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Open for Business! Now What….
It’s Complicated.
How to Evaluate Costs, Your
Pivot, and the Implications of
the Pandemic on Your Business or
The Whitmarsh
Consulting Group
• Human Resources Information Technology Consulting
• Multichannel marketing communication strategy
• Email Marketing
• Blogs and Social Media Marketing
• Research projects
• Whitepapers
• Retargeting
David Whitmarsh, CEO
Thank you to our Sponsors
FREE -- HR Financial Analysis Report & Debrief
HR budget analysis | confidential report |one-on-one debrief
Thank you to our Sponsors
• Gain insight into the real cost burden of being an
• Identify the costs associated over the life cycle of
your employees
• Compare your HR strategy and budget against
successful organizations
• Learn from expert HR analysts
• Align your HR strategy with best-practices
• Workforce Health and
• Business Considerations
• Get Lean
• The Art of the Pivot
“The greatest danger in times of turbulence
is not the turbulence itself,
but to act with yesterday’s logic.”
– Peter Drucker,
Managing inTurbulentTimes (1980)
Social Distancing
Occupancy Rates
Cleaning Procedures
Masks and Personal
Protective Equipment
Symptom Reporting
How will we enforce
social distancing?
How will we adjust our
our physical
Will we close common
How might we adjust
our cubicles or install
Will non-employees
be allowed on-site?
How will we ensure a
sanitized work
Could PPE prevent
even one exposure?
Under what
conditions will we
take temperatures?
Avoid Tragedy.
Avoid becoming a target of a lawsuit.
Do everything within your power to
ensure a safe work environment.
Meet with a
Professional Employer
Organization (PEO) like
Will we reopen the business the way it
was before the crisis?
How quickly can we expect to reopen,
break-even, and be profitable?
How quickly can we get sales, fulfill
orders, restart the engines?
A post-crisis
working, and
environment is
not business-
How can we expand the business?
How can we reposition our products or
How can we shrink the business expenses,
and should we?
What factors indicate we should close the
Conduct a finite
analysis of the
financial health of
your business,
organization, or
business unit.
• Foster Collaboration
• Cultivate your
champions of change
• Grow Alignment
• BuildTrust
• Leverage untapped
• Innovate
- February 2020:
- Hokkaido Japan modeled the
- Contained, traced, and
isolated the virus
- 1 to 2 cases per day
- March 19
- State of emergency lifted
- April 1
- Schools and businesses re-
- April 26
- New State of Emergency
 Diligently assess your suppliers’
capacity to operate.
 Ask questions. Request Evidence.
 Request an unscheduled, live video
tour of the facility.
 Prepare for plant closures, delays, and
inaccurate information.
 Source new back-up suppliers.
 Establish joint-ventures to protect
customer relationships.
Cutting Costs
• Nice
• Convenient
• Efficient
• Excess
• Underperforming
• Under-utilized
Required to:
• Generate Revenue
• Keep Your Business Going
Leased space
How might we convert to virtual
Can we co-lease instead?
Can we be more efficient with our
leased space?
Move from BRAND equity to
LEAD generating.
What contracts can we pause?
What’s the risk if we move to
organic online marketing instead
of paid?
Go “Guerilla Marketing.”
What are we not using effectively
Move to free solutions.
Price shop.
Which vendors have outworn their
welcome and it’s now time to “cut ‘em
Go paperless.
Buy generic.
Re-use and recycle.
What are our convenience expenses?
(i.e. shipping costs vs. buying locally?)
Each Employee
Can we move to performance-based
Outsource or use gig-freelancers
How might outsourcing cut costs?
Can we create an intern program?
Leverage untapped talents.
Keep your real high-performers.
Which customers are a pain or cost
more to keep?
Serve your primary customers better.
Pre- and Post-Crisis Management
Strategic Planning & Alignment Program
During times of massive business, economic, and personal change, having an aligned team, and ensuring
your team rallies around the same vision and strategy matters now more than ever. - 281-469-4244
Thank you to our Sponsors
The art of the pivot
• Commercial Airlines Offering
Cargo Flights
• Hotels Offer Day Rates for Work
From Home Employees
• Restaurants Sell Fresh Groceries
• Patagonia Expands Shelf-Stable
• General Motors Self-Driving Cars
Make Food Deliveries
• Fitness Companies Move
Workouts Online
Diversifying Revenue
• What you sell.
