines. • Make sure that you only have one AdSense account • Make sure that you have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 public watch hours. • Apply for YPP. • Get reviewed M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 4. • Make sure that your channel follows our policies and guidelines. When you apply, you'll go through a standard review process to see whether your channel meets our policies and guidelines. Only channels that meet them will be accepted into the programme. We also constantly check channels in the programme to see whether they continue to meet our policies and guidelines. • Make sure that you only have one AdSense account. Once you're in the programme, you'll need an AdSense account to get paid. If you already have an AdSense account, use the one that's already approved. You can link as many channels as you have to a single AdSense account. If you don't have an AdSense account, you can create one while you're applying for YPP. M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 5. • Make sure that you have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 public watch hours. When we assess channels for YouTube Partner Programme access, we need context. When you reach this threshold, it usually means that you have more content. The threshold helps us make a more informed decision about whether your channel meets our policies and guidelines. • Apply for YPP. You can apply for YPP at any time, but your channel will only be reviewed once you meet our threshold. Follow these instructions: – Sign in to YouTube. – In the top right-hand corner, select your account icon > Creator Studio. – In the left-hand menu, select Channel > Status and features. – Under 'Monetisation', click Enable. – Follow the on-screen steps. M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 6. • Get reviewed. When your channel meets the YouTube Partner Programme subscriber and watch hour threshold, it will automatically be put in a review queue. Our automated systems and human reviewers will then look at your channel's content to see whether it follows all our guidelines. You can check your application status at any time at you're accepted into YPP: Congratulations! Here's a list of FAQ that we get from creators who have just joined YPP. • If you're rejected from YPP: Our reviewers found that a significant portion of your channel doesn't meet our policies and guidelines. You can re-apply 30 days after your rejection. Take a look at our FAQ for tips on how to strengthen your application. M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 7. Review process • Once you meet our subscriber and watch-time thresholds, your application will be put in a queue. Our human reviewers will look at your channel as a whole to see whether it meets our YouTube Partner Programme policies. • We'll get back to you with a decision once your channel has been reviewed (typically about one month after you meet the threshold). • Note: Sometimes, you may need to wait more than a month. There can be multiple reasons for delays – higher-than-usual application volumes, system issues or we may occasionally need to shift resources. Our policy specialists try to get through applications as quickly as possible, but delays can happen because we have a limited number of specialists. M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 8. How much my video earn ? • Earnings will depend on a number of factors. The two key factors are the type of ad and the pricing of ads appearing with your videos. M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 9. What type of videos are eligible ? • For a video to be eligible, you must own worldwide commercial usage rights to everything in the video and the video must abide by our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. • This means you have created everything in your video yourself, and that you have not sold exclusive commercial usage rights to anyone else. If your video contains content created by someone else, you must have their written permission to use and make money from it. • You may also share in the monetisation of eligible cover videos M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 10. • You may also share in the monetisation of eligible cover videos. Learn more • Examples of videos that could be eligible include: • You filmed your cat, and there is no background music. • Your video contains royalty-free music, and you can prove commercial rights by using direct links to the song and applicable licence. • Your friend's band wrote and recorded a song for your video and states in writing that you can use and make money from it. • Which videos are NOT eligible? • Review your agreement with YouTube M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 11. • Your video is not eligible if it contains content that you didn't create or get permission from its creator to use. You need to be able to show written permission for the following video elements: • Audio: copyrighted sound recordings, live performances, background music, etc. • Visuals: images, logos, software, etc. • Any other content to which you don't own worldwide commercial usage rights. • Examples of videos that are NOT eligible • Your video contains a song you purchased for personal use (e.g. bought on iTunes or in a shop) but didn't obtain a commercial licence. M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 12. • You found a video on the Internet and you cannot prove that it's in the public domain. • You are singing words of your favourite copyrighted song and there is copyrighted audio in the background, such as instrumental or karaoke tracks. • You have used content from someone else without permission, but you haven't yet received a copyright notice on your video. • Your video does not provide proper attribution or credits as required by a licence. • If your video is not eligible, it may be removed from YouTube. • Review your agreement with YouTube M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 13. Community Guidelines M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 14. • Nudity or sexual content • Harmful or dangerous content • Hateful content • Violent or graphic content • Harassment and cyberbullying • Spam, misleading metadata and scams • Threats • Copyright • Privacy • Impersonation • Child safety • Additional policies • M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 15. Nudity or sexual content • Sexualisation of minors: Sexually explicit content featuring minors and content that sexually exploits minors. We report content containing child sexual abuse imagery