• Who you sell it to.
• How you deliver it.
•Growing Markets
•Consumer Needs
• Potential Growth Industries
Existing Products:
Baby Supplies /
Credit score
Financial Health
Consulting & Apps
Supply Chain &
Supply Channel
Home Renovation
– Home
SaaS: Productivity,
Management, HR
and Sharing Apps
Online Education
Gigs and Side
• Message Pivot
• From outdoor to indoor comfy
• Increased Marketing Spend
• Digital ads are cheaper
• Increased Charitable Partnerships
• Helping homeless shelters with
sheets, socks, and soap
Repurpose Skills Sets
• Revamped our outplacement
• Scalable, DigitalOutplacement
• Career Coaching for Laid-Off
• Crisis-Strategic Planning Program
• BOGOVirtualTraining
• Partnered with a compliance training
to offer working remote course and
video training bundle
• Managing Virtual Summits like our
Leading in a Crisis
Your Brand’s Message
Don’t act like business as usual in your advertising and
marketing efforts
Re-evaluate your outbound sales approach.
Train your sales team on consultative sales approach.
Demonstrate empathy.
Acknowledge the situation with customers.
Anisa Aven
Management Consultant
and CEO of
TurnKey Coaching &
Development Solutions
We provide enterprise learning and development
solutions that drive business results and improve
organizational culture.
● Outplacement Services
● Virtual Training
● Coaching Services
● Training & Facilitation
● Culture Change and Change Management
● Psychometric Assessments + 360 ̊ Assessment
● Data-driven Strategic Planning
● Team Development
● HR Technology Sourcing and Consulting
● Human Capital Consulting Services
Contact us
Workforce Reentry
Resource Guide
Introduc on
To help in some small way, we’ve compiled a few
resources to help you and your team confidently
re-open for business.
At the risk of sounding cheesy... we want you to know, you're
not alone.
We reached out to some really smart, savvy, and "in-the-
know" folks and have gathered this collec on of Back-to-Work
resources and prac cal COVID-19 safety informa on.
Our aim is to enable you to focus on your people while char ng
the best path forward for you, your team, and your
organiza on.
Some of the key subjects include:
Employee Communica on Email Templates
Supplier/Contractor/Vendor Email Template
CDC Guidance to Businesses and Employers
Considera ons for Business Travel
Cleaning and Disinfec ng Your Facility
How to Proect Yourself and Others
Employee Transi on Checklist
Remote Work Training Videos and Virus Preven on Training
Bundle for You to Use With Employees (free of charge)
It's important to us that the work we do is meaningful and adding
value. If you ever have feedback for us, I'm eager to hear it!
Table of Contents
1. Business, Safety, and Mental Health Resources
2. Top 10 focus areas for COVID-19 workplace re-entry
checklist (written by JLL)
3. Email templates for HR to sent to staff (written by
4. Email Template: Informing Suppliers and Contractors
of Your COVID19 Policy
5. Helpful Resources and Considerations
6. Working Remotely and Virus Protection Training
Bundle (free)
7. HR Financial Analysis Report and Debrief
8. Our COVID19 Response Programs
9. TurnKey Coaching & Development Solutions
Business, Safety, and Mental
Health Resources
COVID-19 Resource Center
How to Protect Yourself and Others
Disinfectants and Guidance for Controlling the
Experts predict the COVID-19 pandemic will lead to increased rates of mental health
problems. The Suicide Preven on Resource Center has compiled resources to help.
It can be time consuming to search for resources. Our team reviewed
and compiled a few of the best for your convenience.
Our friends at Insperity have pulled together a COVID-19 resource center
including valuable webinars, informa on about the CARES Act, ar cles about
returning to the workplace and The Families First Coronavirus Response Act
(FFCRA) and more!
The CDC has valuable resources on:
Virus Preven on
Cleaning and Disinfec ng Your Facility
Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to
Coronavirus Disease
Frequently Asked Ques ons
List of disinfectants for use against SARS-CoV-2 that meet the EPA's criteria,
offerd by the U.S. Environmental Protec on Agency.
The Na onal Pes cide Informa on Center has a list of disinfectants as well as
complete guidance for the public and professionals to control the COVID-19
virus on surfaces.
JLL's COVID-19: Top 10 focus areas for workplace re-entry checklist includes:
▢ What are the local government regula ons?
▢ What are our your HR and Legal Considera ons?
▢ What technogy is needed to ensure safe social distancing?
▢ What are our building and landlord's policies about re-entry and occupac on?
▢ What are our sea ng/floor plans for physical distancing?
▢ What are our entry/exit protocols for employees, contractors, and other visitors?
▢ What are our con ngency plans for business con nuity related to our supply chain?
▢ Where is our wri en list of essen al employees responsible for our Business Con nuity Plan
▢ What are our protocols for decision making, and communica ons in the event of a second wave,
▢ How will we secure personal protec on equipment?
▢ What are our rooms, hallways, elevators social distancing guidelines?
Download JLL's list here.
JLL, a world leader in real estate servcies, has created a very thorough re-
entry checklist available for download.
"The way you communicate these changes to your team matters.
Because, when it comes to public health, you don’t want to underreact,
but you don’t want to overreact either. Inform the staff about the
precautionary measures that your company is taking and provide clear
guidelines so that employees protect themselves and the workplace. In
such times of uncertainty, your role in HR is to help everyone remain
calm, but at the same time ensure that new policies are implemented.
h ps:// on-
Leading talent acquisi on so ware
company, Workable, has graciously
shared their COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
HR ac on plan email templates
▢ Company-wide announcements
▢ Upda ng work from home and remote work policies
▢ Communica ng your coronovirus policy
▢ Introduc ons flexible work op ons
The email templates cover:
Phase 1: When the risk of transmission in your region is low
Covering Sick leave, Travel policy, Work from Home, and Hygiene.
Phase 2: When the risk of transmission in your region is moderate
Covering Visitors policy, more restric ve travel policies, and expanding work
from home policies.
Phase 3: When the risk of transmission in your region is moderate-high
Covering Coronavirus preventa ve measures
Email to managers and team leaders
Covering managerial communica ons to ensure team alignment, dealing with
me off / sick leave, recognizing COVID19 symptoms, managing remote work,
and mental health.
Download HR Templates and HR Email Templates by Workable, here.
Workable is all-in-one recrui ng so ware. Source and evaluate candidates, track
applicants and collaborate with your hiring teams.
Email Template - To Send to
Sample Email to Ensure Your Vendors, Suppliers, and Contractors
Understand and Can Comply with Your COVID-19 Policies. 
● ● ●
To: [Recipient's email address] 
Subject: Supplier COVID-19 Compliance Request  
Dear Valued Supplier:
 I’m writing with a message of thanks, as well as a call to action for our many
The safety and well-being of our workers, customers and the public remains
our top priority, and we continue taking action to maintain our operations and
provide safe and reliable service.
We are so appreciative of the proactive steps that many of our suppliers have
taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to safeguard your contractors,
employees and the public. Let’s continue to do our part in flattening the curve
by adhering to the CDS (Center for Disease Control) guidelines.
It is important that we remain steadfast with physical distancing and minimize
our exposure to others to limit the spread of the virus.
We respectfully ask any contractor or subcontractor  who has tested positive
for COVID-19 or who may be showing COVID-19 symptoms, or who has
knowingly been in close proximity to someone who has tested positive for
COVID-19, please inform <enter designated email and person’s name>.  We
appreciate your assistance so that we may take appropriate action for the
safety of all.
To protect the health and safety for our entire workforce and communities, our
employees will continue adhering to the CDC guidelines, as updated
sick/prevention.html, until further notice. 
● ● ●
Email Continued
In addi on, we are requiring the use of face coverings for customers
and workers at essen al businesses.
We have put measures in place to help our employees and contractors
to comply with these measures. We respec ully request our
contractors comply with the guidelines while working on our behalf. It is
impera ve that we all follow proper physical distancing, wear face
masks, and wash our hands with disinfectant soap frequently. This is
important when we are working in isola on, and par cularly important
when our contractors are performing work on-site, with a customer, or
with shared equipment.