to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, who work with global law enforcement agencies. • Harmful or dangerous acts involving minors: Content showing a minor participating in dangerous activity, or encouraging minors to engage in dangerous activities. Never put minors in harmful situations that may lead to injury, including dangerous stunts, dares or pranks. • Infliction of emotional distress on minors: Content that could cause minor participants or viewers emotional distress, such as exposing minors to mature themes, simulating parental abuse, coercing minors or violence. M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 16. • Misleading family content: Content that targets young minors and families, but contains sexual themes, violence, obscene, or other mature themes not suitable for young audiences. This includes family friendly cartoons that target young minors and contain adult or age- inappropriate themes such as violence, sex, death, drugs etc. Make sure your titles, descriptions, and tags match the audience you are targeting. You can also age restrict your content upon upload if it’s intended for mature audiences. • Cyberbullying and harassment involving minors: Content that targets individuals for abuse or humiliation; reveals personal information, such as email addresses or bank account numbers; records someone without their consent; sexually harasses; or encourages others to engage in bullying or harassment. M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 17. Harmful or dangerous content • Extremely dangerous challenges: Challenges that pose imminent risk of physical injury. • Dangerous or threatening pranks: Pranks that lead victims to fear imminent serious physical danger, or that create serious emotional distress in minors. • Instructions to kill or harm: Showing viewers how to perform activities meant to kill or maim others, such as providing instructions on how to build a bomb meant to injure or kill people. • Hard drug use or creation: Content that depicts people abusing controlled substances such as cocaine or opioids, or content providing instructions on how to create drugs. Hard drugs are defined as drugs that can (mostly) lead to physical addiction. • Eating disorders: Content in which people suffering from anorexia or other eating disorders are praised for weight loss, are bragging about it or are encouraging others to imitate the behaviour. • Violent events: Promoting or glorifying violent tragedies, such as school shootings. • Instructional theft: Showing users how to steal money or tangible goods. • Instructional hacking and phishing: Showing users how to bypass secure computer systems or steal user credentials and personal data. • Promoting dangerous remedies or cures: Content that claims that harmful substances or treatments can have health benefits M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 18. Hateful content • Hate speech is not allowed on YouTube. We remove content promoting violence or hatred against individuals or groups based on any of the following attributes: • Age | Caste |Disability |Ethnicity |Gender Identity |Nationality |Race | Immigration status |Religion |Sex/Gender |Sexual Orientation |Victims of a major violent event and their kin |Veteran status • If you see content that violates this policy, please report it. M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 19. Violent or Graphic Content Policies • Inciting others to commit violent acts against individuals or a defined group of people. • Fights involving minors. • Footage, audio or imagery involving road accidents, natural disasters, war aftermath, terrorist attack aftermath, street fights, physical attacks, sexual assaults, immolation, torture, corpses, protests or riots, robberies, medical procedures or other such scenarios with the intent to shock or disgust viewers. • Footage or imagery showing bodily fluids, such as blood or vomit, with the intent to shock or disgust viewers. • Content where there is infliction of unnecessary suffering or harm deliberately causing an animal distress. • Content where animals are encouraged or coerced to fight by humans. • Dramatised or fictional footage of anything listed above where the viewer is not provided with enough context to determine that the footage is dramatised or fictional. M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 20. Harassment and cyberbullying • Content revealing someone's personal information, such as their address, private email addresses, private phone numbers, passport number or bank account information – Note: This does not include posting widely available public information, such as a public official's office phone number • Content that is deliberately posted in order to humiliate someone • Content that makes hurtful and negative personal comments/videos about another person • Content that incites others to harass or threaten individuals on or off YouTube • Content featuring non-consensual sex acts or unwanted sexualisation • Content threatening specific individuals with physical harm or destruction of property • Content featuring abusive or threatening behaviour directed at a minor • Content sexualising or degrading an individual who is engaged or present in an otherwise non- sexual context • Content claiming that specific victims of public violent incidents or their next of kin are actors, or that their experiences are false M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 21. Spam, misleading metadata and scams • Video spam: Content that is excessively posted, repetitive or untargeted and does one or more of the following: – Promises users that they will see something but instead directs them off site. – Gets clicks, views or traffic off YouTube by promising users that they'll quickly make money. – Sends audiences to sites that spread malware or try to gather personal information, or other sites that have a negative impact. • Misleading metadata or thumbnails: Using the title, thumbnails, description or tags to trick users into believing that the content is something that it is not. • Scams: Content offering cash gifting, 'get rich quick' schemes or pyramid schemes (sending money without a tangible product in a pyramid structure). • Voter suppression: Content aiming to mislead voters about the time, place, means or eligibility requirements for voting. • Incentivisation spam: Content that sells engagement metrics such as views, likes, comments or any other metric on YouTube. This also includes content where the only purpose is to boost subscribers, views or other metrics (e.g. 