Please keep in mind, failure to comply with our policies, the CDC
guidelines and the use of face coverings will be treated as a Safety
Incident. We will require a no fica on to an Authorized company
representa ve and require the comple on of a Safety Incident Report.
If a contractor fails to adhere to the guidelines upon no fica on from
an employee, we will escalate the ma er and reserve the right to
terminate the contract for non-compliance.
These guidelines supersede any prior communica ons from us on
workplace safety precau ons as iden fied during the COVID -19
The coronavirus pandemic is serious, and we are focusing efforts on
ac vely minimizing the impact of any escala on. Our hope is that the
steps outlined above will emphasize the gravity of the circumstances
and our commitment to helping our teammates stay safe. If at any me
your workers observe one of our employees failing to adhere to CDC
guidelines, please let us know.
Please stay safe and healthy.
[Your Name]
[Your email address]
Helpful Resources and Considera ons
Legal and Policy Considera ons
Recommenda ons for CEOs
Back to Work in a Post-COVID-19 World
What Employers Can Do
Sample COVID-19 Posi ve Repor ng Form
JD Supra Alert highlights preliminary legal, prac cal and policy considera ons
and ac on items for employers in prepara on for restar ng opera ons based
on current knowledge.
ChiefExecu provides valuable recommenda ons for CEOs to start
thinking about how to lead the tansi on back to the office in the post-
coronavirus environment.
While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, Gensler has outlined tools,
considera ons, and methodologies to guide organiza ons in ge ng back to
The Australian Government Department of Health has created a valuable pdf
containing detailed informa on about returning to work following recovery
from COVID-19 and what employers can do to reduce the risk of spreading
the disease.
An example of Southern California Edison's Contractor/Sub-Contractor COVID-19
Posi ve and Symptom repor ng form.
Working Remotely Training Bundle & Virus
Prevention Corporate Training Video (FREE) 
Until June 30th, our compliance training partner, Syntrio, is providing courses from
their Working Remotely training course suite, free of charge, designed to help your
workforce navigate working remotely. Additionally, you may also take advantage of
a free virus protection video to proactively communicate to your employees the
company policy on cleanliness and virus protection. 
Free Training Download - Remind employees of recommended best practices to stay
healthy and growth your managers and employees remote working competencies. 
Visit here to download the free training bundle.
HR Financial Analysis Report
& Debrief (Free)
2020-2021 HR Budget out the window?
Our partners at Insperity have graciously agreed to help
with a confiden al HR budget analysis and confiden al
report and debrief.
Gain insight into the real cost burden of being an
Iden fy the costs associated over the life cycle of your
Compare your HR strategy and budget against successful
organiza ons
Learn from expert HR analysts
Align your HR strategy with best-prac ces for post-
To take advantage of this valuable, complimentary service,
please visit:
h ps://turnkeycoachingsolu
Affordable enterprise and individual
career transi on services to enable
disperserd workers to get back to work
quickly, protect your employer brand, and
minimize li ga on exposure.
Pivot Strategic
Our data-driven, strategic pivot, planning,
and alignment programsenable teams to
reposi on their company and drive
towards results as a unified team.
Virtual Training
For the dura on of the COVID19 crisis,
our virtual training programs are BOGO
(Buy-One, Get One.)
Call 281-469-4244
Since 2004, we've been delivering excep onal HR
Management and Development Solu ons that drive
business results and improve organiza onal culture.

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Anisa Aven, BCC, NLPC: 281-469-4244
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Anisa Aven, BCC, NLPC: 281-469-4244
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Anisa Aven, BCC, NLPC: 281-469-4244
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Anisa Aven, BCC, NLPC: 281-469-4244
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Anisa Aven, BCC, NLPC: 281-469-4244
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Anisa Aven, BCC, NLPC: 281-469-4244
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Yes! We’re Open for Business. Now What… How to Evaluate the Pandemic’s Impact, Analyze Options and Identify Your New Strategy for your Business or Department.

  • 1. Open for Business! Now What…. It’s Complicated. How to Evaluate Costs, Your Pivot, and the Implications of the Pandemic on Your Business or Department.