'sub4sub' content). • Comments spam: Comments where the sole purpose is to gather personal information from users, misleadingly drive users off YouTube or perform any of the prohibited behaviours noted above. • Repetitive comments: Leaving large amounts of identical, untargeted or repetitive comments. M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 22. Threats • Content revealing someone's personal information, such as their address, private email addresses, private phone numbers, passport number or bank account information – Note: This does not include posting widely available public information, such as a public official's office phone number • Content that is deliberately posted in order to humiliate someone • Content that makes hurtful and negative personal comments/videos about another person • Content that incites others to harass or threaten individuals on or off YouTube • Content featuring non-consensual sex acts or unwanted sexualisation • Content threatening specific individuals with physical harm or destruction of property • Content featuring abusive or threatening behaviour directed at a minor • Content sexualising or degrading an individual who is engaged or present in an otherwise non- sexual context • Content claiming that specific victims of public violent incidents or their next of kin are actors, or that their experiences are false M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 23. Copyright • Respect copyright. Only upload videos that you made or that you're authorised to use. This means don't upload videos that you didn't make, or use content in your videos that someone else owns the copyright to, such as music tracks, snippets of copyrighted programs or videos made by other users, without necessary authorisations. • We all make mistakes. When you get a copyright strike, it acts as a warning. However, copyright strikes may affect your ability to monetise. In addition, if your live stream or archived live stream is removed for copyright, your access to live streaming will be restricted for 90 days. • If you get three copyright strikes: • Your account, along with any associated channels, is subject to termination. • All of the videos uploaded to your account will be removed. • You can't create new channels. M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 24. Privacy • Think carefully before you post personal information. This includes things like the town that you live in, where you go to school and your home address. • Protect your account data and don't share your password with others. YouTube staff will never ask you for your password. Don't be fooled if someone contacts you pretending to be from YouTube. • Get permission first. As a rule of thumb, you should get permission before filming other people or posting their personal information. M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 25. Policy on impersonation • Channel impersonation: A channel that copies another channel's profile, background or overall look and feel in such a way that makes it look like someone else's channel. The channel does not have to be 100% identical, as long as the intent is clear to copy the other channel. • Personal impersonation: Content intended to look like someone else is posting it. • Examples • Here are some examples of content that's not allowed on YouTube. • Channels with the same name and image as another channel, with the only difference being a space inserted into the name or a zero replacing the letter O. • Using someone else's real name, username, image or other personal information to trick people into believing that you are that person. • Exactly matching a channel description to another channel. • Setting up a channel using the name and image of a person, and then pretending that person is posting content to the channel. • Setting up a channel using the name and image of a person, and then posting comments on other channels as if they were posted by the person. • Channels claiming to be a 'fan account', but actually posing as another's channel and reuploading their content. M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 26. Child safety on YouTube • Sexualisation of minors: Sexually explicit content featuring minors and content that sexually exploits minors. We report content containing child sexual abuse imagery to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, who work with global law enforcement agencies. • Harmful or dangerous acts involving minors: Content showing a minor participating in dangerous activity, or encouraging minors to engage in dangerous activities. Never put minors in harmful situations that may lead to injury, including dangerous stunts, dares or pranks. • Infliction of emotional distress on minors: Content that could cause minor participants or viewers emotional distress, such as exposing minors to mature themes, simulating parental abuse, coercing minors or violence. • Misleading family content: Content that targets young minors and families, but contains sexual themes, violence, obscene, or other mature themes not suitable for young audiences. This includes family friendly cartoons that target young minors and contain adult or age-inappropriate themes such as violence, sex, death, drugs etc. Make sure your titles, descriptions, and tags match the audience you are targeting. You can also age restrict your content upon upload if it’s intended for mature audiences. • Cyberbullying and harassment involving minors: Content that targets individuals for abuse or humiliation; reveals personal information, such as email addresses or bank account numbers; records someone without their consent; sexually harasses; or encourages others to engage in bullying or harassment. M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 27. Additional policies • Vulgar language • Some language is not appropriate for younger audiences. The use of sexually explicit language or excessive swearing in your video or associated metadata may lead to your video being age- restricted. • Inactive accounts policy • In general, users are expected to be active members within the YouTube community. If an account is found to be overly inactive, the account may be reclaimed by YouTube without notice. Inactivity may be considered as: • Not logging into the site for at least six months • Never having uploaded video content • Not actively partaking in watching or commenting on videos or channels • Encouraging Terms of Service violations • If you post content that encourages other users to violate our Terms of Service, the content may be removed, your account may be penalised and in some cases your account may be terminated. M.Mujeeb Riaz _
  • 28. Thanks M.Mujeeb Riaz _