  • 2. The Whitmarsh Consulting Group • Human Resources Information Technology Consulting • Multichannel marketing communication strategy • Email Marketing • Blogs and Social Media Marketing • Research projects • Whitepapers • Retargeting 647-966-1340 David Whitmarsh, CEO Thank you to our Sponsors
  • 3. FREE -- HR Financial Analysis Report & Debrief HR budget analysis | confidential report |one-on-one debrief Thank you to our Sponsors • Gain insight into the real cost burden of being an employer • Identify the costs associated over the life cycle of your employees • Compare your HR strategy and budget against successful organizations • Learn from expert HR analysts • Align your HR strategy with best-practices
  • 5.
  • 6. AGENDA: PREPARING FOR OPEN FOR BUSINESS UNUSUAL • Workforce Health and Safety • Business Considerations • Get Lean • The Art of the Pivot
  • 7. “The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence itself, but to act with yesterday’s logic.” – Peter Drucker, Managing inTurbulentTimes (1980)
  • 8. WORKFORCE HEALTH AND SAFETY Social Distancing Occupancy Rates Cleaning Procedures Masks and Personal Protective Equipment TemperatureTesting Symptom Reporting
  • 9. POSTTHE RULES How will we enforce social distancing? How will we adjust our our physical workspace? Will we close common areas? How might we adjust our cubicles or install partitions? Will non-employees be allowed on-site? How will we ensure a sanitized work environment? Could PPE prevent even one exposure? Under what conditions will we take temperatures?
  • 12. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE…. COMPLIANCE, POLICIES, PROCEDURES. Avoid Tragedy. Avoid becoming a target of a lawsuit. Do everything within your power to ensure a safe work environment. Meet with a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) like Insperity.
  • 13. CHECKLIST FOR RE-OPENINGYOUR BUSINESS AFTER DISASTER Will we reopen the business the way it was before the crisis? How quickly can we expect to reopen, break-even, and be profitable? How quickly can we get sales, fulfill orders, restart the engines? A post-crisis working, and business environment is not business- as-usual.
  • 14. DETERMINETHE FINANCIAL HEALTH OF YOUR BUSINESS How can we expand the business? How can we reposition our products or services? How can we shrink the business expenses, and should we? What factors indicate we should close the business? Conduct a finite analysis of the financial health of your business, organization, or business unit.
  • 16. CREATE A RE-OPENINGTASK FORCE • Foster Collaboration • Cultivate your champions of change • Grow Alignment • BuildTrust • Leverage untapped talent • Innovate
  • 17. LEARNING FROM HOKKAIDO’S SECOND WAVE - February 2020: - Hokkaido Japan modeled the way - Contained, traced, and isolated the virus - 1 to 2 cases per day - March 19 - State of emergency lifted - April 1 - Schools and businesses re- opened - April 26 - New State of Emergency declared
  • 18. TALKTOYOUR SUPPLIERS ANDVENDORS  Diligently assess your suppliers’ capacity to operate.  Ask questions. Request Evidence.  Request an unscheduled, live video tour of the facility.  Prepare for plant closures, delays, and inaccurate information.  Source new back-up suppliers.  Establish joint-ventures to protect customer relationships.
  • 21. Cutting Costs • Nice • Convenient • Efficient • Excess • Underperforming • Under-utilized VS. Required to: • Generate Revenue • Keep Your Business Going
  • 23. WHAT ISTHE ROI? Leased space Advertising Marketing How might we convert to virtual only? Can we co-lease instead? Can we be more efficient with our leased space? Move from BRAND equity to LEAD generating. What contracts can we pause? What’s the risk if we move to organic online marketing instead of paid? Go “Guerilla Marketing.”
  • 24. WHAT’STHE ROI? Software Subscriptions Vendors Supplies What are we not using effectively anyway? Move to free solutions. Renegotiate. Price shop. Which vendors have outworn their welcome and it’s now time to “cut ‘em loose”? Go paperless. Buy generic. Re-use and recycle. What are our convenience expenses? (i.e. shipping costs vs. buying locally?)
  • 25. WHAT’S THE ROI? Sales Each Employee Customers Can we move to performance-based pay? Outsource or use gig-freelancers instead? How might outsourcing cut costs? Can we create an intern program? Leverage untapped talents. Keep your real high-performers. Which customers are a pain or cost more to keep? Serve your primary customers better.
  • 26. DATA-DRIVEN CRISIS-STRATEGY 27 Pre- and Post-Crisis Management Strategic Planning & Alignment Program During times of massive business, economic, and personal change, having an aligned team, and ensuring your team rallies around the same vision and strategy matters now more than ever. - 281-469-4244 ASSESS CLARITY & PREDICTABILITY ALIGN EXECUTIVE TEAM ALIGMENT ACTION PLAN FOCUS ON THE RIGHT THINGS AT THE RIGHT TIME Thank you to our Sponsors
  • 27. The art of the pivot • Commercial Airlines Offering Cargo Flights • Hotels Offer Day Rates for Work From Home Employees • Restaurants Sell Fresh Groceries • Patagonia Expands Shelf-Stable Items • General Motors Self-Driving Cars Make Food Deliveries • Fitness Companies Move Workouts Online
  • 28. Diversifying Revenue • What you sell. • Who you sell it to. • How you deliver it.
  • 29. REPOSITIONING •Growing Markets •Consumer Needs • Potential Growth Industries Existing Products:
  • 30. EMERGING AND GROWING MARKETS Cybersecurity Baby Supplies / Childcare Credit score management Tele-Medicine Financial Health Consulting & Apps Supply Chain & Supply Channel Innovations Home Renovation – Home Improvement SaaS: Productivity, Performance Management, HR Gaming Social-Connection and Sharing Apps Online Education Gigs and Side Hustles
  • 33. • Message Pivot • From outdoor to indoor comfy • Increased Marketing Spend • Digital ads are cheaper • Increased Charitable Partnerships • Helping homeless shelters with sheets, socks, and soap
  • 35. PIVOT EXAMPLES • Revamped our outplacement packages • Scalable, DigitalOutplacement • Career Coaching for Laid-Off Employees • Crisis-Strategic Planning Program • BOGOVirtualTraining • Partnered with a compliance training to offer working remote course and video training bundle • Managing Virtual Summits like our Leading in a Crisis
  • 38. REPOSITIONINGTIPS Don’t act like business as usual in your advertising and marketing efforts Re-evaluate your outbound sales approach. Train your sales team on consultative sales approach. Demonstrate empathy. Acknowledge the situation with customers.
  • 39.
  • 42. Anisa Aven Management Consultant and CEO of TurnKey Coaching & Development Solutions 281-469-4244 We provide enterprise learning and development solutions that drive business results and improve organizational culture. ● Outplacement Services ● Virtual Training ● Coaching Services ● Training & Facilitation ● Culture Change and Change Management ● Psychometric Assessments + 360 ̊ Assessment ● Data-driven Strategic Planning ● Team Development ● HR Technology Sourcing and Consulting ● Human Capital Consulting Services ABOUT ANISA AVEN
  • 46. / Introduc on To help in some small way, we’ve compiled a few resources to help you and your team confidently re-open for business. At the risk of sounding cheesy... we want you to know, you're not alone. We reached out to some really smart, savvy, and "in-the- know" folks and have gathered this collec on of Back-to-Work resources and prac cal COVID-19 safety informa on. Our aim is to enable you to focus on your people while char ng the best path forward for you, your team, and your organiza on. Some of the key subjects include: Employee Communica on Email Templates Supplier/Contractor/Vendor Email Template CDC Guidance to Businesses and Employers Considera ons for Business Travel Cleaning and Disinfec ng Your Facility How to Proect Yourself and Others Employee Transi on Checklist Remote Work Training Videos and Virus Preven on Training Bundle for You to Use With Employees (free of charge) It's important to us that the work we do is meaningful and adding value. If you ever have feedback for us, I'm eager to hear it! CEO
  • 47. / Table of Contents 1. Business, Safety, and Mental Health Resources 2. Top 10 focus areas for COVID-19 workplace re-entry checklist (written by JLL) 3. Email templates for HR to sent to staff (written by Workable) 4. Email Template: Informing Suppliers and Contractors of Your COVID19 Policy 5. Helpful Resources and Considerations 6. Working Remotely and Virus Protection Training Bundle (free) 7. HR Financial Analysis Report and Debrief (Complimentary) 8. Our COVID19 Response Programs 9. TurnKey Coaching & Development Solutions --
  • 48. / Business, Safety, and Mental Health Resources COVID-19 Resource Center How to Protect Yourself and Others Disinfectants and Guidance for Controlling the Spread Experts predict the COVID-19 pandemic will lead to increased rates of mental health problems. The Suicide Preven on Resource Center has compiled resources to help. It can be time consuming to search for resources. Our team reviewed and compiled a few of the best for your convenience. Our friends at Insperity have pulled together a COVID-19 resource center including valuable webinars, informa on about the CARES Act, ar cles about returning to the workplace and The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) and more! The CDC has valuable resources on: Virus Preven on Cleaning and Disinfec ng Your Facility Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to Coronavirus Disease Frequently Asked Ques ons List of disinfectants for use against SARS-CoV-2 that meet the EPA's criteria, offerd by the U.S. Environmental Protec on Agency. The Na onal Pes cide Informa on Center has a list of disinfectants as well as complete guidance for the public and professionals to control the COVID-19 virus on surfaces. -- --
  • 49. / JLL's COVID-19: Top 10 focus areas for workplace re-entry checklist includes: ▢ What are the local government regula ons? ▢ What are our your HR and Legal Considera ons? ▢ What technogy is needed to ensure safe social distancing? ▢ What are our building and landlord's policies about re-entry and occupac on? ▢ What are our sea ng/floor plans for physical distancing? ▢ What are our entry/exit protocols for employees, contractors, and other visitors? ▢ What are our con ngency plans for business con nuity related to our supply chain? ▢ Where is our wri en list of essen al employees responsible for our Business Con nuity Plan (BCP)? ▢ What are our protocols for decision making, and communica ons in the event of a second wave, etc.? ▢ How will we secure personal protec on equipment? ▢ What are our rooms, hallways, elevators social distancing guidelines? Download JLL's list here. JLL, a world leader in real estate servcies, has created a very thorough re- entry checklist available for download.
  • 50. / "The way you communicate these changes to your team matters. Because, when it comes to public health, you don’t want to underreact, but you don’t want to overreact either. Inform the staff about the precautionary measures that your company is taking and provide clear guidelines so that employees protect themselves and the workplace. In such times of uncertainty, your role in HR is to help everyone remain calm, but at the same time ensure that new policies are implemented. h ps:// on- plan-email-template Leading talent acquisi on so ware company, Workable, has graciously shared their COVID-19 (Coronavirus) HR ac on plan email templates ▢ Company-wide announcements ▢ Upda ng work from home and remote work policies ▢ Communica ng your coronovirus policy ▢ Introduc ons flexible work op ons
  • 51. / The email templates cover: Phase 1: When the risk of transmission in your region is low Covering Sick leave, Travel policy, Work from Home, and Hygiene. Phase 2: When the risk of transmission in your region is moderate Covering Visitors policy, more restric ve travel policies, and expanding work from home policies. Phase 3: When the risk of transmission in your region is moderate-high Covering Coronavirus preventa ve measures Email to managers and team leaders Covering managerial communica ons to ensure team alignment, dealing with me off / sick leave, recognizing COVID19 symptoms, managing remote work, and mental health. Download HR Templates and HR Email Templates by Workable, here. Workable is all-in-one recrui ng so ware. Source and evaluate candidates, track applicants and collaborate with your hiring teams.
  • 52. / Email Template - To Send to Suppliers  Sample Email to Ensure Your Vendors, Suppliers, and Contractors Understand and Can Comply with Your COVID-19 Policies.  ● ● ● To: [Recipient's email address]  Subject: Supplier COVID-19 Compliance Request   Dear Valued Supplier:  I’m writing with a message of thanks, as well as a call to action for our many suppliers. The safety and well-being of our workers, customers and the public remains our top priority, and we continue taking action to maintain our operations and provide safe and reliable service. We are so appreciative of the proactive steps that many of our suppliers have taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to safeguard your contractors, employees and the public. Let’s continue to do our part in flattening the curve by adhering to the CDS (Center for Disease Control) guidelines. It is important that we remain steadfast with physical distancing and minimize our exposure to others to limit the spread of the virus. We respectfully ask any contractor or subcontractor  who has tested positive for COVID-19 or who may be showing COVID-19 symptoms, or who has knowingly been in close proximity to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, please inform <enter designated email and person’s name>.  We appreciate your assistance so that we may take appropriate action for the safety of all. To protect the health and safety for our entire workforce and communities, our employees will continue adhering to the CDC guidelines, as updated at sick/prevention.html, until further notice.  --
  • 53. / ● ● ● Email Continued In addi on, we are requiring the use of face coverings for customers and workers at essen al businesses. We have put measures in place to help our employees and contractors to comply with these measures. We respec ully request our contractors comply with the guidelines while working on our behalf. It is impera ve that we all follow proper physical distancing, wear face masks, and wash our hands with disinfectant soap frequently. This is important when we are working in isola on, and par cularly important when our contractors are performing work on-site, with a customer, or with shared equipment. Please keep in mind, failure to comply with our policies, the CDC guidelines and the use of face coverings will be treated as a Safety Incident. We will require a no fica on to an Authorized company representa ve and require the comple on of a Safety Incident Report. If a contractor fails to adhere to the guidelines upon no fica on from an employee, we will escalate the ma er and reserve the right to terminate the contract for non-compliance. These guidelines supersede any prior communica ons from us on workplace safety precau ons as iden fied during the COVID -19 pandemic. The coronavirus pandemic is serious, and we are focusing efforts on ac vely minimizing the impact of any escala on. Our hope is that the steps outlined above will emphasize the gravity of the circumstances and our commitment to helping our teammates stay safe. If at any me your workers observe one of our employees failing to adhere to CDC guidelines, please let us know. Please stay safe and healthy. [Your Name] [Your email address] --
  • 54. / Helpful Resources and Considera ons Legal and Policy Considera ons Recommenda ons for CEOs Back to Work in a Post-COVID-19 World What Employers Can Do Sample COVID-19 Posi ve Repor ng Form JD Supra Alert highlights preliminary legal, prac cal and policy considera ons and ac on items for employers in prepara on for restar ng opera ons based on current knowledge. ChiefExecu provides valuable recommenda ons for CEOs to start thinking about how to lead the tansi on back to the office in the post- coronavirus environment. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, Gensler has outlined tools, considera ons, and methodologies to guide organiza ons in ge ng back to work. The Australian Government Department of Health has created a valuable pdf containing detailed informa on about returning to work following recovery from COVID-19 and what employers can do to reduce the risk of spreading the disease. An example of Southern California Edison's Contractor/Sub-Contractor COVID-19 Posi ve and Symptom repor ng form. --
  • 55. / Working Remotely Training Bundle & Virus Prevention Corporate Training Video (FREE)  Until June 30th, our compliance training partner, Syntrio, is providing courses from their Working Remotely training course suite, free of charge, designed to help your workforce navigate working remotely. Additionally, you may also take advantage of a free virus protection video to proactively communicate to your employees the company policy on cleanliness and virus protection.  Free Training Download - Remind employees of recommended best practices to stay healthy and growth your managers and employees remote working competencies.  Visit here to download the free training bundle. --
  • 56. / HR Financial Analysis Report & Debrief (Free) 2020-2021 HR Budget out the window? Our partners at Insperity have graciously agreed to help with a confiden al HR budget analysis and confiden al report and debrief. Gain insight into the real cost burden of being an employer Iden fy the costs associated over the life cycle of your employees Compare your HR strategy and budget against successful organiza ons Learn from expert HR analysts Align your HR strategy with best-prac ces for post- pandemic To take advantage of this valuable, complimentary service, please visit: h ps://turnkeycoachingsolu --
  • 57. / -- Outplacement Affordable enterprise and individual career transi on services to enable disperserd workers to get back to work quickly, protect your employer brand, and minimize li ga on exposure. Pivot Strategic Planning Our data-driven, strategic pivot, planning, and alignment programsenable teams to reposi on their company and drive towards results as a unified team. Virtual Training For the dura on of the COVID19 crisis, our virtual training programs are BOGO (Buy-One, Get One.)
  • 58. / Call 281-469-4244 Summit@TurnKeyCoachingSolu Since 2004, we've been delivering excep onal HR Management and Development Solu ons that drive business results and improve organiza onal culture. --